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The Clinton New Era, 1898-07-29, Page 2
v , �'uly 29, ISS- 8 U CLlNTON NEW RRA a + ` y The 1AfonderYu! Lx ansion - - T____ _ ��� p Ol they would ha wuriu uui+ - _ _- Canadian Tradein Two Years cons uw[e, , trot err p is they ,ire in IraJan,!. Reventle vs, Prohibition. I' Tukelhelrish Principle and watch Additio-Wil Local News results. Feeding euro is penny tcist UatS t' - ?l�Ly•r "t+11A h a illOa'1' L�'NU°t�ItAUl\U OUTLOOn M°,t 7'ttE LEVLL• ells pUltnd fUr,11Hh, its ttr� Uni�ed 1n order to can �� thSvIluE 'Tilos BiRue - Nobody knows a� Yrofe�,sjona,landO '1 liS, �p�r'iy( :;latae lets already found out. ry nn the CTovc•rnment ted tl��►,�1� 1 U!•illlN'r U2" liar COUN''ur uP :t country and develo i! x' `'"t r+t the loss inHtct.ed uu the 111 to their-'����!. sorrow. Its NNII as to foster its it c1 3u tr1. stun 1 lu C 0 t,irds are the nater • � Lnwty t9t Son, Lltniled, <'"nu ry by t ha deatructiun of bird life. HurniIton, July 2b, glroteft the pu01' Arid till fort ituttte, we I,u n,er, .• ul Attica of the IN J'%OH IhGE SCOTT & McKE11�X1E, ���!' � �• Ottawa, July 17. -The trade 1l,,ures for ["list have a ,,venue. 1,a"d ler and hortu tSltitrlet. 1`L lbs, choice Oatmoal Por 1 b Ilarristers, Sclicitord & y. `�T dt r J J .��ly Y• lobe fl'oa1 year which ended on June 30 dis• ,, ! 1w ' r `ru'tke up tSis revenue hyutlpeanejof e�ulrulu'r lit ghat ar tiPes 13 lbs. choice Famil Flourforl ush Oeste l o '/ lose a ooudltia, of ptoapertty of whiuh the CI•IS1/ Cotulty Llllll)IiIgS system of taxation, the taxes bei" ]q K pests is when ,he y Clinton and Bayfield. (ON THE 5• GLAIR RIVER) history of this country affords ao 1' tr ppest 1g Small, GLIN'rON Or'MIUI-EljjOtC 1310nk, Isaac Street. �*A� ,g ® para!l.r. pr'1>Prl"tion to the worth of the•„ rznrl the hirds are everydoty workers. BAYN'IELL U�i•',crr- �7A t MA• ONTARIO. They indicate an enormous expanawn iq Lttst a;•eek Mr 1l. R. Cunningharu'a hY � vein by ut,r property holders�al 0 5lrtreuthc• h' , l�H business fur a riving, Oats ta'�kl'Il LU hX '� ' tr . Main Street, brat do [ewes r1'utvtkl)•,�- ^_��, trade; but a atilt more enaonra in tothlillg hoose, Ual'l°W, was burned F trdi• If they du ea(: a Pew r , • •• L Idllr,t(, t st Ojh00 is that, satiefaotory ae they ire n theme to the gruuud, ); n fncnrne tax nn ersone for Glocel ies 91ONL,x TO L 50CCth, ,j P grains of tele k ,i few berries Lhey earn ld 0ert<.iit to those who take a Business or resetving a salary of $1(N) or over. They their shouse of diet by Che work the JAAIHSSCO'rr. selves, they are: prophetic cf better things While unloadiq also by cleans of a tariff, tax goods iris- do ter the c of dieor, E' H MC$exzxo >horOland courso at this College, t0 Dome. I'remhndous as are the strides hOl Morris, ulet with what Add to the reven Y These are our present ratea, Jas. Nic g !t`tY in the barn, ported frOn, other countries, and thus , atL`tring the past fifteen monthsour wl'i°h Cagada nae made durigg the past �n„h� Av° been a had accident, t� ilh °f Lha rev f10. But a large part «1r•t r Ntc. - A gang Of atvindlPr but we don t know how ton Wa BRYDOIYE graduates have been located as follows:_ two years, no one who ooate[opiates her re- rnint, the SCriuget s under t he nn luta lire tr•avellu, S they will continue, g BARRISTER, BpLICIT � Sarnia 3f, Galt 1, s wick 1, 1'orouto o, sources and capabilities can dispute that gave wA lectin leant, wn a"rte is rn tdeup front the tax g through the r "rel dis- OR, NOTAI9X London 5. 1Vtndsor 3, WinniAeg, Elan., t, is only on the verge of her development, tfour xtcating liquors, called a xeige triol, `'l;ti't'i„1; authority frolu the _ t PUBLIC Morden Mau., l,soeamont,I)ak.,I,Port• andJuudlhru��tt,zdrgupofnine feet, +utdtlhetmPBnttn stittetot•xuruiuewells, 1'iteytxamtnelO OLSON, Gilnto , ETC, Huron illioh.,3: Detroit, Mich„ w, Situ and it dose not seem too much to expect Strange to Say nothin tv g to neA.rly $7,U(H),(H)0, 11 O19fiee-73eaver $1 duakY, 0'1;0, 2, New York, N.Y , 5, Orange, that having at last struck her gall she will i q tie" rs shall we have pro• the wet er through a ttlicroscope and Oek. , N•J ,1, Louisville K 1, g As hurt ex- hihition, and how shall wo meet Lhis flus rill kinds of hactnrtn, cholera and Up -stairs O Y., Chicago, Ill., 5, go forward to commercial and national rte tt that J,trnea t•eeeived some minor deficiency. St. Loafs, Mo , 1 )� bruises. typhoid genus rind permit I he farmer Ppoeite Foeter'e Photo Gallery esrnonies, Ta.,1. greatneae with a rush, When the present One of the oldest men of West rt The gre.tt naA1ority of our people are Have you written on the CLINTON College °pen throeghout the entire Government Dame into oflioe two years ago witnosh, Ivle McCo 1' V 1` and his wife to look through the mi• year, titudents admitted any time. Grad- the total convinced of the evils cf intemperance, Cruscopp whNr.e oP course theq see the ! ^ �_^ " -~� mates assisted to Position, r art Teriu grade of the country rnoludin 1 ti father of Mrs O sane man or woman can go through 'ne},ager,e that wit! always be found �j M' G, CAMERp1V lber;rua Septe,wber 1st. 1Vrite for par_ Ooiq and bullion, waev$`139,000,000. It has Mgtt,uhe llBad rhe tche died on the 5th the world for thirty °r• tort t drop of water, Th ■� r�� p s p (Formerly of Cameron Holt &� t flouters, advanced in the year just closed to $289, of niuety•Hve. not see the material and Mort le}desand a frightened �� �� ■.5.���Vx� cuorouN r A, S. N1111110. d the ripe old age Ola farmer is advised tO apply certain rem_ g BARRISTER eq�]r' 000,000, exports ere around $50,000,000. Mount Ho a cemetery Ott Lha Aah t'°n wrou y l AND SOLi06 p He try oil he in the l r b the pest "toxicants• edtes which the fakirs sell at a hi h Yeari If so,aehd our (t� Uanada'e exports were in 1896 $121,000,000; circuit. Revs Leech and L field SOt11P will say intemperate use of in. Examinatfoh this U81o0-llamttton st o { Clinton Post Urtica fn 1898 they were 168,000,000, an increase conducted the funeral service at the nam°, addross, teacher and school to the I GODERICp °alta Colborne House toxicants, and yet where must we draw pr rce, t. t11c h ,'roves to hs a little lata �. ONT ' ockhart soda.-R'dgetown Dominion, p Principal of the Tatty; TABLE. of $37,+[00;000. The imports were in 1896 home of the deceased. are drunkards en surely did not the line. The men and women .who Central >InsJilless C011e a RI $118,000,000; in 1898 they were $130,600,- rnernber of Lhe MethudiHe hhadt bee foe y tfOH11t 1 DUE MAILS CLOSED 000, an rnoreaee of 3,°12,600,000. Moat Uan• [[lean to sacrifice character, - g D08J•�', adiana would be eatiafied to proceed st this several years, friends home, d. M. p•hf.� I rate of Yo ree9, , POsitiou, everything, when Yonga& Gerrard Ste,, Toronto. CONyEYANUER, 10 15 6 55 Loudon and S. W. Ontariol7.� 400 national induatraltand finano al [erten t f rhe remains of the late hire Mar they for years were t'lking the social and receive [all particulars abort the COMMISSIONER, 81Tq 7 40 4 YO Wingham and Kincardine 055 635 Woods, Y glass nr estnjX ]rltaXi°alit9 39 a slime- �,;,� Free acholarehlps this school w 1 Real Estate r - 10 15 6 I ,Western $. W, & N, W, U.S. 7 00 405 Y g h West wife of Th't►'Ra VVoOda, Of to suoeesstul candidates for th t award Ions ou Morihauraned 10 15 1 OS Patio. Buflillo&eastern U 8I7 00 4 05 to a Dun °°entry the pace oP advance, last thaC would nerve to greater exet- ., a tall sea- Agent. Moneq Wawanosh, were interred in -the slon beginning on bept. l•t next. Addreaa tiraee and NoteeeoMon ; meat is pro]lortionately quickened. There Dungannon eerneLery, oll Wedneada tion' One must have a very obtuse Curse talk"in favor l,0 15 1 OS Torogtoct pointssast&nrth 7 00 2 35 fe an aspect of the figures published in t3at• , being escorted LhlLher thither b w• H, lust Y mind indeed, wkro can see ]uc]geF, earl. °f Hood's Sarsaparilla, SRA W, PacxaipaL. OtfiOB-HURON STREET, OLINTON i o3 ...Montreal and Ottawa...1 00 2 305,5 urdav's Globe which should not escape the a large cvttcourse of sorrowin [ctrl, wa ins 1 03 Mnuitoba, N W T and H C1 00 2 3e attention of those tvho contend for the ar• g lights 10athateehad Cter9'(Lhat beef Sof for no other medi- gument that a favorable balance of trade Lives and friends, and also alar a cine. Its great cures recorded Intruthfal R• AGIVEVV. 1 03 Stratford and Seaforth..l7 00 235 number Of Uil1;S'X+R�{ I31)Ait _ 10 27 acquaintances, 'rhe Te P°ssesatous,posttron and practise, and convincing langua sot for SERVICE ie a sign of prosperity, Until the present ceased was one of the say that tt is only weak-minded people womeq, constitu DENTIST, CLINTON 110 ?7 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 Government came into power a favorable most reR acted g 6'zatelnl men tad C will keep for service on lot 25 con. 4 Stan - 1 03 ..,.lylitchol] nod Dublin.... 7 00 balance of trade had been achieved on two and industrious pioneers of Weap Wa_ wh°drink to excess. to its most efteotive ad- leY, a there red Chester White Iioar. 7 40 2 65 LvanOsh and $tlf, how are we t0 make up 0"C ray_ vortising, Many of these cures era mar_ of'returu le t neoess f service. tvlth 'terms-- AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURgDAY .Goderich.,...,, 18 oceaeions only since Confedaratfon: in 1880, Crown was aged 75 year s, privilege OB E when the differer-ee was under a million busy lately mtakine his en rte i In the first place, we will con- veloue. They have won the conflde3nae of EACI3 MONTH Luoan crossing, Sarnia and Y Lewis has been side[ rt few of aur public institutions the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- Ary JOAN V, DIEHL, 74106 6 55 int0rrnediato points,,, !7,00 4 05 and a half dollars, and in 1896, when it criruina] office I3oura-9 to 5, g returns 0f the and their inmates. We have our goals, Alia the largest sales in the world, aad CLINTON Londesboro & BsJgiave..19 55 was about ff dollars, The averse business °f The office is open to the public (holidays ex porta oyer exports since Con- tried before Lhe C the past six Who are supported in those goals ? have made necessar excess of im 8 Yearly months of 1$A$, Of the sixteen cases Apa!'t,fr0rn the drunks who ore r unit, the greatest laboratory on oar , FOOD and r DR• cepted) from 8 a.,n to 7 15 p m„ but holders o federation np to .179? was $16,766,000. Iq incl Court and the (nty Jtl Y for its manufacture GOAL YARD• T' e%• BRIIC]E ounty Judge's Uriln• are not almost all these either directly 8arsaparillaia known by the cur Hood a lock boxes have neoess to the lobby until 8 p.m fade the value of our exports exceeded the the Peace, onl one Money Order and Saving Bank otllce open imports b 5essiot;s of of indirect t Subscriber ie prepares to promptly 811 all or• Graauat BURGEON DENTIST, 9a.m. to 6 p•m. y $18,732,000,and in 1898 bl, $27,- found not nilC ris strop Y rhe result Of the use Of made a 1t has sets Por Wcod or cl e R O D S of `' a g P one[ was g drip k , we have our aaylttms, °axe o1 scrofula, salt rheum and loweat rtes. °Al• which will be sold at Ontario, and TCInIt Matter Por registration moat be posted hat! and 0� has fregpently beans aOx 1headn atabmg, [lead arson 2, y' Thr Cr idles Com- Office on Ieaac Street, at LAVIS vereity Toronto, y Who are the lurnates and whence came eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia IMPLERIENT ROUMS. an hour beeore closing the mails. burglary 3, theft 4, aqd they ? TTpon a rureFul analysis Of the and weak nerves, cures o! d s e �'• WHEAILEY 8 e STAGIJ measa2o oP prosperity, Canadl�na ma the rrn a f om R stilt 7, the sentences Y p pefa, liver p slat attetttion given to the Preaervati 1L1IL _ SU�IttE[ZHIIL -Every pardoned if they swell their breaete with 1'rngng three r'ecordd of these unfortunates we find tronblea, catarrh IIILLSIi)I, th.naturae teeth, on Tuesaa�' and Friday, arriving a. 0,25 and Ieav- Y g g 3 months in the Central mruly •whose brilliant intellects And etrres which prove STOCK FARM. olhoe, ins at 5.30 pini. pride. In 1897 for the first time since jail,, Fines to the amount o tet 1 C°ate CI°0k, over Ta 1 monthslnthecontinr'n C',''t111't'asoningpntvet:9 have been tit: Forserviee-Theh%hlybredshorthornbull, Bl YOY'eehoeetore 1 ONCE A DAY ONLY )s mail despatched C°n federation the exports of home produce were also imposed, 19th Prince of Thule; tarso, rhe la N• B•-Wkll visit yth ever -'. from this ofl)ce to Londosboro and Bel rave, exceeded the total im f $175 } deof inyeci through the it"model- Bayfield ever Y Monday ,yttq i also to g porta by nearly four aLe tl.�e of inlOxicatirt Yorkshlro boar(Regutator) first-class' improved summer y Thursday afternoon durittg the k r Mitchell and Dublin, mails cloainq ne and a half millions, The detailed figures �1Vhile Mr Wm. M, Anderson, of the are here who have cugjpe�pk�o �lp� is a fr,ze t^'in„er. bred b h , Ped�i�ggree, . ab al, stated stork• TERMS: -Bull, $1.60,. J. Dav$ , `!oe s Mails for Briti h Isles and Euro able, buten sEill better stare notinyet avail• 1_th concession, East Wa ly p wand, b, Wits the sputltttg of t boil• goods, sorrow up- payable in advance, cvith privelege of return• R, WM. *' tries intended to boil the opj by New York, a cot retutrnng from Whitechurch O° sorroty hits e•ume so thick and fags, ins if nsceasary, D GUNN, must haw° written w the top left hand corner P twill be made, g tbie re- load of drain file on with a �r� a �� • PLU YISTEEL & GIBHINGS, I NfghEdai M- U L R O• I'• and L, R, O. g, •ti of envelope VIA NEw Yoirrz, past year are unique in theft! eyults o tan Monde due to a drq"ken bruhtlized husband 1 j'� Ceinton, May 27, 1$'Jg, g dill°8-Ontario dL, OtO. S. July 11th, his horses became ft l;hten- , or fxther,that. reason het•, beendethrrnt_ bury gt„ oat front door of residence On Rattan increase in trade almost double that of an ed by a drunken man falling froul his ed, the indirect reau(t of the use oY in- Is the best -In fact the One True Blood pposite Presbyterian church, a" The rumor that the Dominion Gov- Previous year in the history of the conn 11tcYcle in front of them, Dir Andel'- toxicants, iVe Ptrtlfler, PROP_ Ci RITES FSR SALEOItT° LET ernment intends dissolving Parliament to Ann an ens bet e8metlMir star 00,000le son attempted to hold the horses and h0ules rind other ! omeslir We have Hood's Frills take easy to perutes,� DTI soon is the silliest the Ottawa liar has tit that moment the end board of the aur homes 0f refu e, Y FOR SALE. rI'URNIIULI< a year in which the balance was altogether waggon fell °tit and he was dru g W b so much J, r gged t0 less? t Poyiot Why so many home- L1,N L`S WAN'iLU• o l,8 F ,-r-ignTewlill ellstasacrifice,Lot451 t'EItRIN'$ 1tLOC'K, C g sent out this year. The Government ingot tCanada-there was much Crum el_ the heels of Lhe horses, I3e was badly Dc, not the find in the great ma- 21t;entd wanted, mai y Clinton, Partiaulare p tubs, ins of the fact throughout the country, but Cut about the face; the tvu jo'ity 0f insCances that the use Of Y co loll cur not [tries. °Pon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barneter &u �'LIN2.ON, will hardly upset the country for the ever one of his legs and he recePassed prime facts, Iocallc a and female, ;n every ba ance of trade is onwtile tither0 eide.d By b r strong drink !s Lhe Big commission Night calls answered at o�tce. mere pleasure of defeatin paid. Send app'tcation and 2.5 cont, for full FOR SALE. g itsoppOn_ �enetui ebakin,ip• has cont,ribule.ltoal]thishomelesane.st lnooftianu`onPederahlotFiL)PuRld'RaPglorohto sand con x ante "gain, -London Advertiser. every test that can be applied the condi- There a s We have b'actor tion of the country ie shown to be P ed away at his home in one, reforuir�tr r�iear, xilss'centrhnuse tents 0n tho roperty of D. DR• J. w, '""` i 'f more Colborne, Thursdrt n - "- Buchanan Por 5125; by payingj° down and SHAW Speaking of the satisfactory than ]t hue ever been since Y Of last week, a of refuge, all, of which moat he ke t. ua "� balance at $l0 a month. ing 915 to be nd AJOou°heur, oto' PHYSICIAN, sURGEgr wonderful prosper- Confederation, and the outlook is more P, its the tarsen of Geor a throe �••�® 't moved, Apply to J S tarioSt„ °�°e ani residence on. ity of Canada at the present time, and hOPeful than at any previous period. Grope old and respected resident of the sty the taxes of the tow"Sl2i gage ►�ae COTT, Clinton- oupied by Dr ate English church, formerly pp Morrie, after a brief illness, la ting Province or Cougt people, either ppleton, Ulincon Ont, making a coin Arison g nc the agency of thO Duminlon, EOUSl9 ' ' p with the set are abundant, prices are high, trade is huL eleven days. He was born in the Millions of dollars are thus a e OF 10 JEiENT• ,' t the Globe uses a very suggestiv and bet finances are ntra spate ofrbutiyanc pde- totvnshi of Y governing bodies, _ J>•R, p Ancttster in 18$3, p nt in YALl1A13LE tiro The large frame dwelling house on Albert+ MacCALLUM. r Y expressive term Scits have been au creased by a aurplue when jitter noeborne and keeping up inslihtlions u-bic]t :i Il PI•o]lfert.y Street,.late.yocoupled by Ylr.'I•odd, with half nI D'' C' 11' M°Gill, et When it says:- p with his M, C. P. & g„ Ontario r "Now it is the pros exit ponrin into the northwest, Patents largely made necessar h Rte an acro of land,, Hent modbrate, A 1 to immigration is Y tr old, where he has in Y Y the drink- IN CLINTON Late Resident Phyylcian to Royal Pic p y which makes British and Americangcapital is seeking Since resided ilIn B0 d tit g trsagea Of our people, Scme will 1___ _ JA Ea SCOTT, liarrister. AOSpital, Montreal. torte to Mies Cajh In I8°$ he was married say, bat will those institutions not be Pursuant to the poworofs _ ,5 _ the statistics, formerly the statistics investment, and the mining industry in p HOUSE 'LO O1bC0-Dr, Dow8lo 's s were ex acted to 3 td settled on required if the manufnctuie and sale game, whit+h mors n she 1 RENT' Night sate at Clar°Haan halo a' batt°nburY st. Ontario, British Columbia and the Yukon dRughkensrsurvtwtetch he died. Three of ttit0xicatiug drinks ,ire ro '1 • °Orta;❑ mo,, alo contained in a p make the prosperity," duces .1t the n,lo, there wit Ue offered 1°use on Isaac Street, at eI' r 4 : ' The difference in the two circumstances operand confidenoefis abroa Mrs Strachan, of Well, we have the buildin P �� toed' for sale b pTO C1tPiod by Walter Cole, us Offered present o°, R S g, and a foeliug Of Louisville, Ky, and itilicses YPnblicauctio„ by DutdDickinson, reasorableternis. A rent Ott TdNkcUlty d. Arida, who liye�on the homestead and some a hensesIY Bete . , gy 'd for• of ltonenr, at rho 2uoen's Hotel, in the Town or to PP1Y at NEw ERA Office, Medical Depaitmen�DUArE OF THB E are great and indicate a state of affairs Y necessary to re• of Clinton, on MTts. DOUS WORTH, Hotmesville. arty, Toronto, formerly op the Hoa itaIe Manq of oar readers twill regret to ntron and of cot- Sattu list v, �Oth tray o!'Ang.,18rJ8 of yiutorta Unlver ry; that is very gratifying indeed. learn Of the drat h e s Sill el Alton, rection, but the runnin Uhoiee 13auae and Lot ter Court ariea, New York Reeding Hogs, g expenses at the bout of 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, the A frame Sale• Cuuaty oYHuroi,, BaytSeld,On]°roner for Le Twice since th6 Liberal Government silo[ of the Jobe: -We of l:,t l3, coq, 10 would becurtalled alrnosC immediately, foltowin valuable town _ �'' To the E G which took place �onWyedgWa carte°ash^ as they vary according to the increase Pr" The house and quarter -acre lot on the E Have had or decrease OF th an eouth-havil t,f lot number Pau r°fl;,a 30t�numbe good brek James and Afaria str0eta rr RLAC$ALL VE assumed the reins of power in the Do- endless trouble Lhls spring 1° a ruin rtes, flue, on rho went side oP Victoria r well, bar„ 14x2 Clinton; cJ • TERINARY j _ 1, Deceased tva, ane Y n "'list become fewer d the HonoraryGraduateoPtheOn BUS Boal minion has Great Britain been sem- former is accountl hr wised h° s, earliest settlers in this °arthe very prohibition street] Y numbers twenty Olde and twia tree t, and lots G• T. R, station and D°he0tsituated near tho College, Tre tarioyet ` g The Y We have oastsid,•oPJamos Street, inihenew"ru,voyof APPIy Co Y Organ Factory, male Ott theoyatodasesordome ed for to the feeding Country, and continuouslPY residedlin +and Increasin 1 JOAN D itRY Clinton. eras" ° en 4 w gelled to follow its lead in the carrying of corn and grass, the latter on account the township fur over HFt Come fixedl g°her g Y become the Gordon F:arate, in the Towrr oP O -Intoe, con plus °>$00- eprian G Yewar as the habits of the people be- tainingtogethers0ven-tenth9ofan acre. out of reforms for the benefit of the °f rough handling and poking the hoe Y years• Ile Y lmmeaiatelysowth otthe ewitr� was well know' aqd Y 1 Oihae, Residence - Albert bt„ Clinton, g gt earl res tested Some ratty dispnt6 the use of inlox- Kood Prallte eta C HOUSE TO RENT, night orday attendedto promptly cal p wiCh sticks, whips, etc. tad by his thrift andush at aired a g an incentive to t'o se anniu,ngs convict of a one-story Brame _' :- Ent ire• We first had icants Lein p P s omfortable Cottage on Albert Streo h preferential Now these complaints are more ser- large share of this worla's gouud. d - is situated nn the Lonao„ robed, wThin a Aho t °rent rt once, Go t Orth OHN .1, trade with the denunciation of treaties i°us than farmers think, and will re- will referthgsetothecriininalstalisjic•I distance of the'lowDohertya , w"hactor °d half•scre F. MILNE, VETE wA5 In tits Jath for the ear 1$A2, where the TLH�is Or bea,ln Ifiarden anti J has returned RINARY SURGEON + vert back to their detriment in the grtxwnyuA fain lleof soira wet d y y gorehard, with promises Of Iota of fruit. at the between the mother country, (irerman lon r cv and Rent low. W, MoORE, Queen's Ilotele, wb ie a °Penes an office Y p r nn, and we wish m a this stateirtent :- Y twill find SaLE-Ton per cent on the day of Sewing Machine De ot, ea rot the treatment w r Way be consult - x and Belgium, which restricted trade, their better Ppeal to daughters to moot n the loss Of a kind sale to be paid to tho Vendor's 8ollcitors, and P Huron Street cattle, &c. All este a,seaaes of ho judgment and have them and indatgent husband and father. ret rns shovw-.- Moderate drinkers tb7 Thelv°rchaser will bo entitled to a c s, n;ghtor da p y ea, see the matter' in the right )fight. rhe death the Pur ch swithi„ thirty Gaya thoreaPror,when and noW we have penny oats a be_ HOUSE TO LET• Fended to, s, prom tl at twee" moat parte of the Em tre.g le'or It as quality that is wantid, and' Thursdtt ni of Mr ,john Lane pec cent of criminals; iinmoderri a the stglndin �notd tionaof nleof't he sim tar to P Canada's reputation austninedonthe the best knows °n drinkers 40 of Justice, and wit! 11°HrghCourt a; Good are houseonRatt°nburystreet ARRIAGE " this ]atter Mr Henniker Heaton, IV1, p„ Y per cent of criminA.]s ire made knot, n at. the t mo with LICENSE, ,aMES bacon markets of the world. This can- citizens of ght last removes one 0f ars, 13 per cent of criminals °Ch °f sale, Tho roperty will be sold su ` O17e• Collar and woodshed, summer j�� t and hr hl kitchon• pant['";lacererofMarriageLicen�ee,Lib�TT, SR, a had been agitating fora dozen not be done clherwise than b g Y esteemed shows eonclustvely and reliabl pp blece to a stable. �Vtt be road and soft stator, large anaResidence,Mar sir ry.hoom ill@ tOwn9 i , which reserve bid, Utharpart,culars Ana information• ed Chea to yeatr' y the A few months ago $1r hLPnef w enstud a e should have a vee Y that the aucOCiboneer. from the unaerand inf ri Prom to"ant. A I P vermanent y set, Uelnton. i but it was not lint}l Postmaster -Goner- sure the farmers that !tis to their ben• supposed to be Y Small ereent- PP y to NEw ERA OHlee, or to moat approved methods. We can as. denly stricken down %.ith what was not for the use of al ge 0f our people crfminals, if D. DICK[NSON, Auctioneer, JOHN H WORSELL, Goderich. JAMEg CAM ': al Mulock, of Canada, ranged himself aur fn ever wa it were PBEL]1 LONDESBORO, , Y y, as the better ualit paralysis+ but which i'hen we hate the eminentlt$gdr'inka• BCOIT & MCKENZIE, veneor'sSolicitors CHOICE r �`- TbSUfIR OF staRR1AGE LI E a alongside that the British post office q Y proved to rte cancer of the atellnach, of Sir Oliver Mowat who 1 ARiM1i FOR SALE• C NSEs, . they turn Out the better price they and during the ton horfty Datedatenntonthisl9th.dayofJuly, 1sOg * ` wilt get, This quality c zn only he ob- he suffered a g weeks oF„ sickness that three-fourths of the crime o x. w,tnesaes required ! r h'uci treasurq gave in. Canada has tained by much care in every detail as death came t° his relief, be ha has stated '- A cPlendid Parm of ICO acres of improved done a noble work for Imperial unity, g, breedin and handlin Bleat deal, a�e a ted ndnrl cion OP Canada ie due direcll for ` lana• l the 2na con. of 8tanlcy. All but 15 to feedin IT PAYS TO bearin 1 archer cod Pra$o hoose, frame barn, �� w. FARNCOIB, MEM$ER OPa but she w}ll have to do more before Now+ in the first place, as to feeding, 1ti1r Lane was a roan wb gg ' P L S•, Provincial Land sur egorvand g. to a mere shadow of hie former aelF. drink. fly to the use of lnloxicatrng g d runnin wator. Situated two Cfyil Engines[, London We would advise fanners to use peas, fullest confidence of all who knew him miles Prom town of Cefnton. Wil bO sold Ott Stewart's Grocery Store, titin on. her destiny is accomplished. etc., but to avoid corn and grass; sec- and ae agent of the LondonyMut nal reasonable terms, D, Office at peO �yy Y Our aim r, to find Out how MCTAVISH, Clinton, t During two months of the year most andT • as t" breeding, The ofkshire Fire Insurance Co., was Widel make up for the toes to the d e shall Jj New Clouse and Lot For S CLINTON amt thin breeds areacknowledged He was a faithful and co of the $7,00(),000 contributed�rmyinton i� GGA ale. 1VfA__ WORKS. of the roads of Ontario are impassable the exact thin b Y known, ll, nor interests to the r•ever.ne. Wet�11 � UOOrEIt g -' for loads. During three months more do not carry too much f tpand'are long church, and in hi S 8°9 ou b Ile new L np thtnd �easo iableotermgl LD STAND, Klnlou h natant mem- admit that during the first l !; Presbyterian Will be 1esA revenue, but Cannpthp r The house is a new two story fram0, with stone Thls Next to Commerolal hotel. they are covered with mud and full of Ind henthird pine we mention the comm s aeath the township heads of departroenta find me Rre You Aurare of the Ract that cellar, h n and soot water, Lot one•qunrtero[ ora _ peunen weigh a loses agood resident and the an act©• Reason for sotto" rusnment ie to tn]( o> erasion acrd a 1 ruts and pitch -holes and are barely g, unity an honorable and uppight curtailin ons of move nearer to Ilia work. g'OWn°r wishes to eryraba dintheMostsatisfseto, matter of handlin The hogs when cit?zea, g public expenses for the first TheCaYladagns[nessColleg granite work a sway acme practicable• During the two months Coming tO market should not be poked year, there can be no dif$cult a �'• MENNELI Clinton, bonable as those of an ePe°tally. 1Sricea a whippedorabused in an the revenueforaubsequentyearya.about y eetabtlshmant 9 way. The G'anada j in as0ber eo le we will have a p os- Iadoln CIiATI1tAM, ONq, COTPAGE A.ND BEALE & HUOPER, Clinton E agricultural trade is ata standstill, should be handled with every care. i� Y Great Exposit an. g p p FOR 1 during the other three it is more or We consider a broom the best thing ` ` peraua people capable Of bearin g more Por its upils than any other SAf,E• LUT k less stagnant. The loan of time b tO drive hogs with. Bear in mind that Many new and interesting features g their Business cone o n the Dominion. sued offers tors I i will be offered at the Tbrontu Exhibi- alre of the G tvastedtonxPiensea. rz The undoral N1Al� 1•Fi,D B { Y every time yqu A stn, the mons ! 43 Pup its ware p am d in two months, Sru. tag0 of four rooms with kitchen Ana tame cot- of good y Old Established Hon man and beast, the wear and tear of him, and upon being k lledot ehowsttuse tion this year, which ie t0 be held Prom Q <ra d°uts Prom all qutlrtera are fl0ekin attachod. Centrally ottua High Graa° Matt lir W Wrli rte spent for food, clOthtng worthy business school, g to this drainage. Will be sold °d' Good water and U1luroh standing to act as It; nsan,r:' oonve ansae the deprivation of mar- p, the h th August t° the 10th Se tember. hold furnishing and comfortable dwell- t Besar � here and do Oi$ce work and nomas 8°r Y s0 that Che hog d value is r The p bouae- ere a s a larg0 attendance Prom Cha Chea at their hom.. Business ahead least one cent educed at harvest throe bout the Dominion In 9 gh the liquor ac+llera ealread them P- APpy to ondenoe 1p) kets, and other results, have beer coin per pound, no matter ie good wad with ghe return of better g ' ao that thou ♦ me from outside oiutehis year 93 pupils registered Clinton Doo. 101�h �' U• 1 EARLE. established here, Salary $;)Q,0 Y built up and _ how slight the bruise is. times and the unusually low fares now wholesale and retail p Olt them Brom ndaressed stamped envelope fpr °Emnetose aelf- pnted and 1116 total lose is pieced at Thls is a fastens can be eaaiI Y not have the noa,er to other business Colleges thaninto A' P• Elder, General Mana of contributin 10 the $7.ono,0oo Chatham, HOUSE r O A°e Chicft 0,111 i a do I an $19,557,280 annual! ed, and not coat the farmer a centvbnt sing giv6n by the railways, manywill revenue a mo to the We resumo these SALE. 19aMiohi a Y• These are not be induced to visit this great axhibi_ ingcun' nt Amon oar trad6armen,pana merits 0f tgllbuditherbest echoola89:<r;ad old d ys the two ` 'r unauthorized statements, but on the his �earte outputhbeaulse packers now p thatnothin sz,2oo bu tion who erhapa would out uthw'w•icP flna11Y by varioil . channels would find writetorcataI would satisfy them, semi•w ached brick RGrENTS. housek on Ratto,bury St., Jtnown as Cho Fox- ablebn dike Gold Fielder' a lar trary from part of Lhe official re- figure on bit in ho s with a p will be great anri the Arlt ettPontmeuts its WaY back tot a Government trees- a list f the 43 Pu �l�,e l are here, ton Property g g pro or- °goo 0[ other departm0nta aqd Cher bouseA and also vacant lots for °k'sejlin ilk. a whir ffe, cheap, vain- pot of the provincial road instructor Cion of brulaea, and t f there were no s offer- t ury. P Paced in two monohs, sale. proapeotuo twee lwittd. Beautiful ed writ be of a In the cues ton of "revenue vs. pro- ACHLAN n1°cr.-Private Punts hi largo and small BRdDLEi-GAR `` 1 true they furnish food far much rooree money, whereas to -day a ]Ower presentiitions oY the r raft to draw, „ D, McL ry five cents, Books on time. g generally wool@ bring Among the man ahs bition, do not we find a atrikfng an- Bume w wa 1 0.1 ro +r;; t al,, itETSON COMPOOks o y will be realistic re- Co,ChatLatun W. BRYDONc� tOty' t thought by the farmers and peseta of Arica must be paid to cover the loss on gY t.o the recent Indian famine? Barrister, Torout`o,,tm=°• " the province t;enerall theaebruised ho s. American war thebiockadebombard_ There it was "revenue va. provielona," �US[NG3S P[tOp RENTS ' y The least punch maul and battles of Santis o The best lands -were used f A Great ,rljTent ERTY FOR "xhg best life °f Her Majesty I ],ave a ,. bruises a ha , an it is not necessary," Yana, flring and explosion of shells, ex• O1 growing SALE writes Lora Lorne about sea, A11 England is loud in its praises of gg g , or Ha- opium for revenue purposes, and only We would else advocate spaying PlOcion of attb-marine mines and blow- Agantra make fir ween Victor ++ the»work accomplished by Postmaster- YouoR sows, ae it is another vital step tug up of vessels ri the lake rn front the poorer landspwoducear}I for the That desirable Brisk Business Stand ou AI- BRADLEY- a dollars dei y, (' towards gainin a g CANADA'S batt St. Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, fa GARRETSON COn4pArly q'eneral Mu10ck in bringing about the quality, and should not be forgottenf by Maxima and Ga growing of food The whore GREAT ... 4tfered'eor sato, including rear lot and et:able. of the exhibition wo, Id knows the result, Our own Can T fisc b TorontioL + atTo ion of a ern Farinera and drovers should see that gr°unda, exhibitions he lo••ation one of the eat In Clinton. The AGICNTS -Book buaineseis bet i p }? y postal rate within tlin$ machine guns, Ada has felt %mpelled to send rOPert 1s fro° from Incumbrance and title itt• ri Aast;aiso have betters" etc., all of a epeciallY tntei'eating na. of tnoueands of dollars to the stanrV�p s Y r�iaputabvt0, price reasonabl0 itnd terms is cult oars t°r than for tketripire. The breaking down of railovaY c°meanies have suitable yards tore at the resent time, The pro- p ta, wholly on accou r N hrohaeor, A I to CEO. STANHURY, Lon- boo s. Agents olenirprom lora 40 aeeeki0�lin 4' at each station, so bags will, not fight gramme of attpractions promises to Par poo a of Ind g �l�oUl A l�1 ! PP Y Gladst ne,,, .: " $ $ g $jxg objeotiana of British officialdom in , of get bruised, and We believe th tin- this question of revenue. There are 1 \ dOD Road, or addroes Cl,utoq p, O G)atlatono," " � 0°n Vfator)a •'Lip°a� Mr excel that of est year, which ie ea in g than a deficienc of reven- • • Ms htotber'9 Bible stories ,, •'pia- l stead of the lar WOCsethln s 1'�tL.rn 1°.r sale or t0 Relit• gressiv s erapkeer""Klloe ikeGoldPlelde,miwo. ttrits tnatttjr is considered almost equal ge yards lxwo n u80 a good deet. The exhibits Y g rte• Let ua r}ot d° evil that good ve man,"" Ill that a great improvement would be man -y from Great Britain, France and ant, Dtnnerana sup el, "Canada, an Rnareaktaeo to'Prexnier Laurier's achievement in made b Navin U Y The south half of lots, conesaton 9, Town - Y the nited States, whilst elmoet ever C6 p ' If in p xienaeas been cura6 t° our die.^ H°ADL time, out8gr Pre to °anwaeae g a number of emall chip of Morris, containing ilio acres, 30 aorea Tho BItdDLEY•GARRETSON Yolapau �ilvvvidig it Belgian da is eadenoun a ' Yards, large enou h to hold each far- pec le as ° lu and to to the n uQ a cleared and in good state or Qtivatiyation, Toronto. Ca„ Limited • g seated, of the Dominion will b6 repro g j O ` r1a� a r Thel a are on the promises a frame hotlae, frame ' p .�Y1 admit; tflat Canada is exerciein an mere hoj;s aeparatelY before loading eo le of India,let as by elf means pro• b i r' g into the care, ae this Would avoid tbit the rrifiking ar)d the .sellin of barn, frame drive house, 1yleI�tILjrOP r $r�jteltal inflnenee for Good that she strapge hogs aetttn tailtn s good orehara, never• MUTUAL t`f IRE y that which has ruined so matj bor from the vpjlfv of spring water, situateciI into J td v.6 tiU� Mpted before. That is the fighting. g together and Rind Words and blasted so trianychhracters mea Toronto ... son'able termsg pf Bt to b,IIAMILso' on,Ytb INSURANCE CO. On the 8th of July our good friend, fed ecausefb eoothabhls for Wantoof A1Jrii. �.9t� to s f °T e., Lo R•, Ont. lT Execut r, 1}!ST'rigceas "ARRM • %ltfdtiI . I having a buaineas C}overn- they enefie, the count y s be imeere and y 15;Ei pTr 1 Ave„ London, Ont. + + the Clinton NEW E . IOtl], �$ &ISOLATED pypjl pR 1p(1tl t;l' ,Mr Mulock is working not on- all concerned, to avoid corn and °!d• 3F it live andR ro per reach lie• Lbt ua be tQarned r Y moatgrow ONLY INSURED OPERTY and fallow out these ideas, and !n a ll, YC Standard. years loimp a and mea}}ye Shat tberehair reven. -� _ Isxcollent Farms to Rent. tit °make the Canadian postal de- g three,timea 33._$1' y'the bad ex- New and wgndeMul Attractions year re two the Owing to ill health of hie wife, tho subscriber MOLoatt, Ill' O1vroERs el,' Ici°�iE��p>I`y` its way but to reduce good results. Y Will see enormous The Clinton NEw ERA is 33 re'woree Excelling all previous years, has deeldCd to ofrer his 6plendld farms o 6"' Watt President; Harlock I ' )lld;&'atbe o the public and thereby en- We might here aay that Ireland els vraet b bot rl yeatts of thin s shalt a'defleiency of rhbenue. Pqeer, P, o, y retains its youthful A! °holid li(XUors, thti '!i The bas°find to Brit, One of tho farina contains 80 aye, seaPorth P ' orth P.ro , 'tfOiCi'Sgt' iwbxe frequent and Intimate 10 shillings per 112 ounds O+ nth. 9yhannoq, Seo-Tros,kt apt oto oc' O'1 g _p over as the years rel] ztiesAgree,•rire'it run®t �t author- �ulyan•Rmerican lkar none iu Ar�tao°a s eta°t oe ouPlti alio °llTleared tf Ldtr lti tier lean etween the colonies 2 cents er p about bY• Brer, o}Wes steers prolific source ExOitingNavaland Military Diepinye leaned DII2EOTORa Lossoa, till< tr osr of lerland. As soon as the t en Canada,pound far bacon WeIi,-urin his craft of disease, death and'crithe. Then let hood rame hous., bepring orchard, bank barn �'• O• Broadfoot, seat ' more {;jiam Advance. ua Pace Whatever difficult The latest Inventions &Nov t0° nd a and stables; plonly of wntsr on rho R'tnthrop p, O,. 6yOp Orth; John tortbri>ll ins the new system into they follow out these princi ice ar real, ahs 'rent &rVa tbp' ap &rent silica lace Ana also igafdo cho bhtfdth .Alco lots E• Hays rKe Dale, seaforG' tlrieva, @0t is ;J>i," , OtTle who have occas• tr,entioned abo eche Spring because Exeter Advocate sa s•- „ y t evilpfrom parte of the world p gg 3• th Thas, ' , p We NEw ERA has just,� a ed 'iss 33 e] ije &MO sUarl being mabred 't at God is from a111'� 9th fog 83 soh of Hnliett, (near Eho OtherT con• O" Thos. Carblitt' Ol "ton aqa B°.°hwoad P, tit t Mite tp the Old Country spill thei`e if she tries, and Beach farmer in! Stop e. ab) CC pp taintug a3 acres, all cleared and seeded down. , Tblim V t11ko f'blltt# ton each letter, g The NEw Wr, l,9 & d and ba _ In the both farms are I 0 acres 0 do and Bruceaeld; John �, M.Loan, I{i as Framer, That dividltally should make a strong effort. pout}Cs are bad it to O°d 1°Cal whose God l,9 thrs iidrd ttfyt,� .mbere axed[ cions From without a foot of Waste Tana, and 25 sores wilt Ppon, itrh�ti�eral Government means, If hogs Were right in this country age to the tatvn in p Entries of Exhibtte close Au , 6th, AGtrrrTs Y tiduIsAcredajtlrOUghits ing that His VVOrd ib ""' g gravel Yt4rfailwbeat. Titatarmsareon cod a credit in iia °]d exalteth a brtti0n,'+ rtghtl'aUsi]esa entryforme, proms kms °sad' Br prii aliste graver dd Robert smith Aarloak Jna ri l a about 2 mike from g vllle; llobt. M0,44111an, So toith ' yoo $oltnee• i which it is printed, addreae Particular ` Eon' Will ti abo t, 2 infl d town of Olin. g$nnablo fl ur with, Priv e°s oC°trraoin t oris ming E4gqdvitle;Jghi1{ Jamoa. P1It)itlfhITTONISI. J. J. WITHROW, �, (lnoo. A� ' I °, !f g Morr{son hilaitoral ovehiook anl1 1' + Presidont H. J xIILL 0 ppp 9,OA the Promises, or by I°tton t t Parties de9giroue to effect insula Iiritcll Pdst 0 46c, set outer bq6t, p lroo o tiatrs• ?i Manager, Toronto `rIiOMAS 111Aggjv, on apPII?JA% On , 14G16o i tnttly.'AtidUm to '• addroosed to their r apeotitlo$�,� Ve offic.rp M, ;;;,,,yyy,,,���ttt ,. t •-, ` . �r <. . 1 ' fi i