HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-24, Page 5The Early Bird l: Story_ a��1plies very well to our NOVELTY DE. FARTMENT, a dee partment full of choice things in Summer Jewelry "Blouse Setts," Leather -Belts, plain, fanny, jewel- led, Fancy Hat Pine, and anendleeevariety of others. The earlier you Dome, the better the selection. You won't see what you've bought in some other place What you bay is yours if you buy at The Satisfactory Store. J.B.Rumball JEWELER NIMPARWAMMA rill% WV* $Satisfaction Guaranteed ed .. Do You Need $ A Pair of Spectacles 2 Our Watch Repairing Depart- ment is attended to in a strictly first-olasa manner. If your watch needs repairing, we tell you so, if not, we do not put you to unnecessary expense. Proper Dare and good workmanship is what your watch requires. We know that our work will please you. Charges Moderate A. J. GRIGG. censor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON. 4 S 00010111•91114100 0011111104110111000001110 In Our Advertisements -( THERE'S AN 1'NTIRE ABSENCE OF EXAGGERATION. It'e not necessary to make snob a statement as the above to those acquainted with this bueiness, but perhaps you have not been in the buying here, and we wish to emphasize the fact that this store's announce- ments are dependable. Our advertisements oan be thoroughly depended up- on in every particular. who are habit of i SPECIALS IN MILLINERY During the next ten days prices in Millinery will be exceptionally attractive. Oar millinery department, under the management of Miss Todd, has been very busy, and daring the balance of the season businese will be kept boom- ing by the littleness of the prices. Profit will be entirely lost sight of. Every article will be cleared out. Bright, crisp, new Millinery at prides almost ridiculous. The reason for above is that it pays us better to lose on Milli- nery at this season than carry any over. This accounts for the following :- Sailors, white or black 15o Sailors, worth 40o, for 25o Sailors, fancy colored crowns, worth 75o, for 50o Sailors, black, very stylish, Bilk ribbon band, worth 60o, for 40o Girl's Panama Hate, in green and blank, red and blank, worth 65o, for50o Turbans, fancy rim, worth $1.15, for 80o Fanny white Straws, worth $1.15, for 80o Flowers, pretty effects, worth 25c and 30o, reduced to loo and I5o f I Drop•in and see how far a dollar will go in buying Millinery. We are here for business. McKinnon & Co., Blyth •••••••••411110414111110410 IWO ON Cape Reductions Cloth Capes, in bluet, green and fawn, fanny velvet oollars, worth $1 75, for Si 40 Black Velvet Capes, very stylish, pretty Dollar, trimmed with jet and silk braid, worth $5.50, for $4 50 Linen Skirts -The oorreot goods for summer wear, at prides that will prove interesting. Sugar . Suga,r The season of increased demand for Sugar has arrived, and we can supply your wants in that line. We are also in the Front Ranks with Glass Fruit Jars. Prioes 'very low. Do not forget that you want to destroy the potato bugs. Try our PARIS.. GREEN and CHURCH'S BUG, FINISH Another special we offer is an Immense Stock of Tweeds :-- which we are selling at greatly reduced prices, and will be pleased to show them and compare prices with any house. If you want a good suit in every way, dome to un. Terms cash or produce. LONDESBOR EMPORIUM, June 22nd. ° R. ADAMS COMPOUND IRON PILLS 0111 MMM THE IDEAL TONIC. Easy totake Effects immediate and lasting. The combination of iron, strychnine, arsenic and aloes contained in our Iron Pills forms one of the best general tonics, will enrich the blood, increases the appetite, aids digestion, strengthens the heart and nerves, and tones up the general system. If your system has ran down and yon feel the need of a tonic. try them. 25c Box of 50 Pills, or 5 Boxes for *1. Government, Standard Paris Green, 25c. per Lb. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Selling nut. In order to make a clean out of all our Prints, we have bought a case of new Prints, worth 8c, 10c, and 12ic, and will put them in with what we have and sell the whole for 5c and 8c. Come quick if you want your choice. A lot of Boys' and Children's Boots at Half Price. See them. Dress Goods of all kinds at about Two -thirds the Regular Price A full line of Skirt Linings, Linenettes, Waist Linings, and Canvas for dress making, cheaper than anywhere else. et your Linings here . . • %tw Ativertistmento. FOR SALT•'. Thoro-bred,Iersey,A years old, fresh calved; must be sold. REv.G. W.ANDREws,Holmesville HOUSE TO RENT. The house on Isaac Street, at present oc- cupied by Walter Cole, is offered to rent on reasonable terms. Apply at NEW ERA Office, or to MRS. DODSWORTH, Holmesville. S EALED TENDERS, addressed tb the under. signed, and endorsed "Tender for completion of Goderich Works," will be received at this of- fice until Friday, 15th July next inclusively, for completing the harbour and river works in course of reconstruction at Goderich, Huron County, Ontario, according to a plan and speci- fication to be seen at the office of the Town Clerk, Goderich, at the office of Mr. H. A. Gray Resident, Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied and signed with the actual signatures Of tenderers. An accepted bank cheque, payable to the or- der of the Minister of Public Works, for the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) must ac- company each tender. This cheque will be for- feited it tbo party decline the contract or tail to complete the work contracted for, and will be return edin ease of non-acceptance of tender, The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender By, order, E. F. E. ROY, Department of Public Works, Secretary. Ottawa, June 15th, 1898. A GOOD Toe -Pat Is important to most people. It is the pull that counts. Although our stock is not complete, we have a large Summer Boots and Shoes cunt of goods yet to sell. We have a beautiful stock of SILK RIBBONS to sell at just half price. It will pay you can be got at reasonable prices to come and see us. by calling cin us. We keep a full stock of Trunks, Valise! Single and Double Mathess, &c. Red & White Cear Shingles always on hand. :61,4 :KABBINGS, Twitcholl TEE CLINTON NEW ERA, NEWS NOTES. An old man named Thurlow fell off a dock at Barrie and was drowned. Horrib:e tales of etarvatto, come from the French onset of Newfoundland, Ray & Hawksbaw's flour mill, Lucan, has been entirely destroyed by fire. .. Robert Blyth, a Guelph Township farmer, was badly gored by a bhorthorn bull. The mistake of W. P. Topping of Galt, who swallowed some liniment, proved fatal. Louis Rtid, a laborer, 40 years old, was ohoked to death at Brunner station while eating meat. Hon. P. A. DeBlois, Senator for the di• vision of LaSalle, Quebeo, is dead at Beau. port. Private Thomas Robertson, R. 0. 1., et. John's, Que., has become insane through the use of oigarettee. Ten dollar Dominion Banknotes seourtd in the celebrated robbery at Napanee have turned up in Ottawa. J. D. Clarke, editor of the London Ad- vertiser, will go to Ottawa as private secre- tary to the Minister of Justice. The body of Charles Phillips, a butcher, was found in Little Lake, near Peterboro'. It is thought to be a case of suicide. Hugh Cameron, living near Chatham, had his skull fractured and received prob- ably fatal injuries through the kick of a horse. While wheeling on the C. P. R. coal dock at Owen Sound Frederick Currie, aged seventeen, fell into the water and was drowned. Mr. Lucius Preffer, killed at a St. Thomas crossing a few days ago, leaves his fortune, estimated at $48,000, to encow the Thomas Williams Home. Chester Cooney, aged 12, fell over the Ox- ford street bridge at London to the gravel bed of the river, 25 feet below. Ile has conoussion of the brain. Judge Edward Elliot, London, has quash- ed in the•oonvietion of Mies Smith, a Lobo teacher, show was fined by Squire Hire Edwards for the alleged striking of a pupil on the head with a ruler After swimming across the Nottawasaga River and back a man named Richardson of Nottawasaga Township, Simooe County, attempted to cress again despite the warn- ings of friends and was drowned. A special eession of the Dominion Ex- chequer Court is in progress of Yetorboro', where Chief Justice Armour is Gulag the Dominion for $20,000 damages for ontting the Trent Valley Canal through his farm. On Friday evening, during the electrical storm, old St. John's Chnroh, Aughrim, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground with all its contents, with the ex oeption of a large Bible and Prayer Book. There was no insurance, Up to Jnne 20th, 15,000 excursionists from the let of Jane have visited the 0. A. Col- lege. Monday there was over 1,000 from Brussels, and over 1,C00 from Kincardine. All speak highly of the institution and the treatment they received. 'Mr. J. P. Whitney, Q. C., M. P. P., lead- er of the Conservative Marty in the Ontario Legislature, is oomtemplating another ser. ies of meetings in the province. He will probably begin speaking early in autumn, and deliver a number of addresses in West. ern Ontario. The Moncton, N. B., Transcript well says: -"Not one charge of corruption or dis- honesty attaches any expenditure yet made by the Laurier Government. What a con- trast to the olden time, when each session brought forth a fresh crop of scandals es- tablished on irrefutable evidence!" The Mount Forest Confederate says:-rn another column of this issue will be seen the the notice of a birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNeil, of Mount Forest. This makes the 23rd child of which Mr. McNeil is the proud father. He has been twine married, hie first wife having bad eleven child, en and his present wife twelve. During the launching of the new British first-class battleship Albion the displace. ment of water caused an immense mass of water to rise on all sides, completely sub. merging one of the lower stages of the yard and immersing hundrede of people. Thir- ty-four bodieshave been recovered, and it is estimated that 50 persons were drowned. The Postmaster -General has issued a not- ice requesting that the name and address of the writer or sender of a a letter or par- oel be placed on the upper left•hand oorner of all envelopes or wrappers with a veiw to facilitating the return of saoh in case they are not called for by the party addressed, and thus save sending them to the dead let- ter office. An unusual occurrence took place in Duff- erin County Court last week. The judge doubly won the customary white gloves, for there was not a Bingle case to try -either civil or criminal. His honor had no other duty to perform than to tell the grand jur- ors to visit the jail, report and go home. It was the least expensive sitting of a court that bas ever taken place in the county. How well behaved and conciliatory Ontario people are becoming in these latter days of the nineteenth century! BORN. CLARK -In Hullett, on June 18, the wife of Mr Robert Clark, of a son McLEAN-In Clinton, on June 17, the wife of E M McLean, of the Collegiate Institute, ofason CURRIE-In Goderich township, on June 17, the wife of Arthur Currie, of a son OATEN -At the Methodist parsonage, Bel - grave, on June 15, the wife of Rev F J Oaten, Ph 13, of twins -son and daughter; all doing well WILLIAMSON-In Wingham, on June 10, the wife of Wm Williamson, of a daughter ROBINSON-In Brucefield, on June 10, the wife of Mr Joseph Robinson, of a son MARRIED. • MURDOOK-ERRATT-At the residence of the bride's father, Hutlett, on June 22 by Rev C 0 Colleens, John Murdock of Ashfield, to Laura M, eldest daughter of It T Erratt COOPER-OLARK-At the residence of the bride's brother, J T Clark, Toronto, on June 28, by Rev Dr McDonald, Seafortb, Ogle ,I Cooper to Mies Nettie Clark, both of Clinton CRICH - NOTT - At the residence of the bride's father Tuckersmith, on Juno 22 by Rev B Clement, Newton Crich to Mies Eva, third daughter of George Nott MANUEL- HAINES -- At the residence of the bride's father, Wingham, on June 15, by Rev Jas Hamilton Mr liiah Manuel to Mise Jennie Haines, both of MoGREGOR-GILMOUR-In Wingham, on June 15, by Rev ,T4 Hamilton, Rgbt McGregor to Miss Mabel Gilfmour, all of Wingham MERSLEY-T]5RRIPF---On June 1, by the Rev J W Goffin of Gerrie Sas Merkley to Mies Maggie Terriff, troth of Delmore 1IARRISOfi-IIALSTTAD-At Godelloh, on , June 15, by the Rev M McKay, James R Sar. risen to Ida daughter of John Halstead, all of Goderich township MoNAMARA--RARN4n Seaforth on June 21, _by Rev atber McCabe James McNamara' to Miss Barn, both of Sea2orth DIED. BErinimsON In Mg$lllon oft . tette 10 . AgrlestIsabela,lroitngest&au8 oera(Willlabl and;fan4t UendatootivagAd 24,:Y9arr , ,. gitOd t - b reit 1'A" ,Tule 8, aisibot t 0#14, ; June 24, 18 ULINTON MARKETS Correoted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 23rd, 1898. Wheat, .. 0 80 a 0 80 Oats 0 27 a 0 27 Field Bal ley 0 40 a 0 41) Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Buckwheat 0 35 a 0 35 Flour per owt 2 75 a 2 80 Butter C 11 a 0 12 Egge per doz 0 08 a 0 09 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 6 00 'Sheepskins 0 50 a 1 00 No. 1 Trimmed Hides6 50 a 7 50 Potatoes 0 45 a 0 50 Pork 4 73 t} 4 85 BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. Liverpool June 20. -Supplies of cattle were shorter the last day or two, and the market is in consequence firmer. To -day's quotations were: -United States, 510; Canadians (Lon- don), 510; (Liverpool), 510; Argentines, 5d; Ar- gentine sheep, 5id. MONTREAL LIVE ITOCK MARKETS Montreal, June 20. -There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 310 calves, 400 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir to -day. The weather was delight- fully 000l and the butchers turned out strong, but trade in cattle was rather slow as the butchers wanted a reduction ma prices, which the owners of good cattle were not willing to consider. Thinish stock are being offered in increased numbers and the prices of these are declining Prime beeves sold at from 41c to 4 c per lb, pretty good stock at from 840 to 4 o per Ib, and the common and inferior begs s at from 21c to 3jc per lb. Good calves sell well. Mr. Levesque paid 4'45 fur seven good calves; he afterwards refused an osier of 816 for two of the beasts. Common calves sold at from 51 50 to 45 each. Sheep sell at from 3c to Sic per Ib. Lambs at from ;+z 50 up to 28 75 each. Fat hogs sell at about 5c per lb, Commercial Notes. HAY ABUNDANT IN QUEBEC -The hay crop in the district of Quebec promises to be an ex- ceptionally good one. AUSTRALIAN WHEAT CROP. -Good rains have fallen in this colony, and itis estimated it has improved the value of the wheat crop of Vic- toria 11,000,000. Pone PACKING.-Thepork packingindustry in Ontario continues to ttract ttention Not only are the big establishments doing business in Ingersoll and elsewhere in a pros. perous condition, but another establishment is contemplated. Mr. Whitworth, a member of one of the largest firms dealing in pork and bacon in Liverpoo', England, is at present in Western Ontario louking for a site on which to establish a pork packing establishment, the construction of which is expected to cost 850,000. UP Go Houses.-- The war has practically doubled the price of horses such as the United States Government uses for artillery and cavalry. Prior to the war the Washington Government was not a large factor in the horse market, buying only to replace losses, and then through contractors. Now, in order to get the large number of animals needed, the Government has to send its agents into the open market. Two months ago the War Department was paying from 460 to $75 for cavalry horses. Last week at East Buffalo agents paid as high as 8135, and they bought few, if any, less than X120, WORLD'S WHEAT CROP.- The "Mark Lane Express," in its weekly review of the crop situation, says: -"The warm weather comes in time to help the wheat, which has reached the critical stage, but the most that can be hoped is an increased acreage to balance the decrease in the yield. Rust has invaded the wheat fields of 1 rance, and heavy rains have laid the corn in entire- departments, but it is still hoped there will be an average crop. There are good reports from Russia, both of the Azima and Chirka sowings THIS YEAR'S WHEAT CROP -It is estimated that at least 1,500,000 acres of wheat are grow- ing in Manitoba and the Northwest Terri- tories this year the acreage devoted to wheat in Ontario will 'be larger than usual, the New Brunswick Government is offering bonuses to farmers for growing wheat and in Nova Sco- tia farmers who have not had wheat on their lands for many years have planted it this year. Canadian farmers are not alone in the determination to put as much wheat as pos- sible on the market thisytar. American far- mers are making equally great efforts to in- crease tieir crops of this cereal. It is esti- mated that the wheat acreage in the United States will 1,e abcut 3,500,000 acres greater this year than last, and as the crops p omise„ to be particularly good, it is thought that the total will be over 100,000,000 bushels more than 1887. Argentina, Russia and other wheat growing countries have no doubt been stim- ulated also by tbe prevailing high prices to increase their acreage of wheat. Altogether the outlook is not very promising for high prices. Sale Register Farm of 84 acres, belonging to estate•of late John Eagleson, on the premises, lot 17, Bay- field concession, Goderich township. on July 6th at 1 p. m, Peter Douglass, W. Johnston, Executors. A heavy thunder and wind storm has done untold damage to the crops in Tilbury West and Rochester Townships, Essex County. Several buildings were struck by lightning. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. On Cutter street, rear of Queen', Hotel. Apply to C. MILN.S. FOR SALE Three head of cattle and a brood mare, draft. JOHN HOLMES, Huron !toad. PHAETON FOR SALE. In -good order. Can be Been on the premise. of tbe subscriber. JAMES FAIR, Clinton HOUSE TO LET. Good large house on Rattenbury street, with six large rooms, cellar and woodshed. summer kitchen, pantry, hard and soft water, largo stable. Will be routed theryp to permanent tenant. Apply to NEW ERA Office, or to JOHN H. WORSELL, Goderich. Duroc-Jersey Boar for Service. Subscriber keeps for service at his premises, London Road, Dinsley Terrace (just outside the corporation of Clinton) a thoro-bred Duroc- Jersey Boar, of good pedigree. TERMS -$1 at time of service, with privelege of returning, if necessary. Young pigs for sale at all times. WILLIAM ARGENT. TEACHER WANTED. The trustees of S. S. No. 7, Hullett. wish to engage a female teacher. Duties to com- mence after summer vacation. Applications will be received up to June 27 1808. EDMUND LEAji ADAM ELLIOTT Trustees. JOHN BRIGHAM Secy., Blyth P. , - GRAND TRUNK SYLWM HOME -SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS 2$.2-9 Return All rail or lake and rail. Manitoba Clinton to Minnesota and Dakota. Going dates +Trane 28tht return August 27th Ju'fy nth t. Sept, 2O0 July 1t9tlli "' Sept.17th 414ggage oheckea t►otongh. A,. O. > ATiillo2,ft t#. Arlt. ATif.0O `T, Or r. ,It 110DOZAELOMM OUittOX = Shirt Waist We show a manufacturer's full Oran': over 4Q varieties, in the latest creations Ladies' Shirt Waists, all new and Are atA stylish, showing colorings and mixtures: and combinations not to be seen at an' other store, and prices to suit every purl w . Hot weather Vests for ladies and n;s':;:,' and children. Cool Muslins, hands° Grenadines, and Summer Corsets all in stock.. Gilroy & Wisenia CLINTON 0,1 • FURNITURE H. C. BARLETT. We are pleased to state thatt our trade has been increasing right along, and thri goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a,;t Let tl large stock of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at'i remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite et;':,:- Couchee or Lounges, we can sell them obeaper than any other firm in this Coons'''.; ty. Kindly come and see cur stock before you buy eleewhere. Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repa,iring and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Is complete ate and u .-t - p i o date, and the cheapest and best attendants. Hearse and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country. H. C. BARLETT, - Clinton, P. S. -Night and Sunday calls at residence on Huron St., opposite Baptist Church;' Summer MilIiner Lower Prices . Is what attracts Better Variety ... to our Millinery Dep`r And the most desirable Millinery ment. See our 'mina Hats. You can get a Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very .1 figure. Before selecting your Summer Hat call and see styles and prices. We have a grand range of Sailors Wit Bands and Sashes. See our Sailor for 25c, Sailors and WIt11 ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,and Trimmed Hats from $1.50 to MACDONALD & SMITH, Clint Batter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEAVER BLOCK. Paris Green Season, . is here. It's time now to destroy the pests that are Sure to be found on vines and vegetables. Delay means a lose. Using Paris Green meank a profit. Pure Paris Green (Gov. Standard) is sold here at 25c per lb. It's fresh and full strength, and will positively oestroy the insects if used in a time. We are ready to serve you at "THE RELIABLE DRUG STORE." J. LJ Manufi cturing Chemist, --. 1 • V O M b i� D PLyslelpns' Supplies rale 011414410404104140 10064004111/410 lothing .. We now have a cutter and staff on the premise" and have every advantage and facility for carrying oa a successful clothing trade. We intend that every suit turned out by- our - TailoringDepartment shalt be a BUSINESS BUILDER' Every little detail shall have closest attention-nothe' ing shall be slighted. The best Linings, the bei':. Sewing Silks, and the best Workmanship shall go into every garment. Custonners will have over 300: patterns and colorings in '1 weeds and Worsteds fro i.',' which to make a selection. Our specialty is A Black Worsted Suit at $14` If the people of Hullett know what excellent value is offered in this suit, our entire staff would be kept busy on this one line. We claim it is as good'as you will see elsewhere at $18. SEE IT. We show a large stock of Ready -to -Wear Shifts at $4,$5,$6.0 and $8. Every suit good value at the price asked, and should any alteration be renuired,sticll as the moving of a button or the shortening of a sleeve, it can be done at (once. Youths' Suits, Boy8? its, Childs' Suits, full assortment. All Tweeds: at foo. more a yard will be cut free of charge. W. L. O INE The clash Dealer, toad