HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-15, Page 6July 15, 1898 r THE CLINTON NEW ERA �.� I. AM"��US. �t1111i 'BEATENA1�lllAllA lr A Shameful Horror. LOOKING FOR TROUBLE.a� on. , FEARFUL FATE OF SPAIN'S BOASTED From the wreck «•f the Baur o ne g g and the horrible scenes .vhich accorn- pooled the sinking of that vessel, thel , The Average Boys Ancties When He ]Yioves to a New Neighborhood. e ii a' rescued from the shoals only to 8IIff°t s more terrible fate, eased NESS INVINCIBLE FLEET. are lessons to be learned which the tra_ The new boy in the neighborhood always I. Yt - f , sheets salled-ont Into the dee North sea, closely followed by the English. yeller will do well to note. Never was expects a trying time. He looks for covert r -1: -��r HeartspasIffise The Big Galleons, Battered and Riddled clPrnoiistt'atPd. Running bd#ligerentdemoastrations. He confident . bosses many a body and bur- with shot by the Little English Fleet g at 17 knots an hent, in a dense fog, the Bourgogne q elieves all the boys in the new neigh- l y H - '1T�=F. _ , ..�, :EE�: \ , dens many a mind. You can't enjoy Were bent Drifting Toward the Shoals, g collided with a vessel smaller• than it- borhood are bent upon guying him. p g q g The • ,?:lt.:da. . `. 1 �; the food you like because YOU are Begging sidoula to Surrender. self, and sank before many paster ars could reach the decks. The watertight new bo in the nal hborhood and y g his younger sister had their first view of •. �M " ' bilious. You take all sorts of re- p "The Spanish Armada" is the subject compartments with which the boat was the children neat door a morning or two constant and is increasing, due especially to the influentiai character . i cautions, and yet the bilious of an article in The Century written by furnished availed it nothing, There ago. When they came in to breakfast, G' attack leaps on you like a tiger from ambush. \Villhun Frederic Tilton, with an intro- duction by Captain Alfred T. Mahan. Mr. was time to close them but the crew ' was apparently too crazed with fear to the boy's face was flaming. '•I'll smash the faces of those kids �% I 10 ' _ g e. little prejudice might have prevented the country from se. curing a most You know the feeling l The blood 'Pilton sa.•vs of the defeat of the "Invincl- bee think of anything but how best to get away from the ship. door," said the boy as he Hung himself into unto his chair. excellent jurist.-Paoifio Commercial Advertiser, Guarantees relief In 90 minutc2D I t Sold by Watts & Co. 4 seeming on fire with a dull heat-; the boring pains in the eyes the head armada:" In Spain the progress and fortunes of the bad The actions of those ruffians through the whole disaster were little bhort of "Why, my dear," cried his astonished mother, "what have they done?" ; seeming to open and shut; the hOr- armada naturally been the one all absorbing theme of boasting or conjecture, fiendish. They drove the passengers back From the boats. They struck the "Oh, well, they stood out on the porch an made faces at us an said things." ` rible nausea. You know the irrita- palace and monastery, in street and shop. From every altarof the land fervent few survivors with oars and boat hooks "What did they say?" "They ( The feeling of buoyancy produced by bility which precedes and the languor prayers for Its success were rising. The when these attempted to clamber into the boats that passed them in the water. said everything. Didn't they, sister?" I the action of Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve , Pills is remarkable. One feels bright that follows the attack, It's miser- isn't king himself passed hours of every day upon his knees before the sacrament, and Of a crew of 220, half Were saved. Some 69 "But what did they any?" "I toll and active, energetic and full of snap and v'm. Rich red blood fills the .«`':: able, it? Why not cure the trouble 7 those in waiting on him declared that he passengers escaped out of a total of 714. The majority of these were steer- you they said everything -an the hired girl was there too." veins, and the nerves tingle with the sensation of There's a ill that Will Cure p , biliousness. often rose in the night, sighing to heaven for victory. g age passengers, who had drawn their g p` g "'What did she do?" "Oh, youthful life and vigor. • _ Dr. J.C.AYER S PILLS I. are an acknowledged specific for this And now came Mendoza's good news. Yet the king, feverish as was his longing knives and fought their way through women and children to the boats, she said things. Didn't she, sie- I ter?" "Come, TREMBLING HANDS ANA SHAKY=MORT. F derangement. for success, was too old a player to put ab- The fault of this lies wit the officers my boy," put in the head of the and crew. And it is a warning to the I household, "let's narrow these A HAMILTON MAN'S ESPERIENCIC 4 t A. Swanger, Texarkana, Tex., writes soluto trust in his embassador's confused report, for the sanguine, magniloquent traveller not to sail upon an ocean boat manned by French and leaded generalities I down to facts, What did the servant girl say?" WITH A NEW MEDICINz. DEAR SIRS Per ' "For fifteen years I have used Ayer's Pills, find them very effective in bilious corn- nlendoza had a reputation for "deceiving himself." So Philip in an agony of con- with Italian steerage passengers. The dis- cipliue of an English steamer would "She -called us names, Didn't she"- `'What did she call you?" I have spent half a fortune in doctors' bills, all to no avail. These Pills seemed to plaints. I have yet to see the caro where they have failed to crus." fiicting doubt anti hoposhut himself up in the Escurial and would give no one audf- have saved five hundred lives. One of- (icer with a have "She said, 'Good morning, children,' an then kids reach the seat of disease at once, and they atsoseemed to possess a remarkable influence I once until he should receive more certain tidings. pistol would awed the stampede. 11.has been often done. The the made faces at us, an then" - "What kind of faces did the make?" Y I over me. The violent palpitation of the heart, the trembling of the hands the loss of the dreams, 11 6111.1 Blroaarsbtfpoo+e WhileMendoza's ridiculous rumors were second officer Of the Bourgogne rias 11 the Y, y -they grinned -an they the credit of having saved one half of called sir or names. Didn't the they,,- masculine vigor, frightful the loss of memory and general collapse of the entire system, have pp yielded to Ili. Ward's j ✓fi0 NOT FAIL TOTry circulating through the courts of the con- tincnt the armada2 was in reality flying, , those w•ho escaped and a half a•dozen I "What did they call your sister?" Blood and Nerve Pills. Great were the re - more such men would have been the "They said, `How do you do, little Ilanlnnjoying fulls crippled tents nlisernble, into tilt; fogs and girl,' salvation of the whole, i an thou"- the very bestof healthSI believe they are able todofo''othersas I } AYERPS Roles of rho German Ocean. For Phiap's fleet, iP not actually conquered, had been Chas. Liebra, a survivor is a French- I "There," said the father as he unfolded man,and he confesses he is ash:uued of' his napkin, I " much as they have done for me. Before using them I was a miserable wreck. '10 day I am J*•,y; ,, terribly shattered by the incessant, deadly fire of the Alnglish gunners in the great g p , guess we'll call the incl.- his countrymen. The tNrrihle sc•Pne a1, dent closed. The trouble with you, my the burning of the g e booths of the fair I boy, is that this a well man. Yours truly, I t ` fight off Cravelfues. When the Spanish ettutiral, Duke at neighborhood is treating THOS. FLYNN, gr Elgin St., Hamilton, Ont, Paris were repeated on the Bourgogne. i you altogether too well. But if you go PILIMUN the of Medina Sidonia, scouted over his ships after the battle several were missing, I The women were trampled down, crushed,and strangled by the men who fought i right ahead looking for trouble in the way I Dr, ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are sold per box, g boxes for :Gz oo, at ; you've started out you'll bo apt to find it 1rtitfatst so or 'nailed on receipt by r! - among thein thoso of the two heroes of the day on the Span- tit the foot• of the c=ompanion- way. It was it scene at Nvilich the I in quantities that will take away your I breath." of rice The Dr. Wotrcl Co., v= Victor's St., Toronto. Book of information free. ' SIL\flGIR JUBILEE ° —OF rnE- - ish side, the dashing, irresistible soldier + sailors Toledo and Pingentel, who, having vv<grld will stand aghast. 0has. Liebr•a ""I 't well be ashamed of his The boy snorted once or twice and then �'. �l�r �v 1 T r 'WESTERN 1~AIR9 LONDON. fought till, in the words of a Spanish oiFi- + ser p present, their country- Men—Exchan *e, b the breakfast proceeded. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. PERT PERSONALS. e This Live Stock crack galleons were 11knocked in pieces and the crews nearly all dead or wounded," drifted in the black I cupid breaks his beau at the eight of a face full of pimples. Hollow cheeks,sank- PRIDE OF THE LITTLE FINGER. Weyler's typewriter habit was not so ball After all in view of what has happened to great and Agricul- t ,. tural Sh gw is, perhaps, the most site. night, helpless or rather unhelped, away I front their consorts toward the Low Coun- en eyes, and a sallow complexion will def + It Can point Back to Your Grandfather's station Do Loins and Carranzu.-Chicago 'Timea- Herald, cessful of any iu Uanada today, The ': increase in the number of exhibits has try coast, I Writing of the ultimate fate bis beet intentions. Be uty is mora than skin deep. The skin is merely the surface In Life. 1 t "The fact that the hand looks shapelier Emile Zola may have hopes of giving + herrn simply marvelous. Each year the oP this splendid fleet, Captain Alfred T. Mahan 1 ou which is written in plain characters the and more graceful when the middle and France trouble of her own sufficient to her « directors are Called upon to exit ud the y,l buildings to accommodate saws: condition of the body. Dr•Pierce's Glclden Medical Discovery is good for the complex- I third fingers aro slightly curved in and prevent from assuming some of away from the index and little finger is ' Spain's. -Exchange. the adds. ' ' tional demand for ,pace. ` Yet the armada had not been utterly routed, and Flizabeth's captain knew ion because it makes the whole body healthy I shown by the models in the glove store I There has been an unprecedented de- There has been 79 box stalls added s °• y u for the horses this year, The carriage this full well. In the evening, g, just after the flghting -because it clears and purifles the blood, i windows, and, while it is affectation to mend for $ags recently. Possibly it was makes the dii,estion strong and clears oat i hold the hands in such a position, yet this patriotism that prevented Mr. Joe Loiter buil in d g has been increased by over 5, had ceased, Howard wrote home ; that he had"distressed them much," ti impurities of all kinds.' By increasing , oxoreise, to.malto the peso natural, should otu cornering thorn. -Washington Star. the be i 000 equate feet. The ugaiu build:ug, $��ing been too small fur some tend, . though he doubted not, "by God's good ability to assimilate nutritious food, 1 practiced," writes Katharine Eggleston If the Universal Peace union wishes to and by rho infusion of ire otvu ingredients Jankermann in the course of an articIo on make any sort of headway to years ,ill, Ipast, la to have a much needed exten- ';. Ston to the sou tb, of 50x 60 feet, assistance to oppress them," yet he `would not "write unto her majesty till more be ; popular fa- it enriches the blood, and eo makes solid, Physical Culture For Girls" in The ;ver, ib will unload its president right away healthy flesh, It cure; diseasea of the ' Woman's Home Companion which dis- even though his name is Love. which 9vi11 be used as an "art annex," beitgg clone." And even jubilant Drake, who, , with the insight of the ' lungs, liver, stomach, bowels, skin and . cusses hoiv to secure, pretty hands and re- -Boston G' lobe, v,;.,° r tBeciallyt spat ed and arranged for the great sea captain, had at once appreciated allIlOat to Iia full scalp, simply because all those diseases apriog from iaiu a natural grace of motion. "Soma display of oil paitltia, ynC1 dt'COriiliwl art. This will enable the same cause - a disordered extent the suttees achieved at pruvelines, digestion and consequent impure blood. one has said somewhere that the number of cultured back THE THREE. STAGES, es illdndbrtile!gt O rearrange the spaces in the rnaiu $till exhectecl to "wrV00 a pull" with the ' Spaniards and was keeping a sharp ey'ee I generations of an individual may be judged by the do- For the early stage, Scott's Emulsion is a cure. For the second stage, it cures btl]lding proper, to accommodate the ,t , demand of the manufact'Irers ttt:d in- upon them night and c}ay, 1 Rev T. J. Thompson, Belleville, was I In In spite of their exhaustion the Span- elected Moderator of the Kingston gree of curve in the little finger, Observa- tion will prove this more or loss true. many, And for the last stages of conaump- tion it soothes the ooa hand g prolongs the venters. The original inlentiun was to iprtease the machinery hall also, hal had scarce closed their eyes during presbytery. I When one sees a person holding a Mass or cup with the little finger thrust out and life, 5 the directors rind it impossible to ac- r + vCOtnplfsh this, and have laid it over fat the night after C;rayelines, fearing every I The future is uncertain, but if yon keep curved until it resembles a hook, a little moment show hear their ships strike on the your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla thatsthe treacherous ®�n�® r t6xG year. They feel satisfied I ha; 'aEFhell this is done the Western Fair u banks which skirt the Lowjus desire for culture cull Country coast. Soon after day broke their you may be sure of good health. 1 awakened in that particular family and �'i � J' yllll be equipped equal to, if not batter, titan any other association fears were all but realized. The wind had For smuggling small articles from in its newness is somewhat overstepping gradually edged to the northward and Ddtroit, six women were f]ued $50 and the mark. Affectation is a lack dor Infants and Children, on the con- tlilent for exhibition ur uses. the p p #wlfmile speeding track is ackncgtr• sign of of was now blowing hard from the north- costs at Windsor. ( breeding. g' west. this must have been a fair enough COUGHS AND COLDS are al a rom t] "Some of the old painters understood T)o" - It bed w be the Gest in Canada (;roti wind for Calais; but Sidonia had no cured byHagyWrd's PectoralBaleam, 25o hands to perfection. Long, rounded hands, stomach for another fight, t:mile ;r i.4aatnre I- every t ,ot4.holds the Canadiatl record), and •i1} necessary conveniences for and owing to their crippled state his ships, bad sailers ' with slightly curved fingers and gently Ralph Winder, of Kingston, the 13- � bent wrists, are characteristic the of /�/. QrraDDar, exhibi- 1rs and the public generally calgnut at best, were now falling off to leeward year-old son o£ a widow, felt oft a toward the low line of shoals. With terror wharf and was drowned. I of wom- en whose beauty they have made memo- ) surpassed. important additions have the Spaniards saw in front of them the I CHILDREN'S KIDNEYS rable. Sometimes perhaps the beautiful hands were those of some other model than I POPULAR SCIENCE. �Several ,er, made in the livestock. classes, and �4 i5ttiriber of handsome specials offered great waves breaking into gray foam on I Are often so weak that they cannot re• the smooth sands and close behind them tain their water. Do't scold or punish the the the pictured one, but the painters knew I that beautiful hands were as necessary as The female brain commences to decline in weight after the ageof 80; themale t *thy $reeders' Associations. uildnn the dome of the "Western pursuing English fleet. little Sidonia was lagging behind with his Pills ones. Give them Doan's Kidney and soon everything will be all beautiful faces in order to make a bar- moniona picture. not till ten years later A 'of r r D' in"ibeiog situated in the heart of an alg4!.tGtiltural and stock raisin district, stout hearted lieutenants, Recald and and I'°yva' The pilots declared that the fleet right the bade sweet and dry. "Tho people of almost every other na- tion have more graceful hands than single sniff highly concentrated prussic acid will kill a Inan as quickly as g $, t ts"itIWay8 been favored by a large at- t�!, ce of the yeomen of Ontario, was doomed unless the wind shifted, and I that speedily. Chicken hearted officers, Ronde, The report that the Township of Oe- • Carleton Uounty, had prohibit- we have, and those who use Choir hands most freely when conversing by far a shot through the heart. Professor S, P. Langley has now oar- as Well as their friends from far and near. least �,his ear, owing to the begged Sidonia to strike has colbrs and at e cavo ships and lives b P but the admiral I bicycling was incorrect. Listowel 1 are the most graceful. The hands which make no su- perfluous movements, ried his delicate heat a the bolometer, to such a degree ofpaerPe8 p present affil- isl�T"' - -1 prospects, it is expected to be confessed himself and resolved to die, if p^opooition ratepayers voted down the to expend ; which appear to obey readily and easily their owner's will, tion that it will register a ten -millionth of i; degree, ' rd breaker and a decided finan- oross nearly $20,000 die he must, like a true knight of the for waterworks and electric lighting. The English, g g' whose movements are free, rhythmic and C. For a certain part of it, the dampening meehanisin the .. riz . tack, Ti �' Ize list to hand proclaims this however, did not at- I believing, as the Spaniards afterward gentle, are the really graceful ones." TO CURE A CORN of alvanome- ter, he uses a dragon fly's wing on anneuni concluded `I 11, 11 , eir SilverJubilee. It is thirty itself tiles since the first Western Fair was that the armada was drifting to sure destruction. Suddenly g of y by a I A Lincoln Story From Honolulu. There is no lack of so-called cures for l 'n-4 th of its lightness and rigidity. . . 14 . a . �, • 71*BUSINESS ORANGE We sswand stock of James Steeto announce to the p, andthhave at etborouhave ghlyhoverhauled thd the G,roe ,e ashes• and added to it over ;600 worth of the freshest and best goods'in the trade. We arenow prepared to welcome ourold customers and as many new ones se wil. I honor us with a call. We are offering some real snaps. See our 1 !b. tin Bakl ing Powder and Scissors for 25o. Oar reduced price on Teas is giving great sat. ilction. Pickles Mushroom Catsup 8e.10o, three forer bottle. C25o.taTry ouross line oofSTess at 2ooer I lb �aGoods delivered. Cash paid for J _C--- Butter & Eggs f Combe's Block BARGAINS THIS WEEK '�� . I In Extension Tables and Dining Room Chairs. Bedroom Suites, Mattresses and Springs very cheap. Large stock of Window Shades and Poles at rock bottom prices. Pictures framed while you wait. Our Undertaking Stock is complete. Prompt attention awaitta Your call. I J. H. CH ELLEW. BLYTH Su�ar Sugar wants inhe season that line. Wereased are also smand in thefor Sugar has FrO t Ranksived, and we can with Mass FruitlJars. Prices very low. Do not forget that you want to destroy the potato bugs. Try our PARIS GREEN and CHURCH'S BUG FINISH Another special we offer is an —: Immense Stock of Tweeds :— which we are sell?ng at greatly reduced prices, snd will be pleased to show them and compare prices with any house. If you want a good suit in every way, come to us. Terms cash or produce. LOND2nd, R • ADAMS EMPORIUM, June 22nd, HUB GROCERY The most of goods are advancing, but CROCKERY is getting cheaper. We leave just received a shipment of DINNER SETS, ranging from $6 and up, as fine goods and as cheap as ever sold in Clinton, considering quality. . Also a Orate of Stoneware, direct from England. You can get any part of a set or a whole one, just as you wish, and at ridiculous. prices. �(3" O SWALi.QW, - Clint.on 'U"RNI�`URE BROAD]E'OOT', BOA !ur Thesteady increase in our trade is good proof of the fact that g our prices lower than those of other dealers in the Crede. ". We manufacture furniture on a large scale ane can afford to sell cheap, If you buy from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other cases, has to be added in fo the retail dealer. This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. Space will not permit us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer. Remember; we are determined that our prices sball be the lowest in the trade. UNDERTAKING. In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly ;thel best faneral. outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the low'hst. BROAD�'ooT',BOX & CO. J• W. Chidley Manager P S -Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral Director) residence, . THE BEST ` d; but on five occasions the Provin- t r a� 9OD]ation demanded the right to miracle, as the Spaniards piously thought, the common ailment known as corns, The g i vegetable, etable I the wind veered to the southward. The g animal and mineral kingdoms r ng a American civil war it be. came necessary to appoint a federal judge in the Arkansas district. President Lincoln on the matter Lino n li %wfls ler eot7y ea�s ac 1 p L p r T O T ®� R 11 tpld their show iu ,u, prion so this is + titally the 25th consecutive ii a' rescued from the shoals only to 8IIff°t s more terrible fate, eased have been ransacked for cures. It is a simple matter to remove soros Lin - considered candidates. One of the corn.time h t e a c• rt Ificate from him to get dvantages of the special return of doubt and des monin a council of war, So' hastily sum- g hesskedwhether 1-11 exhibit- Lhe Western Fair Association.ARI;'lie ditties are September $th to 27th sheets salled-ont Into the dee North sea, closely followed by the English. withoatand Pain, fcr if you will go to su dru let or medicine dealer and buy a ottle of Put. was Henry Clay Caldwell, now reaidiniiof for a time in Honolulu. When Repre- by a train and died of his injuries. HeartspasIffise ed than those of the heart -and medical Proper ry has made them amenable► to proper treatment. y Exhibitors will therefore require q °therwise to obey the weather" and sail ri�lIIgrd$> �jct Shaken by the terrible strain of the last nam's Painless Corn Extract and apply Wilson of Iowa spoke to Mr.TAKEN , nsentative BV Secretary t% 3�TrAiEii�lu"dt�$'lr£� f!'u�rl"'ti�r3liF narrowness '4 6m>xt. r: a"�ri°dt°�el[ ntim's" and Lincoln on the matter Lino n li %wfls ler eot7y ea�s ac 1 DR. AGNEW S COdE FOR THE HEART ''�iUEt''i�l� q ° ' e has been notified by t�fitvtu} �, „ zanies that exhibitors ! of this last escape from the very jaws of death, $Sdonia was in a �niO no other, tory, but that he would appoint no man the purpose of learning the particu- lars of her case : " I had always h t e a c• rt Ificate from him to get dvantages of the special return of doubt and des monin a council of war, So' hastily sum- g hesskedwhether Richard Power, 74 years of a e Montreal railway gateman, was struck uck for the office who "parted his naive in the middle." He produced newspapers from No organ in the human anatomy today - whose diseases can be morn readily deteoG ht races allowed, and at the time shipping inter would not be of an , he ought to sail back into the channel. Ib was voted to do so if the wind came fair, by a train and died of his injuries. Iowa and letters which referred to "H. CIay Oaidwell." This foppishness the pres. ed than those of the heart -and medical Proper ry has made them amenable► to proper treatment. y Exhibitors will therefore require q °therwise to obey the weather" and sail Vilief .Keeper Hu hes and Eu inset g g Derr of the Kingston Peni- !dent considered a dis u disqualification for of- fl°a. Representative Wilson "He It you have patpttation or flutterin shortness of breath weak or lir this in mind. this t features will bP adwer_ in north about a Spain, for, it was urged, hullo were leaking at a thouspnd shot tentiar have been suspended. The are accused of beingtoo friendly replied: does not sign his name that way, He is not responsible for the p irregular Pulse, swelling of foot or ankles, pain in the lett stile, fainting opens, dropet• this paper later, but it nes fill saying they will be good. holes, the rigging was terribl cut u and the ammunition was pearl all consumgii. t- y y with &n ex -convict. wa y the papers write his name. Look at this." The rep- cal tendency, any of those indicate heart disease. No matter or how long if it were my last dollar." :'y At the Promising to turn back if the wind shift- time of this !were view there were rosentative took from his pocket a letter signed H. C, Caldwell. Mr. standing Dr. A,gnew'sCure for the Heart will oure- 1pUtgg blclJullough, aged 7f, of cqn• doii T h ill 8, T.t9h owns 1p, was kill '', 5l�lonts headed his ragged fleet for the 1kno YQ• constant and is increasing, due especially to the influentiai character Lincoln looked at it, was satisfled that Mr. Cold. it's a heart spec itis -acts gniekl surely -acts y-80� ' y -nets eatery. • ,.1,11a slip It b a kin6v fat eau - the•simp le breakin Uf a tU p g. The foto of the Spanish armada stands c011spiCueui3 arriOn the p g great he's may be other eases just like mine, and I am sure I take great pleasure Well did not "part his name in the mid- die,"and at once signed his commission I as judge. Mr. Lincoln's j "I was elven lip to die by physicians and frignds. One dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure for rho 14mrt gave me ease. bt t 'V6Brockvi of Cornwall, a pa- fat the Brockville Asylum, attack- of war narrated by history. According to According the estimate of the Spanish captain Duro, R v ���T ' �� I g e. little prejudice might have prevented the country from se. curing a most and six bottles curod my case of fifteen ' psore' etandbi ." Mrs. J.L. HELLER, Whitewood, I�. W.T. ' fkeel3eraud burst a blood -1 easel g siuiggle which followed, dying GX afterwards. y who has made a close stud of the records Y In his own country, out of 180 sail of which the armada was composed when it �TTLE excellent jurist.-Paoifio Commercial Advertiser, Guarantees relief In 90 minutc2D I t Sold by Watts & Co. 4 oft Lisbon on May 80, 1688, 68 were lost. '��� - t Of these only nine fell in battle or in bn- Kiduley Trouble 4 mediate consequence thereof, although i the injuries received in the various actions I _ �'OR YEARS, in the channel doubtless contributed to Binder Twine. R i .the ultimate shipwreck of many Nine - 0' .. teen were cast away on the Scottish andtr krill -ig did Mr. R. E. Pitt Irish coasts; 86 disappeared altogether. I , y good lentil he Ot sm Hisao last it is possible may that e r of the g port, and classesthat t weasels may have reached 'lt Biq&ft der Twine sport, and that the fact passed unnoted, t'. Ibn Kidney Pills. butof rho forty odd larger vessels which Positively ellretl by these I Vhroilghbut the County of Leeds and never returned the probability !s that Little Pills, h those whose fate is unknown They also relieve Distress frorn byspepsia, �owh bf$roc highly t re is no meds -sea, perished at 33indir, � Twine 4 apoltn so highly odor all kinds of indigestion and Too IIearty Eating. Apert tib llighates a.s Doan's Kidney Pills. , milepdate eerkldneypill,introduced Manillas streets. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ,113f, 1.4thes Doan, of Kingsville, dot , The streets of Manilla are so modern all ossa, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Xft they stand to -day far superior to be quite out of keeping with the general main in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They *0 the irllitations and substitutes that appearance of the town. They are per. Regulate the Bowels. Puree Vegetable, A small quantity left. Weil offered the public in their stead. fectly straight, macadamized and provided Y g bee, SeCU with ample granite walks, Of these the Shall Pill. Small DioSecure It before It is all gone. ti(. i. Pitt, the well-known con- . hsentta and the Rosario are the best. In t' ant( `(guilder, tvoaces these senti• bath thorn are excellent shops, kept ren- Small Price• i0hdfi. hd says, i have had kidney p , p p 7n�v Tdt`pt'Rthoti. Ihad tried numerous el ":'fly b from y. Tin most es 5ubstitutiQn Electric Bug Exterminators t1,i'Cs 'tvr#flout much relief, and. had tg�1ia11g ambo from A ugoy, '1'ln rvofed houses Electric i� A. (I�i • • ■ 11W V air tray bddk as gone for good, but Ilue each side of both thorough fares, the fraud Of the dei, - - +- pairig'IJoan's Kidney Pills the result Spier' A,liee a l The pain ]s all Near at Hand. See you get Carter's, Just the thin for destroying potato bugs. i �6el,. (6 anew man, and can It a policeman, gnick)" shouted y p g 1rdC�tiffr io then virtues of Dean's I;1 ids from the second story when he heard Only $1.00 each, 1'lfld`. n � spiclous noise in the attic. t1�k for Carter's, y rM iCidrtl3y Pills are sold by aH +"Tbero'a one in the kitchen with tha tlr�:s6tlt by Mail on receipt of. cook," screamed the second giri, who Wail Insist and demand Jti 11 dtMfh a bale ft 3 boxes foto , Out. possessed of the groan aged rttottster.--%lie � T. ��� �� /r (� gy a �yw p Vie,.. Pi114`cr.l'lCorbtiW►bot. unit Ilse Prase, s /�r14`�► Stoves 11arRl vea 4A A • ,arter s Little Liver Pills. .. A. _ A Prominent PLyslelan. nt New ork An Elderly Lady. m. dCity, in dloCusge the merits ofhRipane Tabules with a brother M. D. Heights, a part of NewaYork said : ' "Several years ago I asserted that if one wished to become a and who was known to be a warm advocate of Ripans Tabules for any liver philan- thopist, and do a beneficent deed- ease of trouble or indigestion, said to areporter who visited her for �ne that would help the whole hu- an race -nothing could be better the purpose of learning the particu- lars of her case : " I had always than to procure the Roosevelt Hos- pital prescription, which is the basis employed a physician and did so on the last occasion I had for one, but of the Ripans Tabules, and cause it to Vbe put up in the form of a ketchuig at that time obtained no beneficial results. I had never had any faith distributed among the poor. ' in patent medicines, but having seen Ripans Tabules recommended very Sales llnereaAlnr:. The largest retail drug store in highly in the New York Herald con - eluded to give them a• trial, and America is that of Hegeman & Co. found they were just what my case on Broadway in New York City, A reporter who went there to learn demanded, I have never employed how Ripans Tab- a physician since, and that means a ules were selling saving of $2 a call. A dollar's worth of bought a fav► cent G R i p a n s Tabules carton and asked: b " Do you have lasts me a month, and I would not be m u o h call for these?" without them now He was referred if it were my last dollar." :'y At the to agentleman who roved to be the i time of this !were view there were sad of the depart- ment. He said: present two daugh- " The sale of Ripans Tabules is ters who specially objected to their mother givinga constant and is increasing, due especially to the influentiai character testimonial which should parade her natne in the newspapers, but to do � Of the testimonials in the daily press, this the elder lady argued: "There and growing out of these, through the recommendation of friend to may be other eases just like mine, and I am sure I take great pleasure friend. Satisfaction with them is in recommending the Tabules to any very general. When once they are begun I notice that a permanent one afflicted as I was, If the telling about my case in the papers enables customer for them is made. This, 1 believe, is through their intrinsic some other person similarly affected to be as greatly benefited as I have merit, which proves the bona fide been, I see no objection. " Thedauoh- character of the advertising. I think; ters, knowing how earnestly she Felt them specially useful in the general about the benefit she had received, run' f`stomach troubles." decided she was quite right, . .. An,s4rmt!rmomk6teentalninn Tp.mnipAwm,PAM".UgfiMYmAin'a .-M .nl.?-1.1,-..-I.",t.-. . . 0 * unuton . ,: 4 i§