HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-29, Page 5r.
The undersigned begs to an-
nounce that he has assumed full
oontrol of the business formerly
carried on by bis son, and being
desirous of reducing the fine stook
of Jewelry, Watches, Cloaks,
o., as quickly as possible, will
er goods at very low prides, for
cash. The stook is all first-class
and those who want bargains
will get them.
H. Hewitt, a practical work-
man, will have charge of the
same, and all repair work en-
trusted to him will be promptly
and satisfactorily looked after.
1ti N11
Ocr Watch Repairing Depart-
ment is attended to in a strictly
first-class manner. If your
watoh needs repairing, we tell
you so, if not, we do not put you
to unnecessary expense, Proper
Dare and good workmanship is
what your watoh requires. We
know that our work will please
Moderate ..
Do You Need
A Pair of Spectacles ?
Successor to d. Biddlecombe,
__ C
Our ' n ale
Great.. ui1d1
Is now in full swing. Our sales have exceeded our
most sanguine expectations. Last Saturday was a
record breaker. This store was crowded with custom-
ers till half past ten o'clock at night. But is it any
wonder when we are selling goods at prices like these :
Factory Cotton
Hemp Stair Carpet
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Boys' Lined Pants
Ladies' Colored Lisle Gloves
Ladies' Fast B1aok Hose....
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Rose .. " 20o " 22oo
3 Lbs Green Orffee for 25o
3 Cans Salmon for 25o
2 Lbs 20c Japan Tea for
Our stock must be reduced to the lowest possible point
before the 15th August, as we commence making al-
Iterations in our store then and we would rather sacri-
fice our goods than have them destroyed with lime
and dust. You can be •better served in the forenoon
• as we are always crowded in the afternoon and evening
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
worth 30 sale prioe 2o
" 10a " 5o
" 50c " 26o
" 1.00 " 50o
" 2 25 " 1.65
" 1 75 " 1.25
" 65c " 50c
" 18o " 10o
7014 50
••••••••• •••••.••• oases
Western Fair,London
SEPrEMBER Sth to 17th, 1898
Entries close 7th September. Spare allotted on receipt of entry.
Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that others
can show and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kabe's Japs, Sie Hassan
Ben Ali's Ruffin and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each
evening, "Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions.
Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p.m, and after, eo you can stay to the
Auction Sale of Boothe and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at
2 p.m. Prize Lists, Programmes, eto., apply to
President. Secretary.
Subscribers keepp for service at their premises,
lot 19, con. 9, Hulett, a thoro-bred Yorkshire
boar; also a thoro-bred Poland China. Both
are of choice pedigree. We also keep for ser-
vice a thoro-bred Durham beull. Terms- $1 at
necessarservice, with privilege of
The partnership heretofore existing between
Couch & Wilson. as butchers has been dis-
solved by mutual consent. The business will be
continued by Mr. Couch. All outstanding ac-
counts must be paid at the shop without fur-
ther notice. Parties holding contra accounts
will please render them ARsettlement
HtleR OOat UCHnce.
THE IDEAL TONIC. Easy to take
Effects immediate and lasting.
The combination of iron, strychnine, arsenic
and aloes contained in our Iron Pills forme
one of the best general tonins, will enrich the
blood, increases the appetite, aids digestion,
etrengthena the heart and nerves, and tones
up the general system. If your system has
run down and yon feel the need of a tonic.
try them. 25c Box Of 50 Pills, or 5
Boxes for fill.
Government Standard Paris Green, lac. per Lb.
J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
Our Ottawa Letter
(Special correspondence of the NEW ERA)
Ottawa, July 25. -An amusing instance
of the folly of speaking too hastily occurs
in the editorial columns of yesterday's
Mall and Empire, where note is made of a
cable in the Loudon Titnee from Australia,
referring to "Mr Henniker Heaton's I n•
perial penny postage sohem.s," the paper
adding by way of comment, "By those
who know, it is nowhere called 111r Mu -
look's scheme."
In a cable dispatch published the same
day appears the report ofa meeting at
Westminster of the members of the British
House of Ccmmona at which Sir Charl• s
Dilke moved a vote of congratulation to
Canada and South Africa on the euooess
of their representatives at the Postal Con-
ference. Mr Heaton himself, in seconding
the motion, said that "the aunounoement
in the pavers of the 13th ins[, that Mr
Mulock's motion had been carried by the
Conference, had endeared Canada to the
people of Greet Britain, and that, but for
Canada's resolute action, the movement
for Imperial penny postage would have
remained unsuccessful for years. He said
that Mr Mulock had proved himself the
Rowland Hill of the day." Will the edi-
torial writer of the Mail and Empire kind•
ly rewrite his acoount and bring it up to
Upon.tbe weather is accepted by some as
real, by others it is disputed. The moon
never attracts corns from the tender aching
spot. Putnam's Paihleee Corn Extractor
removes thenost painful corns in three days.
This great remedy makes no sore spot, does
not go fooling around a man's foot, but gets
to business at once, and effects a cure. Do
note imposefi upon by substitutes and
imitation. GFet"Putnam's," and no other
Selling mut.
2000 feet of 2 -inch Hemlock_ plank. Apply to
0. AVERY, London,Road.
General Servant Wanted
Wanted at once, good general servant. Apply
to MRS. J. P. TISDALL, Rattenbury Street.
General Servant Wanted
0,000,000004mm• •000k
Rev. J. C. Smith, of Guelph, one of the
moat prominent ministers of the Preebjter-
iau church in Outerio, died Tuesday.
Mr 0. L. Schmidt, who ie known as
one of the utast successful 1-liggh School
trachere in the Province, died Tuesday
at Stratford.
Eli Scratch, of Kingsville, one of tl e
largest fruit. growers in Western On -
tat to, had 800 peach trees blown down
by a cyclone.
The buckwheat crop in Prince Edward
Island is a failure owing to the droath.
Farmers have ploughed under the stunted
growth and re -sown the fields, in the hope
that the rain will fall and give them a crop.
Mr Petersen, of the firm of Petersen,Tait
& Co., London, has been notified by the
Canadian Government that the fast mail
contract must be considered at en end.
Petorsen'e firm will, the Government as-
serts, forfeit its deposit of x10,000.
James Brownlee died at Stratford on
Saturday. He was the victim of a
terrible accident in the G. T. R. shop;
there two years ago, a tender falling
on him and breaking his rpiue. Ills
body from the hips down w;rs para-
lyzed, and he suffered from internal
trouble as well. _^
Corrected every Thursday afternoon,
Thursday, July 28 b, 1898.
Whether we study theofiioial trade re-
turns, the hank statements, the reports of
commercial agencies or the accounts of
travellers and representative men all over
the oountry, the story is the same -pro-
gress, prosperity, unparalelled growth of
trade and unequalled prospects for the fu.
ture. The completed returns for the Fed-
eral fiscal y-ar ending June 30, shows au
increase in exports of nearly $255,000,000
over 1807, and in imports of over $19,000,-
000, makint; a tote trade increase of over
$44,000,000, or with the increase of the
previoue year, more than $50,000,00 of an
advance on 146. 'fine bank statements
for June show the biggest note cirenlation
ever recorded for that month of the year,
The bank clearings increased by millions
weekly over the corresponding weeks of the
previous years, and it is (ratifying to no-
tice in addition that this increase is record•
ed at all the leading centres of trade
throughout the Dominion, showing that
the good times are general and not partial.
The commercial agenciea' reports give a
smaller per tentage of failures and a larger
proportion of assets compared with li;'.il-
ities than ever before. It is true some
rumors of a shortage in the wheat crop in
the west have gained currency within the
past few days, but so far they lank corrob-
oration, and in any event are only likely to
prove local, while the largely incree- d
acreage under wheat cultivation will far
more than make np the difference, and the
grading is exceptionally high. The hay
orop has been enormous and fruit so far
has turned out well, though in soma lines
of tree fruit not yet ready for harvest, only
an average crop is looked for.
In trade wholesalers and retailers alike
report jubilantly of the present rush and
the future outlook, and to crown it all the
influx of new citizens, solid, stalwart sett-
lers that will be a credit to the oountry,and
continue to make Canada a credit to the
Empire, have been ocming, in greater and
increasing volume. Thus we see the ful-
filment of the prophesy of two years ago
that -'Grit Domination" meant inevitable
Wanted, a ,i isI kdhePel servant. Apply be -
[ween the hoto
urs JN HOUp. STON, Apply
High St.
In order to make a clean out of all our Prints, we have
bought a case of new Prints, worth 8c, 10c, and 12c, and will
put them in with what we have and sell the whole for 5c and
8c. Come quick if you want your choice.
A lot of Boys' and Children's Boots at
half Price
See them.
Dress Goods of all kinds at about
Roomy house in centre of town; onepminutes'
walk from market. Rent low. Aatpply
Comfortable frame dwelling on Orange St.
Rent $4 per month clear of taxes. Apply to
July 6,1898. W. W. FARRAN.
Duroc-Jersey Boar for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service at bis premises,
London Road, Dinsley-Terrace (just outside the
corporation of Clinton) a thoro-bred Duroc-
Jersey Boar, of good pedigree. 'Urals -$l at
time of service, with privelege of returning, if
necessary. Young PWIr sale at all ties.
Two thirds the 116gular Price
A full line of Skirt Linings, Linenettes, Waist Linings,
and Canvas for dress making, cheaper than anywhere else.
Get your Linings here .. .
lthough our stock is not complete, we have a large
of goods yet to sell. We have a beautiful stock of
RIBBONS to sell at just half price. It will pay you
o come and see us.
Will help you decide where to spend
Field Batley
Flour per owt .
Eggs per dor
Hay new 65; old
No. 1 Trimmed Hide6 50
Potatoes 0 45
Pork 5 10
0 72 a 0 73
0 24 a 0 25
082 a 032
049 a 050
0 35 a 0 35
225 a 250
C 11 a 0 1s
0 09 a 0 10
6 00 a 6 00
0 50 a 1 00
a 7 50
a 0 50
a 5 25
Montreal; July 25. -There were about
550 herd of butchers' cattle, 125 calves and
350 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the
east end abattoir to -dry, The butchers
were present in considerable numbers, but
trade was slow and the prices of cattle had
a downward tendency. Prime beeves gold
at from 410 to 4;jc per Ib; pretty good ani-
mals brought from Sia to 4t_c and the com-
mon stock from 2}e to 3t0 per ib. There
were no inferior beasts on the market to-
day. Mr George Nickolson bought 10
prime cattle at 410 per Ib; Good calves sold
at from $5 to $8 each; the others brought
from $2 to $5 each. Shieners are paving
from 3}o to 30 per l'o for good large sheep.
Good lambs tell in lot at from $3 25 to
yrs 50 each and a few choice ones sell np to
$4 each. Common lambe sell at from
$2.50 to $3 each. There were no fat by gs
at Point St.Charles stock yards this morn-
ing. A good lot of bogs just conte off the
oars were sold at the C.P.R. yards at 50
per Ib
In this same connection -the matter of
imigration-a word may be added respect-
ing the much maligned Galioiane who
have been described in some sections of
the press by every opprobrious term that
can suggest itselfs and who, it might be
en posed, were the only people coining in
this season. Of the 16,451 imigrants that
had registered in Winnipeg up to May 30,
only 2307 were Galioiane, while 2020 came
from acreme the line and 2364 from Great
Britain and Ireland. The- proportion in
1897 of those taking up homesteads was
nearly equal, namely:-Galioiane 358 fat•
ilies, 336 English and 164 from the United
States. Reports, official and unofficial,
give the lie, entirely to the wild misstate-
ments that have been so persistent of the
lawlessness and thriftlessness of those
people; for those that have been in the
country only one season are shcwn to have
settled down to make excellent citizens by
building themselves good houses, stocking
their farms with cattle, horses and imple-
ments, and in every respect planing them-
selves on a parity with their neighbors.
By furnishing the following publications
which will be forwarded upon appplioation to
any of the agents of the Grand Trunk Rail-
way System :
Muskoka, Land ol and
describing te picturesqueMuskoka Lake
Mnskoka Bpcciai Folder.
Canonlnn Summer Resort Guide.
Guide to the Fishing and hunting Resorts
on and in the vicinity of the Grand Trunk
Railway System, containing reliable in-
formation in regard to Fish, Game, Hotels
or write to
ton, Juno 17, 1898.]
Weare headquarters for all
kinds of Fruit, such as
Sale Register
July 29, 1898
Special Sale
Saturday, July 23rd, -
25 Pieces of Muslins and Lawns,re-
gular price 12 1-2 and 15c, sale
price 7 1-2c. 1. Case Prints, regular
8 and 10c goods for 5c. 10 pieces
Heavy Flannelette, 32 in. wide, re-
gular price 8c, sale. price 5c. iShirt
Waists and Blouses, regular price
$1, $1.25 and $1.50, sale price 50c,
75c and $1.
Household furniture of D Robb at residence
Rattenbury St, Saturday, Aug 6,'D Dickinson
One persistent misstatement that should
be noticed is that the Government is pay-
ing $5 a head as a bonus to these people to
indnoe them to come to Canada. Stich ie
not the case and never has been. • The
agents of steamship oompanies in Europe
have for the past twenty years been receiv-
ing a bonne, but neither the steamship
companies nor the emigrants have been
benefited thereby, and for sometime past
even this has been stopped and now the
oountry is paying nothing towards bringing
these people to Canada. On the other
band they bring bard Dash with them,
every party so far having had an aggregate
amount with them amounting from ten to
twenty-five, thirty and even forty thousand
dollars. That does not appear to indicate
such utter and abject poverty.
The pre-election promise of the Govern-
ment that the St. Lawrence canals would
be deepened without delay and the whole
work compteted in time for the opening of
navigation in 1899 will be fulfilled. Dep.
my Minister, Mr Schrieber, who has just
made a trip over the ground, states tba
the progress being made is fully up to the
requirements of the various contracts.
Fanny California Pears, Peaches,
Plums,Tomatoes &'Blackberries
are coming in regular now, Our
John Bull Malt Digestive Broad
Gilroy 8ziNWisemait
We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and the
goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -'o date. We have now a
large stock of Furniture on kand for our spring trade, which we are offering at
remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or
Couches of Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Con-
ty. Kindly come and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere.
Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neatly
and Cheaply done.
Our Undertaking Department
Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse
and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country.
H. C. BARLETT, - Clinton.
P. S. -Night and Sunday calla at residence on Huron St., )pposite Baptist Church.
STREET. -In Clinton. on July 19, the wife of
Harry Street, of a son
WEST -In Clinton, on July 20, the wife of J
West, of a daughter
FYFE-In Turnberry, on July 18, the wife of
J Fyfe, of a daughter
VAN EGMOND-In Hullett, on July 23, the
wife of Jas Van Esmond, of a son
HOLLAND -In Goderich Tp on'July 21, the
wife of C J Holland, of a daughter
CRAIG -At Albuquerque, N M, on July 15,
the wife of Rev Robt Craig, formerly of Stan-
ley, of a daughter
SAM -In East Wawanosh, on July 17, the
wife of Jas Shell, of a son
WEBER -In Egmondville on July 20, the
wife of Joseph Weber, of a daughter
SPROULE-In Dungannon, on July 22, to
Mrs David Sproule, a son
REID-In Goderich, the wife of S J Reid, of
a son MARRIED.
July 20, by Rev S Smith, W J Jowett to Hilda
MooMouse, both of Bayfield
MURRAY-WELLS-On July 12, at the resi-
dence of Mr M McArthur, 458 Elgin avenue,
Winnipeg, Man, by Prof James Ross, of the
Manitoba College, Mr Wm Murray. sec-treas
of the Dauphin municipality, Man, and form-
erly of Tuckersmith, to Miss E isa Jane, third
daughter of Mr R 11 Wells, of Delta, Ont
TAYLOR -In Goderich, on July 26, Thomas
Taylor, formerly of Grey, aged 72 years
MORRIS -In Colborne, on July 14, George
Morris, aged 65 years
SULLIVAN-In Ashfield, near Kingsbridge,
on July 13, Jeremiah Sullivan, aged 67 years
is meeting with good satisfaction, What is
said of it by leading authorities:
It is well flavored, nutritious and easily
digested. I have determined to have it on my
own breakfast table." -Sir C. 0. Cameron,M.D.
it is a bread which a dvspeptio or Wright,oung
child can easily digest." -T. Povntz W
MD., M,R.C.S., (Eng.) LS, A.
"The flavor is of special excellences, although
somewhat sweet, resembling in this respect
malt." -The Lancet, London, king.
The sale Of our 1113AI ROME -MADE DREAD
is still inoreasing. Wedding Cakes. Dread
and Pastry are still our specialties.'
Jas. McOlacherty,.
Novelty Baker ande Restaurant
Ail who know him. irrespective of race,
creed or palitida, will join in tendering sin -
Gare congratulations to R. W. Bro. T. E.
Malone, of Toronto, who was on Thursday
elected head of the Grand Lpdge in Ontario
A.F.&A,M. by a vote of 941out of944.
A jovial, big hearted Irishman with keen
business insight and high executive ability
the soul of honor, and tho personifioation
of fraternal good heartedness, he is an ideal
Mason, and the brotherhood has honored
itself in honoring him.
The action of the Pro'inoial Bureau o
Industries in adding to its already larg
and valuable aeries of publications, papers
upon the development of the Province and
kindred subjects, -prepared by specialists,
will be commended by all. The printing
bill, both Federal and Provincial, omen
pretty high, but we can better afford to
ant it down in other dlreotione; money
spent on the praotioal and technical edu-
cation of the people will always prove a
good inveetment.
Summer Mi//finery
Clely Advert#h.eiato1L.
Lower Prices Is what attracts crowds
Better Variety ... to our Millinery Depart -
And the most desirable Millinery went. See our Trimmed
Hats. You can get a Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very low
figure. Before selecting your Summer Hat call and see our
styles and prices. We have a grand, range of Sailors with
Bands and Sashes. See our Sailor for 25c. Sailors and Walk-
ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,and Trimmed Hats from $1.50 to $2
A comfortable house on Mary St., No. 86, re-
cently occupied by C. C Rance. For particu-
lars apply to MRS S. HOLME aPrinss St.
Notice is hereby given that J C. Tisdale,
being indebted to the undersigned in the sum
of 817 00, remaining unpaid for three months
and over, for the price of food and accommo-
dation furnished by her to the said J. C. Tis-
dale and his family the undersigned has in-
atruited David Dickinson, auctioneer to sell
by public auction at the residence of David
Robb, n Saturday, the 6th Angust
next a set of Clinton,Caxton's School Series of Maps
and Charts, the property of the said J. C.
Tisdale, upon which the undersigned ihas a
lien, under the provisions of chapter 187,N. S.
0. 1897.
Dated at Clinton this 26th1hdJ J y 1
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash BEAVER BLOCK.
111WIVINI.16,VVilfr4%% 11%%411%,11111
Your Should be taken care of while they are sound. One of the
beet means of preserving them is by the use of a good brush.
The brush should have clean and pure bristles. The bristles
Teethshould be stiff enough to thoroughly clean the teeth, and.at
the same time not stiff enough to irritate the gums. Take
these precaations•and you save a dentist's bill and have pretty teeth. We
have an excellent assortment of brushes -stiff, medium and soft -Made of
the best bristles. The prices are 10c up to 35c at
J. H. COM B E, Manufacturing ChemistPhystclans' Supplies
41S4S% 161)%%111"/%4114. %44*411'
MINION 046 001/010114111
Our Shirt Waists will
keep you cool. The
prices are low,and the
Waists are tip-top
style,25c,50c,75c each
Ladies' Sailor Hats,
reduced to 15e and
25c. When you see
them you will want
to buy a couple of them.
Men's Straw Hats,regular 50c and 60c lines for 25c.
Light Prints and Muslins at reduced prices.
Ready-to-wear Clothing—Those '4, $6 and $8
Suits we are showing must be seen to be appreciated.
They are right in quality, style, fit and workmanship.
Clothing made to order—Our $14 Black Wor-
sted Suit is without exception the best value in the
county. You will say so when you see it.
See our Tweed Suit made to measure at $10.
Doing a large trade enables us to sell up-to-date
goods at close prices, and selling up-to-date goods at
close prices is what brings us the large trade.
Fruit Jars—We sell the Beaver Brand, There
are none better, but many - not as good. We are 4
quating very low prices, and would suggest that pur-
chases be made now as prices are likely to advance.
Salt in barrel lots. G' .
Hot Weather
Need have
No Terrors
For you .. .
John Parr,the Mitchell fire bug, has been
sentenced to five years in Kingston Penit-
A young ohild of T.Glover, a well-known
citizen of St. Catharines, was drowned in a
cistern, on Tuesday.
Mr 0. Drennon, of Oampbellford, one of
the leading merchants, was drowned on
Tuesday, while bathin lin the river.
Applleation to Parliament
Notice is hereby given that an a plioation
will be made to the Legislature of the Pro-
vince of Ontario at its next session, by the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton, tor an
Act to confirm By-law No. 7, for 189s of the
said Corporation, passed to raise upon secur-
ity of debentures of the snid Corporation, the
sum of 325 000.00, to be advanced to the firm of
W. Doherty & Co. for a period of twenty years
from the date of the advance, without inter •
est to assist the said firm lin the erection of I,
an Organ Factory in the said Town of Clinton V
and to authorise tho keine of debentures
under the said By-law and to validate and
confirm an agreementmadeand entered into
between , the Corporation Cand the sal
SCOTT & afoltE1NZfl'
Sblioitora for Applicant
Clinton, 14th July.1808.
The Cash Dealer, Londosboro,
04$110110000 411414101111111