HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-22, Page 7P ,::� .._ , . ,, _„•... r� lob • , y - -. 1. 4111y, 22, l$gg � ° ,. IM CLINTON N11 Fj 9R , - - ° s THE NAVAL BUG -REAR 11onizIng Paine ALWAYS READY FOR WAR, � ) r 9 rem Toronto C#ioba. 1. I .11 ,"CC — Enduredby Thoso who bafferfrom Soiat- England% Uspldity In Preparing Fqr at. THIS C� TIFI feueive or JPefenplvp �qti°a.�� COAL AND COALING A CONSTANT ;ca—A Victim Tells How to Obtain 'Re- Brings Forth rl 1'ltory. �... BUSINESS C A . 1. It no longer be sold that Great lirib- eid A&ICC SOURCE OF TROUBLE. lief. g HoWiaixlvudgr ONT. sin la unprotected. The coast defense# " MWI s Probably no trouble that afflicts mankind were never more complete or efficient, o� i We the undersigned, We wish to announce to the public that we have purchased the Grocery busi, Nerve Wrecking Experiences Which Drive pauses more intense agony than sciatica. Right around our Shoresatrotohbhesemany `- --• Der�ffythat the laealth nos"and t added stook of James Steep, and have thargaghly overhauled th y iign ti doctor mray timer when o¢ of the Rev. R. A. ded to it over $600 worth of he freshest and heat goods in a same' �. y #ilei Engineers Half Insane and ]ere- Frequently the victim is utterly helpless, defenses, not lsolatedoand there ;ore of lit. =� � are now prepared d the Gr We iiR4u'4 cRll one. Yon aufker pain in lifts he least movement cousin t g tie a,,oaunb g Biike healer months bona. ue with a o to welcome our oaetomera and se ixlany new ones tjjjW r trm8 and !tet won't CRIT the doctor, be. maLuralY Break Them iJD Physically. g be most a On- , but fortmin a linked protea- I Y . YOU]I "Will izing pains. Those who arc suiferin from tion, with the telegraph or tale hwnq $1zz_been deteriorating, all We arc offering some real snaps, lee aur I ib. �� fW epll #'at the painuk go Exploring the Bnnicers, this malady the followin statement from hand to respond at naval head tlgrtp. In -7. at'I that he ig Inow ing Powder and Boias°re for 250. Our reduced rtes on Teas is ivin spat s #bray after a while. And, loo, you know y g _• is;action, PiOklea 80. er bottle, Crystal Gloss Starch 5a er 1 Ib Mr John Hayes, of Ha London to the slf sufferin from severe p g g at Coal is the bugbear of modern chi a of Y ye o rel York Co., Branch o p nervous prostration, Iriushroom Catau 1 P package, iy experience, tial: that &at visit of the $ P g, ttfld"lroni ,.,,-w,.oa. B p Gouda I xloctor is general] follaHed b mita others war. It is the cause of ceaselos# bother N.B., will point the road to relief and °era. Whitehall there brooch oil• private wirer P p 00, three fox 250, Try our line o! Teas at 200. package, kith the 111ovita6lr consequence y a b•' t'oro and aft. Coal gots the nerves of fleet Mr Haves Says:— "For upward of twenty to the great arsenate of Portsmouth, Dev- and urgently requires immediate and delivered, �� 4 years I have suffered from weakness and onpoit, Chatham and 8hooxnesa, prolonged rest. J. W. McLaughlin, I.D., Cash paid for1. Ufor protessianal s#rai mo You dolet Dornnutndors, ship commanders, chief and sin in the bagk. Some lour ea A tow words from he A• Beith, M.D., L. $olland Roid, J i *wliattodofoxyotuuelforw attotake, assistant engineers on edge for long cruises p years ago my coast Y point on the M,R•p,S., ®to. Butter Bc Eggs ��j����,�� r at u stretch. Coal, witch also means „trouble was intensified by sciatica saffaring be it an isolated coastguard station y CoMbe S Block 13nt suppose that you could get Eros, ab- in m right leg. What I suffered seems or a lonely guardshi 401titelyli"t the advice of One of the most codling, causes more desert from the P, may in ilA hour or THIS INTERVIEW TELLS IT. 1 , navy than any other feature at the service. almost beyond description. I employed two have led to orders of national import A reporter called on the Rev. R. A. The growls over coal and coaling aboard three doctoral ut all to Do purpose;I had to being flashed over sleeping towns and vii- Bilkey, rector 13b- John's E ispo al �� men-of-war of today are never ending. Sive up work enurely,and almost despaired 14908 w the naval commander-In-ohlef ab Chunk, Bowmsnville, Ontar op during When the potency of coal for rendering Of lite. This oontinnad for two Years — the coast, and before the outside world s churolG fnnotion„and on congratulatingF*F*ture years filled with miser At this time I hi es of Impending til} groat change for the better to ,yearn chief engineers half insane to rendered, Y• g danger all the ma- him an e it is no wonder that as man of them ° was advised to try Dr. Williams) Pink ry of defense will be in readiness for his .a �I Y 8 ppearanae, the reverend gentleman +�1 to #locos physically and are forced to retire Pills, a4d after uei4g Sia boars both the an 0morgonoy. That this is no eznQgera- said, +' It is due entirelyto Dr. Ward's ,�l `' S when they ought to be In their prime of eoiatioa and the Weakness fnthe bask which tion those may judge who remember the Blood and Nerve Pills. Can save big money by purchasing their had troubled me are all one. I was a sin busty commissioning of the partfoular "I .offered for over three ears from July and August, when other stores are quiet, et, we are boods at ustling, DurinDuring. ?tAtkgUnited Staten:? sYoucan. The h usefulness. g g g y these months we reduce the price g' g alCian is right here Ho has an office in the Ever since men-of-war were first driven a well man and feeling fifteen years voan,{• sorvice squadron in January, 1890, when c1treme,;nepvpusnesq, weakness and pros- p Ce to a line which pays the buyer to er than before I began the pills. Nearly the German emperor's Ill judged telegram tration, slid could not obtain relief, g Purchase ahead of its needs, y building, he has a staff ofcorrespondentria by stc:ttu the world's navies have been ex- two years has passed ein,+e I discontinued to President Kruger ret England ablaze few munthd ago it became only too ap- 1�� `� ' aQsist him, and anyone and everyone, who p sir expert with coal. The results of the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillo and in with anger. Buy Now' and Save 1¢eedstadieal advice ie invited to writs to heir experiments up to the present time, g parei►t, that extreme -nervous prostration Nonuse as mast of rho chief engineers ct time, that time no symptom of the trouble has Bofors even The Timer announced the had het its, se I load $esfi and appetite �� rr�� mbim if it's baby's health or mothers or shown itself. Under God I thank Pink decision o1 the government to form thio r=Pidly, Three of am four medical men J. Ha CHr�L health of any member of the family you may be us of represented by n c glib. The steam- pills for what the have done for me.” now squadron, "to do an thin and go ' P onolmeed ma in argent neQd sif ilii edi• 1V a LYT Y write stoat it, sure of a careful road- Ing radius of a ton of coal, the weight of Mr Hayes voluntarily testifies to the anywhere," as Mr. fioeahen expl�tned, the ate and prolonged rest in ender, h build iiag of your letter, sure o! a consoientiour a ton of coal's smoke, the weight of a ton truth of the above statement before Edward telegraph instruments at Whltehatl had up my uerraua system, aiving,me;a certifl- oP coal's refuse, h0 ro ortlonate amount !diagnosis of your case, P P Whosead, Esq., J. P. and hie statements b en vigorously ticking, and, unknown to I cate to that effect. About this time, by of clinker in each and all of the world's r ,� brands of steaming coal, the number of are further vouched for by Rev.J.N.Barnes, the public, the admirals at Chatham r �� � of Staple N.B. P ura�:acofdent Dr. Ward's: Blood' and suaw pounds of steam made in a gluon time by y' Portsmouth and Devonport had had their exyll, �'i1�4, wore brought, to my notice. �r�� each and 411 of the world's brands of ordels. By the tine the world was awake 2 dect$+3d to by them, and on doing so a j, steaming coal—these and about 40 others HE TOLD A LITTLE STORY. the preparations for commissioning the decided change for the better took place • if vnreisliossiblo. Every letterwIlj be held of similarchurtu terare the -neer problems ships had commenced, and fa a few daps ( at once. , I have since continued taking The season of fnoreased demand for Sugar has r as a strictly, confidential commtlnieation,, that come 1n for solution after the chief now Bob Ingersoll once DiroomHted s n squadron of powerful modern ,vessels the pills, with continued and marked bene- g arrived, and we can eapply seer. I 171over Club Buyer. was flood out and read for an task, fit and fmpr°vemenb- My appetite has wants v that line. no are also in the Front Reales urith. G,jagg Fru]t Jars .. Remember these facts. prublani of getting aboard enough coal to Y 7 Prices vary low. . net for et that o Y P we offer you medical advice from one of drive the ship a specified distance is solved Ingersoll, the imperturbable Bob, war 1Vhen the necessity arises, no less prompt_ returned. I am gaining in flesh steadily, g YOU want to destrb the potato bugs, - the most eminent practitioners in the United T ese are the pencil and pad puzzles that Invited to attend a banquet at the irresist- ly will the machinery of defense be again and my general health is now good. r States, whether our medicines suit your conduce s° to the conversion of naval en i- We Clover club. "It is Impossible to ac- Put to the test, possibly on a more eaten- Further, , I am sure that these results Try our PARIS GREEN and CHURCH'S BUG FINIS particular case or not. We offer you this ricers into neurasthenic wrecks. g OePt," he raid. "I know your custom too 8110 scale.—Chani hers' Journal, are due to the action of Dr. Ward's11, well. I will be called on for a s Blood and Nerve Pills, and I have ever Another special we offer fa an •advice at the cost of the two cent Stamp '1'ha big #.chem of course is the con- speech and Y ` . which it will take to bringyour lettartoour surnption of coal—the, getting of enough Y guyed. I refuse to confidence that the will do for others all will bo unmorcifuli u Y office. Address the Medical Department. coal aboard a man-of-war to drive her Put myself in such a position." The club Davidfarmer, isdCampbell, a well known Wel- that they have done for me." —` Immense Stock of Tweeds .. J1r. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. through a certain number of leagues of decided to waive its constitutional prerog- land farmer, is dead, Dr. wam a Blood ¢¢d Nerve I>tuggprs sold at 60c. per box, ' . 6 boxes far s% at Dragsts, or MIL ed an vi"Jpt �4 tol • by water, Coal is deceiving and treacherous. ative in his case, and he wait informed of COUas' AND COLD' are always promptly the Dr. Ward co„ 7I Victoria Street, Toronto. Book of 1¢• witch WD are a0ll`n at greatly reduced prices, and will be pleased to show them and ,Ijoared b If 4+ ar - g R Y It has an utterly inexplicable fashion of the fact, "Then I gladly accept the invi- Y €,Y d's Pectoral Balsam. 250 formation Isco. compare prices with any house. If you wants good auit in every way, come to its. Literary America. working its way into the Purnaoes, of ration," he said, "and will surely be on J+ hn Midwinter, l�amiltnn, eighteen improvements In Aseptic Surgery. Terme gash or produce. d gossiping paper on literary America, sneaking out of bunkers and of smashing hand•" He was. ye is Id, was badly crushed in a gray- At a meeting* of the German sur LONDESBORO "written by a 111r..Tautes Ramsay, appears the calculation sIatOs of skippers and 0n- No sooner had the gallant iconoclast el pit, l g gioal In an English periodical, The Windsor y an luno- reached his feet than a chap down at the congress Professor Mikulicz Breslau said R ADAMS KineOrs to emithareens. Man lti Grilse a Cold in On hA (Breslau) IJMPORIUM, Jane 22nd, 1sgazin0• The Acadeiny sums up the ar- cent coal passer on board a man-of-war, end of the room began to interrupt. He y. that In order t° avoid infection of opera- a Itl6la in his genial fashion: gets himself draggod up to the roast to ex- was the only one in the club to any a word, Ta1w Laxative Bromo QuiuinD T4h ets. 9I tion wounds by the hands of the surgeons First.—Emerson, Hawthorne and Tho- pittitl to Ills skips :r and chief engineer but he was ver# anno to and Bob re- DruFcglstarefund themoney iPitfaitetocure,25c and the assistants he recommended the marked: "I came here as a Z\Tr Jona, Wagner. of Floradale, is wearing of gloves of white thread, which u aro dead. the absence of a certain amount of coal guest with the g • Second. --Mr. T. B. Aldrich is Atnerlctl,'a that ought still to remain in the bunkers understanding that I was not to be Inter- d -ad, the result of a frill from a load of must be sterilized before use. To protect the coal heaver has been working in, but I rupted. There was an agreement to that h t,'• the wounds from germs coming from the �' leading poet, but he will rhyme' morn" effect," The man retorted "I never, At a -nestle of the Chatham prey. mouth he and his assistants cover their�� "avith "gone." that isn't there all the sumo. g mouths with 91 k t 'Third.—Mark Twain's work is grown Co.II passers have been worried into say- hoard of app such agreement The break- bytery the resignation of Rev. Mr gauze bandages. He stated 'old, and he hilnseif is in Europe. Ing " I didn't cat the coal," under these er of Images said: "My friend, you remind Beckett o£ the Tharnesville church was that this precaution was necessary, owing Fourth.—Tho hctmorof"'.Toho Phoenix" cross examinations. When coal consutnp• me of a story. There was a day set apart accepted, to the fact that in 93 per cent of 48 cases r The meat of goods are advancing, but CROCKERY is getting cheaper, "This er Smile''s tion ealcul4tione azo s oiled in this way, by the beasts oY rho Hold, the reptiles and bacteriological examination showed that F y y yeller, one eyed, ba- P Impure blood is an enemy to health, and staphylococcus aureus was resent. in the ;nano taied cow," etc.) is also old and too the recrimination that follows all along the birds of the air for a general peace. P We have USt received a Shl menl of DINNED SETS the lino is natural. The skipper says the I Animals in the habit of preying upon each may lead to serious disease. floods Sar• mouths of healthy persons. Speaking h , mlm Por these wakeful days. eaparitla conquers this enemy and averts during the course of an operation ought to ranging from $6 and up, as fine goods and as slice a3 Fifth —Mr. Frank R. Stockton dis- chief engineer hasn't a properly developed , other agreed to meet together in one grand don+ danger, p ;lenses laughter from Morristown. Ho is bump of economy. The chief saps the elan accord. A fox passing a chicken roost on be avoided as touch as possible. le, To insure ever sold in C Ilinton, considering quality. w 80 years of ago and writes slowly, have snealcod the coal auto the furnaces. the way to the mooting invited a lien to Edward Pare, brother of the Mon t re • the storflization of dressing materials he g y ing an hour for a word." watt I aecom stn him and when she hen at suspect, has 'been arrested at Man. has•devised some methods which are up- fic-rhe mon sap the coal is no good and P y politely cheater, N,H„ and Wm. henry Holden Parrontly very useful. The most sim le 111sp agate o! woleone, just direct from England. You can get any Sixthlo no et D. Howells sada iu ow, burns like dry hump. And the coal goes declined informed her of the peace agree- at Bosten in connectioa with the cele and oflieacious way to control is to put n- Part of a set or s whole one, just as you wish, and at ridiculous prices. . Toni. lie now etches his bpoks in NoFv right on using itself up as if bewitched. I ment. 'Well, Mr. Fox, I will o under r Yank insteadof Doston. "His thick solid Chief engineers know, of course, just those conditions,' she said, and they trot- prated hank robbery. side the dressing box a pisco of paper on EQ �' `7P� LLQ �7�T� �•'yeb genial Pace is an appropriate mask how much coal the bunkore of their shi s ted along side by Aide. CHILDREN'S KIDNEYS which the word "sterilized" is printed, - C'AiiatOh • 4. W]n which a hive of Quakers and abolf- will hold, to a pound—in cubic rneasu e- "Presently the baying of a peak o1 Are often so weak that they cannot re• and the paper before being sterilized fa ' ,I3on}sta look out upon the world of today." ment---but figures lie with rePelencD to hounds was heard, and Mr. Foa started to twin their water, Do't scold or punish the made blue by a solution of iodine, so that Seventh.—Mr. Franeis Hopkinson, coal. When a chief midway on a cruise run, 'Why do you run, Mr. Fox?' aald little ones. (.live hem Doan's Kidney the printing disappears. When a tomper- Mrs, ]3en. 'Remember the P lis and exon everything will be all righerase sufficient for complete sterilization����� - Biiiith is a first rate globe trotting author, wants to know how much coal he has used peace agree- Y g is produced within the complete sten, the on a is the worthiest representative cf and how touch he still has oil hand he ment.' Restraining himself, Mr. Foz audlthe beds sweet and dry. ,thmerican curiosity, never simply subtracts the amount used, trotted on, but the pack of hounds drew (line goes off and the word "sterilized" ' Eighth.—Miss Mary Wilkins and Miss according to the log, frons the amount nearer and nearer until he could stand It FASHION AND FABRIC. reappears on the paper.—Lancet, B�YADF V O 1 1 BOX Co. `Sarah Orne Jewett are the kailyard worn- taken aboard at the outset of the cruise, no longer. 'Mr. Fox,' urged Mrs, Hen, 1J jJ v s, m► 01 these•etates. Miss Wilkins' favorite He knows that if h® cines this he'll robes• don't be afraid Remember what /� P you Stole ends finish nearly all the neweab %'hildren Cry Eels The steady increase in our trade is good proof of the foot that our nods sus right an book is "Lea.Miserttbles," and rho busier bis get his ship in rho trough of rho sea told me about the peace agreement. No shoulder Capes, sunitnor pelerines, flchur g g d 1iles.lewett gets the meso tiles ahs Ands 400 or boo miles from land without a hound would hurt you today, Trot along and berthas of the season. our prices lower than those of other dealers in he trade. to sped the Waverley novels. pound of coal left to move her into porta with ins and don't be in the least alarm-��® �' We manufacture furniture on a large Reale and can afford to sell cheap, If n bay a Ninth.—Mr. Thomas Nelson Page is the He first sends his , nett ed.' He could almost f0e1 the breath of GalatOa trills are again made into ey- �r a from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other oases, bas to be y g yeoman n chief p cling, boating and sea beach morning the retail dealer. "liliidicator of theold south, and his"Haase otifcer, into the bunkore to do Solna figur- the hounds. Mrs. Hen,' be whispored, rusts for women ae well as children, Dian"made Henry Ward Beecher cry like lug, He discounts the yeoman's report Prepared fA spring swap, 'T do well re- Samuel Rothwell, a feriae. livin on This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs, Space will not i�mit. ' r<tijlfld through his lcnocvledgo that all yeomen member rho peace agreement, but there Many of the newest coiffures for full the second line of Ylympton, was Ol- us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer, Path,—Dr. S. Weir Mitchell is in don- are optimists and therefore likely to tack may be some fool hound in that pack than dress occasions this season show rho hair Remember; we are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. arranged very high on the extreme to of ed in a runaway accident while re- er,DP'founding a great school of Ameri- on a good Inany more tone than the bun- hasn't heard of it. Qoodby."' P turning from the Orange celebration UNDEIITAI�ING. pan historical romance, kers contain. When the colonel had finished this story, the vary back of the head. at Forest, 91�iobleveuth.—Emerson, Hawthorne and After the yeoman has washed up and there was dead silence, and he concluded Neta, grenttdinee, stemless and bareged Y I In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly ;they beet funeral: reall are dead. made his en and hiss oh without further interruption,— ere all made up this season In Iuost on- Near Grand Valle a train crashed into outfit in the county, Our prices are ae low as the lowest, p pencil sketch of rho PDD tieing forma, but rho very neweab gowns a runaway team behind which were eight bunkers, with the figured amount oP coal New 1'arlr Press children, Two jumped and escaped, one Away Ahead, remaining in eachoP thorn, rho chief sends are.of silk warp nuns veiling. J P p $omega—Piave one of hie cadet an nesse through tris' Every tint and tone of blue from dark- was killed outright, two others are probsb- BRO:ADFO V 1 ��<Jpj CO J- you heard of America's g THE COMING C OF BABY est nay ly fatally injured. .a.i J. w, Chidle at victory aver SpainP bunkers Yor &report on the atnountof coal ��_•J y to the beautiful Por etmenot, cell Manager. h 93nter—What was that? remaining on hand. The cadet engineer When a baby comes to the house real silver and swallow, are in high vogue, P S—Night and Sunday Calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral „ omers—A don bet a Yankee he could does some fancy figuring, making his cal- happiness comes The care and anxiety both here and in Paris and London. Director) residence, nn,� Istle hila and blow away at a patri- eulatlons as abstruse as possible for the count for nothing against the clinging The parasols this year are elaborate, and X10-'ipanish tttno for Pour hours, greater effect of them, and then the chief touch of the little hands and the sound Irm of the colorings, combinations, and stew eE- " "'dVjhter-Well, did the American boat had °n° °t the assistant engineore undo.- the tittle voice, 7 he highest function given feota in trilling, tucking, inserted van- ,TCENING i a7,V P take the murky, smutty trip through the to human beings is bringing healthy, happy dykes of richest lace and accordion plait- I THE BEST bunkers. The assistant en children into the world. O�v�r thirty years ing' ore simply marvelous. — . EPING 0dmDrn--Z au°uld Say go, He started in Kinser' figures hiatled "The Union Forever,"— occasionally get within 100 tone or so of ago the needs of women appealed to Dr The latest French toilets and costumes -RE Ielphfa North American. the 8gur0s presented by the yeoman and Pierce, now chief consulting physician to show Lie belts of ribbon, velvet, satin �, /1 I--r� /^� the cadet engineer. Finally the chief as- the Invalid's Hotel and Surgical Iliatitute, -noir or other fabric, each quite merepipne o} �� (��) Il ��-+) p A Mistake Somewhere. sumer the blue jumpers and blouse him- Buffalo, N. Y. The result of hie stndp, the geode about the waist, nits o oslteC1 dao$—I hear that she speaks every self and makes the bunker cruise. He &I- improved by 3J years of practice, is embed- in effect from the crush girdles.and verySTING`"' , rs !It*oivn language. Wdys emerges from the bunkers with a led in Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. deep'eefntures of a year ago. ARiL+' Ii—Moat be a mistake. Last night I gloomy eye and with his cwnfldence in rho It strengthens, gasifies and makoa healthy Never in all'its 101)9 history, from the i im s5566d her to give mo a plain F,nglish th11pe °fi3oars he has sent through the the organs distinctly f9minine. It given days,of Garibaldi until the present mo- TAKEN. Il'iY ".`Sea," and she said she couldn't,—$robk hunk quite battered, and be generally we- women the strength and health ne- ment, has the blouso waist been such an eKIN DISEASUS !RRLIEVED Blf ONE AR "via Fife. makes for the captain's cabin and an_ cessary for the production of healthy child- ornato garment. These bodices are this ALiCATION qr /�1 /� pounces that if the speed of the ship d not ran and it makes the bearing of'rohose child- season so covered with trimmingof eve o J E FOSTER O S T E R tmmediatoI reduced he won't bo held re- ren easy. It is sure to cure any weakness' descri tion that the foundatlon Ihardly t Drs Agnew's ointment, ` fittat'ke ale i,�ing caught and eaten y p rponsible for the ship's running out of coal °C derangement peculiar @o women atop' visible. 313Elavanua harbor, in midoeean. pain, seethes inflammation, stre gthens, purifies, invigorates. The Donegal linens o'Peveriasting wear 3b CENTS. io 11 rte matter how many or how large The perturbation of the chief engineer are made Into stylish tailor coatnmes, Mr. James Gaston, merchant,Wttkesbarre, tdiki all disappear when you nae Burdock ander these circumstances usually works Blood Bitters—tbe bast blood medicine on thefeelingaoPoneoP the old machinists plain, braid trimmed, flounced, finished Pa. writes :—Por nine years I have been A Prominent 1pL ]physician. with ruffiea, bordered with linen lace le dis4ured with tetter on hands and face. y An elderly Lady. Made' at the throttle. These old machinists ars _ _ aertfona or with .yoke, or vest and revere Entatlast trZttne»t folly skihretsin nw in diaouesine these York physician >' An elderly lady living at Fordham` ' ` •Tiiyhop Lafleche, Three Rivers , died Practical, experienced men, who don't THE ROYAL BOX, °t white duck, the skirt competed by ! smooth and soft anti free from every bnow gg merits of Ripans Heights, a part of New York City, u the hospital whlem- ere he has been ly- know much about figures and have no sort many bias rows at the Iinon piped twlth i Tabules with a brother M. D. said : and who was known to be a waren Ish. The first nppLicatlon gave rettet.-80. "Several ears ago I asserted that advocate of Ripens Tabules for any ingsjnce his illness commenced some DP reverence for cubic measurement, One :the dunk.--lVOty York pest• years weeIis eget, He was 80 yeara old. of them goes through the bunkers, sizes ntwiser Wilhelm is amusing the in Sold by Watts & Co, one wished to become a #hilae- Sas® of liver trouble or indigestion, 0I 61 , up the amount of coal remaining In each contriving a new rrii regiment that shall thopist, and do a beneficent deed— said toareporter who visited her for i,e Teal, 12 years old, was Hying of them by the simple eye method maw down 4 whole regim0lit at once. one that would help the whole hu- the f a trite . the flat roof of a row of cot- ,whish There id sold to no no truth in the story tiger, i n the rear of bib father's real- i' the evolution of experience, and makes that the emperor of Austria wants a boyo tleurE, Yorkville avenue, Toronto, si a report on the amount of coal on hand fiiimsaa morning,when he fell a dis. that in nine casco out a[ ten to proved ab his 1fbtIe 14 -year-old granddaughter, fihe . IAtl,'e oY 35 feet. . His recovery . is the end of the cruise correct almost to the Ar Archduchess uehess Bkizabeth, marry the king pf el iibt fill. ton. Thusbunkers the trouble over the coal is Binder � � the bunkore is never at an el; d. The settee of Turkey is always sees at - If the chief engineer's trouble over the tired in pale brown g garments. The em- question of coal oonsmued and on hand #eros of Austria affects grry. The young 1.kaohe were the end of the problem, 1t would not German 'emperor has what may be called hD so bad, but the number of reports he is s loud when n clothes and fa never so hap- Binder t, oompplied to make to the bureau of steam PY as when wearing• the showiest of ani - a �" NF , enginoerin on each cargo of coal is a forms or hunting costumes. �� V; +¢ . OF MANY A WOMAN'S palling, ) e has g P Portugal " LIFE. got to tabulate for the g has a Little Lord Fauntle- I .. , , 4 � Ibureau of steam engineering the exact roy" In real life. He Is Louie Philip, `-`" amount of coal, to a half bushel, used duke of Braganza, Son of the king and Bbf�II in Lady Tents daily for driving ship, for working the queen of Portugal and consequently heir How to filet Rid of It.' ventilating ouyines, for working the apparent to the throne. He has never���� ' J flushing pumps, for working the dynamos, been out of his native country, and, though g, - 06M s. Xidney fills for furnishing heat, for running the tae only 10 years old, his marriage id already machines, for operating the condensers, eagerly discussed by Portuguese diplomats. The Remedy. for doing all of the things aboard a mod- A(M. Eliza Reitz, 33 Wellington St., orn man-of-war that steam is employed in, On't., 6a.ys, "For ten years I have for- He must see to it that every pound It is A small quantity left. A, Afflicted with kidney and back trou. of refuse from the coal used on a cruise is Secure it before It is all gone, Buf erfng greatly from dizziness, ner. .10asured and weighed and report ou it, ate `ihdas;;, Weak eyesight, loss of steep, Fla must have the clinker assorted from To Follow atpjietito, and an almost constant the refuse, have it weighed and report on di• weak feeling, In February last I It. He must note the polar of the coal's The aaample of mil ions r,f women wl J a [ibx Of Doan's Kidney 'Pills and smoke and report on it in varying degrees have made the Diamond Dyes their chosen 101•/� �y elved so.much benefit from them that of density, Ile const, in goneral, note the and only dyes for home dyeing. The faith Alectric Bug �+ Xt@r]1� Y]1�i�pr Oiitingeii' their .use until i had taken conduct and tnoralo b4 alt the coal con- of all is to firmlq established in the powers l#pitea ih all, and was compietply sumed on his ship and report on 3t. No and excellence of Diamond Dyes that they bel, Flies tOMOVed every vestige of wander that chief engineers on shore No would net use any other make, even if the • r sl10uidss slid'1i& ,aUsnessi And en- always lock nw:ty tvhon they pass a coal• oomtndh dyoa were given free of ot,et, tllet td, got r@at�'ul a1600 ,1 as filet yard.—Now Yo>:•11 Bull. Valaablo Bind useful goods should not be Just the thing for diefdro in potato bugs. lsefnd it `afield i,vl ri I am now - eaperim6ied on with ;poor and untried �p g p g . graao Steil &)bald." A Cheerful 8 licks a goods and Only $1.00 each. pgtredtten. p f3 dyeg, Ttuff and 10§9'0( r*1 I Miiop Pills orb the beat remedy in "Could you siiggosi some suitable badge motibY *ill OiOO the 'seers of tidpltovktBd \ NA. or �Bqkl ht a Dfeeago, Diabaieli, for our `Don't Wori' ' club?" asked the dyes. I`�. �,. i� ltyrrsvel, sealmdnt tr} the �' x'olfaw the safe seem ^•. ,aft 1 ey 411443lpddet• Diseetiea, Oriowrltor. boarder. example of earth's mil. tit a deist by rii ail oiti rbpriipt "0%W WOWd' e, pine knot do?" asked 14* 'If6d' olid uric the D161» and Dycs, lied Bub. 't, } box" for;#ir,sa.. dhp�to',idi6CZ 11acllapat>dll6 ,lotii'ual, need, happiness and bteagare gilt be oar '�j ,.I., ..i,,�� dire. g '�T �✓ 1�IJ ,S, *Ove% Iff4rdwart k &t . A " .. J . w , man race—nothing could be better than to procure the Roosevelt .Hos. pital prescription, which is the basis tf the Ripans Tabules, and cause it to e put up in the form of a ketchup and distributed among the poor Sales inereamine. The largest retail drug store in America is that of Hegeman & Co, on Broadway in New York City, A reporter who went there to learn how Ripans Tab- ules were selling bought a fwa-cent; carton and asked: e ' " Do you have l much call for ' these?" f He was referred toagentleman who proved to be the w, head of the depart - meet. He said: e .. " The sale of Ripans Tabules � is constant and is increasing, due especiallytothe itlfluent4ni „i,¢,¢.+ . purpose o earning the particu- lare of her cue: "I had always, employed a physician and did so on the last occasion I had for one, but at that time obtained no beneficial results. I had never had any faith in patent medicines, but having seen Ripans Tabules recommended very highly in the New York Heraid con- cluded to give them a trial, and found the# were just what my case demanded, I have never employed a physician since, and that means a saving of $2 a call. A dollar's worth of R i p a n s Tabules lasts me a month, and I would not be without them now if if were my last dollar." Ak At the ' time of this inter. - . view there were t"; ,, present two dauggh_ 11 11 i. tore who specially D Jected to their mother giving testimonial WWOb ii12ni11'd l Aruue neif • "TI d t,��. i r �y..11 I