HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-24, Page 7a
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since you went out west?" Hushed and her eyes blazii ''[[��' For Greasiness or skis. t , , i
"Twelve Ct+rdelia; twelve," he said "Enga ed -to Ed Purcell !" she asp- I For tZom�i%Urk Greasiness aP the akin general CITY BIiTt,IIER 11V1t"
(ASSESSNMST SYSTEtf� + + I $ y arises >
smilingly. "You remember it was the ed. "U Toml you vdidn't believe froth lank oP oloanlinoss or deblli y of the I RHEUMATISM`
year after father sold his farm. That that?' -- skin. Only an astringent has any effrot I wish to inform the public that 7 4;rjil� _
was in edghty six. Lizzie White had a "Ho -7 ecoid :•alp i2` he answered upon 1t, and a very staple and entirely Ia caused by Uric Acid Gari other fm- not be undersold by any other per#ip,i
party g B , y+ repeating harmless one , u be made from one in lite business. I am a practical bt2ty.�v
{ I lawn )art the evening helots I lett, rim! re erre. her words of a few U11Iy t�18 8081 �apU(18 Gr1VtJ ri plot i unities lingering in the bit+, ,1, which cf,; and undet'atand all the br'anc. e_
"Yes, I remember," giving him an minutes before. "I didn't suppose he I Y of ros°water, hklf a pint of white wine have not been filtered out bN the Kid- the business. We kee the ver lib of
J arch look. "You went home with would tell a story." Then all the an- I Satisfaction vinegar and a few drops of the essence o! goys through the urine. 1'he seat of p F '
Sudie Adams, and folks did say-" d�er and grimness left his face, and as rose. This lotion should be applied -with the trouble is not in the skin or mus- meats, and a full atockalwaysopbande -
"Oh, pshaw, Cordelea," he remon- he held out his arms the tenderness I -- a soft linen rag or a fine sponge. rl, c It's sick Kidue� s. Electricity, and will sell at the Lowest Cash PrI '- ,
titrated, "you and Sudie were together, of twelve years' repression came trem- iit,iments or lasters wild not reach the Bring Hlong your stoney, and get t 0,
and I started to o home with both of ulousl into his voice: "Cordelia, dal•- Diamond Dyes, the World's lead- case. But the disease can be meat at the cash price. We will gig, '
g Y I The Young Ladles Auxiliary o! the
you, but that little Ed Purcell carne ling, will you go back with me?" erg Do the Best work•-,� Philadelphia Health Proteotive associa- credit, but riot at cash prices. Pleaft-
r, up, and you went off with him." Then, She made a shy step forward, then ' -- tion 1s a great help to the older members. CURED
come and see what you can do foil
( with sudden consternation: "I-1 beg hesitated. Cash at
our pardon. You -ain't married to , "There's John and the children " she They assist 1n the receptions and In the
Y P hospital fund work. ,
him, are you?" When a bake you moat use the best f
"Not et," placidly. "He comes b said.
Bother John and the children) He I brand of you
pwder; when making a I was taken with a sows slffit a rhenina-
was �• Fl 1 ZSIiIIUNS
y p y' y ell or oustard padding you mast make If block court plaster Is applied to a sore, thlinpars and could not turn myself ht bed. I was
ever few months and sorts o' beats is well -t.) -do and can find somebody jelly P g Y aorsuaded to try Dr Irob'is' s,Gra us ICs ue L r L
y Y use of the best flavoring extracts• when a bluish scar often renlains. Cut first a Pills. They soon put me on tiny (feet. again CENTRAL RAL BUTCHER SHOP '`
round the bush. But, you see, I've alae to look after, them. Will you g white plaster that entire! covers the 1r• Loss than one box cured nio so comp ete! i hat
r had all I could put my handy to with- come?" you sew it is economy to use the beet saw- P Y r y
to tion • than lace a 1 r er his k one I have returned again to my work in the L k
The Monarch of rhe Forest out thinkin' of such things." Then, The flush grew deeper on her face, ing cotton; when you have home dyeing to P P .ft C shore Repair sho a as wt•11 as ever. a ° FORD $MURPHY
with a gay, tinging laugh: "But let's bat her voice was clear and firm as do you should also bear in mind that your over it. I P Wa,. A seuoF,ELn, Adrtau, Mich,
Is. the Emblem • talk sensible, Tom. I gave tip marryin' she answered: success and the safety of your materials True love shows itself 1n a tender II am pleased to sa that Dr Hobbs' Sparagus We are doing business on OiA cash print!
sad armente de end u on the brand of thoughtfulness in time of trouble rather I dney Pills are the most rellovin remedy I ple, and will supply oat customers with!;"''
ages ago. How are you ettin' on out "Yes, Toml" g P p have ever used for rheumatism. You may use
-.OF THE.. ii g Y g dye you employ. g 1� Y the best meats at the lowest paying n
Monarch of Qanadlan Fraternal west? When did you come, and how than In a disposition Shin to run away and thiaasa ftlicted. for the Ess, tet others P Y g P QEI !;
Ion are you goin' to stay?" Years of Suffering. When the Dllous o Dyes are used you pull until tha sun shines out again. who are atfilotud. CAA,rLi:a HI a, Veteran of
Insurance and Benefit Societies, ..g g� faded
a marvellous Soso• saes. Your old, Civil War, 284 Adelaide et, Detroit,'.Mlcb. FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON 1
Just of int, -and you're -the. H[•at
•• THE •••• person I�ve talked to," he answered -- faded and dingy looking goods afters bath
p Brought About by a Fall in Which the in the Diamond Dyes are made as cod as
gayly. "I happened to corse this way, Y g Dr. Ro"rbb'
■■ ■ ■ and thought I'd stop -for old time's Back Was Severely Injured -The Pain new, The colors are always brilliant, fast, A GREAT BOOK FREE ! I;US111eSS Change.
sake. You've et a mighty flowery at Times Almost Unbearable. rich and full.
P , If you unfortunately made use of sone When Dr. R. V. Pi eco of Buffalo N.Y., PAH31
U --
lace, Cordelia.' , Mr G. F. Everett a highly respected and one of the many weak, muddy and worth. published the first edition of his great work, ~
Order of Foresters "Yes, I like it. But wont you come +
well-known farmer of Four Falls, Victoria Any quantic of fat ho 1
Organized and Incorporated 1879. in and sit down on the piazzy while I lees dyes sold by Same dealers for the sake The People's Common Sense Medical Ad- Kidney Pills y hogs wanted fpr r ..,
make some cool lemonade. It's pesky Co.,N.B., makes the following statement:- long profits -well, you must be prepared viser,he announced that after 680,000 copies hipping purposes, for which the higher* •,
-Head Office, - BRIINTFORD, ONT. >+ Some years ago while working in a barn 1 for cruel disappointmentments and losses. had been Bold at the regular price, $1 50 per FOR'sALE;Bs market rices will be paid. Parties havin# ; :'; `z
_ hot out here. prices
"Don't mind if 1 do,', with alacrit lost my balance and fell from a beam,badly The Diamond Dyes save time and money copy, the profit on which would repay him ALLEN & WILSC)N, Druggists,
INVESTED IN DOMIN[ON GOVERNMENT Boxas, "I ain't in no articular hurry, and
injuring Y Y guarantees of success and for the great amount of labor and money ex- hogs to Sell will oblige by leaving word ak
in Grin m bank. For ears I suffered and are solid
$100,000.00. P CLINTON, ONT ,,
your piaizy looks right cool and inVit• with the injury and at the same time doing good work. pended in producing it, he would distribute the chop. d
SURPLUS FUNDS APRIL 1St, 1898, all I oc uld to remove,but in vain. I st last the next half million free. As this number ---
,f6ltB,.Y63.73, to And besides, I d like to ask a lot Book of directions and card of 48 solos P y Chas. J, Wallis
of questions about the boys and girls; gave up hope and stopped doctoring. My free to any address. Write to Wells & of copies has already been sold, he is now ' ` I -
Wa►O� 11 ALS 1 Lt D ,Clinton.
!Iavestedsn the best monetary Institutions in the what they are doing, and who's mar- i back had got Be bad that when I would Riohsrdeod Oo., Montreal, P. Q. giving away, absolutely free, 500,000 copies v l� rj �
Dominion of Canada. tied and who ain't." stoop over it was almost impossible to get of this most complete, interesting and val- NEW BUTCHER SHOP
MEMBERSHIP OVER E8,000. He opened the gate and stepped into straightened up again. When I would mow uable common sensemedieal work ever pub -
•A Purely Canadian Institution having no weaken- the and and as he did so his strong, with a scythe for some little time without DESIRING TO BUY ANYTHING lished-the recipient only being required to I have put in Blytb a fu'l stook of
ling alliances or branches in foreign and less healthy yard, et0 in it would pain me so that it seemed ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUbi NS mail to him, at above address, 31 one-oent Subscriber has opened a shop in the pro
countries. Full information, rates, etc., sent on stalwart figure showed to itis!! ad Van• PP g P Dress GOOds, Tweeds, Shirt+ mixes recentlyerected especially
p to e. He was more than six feet fn as if I could scarcely endure it, and I would SHOULD IN81ST UPON HAVING stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and Ings, Sheetings, 'Blankets,Yarns peoislly-for tKaf.
)plication to R. ELLIOTT.ELtroTT, H.C.R., Ingersoll, g WHAT THEY AHK FOR. REFUSING ur sae O
7FHos. WHITE, H.S.• Brantford, Ont.; or ERNST het ht, and his clear•, ruddy complex- lean on the handle of my scythe in order to the book will be;sent postpaid.,It is a verit• soots and Shoes, Teas EtC. P Pposite Fairs Mill, where he wilt;' :'
y p ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. + peep on hand and deliver 96
'GARTUNG, Supt. of Organization, Brantford, Ona Tong as the picture of health and cod get ease and straighten up. At other times able medical library, complete in one Vol. P P promptly, to OIIt ; v
g I would be laid u entire! After some ume. Contains I008 ase, profusely illus Mr, Wm. Campbell, who is favorably karts of the town.
nature. Cordelia's eyes rested do him P Y• ti g P Y known t,) you, will hand is our Wool.
• approvingly. A, they went up the years of Buffering I was advised to use Dr. Rev. J. W. Pedley, London, toss traced. The fres edition is precisely tha y Y Fresh Meat of all kinds. A abate ol�,,.,,;r:
nth she noticed that he walked with a Williams' Pink 1'ills,and decided to try one elected President of the Congregation- same as that sold at $1.50 except that the Eggs llo� Tub Butter 14a. public patronage respectfully solicited.11
Cordelia. p box. Before I had finished it I saw the al Union. books are in strong manilla paper covers P g P Y
firm, confident tread, like a man who ills were helping me. I bought six boxes k'ire destroyed the McDougal block at instead of cloth. Send now before all are - -
had met the world and conquered it.. P P g g Y g G. E. KING, Blyth F. H. POWELL - CLINTOB 1 '
Two rocking -chairs were laced op- more and the seven boxes completely eared Fart William. Theoceupsntshad to jump given away. +
By FRANK H. SWEET. posits each other on the piazza, and me. It is three years Since I took them for their lives. One, a child, has since died.
-- while Cordelia was makingthe'lemon- and my back has not troubled me since. Milburn's Sterling Headache PowdersTopping,•. W®0L . FLOUR AND FEED STORES, I
t; W. M. Galt,' took liniment in
Cordelia Hackett was out mending ade, Tom _gazed around with boyish Dr. Williams Pink Pills are an invaluable
g y• care headache in s jiffy. Try them, they'll mistake for his proper medicine, and may , I "
her back fence. This was nothing un delight. The piazza was screened medicine and I highly recommend them to convince you. 10o. and 25c, all dealers. die. C00KIS
usual, for the fence.L hada habit of froth the road by boneysuckles and any person aufferina likewise. I consider I am prepared to buy this season's clip
needing mending, and for many a long wistarias, and he could count at least that if I had paid $10 a box for them, they Children Cry for A good Dictionary for three Cents of Wool, as usual, at the! ,Q� 11 .
year there had been no one but Corde• a dozen butterflies sailiniz contentedly would be s cheap medicine." Be11n1iller Woollen M1lIS� F1011i' w Feed Ctorir
Rheum tiem, sciatica, neuralgia, Grad A O R I A_ 1
Iia r do it; and, in fact, to do all the about. Almost in teach of his hand �' g P A dictionary containing definitions of 10.000 � :
Paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervone head• T ;vasa
mending and tending and baking and was a robin s nest, and as he raised gobs, nervous prostration. and diseases de- ■ EngtlshnlanKuage tans bl lied by thonllr.1Wi11- FOR n �r /� p
making for the hungry Hackett fami- himself slightly to look at the eggs, P HIGHEST e°ASH PRICE 13RAN Otis SH ORTSr
She had smoothed the way down I 'Owner began to ecoid him front[ one Pending upon humors in the blood, each as The Masonic Grand Lodge at Seattle lama Medicine Co., Brockville, oat. while it ,�,.,,._ , 4.•.•, ,o,�„„_ , ,,� ,.„,, ,..,,�19 --11.
ly. Sh Y scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc•, all disap. will recognize negro Masonic lodges, contains some advertising, it is a complete dic- Or in exchange for manufactured artic!es . ,;w,
into the valley for her poor, paralytic of the rafters overhead. ear before.a fair treatment with Dr. Wil- This is the flrat �imerican lode to do toasty, concise and correct, In large or small quantities. Ya
p g Ili compiling this book care has been taken to JESSE GLEDHILL
father, and had paved the way up the "Just exactly like it was twelve jams' Pink Pills. The ive a health low so, omit non° of those common words whose spoil• s
hill of life stud into an education for years ago," he muttered, delightedly. Y g Y g11,
illoflbrothers and sisters, and was now "And on my soul, I baileys that's the to pale and sallow complexions. Sold by James Young, seventeen years •old ing or exact use occasions at times a moment- OIL C KL+ and MEAL
all dealers and est aid at 50 a s box or was riding a horse at Galt when the ary difficulty, even to well educated people. OF ALL KINDS, r
thinking of performing the same office same old bird that used to scold s so six boxes for 2.50 b p addressing the Dr• g, injuring y information itnas been to give limited much useful 1
animal fell in urin the rider so bad! ONWARD BICYCLE �0 - r
for the motherless children of an older terFibl 1 There, there, there!' as the $ Y g powhee-,in a limited space. l
half-brother. robin redoubled her cries, "that isn't Williams' Medicine Co ,Brockville, Oat. that he [nay die. With ibis inview, where noun. adjective and 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bnsheI Olt a .,
Do not be persuaded to take some subetit• verb are all obviously connected in meanit)g, Oats.
But Cordelia did not look old, in the way to welcome a friend, I won't P DIARRHEA usually Only one has been inserted. The vol- --- t
spite of the thirty -and -two yeaas. Her hurt your eggs." ate. Is too dangerous to ne lest: Have it um° will thus be found to contain the meaning
Yate was as fair and vivacious as the Here Cordelia came out with the g of very many more words than it professes to ) D. COOK, CLINTON. " ;l
riotous, clamber roses that essayed lemonade and a small stand which she AARON BURR'S CHECK, promptly checkers by Dr. Fowler"e Extract explain. REPAIR SIIUI .
g of Wild Strawberryr Cures diarrhoea, colic, To those who already have a dictionary, this
to soften and hide the dilapidated placed between the two chairs. book will commend itself t became it is have
It Ie Prebably the Oldest Sank Check In cramps and all bowel oomplsinte. Subscriber has his establish- s
fence; and here es were the same mer- "There, 1ie1 ourself," she said, he- pact, light and convenient; to those who have DUNCAN S FLOUR & FEED Ston
y PdY Existence. John Herman Wenzel, late Of TaVI- NO DICTIONARY WHATEVER, it will be invalu- meat fitted rap with the heat ,q
r bewildering eyes that had proved spitably. "An now tell me how you able. One may be secured by wr{Ltng to the of machinery, enabling, him 1
the o and torment of more than one have been ettin' on out west." In the Marion National bank, in this stock, O,ttario, Shot himself through above concern, mentioning this paper, and (late Hill & Joyner)
joy ,g city, the following check is on exhibition: the heart at De'.roit. He was out of enclosing a three -cent stamp. to do all kinds of repair work.
susceptible heart in the days of her Uh, ies trier ble-as they say out g Opposite Market Clinton T.
} -.
girlhood. But during theselater years there," he replied! laughing. "Only OPRiOto MrhaB n Nielson or bearer one titin- work and despondent, and repairingtofnBio gq]aQ, and riders ven to loan pp s !latch ..
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cures al Y Flour, Bran, Shorts Oats, Peas Barle
she had been too busy for such things; in my case the Jea toter ble means dred and fifty pounds in paper. she's ■Commercial Traveler. rely on work of this nature being promptly F , fi
and her brusque, business -like manner first rate. I started as a cowboy, and New York, the second day of Tune, 1?99. forme of akin eruptions from a common and all kinds of meal sold at 'lowest pricer.
had effectually prevented admiring then bought a few head of cattle and New Y..0. AARON BUR1L pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Miss Virginia Pope of Buffalo travels and satisfactorily attended to. „1.
lances from developing into anything then some land, and after that pushed fora Philadelphia company which sella Onward Cycle
g p g Y S During the war Colonel II. C. Towne, Mary Mooney, a three-year-old girl food and remedies for domestic animals 3 Co;,+ iEcrcfill Corn for Feed, 38d a � .,s ,1
verbal. ahead pretty steady. I was always now superintendent of the national ceme- living at 75 Morse street, fell into a Perrin Block, Clinton
Ins rte of its general air of deers t- hard-working, and so got on faster g and pets, She makes her pay and Good Vaf°34ia Raisins; 281 -
trade the of its g lata was ver ep - than some of my neighbors. After a tery near Lebanon, held a command in bonfire and was so badly burned it is thinks that women aro as well qualified Lt. L. BROWN, Manager. . Choice Tea, special line. Grod-jier lb Grid ids. s'
fv rad omelike. P Bright flowers and while a railroad came thr-ough, and a Shermsn's army. When the array was at thought she will die, for commercial travelers as men. She has All kinds of Grain bought at high@s1¢1,-, ,'
K Allatoona Pass, Colonel Towne sent a de- traveled in near! '
vines bad been influenced village started tip less than three miles tail of Union soldiers under the command Charles Dalton made a lucky find in the y all parts of the United (�jjnn nn (A �j j�j T j market rices.' "' '
a to screen the unsightly from my place. That boosted me right "Chipmonk" woods, about four miles east States, Canada and Dlexlco and a good T�; old C11Utoll PL[iliING 111I11L P _ �'
it would have been a poor, to the top. Now, I've pot as pretty foraging expedition. of a lieutenant to eAntong other places Etowah river on a of St. Thomas, on Sunday.- He dug up deal abroad. She was engaged several -_ W. DUNCAN, OLIN'!!( �r .,
ass sort of a mortal who would ranch as there is west of the Missouri.'$800 in cash and two skulls, which were years in designing favors and bonbon H. STEVENS, Propi ietor - i,'":,
looked behind them for broken "Why, that's splendid!" she cried, visited by the detachment of soldiers was buried a few feet under the ground, boxes and became an expert in handling BANKS.I , :
the plantation of Governor Brown. The confections. In 1889 she superintended
e r,boarding' and tottering pic- her face. glowing with pleasure. "I'm The old original Contractor and Builder,
residence was deserted, and in searching HAGYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM the installing of the first store in London . '
kat Birds seemed to like the arrange- awful glad your doth' so well. Folks the house one of the soldiers found the who has made Clinton his home for forty L * j 1.r;
meat, for the vicinity was sure to he here have an idea that you've been Ie the standard remedy of the world for 1n which Anierloafi confections were ax- years, is still in business with a modern, ��le �iU��onS ���l� ',u ° �:
melodious of a bright spring morning; sort of -of rennin' out." original of the above check in Governor oluslvel sold.
Brown's library. He took it with him coughs. cold a, hoarseness, bronchitis and all Y .,rte rap -to -date Faotcry, and is prepared to fill Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1881st
and butterflies and bees and .fru rant "How came they to get such" a no- lura and throat troubles. Price 25 cents at all orders of whatever description, on short -r t
odors also appeared to be well suited, tion?" he demanded his face blushing and on his return to camp presented it to g -
' g Colonel Towne who carried it on his per- .all dealers. I notice and the lowest terms; first-class CAPITAL $2,000,000 `r. t11
P �p The village black,mith is usually
for they coin always be found linger- wrathfully sun durin the rest of rho war. When John Trodd the insane En hshinari Z�fi'si<?aged the t e workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS REST FUND - $1,500,000
fn about the place. "Well, I -I believe Ed Yurcell spoke g g 13 1 L. cod e a yp for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- t
T 'p, tap, tap, rang Cordelia's ham• of it in the first lace." Peace was proclaimed and .Colonel Towne who shot a German reu in London, f ,pI g _a � � �j�
a „p returned to Wisconsin he resented the •mjstoo the ",-. ,;�,�� ' olonelJohn •'1f! ~Even liesujCenaaCtt� ing material furnished a8desired, piAA (jI'FICFe MOl+TT li+Al`i.;:
r11er as she '-went along the fence "Ed Purcell'! Tom rose to hie feet I P
rper s she
a alantin picket here as though he would annihilate the ab- Burr check to the cashier of the bank in Hay, the American minister, dim�, ¢ e�ttl�
gg g p g ai•1 th. 1�3 I $1J1�IZY STEVENS; WM. MOLBON MACPHFRSUN, Yresi�eii ►
and drivin a fresh nail in lace of a sent ob; act of his wrath. Then he sat 1 his native town, who had it framed and
rusty one there; and tap, pap, tap, down, with a smothered laugh. "The B THE VICTOR'S CROWN ( an, iso even the William street, Clinton, immediate) F. WoLFEReTAx TircalAa. Gen Mansge� ',
bun in the bank as avaluable relic. Sub- /"� Y
sounded firm, approaching footsteps mean liar! He don't know the first sequently photographic copies of the check Should adorn t'be brow of the inventor of /1 Vt. robust, can af- behind the Park.
P the great corn cure, Futnam's Painless ) ford to neglect lila Notes diS Sterling
d, Collections made DrthV' "
on the sidewalk. But the artist of the thing of what I've been doing. You were taken. Colonel Towns was gluon r, S c .health, which is his issued, Sterling and American exohgngo .''
hammer did not notice. He[ thoughl-s did't believe him, Cordelia?' one of those copies, and he presented it to Cora Extractor, it cures quickly, never _ ,r• most precious en- McLEO D'S bought and sold. Jpterest allowed oil
were busy in reviewing the past and She looked distressed. Cashier J. M. Knott of the Marion \'a-
leaves a sore spot, and is just the thing you ols,r� downxent. The posits. SAVINGS BANx— Interest 11 *6 ,,
in making plans for the future. The "Plow could I help it, Tom?" she tional bank. The original is still on ex- want. See that you get Putnam'a Painless �I ,man who does so p sums of $1 and up. Money advanci a"
week before her youngest brother had talteted. "Ed said he had a letter hibition in the Wisconsin bank. Corn Extiaetor, the sure, safe and painless .will sooner or System Bums farmers on their own note, with one'or
gone out' into the world to make a from you,off and on, and I didn't sup- Doubtless it is the oldest bank check in cure for curse. 1 ate r pay the more endorsers. No mortgage regained ; i
place for'himself, and now she was pose he would tell a story. Then, , 61 6 �• fact that the drawer The little son -of N'grdmaster Holland + •penalty in some1.1
alone -for the first time w her life, with a effort to change the subject: was a national celebrity during his life at Fort William has died from the ef- serious or fatal. AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES H. C. BREN ER, Manager, Clinton k
tria}ady. When a •
She had thought to remain in her "Did you bring your family along?" makes it a very rare and valuable relie.--a fects of inlaries received at the recent t 'Fa finds that he SP�`r"'� j
pretty, vine covered cottage and read "Family?" Lebanon Falcon. fire. This makes the seconi victim. ��>lI IC AND ANTIDOTE' i
I ,. s�n�. 6D- � D NCI ALGA RV11
and study and do just as she liked. "Yes, your wife and children?" DO.NN (,'TjRED HIM, l - 4 1 r.: (I te, that tie For Impure, Weak and Impoverished +
But oral this morning a letter had Her gazed sharply at her for a mo- Two Cheap Knights. I-�+.A""�+ 1 asses restless P + p
Y g g p Y "This is to oertif that boan's Kidneynights, that he Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- BANKER
come from her brother, John, inviting ment to see if she was in earnest, then An amusing story is told of ,Sir Ellis I pills cured me of serious kidney disorderawakQuS ju the �rni.ng unrefreshed and tion of the Hear`, Live: Complaint, Neu11 11
her to live with him and look after his he threw himself back in his chair Y
Ashmead-Bartlett, the American bofifl Iliad ain in.the back,m urine was hi hl with aia°fbit{oi o ,, tai or bodily vigor, ralgia, Loss of M -mors, Bronchitis, Con- m
Children. Well, of ebttrse she would with a sudden burst of laughter. knight. Sir Ellis who is a brother Of p y` highly b� ,idaches, nerv- eumption, Gsll StoLE9, Jaundice, Kidney ALBER LIST., - ,C,,L1NT0 ,rlr
g g colored with a great deal of sediment. when he is troui)1esQ W1iT be nor him to ani Urinar Diseases, St. Vitus' Danae
go, but it was with a sharp pang she "Did Ed fell you th 1t? a asked, ae Baron Burdett -Coutts, whose aged bride Doane Kidney Pie have made me perfect- ottsness or bilfdus esu, !t {s tithe Y
made the decision. soon as he coin get his breath. "Well, on their marriage gave him her name and ly well, and I high! recommend thm," F. take serious thought for his healtft, Female irregularities and General Debility A general Banking Busine11:llltl
Present] her mails ave out, and he's a dandy, he is. And did you be- Y transacted.
,V g v y Y $250,000 a year for life, Owes his knight- HL^ALIit', Amherstburg, Out. These symptoms are by no means trfbl■., T , v 1 ,
she rose with the intention of going lieve it." hood to the fact that when Lord Salisbury t and are indicative of d{sarders that �iay o�orc'itory, �trodc l leh, 011t.
after more. But the did so, she She did not answer, but be could Gee formed his third ministry Mr. Aahmead_ air' Lucius Yretfer, 70 years old, of lead to consumption, nervous prostration, a NOTES DISCOIINTED
saw the figure o� �man leaning on her from her changing countenance and Bartlett was left out of the calculations. St. Thomas, a -wealthy retired farmer malarial troubles or some serious blood J. M. McLeod, '`a
gate, and a pair ly£ keen, quizzical eyes . averted eyes that she had believed it. In the first two ministrlea he had figured was killed while wheeling over the G. disease. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical, Dis- )?rop. and Manufacturer. Drafts ssued. Interest allowed on
were lookin strai ht into her own. "Look here, Cordelia," he said, ab g T. R. track near that cit Covery is the best of all wedicine.s for men t°4
g • g as a lord of the admiralty. At the sumo Y• I
An an r Hush rose to het face but raptly, "what do you think I caale time he was kni bred to salvo his feelings and women wits suffer in this way. It re• _
bold in Clinton'iIq
gg g g WEAK HEART store, true lost appetite; it gives sweet, re- 'Ls,SON >
was quickly succeeded by a look of back fur?" the same dl nit was conferred on Blun- freshin sle • makes tha-di estion erf ct, J. H. COMB and ALLEN & w
„ >; �, g pN c� TISDALL■'
pleased recognition. "To look around -to see your vela- Sell Maple, a millionaire furniture dealer For years I suffered from weak action tine liver active and purifies and uricavas `
"For the land sake, Tom Rogersl" Lions, perhaps," she answered, hesita- in Tottenham Court road, a shabby sort of of the heart, dizziness and a watery con- the blood. It is the greatest of all nerve ' ;
shit tried, as she stepped forward and tingly. district in London. Immediately Lord clition of the blood. Milburn's Heart and tonics. It is the great blood -maker and pn/�►7 /fin BA�IER,
gave ' im her hand. "Who ever ` Myy relations are all out west. Olt- Salisbury received from each. of the pro- Nerve Pills have made my heart strong and flesh -builder. It cures g8 per cent. of all Bnmil'kllp
�I,\GI �G,\thought see yr;u here] And such Cher and brother .Take went out there s ctive kni lits a latter P enriched m blood so that now Ism free cases of consumption, weak lungs, bron- Uv UU
whin ersl Pe g protesting In rho Y chitis, s Ittin option,
obstinate colt lis UiINTON ONT
Why, I declare I scarcely soon after I dill. No, it wws on account strongest est terms n a,inst the knighting of from the troubles that formerly distressed g +
knew cul L •+ + g g 13 tI and kincjpred'ailtuents. It is also an'unfall- --
Y a see, its ten years of !lila. taking a small slip of paper the other as tending to cheapen the honor me. B. A. Ross, Ailsa Craig, Oat. ing cure for nervous exhaustion and pros- , T Advances made to farmers on their 0101 ,L
from his pocket and handing it to ter. conferred. ' Every citizen, mindful of ourwelfareand traton. At all medicine stores. .1 J 80 notes at low rates of interestP
■ "Jake takes the home paper, wad national affairs, will read with special in. Mrs. Reb F. Gtirdner, of Gratton, York Our stockotjPruit and ornamonGtl trees bohtg A eneral Rankin Baaine
sometimes I look it over. Last week I f terest two articles in the Jul number of Co., Va., wrie "when 'I was arrled I g es traneagir1t$, .;
D i s o rd e � e ha. ened to see t his item. Read it•," It is said that a a )taman plan's i the Y i' complete, we aro repared to ofror to the 1 b g
pP Har Harper Ma Magazine -"The People and Their weighed raj po Inds. I wills taken sic and re- P u Interest allowed on de o
She did so mnehanically. first thistle in Australia out of love for his Government' b P 'which
In h alth an(1 broke out with a dl6ease lie for spring planting a very choice lot of P alta y :.�
Kidneys. "We understand that oar esteemed native land, and now millions of that plant y Henry Loomis Nelson, which my doctor s d wqa eczema, i Pell -away Sale Notes bought t
aflliot the land. Thistle do for the marines and "The Mid Ile West's New Era," by to go pounds. I began using Dr, Pierce's Gordop Apple, Pilau, Year, Cherry
fell )w townsman, Paul Hackett, has but ordinary people cannot accept such Charles M. Harper. The observations of Medical Discovery, and now I weigh 140 pounds and Peach ti eeht, at suitable
Y P P P Y and am well.,, i ices. Ever i J. P, TISDALL, Manages',;;,
obtained a lucrative position in the am an American .n Eastern Siberia are re- P g •eens a specialty,
Perhaps they're the source of your i.: cit and that he will soon de art for y
health and you don't know it, y' p - counted in a copioaslV illustrated paper by Constipation often causes sickness. Dr. Large stock of small Fruits• pf p �%j A rap
Here's how on can tell :- 'he scene of his future labor.o. Thi<, Stephen Sensal, and the opening article, al. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Choice list of spring bedding Plants. CNon SEWING LNG NAVINUI ' �
y will leave his siat�i 14I1ss Cordelia, to PROSTRATED, r so reminiscent of Eastern travel,'is a story, Oue little ' Pealet" is agentle laxative, and Price last mailer] on applicatdot. Huron StrCet.
If you have Back Ache or Lame Back. keep r.Gnae a'one. f .f • "A Prince of Georgia," b two a, mild cathartic. They never gripe,
If you have Puffiness under the Eyes "] don't see mach in that,"she said, y Julian Ralph. Thcy are tiny sugar-coated, anti -bilious John �LCitr':Lr� EBt:Lte
or Swelling of the Feet. - The other attractive features of the num- granules, in 1(ttle ,vials. Druggists have a nenmturr We leave just received another lot of h4 4t.
If your Urine Contains Sediment of a9 khe handed back the paper, ber are "Notes on Journalism," by G. W, nothin else "just as g ]
"Well, I do. Anyhow, it, brought NO SLEEP -NO Eats-'. Smalls „ g 3 good." They rags- Orme and Dominion Sewing Maohfn6#i:,tl##,
any kind or is High Colored and y; "New Worlds and hie by Bran• late the Stomach, )♦suer and Bowels. former is an exceptiono p4
Canty. B me here," His voice liar) grown low der Matthews: and "Tho Ethics of a ; ot•- � ��,ally good tnad%l�'" ;•..
LL do not appreciate „ McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE and has given good a,tisfaotion to �tll•
and intense, and his gaze w,ty art Baser ride, a description of the national sport AGENTS. v v
If you have Coated Tongue and that her own fell beneath it. Listen, I rho words of John G. of Spain, b INSURANCE CO.
Nast Taste in the Mouth. s p y Lucus Purdy. In addition to
y Crn•deliA,. When I was returning tiTnt, f�axe, wit° gang, "Gal (llimpses of the I'nso�•n" Fascinating boolc _ Needles and all kinds of IteptliIlr]� a.
If you have Dizzy S ells, Headaches f' tR bl(•s9 the man who Mr. Ralph s story, the fiction inoludee tales Sweopa the entire fiem of borderland eubjants FARM & ISOLATrD TOWN PROPPtRTy kept On hand
BtRd Dreams,- Feel Dull, Drows ' night, after I had gone home with fl rel lnrrnttd Shap!" by William McLennan, Frederic Remin - Everylto iy or,lers. Marvellons illmtrations
Y1 Sndie Adams, I met Ed Purcell. i Put npprnrinllon Is ton, Margarot Sutton Briscoe, and George Prospectus sl,00. B1tADI,F.Y-GARREISON ONLY INSURED blacbinea sold on month!
Weak and Nervous. Then you haus felt more like pitching him into the , u,lt m;I'ling to those COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto �— y payments, Cfa
idnay Complaint. bushes than talking; but (tie fellow �� 11.11., hn, o ,;offered as IIibbnrd. Further instalments appear of OFFrc.ERs on me or write for prices and ter11104
The sooner you start taking Mrs. White, of Mnra Mr.
Merriman's brilliant serial,"Roden a Goo. Watt, President, Harlock P, 0 - J. R.
i' was so friendly and soft-spoken that I ��®� A till A Mel,onn, Ki , , Jan. 1899
AN'g KIDNEY PILLS Tnwn�tt'lt out., tuba Corner," and of Margaret Deland'a "Old A MAN pl T P. se Orth nos.; ho. 1. v WM. MOb�'�
was obligr'd to stop through mere - bc•carn+• so III n•11 h � 8hauuon, Hecv-Trona, BeaPorth P. O.; Thos, h;.
ore quickly will your health return. Y 1Cheater Tales. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE Ha
CI L'111I He spoke fLl)011t the weathCt �h,',',"M'r.
tr orale that, to hams her oro- ys„ivnforth t'. 0.,'Ins actorof Losses, r
he ve cured thou- 1 at Il in ri , n, n mil f N r h
Ji LL Neo-,ro'-ftry nixoaaae—L'ntlin¢ Mom- p It or I i«nty-5'eVen Yea •' - �t
(h0 )fl,rt and Lheri told mo thatShe IInderatanda Forestry. by Abuse or
her Ioesnoce, oto. aaaeod ntrth.n9'ORA
Y 1 Y+ nnt of that lllustrinnv nrcllnn of No'th by Abuse or other l,yesnes anti India• vv. G• Broadroot, ;;earorth;,Tohn G.Grivvv,f cases of kid. you and lie were. engaged, I never tarlo: ' My ulster had not sb `tt a night Mise Deatrix Jones, a daughter of Mrs. lcrotiooaL 27,litalv1cfel.4 mxid euroir/ Winthrop P, O,; (foorgr, lln.ln. `ten.tortlt T1io�,
ne trnubledurin the liked f.hP Scam lulu 1 didn't su X:se far over three mnntlr,, hh • rtul 1 not haus sty in old or otmg.nnd E. lla3 a, Sen Pori h; .Jas, t;t'ane, Renohctnoil 1',
Y g P+ PI Freclofo Rhluelantlor.Tonee Of Now York, fitmm�nforstudy. baainemorrmarringoa.,
past year. If you aro stood this roneh lonrr•r, Inul It was Only . earns n goodly living from bar knowlodge Prevnnt I'nsnnity and Oonsnmppdon ii O ; Thnq. Carbot.l, Clinton; Thonity Fra,cr,D U INN N P: ,
he world tell FL lie. Lh0 nE Xt, (lay 1 when death seemed ;+u,t ie„nt tont Blottth tncon-nt mo. Thniruna ahntyt( imrnedlnto i,t novo• Btncafleld; John H, VlcLtan, liippon.
a sufferer they can sl arise! west,” Amrrlean Norvinn hr �ntuc the good phv I of forestry. She took up the study sone mentnnd etfeotn a (••TIRE whnPe all other tall in. you. A ' Cordelia was standing now, her face siclan. Aftor •tnlang ilio nrst (tole 'of the I two or three years ago entirely as an silt upon having the gennlne Ajnx I'r, blete. They
Nerving she slept nil night, nitd gnined f have onrodthousandeandwhionroyon,We-lvonpos• AbtevTa
Boole that tells all In Rosh nnill perfP(,, Iy we'll, and has rx,w Amasetmont and because sho was so loud ittvewrittongn,rantao toelftrtncnm 1� � fn '
about Doan's Kidney onohonaoor round tho Mont S ltobortRathlt, trarlock:,Tne.1V• }'co, fi0111p:• 83 A K I N 04
q no alga of I)PrVensnm.q.” This is a wen(1Fr• of trees and floors. She stndled 1t all Packago; or nix plcane (hill Ixontmeno fnr $2,rb.'pl3°y viflo; Itoht., me-willn.n, anaforth; ,Inmev ('nm-
Pills cont free to any Children Y,I ry for I fol mr4lrint In ilia srvt7hst nnaes of nor. thoroughly, and today sho la eG wo11 poet- mail, in lain wrnn>or a ,on rotttptor 1+tie". (llroulnr atlas h;gtuoudcllln; John lAovoulocic nu,l .lohn
Von 11" nn0 fhe wn.fltettt fleab-bullatim to : od that she has no dlflloult Wdemandin trse.A�A R�`ni l�� Co.,7o urnrhorn sc.» ltio rlaon, nndttere.POW E
The I71 ail I{idn0 Pill ►%Q 14'u9 Idz1ywi►ere 1n t� R1
jm-porld. - 2fL y B sma,so, nL . Parries dn.irotta to nlYnct lnanranerl or tmns-
i 9 good prices fdr her services 1n forestry or
Co., pronto, Ont. ��' MARK I Sold in Clinton by Sydney Jaokson, act other bnslnens will bra prompt, y atto•td+• t to ` /q v '
Am • :TOLD BY W ATT,,! fit CO, CLINT('-v landscape gardening, druggists, nn appllr,atlon to any n rho nbovo ofHares, THE COOKS RE$ V91
' addressed to their respective ofileo. LARGEST SA4Ft 10 0AlV,lliylls
b `
a' °t i �
� Ili kL-".. ."A�M�Afi--- �..Ww . ... I , -