HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-10, Page 4',.. I' r ist church, which he regularly at- lde and where he was greatly be- Besides a large circle of friends d acquaintances, he leaves to mourn a departure a widow and four sons. sons are Rev. A. K. Bit ka, B. A. Waterloo St. church, Stratford; W. I Birka, organiat of St. James Metbo- at church, Montreal; T. W. Birks D. D. Birke, of British Columbia, Coming and Going. TO AND FROM CUNTON AN') VARIOOB OTHER PRRsoNAL NO'rha, We shall be glad to have contributions to column from any of our readers , If on visitorsor away tellpus, or end note to that effect. A, E, Rand wait in Stratford Saturday- Erndit Holmes Sandayed at his home in itohell..,. John Ransford was in London and Tor. this week. Mise A. Dagg, Bervie, is visiting her ant, Mrs Walsh. Miss Rourke, of Mount Forest, has taken p bar residence in town. J. P. Rose and Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, are visitors to town this week. Mrs Israel Taylor leaves next week on a to friends at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Brooks of Mitchell, is visiting at the orae of her father, W, Cantelon. Mv. B. Clement and wife are spending a days with friends in Windsor. Mies Polly ]Moore of Hensall, is the guest TAYLOR News Notes. ;JACOB Church Chimes. ' od i Mi General District Agent for the - G. Gagnier, James Oliver and other Confederation Life Insurance Co cal estate dealers, report that the vacant .uses in Windsor are being rapidly taken to nd- y tenants from Detroit. About fifteen Money to loan at reasonable rates. imilies moved across last week, and every The Synod of Huron will. meet im to ! ��. ll'. j) Ori (1CL'llle London on June 20th. an hi • 'Vhere to Spend 1 Rev. A. Stewart exchanges pulpits Sunday Rev. N. Shaw, of T Th soled the motion intended to prohibit I • 1 on next with Egmondville. of �oar Holidays vas evident that the resolution was aimed -. The Salvation Army will hold an di . open air concert every Thursday night at, a , 14;� Furnishing the following during the summer months, to Winnipeg per boat from i Publications Mr T. Murch will occupy the pulpit sour future with Canada. The way to , ltlali will to forwarded upon application to at�7'vftho agents of the Grand Trunk Railway of Ontario St. church next Sunday morning, and Mr Findlay in the even- V IBITORS , iJustroika t• Land of • Health avid Pleas- �'re, 41sicribing the picturesque Muskoka , ing. Rev. Mr Kerrin, of Mitchell, former- this esegiou. ?i'llltatslkoka special Folder.",' 1 of Bayfield, last week received an invitation to Hamilton, which he de yourselfodrop 01Thottsaud Island Folder." '�Af,',ltide. to the Fishlu • livid rltruttln Ile. in the vie nity of the gaud alined. r _ �1 !1 otI and 'Tlrt ltallwny system, containing reliable The choir of Ontario St. church pro- " , imformetion in re rd to Fish, Game, Hotels, .�,ltveiry.audgenera facilities, or write to pose at an early day to take entire charge of one of the Sunday services, M M. C- DICKSON, D.P.A., Toronto. and will render a song service on that Bargafas 1a',;R,'HODGENS, AGENT, CLINTON. occasrou, , Rev. Jas. l�yttniiton, pastor of Wtng- 0 on ham Baptist chutch, preached his fare f tiv. Att};Q*t;�#iotmellto he ion Sabbath 1°nHeomobig a Br{t fness ohange-Allen & Wilson.... •.Page 1 vesortor north- west shortly. u uis--blies hillier maul -W Cooper & t'o::... ::..:::: s T '@ early bi d -J B Rumball & Cc........ We congratulate the Rev.F.J.Uaten, of Belerave, formerly of Bayfield, on w 5 1.2+frri9.greou-J E Bovey.... ... ...I—. 5 , 0dt:vveather goods-McKiauon & Co .., • • =. )Sioagonable goods -Harland Bros .... ,..... 5 his having received the degree of Ph.B. g g from the 'Wesleyan University, Bloom vi v Sul twatsta Gilrov& Wiseman .......... 5 store -J H Combe .......... . .... in toll, Illinois. al - 10 cult. 00' Sail- on S 1.''1'bfe;GLg1 la lrt'modsts-•W LOuimetto _.............. I t+i&ktat�oredltors-has Scott... ........... b Rev. A. Stewart preached tbanksgiv- ing sermons in Belgratve Presbyterian h �IOuse to at d H Woroell........... ...... 1-1tairfor servico-JH Diehl ....... ......... 5 ;Ruction Salo -W J Biggins ... ... ........ . 6 church, on Monday , in connection with the 3rd anniversary of the induc- f ew _W.Ob1-JgG'edhirl............ .... ........ ° 'T',t s tion of Rev. Mr Hall. i STRATFORD,. ONT gains, -•J H Chellew ............ • .....:I .: lamps -W Taylor Sons ... ., 8 grow -VV D Fair Co........ 8 I Thu rnembers of the infant class of Rattenbury,St, Sunday School and al- Of ° ,..:''Iho;babywill £Sitti rtlaynext- Jackson Bros. ... ..... t3trictly business-Hodgens Bros.......... 8 so the inernl:era of the Junior League will picnic at the river on the afternoon i i ? n���ftw of the 18tb inst. The mothers and old- er sisters are also invited. e 9 The Hat(enbury St. Epworth League w presented the family of the late Rich - FRIDAY, JUNE. 10, 1898 and Heywood with a nicely worded letter of condolence one evening last lit week, expressing sympathy with them t ,Perhaps the London Advertiser still in their, rfeent severe affliction in the _, h .some use for the Senate. We loss of their father. London conference closed its session yes- d I i i.4ven't and don't hesitate to say so. torday. There was )cry little change of i stations further than as reported last week. a 'Che Conservative papers are publish- Mr. Bond goes to Ridyetown, Jasper Wilson J ,t >ilg alleged reports of what took place K � to Goderich, A. L. Russel to Guelph. This covers about all the changes in this district ri #'t the West Huron Liberal Conven- not announced last week. �igtl. Their statements are purely Rev. Mr Pocock has resigned the r, titt $ihi:tginary, and as true as imaginary pastorate of the Baptist churcb, very r instances usually are - but no much to the regret of his people and those who have had the pl-asure of his s,:, snore so. acquaintance while here. He has been F it faithful worker, but ill -health is the it .. We notice that the London Free cause of his withdrawal. h ` k gess speaks of a serious accident to a On Monday the following persons 0 "?' Widow woman." If it had been to a representing Huron Presbytery left here for the General Assembly meet- a ' "F 1peiaow boy or a widow man, the desig- .ing at Montreal: -Reye. A, McLean, i icst%Won might have been necessary, but Blytb; J. A. Hamilton, Londesboro; J. Hamilton. Goderich; W. Graham, g iely.it should be specially necessary to Bayfield; J. A. McDonald, Varna. b bugle out a "widow woman" is some- Rev. E. Medd, of Sarnia, has been ° ithing we cannot understand. elected to deliver t he lecture before the v Theological Union at the meeting of Referring to West Huron vacancy, London Cunference next year. This is „>l.•. ' ,,,,, �,ondon Advertiser says:- quite an. honor for our young friend, anti we congratulate him on the dis- f f'1n the bye election whish must tinction given him. Huron boys will ,`#n 0place, there is an ample crop of come to the front. ;;�j;ljerals of prominence and ability )t m among whom the choice of a sac• At the meeting of Christian Endeav• t >cseor to his honor can be made. With r�'<ir►(tnirrtrty on behalf of the nominee of or in Willis chutch, on Wednesday evening, the, topic, "Christ's missio-i c gonvention, there will be no doubt °n earth," was taken by Miss- McTav f �6o ?,,"„Q'thll6success at the polls if he is op- isb, who gave a very excellent address. After a nrofitable discussion on the o 0ed: 0, subject. Misses Murray and Wiseman ° `#pass system has again been un sang a duet. The subject next week "What the school bas done in our o con in Parliament, As it French work,” will. be taken by Rev. i a , impnesibit3 tF prevent aC S A, Stewart. I E. i3, Smith, of the Western IIni- ii using a pass i€ the railroads grant V�tslfy; .T.btidou, pang a his examina- ii, the governwent should decide `" tion in Divinity and received i,'U tliTM He At #tial' every member who uses one loins on Monday afternoon, be ordained to the Dieconate on Sun. t;P,-puld not get his mileage .allowance. day next, and will then take charge of K t;, is:slot honest: to use a p4sp anti at big parish in Goderich township to �A +n. , '' I draw which he was appointed some montha Matthew i same time a mileage. 7 '' ` ago. Mr Smith won the highest in his 1,, -w------- Wilsou medal, standing , be a - -, a present fiscal year promises to year in Elocution. e, record breaker. The returns for the mouth mouth . Programs are ot.t for the annual con- Atlbpril 80th show an increase in the total vention of the Huron County S. S.and f ik ride over last ear amonntin -cover $40,- # Y . g C.E„ to be held in Wingham on June 21-22. Rev. J. W. Rae, of Toronto, � ; . !' . Q00. The imports have increased near- takes part in the convention, as do " .t ' y 1$12,750,000, and the exports over $27,- number of other proininenr C. E. Workers. . o. S. and .•6;000. The cry tbat with the pa ' ,i, , ".veno Of .mmong those from Ciititotl •W110m names appear orl the 4 ` iie.,Pdtiers1s to power iiia country's trade program are Israel Taylor, R. Holmest, Rev. B. Clement, D. McTavish, Miss would languish has received M. E. Robb and Miss Washington. t -�a�commerce t r alp answer. We look for a good attendance, an en- tbusiast convention, andl beneficent � -- The costliness and use of Hansard results . isuti