The Clinton New Era, 1898-07-22, Page 2t rl 0 .,. -o .y Ju'J 22, tbU8 THE CLINTON 1VEVSi ERA •"'"tlK I ILI 4 SuuleUppr,siliunjournrtls;uen,tiki,g THE PROHIBITION QUESTION• Pointed Paragraphs. ProfessionalandOtherCards, a,grwLL onlay ag.Liuot au alleged in. -- Oats Wanted -- -_ - Of two evils, it is best to chooseIll crease of ilia Dominion debt, when in neither. reality there is no increase tit all. The It is hard for a man under a cloud to IN E%CH \NGE I SCOTT & McKEIV Z1 E, a W nvroase that. appears un psper iP main- see thesilverlirring, 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats BARRISTERS, &o. Sfflp�,-[Allp 1 caused b (he enutmous expenditure 7'o the Aditur o/' the .1'eu+ Ee"a. governments to ut an end to the evils ,siY Y � th t r w II P d When pride turns a man's head he is 13 lbs. choice )'amity Flour for bush Oats Solicitor i M 1 B %J v u, the enlargement of I he St.Lawrance c Ltinls - a legacy of the late Covet n- I)r:.la Sts, -1 ernut ulo s>nle of your a a e a reco„nrre as existing, and sure to look the wrong way. valuable spaue to offer a few ramarl.s on idea others, and do likewise, when they ap- A woman's favorite novel is the one the c uesGion of prohibition; act in defl'nce pear. In a long pnragrs h Alr Iierni hen in I ta1CtL.li In l'XCllall a s or o sons auk, (,llntoh Orrim--Elliott Block, Ieaac Street. H ttoNlsY . ''8 j. (AD01- ` (ON THELAIR ment-Lha expenses in connection with the administration of the Yukon conn_but of Mr xernigli u, as I think him quite then gives hie experiences of the working which site thinks the heroine re capable of maintaining his own defence, � of the Scott Act as a magistrate, and its aembles bet. ��t for G Groceries TO LOAN. JAeisa Soorr, E. H. MOKENZ13L RIVER) is that the Government is pushing the since you have upeneJ your columns : effect on him as nn individual or social • The world laughs ata girl who is loon, he telle us, themselves to be the ver personification y P soniflastion of wickedness, no- yesterday. I Y Y• Lena Kennedy, a young SARNI A I� dd► 1�0 Lu► ONTARIO. try, .tnd the cost of extending the In- allow ate to express a few opinions. ' reformer. This is most instructive and Anxious to get married; anit laughs deserves These are our present rates, We BRYDONE. , tercolonial Railway to Montreal. The It is almost amueing to notice how Mr ; the earnest attention of all your , if she becomes all old maid; so what but we dont know how long been the victim of a hear tless villain , who, it is said, holds a responsible ' 3 U(. •' illyJ o two latter• expenditures will be tully Bezzo and other writera on prohibition at• readers, and I would suggest that they can the poor girl do °-Chica oNews. g they will continue. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR , ., Is eerhein to these who take a Business or over, such works for a lull terns of r tempt to brand all anti -prohibitionists as � cad it over, again, se it explains A•lr Kar -- bad, the former class lie almost juetiflee on the ground that their means of livelihood PUBLIC ETC. •. Shurthatd Bourse at this College. i recouped in time by the increased re- anti -temperance people. But these tactics I nighan's fall fro•n the ranks of prohibition, Hear Heart his lose faith in , 0. OLSON, - Clinton Office -Beaver Block. tad During the past fifteen months oa raduates b b 1 t I 1' It t aunts from the undertakings. Aa fur no longer suflioe to whip all temperance of rho ultimate triumph of -- ' fl t h' f than the Be tt Act. nearly as bad if their means of livelihood g R. a een oea at as o ows.- Sarnia 34, Galt 1, Goderich 1, Toronto s, Loudon 5, Windsor 3, Winnipeg, Alan., 1, the expenditure ut the canals, that was people into the ranks of prohthctionists. Education has brought about independent P rig, 1 ttousnese, is ear of the saloon in- I terest and his sinking into the sadness of Another one of those cases which oe castonally find in Police Morden Man., 1, Boesmont, Dak. 1, Pott- hound to conte in an event. The lesson why it appeals large just now )' 1 P g } thinking, and to -day the public do not (pessimism. Those interested in the ea- 'proved an airing Court was before Magistrate Denison Huron,'Mieh..31, Detroit, Mich., 1u, salt dusky, Ohio, 2, New York, N.Y , 5, Orange, is that the Government is pushing the bindly follow one leader, but eaoh relies on his own judgment and experience. loon, he telle us, themselves to be the ver personification y P soniflastion of wickedness, no- yesterday. I Y Y• Lena Kennedy, a young Y.J , 1, Louisville Ky., 1, Chiuugu, ill., 5, St. Louis, Mo., 1, besmwlres, Ia. 1, ' work of completion within Lwu years, so that the trade of the cuutiLry may What have we learned from our three thing in the way of crime, not even mor- woman, was charged with deserting her, illegitimate child. The woman had g it&Cotloge open throwghout the entire year. Students admitted any time. Grad- have (lie benefits of the impruvemenLs Soo+, Under ? years experience with the Scott Act, We have learned that it was an utter, a de- der, did they stick at, in their resistance the law.' Then he hints that those been the victim of a hear tless villain , who, it is said, holds a responsible uates assisted to positions. Fait Term ` -� ` \Vrite fur as its possible. the old re- gime the pql is 1Va9 to keep pottering plorable failure, and this fact was further striving striving to uphold the law were nearly se posi- tion in Sta net. He had remised her UCglaa September Est. par- oculars. over, such works for a lull terns of proved by the majority winch swept it out of exidtenoe. Sball we then adopt a simi- bad, the former class lie almost juetiflee on the ground that their means of livelihood money for the support of the child ,but failed to ked nis The A. S. N IJI�IIO ' years art that the voles of t� conatit• npncies in which the y are located might be•inHuencedinthe(,iuvernmeuL'sfavu►', lar messure on a much larger scaler What grognde have we for believing that prohibi• cion will be more efi9.liently carried out was endangered and then he goes out of his way to taunt ministers stud other well disposed citizens that thrY, too, would be P word. woman has had noteriet now let t he ratan bed suffering enough; given his share of the same _ t Clinton Post Office. r, PtD1Face if the works were not completed for ten years thereat to the country would than the Be tt Act. nearly as bad if their means of livelihood rnedicide. Let a warrant he issued for him, for non sua wet -let him .'fABLE, be even more, and trade would be re- The proofs that the Maine Irobibitory law is a subeess are, to my mind, not worth was tbreateped, It is difficult to have 1 patience with the substitution of such get the notoriety that nd iberpunish his actions desei DUE MAILS CLOSED t,trdrd in the meantime. It only re -the quires w little discernment and a little quires a cense t0 see that IC is better to paper they are written upon. Any one may close his eyes at midday and say h h• ' J h ' I matter for argument. Nobody's livelingoi was endangered by the Scott_ Act. If ado ted the saloon busi b m Il ] ve, and and d an hundred times more,ifit be ossible, P than the girl has been. Re is the A.M. 1015 P. M. I )A,M 655 London and S W Ontaria7 00 1115 4 00 Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery CLINTON M: G. CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron Holt & CameronM lokw BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. UBioe-Hamilton St oppp�osite Colborne House GODERICH, ONT JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMJfISSIONER, RTC Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to lend on Mortgage and Note security, O1Hoe-HURON STREET, CLINTON t e sun is not a Lnmg. us t sue instances P nese era e i ega , $neater sinner of the two. - Toronto i �7 40 4 30'Wingham and Kincardhnei9 55 633 incur the debt now and complete the occurred here when the Scott Act was in and it a good and true oitiren the salooniat Nerve, , R. AGNEW, 1015 6 55 Western S. W. & N. W.U.S.,7 00 4 05 works at an early date than to keep (llLSlh'R t13/JA1tt yon SERVILE -- 10 15 1 03 Paris, Buffalo&eastern U SI7 00 4 u5 force. People would talk in the most would at once enter another�calling. _ them dragging along fol' five or ten DENTIST 10 15 1 03 Toronto& points & nrth�7 00 2 glowing. Germs of the wonderful prohibition Mr Kernighan evidently does not believe [wilt Beep for service on lot 25 con. 4 ,an- , CLINTON I P 4 05 Years. The works were undertaken by we bad in the county of Huron, and reso- in the supremacy of the law,, but in the The country Newspaper ley, a tborobred Cheater W hlte lJoar. 'Berms - 1 03 ...Alontreal And OttawA...l7 00 2 35 Lha late Government and had to be lutiona-were passed commending the not in lawbreakers defying; and bringing it into -- $1, payable at time of service. with privilege AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OB 1 63 Manitoba, N W '1' and B Cil 00 2 3s completed. The Liberal Government P ' The question is risked,. why of returning if necessary EACH MONTH the higbest t, rens when actually, in the disrepute by thele terrorizing over those cl y country JOHN V. DIEHL. 10 27 ..Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 is merely bringing business matters to town of Clinton, the beer waggons made, charged with its enforcement. 1lad be and weeklies are not sold as cheaply as _ - e 10 2� Points E & N of Stratford? 00 235 bear on their construction. their regular tripe to the hotels in broad (other magietratea, the pollee force and the those of citlQe i) Moat; city weeklies Office $ours -9 to 6. ! • da h ht ancN liquor was sold in man shite persisted Sven unto death to a hold cost little for ty esettin its they are CLINTON ;x 1 03 .•..Mitchell acid Dublin.... 7 00 y g l q y P P P g 7 40 255 .,..,....Godottoh....•.... I 12 4 0 more places than }t ie to -day. Hansa we the law, things would have been different }angels made up of type already used FOOD and COAL YARD DR- T C. A,E Crisp County Clipping's may conclude, Mr Editor, that the little to -la and he would have been in a ha _ for the daily issues. When the etln- ' • $�Q�+F+� Lucan crossing, Sarnia and a Y' P Y BIIRGEON DENTIST. ti eye-opener, the Scott Act, is a mach more pier and more hopeful mood. Then his tain original matter it is DOw set u b Subscriber Is pret,ared to promptly fill all or. F, a-" ' 0 15 6 5J .. indesbor tate point;,,. r 00 405 typesetting machines p y Graduate R C D B of Ontario, and Trinity 7 40 ..Lundesboro & Bslgrave..l9 55 reliable guide than the accounts coming attack on the churches for demanding that Y,P g , one .Ut which dors for We od or (,cal, whroh, will be sold at ., Miss Dey, who has been one of the tom Maine, especially as the latter are as he state shall make laws for the roteo- type n a day as five lowest sates: Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS varsity Toronto. assistant teachers At the Win harp f t will set as much t e i �. The office i, open to the pGblio (holidays ex 8 P y P men working b hand. The old fash- IMPLEMENT ROOMS, W. WHEATLEY ; cepted) from S n m to 7 15 p m. but holders o public school has'resi ned her position, strong pro as con. tion of the people from the contamination R Y Special attention give to the Preservation i lock boxes have ACOE38 CO LLO le by until 8 p.m g P Now, as for the Plebiscite, I am opposed of the drink crave, is anotherevidenee that toned press of the country newspaper the natural teeth. b PP Ii1LL�3IUE STUCK HARM. , Mrs O'Brien, mother of Mi JAmes to it on the grounds that it is but a twin be is no rAiable guide to his countrymen Prints ten thousand a day, while the Omce, Coate f took, over Taylor's shoe store Money Order and Saving Bank office open O'Brien, of the 2nd concession of Ha cit paper is turned ont on a c t a.m. to 6 p. in. Y+ brother of the former plebiscite On which I in their present struggle with the saloon Y P P slinger For service -The hichly bred abort born butt• N. B, -Will visit Blyth aver Moeda Press, cut and folded at the rate of ten 19th Prince of Thule; also, the large iroproved Ba field ever visit ay afternoon y and who died at 13urk's Falls, was buried we had metal the pleasure and expense of interest, as also h e refer6nce to the P + Matter for registration must be posted half y P P Y y an hour to fore closingra the mails, at the Exeter Union cemetery on Wed- voting. That was the termination because I pr^_aching of the erose being foolishness.' to forty thousand an hour. The city Yorkshire boar (Regulator) first-class pedigtee, . summer during t>•e ".. ` nesday evening last. the Ontario Government had not the ower It is indeed foolishness so reach to saloon- paper is able Lo secure a circulation s prize winner, bred by Mr. H. J. Davis, Wood- � STAGE AtAIL - SUa[)[ERHILL -Every P I P stock. TERMS; -Ball, $1.54, Boar, $1. Fees Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and hav- Mr, Brimblecomhe, whose farm ad- to prohibit, and I doubt ver much whether ists and their patrons, besotted an ' de- running into the tens of thousands, a able in advance, with Y. K y P f, p y privelege of return- DRU WM, GUNN, L. R, C, P. and a R. C• B. Ing at 5.3oP•m• the Dominion Government has the ower based by the sine in the one ossa, and the while that of the country town does ingif neoesaery. �� joins the town Of HArriston, is the own. P g D Edinburgh. piBce-Ontario Sreet Clinton ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched to eradicate an industry. It may regulate chains binding them to their cups in the well to reach as many hundreds. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS. Night calla at front door of residence on Rattan ,e ,;1, er of a three leg pig, one month aid. Y• Y n Clinton, May 27, 1898. 1i., ,,,_ from this office to Londosboro and Belgrave, It is healthy and fat and can get around and control, but whether it has power to other. 'It is in the Clower of God and in Large circulation, too, brings large re- bury Bt., opposite Presbyterian church, "-•ab ve°staatedhell and Dublin, mare closing as as live) as the others of the litter. y uproot the industry pf the Manu- the wisdom of God' that (be electors seek turns for advertising. In Lhis way the y entire) u r y PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET ''�'' facture of liquor is very questionable and to set these hapless captives free and to coat of each copy i9 very small, and the , Mails 'tor British Isles an European n• ) ;:.'. ;. e d Eu open con Jame, Clark, Seaforth, who has been leaves room for great deal of law. Compel the salooniat to earn his living in a city weekly can be sold for little more FOR $ALE. DR J. L. TURNBULL. M. D. TORONTO ,11 tries intended to be forwarded by Now York, engaged at Broadfoot Box & Co's fag- g than the coat of the a 1 On which it University, M D. C.M, Victoria Univeni ,. roust have written on the top left hand carrier Moreover we have not the promise of morally clean way. Then will 'the gospel P Pa I -- M. C. P & B„ Ontario. Fellow oftheObstetrlrs otenvelopo via NRw Yonx. tory for many gears, intends leasing is Anted. next week for CPlttmet, Mich., where prohibition even should the plebiscite nave free course and be glorified' in what P The undersigned will sell ataeaoriflee, Lot 451 Society of Edinburgh, late otLoaaoa, Eng „ and carry, but we have the assurance that if a it will work for a sober trnd happy people. The local press of Ontat'lo is desats- or la, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particatare EdiabnrghHoepitala. Of lee.-Dr,D-- yyeld his mother, brother and sister reside. prohibitory law is placed upon our Statute 'Prohibition is not even a moral question, ing Of warm support. It maintains a upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u o1Boe Battenbury St, Clinton. Night ball The estimated revenue of the United The farm of Mr Peter Cooper, near Books there are over eight millions of but simply one of political eo�nomy or high standard of news gathering, and answered at the same place. + "• States for the current year is $182,$74,- hiselhurst, on the 12th concession,has dollars of revenue to be made u besides municipal regnlati0n,' Mr, Kernighan says, Serves as (he Meana of exchange Of lo- FOR SALE. _ .; 647; the appropriations already made been sold to Mr N. Horton for $4,600. all the salaries of the officials who will Could it be possible to go further astray? cal thought and opinion, Its editors b'actoryandoontente mi the repents of D. R, J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN 1 are able and well informed D vRGgypit amount to $892,627,991, And the war The farm contains 1099 acres, has good vainly try to enforce the law, These areal •moral questions, with the and their Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and A.rooucheur, Oto, office and residence On. buildings and is good value for the Respectfully, W. MAsQuis. gravest responsibilities resting on tnose comment is probably the strongest balance at $to a month. Building to be re- tarlo St., opposite English church, ferment o• '. entered upon insures an expenditure a enc in moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.copied b ' 1,,;, money. Holmeaville, July 11th, 1896. governing and those governed. He further Y the political and intellectual y Dr. ClintonOliout. , of many millions a year extra for Mr Robert Walker, who has been _ says: 'Drinking to excess, which causes lie of the people. Let no one under- '` drunkenness, is the only feature which estimate i be value of his local paper,- HOUSE TO SENT. ISR. MacCr'IGLUM. generation to Home. conducting the store at Blake for over (To the Editor of the \\'fitness properly comes under the purview of the r y p y ) , Toronto Farmers' Sun. The large frame edbydwelling house at)w Albert M. D., C, a1., McGill. M O, p g Onto a ear, has sold the tenant arid stock Stn; -Permit me to reply to your oar• churches.' this giant evil, which Domes Street late_y occupied h Mr. Todd, with halt -I0_London, England, where people to Robert Nichol, Mr Walker taking P y P P , , respondent, J. Kernighan. I shall. do so from the drinking of intoxicating liquors, an acro of land. Hent moderate, Apply to �� Resident Physician to Royal Victoria, Mr Nichol's farm in Westminister,near, READERS OF THIS PAPER JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. Hospital, Montreal. have some knowledge of the subject, Mr in the spirit which you inculcate on your is the church not to tight against and 19 DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING London, in part payment. comes agent " - -- Office Dr Dowels s Mulock is receiving great praise for his PO s• I can the more easily do the state not to protect ire subjects from? ADVERTISED IN ITS COL' UMNy HOUSE TO RENT. _ Night calls at Clarendostand. Rattenbt)ry St. Old Mi Irwin, of Lower Wingham, this when I mention that your correspon- That surely would be immoral, 'By their SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING _ strong stand for postage reduction Rays on hand last Tuesday and aLtend- dent ani I are personal friend-, and that fruits ye shall know them.' Thus the true WHAT THEY ASK FOR, REFUSING The house on Isaac Street, at present oc- e n` ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. illi BTANhU1%Y GRADUATE OF T within the Empire, and it is held that ed the Orange walk in Blyth with the last year when on a visit to Canada I lied nature of the liquor traffic is discovered, cupied by Walter Cole, is offered to rent on 1� , .r Wingham lodge. This year makes under his own roof the realest possible and it should be the aim of all statesmen reasonable terms. App, at Naw EuA.O$1Ce, Medical Department of Vio orl a,� nl to him more than all other causes the g P i or to MRS. DODS WORTH, Holmesville, sity, Toronto, formerly of the l�epiials 7, the sixty-first time that Mr Irwin has pleaenrQ in listening to his brilliant con- Christiana and patriots to have it suppress- A Hundred in a Year. Utsyeueariee, New York, Coroner for , ,.:Itmportant forward step is due. What taken part in the 12th of July celebra- versation about the future of hie -I should ed. It is a cjestroyer of life, and eyes the Choice .House and Lot for 'Sale. uO°nty °f Huron,Bayltold,ont. Mr Mulock has done will redound not tion- say, our -beloved Canada. His glowing lives of those who take it moderately are To give some idea, says the St,Marvs A frame house and On Saturday evening last Mr James enthusiasm when he spoke about the vast• shortened from five to seven years, as the Argus, of the extent that some of the quarter-aore lot on the r E. BLACEALL VETER;J;I4AY SU to.hls honor alone but to the good of Y g Hees of its extent, its unlimited resources, statistics of insurance eompantes prgve, fatroers in thianei neighborhood are cin corner of James and maria streets, Clinton; J.Honoraryoraduateofttieon6ariove�lEa Richards, saw -miller Of Kinlou•rh, re• C - g going oodbriakvell, hart 14x20 situated near the College, TreatealldieeaseeofdomOstiaatedan +Tjanada. The Mail in the role of ditty tired to tied in his usual state Of health, its majeatio rivers, its inland seas, its min- Native races are first demoralized by its into the bog business. we mention the V T, R. station ane Doherty Organ Factor . mate on th ''.bird may find the work congenial, but On Sunday morning, when one of the Cal weer th and the splendid qualities of use, then they become helpless .victims fact that Wm. Whetstone, near Lake- Apply to JOHN DLERY, Clinton, y plea oJiioe most erslid s ientiflapriao e people. I knew be was a life-long ab. and Eben speedily die off, Chief Inspector side will raise fat and sell from Decem- immediately the New Err ib will win the deserved contempt of family went to call him for breakfast, g P Y p ollice. Residence - Albert at„ Clinton, Oaf P he was, found dead. Heart disease is stainer and like mys.'If, bad all along done Roberts, in the 1898 Blue Book on Native ber last to next December just I00hogs. HOUSE TO RENT. Dight orday attendedto promptly : . jntelligent Britons and Canadians. supposed to be the cause, what he oculd to advance the cause of Affairs in South Afrioa, after having gone These will average in weight about 200 Comfortal)le cottage on Albert Street, north JOHN F_ MILN V )M.,uss peranoe. Time did not permit as to elaborately intothe frightful havoc wrought lbs.each, making 20,000 lbs.of pork pro o rent at once. Good halt -acre Igarden an eI E. ETERINARY BURGEON Mr John E. Wright, sot) of Mr Rich- the prohibition question, so it was amongst the natives'by strong drink says: duced in one year. This is a cod re- Sea Ing orchard, with promises of lots of fruit, has returned tot,linton and opened an office r and Wrigght„ formerly Of Seafor th, andmewhat of a aur g Rent low. W. MOORE, at the Queens Hotel, where he may !. r T..'rhe manner in which the Drummond now of Hensall, has secured the v prise when along with a 'I have always held, and still hold, that cord, but Mr Whetstone says,if he had y be °onsutt- Sewin ed for the treacmeut of all diseases of horses, 11, letter from him I received a copy of the both in the interests of the natives end in accomodation its would like to raise a Machine Depot, Huron Street. cattle,&c. All calls, ntghtor day, prompttyat fit (%gUpty railway investigation hits end- important position of assistant sup ,r- Witness of May 11, in which his communi- t the iatereste of the European population of double the number. He is going to tensed to. ed causes The Insurance and Financial intendent of the Detroit, Ypsilanti cation appears expressing his views on the colony it is essential, nay absolutely build more pens and before another HOUSE TO LET. and Ann Arbor electric railway. This ft ` Ch'ronicle, a tlaorou bl inde endent that burning qaestion. In that letter he necessary, that t sere should be a stringent . year we would not be surprised to learn g Y P is one of ilia finest equipped ed suburban P Good large house on Rattenbury street, with ARRiAGE LICENSE+ ,AAMES SCOTT, SR, 4 pP says Prankly that Ile done not think that liquor law against the sale of drink to any that he had marketed the 2110. six large rooms, cellar and woodshed, summer insurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room L and unimpassioned observer, which is lines entering Detroit. his views will commend themselves to me. aborigines of this country. The natives kitchen, pa ntry, hard and soft water, large and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. 1 ,� published by Mr Wilson Smith, ex- At the parsonage, Kirkton, Miss Now all this shows Mr Kernigban's sin- themselves are fully conscious .of the evil stable. Will be rented cheap,to permanent ' Laura Prior, daughter' of Thomas cerit and that the opinions be expresses, effect of strongdrink, but are'unable to re -tenant. Apply to Ntrw ERA Office, or to . ,..- iiOr. of Montreal, a staunch Censer- prior, Of Exeter was married to Will- being the result of P onvietiona, demand silt the temption, and I believe wuald JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderioh. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDEBBORO Sense and a candidate of the party at ism Kay, eon of Thos. Kay, of Farqu- careful consideration, and that hie ergo- readi sea to a law which would keepM.'erl't., i -- ISSUER Of MARRIAGE LIC>LNBES Ct1UI(,E ]HAH11I FOR SALE. No witnesses required tXiH lftst election, to comment rather hat: Tile happy event took place in meats be met and refuted or his case' liquor of their reach.' All are agreed ""IN _ -, ` ,",the afternoon. The r•uptial knot WAS against prohibition must stand. My ob. that it is the duty of the state to see to - ), A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved -1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OP Severely upon the recklessness with tied by Rev John Ball, jest will be to show that be is mistaken, the protection of its subjects from insani• r` Merit talks" the land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All but 15 ji . P. L. S, provincial Land Bur �vllieh charges against members of the acres cleared, good frame house, frame learn, Surveyor and On Fridav evening of last week a that his arguments are not sound and tbat tary conditions, small pox and otbsr die- intrinsic value of hearing orchard, running water. Situated two Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Goo, Ottawa Government have been made. large company representing the Con- the principle of prohibition is right. eases; to educate, to protect from violence H°od'et3arsapari,,.. Talks Milos from town of Cilnton. Will be sold on Stewart's Grocery hwre, Clinton. „ • +, re ational churches of Turnberr and Mr Kernighan's argument that 'prohibi- and generally to make laws so that it will Merit in medicine means the rensouable terms. D. McTAVISH, Clinton. ---- :'`Such inquiries, 1t says, tend to de g. Y tion does not prohibit' is very venerable be esu for them to da right and difficult to power to owick met at the residence of Rev J. P y g cure. Hood's CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. :grade us in the estimation of others, W. Gofiftn wird presented he and Mrs and has long done duty on the saloon plat- do wrong,' That it is not morally right New House anti Lot f'or Sale. and the fear of being villified and hav- Gofiin with a handsome new bit form and in the columns of the saloon to enact that the liquor alall not be sold, and unequalled curative power tLere- - COOeER s LD STAND, I g buggy, tore it has true merit. When Snbscriberofers his house and lot on 14 ill duster and driving whi press. That is almost sufficient to die- which every body is better and safer with• you bay Btroet for sale on cheap and reasonable terms. Next to Comweroial notes. ;lhg unworthy motives imputed as the g p" credit it, but docs be not give sway hie out, ie a doctrine which I am certain a Hood's Sarsaparilla and take it according Thu lienar is a new Cwn st uy Prnme, with steno -- ' ,:p4.%`tae p£ activity in the erfortnance of Mr. 1). Gilchrist, AVingham, met p , purify cellar, hard Ana soft water, Lot one-quarter of This k d n the is to lull o• .ywa oration and a Y P case when be accepts ,said to be facts and noble nation like Canada full of aspiration to directions to y your blood, or order filled in the most satiefacto. t„•., , with a painful accident at the Union figures from such a contaminated and self• .for the hi brat interests and well-bein of cure an of the man blood diseases art acro- Iteason for selling -owner wishes to ern and granite work a specialty. ws yrlCame You move nearer to his work,es a Stlblie,duty is cwlculated to keep rnan'y F nroittire factory on Wednesday for e- interested scarce, rind rejects the -plain its people for the future, will not subscribe are mo ally certain to receive benefit. W• MENNEL, Clinton. So as those of any establishment gobfl luau out the arena of politics. noon. He was Operating the carving facto' From prohibition districts in the to; but, on the contrary, will yet demon• The o 4" machine and in some way one of his power to cure n there. You are not , SF.ALE &HOOVER, Clinton United States and Canada from those on strata -to my friend, 'J. I{ernighan', and (.O'L`LAG�f, r1�TD LUT FOR arms got fastened in the machine and the spot who have no pecuniary interest All who have become faint -hearted -the trying an experiment. It will make your - ' According to the New York Sun all the flesh was bads torn. P P Y blood ore rich and nourishing, and thus SALE., t B Y to eerve7 that there are violations of ibe' glorious possibilities of prohibition, pro- P + g+ - WAN I D y Old Established House - be big liners are vulnerable when The grim reaper death visited East law more or lase, according to the lax or bibiting, when resolved on by a resolute drive out the germs of disease, strengthen) High Grade Alan or Woman, The undersigned offers Por sale a frame cot- Wrtwanosh on Frlda. last and took n tago of four rooms, with kitchen end woodshed °f good Church standing n act es Manager p, Y strict enforcement of it by those respon- and righteousness loving people. the nerves and build up thewholeayatem, attached. Contrally sttna ed. Oood water and at their h ��trnek amidshi `7, as was lliP Case with hero and do office work and corresponaenoe away Maggie E., slaughter of Ill Dav- Bible, ie not denied, but that is no more i Let me close by saying that no govern- drainage. Will besuld cheap. APO'y to estahlish lm ere u�irl is aareadybutitEnclose self. " ..,Ihe Bourgogne. The cleverest marine id Taylor, cn her 21st ■ p y year. Deceased reason against a prohibitory law than merit has any moral right to grant licenses / \V. C, SICARLI:. architects have been unable to devise a had been ailing for same time with breaches of other laws prove them to be to sell intoxicating lir uora which Clinton Doc, ndlhease,l NEfLrllped ellve Opo for our corms to g I paralyseH o A. 1 . Elder, General Manager. 1s:) Michigan eclleme to rotect the stoutest single thin dread disease consumption, but it bad or that they should be repealed. The the brain of the drinker, infects Targe num- -- -- - - - Ave., Chicago, Ill •, P was only about a mnnth ago that she adoption of the Scott Act and eubsegnent bora of its subjects with an incurable die- IIOLISIji I+(+li ,i9tA1�11` ijCrew liners, hit hard amidships or gave up hope of rocoverY• repeal in some districts seams to have ease, spreads contamination broadcast and a� tpyeabo ls. Ever steamship that AGENTS. N Y P Un June 1; 1 h, Miss Lilian M.Morgan, soared him, The want of the enforcement destroys more of its sub,ects than war, $t- tea bnrH t,fle two semi-detached brick " Klondike Gold i� iel rs," n lar a rhea v `' of � lieen struck far from land by even daughter of .John Morgan, of Bayfield, was the Gauss, and be ease the only way to pestilence and famine, Driniting )oison- Sarsaparilla la llotl,; ori R,Lttenbury St., known ,LH the pox- f p, nlu- 1 ton 1' ope'ty. able Iectu stWellt like s lvhtrlwund• I3on tim rafLaaareal lauen schqun- was married wt Devil's Lake, North enforce a prohibitory not, according to the ous liquors, which has such disastrous ef• Is the best, in fact -the One True Blood Purpler. Chef houses and n1Ha vnrant lots Pel• sale, InH PtlCtlla LR'Ctlty-h v6 C01]tH, ;i00lCa en tlm0• FtlD tllodeet a c decisions oP the Courts, ie to bn illicits fecte, moat ba wren on the ort of the in- fleecy.-Pric,Lls funds in lar c and small t<1DLhl-GARHETSUN WMPANY,L1nuTrtD, Dakota, to Hon. Frank E. B. Mercer, Y Y g P Prepared only byC.LHood&Co.,Lowell,Masa, g' ;er lies gone down, sometimes without of Langdon. The ceremony 'was per- and 'drink' and 'inform,' I answer if that dividual and immoral on the state which sums, , u L 1 ,, n - L; 1 liales low. - - _ _ Toronto. ` was and is so under the Scott Act adopt a, provides the facilities. The evil inherent r Do not purge, stn or W. 13R1'DONE, Mr•ristar. r �fle loss of a soul,as was the case of the formed in the Presbyterian church P P I Hood S P1llS !8 - •---------- --- _ __ AGENTS there, by Rev Mr Horbach.• The bride better made of proof under the new act, in alcohol is thus clearly demonstrated gripe, All drugg sta. 960, '' iegon, Oil Fife Islwnd, On March ]4, was one of the most popular yours Past experience will have taught statesmen and confirmed by the fact that allattempte l3US[NI: S I'1t01� I+.[i'l'Y I+'Oli writes Lor I1 Lorne aboutlQ9((�tu en Vtet een,•, and sometimes with more than g this. M friend is not easily satisfied, he to ' ro ort regulate' the sale of it has AGENTS WAN 1)H.1.), SACC+ Agonts lnaketi•e dollars gally a X. 9 ladies of Devil's Lake, while the groom Y Y P P Y B BRADLEY-GARRETtiON COMPANY, Ln1tT&D, tee carters of all on board. The is a prosperous hardware merchant of would even beiagainst prohibiting the sale been a failure, This should open the eyes to Mo outs wanted, mato And temnlr„ in eco+y Thnt deshnblo Bri k Rosiness tend on Al Toronto. q g of intoxicating, liquor because, as he says, of the people and teach them that 'total c li y to sell our novAties. Rig eonlmission bort .St.. Clinton, occupi, d by NIr N, Robson, is .'Vi'(1'e.du Havre of the French line was Langdon. 'drnnkenness is only one evil, and could it abstinence for tl•e individual and probibi- pined, Mend Tapplication and 2.1 cents for Pnll ofrr•red for sale, inchldin • rear lot, and alablo. GENTS - Book business is b Ttltl dowt3 almost to the same way as The Grand Trunk Railway has paid be banished entire] if in doing it you tion for the state' is the only moral) 1 "s of Flanlp ° . The FRN.1WIw M f g Go Phe -o -Lion is ane of t.ho ncHL in Clinton. The A yoars past;aiso have bouerat °fast than for g Y Y Confederation (,ifs R ]d'rra, Toronto rn lrrt.v is her, Prom tncumbrnnce anti title in bootee. A td Paster selling bh1 5uCgbgne met dfaaafer. The iron the Agrictiltural Societies the commis- y' _ P' i nGy clear from $xitish ship Lock Earn bit the. ViIIP du brought half a dozen other evils equally sound and permanent solution of this - dispwab o, Price reasonable nal tern's to snit fow leads a are: " Qricen Vi f rin$40 Lleo of , A 11 Devre irr'k fo in mtdoCean On Nov, Bion from the Dlodel Farm excursion bad m its place: I submit that this ie beg- great question. JoriN aatvttwarcrnT, r ch mor. Apply Lc OF,O. 57 ANBUItY, hon- Gladstone,' At ttothor's Riblo Btorios " •.Oren g last month; the total corn mission earned It Itoad, or address Clinton P. o y l LZd` f, 1878 almost cutting her to two. was 1$348.16.' The•two Societies, Turn- Bing the question, and it is the duty of Aberdeen, Scotland, June 90, 18A8. IT PAIS TO areaslveHprnkon" Klondike Gold Fiotris,""Wo- She foundered, and only 280 out of 313 y �- N'at in I r r yiLle Etc to 1Ccnt. Dn ner and Supperr," ' of Cat Unseen, do an EL cycloptno- Y herr wad Morris, each received $174.16 ,0-Xsbn9 were saved. The steamship which will leave a snug sum to replan• On Thursday of last week Dun an- Traffic on London Brig e. `'�� Tho south half of lot 5, oonoossion A, Town• The BR I)L1uY C3Ai01R[fi]TdflOo to canvassers. leigerof1PeThi„gpallalinewitshitoff ish the treasury after payment of ex- non was the scene of two accidents. g 11 �I � ship of llrorris, containing loo acres, 8o acres Toronto. Ov Co., Limit -ed . f�016lsfohd in a fog on Au , 13, 1888, penses. During June fully thirty thou- ' cleared and in good state of cultivativation. `------------_.- Aa E. Anderson, eon of Thomas Ander- thell a sisters ip, and 73 sand farmers visited the Experimental son, of Ashfield, was cin home from It is computed that about 200,000 't hoi c aro on tho promises a franne house, frame heli 1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE y rt9 hellrs and 33 of her crew war a lost. , . 1) rj g barn. frame drive nous.', good orchard, novel-- iigI arm under the aus ices of the various Stewart's sawmill with a load of abing- pedeetrains and 20,000 vehicles cross failing supply of spring water, Sitalnted i mile CO.`• his North German Lloye steamship Farmers' Institutes. This ie'at least les, a bunch fell off the load, frighten- London bridgq every. day. Each leaves from the village of Blyth. Will be soid on rea- INSURANCE C g behind a little shoe leather or a little Are You Aware of the Fact that sonable terms. Apply to C. HAMILTON, Blyth llie foutl�tered in the North Sea after one-third .more than last year. ing the horses, which ran away. In � , i blow r�#4%ed by the little British iron -- oat atrifle. But when litterand n THOIA. R.WRIGH•r 1Cxocut r, 9181'rineess FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPER tciCinehipc(Jratre on Jan 30,1896. OnlY After 19 years of active work in the Some way the driver fell of the load, Avo„ London, Out. ONLY INSURED dr goods trade, J. H. Colborne God- and was somewhat injured, though not dust are added to these minute losses TheCanadaBusiness College 1. 'tlib eteltltS bbips that collide head on H the whole fllla between three and four Excellent Farms to Ltout. each, surviving partner of Uolberne seriously. He is now getting all right CIIATHAIVI or'rrcre:9 ' ggtt'e h01 , bf salvation. They are pro- Bros„ has retired from that line of again, much to the satisfaction of his I carts. The most surprising fact of all , ONr• _ Geo. Watt, President, Harlock P,. {pct by;th0 collison bulk -heads. Ais that the incessant traffic across the Owing tri ill health of his wife, the subscriber Ale Lean, Kippon P. o., Vice -Pres.; g business, arid, we understand, will many friends. The other accident was Is deing more for its pupils than any other has decided to offer lila splendid farms on the Sham 01), tiery=Press„ SeaPorth P. O.; Thos. _ j,;'bTb r.; o.t)terd or at any point just fat hereafter devote hi self entirel to of a more serious nature, and occurred ' bridge reduces to powder about twenty Hnsineae Cot loge in ilio Domhdon, ' Haya, SeAforth P, o., Inapootorof Losaoa, ra or b81 midehips B usually mor- grain -buying. The r tirement of�Mr. at,Belfast. Thos. Woods and his mo- I five cubic yards of granite every year. 43 pupils were iiaced ll two months. Sttr baso lino to rent. Ono o the Perms contains 80 iiliiL •hill being the C99e file morn y g dents from all quarters are Hooking to this acres, in Godorirh township, nearly all cleared DIRsoTORs Colborne removes )n of the oldest ther were driving, when the raisin of and in nrstrolass state of cultivation. There Is g g worthy business school, W G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G, Grieve, ta�'"+etli) international regulations Besides a largo attondance from Chatham 80 foot frame house, hearing orchard, bank born Winthrop P, O,; George Dalo• 9eaPorth Tho 1ot1Td }7g' etyfbrced Compelling all vas- merchants from the Squa e, for nearly her parasol by Mrs. W oda frightened BLLNHEIIYI 80 lost long and stables; pI°ntv of water on the IC Ela s, fail ikt X ve rate of s eed during a score of years is a long life fOf any the horses and caused them to ^nn ONT. there aro alrea y this year 93,pupils registered ln,•co and also inside the bnildin . Also lot .%3, ys, Saafortb; Jas. Evans Beechwood P, g lfhe of business. Mr. Colborne dnritt from ont.eldo otnte. 00 of thorn from points p O ; Thos. Carbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser. 't� p y p g 4th concession of Hnllett, (near t e other) con• Brumfield; John , McLean, Iii 11 this 19 not done t ere will be g www rhe occu an, a OE the vehicle I have beets ve nen with heart iron• soarer to other business colleges than to taining 33 aorev, an cleared and Flooded down. PPB°, t his career has proved himself to he not were both thrown out, and Mrs. Woods ble and excessive nervoasnoae since last Chatham. In the both farms are 110 aeras cleared and AOrxTS 11 )t° ed dt+etretls'e In ocean travel. only a live business man but a progres- received injuries so severe as to result spring and beoame completely debilitated wo presume the those pronto ins. ani atcd the r I 1,* P Y merits of the different schools, anti decided Without a foot of wet , land, and 20 scree will Robert Smith, illan,ok; of o, h; Yeo s C I sive citizen, and it is a batisfactiou for in her death nn Mondaq last. Mr. and weakened, so that I thought I was go- that nothing bat the boat would satisfy them, b° ready for fall wheat, Tho tnrmsnroon ggoo stile; Robt• MoAiil]°n, 8caforth James 41t os_ Inggravel rood, about 2 Milos from town of Clin- min E ' th �►f ld°den Cly for his friends to know that the town is Woods, fortunately, was only alightly Pills to die. Miletely c Heart and Nexvo nano°, a of are hero, ton. will be rented to a good tenant at a rea• Morrga gmoudvll7O;John Govenlook iigd John not to lose the energy and business injured. The relatives Of the deceased Pills hays completely cured me, and I can- Write torontnlugao 0 other do artmentsa d aonable figuro, with privilege of going on at { on, anaitu s, y a list of the 43 pupils placed do two monvltA g g Parties desirous to oil'oet lnrtarane or inane• i tact that be is undoubtedly po9seassed have the sympathy of the community not be too thankful for my recovery. Mrs once. A�pply on the premises, or y letter to act other buAinets will be tlrbm tr a tohdod,, TO CI of. In their sudden bereavement. JAs (:lrtl9T, Blenheim, Ont. Clinton Post Offlco, ori application to any o the abo offioera ' "j% • D. MoLACBGAN Co,C111attilsam , THOMAS IbIASON, aadroasod to their roe o W � , 4 . , •• 'P .. . _ 'i ; _ .. A' ave oftloo, .