HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-15, Page 5• THE CLINTON NEW ERA The ar/y Bird : Story applies very well to our NOVELTY DEN PARTMENT, a de- partment full of choice things in Summer Jewelry "Blouse Setts," Leather Belts, plain, fanny, jewel- led, Fanoy Hat Pins, and anendlesevariety of others. The earlier you come, the better the eeleotion. You won't see what you've bought in some other plane What you buy is yours if you buy at The Satisfactory Store. J.B.Rumball JEWELER atisfaction Guaranteed Onr Watch Repairing Depart- ment is attended to in a strictly first-olass manner. If your watch needs repairing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to unnecessary expense. Proper care and good workmanship is whatour watch requires. We know that ur work will please you. Charges Moderate .. Do You Need A Pair 01 Spectacles 2 P to J. Biddleoombe, ON. 010000414111111••• 411104,000 004111/004141110 Economy isWealth Wealth can only be accumulated by practicing economy. Economy can be practiced by buying your merchandise at this store. It's worth repeating that this business is conduct- ed on a cash basis—everything bought for Cash, ev- erything sold for Cash. Every article advertised by this store is to be found here if you come at once, but we cannot guar- antee to have the same goods in two weeks. Special line Lace Curtains, 314 White Cotton, 36 inches wide.... .05 yards long, taped, at $1.00 Tweed for Boys' or Men's wear, This is a new line just added good patterns, worth 35o, for .25 and is extra value. Special number Blue Serge, just Ladies' Taffeta Gloves..15c,20o & 25o the thing for boys 30 Men's Union Sox, special, 2 pair.. .25 Men's Summer Underwear, good Oxford Shirting, good patterns, line, Suit for 50o, better (pal - fast colors 08 itiee at ... .75 & $1.00 Twilled Sheeting, two yards wide Heavy all wool check Flannel, regular 20o, for 16 sold every place at 300, for.. .23 Circular Pillow Cotton, splendid We have just opened up a case of quality 15 Men's Plow Boots in lane and Wide Pillow Cotton.. 12 buckle at 1.00 Fine assortment of the Williams Patent Plow Boot for men, sizes 6 to 10. MclKinnon & Co., Blyth ••••••••••••••••••. ein woe We are headquarters for all }rinds of Fruit, such as Lemons Oranges Bananas Watermelons Fancy California Pears, Peaches, Plums,Tomatoes & Blackberries are coming in regular now, Our John Ball Malt Digestive Bread is meeting with good satisfaction, What is said of ft by leading authorities e and easily "It is well flavored, n nod have 1G o rmi to my digested. I have date C m cont. D. own breakfast table."—Sir C. 0.a e or y dyspeptic 'I is a bread which a SPP young t '—TPPovntzWright, child can easily digest.' ov M.D., M.R.C.S., (Eng) L.B.A. "The flavor is of special excellence, although somewhat sweet, resembling in this respect malt."- The Lancet, London, Eng. The sale of our ILEAL SOME-1NADE BREAD is still increasing. Wedding Cakes. Bread and Pastry are still our specialties. Jas. McClacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. tN COMPOUND IRON PILLS - - MM THE IDEAL TONIC. Easy to take Effects immediate and lasting, The combination of iron, strychnine, arsenic and aloes contained in our Iron Pills forms one of the best general tonics, will enrich the blood, increases the appetite, aids digestion, strengthens the heart and nerves, and tones up the general system. if your system has run down and you feel the need of a tonin, try them. 25c Box of 50 Pills, or 5 Boxes for *1. Government Standard Paris Green, 25c. per Lb. J. E. HO V EY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton .e, •,:g -a: Ag,trittsirm Az. 'v.. -4e cc:-.3,1:+asrwb- "' 'tr,asy,ztlracm.c..X .tlr"P ugnac. tcva,.tu"He. In order to make a clean. out of all our Prints, we have bought a case of new Prints, worth 8c, 10c, and 12,1c, and will put them in with what we have and sell the whole for 5c and 8c. Come quick if you want your choice. A lot of Boys' and Children's Boots at Half Price See them. Dress Goods of all kinds at about Two - thirds the Regular Price A full line of Skirt Linings, Linenettes, Waist Linings, and Canvas for dress making, cheaper than anywhere else. Get your Linings here . . . Although our stock is not complete, we have a large t of goods yet to sell. We have a beautiful stock of SIL RIBBONS to sell at just half price. It will pay you o come and see us. CLINTOly MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, July 14th, (1898. Wheat, ,. 0 80 a Oats 0 24 a Field Barley 0 35 a Peas 0 48 a Buckwheat 0 35 a Flour per owt 2 40 a Butter C 11 a Eggsper doz 0 08 ,1 a Hay new $5; old 6 00 a Sheepskins 0 50 a No. 1 Trimmed Hideo6 50 a Potatoes 0 45 a Pork 5 10 a 0 80 0 25 0 35 0 50 0 35 2 65 0 12 0 09 6 00 1 00 7 50 0 50 5 25 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Thore wore about 430 head of butchers' catt e, 150 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abastoir to -day. The weather was cool and bracing,and as the sup- plies u -Pli s were rather small. prices were higher all round, being unusually high, considering the quality. Prince beeves sold at from 41e to 41c per lb, pretty good stock at from 3}c to 410 do, and the common arriva's at from 2ic to 31e a lb, Good calves sold at from $5.50 to $9 each, and the common ones at from $2 to $5 each. Sheep sold at from 2yc to 31c per ib., ami lambs at from $2.50 to $3.75 each. Thore wee.' no fat hogs at the Point St. Charles stock yards to day, and the last sales were at about 5c per lb. PLUMSTEBL & GthBING.p‘; CLINTON 1r 'z•• il�ibirl, Jixn 17., 1898. Austin Smith of St. Catharines is locked up awaiting trail for two separate ()bargee of arson and theft. Garnet Liddell, the 18-year•old son of a well known Montreal merchant, was drown. ed in Lake Lachigan. JACOB TAYLOR Clinton, - Ont. General District Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co For Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. All in formation relating to insurance gladly giver. Money to loan at reasonable rates. D. L. MACPHERSON. Fire Insurance Representing— Alliance Assurance Co. North British and Mercantile Ins, Co. Perth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. OFFICE, - - MACKAY, BLOCK, CLINTON Merit Wins Success! J G• FIJT--_a 9� This school does first-class work in every department, and enjoys a large patronage. A Commercial School of the highest g.ado- none better in Canada. Students can enter at any time. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal 11111141/8/0,1106' S's' 'SS*'S' CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. WILL RUN Home Seekers' 60 Day Excursions To the Canadian Northwest AT RETURN FARES Deloraine - - Reston - _ - Estevan - - - Binscarth - - Moosomin - - Winnipegosis Tuckersmlth Ntrrus.—Miss Mary Pepper, who has been visiting friends in Hensall dtit sag the past week, has returned house. — Quite a number from this vicinity at- tended the 12th of July celebration in Hensall; they report haying a good time. Quite a lot of corn has been damaged by the recent. frost. Mr Sae - yer was renewing old acquaintances around here during the past week; his many friends were pleased to see hien. Mies Washington delivered an excel- lentaddress at the League on Sunday night. Mr Sawyer will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mr and Mrs W. Elcoat took in ibe Methodist picnic to Goderich on Thursday. Mr H. Carter received a letter from his son Wm, in Dakota not long ago; he is doing fine, having put $500 in the hank in one year; he bas 100 acres of land, with good buildings; we are glad to hear of his surcess. War News The war hurts the Canadian lumber trade. Bread and water are scarce in Santiago. One biscuit was sold for $5 in gold. A Spanish non•ccmissioned officer, him self a deserter, reports that 5,000 men have deserted from the Spanish forces iu San tiago. A detailed account has been published of Spain's naval losses -21 warships and 21 merchants, as against practically no loss on the American side. The Queen -Regent of Spain is reported as willing to negotiate for peace directly with the United States on the basis of granting the independence of Cuba. A despatch from Madrid says it is the Government's intention to sue for peace just as soon as the war situation, accord- ing to Spanish ideas, will permit it, It is said the deaths from starvation at Guananamo average 15 daily. Gen. Per• ez, the Spanish commander, has given up hope, and the town could easily be taken. 9 So accurate is the rangefinder ued on American ships that in a recent test with two shote the projectiles fell within 30 yards of each other at a distance of 12 miles, Both would have hit the hull of a ship farther than the unaided eye could reach, At El Caney there are 10,000 miserable refugees from Santiago, olci men, women and children, whom the Spaniards have permitted to go to the American lines to less get food. The plight of these helpless people is heartrending. The Americans are doing all they can for them. A correspondent calculates that since the estimate for the cost of firing a round from a big modern gun is $1,000 and 1,500 shpts were tired at the forts of Santiago in one day, the bombardment cost the coun- trydefec- tive. This calculation is defe Thefi ore $1,C00, a lied to five. only ,PP g. the 8 The Dost of 13 inch one 1 e the firing g and 6 -inch guns would b emu h lees. The inch steel shell of a 13 t 1,100 -pound oast tee gun used against armored battleships,costs about $500. The ordinary shell, fired at unarmored ships and forts, costs much less. Of course the 500 pounds of powder behind the shell enters into the reckoning;; but the remaining $1,000 is obtained by dividing up the original cost of the gun be- tween the theoretical number of dicharges which it could bear. In the British navy where huge guns, after about 100 disoharr- es, begin to sag at the muzzle, the calcula- tion was fairly accurate, but since our guns show an entirely different ''life," the fig- ures will stand some revision.—St. Louis Globe•Democrat. $28 Regina - -: $30 Moosejaw - Yorkton Prince Albert t $35 Calgary - - SPD Red Dear - : } $40 Edmonton - Going .June 28, Returning until August 27 (AI' rai or S. S. Alberta) Going July 13. Going July 14 (All rail) (S.S,Athabasoa) Returning until Sept. 12 Going July All rail Retor ni S. until September 17 W. JACKSON, Agent, Clinton. GRANO TRUNK sYs EM LATEST Gen. Tonal was to surrender Santiago or fight by noon yesterday; he was authorized to use his own discretion. Admiral Sampson has been author- ized by the Cabinet at Washington to force his way into Santiago harbor. The United States authorities have decided to defer the attack on Havana till the fall. Spain has been advised to yield by representatives of several powers, and has published the conditions under which she will negotiate for peace. • HOME -SEEKERS' EXCUItSIONS $28..9 Return All rail or lake and rail. Manitoba Clinton to Minnesota and Dakota. Going dates June 28th, return August 27th July llth " Sept. 20th July 19th " Sept. 17th J3aggage checked through. A. O. PAT'TISON, G.V.R. STATION; or' P. R. NODGENS, AGENT, CLINTON Although Canada suffered lightly in lives by the lu.s of La Iluuigogne, the manifest of the steamer chews that one-third of her cargo was cutnsigued by Cauadians chiefly from Halifax and Charlottetown, P.E.I. The Caoadiau consigument consisted chief ly of lobsters valued at $101.000. The United States when it•fiuishes with Sp'eio will have stripped the latter of about 200,000 square milesof territory. Congress has already appropriated !?302,000,000 for the war. Ou a business calculation Uncle Sam is ray n; $1,810 a square mile for his colonies. Whether it is a good bargain or not oily the future can tell. SCHOLARSHIPS OPEN. —OP s pecial in- terest to the young people who have written upon the Ent ranee and Leav- ing examinations this year is the an- nouncement of the Central Business College, Toronto, which in accordance with its energetic and efficient man- agement, is awarding alimit ed numher of scholarships to these who have tak- en the highest standards in the above examinations. It Is not. yet too late to register for this competition, and can- didates who have not yet communi- cated with the Principal about the matter, will doubtless find it to their advantage to do so without delay. Sale Register Farm stock of the late John Eagleson, lot 7, Bayfield con., Goderich township, on Fri- day, July 22, P. Douglas, W. Johnston, Ex- ecutors. BORN. SHIELS—In Mullett, on July 1, the wife of Mr Sbiels, of Harlock, of a daughter ROWE=In Stephen. on June 30, the wife of Samuel Rowe, of a daughter HUESTON—In Stephen, on.lune 24, the wife of W Hueston, of a eon POCOCK—In Turnberry, on July 5, the wife of Mr Richard Pocock, of a daughter McLAUCHLIN—In Brussels, on July 3, the wife of Mr Neil S McLuuchlin, of a son HALLIL)AY—In Brussels, on July 3. the wife of;Mr George Halliday, merchant, of a son McFARLANE — On the 4th concession of Howicic, on June 23, the wife of John McFar- lane, daughter of a dao ht r MARRIED. McNAUGHTON — MOFFAT — At the resi• deuce of the bride's father, bloc-ejaw, Mau, on Jul) 6, air David McNaughton, of Stanley, to Miss Mary, 2nd daur.htcr of 5Ir Wm Moffatt NEW.ITT—GLIDDON—At the residence of the bride's father, Colborne, on July 6, by Rev R N Hall, lir 8 A Newitt, of Woodburn. Coun- ty of Wentworth, to Miss Matilda G Gliddon, daughter of Richard Gliddon STRONG—ROE — At the residence of the bride's father, on July 7, by the Rov J S Fish- er, of Lambeth, assisted by the Rev RJ Gar- butt, L L 13, of Gorrie, Mr John A Strong to Miss Mary Roe, both of Howick McQi'ILLIN •-ITAINES—At the residence of the brides' parents. East \Vnwanosh on June 22, by Rev Mr Duthie, of nelatow, Mr Etward Mc uillin, jr, t` West awanosh, to Miss Jena' secot aughter f Mr ltobt G Haines SMITH= -1? St Matthews' church, Toronto on July 9, bye Rev 11 5[ •hl im uc e Mr (` 1' Smith, of the Bank of Hamilton, Listo- well son of Mr J S5m'' tthWingharn, to Miss Mabel An ettu Kent, of Wingham CLARK—GALT—At Elm Ridge, Dorval, rva 1, o n July9 by the Rev Charles lesR ss Robert Clark, o BoetClnk of Moncton, N 13, son of the late Robert Clark, M D, Isle of Harris, to Madelaide. D Galt, (laughter of the late.John Galt, Goderich BRYDGES— WHEELENS—At St Paul's rec- tory, Wingham, on July 6, by the Rev Wm Lowe, Thomas James Brydges, of Morris. to Miss Janie Wheelens, daughter of Mr Wm Wheelens, of iurnberry J OHNSTON—McRENZIE — At Port Huron, Mich, on June 24, by Rev A W McCla,ikin, Mr Hugh .Johnston, of Bluevale, to Miss Nancy McKenzie, of Wingham HAIST--BARROWS— At the residence of the bride's parents, 12th con SL;Killen, on Iuty c, by Rev A C Tiffin, of Walton, Mr John Heist, of Brussels, to Miss Maud, daughter of Mr Jacob Barrows POLLOCK—GIBSON — At the residence of the bride's mother, Morris, on June 26, by Rev Mr Anderson, of Wroxeter, Mr Andrew Pol- lock, of (trey. to Miss Jane Matilda, eldest daughter of the late Matthew Gibson, Morris DAVIDSON —CUNNINGHAM— At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, on July 4. by Rev (1 (' Pidtrrnn, 11 A, Mr Donald Davidson L L S. of Brussels. to Miss Lizzie A Cunningham. of Streetsville NEWS NOTES. Rev. J. C. Smith, D. D., Guelph, 's very low. Guillemain, the murderer of LaPlanle, w 11 be hr.nged at St. Hyacinthe on Sept. 30. J. H. Flagg, Police Magistrate of Mitchell, died from an overdose of medicine. Henry Shatnihorn, 21 years old, was whirled around some shafting ,and Albert Chandler, a Chatham bicycle thief was sentenced to three years in the Kings- ton Penitentiary. Peter Suracco, the New York murderer arrested at Montreal, conducted a couhter- fetting estabiehment while in Canada. At the Manitoba High Court I, O. F. Lodge it was decided that ladies be admitted to the order as members. The ratepa} ers of Southampton have de. oided to loan the Southampton Manufact- uring Company $10,000 for fifteen years. Tho Berlin fire brigade horses were draw- ing a sprinkling cart Monday when a seri- ous fire broke out. The total loss is 522,000. Mrs. McCarty, Hannah street, Hamilton, an elderly lady, fell downstairs, her arm being broken and head cut in the accident. Mr, J. B. Powell, Collector of Inland Revenue for the Guelph district, celebrated his 25th anniversary in connection with the service. Rev. Dr. Warden, finano'al agent of the Canabian Presbyterian Church, has been ordered not to indulge in overwork any more. There is an unconfirmed report of the drowning of Rev. Walter L. Lyon, the First Church of England missionary to tho Klondike. Andrew H. Dillabough of Moose Creek, Stormont county, has been arrested on a charge of attempting to murder Thomas DAlexander McIntosh, aged 17, son of a Guelph Township farmer, was terribly in- jured by being dragged with a mower be- hind two runaway horses. Fifteen pegleg tramps have been arrested to date ,in connection with the London murder. They covered a range of territory extending from Montreal on the east to Minnesota in the west. Detectives Campaa and Mahoney of Windsor, have received word of the arrest, in Sioux Oity, Iowa, of the two mon who give their names as Charles Mott and G. Brown. They are believed to be the men wanted on a charge of having worked the gold brink game on J. D. Moore, of tat. Marys, while he was in Sarnia. Moore paid $0000 fo)r a braes brioll. The men have waived extradition, and Will be br'onglit baok to Canada for trial. DIED. PERKINS—In Gorrie, on July 5. George W Perkins, jeweller, son of Henry Perkins, post- master of Gorrie, aged 30 years CREWS—In Exeter North, on June 29, Fran- ces Louisa Hobson, wife of Thomas Crews, aged 35 years and 1 month ROBERTSON—In Milton, N D, on ,July 2, Marion, wife of -John Robertson. late of Sea - forth, aged 35 years ' W1LLIS—In Fordwich, on July 1, Esther, wife of Mr James Willis,jr HARRIS—In ilowick, 2nd con, on July 4, Emily A, daughter of James Harris, aged 28 years, 8 months and 19 days HAY RAKE FOR SALE. For sale cheap g,tod hhy rake, Apply to W, DOHERTY & CO., Clinton °aam:rrpo.,�; .�.ai3cisr'�ass w '.TJX'�Il?✓`n�'c'�z�wvmvcw,s.'�t.. A good general servant girl, Applyy to MRS. JOHN rEDFORD. July 15, 1898. For Hot Weather Much wanted goods these sultry days : Jaconet Duchesse Muslins u lattise Francais Muslins Tissue Mozambique Muslins Guipure Lattice Muslins REGULAR 25c. NOW HALF PRICE. White Spotted Muslins Black Spotted Muslins Bishop and Victoria Lawns Well Boned Net Corsets, 50c. Ladies' Cool Vests, 4 for 25c. All 10c Prints only 5c. Gilroy &NTON Wiseman CLI O FURNITURE U. C. BARLETT. We are pleased to state that our trade has been Il oreaeing right along,and the goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to c'ate. We have now a large stock of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Co•ln- ty. Kindly come and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere. Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neatly au(1 Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse and outfit there is no better in this part of the country. 11. C. BARLETT,- - Clinton. P. S.—Night and Sunday calls at residence on Huron St., Jpposite Baptist Church. 4 %%%%%%%% Your u Teeth Should be taken care of while they are sound. One of the best means ofreservints p g them is by the u -e of a good brush. b T e brush should have clean and pure bristles. The bristles should be stiff enough to thoroughy clean the teeth, and at the same time not stiff enough to irritate the gums, Take these precautions and you save a dentist's bill end have pretty teeth. We have an excellent assortment of brushes—stiff, medium and-soft—made of the best bristles. The prices are IOc up to 35c at "THE RELIABLE DRUG STORE. J. H. COME, 99 Manufacturing Chemist, Physicians' Supplies 11141101% 41 1101fr % Summer MiIIinery.. Lower Prices Is what attracts crowd$ Better Variety ... to our Millinery Depart;-" And the most desirable Millinery ment. See our Trimmed,' ; Hats. You can get a Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very low -' figure., Before selecting your Summer Hat call and see our., styles and prices. We have a grand range of Sailors With: Bands and Sashes. See our Sailor for 25c. Sailors and Wallk\ ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,a11.c1 Trimmed Hats from 81.50 to $2 MACDONAL1 & SMIT a, Clinton Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEAVER BLOCK. PHAETON FOR SALE. In -good order. Can be seen on the premise. of the subscriber. JAMES FAIR, Clinton HOUSE TO RENT Comfortable frame dwelling on Orange St. Rent =4 per month clear of taxes. Apply to .July 6, 1808. W. W. FARRAN. Business for Sale A good, well-established Hatcher Business in Huron for sale on reasonable terms. Al ply by letter, or otherwise, to NEW ERA Office, Clinton. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between Couch & Wilson. as butchers, has been dis- solved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Mr. Couch. All outstanding ac- counts must be paid at the shop without fur. Hier notice. Parties holding contra accounts will please render them for settlement at once. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. J. WILSON. lluroc-Jersey Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, London Road, Dinsley Terrace (,hunt outside the corporation of Clinton) a thoro-bred Duroc- Jersey Boar, of good pedigree. Maness—$1 at time of service, with prlvolege of returning, if necessary. Young pigs for Salo at all times, , WILLIAM ARGENT. Have you written on the kraal or P.S.Leaving Examination this year 1 If so send your name, address, teacher and sohool to the Principal of tho Central Business College Yongo & Gerrard Ste., Toronto. and receive full particulars about tho Free Scholarships this school will award to successful candidates for the fall ses- sion beginning on beet. 1st next. Address W. 13. SHAW, PRrNOZPA1,. 010410040 0264109641006 4041004100.1 !.Crockery Placed in d stock this week one crate Brown Leighton semi -porcelain ware, good hard body, good decoration. Cups and Saucers and Plates sold by the dozen as well as in setts. We have made up - dinner sets of this line consisting of 97 pieces,as follows 12 Tea plates 12 Cups 12 Dinner plates 12 Saucers 12 Soup plates 12 Sauce dishes 2 Vegetable dishes and cover 2 Meat dishes 1 Bowl 1 Gravy bowl Price of the Brown Leighton sett, 91 12 Butter pads 1 Teapot and cover 1 Sugar and cover 1 Cream jug) Pieces, $7 We show a nice dinner sett, brown, part gilt, at. $10, and a beauty in green decoration, full gilt, at $13. Three (3) French China Tea setts, 44 pieces, at $5, regular price $7. CLEARING the balance of a line rf` Blue Decorated Semi -porcelain ware ; Tea plates, reg. 85c for GOc, and Breakfast Plates, reg. $1!for 75c a doz. English Chinaware "Gilt Sprig and Band, very pretty and durable. Plates, 00c and $1.25, Cups and Saucers, $1,10 a doz. Cups and Saucers,heavy white granite. Cups,65o,Cnps and Saucers, 90o doz, Odd pieces, such as butters, sugars, round vegetables, gravy boats, eta., at clearing p. ToiletricesSetts, printed, 10 pieces, $2.25 to $4. 6 " 1.75 white 6 " L75 White Granite Basins, 45o, Ewers 450 each. FRUIT JARS—Away bapk in the month of January we were sab.' matting offers for Jars, and as a consequence edit: now cell them at prloes that will mean quite a saving to yon. Call and sept them and get prices, Sugars, beat qualities, at lowest prides. Try Salada Ceylon Tea—black or mixed. We want yon to trade with us and will make it to your interest todo'so. W. L. OUI1VIE T E. The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.� 1110111000411/1114 010111/0011 •''