HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-22, Page 8� 4W ��E CLxN��N NEi�F �� A , . � m � _ -.-,.--: � , �____ a�' r,xgext bicyclists DESMOND W�aR. TH� KINETOSGOPE. �1 uave alread suc- � Yt 1$ <4� r� 1' ceeded in ridin a � on anc� htxrted.daee�n m beanstsZ&ia, and ________ � C�. v�d� /�III� I/ single whe 1, gor [Dlrge Lor all lreland, lb8a j tor a moweut I mnst allaw I waa aE mT Extr�m� Wicen I�snqp conqiderr tha •volnmtiras ����� �' i � f� �i umcycle, for short Fuli gently, pltying rains! Doma elowAJ. wits' euele to knaw ho� T aaulci get down. ' 1i�U u�r geurl trttide with her eha oannot 1�01 •� ��� ��� �' %•� ,.� �� clistances. In yea�s springl • }3ut I soox� eolved that dtSioulEy,"nnd the � �iy lo�ing n9 -Z'hi;od�lphlu Narth tim�riean j� e.aused b Uriu Acid anx] other fm• � li�ll'� to come tl�e unic Ah, elower, elower yot! No aotee of gleel lnd drew himselY n wlth To uee, medioiae to oure oETeabs insLead uf I Y y p ru�eteuded prl�de. ' � Thct I'l�iinlah wurd Por �� pike" is spellcd urities lin exin �, Q � cle cnay become No mineLreleyt Nay, not one bird muet sing ����Q �� atlutbipg tho bennatalk� mp uo�U� P��ne e Oalecy Oo�m�ouud 10. �tt ri�l � p $' �' in the b1,o�xl, whieh ' i '� , `,,,� .-. as common a His ohallenge to the eeaeon. eee, oh. aeet �air Mad ven so lon thut it reaahed of vUe owuee, Fnipo's Clelery Oomponnil wktl� 40 letter�. �.+'laudere is a oouutry nave not Ueen filterQ�i out hy Lha $id- 1� '� mode of loco- Lo, where ehe line � � will muke ou walt nnd atron 9,11 �be I�vhero it uivat be oheaper to muke st�i Reys tfiroug h the urine. .7;�1�e seat o1 ;' '"'` ttiotion as the Dead, with wide open eyee, ��t �eay doven tp the euxth. I tug�ed �t 9 �' }�1011 CU tt3IIC.-StLU Ir111LUI800 BU�IOY+IIL; ( i}�o L•roubie 3s �ot in tho skin ar mus- '� "` all o�, ited 1t in sixfold strnnd�s and while you are asing it the nerves gain in A�Io�v York �nan has boen orrestad Poi �•• It's sick $idne s. Electricit � �, o bicycle:° Otrly a Uneheltered Prom the skies, � � "�•](- �� r-"� few years a o Alon9, uumarked, ehe liasl eb once kaegan to elide down. It grow power and etreogth, t}�e digesbiwe o���;upd , I �'O g sre full toned uni�loat 6ealsh is rmpialy b$��nS two wlvea, both oi whom livoa ���ments or piast�rs w ll n,m�t reQah tha �,1. � people w o u 1 d Then eorrow Sow, dnrk befare I was u quurter way �.own, so returnin � wtth him in tho sw�xne Sat. `PLis must up• �se. But t•he dis�ase C�� be / � � have laughed at And ye, dull hearta, thnt brook to eee her eo I mndtt a loop in the hair, ewung �nyself g• � � the idea that 40, go, gq gol into it an�3 went to sleep. It was a very l� ie e�treme lolly tra negleot the insigpi• �t Ll�e old ldaa thut ull flato are omull.-. � '� �/� J Oleyeland Leader. � � � � � �/ ,,�' all the w o r 1 d Depart, dull hearte, and leace ae to our woot �Ty bed� I CA21 assure you. I inuet l�ava flapnt ills, aohes, �ains wnd Eireci foe�lings `/ �� ^� -^would shortly slept for ubout n oouplo oi houre whdn I t6st aome peo�le 11�»»k apon wa merely A privuto 1n tho Fifth Oh10 ie eerving � be awheel. Drop foreat, drop yoar ead, acoueing tearst triflea. You ehould remember ehat the BIIdar s oaphuiu who wa� Yormer�p hia � J It is not in me- �end your soft rills udown tha eilent gladea, awoko, but bonumbod with oold. T�uokily , ooualiman. Tl�is iav't halt so be�d as ra• I wae tnken �vith a severe nttncic ot rhenma. �' � chanics alone that Y P y w its bmnohes reare, I had a needle etuak in iny cont. I aplit hot summer weuahee abgrnvxtev tha li4tle Where et the eneive a it1Y of life, and these 11Ltle ills fre uentl ��lning ut houie uud eervinS undt�n•s Hn• tibm an'd cou'd not turn myself i�� bed. I wae 'Qfe world is makin ra id ro ress. Not �ere yet no a�c pollutee the deoent ohades. 1t, lit a$rewith the ohipa, wurmod mqsel! q y 3 perauadod to try Dr Elob �s' �paia5uv I{idney g? P g develo into aesious aiaturbsnoes and dend- itor.-Cl�icago rewe. Y111s. They soon ut me many years ago all phystcians pronoanced 6how forth her bhter woe, snd sgain laid down t►qd Eell asleop. A p , h p vn auy tcot a�rnin. consumptioa an incurable disease. To•da Denounae her turious fae, e urlc froin the flre Pell on m hair ro 8 ly diseasee. Ye,iiu,e s C�lery Oompound When thu war ie over� tho A,rnoricun La�p t_an ono box ourod m� eo anmp vCely t1i,�t s large ro ortion of eople recognize that $ee piteous etory ehow, snd burnad it a art so that !t dividecl in- ehould be uaed a,G once to braoe up Lhe dia- publia �vill ramemhar the panket line I ha�e raturned again to my work in the 1.nke �� � That ell ma know. p ' eaeed nervee, pariEy the blood aud lortif whioh eolci ite ph1 e to S nin nor Yxill th� bhoro lbopntr ahope ae welt ax over. it ie a st�nctly cura le disease. Doctar � to two, and i fell down to the earth and 9 P P � WM. A. fioaoFtu��q Adrian, Mioh. � ierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures Then qniokly call tl�e ayetem. W.esk children, frail and peo�le Porget to truvel by so�o�otk�er lina. per eent. of all cases of consum tion. 7 6 ovea. Bid them !rom thoir eta• eank into !t up to the ohost. I aould not Iam pleased to sny that Dr Iiob6s' 8parn�ae Yonr oun le weary women, and tired and broken-down -�-San Franoieoo Crall. I{idney Piil» nre the musb retioviu remed 1 tione tell move, and ao I was obli�ed to go home , B �� t has stood the test for thirtyyeara. hou- men find n new exietenoe in Paipe s Celer It would be u'oko on Ea lqnd; 5Y it wa� hnveever used [or rheum�utism. You may usF sands of eo le who were iven u b their Fell, fall, fall, Lallt and fetch a epade und dig myselY oub. y � � thla aa v testimoninl !on 61tio hpne6t oC o6herE Till of their reen the Com ouiid, nature's trne life• tver. to cru thie tulk of a iriendlyt� ullinnc� A4e I wne oroasingourflold, eontinuod ._ .._ w�oare afl]lated. Onei�;�ss F1Las, Vnteran ol doctore, and had lost all hope owe their a11 6 Y weavo her taneral " '� p g wlth tlie United Ststqs to a, aint wher� Civil War, 284 Adeleide .�t , lletrotG. Mic4. livea to ihis marveluus remedp. It acts p the bog, with a very serioue &ir, T found S�PlM!l E�OWER NAML3. � direetly on Yhe lungs, driving out all im- �d yon, ye wavee who �nard tLat �veetera the►t t110 reuperq were outting the aorn, but • Uanada would conoludo b1�aA !1� �vanted ta pnritiea and disease gernie. It restores the tbe heat was ao intense that the deolurcxl he annexod.-Ohiaugo Rec4nd. Ur. HE►�bU,•' a�petite, corrects all disorders of the diges- o�OPe, Y Wosd� 'ibeal Bwrs� to 8how tho Saant or tton atren hene tl�e weak etomach, makes �� no white orownRl Thie i� no tima to they aould' not work $ny longer. So I th�, fetlswweteristla ol the Plwn� �• �lAdetone wne an,ptla.e.r man wha � wenr just ran �ae fost ae' I could to . the atnblep , owed uiuoh to his wiPe. L•Ilri dovelop�ruenl ������ the assimilation of the life-giving elements '!'hese � uauny p flower e name that grp�u narrow To ism tv; buclad Liberaliem of the food perfect, inyigo�ates tLe liver, `�e livery ot hope. Wa hava no hope. and fetohed -our mara. 8he- is two days 1'Y Blao�ase p�d leedeA Broye beflt deapelr. lon and as brored as midni ht giveQ uis a c�uaint bit oP history or ioiklore is esid to have beeu ala,te puriSes tke blood`arid''tor(es "fbenerves. It goll past thet open gravs � g' witb ��� or �►s.hea qpun ue a ohasmin 7a f�}t due to be� y g glimpse oII uiet etead �s the great blood•maker and flesh•builder. treea. groYving on h.e; bao�, and und�r`her q , y inflnenae,.�-H.oaton Herald. �iii) ney Yi118 And let thy billowe lnva ita miyuaba and aseooiates. Saaifrage, for gome o1 the ' Cierm+� oaperts are oar� g'fKC BALE IIY It does not make flabby flesh 11ke cod liver g�r �+rh w t, aopld not eava ebadow the reapere were abl� to qoAtinue �A�t&� �, g�ne bret►ker ,bsin a u Viv- � oil, but the &rm, muscular` t�asu� of abso- ,�? +�s to cut t�se oorn,' The, rea now b� �n ' � g P fenrfu� thst t�o Unit,ad Stubea volunteer� lute health. An honeat dpaler will not '.L't►bri opet�� vdide � oo�n lain thet the "weie�thirst T�e ���" A Pioture o! the plaoes-tb� gr8y RriII not be ab1B to 4tand hetoro tho S an• SYDNBY, J;$1G''ICS�A�, 'Dt'uggist, Yonr weetern arme to where tho rainalond� P Y Y• Y P o�'cr xou an inferior substitute for the sake bid� ' wantad aow� �osh, cooL vq�ter to ,c�rla�, �leftQ cir arevioee of, the rooks-wheze Vve leh veteranq. Tb,orsa Ciermun espert� dLLNTON, ONT �of a l�ttle added pro8t. And hide, hfde, hide. They�hhnd been tb� tHe riVe�' tb get eome, �� its`modest white fldWer. Rosemary, ought to fpin a�n'b Worry olub.-(�al D Leti none disc�m,i�e Qput �eb,efee �ha.bm died. but .it��?e�s oll lrozeu over. So I t �g og named trom the Latin worde meaning dew �eaton �isive. -' .i�,ASY... W,hitW.�A�r.. �P.�.. l�E.a,. �,f� � 1N+.. p �� �� 3ira�tin Co , N'. '5�., wriEes: �'ar nearty �en -Emily Lawleee 4n Literatnra m�b14tl.� broke a hole in �0 fo� w,lth � °? ��x� bt.�ea, tellp us,ot qal� eQa mprshep The MUnneapalj9 Times wondere wh� months I hnve had a bad cough, and ittatead ot � sprin le� with iLo pnle ptuple bloome. �� ��. getting befter, itB�'��y worse. I wne eeld tA hevc and ied them water in my hand'e. our yoqng �nen tpke to the law in�tvad o1 con u t�nn. i tti�d Dr., P.ie e�s G_qlden bted- . , MoAb.ot� our autharities slerive the marigold p � « y� Whm�* ave you left� ,�o�-t#ee�dP orietl�A�l ,� , , to tsrmi�R. We eupQoeai�t lsbeosu�se the� , 9ca1 acavery,.�ad w`Mrri`thH` tcoa�'bottie was Tg� ,. OLD OIt1E the rettipere !n diemay. I put m hxnde ��° �� e�old,' s`ad it 1e so name8 �ook Lorwnrd to bein • 7 am preparod to bay thie seseon s oli� em i ha{�.nocaugh,+�nd•wna cure,d." ,. • y ia a qr , or bQo� abouL plants, ot th� B PPointsd reqeiverl . of Wool, wa ueaal, at the �� up and Lound it wnen't the}+e, Irninedi• •��� . oP bxnkrup6 hanke qt Prom;7,000 to;10,� . � cood'�emper is aEol I ran baok to the r13er' sncl ihere '�t�' 000 a Benmiller 'Woollen �il��S la�g,ely a mattec �� � � y0a�'. ThuO bauto lwrtpinQ.-St. Dr. Pierce s oi � d h�al�h,. ��Take thie ,Gor�t to the raill and grind wae iny head lyin$ juet where I had left OEher names glve oome etriking oharao- pa� qlabe, � teristio of tLe plant itself, as phloa, eigni- • FOR, aad good health is:1atgFi � t�_ � qf healtlj�! !t, �aid q pe�saui to hi4:pon. it." qlad�tone ond Dieraeli rest sido by sid� .uctivtty of the boweis. �r. P�rce's pteasant "All right, father," esid the lad, 4nd he ' 1�t1n {lame� xro,mlte glavving mase of ool- y, y HICkHEST C,.iiSH FRIC�E Pellets cnre constipation. The� are safe, sure The pld OnB; Aegt►q �tp w�rlggle end �RIBb in Weetll�iAster abb0 The , traveled dl!• and speedy, and once tekcn do not have'Lb bn ehou�derod tha snok ot corn, ond soream with luughter. or, $ bhe anempne is the windflower, ferent political roud4, but both worked fo� takeu aiways. one �itkle �� rettet �� Is a eent�e But� beware, onutioned the father, ��Sto eto ," ho eo�acshed, "or I �hsll �w$,ing,,danoing, l�ending ot everybroath En land's gio Or in eaohange tor mannfaotnrod artiolei .� p� p of tYiie `�¢ind. Plin tells a rett �em 8 r9� aud the nution honon lazative, and two a mitd not to grind the oorn it the old on� ie burstl Oh, my," he groanod, "I don't � p 9 atO� quollq ns fuithlul eons, Ib ie a 8n� catharti�. The nr�er P Q u. th�t ite bude opea at tlie wind s oall. Th. JCSSE GLEDHILL gr3pe. Drugglsts scll them. 1�' �+�S. ���� wont to lau h an mpre,", leaeon in olitios oP the lar er Yind.-9t. � "Have notear, father, �'11 take oare," �Bnt you ust hear t$e eAd," eaid the pDOd�1�Se,, or woodbjuid, !a named irom �uis Qlobe-Demoorat. � orieci the•ln� as he a w its olingi'ng growth. Shakes seeme -' g y�y wonL'oS wit3r LL po�_ A aunnln� old foa had etealth}ly �re POI N TS OF LAW. load. � • fond� o! the woodbinr and� makee B�atriaa i 9 orept to my headnnd vc!as juet beginning � �� ON�ARD BICYCI,� �0 In a little time he arrlved nt the mlll, � aw m braina Sottl aoftl I got hid� IterBelf in a` woodbine oouvQr,ture. Ip yoa're orozed with headaohe, send i� r A bill oi eale o�a13- oi ead's ro ert to snd there�to hisab hefoundtheold one � y 9' 9' Plantain and planetree are from a word Milbaru's $terlin Headache Powdera et� P P 7 � behlnd him and gnve him a tremendoue meanin broad p it in a minute. l0o and 25o at all dealeie w certaln creditor ae seourity for the debt B�ding hie corn, kick so that he flew high into the aia a � Bnd tnli is derived from --LL-- van�ot ba aon�trued �aa'.s , generri} aesi�n• "Never mind," enid bhe boy to himselt, Up, up he rosa I watohed him vunlah the eastern word for turban, ita oilken tsx- �v■� n me�hl�tos tlio l3eneflt of all oreditora. "I'll go on to the tteat mill and grind mr �nto the dim distance, and no one huoevex ture und gayly colored stripee suggestin� REPAIR �7ai�r. oorn. ' the orleatal covering for tha head One who mnkee o falea representatiop eeen•him since. !BhAn x pnt bn my� hend ■ He ca�e to the eecOnd mfll-nnd the T�A glhdfolue (little sword) ie so oalled ��� �� �'� on zuhioh another reliea � iir�1lstile, wh'bthei ond oame straight to thie mill to grind �ny 8nbe�riber hae his eetablieh- or 1aq'G`:�q Ymew of its fulel eaak of corn seemed to be win ve probably fmm its ehnrp, eword ohaped ty, wheruhe had Bi'a � rY� corn. The millor told mo I might use hie ment fitted up with the beet hea and ttrere � leavea and the e lantine diminutive o! of msohiner ena6lin tnll opportunity to kt�ow that itwae�false. °Y`- � he found Che old »>ill to grind my corn, `but,' said he, I the Frenoh aiguille) fmn�i ita pieroing, Y� g him Ar�aip ot>goude fre��on board`�rii'a�ee ��� oae grinditPg hie Co�: a 'take heed nnd do not ind our oorn at For '[nfants and Children. to do sll kiuds of repair work. ao "Bother P' growlad out the boy. "I ni httiine for the mil�e haunted snd if needlelik� thorne. Cocoanut ie from the n(►�q� paxrier at the ploc� of ehiptneni Quppoae I muet yet go Eo tho neat m � ' ' 8panieh 0000, or bngbeer, descriptive o! Speoial attentiun given ta overhaulin� tLa �ujer d agent ond aneweruble for dam• , :,� � any innn ie so foolhardy se to aome here The taa and re airin oE Bio ales, n,nd ridere ca� ay�e�aresulting &om dWg': in trans orta- And theie I, ll Bu�e}y �tlh$'my dorn. uftsr the eun has set his bod all battered the �neer, irr}pieh little faoe at the Uaea o! simile Q�� � �Q � p g Y r p 9� the� � nu�' Naeturt�uin whioli me�ns dgnatnre . �%G`G erery rely on work of thie nat•ure being promptl� ` tio�'�:' _. Panting nnd puffing Le• arrived at ths and bruised, will be found in tho morn• « � „ ' vra es, aad aatiefsctoril attended to. � � VPhere a telegram ma�in� an o�er �nd third mill. And lo �'rid�beheid, there agatn, ing ��� no e�cvieter; givee u pioture o! the per- ot , /!� � Y a . to hi� extiem c}i �ation, w�e the old eo�,�melli�& tj►s bloesom apQ involunte- Onward Cyele C��:, ��diag imniediete aoaepf�tnos"�'as ` se� �� � The boy said these worda • very s�owly �� bOntbrtiii hls leaturee lrom the etin o�ie grinding his oorn. 7 8 8- Yerrin Slock� Cliutol a�i �4;.a,b IQ p.�m. S�t�t�rda� and aoce�tanet E, , „ and aeriouely, lop$in� the old one strai$ht in an& Uur H EA LT H A N D H YG I E N E. II. L. BRO W N Mans er. Notr a etep farChe"rwlll I�+o, mnttered g '� �tent odor.' P1nk introduoee aot ma�e t�ll Dionday, it did no� bi�pd tht in t�e face, Tbe olci dne atopped Iuugh- � g o� �„ �; 6� the . kioyi, raDbin�.: the: svp�eat oS hls duetp na bg e► g,roup o1, wo�d� thaC at Srst_ eig�►f ,:-� t: n �=, r L in slld be a hu diu�e andtnrm m�d loCtk , laoe with,�ie ehirt aleeva "I'll wait it � g� - sbeni voryoddTy S�T metohed, Por this dsin- - --�--�----- o�sLlie, seller a laflure to delivei' good� very uncomPorta'bia til ed flower t A man walkin$ four miles an hour tnkee need b� to thd b�9�ek ot doom; and when he �� �Oh, I don't mind ths�, lleri' I ea1d. �� B'� e ite name pink from �n Sva time� aa much oaygon ae when at TII? old Cliuto� PLA3� ING MILI a000rding to tbe term's o# the tiargain.th� ���u�t$.hie oqrq I'11 grind mipe." , , � the-Dutoh�verb'pin�en, to piok out with e� m of � demages �3if�� dl�e"r�f�bFd� �e- •�ti „ Don t you fear for me. You just go to rest. J �Ilo, youngeter I oried the old one, ehurp i�strwnent, ae a border ie pinked !a t �t�ie opnUraot prlc� nnd the msrket bed and leave ine alone. I aan tnko very notcihed soa11Q s for decoratiion:� Charmin I �°°b m� � an athletio team should el• -- valn� o`! tlii �rticle at� thi tirui �vlien and who.now•pretended tn see the lad for the good care of myselt.' - So�tha.r.miIlor. went � <<• �� g �vaye gaes a preliininary ezamination be- H. STEVENS, PTOp1 ietor Sret time. What do qou want here�, pia'�u're3 are �ivea by the euttdew, with plao� �aHer� it waa deliverable. >, to bed, and I went 1a51de the mil�. It wae itd::apar�tin leaves; "the daieie, or ela� � tore eriter�ing nuy contest. - Whei� am in '� 3iace oom hae denied p�p �, alreAdy dnrk, aticT`1-h`ad`4iardhy 6�8`4 in- � „ An oqerdeveloped heartwill be of no in• �he 41d originsl Cooirsutor and Bnildex � p� x�yvant to-grin$�my aorn, the e�e o! t e day, ee �hauoer oallr it, �111�iC ;'�"$nc�'.,�efused '�'d�j&j�the f�td'�-ni �i „ side the pluce two minutea when the door �m ite babiQ of o n oonvenlence i.t the indj;vi aal keeps u a w�v had tnsdei Clinton his bome for fort; an]��� J��YiZ;�M:waiv�,�o,tight td;fa�- _���:"' x'�as h.ere iireb, eaid the old e de{s�lywpe+ned �ad'dn oame a tsble beau- the oetere �i 'th «�>�ng at dAwp� end norma2 a�nounb of bodily pRerciae, p �yeare, ie etill ip bas�nese with a modern �1a0 upen proofe of loas and csnnot olaim °��' �nd T oan''� iet ybu� ddriie mntil I ��,,���� �_ •�d over with all sorLe e e s�atre of the Seld. n to-date Faotcr ' a tif 1' �' Thv ea eito blue P h,tfv,6,�nished, and I ehall be uges yet. qui apeedwell and the .After Pac+sing oompotent ine eotion of �" y� nd is prepared to fil , the ben t o1 a 60da�olans� ln the polib�; � i+'p'ou oan't grind three mills ati on� °t g°°a thinge, boiled meats and bnked beo�ou,�,ng,ppra7a,ol. tra¢elec's,joy�oee��to b�t an� lnngs n wou13 be athlete need ��I orders ot whatever desoriptioY�, on sbor w. +md ine�red e..s�noa.,,: . ecent Da ,�a .,, meste,.dellfea.aflc�vrnu►'me'V�*i��anh�a3�s, fear no dan n tiue and the lowest terms; firet-alae ; ; ' : . . � . � . ..r ,--R time5. �-?►�.&i'��Y''�1��"b�' ,:• -: ` : - . ` ; V� fling us greetirige froiri meadow snd hedge- Qer iran a grad.usL syetem of 4 oioioni-oi'S# s�'�om�a:- " tarts and eweetmeats oi every kind Bu6 I treinin vQt�.E'gman=hip gnaranteed. CONTRACTE "Pll tell you what I'll do," said th� mw. The bright Iittle heartaesse reaohea 6• for buildin s taken, nnd a11 kinde of baild the most remarkable thin was that ev- g � ma�, taking no notice oi the boy's taunt. = g content, &niI there is e sorE o! �o�s] in I Whero the hbart is orgaaica}ly diseesed in� material #prniehed as deai. ed, THE EO KBOOK. � '�i�11`;,agre� that enah tell one another a erqth��i�n.�"�am�uby itself, tor there wae no � ar��h��rus,hy�ood an�}�^•�t}ngle�i,,qjne� � Rnd the peraoa entere 1mmeQiotoly upon � ._. _ .. . one t . . a�y �� . 8�'". .: i�t8ira ��b to d it. 34 lot��P ,��. .- - ta� sand Whoever tells �!!e+#1d�bt 13upi+�br (�i►t�ru'dtsp,J ,'�►ud, �h�i�`]ctrid'rg�i� ` vt eomo tremendous mvsoular teak the hear� i��'��,i�i a�:di `le�`�'�d`Pt� n ' ltAd bTe�'�m oseible Eale ahalliaa' a�thami 'to g�i�aTe�' gll-puahing'b�l"e1n'���ve�. Bati�uo b�. nia �.The Pic���d � eYx'' n�ii�t�tr maq give wsy. kTENRY STEVEN�, ,.y . -.., t � � . � P . � � c ; . . � � b ,. � '1u , 4 .f �.,. an ;. ve :;£ b�a c�*d yp�lf,'whdn �rine� ie rn. :,� �+. P° ��� ��• 4�en n1�,0�; u��. �en�.I �w .�r��� �'� �° �;���,:���;�r� �Villiam Btreet, Clinton, immediately in {� �'nse �'iE�k�� I �j � ,, � aiid�:hgni:�:�v'e , Iv ti man aL zest tho heart does prum � g ffid @ecl��itto"�oa�0ea: " e 1, haE eeem� ~Pair' eh6tlgh, "' d&f8 g q�t'�� ��- h�i�de. 'P�iAy �lsok "t�p` the �Soh ie a rubbing np the fur in e wronQ tically all the work. Whon the , mun behind t�e Park. Thie ente w hnrd orunt the bo ."Tell knives and Lorke and laid food on the p� y your tale 8ret, and then direotion, to e k fl�urativelp, an�l.,t@aeel, works, the musclee nid laxgely in the � i � To poe?�?m �" � ley; �, th�': � I'll tell m e." .. P���, and Ghe Yood dieap eured,� bu� �� c},�p � bniioh• � ,� �� � Aip�jvkl�,^Gh,( . like-plant"WhO�e i�bwer blood pumpi�g ptocess. I qniokl t;�bllin wa � to ms ii�• a "G1ood 1" eaid the'• old �ons, A�`;' �.���`�� ,��` ., W 3 I!�$gi ��` ��'e�d"ey�'tdhen ,•arg= sometliites ` used tor � 7� B '�9 �e �on w �* F9. lahoring ivan will in a day eacrete 8�����(e� ��rserl� bri111anE �;�`tlien put,�-fnt�e'�hobKb�bn` �o� a long tale, and ib'v�sen't v�itq funny� �' �0����t��" "O�to'th�'tabte and �ising tha nap on woolen oloth.-Ella F. I thron�h the'Tungs, in the form of onrUonia �1 b ate'�vith tpose who wore eating and en- ior a Sew auinutea � to_.dry„_tJior,pug.bi�,.. aan.cl,f� vy�ia�n't very wise, eo I won't tell 1{ �ioeby in St._Nloholas,, acid gas, an auio�iiit oP carbon equivulent Sreal� into 8ne.flakea, tp ypnh,ara, _ joyed myselE WhB�i I had eateaes-m�- to u lwv of coko a� bi as his two flst�. If �on want comething new aad rather `� ' 9 �� ae I could," �said the boy,, ",and .I en ose P g � Cun t ou do 1>etter than thatP eneer� �� T� ��� nioe bske our bread 'ifdt tt���� ed ttli�h�o : �''��P�°there''hscll �AaY�' As�mtich �bs ey � The rotored People's church �.nd par- Under praper iuusoulur eaeroise th� J � y � P��aQr � sqna, e t�� C1n io cvood were desl ro ed heart cirivas the blood !n inoressed voinme , oans. Flil tha aane hyl�f ; fuJ�,��,d,.do ntot o"Ilet,'a see whab you oatp do, my yonUg could, too, for p],1, t�� d}'s1�pN werg qni�ts, h�� .�he e h�s been bad feelln 9�o not oni i�hrott h the musoles oonoerned Oar stoak of fruit und omamonte,l trees bein� 000er. The bread will iiake 9n a few min- �$'�`ow I" snarIed the old one, angry ��' gu'����� 't}�� Iiglite "were� enu�ed t he crin�r� atidn. g bi�t. thron h al� arta of the bod and the completo, we nre repured w otPer to tho pub out and I,waq �i�i�,pitch��esl�. g � P y' lio for sprin nbee. Slioe thin and nitc�itate�o� the plate ��ee`�b��� bis bale had mnde eo 1ttt1A !m- ��g�'ba P' lavgh�d, old one osqgea absorbed by tho lunge is.00nve�yod S P�ant�ng a very choiee lot oP with slice�,pP brown bresd. , D�'e��op• "Now ooniAs ui turni�� ��' �re Marbha�M. Pla�ce. �t New York, con- thron h trhe e etem morethorou Opull;in myyoun� days I was ui �" vioted oi murdarin� her atep-dau�hter, bas � Y ghly, wit�h Applc, Pla17n� Pe�P, Cherr� If, a,piece:ot beof ie ro4sted rare und hali q� an "Nob �juite•eo Fastj zny ftiend," eaid'the 'been ssntencAd to an electtio ohair. better elimination of waste materiate. and Pexeh tree8� at suitabli ef ft is lett,-thie may br�p'ut in a roru�ting °ld man," commenCod bhe boy. "P�very boy. "fihen' without Cho 1 et wurqing, .�,;,,�'"'" Every contraotion of nmusoladrives the ptices. Lrvergreens n epecittlty pan, with`Pour puncea of suet undor tlie morning I used to count the beea. That � HUMIF�ER COMPLAINT wae uite eas � I�elV�l a�ba on �mq g�re. blood out of that mt�sole bq equeezing the Larqe etock oP small Fruite, meat a,nd tho snme umonnt dn top, nnd q Y, You know but I never �� Oh, ond a qerg good thing, too," eaid Carries off thoaeande of ohildren every veseels which, �us a network, pieroe it, snd Choice list of apring boddtn Plunts. roaeted for froan fd0 to 2b minzites in a l�ot abuld count the beehivea, for there were eo Price 3ist muiled on applica�ion. oven end it will be as the old one, rubbin� hie hande together year. Mother, yoar ohild's not eaFe unlese the musolo ie thus emptied. When re- , good ae it it had many. with suIlon eBbisfBotiion: ' you huve a bottle of Dr rowler'e Extra :t c f luaed agoin, the blood ie drivon inbo %he � ae�ar been cooked before. � That'e curiona, grunted the old ona „I qtruak baok A �Vild Strawberry in the house. It ia al- muscle and a ain s ueezed out on thewa John btewart Estate, n�n�li,�, Oae morning the queen boe wns mies- B�d isard �lovP, I cnn K 9 7 ing. Wlthaut u moment'e loss oP time I 8�eure you, fn return, cnlling out who waye prompt and effective to oheck and to the heart, so that every mnsanlar aotion SPANISH OM�LET. �ever etrikes mewill get hie etrikes repaid cnro all buwel complainte. helDs thg heart. M�pE (V� E A I�AiV enddied my oock and set o� in sen,rch o! a,��.h ir�terest.' Bc+fore I had flnished $on. 6enator (�owan, of Barrie, hae eent the bee. Very soon I aaine upon her Bpain bus few die�ppeartng �nne in hrr sp�a#ing I gat a 6econd bba- an th� a,ar, a further subeoription oF �400 to Prinoipnl � �� track. Bhe hud flown ucrose the sen, bub „ Innd battories, but epehaa �11 kinds of dis- I wasn't to be daunted," snid the boy, and didn't I strike out with nll mq might Grqnt towarda the fonndation of a 8ir nppearing ehips.-St. Puul Dispatch ��nnd etopped by thesea. 8o I roda acrose And maiu? Thus we continued to flght Jobn lYlaodonald t�nmorinl chair. S � � apgin hne thought al� t�ie whilo that her the whole night long, and t�phen morni�nq � � ��heu�na���n� it on a bridgo. As eoon ne E arrived nt camo I saw v�ctoiy wae to �be t�ony i'f won at �11, in yoii lying thero ull binek an3 Parta or �lAnna.-S roouse St ndnrd. the other aide I saw tho queen boe har- bruised. I"- ORCHARD AN D CaARDEN. o 9 � nossed to a plow and plowing a beanflold. <<No morel No morol" I� will be nobiced th�st the powera are 'Thab's my bee,' I called out to the �nnn 9elled the oia � 30UTH AMERICAN R�IiEUPdlATIG �URE ` aot off�c�ing intorvention betwecn tt�o who wae �uiding the plow. one, and he etufied hie flngers in his eare Swfno will dostroy the whlte grub !a 8ank oY Spain and its dopoaitora.-Iiansas "' Tuke it and welcome,' said he. And snd got up as fuaL ne he could ttnd shuflled the strawberry Uode. A UNIVERSAi. LI@ER'A�OR. _. _. ijity Journi►1. ' he gavc+ me U�ok my boo �und a Um� Pull oP off And nevor wae seen again. l�iulc�hiiig wlth to6aoeo eteme will keep Tho �►brongthening of Uadiz nnd Ciibral- bemne in paymout Por ita lnbor. Then I Tbe boy at onco set towork to grind bie awn,y tl�o currant worms. ReIiet in sia hourst Whab u�ln•t mes- tar wonld suggeat thtet Spnin bolioves thuE hung the Uag of beane on the beo'e baok, corn and then took tho flour homo to hia ln priu�ing fruit troes cut out all tL� eage to the pain-rnciced, b�d•ridden, des- Vnaiq Sa�n rnay do a littlo singeivg of the took the aaddle otY the 000knnd buokled ib fathar. wouk, cru�vili�d, worthlcas,Ure�nchee. P&►�BeufPeror Rrom rhoumlt-sm's oruel Bold in Cliaton bq Sydney Jackaon, "Whore'hnve you been so lony s timeP" After thc� +recs cwne into boaring orop� araep-and this is a fact, borne out by druggiate. Eing of 8pnitt'e pinafore.-Philndoiphia on the bee. The poor bird w�tis so fa�ged dblumes o! ovidanoe, for thie Press, aud tired he couldn't go a stop fr�rther, so eaid hie futher. pin�; tlio orc�ard, as a rulo, doea not puy. Rreuco�t ot �� Wuit until tomorrow and then I wili pain conquerore. /y Tho done believe in doing oae thing a4 I took hold oP h1s hnr.d e�nd led him along. „ ' Blnck kno6 should be reznoved irom Rhoumntiam !e ourublv-South .tmor!- A QIrI�OD tell you, Psther, asnwered the Uoy. a tune. Currenb reporte indicnto thati All went well until �ce were just ut the plll]T11bll(1 cheriy troog as soon as disoov can itheumntlam Cure ie an absoiul;e Eurly the neat mornin� the millor oamo �•eei. th6y e►re atill busily engagod putting down eud of the bridge. Then the etring oP the epcciflq and radicaliy cuies tho moet aud told liow hts mill w�s now released � tha revolnti'on in pliba.-Philudolplil4� bag broko, nnd all tl�o beans rollod with a 13otter let tho hogs or poultry ec�t th� atubborn eaees in from ono to three doys. from the epell oP the old one. Then ths ' riorEh Amorlcan, rueh and n roi►r inbo tl�o sea. I wus tired frnit t;bnn let it lio on tho g}�ound undei '• I eUtt'ered intensoly from rhouma,tism � boy told the��niller and hie fnthc�r tell thr�t oub by thie time, " et�id the boy, "and I b8� bAppened, und fn hia joy the iniilor �d trees nnd rot. n�n neolattoa. Tr�ed many remedioa nnd • oouid not be bot�ered any more, eo I just In Tnrtrketiing fru9t do aob wait until � PbYejClaua wichoi�t any Inscing gavo the lud a l�,rgo sum of money, so thut beneflt. e tew d,paos of 9onch llmorb tied tho cock to tho bco and lay down on he aud hie Pathor wero ublo to builda uiill fudly ri�x�, or lt tvill bo in u dumaged con• can RhoqmaLioCuro wonderfutl� helped tUe Aenel�oro nnd went to eleep." diJ:fon wlaan pnt on tho market. mo; two bottlos cured me."-E, Erret0. � "-- "'i �xi tho cock to tho bee?" repeated the For themselves.-Annio C. FIyatt-Woolt in `; Merriakville, Unt. Madame. q tfllcing care tn 1c111 tho flr9t pe9te th01 Thoue�and� of froed elnv0e t�il !h� Travellers ����i ��'a ln 9ncredalous tones. appear in tl�o gurden tho work of keeping aame o3or ,� � ' ��'hen I uwoke in thc� morniu " con- y-don�t saflir wn hou� � � j tinn •�L tho boy distlainPully, u h�eeding Not Flattered at Home. tlie plants xid oY bhem 'vplll Ue greatly IesH- long�er+,-2� -.,, � tli�� ��torruption, "I s�uw th�t the beure htul The worid'a favoriGo6 in liternture snd enad. . SOLD BY W ATT� & CO. CLINT�.v __�'��,1 wl ' Should alwa s earr with HFl! ��i my bee, and nll tl�e honey had run &rt meet wfth so much approval and Qi►t- �nleaohe3 wood dshes mnke one of the ` M� y � nur, �+P its body,'� terq that it ie at tlmoa n wonder how they 9ory best fertilizera for the strnwk�erry. them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's �• �,bY dldu't tlie b�:Lrs liok up the keep from becoming inordinntely voin oY �1•°un<l i�one ie ugcellent to apply to th� ])1'CL�OU'S 5-- ""^�"'��, � � �iu • yY" g9bed tho old oiio. their aohievements. Porhups a poep be- �s�'���I�ri°H. , Extract oi Wild St�'awb�e�r�• ' Lick up the honeyt Oh, yon s111y1" hind the eaenos, given by A3r. .T. D, Barry � tl�iz�ug�i tlie orohaxdbao�eionnllyand ` �=�'� Su�,� cl.o boy, shf�+.:ing hia hend. "There ���e Literary World, may do a little to- �etbatithoro areno euokers growingfrom Sys(em Ii,E�10vAT0]R, �,. � , -�� ��•i, riv�rs aP honey. They h�id bcen ward egplaining tho oiroumstance. the roots of tbe treep to eap the etirength � Tha ohAnge of food and water to wbioh d �•ned su the Honeq, But I ooulrin'b mhe wriiar oiico pnid a vieit with eoine oP tho main utom. gN7� OTBER TEB'1`FD REMEDIEB � r. ��� thoeqssho travel ore eubjeot, often �ro- „, c. 1 picicod up a hatohet a,�fd r�n with �'ionds at tho hbueo of one o4 tho greatest a� kinda oE fxnit treesf eepeoially pesoh duces an attaok of Diarrhoea, whioh id aa fi itci t}w forea� '1'hero I eaw t�wo etu s of �ronoh paintors. Aftor looking n�t i�is treoe, ehould Uo headed lovp� and sl] ' � anplaaednt and discomforting �� it•rn�y I ;t�: ; nuout o�i ona leg. 1 rushod ub AiutiureS the guoeta epoke oY tl�em admtr- brnnohes �hat grow ou� long, 83� o� ts�r �p�CIFIC AND ANTIDOTE y,,,,..:�r'"" bo dangeroue. d bottle of Dr. Foivler'n ,�„ Icillcd them with bno biow ot inq , inglq to tl�e artist's wifo. �l�o shrCiqged �buZd'bWav,E bAok� to ��rdpe� igngih.� �'or Ympun�; Weak �rnn$ Impov'erishea � Eztrap,����W�id �Strnw,berry i,n.,yott�!.gxip n,�rchot, aki�iired tliom nnd mttdb 't�+o � her ehoul�lors snd replied coplly, "()L, ho �h�nKn� :. _�,...:_:� � - Blood� I7yegopei�, Sle9p18ssneeg, Paipatu• Is im�ortaut to T11d8t �80��6. g&arantee,o�' aa�e�y. On tha: Srsb �n- �,• ,���,r �ottlEs of Ehoir skigs. 't'hbeo I hae tfotlsin� �ls�r to do 1 ':i`hat .G'ronoh ._,� }� 1 '� tion ot.the H'e��t, LfVo: Oompl4;int, Nen- �� 1S �110 ull that counts. ot �lrampa, Cofio, Diaxrhaea or �,,, a�vith honey, elung tHem aoross tho Pnintorwoufdnlwayspoasass thoan4aguard - ''• '/► raFaia, Lose n4 Mamory, BronnhitiH, C1oa- p $�; � f�v doeeg i�iilt �5romptly ,,,, ��A l�a�k and flev� nrt+ay ho�fa.; When I oE hnvi�g ono porson abont H1m who ��1+,���%�%�� $ gilti]pE�4p�;Gi��I �OLC9� Jaundiae,• I�,idn6y Summer Boot� ?.,1�1� ��IOCs advanco 04 theeg diaeaeer: ,. , wbrtld not be rofonndl im �} ,; : t homo, my fathor wae jueG born, and P 9 P���d �vith --- - -•- - , antl T�rinary b�eeaees, �t.. �itas' Danos ��� �� Qt at �e�sertab�e 11C8� +-�'mll ' ,.•� niotis�r eaid' t tnt�st e to heat�ett and l�le porPor�nanaes. , ' �'�malA it;egqlarities and GFeneral Debilit � � p ,y with ��. ., ,. s i�no holp ti�uCofl, s6 that :h� boUId bo i A� ,hnglieh uavbIlbt t�V'tt� e41ib11Y vVe1T ��� �� I y by calltng on us. bv r��y ����;i�„at o-'` � �. 01i�oUYri'etl311C6d. r�o ukea � aa � . ' � LabUlCdt.O��'� GOd�i'l�i',ill� O�lt. � Y •,p,�rly 1ia17tized. Bu� th'e troUbie W�A; y tihab hle �� � , a cfater� td 'its' tlr�dtb; ;,,,��• �vas I tb gbt tHo�e� Dtti�ingtha nighb wif� i�Ovb� r�ad i► b'oo�: or }11e Un1�ss,sOme � ` , J. M. Mo�eofl, �e 1�eep a'full stocl� of 'w'hose merlb ia re• .� .,,y beana h�d takon root �n� growtl, arid ono either prniaed or rebTlt�d 1� No iilUdh '[ COfls�atl' AY��t g PILL9 the '�es! lirop, and Manufaotnrer , " � ieog�fze<1 eterywkere .� � + ,.. ,y �ere so tromondously� hlgh thnt tHey til�ab her otYriosity �cas nrousc�d, o�n�i hie j� the world." Ti urrl�s, ��N1�P�b, q�1���� all(� endoneilibtili�cioo- , �. ,clied the j�Icie�, . I alimbpd np an�i up i��ug�tor t�ns boon known to remnrk on C, WES'i'ON �d�� �n dlint6n by �}Qj���Q ��r�L1']]�5�+�''��• � , eove�nl 000r�sion LI]F4G �he hud never read ��'�'�A' J', �. t70M[3�,` [�tfd �Y]7N'�7Y �7e,(1�SON �tlrd reoommon • i d n� 1 ' � � � u '�LfYa `� .1 T• r : , A t18Y, �Oi10d he�Vat1. � n� relerenae to' stl � , • ono oE I�er father s eto,�los. 9 r����.,L�cuniar,N�H. p . , . �, ion I got thoxe, thoy esk�d� �a what Y ' ' a �'ca ; ; • �,(,'(�, � ��ilt8 �r�t��l' r.�ll'lll�'►'lt�'S bth rd. '..; :T', •,.d ar,m�Por. Y�11� thein fo�' 6oiiie LoTj+ '�tieY t�*ite oP thb autl�or of sovbrril p'hilo- t�+ °�7d by medioine ` , eo ulonT , ooke t�noe romnrked, "Well, !E ' �,1W� � :�I:1 ,�1�$1Ci,.. , . �;,titar 4nr .my fabher. A�onao they� gava �' � �KCk$��'S.. � i�ebldrs tiveY�iai�AzO , �c ta 3ng. . ' lnt►y be flno bhin� Co be mnrried to a �/ . " ' �� , „�► „ , ��t�]imp odoflbhe �i's�'seeri"',76'a�ain�tin' bob�C .; Mi� :'850. M� �bdttle, ,�� , ..::.,: _ ,�. �,, ; .., . ,t . ., _ ron�G Uuti it e�C _, o ,. . �� ,., f��Q � . . . . .. . ,. : . ..... � '�li��i, �. $t�t'Y16d .Itsok tb <101ni ,�o Ot�E11►' � , ��3 9 tir8� t,ue tio h$VA 4 , �, , ,p"!b ; ,.. . , �lr� ,�'�► �wtlAd�` t � � iIN� �61d,OR b4rd9�Iauci N�t�ieotb ... , , ,. ., �l.1t►`a�"!' izabiK4 +u�d � �1�l�� en�$�t�/��,' � t�lwln , : , . � r .l � , ., r . , ,, �'� ;i d {� ���9t1 tha� � V�bi6$iF r� " . . 11Y1�E7 d Wh(i tEY�k��311�f0�Ci�1ag+�iY th0 UjA1� �,�r ��jr v., . , .. � 1.< , .. : ' �vN%9b(f�y bk'��9tti. ' 'Mtirtiellohh Yllhbtr�l�iitfns �� ��,����j � ot, b�s ;tmi�ht4o��1 a�� �t �, c�a� arauw.e . �?� , ,,�� .. . , .� .: k, ��a�c ��d Nr�w . , . �+ > , � � � : , ' , Prag �utu� �x:oo. . �R�na��x���rm�oN ; , . , , ., . .. _ . ,.. ��.. . �;:�, �. , , ;1� �. � �u ��ir�w1� atpir�r.pnc�.�'i��ri�e atr�, �I�+�`�,I�i ,� 1n 1i �ii► .00art�.dst� ,u3�trra� �nrones- ,. "�'���� w., .,, . � . . .. � . „ .. . "+�"JC�J7C�(��i� Ji�]C�+C�CJ� v t � �t ,,,, Y � a �, .. , . ., �, .,� a . ,«; � . , , -:;, , , , , : , ,. � , . - � .� � , .. ,„ ' � ' , ; �,� �,. {. 4 4 , , '`"� ,. , Ju�y� 2.�, ���$ CI7'Y �Ef�.� t �;Ti,�ixi '�'�k�, � � I wieh to inform th� puhlic tl��k j:u�11� ; pot be underr•uld by eiuy otl►er pex�er�k in tUe bu�inPs�. I am r� pra�t�cuj h�?3s•k�R :� er; and understw:id t+ll the �jt�ar�yY�Hk t��' �'" the bnainese. We keep lhe Ve��q ltr9Y� meata, wud w full slockalwt��sqn btiR��k. . t�nd will sell at the Lu�veal (7ttsh ��•���as;�: ', $ringslong your uu�ues, nnd �Pp. ,b.� meat at the cr►sl� price, We will �j..v� credit, bnt nol. �.t rxsh prir.ea. Ialerta� corue �,nd see wt�nt qou c+tu dq �'u� Cxsh at 1�.1�dT��ih�OYs' . UENTR9�.L B�TCIICIi, S�t��P � F4RU d't 1�lUCtPHY • We are doing bnaitteae on thA oaeh gru�qi• � ple, end will supply oui oustomers H��1� � the best meata at ohe lowest payipg p►�ce4 FOI2D & MIIRPHY, CLINTON ��isi�ess Chan��. Any qnantity of fat ho�e. wanted fox ' hippiao purposos, #or wuiob che higheyt - market prioea will be pnid. Psrtiee hav�ng ' hogs �o sell wiTl oblige by loeving word qt. '',; ���� bhe shop. • • cL�.B.J, w���iR, c�i��c�n, NEW BUTCHFft SHOP $u�beoriber hae opened a ehop in the re• `,' mises reoently ereated eepecislly for bhi� nrpoee, opaoeite I'air'e Mill, where he wtl! peep on hsnd and deliver promptly, to alj,, ; kvrte o[ the �own. Freeh Mest of all kinde. A eharo pi' � public patronage respectfully eolioited. � fi'`�'� F, i3. POWELL, - - CLINTUN FLOIIR AND FEED BTORF,6. COaK'� , ; ,' '`; H��OUi' � �'��l� �tQl'!S `:;::. .'� R�A i01 & v*�'i I�t O R'i� a`-'� In largeor emall qnantities. OIL�C?�K� ancl MEAL ,`��' OE ALL BINp6. �', 10 ponnds Choioe Oatmesl Ppr � b8sb@� Q� ';;;, ONEfl. D. COOK, CLINT4�]`. �;..f: �;. i �UNCAN'S FLOUR & F�ED Sto� , ��� (late HiA & Joyner) �' ' O�►�osite DiArkQt, l;linton , � x Floar, 13ran, Bhorte� Oate, Pese, �Betley � I and QIl kinds of ineal so13 at lowesE p'rlag�rsF ;`.i`: , �. :; I� Freah Corn t'ur Feed, 38c � bueh ' Good Yaleaoia Raiains, 281b bog $1. � r-= ' I vhoioe Tea, speoisl line 26o per lb. and a�h ,,;�" All kinds of (#rain bought at higheet pi�rket �ricae.� �P. DUNCAN, - - OLINTON� BAI3R8. � ` � The I�lul�oi�s l�a�sk � '� k ipoor�orated by Aot of Psrliamettti X$� �� '� CAPITAL �� 4�,bf)d,d�IT , ' • REBT FIIND • $1,b0(i,000 '� ` HLAD OFFICE MON1'REAL.• r � Wnrt. MOL80N MecraT�unox, Presiden% ' R• F. WoLaEseTnx Taomea. (ien Manpge� , ` Notee dieoonnted, Colleationa msde, DYaft� i iesaod, Bterling and American e�sohan�s, �� I�boaght and eold. I�terest ellowed o�°{,�ey ;';.� � poeite. 6evtxae Bex$ lntereat allowed o�qt -`.. , anme of $1 and up. 1l2oney advanaec� to � tarmere on their own note, with one �r more endor9are. No mortGn�e reqaireci :� H. C. BREV� ER, Manaqer, C1liuto� '� G, �, tllc'i AGG�,I�,'�! ��; �� r BANKER ` ,�LBER� ST., - CLINT��', �;' � :� genoral Sanking �usint�g�3 trandactecl. NOTEB DI�QOIINTED Drafte esned. Interest ailowed on F„',; depoaite. FA,I�Ii.AN & TISDALL:;,..� �'-"'-' ,Y 5 , BANKERS, �LINTON, ON�`. Advanoee mnda to furmers on their ot4lt .. , notee at low rates of intereat. +_ A genersl Sanking Bnainese tre�n�ap�edr Interest allowed on deposite , �ale Notee bonght M �' J, P. TIBDALL, 1�2anagert t n '� ,:. � C�a�o� SE'�ING MAC�IN� D��t - �� Hui�ou S6xeet. ..�.....1..�- ' � � l . R1e have jast reoeived or.bther Ibt of 1�'oill" � Home and Dominiop �ewing Mao$xk►�i; ti�ie� [ormer ie �xn eaaeptionall�- gooti rt3�ohiUh6� and hae giden good eatisfaotion ti3 �►11 Neeclles and all lii►�d� af Re�1�1;i� kopt otl ha.Rr(i, , a �'�'; , . Maohinee eold on monthly p�qmen��� �'li�'' .,� on me or write 4ot p�ioe9 shd t+gx�l�iri,d"�' � Jan.1898 "V1�'1:�. MCi��� '� For, �t�v�nty=���v��'����� a 4 tl +.�,Y� - \.ri �� �.�, $°ei � �, �� �: ,9 � ' S¢'� j r ,«� . .a t (dt A. r -;b. �� i; , . � ��ri � �,';��i+k ' � ,' s t s s at �!; a�, •'ti �,i: i 'i, �3 +� . .,. Y ... s r . ir , , g� � ��Y ��, x Y - i�, , ,r$, fy', ,r '. p � ��,. /,L�.,. * itre fAr ' ' .: �x.; � :;� , „W z::.