HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-08, Page 7THE CLINITON NEW ERA � A Canvasser's Experience WAR 61 DE LIGF�TS. from Kidney Trouble and Rheurr.- if the sailor hat would be a RHEUMATISM It looks as i atiom -Was Becoming Despondent When preferred fashion this summer.-Philadel- phia 'Times' i Is caused by Uric Acid and other im- Aid peached Him. purities lingering in the bluo,l, which An Alabama is launched with Amerl- have not been filtered out b the Kid- sore the Journal, 5t, Catharines. Ilttgs all over hoz, and ConPederato can neys through the urine. Tit. seat of One of the most recent witnesses about 'eterans are wearing the blue. -Boston the trouble is not in the skin or mus - and vicinity regarding the virtues Y g g Journal. cl•.r� It's sick Kid s. Electricity, Dr. William's Pills is John F. Price, common toast in Havana is, "To the ;, t' :!Iments or plasters will not reach the A is widely known in the Niagara Dis- patriot who blow up the Maine." Have rase. But the disease can be riot, as he has been on the road as an ad- patience. He will be toasted in due time. and canvasser for six years, and _Omaha Bee. Oft thousands of acquaintances. His core- Matanzas is a has added fresh lustre to the The meaning of the word cure lace where cattle are slaughtered for their CURES0 eputation of this great medicine. Hearing p Mr. Price's stiff eringe and restoration, a hides and tallow. That mule died logiti- I Was takeo viiih a seveio attack of rheuma- was requested. His mately. -Hamilton bpoctator, tiara and could not turn misolf in bed. I was of his case 9 If this thing keeps up as it started at orsulldacl to try Dr llob',s' %paragus Kidney is: -"I am 26 years of age and have >illa, 1'hcy aeon pelt me on my feet alrain. afflicted with rheumatism for seven Manilla, that old song will have to be Less than ons bux cured ni , so comp etuly tl... t ears. At times I have been unable to get changed to "Columbia, the Gents of the I have raturoed again to my work in the Iaku assistance, and Ocean." Weare getting too plural for Shore Repair :+hops as well as ever. my olotnee on or off without WnI• A. ,-CIiOFiSLm, Adrian, Mich, often been compelled to have m food anything. -Denver Tidies. I pleased to sir that Dr Ho4be' :Sparagua yam for me at table. In the winter of 1897 Kidney rill, are the most relieving remedy I wast]attacked with la grippe, which SPANISH OMELET. have over used for rheumatism. You mayur-e in m kidneys. I then became this as a teatinionial fin• the, honotit of otl ers Y Y who are athicted. CAARLLs HLss, Voteran of ill that I was compelled tc abandon Castrlar says we cannot blockade Span- Civil War, 28.4 Adelaide bt , Detroit, Mich. all employment, At that time my ish horror. No; the United States deals and kidneys combined in wbat with realittte& Spanish honor is a myth. Dr. flobbb' eesmed to me ibeir last attack. I used .Philadelphia Press. several medicines and doctored in Buffalo All observation gogs to show that Spain getting any re- SPA3AOJ%U and St. Catharines without Is doliberately closing her eyes to the in- so my confidence m medicine was about evitable, but she must be able to see her BISMARCK AS CHANCELLOR. (late Hill & Joyner)'4 h ' 7 I CU1 ID°S ARTFUL ATTORNEY. a ......1--4 Be Was Rude and Willing to Be Iusnit• Suffered i / In J. Fenimore tag In Parliament. A Dainty Story From the German About Cooper's Leather Theprineeusedtu prepare himself Por the Famoua Mendelrrohn. ' Stocking Tales, we answering questions put in parliament. The greatly honored Moses Mendelssohn, i read stories. of the He was very indignant at the practice I who was called the Socrates of his time, p - wonderful agility, and at the meeting of the ministry when i was visiting the baths of Pyrmont. There �_ // physical endurance the mutter was discussed declared, "I i he became acquainted with the merchant Foothill �i and the unerring ae- must speak straight out, and should like Gaugenhelm of Ilauiburg, recites a trans- ,/ 4 curacy of the eye of ARtri1C8i1 Indian to be as rude as possible without being in- lation from the German in Success. of who • r Lhe when he reigned su- sultin " He made use of several expree- g "Rabbi bioses," the merchant said to "we t preme over this Conti- sions, asking the minister of justice if him one day, revere you, but my vertiser c• , Hent. Before he was those were insults. The minister, being daughter especially reveres and admires has debattchrd by modern e conscientious, was obliged to say yes. with greatest enthusiasm Itwould you w1 g a and has given gold satisfaction to all civilization, he was a Then the prince grew angry, exclaiming be the highest honor to me to have you for plete I !Y/ magnificent specimen that in that case it would be better that a Son-in-law. Pray visit me Solite time." r ' "(/� of physical manhood, he should not answer at all, but leave it Moses Mendelssohn was very retiring of histor� He lived entirely in to arnphausen, the vine president of the and shy, fur ho was sadly hunchbacked. the open air, and ' kn,-w no medicine, save the simple herbs council. Herr von Tiedemann describes At length he set out for the journey. He B been . gathered by his squaws. the office hours in the chancellery, which went to hamburg and sought out Gaugen- '" 461,"'-'- -- _ .-Civilized man leads an unnatural and an began early and ended late. At that time heim in his counting house. The mer- althy life. Unlike the Indian if he Prince Bismarck rose only toward noon. chant said to him: "Go up and see my I i�..ll maintain his physical and mental He worked hard from 12 to 6 and again daughter. She will be delighted to see ' out �. ; % �, he must take reasonable precau- from 9 till late at night. Tiedemann sel- you. I h .; • v Nearly all d is- rebel disease. i�to co Y n in disorders of eases have their inception dem left his office before 1 a.m. Mendelssohn made the visit to the On day Mendelssohn settled ^ the digestion, torpidity of the liver and impurity of the blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden It was not easy to read to the prince. He demanded a suseitating extract -as he daughter. another eo came to Gaugenheiiu's counting house. f : , Medical Discovery is made of simple herbs, called !t -of everything, and declared, He spoke of the agreeable and intellectual I It restores the lost appetite, makes diges- however complicated a matter might be, charactor of the daughter. ' tion and assimilation perfect, invigorates its kernel (night be extracted in a few "Yes, revered rabbi," said Gaugenhelm the liver, purifies the blood and promotes words. His subordinates gradually .ac- "Should I speak frankly to you?" 71, �',,, the natural processes of excretion and se- cretion. It sends the rich, red, life-giving customed themselves to speak in and Tiedemann often condensed more than a "Certailily. " I "You are a philosopher, benevolent and I • ! blood bounding through the arteries and corrects all circulatory disturbances. It hundred paragraphs into the space of ten wise. You will not take it in bad part I j 'i-,_ dispels headaches, nervousness• drowsi- minutes, but the preparation for such a from the child. She was shocked when mess, lassitude, and drives out all imTuri- report had cost several hours' study. As she saw you, because you" - � ties and disease germs. It dares 98 per soon as the reading was over Bismarck "Because I have a frightful hump." cent. of all cases of consumption, bron- gave his decision without a moment's re- Gaugenhelm bowed assent. chitis, asthma and diseases of the ainpas- fieotion. It was astonishing with what "I thought so," said Mendelssohn, "but saes. It gives sound and refreshing sleep, drives away all bodily and mental fatigue certainty he hit upon the important points. yet I will call and take leave of your r . a .and imparts vigor and health to every or- of the body. Medicine dealers sell it, Never did he hesitate but always knew Y what he wanted. If anything did not in- daughter." He went up into the dwelling apart - , ,gan and have nothing else, "just as good." terest him, he said, "Do what you like." ments and seated himself by the daughter, "A few of my symptoms," writes Charles 'l,: " Book, of Climax, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., " were He wrote very little, preferring to dictate. Since Killmann's bullet grazed his right who was sitting near the window in a raised seat, with a piece of needlework in heart -burn, fullness atter eating, pain in my thumb he had found it awkward to hold a her hand. They talked together pleasant- ,' bowels, bad taste in my mouth, and occasional ( fever and hot flushes. Dr. Pierce's Colden quill pen. 1 and intimately, but the maiden did not Y Y, Medical Discovery cured all these and I am His (method of dictation was strange. look up, and Mendelssohn did not look at perfectly well." Re spoke in jerks, sometimes with long her. At length the maiden put the ques- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are sure, pauses and then so rapidly that it was tion, "Do you really believe matches are r ,_ speedy and permanent cure for constipa- "Pellet"is difficult to follow him. His thought and decided in heaven?" tion. One little a gentle Taxa- expression were so rich that he frequently "Certainly. And something very un- ;' tive and two a mild cathartic. They never uttered two or three tautological phrases usual happens in my case. You know that A grape. Found at all medicine stores. and then said, "Please choose the most according to a Talmudic saying at the I ' • • --' --- fitting. " As he might never be interrupt- birth of a child it is announced in heaven ed -for, strange to say, he then lost the .this and this one will have this and this ' 1 THE LISTENER. thread of his thought -it was all the more Me. Now, when I was born, my wife was '.•-i 4 - difficult to follow him. Bluehor did this called out to mq, but it was also declared P` v, I The Marquis of Bute's mansion, neat ! more readily, for he was a stenographer, that she would, alas I have a fearful -hump. �'< . Rothesay, cost $10,000,000. 1 but Tiedemann was not, and so he seldom `Dear Uod,' I said, `a maiden who is de- t,i; +i `,. _, •• It was Henry Labouchers who called could write a whole sentence, and had to formed will very likely be bitter and harsh, Dear gip, ':°,' Glladstone a saint with four aces up his be content to catch the ,most important A maiden ought to be beautiful. `,' ` '- sleeve. turns of speech, sometimes only a single God, give me the hump and let the maid - 4 Mayor Van Wyck of New York said re- ' word. Afterward it was his business to en be beautiful and comely.' " zlilGently, "So far I have not been able to se- ' work the sentence out.--Leipsiger Neue Scarcely had he said this when she fell euro a lady to share my troubles and don- ! Nachrichten. ul,on his neck. She became his wife, and they were happy together. They also had e his my joys." +- The hat which Major General Wheeler I • THE CUBAN WATER MONKEY. beautiful and brave children. -Exchange. .will probably wear in his campaigning is %_ one which he has worn for the past 15 • One Must Be an .Expert to Drink From School That Began at Noon. years. It ie a soft black hat, which, when It Gracefully. "The Three R's at Circle City" Is the .'1 he takes it off, he generally puts in his The Cubans have a domestic utensil subject of a paper by bliss Anna Fulcomer ,I pocket. ., t nl:e that is to b called a water n o Y t t alar the author Says: in the Century, y I!,; ,� Two of the most famous living Scotch- found in houses, hotels and offices. It an- During the Short winter clays it would ,' men are cripples -Lord Kelvin, who Is the iwers the same purpose as the olla in often be noon before all the children put {.; greatest living Scottish soientist, and Dr. Vexico and the clay jugs of India. It is in an appearance. When I arrived at 9 James Macgregor of Edinburgh, who Is made of gray porous clay and is manufae- o'clock, it would either be dark or bril- �" said to be the greatest living Scottish tared in Malaga, "where the rafsins come liant moonlight. Smoke might be seen • preacher. ! from." By absorption and evaporation lazily rising from four or five cabins out John E, Pannier of Chippewa Falls, a blanket of cool air surrounds the jug of the 400 or 500. I would light one larnp i' Wis., who .was recently elected countJ, continually and keeps the water almost as and wait. By 10 o'clock a few children ' judge, is said to be the youngest judge In cold as if it contained ice. In a country would struggle sleepily in just as the day the United States. He is ouly2lyewsold where ice is both scarce and expensive began to dawn. By 11 o'clock, shortly y . I. and is the first Republical'i' to occupy that these jugs are indispensable. after sunrise, the majority of the children particular office in 16 years. ; Cardinal Gibbons has appointed Bishop The water monkeys have two apertures, one about the size of a dollar, through were at school, somecoming without their breakfasts, By half past 12 all who were x; Alfred S: Curtis vicar general of Balti- which water is poured into a glass. On corning that day would,have appeared, t` more. Bishb}p Curtis, aha began 1+! , _Vn .. the opposite side is a protuberance with a It was hard to got up before daylight on '' nor as an Episqopal elergymua, bepame small holn running through it. From this thpse'cold, dark mornings. I often used Roman Catholic bishop,sf Wilmington, the experienced Cuban drinks without to wish that I was one of the little girls, 6 m In 166 and.-�'giled Tela office f!a f touching it to his lips. When about to so that I, too, might sleep until daylight, k 15 drink, he holds it two or three Inches from No one in camp pretended to get up early "` Qhatlt T. Rowe, a New Yorker, !s is his mouth, into which the tiny stream of unless there was some special work on . t pereenal Appearance almost the exAct ooun- water pours. Gradually and slowly he hand which must be done, As I was go- terpsaif ief. Admiral Dewey. $e has been lifts the monkey away from him allowing ing home to my lunch at noon friends oonnsCted for years with jockey clubs, the water to flow from the monkey down would sometimes call out tome: "Good } • horeq,t�hows, dog shows, cattle shows, b1= his throat. Occasionally the drinker morning I Come in and have some break- Cia.akows and exhibitions of all Lands gulps, and when his thirst has been satin- fast. We have fine moose steak and hot f�a ail e�eoutive capacity, "' fled; he returns the monkey toward ills mouth, thele suddenly tips it up, shutting cakes," On Saturdays and Sundays I lived end slept as did other puople. Even k' It s said that Admiral Ds*isy has nevus voted'fholdivg, as so rpany of the older otp the stream.. It takes considerable ex- when one did ,not sit up later at night mea 6 the army and, navy do, tthaVan of- perienee to.drink out of a water monkey than 10 or half past it required an effort r. 3eelfflight not to dt bld._. cs. but gracefully, _The b@glnn@If sends astroa>Af to ris0 before daylight. There is some- -, serve"`5Is country, no mai el� ho is in of water down his neck instead of his thin In the air and in the manner of life g pow st aim ly .upholding•;%hg,eAistinlg, throat four times out of five until he has mastered the art.-Eachanga which makes one sleepy. As the days long he>}ed the ahildien came earlier to adlriftiilEttat b131 ,t ithout itln�,lpt"gneet " . �hl�lr: �e�' t tI.�. Boipe end fiishloued churchmen in Eng ;1 land are very ranch shocked because Blslittp Mosley and Fitz-Hugh Lee. The conversation had drifted into war - A Preference. SaatllOa ti! Bath sad FPills makes his. Elt to this o[ his channels and the major had the floor. i+Well Colonel Mosby, you know, was a Y, , Once in a great while Mr. Bl kine do- vele s an Impression that he is wiser than P P visitations pai3shes die " on a bicycle. When riding, he Y � good fighter, but when General '.rant sent his wife. This state of mind is only occa- w gaiters, apron and black coat, him to China the Virginians turned the g cold shoulder to him. One day he was Sional coin to the co lotenesd o dem- ' g f. onstrations to the, contrary. which. almost ttiutirlibstitutes a soft black hat for the tra- iitio'apl biiihopla hat. , ' making a Speech in Alexandria. Retold I the Virginians that they to for invariably follo* it.' ,•,The haby had been crying. All her efforts to soothe ft hath been 1,'n $iirppgans who olaim to know Don ought vote hill}- vain, and finally Mr. Blynkins laid down Vlnoentw Montijo y Fr1110 the vice ad- miral who" fleet was crushed in Manilla i " 'Why,' said the colonel, 'I fought all the,boo); whose reading he had illterrupt- b4y, tiaj that he is an unusually high type : over northern Virginia for four years. ed two or three times a page to cast blame - `i of S niard. They credit hire} with a knowledge strategy and , Talk about my .war record! Why, my war record is a part of the state's History. ful glances and said: "You are not adopting the method like - thorough of sea 4'. control of men as well as an tladid Why, gentlemen, I carried the last Con- liest to quiet the child. You have been splendid courage and patriotism. co federate flag through this very town.' humming to it, but what the child needs i The Earl of Lucan, who has just been " 'Yes,' replied Fitz-Hugh Lee, `for I is music. Give him to me and I'll Show °', created a knight of the order of St. Pat- was here at the time.' " 'Thank you for your fortunate reool- you what I mean." He took the child and proceeded to chant rick by Queen Victoria, is the head of the "- flop alar Irish house of Bingham and son leotion,' gratefully exclaimed Mosby. 'It lullaby. The little one stopped crying and of the commander of the British cavalry Is pleasant to know that there still live some men who put aside envy and testi- stared at him. „ „ "Therel said Mr. Blynkins as be `' in the Crimean war, to whom belongs the merit or the blame for the historic charge fy to the courage of their fellow beings. reached the end of a verse. "What he of the Light brigade at Balaklava, Ap I Say, gentlemen, my war record is a wanted was music, real music. Of course t•` part of the state's history, for the gentle- the fact that I used to sing in a glee club -- - - man here will tell you that I carried the and had my voice cultivated may make a Jessie Lowe, of Dayton, Wash„ 16 years i' last Confederate flag through this town.' " `That's differenpo too." old, was awakened from a nap on a couch a fact,' said Fitz-Hugh Lee. He had not got very far into the next fpr, , downetairs in her home by a dream that a 'I saw him do it. He carried the Confed- stanza when there came a ring at the bell. certain upstairs room was afire. She ran erate flag through this town, but Kilpat- He gave the baby to his wife while he r., upstairs and found it just as in the dream rick was after him, and he carried it so opened the door. A girl of 14 or 15 said: it had been pictured, and she put out the blamed fast you couldn't have told wbeth- "We're the people who have just moved I file, er it was the Confederate flag or a small- into the flat above. Thero's a sick lady t ` pox warning.' "-New York Sun. with us and says if it's all the same to A Martyr t® one Red Rose Rent For a Church Site. , you, would you mind letting the baby cry instead of singing to it. "-Washington A unique celebration occurs in .June of Star. every year at 1lineJou , according Mouth Character. Diarrhoea. n The Ladies' Home .lournal. It is known al. as the feast of roa•es and is held to corn- Every mouth has a character of its own. 11Tells of relief from suffering by memorate the benevolence of Laron Stie- More can be told by the lips, even when Strawberry. Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberr gt'I, who more than a century and it quar- ter ago leased a tract of land at Manheim silent, than by any other feature, with the possible exception of the eye. Did you to a congregation fns a church site at an over see a man with a small mouth amount 11 There are many people martyrs to Dr. annual rental of one red rose to be paid in to anything? No Did you ever seen a ,T: bowel complaints who would find , ,Tulle of each year. After Baron Si iegel's iiian with a broad mouth who was not a 1,;:_ Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry a deitth the rent was never demandod until genius? No. Did you ever see a man with wonderful blessing to them. It not only a few years ago, and now it fs formally arched lips, drawn far down at the cor- ohecks the diarrhoea but soothes andhealS paid to one of the heron's descendants, ners, who was not either a cry baby or a the inflamed and irritated bowel, so that Cpermanent is obtained. The occasion 1s known as "the feast of fiend? No. Did you ever see a man with thin lips did relief roses," and the quaint coremony attracts a straight mouth and who Mrs. Andrew Jackson, Houghton, Ont., the greatest interest, not cling to a purpose until it was accom- J °., sends the following letter: "For the - plashed`r No. Did you ever see a man past two or three Carrying Out the Proposition. with ilps turned inside out who was not years I have been a martyrtothat dread- "The subject of Allc•e's giv,du:ttion es- say, you remember, ti'a:i'Aini Iligh.' " an enthusiast? No. Thick lipped men are generally impulsive. Thin lips indi- fill diseasediarncoem. "Yes." tato secectiveness. A long tipper lip means I tried every remedy ► I heard of and spent "Well, she has been thrnw•lrig herself at tho now prencher'x hci,d, :.11d he is 0 feet "get. thero." A short upper lip means "lot things take their course." Cupid's a good deal of money trying to get eared tall." -Cincinnati I'l,wilrer, -- bows on a nia,n'a mouth -well, have no Speaking acquaintance with him. They but all failed until a: I happened to read A distinguished pet lir ldytho aro for children and women. -New York press. of a lady who was Indication is culled stupidity Is i.in�lJy the. Indication fled r oared by using Dr. that a certain bruin are� is nut prc�mrly nourished or la without communication Seeking an Ally. Fowler's Extract of Wild Bt'Mwborry. I purchased a bottle with the nerve fiber, "Miss Gimp, would yoit pray for me while I was engaged in a desperate, under - and coxdanenoed taking it according to directions and was cured in a very short Analysts say that butter to the most nutritious article of dict, closely followed taking? IIYel Mr. Jumbles." - time. I oat�xiot praise the remedy too highly for what it did for me." by bacon, Well, pray for me while I propose to you. -Chicano Record, � �+A% i_._...._ __ y1* Y. I was getting no rest day or night fluish all the same. -Philadelphia Times. Kidney Pills and was becoming despondent, finally I was A member of the cortex has told another persuaded to try Dr, Williams Pink Pills. member to consider his ears are boxed. ion SALE BY I did so and have used in all eight .boxe6, This is truly Spanish. Madridthinks the SYDNEY JAGICSON, Druggist, and am now able to state that I feel better threat of an eipedition is as good as one CLINTON, ONT than in the past ten years. These pills are any day-Zmahangs. the nearest to a specific of anything I ever medicine and they are the cheapest and best To Cure a Cold in One Pay. .• WOOL �� medicine I ever tested, having thoroughly reached my case and effected a cure. I feel Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al so gratified for the relief I have obtained Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.25o I am prepared to buy this season's clip that I think it my duty to publicly make A five-year-old daughter of Mrs. Skinner of Wool, as usual, at the this • statement. If all who are suffering of Kalamazoo, Mich., was drowned in a will give Dr, Williams' Pink Pills an honest fountain at Clifton Springs. Bellnllller Woollen Mills trial, I am sure they will be as enthuaisstic h i I d re n Cry for r °R in their praise as I am. ® HIGHEST GASH IjRICE Mr, I. M. Levan, Principal of the Paris Cio►STO R I A Or in exchange for manufactured articles High School, has been appointed to the vac- ■ ant Principalship of the Woodstock Colleg- Cadet Sergt.-Major Deniston of Toronto, JESSE GLEDHILL, iate Institute. youngest eon of Col, Deniston, won honors A bishop in England has a son in this in all subjects,, fourteen in number, at the - country residing a short distance west of Kingston Military College. This is a new ONWARD �ji i Winnipeg. The other day he wrote to a record for the institution. ON 11 ARD BICYCLE CO Kingston lawyer and requested him to in- . THE THREE STAGES. vite his son in to dinner occasionally. --- Sir Adolphe Caron is bwk in Ottawa For the early stage, Scott's Emulsion is SHOP. from New York, where he suffered from a a cure. For the second stage, it cures REPAIR SHOP. facial injury, resulting from falling against many. And for the last stages of consump- tion it soothes the cough and prolongs the �j a fence. He will not be permanently die- Subscriber has his establish- d life. meant fitted u with the best figured, as was at onetime fared. p The beet medicine you can taka is that 1 Patric Franey of Hintonburg was killed of machinery, enabling him which builds a solid foundation for health by the mail electric car on tae Aylmer road. to do all kinds of repair work. The gold output of the Klondike for the Special attentions given to overhauling in pare, rich blood. -Hood's Sarsaparilla. p g n season is estimated at x..0,000,000, which is and repairing of Bicycles, and riders can Robert Blythe, reeve of Guelph Town- divided among the following creekS and rely on work of this nature being promptly ship, died in the hospital Friday. Last tributaries: Bonanza $7,000,000, Eldorado and Satisfactorily attended to. ' Sunday Mr Blythe was charged by a young $10,000,000, Punker $2,500,000, Dominion ebortborn and Sustained a double fracture 5250,000 Sulphur, $150,000. Th. estimate Onward Cycle Co;, of the left leg. He was taken to the hospi- is said to have a solid basin in facts, and Perrin Block, Clinton, tal, where blood-noisoning set in, and am- not to be rose colored, 11-i. L. BROWN, Manager. putation was deemed neuesaary. The sho:,k DEATH TO WORD. ii, of the operation proved fatal, "My little girl 7 seven years old used to Owing to the immense crop and meagre grind her teeth at night and had pain in her Thi old Cliatoll P1JA�iIi�G MILL returns from strawberry Shipments many stomach. I gave her Dr. Low's Pleasant J fruit growers in Michigan have abandoned Worm Syrup and it acted promptly and -- their fields, leaving the fruit to wither on with good effect," Mrs J. Doty, Port Gil- H. STEVENS, Propl ietor the vibes. One of the largest fielde, seven- bert, N. S. -- toes scree, owned b Measre. Jacquay & The old original Contractor and Builder, Nominations for the British Columbia Perry, has boon aha doned and ploughed who has made Clinton his home for forty Provincial Legislature took place Friday ears is Still in business with a modern, under, morning. According to latest advices from Y FOR THE BABIES all portions :if the province there will be a up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill It is not accesses to bra corn cures. Men contest in every constituency, with the pos• all orders of whatever description, on short y y notice and the lowest terms; first-class and women should remember that Put. sible exception of Nelson, which may re- workmah-hi guaranteed. CONTRACTS nam's Painless Corn Extractor is the only turn the Oppostion candidate by acclamat• for buildings taken, and all kinds of bnild- safe, sure and painless corn remover extant. ion. The Hon, Joseph Martin is throwing ire materiel furnished as kin s It does its work quickly and with certain. himself into the fight with vigor. He and g d. ty. See that the Signature N. C. Polson & other members of the Opposition are con- HENRY STEVENS, Co. appears on each bottle. Beware of ceded to be easy victors in Vancouver. William Street, Clinton, immediately Poisonous imitations. HAD READ ABOUT IT. behind the Park. It is understood that the election trials "I had a distressing pain in my sid3 and will come riff in September. Not more was also troubled with severe headaches. . NURNS 'than ten or a dozen of the eighteen pro. My blood was out of order and my consti- tests £or which the place of trial was ar. tation was generally run down. Reading Sarsa arillahad done I be ailBeom�11e� ranged the other day will, it is expected, what Hood's p g come to actual trial. It is likely, however, taking it and after using two bottles I was that a few remainingcases will come to a cured." MAY FL+NSIGaN, Manning* avenue, T7 EF �. hearing. Toronto, Ontario, ' 1 ]EI Blind Tom, whose musical gift was Hood's Pills cure naeem, Sick headache, wonderfnl, but whose mind was scarcely r Our stock of fruit and ar d t oo offer trees being biliousness, indigestion. Price 2v cents. complete, we are prepared to offer to the pub - above idiocy, disappeared from the show lic for spring planting a very choice lot of business several years ago. He wad under The death occurred at Chatham, on Men- the control of a family which had owned, day morning oU*- r.- James Lamont. De- Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry him in slavery days, and there was a law- ceased had attained the age of 72 years. and Peach trees, at suitable suit over the property which had been Be. He was born in Scotland, coming to this pt ices. .Evergreens a specialty. cumulated from his concerts. He is now country in 1834, settling in Glengarry Coun- Large stock of small Fruits, recalled to mind by the fact that the ty. He removed to Chatham in 1854, and Choice list of spring bodging Plants. � Chriptian Adventists at Rochester, have or- since then has been one of the foremost busi- Price list mailed on application. dainedhim as a preacher. ,•Hells gone in. ness men of the city. For a time he was a to revivalism, and intersY arses his exhorts• shipper of grain, being instrAmenttil in 1 John Stewart Estate, lgPuminer tions with piano playing, building up a large export trade with tae old ootioll L In politics Mr. Lamont was MADE M E A MAN DOAN CURES BACKACHE a stattnoh Liberal, and in religion a Baptist, being, a member of the William Street AJAX TABLETS 'PpOSITIVELYCURI " have been troubled for Several years Church for 40 years. ALLNe"ous Dieeaeea-Failing Mem with kidneydisease, pains in the back, diz- ory,Impotency, SloepleaGnasa,etp. oAasci — by Abuse or other l;xoesesa ancf Indict ziness and sleeplessness, so that at times i c,I ons Tfiev quicklyand surety could not work. Dean's Kidney Pills, •1 seaters Lost vitality iu old or young. ant which I started taking about two menthe f �, a atamanIn anity. boll ess or Consumption e PreventInaasho sad Cdiat tion hago, have made me all O.K." P.J.MCGin- t;.it t(fe TheiCURrusa Showa immediate ireprove meat and e)Yeote a 17II81; where all other fail In niS, Belleville, Ont, Gist upon haviag the genuine Max Tablets. The? ;�' �(( haveaarodthousaadsandwilicureyou. We���poe A 'a a' accident occurred at a bare-ra's'n I' ! hive written guarantee to effect a cure C/s it each case or refund the money. Price W .psi on the farm of Duncan Cameron, third don- v • paoga8ei or Gia pkgeG tfnu tiroatmentt ler $z,eo Hi ccs ion of Caledon, on Fi ids Everything mail, is Into wrapper, upon receipt of rice. Cireulai I well until the plates we a being put rap a\� fro0' AJAX REMEDY CO., �'cb�go�lUL when in the hurry and through the scarcity yl Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jackson, c f'hands one plate was allowed to fall when L. = ail druggists. Sydney partly up. It struck Mr. Joseph Flaherty, -- �! __ a well-to-do young farmer, on the head, splitting his Skull in two and instantly kill- A GOOD ing him. RELIEVES IN 30 MINUTES. "`" `� The world -famed Clifton House at Niag- ara Falls is in ruins, being totally destroy- A MA4ICAL L1FB-SAVER.. ed with its contents by fire Sunday morn- The most pronounced symptoms of e>• ing, The Clifton House counted $mon heart disease are palpitation or fluttering g of the heart shortness of breath, weak or iti many questa ninmbers of the royal fam, irregular pulse, smotliering apells at night, Too P ilies of Europe, who had visited Niagara, pains in reglon of heart. Ttic brain may The hotel lues a fnnr•storey, large stone, l be congested, causing headncbes, dizzi- ness or vertigo. In short, whenever the fl/ rough -cast faced building of letter "L" heart flutters, Belies or palpitates, it Is C- �'-'. shape, with a court in the centra that con- diseased, and If life Is valued treatment s ,.w:� tained a regular green house of cool and must be. tnken. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the 1 �n,. ; ,' Shady promenades. The building contain- Heart 1s the only remedy yet discovered f'- "", ! Cfli/ t 1 g which will alwnvs give rellef in 30 rata- S. ed 250 rooms, which were all ver ex en- rates, and cure absolutely. -28. Nwa-, v� `; sivoly furnished, and only the very hest of 50LI1 BY WATTS S: CO. CLI]\TTf'_v - �` '. the travel was catered to. Sanday morn- _-_-..-_ '-�- _ ; � 'y ing 85 guests tvere on the register, and all McLL+'OD'S '�, t� • �� of them, with their belongings, were safely I . ` taken out of the place. Its present propri- ' , S, '' ". •' • �v - etor, Mr. Geo. M. Colborn, has oontrollcd stem R.Q1AOV��fI Ol a (., . Ci+ the place for 80 years past. The hotel was - . ,q , ` owned by the late lion. John T. Bush es- "'- r - J - j�� y^� tate. Loss to building, $100,OCO, partially AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES +3?". ;4'` , covered by insurance; contents and furnish- t r ter_ . — ings, $50,000, partially covered by insurance. SPECIFIC IL AND ANTIDOTE -- ` The destruction of the hotel threw some 100 IS lin )Ol'tallt t0 1IlOSt )e(1 )le. people out of employment. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished 1 1 1 __ __ Blood, Dyapepaia, Sleeplessness, Palpate- It i8 the 1)1111 that Colpitis. i/ ��- �� tion of the Hear', Live: Complaint, Neu- "Nor eu- t 1 Headache ralgia, Lossof M,mory, Bronchitis, Con- Summer Boots and Shoes sumption, Gall. Stouts, Jaundice, Kidney can be mot at reasonable )1'lCer and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance ra 1 I don't believe there ever Female irregularities and General Debility by Calling oil u9. was so good a pill asAyer's, Laboratory, Goderieh, Out. We keepa full stock of I have been a victim of terms J. M. McLeod, ,r rible headaches, and never Prop, and Manufacturer Tl Illllis, Valises, X111,. IC dull found anything to relieve Sold in Clinton by Double Harness, &e. me so quickly as J. H. COMBE and SYDNEY JACKSON Red & White Cedar Shingle �Y1ER'h' P/ILLS" AGENTS. always on hand. "Glimpses mire field f b rdFascinatingu book ��' ����' Sweeps thQ entire field of borderland subjects Everybody orders, Marvellous illut�strations / C. L. NEWMAN.I)ug' Spur, Ya. Prospperous 91.00. BRADLEY-GARRDuISON COM ANY, LinuTPD, Torbuto / VICTORIA BLOCK •� .. . i+ -1 . - 1. . . � I I . I ''I'll, ­ �.- .. . � f I I : I . I , ". . " I - I AdiaAW-15d"� Af:i�A "I -1L­V4­__ . .__Le__&_0&k__�LA&, - ­ - ­ i . - AJ `� v ift July 8, 1898 ,8 • . * . CITY BU'T'CHER SHOP � ^ I wish to inform the public that 1 will nut be underbold by any other ergot. In the hiisinesa. I alit a practicaltutch- ei; and understand all the branches of the husinebs. We keep the very best I and a full stock always un hand, anti will bell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your woney, and get the meat, at the cash price, We will give credit, but not at cash prices. Please , conio and bee what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS9 CENTRAL BUTCHER, SHOP FOILD & MURP)HY We are doing business on the cash princi- I 1, ple, and will supply out customers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices - I A FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. ;"'l Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for ;,.,; hipping purposes, for which the highest market prices will be paid, Parties having �: hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at the shop. Clias-J, Wallis, Clinton. *� NEW BUTCHER SHOP ;: Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre- mises recently created especially for this s;S'; urpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will peep on hand and deliver promptly, to all karts of the town, Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTON FLOUR AND FEED STORES. COOK'S Floi«r & Feed More BRAS & SHORTS In large or Small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF .i' Td:J BINDS. 10 pgUn45 C,hQice oatmeal for 1 ligsbel gt Oats, ID. COOK, CLINTON. DUt�RAN! S FLOURcFEED Stare t ,'q (late Hill & Joyner)'4 h ' Opposite Market, Clinton ,,� Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley . , 3 and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices. , 0;.,; HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. �, Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a bush ' 1 Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1, _. --.°t Choice Tea, special line 25c'per lb. and up.i. .f;4 All kinds of Grain bought at highest j Y market prices.0 """ W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTON k BANKS. The Holsons Batik h ' Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 i , CAPITAL - $2,000,000 IOU BUND11500t000 •. ' ,I HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. ' Wm. MOLSON MACPHEBSON, President+ y F. WOLFEnaTAN THomes. Gen. . , � ,; Notes discounted, Collections made, ilMP4- ; issued, Sterling and American exchange i. 'on 1-7111 bought and sold. Interest allowed de Posits. SAVINGS BANK- Interest allowed on . ), sums of $1 and up.' Money advanced to ,, t -, t farmers oil their owg note, with Ott@ QTf Imore endorsers. No mortgage required R I H, C. BREA ER, Manager, Clinton G, D, WIAGGAR,T: BANIKE 11t ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, 3 _ ' 7 ; "I A general Banking Business transacted. •. ' ,I NOTES DISCOUNTEDr ' y Drafts esned. Interest allowed on ._, deposits. ' i f ,i _ _ FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, . --Y•... ,'.�; CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest'. A general Banking Bueiness transacted Interest allowed on deposits. (dale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. Clinton SEWING MACHINE Depot Huron Street.,. ;{ -,� .,,,4 • ^, Erle have just received another lot of Now11 Home and Dominion Sewing Madlibioo to� former is an exceptionally good r+�ohifld, ,: y- and has given gold satisfaction to all tr Needles and fill kinds of Repairt3' ; kept oil hand Machines sold on monthly payments. Call ,( '. on me or write for prices and terms. Jan. 1898 WM. MOOR•E For Twenty-seven Fears DUNN'S.- BAKING", �, tt' ' POWDEK�':11 �,`.•. rurthf`1i1U�t1�'D C►'i1"Ll' iflel�� I - . " . ............ ......... .. I'll, ��� . . . . . . ° . ,­ ...... "I'll 1-111 I