HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-17, Page 7L - --
: I
t. 1-52tS 1
', i F
"' Three years ago I was troubled
with boils, and tried several
66 - dies recommended by friends,
. ut hey were of no avail. I had
FIFTY-TWO BOILS in all, and
found nothing to give me relief
until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters.
The first bottle I took made a com-
-..plete cure and proved so very
-satisfactory that 1 have recom-
:mended B.B.B. to many of my
$fends who have used it with good
!` .results." A. J. MUSTARD,
'Hyder, Man.
My—,one, troubled with Boils,
I1; Pimples, Ras}ies; Ulcers, Sores,
Nl or any Chronic or Malignant Skin'
'Disease, who wants a perfect cure,
1. f :should use only
1 EAS.
yiv fa•,.-, -
0ddX -anti Finds
•`Flow did this hap peq?" asked th9
-surgeon, as he dressed the wound in
the cheek, and applied a soothing poul-
•" rice tp the damaged eye. "(lot hit
with a stone," re`pli�d' the patient.
"Who threw it?." "My wife," was the
•reluctant anawbr. "Hum, it's the first
,titne I knew a woman 0 bit anything
4 -she aimed at," muttered the surgeon.
f;, "`She"was throwing at the neighbor's
it hens," explained the sufferer. "I was
It behind her ."I
An old re 'ofter tells in the Century
I• Some good stories of his experiences.
l ,,One of the creat speeches reported by
the writer was that by Mr Gladstone
.l .at Blackheath, when a rather funny
happened: "A huge temporary plat -
I form had been erected, and below it
1 was an elaborate set of tables for the
11, reporters. My next door neighbor was
�' an Irishman. Mr Gladstone was aeat-
ed just above us, looking—as be al-
. way did before making+, great`speeeb,
" pale, nervous and anxious.- At his
right, on a table, stood the usual tum-
bler of egg and sherry, at which he
took occasional sips during the chair -
5 ; .. iia: ^ - > mat1's rKr.;rks�=:,, 8,addeulY .,:zhBJrjsh-
V man looked up at him, caught his at-
tention,and said: 'Misther Gladstone,
will you give me a dhrop o' that?'
Not moving a muscle, but with a ser-
ious earnest expression, as if he meant
every word he said,. Mr Gladstone re -
11, plied, "Sir, if you were up here you
would want it all:" The Irishman's
i retort if any, is not given.
K The workman often eats his lunch on the
a name bench where he does his work. The
office man turns his desk into a dining -
1 table. Neither gets the out of door exercise
1 he needs, neither takes the proper time for
eating. It is small wonder that the diger
I tion of both gets out of order. In such eases
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets come to their
l sasistanee y aiding nature in taking care
,P• D I e cause of nine -tenths of the
i� �rld is constipation. From
.' ye coins indigestion, disorders
ch, live and. kidneys, bilious-
' hes, flat lance, heartburn, Ln-
bhoo Bserious compli-
oatl t o ow. To begin with con -
sti fon is a little thing, and a little thing
F will oure it, The Pleasant Pellets are tiny,
sugar-coated granules. They will perfeet.
ly care the worst case of constipation and
indigestion. If the druggist tries to sell yon
some other pill that pays him greater profit,
t just think of what will beat pay you.
A ScAcb farmer, when calling at a
farm in the parish notfar from the one
It . he lived in _and the beadle talking to
his farmer griend, so all three began
conversin on their respective pastors.
The beadle said, "An boo do ye tak'
wi' the young Shan ye got this summer
CC for yer minister? 'Ou, we are no
ithat ill set on wi' him in mony ways,
I , tho' maist all the folk are terrible taen
up about the way, he says the word
' `devil' fan he is in the pulpit- He aye
says it sae canny like; as sure as I am
( livin' we a' noo see bravely the lad's
fair feared at him." The beadle at
'I once replied — "Tell your minister,
I' . puir lad, to come and bear our doctor.
i rquid sakel he bangs cot 'deevil' either
1 prayer or discourse; so we a' ker
's brawly j' the parish he has nae daur
r of that blackvuard ebield
. .e -
The clouds
have hardly held
more rain drops
than the t er e
which,�have flillen
from women'a
eyes. Them is a
O` ' world of truth in
the old song
�. T. which said: "Mali
must work, and
woman must
weep." Women
must weep not
only for the troub-
i les and ills of
those they love
but because o{'
the physical ag-
ony and suffering
that they them-
selves endure in
Nine -tenths of
/ the pain and suf.
fering tbat wo-
, men undergo
could be avoided
by a little knowl-
�dge, and a resort to the right remedy.
When a woman feels weak, sick nervous,
fretful and despondent, and sukers frotn
pains in the back and sides, and burning
and draggingtlown sensations, she is suf-
faring from weakness and disease of the
distinctly fewhiine, organism. Dr. Pierce'e
Favot;ite Prescription is the best of all
medicines for ailing women. It acts di.
rectly and only on the delicate and import.
ant organs that make maternity possible.
It makes.them strong and well, It allay
inflammation, heals ulceration sdothes
' afn, and tones the nerves, It does away
h the usual discomforts of the timorous
od, and makes baby's coming easy and
sinless. It is the discovery of Dr.
ecce, an eminent and skillful spe•
-for thirty years chief consulting
e efan to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur.
,focal Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. No honesi
dealer will urge a substitute for this su'
perior medicine.
"I canept say too much for Dr. Fierce's Favor.
lie Prescription," writes Miss Clam Baird, ,of
nridgeport, Mont o%7 Co., Pa,- "I cannot
f praise it too high y for the good it did mo. If
any one doubts this give t tem my name ane
i add?ees."
Send for Dr. Plerce'e Common Sense
1 Medical Advise4 Paper -bound, 31 one.
cetlt stamps; clothbound, 5o ' tstim Ad•
dreali pr, V, Plsrte, Buffalo, N, Y.
1 _, .V. ._i,.t'.Jd.�el.&- _-'111v1-_ —
you na lvt,. !�l sulci tuwur HOW TO HOLD A MAST. I
' a traveller of a resident of a
ed I
flee 1y little Southern hamlet.
"4.im I a what?"
"Ale you a native of the town?"
"Iasked if you were a native of this
At that moment his wife, tall and
snssestiows by w Wife Who Is Still a
sallow and gaunt, appeared at the open
sweetheart—Thea w Widow and a So.-
ioor of the cabin, and, taking her pipe
.'corn between her teeth, said, acridly:
tier Dome In With some Stub Thltt
"Ain't ye got no sense, Jim? He
May Prove Valuable. h
means wuz ye livin' here when you wuz
horn, or wuz ye born before you be un
A young girl, w middle aged wife, a
fell to talking not
livin' here. How answer him."—lar-
widow and a spinster a
per's Bazaar.
lona ago.
"You're always railing at me for hav-
A Baltimorean had occasion to visit
Ing so many beaux and never getting a a
Me country property the other day.
husband," said the girl 1s reply to a re-
His colored cook wanted to know
mark. ,'maybe it's my fault and maybe
'what was de news the town, soh? The
it isn't. I haven't quite settled in my own v
gentleman replied that he thought
mind whether 1t is or not. I have settled
that there would be war, and said jok-ons
thing, though, and that is that 1t Is
one thing to attract a man and another to
suppose I'll have to be looking for
hold bim after he is attracted. When I
another cook. Bob, for you'll go in the
once set my head to draw a man to me, I O
army, of course."
"Youse'll have to look for a new
can do it, but I have never yet been able r
to keep one that I wanted in the Whet i
cook, boss, dat's sho', but die nigger
Why? That's what I'd like to know. Per -
ain't a goitl' in no army, sah. Die nig-
baps it is because my nature is too yield-
ger'll go in de woods, and go fur, too."
Ing with those of whom I am fond or It
maybe that I demand too much of a man c
Two Aberfoyle worthies named Dun-
when I am Inclined to care for him. I
can and Sandie were discussing the
rather think, however, the trouble lies in I
Spanish-American war. Man, San-
friendship to ripen en
permit iris
the tact that I pe P p t
die," said Duncan, "Spain's no'ane o'
too rapidly when I meet acongenial spirit. t
the great Powers. . America'll very
Philosophers tall us that friendship is the f
suns mak' a job o' of her." "Great
slowest fruit in the garden of life, and yet I
Power 'or� no Great Power," replied
I force it to perfection as a florist does his E
Srndie, "Spaih'll mak a fecht o't, and
lilies at Easter time, and you all know r
it wull be a teucher bigness than lots o'
that forced flowers an, fruits decay very 1
folk imagine." • "Ga'wa," exclaimed
soon. Friendship is the most beautiful I
Duncan. `America has the men and
a 1
attribute of human nature, and nature
the Biller, and she's anxious to fecht.
will not be hurried. I wish I did know
She'll`bate-SpaSn in nae time, and then
wbat the trouble Is."
be ready for a tousle wi' Drily o' the big-
"Why, I don't think it Is hard to hold a
ger and stronger Powers.' "Weel,l'
man after you've once attracted him,"
cannily returned. Sandie, "Amdrica
said the wife, who has the reputation of
bar husband,
may bate Spain, but I doot afore she is
still being sweethearts with
through wi' her she'll be gey weal
though she has grown children.
speaned W fechtin."
make a mistake in really yielding to a
Mick: "That is a foine trick you
played on your woife an' family, Pat,
man whom you've attracted. You should
smile and smile and only seem to yield.
goin away for three months an' not
A woman who wishes to hold a man should
Lavin' thim a boit or sup, nor sendin'
them." Pat: "Now
never allow him to thoroughly under -
stand her. She should be to him a sweet
any money to
hould your tonggue, Mick, an' I'll ex-
mystery. The mysterious interests us all.
That's nature. We cling to what we
pplain it all, Yez Inin' that case of
Raiferty's cumin' afore the court three
don't quite understand in the hope of soly-
months ago? Well, I was up for a wit-
Ing the problem. I'm getting to be an old
ness, an' I was tuk afore an ould man
woman, but I never let a day pass with -
with a lions curly white wig, an' he.
he, "What's yer name?"says
out mystifying my husband. I make an
enigmatical remark that he bag to think
says, says
he. "Pat Murphy," says I. `'What's
about or I do or refuse to do something
yer trade?" says he. "Bricklayer's
that makes him open his dear, kindly eyes
laborer," says I. "Swear," says he,
and stare; but, mind you, I am gracious
"Dam yer soul," says 1. "Three
and loving with It all. Than I coquette
months," says he. Now, Mick, how
with him. It is a sad day with a husband
ould I support my woife for that
when a wife leaves off her mask of co-
"' " v'° - -
3 hree months.
ue You know flirting. is one, thing"
try. ►*-
and coquetry another. A refined woman 9
John O'Donell, lumberman, of Bot.-
was held up and robbed (f
is born with a sweet spirit, of coquetry,
but the art of flirting is acquired and is
$ W on the Buckhorn road net r
generally somewhat vulgar. You can 00 -
I quette and be perfectly sincere, but flirting
Is merely another name for insincerity,"
' "You &Congo the girl here of wavering
s of eruptions from a Common
afieotion," rejoined the spinster in her
im to the worst scrofulous sore.
most metallic voice. You do her wrong;
she is but seeking a constant man. If she
ever finds one, she won't have any trouble
i in holding him. Of course she can attract
I men by the wholesale. Any woman can,
Dr. Agnew'& Cure for the Heart gives
and I don't add if she has good sense.
perfect relief in all cases of organic or sym.
I Brain is not a necessary commodity in at -
pathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and
tracing men, but flattery is. Some sour
speedily effects •a cure. It is a peerless
remedy for palpitation, shortness of breath,
old maid has said that there never was a
man so homely, so halt, so deficient in
smothering spells, pain in the left side and
beauty or brain, that be could not get a
all symptoms of a diseased heart. One dose
wife when be wanted to, but � think she
convinces. :
misstated her proposition. There never
was a woman so unattractive but what, if
she set her mind to it, she could attract
At the age of 17 Miss Willard records in
some man long enough to get, him where
I be couldn't get away if be wanted to. It's
her diary this tragic announcement of the
all well enough for young people and
end of her mmping girlhood:
This Is e ro birthday and the date of my
I married ones to have their jokes about old
martyrdom. Mother insists that at last I
melds, but 4 aseuryou most of us aro self
,, 1P a woman, after she
elected. However,
must have my hair "done up woman fash-
I has attracted a man, wishes to hold him)
ion." She says she can hardly forgive her-
self for letting me "run wild" so long.
ishe must take care not to be too clever. .
We've bad a great time over it all, and
- Men like women who are just clever
' enough to grasp their cleverness and are
hero I sit like another Samson shorn of
I just dull enough to admire it Immensely.
his strength. That figure won't do,
though, for the greatest trouble with me
If woman wants to bold man, she must
is that I never Shall be shorn again. My
admire him and make kiln feel it. She
I flingdbnging into his sore
" back" hair is twisted'uplike acorkserew.
I how much she admires hie wit or stupid -
I carry 18 hairpins; my head aches miser-
ably; my feet are entangled in the skirt of
ity, as the case may be, but she must feel
and look it and seem even to
my hateful new gown.admiration
jup over a fence again so
I can never m
Ibreathe it. And If ahe doss that another
n ton times and
long as I live. As foCleverer
r chasing the sheep
' rriicher, but with less ty, couldn't
down in the shady pasture' it is out of the
drag him from her side."
question, and to climb to my eagle nest
seat in the big bur oak would ruin this
"This talk of how women can attract
new frock beyond repair. Altogether I
the fact that my occupation's
, and hold men strikes me as being very
strange," s oke up the widow, and the old
maid smiled slgnifloantly. Mature made
How )rte "t �>s Job.
women to be won and men to win.
1 think it is easy enough for a single girl or
An exchange tells the story of an oIQ
' WOMSl? to both attract and hold men.
colored man who asked a white man if he
I Women look at their men admirers, but
could give him work. The white man
j do not examinp thein, But a woman ex -
amines her husband, Aii_be examines her,
asked the negro if he had a boat. When
the negro replied, "Yes, boss," the white
I so frequently both are pub to -t to know
man responded:
how to hold each other, -to retain ea0b 4;21 -
I er as comrades, an friends, as well as in the
you see all that driftwood float-
Ing down the river?" .
closer relationship. If husband and wife
`Yes, sah," was the reply.
were more intimate and legs familiar 1n
"Well, then, " continued the white man,
their relationship to each other, each
"you row out In the river and catch that
would retain the charm for the other that
driftwood, and I'll give you half you get."
they found so dear in the days of sweet -
The colored man worked bard forawkile,
I heartghip. Married people are so apt to
when all of a sudden he stopped and pulled
I mistake familiarity for lntlmacy, for close -
for the shore.
nags. A man and bis wife may be very
`On being asked the reason for his re-
familiar with each other and still be as far
turn, he replied, "Dat wood is jest as
apart as the pulse. When a woman mar -
much mine as 'Itis big. I ain't gwine to
ries, she should make every effort to retain
give him any, and so I'm out of work
' her girlish modesty, her love of privacy.
Sshould make herself as beautiful as
poshesiblo, but she shouldn't under any con -
He Won't Get Left.
ditfone allow bar husband to see how she
"Now, Tommy,,, said the mother as she
does it. A rose, as an expression of one of
handed him an apple, "you must divide
i God's most beautiful thoughts for bis
honorably with your little sister Bessie."i
children, Is a lovely thing to us, but if we
"What's 'honorable,' mamma?" he ask-
knew exactly what that rose was, how it
was made, we most likely wouldn't care
"It means the one that divided takes the
half so much for 1t."
smallest piece," was the reply.
"You've all given me so many pointers
"Well," said the little diplomat, "then
on bow to keep Iny men friends," conolud-
I'll give it to Bessie and let hordividel"—
ed the girl, "'that. I'm moro mixed•up than
P ,
ever. If I could put Harry's soul into
Tom's body and Dick's brain there, I'd
Patagonia Moaees.
, be all right. Than my friends wouldn't
Herr Dusen, a German traveler who has
' complain of my not being able to hold a
explored the west coast of Patagonia, says
. man after I've attracted him long enough
that mosses of all species are developed
to make him n husband. You see, I like
there to an extraordinary degree. They
one thing in one best and another thing
grow In immense heaps, the explorer sink-
in another, and so I go flying around with
Ing- to his armpits in some of them.
all for a time until—well, until they get
tired of me, and then I light my candle
There are said to be about 480,000,000
again, and another net of moths flutter
Christiane, 250,000,000 Confucians, etc.;
Into my life. "-Chlongo Inter Ocean,
190,000,000 Hindoos and 180,000,000 Mo-
hammedaus. These aro merely estimated
spots on the Lips.
Very often little pimples and tiny boils
A man Is generally at his heaviest in
will come on the lips and turn to rather
unpleasant looking sores. Thea@ spots
his fortieth year.
sometimes arlee from foveriehnos9, which
is caused by the state of i;be digestive sye-
tern. You ed. at once put yourself on
a very gtriat diet. Avoid meat, rich dishes,
pastry, new brand, oak@, nuts, wine, spir.
For Infants and Children,
Its and sugar. Live on plain, dull, un.
sweetened food and eat fruit and vegeta.
bles In preference to almost anything else.
Too fee-
iimilq t0 off
The lips themselves can be to bed with a
ofgaatnre _G eveey
�� —
Istria powdered alum.
Of /I/. W,A,VPtn
.. ,, V ! 1
. ' t, . ,
. .
♦ .N _ .
, ,
June I7, 18$'�-
E'li THERE BE LxG�I�.' BYE Low solve.^
Softly and softly the wind does blow, !!�OGKACHE
ytittttg W altf� "d ifledd" I wish to inform the public! iltttit
--' Bye low, bye low. That life is sot worth the Ing. it's s dan not be undersold by any othii
Brighter the little star glances grow,
hrourn on the Subject of Home Bye low, baby afar signal of K9daey Disease—the y�terring in the business. I aro a practical
Boon mother pate on her silver crown{ evidence of wcak, inactiveandsore�xlncys' er; and understand all the branebnf1-
Dyeing Rookaby, baby, in your white gown, Any person casted of Sidney weakness win the business. We keep the very . .
Bye low. baba. tell You that when file fztck meats, and a full stock always on b
--- alf trokbus ended, Weitha 1012113= not and will sell at the Lowest Clash PO
Softly and softly the wind does blow, plasteryor nCkchleity can cure It. The
There are dyes—the world -famed Dia Bye low, bye low, seat of the trouble isnot is the a fleell a Bring along your money, and.)t�
IondiDyes—that crown our labors and Raving the lily buds to and fro, �_ Kldntl meat at the cash price. We ~will i,•,
ome dyeing work with perfect sueoess,and Bye low, baby, muscles' lis• credit, but riot at cash ,prices, Pliapie-
wreare imitations and wortbless dyes Kissing them gently, "Good night, goodnight; b can be come and see what you can do, ,moi^'
sat bring ruin and disaster wberever they Sloop till the morning and wake in the light.' Cash at
re used. Bye low, baby.
CUREDThere are dyes—the chemically pure and R. FITZSIMONS'
lfentifioally prepared Diamond Dyes— Softly and softly the wind does blow, I had terrible pains to my bank and my water
Bye low, bye low. was thick and muddy, T was all broken up IN
ast have brought blessings to billions of Up in the elm where the cradle nests show, and in poor health generally. Two boxes of p n
omen for long years, and there are the Bye low, baby, Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me CENTRAL BUTCHER SIX
ile preparations and mixtures of imita- Little birds drowsily owing the night through, completely. Pash the sale of them hard,
ire who, as far as style o1 package is Don- Warm and content, mthere is nothing betterA. x. VAN ALs•rm
y own baby, Like you, 64 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. FORD & MURPUT
arned, get se near the "Diamond" as they Bye low, baby. I had suffered with a lame back and was con I 11
are go, But what shall be said of the fined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I took We are doing business on the cash prfno:lY
omenta—the ingredients—that the women Softly aad softly the wind does blow, not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparagus le, and will su 1 out customers *i* u,
g Bye low, bye low. Kidney Pills and was entirely cured, P PP Y
f Canada are asked to dye with? Little Softer and sweeter his whispers grow, ISAAC MARK, 661 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mieh the beat meats at the lowest paying prtortil'
lore can be added to what has so often ap. Bye low, baby.
eared in the press of the country. The ee Far and away, o'er the waters dim, FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON
mitation dyes are simply deceptions; they Baby shall dreamily follow him, Dr. ]kL0 Dbb'11
re adulterated and dangerous prepare- Bye low, baby..�
ions, hurtful to the hands of the neer, and —L. Arolyn Oaverly in Ladies' Home JournalPAU.US Business Change.
,estroyers of valuable garments and me. --- , 11
erials. John Blackburn, aged 50, was killed SIiillney PIL119
The manufacture of Diamond Dyes is on the C. ac R. track at Castleford. Any quantity of fat hogs wanted fees
educed to a science, and to -day they are FOR'SALE:nY h; ins ar ossa, for which Ghe hi
Pp O P P
No other re v n gh
dare guarantee their station has ever done so
es preparation only d g Druggists, he o y y ALLEN & 1AiILS01A1, gg ,
vork—that dare proolaim certain victory many people so mucli good as Hocd's Sar- market prices will be paid. PartieshaviA,,C.
or ever user who will follow the plain di- saparilla,America's Greatest Medicine. CLINTON, ONT
ections Diamond Dyes have a wide- To Cure a Cold in One i►ay. . .- __ -- ______ __ hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word hit
pread popularity; other brands of dyes the shop.
Take Laxative -Bromo Quinine Tablets.- Al 1
,re hardly y known outside of the greedy, Druggists refund the money it it tails to oure,25c ONWARD BICYCLE CO Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton.
Aboard hhs been formed at Ottawa consider claims
inenspeeting public. Avoid all imitationto -- yip
)aokage as you would spurious coins. l er ans of the FeniFenian raids and Red Ri• for 'Medals by vet- ' NEW BUTCHER SHOP
ver expedition. REPAIR SHOP.
Dressing >araee Ked. WEAK HEART Subsoriber has opened a shop in thepza.
IC w e,.aSubscriber has his et miles recently erected especially for tAik
beat arll vera partial to brass bade and merit fitted up with thea best "For years I suffered from weak' action urpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he '
seldom think of furnishing our houses of the hof machinery, enabling him
heart, dizziness and a watery Don- peep on hand and deliver promptly, ttr sell✓ ;
without them, yob every woman has hon- dition of the blood. Illi]burn's Heart and to do all kinds of repair work. karts of the town•
estly confessed that after she out up one It Nerve Pills have made my heart strong and
remained a thins apart which would not enriched my blood so that now I am free Special attention given to overhauling Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share.ol``
adjust itself to the rest of the bedroom's from the troubles that formerly distressed and repairing of Bicycles, and riders can public patronage respectfully solicited
prettiness until she began to dress it up in me." B. A. Rose, Ailsa Craig, Ont. rely on work of this nature being promptly
unison and sympati y. The first thing to and satisfactorily attended to. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTOlf "
do If your house 1e a cottage inland or at At the Toronto Methodist Confer- ^tit.
seaside is to seleet' a pretty chintz or ore- Price it was decided that under the Onward Cycle Co;, FLOUR AND FEED STORES r
tonne with rose garlands, for instance, on disdipline of the church women are not
Perrin Block, Clinton
eligible as delegates. Ii. L. BROWN Manager. f
a whits ground. m the spread across the g gl - -_ � g C0OB'"
top and with an embrodeuz or ]Hoc design Mr Flarien Dupont, sr., has taken t/ OB'"s.,
a squiiro in the center. On the sides and an action for $10,000 against the Grand McLEOWS cf 1
foot join an 18 inch band of plain dimity Trunk on account of the death of his �r m Hour & Feed q�QF&
In a lovely ebade of mauve, and edge both I son, the late Mr Flavien Dupont, M.P. �"�'em �tENO Y l
aides of this band with the seine laoe em- � �J i BRAN
brodeux. Put a plaited flounce of the Children Cry for B RAN & S H O R ■
chintz around the bed, attached to the Iron AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES
frame, and finish the bottom with a Dar- In large or small quantities.
row band o, mauve cloth covered with the CA STO R I Aa SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 1
fl and let the spread fall partly OIL CAKE and MEAL
over this flounce. The crowning mauve
en is D09 CURED HIM, For Impure, Weak and Impoverished BINDS.
ride .Cl. - M.� ...
intzwlth ma v •�� cr •, � �4 ... a
A round tolacent ah ft..,w` i s1odS, I) s a Si(t "53ee lefstitss;'''i'n5 ata` 4 s
drawn into a cantor rosette of lace.—New "This is to oertifq that Doan a idney P P � • p �•�
York Commercial Advertiser. Pills cured me of serious kidney disorders. tion of the Hear', Liver Complaint, Neu- 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel o>L r
I hadjpain in the back,mylurine was highly ralgia, Loss of M. mory, Broncbitis, Con- Oats, :'
mistresses Need Education. colored with a great deal of sediment. gumption, Gall StoL'ty, Jaundice, Kidney 1
Doan's Kidney Pills have made me perfect. and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dan3e , 11-
"The more I look into the subject of ly well, and I highly recommend them." F. Female irregularities and General Debility D. COOK, CLINTON,
household science, I I said the woman who HEALEY Amherstburg, Ont.
Is making the subject a study, "the more Laboratory, Godes ich, Oat,.
I see the need of educating the mistresses. SHIN ON FIRE DUN CAN'S FLOUR & FEED Ston
The amount of work they expect from a J. M. McLeod,
single servant is marvelous. I know one Torment of Torments — Is there scroful- Prop. and Manufacturer (late Hill & Joyner)
woman who has a large family and' one ons tendency? Is there irritating eczema? gold in Clinton by Opposite Market, Clinton '
servant, and she does not expect to do any Is there unexplainable' itching, stinging J, H. COMBE and ALLEN &WILSON '
of the work of the house herself. She does skin eruption ? Dr. Agnew's Ointment is a y
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, BarTear
not oven make her own beds. To be sure, sovereign balm for all such. One appliea• ' L__
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prioest,�
they are only pulled open, the clothes tion soothes,and patient treatment produces T i
thrown over the foot and tben pulled back a baby -like softness of the skin. It destroys
Fresh Corn f'or Feed, 38eYlt 1Gna7r1 {
again, but the one maid has to do it. And , the disease germ effectively. Dr. Agnew's `r »+""=-
Good Valencia Raisins, 28 ]b box $I.;;
1 �� ,:�
i piles in from three 10
I have known her fq cell this one girl ' Ointment will cure p 1 Builla
from her general housework to bring her six nigbte. 35 cents. Use Dr, Agnew's Choice Tea, special line 25e per lb,and lip
a glass of water upstairs and take the Liver Pills. Large vial, 20 cents. Sold by -�� All kinds of Grain bought at highest w
glass down again, and she does not heli- Watts S Lo.� e 111'J S, market prices, ::'
tate to call her to bring her a tape measure
or something that she needs for her sew- When the clock refuses to run, take out Our stock ofifruit ane oi` T6'6611tal trees being W. DiJNC----- - � .... ..)li11
Ing. She expects personal wafting upon the works and place them in gasoline; let complete, we are prepared co ofYcr to the pub- -,-'
Im addition to all the work of her house. stand a few minutes; take out, oil, re- lic for spring pianttug a very choice lot of BANKS. a
We cannot expect servants to be reasonable turn to the clock, and It will run. Applo, Plum, Pear, Cherry >r
when so much that is unreasonable is de- and Peach trees, at suitable the li�OlS�ns �.�_� , ; '
manded of thein." The voice of a woman Is audible in a p1 ices. k:vergreens a specialty. The lfa k ;
balloon at the height of about two miles, Lame stock of small Fruits, Incorporated by Act of Parliament lai 5 •1
(sold Water oe a Verifier. while that of a man has never reached Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Much is talked nowadays of the good of higher than a mile. Price list mailed on application. CAPITAL . $2,000,000 �
the various disinfectants that science bas REST FUND • $1,500,0011 :~
brought forward in the last few years. In Some women are as flustered when they John Stewart Estate, nenn,liler .l
straining after new' ideas we are apt to undertake to indorse a cheek as though HEAD OFFICE MONI`711 �'"
overlook many good and simple remedies. they were signing their own death was -
Fresh cold water is a powerful absorbent I runt, . - .. _ .. . 1MeKILLOP MUTUAL .FIRE F. LFERSTMOLSON 1 TuOb AS. -G, i'reaid$',"
of games; therefore It should be greatly 1 F. WOLFERaTAN THOMAS. -Gen Man{iWX �s
used in sickroom or in Dna which cannot INSURANCE CO. Notes discounted, Collections made, DraHlt
be frequently ventilated. A bowl of cold I -- issued, SOrlin and American exohalbg�t
water kept 1n such a room and changed WARM •& ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY bought and s41d. Interest allowed ondex
dally is of great assistance in purify ng I posits. BAVINOs BANK— Interest allowe$blf.
the air. This of course shows that water sums of $1 and up. Money advanced' "
which has stood in a close apartment is Goo. Watt, President, Harlock''P. O.• J. B. farmers on 'their own note, with o
thoroughly iinfltfordrinkin purposes. APIL McLean, Z�ippen 1'. O., Vice -Pres.; W. J. more endorsers. No mortgage required 'I
bowl of water, changed daily, placed un- I 9h, EM Shauuon, Secy-Treas„ Seaforth P. O.; Thos. E. H C. BREVb ER, Manager, Clintbn
der a patient's bed, is a great preventive CURED' Hays, Seaforth P. O., Ltspectorot Loesee.
Qf bed acres and also keeps the patient in DIRECTORS ,
better health generally. A vessel of cold W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, / 1
water ]aced near the head es a of cod Winthrop P. O.; Goorgo Dale. Seaforth Tbos. G. D. Nal AGGIRT�
p E. Bays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans, beeebwood P.
sleeper will give quint and relief. I TO O.; Thos. Corbett, Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
I d J B M T'
Not Shocked at All.
The actress tells about it. It was one
summer when she was away at a quiet
place for a real rest. All the people In the
Longo Wherqe 0he wait stavin were very
qui4t, a. stfe fads fioc s fml thv gature
of her prd!tlp5joti. �oll]0 hire might be
sbooked if they knout there was an actress
fn the house. But some one discovered
her, as eome one always does, and then
she received a eurpriso, It came from the
quietest, most demure and most easily
shocked old ladles in the house. Th@y
came to her in a state of Arent excitement.
"Is It true," they asked almost breath-
lossly, "that you are an actross?" "Yes,"
she assented. "Thon do come up In our
room and not us a scone," they cried.—
Now"York Times.
�1 ` '�II�iL
' u a y - '
' ," i�
•r,e o.t✓
' • ` �•�
Is the most reliable and effective '
remedy known for the relief and
MER COMPLAINT. It settles the
stomach, stimulates the heart,
soothes and heals the Irritated '
" For several seasons we have re-
lied on Dr, Fowler's Extract 0f Wtld
Strawberry for all summer com-
plaints. A few doses always give
relief and It never fails to cure. Wo
think it a very valuable medfoine—
was precious as gold." MRs. F, C.
aolt, Font 1-1111, Ont. j
111M 1 SMTrrmrs. TnIEV'RAtANOnOtM.
____' ,
Bruce.e , ohn _, _Dimon, �tppen.
Piles, whtather Itching, blind or Robert Smith, Rarlock; Jno, W. Yeo. Holmes•
blooding, are relieved by one vino; ttobt. McMillen, Seaforth; James Cam•
dppliou•tlon of miner 411,99 1110i.Tcltn UQM,igek rind Jotlq
MOTrlSoti, audituia.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment Parties desirous to offect lnsurande or trans
act other business will ba promptly attended to
on application to any of the above officers,
•'t In S to b nights. addressed to their rospective offico.
And ours.. '-aa I lFi}pghamton &Y..
Dr. : Oar,'A doz@n more of Ag-
wrlto@ t Send mo i. . !ab large quan-
now's Ointment. I preeor, -v In ekiD Dainty Footwear
titins of it. It is a wonder works.
diseases and a groat cure for piles. -
"Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects
Everybody ordors, Marvellous illustrations
Prospectus $1.00. BRADLEY-GARREI'SON
d "I 10 ee biaeaee_ ailing Mem•
Dry, Impotpnp 8leeplpsenose, oto. ennead
by A I . or other Exeese- ¢rid Iad[s-
emtions They q 1-1 -rill .,cram/
restore host Yit¢lity in old or young. ¢rid
man for study, b¢siness or mnrringo.
¢aso or
Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson,
Tho old Clinton PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton hie home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Factory, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest terms; flrat-claea
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired.
William Street, Clinton, Immediately
behind the hark.
For Women and Children..
School Shoes for Youths and
Misses, Men's Fine Box Calf
and Dongola Boots & Shoes
all at reasonable prices. It is
a pleasure to show so many
new and stylish Roots & Shoes.
Full lines of
SINGLE and Harness
Trunks and Valises always on
hand. Iced and White Oedar
Sliingles kept in stock also.
J. TW' otehell
-.. . A - -=:&.. 'I— -.-.. .. . .. . .a-.
A general Banking Busiue
Drafts gaited. Interest allowed bn< '',
11 .deposits.
Adv4noeg made to farmers on thelr'tvnit,
tfote@ i►t lou? rates of interest •
A general Banking Bueinesa hangs ;
Interest allowed on deposits. .-,
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager,
Huron Street.
No have just received another lot of A*
Some and Dominion Sevbing Machigfat;
ormer is an exceptionally good Mach,"I
agd has given good satisfaotfon to _I
geedles and all kinds of R'e'p ri
swept on hand
dacbines sold on monthly paymonts
on me or write for prices and ter"wN.:.
an. 1898 WX MOOR ;
For Twenty-seven Xis m
® UNN"V8 I;: J
' ,.A