HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-24, Page 4, tp �1111-,Rl . I . " —:1,"V-09 ,-w 1"7-1T W ... . • I G. . sss.l 'ARE CLINTORt-IN4 , , ti ". :.. 1. 1.11 , _. in ysics an J. he Hone, second class in church, on Wedges4oy ev9,4ttpg, was twslm1no .ond Gifting» I Ph-W, y, W. and lin second class in Qluss� ce len by Miss Lave". tulle gayt an eu. �., �ialiqu'� ko till' "On. M' Ci. queen' for . �'�1. VY Ladd es , After the discussion y.Qne years, I Ma Miss. H. Rumball,'W10 class in of the subject, Miss Laura Biggam Y>eixpnszo $n>rxou.CL;NjoN Alun VARIOro Silxt q Ea�cron, r,--�. rV. d n Languages, Besides hie honor sung a solo. 'the monthly Consecra- OTHER Ea xsaz�Ar i1ToT$s. � � � ,F Monday was the aixty-:first anztivgrpary eta4nd Ali E, H, Cooper obtained the tion rneetintr is next 8u a evening, we shall be gglad to have oontributl( to Qu .W ednesda rat ht the s act i � of the ascension of nosR piotoria ��([� $ Sunda y ening, this column from any of our readers. If dlntri spacious is throtte of Groat Br�i i t0 file BARGAINS �A ti- Banker s Scholarship of • 7Q. Clinton and the business meetin the follow- groom °# . ritish Exchantre to n, Just after she [ # • j h > yep have visitors or urppae Koine away hotel; . oderic h, was #pled by t4 gather- had celebrated her eighteenth birthday, the, j students uden is seemed to ave established a in Wednesday, yourself drop in and ell as, or send us a ' f errnanent claims on this scholarship. Mr Findlay completed his work on note to chat affect• frig of R ersons repre§entin both poli- modest maiden, by ills death. oP $ing Will - g I - . 5 i' bliss H, Rumball deserves credit for Tuckepsmith circuit, last Sunday, and smith' Kilt sent Sunda at Reveall, l p .rues, assembled to do honor to was thrust into the white light of amp• *- j the successful Completion .of her Uni• Y t Y l' Y the new Lieutenapt•Goyernor of the reme aathorrty, TherO was a memorable lett for his borne near Itincardioe on , Wellele White' returned to Chiea , M, C, Cameron, look of ceremony, the wasphra o'er of the A .,TUNE 25th, returning varsity course in spite o£ considerable Y Y goon Northwest Territories lrrai.ri daynyenine. F Monday; he is a fine yotltt man, and , dilliGulties. She Can claim, we be- Saturday. Esq., before his de gortentous event tells ua, attendin the WALj " if his health holds out will be a useful patture to assume brim in of g g • Neve, the honor of being the flrs� "girl worker in• the church of ' his choice, Israel Ttiylor is in Torotttp this weak on the duties of hie office. The chair was g g the mesas a which cabs the .I 11 Yl], n Da+y raduate" who matriculated from the ,His work will be supplied for him next business• occupied by W, Proudfoot, President timid girl to the to task of rater Clinton school. Sunda • of the West Huron lberal Associa• of the greatest empire that has ever existed. atSlaglo Faro, going Juno loth • y, Mr Foster taking Alma ap• J. W. Irwin and wife are visiting friends tion and the Vice,cha b R. flolmeS lag -July 2nd a4iaa Fare and WEDpED AT TORONTO. -Two of pointment, and Mr Murch, Turner's. at IIineardine. ' Y PAPER Di th y #hut 2nd, and re popular well known and exeeedin ly The friends of Rev, F. Oaten, Bel- Mies Glenn, of Usborne, was the gest of Seated on a thQr side of tOf the he Chairman Quarter Sessions rnini;T111x 4th, popular youn eople were merits in grave, forncerly of Ba field will leach g The • e of aye a Procured at any time Toronto on Wednesday afternoon of with pleasure that he has secured a Reeve Hennedy thi, geek. were the guest of thb evening, Mr — o• x aural it and save' J. J. Allen and wife left for their new Cameron, judges Masson and Doyle, The following were the closing' cases AND a atatioli; this week, in the -persons of Mr Ogle couple of assistants. We are afraid Warden McEwan disposed of: - F, R. HODGENS, Cooper and Miss Nettie Clark, The they will hinder rather than help him home in Toronto on Monday. , J. T. Gamow, M. P. ,, Own dgen' O,'r.R., Clinton wedding took place at 52 Mackenzie in his pastoral duties, still he will r.ot Fred Hess, Listowel, has been visiting P. and M. Y. McLean, Seaforth. Af. Queen v. Oakes -Assault. Defendant Cresent, the residence of the bride's part with thein at any price. Con- a particular friend in town. ter honoring the toasts of the Queen was fined $255, and bound over to keep ��% and the Governor-General the' Chair- the Peace.INDO brother, Mr J. T. Clark, and the cera- gratulations are in order over ;he ad- Mrs F. G. S arlin , of Queen v. Jones -Assault. Defend- 4�tp4�Ci#,�1lulctlt# mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Mac- vent bf twins an his famil bo and P g Wingham, was in man read letters of regret from Hon, donald o 'girl. y-' Y town for a short time on Saturday. W. Patterson, J. F. Ltater, Dr Holmes,ant was fined $50 and bound over to 1�1 si trade-dneyTaokson„Pagel f eaforth. The bride's cis• Roht. Porter,kee p01- 0R.'Aodgens ., .•.•• 4 ter, Mise Mabel Clark, was bridesmaid, The Milverton Correa ondent of the Misses Wilson and Bell, of Glasgow, are , of Clinton and several P the peace. H c K °n * • 5, •.••••••.•. I.... 4 and Mr A. J. Morribh, of Clinton, was Stratford Herald saps - "Rev. Mr guests at the home of Jae. Fair, Esq. others. at then 'inability to be present. Queen v. James and Maurice Lam- SHADES I itplinttont Cp .............. 5 groomsman. After the wedding ser- Fear will reach his farewell sermon T. Jackson jr. is in Sarnia and Windsor The folloQvin�g are the letters of Dr hertua -Assault. Defendants were ams ”' "" 5 g Hol'ines and Illi Porter res ectivel fined $25 and $75 respectively; and a EFE Roy . 5 vice had been concluded the company, on tate Milverton circuit next Sunday. this week in the interest of Jackson Bros,, respectively bound over to keep the peace. h =Jae Cwjtohetl............ 5 which consisted of only the immediate Mr Fear and his estimable wife have Goderioh, June 2o, 1898 Vanatone v. PPrammer -Suit for Xipaimette . ,,,*,,-. 5 friends of the parties, sat down to made many warmfriendsdurin their Mrs A. Calbiok, of New weatminieter, It is witheaoeeding regretthatIflndmyself We have a few lines naranteed-A J Grigg... , , . 5 g B. 0., is visiting friends in this vicinit unable to have the pleasure of being with ou wrongful dismissal. Judgment for .Xis Podsworth .......... 5 bridal supper, after which Mr and Mrs stay at Milverton. The beat wishes g y' on Wednesday evening to "wish C}odspaed~to wrongful plaintiff, gfu for five months' Judgment of Wall Paper and es- godgensBros............. s Oooper left Toronto on the 8.20 train of the pe3ple of this circuit go with Miss Ida gnaokell and Mr. Patrick Rey- %5'01d friend, Mr, Cameron on the eve of his wages. pecialties-Jackson Bros.. s for Detroit and c Cher western oints. them for their success in the new molds of Hallett, spent Sunda with friends pture to ft11 the honorable position of The Queen vs. G. Sparlingg-incend- Window Shades, _ W'DFair'Co.... 1111.....,. 8 P in MoAillo Y Lieutenant -Governor of the Northwest. It iarism-sentenced to 6 months in Cen- , , r;i� Sons .............. 8 The NEw ERA, with hosts of other Held c f labor at Atwood. A• must ba some eatisfaotion to Mr. Cameron, tial Prison. f which we are Clearing !l?ayio friends,joins in wibhing them un- The will of the late Rev William Rev, J. Rose, of Inverness, Nova Scotia, alter his lengthy residence in GMr. Camerot- measured happiness. Birks, of Woodham, was filed at To- prid a short visit to his daughter, Mrs togiflind tisitithe ooarrles with him to s new' p B out at very much re - N ronto, on Monday, for probate. His Gunn, this week. home, as he undoubtedly does, the friend'y JACOB TAYLOR duced pI'lces. For W1, THE VOL'UN'TEERS. -The members of estate amounts to $5,719, of which $150 rood wishes of his political opponents as well - the 33i d Battalion left here on Tuesday is household effects, H,059 in debts, $1,- Mrs. McRoberts and two children, of as of his own party, Clinton, Ont. ' SC, 7L� and 10C, we afternoon, by special train, for the an- 190 in life insurance and 8,900 in Lindon, spent Saturday with her sister, Iam, dear air, yours sincerely General District Agent for the ItIDAY, JUNF. 24, 1898 1 nual dril), at London. In its "camp stocks, all of which goes to the widow, Mrs. James Young. W. J. R. HUMES. .Can give, YOU Very Clinton, June 20,1808 Confederation Life insurance Co notes" the London Free Press says:- with an income frons the Methodist Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Westoby and Miss I am in receipt of your's of the 16th current, For titratford and Goderioh, inclusive. All in choice Papers. For neral riiontbs we have been The officers of the 33rd Battalion are:- superannuation fund during her life, Stevens of Blyth,Sandayed at the residence in which you very kindly invite me to be pre- formation relating o insurance gladly given: 5UC 55 Ma'or Varcoe, Goderioh commanding;then to four sons and an adopted of Mr. Jae. Stevens, sent at the banquet to be held by the friends Money to loan at reasonable rates. t e and 60c , t1-1 o sacrifice, editorials to ac- Major Wilson, Seaforth; adjutandaughter. P of the Hon. M. U. Cameron, Lieut. -Governor J. P. Tisdall and family are away Por of the Northwest Territories, in honor of that we are Selling Some 1. local flews:. No doubt this Capt. C. Dunlop, Norwich; Surgeon The arnia Observer thus alludes to gentleman on Wednesday evening next. I' D. L. MACPHERS their holidays, and will spend their time in re rob ver Q�T s ecially choice Win - vantage tcr..%,he reader, but we Holmes, (hon°rary lieut.•col,;)paymas- a Huron boy. Rev Dr Medd gave a Montreal and Quebec. ab�etoatte dubeoauaeit old.oeitainly be ter, Capt. Hayes, Seaforth; quarter- ver y y g Fire Insurance Tow Shades. t ke , little more space ecce- y tot hesttng and instructive ad- Lester Whitely la ver gratifying to me to shake hands with master,Major Beck, Goderich, No. 1 dress to the Y. P. $. U. E. of the Can- Y yed with the Easter my old political antagonist who, like myself, Representing- t . Compgny, Goderich-Capt. W.Holmes, tial Baptist church last Monday even- la-3rosse team on Friday, in its successful has now withdrawn from t'he arena of active Alliance Assurance Co. PAPER radon; News advertises "Ladies Lieut.. Chisholm and Gundry, Nr, 2, inn on the subject of "Friendship." game with the Lnann oleo. more nndrto exB Ase o him bm is Hosie wish North tMr t fell and Mercantile Ins, Co. t Wingh m,Capt. Johnston, Lieuts,Van- rhe attendance was very large and Hr and Mrs James Fair, or., leave on an that the discharge of his high duties may Mutual Fire Ins, Co. TRIMMED it tion hose worth 20c, for l0c a stone and gent. No. 3, Seaforth- the wet ds of the speaker were listened extended visit to Scotland on the 7th of bring to him a fame truer and greater than OFFICE, - - MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON # �1"16- nuat be, quite a feet to sell Capt. A Wilson Lieut. Jackson. No.4, to with the closest attention. Hie de= Jul The sail from Montreal. even his many victories at the polls in old BLINDS Clinton -Capt. Combe, Lieuts.Spooner liver is deeply im ressive and he Y y Huron have done. Although I was for Chir- 7I*Y�T�1 kthe hr, , ut perhaps London Y P Y I? Mrs. Geo, Levis and her two children vis. teen years Mr. Cameron's persistent opponent CANADIAN PACIFIC RY HUN ! y h P. P and Bruce. No: 5, klruseels-Capt. Mc presents his lessons with a quiet power an four general elections saw us standing ! alar- ­thein thattsize, Possibly Taggtirt, Lieut. Grant. No. 6, Exeter and earnestness that is most effective, rte3 her brother Win. Jenkins, of Holmes- on many platforms face to face earnestly dis- a y r,n, anyhow. --Capt. Rance, 'Lieuts. Davisand Bune, vil e, a couple of days last week. cussing the various and sometimes exciting vPILL RUN AT RETURN FARES (in town.) Notwithstanding the shower of rain questions at issue between us, I am pleased, Deloraine - ! -� 11 No. 7, Potters Hill -Capt. Shaw, Lieut. Mrs Hoare, of Stratbroy, who has been nay, I am Proud to bay that f r bin. please , �an1P Reston - 3t1?gdfat,cler on Saturday morning, the Pr•imrp q s yman has been ex N o,rebler: No. 8, Gorrie-Capt. Kaine. Class and Junior League picnic of Rat. visiting her doaghter,Mre Tisdall, for some . personally I entertain only the kindest foal. Seel�erS' Este"van - - !I No. 9. Dungannon -Capt. Young, g P time, loft for home on Saturday. Ings; and i frankly acknowledge after repeat Binscarth - $28 ��ii A tofu the Nova Scotia Confer- hien}, Vwrcoe. Of the three bat- tenbury street, held in the afternoon, ea encounters that that qentleman's talent 60 Da Nioosomin - w•CUoper V!•Co• aase� ,e failed,to,imeet his ob- talions in camp, only one, the 33rd, was well attended. A number of the Rev. W. Rigsby, President of the London for success has compelled m y Winnipegosis bpect. That o P Y Profound re - 1 to:',l "Sm sa from Huron, wears the red coat the mot hero were present and looked after Conference and Rev. 6.Bond, Ex -President, y ur hearts maybe gay and your EXCUCS10nS Regina - �' people. If the + voices in tune while chanting that old social . l �34 P Oxford and Wellington Rifles having the little folks, many of whom spent a were callers at the NEw Ens OFFICE yester- favorite -"For he's a jolly good fellow" is the Mooaejaw - J — -r-- was aide to pay, he should I he black uniform. * * The Huron large part of the afternoon paddling day. hearty wish of Yours very tinty TO the Yofkton be 'expelled,. but the law Battalion, with nine com antes, has and playing in the water.' All pro- W, Foster anA wife left on Monde on a g ROBERT.' ORTF,R. Canadian Prince Albert t �3� Your eye e Y Before drtnktn to the health of "the Calgary - S worth 22i of the rank and file 9 buglers, 27 nounced Mr Couch's fiats an admirable holiday trip down the St. Lawrence, and Lieutenant Governor of the North NOrfh{{'est Boa Dear _ 40 work fifteen 1osnpeL him .o. meet his'liabili .corporals, and 27 sergeants, making Place for a picnic and desire to express intend to remain for some time in Quebec west Territories," the chirman read a Edmonton - - ' } .�! hours a day, pifiA's position should excuse the strength close to 300. The band their thanks to h m for his kindness in Province. Going June 2a, Returning until August 27 • y �' and any - Svkohgdoine, which comes fromSeaforth is2lstron ' opening his grounds to them. Mrs. Arch Matheson ofAppalls,complimentary address from the Libe- (Al' rail or S. S. Alberta) Knowin thing th a t '" g' GARDEN PARTY. -The ladies of St- w.T., and den hter Jean of wi nieios- rats of West Huron, and when Mr Going July l r3. Goin Jul 14 g t1aAak3000— W neesarestrand- LAeRossR, - The junior lacrosse Paul's church have again decided to g Winnipeg Cameron rose to reply he was received ( lira') (S.SAthaybasea) will help pital, and two grandchildren are visiting with applause Returning until Sept.12 them do their work is worth know - team, of Clinton, played a game with give one of their much entoyed garden friends here. minutesp use that lasted for several Goin ,joyl9. Returning until September 17 ing. Of course I can't tell yon mach ra f4rid't'eegrapli Creek, un- the juniors of Seaforth, on the Recre- Marries on the rectory grounds on next Messrs Elliott and Chambers of the (All rail or S. S. Alberta) in this little space, but if you come wx rd' dr to get back, be- ation grounds, last Thursday evening. onday evening, June 27th. Unfor- Wingham Times, and Matthews, of the Mr Cameron said he came to Gode- W. JACHSON, Agent, Clinton. in and see me, I'll tell you all I The a tunatel the absence of several of our Toronto Globe, were callers at the Naw rich 43 years ago, and in the second know about year eyes. I don't know +wagon road, pact of the Yu- game was fast and exciting Y throughout., but only once was Clin- own band at camp has,forced the com- EnA office this week. year of his residence was elected a it all, and the man who thinks he , I protect, has not been ton's goal in any danger, and then Sea- mittee to look elsewhere for entertain- member of -the Council, subsequently does about any subject nearly always f>Sa" "f�is may be, there tea forth scored their only goal. The boys ment. The Goderich Bund, 20 Arron);, Vis• Thom, of Winnipeg, (formerly Mise filling the position of Reeve, and also • knows the least. on both sides played cod lacrosse and will enliven the evening with their Muriel Redmond of Clinton,) I9 viriting that of Mayor. Nearly 30 years aeo �� like ., but it, and that is the gaup a fine exhibition of the national sweet stirrin strains. A ftrst class ) he entered Examination free. �� P Y g friends at Wingham, and as ehe.eapeots to political life in South Hur- ►es ii, t'94ee-to Oanada.'be- game. ,The niateb, which was witness• gramophone has also been secured be in Ontario some time, will likely visit °n. and when' he told them that dur- . ' Spectacles as low as ,'s1. e Senate's '' pposition to the ed by quite 'a fatga crowd, resulted in which will give ascore or more popular her Clinton tri nd's. , � ing his career he had fought eight gen- - • • Satisfaction guaranteed. {xrld wa People console fai-or of Clinton by a score of 4 to 1, selections from the verandah, The C� ealey Fletcher, foreman of the job eralfelectione, two blye-elections and y yin g h Seaforth-Bell, W H rounds will be tastefully decorated department oP the Galt Reformer, who, six r°teata the i1 gee with BU r5 Optical Department 'b :; th kin t at the Sen- and Willis, ewes g f , y would agree e countrT, but they do riot MCKaY, Hays, Cline, C. Bell, Hertery. and lit up, with colored incandescent with his wife, has been spending some him that he was entitled'to a rest. In 4 biwtheflist thing about it, weir, Morison, Broadfoct, lamps, and altogether a very enjoyable time at the home of hie father•in-law, J, his contests he had done his level best; 'COOPER'S Book STOR 111.1 knows whether the lands Q futon -B. Dayment, W. Whitely, evening may be looked for. (7ro)1, left for Galt on Saturday. he aye no quarter and asked none; ^to 4ie taken in payment for P. Couch, N:.'ltusii?JOne, J, Clarrid e, he did not believe that in all his politi- n Saturday Ga>43NT011I g F. Davis, Gusioins Cjollector, Wingham, cal career he had ever inade a A lip worth one dolljyr I H. Cr9rdotl; A. Shepherd, E. Dayment, Tuckersmith was i•i town for a short time on�Wa nesday, enemy; he cherished no ill-willtowa personal 1N �ILLINERY. lv����'w��'�'�`' o al ss . McMurray, P. Matheson, A. Cook, NOTE95-gra ,n. - Pearson, and son, he I suing ,come to meet his wife and dangh- anyone and hoped none was cher ished t -- • -. W, Armstrong, George, of Stanley, and Mrs J. Plewes the who were returning from London, where toward him. He had, possibly, said et j`llmks comes to the de• The Juniota went to Mitchell, on visited here last week; Mrs Pearson be- the latter had been undergoing. treatment. things in his earlier career that he re- �- tetllate,, and thinks it is a Tuesd ,y, and played a friendly game ing a former resident of this lace and I netted but he had always believed in 20 Per cent. Off On all . exceedingly P Y 6atnrday s Globe has an illustrated g ' Y our Trimmed Ilats. Merit `thins Successi with the L crease team of that place g y well liked. we are always group showing the Oegoode Ball Le the principle that "a spade should be ri lnfititl tion because it de- and, thoungh overmatched both iii leased to welcome her in our midst.- and Literary Society EXeontive Commit' called a spade:" Entering on a review nitron'railway bill. Trine size and weight, put up a plucky fl ht; Mr Wm. Bell has received a call to tee in which we notice J G. Stanbnry, son of the political and national history of 10 per Ceht•, Off 011 Sail - w1,; ell whether that was a find though not victorious, they had Oartwri, ht congregation, near Sarnia, of Dr. Stanbury Bayfield, who is rreaearsr the last 30 years, as related to Canada, P a4nM41-- wry the biggest share of the game. The there are three stations, he has not yet of theoommittee, hes howed what progress and develop- Or WalkingRats and all Un- got .� But will our co- play was entirely devoid of those die- accepted the ball; he is a graduate of had been made. Now one after the a ft Mrs. E h: Batt and' 'two children' have trimmed Bats.' ,�11 the,. emote did not greeable 'fe�t�res that generally Knox college, having finished his A other of the leading politicians had characterize a lacrosse ams such as course this year. Mrs Dick, of Mcgil• returned from a visit to her sisters at Chat- dropped out of the scene of action un- Call and see our stock Of STRATFORD, ONT pgtVers and kill the C. P g to is Ilam. Mestere Will and Alfred sports fine PPictJembera of the House •'kicking," and "slugging." The ball Pr visiting at the home of her P til onlythree i� was before.parliament. was faced at4.15 p. m., and Mitchell daughter, Mrs W.C. Landesborough.- whe91. Ur. Will Batt took a ride to Bay. Iwho were in it when he entered were Ribbons Veilinas etC. etc. This school does first-class work in every ' Ona ad of•,the ver beat scored the first goal in about 45 min- Miss Rhoda Landesborou h attended geld Saturday evening to his anole's, Mr. t b t t department, and enjoys a large patrons e. P y+ in it when he left, He would carry gg �' utes. Then Clinton secured the ball the Y. P. S. C. E. convention in Wirp;- Robt. MOIlvebn. liway with h;;n the - most kindly feel- A Commero;al School of the highest g.ado- in rife rAq$?�* I?•,�$ered to immediately after the face orf and ham, as a delegate froric Turners John Scott, of the end of Btan14why — none better in Canada. Students can enter church E g y, 1• Mgs towards all hid supporters, oppon- at any time. Catalogue free. and-eguip;,that road for ten scored in their turn in short order, Epworth Lea ue-we trust that, has been at Preston Mineral gl+PIQ9 Por eats, those n ho had stood so nob y by s than, she It, terms. This evened them up and neither side like Caleb of old, she will bring back a several weeks, returned. home Ari Monday; him through good as well as evil re- MISS I3ILLIER W. J. Ehratt, Principal succeeded in scoring during the rest of ood report. The stonework of Mr R. he did not experien;,e the relief he expect- ort, and hoped, when his term of of- y i' an op)aortunity for the Seu- the play, The following are the la �P , althoupH ' e er a barn is now completed. ed • no says that others who were ce, that he would come back to spend play- pp P Stand in Clarendon Hotel Block. •� �r��4"Pik 1w lisplay its usefulness --but it ere:- �'VEDDING.-A very pretty wedding i tbera rot X.'umatio ailments did receive his remaining days among the eople .� If itta an comfort to the Mitebell-G. Becker R. Jones N. took � place at the home of Geo. Not* p . y Davidson, on Wednesday r ) benefit. who had been his staunch friends for F. McLaren, S. Stewart, L. y afternoon q y y--+-'XIR T—WO -&. CPS irnaW it, we might tell it that tiVhitty, E. hicks, E. Coppin, P. Babb, was charming'y bean'' - ,,,.r, that Laet week John Mar urs, of Goderioh so roan ears. - no; ute,forthe.Senate, even if P, ,Stewart, J, Fraser, Davis. tails. The bride - «trttl iYi all its de- township, received word of the sudden At the close of his speech Mr Belch- ator w T -m 1 .•• 17x§ Mia- Evel N tt death one of his brothers at Uxbrid a er san ,The march—1, th C - t . aaa t era . In gen- 'voe'i10 ,Practical purpose,. is Clinton—W, Whitely, P. Couch, A. I Cook E. Dayment P. Matheson W, and the yn o I. g'Cgt91'n Newton Cricb, both life g , from nerve paralysis; he was about 45 g o e ameron Men. s' 0 no elle; and in our opin- just MCRae Ii, brordon E. Cook W' ' ' ' illc- l; �g[ Fesidents of this township, and held in years of age. Another brother, from Pick- is The following toasts were then drank ntly, would be as well J - a . � Ddurray, A. Sheppard, W. Arwstro . • J. lar j. ga9 `'g' ',5tfr very high esteem. The bride looked charming in a dress of brocade ering, this week spending a few days with him. At and responded to, all the Speakers making flattering reference to 'op. �� •4. _ white satin, standing on the the annual meeting of the Good Tem- the guest of the evening, his _- -- �, . - - """"�'" lawn, beneath a beautiful arch of ever- P Lars in Peterboro last week Rev. J. W. ponents acknowledging his luck and g' g p r 11111�00 It'00&1'News. ehureh ehimem green and roses, supported by her sia- ter, Miss Pethalda Nott. The Andrews, of Londesboro. was elected as Grand Counsellor, and also as an alter- cout age in apolitical sense: "The par- liaments of Oanada'-John McMillan - The regular meeting of the W. C. T. groom was supported by his brother Uharlea, nate delegate to the Supreme Grand Lodge; M. P., Horace Horton, 13., CTJp The Hr !lbt3:a Herald a 11r,; stt11$g ing existence II. will be held at the home of Mrs John Stephenson, on June 30, at 3 p.m. while Rev B. Clement pronounced the E. L. Farnham, Constance, was chosen as ea -M. P., J. T. (farrow, M. P.P., M.Y. McLean, ex -M. ge It started, was this week r, deG A ehattle mortgage. ; There will be no confirmation class fateful words that made them man and wife. The presents were botb one of the auditors. Miss White left on Tuesdayinterests".-A. Pfrom P. P. "Commercial and a ricultural MCD. Allen, J G CW nt , r vVas an'y' occasion to start "er in St. Paul's church Thursday, owing to the absence of Rev. Mr Parke at the costly and beautiful, and testified am]?- ly to the esteem in which the bride 18 del hia, tiolreted b F. R. Hoens ( p g 'l A. Saunders, Reeve McKenzie, Ash- field, H, Morrie, J. Sievinaon. "Munl- d, to Brussels, for there I tract far two in a vil- Synod. held. About 100 guests were present, pehloh point she ea ects to o to Ocean g Grove for the summer; she osloulatee to „ - cipal interests Warden McEwen, Al ' o illation. The 11t1td foQur, i rent proprie- Revs Millyard, Clement and Pocock were s M the delegates from Clin- many of them from outside places. After the ceremony a dinner that was in "marriage be awe two or three ears at least and will be missed in the social and church Mayor Thompson, A. P. McLean. "Government and County officials" - years, orf evidence In itself iltrfeB# ware not paying. toto rhe onvention at Wingham- Monday and Tuesday. reality a feast" was serv- ed, and the young and happy couple circles in which she has been an active worker, Judgge Masson, Judge Do le, Ira Lew- is, W. Lane,. D. McDona d. "Learned CAIN. -- James Fart- some time ago rest Church has a The Ontario street P' olnted Rev B. Clement a delegate to P g received the congratulations of theft friends, on their auspicious entry into James Higgins, Sarnia, and .T,ohb T, Currie, of East Wawanoeb , (brother Professions" -De Shannon, E. Cam - pion, M. G. Cameron. "The Press"- ole, Gttndr ad much y attend the Provincial Tem erance Convention married life, in which the NEW ERA law wishes to cordially join, of Job Cooper) were in town on bust- 1f ) last Mr Cnrrie A• M. Todd, H. W. Ball. "The, Lad- . r fes' B. Grant, Songs tr has about finished one Peniitentiary, was up be- at Toronto, July 6t Rev J. T. Kerrin and family, of - GOrretance Hess week. made the to- mark that in the pioneer days Clinton was a in were inters eraed b Alex, Saunders, y Alex. S JF Y J. Logan, as. F. Thompson, Mr Cie. • •iston Judge the. day ofstealittq the horse,and Mitchell will go to Bayfield about the first of July, and spend a month camp. their CHURCH. --The sabbath school anni- scythe market town, and if they wanted a or similar article, some member of worth, Sheriff Reynolds, Jas, J. Doyle H. F. which be mWd his escape p,. The, jildge sentenced ing and fishing at that summer re- versary services last Sabdath, conduct. the ed by J. E. J. Millyard were very a.p. in family would walk bete for it and back on* day -a distance of over 40 miles. And Moore. The crowd joined hands in "Auld Lang gyne." `t' P lin s i .� Y t the end of Itis sort, xhe Expositor says: -Rev. Mr- ropriate, the afternoon bean articu- lar' p interesting e ' e tin to g Ei Y iz the children and Thos. ]Pearen of Morden, rd Man. who i s t , r the his daughter, NoTEs ' Piper McKenzie, P M e, of I�intail and the ati present wart, of Clinton, preached excellent the evenin vet r apending g pp practical advice to summer with 1 Mrs phi lipa;l of Hensall, was calling on orchestra, a, supplied music during the • otx will find some inter- on 2 of this is- sermons in our church on Sunday last, He was exchanging with the Rev. Mr the young pee� le from the tent "IS the pp hie Young man AFlsalom safe ?" NOTES,W-MISS old inion friends this week He for- ' merly resided on the London road, and eveningg. Mr flameron • , accompanied b one of his daughters, nt'We page raid on the street leading beef Shaw. The Salvation Army will hold their Minnie Muir, of Clin. ripearen's ton, spent a few days last week with Corner Church" was for ears on the of his father's farm; now it does will leave fort a west by the early train next bsda . hair :tiled and coyer• tells on loadingstreets open air concert on t4Wednesda the 29 j� nth, instead of Thurday. a'or her aunt,. Mrs',G, Stephenson. Mrs p service Andr"ew, MrS Millsoll and Mias SChoaleel as a stable.. blr Pearen hlis been a Clinton was represented by Mayor nted Holmee Clerk Costs, Jae. Smith J. r ted likewise; it Is manes Arid'„ Clerk Cciata takes Cao J in char Southall,. Inthe Provincial officer, tvtll be spent a few days At Ocderich and tit• resident • P engaged tended the Dan Godfrey Band concert. when of Manitoba for years, and was in 4 rming until a short time ago, be sold out to kin sen, and took up Wiseman, A. MCGarva and W. J. - notate Y• tatne &bees. of-gg tow the; fat .af July,-. f int .- till 'ticiuity alfa Auburn correspondent of the dodetfnh Star is kind enough to say:g Misses Ida Britton and Lottie Cook mere ill Win ham Tuesday his y and Wed- 'nesda,y residence in Mordon. The• (locked hat, sword and suit sup- posed P , ed to be worn by officers of state, • elCaln the ,. Inted . yellow Instead Robt.,Holm'es, Clinton, proachedon Ehf5 Circuit last Sunday, Mr Holmes as delegates to the Sunday `�ennol and E. L. of d. H. convention. Huron Alex: oorrell, ono of the, pioneers of and formerly of Clinton, but who ,will licit, we believe, be worn by Mr Cameron, who believes to democratic , l warms, having work= is a stood speaker, should be either a has been residing with his daughter in simplicity. ear, life VOW 06114111tH idea and• coneoctirl sx preacher or stn M. P. Willis Presbyterian Church . Sab- Goderkli ToWfis>ahi)p Toronto, friendo, NOTES.• -Mrs Jas. L, gterlin acid � is ,hors on a Visit for his old who pre p easod,to see him looks • Darin the est twin weeks T}Sa World's reporter During the 1po live stock t�lar7tethait inter- tlieitieelVCS of their - ` bath School has changed ,the day of its picnic from the to the 5th of ` children of Pickford Mich, is ing he het father Mr Jas Beaco Messrs ' q! a , so well. For ,marl to his $Oth year, is expopptionally'notive. He-, Apent five lits dangh,ter, Man Cowan, . viewed man of the cattle men from All arts of Ontario as to the 'oro nos ecta, p p Arid w. -AX the reet'fitTo, '• examinations the, July, and it will beheld it Bltyfield on the latter day- Messrs. Davis and ge- Coal to weeks Wise and •Robt. Beacom rif Pickford• Mich, are vfoftlnq'fie dei aro ' Mount r 111 1... _ r h and here. oured with ati Forest, where Mr Cowan . had bon a ood'. drug . buisinem. witil ticket _p' f 6 r m one and all he received the same , answer, thin for all kinds of rain the have Y t� of the Cl(ntott undertake convey the p0gple acroso., STAA`ivBitttz )r F1gsTty 1G. --A stra y At W and . g , telephone, agendy. Althdugh bis never ,roan e.Poh a ros oeous outlook for a . A thtl honor lets of ears " ' In, y G, neraloq� and Rt'v Mi' 1'dCdCk will beGu ' t e ul- py h pit ai Liza Baptist church, nn Sun rf pp y; be" try festival and 1MY.11 social wlll be friends held .under the ausp(Cea of Bethel Jtlethodiat GlAderich township, tell, , elsewhere ttge bim vrolli hit C:lor- i says there Is no plane lie likes do well boon lfal b i arve:st as there 1s at the, present tiszia. "1`helsiill trop; aepieoiaily clover, of ailktni{r;1r aim l mritvtlons } drat otrtstt its ,for, the a last tl�nt►e In hie Cripat ty us.Isns• . Church , viriellipr ae on,the lawn; of lid-t� °Jd n Co h x oft the Olinton., - ,_ y . ' and never in the 1)fs�q, of, ,h - rovidoiihasthereboeH y`, - T" x 1 4w , H. Aied9!'t+Y1-L",- for. His- Subject Ili ttie woruin , ill g rov, be "'Gt7hal doe71 a Bat)tiryt stand ibtK?,I v@ ;r a min a l�[anda Junt3.27t1 Te Wll,1 "ta ' hf'V tr'r' a+' 64.&-)AtAaf: ,:L#J .........- mrtrk vr.nafitir8' ,A#. A 'naf tttoinn ' fiiw . b oohgearyil re of a hef►v . yield, all 4hew,i it lfwtr iir.trr. Ts, rn..:,t Ai „ h 44 ' , nieeqovenfoilo '4; bil In Hats t. 0• we lead. This is our specialty, and sul*ting we'have them in all sizes, style and prices, from the 50 cont 'Fedora up. Our Business Iles " In the spring the young We have the Newest and Prettiest man's fancy turns to ar Goods on the market. Spring; Suit, and as suiting - Good Cashmere Sox at 25o. per pair. is Our business, we guar- antee to make him a Suit. EVERYTHING NEW that W'Il suit him. Cloth And Up-to-date in our store. We and price will be suitable. have no old goods. A, J. MORRISH, Clinton. i A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.. 11 , ' There • 1R no rm Work about it. The Shoes here advertised are ithe - 'bi gest money's worth you ever saw. We could h ` g y have,', Bold them e at regular prices, but our way is to sell lower than regular rice if we buy lower than r g p y Anular rice, andas often as possible you will get them at ppittl r ,. prices than anywhere else. . ,' . . You should see our Women's and Men's Shoes at $2 and $2.50. They're examples of What you +cam ; et when h y �'t,::� �P $ the tloLls are properly bottg;1,t. ' • K , . .n,a,, ., 111:1 •.., ,- ,,. ►c 0►aa.J t �. r LL rta►rp►t i►111s1� Ifet�1e>Mfl I