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The Clinton New Era, 1898-07-15, Page 2
. - - I - -:. [-' N July, 5, 1883 THE CLINTON NEW ERA G"isA Million Dollar Sllrpins Crisp County Clippin�;s. The Wreck of La Bourgogne 'ANADA'EJ FINANCIAL C]YER T r (reorg0 Morris, of Pu lrtr Row I Professional i A IONS OR P GOl• �1�0C Oats Wanted nal an�lOtherCalyds borne, was Stricken with till a TERRIBLE 3(JENh;S. T� R od THE YEAR, ppotion is CELERY n 4 y�"�D x stroke last week, and his condition isING POWERFUL IN F$UII,1�GE SCOTT & IVje / now very seriauS, INHUMAN BAILORr� WHO Rich, red blood -essential to err PURIFIER K U 13AVE 'PREM- Purely herbaltoni,lnsnres perfecttalldruga 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats BARRISTERS, �$' � The figures of the year's financial Jim Richardson, son of lyL D, Rich• good health. -ru . r �%� � operations of Canada will appear in the grata' , a ..tan.. WOODWARD er6DICINZ CO.. 18 lbs- choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats � CSD / ' ardsuu, .l,tmestown, broke hie culler at=LVEB UNLY, 2ottoaxo, cANADU Solicitors for blolaona !lank buns while playing with his compan• , Clinton, 'r next off3ci tl Gazette, and they are so ions tit sellooJ, last week, and has been did try to save themselves were either O"'Cs-Elliott Block, Isaac Str t. (ON THE STCLAiR RIVER) favorable that there is every reason to confined to his bed ever since. Halifax, Jnly S, -Thele Is a terrible knocked down or thrown away from Oats taken in exchange �+w �p�I� /� Sameness about the stories of the aur- , MONET TO LOAN. ,7Hi�1\,lf'�• ON'�"!l R!0 to believe that there will be a surplus It is our painful ant y to record the vivors of the terrible Botugosue dig- huh iats.he sOenge► kine first to of for Groceries, JAarss scorn, F'� 9 sudden death of Audrew Ritchie, Ash- aster. The hot•Iora of the scene that E• H. MOKENZIS 'r $i?OpElSB of not less than a million dollars. Thin field, in his 42nd Year. He was born in followed (lie collision are onty,too well the sailura•-c6�E hold;of ribs raft fir but are our present rates, Is certain to those who take a Business or will he the first surplus since the year the township ut Minto, near Mount authenticated, The sailors first. ut we don't know how long wa BRY©ONE■ Shorthand course at this College, Forest. He came to Ashfield about 23 Never was a more horrible tragedy One raft hada rope ng�ound it h which they will n't k continue. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA 1893, Between 18fl3 and 1897 the detic- years ago Ills funeral was one of the of the sea never Was there such brutal flye womenp©ere�cdlin �retg, oThesailors lIi During the peat fifteen months our its have amounted to over nix milli largest ever seen in thio lircality, which cowardice diaplttyed on a sinking ,lit the rope O OLSON, PUBLIC, ETC, graduates have been located as follower- w rnen were . , CIIiltoti '. `; `Carnia s4 Galt I, Golocate i, Toronto 0, showed the res ng ship �' q London 5, Windsor 3, Wfnni eg, ]ilan.,1, dollars. The administration of the pact in which he was and on the water afterward, drowned. struggling in lye passengers gens - Ofce-Beaver Block. , r" Morden Man,, r, Boeamont, pliak„I, Port- Liberal Government, judged by every held. -A ,PrtEE_ Up -stairs, o F., - Huron, ititoh.,s2, Detroit Mich. w, Sall Not all, by far, who lost their lives in trying to reach rafts or• b•,ats, Struck opposite Foster's Photo Gallery dusky, Ohio, 2, New York, N.Y , 5. Orange, test passible seems to merit the confid- One day last week, as Me Thomas and after the colhslon, were drowned. and killed by members of the crew who CLINTON I N,J , 1, Louisville K , 1, Chicago, Ill., 5, enceexpressed at thenolls in June,1896. w Adams, of rye 3; d concession of Itt rye mad rush to Lit Bourgogne's were ill the boats end on the rafts.- -_� St. Louie, bio, 1, ljeaymonies, Ia.,l. McKillop, was assisting at the' raising boats after the shock men struck wom• SCHOLARSHIP Caltege span throwgbout the entire The precise figures of expenditure will Charles Liebre Philadelphia. M: V'ia CAMERON not be known for a month or two. of Mr James McIntosh's new barn, he en and children, knocked them down The passengers tried to ull the boats In a tllgb Gratia Itwtlness Collaga is worth ormerJ r h year. Students admitted anytime. Grad- fell from the building, striking on the °r threw Lhem aside and then trampled d°w i. I tried to I,ull a pboat down, lu a "lig ENTRANCE BCE --,IF y ° Cameron Holt 6c Camaro � ;' uates assisted to positions. Fat1 Tarm Tye total revenue on account r con- stone wall a underneath, , Hia back was y lay between them and the ane LEAVING can- 9 begins Septen►bur ist. Write forpar- solidated fund for the twelve months them if the and one of the ship's waiters aiaates for the next examioatiou have the BARRISTER 4ND SOLIUI`rOli:T tioulars, injured, anti he was otherwise so badly b°Sts• me away and told me to oto belled ohaDce this year. By writing to the ending .lune 30 amounted to X38,304,000 Y Office-Hagi,iton Sr op as com shaken up as to be confined to bed for Ott ills atru !1 Otto Saaiser, g Poatte Colborne Hoose A• S. NINNO pared with the total increase y Struggling wap to the ship's , of New York. GODERICH, , oNT • for 1897 of $36,873,000, or an in• p CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE several days. side an Italian drew a knife and plung• I saw an Englishman, Swimming ' Clinton Post Office. recess rap over $2,000.000, The revenue Me J. Malone, of McKillop, near fl�hting for 1lfe,ed it into one of his taoairate Pe ed �wlhlh clutch at a boat. The Bour ogee's OF TOI[ONTO from customs, postotfbce, public works, Beechwood, was working at a new hen. n effect this was a ai nal, sailors hit him on yule cad with oars. Stating name, addreaa teacher, school ane JOH(1t RiDQUT. TIME TABLE. railways and miscellaneous shown buildin he Has erectin and, while Scores of Frenchmen, Italiana, Arab• He sank. -Ft ed g for tweet m• whish esaminattoD, all information about corn- _ large increases, but there is a heavy standing on a platform about nine feet fans and Turka-then who knew how After swimming ghisf Pap will be resit ultyfurniehed. Mention DUE MAILS CLOSED decrease of $1,300,000 from excise. The Pram the ground, he over-balanced,and to nye them knives, and at their g Y 'urPaper. Address CONVEYANCER, i7oMMISBIUNERy RTO F I of into a boat after a desperate es r e.na. r.na. i customs receipts for 1898 amounted to fell headlong on a pile of stone, His Dints drove shrieking women awe fl ht vertu its crew, who battereme YongelkGarrard $ts T mato. PmNorrAn IandoaM r A,ar nt5 p with t Heir oars,-Meholini Secondo, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. ° 10 15 4 55 London and S. W, Ontario 700 400 $21,487,000, as compared with $19,318, he id was severely cut and his neck from the Scat$, Survivors swear that g Passenger. g Money to 7 40 4 30 wingghant and car Be 055 035 000 for 1897. The amount to rye cred, head somewhat levered, but although eek women were stabbed like steerage Mortgage and Note seotrity, IO ib 655 Western S.W. N. W, U.g, 700 4 05 g CIiESTER I3UAk for SEItV10E Otlfoe-HU1tON STREET, CLINTON 10 15 1 03'Paris, Buffalo k eastern U S 7 00 4 05 it of depositors in the savings banks is stiff and sore, he is able to get about. sheep. The heck was a slaughter pBpnY The man who Sent my unknown _ 2 548,577,000, as compared with $47,130,• friend to the hottorn is now on board [ wilt keep forser•vice on lot 25, con. 4 Stan- g 3015 1 03 TorontoBcpointseast�nrth 700 4 05 000 a year ago, showinH an increase On Wednesday what might have The men Of the crew, the Grecian, He bit the man with an ley a thorohred Chester White Boar. llerme- R. A©NEWN i o3 .Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 for 1898 of $1,447,000, which is an evy. proved fatal accident happened at, Me P°siedly+ for such an t emergency, oar three times. - Patrick McKeown, $1, payable At timu of service. with 1 1 03 Manitoba, N 4v T and B C 700 2 ss J. MAnnin s farm, Hullett. Mr Man- thought only of saving themselves. second-class passenger, an Amet"ican, g if necessary privilege DENTIgT� CLINTON i os deuce of restored confidence tyr°Ugh- g JOHN V. DIEHL. ' 10 27 Stratford «rad Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 out rye cougtry, For the month of ning wa,s ,having a barn raised, and Stokers, firemen, and assistant°engi- MY father and mother were thrown , n 1 U3 Points E fit N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 June the revenue was $3 221 OOO,a ainst Jas, McNeil, w.ho was at rye top of rye neera, rnuscnt tr, sweat from the raft b HILLSIDE STOCK b`ARM. AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY off l0 27 y, grimyy scarred y French sailors. -John 1. I1 03 ,.,,M;�he21 and Dublin.... 7 00 $2,314,000 in June, 1897, pan �increa,se of buildingg, lost his balance and fell 30 desperate, ran up from the de rye of Burge, EACH MONTH 7 40 255 12 4 over $900 000, due altogether to cos- fees hghting on bis feet. When picked the ship and behaved like the demons I tried to get illy wife and three chi!- For service -The highly bred short horn bull, Godertch; ........ 900 toms and excise. The ostofflee reven- irP it was found that his spine was !n_ tbey looked. dren into a boat,knt the sailors pushed Yorkshire boar Ree' also, the large, improved Office Hours -9 to 5. Luoau crossing, Sarnia and lie for the fiscal year just closed syowa Jured, at Hist but slight hopes were en- Stewards, waiters, cabin bo s, who them away - Chas. Gasella, steerage a Prize winner brad byaNr� H J 1DpvieeWood- r 015 855 ., intermediate Le points.,. 7 00 405 tertained for his recover had cringed fora fee during the voy- Passenger. stock. TERIVI9:-Bolt, $1,50, Boar, 81. Fees 11. I7 40 Londeaboro Belgrave.. 9 55 sn increase aver 1897 of 5200,000, blrt v ayable in advance, with IDR- T C- BRIICE, for the month of .June there is a fall- On Sunday afternoon Inst, during age' fought to the beats, sprang into The crew assaulted passengers with Ing if necessary. pri, Boa s return- SURGEON DEN Oe The office is opon to the public (holidays ex !ng off, as compared with June, 1897, g them and lowered them, deaf to wo• knives,boat hooks -anything that was PI.I7MSTi7E DENTIST, ( : Pte o from 8 ac to 715 p m., but until holders o of $90,000 due no doubt to the Sale the dings or) Dr. Scot Scott's art Hthe ar-„ handy, -Cyan, Duttweiler, Clinton, May 27, 19t1t3 L GIBB[NGS. Graduate R O D S of Ontario, and Tri buildin Wren's cries and the wails of children. arty lock boxes have access to the lobby until8 p.m of jubilee Stamps a year ago. purhey and which are occupied h Mr It was save himself who can" with all It is true that the crew made no at- p veratty Toronto, [_ Money Order and Saving Bank office opon p Y rye shi s com an tempt to save a ROPERITES FOR SALE oRTo LET a acini attention I 19 a.m. too p.m. William Habkirk, had a close call. tried to restrain fhertt, f their officers P p ssengers. rye wale - p given to, ibe Preeervetfoa Matter for registration must be posted help Dominion Day. Lightning struck the roof of the kit- Dr's posh women dee FOIL SALE trhenataralteeth. q, an hour before closing the mails. then near Lite cyimney, t be fluid ass- do their duty to those whose safer wily their oars, -Gustav Grimaux, __ Ufhae, Coate L1ock,over Taylors sone store STAGE MAIL - On its thirty•firstbirthday the Dominion 'ng thritngh the roof and ceilin env_ was in their care, the officers' effort trench passenger. or laeunaerafgnedwillsailataeacrllioe Lot 451 N -B• -will visit Bi SUIIDIERHILL -Every g ware Vain, 1 , Railway Terraea Clinton. Partioutare >3ay8eld every Thursday afternoonyMonday, and '`:, Tuesday and Friday, arriving I LL and ver of Canada ie the moat happy, prosperous, in s hole h each, and scented to ex - FIVE HUNDRED AND FLH"L y, upon application, JA•SrA SCOTT, Barrister &u summerduring the w ng at 5,30 p,m• free sod democratic country on the face of haunt itself when it reached the Boor, $tat rye survivors declare that the f t ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail des etched the earth, It is not yet the moat wealthy where it Struck, second officer, Dupont, was one of rye Boston,July,8.--The plan steam - from tufa office to d Dublin, and Belgrave, or rye most powerful nation, but who can On Weduesdsy of last week Mr J, tied and heitwo sailors r res tried to help the terri• er llahk�ha in eyed here a� 8,45 this FOIL SALE. w also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as tell what it may be when it is one hundred Ferguson and Mias Mary Dale of near mOrnin 1'aetor DR, WM. GUNN, L, lD, O, p, and L R ab,1va stated p s passenger•, tiurvivors g o 1 board 16..aurvivora y and contents ar flee roperty of D. Edinburgh. OfHce�Ox,tario Sr p. 8, years of sge? Wgen the adjoining re- Belgrave, were united in the could; cut loose ager., the boats be °f the French fine steamer La Bour- Buchanan Por 812;; b a in eat Clinton 9 y g S15 down and Night calls at front door of residence on °,, fi,'-', Maila Por British Islas and European Doan• Public was tyirty one yfare oP age, the of tnaLrin g°gtie• Ott (he passage frcttn Halifax balance at $lU a month Building to be r _ bury St, opposite Ratrte Malls intended to be Forwarded by New York, b rude that he sent over the aide ever moved. Apply to J, Sll, , F, Building a + lop sitePresby0fr esi ohurah, n t must have written on rho top loft hand corner white population was a little lees than that performedtbyn Rey.IrMr. Oateit ceremony was b But titer ret reached the crew y La Butirpogne s passenger list wascare- oienvelope VIA N> w YORK• of Canada today. Inclading the slaves, grave, in the presence Of rye itu- cowardly fli ht, did not cut the lash_ fully revised and it was shown there liiOUSL TO Jli)SNT. g in their were 7T4 souls on board the steamer, DR J. L. TURNBULL j� D the population of the United States was a mediate relatives and friends of Lite ings that held even a fife -raft exec °f whom 550 were lost and 164 saved. University, M D, a,M ' r TORONTO Ikon. Edward Blake is receiving little greater. But in extent of territory, contracLiug parties. The bide was The large frame dwelling house on Albert VI -torr University �,k_;.' from British politicians and press the P pported by her sister, Mi so Pt Of the saved I2 were 'Second-class, 47 an acreOt'eloPlandOccupied by i1lr. Todd with half gooier otII Ontario. Fellow or the obatet ` develo ed wealth and civilization, Canada su to save their own lives.. Forty women, steers Rent mode Apply to y dinburgh,late otLoadon,En Rea is very far in advance of what the United whsle the room was assisted bonis�es me hugging children, climbed into ge+ and the remaining 105' were -��� JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. omCeburg,1��.Hospital�, a ow of En "• and •- � warmest poesihle praise for hie recent Staten was at that time. We have an es- brother Matthew, Y °rte boat or were lifted to by then• tiiewbers of the crew. Ratfenbnry St. Clinton, Nigh y °b°Ojj speech on Irish finances,. Hefollowed y system of canals and huabande or their brothers, These HOUSE 'CO RENT. -� attewerea at the sameplaee. teneira and cost! e s Nearly one hundred relatives and landsmen did not know hew to lower READERS OF THIS PAPER 'the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and and railways, handsome public buildings friends assembled at the home of Mt The house on Isaac Stroet, at • q and beautiful public parks. 'rhe private the boat, but,not a sailor raised grin DES[RiNt; TO RUY AN cupfedby Walter Cole, is otEered io ant o R• J. W. SHA drew forth rye hearty applause of the homoe of cur people are more comfortable and M1Irs Jrtcob Barrows, 12th con., of hand to launch it, and there those sHODiN ,D IN I'1 3 CULU113NS reasonable terms, Apply at Nrtµc EaA Otlicn W, PHYSICIAN, St7RGEON McKillop, on Wednesday afternoon„to fainting women sat until the ship WHAT THEY ASK FOR li or t° e, A;conebeur, etc., off, and residenae(yn- 0 House Of Commons. To do that a man and the standard of living is higher than I SIbP UPON RAVING M1tS. DODSWORTH, Holmesville, tario tat„ opposite Engltah church, formerly o0 ' Ws tt was in the United s=tates at that witness the marriage of their dao I sank, carried them down and buried REFUSING cupfedby poAppleton, Clinton out. I'll•'�,, must be able to make a good speech. lima, It is not probable that Canada ter' Miss Maud, and John Haist, One of g, hissing waves. ALL.Sti13�aTITUTES Oil IMi1'AIIONS, CLOice House ane Lot for Sale, t them in the seething, ., Edward Blake is giving the Canadians will ever' surpass the United Brussels young men, The ceremony And It the water murder vas done. Mra. Luo, Leighton and her fours A frame house and Y ', abandant cause for their pride in him, y took place at 5 o'clock, and was Ppei•. The poltroon stokers and stewards and of Windsor,,,will, in allre- p',ooa a quarter -acre lot on the nR. MaeCALLUM. States in population although this eoulo formed by the Rev. Me Tiffin, of W s1- Y boatetewt Hosted, of sone corner of names and Maria, streotS, Clinton; M D., C, M•, McGill, M. C. wi[1 in course of time be more populous sailers filled the oral _ probability, Sri kwell, barb f4x20 situated near the P. B¢S„ Ontario ,%, The President of the United States ton. The bride was attended bq bliss When women and men who bad man- the course off a tune from England in T R, station and Doherty Organ Factory, Late Resident Physician. to, Royal ,n1 than the United States is now, but our aged to keep Chair heads above water few months. George PP1Y to JOHN Dh'RRY, Clint,,, Hospital, Montreal Yal Victoria ' Dominion may yet surpass the United Minnie Howlett, while the groom was Hall, an uncle of the lute Sergt.•Majnr , , as issued a proclamation tailing upon States in wealth and influence, for it must assisted by William Edwards, of Bel- tried to climb into the boats, the sailors Leighton who lived for man Office -Dr. Dowsle 'a stead, Rattenbtir more, and stewards and si,okers killed them �Vtudson and was connected years in 137USE O ItENT. Night calls at Clarendon Hotel, y St f ` the people of the Staten, when next be remembered that when Canada, is as with the Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north, � y go to church to give devout p P Mr Jas, McAlpine, g lest the boats be overcrowded, lie .. o ulcus as rye United States now is, iia pine, of Win ham was millLia at this point, was a cattle raiser o rent at once, Good half -aero r�R STANBURY influence will not be corfined to this con- taking his wife and daughter, Jessie, to A COWARDLY ENOn liMER in Australia. He was a mar•rled man beating orchard, with promises of lOs of fntit part GR DUATE O) TSE ,` p>raise to God," for the manner in tinent.It will not be necessary Canada Christopher Baonini, a survivor, Rent low. �y bledeoalDe of Victoria Uaiver a icnic ou the 10th chneession of East but had no children. He died about Sewing Machine De ot,. auroa street Dispensaries MOORE,. city, toronto, New Yu k the Hospitals and f y t J whichfhe has prospered the "American to wage a war of conquest in order to -take awanosh, oil Dominion day, when solemnly swears one of La Bourgogne'; thirty years ago, and his widow has lI tet Uouat of Coroner Por lie aims, and to pray for a speedy rector- its place as a world power, for as the great thehorse passed too close loan enbank- engineers said to him : since died. The estate according to a HOUSE TO LET, y Huron, Bayfield, out, "atitin of peace, The est dominion in the world-wide British Em- ment,causinlr one side of rye vehicle to "'To- with the passengers. I don't will made by Hall previous to his death proclamation is pita our statesmen will naturally take their rise up,pitebing out Mrs McAlpine and care whether they are saved or eat. wss to be divided among the child -en sixGattra eazrae house ou Itattenbttry street, with J•E• BLACKALL VETERINARY SU VOrded in the beat "American1�1," and Place among the rulers of the world before daughter. The young lady escaped It wasn't my buetness to save there; Of the mother of Sergt.-Major Leighton. kitchen come, cellar and woodshed, summer Coll HonoraryGraduatepf theOntarioyeterGEON :111,}Jtlp.thing but its dignity of tone saves it many years go by, -Toronto World. with very slight injury,but her mother F'm not pals to d° that, Curse them, The syarecoming torus fail) in oVind Stable. ' entry, hard and soft water, large mate on theaBtmoaeaseeo[doitieett a i fared worse, having her right eboulder it I'd hada revolver I'd shot some of nor may be about three million dollars, Fill be rented cheap to permanent gplee otilae-iatmeaiat Immediately south Ghelverl'r° � ro2$ being ridiculous. blade cracked end her left ami broken them when they were ¢Fowding into g tenant. Apply to N¢w ErtA OffiDe, or to 081oe R c0- I Residence e ately ut Clinton, psi to be divided Amon the widpw and JO1;N H• ycORgL, Qoderfcu. Sight orday attendedto promptly wEra --- Additional Local News • unser to wrist. the boats." three children. Th'e councillors a ten o c rrectttownship Itis generally ru.nored around Win The men Of the crew Who thus saved CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. FoR PLEASURE AND PROFIT. -Tye Y g` themselves were crowded together for- JOHN F. MILNE, VETERIPl C�.t'leton county, hasten to correct the Eagle Grove (Iowa) Gazette contains a barn that Me John Neelands, High g A splendid farm of MO acres of improved has retnrned to Winton.a AEtY SURGEON Treasurer of -the Canadian Order of ,ward on the Grecian s deck as she la S Lana, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. Ail bnt.15 at the and, opened an office at�tjirfiG that they will allow no Sic clew lengthy description of the park at• 9 acres cleared, pol. foam® iiotrse, tramo barn, ed for tone treatment' wherehe may be ooneult• Y that place, owned by W, H.Cowan Foresters, will remove Lo Brantford, at the Cunard wharf this afternoon. no "' goroharunf"O her. situated two ad forth A)!n the township, A resolution was which is filled up with every convert' where rye bead office of the Order is They were silent, sullen, frowning, milesfromtoofClinton, Wtll be sora ontended to. tot all diseases of horses, situated, The business of the Order The officer at the Greei•an's reasonabte terD. McTAV'ISH, Clinton, !!naffs, night or day, promptly at iasst ct forbidding wheelmen to use the fence for pleasure seekers, even to a an En gangway '' " small passenger steamer on rye river, has grown so large that the High Court Englishman, regarding them, ex- o Sind Merbi+ 3raintab le the�eoniidence New House an$ jt3tii lytlalks, but some wag substituted are prevailing upon Me Neelands the clzt If I'd had m MARRIAGE LICENSE, i•aaaEs SCOTT SR. The park is evidently a vera popular necessity of being in. the city where the been da y way, they d all have mid PwPIe In Hoods Sarsaparilla, Ifs S Lot for Sale. M insurer of LICE.Marriage Liceneas, Library CO L�thghways" for "sidewalks, id the re- resort. W. H. Cowan is an old Clin- head office is situated, Should Mr and dangling from the• yardarm long !cine cares yon when sink; lilt makes and Residence, Mary street, Clinton, �oom • tonian who has ro eet fo sale a ou'O grin hnd reasonable and lot on Mill plat#on. The result was an explosion p spared in tyat state, Mre Neelands remove from town, 'tg°'� Wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond The li i se tela Delo two toy with stone ` Q1Y"ridicule and bicycle indignation all SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. •- All public Wingham will lose 'two of its oldest B'or be, like everyone who hears them ali•Qneetioa that medioineposeestaes 00, quarter arm and soft water. Lot oe with rter of AME. aAMPBELL, LONDE JS schools -closed on June 3rd for vacation, and most highly respected citizens. believes what the survivors tell of the pnerbt. eason Eor selling -owner wishes to ISSUER OF MARR[A(iE�Q�NSEB, Oyer tune province. We are pleased Rural schools will open on the 15th of fear -fill scene whew La Bourgogne sank, �: r.;, a'Ovo nearer to h s rxork. 1.Alex. McDonald If roc,f were lacking these facts cors -d e K'-MENNEL Clinton No witnesses required to' j,', l e the amends honorable to the August,havingover six weeks holidays 2nd con. Grey left P I6kiliIators of Osgoode, and incidental! but schools in towns and inc porat d on Thursday of last week for Montreal flrm them : ,• 7,� w. FARN00un, MEMBER OJT ASS,14 Of Y villa es do not open till Thursday, the t P COTTAGE E AND LOT FOR F . p, L, s„ Provincial Lana SurveyorS, and 11 g from which Dint be sailed on Satur Only One woman of all the 200 on SALE )t0 3et1. lie public know they have side- 1st of September - exL.actly nine weeke day for au,d Scotland, his native land, board was saved. _ • Civil i> ngineer, London out,_ wyere be will a cad the next six weeks, The undersigned olie-. for sale a Prams cot- Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton, OffiO° at Geo, "W; - -down there, of vacation. Tye boys and girls will p Not one first -class passenger was That ie just the troth about Hood's ear• rage oP Pour Poo with for c an and woodshed 1. 1. _ hardly know what to do with them- Hia birthplace was Logue, Arggieshire, saved. anparblla. ' `CVD know it attached. Ceatrat y situated. Goodwater and CLINTON MARiSLE �P The Liberals at Oktawa ex act to selves all that time and many mothers Me MacDonald came to this country in Orly ten second-class assen ars Possesses merit drainage. Wat beao]d cheap. cody to __ ORBS. t P will wily the holidays half aS long, 1847, than a boy in kilt., He has been were saved, passengers because it eures,'not anee or twice or a Plus of a million dollars as a a resident of Grey for the past 44 years In comparison to the pass era a hundred times, but 'in thousands and Clinton, Dec.loLh W C bEARLE. COOVER�S LD STAND ItiLVULVERB,-'the Brantford Cour- and'consequentlylsoneof the ioneere, tremendous p g thousands of cases. We know it cures, irksl11 il of their ,administration of the P Proportion o the ship's ROUSE FOR .ALL' Next to Commercial IIotal. ler advocates rye absolute suppression Mr MacDonald use leased his 200 acre crew was saved. P absolutely, permanently, when all others , mnraur ." l . niOn finances during rye fiscal of the revolver. The way to suppress farm for this season to his brothel• fail to.do any good wba6even, We repeat, t This tlisbment is in full o* erasion and a it 18 t0 prohibit its manufacture. Itnow has 262 TWO MURDERERS If�NOWJV- P order filled In the most satistacto, y Way, Co.. year just closed. If their dream to serves no useful purpose, either in war gCassai:t'dtthwhicli are 16 hesdeof thdree It would seem that two of M AM the pn ■ $2+2" buys the two soma -detached brick cry and granite Rork a epee iatty, Prices a "� / houses on Rattenbury St., known as tho Pox- bottable as those oitlny�aetabllahn ant here will--be--reversed-rr--re.a-LzPort--.ita.nrl , mfasion..is_murder_- _ pp tat Pro arty. Honest men carr revolvers but the year atlll steers. -� .ntSrcKiP five years' standing. Since 1893 3,' , y who kilfed-ta savei"tttl° .-,, .�iiits ��A;m�5�tmx=u=ra�ru�=, wOUld not do so if thieves also had no The news of the death of Marion be- on board the Grecian, Patrick Me- Sulnae -- rfi vale Panda in largo acrd small '- --- �,lXe ei>>ave been deficits aggregatine means of getting them. Inside of two loved wife of Me John Robertson ffor- Keown is a most intelligent Y BUMS to f ,,in oil ne,r':t to. Rates tow, merl of Seaforth ' Irishman from Wilmin young W. BRYDONE, Barrister, WANIt�if By Old Establtahed House - l', : i, ilillion dollars, The exact amount weeks the Mayor of Clinton hes con- Y reached here on Ston Del. !Ie 1r r� Highd BSB Man ed woman Al, I8ecatedacoupleofloaded revolvers that Thutaday morning and came like a is a teacher worker, and was on hie Sarsaparilla la BUSINESS PKOPERTY FOR hegea°rad dorofiieo standing n�t co as 3iiirman, o cixpenditure will not be known fora were being carried by boys of inma- sudden blow to the deceased lady's wAY tO Paris to work fora firm there, SALE en9tthofr homo. Business already b tk cadence globi!€h.or so. The total revenue On tura age, end believes many revolvers numerous friends. Some months ago McKeown was lucky enough t° get on to the best-bniact the One True BloodPurttler, ablishedhere, Solar t it upend are carried that should not be; the deceased with yet three small chi!- a floating raft when La Bourgogne Thnt desirable Brick Business Stand on Al nrldreasod Stara yxxr Enoiose self- ' Add6 Yet of consolidated fund for the partiesbort St., Clinton, Bric led b b a it see ped envelope for our terms dren in company with Me Albert Rob was sinking. f ours nausea, Indigestion, P y it N. Robson, is Elder, General Manager• iso terms to having them are liable to a heavy fine, + P Y Hoods Pills billousaess. 26 cents, offered for Salo, Including rear lot and stable. Ave., Chicago, IliMichigan t'11wt)Ige months ending June30 amount ertson, went to Dakota to join her On the voyage I got acquainted pThe lo. atfat Is ono of the best in C1L,ron. Tho POSTALCHANGE9.--Beginning on the husband, who had preceded her, Al- with one of the passengers," said Me. roporL is free from inectmbranceand titlein- qCi t revenue for as compared with the fllaugur to Julq Severs! chsages were though at that time Mrs Robertson but CLINTON" cli ioht Hats' Price reasonable and terms to suit I1CxB1VTS. tell revenue for 1897 of 538,873,000, or Inaugurated in the Post Office Depart Keown. I cant recall his name, P Apply ro CEO. e nNBURY, Lon- "IiJondfke Gfold Fields," a tar P was ailingg nothin serious was antic!- he was a tsilor in Pbiladelphia and has don Road, or address Clinton p. O able book,sellin tilts a Whirlwind. ar6e,cheap, vain, _ An •increase of over $2,000,000, The meet, among them being the intro- pated. Her demise took place on Sat, a wife and two children there. He was WOOD and GOAL YARD. y Beautiful I 11taut ue_from customs duction of a new money order system, orday evening, and was due to cancer goin to Poria to nee his sister, gubsoribor is pr° orad to promptly rill all or- r at rn 1, r Sitle or to Rent. BRAProsLLEY-GARZE " ents' Books on time, postoffice, pub• the sale of postal notes to be used in of the liver, She leaves a family of COMPANY,LEaUTRD, transmitting ' Tis friend of mine tried to climb dere for Wood or Coal, whioh will be sold at The south half of lot 5, concession 9, Town• _ Toronto. jaC Cporks {ted railways and miscellan- g small amounts instead of three children, the aldest being ten upon a raft net far from the one I was low ost rates. Ofilce on Isaac Street, at LA VIS chip or morri9, coulaininR i00 acros, 80 acres -••-- t�0Ui3 sklow large increases, but, there is usrng Postage stait,pa, end a special g IMPLEMENT ILOOMS. W. WLtF.ATLl y cleared end in ^ACSENTS delivery Postage stamp also came into jO88 a bereaved husband to mourn yet grab a half oarand strikea French sailor my fr end - good State a culcivartvatton. a1V�y decrease of $1,300,000 from ex- use, whereby letters to which these 7 bore aro on the promisos a Prams hnu�o, Prams "T7ie host Life of Her lt[ftlesty I have seem' three times On the forehead. He sank AGENTS WANTED. barn, Prams drive house, good orchard, nerer writes Lord Lorno about ' neon Victoria:' t dips.+ 'he customs receipts for 1898 stamps are attached will be delivered On Wednesday evenin , June 22nd, and that was the last of him. It was failing suppply of spring water, Situated }mile Agents make fi e tiolJars dally, A ants wanted, mate and female, in evory sonntble tortmsg Ap Bl ton ,'Ill he so;d on Pea- BRADLEY-GIARRLTboN CObtPANY, jian�p iinlcfunted to $12,467,000, as Com aged by special messenger. This, of couree, rye residence of Mr and re R,Hltin d, rye most cold blooded thing that ever pp1qq p refers only to cities and towns where of Fast Wawanosh, was the scene of a locality to sots our novelties. Big commission or THOS. R. WRI(II3T Execut lr LT kr'in see Toronto. x�itti I9,8x8,000 for 1897. The poet- there is a delivery system in vogue. happy event OCC&• was done•" old Senplesplicati o and 25Ic e1 P fro all A`c•, I ondon, Ont. g eery pleasant and hs , sawfine ofsant AGENTS - Boolt buslnaeaLv bettor than for tbCBk'8enut4 for the fiscal year shows The money order system is the same sinned by the marriage of their laugh• theirhmoBheesnd isther killBedrrgeJOhn - Co°federation Lipa Bta'ss, gToronto as the English system and is much less ter, ,iennie,to Me Edward McQuillin,of Bur a and his father ys. Agi is cl have bet+erand faster sailing _ 1 xCellent Farms to Rent, fewleade SAr©- "Queen Victoria, "Life of e 2kinfCNekt3e over 1897 of $200,000, But g got On a raft, � tluoon Victoria, ' LfPoo1 1VIr e+pQ lIi have to nee the table of ex en- complicated than our present system. West Wawanoah. Prompbly at 7 p.m, The French sailors threw them into,the IT PAYS TO -' Gladstone," •'My Titotther's Bible Stories P All towns of certain size are re wired during the Playing of the weddin Owing to ill hoalth of his wipe, the subscrlbar greagivespaaka,' IZtondiko cold rieh�a,""VV°o to made dell q mercy b g water. They swam back, climbed on has decided to offer his a lendid farms on rho man,"' GiPe sea oP the Unseen "B& .... s0 rules @fore we can tell where we y returns of all. money re- Y Miss Lott le Haines, sister of a ain,and again were thrown off. Tye acres, In Godeiich township, near! all cleared tile." B p yolo a g base line to rent, One of the farms contains 80 1)innor and Jttpper, ' Canada; an EDa p e, rt i, solved and paid, instesd of weekly as rye ectdv, the bridal party took their elder Burge sank, Five times John .�? and in first-class atato of Cultivation. There is The BRADLEY•GARRET30N formerly, respective places on the lawn, where Burge was thrown from this raft, then y eared ookS cn t me. Outfits seen to canvassers, the ceremon was erformed b Rev, goon tramp house, heartrg orchard, Saul! barn Toronto, Co•, Limited Ira 0ltl >Eo Northern Michigan Boys MISSING}. -Two boys, a�ed Mr Duthie, n the presence of 100 in• come am to aanother that nd was taken chanced to 80 toot tong and stables; pfenty of water on the about sixteen, living six miles eout of vited guests. The bridesmaids were lace and also Inside the building. Also lot ss, MCgiLLOP liiUTUAL FIR �m 4itiodhil'4f Chippewa county, Mich„ Berlin, Waterloo county, left their "My 4th ooncessfon of Hntlett, (near the other eon. FIRE y Miss Minnie Haines and Mies .Agnie on a boat ether had d John Burg, hold of a1mI Are You A raining a3 acres, all cleared and seeded own. INSURANCE ltrtila'litid $Puce acnntiee, Ontario, homes on Sunday last, going apparent- $lain, of Grimsby, the groom being at- saw a sailor draw his knife and ant the In the both farms are 110 acres cleared and E CO. e ftti4tulting arrangements for an ex I�y ill a western or northern direction, tended by Messrs Harr McQuillin and ro a and my mother and Pour inters of the Pact that without a foot of waste land, and 25 acres Will tSa t4 %filt Ste, Marie, Plokford, and Both of them are strong and tall for I' be ready for fall wheat. The farms are on good FARM fit ISOLATED TOWN PROPEItT s their age; Edward Haines, jr, 1p1 oC flue Bravo] road, about 2 milds from town of din. ONLY INSURED X +Ml it, #d, hi3y expect in the latter part ruddy g � thA older has dark hair, a the recipient of many beautiful and drawn d men fell backward and were TLeCana,tXaBnsiness college ton. %Vill be rented ton good tenaht at a rea• it, •'1'h3y oltpoot to-seonro senor- Y omplexion, and a health a y presents. sonable figure, with earanee• Y p cost! CHATHAM, ONT. privilege of acing on at oFFlOatxs t1pM lllt4fn the boats so that a largo P the younger is the taller, It seemed that August Bur mind ' Clinton Apply Orae a Promises, or by Iotter to Geo, Watt Prosid°nt, Har►oak P, t thb I old neighbora may have somewhat slim, pale looking, and has has not recovered from ' its fearful Isdot ng more for its Puplls than any outer McLean, lKt' o. J 0 0d mak]rig the trip. Persons light red hair. The former wore a black Mr, Phfllippe A, Uho netts, member shock. He was in the water about i3 g THOflins MASON, peen P. o., pica -Pecs,; q usinoss Cotte e n the Dominion. Shannon, Seo -Troaa, Seaforth P, o.; !d tikal6 join the party are re- shirt and collar, red tie and a brownish for Montmagny, and Mr. A. Dorlon, half an hour and tired to et into a dei Pupils were p 0.ced in two months, Stu- House and Lot for Sale Hays+ Seafort�i P. O., knspectorot Lossas, fxi �V1Ifo tb suit, mixed with other shades, The barrister, of Montreal, have been ap. gquarters are Rocking to this -- nrnsomorte e t,., x 'oiwi satilt Ste, Marie, Mich, Y ointed Jud es of the Superior Court boat. He was seized when ha Was half worthy business school. The frame house on Ratteubur street Soaforth Jon boys no doubt one in search of p in and thrown back into the water, W. G. Broadtoot �,, I3kVltj)'d4N, �e0d and Mich. g g 13esides a lar#e attendaueD ;from Chatham t Y r Wfnthrop P. O.;Georgo Dale. Se&f0 tr ,,w Y work, as it seems they wish to cern of the Provence of Quebec. Again he tried to enter the boat, but [Som o t°slao°Ao nta�is Go o¢thomperomgt"nad afferedtforleal est °f I7r, Tom_ineon a, is E, BAYS, soatorth; Jae. Evans B t'X'6tpit Elicltlord, Mich. enough moneq to go to Manitoya. Brantford ratepayers will on Jul the inhuman monsters Who manned it nearer to otter bussqe�ns Collegee than two The hones is ceon ntrally reitnatenable terms, O.; Thos. Oarbut Clinton; Tltotrins°h°ta l r..'DoilAldson,Mich. Farmers and Others in the western 27th vote on the question of spendiay seemed determined to keep him out. Ctiacham. Bruaeflela; John Part of the Province who may know 50 000 to y d being only 1 , McLean, Kippen, ' , t lr p g At last, however, he got in aqd rho K'° Pr°suhte thhese pooplo invoatit�ated rho a minute' walk from the business centre eGnxTe r �'Ot, l , prevent the Grand River y moriia of rho diHorent aohools, and dooided bas stone cellar, large dining room parlor, Robert Smith Harloek; Jbo.W, Ya of their s+�hereabotrta wig! confer a Pav- flooding the town; also upon the quea- lot him stay, that nothing but the bast w4nid satisfy thorn, bed room and kitchen down stairs, meth one obi. blofVlillan, Seaforth 'lamas t or on the parents of the boys by send- ion of reducing the Aldermen to twelve honoo, the aro hero. Ville' R o, lltolmte�fatt Ing suah inforfnatfan without delay to and electing them Prom the city as a No attempt TERRIBLE made to save the Plaoad 1n I'wc monthB, targe and two smaller bedrooms u stairs m ri Egmo 11- John Gtovenjook end dotin T4 . , writo loroataloguo ol!yother da artmonts and p Morti'son, auditors, the Journlll Ufaae, Berlin, whole, a lief of rho 4433 pupils Good-sized eumrii4r kitolien and garden, Parties d0sifous to efpeat lnd[ttagoo or trans - women and ahlldi en, and these Who D, MQLAC1RY 4 �; hof (7hat1# mf Ot1VOV60. a pli1� bt NI99V t A� 0> C6. boarding not other business b ill be promptly atto Idoa to o apPlloattfort ,to any of £he abovo owdor0. �• , . a dresHOd'%tiit! totgieouvs OM00e 11, ,. '. 4 " _ tl , . r • L • pg `�a 4 I : " I I 11 I I I I . 1, • 1. 1 j ,. '. 4