HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-07-08, Page 2I ,:,::_ •-- ,J laly 8t: ,X F 9$ THE CL'- NTON NE'UV'- ERA ,,,IR•AR•.f ane,.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,I•iI•,/•i,•i,r„ri,r-,n,n„••,,,,/•I,I1,14,i,/ . _. ••... -.. .... • .. _ �.� - _ _ t� • Crisp Comilty (11plItligs � An Anti Prohibitionist to His phrase hie language thus. I submit, ttIr -' - _ �CltiCs Editor, that the license levw ie no more re- y `L //tom{ , 1 ~ ^-- spnnsible for the drunkrnnesa that re- e s � ��' Wtanted Professional andOtherCards i,' R )� ? John I'r,quson, iL pros stuns (.un Ito ilio Erittur of thq Montreal Wit q: i " via �I 3 b' volts tklan ie the I'ranchiae aqt responsible Constipa ion fannernf I', tet tVrtevinos,, was nulled gra;—Ailhouth I have no Ieeira to un• for the perjury at our elecLiou trials, In 4 h � ° in ne tOwge i Mias Mary IT,]y f the duly irolong the diaousaion of the subject I both cases the law rtterely uneovera ilia CURED (� ®�/ IN EXCII3)rGE JAMES SCOTT. i0D 5`vler�Jrc township, un Wednesday of last of prohibition, I must still outrrat your I moral rottenness whiolt already exists. Dr ` IELER i7 KING permidaion to reply to some eriticisma This is what anti-prohibitlonivts have al. Pura Roots and Herbs wl(h Celery—a qneat dlges- 12 IbP. ohoice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats Y1 age, stimulant—sold by all druggists. Lara pack- 13 lbs, nhoioe family I`lourtgrl bash Oata Barr ister, SQ1'4'• lilies 14lat gig OUPi'iP, I+:,at �Vlwa which have RppPa red in your columna to 'vats contended and what must s h v e al. li a sti WOOUWARD yalld uggi i TO1t argep ck- j�� nnslp, -still continues kpw tend sli{;►.t my former tetter upon that subjoot, and in to guy thiulsing Marson, a prohibitory lave 1 >� � �n . hopes are entertained of het• recovery. g so I shall try to be as lu,id ae I cans Y y� �fl OONVEYANCER &o, " (� dein even if cntirp] euoneasful cannot chane V`aits +,a�{' a �, "`Ill""""' 1 L�liaR Maggie Taylor is also t apidly so as to occupy as little of ,your space as the heart it would only removo from the tion to the itoint of out lowing the ! Ill 11# eXc�ls'hl! e sinking. possible, and, in the firat Paco, allow me drunkard the opportunity of gratifying his liquor traflieur no', Mr 1Cerni ban's v �'' CommissienerforOntarioandManitoba. (ON TH LAIR RIVER) g fur GI peel It O>$ce fmn,odiatel south o 6 I ' to thank on for suifnl desire; the 'mora! rottenneaa' would easy refereuee to scriptural authority S Y f llroy wiaemaa SARNI A ' ONTA *O« Mrs VVtllfarnP, °f Hensall, wile was y your fairness in publish- :till remain in his heart, and fn the eight on Behalf °f'vine•drinkin shows that �BR.Ni j(j in g a 1 -tier so much at variance with the g e in ill health for the past her r or sO, flier i These are oar present rates, W'it BRYDONE died last Thursdrty, and her remains well-known views of the iNitn wel as was of Goa ro is as great a drunkard ea when gnor•ant of the earnest but we don't know how ton he was ronin R iii the discussi°n of that sub g my former come terms in as well ,ie for t gutter. ject which has " z l�' r,�J ' were taken t° her parents' home near gone on during the greater• part of the they will continue. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA$ f the too favorable terms iu which you intro- But iE there was no connection between Century ur stye holds all that has been PUBLIC, ETC. ' ' Is all that it will Cost (ilencor, on Friday, the two the existence of the Scott act and O. OLSON M ' School duce it to ,your readerF; but elthooeh kind• f said un the soh ec Chilton i , ' ' Teaehersaud others fora course We deeply regret to note the dealh 1 meant, I must d3mur to the heading at- 1 t);e prevalence Cf the sults mentioned how .1 t in contempt. Oth- - O 3 of 11Iiss A ars HullistOn Y erwiEe he would surely have referred 81Ce-Beaver $lock. ,, is either department during July g , lnekcrsmlth• Cached thereto, The case against prohi- I arc' we to accoent for the fact, a fact that and august. It is Indeed a verq sad break in a fam- bition." M,y ]otter contained but a small will not be denied by any busiest man, Haat bl it in some way. The question of Bi- `► 1''ItFsHI— Up -stairs, Opposite Poster'a Photo Gallery e $.r,la0 flys who, not a year ag(, suffered the art of the case a sinal einoe the re sal of th , act these thin a e wines was well set forth in it facin- ! CLINTON `o per week will socuru You P g prohibition, had p g :ting aeries o£ lecDa s on awed at Pic- SCHOLARS C4 + ;,. s gad board aid Ioiglug. still greater loos of their m°ther. the full ossa bean presented it would have bare to a ;teat extant disappeared, To ton by Sir Wm, llawson as ton a�� V c Write atoncaCor part[cutars. g Word has been received from Mr and required at least a page of the Witness, °lake use of medical terms, the disease is g g° � M: Ga CAMERON i . Aire R, McGowan,of Tuckersmit h,stat. For the sake of clearness let me briefly now confined to sporadic caves, where for• as 18.18,and printed at the time itI pain- In a High (:rude Ra,lncas C°llc to [s worth {Former] of Cameron Iiglb rk Ca A. S. NI31,110- ; ing that they had arrived safely in restate the positions which I took r my merly they were epidemic, phlet form. Sir William, after fifty winning, ENTRANCE and LEAVING can• y moron„ " first letter. First] p "T, W„” w bether intentionally or not }'ears mare of scientific research, holds chance tf°r the next examination have the BARRISTE ,; '' �•••••..•.,•..�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , 1,,,,/�/• � Scotland, and are tit present settled y -That rohibition hie e R AND SOLICIPOIt, t •.•••• does not Ido not know, nils as strongly as ever to the conclusions Y ar By writing to the i near Stirling, where they intend mak- prohibit, as proved by the decided quotes my lanou%ge and o81ce-Ilsaiilton st oppoeito ColborneH0u9e Clinton Post Office. ing their future home. failure of the $colt dct. Secondly -Aa to makes me say what I did not as Ha and erg°menta of that treatise, whose + OOD t Opp ONT ea s Al:r iierni y (, y' conclusion ie that total abstinence is CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE the means necessary to its enforcement, Y khan sa e ; Drunkenness the dot of hlnl who lakes hcl ON TonUNTo PINE TABLE. This week we hive to record the Finally -As to its effect on public morale, is only one evil and even if this could be y y scrip- verp sad death of Mr Wtn. Johns, of and, fourthly, se to the attitude of 'the entirely banished it would only result in tune as his guide, It might be ofa ood Sta+ing nnmo, addresq, teacher, school and JDHN RiD 1DUE MAILS CLOSED lot 2, con4, who died on Monday last church" on the uestion of its lace half a dozen others a uall bad, deal of service to a we�il.ion will 6e ch'' alt information about cam- DVT• q prohibition, P q y " generation which p eerfully furnished. Mention " at the age of 33 years, 2 months and 20 The Rev. Mr Uameron is the only one who Thies you will'obseive, ie s positive has liven no thought to this question this paper. Address CONVEYANOER, UO1fMISSIONER ]& ,c.ar. g.icr, l A•nt lu5 days. The deceased had been iii of has ever tried to controvert any of lily statement, that if drunkenness could ba if ilii§ work could be re -printed, Were __ TO t30 15 &05 Loudon and S, W. Ontariol9 00 4 09 tt in the hands of our ministers and of VR H' SHAW, PRINCIPAL. Real Eetata and I 7 40 4 30. Winggham and ICinoardine,9 55 G 33 appendicitis Duty a few days, statements, and that chiefly as to my es- banished entirely it would only result in Yonge &Gerrard Sts., Toronto. nsuranoa Agent. Mone tq 10 15 B 55'Paris a S.W, � N. W, U.S. 7 UU 4 OS . timate of the Scott Act. bringing in other evils equally bad, such reasonable men as i4lr Kerni ban lend on Mortgage and Note seourlty,y YO 15 1 U3lparis, Buffuro keastern U S,7 00 4 es On luesdav, June 21st, Miss Ev,s A. vve yh°tJJd g —'' -. t 10 25 I OS Toronto&pointseast&nrthl7 00 2 B , only daughter of Councillor M. M. Allow me also to thank him for the very What I did say was, to put a bypotheti- , at least, no longer hear i -- 4 05 Cardiff, of Morris, was united in nine_ kirdly statements which he expressed to• Cal case, thus: "Drurkenneae ig only ore from thein much more of a careless IT PAYS TO °woe—HURON STREET, CLINTON 1 m ...Montreal and Ottawa..,17 00 2 s5 ria a to John Ames.of Winni a Man. wards myself personal] and to assure evil, and even if yon could succeed in ban• dogmatism which in its logicalsegnence 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C4 (X 2 3s g p g' y' labia it entire] 1 03 j. formerly of Morris, by Rev,J,C, R alk- him that they are most sincere] reel ro g � y, if in d:in ao amounts almost to a betification of �y'�--'^ R A(,�NEW� 10 27 Stratford sod Seaforth.. 7 00 235 Y P g yon bring vinous exhilaraLi n, ! 1 (:3 er, of the above mentioned cit}>. rated by me, He ie kind enough to say in its place half a dozen others equally '� DENTIST, CLINTON l0 27 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 3a that it is hot often that I get on the wrong bad, what good have you accomplished T' Last Wednesday evening about 7 Aver different thin side of a problem, ani I am very far froth Y g from the words at- READERS OF THIS PAPER AT ZURICH THE 2ND T'$URBDAY OB I U3 •...1litcholl and Dublin.,.. 7 00 o clock a marriage took lace a the ` Y 40 2 55 22 4 admittin t e tributed to me b T, DESIRING TO RUY AN Y'1'H[NG Gotlerirh.......•'• 900 r(sidence of Mr �Vm. D1itc ell, of Hen• g hat I am on the wrong aide of Y w' ADVT R1'TSED INT'r 1COLUtiN EACH MONTH Lucan Crossin Sarnia and Sall, when his daughter Beatrice he- thio one. 1 really admit that I am on the Mr Editor, I feel that I am trespassing g' unpopular aide, which to most alert (but unduly on your forbearance, but I roust SHOULD INSIST UPON RAVING 15 0 55 ., intormedinlp points.,. '7 OU 4 05 came the wife of William Peart, The not ) Y y es one word in re y wHA'P TREY ASK FOR, REN USING Are You Aware o1 the Faet that Office Hours— 9 to 5. 7 4U I..Loudesboro & Belgrave..,�9 55 Ceretnonq was performed by Rev W, , T am sure, to Mr Cameron is a non• • Y pl to T. W,'s reference ALL SUBSTITUTES OR 1,14ITATIONS. E, Kerr moue with the wrong aide, to my charge the Church (not ministers of _ TheCanadaBusinessCoiteqe TheofHcp Is open to the public (holidays ox I I have never subscribed to the doctrine the gospel merely, as he makes nlesay) has b j�R, T• C- BR�CEs oepted) Prout 3 a.m to 7 t5 p i,,. but holdora o Clinton H. McCallum, son of LVir T. of 'Vox populi, vox Dei,' if it were so than abandoned God's vvay of salvation and Rain is reported to have done material . lock boxes havo access to the lobby uutll S p.m H. blc0allum, Exeter, who recently i ideed, would G d ba a very, chanreab)d p ohibit�on sad all hinds of damage to the crops of Essex Uount CFIATHAM, ONT. SU[2GEON DENTIST, Money Orcter and Saving Bank office open passed his final dental examination at God. �Ve have a very scud example of subetitated r p y graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinit `va.m. to 8 p,in. human devices, so that "the reaching of Isdoiog more for its pupils than any other vo8 ?f Toronto, y the Buffalo University, has been ap th.e in the subject ander discussion, The the cross has indeed become to too many A• A. Jones, a deaf mute, aged eighteen, Business college ,n the Dominion. Matter for reg;stration must be posted half pointed as one of the Demonstrators Scott Act was carried in many rvunties in fooliel,neae, welch he says is a charge as was kflled near Montreal while wheelin 43 puppils were p'ac.d in two months. Stu- Special attention an hour before closing the mails, o Prosthetic Dentis►r in the Clinical over a railroad oroesin g dents from all quartets aro Rockin to this ilia natural teeth, given to Cha Preeervatton : 3 Y Ontario by the voice Cf the people, sad in hase as ft is false, If the charge be false g Besid nvvorthy beautess school g O STAGI ad Fri — SUv[vll+:ttlilLL — F,very ,less Adjunct stafF of the same LTni threw sore vvae ewe t out of existence b f Lhce,CoaiPClock,overTat ' Tnesdal' and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and iray. y p then indeed it is base, but what if it be es large attendance from Chatham Y or s shoe store ing at 5,30 p.m. versify: the same voice. Y I Alex. hbeppard, one of the oldest resi- there are already thin Year; 93pupAs re istere true, and that it is true is anecepifble of dente of Windsor, committed suicide by from outside pointe. a r, them Promg iatdq P. N, B•—Will visit Bfytb every Monde "- ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail des itched Tn which of these cases was the voice of easy Proof. throwing himself lata the rive,, Do aYBeld every Thursday afternoon dnr•y and el l3 short time ago a hen belonging to the people the voice of 00r 9 I have not The very next number of the V<'eekl nearer to other business Colleges than to auromer ing the L front this office to Loude;bnro and Belgrave' Chatham. also to M[tchaIl and Dublin, nig?'s closing as George McMillian, 13nyfield road, Cha toast doubt that under the intiueuce o[ tt lineae to that in which my letter n leer Louis E. Copping, clerk in the Depart• V(e presume these people invostigntod the ab.•vestatcd hronghtout a brood of chickens, Toto a vivoroua oundinv of the 'Drum ec.lesi• ed contained a re ort of a n,eet,n bald at In"Ilt of Agriculture, Ottawa, is missing, tli07'its of the different schools, and decided 11 Mails for British Isles and Europpan conn• or three days later she left them anti p � P g lie is alleged to be short in his accounts, at nothing but the best would satisfy chem, � CL[NTON ilIAI1 B + tries intended to be Porwntxled by New York, ConlmenCed laying, A bantam coos- aaLic,' multflades of voters will be driven Slip,brooke on May 18 at which the Rev, hour., they aro here, __ Ir)v WOR$S. must have written on the top left hand corner ter evidently took pity on them for at to the polls and will record their votes in AIr PpaHing is reported as saying; •'They Hou. A. 13, Warburton, Premier of Write for cholic uo e COOPER' k oP envelop° V[A NEw Yoxtc, g other departments and S LD STAND, 1 present it is performing all the duties favor of prohibition, wllo, when Life excite- (prohibitioniote) would be assisted'(in their Prince Edward Ish.nd, bas beau appointed a list of the 4i3 pupils placed in two months. Next to Commercial hotel. rf+ , of a mother hen. merit $be!) have passed away will bitterly efforts) by a prohibition ]acv which would a eonnty judge in place of the late ,indgd repent having done so—that is, ff the gov- he entertd on the etatutq•boolra, and he be- Reddin. D. MCLAGHLAN $ CO,Chathanl This riienment is in toll o� erotica sad a `,.`1 ,dome of the papers state emphatital-' St, Mary's Roman Catholic church, erun,eut should ba unwise enough to pass lieved that 'aw would be worth more to order filled iD the mosteatfefacto. wn er end 9 y, deme Iy that there will he no protest saw Sault Ste. Marie. i�lieh., was the Rcene a prohibitory lave, as they will not in that them than all the Perntons they could o rank Simone of Everton, �Vellmgton CHESTER BOAR , s granite work a specialty, p� e a i C tnty, 2 years of a e 1Ur SIFItVILE unable as those of an ! offs, whilst others declare Just as em °f a very pretty wedding on tiVednes- event be able to repeal ft as easily as the preach." If that be not heiittlin ills g ,committed auicida y eetabliahmant ��„""lll da - mornin Jbine 15LI) when Mr D, Scott Act. g by ahnotin.?. He is said to have been dig- I will keep for service on lot 25 con. 4 Stan. SEALE & HOOVER, Clintoo phatigally that 'there will y g' preaching of Cha Gospel and esaltfng a pro• appointed in love. Icy, a thorobred Chester Whitq Boar. 7tertns— — _,_ TT }te. The A. bleDonald wFr ttnitetl in nlarri tgeIr Cameron jo,ns issue vvitla me as to l,ibitory tacv thea I do not know the mean- LBS. payable at time of service, wick privile •e 1, ;;' cicala Star says:—"I was informed to ?Miss C`hristena McKinnon.youngest the operation of the Scott Act, in the ing of language; and this ie not an isolated Pain of all kinds quickly re]ioved by the Ol raturuu,g if necessary 1' R, wM. (3UNN 1 by a man who should know, that not daughter of 117r D.McKinnrnp, Of islet, COuuty of Huron, andciteaseveral instan- case but only a specimen of the language nee of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Nothing to D ' WM' L. R. 0, P, and L. R, 0, A. ! JOFIN V, DIEHL. rgr Qd c—Ontario Great Clinton I only world (3h contests be dropped, but Algoma, and formerly of Tuckersinith, ces iu which he claims that it did prohibit, that will be used on hundreds of atfcrms equal it for sprains, bruises, rheunla,tism , HILLSIDE burht eahs a6 front door of residence on Ratte ' •' that already 00 saw -offs had been I readily admit his testimon as to the durin the p' stiff ointa, sure muscles etc. STOCK r AR111• y St., oppoeikaPreabyteriau church, n made." Y g present contests by ao•callad Abort 5 o'clock last Saturday thorn- instances he mentions, and probably,many min,stei a of the Gospel. In conclusion, I Magkie Eakins, a young woman 31 yearn 19Fhr service—Tho highly bred short horn bull, `. i;;: ing the spirit of an old Brnsselite, in others; blit there is a larger way of view would cite three facts (not theories) for the of age, committed suicide at t shi a of (fie 'also, Cho large, improved R J. L v '.. Rev R. Hobbs, a Methodist minister the person of Robt, Kerr, passed away ing it than fly isn]ated instances, Mr consideration of prohibitionists. Our about S ratDes- a prkshue boRr(ltegulator) first-class ped,gres DUni ' TURNRULL, -' D, TORONT ' nine o'clock lifonda morula Deli- a Ptizo wmnc r, bted b ' Mr. 1-I. J. Davin, varsity, M D, C,M„ yletoria Univerai o£ Loudon, is credited with saying that to the great beyond. Pat al psis was Cameron wit[ admit that all who voted fc r Blessed Lord vvheu hero upon earth chose pondenc was thecause. Y g• 5 Woocl- M. C, P,t S„ Ontario. Fello o y the cause of death. Deceased first SaR' the Scott Act were prohibiticniats, al least the manufacture of wine ae the &ret n Y stock. 7 ER6IS:—Bun, . 1.50, Roar, sl, Fees Society ofEdinbur h tat w f ton,Frig rlld j!r "no lady will ride a bicycle on Sunda ]ani- payablo;u advance, with privelege of return- Edinbur lil3os itale,' pgiCeCLD .Dowseg„ and Y•" the light of day in Harmonock Co., in arinciple, and that all those who voted festatiotl of I1ie divine power, He chose + ,The body of IVlisa Mtary Bastable,who ing if necessary. otfiea Ratte p Dowsely sold , His mental reservation may be that Ireland, about 00 years ago, and came for its re eal were "antis." I have not the wine as the symbol of all the blessings pro- Clinton Mn 2 i nbuxy et, clirton, dight ball p disappeared from Lachine last. trio- Y 7YIS�NAISTEEL&,GIBBIN,GS. answered atthesaineplaes. ' a bicycle riding on Sunday is wrong, to this country when quite young, He majority by which it was carried (but cured to mankind by }ire death and enjoin- vember, has been found in the St. therefore no lady will do it. The use was united fn tuarriage 23 }ears ago to think it was in the neighborhood of three eel its use upon all His followers until His LzLwrence Rn'er at Quebec. PROPERITES FOR SALE ORTo LET of untpualified or indefinite language Mrs Angus MCDonald(nee Mi: sAlexina tbousand), but the ma orit b wbicb it return, and He has rhe tram who murdered Policeman DR, J. w• SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGE Bttcharion ) Y Y promised t° drink it P FUR SALE. A couaheur, etc., otHee and residenee pq tnt I leads a improper Conclusions, children, 'who survives him with four vvae repealed was one thousand three bun- again with His people when that joy fat Twchey Of London sill; eludes captors. 1FIe toric 3co o posits tc.', O h chair O ;inti it is a question how far a minister Bred and ten. Now, bow can Mr Cameron event occurs, (See Matt. xxvi., 29, If is said to have etolen•a horse to aid him in `— 0upied byli A h, formerly o0 ';`i�'JsJUstified in statements like the above account for so man ) The undersigned will sail ata sacrifice, Lot 451 ppleton, Clinton Ont, h After the exenraion came in to Gode- y prohibitionists be• prohibitionists can reconcile these three hie flight and is asserted to have shot at or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Partfenlars •!,,.1 `GV act are certainly open to misc°n- rich on Monday evening, Ens'ineer coming "antis" in the short space of three facts with their attitude I confess I cannot. and narrowly missed wounding a pursuer. neon application, JAMBOA SCOTT, Barrister acv , sfivetion. Crossland finished his duties on Lhe Years, on the assumption that the act was J013N HEIiNIGHAN. The Methodist church was filled lash. DR STAN1iU. Y GRADUATE OFA TIQa a euscess? and not the rather, as I con Ber-miller, Ont., June, 1898, FOR SALE. Medioat , formeyly o1 Vrgtorfa Unipen etr, City of London, and then started Sunday night to its utmost capacity, when � Die , Toronto, furme)•f}• 01 the Hospitals a q Buy Binder Twine ]early. to make his way through the main tend, simply because of its failure More WHAT THE WITNESS SAYS IN REPLY Rev Mr. Fear preached hie farewell aermDr, Factory and contents on the property of D, COant sarise, New • York, ,Coro for -•- deck gangway to the dock to enj„y a especially as the same thing was manifest- Rev. Mr. Anderson, of the Presb rerun Buchanan for 3120;' by paying $15 down and yOf$urou,Bay9ela,oitt, i o other Canadian trade has been so shoi t stroll before turriirg in. The ed not in l3uron alone, bat in every We have another long letter from Mr ohnreh, took part in the ear res itavfr n lance Aat $10 as mouth. Building to be re- _ miucb affeoted by the Spanish-American boat was several feet from the dock, other place where it was tried. Of Kernighan, the able and conscientious dismissed the evening service in ipis own pp Y J. SCOTT, Chuton. E. BLACBALL VETERINARY �'r{f{ 1Rar.as that of binder twine. A large pro- and while he was standing with one coarse the ready excuse is that the Scott opponent of prohibition. His main church for that ur Dae.-Milyertva IfIOUSIC 'L «HO°Or'uYGraduateottheOaltari SUkO ON ,'„4 rtion of the raw material used for mat. Act was im erfect. I readil admit this. ar ument is that the repeal of the Stratford Herald P (,or, O BENT. Goll oVaterinari foot on the pier and the other on the P y g _ age. Treatsalldiaeaeeaofdomesticatedan ��s Y' "bgbinder twine comes from Manilla, and gangway, the latter moved first a Bo has every prohibitory law been that has Scott Act proves that prohibition does The large frame dwelling ho 'mala on the �,oet modern and aofenti8o ria R `44?,. �1#athatiisland if now in a state of see a it is et been tried. Even the Maine law has not prohibit. The Scott Act major' A TorontoTelegram says:—iiieparta from Street, tate.y ocoupiad by Mr. Toudd gni Albert pOfee OReside ce — A bort t., ]into . (&oe '” g tittle caerstng the a laser to fall be- Y 3 'tY all over the rovince sa t w th halt ce. Reaidenca —Albert St,, Clinton, C)lil '%3°` lwfpp las ble to get supplies. This has canoed twee° the boat and wharf. In his saetained over fifty amendments einoe its fn the county of Huron of about three p y hat the crop pros• an acro of land. R nttMmooS rate. Apply to bight orday attended to promptly hgftege,of raw material, both in Canada descent he hit his head on some pro- inception and it is reasonable to assume thousand, having changed at the sec "sots are the best in many years. Fall SCOTT, Barrister. '.%*#j the United States. So much so is this jection. Will Costie and two other that there never will be a perfect prohibi- and votin into an anti -Sc at Act ma- wheat promises a heavy yield, whale spring C1hO1Ce House and Lot f'or OIdN I'. M ”#he'ais Q'that it ie very d0abtf al at resent for law framed, I oontend,therefore,that g grains are more than an average, and hay a Sale. J hoe retnr ed , VETERINARY SURGEON P gonng men were sitting on the dock Y jority of thirteen pundi ed and ten, he A frame house and at the o and opened as Pfeoe v►'#, "' >, there is egough stook on band in some'30 £eet awe , Heat ing the splash the evidence proves my first proposition, asks why so many prohibitionists be- good crop, away ahead of last year, Fruit quarter -acre lot on the Queen's Hotel, where Ire ma has a good appearance, and roots look in corner of Jsmea.and filaria streets, Clinton; Y be oonenit- 1418datiq or the needs oP the' piesent liar- in the wafer, Wil went to the edge that prohibition dose not prohibit, Neat came "antis" if it were not that the gooa brink well, barn 14x20 situated near th ed for the treatment of all diseases o1 horses;, �, 4e8t 'Zn addition to the ]sok of en p35es and saw the drowning man come up in order Comes tis: letter froth Mr Foley, Acott Act wta.s a failure. There are advance of former years, G. T, R, station and Doherty Organ Factory cattle, &c All °aIle, night or dap, promptly at p y tended to. ficin Mttnflla, tbe'•prodretion of sisal, aa- the second time. ' ' Scrarrita ing down, 1 am not sure that I ought to pay any at• some loose pointy rn this feasening, He Apply JOHN I)ERItY, Clinton. oih `snbatanoe need largely in the mann- he caught him by the hair, 3ust as the tension to it, as be has evidently not read knows better than we do whether ARRIAGPI LICENSE iAMEB t3COTT, i313. t' tlf binder twine, has been greatly waters Vvere again closing over him. .ray letter, or if be bas done so has found many prohibitionists in Huron became •e HJU13F. TO RENT. a Reazdrot Marrlage�;oIk Ms, Ll OTT, Dom aged auring'the.last t'''ear or two. Sisal He had a deep cut over the eye and the arguments unanswerable and so sets antis. We know of one, namely Mir v Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north sore, Mnry street, cantos. ,it':prtislilced chiefly in Yucatan, and this was badIV bruised on the legs. When up a man of straw for the there pleasure of Kernighan himself, But it is notorious o rent at once, Good half•acre ]garden and t y4sx Abe urop ig largely a failure. Besides, Mr Crossland fell in be made no cry kaoaking it down. that the change of the balance was 1 ,,, 1 `+ boa, ing orchard, with promises of lots of fruit. a #exv.;yeara ago, Wben the binder twine in- whatever' and had the young men not He asks what I mean by taking away a largely due to fewer rohibition• 9 • • Rent low. W, MOORE; ' JAMES c,AMPBELL, LONDESBORO, man's libert g Y p Ill ees'�ihtihl to Sewing Machine Depot, .Huron Street. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. tiitstry assumed such large proportions, an been near at hand, be would, no doubt, y: I have one over m letter ists taking the trouble to vote and No wit DUS required of ext waamadeto growsisalInthe Bahama have been drowned, As it was he had carefully and can find no such language in more anti -prohibitionists being got health, verynook ��� Ilslttlldsi: and elsewhere with the reealt a marvellous escape. it, or anything of the same meaning, and to the elle, That and ooraer of the HOUSE TO LET. �-t w. I+AIiNCOMB, MEMBER 01r ASg'N Oa p process °f course system is reached b lilittis there Was an over-produotion, and must, therefore, conclude that Mr Foley beings about the same result that y the, blood 'and on Good large house on Rattenbury street with P, L_ S., Provincial Land Surve or an #his'P,Oee of this raw material was re- eat down to criticise my letter without would have followed had prohibition- its quality the condition ofevergorgands- aixlargorpooms,collar and woodshed, summer Civil Etngine rR London, Ont, -00108 st (leo $deed :;to two sad one -half cents per The Bishop of Huron's YOte. taking the trouble to road it. However, be feta become antis, and indicates a pends. Qood blood means strong nerves, ... ... n, �VR11tbe roatedncheQott water, large _ at, Store, Nuton, #lattlgd,' Thie low price caused many to proposes a remedy which is worthy the very important change in public tenant• A 1 v to permanent "� gtVe up growing it, and consequently less- the Bishop of Huron has made in attention Ot prohibitioriets. Fie says, "If opinion, but it is a differ ant thing from bloc digestion, robust health. Impure p to NEw ERA Office, or to Ry Old Est failed the en 1 It takes about three or one sentence n searching appeal to the Mr Hernigban wants to know bow the un- prohibitionists becoming antis, But d sans scrofula d e gfa rhenma- �(1vHN H. WOIISELL, Godarich. wAiviED ablished Hgnae- PP Y• , y pas , High Grade Man or Woman, ,4, stir"' care to produce a crop, and therefore, consciences of the electors of the DO- changeable God pat sin out of Israel, let there is another ver im portant link tlstn,catarrhor other diseases. Thesurest CHUICE liege od Church standing to act as Manager •, hftgh:there is an increased demand for minion and a ringing declaration on him read Dent. xxii, beginnin at the missing, To admit that the Scott Act way to have good blood Is to take hood's FARM TOR BALE, and do office work and correspondenoa eial,pwlag to the supply from Manilla be- the subject Of prohibition and the cam- twent first verse, and he will find that was a failure is not to adroit that ro- pari4s. This madieino at their home. Business already built up and P 8area A eplendtd farm of I60 sores of improved established here, Salary gsoU Enclose s�lf- ' inggbut off, it will be a few years before the Ing plebiscite. Speaking on Wednes- faith without works is dead. hibition does not prohibit, On pthe talizes, end enriches t purifies, vi- land, on the 2nd con, of Stanley. Atl but. lb addrgsaed stamped enve.ope for our ter day Inst in the Synod of his diocese he I find that these verses refer to the sin of contrary, it. wise understood at th he blood, and Beads acres cleared, ood frame house, frame barn, A„ P• Elder, General. Manager. 180 Micht a 1;6008 of sisal can get into ebape again. a the elements of health and strep th to bearin ,� g Ave., Chicago, Ill gen otthis tend other reasons we would strong- said : "We don't want t° curtail your adultery in its various forms and its pun- time that the excuse which contribut- g g orchar , rumm� water. Situated two R 1y;':advise farmers not to ut off libert ght to stand by and iehment, which in its most beineus case ed most to the supinbnPss of the tem- ovary nerve, organ sad tissue, It creates reasonable te,ina�f b1l4eTAVISHbClinton�n ,` p getting Y, but is it ri AGI,ENTS, #Jielx supply of binder twine to loo see young men sup lied with the was death of both the participants. , Are perones voters at the time of the re- a good a , g g sleep ppetite lues refreabitt IUlt lis of those in the trade prophesy that means o£ seif•destruction . I will do we to understand Mr Foley as recommend- peal was that the Scott Act was not and cures that tried feeling. Remember, COTTAGE AND LOT FOR able loondike Gold Fields;' n large, cheap, vale. 1lird$r twine will. probably be fifteen cents anything to -day, or any other day, to ing the death penalty in the case of both enforced, and whin was wanted was SALE, k. sethng like a whirlwind, Beautiful Or-lwerrty cents per pound before barvest advance temperance, I will act as the tnvernkeeper and hie customer? The national rohibition. Give as prospectus twenty five cents. Books on time p pr° Tho undersigned ofrgra for sale n Prnme cot• LitIADLEY-GARIiETtiOaY COMPANY,LraiTTur, , :'i>loper. The rulingprioesatcountrypoints cording to my convictions, and let punishment might be considered severe, bibition, they said, and we will vote tagh end r igned frorsfitchle A f me cot- Toronto, 11 611ot4 from eight cents to nine cents, every roan d° the same. When so ba't no doubt would be effeotnal• or, does he for it, but na for this Scott wi i; is e atKO of f ('room 14 situ° ed. n, d wirtcr nod '%be Prevailing prices ir,the United States many are matrac'ed by their accursed recommend only the death of the drinker, fallu e. This was to a large extent drainage. yt ill be quid cheap• Al,p,v tp.. `AGENTS at p,£esetit for binder twine are: Sisal, eleven passions, we should do something to as the one who solicited the commission of simp ly an excu4e for laying off I e3pon- Clinton Dec, 10th W. C. hI.Ak3LE, "The hest life of Her Dla,iesty I Have seen " "a`6nitg;.mixed grade, twelve cents and pure help there. If the Lord spare me I the offence? It would, at least, have the sibility and withdrawing from it dis- ry wntas LOrd Lorna about '•t•,ueen Victoria.'" dliafiillar thirteen Cents; and these figures am going to chat a vote for prohibition advantage of being morn logical thar oar tresaing conflict. It was their busi- �arS'� �r4' a Agents make it e dollars +tatty, Ate'Iikely,fo be increased very soon, It is On election day," The electors of Can- present system of punishing the seller and ossa t° conti4ne the lea and ties tip jta 11 l � "� ■■ //`` `�� , gg�� rr -` ee yy �� IlILn1tLEY-GARRI.TSU.v COy1pANX, Litrrr>rr A�\7�,17�/� l'OH� r7til�Hr• Toronto. ' 6411 sated that upwards of eight hundred alta are, Sn effect, asked to renounce a allowing the buy(r to go soot free, enforcement. A law that is not en- Is the best -In fact the One True Blood Purifier o 11 ift blo)re of binder twine will ba regaired liberty which is of nu practical value It is a pity that 'T. W.' did not give hie forced will of course be a failure. Whn h :1 t1D 1i'y" Ili° i'WO semi-detached brick OF.NTS - Book business[s better the icS! Rabit(sba and the Northwest this sea- to those who possess it fully iu order name, as an anonymous communication is wanted now is not onl t ou a on ltnttanbury ,yt., known nq the Fox• 1, YcarepRst;also havo bcorprand Paster aellinggr ♦are Liver Itis; easy to toll l' operty• boots. At ntd cleurfcom $10'O $4U weolrly A Ntl7#'fllhll last season, and if present crop that those who do not possess the lib- displays a moral Cowardice on the part of the enforcement of a law.y tThelycott Hood's PHIS 'oke, easy to operate, 250. then horses and also varantlots for snlp. fewleadmware: "c uoen Vf pros sects are rlealized a much larger per, erty, but who ate slaves manacled by the writer which seriously detracts from Act was nowhere abQolutel nn +1 r 1 g G ndstonc," "til Z ctorta, "r,ifcof Mr t. hoar ,—Private fnnrla in lRr o n•:d small Y Mother's Bible Stories Pro- bl1lxtdga will be. -required over the whole their pasafOn for strong drink, may its value. He complains of my state• At first it was obeyed, and�ts ood ef- CIANTOiT s011s"'I''t'' D111"•L t^ Hat°K low. FressiveSppaker.^"l:lona;koGoldFio;r�s,'"4V0- otrtiniO%--]+arming. live ruder circumstances by which went t:bat'all who oppose prohibition are fects were very evident. Afte a tine ____ V • RRYDONn, Barrister, man, (Ilimpsos of th,i Lnseon, "' 13taakfasn they n)ay regain their liberty, And, set down b bY00�i sail C(��j� YttRD. , Dinner and Supiier,"'Canada; an Encyelopaa c'' y prohibitionfetg ss being either when aspiritof lnwlesaness grew np BUStNUSS I ROPREJUTY FUlt IllR•" Rooksont,itne. UntfltdfreetOCanvassora, t.Alfa,,a vOerican G.ir1 s Snap Shot at mor•eover,it is not only or merely their drunkards or friends of the liquor trafc., against it in certain qquarters interested Sul)acrlber Is pre ared to romptly All all or• SA LF, rho i3[tADLN.Y•UATILt1CTSON Co„ Limited the CGzar• Own liberty that is involved. I£ the I think there are not many who would in liquor -selling, and the enforcement " `� rornn+n. ; coming generatfOns are to be born free deny that such is the general rule, to of the penalties of it b thO sora for Wood or boat, vt heli tt ill he sold at Thm desirablo Rt ick nsinoaa Stnnr on A1• (` r , V se who were lowest •ates. Otfloo on Isaac Street, at f/A VIS be, t. �I„ t:luttoo, occupi, d by lir N. Robson, i A i•iV'I'ti W tiN7 LU. ' X-1g4ldliallZell, of Chicago, is the first men in this matter they must have wbicb, of Course, there might be exeep• not officially".ppointedtitosecutorawas IMPLE�IF/NT 1t0UMS. W. W11E.kTLEY q(fpred fnrsa!o, incinding rear lotRnd . *)i4olaly American girl who has been per- fathers and mothers who were free, tions, but I did not make the stiatement in found to lie offensive and ineffective p gfnb) A Rencs wanted. male and f mato, to ever Vaiff0d tO Wake a hot The laws of heredit which are now that bald wa but — 1 he to •Allan la °no ,the bcbr fn Clinton. 1'ho locality to sell 0111 nnvt'Wc,. Big commissioy p ograph of the Czar of 5, — ropprt33• is Pros from inenmhrnnr`o and tit,]° in- aid. Smut npp'iontion nod 2e n _ be tonin to be understood Y+ gave it as my exauso law-hreakin beenme too common, and , , i , tllsputnb'o. Prier, rcnaomtb'p and Lerma ro sot( cents for full h, Atte A.' Me went to St. 1 etersburg a few g. g ,teach that, for introducing a reference to my own per- again the evils of the drinking habit he- pnrrhager, ApprY to Gh:O. 8TAN6 I "no of hnmp'ca, I'he, FRANCIS nl'f' Cq week# 6�9{0� On a sightseeing tour for the While those who are in favor o£ tem- eonal habits fit reference to total abstinence. came more noticeable than ever, The U tY, Lon- tbn._-, - - -lifeli'idgs, �foronto adx#s',Ht toJaurnal, but was informed perance, but are anxious about the If Princi al Grant's hi h r'+ don Road or address (:ltntou I>, U 4;,, 9 - . theories of individual libert P d position and mistake was that the set had no aro- - 1''li,t 11I li r ytilep Ut to ltOlit t y tisktiAuds that liar visit was untimely; y, hesitate well known oharaoter could not ehielci him vision for enforcement. The inif.iative eigri� l�an j ol)1''1t9, addressed to the under• �i('�Q, �(��,QB� ��(jT + ± that hedrly every great show -place in the to use (,hell, undoubted liberty in the from the fm utatfon of A udol•sed renderforcotnpletlon �AL I IEE p Ali llaR(flt tlf'iotives waR left to t he provincial ani hOrif les Or of Undcrich Worlts,' will be received at, this oC• Tho south half of )Of 5, eoncO lion 9. Town- r r ; ( + t.AOXI►JSfrB Wag closed m visitors at that sea_ best ossible way to ensure that Of the by anonymous ne -s er slit t ni Morrill, con,rifn,n❑ 100 Rareq, 80 nares � `�1' ��r1 � ( r p p pap writers how to the citizens. WherRver Cha ritizens ace until Friday, Ltch .lu;y noxi, innhis;vel,, 1 t/O. a0%i.' With winsome determination and eO a as a whole those who are inter•• col-' • -•'ms's ;.(r u6scure individual as myself took the onus of this dot a orf t!t forcompinGing the harbour and ricer worltd ;ri cl+nmd ,tad in gond ,ttitO of cuhivnthntton. e7tltll cbaraotoristio of thaAmerloan fel fletVd in the pecuniary profits to thetvl- eeeape? But let that peas while we Dome and did not a! Y stn course of rocortatruntion at, Oodcrirh, Huron ThO' caro ou the prn(l "41' o of ell hmtac, frame FARM & ISOi,ATED TOWN PIIppE y, g ffpp barn. frame drive he,, goer] mrhnrd, never. ONLY 1NSU1tN,D RTY elr6 set about to remove the 'obstacles that 1 es,arrsing out of the we of fircohol, to my third ro osition:—Its effect on the and ver disc Creenblet Publlici s P vice County Ontari°' Rncorciing to n plan nn l s ocl• are usin ever can p P Y g ftcation f,o bo seen Rt Cho otHco oP Cho 7Fown PaiHng supplyy oP spring wnl.or• �it,unt.crl :l mil° be#et }lar path as a eigbtaeer, and in a short g Y r4 a�Io enslave mut- morals of the community, Boni Mr Cain- the law has remained unrepealecie, 7 he Clerk, Goderich, at the oftico of YIr. II. A• from the vrltng° OI 1PYth, vt ill bo so d on roa- orrrcF,RR, tltfre every door Wae opened to her, Even titudes,-NJnnyl•real Witness. Bron and 'T, W.' dEny that the oxietenoe fa'et that file Scott Act ball needs 1G3 lay, Reelrlont Fngiuoor, oonfodgraoton Idfo gO1Qb1p forms. Ap iy toC. HnMILTO v, (i'yt.h floc, Wntr Proaldonf T a P ` '" Y d t i din Toronto, and at Cho Department of o'• 71108, R. WRPVT NKncuf, r, 9•181'rineess Mci.ean, hippen P, O., ViceCPl•6p. tIi(i Treat White Czar of all the Ruasuest of the evils mentioned in my letter is due amendment or that the Maine law did Public Forks, Ottawa. Ave„ London, Ont, Shnmton, S� v=rrraQ, e bb ed acquit aPQ„e her unnsua! request Ths cornerstone of the Uounty of Bruce to prohibition, Mr Cameron says: -•I fs no argument against getting a bet- Tenders will not be considered unless mnrla ---- _.__------ - I[a s Sonf evotor P. O,; �"lta : AtIf to mnke a photograph of Houeo of Refag° was lard at Walkerton on eubmit,tgr Editor, that the Scott Act is ter law if we call. Mr Kernighan's ff bile for of't.rpinrlor and signed with theR°tuaI Rollse and Lot for Sal© Y ' cilli k . 0., tnapgctorot LosapR, hila, and posed an instant before her Friday, with attractive military ceremon- no morn responsible for the perjury eom- ]atter would perhaps have beon stropg- An accepted bank the ue, a a t _ ntnr:°TORc osmate 9g lie passed in prcoeseion the spot les. Col. J, H, Scott, commander of, the plained of than the Franchise act is re- er if some of his minor arguments had q Y b ° t° Cho or• Tho frame lienee on Rattenbury street, yVWjl' B''cadPeOt, Soaforth; John G. Griovo, '.shirty -second Battalion, paraded his Inen gpouaible for the perjury at our election been left out, Rs he seems to lose dor of flip bilnister of l'ubl ° Works, for t,ha immedtateI east of Lr. Torn'ineon'a ie TC. ud. A°p 3sFlp�' j `°jgO 1)ala' SpaPorth Thos. Where t e fair Chioagoaa Witll her camera hila dont f five Minister dollars {„ ort mast ne• Y , rt , •Ina. )Dales Beocth-Th s for Cha ooaasion, Mr. Bland, warden of trials, in both oases •the law merely un- self 9 little. We are ent.irel ins m- f iced P tt :Olt lander, Thtd ahegne will bo Pnr• y y reasanablq forme, awaited' to take a snap -shot, Miss P,el1 p y offered for sale nn ver U;Thod, Carbon Clinton; Ti3Omas Feasor, tells of }1'eli� fam0as eaploit in the July the oonnty, briefly eaplainod the proceed- Covera the moral rottenneaa whloh ahead pathy with hien, however', where he iplete Trty ( ooinkriioted orraactt or tall The house is centrally situated being only Brucofteld; John lis 14eLPan, ilippgp, Jourral, in s and Rev. D. A. Moir yy to cum will a minute walk from the business contra A()r;vrs g , , pastor of the exists, This is perteotly true, but I think insists that the great farces of the be roturned in vaso of non-acal lance of tender. MAthodfst Churbb, offered np prayer. if Mr Cameron bad aeon where his reason- world are the moral forces, Law is thel10 , est or non Le°ad not bind'itaelf to accept b s atone oel]ar, largo dining room i arior, v itnbart Smbh 'To' lock; ,TUO,`ly, yc0, Rolnme- Ch i ld ren Cry far SLleeaheg wore delivered by tyle. Fleury CaC- in would lead he would hays hesitated onl the re inter of the Dint reached y °r a roam and kitchen down etatrs, with one ille; Robt. M�ic;tlillan l naforth' .Tames g11m- gill, M. P., Mr. H. P. O'Connor, ex -M, P. P,, before penning the gent nee quoted above, by ythe moral forces. The questlan IIs order E ROY Barg and two smaller bedrooms upstairs mingiso» nuQitrors�' John (lovou�oelt sat John the Warden of the county of Grey, Dr, Mar. Lat ns apply the same k6asoltia to drunk- how is whether the morRl forces at ( SecretntgP, :ood- zed summer kitchen and garden, Parties desirous to oceet lnsuranco or trans- tyri, all iaoardine, and other gentlemen, ennegs Which he does to perjary and para. work in Canada have br°u ht tale nit- 1 Department Ot Public Works t Very nveniently situated for boarding sot other business will b° roinptty RttO'iddd tb r . g I Ottawa .luno ietb,18i1$, ( holies. Apply at I'TEW Pau ofiloe, On application to ally orthe AbOV0 OMAtl .r -1 i addressod to their respective o21t40,. rd, 4 ,. , r:� b r , p k, .