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The Clinton New Era, 1898-06-10, Page 2
. .. , , . / , .1.. . . 1. I . . 1 , . . ' ,1 e. I . '4r,THE CLINTONMW W LR & ' u, q. . - ... _.._ 11, Professional andOtherirdS .• +1! A lN�1••Pb.bH.n.n,.wln.•nadldbr•✓: Reply to 1Hr Ifernighan's Letter. The Shortage Wheat On Wednesday evening m last week p Oats Wanted _ the workmen .had just completed the I Indget�on w `s 7'o the Editor of the ..1'ew Lyra. It is claimed by some United States blocking up of Mr Love's barn, Hills a jour nils that the high price of wheat Greert, preparatory to luivfttg a stone CURED e JAMES SCOTT. . DEAR SIR:—In your issue of May 271h Is not due to the manipulation of the fouudation placed under it, and had sv CELERY KING IN EXCII t,I6GE imos appemred a letter from the pen of Mr John market by Leiter, nor war, with Spain. not yet. left ttie building, n hen, from Sirengthem the stomach aids digestion; sora 112 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats BiLrri$ter Solieito : gernfgban on the p ohibition question and They say that it isdue entirely to the some cause or other, the whole struc- pleasantly on the bowels. Large package, 25cts.' 131bs. choice Family Flour bash Oats f t ®�'�'g'�� ', with your permiaeion I will endeavor tore- liiiv of supply and demand, and t hat I Lure Came tumbling do an. Mr John Sold by alldrugglsta, or woonweaD usD[c:Ns co., Y g°j pp'�� TORONTO, CANADA. li� gll�►�9� ; ply to s few of his arguments. I11r Letter's success way the result of Cochrriue was sir nck by the falling <�. CONVEYANCER die. The temperance people do nocv, as in the the scarcity havtng been undelestim- limbers and very seriously injured. Ex Ore Infantlulm• Oafs talon In exchange OomnplesioAeitarOatsrtoandManitoba 11 4 4 c past, think that that the prohibition qute- al ed by the statisticians. However At John Dian Son's residence, ih Stan- -- Offlce immediately south of Gilroy & Wiseman \ * �' i tion will Lot only be none the worse for the fact, does not 1 +Asea le townshi , iA au historical relic of for Groceries ■xqy, 1 , � y this nu►y be, y' p Little Jesus, wast shy tji�fi,- havi,g the arguments of their opponents the immorality of Mr Leiters efforts more than pasEling Interest in these Once, and just as small as I? �)!,, i% presented, but that an increased prdhibi- to corner the wheat markeL of (be days of hag pipe fame, made so by the And what did it feel to be These are our present rates, We BRYDONE. . • '(ONTH . S• CLAIR RIVER) a tion sentiment will result therefrom; and world and extort the last cent from brave ex lofts of i er I''indlri con ud, but we don't know how long p p p y" § .Out of Heaven and just like me? the will continue. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAS *�' �Ay�+w ��® with this end in view they have on more the teeming masses wtlo rPyuire bread others in lherecent Eastern C,tmpatgn. Didet 'hon sometimes think of there, y - ] N 1.h+A than one occasion invited the defenders of and.have little money with which to The 1•elic in queat ion is it set of ba - And ask wheve all the apgels1were? PUBLIC, ETC. i the liquor traffic to appear with them on buy it. 'pipes that were through the Peninsula 1 should think that I would cry O• OLSON, Clinton Ol�ee—Beaver Block. 1 Q GiRRDUATiBS SO ; the publio platform and present the liquor There is'no doubt now in the minds war and wet played at the head of a For my house all made of sky; Upstairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery 8oa4red' exoe'lent positions since ,gide of the question. of careful stiitiaticians't,hat there ie a Scotch regiment at the brittle of Wat• I would look about the air, CLINTON Fedare4' , xoe This college is open i Mr Kerr "first objection to pro- large shortage in the crop that was erloo where the piper was wounded in And wonder where the angels were; IT PAYS TO thioughout the entire year. We are i hibitioa is that it does not prohibit," and not suspected six months ago, and i he both tette end had to be taketr off the And at t6aking 'twould dietrese me — located on Fr tit St., and overlook ? he makes that statement in view of the cru of 1895 will command a hi h fig field. The ab fact is fnllq nttthen• 'NqC his' angel there to areae me 1 MC Ca CAMERON Re, lrpantifnf t. Clair riven This is p the mast delightful place in Ontario 1 happy results achieved by the prohibitory tire, It is estimated that on ay let ticatetl from the fact that thea ear - suspend the summer months• laws of Kansas, and other prohibition there were but thirty four Ir,illror, PP tic ' fiboa.ever any_ toys Q (Formerly Of Cameron Holt & Osmeroa)1 � Ii 8tmtes in the Union. I °will not " note Y flocs of the pipes in the first •place.de- Y.ikb q�httle, girls tmd boys? BARRISTER AND SOLIOI'POIK. Fox further particulars address, 9 bushels of wheat available iu the note that they Are of a very old pat- 'A�d; dl pt Thou play in Heaven with all " ' statistics or oite Bg r�s to pprove that United States and Canada. A year tern and show considerable ,wear, and 9b� angels #tat ware not toe tall, ,,' Offioe—aisiatiltim st, o osite Colborne House 11 A. S. Nl�i�i0 1 prohibition does prol►fbit in gansas,-bat I ago fift million bushels were avail- secondl 1n the manner in whinh�the GODEItYC ONT - Y y , y V�i'bb,stsrs or marbles? Dtd the things ' will rye the es erience of public men who able. In 1896 thgre were nearly one come resent uwner.a posses- tr " 1 g P present p Play ,,, pan yon see me ? 'through their i""", , "" '+"'""""'"•'•'•'••"•"•'••'"••'•••••'•••••'•'•••••• have had amide opportunity of noting the hundred million bnsbels to be had. sion,•haviing: bEen pm^chased from a '' wrnge? Are You ,Awatre of the Pact that = 1}� ntgp�, A .�jph} npgp�ip effect of prohibition, and, whose etatemente In Enrope the conditions are much son off the original piper, • named, Me- d d,d Thy ppIiQtherlet T' ee spoil %llC OIIIUIIO gCCIUUUL IQSttIUlldU CO Clinton Fost Ofliee. will hardly be questioned even by Mr more etrittgent. 'France has thrown Keivigan,or some atteh Gaelic name, ' `Ljlr'p, po w}llaplaytn$ On our soli? TheCa'uadaBUsines$CollegQ '11 ,Kernighan, inasmuch as he bee himself off her tariff on wheat, so has Italy rlul•ing,Dlr MAnson'�s stay. in New, York q n�ce,to have tilt m a ads new Ia addition to compemsatiori for aocidentiil in. TABLE. been compelled to fall back upon bis own and so has 13 alta. The London Statiet 4, experience, which he admits has been ver p where the old piper ants his: son had 7ji - kyoptFy ,gi<►fee 01,Ae_dkle clean blue t CHATHAM, ONT. Scarlet and TyphusyF'ever a ao t Smallpox hold, IE A ` MAILS CLOSED P y says t bat London, which generally ernigratedi and Were tl►e laGten follow- rde� Ilea kneel ,night �o pray limited, being confined to three years of carries 2,400,000;bushels, has but 880,- ed the business of shootxtakin , until All information and rates on application to + is?'+ t „ e,nt .iu5 Scott not. I have before me a statement pU0 in store. In German there is a god dsq Tinsjoh�, h(►nde, this way ? isdotnpt more ,for• Ore pupils, thaD. any other 7�yyta� Y chetimeof his death. wheiv-gebting-in t1 a e t're,�gm trpaee, being young, Oupi.powCtallpgcia,thcAopolnlon. D. L. MAOPkERSON, •16' B fl3'Ldiadb jird S. `V. Optario�7 00 4 00 re aced and ei ned b thirty-six ublia �u 'd4 lb' y. i43 90 `4 30;,WinfGham and iiluoardiuo 955 G 35 P P g y y P grealer anarchy than there has been straigh erred . cu eumetttiiices, Mold the � l5q e f" 0rgyerd seem ver loo v dents r�s `fel. q arte�i aie�44 eking etASthie Agent, Crtxrox R 16 0,55. Western S.W. & N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 O5 Loan end leading citizens of Topeka, the for thfrt eats. i es, nq the ear 11352.. The, h ,of• the ! t g' dente ,Ig m all fl fir ; I:113 Purity, ButYalodc astern U S 700 405 pial cit of ganeas "who be to lace y y p.p y afi na 4d by m that pt Life, nfgllt tivorthy i's achooL as 1 y g P This was not Iealized by the market I es bairn pf a erish�blenature. dia- largo �G fs P p !3 p tis het) qd old t11� ol'otiaea in right ? there are lc dy this nese Sed p pile 0hgletp�rea i' 2 35 on record their knowledge of the facia re• in eneral until ver late! It was 9ng black ?ld lldy • hog feel gp.'}ta good in bed, [roto outs de ointe. 00 of them from pointe _ 93 Toronto& points eastdcnrth700 t3 y y appeared!• . t�go, but lbeinatrt�ment } p � ,JQNN RIDO T• lotto to the working of the prohibitory p p gise0(j and sweet, end ray prayers esti ? nearer to other bueines3 'Colleges than to CONVEYANCER COMMISSIONER, 4 06 g g p Y t.bpught the supply 'from Ait'entina Io er !lain made of somelint la RTC 103 ...Montrbal and Ottawa.., 700 235 law„ and among others they make the An India would replenish the depict- wood, is of exquisite wgrkmansh'ipr Thou oanstaothava forgotten all Chatham. 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 2 3s ' 03 following statements: —"We maintain that ed granaries. , Argentina produced mounted in ailvgr and shouts i at the That it feels like tp bH, mtall, We Urne these pptople iaveetf ated the -- • 10.27t 13tratford and Scaforth.. 7 00 2 35it is practical to its worktn and remotes R I And Thou knoweat x aanaot ra merits of the ditfaFent sc)1oo19, ant} decided Real Estate sad Zhanrance Agent. a 3 p g• P about half an ordinary crop, and In instrument has bad considerab e,wear p y that ndthihk bat the best would satisfy them, g t. Mousy to • '10.27'Polnts E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 the welfare and prosperity of all classes of dia fell short as well. . W hen this was around the finger holes. The owner, To Thee in Stay father's way— heno,i, they are here, lend on Mortgage and Note security. ■ ;", 1 R3i,.••Mit.ohell and Dublin.... 7 00 people. Under prohibition the pcpnlation, realized, up wen, prices with a jump, who is now living on his fine far m, 18 When Thou was 00"little, say, Write for catalogue of Other departments and Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON 5 1 12 4 as well as the wealth, of our state has a genial Scotchman and its his young• Couldst Thou talk Thy Father's way ? a fist of the 43 pupils placed in two months. 49 „t a ........Goderich .......... And the end is no yet. 9 increased; and the material, moral and The following table shows how the er daps was no mean performer on the Franaia Thom son. R ACNEW ILuoan crossing, Sarnia and and educational interests of oar people law of Supply and demand governs the P D. DipLACHLAIV �CO,Chatham 046 I'¢ q,, ....ioterme.tiate points... 7 00 4 05 pp y g pipes, hence his attachment for the 40 ` I•ILondesboro& lislgrave.. 9 55 greatly advanced. We fully realize the wheat market as well as any other pipes that remind him of the land of DENTIST, CLINTON +'I}eOfilce is open to the public (holidays ex happy results of the abolition of the liquor market: his birth. The pipes are on view at 01d Clieordie 7l NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 400P :d)'from 8n.in to 7 15 p m. but holders o traffic, as they are seen in the decrees: of ,Year. Bashels Year Bushels env time and the owner feels not a 1attk' Gies have access to the lobby until 8 p.m poverty, wretchedness and crime, and in 1873..1,800,IXN),INN) 188.5..2,080AUU,0(.IU little proud when visitors call in to Old time printers will be interested AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY ON In Elee Estate of Tleoniaa Farquhar, dacPaaed. the promotion of domestic peace and order, to know that, George Pi, the last of EACH MONTH y' :34lijtiey order sod Saving Bank office open 1fi74..1,8S0,IXN),INNI 1SR6..2,160 (N)0 (NN) see them. Mr Manton is brother -in- the ancient order of Tramp Printers of Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. _ 154txtt. to tSfp.m- It has more than met the expectations of 1875..1,8W,IX)O,IXN) 1Fh7..`L.2811,110U,0(� law to the late Paler Adamson, whose Canada, has gone to his reward. He ciaimsagainst fife estatothat ot Tholl mas Farquharg Office Hours -9 to 5. �y,A atter for registration must be posted half its warmest friends," 1876• • 1 8(8i 0W,W) 1888..2.22.4,000,0(X) a fdow, his sister, novo resides in Godo• died in a Toronto hospital the other wbo died on the 21st day of March, 1898; are re- • 41liboo'r before closing rho mails. The above statement was signed by T. Av' el,$2.1,O1N1,(NNI A v'g('L.184,(Nx1,lNl0 rich. day from the effect of burns received quested to send postpaid or deliver to the Ex- TA,GI MAIL — SUANIERHMI, — Every W. Harrison, mayor of Topeka, and thirty- 1877-1.960.000,000 18`i9, - 0 ""tore, ou or before the 20th day of June, I DR T. C• B$UCEs Tabsday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and ltav- five others, some cf whom voted againstWhsle building a fire, near Milton, t0 1898 their names and addresses at.d full Isar- SURGEON DENTIST, it3)t,;tSt ,5.3op.m• prohibition when it was first introduced, 1878..2,(N)0,000,(NN) 180)..2.264,000 (NN) , keep himself warm. George was a ticuiars of their claims and of the securities P 1879. • f,S56.U(XU,(NN) 1891..2,876,(iUU,(NX) lin Maclaren's \(ieut3 born tram On one occasion he in- lit any) held by them, duly certified, and that f Graduate R 0 D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity Q1,,1Tafl A DAY ONLY ;s mail despatched but whose experience has convinced them -- p' after that date the Executors will distribute ;1G1Cplti^tlZis.' ufftco to Londosboro and Bel>;rave+ that rohibition does rohibit. If the 1880..1,960AN1,(N)o I89� Z •108,U06,(NNI herited 1160,000, and It Cost $500 in ad- g versity Toronto. :,tl1 D,tv.7llitchell and Dublin, mars closiaK as P top rove to the sat- Av'ge1,944JW,000 Av ge`L.296,000,0W • Dr. John Watson (Ian Maclaren) has the assets a the deceased y on the parties a.;6 o'sMitc P ) declined the call tO Kenstn ton pros- vertisiug to Hod him. When found, entitled; havtng regard only to the claims of Special attention given to the Preservation above i. not sufficient 1 g isfaction of Mr Kerni ban that rohibition 1881..1,96Q000,(NN) 1893..2,47IXN►,000 awe down in Louisiana, he came which they aha 1 then have notice, the natural teeth. ,",711j15 Ybr British Isles and European coon• g P 1882..2,200.(NN),O(Nl 1891..2,060,000,O1H) byterian church, London. n address home, ai ned the necessary papers, Dated this std day of June, I898. +, islet: iste,.nded ti be forwarded b New York, has been a success, I can furnish him with Ofhoe, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store uiitdtttendedto on the top loft hand corner similar statements, and signed by the 1883.. G.040,(NNI,(NN) 1895..2,4i)(f,0(Nl,IX1U ins his people On the subject, which of a from the law er in the case, W. T. FARQUHAR, Hills Green 1YbaVe VIA NEw the to similar men of nearly ever cit and town 188.4• •2+`340,0G(I,(N)(1 1896..2,49(f.U(N),(NX) he did at some length, be told thein g $- Y GEO. 14. FARQUHAR, Clinton f Executors. N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday and k Y Y that, he shouldstate with all frankness and started off on the tramp again.— Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the in Maine, Iowa and Kansas; and it will 1897, • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • • • • •' •2,280,000,U(l0 Hamilton Spectator. the two strong convictions which had George was a neer chs On one HILLSIDE STUCK FARM. summer �, hardly be supposed that his "three years* Last years crop was.the smallest in led hire to consider the desirability of g q p ,,� Too Much Rlattery experience of :he t-cott Act" will carry eight years. The detrland was larger a change. One was that after tiny occasion be struck a London printing -- more weight in regard to prohibition than sho In rets bad shape and some one For servicef The highly bred large horn boll, DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S. than usual. The infers ccs is too plain man had ministered to a congregation p p y p 19th Prince of Thule; also, the large, improved -" Edinburgh. Office—Ontario Brest Clinton 'bile NEav ERA is free to admit that the ex erienoe of all the others combined. to re vire comment. fixed him u with a new suit. He Yorkshire boar (Regulator) first-class pail tee, p q as large as his for Seventeen year's, P ( Night malls at front door to residence h Rattan .: ts'':nditorfal friends hove been un_ It is with considerable difliculty that 1 it is Almost necessary for him to be changed his clothes In the office and a prize winner, bred by Mr. H. J. Davis, cod- bury 8t., opposite Presbyterian church. J1t �c;- follow the process of reasoning b whish + + Y started out. While he was out some stock. TERMS:=Bull, $ta0, Boar, $1. Foes ,BLuted'fn their complimentary refer- P Y Crisp County Clippings released and to begin afresh elsewhere. payable in advance, with privelege of return- a y Mr Kerni han arrives at the conclusion -- of the mischievous bovs stuffed the In if necessary. g His leisure hours he had given to g ?q,,O§<to its editor. It is pleasant t o that, while the people were directly re- writin , so that he had been working old clothes with hay and set up a d'irm- PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS. R J. L. TIIIiNBULL, M. Ai TORONTO y, s oneible for the Acott Act the cvould not R. B. McLean, Kippen, purposes go- g my figure nn the stone so that he Clinton, May 27, 1898. DUniversity, M D. C.M., Victoria University .',* 6*,that we have the good will and p y to to the old county with his fat cat. every hour from Sgnday to Sunday, be equally so for a prohibitory law, and g, y could meet it the first thing if be re- M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fel►Ow of the q Y p Y tie ut a few days with no break. All hough his visit to PROPERITES FOR SALE OR TO LET Society otEdinbnrgh,late of London, En „ant 4a'#eeba 'of our. confreres, while we 'consequently the prospect of enforein; it turned. He, did return in a abort - Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.—Dr. s America hrid wonderfully revived him, y' 010 lj#e}}"eve they say more than is Hetes- would be so much less. The Scott Act wits The annual rneetingof the South Hu he had found the strain very heavy, time, and, seeing the dummy figure, � office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell brought into operation by the vote of the ron Farmers' Iusl it ate washeld at Cox. No one who is not a preacher," said he began berating those who had FOR SALE. answered at the same place. ,�,. .per justified. We reproduce the People, and prohibition will become law by worth's Hotel, Hensall, on Tue„sday h'r, "can nater imagine the, a on of stuffed the clothes, saying he could -- ___—•,_ t{!. own 'ons to shrew our readers the registration of the ill of the people in last. g g Y et lift cents for the suit. He gram- The undersigned will Boll at sacrifice, Lot 451 �l g y g of • P P piuductio'n. To preKeh to the sante bled all the time he was Pullin the or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton, Particnlare DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, BURG] ON like manner, and that will being made ef- The District meeting of the Rn al people three times a week, and to de g upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister aro iJAyoonoheur, etc., office and residence 0n. ,tv ",” ..- faalons of others:- FP Templars will be held in Hensall, on pend upon so fickle, and in my case, hay out, and final) departed with the tario St.; opposite English chutel� farmer] oO, fictive. But is it- childish to su osO Y P Y, , _1:4entaf Mr M.C.Cameron being made that because people are not directly re- Thursday, Jnne 9th, at 10 a m., when so Blow, an instrument as the brain— ragged old suit under his arm. 13e FOR SALE. cupiedby r.Appteton, Ciintorrr�nt. @ a .0nt-Governor• of the Northwest sponsible for a certain law %bat the la a Dominion Manager Featherston will how can one continue without losing got the fifty cents, though, Lew Bene- t.,,a dict, the minstrel. bought the suit, and Factory and contents on the roperty of D. ltories, the Liberals of Rest Huron cannot be enforced. How many poop be present. power and becorxaing stale and nnpro R STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THAI aglll'be called upon to select another stand- are directly responsible for the law against fitable? What a relief to begin again, Lucre it often afterwards on the stage.. Buchanan for 1 a ou paying in down and .D Medioel Department of Victoria Univer Mr Jas. McGregor, con. 2, Tucker- —London News, balance at Apply o month Building to be re- 'A', e- city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals an at W,b ret, and already Dame Rumor is murder and stealing and would Mr Ker- smith;, has purchased from the noted to recast And improve: ones message moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. 't.d�1 _d with the name of Mr Robt. Holmes, nighan say that these laws are not pro ti- Hereford breeder, W m. Elliott,'of near for unac�ustorned ears and new Geor a struck the NEW ERA office Dispensaries, New York, Coroner g County of Huron, Bayaeld, OnL. ' Yof','�he Clinton NEw ERA. Mr Holmes is sal and cannot be enforced, or vote for Goderich, a thorn -bred registered Here- hearts." The other conviction was some years ago when a hand press was HOUSE '10 EENT. , .,"iii,.known in St. Catharines, where his their abolition because men still commit ford bull, ]5 months old. that the p�cple would be the better in use; the foreman was sick, 'and for a change. But Dr. Watson found George was engaged to work -off the The large frame dwelling house on Albert 7 E, BLAOIIALL VETERINARY SURGE p tligr affil resides, and his many friends murder, and opportunities are Loos pre- Street, late -y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half d . Honorar GraduateoftheontarioVeterin ed an ',Wi-;wi11 be pleased to learn that he is so rented for witnesses to perjure themselves? • The semi-annual meeting of South the strength of the ties that bind him paper. He be an to disrobe, so that y ffl4: tient a. favorite with the people of It is simply nonsense for Mr Kernighan, Huron County Orange Lodge will be to his resent charge stronger than he hec ould worksproperly, and threw off an acre of land. RJAMES SCOTT Barrister. College. the mostts dieeaseeofdomestita print Iy t) p g g mals on the most moistp and eoientiflo primo ,;e-1 .pro7r=St, Catharines Jogrnml. or any other man, to raise objections to held at Hensall on Friday, June 17th, had supposed, and fearing lest a selfish six shirts before he was in working plea 'office—immedie,telysouth oftbeNewErs 1. prohibition because the services of the "in• commencing at 11 a. in. A full attend- thought, of relief, might chief have condition, having still one on. Asked HOUSE FOR SALE. Gibes, Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Cal 14Ip Holmes has been Mayor of Clinton g g Y g _ night Orday attendedto promptly ;;',-.1y 1834, being now in his fifth year of 'former' are required—an individual whom, ante is looked For, as the 12th celebra• moved him to consider a change, he why he wore so many, he said it was P p 1y ae. . He is at present considering the he says he detests. There is not acriamthal tion will he held there. decided to remain. It is intimated easier to put on a clean shirt. than to Mr. D. Robb offers for sale his brick house «,1;'164 low on the statute books of Caned t on Rattenbury Street. Persons interested a; clip sl4bllfty of scaepting a nomination for Hon. Thos. Greenway, Premier of that the Seftoti Parkeongregation will pull off a dirty one, and he just kept may apply to him on the premises or to JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON lie;.$ones of Commona,�se m successor to does not require to secure its enforcement, Manitoba, spent the fore part of last be likely to consider measures of relief putting on a fresh shirt whenever the W. BRYDONE,-}larrister. has returned to Silinton and opened an office the services of such an individual. The week visiting his sister, Mrs Dr. Rol so that their pastor will not loo be other of too dirt to he seen, at the Queen's Hotel, where be may be consult- '., the Cameron, as representative of West g p g Y ed for the treatment of ail diseases of horses, . laws of Canada are made in the interest of line p p p HOUSE TO RENT. cattle, &e. treatment ofh it day, es of horses, `He is a fluent and ready speaker, the people, and it is the dot of the people . of Exeter. While there he arch- burdened with the re oration of threAll e intimate and accurate knowledge individually, or the governnylent represent-. ? ed front om H. i4t W. Smith, of Spring- discourses a week. Teachers and others who are anxione to That comfortable brick cottage on Ontario tended to. iafL4rR cal affairs. If he enters the House+ hurst stork fano, --a -fine thoro-bred - get on in the world , uspally devote t birt .5, eetenst. near the Presbyterian manse, late- „ Ing the people collectively, to see that they time to stud during the holidays. �ou j" occu ied b of 0ommone he will not be a mere voting Dui ham heifer, paving therefor $250. Y g Y y p y E. T. Holmes, is to rent. Yos- ARRIAGE LIUENbE, daMES SCOTT, o - are enforced. If the former is detested by Fresh Fork Every Day cannot do better than take a course in ,session'atonce. Apply to JOHN R1DOL,T, lnpoliine, for he has always shown consid,- it had the animal sent to his Yawn — — Huron St., Clinton. M ]scorer of Marriage Licenses, Libragy Room Mr Kernighan, he must .also detest the near Crystal City, Man. either shorthand or bookkeeping during end Residence, Mary street, Clinton. arable .{ndependenee and spirit. He is lawyer who prosecutes, And the magi At it Southern convict camp, as de y p g July and August. Nimmo a Academy, C11oiee House find Lot for Sale. "'`:: ,thorn bly In earnest in approving of who tries the care because one is on a par A very happy event took place at the sci ibed in "The•Ainerican Siberia,'' the _ :bf�n, �loneat overnment, and has never ' P Sarnia, is the beet school to attend. An g with the other and each is but doing his residence of Mr Duncan McGregor, of prisoners seldom had any meat except eight weeks' term will cost you but $15. A frame house and quarter -acre lot on the JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO sen afraid to criticize his own party when Tuckersinith, on Wednesday last, salt pork. A good many pigs were corner of James and maria streets, Clinton; ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICbNSES, h4 felt that it wasmoving alonglines of duty. cod briekwerl, barn 14x20 situated near the No witnesses required ,; q!Lfch he could not approve.—ype and When Mr Kernighan says that "the wit. I when his eldest daughter, Miss Isa• about the preniises, however•, and the Hess on whose evidence you hope to convict Bella, was united in the bonds of mat- natural desire of the men fer fresh Toronto's real estate assessment con- A' T. R, station and Doherty Organ Factory. rimon to Wm. A. Workman, eldest meat frequently asserted itself. A Apply to JOHN Db:BRY, Clinton. ,Ironer, Toronto. must first'become an accomplice or acres- Y q Y tinties to decline, and her tax rate goes �1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER Ot+' AS8'N ON Lt ie said that Al. C. Cameron, the stal- sory before the fact to the commission of son of Me James Workman, of the certain cell -house was so loosely built on increasing. This year it will be 20a HOUSE. TO RENT. • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and a?`eat .P., will shortly tender his resig- 'Che crime for which he hopes to convict same township. .The ceremony was that the smaller pigs could slip through mills. That in itself is a heavy tax, Civil, Engineer, London, out,—Office at Goo, yp y Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. „':,:',slat;qit with a view of accepting the Lieut- the other offender" be is stating that which performed by Rev S. Acheson, and the cracks; a happy circumstance, of but it becomes much heavier when lo- Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north, l . enarlt (>overnorsbfp of the Northwest. '.If he does not know because we have no ro- was witnessed by a large number of which the keen -witted rind ' hungry cal itn rovement, sewer and water o rent at once. Good half -acre (garden and :'FI s done a new election will b@ occas- P P beat ing orchard, with promises of lots of fruit. HATS REDIODELLE D. and The Post has mach pleasure in hibitory law in Canada at present and relatives and friends, negroeA took full advantage, till the rates are added. Our Ontario munici gent low. W. MOORS, eery P consequently the •machinery for enforcing It is with deep regret that we an_ drove dwindled so rapidly its to attra',t palities find it a great deal easier to in- Sewing Machine Depot, Huron Street Hats remodelled and done over as cod as tfri)iporting the nomination of a man whose it has not been arranged. That the courts nnunce the death of 141r Hastie, of Mc the attenl ion of the authorities, Capt, cur debts than to meet them. new. Persons wishing work doze in this lin .1, - fs currently mentioned in the person have decided that certain evidence in not Killop. His death was very sudden Powell supposes tnat more than one CHOICE FARM FOR SALE, will receive perfect aatiseaetion on leavin %,Of Rchart Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, and sufficient to convict under the Scott Act and unexpected; he had been confined buud►ed pigs were disposed of to this _ their orders with the undemigned. Leave o A splendid farm of IGO acres of improves dere early. MISS Moo E, pati rietor of�tbe N> w ERA. He is s gen- does not say that the same would apply to bed for some days, but no imine- way. Land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. All bnt.15 Over Boealev & Co'a. late store Albert Stree tl0fnan of independent mind; m clear head• nndea a prohibitory law. The government diate longer was anticipated. He got At another camp there wa4 a huge acres cleared, good frame honer, tramp barn, e�liusiness man; a good speaker, and well who have now the question in hand .may trot of bed, and before he could be nt negro named George Smith, who had bearing orchard, running water. Situated two SHINGLES FOR SALE ` �.ana,:favorably known in the Riding: A be relied upon to give as a law that can be in again he died.• rl est -mortem ex: an inordinate appetite for pork, whichMen 'I ` miles from town of Clinton. Will be sold on :beifi)fr selection could not be made in our g p t~_� reasonable terms, D. McTAVISH, Clinton. enforced, and profiting by the partial fail- amination revealed the cause of death he gratified in a peculiar manner. He -_11 Subscriber will kaon as Shingles the best -bran n g g ora of the Scott mot will be able to frame was employed in a cooper shop, and of Red Cedar and other Shingles at Blyth an objjiion•and•as a neighbor to the RidiD we i to be an internal cancer, aggravated byp p 84 Merit talks" the COT PAGE AND LOT FOR Londeaboro, apply to D. COWAN. at Blyth or Vvopld.'be pleased to take a hand in help- a law that will convict on circumstantial was always under the eye of the guard. himself at either la a fall which he received some days be- Intrinsic value of SALE. p nes. Parties wanting ;1>7ig swell his majority,—as far as is in our evidence. ae. Marderere have been convicted fore, The question was, how to caLch and � � _ shingles will find it to their advantage to as1[ ower iso to do, Brussels Post. and hanged on circumstantial evidence— kill a pig without atttaetinq attention. Hood'st3sreaparilla. The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- for prices before buying elsewhere. p .. In 'even e9f Mr M. D. Cameron being evidence not a whit more oonolneive than Messrs E. Gaunt & Sons, of St. He would take an empty barrel, place Merit in medicine means the power to tags of four rooms with kitchen and woodshed WM. WHITELY. ""de tient.=Governor of the Northwest that which may be presented against vie• Helen a, the well known stock breeders it on ire aide and throw some corn• cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual attached. Centrally situs ed. Good water and Lrndeaboro, Feb. 18, 1898. ma drainage. Will besold cheap• App ty to use— �9id- itories, toe Liberals of West Huron lators of the prohibitory law. A probibib. have decided to sell by public auction meal near the bottom. When a pig and unequalled curative power and there- W. C. bMLE. Hi Old rade Man or Honse— i1111arCe111ed upon to select another atan• itory law can be enforced to the game ex- their entire herd of magnificient short went in after the meal Smith qufetle fore it has tragi merit. When you buy Clinton Doo. lrn,b WAN I'�D sigh Grade Man or Woman, fy y y ,, of good Church standing to act as Manager "tT.1,'. iesrer, and already Dame Rumor is tent as all other laws. Make the penalty horn cattle, and it is to be hoped that stood the barrel ou end, making a pri Hood Sarsaparilla, and take it according here and do office work and correspondence tiiaisfad iVt1j the name of Mr Robert Holmes, imprisonment without the option of a fine, many of these valuable Animate will oner of the animal. Then he ignited P + g HOUSE+ FORT. SALE• at their home. Business already built up and '1.. Life blraton N>Iw ERA. West Huron say one year for the first effenoe, five years be purchased b,V the farmers in this rage and thrust, them under the edge. directions, to purity your blood, or _ established here. Salary t)9oo Enclose self. "ibeiial8 might make a worse choice. for the second and not lees than ten years immediate section. The herd includes In a short trifle the pig would be as- cure any of the many blood diseases, you 02,200 bays the two somt-detached brick addressed stamped bnvelope for our terms to A. P. Elder, General Manager. 189 Michigan *.'Hoff" is a gg,.od fellow, thoroughly in for the theta, and Mr Kernighan can rest 34 bead of the finest animals in the phyxiated. are morally certain to receive benefit, houses o❑ Rattenbury St.. known its the Fox. Ave., Chicago, IIs i.tj -- with L'beral politica and popular assured that whiskey sellers will soon be province and if these animals are taken ,While this was in progress Smith The ower to cure'le there.' You are not ton hetProperty.us P g p thot houses and also vacant Iota for Bale. '< I .. no. , the oleo ore of the oonstxtaenoyl soarae outside the penitentiary away it will be a great loss not only would be bustling about, as if hard at trying an experiment. It will male yon! money.-Prlvato funds in large a :d small AGtENTS. . )1b,heive know» him "from a little chap, The individual who distributee by meas- to the section, but will also detract work, and in order to drown the blood urs rich and nourigbia and that sums e, i� r t u i m gra RYovioRates low. 1 'ti fy+'")+ne of then! knows anything to ore and for pay Intoxicating liquors, under considerably from the splendid exhibit, squeals of his victim he would vigor- pure, g' W. BRYDONE, Barrister. "Klondike Gold Fields, a large,oheap, vain- (iqa, *) drive out tlla germs Of disease, atreagthen able book, selling like a whirlwind. Beautiful his dleor8d" He is an enegetio worker, a the guise of a healthful beverage; in suf ei. of cattle usually seen at out fall shows, ously hammer down hoops, making thef', I 1.Andbuild n hewh.tre tea, BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR Prospectus twent -five cents. Books on time c 'vi(tilr'`Of.bp�1inions, and he has the ability to ent quantities and for a sufficient length of The sale takes place on Wednesday, an ontrageous noise. W hen the pig p t SALE BRADLEY-GA.RRETSON COMPANY,Lnsixen, ekpr@� hem. Shonlu the L}berate choose time to canes or even has�en death, is as June 22nd, at 1 p.m. sharp, gave up the ghost he reversed the bar- , t,1 Toronto. - Xr ,Uellneshe will do his share to main- much a murderer as the person who ad. rel, plunged half his body inside, as if .� P That desirable Brisk Business Stand on AI- ksin'•'tbe good.roputation earned in Cana- ministers poisoned food to his fellow man The Court of revision of the assess- putting in a 'head," and proceeded to 1 , y „ bort St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is AGENTS r mart roll for the township of Colborne Soffered for sale, Includin rear lot and stable. ieilj. nbIia life by men of the quill.— in like mmnner for the sake of the insnr- akin and clean it. L"OR ocatin ie one of the beat in Clinton. The "The beat life Of Her Maleaty I have seen," met in the t hall on Mpay 27. The In these close quarters, and with tp�dmiiten Times. ance carried on the life of his unfortunate p + rty is tree from incumbrance and titlein- writes Lord Lorne bout ,,p neon Victoria:' victim; and why ehonld the one go free and appeal of John Rossier of too high as- out exciting the suspicion of the guards p ..' table. Pricereasonableand termstosuitAgents make fl -e dollars sally.the obher not? and why can oat rho law sessment was brbught before the who were' constantly movibg all aboutSal sap �1 I I a oaa nor nidi ©ss,ol noton P oBURY, Lon- BILADLEY-GARRET30N COBrtTP rANY,oL TIRED LIVING. against the one be enforced as well an d y the place, he turned out as nen't a piece .11 court. It wtis'decide not to take an - -- against the other? To say that probibi- action and sustalned the assessor after of work as any butcher, ,Lethebeet,intact-theOneTrueBloodPurifier, Fat m for �1ale or to Rent. CLINTON ',�8ff'Xearaof Rheumatic Torture Had Sap. tion cannot be enforced is equivalent to making an examination of the roll and When the pIg had been converted Prepared only by C. I.lgood&Co.,Lowell, Us" The south half of lot 5, concession 9. Town- , saying that the flue thousand liquor sellers a few alterations. It was decided to into pork he rolled the barrel into one ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres WOOD and COAL YA a Oibdll joy from Lite, but South Amari• Y g q acre t it as correct, The court then p s tt� Do not ppurge, p1ato or _ in Canada are•greater than the other Svc 1? corner of the• yard, and cooking was Hood's pills gilpe. Alldruggtits.96o. cleared and in good elate or oultivativation, r, bi) thertmatio bare Proved the Lite million inhabitants, in which case we had formed a council for despatch of regu- the next thing in order. It was .man- There ore on ice promises a frame cause, [rami Subscriber Wo d prepared top h will fill better di our country's rave, and the lar business. All the members were a ed in an im improvised oven oven over barn. frame drive house, good orchard, never dere for Wood or cal, welch will bo a i�ob£ar. „g Y g resent, the rplinutes Of the previous g p —A FREE_ failln sup l of sprig water, Situated I mile lowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at oorpee will soon be ready. P p , an opon fire and the result would not from he vp age of Blyth, will be cad on ria Yours truly, 8 have discret'litecl a professional cook. 1 rr IMPLEMENT ROOMS. W. WH I .." over ten gears I was a great suffer- meeting were read and signed, The sonable Corms, Appppl_yy to C• HAMILTON, Blyth N, : �f jrdynzj etiibati&n. I triedmany remedi(s C, M. BEzzo, following accounts were ordered paid: • When the thing final! leaked out, r or THOS. R. WRI(1HT, Exeaut r, 048 Princess GENTS — Book businesses b ' �>id its 11tYd61~, treatment iif" best medical John Jenkins, repairing culvert., 75c; Smith owned np that he had eaten SCHOLARSHIP Ave„ London, Ont. A years past, have better ave me an hoe of a - Benjamin Graham, repairin cabers, fresh pork ever da for three months. to le. Asante clear Quen Vicorl , hyep, lint-fiathln g, Y P p y Y In a t[Igli iarnde 111wsintea Cotte o s worth House and Lot for l9ale gg g $1; James Jones, gravel, 45c; Wm. Gladstone," ," " "Muton Victoria Leo '. t}hyg, I" l5Qti1s`13Ead 'a bottle of South Atneri- winning. ENTRtiNCE and LEAVING con- Gladstone," "My Mother's Bible �fdtPiea " "Pr aliti tli'i3lirnstitY Uur e; fie effects on me were A. Bowslau h, of Centralia, who last Symington, burying horse, $1.50 ; didatos for the next examination have the The frame house on Rattenbury street, gress�ve Spoakor," ^IZloudtke Gold Fiolc%,"Wc- a q ebancO this year, By writing to the , + man, 'Glimpses of the Unseen, Breakfaso {r�yy pjrpn;-67t&I,for when I had taken but week left for Uncle Sam's domain, in clothing for Ben Shammer and remov- immediately east of 1 r. Tom.inaon a, re oiler liWOU everq pilo and symptom of company with a Mies Pym, of Can- ing him to the House of Refuge, $14; offered for sale on ver reasonable terms, Dlmior and 8n t or," ' Canada; a ]cane canvassers. y. z~li6ail#tf6lft liiid JafE' me. I heartilq re- trolls, returned to Exeter on Widnes• Joshua Alien, building culvert., X3.25; �i�� �� CENTitAL BU9INES$ COLLEGE y. dia." Books on t1mo. Outfits free to tauvassors. '. taantt,W , l fir'r Gfl,ilt. hermart+Odorersburg, day, In charge of Chief Gill, at whose Star printing,$6.20;assessor ssalary,050; The hose, is centrally are buss be, c only The BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., )rtmited g OF TAl10NTA a minute' walk from the business, centro, Toronto. • . t11ab• ola by; �^atI iqt (jp, instance he was arrested in Toledo, assessor, equating Union school sec., x'07' infanta and Children. has stone cellar, largo dining room parlor, AGENTS W AN'Y i't). Ohio, on Monday. Miss Pym also re- $5; John Barker, repairing Dunlops stating namo, addrem teachor, school and bed room and kitchen down. stairs,vnthone I turned to Oanada, but remained In hill, 61,50; John Barker, n ening grav- which examination, all {n ormotton about com• —' t�I /i� London. The matter Was finally amrc• 1 {t . 5, The Council then ad Citgo• 'Ae tae• . ppetition will be Ohotrfully furnished, Mention large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs 0% It s wanted, mato and female, in ivory I 1,11 Cry Far ,y e p , $ j its to this paper. Addrtsb Glooa•siLed summer Ititchen and garden, locality w sell our hovoltits• itis comtnfasibn ° ohll, atmtle aid, Bond app Ioation and 2r, Donee for full .11 ' ably settled among the parties con- ed to meet again on th©. 2llh ,day of aigatt ore44 eyery W. H SHAW, PRINC7rAL, Very' donvanioixtly situate tot boarding li;io of soul Los,, Tho 1 R ticlj[II M'f' Cis, i RIA, cerned, and Bowslaugh {liven bis, Surle fit 2 o°clock p. M.•-^- F. `W. Mb- 0 . �,vw/, t peri A� • ST 1{i*eYtq! DONAGn, Clet'k. `� Yarrgc tltrrara Stk , Tori)ntt. hoose. ". " ly at N>t anfodelt4ticff 'LifK 13'a'ron . f,. er ! a 4,.,.,L11",'_ — 1{ LTJ,"J_ , '. � . i • a �� ,