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If you think there is anything strict ,business lipes, Aarlo
the matter with your watch, let ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONTO, JUNE 24r 1$98 or -oar monoy ba9k will .be.
ns take a. look at It. A few par- here. �i►e do oar bpsiae,
boles of dust will, in a week, do $1 a year in advance $1.50 when not so paid The prices ars right, VVe.tr
more damage than the ordinwry tomerp right, The wsy eq knplta
wear of a whole year of keeping A � � � �T�, is to try u"r We w pG !
time. Any watch is well worth .C1 lJ ��� L7�1� � y�y� — 1 your email needs .apd, yagtt
taking. pare better
—the better the What wide awake and reliable oorrreapondsats And worthy of recording for publication, Huron �,[[ on County Sabb��th ���oaj l sake of his health; the improvement is � O°eB' Your email pakgba6{!
watch the better the oars. not'yet very marked, Mr Thos. Brown calve the same attentigw as*. ..
BrnCeiield Senrailler a y ; and wife were visiting at Me W. Grah. o°a• whatever you tgwnt lit -
C�11r way of re~ NOTES. --Mrs Hagh McCartney, we NOTES. —Thos. Heddle, of Perry, Association and ' Christian am,s on Saturday Task, Mr Wm. Scott drug line we can give Yon tho: b
is now at home Navin reasonable rices,
{ are pleased to relate, ie keeping better. Mich., came home last week to see his a returned from #'
pairing Watches Me Jae. Baird, jr., who has been at- father, who is confined to his bed with , attendance at the Normal College, The preparations ra%*1 tip
a'brokenneavor �r11Un Hamilton. and sold by Allen & Wilson will
tending McGill Medical College in misfortune
leg. Mrs Jae. Long had the prepared and sold by uA. • i
Montreal, is home spending his vada- misfortune to fall down stairs, but we COUNCIL.—Stanley Council met on goods are right. They are bRi>+4tI
is the right way. We guar- tion. The Sabbath School picnic, 'held i are glad to say except a few bruises g+ -------- Monday, ,Tune 20, all the members re- alta, bac each is a remedy, or t
antes perYegt work and mod- at Bayfield last Friday, was a grand ,she was not hurt. Mrs Fred Stokes "�' , rT'R` x c k ` , J + p
erste chargee, our prides be- , x r N, ,rr Place and re uirements" was the sub- sent' as• IJaler was paid $? for dam • y
of Goderich is + : z ages sustained to his bu purpose for which it is prepsi .
ing in proportion to the work gond sti time. everyoneMr KetG}ten, tsr.�a►s at M a d Mrs Heddle visitingnetters parents, , , , ,. « #" t,i+t, i��4 K „" oft of an address by Rev. J. W, Rae, n t;>;y and bar- Aek for them. We e
done. Have oqr re air Q umber sx *. aT r�, Toronto, Union is in the air; or- ess by his horse getting into a wasb- them,and back u Zee
y p resent in the old land. Mr JSimms, f of eo le from here t took In the Band , * t` »��*i+ * s J`' out oa Goshen line• J. Donaldson's ac- 'tioq b qar p our reoorxrtt19r3%
work done here. pp P p ,,, .4 < . r , * , t , a . ., ganization of S. S. is union; personali- o y guaranteeing aatiafa,otid,4
Blyth, spent Sabbath at the home of concert in Goderich last Mondayni ht K t �, s a.' t is count, $_86.46, Por cedar furnished the your money back.
g , , y a great influence, and this is ex- p� paid; r urnish
Wm. Graham. Me Reuben Graham Our red coats left for London on Tues '' Zi.'r x "; - i . -" perienced in association. Alluding to township, was Harvey's de- Our Paris tJreett is are ate
�� Crews and wife visited at Auburn Iasi week. day list; they hope they won't have I'll,, ;. -. „< `1';�`,'; the International Association he said 'kande, amount•ng to $4.5, for sheep give good raenits. 250 per Mrs Mc$enzie,of Kincardine.visited at such a hot time as last year. Me•awd ; ;z.% a £ak; �,f,rY' .' that through its agency we had the killed by dogw, was leL►d over for legal P I/l�''
Jeweler & ExperG the home of her sister, Mrs Baird, last Mrs T. Treleaven visited our village, " ' :° international lessons, whereby the advice. The Treasurer was authorized SYDNEY JACKS■■N
Watch Repairer week. Mrs Gray, of Toronto, is visit- last Saturday. most intellectual can give their know- by by-law to borrow money to the �T, l�''',^
ink at the horns of Mr Alex. Gray.— i ledge to the less educated and poor amount Of $1000 if necessary to meet Graduate U»4i00xx
i .,
current ex cones. U„uneil insets again Successor to Allen & Wileid;r'
Miss Maggie Fotheringham was the , teachers; the fruits of the beat think- exp
ens for the Sabbath School to the { 1�llle. era are available to all. Allusion was °n Monday, July 18, ac 1 p. rn. _j' 7
Wingham Convention, and Miss Agg]e ' DELEGATES.—The delegates attend- � * ' made to the work of Me Da as c CAIRNS, Clerk. 77r7t�7t�71�7i. I
Hart for the C, E. Society, Ing the annual County S, S, and E. L. t 1. man of Field Workers, who meet the score being 4 goals t tin +
Alma convention held thin week in Wingham '; az, t� yearly in the United States. In Nor- Leeburn. the Athletics Although tb,
CHURCH NOTES.—A certain young Londeaboro, are Messrs Wm. Bailie, J. Dustow, W. , � mal work there was no teacher now NOTES.—Miss A. I. Hamilton, of goal teas scored by Seaforth.
-gentleman of the 2nd con., who some- Watson and Mrs R. Mcilwain. * because the Provincial Association had Goderich, visited her friend, Lizzie claimed that the timekeepelr
PROMOTION. — Mr Arthur Smith, "i, , "r? no money to pay one. The Horne class Horton, last week. Mr Wm. Weise is have called time before the!gt
times attends our League meetings, youngest son of Me John Smith, sea- QUARTERLY BOARD.—The postponed F
started the wrong' way for home, but ,,ton foreman has received the a meeting of the p P dFpartment was coming to the front. at present working at J. D. St�Nvart's. won. The Beaver's defence co
Aid not o far, when to his sur rise he P' g Quarterly _Board will be _• r To his mind one of the best things ac- Miss Maud Smith, Of Hullett, is visit• lap
P pointment of assistant at Glencoe ata- held in the church next Monday even l: complished b the association was the ing here this week. Master Albert be drawn out -rein la ed a,
found he was left, ' and retraced his tion on the G. T. R. He is a very Ing, when it is expected that the ear's y their home players -
P y removal of denominational diversity, Rapson and sister, Eva, of Constance ams, and it was owing to alx`e
steps amid the cheers of the other steady young man and has had about business will be satisfactorily termin- g g
young men. What. is the matter with three years training at this station ares. - He advocated complete organization spent Sunday here visiting their friends lent playing of the Athletics':;
11 the members of our church, when out under the care of Mr Jeffrey. We of 1e townships, which might be ac• and cousins. Mrs Tom Snell, of Bruce- men that the Seaforth be l
of thirtyfamilies that beton thereto VISITORS.—Mr and Mrs J. Carter complished in various ways, field, and Mrs Snell of Exeter, who score more frequently. -,.;j
g have -no hesitation in recommending and family, only two families are holding any office him to the people of Glencoe, y, of Manchester, visited "The financial obligation of the S. visited their friends and relatives here Holmesville
in the Sabbath School, and, strange to friends here last Sunday. Mr a,ndMiss Wingham Presbyterian Church S." was the topic introduced by I, last week, returned home Ow Monday, CHEESE. Mr Connolly
say,, those two are related. Is there NOTES.—Mia John Bell has gone to Johnston, of Varna, spent a few days waylor. The fiaaacial part of S. S, Mark Horton returned home last week nolly sold ti
anything wrong? Epworth League Toronto to visit her daughter and to at the home of Me T. Johnston, Of the The annual convention of the Huron from Hullett make of cheese a week or two
be present at the closing exercises of +Gore toad, recently. Mr J. T. Wilkie, S' $• Association and C, E. Union was work was a privilege, not a duty; we .where he had been work- 7 3-16c per lb, r 13allant ne Str
setting on Wednesday evening, the y' held in Win should preserve the various links for 'ng for about six months. Mr and Mrs y .
subject °'The influence of the world" to Loretta Abbey. Mre McMurchie, dentist, Clinton, called on friends last gham Presbyterian church the world-wide association of S. S, Joe Horton beteg the buyr. It was ah!
daughter of Mr. A. Jamieson, who has week. Mrs Hallida of Dun annon °n Tuesday and Wednesday of this , of Goderich, with their Pl?$
betaken bvMisaBellaRpberton.—COM, y, , workers. To do thin the schools have eons, Ernest and Anson, aid a flying Clinton last Monday, The :`m
3 been on a visit to her parents here, left visited at Mr $, Kerr's last week. week. The church in which the meet- financial, Obligations. The Count visit to our bur on ay. cheese for May is not nits lett L
NOTES.—Mr and Mrs T. McMichael, on Tuesday morning for Toronto, to Ings were held is one of the best in the g y As- g Sunda that of last y q!
x who have been visiting friends in Ex- visit her sister there and other friends NOTES,—Mise N. Stewart ie Spedding pplace, and was tastily decorated with sociation had this year received more year, but he Jun(
,eter and Petrolea,bave returned home. near Toronto, and then return to her a holiday at Glen's Hill. The Football buntin while appropriate mottoes money than ever before, and could Auburn bids fair to to on the increase,ot
club concert on the evening of June 28 adorned the building, the grounds be_ meet the obligations and ledges it J. NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer y WEDDING,—A nisi w
Mrs T. Yellew, of Exeter., was visiting home in Dakota. Only oneperson g p
friends in this vicinity last week.— promises to be a grand affair. Me J. in studded with flags, Wingham is had made to the Provincial Associa. in Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty) la q ehd `
y from this place took c the amour Somerville has invested in a Crescent a prett town, with a generous allow- tion. He made a strong plea on be- woeses Valises,
alise 's Combs, Brushes, Robes and place at the manse, Goderich, et1
Mise Slott, of Brussels, is visiting her Dan Godfrey Band Concert. Messrs. bit y half of the $ y, Tune 15, when Mr J. Jia
brother, Me A. Scott. Mr Geo. Rober- Andrews ani Woodman returned ycle, and Miss Carrie Potter in a ante of sbade trees. near! alt the poor settlers in Algoma,
ion has engaged with 111E Wm. Dale home on Saturday evening from the y who receive assistance from the Pro- A GOOD WEIGHT.—Ja9. Tabb has a son of T. Harrison, of the 4t)
Garden City, Several from this Local- streets laid with gwith t each
walk, and vincial Association, colt that weighed 1050 pounds the day Goderich township, was married I
1, for the summer months. Mia J,Jamie- Grand Lodge meeting of the I. O. G.T, ity took advantage of the opportunity the citizens vied with each other in co was twelve months old. The colt Ida Halstead, daughter i f J. FC I
S"'.1,4 $ on, Will and Jas. Jamieson, Mies Alice in Peterboro; they went as delegates to hear the celebrated Dan Godfrey making the delegates feel at home, Holmesville, the Rev, Mr Awderf
and Mr Cleo. Dale were guests at the frd`in the ibdge' here: Band. pn Monday eveningg; •they pFo- maks g the very fair feel at attendance of :o Was aired by Grove-Sbire Oak,th� prop -
wedding of Miss H. Nott. Mrs A.Scott nouncead the inua►c as excellent. deli ates, the meeting bein o en H f.�z ': `�*� '." ;,'? city of Anderson & StKothers, Dubgan- fic�ating. Miss Mabtei$alstohq,'f
and. Mies N. McMichael was attending MARRIED,—The following from the FOOTBALL.—The Ramblers accord- y g opened —111- t; n h,F5 o�•,I+t �, , non, B the -wit it would not be im. of the bride, acted as bridesma, d;
North Dakota Courant refers to a ev. Mr Hall, of Belgrave. Rev. ve 3 gar r � 1. 'i"' , proper to sit y' the groom was supportedb L1ai^1
the convention in Wingham this week, ing to agreement journeyed toHoltnea- A. Hamilton, of PJingham, Preai- F» i�j•w>i P y that Mr Tabb is one of ling, of Win ham. y
as dale ares for the E worth Lea lie.— °Pular young lady of this village. dent of the Sabbath School Associa-a he most successful stock -raisers }n this g The happy'!
g P g h ville on Friday last to play a return s� a I `9 t'
Quite a number of our people attended The Armstrongs and Atkinaons w o tion �1.Y. �� � ° section; be is rapidly forging to the left for their home on the )Est
P P Hare in the report, match with the Beavers of that lace. , having removed from the county, 11' ..Pr, front. carrying with them the good tV}
the picnic in Me Allan's bush on Friday g P t, are former resi- The ball was faced at 7.30 and for 40 the chair was occupied b
dents:— �' 9 �+ R RObro, their many friends.
last, Mr J. B. Henderson intends minutes both aides wreatied hard for of ''aster, ex -President, who made a �� a 3 y NOTES.—There was a union picnic PASTORAL.— On Sunday next
shingling his barn this'week. ARMSTRONG— McKENZiE—At the home victory, but without success. Not a short opening address, stal]ug that.in �` held in Me Wm. Symmingt,on s grove W. 4ndrews will close his threes
of Mr and Mia des. Atkinson Willow City, N goal was scored during the entire game Sabbath School matters, as in others, � last Tuesday. Mr A. King has moved pastorate at this place, He h� si
D, by Rev T E Douglas. on Wednesday oven- g g' t.:
11 Colborne ing, Junes, Mi Robt Armstrong, of willow and although they did not succeed in we should confer together as a family, � �' , ;t« to Me S. Caldwell's house. Messrs L. ed faithfully and earnestl , bas h
City, N D, to Mies Jean McKenzie, of LondeB- defeating the Beavers, qeG we cowgrat- s.; y ; I 1Fil Lawlor and A. King intend running a to extend the Masters $Yn`'
IDENT. boro, Ontario ulate our boys on so ably holding their The first topic was A teachers op benery in the old brewery, Miss Plum- teaches nn
---A telegram was received on Tuesday There were present at the ceremony own against so famous a team. After p°rtunitiea," by O. W. Andrews, of mer is the guest of Miss Annie Sturdy
o-od and able sert#lolt
Wroxeter, who said' the 9 eserved better treatment at the.;);
from Boissevain, Man., announcing Me and Mrs James Atkinson, Me and the match supper was served on El- y were the ; < at present, Miss R. Younglutt has of the Stationing Committee,_
ford's lawn and t greatest and grandest and far exceed + been on the sick hat, but re? improving got; he and facnil h �"
the death of Charles Oka, school teach- Mrs D. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Ed. d he boys who exhibited y ati a the
er at that place, as the result of a run- Richards, Me and Mrs Louis Atkinson • so in bun er on the wit down were those of any other except. the Christian i p g
gg y h 111,: nicely. Mies Taman, of Blyth, was wishes of their many frien>I u
away accident. Deceased was a son of Mr and Mrs Frank Perrin Joseph .At fully satisfied. Altdgether a most
en- mother, The teacher9 ave the oppor} the guest of Miss B. Youngblutt last place. Rev Jos}as' Greene "'
Samuel Oke, now of Manitoba, but for- kinaon .and sister;+ Aln►eeia Atkinson, joyalile time was spent. tunity of becoming personally ac• '' week, Mies T. Brown and Mrs R. here almost .an entire st, who d,
r qiiainted wit gels'
inert- of this township, where be was Wm. Armstrong, James Armstrong, h their scholars, and Ruberton, of God, -rich, were renewing who is highly spoken of, will eo,
born. ,Ere was a poplar and promis- Thomas Armstrong, John McKenzie, I'ICNIa —The annual` school picnic know their temptations and difHent• R, Holmes,.Clinton,:Preaident acquaintances here last week. Misses his pastoral Ectatic
•iwg yeffiin •roan, aged 29 years, and had brother of the bride, S. B. Mahaney held at Port Albert on Saturday last ties better than the teacher in the da J. and E. Dobie, of Dakota, are a nit on the first''
been to c in school for some time. John Harrigan and Chas, Olson. The was in every particular a success. Al- school, The process of education by The Nominating committee recom- tend- day in July.
Ing though the morning threatened rain example of the teacher was a great for
the following as the officers "ig their holidays under the parental CONVENTIONS.—Con
A • • ,a local preacher in the Metho- bride 'was charmingly attired in a a good crowd congregated, and when o ensuing year: —R, Holmes, roof. Miss B. Farrow and Miss Clara is taken in the PlebiaciteConv nti
arch, and was shortly to have white silk dress with pearl trimming the clouds broke awl about noon the Portant
for the teacher. Two ern- Clinton President Dr. Macdonald (3odeL-twsonis Su r 13. with Friends in be held in Dungannon, , 44
.,.f n married to a young lady in the and wore a beautiful wreath of white y ' portant ones for the teacher were"For President;
W, H. Kerr, Brussels; `N. Goderich. Mr R. Cumming took in Tetnplara a oigtrtedasdT ins 26tt),
4 we . ' liis.nntimely death is the source flowers in her hair. After the care- people flocked into the grove. The af- time" and "For eternity," Opportune- P elsggateaA>r
Elder, [iensall Vice Presidents; Cor. the conventior, at Winghirn on Wed- H.Elford and wife, Mias A.Yoe`i11i
of very deep re ret, and the many mon- an elegant sup er was served tet noon was spent in various amuse- ties also to impress courtesy, to ]ncul �, , r, „_
y l pp mentos, chief of which Secy., J.0 Stoneman, Hensall; Minute nesday. Mr Cumming, of Wingham, L. Tebbuttand s. Merrill; the:;ch
friends of Mr and rs Oke here sympa- of which all. partook heartily. Then ,perhaps, was cafe good habits, to create desire for Sec, and Tress., I. Taylor, Clinton. was the guest of his brother, Rcbert, appointed Mr and Mrs T. C. i'i'i
g peed un- boating. In the evening a football good reading, to lay food foundation Executive Committee: — Dr. Towler, on Tuesday. Mr U. Washington was h9r end Mra G. Tebbutt,hTr wed..
thise with them in their br.reavement, the light fantastic toe was tri match between Nile and Port Albert rn the heart of the child, to inculcate i
s, tut about midnight when all bade the teams proved an 'attractive feature, desire for things' spiritual, to train ( W1Ogham' Rev. W. Hall, Belgrave, the,gneat of Me W- Symington last J. Courtice, Messrs J. W. Yoe: �,tt!
iCilppee fair bride and stalwart groom good The game ended in a draw,neither aide hem up in the nurture and adminition D. E..Muuro, Auburn; J- Houston, J.
week, Mr Wm, Davidson and Miss Trewartha, and the League ,well
night. The Courant joins the many scoring. The Nile players were: goal, of the Lord, B. 13oover, Clinton; A. VV. billion, Dawson visited friends in Brussels point theirs next Monday night,?.I
AcCIr�ENT.—One day last week, while friends of Mr and Mrs Armstrong in T.
Courtice,; backs, G. Ryan, T: She Goderic4: J. P. tions, Exeter; GBarr, last weeks Quite a number took in the S.S. and O.E.Uonvention in.`F9
the horse and Bugg of Mr R. Mellor- wiehin them a ha P Verbal reports were then taken from Seaforth :iud two re i eaentatives the Dan Godfrey Band concert in Gam Misses F. Pickard A. Yoe �rii
g happy and prosperous herd; half b,icks, G. Matthews, W.Tre- Sabbath Sebool re P
die was tied before t e Bares, the horse voyage over the rough sea of life. presentatives, the from each township organizwtiou in Goderich last Monday evening. Mrs Tebbutt and Messrs A. J. Courtice
by some means got its loot over the tie lea -ten, T. Elliott; forwards, J. Hether• statements given indicating prosperous the county. ,Representative io 'the g
rope; finding this rather an uncomfort- From an oncasional correspondent ington, A.Hutchina, C.Girvin, A.Shep• conditions and increased interest. the Johnson
a d her liter, ri• ensalll'Vwere i hot- and R. Forster were in attendance
able position, it extricated itself in a NOTES.—Messrs Braithwaite, Webb herd, W. Brownell. Among the schools re ortin were. Provincial O,ganization—J, P. •Ross, g NOTES.—Mrs Brooks, of Mitchh1
and Miss Webb were among p g Auditors, J. Scott, H. Foster, Clinton, son, last week. visitingatJ. Yoe's. ,Miss Idao4ij
11 t3�anner not any too pleasant for rite g the dale- Lucknow Methodist, Smith's Hill WEDDING.—A very pretty weddin Clinton;' t;pent Saturday and. B,f
buggy, and made away, making a gates to the S, S. Convention at Wing- Presbyterian, Dungannon Methodist, R. Holmes, Clinton, made,.a short took place at the residence of Mr R. g visiting Mrs F. Efford. Mrs J.W ,
1.complete wreck of the buggy. tarn on Monday, Work On the new West `Alawanosh Corrie Methodist, . Rattenbury and address on Temperance, saying .that Erratt, of Auburn, on Wednesday ev- and d lighter are visitin her „`
CHURCH.—The Sacrament of the church is progressing slowly. Our po NEw MACHINE.— J.' Breen got his Ontario St. Mothodist Clinton, Londes- all agitation had been educative, and ening, when his eldest daughter, who is ver seek Londe g f
Lord's Supper was observed iw St. An- pular barn builders, Messrs Riley and new threaten outfit home on Monday, boro Methodist, CaJvi7{ ,Presbyterian, .public sentiment should be strong be- Laura M., was united to John D., only doesn't like batchin sboro,and'I
draw's church 1tt t Sunday; Rev Mr whits, seem to. be kept reit bus dye beslieak or Mr Breen a good pat- g fore an overn p y g a hale. Mc.
$ pretty y: East Wawanosh" ` Win tam Mehho- I y g et coned ba ex ec.t- son of Me John Murdoch, of Afton Levis had the inisfortune to have
Anderson of Go erich reacted re- what they do is a benefit to the coin- y 'reliable man dist, Walton S, S., Westfield Metho- ed, t° car ry out a prohibitory measure. Lodge, township of Ashfield. The cow killed on. the railway on'
p ronage as be ig a tial Peonle who blamed y Wed
parator- services on Friday. The pre- -
inanity, as well as to themselves. W. giving in every way excellent satisfac- diet, .Belgrave Presbyterian, Kippen governments for ceremony was impressively conducted day; this is a considerable loss
" null picnic in connection with the Sun- L Ouimette is paying 10 cents for eggs, tion, He has the best machine mane- and Salem Methodist, and several the non -enforcement of law, were b Rev, Mr Cousens, in rte presence an especially valuable one. s i EF
+' flay School was held n it Held, the and thrifty louse -wives from far and factored and has a cod experienced others often reponsible ttemaelvea. y
Bayfield, near are visiting our burg Mr Hicks, g Pof about sixty guests, on the beautiful Andrews is puddling at F1glY
weather being fine; all enjoyed the g b gang to sestet him. r, i�.., ..,,„, Win ham Primary Lawn under els pp
balmy breezes of the lake. from, Woodstock,. has een in this02.""'.,_,,WIPP , � ' *°m•• ,r r y Class was taught gent arches tastefully villa cheese factory. Mr T. Mar lei
SALE or THORO-BREDA.—A r a r, ,V, t ' t '` ' ' ' decorated with white lo Ossoma and Markham is visiting his trot er
I neighborhO.od buying up thorn•bred great r � , Asx, , the S. . lesean for Jul 3, by Miss I t -
,� SAD DEATH,—On Weduesda of last Stec and in company with James sale of thorn -bred Shorthorn stock was hl.�;�n,:
" r �� "� -, � X q." 0r� " t �`* Murray,ho e ever b ' s z
. � •• , r y. performed the difficult greens, The bride, who was liven of the cut line. Mr Hr Wllsonr 'tv
is 'week a .-dung man of Tuckeramith, W. Snell visited several of our well- made oo the farm of E. Gaunt & Sons, pp i',7, `' zR x x task very well, entertaining both the away by her father, was beautifully playing football, tad the mesio
!' Horney, was engaged around the barn known breeders; we understand that St. Helens, on Wednesday. As this f - fl,, ;;' � r �'., M, scholars and the'audience. attired in French Organdie, and car- et one of his fingers broken ab"
g g stock wits among the best of its kind , `,, �� 1''� t , ¢ `" '' g g
Witt a wit Or and rack; he and acoin- be bought the entire stock of Mr Pot- g + ' ` reed a large boquat of white flowers, knuckle. Several took in Gor�fr
anion were loading the wagon when ter, near Blyth. We are leased to see p t drew buyers from i x 1". , r' n Mr Stoneman, Secretary of the S. S. gg
p g g y p all sections of the province, ,$� `' r,�; Association pork Miss V. E. Gordflrs,•..,St. Helena, act- bund in Goderich on Monday nigi't
' the horses started. The rack struck the genial face of Sandy Taylor in our P there be- presented his re ed as bridesmaid and filled the posi- GRAND SUCCESS.—As redicte:
in no less. than six members of par- 1� k ar «x which was incomplete, in the fact P d,,.
' . the youhg man in the back so several gfllag'e this week Me J.Bell is bu in g + f,. ,F, tion to perfectipn; while Mr J. C. Mur- the lawn social needed to warraph:
y liament resent and an number of ' � �" ,< 3rx ; sc; that in carne of the townships were doth of Lucknow, suitably acted as cess was a fine evening. l
Etat he only lived 1T hours. Much horses for the Manitoba market. y M P y 1 lir,= Y*ia n,� ° not organized, and it vols difficult to y e Hing• B°1lj 13
x sympathy is expressed for the friends Whitley received another car of Brit- ex -members. John Dryden Minister , d � < ' i �secure groomsman for his cousin. After the" there in full force the avenin ,ag
k` in their cad bereavement. tat Columbia shingles this week. of Agriculture, was one of the par,ar' f cel ed werentabulated inations sheet forts ie ceremony the guests partook of a most that could be desired, the cro ti
chasers. 33 lead of choice stock were tors ` �r , ° '�" rm sumptuous deTeuner, whet was fol- more flan was amici ares. Tho fc
NOTES.—Mr Jas. Smillie is erecting a offered, and ever animal was sold, 1 s . iw r and put up for examination. Mr Tay- P
+ new barn, the frame work being up.— 81 tlh, y r ' tor, Treasurer, made his re "ort, show- lowed by va^►nus amusements. The ball match delayed proceedings a tri
Some of the farmers have started hay- y the net proceeds of the sale amount- " ' ° 1 {°e1 in a balance from 1897 of , 12.33, with man by
. v., g y beautiful, useful and valuable and owing to the lateness on half
NOTEB,—Mrs C. Kernigan, Of De- trig to 1 3585, Capt. Robertson, of �, receipts of_ $53.30, a total of $135,09, presents indicated in a measure the tour was played, leaving thefireg
'., ing; clover hay }s reported very short, licit, is visiting her brother, Mr T. J. Middlesex, and Jas. Gaut were the esteem in which the young couple are tie, 0 to 0. Tea and refreshmeha`ti *
There are some people who are hard t Huckstep, this week. A large number , while the disbursements had been held. Their very circle offriends served from 5 to 10 p. m. The; tf l
,,. please; when wheat was as high as auctioneers. $28.41.
from here attended the concert in 4; wish them a pprosperous and happy band did good service, end in all . t.
X1.15, then held it, expecting a tetter NOTES.—Quite a number took in the Mr Rae discussed Bible Class teach- life, Mr and Mrs Murdoch pur ose the grandest success that Hol epi,
'P' price; now when it has fallen to 80C Goderich, given by Dan Godfrey's Guelph excursion on Monday Road ing, and also the lesson for July 3. He making their Horne at St. Helena, has ever reached, which, b fh'0' 'A
they realize that the good thing has band' and were most delighted with work has received its dues for another advocated Bible Class teaching by lay- where Mr Murdoch will engage in becoming tie rule with an°thi'�1
it, rnuein. Mr Herb Ashburn left last y men instead of the pastor, who Cannot business in the mercantile line. Lea lie undertakp�. They proeeF
passed away, and they are left in the year. At present the outlook is ver
cold shivers. week on his wheel for Brantford, promising for an abundant crop of ev- do ltimaelf justice on account of otter
where he will several weeks vacation. cry kind. Wm. Andrews was a guest Sunday duties. 13'e would or anize a amounted to over $80, which, ggriold
:, The combined Leaguers of the Blyth at Alex. Rose's on Sunday, A. Feagan Bible class Lavin iBayfleld ing the low price of admission,le 6*6
:` and Jackson appointments are hold- sent a da recently with Me Thorns, + fipresident, vice prey- NOTES.—Miss Charlotte Marks, De- tional. The berries were bea.uElQ6,p
Men's torten P y y ident, etc.; would study the Bible troit, is visiting at the home of her cured from Mr Howell,Brautlar'd,he1,
ing an up-to-date picnic in Mr A. W. of Zetland. G. Rutledge who was on following aunt. Mrs S. Moore. Mr Gardner and y q quires to fed:'t
S1oan's grove on Friday, afternoon, a trip to Berlin and other places, has J. P, Ross, Exeter International eco ea ° elievedhrn i 2(Nl harts were re
Julv let, when there will be games Of returned. Wro.Scrimgeour,Lucknow, J. P. Rosa then introduced the sub- plan and ona l les each member of the wife visited last week at the home of multitude, and very few fpagt. sit
The clothing on bay here is 'oat as cod various kinds for the young; there will Mr Marks, Brucefield. Although the S. mained,
g y Y l g was on a visit to his brother, Alex. lett "The Teachers' responsibility, class should know how the study Is te, A. was disappointed at not being
r as it looks. It's the reliable kind,and costs also be several speakers for the occa- Scrimgeour, last week. Me and Mrs We all have responsibilities, whether be made. In Bible class work there is ab t pp g a
no more than the common,ordinary grades. sion, so a good time is expected; come le o hold its picnic !u McLeod's or -
y g Alex. Rose visited friends c St. Helens child rets or not, but the teaching of more necessity for teaching than ex- chard, on account of the rain, it secured A Mader MIC
We stand bank of ®very bit we sell with and help a good cause. Reeve Wel- this week. Misa Annie Buchanon Sun- ch}ldrew is the most responsible and forting. Pupils should be convicted
oar guarantee that ford and wife are holidaying wilt p before the a large attendance at the Town Hall,
g quality and style are Y' g dayed at her home at Westfield. Mrs important work undertaken li man, y enter the Bible el'4tss, then Miracle Washing eompotit I
11 the best ou can get for your money. friends in Milton at present., Mr Jas. T. Wallace has returned home from The teacher is responsible for what be they must be taught. where ice cream and cakes galore were
Don't miss the opportunity of fleeing Moffatt, of town, is visiting his parents Michigan. Mrs P.$,Wallace, Toronto, teaches and how he teaches; reat he a mass tweeting of children was tel served, S. J. A. Boyd spent. Sunday Adapted to the finest and coarsest Vmbifo
theca. It's worth repeating that early in town at present. Mrs W. Johns, of is atplesent sojourning amongrelatives sible for punctuality, attendance and in the Methodist church at 4 o'clock with Mr Holman: Jowett's Grove is Your washing done while you rose,+
buyers get the pick of the offerings. Exeteri is visiting her sister, Mrs M, and former acquaintances. Miss E. order in his department of the S. S. addressed by Mrs McKay, of Woody being occupied daily by picnicera from boom to womanhood, No Head lei sdt
Flood-, at rosent. Mr Ed Moser and Rutledge, who has been visitin near Is responsible to practise on the street stock, and Dr. Fowler, wird gave a different parts of the country; boating over night. washday robbed of del i
Men'.s Tweed Sack Suits light colors Miss Lucy Stevens took in the musical gg is their chief amusement. Mr James terro.e. No steam I No labor l . bto irda
in fancy checks silk stitched edges, y even- Brussels, has returned home. Mr and what he preaches on the Sabbath. Is blackboard exercise, both of which Cowan left town amusement.
Wedna t. for Tuck- l family westing done while breXo
Concert in Gcderieh on Monday
y : g in The road machine is doing some Mrs H Taylor visited his brother,John responsible for the fruits of his react- were ver- interesting. Dr. Macdon-
Saps on all pockets, iiants lined below g g Taylor, of Watford, during the week. ing; the farmer does not throw all aid, M. P., occupied the chair. eremith, where he intends to work sur- eaten. Guaranteed not injurious.
the Befit, same styles in Dark Tweeds very neat and tidy work on our front' Master Rileey,of Londesboro, Sundayed responsibility• fora good crop on the }ng the summer. Services will. be lets pDixraTroxs—Slice one cake of Mirfield (7itr
and Blue Sar es cal streets this week. Some of the mere• g g g into two q one
a e of aimed boil udf di
g y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at his sister s, Mrs F. Moss. Miss
Me- Lord—neither should a teacher Teach- In rte avenin alar a audience gaff- in St. Andrew a church batt morning 1
here of the I. O. F. attended divine Donald, of Middlesex Co., is the guest er's responsibility lies in reach' the Bred, and after the introduction of the and evening, C. E. meeting after the ed; pour half of it while hotintoa tubebti `!
en's Tweed Snits, the new oolorin a service with their brethren in VVin g President elect, Rev. B. Clement Clfn- eveningservice. ing enou h very hot water tocovoryugrc•
g g of ter uncle, A. Rose, at present, Mr team of the scholar, Messrs Webb of ' „ soak whto olotbos, curtains and oottoriialr�K
cion, Grey, Blue, meds in the1 tam on Sunday, the sermon bein + ton ave all excellent address on The
reached b g W. Gibson and Mi,
Mar Milia Sun- Londesboro and Andrews of WvOxe afewminutes in ooid water; wang+ottt,Mi
tyles, out and finish perfect, 1 P y Rev Wm. Lowe. y relation of arents to the Sabbath Seatforth
dayed at the fume of the latter. Mise ter took part m the discussion that „ p phaco them t.. not arida, stirringshoo h •
,1$8.50 and .................. School which was followed b able the rude to roach ever
Jennie Brown, of Blyth, is the guest of followed. y an ad- FA BEwELL AND PRESENTATION.— y Pact, altlbb'
I'll!Hullett. Misa Bruce at present. Wm. Itutled a Un motion of Rev, B. Clement sea, dress from Me Rae, on"Woman's Hem. On Wednesday avenin Lhe ladles as- stand for 2r> orso minutes- then wriut#ohk I
g baud and hang on line. Porndbtlantf
Cite want you to ale our goads, cheaper
and Miss Hillier, + probeed This closed the first days held ed with the Methodist church same suds can be hosted and bitlrpnoaf in
HORSE hOLD.—There is no man in , of Goderich, were v s- onded by J. C. Stoneman, it was de- proceedings, and report of the second held a farewell arterio to Mr and turo ndaed to It* let•olothos'tit4tid tors far*
tion is free,. We earl gond clotting cheaper , p
than any house in this section, does J who, raises better horses than ftors at G, Rutledge's on Sunda-. C. tided to ask the Executive Committees I day Is unavoidably gathering I WHILE YOU BST. t2r..:vrc is ;P' -
does James Reynolds, of the Ott, and Washin tan, of Goderich, spent Sun- of the S. S. Association and C. E, Un- y held over. Mrs Bond. During the evening, whish }� C�
gg ole WOOLLENS ahnllld nI pi#pitGi L+(j� -
------- for a couple of years he has had a first- day at the old homestead on the 3t d,— ion to receive invitations for the next was spent in the usual wit-, Mra Bond but piacod at dodo in hagSalta ma&o v(0,41"a
Tint y A �y �� class team of heavy draughts that. T. Wallace, of St. Augustine, visited annual gatherin , and recommended a Stanley was presented with a handsome secre• for other goods, and alltoWeil toattirti.�11
. « tJ .111 J t� 3 l�j�, have been the env of many a buy•er, at T. MCI�enzie's on Sunda S. John- place and time gor holdin the next tar , as an expression °f the esteem in t les; then rinec and hang If tvarmY Yr et
•� v y stow a y f g NOTES.—Mrs Ttos. Baird, Mrs John yy d�reatfom are fol•lovmdybu wiltb tleUghL�+ 1'A
Last week he broke the team, selling gave Biamilton friends a Call this annual convention. It was decided to Gilmour, and Mrs A, 'Thomson were which she is held, loo grow soft and fl iffy tho kill, tdolW non
Clothier .''end Farlltighior one of them, aged 8 years, to Messrs week. hold the next convention at Exeter on visiting at Me J'oa. Dunbit ''s, Ashfield, I LACn.ossn,—The Beavers of Seaforth they shrink. 2 Ca�t,6A for?lir I11t0i*W.
Archibald & Turnbull, Seaforth for J une 20.21, 1899, Oil Sattirdfin last, returning home on I played the Athletics a senior champion- Ori (���1. ► ►
" 104 14,Dlook, dlinton, nearly $260. Additional local.matteron page 4' "The 8, S, Association] its ainitl MOndo'y' Ur John Scott has returned 1 shl game at Sit;. Catharines on PI idly,
' PxOitt Preston, where he wean Por the Gild gapr3 the local t4oatm a liard tussle, 00h pall! for • uttor snd,Dya*'1r, lkti>t1w1 "
_, . ,
I 1,� V .
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