The Clinton New Era, 1898-07-29, Page 7. .
q "' s . .
The lips may laugh ' The Thunder Storm RAMMING A WARSHIP MUSICIANS AND ACTORS. Mr
tli) when the body itself -- killer]
is crying out in an- The air of the noon -tide is heated and still,
lu a Country of Fr,.
h i guish. When a won- The flowers in the vale, and the trees on the A CRASH THAT RIPS HER OPEN BELOW The Professionals Live
man laughs it does notTHE WATER LINE. Their Own Malting. tuttil
hill Some way, when a man makes a protea- ,t, t'i'c
always uiran that she Are drooping forlorn 'ueath the sun's fiery
is happy. It is a sloe of his art, he lowers it and himself, Bu)c
woman's province blaze,
-� 'l� to lease, a d she The Imnaot Tears a Gaping Bole In the Nature takes out of the man what she disap
f P And longing for evening to hide from his Gull Throueir Which a Team of Horses Puts into his chest. She's afraid he will JILL,,
\will bravely en• build a tower of Babel so high that he'll
,� I ��deavor to do this gaze. Could Be Driven — The Awful Going i• f
%under the most enter paradise, and so she blocks his line being
r The kine in the meadow the elm shade have Down of the Victim. gan)o by stuffing him) to the poiutof buret- coeur.
harrowing cir- sought,
I cutnstances. Thou- ing with vanity. The professional tnusi-
> sands of women The bee hurries home with his honey-aweet A feature of naval construction and war- e}an lives in a little world of his own Yash- If y
who are considered draught. fare which attracted the attention of ex- coning, nearly as small as an actor's uni- Milbu
+a happy, and charm- ports years ago and for a time was exceed- verse, which means New York and "the ,t in
quiet ,Mid the grass the shrill crickets a deep 9 in •1 popular i6 the rant, The idea of
ing, and entertain- b Y 1 I pruviueea•" Most actors lose their real Mr
ing, secretly endure ' keep• putting a short, stoltt spur out on the stem churucthrs inlaying they are somebody p1se, Tress
s u fie r i n g that And, the bugs and the beetles are silent in of a vessel, at or below the water line, to and writing men who break away from Leed
would drive the av- sleep. be thrust into itn enemy's ship, had on- the great and seething world of God's fal- H r
.1 erage man to a mad- carred to designers of was vessels as early
most weat a dense bank of dark clouds a as added to file cion and women become puny little on nr
ljli house. In al To the as 1869. In that year then w
" revery instance tbese seems to rise, + fellows of myopic are w and atrophied QV1e
sufferings are due the British navy the Warrior so equipped faculties. Shakespeare was a theater than- man
to disorders of the distinctly feniiuine or- And its far -folding arms swiftly blot out the and to the French navy the Magenta sirn- ager, Dante an officeholder, Bobbie Bairns with
ganism. They rob a woman of her health, skies. ilarly armed, But the final actual test; of a farther, Lamb a bookkeeper, Milton a
her uty, her amiability, her usefulness Now, fiercely the winds through the dim ether the ram, on which its future largely de- schoolteacher and clerk, Wordsworth a
as sekeeper, her capability as a moth- blow, ponded, occurred in 1862, sttstlip agent, and I cannot recall a single At
er, an her charm and power in the social the maple is tossed to and The Confederate ironclad Merrimac bore individual trained and educated for a
and religious world. And, trembling, on her stein a spur which was used upon tall,
There is a safe, sure, speedy and perma- fro. writhe who ever was one. the I'
nent remedy for these troubles. It is Dr, the Cumberland with such deadly effect The artists of earth are mon who have pills
tierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts di. How the lightning flash gleams with a fleet, that the latter vessel sank in a few min- been something else first and something and
reetly on the delicate and important fen,i- fitful light, utes. Four years later, off the island of else besides professionals. To belong to
nine organs that bear the brunt of matern- But leaving still blacker th' grim shadows of Lissa, another instructive engagement was the "perfesh" i to wear a No. 6 hat and C
ity. It endows them with health, strength, night! fought. Admiral Tegetthoff, the Austrian 1 se all consciousness of the meaning of Join
vigor and elasticity. It allays inflamnia- manic et tonin. But of All professionals Yam
tion, heals ulceration .soothes pain and How the thunderbolt rolls, arashine far o'er Italiana underaPereanoAlbutflhe won a de- none are quite so little and fussy as must- that
stops exhausting drains. It banishes the the sky, cisive victory. The chef mode of attackgag
maladies of the expectant months, and And the dark -thronging clouds with fierce clans, and to prove the ventures
eI'll ex -
makes baby's advent easy and almost was with the ram, and two of the enemy's plain that i1 a layman ventures a word as
painless. It insures the little new -comer's torrents reply• best ships, including the Re d'Italia, to tits liking for music in a professional's C
health and an ample supply of nourish- Another flash glitters. Another crash rends. which had been the flagship of Persona up presence lie of the fur collar always asks
tent. It fits for wifehood and mother- to the beginning of the fight, were sunk. icily and ironically, "Ah, then you play?" year
hood. Thousands of women who were Once more the great drops, from the torn A third contribution to the world's The reply being in the negative, a look teas
almost hopeless invalids have testified to mass descends; knowledge of the possibilities of the ram frac
their recovery under this wonderful medi- i given that implies you neither have . is
one. •Medicine dealers sell it. Accept no (And the late laughing brook, when the tem- was made in 1877 by the Peruvians. Their tight to oritioise mesio nor to like it. and
substitute i inferior imitation. pests surround, Huascar stove a terrible hole in the Chile- This contempt for the layman I know ex-
"lror seven ears," writes Mrs. Louisa Ar- Swift -speeds on its course with dilirious an Esmeralda off Iquique. In consequence its among histrfons in degree, but not in
yy of this injury the Esmeralda, although she the universal Way it does among musl-
thurs, of ostwalt, lredell Co., N. C., "I suffered bound. had fought with amazing plunk, quickly
untold agony from
ale weakness, I thea g clans. If you express your liking for
commenced taking Dr, Pierce's Favorite Pre- By the heavenly fires the black clouds .'are went to the bottom. poetry, no one ever thinks to ask you if
scription and improved very fast. It saved my soon riven. Two much more recent illustrations o4 you write. If you state your preference
We. ' blast o'er the sky they aro the destruction which this weapon iscapa-
Only 1i one -cent stamps to cover customs BY the hurrying tele of working are cited by William Led- for a certain polo of painting, you are not
and mailing of a free paper -covered copy driven; supposed to apologize for the fact that you ext
And the echoing voice, from those swift -sail- yard Cathcart in Cassier's Magazine. The never threw a pot of color at a canvas, but cos
A is tierce's Common Sense Medical first of these was the tragic loss of the
Adviser. Cloth binding 5o stamps. Send British battleship Victoria in time of musicians have forcedpublic
such a condition of de
tis Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ins wines, timidity ort the pukilio that a man who by
Burst its fetters of night, and once more peace. Admiral Tryon was putting the does not perforin seldom dares reveal the T.
'— heaven rings,} ships of his command, the Med}t&-ranean fact that he knows at jew's harp from an ac -
The True eallSe squadron, through an unusual maneuver, cordion lost he incur the Irony of the man
The gay fairies of dawn, snowy streamers un- The order given involved either a slip of
the tongue or an error of calculation, but who gives ten lessons in vocal. harmony for I
Whiskey cannot talk, yet it usually furl, $5,—Elbert Hubbard In Philistine, and
tells on a person who rises it. If figures And Aurora flings wide' the rich portals of it was implicitly obeyed, and within a few and
do not lie, what about the following:— pearl; minutes the admiral saw the huge Cam- ANIMAL CLEVERNESS. tba
Haw far moral rectitude, if universal- While Bolden -haired Phoebus his fiery pair perdown swung around so that she could bur
. ly established, would go in solving the cheers, not avoid striking the flagship. The Vic- A Blind Dog'Who Gave Evidence That I fol
prevailing social evils, may be inferred She Could Count.
from an interesting contribution to the And smilingly wipes away Earth's dewy tears. she sank she took rdownit321eofficers and hei
•statistical aide of sociology made by a Grim visaged Aquilo, his late frolic o'er, ),men, including the unhappy Tryon. This In the instance about n be given I
notable committee of the Charity Or- a confines in his dark cave once more; event occurred in .lune, 1893, think that the doge shoded abstract idea
Aeolus t not leas of numbers or also showed phenomenal Ire
ganization Society of Nrw York. The While Zephyrus; wafted o'er mountain and Less la)nenta.ble in degree, bu
committee has carefully analyzed the vale, Significant ill character, was the disaster powers of observation and discrimination. 1 th
records of several hundred families Rocxs gently the flowers lately tossed by the that overtook the German warship Grosser The animal in question, a high bred col- bpe
which applied for assistance, and the gale Xurfurst, in 1878, while proceeding west- le, received ch injury a year or n ago ed
report shows the alleged causes of pov- ()LAUDE LoaxerN> ward along the southern coast of England. through which she became permanently ed
erty in these cases, and the real causes and total] blind. Recently she gave Cot
.as disclosed by inquiry. In re and to Accompanying this vessel and a little far- Y ies all of which th
THE HORSE SHOW. ther offshore was the Konig Wilhelm, an birth to a litterof sixpupp
the causes of the distress, the folowing armor belted frigate of 9,600 tons displace- were uniform in size and in markings.' pe
cable is full of significances:— d pacing filly from Conneotiont beats men). A small 'merchant vessel putting Immediately after the birth of the puppies wi
Causes Alleged Real the dog's owner had mother and young
Lock of employment 18 the name Warm Baby. to sea crossed the bows of the Germans removed from the dark cellar in which
Sickness m accident....313 161 Fitz Royal, 2:18ia, by Prince Regent, and compelled them to turn their heads the then were and carried to a warm and Is
25 168 9:16%, will be out as a pacer this season. temporarily inshore. The Kdrfurst re- well ventilated ronin in his stables. In h
Intemperance • .. • • • • . , 101 the north Pacific racing circuit will seined her former course latera the Konig the darl:nrss of the collar ono of the pup St
Shiftlessness ..... • • • • 121 soon blossom forth in the great northwest. Wilhelm did, and loforh the navigators of ies vvas overlooked and left behind. As
No real need ............ General Fitz-Hugh Lee stood first in either vessel realized the danger the Wil- spoon as the mother entered the box in to
—Ram's Born. helm fiad run her ram into her consoxt'e C
horsemanship among his class at West aide. Tho Kurfnrst carried 6 officers and which her young had been placed she pro- re
The traffic in strong drink has inflict- Point. 81 men down with her. cceded no examine them, nosing them i
.ed more evil on the human race. than There are 14 trotters and pacers being Soon after the battle of Lissa the British about and licking them. Suddenly she et'
war, pestilence and famine combined. trained over the Glenville track, Cleve- admiralty began to develop a class of VOs- appeared to bccomo very much disturbed
w(illadstone. land, each with a record better than 2:16, eels which were intended to fight princi- about something. Sho jumped out of the
General Tracy of New York has named pally with their rains. The Rupert and box and then jumped back again, nosing
a weanling colt Kentdel. The youngster the Hotspur were low ironclads of 3,200 the puppies as before. Again she jumped
ORCI4AR0 AND GARDEN. is by Kentucky Wilkes, out of the brood and 4,000 tons and carrying one or two from the box and then made her way to -
mare Delight. guns in a turret well forward. Then ward the cellar, followed by her astonished
cleaner the culture the, better the Few would recognize the chestnut Pao- carpo the Hero and the Conqueror, which owner, who had begun to have an inkling
Drop. —__ - ing gelding Our Boy, 2:12'.,, by Vernon were bigger and more heavily armed. as to what disturbed her. She had count -
Careful transplanting insures rapid Boy, recently taken to Hawaii. His name These latter carried 12 Inch guns and die- ed her young, ones and had discovered that
. growth• has been changed to Wela Ka Hoa. placed about 6,000 tons. The Polyphemus one had been loft puppy
Sure enough,
(1881) was more exoluaively a ram, for her the abandoned puppy was soon Pound and e
All heavy crops of berries are grown on The name Bertha has been transposed carried in triumph to the new home. t.
rich soil, sronderfully in naming horses. The Round battery WAS A light olio So astonished was the gentleman at this
Asher or soot of any kind scattered over Top farm, Bernardsville, N. J., owns two The next set of rams, Imi" between blind creature's intelligence that he resoly- I o
the beds of vegetables will help to keep off that are named Bahter and Erthab. 1886 and 1896, and including the Furious, v
bugs and worths. A large now training barn has been Vindictive, Arrogant and Gladiator, were ed to experiment further. is removed
erected at Clover Bottom farm, Nashville, ships of 5, 700 tons displacement and had another puppy and held h in his arras. er i
Early fruit should be used promptly light armor and protected decks. Their was not long before the blind mother
when ripe. If kept after it has fully ma- that !s constructed on the latest linea for
tired ilio quality fails. ventilation, comfort and cleanliness, largest guns are of the 6 inch rapid fire showed her distress eon plainly that her
t , q
0 overbear this year, The extreme cost seems productive of type. The projection from the stem is
ed and upon she ley down in Ono was )the boxre to hand gave
If a tree is allowed t y
it will co exhaust itself that it will not .queer names ,for horses. A California massive, the bow is strongly ao herself up to the chief function of matsr-
bear any fruit at all next year. . 3 -year-old has been named Who Is It, and the armor holt is wider out forward than ni —suckling her young.—Lippineott's.
In applying fresh manure of any kind l Gus La Fountain of Portland, Or., is train- elsewhere. In order to facilitate rapid t .
in the orchard care should be taken not to in one named I Don't know. maneuvering there are two rudders, one Running a Blockade.
allow it to come in direct contact with When Mr. Goodifi of Philadelphia re- just forward of the Screw and the other
th.'roots. cantly finished a mile ]n 2:16Va with aft. The dead wood at the stern ]S out General Low Wallace o1 Indiana relates
Burn all brush and trash in thecr_ ...11rigltt Light, 2:08ys, hitched to a wagon, away so as to favor quick turning. an interesting story of how an English
chard When left to lie around, it affords a he remarked, "The pleasure of driving These and other war vessels of the same vessel ran the blockade 01 Galveston dor-
thst one mils more than repays the $1,000 general typo, not only in the British navy, ing the late war. He witnessed the feat
good- harboring place for noxious insect I gave for the mare.,, —Horseman. but also in the fleets of other nations, have and could not understand how the vessel
pests. —Exchange. been called "ram cruisers" to distinguish got past the American ships, bombarded
POULTRY POINTERS, them from other cruisers. The light con- as it was with shot and shell. Afterward
WAR SIDE LIGHTS. struction of the ordinary cruiser, whose General Wallace met a Confederate who
,fpnction is to hunt for the enemy rather was familiar with the incident.
Homebody is predicting the end of the Tobacco stems covered with straw i an than to fight him, which is built for speed "Do you mean to say," asked the gen-
world. Please hold off till we have Sicked excellent preventive of vermin. rather than to withstand attack, precludes oral a the Confederate, "that the blockade
the enemy.—Syracuse Herald. Feathers on the legs, very large combs such collisions as a ram must encounter. runner passed n without losing a man?"
__. The Cuban insurgents are disposed to and wattles and heavy crests add nothing Consequently those ships which are meant 4e Oh, no Said rile Confederate. "Five
crowd into the grand stand for a better to the egg production. to light with spurs on their stems are mon
There isilsometh ng else led at the w lIrshould like
view of the game.—Washington Post, Hens should be killed or cold when 8 much more Strongly built, especially
* about the bows. to know," said General Wallace, "and
A few live companies ought to get rich years old. They lay but few eggs end do
mining for lead and iron in the vicinity not pay the cost of keeping. The idea of giving a vessel a. prow that that i the nationality of the man who ran
_ of the entrance to Santiago harbor.—Kan- Douglas mixture is made by dissolving A will rip open a hostile g}iip below the we- that blockade "
�~-•gae.0ity-Journal. pound of copperas in two gallons of water. ter line has been applied to the heaviest "I'll tell you that," laughed the Con
still insists on invading the When cold, add a gill of sulphurlo acid. battleships. The Camperdown displaces federate, slapping his es "Than man
United States, but there is no danger. One of the eafeet and best rules of feed- about 10,000 tons and is about as heavy as was a Yankee from the state of Massa•
The censor at Key ]Vest won't let him do Ing ie, to give a soft feed of some kind in the Oregon and Massachusetts of the ohusotts. "—St. Louisa Republic.
It. ---Chicago Times -Herald. the morning and a feed of whole grata at American navy. The French battleship slow and sure.
Brennus, which has a spurred Stein, dis-
Yes, young Alfonso is the thirteenth of night. the re places 11,89G tone, while the Italia, also A high government o�olal opce crlti-
liis name. He is now in his thirteenth When the bene begin molting, y
year, and there are Sampson's 18 inch quire a more stimulating diet. Sunflower equipped with a ram, is a veSS01 of nearly esu eoially oflshovo shovelers on railroads I had
guns.—St. Paul Ploneer-Press. seed, hempseed, wheat and linseed oil meal 14,000 tons.000 eater char
of the kind of often noticed this unhurry myself, and
can be given with benefit. warfare here described will be better real- took occasion once to ask a genial fellow,
ANIMAL LIFE. Give tiro turkeys the run of the grain- ized if one will remember that the biggest with a long upper lip and a pipe, the res•
fields after harvest. The grain and insects ns now used in the navy deliver projeo eon.
An elephant ie possessed of such a des- they will Pick up will aid materially in
maintaining a rtgorous, thrifty growth. ties only 18 inches in diameter, whereas "Begonia, sort," my friend responded,
mils sense of Smell that it can scent a hu- pinta to a god whitewash on the inside a ram will cut a hole big enough to admit "whin 1 furst wint on the job I clans tore
man being at a dietanCe of 1,000 yards. a two hence team. Tegetthoff himself was up the ground. 'Hould on 1' says the WYO.
Itis said that one of the most extract of the poultry Louse s good black wash 1e so shocked by his achievement in the bat- 'Do yez want to be kilt intirely? It's
dinars things about frog mesio t the fact best. Apply gas tar, worth with an old ale of Llsss that he afterward said: shovelful after shovelful all day. If pea
thlttrthe frog keeps his mouth closed when broom into every crack and crevice, and "I1 I were to live a thousand years, I gape up that lick, yez'll be laid out by e
he iq pinging. vermin will be destroyed.—Flt. Louie Re- would never ram another ship, The effect pile of ties befoor an hour.' Sure, !t was
'1'110 calf, the white cow of Siam, the public produced is different from anything 0160 the truth. Steady and aisy is the wort
lac►V►1z, the apo, the ibis, the cat, rho nap, RECENT INVENTIONS. you have in naval warfare. You see the for the long polo I was on the job a full
th.' opoondile, dogs, beetles, frogs, mice vessel attacked at one moment and the Wako befoor I got we from bank I The
fttnd,',1'ats, have All been held in reverence To close fir. shutters and doors auto- next 800 men sliding into the sea, with the li'ys could• walk away from me and niter
!n Affferrnt sections of the globe. ,natlaally they are mounted on an inclined rossel following them. You are left with lay a hair, and the boss torn
inst in the
Aidimsils ars often able to boar very pro- testi to slide shut as Boon as a fusible a perfect void, without any ;commotion, shade oallin me the sbirl; bekaze I did be
6bYtdtdd fasting. In the Italian earth- without any smoke, without anything to breakinmp'backwidtoomuchindnsthry)"
gglokss of 1795 two hogs were buried in lord.ver the door it burned, the cord and
"lake one feel that he wag in.battle."--Chicago'Post.
lowing a weight to drop on tL. latah and
ifi;.:sl;ins of a building. They were taken r 1Ioatp,thA icor. A Bellow Feellne-
efit;suv.;49 days latter, but very lean: sad Fief Dap be kindled automatteally by A score one For ]rather. The other day a lady was driving her
vol]]]t.. . - - . n6wv & Vm%ttts, which consists of a lamp, A gentleman once said to a barristOT, husband down a narrow country lane
to be placed under the fire box and carry- ' "That was a very good sermon of your a when, on suddenly turning a sharp con
ing a oleic tube, whieh' holds a wtok and ther'ti tWay," to which be replied, Yes; nm,, they •oncopnteied.,a brewer's TA".
math, the latter being ignited by a ¢prang ho must have cribbed It from some one, ,There was no room to pass, and the fatly
, '. strIko • *11siw'otl by the clock meebanieta. But the father overheard this remark and lfaid•very t"tly:
Hadden jerks and starts of a horss are reminded him that the Bible gays, "The ,iyou i� i)last go ,bpgg, fol! I s1►aU not.
cr . preV4ntod from yanking, riders in a car- rix kndweth his owner and the ass his 'lieu ougl�t,to have seen us before entering
floras appmed ell My ringe' by the Uso of a spring -back rest, )',aster's crib. This candle reply Bi- t�t® lune].') ,
d afureod lar the claire which,la,hi4ged,tq-the scat at tlje.bgttora, lanced the barrister.—London Telegraph. f:811t„cl �Fr'S, mom-
her bns-
r Tlialti of C]110 Tiln�}. I go$ the top bsitsg supported by 6plla4 springs band' m11d1 , the man uldn tsee round
e j foln'i�l8ilWrie tin r tried , motxlA*d:oai.rods tri oylinderti tat yhte endo lead Enough of Theoeopa i thn old nr." t
of peat, First Thcoso hist—This settles it Ire- "4 tlon'b olEtt here ti •tido ohst;a0 ristlo
I w�1aitiredbyati6bottls,d %j* carpet Orin be securely fastened sign froin the society. reply. "I'll cit hero till doomsday before
I vt'i*wdt,breaking the fabric by using a ; ecend Theosophist—What sthematter4 I give way to tlYto hadlf.'t'' '
newly dell nod bracket, which is formed First Theosophist—Why, one o4 my ten-
t The oaitsrt who had overheard the co] -
#WS I of a mats? bar ha ting a hitiged pl®ois ad- ants has gone off without paying his rent ]onus, bora 7ce}larAlk6d 4heettully:
;� c' ju� #y attached to its oeritcy!y�,,:with the and left me a note saying he would try to "All righ�Y j(jtttrnol"; k:jl book out o4
a1>7b?cf iz d of th91a'ttol; to b9 Jugertotl i >k' gqu;%fo with me in some future existence, this," •od,dlra `;�Wb"Iit. ; "I've got
?jarli:fYd«. af,tlfo•stair aitevd, tb loop the _ `(0w York Herald. bnob another a1i Home.'-- Prar+sou's
1.o r ,.• n r Vie". -
AC>, Go�ranr>r"a. .b,te.i,�' .i,ll a i.rtloal position' againrt the stair
M" M rw �sl. C) fi r.f iWs ..:�'f��i .� P. ,,,�iw+.,.+,,..:..-.,.. ,
I s * ^� «
Dilly o, im
Juhn Hendry, of Th,,rnbill, vas I C A E UIl�l►' lli!]. 3M"11.11:{fit i`'91llt01
in a runaway near Unionville. makes the young feel ol4 and the old feel I wish to inform the public that I Will
Ni ,n , r•ai Cush otu., re, (tl,t s will mat life is not worth the living. It's a dan• not be under> idd i)y xmy ul her person
$1,(xx) txx) Ibis ru,.t,- h, oi�akiug ger signal of Kidney Disease—tbe unerring in the business- I lith a practteal 6114:jY.•
•,•rd- evidence ofweakrinactive and sage Kidneys. er; and understand all the branches,of
,s, rio 111 +tier how mwtN m' h„w large, Any person cured of Kidney weakness will the business. Wa keel) I ire very best,
pear when you nae Butdock Bluod tell you that when the back ceased to ache, meats, and a full dock always on hand,
—'Aw uest blued medtciue wade all troubles ended. Neither liniments, nor and will sell at the Lot, est Otic -h 1 ic'#•�.
ie%v systetn of fire rotce(ion is plasters, not electricity can cure it, The Bring along Your money, and get the
P • seat of the trouble is not In the skin flesh of ]neat at the cash price. We will give
installed in the Uuuuuto❑ I arils- credit, but nut tit Cash prices, Please
buildings, muscles.. ills In the Kidneys, come and see Ian t cull can do for
It can be
ou're crazed with headache send for Cash at
rule Sterling Headacbe Powdere,stop CURED R. FITZSIMONS9
a minute. loo and 20o at all dealera.
I,evi Spotton has beenelecfed Iwastakenwithaseve,eattactc o4 rheums- -_., -
urer of .he united counties of tfam cud could not turn myself in bed. 1 was j�
e and til'enville. pparsuadod to try Dr 1.10',s' �ltaragu•+ Kidney ]
Yllla, They croon put me on my foot again.
t u %Vultf, the German arrested Less than one box cured ora so conn) otcly it at
g I have rotw'ued again to my work I I the t alto
)ard the stean)ship Lake Huron at Shore itepa}r shops as well as over. bee on a charge of fut fiery in Ger- Wnt. A. SCltorm e, Adrian, Mich. ' Wt
y, has confessed and will rettirn } am pleased to saythat Dr Ilobbs' Sparagus pie
out extradil ion proceedings, Kidney Pil3a role the most relieving remedy I tht
hitveever used for rheunititisni. You may We
CHILDREN'S KIDNEYS tltisasatostinionial for the benefit of others
who are afflicted. CA•r,ti.H:s Huss, Veteran of
e often so weak that they cannot re- Civil War, 284 Adelaide ,t, Detroit, Mich. _
their water. Don't scold or punish
Ii ones. Give them Doan's Kidney Dr. ]lobbs, t
and soon everything will be all right
thti beds sweet and dry. PA3AGU
Ch Lehianc, formerly of Ottawa,
Fd the American army in May. His lKi,lne PillsS hi
fly received word hast WednesdayS y
he bad been killed in the first en- Fon SALE BY m
ement at Santiago. SYDNEY JRIMS®1N, Druggist, h(
arries off thousands of children every
Mother, your child is not safe r's un- WOO
you have a bottle of Dr Fowler's Es- —
t of Wild Strawberry in the house. It • • M •
always prompt an& effective to check I am prepared to -buy this season's clip
cure all bowel complaints. of Wool, as usual, at the
Children Cry for Benmiller Woollen Mills • a
At Ashley, Mich, great excitement Or in exchange for manufactured articles I
sts over the striking of a vein of JESSE GLEUIIILL.
1 four and a half feet thi: k ata :
pt'h of 206 feet. The find was made
rnen who are drilling a well at the
T. M. ware` tank. ONWARD BICYCL E' CO
have been suffering with heart trouble _—`
exces•iive nervousness since last spring
became debilitated and weakened, So {{EPA{{{ SHOP.
t I thought I was going to die. 1t1i1-
n'a Heart and Nerve Pills have sem-
Lely cured me and I cannot be too thank- Subscriber liar his establislt-
for my recovery. Mns JAs GwST, Bien- ment fitted up with the beet
m, Ont. of machinery, enabling him
to do all kinds of repair work.
The postal authorities particularly of S eoial attention given to overhauling
quest that the name and address of P
e writer or sender of any letter or end repairing oroffthie nature being promptly
cles, and riders can
uk packet, legal Or, commercial pa- Y
r, sample or parcel, should be print- and satisfactorily attended to.
or written on the upper left hand Onward Cycle Co:,
ner of the envelope, so that in case Perrin Block, Clinton
ere may be any deficiency in the 11 L BROWN, Manager.
stage or address. the article may be
turned, or the sender communicated
tb. Thi old Clinton PLANING DILL
more rapidly improved by relief from --'
ysicial suffering tban in any other way. H. STEVENS, Propiietor
ep on your friend'a corn and the impulse --
strike is strongest, Putnam's Painless The old original Contractor and Builder,
Cc Extractor, by quickly and painlessly who has made Clinton his hotne,for forty
moving them, imares good nature. Fifty years, is still in business with a modern,
till prove its value. Beware of sub- up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill
ttutes. "Putnam's." sure, safe, painless. all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest ternis; first-class
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
READERS OF THIN PAPER for buildings taken, and,all kinds of build-
DESIR.ING TO 13UY ANYTHING ing material furnished as desi,ed,
l Clinton, nmedistely
behind the Park.
The avail's mouth is ono of the most hmilla
rxtraordinary objects to nature. By theNusum
ime the snail has worn out the last one
f its 30,000 teeth a new set has been pro-
ided for it to begin all over ague. `.these rP1R 1EF S.
eeth are all on the snail's tongue, which i
e coiled up in the back part of the mouth.
European nations are selling annual] Our stock of fruit and prepared
L oo offer
trees being
g y complete, we are prepared to offer to the pub -
to Mexico, Central and South America lic for spring planting a very cboice lot of
from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000 worth Apple, Plunn, Pear, Cherry
of {foods. - . and Peach trees, at suitable
pr ices. J&vergreens a specialty.
Martyr to Large list o4 small Fruits.
A '(] Choice list of spring bedding Planta.
✓�f Price List mailed on application.
Diarrhoea. John Stewart Estate, n,.nnans,
Tells of relief from suffering by MADE ME A M A N
Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry.
There are man_ y people martyrs to
bowel complaints who would And Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a
wonderful blessing to them- It not only
checks the diarrheas. but soothes andheals
the inflamed and Irritated bowel, so that
permanent relief is obtained.
Mrs, Andrew Jackson, Houghton, Ont.,
sends the following letter: " For the
past two or three
years Ihave been a Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson,
martyr to that dread- druggists.
fol disease diarrhoea. —
I tried every remedy
1 ' ' % I heard of and spent A GOOD
t 01 a good deal of money
e trying to get cured
"' but all farted until
• I happened to read an
of a lady who was
cared by using Dr. T Pat
, ,Fowler's Extract of 00
Wild Strawberry. I purchased a bottle
and commenced taking it according to
direotions and was cured in a very short
time. X cannot praise the remedy too
highly or what it did for me."
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Is lm Ortant to most peopl
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate- It 1�S the pull that counts.
tion of the Heart, L'ive'r Com laint, Non It
Loes of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
6ttmp�ytion, Gall StoLEq, Jaundice, Kidney Summer Foots and Shoe
and iUrtnary Dlaeaeee, St. Vitus' Dense can be of at reasonable price
Female ir#egularitiea and general Debility got
calling on us.
Laboratory, Goderich, Ont.
J. X. McLeod, We keep a full stock of
Prop, and Manufacturer Trunks, Valises, Single a
Sold in Clinton by � Double 'harness, &e.
J. H. COMBE and SYDNEY JACKSON Rea & White Cea�,r Shingl*ay's on hand.
"Gklimpses o4�tho Unseen" Faeoinatingg book
Sweets the on ire flat of borderlpn�d onbtents
Everybody ordexs. Marvellous illustratio e Ar Twotabeli
Pros ectue -- - BRADLEY-G•ARR4TSO� a�
OOM�'ANY, I,nttrBD, Toronto "CTICtl'�ri� 1e4
ANTRAL 13U`I'l;I E, R snot
are doing business on the cash prinoi-
, and will supply out customers with
beat meats at the lowest paying prices
Business Change.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
Aping purposes, for which the highest
irket prices will be paid. Parties having
cgs to sell will oblige by leaving word at
e shop.
Chas -J, Wallis, Clinton.
Subscriber has upe"eu a shop in the pre-
iises recently ere --ted especially for this
trpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will
sep on hand and deliver promptly, to a]I
arts of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of
ublic patronage respectfully solicited.
1.i r1. I I . I
. „ ; • -
I I , rr
.� I . I ;
I I .
I . . �.
1 ' ! 1... . .
Floor & Feed 'tore ,
In large or small quantities.
LO pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
(late Hill &Joyner) s'.
Opposite Market, Clinton1.
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley
all kinds of meal Sold at lowest prices.
t ;I
��i 11
Fresh Corn i'or feed, 38c a but1L
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b VOx $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and up.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
market prices.
�" l
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
REST FUND - $1,500CAPITAL - ,000
Wei. MOLSON MACPxrnacN, President
F. WOLFExaTAN Thomas. Gen Manager
Notes disootinted, Collections made, Drafts .
issued, Sterling and American exchange
bought and acid. Interest allowed on de-
SAvrNhs BANK— Interest allowed on
sums of $1 and up. Money sAvanced to
farmers on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C: BUSVE ER, Manager, Clinton
. D, nacTArGART.11
A general banking Businee�
r, ,^
Drafts served. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their owls
I notes at low rates of interest. ---
Y A general Banking Business transaote8.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sae Notes bought
, ,, .
J. P. TISDALL, ltdanag.r.
Clinton SEWING MACHINE. -D 1�i 00,
1: .1
Huron )Street. e
We have just received another lot of .I' 40
Home and Dominion Sevbing Maob,]pi ; 1,
4 ,
former is an exceptionally god t a s�
and has given good satisfaction'to�'i�k
Needles and all kinds of R9e►)�►iles
kept on hand .,
void on monthly payments bill
on me or write for prices and t0#,Q' , ,
S WM. M61;'
Jan. 1898
For Twenty-seven �'0° `
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