The Clinton New Era, 1898-07-29, Page 6a
Jill 29, 1898
and you cure its consequences. These are
e of the consequences of constipation:
iousness, loss of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated tongue, night-
mare, palpitation, cold feet, debility, diz-
siness, weakness, backache, vomiting,
jaundice, piles, pallor, stitch, irritability,
nervousness, headache, torpid liver, heart-
burn, foul breath, sleeplessness, drowsi-
ness, hot skin, cramps, throbbing head.
1 1
Ate a Sara OOM
for Oonstpaflon
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, and
"I suffered from constipation which as-
sumed such an obstinate form that I feared
it would cause a stoppage of the bowels.
After vainly trying various remedies, I be-
gan to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected
s complete cure."
D. BURKE, Saco, Me.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which became so bad that the
doctors could do no more for me. Then I
began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the
bowels recovered their natural action."
WM. H. DELAUCETT, Dorset, Ont.
if I knew the box where the smiles are kept,
No matter how large the key
Or strong the bolt, 1'would tr3 so hard
'Twould open, 1 know, fur me,
Then over the land and sen broadcast
.:' scatter the smiles to play,
'•ildren'5 faces aright hold them fast
That the c.._ ,
For many ane .many a day,
11I knew a box that was large v2°ugk
To iest.l all the frowns I meet,
I yvould try to gather them, every one,
From nursery, school and street,
^ Then, folding and holding, I'd pack them in
And turn the monster key. •
I'd hire a giant to trop the box
To the depths of the deep, • deep sea.
—Boston watchman.
Mistake Made by the Clerk Who Had
Charge of the Fans.
The languid young man in the fan de-
partment of a leading dry goods store was
approached by an elderly lady, who asked
to bo shown some fans. Tho young sales-
man reached a languid hand back to a
shelf and took down a box of spangled and
feather edged fans.
"T waind p_sfcr something quieter and
More serviceable," suggested the customer.
es -
He gave her a long look, which seemed
to take in every detail of her toilet, and
with the same languid air that character-
ized his first movements lifted a box of
cotton back fans to the counter. Spread-
ing one of these wide open, he waved it
gently to and fro while he remarked:
' "I know just what you want. One of
these will be good for any occasion—this
• green satin, for instance."
"Oh, thanks," murmured the customer,
And, inquiring the price, she paid for the
'article and waited for her parcel and
"Nice weather we are having," said the
young man condescendingly as he restored.
-ilia fans to order.
• "I'm so glad you like it," Said his ous-
tomer, gazing wistfully into vacancy.
Before he could be sure that no saroagim
'Was meant the package came, and he count -
,ed -the change into the customer's hand
with a shade more of alacrity than he had
. hitherto displayed. Then she got back at
"I'm so glad to have met you," etre
maid, "it is such a comfort to find some one
Who knows just what you wantl Now,
when I came into the store, I expected to
buy a fan with real tortoise shell stioks and
a lace border to parry to a wedding I shall
attend tonight. But you knew what I
•wanted and have sold me a fan for 80
cents, a greet raving for me too. I thought
Iwanted the other, but yon knew I didn't.
Thanks and goodbye"
She walked off, and the young man who
had sized her up for a purchase in the line
of any old thing is hoping she does not
glow his employer and is now willing to
give customers the right to choose for
'themselves.—Chicago '1'i mes-Herald.
Mr Jame., of the Department, of Ag-
, t•iculture. Toronto, has received a sattu-
•ple of clover bttdly affected with dod-
- ,ler. The specimen cotnes from the
I-Tomtiton district. Mr James advises
''d'ai tilers to closely examine their
lover. Where the crops are affected
Put tnt•rs should plough them under at
Perhaps they're the source of your W
htaith and • you don't know it.
Berea how you can tell
M Ify4lthave Back Ache or Lame Back.
If yo.0 line Puffiineah under the Eyes
+►r' 8 eiltn "of- the Feet.
Ifyoifr . tritle contains Sediment of
any, -,kind or is High Colored and
If 1 you have Coated Tongue and
Raqtty Taste in the Mouth.
Alf you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches,
1lfj,:'Dt.sms,, Feel Dull, Drowsy,
Weak'' nd-Nervous. Then you have
Ctitt�V 'ei nplai ht.
The sooner you start taking
�oriezquickly lylil your health return.
f sole" Of kid- ''
r$ubeduring the 1
year. If you are
of erer .they cat&
k°'that Celle all
Ddah'e Kidney
sent (40-14F0
t i' oan 1CidaerPhi
A Thrilling Sight From the Time She
Struck the Seething Rapids Vntil the
Mighty Falls Tore Her Into Splinters.
A Pair of Tough Geese.
"I was one of those who made up
first public excursion to Niagara Fall
said Martin Cramer of Niagara noun
"'There wasn't a mile of railroad in
$tato open and only 12 miles in the en
United States. The Erie canal had b
in operation three years. There was
means of travel except the oanal and sta
"The schooner -Michigan was the lar
vessel on Lake Erie at that time. S
was too large, in fact, to enter the vari
harbors on the lake, and, being somew
decayed in her uppers, the owner, Ma
Frazer, gut the idea that she would anew
the purpose of testing the fate of a ves
that by accident might approach too n
the cattu•act and also the fate of livi
things that might bo caught in the rapt
The proprietors of the largo public hou
at the falls, on both sides of the river, a
of stages and steamboats, made up a pur
to purchase the schooner, aware that th
would be amply repaid by the spectate
that the exhibition would attract.
"For several days previous to Sept. 1
1828, the day for which the affair w
fixed, which was Saturday, the stages a
canalbonts canto to Buffalo crowded wi
people. On tho night of Sept. 7 wago
filled with country people rattled throu
the village in unbroken procession a
night long, and on the morning of Sept.
Buffalo itself seemed to be moving in o
mass toward the point of attraction. Fi
steamboats had been advertised to lea
Buffalo Saturday morning. They wero t
Henry Clay, William Penn, Pioneer, N
agars and Chippewa. The Chippewa w
appointed to tow the schooner Michigan
the Niagara river. I was a passenger o
"As 80011 as we got well under way th
scene became interesting. Tho other fo
steamers canis plowing along in our wak
crowded to the guards with passengers an
bands of music playing. Tho Chippew
towed the big schooner to Yale's Landing
on the Canada side of the Niagara river
where our passengers went ashore, as di
those of Cho Wl'illlant Penn. Tho passen
gens of the Henry Clay and Pioneer lande
on the American side, Yalo's Isaildin
• +,, en() miles above the falls, and th
rowdy of i:ur..•1- —
-.-,..., Were tat:en from they@ o
clown the river in wagons of all kinds
The hour fixed for towing tho Michign
rom Yale's Landing to the rapids was
n the afternoon.
"This task, aft extremely hazardous one
tvas intrusted to the oldest sailor on th
ake, Captain Rough. With a yawlboa
nd five sturdy oarsmen the old captair
of the schooner under way. They tows
ler to within a quarter of a mild of th
rst rapids and within half a mile of th
reruenclous precipice itself—as near a
hey dared approach. They cut the bi
essel adrift, and she passed majestical)
n, while the oarsmen of the yawl had t
end their every nerve and muscle to ro
rove themselves from tlio peril of bean
yawn down by the rushing waters. In
eed, such had been the fear and appre
elision of tho men that they mutinied
gainst Captain Rough and cut the tow
ne before the time he had set. If they
ad obeyed the reckless old captain, he,
re yawl and its crow would have precede
le Michigan over the falls.
"The high grounds on both shores of
to river were lined with people as the
Itlichigan, unguided by human agency,
pproached, head on, the first rapid of the
,,thing descent, apparently keeping the
ery course theta e,l,illfulnavigator would
ave guided her in. The American ensign
roamed from her bowsprit and the Brit -
h jack floated at her stern. The vessel,
of the first rapid unhurt, still head on,
eking a plunge, shipping a sen and ris-
g from it in beautiful style. In her de-
ent of the second rapid, the water mo-
entarily increasing in velocity and tu-
ult, her towering masts went by the
oard, giving the spectators a startling
presentation of the crashing of a vessel's
ars in a shipwreck at sea. She swung
ound and presented her broadside to the
shing and foaming water, and, after re-
aming, as it seemed, stationary for a
oment, swung around until she was
aded up stream, Passing tho third
pid she bilged, but carried her hull to
1 appearances whole as she tossed and
oaned between Grass island and 'the
ritish shore to the Horseshoe fall, over
hich she was drawn stern foremost and
rled into the thundering abyss. She
as dashed to fragments before she struck
the seething waters below. Immediate -
after she went over hundreds of people
urried below the falls. The river was
vered with fragments of the vessel. No -
ere could be found as much as two
arils nailed together, and her great tim-
ers were broken into bits like firewood.
'There were aboard the Michigan when
e started on her trip toward the falls a
id bull buffalo from a western prairie,
s •'
age -
two bears from the Lake Superior regions,
two foxes, a raccoon, a dog, a cat and four
gcoese. When the vessel left Yale's land-
ing in tow, all these were let loose on the
deck except the buffalo. He was inclosed
in a pen. The two bears• got enough of
the trip when the vessel began the descent
of the first rapid, and they climbed down
the side next the Canada shore, plunged
into the swift water, breasted its powerful
sweep successfully and reached the shore.
They wero so exhausted when they got on
land that they made no resistance to being
captured. The bears, before they aban-
dohcd the ship, climbed the masts of the
vessel and, as it was presumed, from that
outlook saw what their finish would be
anyhow and then determined to take the
chances of getting to land, slim . as they
wero. The raccoon ran up a mast and re-
mained there until the toast fell. He was
never seen again. The foxes ran frantic-
ally up and down the deck and went over
with the schooner, as did the buffalo bull
and the geese. Not a trace of foxes or
buffalo was ever found. Two of the geese
swam ashore half a mile below the falls.
The other two mot the fate of the buffalo
and the foxes. "—New York Sun.
Stare and Stare.
"According to the nebular hypothesis, a
star is made by a nebulous particle joining
with countless other particles," relnai*ked
!the observer of mon and things, "which,
of course, doesn't account for the dramatic
star. A dramatic star is made by a hebit-
lous particle swelling up."—Detroit Jour-
Most of the monks at King William's
Town, Cape Colony, are tradesmen, and
do their own oarpentui1ng,, bricklaying,
' •.bi'aoksirtithink, etc., besides teaching
school. All the buildings they occupy
*ere eY ct6d by bhemselvea.
Men and
A machine that is constantly and inces-
santly working needs repairs at pertain in-
The human frame, worn by mental and
physical toil and subjected to the worries
and cares of our modern life, has need of
repairs and building up. In the hot sum-
mer weather nervous energy is at slow ebb,
and as a consequenoe,nervous debility, ter-
rible headaches, dyspepsia and a run-down
condition make life a burden for thousand,,.
Paine',, Celery Compound is the great
repairer and builder when weakness and
sickness prevail. This great medicine has
the power of rapidly repairing the tissues
and purifying the blood. It bestows the
proper nutriment to all the weakened tis-
sues, bringing strength and true vigor, thus
averting breakdown and collapse.
Thousands of lives are now fast wearing
out that can be prolonged and made happy
by the present use of Paine's Celery Com-
pound, Its use to day will save months of
siokness, misery and suffering. Take no
substitute; get only "Paine's," the kind
that cures.
Children Cry for
The poorest food gathered by bees is the
juloe of fruits—honey dew.
Thick, well ripened honey will not gran-
ulate so readily as that which is thin.
A large number of extra combs are neo•
essary when extracted honey is the airs.
A little pine tar smeared on a board and
placed next the hives will keep ants away.
So far as can be done it 1s always best
to shade the ht'ves well during the hot
In rendering out beeswax always use a
tin, brass or copper vessel. An iron one
will darken it,
Never leave a newly hived swarm near
the place where it clustered Or it may
leave before you know it.
Dry and warm is the rule for honey if
you want it to retain its flavor and rich.
nese. Never put it in a cellar.
Uniting colonies will usually be more
successful if you kill the condemned
queens two or three days before uniting.
The rorker bed performs all the work
of the hive, gathers the pollen and water,
1,'ccr2tss the yes, , s'd makes the comb and
saps the honey.—t, Louie i?'epublto.
Spain has some reason to regret that she
did not train gunners instead of matadores,
—Washington Star,
Spain wants the status quo ante but
she will find herself compelled to ante up
a good deal more than that before she gets
through.—Pittsburg Times.
Spain at home is usually symbolized by
a lion, meek and moth eaten. All the
world knows now that a hyena is the only
truthful symbol.—Philadelphia Press.
It is said that Spain once had a chance
to sell the Philippines for $200,000,000.
The fact that she once had a chance to get
about the same price for Cuba indicates
that Spain is addicted to the habit of let-
ting goods spoil on her hands,"—Cleveland
Colonel Satan of Tennessee won't raise
a thing among the Spaniards in Cuba
when he gets there.—Pittsburg News.
When Colonel Frank Satan of Tennes-
see reaches Cuba, he will find there a con-
dition exactly suited to be his residence.
—St. Louis Republlo.
Those Spaniards probably thought thab
Colonel Satan of Tecnessee had arrived
and opened business ilvhen the dynamite
Bruiser Vesuvius got to "tossing 'em over
the plate. "—Cleveland Leader.
When Colonel Frhnk Satan of Tennes-
see reaches Cuba, he should experience
little difficulty in convincing the Span-
iards that General Sherman's definition
of war was accurate.—Chicago Times -
A strong solution of borax applied twioe
a day will cure ringworms.
The well beaten white of an egg, slight-
ly sweetened and flavored with afewdrops
of vanilla, is good for children with irri-
table stomachs.
For a stiff neck and pains in the chest,
warm some sweet oil and rub on thor-
oughly with the hands, then cover with
sheet wadding, the shiny side out. Wear
it until you feel comfortable.
A difficulty of administering medioine
to small children is overcome by Professor
Aisne], who affirms that a mixture of
squal parts of soap liniment and aloes
1vi11 act as a cathartto when rubbed 111
mall quantity upon the abdomen.
For many years Asia Minor has been
the ohlef source of supply for emery.
Spain has more sunshine than any other
country in Europe, the yearly average be-
iug 8,000 hours.
The last criminal beheaded In England
was Lord Levet, who was executed on
Tower hill April 9, 1747.
The first forger of a Bank of England
note was Richard William Vaughan, a
linen draper of Stafford, hanged in 1758.
A correspondent of the London Times
estimates that the population of London
in 1901 will be 6,140,000 and 7,600,000 in
A steel aoh is to be thrown across the
Niagara river near Clifton which will be
840 feet span, a greater distance than was
ever yet spanned by an amh.
The government of the United States
does not allow docked horses to be used by
the cavalry. England also objects to the
inhumane treatment of docking horses'
Wearing braids down the bank is not per-
mitted at Berlin university. Two women
Students who wore their hair in that
fashion have been excluded from the lec-
tures on the ground that it made them
look like schoolgirls.
A weeping willow tree on the Champs
Elyseos under which Alfred de Musset is
said to have written his celebrated elegy,
"Le Saule," has been cut down in ex-
bendilig the Avenue Marigny to the Alex-
and;,p III bridge in preparation for the
1900 exposition.
Tlie X ray apparatus devised by Pro-
fessor Reginald A. Fessenden of the West-
ern University of Pennsylvania for the
use of army surgeons in the field is no big-
ger than an unabridged dictionary and
weighs 25 pounds. It is operated by a gas
motor of equal weight.
If you aro going to be a hardware man,
be one. Keep away from politics and oth-
er bunko games.
If a customer asks for a bread board and
you don't have ono, sell him a mouse trap
ora pair of andirons. Don't, let any man
get away with as much money as he
brought in.
If your now clerk has too much cheek,
keep him, but curb him down. If he
hasn't any, bounce him.
When a woman customer comes In, en-
courage her to talk until she is tired. You
will hear of a dozen things she needs at
home, and that's your chance to soak her.
lean always sell to a woman who brings
her baby into the store. You can't say a
e --
send thing about that kid that she won't
When a man asks for a 50 cent knife,
don't show hitu a 81 one. He may have
only the 50 cents with him, and qy likely
as not you will lose the sale altogether,
Don't tell: too much. Don't talk too
little. There is a happy niedium some-
where, between a clam and an auctioneer.
If you have faith in your goods, your
en -tomer will have faith in them also.
One sale may be made by lying, but I
don't believe a dozen can be made by it to
the same man.—Hardware.
To Cure a Cold in One Pay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Al
Druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure,25c
Coughs and Colds aro always promptly
cured by Hagyard's Pectoral Baleam. 25o.
The prospects for a heavy crop of
plums and peaches in the vicinity of
Hidgetown are considered excellent.
The fruit is developing fast and prom-
ises to be a fine sample,
If you suffer from sores, boils, pimples,
or if your nerves are weak and your system
run down, you should take Hood's Sarsa•
Imperial two -cent postage will, it is
expected, go into effect on January 1st
next, and simultaneously therewith a
reduction in Canadian inland postage
to two cents per ounce. The loss in
revenue to Canada will at -least be
three-quarters of a million dollars per
The Three
Of the world are Diamond Dye Fast
Black for Wool, Diamond Dye Fast Black
for Cotton and Mixed Goods, and Diamond
Dye Fast Black for Silk and Feathers. The
results that each of these blacks produce
are marvellous and pleasing, Your faded
and dingy dresses, jackets, napes, coats,
pants, vests, hose, etc., that are now so use-
less and repulsive looking, can be made
like new goods with the Diamond D3e
Blaoks. Your faded, rusty and dead look-
ing silks and feathers are made new cre-
ations by the use of Diamond Dye Fast
Black for Silk and Feathers.
Do not be deceived by bulk3 package
dyes adulterated with grease and other
foreign substances; insist upon your deal-
er giving you the Diamond Dyes, one pack-
et of which will dye as much as three pack-
ets of any other make.
Small P111. Small Dosea
Small Price.
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Can't Sleep.
The weary vigils of the night, anxious
hours that drag like days. How often
they come, and how unwelcome they are.
A system robbed by sleeplessness of
natural rest cannot be vigorous and
strong. The nerves are at fault and
must be built up. Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills are the remedy that cured
At last, after eight months of physical
weakness and nervous prostration, caused
by over exertion and want of rest,—during
which time I suffeivd greatly on account of
the shattered condition of my nerves, and for
which I was unable to find any relief. I have
found a medicine (1)r, Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills) that in three months made my
nerves strong, Temoved all nervous troubles,
built up my physical system and made nie
strong and well. They removed despon-
dency, and in consequence of taking your
valuable Pills I look forward to the future
hopefully. I have to thank your great cure
for nervousness and bodily weakness for my
present good health and strength.
Yours truly,
Signed, EMMA TEMPLE, Hastings, Ont,
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are sold
at 5o cents per box, g boxes for $2.o0, at
druggists, er mailed on receipt of price by
The I)r. Ward Co , 71 Victoria St., Toronto.
Book of information free.
For Home /Area.
"Why did you insist on an executive
session?" asked the intimate acquaintance.
"Did you have anything so very mysteri-
ous or important to say on that subject?"
"No," replied Senator Sorghum. "But
1 desired to make my constituents think I
had."—Washington Star.
Persistency is the road to success. The
only known exception to this rule is the
case of a hen sitting on a china egg.—Ex-
A trenchant French proverb says: "It le
easy to eat the wedding breakfast; not so
easy to eat the weekday dinners that come
atter „
Don't neglect that nasty cough. Dr
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup can cure it.
Beet cough remedy made. 25c, all dealers.
There are thousands of sickly school
girls dragging their way through school
who might be enjoying the full vigor of
their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion.
At the local bye -election held in the
first district of Prince Edward
Island, nr>;Thursday M. Gallant, Liberal
was elected by 245 major ity over F. J.
Buete, the Conservative candidate.
Conservatives are completely crestfal-
len over the result, having confidently
expected to carry the seat. Provincal
politics here are mainly run on Federal
lines and this, therefore, is another in-
dication of thepopularity of the Laurier
nicest and most effective remedy for worms ,
of all kinds. Never any trouble getting the In this department our stock is oom,lete and we have undoubtedly "thea best funeral
We wish to announce to the public that we have purchased the Urecery busi-
ness and stook of Jamas Steep, and have thoroughly overhauloccl1� same,
and added to it over $600 worth of the freshest and beat goods in theitTade. We
are now prepared to welcome our old customers and as many new tines as wil-
honor as with a call. We are offering some real snaps. See our 1 Ib. tin Bald
is inaction. P and 8orper bottle. r 25o. Cur reduced Crystal Glees tce on Sta Staras ch. is givingr 1 lgreatpcage,
rliushroom Catsup 10o, three for 25o. Try our line of Teas at 20oPaGoogds•
Cash paid for
Butter & Eggs
J. Mc1VMURRAY, Combe's Block
Furniture Buyers
Can save big money by purchasing their goods at this store. During
July and August, when other stores are quiet, we are hustling. During
these months we reduce the price to a line which pays the buyer to
purchase ahead of his needs.
Buy Now and Save Money.
Men's Tweed Pants, good value at 83.50, offering now for $2.50
Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits that would be cheap at $7, our pride is $5
Men's Fancy Tweed Sults extra lining and make, well worth $10, your
choice for $7.50
A large stock of Lamps, new design, special top that will not Dome loose, hand-
some colors and patterns, price within the reach of all. LVery cheap. They are a real
bargain. Come for one.
Another supply of 'Winghanl Salt to hand. Price $1 a barrel, cash,
Sugar and Fruit Jars still booming.
Beet value anywhere to be found here in Tweeds. Your interests always well
attended to here. We want your custom. Cash or produce are our terms.
EMPORIUM, June 22nd.
The moat of goods are advancing, but CROCKERY is getting cheaper.
We have just received a shipment of DINNER SETS,
ranging from $6 and up, as fine goods and as cheap as
ever sold in C!inton, considering quality.
Also a erste of Stoneware, direct ffom England. You can get any
part of a set or a whole one, just as you wish, and at ridiculous prices.
tGEO SWAL. .Q W, - Clinton
The steady increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that our goods ale right and
our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. If yor gieffr
from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other cases, has to ne added in for
the retail dealer.
This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. Space will not permit
as to quote prices, but come and see for yourself wt?at snaps we have to offer.
Remember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade.
children to take it.
Consists of strong men and healthy women
and Health and strength depend upon pare,
rich blood which is given by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. A nation which takes ntillians of
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every year is
laying the foundation for health, the wis
dom of which will surely show itself in
years to come.
Hoop's PILLS are prompt, effinient, al-
ways reliable, easy to take, easy to operate.
25 cents.
The Kingston Whig says:— "Mr W.
T. R. Preston, who has not found the
duties of provincial congenial, has
pressed his resignation, rendered some
time since, and, will again become re-
form organizer. That means greater
party strength in Ontario elections, for
he is a stirring executive officer.
Children Cry for
1 iNo bicyclist should be without a bottle
of jHagyard's Yellow Oil. It takes out all
stiffness and soreness of the joints and
muscles. Relieves pain and takes down
swelling in an instant. 25o.
der Twine ;
Binder Twine
Binder Twine
A small quantity left.
Secure it before it is all gone.
Electric Bug Exterminators
Just the thing for destroying potato bugs.
Only $1.00 each.
J1ARLND B Hardware,&c
outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest, � acre
/�',BOX & CO J. W• anaseldley
P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chldiey's, (Funeral
Director) residence,
A Prominent Physician. An Elderly Lady.
A. prominent New York physician . = An elderly lady living at Fordham
in discussing the merits of Ripens Heights, a part of New York City,
Tabules with a brother M. D. said : and who was known to be a warm
" Several years ago I asserted that advocate of Ripans Tabules for any
if one wished to become a philan. case of liver trouble or indigestion,
thopist, and do a beneficent deed— said to areporter who visited her for
one that would help the whole hu- the purpose of learning the partiou-
man race—nothing could be better lars of her case: "I had always
than to procure the Roosevelt Hos- employed a physician and did so on
pital prescription, which is the basis the last occasion I had for one, but
of the Ripans Tabules, and cause it to at that time obtained no beneficial
be put up in the form of a ketchup results. I had never had any faith
and distributed among the poor." in patent medicines, but having seen
Ripans Tabules recommended very
sales Increasing. highly in the New York Herald con -
The largest retail drug store in eluded to give them a trial, and
America is that of Hegeman & Co. found they were just what my case
on Broadway in New York City. demanded. I have never employed
A reporter who went there to learn a physician since, and that means a
how Ripans Tab- saving of $2 a pall'.
ules were selling A dollar's worth of
bought a two -centRipens Tabules
carton and asked : T L' I� Ffl R FN`S- C N TS lasts me a month,
" Do you have and I would not be
much call for
these?" • ' • + wahout them now
if it were my last
He was referred _ dollar." C At the
to agentleman who t 1
proved to be the I S ! vtiiew
of erthe inter -
head of the depart- there werdauge
meat. He said :' present two eciail -
tars who specially
" The sale of Ripans Tabules i8 Objected to their mother giving a
constant and is increasing, due testimonial which should parade her
especially to the influential character name in the newspapers, but to do
of the testimonials in the daily press, this the elder lady argued : " The
and growing out of these, through may be other cases just like mi
the recommendation of friend to and I am sure I take great pleas
friend. Satisfaction with them is in recommending the Tabules to am
very general. When once they are one afflicted as I was. If the telling
begun I notice that a permanent about nay case in the papers enables
customer for them is made. This, 1 some oth r person similarly affected
believe, is through their intrinsic to be as greatly benefited as I have
merit, which- proves the bona fide been, Iseenoobjection," The (laugh -
character of the advertising. I think tars, knowing how earnestly she felt
them specially useful in the general about the benefit she had received
run of it*nnich trbUble8," , divided she wap quite right,
Itletiitylepdoitetcontaining ticxamaraTtsoteepsokedlne earnercarica(Without glass) ienot.
for Sale at some drag stores—fon rim Oeste. This low•pmood sort if Intended for tho poor and the
economical. Ode dollen of the aro-C nt osrtttQprah y1e be bed by mill by sending forty.
eight onto to the mom COMPANX of 1�vs�.titE, cot New York— or a single
(T 55xAemtes)will besentfiorfire costs. Rt17rt�'ANSTA 1c1t3t yaleoibelied of Seinegroeors,gene
storekeepers, news 5geaM and at eons 11Qnor etoraand better ,,hope. One gees relief.