HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-24, Page 2r r z CLINTON NEW ERA the ptople day by day, reminding them that the costly piles nelther give rip in taxes to Ciesar that which is Ccesar's, nor evenyield to (II4 tuoney . lenders that whIs: h is in toe bond. All this being incontrovert- ibly true, it is not strange that con- ferences tire now beginning to deal with miliien-dollar schemes for raising money, instead of directing the atten- tion of the preacher and parishioner to the gentle teachings of the Saviour who had not where'to lay his head, whose work in this world was not de- voted to building churches, comprom- ising mortgages, or raising a superan- nuation fund for his apostles. Church work appears to be degenerating into a money -raising and money -spending scheme, and an ocean of debt appears lo have engulfed the flood which poured from Mount Calvary. Arid if the saints be so absorbed in the arith- metic of their private gains and church donations, is it wonderful that those outside the blessed pale are satisfied with the undilutedly weak and beggar- ly elements of the world. Spraying Fruit Trees. For five weeks agents of the Ontario Department of Agriculture have been giving instructions on the sppraying of fruit trees at thirty otcha,rds in differ- ent parts of the Province. Reports sent to Dr. Orr, Superintendent in ehm-ge of this work, have just been re- ceived at the Department, to the effect that fungus is now appearing upon ap- ple and peilr trees, and threatens to do extensive injury to these crops unless checked at once by spraying. Insect enemies are also more numerous than usual this year. Apples, with the ex- ception of the spy, have set well, and where properly cared for 1 here is prom- ise of of good crop. In spraying apple trees to check or prevent the spot, use the Bordeaux mixt ure,made as follows: Copper- Sulphate, 4 pounds; fresh lime, 4 pounds; water, 40 gallon4. Suspend the copper sulphate in five gallons of water. This may be done byputting in a bag of coarse matei ial, and hang- ing it so as to be covered by the water. Slack the lime in about the same quan- tity of water, 'then mix the two, and ad3 the remainder of the forty gallons of water. Warm water will dissolve the copper sulpphate more readily than cold writer. If the lime is at all dirty, strain the lime solution. em Pa _` Br ma you Ch br I icl to has W bu Mr la no to th has wh cal ce do ho fro th we. ad ed n at Th th Da do tai ro CIO bla of to aw titohHll. and Dublin, mails closing as 1. The tariff has been teviaed In the , seen outside of California. In their cam- 1.,1. .-_ ._-..--- --.----. rgr:lilLish Isles and European coon• xeildbd,to be forwarded by New York, yA,•/4.l.n./1.n..nmPA,nn4..H.L ,lecti®n Petitions Matters in the unrest. -- a I ne. t I -- BY E. T. HOLtIE6, CANADIAN GOVERhUr - i Only L' lgllteen Ontario Pro- TRAVELLINe AGENT, ST. PAUL, MINN. NA�P S tests Will Go for Trial -- Q _- St Vaal, June 10, 18+J8. J i All the Other Forty -Seven To Be I have just returned from a trip to Man - Df#. e ed with Great Britain. The French and Belgian treaties, itoba and the Northwest tsrritoriol. I feeding. The Advocate had said:- i lnrithdra�vn want direct from St•. Paul to Edmonton, �...NTFI4S.,CLAiR ur_.. ,'A RIVER) a -- to look after a number of settlers who were ferential tirade, were got rid of its soon as it was for our Government of the United States, who have written to going up to take up homesteads. While at �"['����r At a conference in Toronto on Fri- Edmonton I drove to Fort Saskatehew%n, ♦ day morninir between counsel repre- which is headquarters for the Mounted @ .: -Its $ : scolio Liberal and Conservative par- g P Police. Down on the tiver bank I saw miners placer mining, and thought I would t1,1ki it,. will cost School : ties, with three judges, it was arrang- try my luck; I succeeded in washing out 0 4%II4, others for a course sed that of the 65 Ontario election pe- enough flower gold to have two nice scarf dt}p rtment during July qat. titions, but 18 will go for trial. This pins made. All along, from Rbd Deer to Edmonton, there is an abundance of the perW eek will secure you : number may be increased by one or best farming land in the world. I talked t$Corlvetolinrtioulars. p two, but it is not likely. to o man, at Wetaekimin, wbo told me that he went there four years ago aid just I in The petitions that will go to trial are bad fifteen cents when he landed, and to - A. S. NI IMO. i as follows: day has 35 head of cattle, 12 horses and 75 I i 1n,049t !.I e,+•l.••+.•..•..•.....•.....................•.. g rainst Liberal members - North 6 aeras in crop Anolher man I talked to at St. Albert told me that he had last year 60 of breeding the r o er type of ho u- g P P YP g' 1 Perth, East Lambton, South Welling bushels of wheat to the acre; I was inclined Iotoll Post Office. ton, Halton, West York, E'tst Norl h to doubt his statement, and he soon proved 'TIMETABLE. _ umberland, South Perth -7 it. It is really amazing how successful settlers have been. I endeavored, (but did :" MAILS CLOSED Against Conservative members - not succeed) to find one settler who was s 1 , ,. A.M .M5 Centre Simcoe, North Hastings, Duf- not prosperous. At Edmonton there are no homesteads nearer than 30 miles, but I;ondon and S. W. Ontario . - I am and Hineardine19 7 00 55 4 00 6135 feria, West Elgin, East Elgin, South there is an abundance of C. P. R. land h�p'2,468 1.4 Q cern 5.5P. & N. W. U.S. J.'atiq,•Buffalo&eastern U S 7 00 7 00 405 4 05 Ontario, North Waterloo, North Ren- close to town that can be gut at $3 per, Sore, ori very easy terms; they tell me that for who was as much surprised as she was _&points east&nrth7 00 4 355 frees -8. 200 miles north east of Edmonton the land 12,622 _x"Il hiotitreal and Ottawa... 7 00 235 There are also to be tried cross pat!- cannot be equalled for fertility. Cattle s+ '',,4306 1 Ks -:.k1Wba, N W T and B C Seaforth.. 700 7 00 2 $e 235 tions in Duffel hu, West Elgin and graze out all winter and are fit for beef in the spring. I honestly believe North AI- Tu this the Spectator replies as fol• 't ekQrd and 2,831 2,831 51;583, 55,161 South Ontario -all against defeated berta is the finest farming and grazing 3.36 3.97 ,P.o tiita 9 S& N oP Stratford 700 2 35 Liberal candidates. country in America. Edmonton is a nice 2;212 2{590 i,Miteltell and Dublin.... 7 0012 10,577 19,259 9,289 4.78 452 3.59 live town of about 3500 and has six eleva- one settler a day, besides the settlers we handle from other agents in different ...Gloderich.......... Llican' crossing, Sarnia and to up 4 800 A Striking Record tore, From Edmonton we went back to Calgary, in the neighborhood of which o ..,,.,futormcdiate points... Undesboro & Belgmve.. 7 00 9 55 4 05 -- Parliament was finally adjourned there are large cattle ranches, Here I met Mr Neil Matheson, formerly of Clinton, Cei?s ,open to the public (holidays ax for the year Monday afternoon. Much valuable work, apart from the who is an expert oattle judge, and gave me a good deal of information on cattle and from $.0,.m to 7 15 p.m. but holders o O�Ij e'eiceoss to the lobby until 8 p.m V careful administration of the depart - horse ranching. Calgary is a nice little Ordgrrand Saving Bank office open ,bl; cents, has been do:ie by the Liberal Government since it came into power town of about 4000, with some very gwd buildings. After leaving Calgary we went I;fOt2 registration must be posted half bt, foro olosing to mails. less than two years ago. It may not be unprofitable once more to briefly to Brandon, which has a population of 6000, and has the finest lot of driving and 1vTATL - SUMMERHILL -Every glance at a few of the achievements of draught horses I ever saw in a town any- y'b,ai Oriday, arriving at 5.25 and leav- Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his colleagues way near its size; here wo visited the Model sAI1»tn. during the short period in which they Furm,which is a model farm in every sense A 6)&Y ONLY is mail despatched hate been charged with the tonnage- of the word; they ba we bedgas all over the is"offlce to Lndesboro and Belgrave, merit Of public affairs. farm which are as fine as any I have ever CLINTON NEW ERA the ptople day by day, reminding them that the costly piles nelther give rip in taxes to Ciesar that which is Ccesar's, nor evenyield to (II4 tuoney . lenders that whIs: h is in toe bond. All this being incontrovert- ibly true, it is not strange that con- ferences tire now beginning to deal with miliien-dollar schemes for raising money, instead of directing the atten- tion of the preacher and parishioner to the gentle teachings of the Saviour who had not where'to lay his head, whose work in this world was not de- voted to building churches, comprom- ising mortgages, or raising a superan- nuation fund for his apostles. Church work appears to be degenerating into a money -raising and money -spending scheme, and an ocean of debt appears lo have engulfed the flood which poured from Mount Calvary. Arid if the saints be so absorbed in the arith- metic of their private gains and church donations, is it wonderful that those outside the blessed pale are satisfied with the undilutedly weak and beggar- ly elements of the world. Spraying Fruit Trees. For five weeks agents of the Ontario Department of Agriculture have been giving instructions on the sppraying of fruit trees at thirty otcha,rds in differ- ent parts of the Province. Reports sent to Dr. Orr, Superintendent in ehm-ge of this work, have just been re- ceived at the Department, to the effect that fungus is now appearing upon ap- ple and peilr trees, and threatens to do extensive injury to these crops unless checked at once by spraying. Insect enemies are also more numerous than usual this year. Apples, with the ex- ception of the spy, have set well, and where properly cared for 1 here is prom- ise of of good crop. In spraying apple trees to check or prevent the spot, use the Bordeaux mixt ure,made as follows: Copper- Sulphate, 4 pounds; fresh lime, 4 pounds; water, 40 gallon4. Suspend the copper sulphate in five gallons of water. This may be done byputting in a bag of coarse matei ial, and hang- ing it so as to be covered by the water. Slack the lime in about the same quan- tity of water, 'then mix the two, and ad3 the remainder of the forty gallons of water. Warm water will dissolve the copper sulpphate more readily than cold writer. If the lime is at all dirty, strain the lime solution. em Pa _` Br ma you Ch br I icl to has W bu Mr la no to th has wh cal ce do ho fro th we. ad ed n at Th th Da do tai ro CIO bla of to aw titohHll. and Dublin, mails closing as 1. The tariff has been teviaed In the , seen outside of California. In their cam- .wndoraigned.. Leave or. ders early. MISS MOURE, Over Beesley & Co's.late s6ore Albert Street. 0,g rgr:lilLish Isles and European coon• xeildbd,to be forwarded by New York, interest of the whole people. Duties on commodities required by le room the have an immense lot of p Y grains in bottles and glob9s, which I don't As to Hogs. ha his dye wiNtten oil the top 1$ft hand corner ola ,, , Xkw` Y09R. the masses have been decreased. The free list has been extended to thiol tau ba equalled in the' States the geasses they have in this room have been The Hamilton Spectator takes the ter to Places. wanting shingles will and it to their advantage to ask' such articles as binder twine and barb- carefully cured, and are the most beautiful Farmer's Advocate to task for souse of for iq't .veil al. Statistics 1 p ed wire, largely used by farmers. Preferential trade has been establish- shades of green. The manager of this g g farm certainly deserves deal its remarks concerning bogs. and hog- and - _ .,,�tfllowing atatistioa are taken ed with Great Britain. The French and Belgian treaties, a great of credit as the place has only been in pro. feeding. The Advocate had said:- ur e 1 1- ... ort of the Bureau of P which prevented Auglo-Canadian pre- grass for about G years, and its reputation can be judged from the fact that farmers Dureng the past year we have heard deal in Canada cid th fetes,,;. nd Will be of interest to ivhphke to study figures and ferential tirade, were got rid of its soon as it was for our Government of the United States, who have written to a great about. the super- lative merits or demerits of this or that cra c s' ,.,; possible to make the necessary representations the Minister of Agriculture, at Washing- ton, for information as to where the best food for pork making; but those who understand the situation best know to on „ .o v 1- m Id � m Wb 9 ro m to the Imperial authorities. Free trading colonies are, with the seed. wheat can be procured, have been advised to get some from the Model that the high position attained by Canadian bacon in the British market ag th hips 's_ • ' $ o. m a i N W„ Motherland, given an advantage in the Canadian to the extent of 25 Farm, Brandon, and they could not fill is due to a long and intelligent system I in House and Lift for I9alO ° m t-+ -WP • .N p °'" a market outside countries. half the orders tits bad received, the Y of breeding the r o er type of ho u- g P P YP g' 1 The ilRM)LEY GARRieT:`Ov Co„ Limited, i M w3;85s„69,830 a • bas stone collar, large dining room xarlor, AG LINTS tW AN'I ED. bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one - p et cent. over The Manitoba school question has number was so great. Wdwent to Winni- dicious feeding and management, and th *�' `."1;$25'34,016 Life Toronto $1,699,855 1,086,890 912,531 6,673 $9 7979 3,ss been settled without resort• to coercion peg, but just spent a day there calling on old friends. Of conraeI went to see Hattie, subsequent skill on the part of our packers, It is a strong combination pai h�p'2,468 1.4 •84,785. 52,292. 1,.519,077 7,727,425 9,728 13,425 9.94 9,79 in accordance with the promise of Sir P who was as much surprised as she was that has put our pork products in first dot „ fr, ,, ss 54,289. 1,931.850 12,622 338 Wilfrid Laurier. pleased: I saw Will White, Thos. New- place. din s+ '',,4306 1 Ks 2S1s 67,515 2138,219 59,479 1;998,100 13,443 11,571 3.12 4,2E The fast Atlantic steamship service has bee h Strap ed for. l g march and Will Sbane, all of whom look well and seem to be doing well. Tu this the Spectator replies as fol• he ha op 2,831 2,831 51;583, 55,161 1,846,960 1,783,131 9,5x1 11,251 3.36 3.97 A special steamship service is estab- between Canauian and We send'from Minnesota on an average, lows, in part:= Th :i'', ,rk.,''•2,00 litlT 2;212 2{590 49,319 66,742 40,861 1,662,370 1,799.769 1,948,726 10,577 19,259 9,289 4.78 452 3.59 tinted porta Manchester, England, by way of the one settler a day, besides the settlers we handle from other agents in different It will be observed that, the Advocate Ives the Canadian,poik packers credit to up y,r,:,as39 i'' ;.'.s, -2,U7 35,511 42,687 1,0,18,000 1,846,100 6,387 9,532 2.73 3.99 g reat canal. Improvements have been made in states, and one thing surprising is the amount of money some of them take into or skill in their business, They de- serve the credit. They are skilful and ho loo ,1,.1 ;W,,' 1,774 2,156 41,7x4 41,685 1,1e7,ss0 1,123,875 6,575 7,803 $51 3.42) the Immigration Department, and this the number of new comers enter- the countrywith them. The Government know their business from to to hot- P is B 45;239 799,483 28,2,141,306 168'84 3.73 yea, in Canada is larger than in an sic!- g g Y - considers that every good settler that goes into the country is w3rth at least $1,000. tom, and it is rather odd that the Ad- vocate shonid set its opinion up against ar au y��- ,jA451 I.;,,.,.'3;766 900 1,000 599,490 1,n58,540 11,tis9 25,131 4.88 Gs7 lar period for many years past. The Franchise Act has been repealed It is rot only homestead land that is being theirs, for t he packers, to a man, credit th 1 a:_ •`':: 2,411 31129 550 640 645.475 528,220 16,553 10,928 3.87 4.85 and the municipally compiled lists take taken u but a r p, great amount of govern- merit and railroad land is being bought. the superiority of the Canadian pro - duct to the feeding. th fiaivnsi j<o;457 3,080 2,825,745 69,b81 5.95 the place of the discredited statute. The Yukon old fields have been g People will be more than surprised when p p Now, .w0, da nLt profess to know rec t>u 11 v ..; 67`1 1,761 86,191. 1,179 1.76 opened tip, and the welfare of those P P the official report is made of the number of Settlers who have into Manitoba gh at hogs --certainly ono fid - .f'j 938 - ' 440 422 204,615 294,249 3,887 6,125 ' 414 5.18 entering the territory has been well looked after, while the public interests gone an the Territories, and there ie ever in- Y do to Dae as an atrthcrit and no doubt to pose s an, P Y the Advocate man is quite able to gold tw "rriri -17� >,,.,,;, ; .. 4g0 1,017 502 X93,450 109,7W ,135 1,601 3.98 3 49 have been respected hn the legislation die tion that the influx ne2ri year will be much than an revious twelve up his end of the argument without ►n lea 9fl+, t1 ;2,043 4,142 1,188,201 19.930 9.95 p assed, in so far as the Senate has not the greater g Y F s'months. The Dominion and Northwest any assistance from the News. But, as a mere statement of fact, it may be ab l . taxation er head in the p destroyed the effectiveness of pol- icy of the government. The Dominion Governments are doing everything in their ower to et the country settled with a p g mentioned that when the `ganada D ab dbti hbry ,for 1896, was $4.14; I6*0r:than any previous year has been recouped b royalties on old P Y Y g miner, fees and customs revenues. good class of farmers, as is aleo•the C.P.R. Packin Company began business here they distributed' among neighboring w �xtif. 1896 212 steam boilers township a d 103 in 7ra< P Jo Le relation tae been :lvssed re air- g P q • Ing, that alt dairy packages leaving The Boards of Trade throughout the coant.y are folly alive to the interests of farmers a number of boars and sows of a articular breed -we do not know P B1 le let liWAti,the .11��gf'the county. In I896 the .• • s in, 3 I spent $2118 in law P Canada must be stamped Canadian, +. or "blade in Canada." emigration and entertain delegates from the United States in such manner s0, they call ed BantaJersey Short- whether they Pwerelymouth horns or YlymouLh Bitntams-the pro- pit w v4000 for the support of the tber charities, nearly $75,000 (old storage of farm and dairy pro- ducts has been rovided for on Cana- P were never used before, and -when- re- tarn to their respective homes never fail to p gent' of which they were prepare to buy at the factory. It hxiay be that'hnd Th 1110040�,1615education. The assets than railways and steamboats running toll their friends that the Ganadhans are•„„ the finest, most sociable end law abidin• g there were stipulations as to feeding- for lvt'shi s amounted to x]62,000 town, jp �ht� 7{ttiillties $113,000. Clinton s from our ports. P The rate of interest on money bar- people on earth. It costs a person' notlr there certainly was as to weight. From thin it may he fair to conclude that ch $6 $171.7 on its streets that year, rowed in Great Britain for Government rag to be courteous, and they are inear• iably rewarded in some way or other. both breed and mode of feeding are no :mote: ,than s ent b anv other p Y The iia- purposes has been reduced from 3 to •LJ Just to give you an idea of what CanadiansEnglishP factors in the production oft' bacon for the market. From that point we •: 7, __ _ ft. assets and ,es of the towns in Huron are as per cent. The United States alien labor law are thought f in to States: St. Paul and g Minneapolis combined have a populatitru of view both of our contemporaries are f by an 4'' • was met by a similar Canadian law. is of 35,000, 30,000 of which are Canediarie- in the right. ,ht. But is it not trite sat- P q° P° ble that some old fanner neighbor of no Assets Liabilities Mutual repeal of these statutes now expected at an early nate. and I have been informed on ood' authors each -both, we believe, are facrners, no di *'"""" �. __ $ 42,S70 172,563 --_ $29,5(10 138,221 Theo opening u of a vast mining ter- P g P g ritor in British Columbia to the trade v it that moat of the beat positions bore gra Y p held by Canadians, for the simple reason that, as a rule, they aro more to be depetvsl�- equally guilty -may be able to glee them apointer or two. -London News. 3r1ch7 .... fit ',::r 74,229 59,160 of the east., and the bringing w it. g g ed upon than an American. 'llbis is a .... - sriu.'.,.. 62,37.4 65,341 easy reach of a glowing consuming public of to large deposits of COSI in great sporting town, baseball and theatres Chancery SittinOys. the Crow's Nest Pass has been accom= being well patronized 7 days a week. ACTIONS TRIED BEFORE J.IISTIOE EEIIOLTaOrQ LAST Q l3 twm Court Business pl.8 _d. wEEIr. I ` c,`Fi0wing particulars concern- li,ailway monopoly rates on the western division of the Canadian. Pa- Some Suggested Truths. -- The Chancery sittings in tb®Hirth Court ri e d17uTt� in Huron are taken from cifie Railway have been broken,and at- "Don," in the Saturday Night, speak- of Justice opened on Monday,. May 30, be- of hit ?pf6 ::the Division Court In- fGY'•'x 7, just issued:- rangements to have freights very con- siderably I educed were made, ing of the proposal to raise a million fore Justice Ferguson, when, the following oases came up for trial:- e '• ,cs a v The system of superannuating mem- dollar fund for the Methodist church, Muir vs, Squire et al. -Action to set aside is fi „ l o m „ c � ,, bers of the civil service, largely at pub- gives expression to the following,which the will of the late Valentine Pframmer, # ! .' ,;,b4. • 0 ��'g o.y I g ono lit expense, has been abolished. The bill for legalizing the taking of a �, is worthy of deep thought. Don, by Colborne, on the grounds that testator could not understand English and that the m sin , a �, •S r, h plebhacite c n the prohibition question has been passed. the way, is a minister's son. "It same was not interpreted to him by a per- bon understanding German. The action w t e Rail must be remembered that the be v a ., The Government Intercolonial spirituality of a church cannot he reek- was dismissed, coat of both• parties to g �,g;735.85 $t,085?4 23- way has had its western headquarters in Montreal, thus being put in ened upon as likely to survive million. paid out of the estate of the deceased. Mee- ere. Wallace Nesbitt and Danoey for plff. , -,�: ,, :$6,641.13 1,924,84 7,397.21 2,001,91 28 placed a position to effectively compete fora to from the dollar booms in a conference and seven- t five thousand debts on sin le Y• and Maser& Garroew,.Q. C., and Thompson for deft. ,? m ,.,;.; ,.V: 1,533.47 1,012.34 4 fair share of the traffic and seaboard which the great Canadian churches. Take, for instance, the Bell vs. Herr.-Aotioa to set aside acon- • , ?„i1 2;612,32 MS. 1,191.60 3:18.44 6 2 port commands. has Broadway Tabernacle y , ,bialy owes in the neighborhood of $75,000; tlowcan veyanoe as 4radnrlent. After 25 days from for 1]oti ���: 6913,6 31? 06. ,40with +_o 1appointedvise 0 4 A joint international commission been t meet And de a the meek and lowly Nazarene be prop- Y P date, judgment ordered piff,, setting aside conveyance wi coats Philip Holt Y P m„'5,001.46 2,476.37 2,417,44 1,476.66 9arty 12 settlement of all disputed questions worshipped in this palatial pile of bricks, mortar and mortgages? How, for plff. and.. E. T for deft. Tp by der a ;.,;;, •.' 2,X76,61 964,54 3 that now exists between Canada and the United States. indeed, can the congregation look one old . -Action Dalton vs Asbfield Michael Dalton against township for dam - ti'.,. Y+222.33 537'84 3 The total exports of Canada have another in the face and contemplate P the of ea mt�eh an the dollar ages alleged to have been caused by the .., .' ; 1,337.65 265.17 -- been increased to $146,000,000, or $36,- payment as a compromise with their creditors? corporation eansing an undue quantity of jest morning, after a 000,000 more than in the best year that the Conservatives held away. Isn't this getting commercial slipperi• ness a little too near the altar? The his land. Judgment or water . Sow for served. Holt for plff. and�R, C. Hoye for A p . ;-Ptiday tiff illness of 61 months; the Ag es . Isabella, youngest �illiam Janet Hen New grain routes have been orened up, and Canada is now carrying a of the cereal, of the church was built when there were plefty of other churches in Toronto, deft. . Palmer vs. Palmer. -Action to recover legaoiea and annaitles. Coate reserved un• Of and �., -nth Conn Mcli.illop, took its greater portion continent from her seaports than she both Methodist and otherwise.' The idea was born in the pride of the human til accounts between parties have been L , . oc.oa. ed was born on the farm 'iledtedandwas consequent- ever did in her history. Not a bad record for a Government heart, in the extravagance of eelf-eeek- ere and the folly of emotionalises. It settled. Smith vs. Smith. -Action for alimony, at14 favorably known in the She 24 years of that will only have been sworn in two on July 14th next. Dut ing the is not the:only example Of church -build• be found in Tor- postponed until next sitting. Ronald vs. Tbomas.-Action to compel t�,'; was 6 014180 Of death was an ab- years ensuing three years of this Parliament In madness whichcan or o. The evil of It all lies in the dam- deft. to insure. the Ronald Fire Works at In. the ,fh;gh, which defied the Deceased proportionate progress will doubtless age done to true l eligion and the exces- Brussels. Hie Lordship gave decision that deft. keep insured the mortgaged premises wi, . n�.Y' pttobalithee. - Robert Hen- be made. a sive burdens laid upon the poor and in accordance with the agreement. Messrs. ofd . g{gtq0�, tdl Me ( ' {+ngpp A ppeculiar cir- -- Mr D. I3• McLean, of TuckersmIth, religious, who struggle with pitiful patience to pay more than they can Garrow, Q. C,, and Sinclair for plff, and p Holt for deft. �y irgs4 tl3ttt< "s I.Ieilderson's brot#ier>111d 2t r. Henderson's and Mr Win. Murdock, of -Stanley, re- turned last week ft•om their trip to really afford towards the maintenance of edifices which are neither an honor Murray vs, McIvor,-Aotion to recover a legacy, till P. uisi;er died Within 24 hours of the old country. They took four bar Glasgow. The to God nor benefit to the people. Destructive to the humility which postponed next sittings. tl Y, P p tl Holt for pill. and W. C. Loscombe for deft. 1"s •• tidibn C' for ]Dada of fat cattle to had a good voyage both ways, had the alike should chaVAicteriz0 the followers o the honesty those hip disease, salt rh,um, dys cp. Scrofula, pp tStvh Lo good for no i o strike a good market Christ and of who other diseases duo to iconic blcod ,y ` . - e both well Ot4t- for their' C tIe, nun areL-0 isill d watlx 'htlilr trip, should incur no debts tvhleh they can- not t�a't' ttleeb great churches ettlro at s!0, and are dared by »cod's Sarsaparilla. Yo '. 1, a " L , 1. . 11.1 1, ��­' . I , ... ��­' I .1 I ..''. I . . f 1. I .1 1- 1. I . . i i,Y, " . @'' :' iC y x43e_ �� ., . , , , ' - ­ I I I �, .1 1, , . I . I " I I. I . I L I I _ . . ..- -. .... , . . I I L. I . .1 ll I I . . ; I � I I .•e .,. i�q..%. I I" ,vi: ...i�.., ....., a... . I p - - w - - , _ Nerve us�ness Oats Wanted MERY KINCI THE CAUSES IN EXolnNGE TUFT GREAT NERVVM TONIC 12 ibe, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats re herbs and celery -nature's Dore for nerve dls• 13 lbs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats ars. Sold by all druggists. Largo packages, zyo. y GODWARD )ABDIVINX GO., TORONTO. CANADA Crisp County Clippings East Huron Fall Fair will be held at ussels on Oct. 1.2, Mr. Christie has been aplfointed post- ster of Exeter. He is a popular un roan. Nic olas Horton has sold his farm at iselhurst, containing 50 acres, to his other John for a good figure.. t is our sad duty this week to cbron- e the death of Mra Hanley, of Kirk- . Deceased was in her 91st year. Mr. Sam'l Leggatt, of Whitechurch, a traded his farm here with Mr. m. Rendall, of Wingbam, for a good sh farm near Colliogwood. Mr. John Chilton, who has been with . J. D. Long, of Winghara, in his undry business for some time, leaves xt week for St. Marys, where he will ke charge of the lanudry'business in at town on his own account. Mr. James Baird, jr., of Brucefield, e returned home from Montreal, ere he has been attending the medi- school for the past term. He suc- eded in passing the closing exarnina- na, and will spend the summer at me. James Speir, of Morris, comes to the nt with a record for having lambs at will not be Pasily beaten, He ighed four of them, the first being av short of 2 months old, that turn - the scale at 91 pounds; 2 weighed 80 ands each at 2,i months and another the same age scaled 75 pounds. ese are exceptionally fine lambs, as air weight will attest. Ole day last week Hartleib's block, shwood, narrowly escaped destruc- n by fire. A gasoline stove in Pope's lot shop exploded, setting fire to the om, and damaging several suits of thes. Assistance was willed and the ze promptly extinguished by means old rage, etc. The escape was a nar- es one. Joseph Tewsley, of Carlow, passed ay on Monday afternoon, at the e of 82 years and 7 months. Deceased I been ill for ,some, but just before death -was apparently getting bet- and so far recovered as to be able sit rip in a chair. He took a change the worse, and passed away very ddenly. Mrs, F. J. Knight, of Exeter, on Sat - day evening met with a painful ac- ent. She was in the act of lowering e window, in which the glass was eked, when it slippedi. and in order prevent the sash failing heavily up - some flower pots, she put her- hands age the glass. Both hands went rough the pane, and the window be - on the descent, the glass curt ,the eks of both hands, almost severing e arteries. The wounds are- very nful. About two weeks ago the 1i;3 yeav-old igh'ter of Wm. Cook, of Henaall, appeared, and h%s not since been and of. The night she is supposedt to ve left was a wet and storhuy one.. e.young girl was raised by a gentle- an and lady who adopted- her, but on their death Mr. Cook brought her me. As her return is now being. ked upon as doubtful, some•anxiety felt as to her whereabouts. There e letters in the os -o p t ffice for her, I should this item come to her notice e girl may profit by claiming them. The Expositor says: -'•It is not often at we have ani thing of this kind to Ord from the township of McKillop, t we have now to announce the eer- y of a man who has left a wife and o children, and the folly of the wo- n who has cast her lot with him, ving a kind hughand and comfort - le home behind. One Jaynes Me- onald, who came from Goderich out a year ago, to McKillop and. ho has since lived on charity, lately mo to Winthrop. About two mo agn he showed the reeve a torfrom Dr. McNaughton, Brussels, rporting 'that he was not able to, ork, his -lungs -being affectedi and at he was not likely to live long. is letter created much sympathy r him, -as be had a wife and two ildren. The reeve gave orders for worth of provisions, but, his lungs t being so bad as to cause death; he nt to Seaforth two weeks ago, got a ery and drove ottt to the 10th con , d Mrs Weis left with him, leaving a to for her husband that she would t return. ' ales, With Hood's Sa,"a n0, T � I k Ila,//Sales Talk," and how that this medi- ae has enjoyed public confidence and, atronage to a greater extent than accord - any other proprietary medicine. This simply because it possesses. greater Brit and produces greater cures than y other. It is. not what we say, but hat Hood's Sarsaparilla does,,that tetla, he story. All advertisements. of Hood's, arsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it-. ., are honestl. We have never deceived) ,e public, and this with its superlative• edicinal merit, is why the, people have, biding confidence in it, and buy Hood's Sarsaparilla( 'At to the exclusion of all others, Try it, repared only by C. I., Hood 8r Co., Lowell, Masa', Flood's Pills withlHood s 5arsav milia -A FILEE- SCHOLARSHIP a 11IIgL itrade n11R111Paa COW% is wet h inhtg. ENTRANCE and LEAVING con- atos for the next exhmintttlon have the chit this year. By writing io the ENTRAP. BUSINESS COLLEGE OT TORO\TO Sting namo, address teachor, school and ich examination, nil lnformatiglI about corn- Ition will be eboorfully furnished, Mention a paper, Address W. H. SHAW, PnINCa'Ar„ n 4, Gerrard $ts., Torofito', Oats taken in exchange for Groceries These are our present rates, but we don't know how long they will continue. 0.OLSON9 •i - Clinton IT PAYS TO J . . ;; r Are You Aware of the Fact that TheCanada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Is doing more for its pupils than any other Business College n the Dominion. 43 pupils were p'aotd in two months. Stu- dents from all quarters are Rocking to this worthy business school. Besides a large attendance from Chatham there are already this year, 93 pupils registered from outside Into. 60 oil them from points nearer to other business Coltegee than to Chatham. We presume these people investigated the merits of the different schools, and decided that nothing but the best would satisfy them, henc3, they are here. Write for catalogue of other departments and a list of the 43 pupils placed in two months. D, MoLACHLAN & CO,Chatbam AUCTION SALE -OF- Farm In Goderich Township. The farm belonging to the estate o4 the late John Eagleson, being lot 7, Bayfield conces- sion, Goderich township, will be offered for sale on the premises, on Wednesday July 6, at 1 p M. It contains 84 acres, 44 of wh•iah are cleared and in good state of cultivation 40 acres good hardwood bush, unoulled, griocf frame house with out buildings, bearing or- chard, s ring creek; farm 2 miles from Bay- field and 7 from Clinton. TERMS: -10 per cent of purchase money down, balance in thirty days. The executors• hold a reserve bid on the farm. If the farm is sold, the stock will be sold M the same time. • PETER DOUGLASI Eaeoutors, W. JOHNSTON Goderich township, June, 1898. CHESTER BOAR ,tor SERVICE I will keep for service on lot 25 con. 4 Stan toy, a thorobred Chester White Boar. 7terms-- 81, payable at time of service. with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. HILLSIDE STOCK FARM. For service -The highly bred short horn bull 19th Prince of Thule; also. the large, improves{ Yorkshire boar (Regulator) first-class ped_igree, a prize winner bred by Mr. H, J. Davis, Wood- stock. TERMS: -Bull, $1.50,. Boar, $1. Fees in advance, payable v0, ce, with privelege of return- ing if neeessary. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS. Clinton, May 27, 1898. PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET -T . FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAME& SCOTT, Barrister dw FOR SALE. Factery and contents on the pproperty of D. Buchanan for $125; by guying $15 down and balanee at $10 a month Building to be re- moved-, Apply to J. SCUTT, Clinton. HOUSE TO RENT. Thelarge frame dwelling house on Albert Street,.late-y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half an acre of land. hent moderate. Apply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. HOUSE FOR SALE. Mr.. D. Robb offers for sale his brick house on. Rattenbury Street. Persons interested map apply to him on the premises or to W. BRYDONE, barrister. CL1o7,F,A,, I ff x .413 and Lot for Sale. A frame house and quarter -acre lot on the corner.of James and Maris. streets, Clinton; good brickwell, baric I4x20 situated near the G. T. R. station and Doherty Organ Factory. Apply to, JOHN DERRY, Clinton. HJUSF. TO 'RENT. Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north o rent at once. (flood half -acre (garden ana bear ing. orchard, with promisee of lots of fruit. Rent low. W. MOORE, Sewing Machine Depot, Huron Street. Professional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT. Btarrister, Solicito CONVEYANCER ft. OfficeeIImmediately south of Gilroyy Manitoba. Wiseman We BRYDONI=, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC, ' Office -Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery CLINTON M: Cir, CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron i BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Office -Hamilton St oppposite Colborne House GODERIOH, ONT JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETO Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money tel lend on Mortgage and Note security, Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGNEW. DENTIST,-CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OH EACH MONTH . Office Hours -9 to 5. DR- T- C- BRUCE, BURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R 0 D S of Ontario, and Trinity varsity Toronto. Special attention given to the Preservation the natural teeth. O®oe, Coate f look, over Taylor's shoe etc,, N. Bayfleld every ThursdaHI visit y afternoon daring the summer . CLINTON MARBLE WORHS. COOPER'S LD STAND, Next to Conimiercial Hotel. This blishment is in full o, oration and a . order filled in the most satisfaetor way, Came cry annd granite work a specialty. Prices a boable as those of any eetablishn:ent REALE !k HOOVER, Clinton DR. WM. GUNN,L. R. C. P. and L. R- 0. L4 Night Balls at frontdoor or residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M, D. TORONTO M 0. Piv& S.,Ontario.tnar o D.CFellowcof t e Obstetric. Soofety of Edinburgh, late of London, En ggend Edinbamgb Hoepitale . Office. -Dr. Dowsely's old offibe Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell answered at the same place. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON A�coueheur, etc„ office and reeldence On. tario,ab.,.opposite English church, formerly oo cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. MSTANBURY, GRADUATE, OF , THH edical Department o1 Victoria URlyer city, Toronto, formerly of the HoslAtala: and Dispensaries, New York, Corone3k for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Out. . A c J E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGED •-Honorary,Graduateof theOntarioV.eterin College, Treats all diseases o1 domestfuatFd an male on the most modern and seientifie prino Was Office -immediately south oftheNow Ers Office. Residence - Albert St„ Clinton, Cat night orday attendedto promptly JOHN P'.. M;ILNE„ VETERINARY BURGEON baa returned tO Clinton and opened an office at tha•Q,peea% Hotel,, where be may be consult. ed fon the treatment of SII diseases of horses, ca„Ro ttlec. All calls, night or day, promptly at tended to, MARRIAGE LIUENbE„ ,rafl4ES SCOTT, SR. tesurer of M,arrlage Liaenaes, Library Room and Residence, Mary. street, Clinton. R. AMES OAM,BBELL, LONDESBORO, i1' ISSUEOF M.ARIUAGE LIOENSE$. No witnesses required D, W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OF Civil Enginee�r�rLondonl, Ont• OfficoSurveyor at Geand Stewart's Grocery Store,, Clinton. HATS REMODELLED. I. Hats. remodelled and deae over as good as ,new Pe ' rsone wishing work do --e inth CHOICE FARbI FOR SALE. is line will receive perfect satisfactiou on leaving their orders, with the - A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved .wndoraigned.. Leave or. ders early. MISS MOURE, Over Beesley & Co's.late s6ore Albert Street. land, on the 2nd con. of Stanle3 All but. 15, acresoleared, good frame house, frame barn, bearin orCharg g d, running water. Sititgted two . SHIN1Gr+LE�t .FOR SALE miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms. D. McTAVISH, Clinton.. Subscriber will keep as usual to best brands COTPAGE AND LOT FOII of,Rod Cedar and other Shingles at Blyth and Londesboro, agply to D. COWAN, at Blyth or himself at eithher Parties SALE. Places. wanting shingles will and it to their advantage to ask' The undersigned offers for sale a frame, eat- for prices. before buying elsewhere. WM• WHITELY. tags of four rooms with kitchen and woodshed Lerodesboro, F'eb. 18, 188,, 9 ubtached. Centrally situa• ed. Good water and drainage. Will be sold cheap. App' to W. C. BEARLE. - - _ ` WAN FED By Olsl Establishod House - Clinton Dec. 10th High Grade Man or Woman, of good Church standing to act as Manager � 1 HOUSEHOUSEICOR SALE.. here and iia allies work and correspondence up nee at their ho.tno. Business already built 0,p and _ $r2,2W buys the two semi-dotached brick established here, Salary $900 Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope for our terms to A.. P. Elder, General Manager. houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox• toll^Property. 181) Michigan Ave., Chioago, Ill the, houses and also vacant lots for sale. Money. -Private funds in large-aud small Rates low. . AGENTS.avinNb)IJanoamtr�ta;a. _ W. BRYDONE, Etarrister. ' "'Klondike Gold Fields," a large, cheap, vale - able book, selling like a BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR whirlwind. Beautiful ?roapectustwenty five cents, Books.on time BRADLEY-GARH.ETSON COMPAN1r;,�nnTgD. SALE _ Torouto, That, desirablo Brt31c Business. Stand on Al - r S . Clip bot t ton occti I d b Mr N R s 'for AGENTS offered sale, Including rear lot ands stable. The loaaton is one of the bes4 in Clinton. The "The best life of Her Majesty I have seen," ppropertyy is free from Incumbrance and title in- disputab?o. Price writes Lord Lorne about •'(Wueen Victoria." Agents make fi- a dollars dei reasonable and terms to suit purobaaer. Apply to GEO, STANBURY, Lon- BRADLEY-GARRETdON CODI�ANY, LIMITED, don Road, or address Clinton P. O pronto. Farm la r Sale or to hent. CLINTON The south half of lot 5, concession 9, Town. WOOD and COAL VARA. ship o1 Morris, containing 100 aeros, 80 acres • cleared and in good stats of cuLivatiyation. ?hero arc on the premises a frame house, frame _ Subscriber is proparod to promptly fill all or- rs fo dors for Wood or (?Dal whish will be barn. frame drive toast, good orchard, never- failing auppply of spring water. Situated I mils Blyth. Will be le sold at Stas. 00ice en Isaac Street, at LAdIS IMPLEMENT ROOMS, W. WHEATLEY from the villago of so:d on rea- sonable terms. App 1yy to C. HAMIri1'0N, B:•yth or THOS. R. Wit UT, lexeout r, 918 Princess -- ----- `GENTS -. Book businesais bettor titan I Ave„ London, Out. 1 yearspast;also have bottorand fastersoIll House and Lift for I9alO hooks, Ag •ate clear from $10 to $10 wookly. fewleadermare: "(Innen Victoria, "Lifeof M Gladstone," My :,tether's illblo Moriaq 11 "Pro. "Klondil,o The frame house on Rattenbury street, ,, immediately east off Lr. 1`om_inson s, 11, gressive y,'nkor," Gold 1''to'sfs,•'"We. man," "(ilimpsos of tho tinaeon, "' Rroakfast WnVior and SnpPnr,•" Canada; an A;ncyolapao• offered for sale on very reasonable torms. dia." licoks oA triple. outfits fico to oanvassors, The house is centrally situated bo ng only The ilRM)LEY GARRieT:`Ov Co„ Limited, a minute' walk from the business contre nrnnln. bas stone collar, large dining room xarlor, AG LINTS tW AN'I ED. bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one - large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs Good-sized summer kitchen and garden, A ents wanted, male and fealo, to overy 1oontm ity to 9011 eat• novelties. Big cotninission Vary conveniently situated for boardili6 Apply Novi Bite paid. Send application and 25 cotta for full lino of saltles. mho FRANCIS bl'f'g��Cq�' bonfodoration Haws, hoose., at oilloe, .1 Life Toronto . !.J lobbill" 1. y',.0-1" fA I a