The Clinton New Era, 1898-06-03, Page 5Thomas Beattie. Al. 1'„ is out a { 7 �j ■A. 7�'• I t (. now $140 Japanese deep. BACKACHE CITY BUTCHER $00" 1\ . ^ti,r� I CHILD AND MOTHER, danger, a says x. night comes, beds are prepart»d,to oh, mother, my love, u you'n give me yaw Renrletta Reeves, aged 81, was burnt dins to rough out 1n The Allende, Soft- maker the act Wo feet t>lv living. the old feel I wish undersold In the uy o er x • Rheum ism? to death at Montreal. ding is brought out from the closotawhere that life is not vvarklt t� living. It's edam- not be undersold by nilly other hand it has been pmt away during tbe.day. bno gex ril;nai of Kidney IJit ease —khe tanerdng in the Wetness. I am a Practic l , And go where i ask you to wander The alien labor law has been enforced at •Blood or two large thick futons, or euabiorts, a;e evtdestee Of weak, itlacttive andsore mdni;ya, er; and understand all the braXjrlaiftllt Gtr 0 1 will lead you away to a beautiful land • fpindsor, Detroit masons being dieobarged. spread directly on the mats of bodrooms, Any perwa cwcd of Kidney wcaknese will the business. We gee . the 0'68 ! f, The dreg e'l ' that's waiting out yonder) meats, and a full block always Di7 b pox .. ten; `• WTh walk ill the tweet posy garden out there, Mary gnu Blackwell, 9 years old, lost , • and coverings which look like enormous tell you that when the back Ceased to ache, and will sell at the Lowest 046h VOW* 000THAMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE where moonlight and starlight aro streaming the eight of her right eye, at London, kimono or clothes are spread over them. all troubles ended. Neither Wmwtsr not UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. And the flowers and the birds are filling thaw through contact with a firecracker. W i I I out* Brits xith our mons ,and i;t itl}At Every traveler has told at the p!!!oV made plasters, no; electricity Can Cure it. The g g y y $' W, at the cast rice. We wall ivdt., air of a wooden boa with et little cylindrical seat of the trouble isnot in the skin, fleril or p S = houses What a tzla i mss With the fragrance and music of dreaming. Showers have fallen in all parts o° cushion on the top, but this kind of pillow inaseles. It's ill The Kiilnfoys. credit, but not aB cash prices. T?lB+r '' s to vin -alleged, bed -ridden, dee- Manitoba, breaking the drought, which Can't help but come to the surface ie going out o1 fashion, Softer cylindrical it can be come and bee what you Cala 4141 lop Eairingsu>2erer [rem rheumat gal's cruel . There'll be no little, tired out boy to undress, ti6reatened serious damage to crops. In the form Of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, pillows, made by stuffing a cloth bag with CURED Cash at No questions or cares to perplex you; p Pimples and Rashers of one kind and r/ M N grabp-=and this is a [act, borne out by There'll be no little bruises or bumps to caress Trainmen and telegraph o operators t f husks of buckwheat, are now more oom- R. F�T4SIU101\ ' volumes of evidence, for tWa greatest of i Nor patching of stockings to vex you, the G. T. R. have entered a strong pro' another. Especially is this so in the monly used. In the summer it is Woes :; pain conquerors. For I'll rook you away on the silver dew test against the new r tiles and regula- SPR1NO. At this time of the year Bary to have mosquito nets, which general- I had terrible mud in m bask and broken water Rheumatism is ourablo-south Amerl- stream tions. ly inclose the whole room. was thick and muddy. >y was all broken of CENTRAL BUTCHER. S�O� ; , can Rheuniatiam Cure la an absolute .And sing you asleep when you're weary, the Blood needspurifying, the S S- As a rule, 3apanese families retiraearl and lu pear health generally. Two boxes of 1 n• Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me _ apec:8o, and radically cure$ the most And no one shall know of our beautiful dream The Canadian customs revenue fortem g Nothing r Ten o'clock Is about the average tune. oompletely. Push the sale of them hard, I btubborn cases in from one to three days But you and your own little decry. the first 24 days of May exceeded ceedyd that do it width such cleansing. success Eleven is considered late. A function that; there Is nothing better. A. x. Brit ALSTIi; FOItI! MURPHY ` I suffered Intensely from rboumatistn for the same ase of Of last nt. b $311 tit Toledo St., Adrian, bitch. and sciatica. 7r:od many remedied And And when I am tired I'1! nestle my head 22✓, an increase of `.fi per cent. begins at 9 or 10 slid taste till the small I hadeulfered with s lams tease and was con- We ire dein business on the cash �1yi1#41f* massy phyalcians without any lasting In the bosom that's soothed me so often, hours of the morn ug fairly staggers the fined to my bed for ideate two weeks. I took g benoflL. b few doses of "ouch Amari- And the wide awake stare shall sing in my At London the little child of Mf Beanese. "Why," they day, "even ghosts, not quite rill of a box of 1)r Hobbs' Sparagus pie, and will supply out customers Wit% Can itheumatieCure woaterfutly tolped stead Thos, Copeland, who accidentally gpa/ a a wit: two bottles oared me." -Lr, Errett. 9 song which my dreaming shall soften. dr auk a quantity of car bol'fc acid on who are comma it fAut, retire by that Issdao ttlaaKs 951 S Eleventh St, and was Y�nglii06w,lliich the best moats at the lowest paying Ilrla]ert aierrtwo bot, oaf~ eo, mother, my love, ]et me take your dear Sattirday, died from the effects. Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont, hour," FORD & MIIRPHY, CLINTON Thousands of freed slaves tel{ the hand, r writes : It Made Him Particular. l )r. Ill u Jbb' oarno Story -don't suffer an Neur And away through the starlight we'll wall- A ea ntple of clover, fatty he out I had boils very bad and s friend Ad. Business Change• longerm2. der, which has been in bloom at least a ee "Save me, save mel" she oried, ae her Sold by \'Vatt.a & (70. Away through the mist to t•hebeautiful land- week, has been received at the Globe vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, head rose above the water, and she grasped F � A � U __ _ Tltedreamland that's waiting out yonderI -,Bice, The clover was taken from a so I of a bottle. The effect was won- a plank floating by: iI "..., 11, -Eugene Field. field on the London Road, Sarnia derful-the boils began to disappear, and "I beg your pardon," be replied, from - THE OSTRICH. Tbwnship, and was forwarded by Mr before the bottle was done I was totally the bank, "but I want it distinctly under -S Ki,l ney PillsS Any quantity of fat 11099 wanted !?� THE YOUNG RECRUIT. J. G. Jopling, of Sarnia., cured. As an efiectuand rapid cure stood that I'm a married man with seven sou'saLe_9xe hipping purposes, for which t l',.i telt Rumors of the Bird Whose Legs Are Lone ProLa,bl the only inland body of 'for Impure bloodR.I. D. cannot be ebildrvn." ' and Brittle. pathetic story of a Boy Who Never showed y ua�led." • + r market prices will bo paid, Parties havtlig ,i,. The ostrich !s not a bird that can be water +n the extreme North which deet W "Yea, yes; save mel' she shrieked. R1.LEN & 1KILS0N Dragglsts I the Dominicker." not freeze fn winter in Lake Sxlaurk. "Then there'll be no falling into my CLINTON, ONT hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word 'git' easily brought up in the way that It should Judge Falligant can tell a war story bet• near Dtiwson City, Alaska. Though it -_Y-__-_ the shop, ° It feed no powers at discrimination. g is bat known to have any con CELERIFERE AND DANDY HORSE, armsb, no 11ngme preserver, vyillthere?" g . G for than any living man. Here is a pa- "Oh, n°, nal" ti ' "Because God Hath deprived her of Vis- thetio one In his own words: with the sea, the water of" this like "And you won't insist on marrying me ONWARD BICYCLE CO I:has. s, Wallis, Clinton. The Two Earliest Forms of the Bicycle y 4 dam, neither hath he imparted to her un- "While at feeble recruiting bleconninnd rives and faits siliiult.xneous y with the Used Two Hundred Years Ago. far my hereto conduct?" deretanding," as rune the description of in rnen and horses an old farmer friend tides of the Arctic Ocean. y "No, no; only cavo mol>' __, NEW BUTCHER SHOP Mr. Frank H. V izetoll tells The Story ,r All right, I'll tackle the job," he re - the ostrich in the book of Joh. Tt cannot came to gallant Colonel Bill Delaney and The latest catalogue of the Univer- of the Wheel" in St. Nicholas. Mr. Vi- spanded, as he threw aside hie coat. "You ljj&A`• discriminate between a wire fence and the salts:'Bill, my boy hero had got the war sit of Chicago shows that that insti- REPAIR SIIOP P P p fever. His Inothor and I have tried O gab Y b zetelly says: see," ed explained, just before diving in, Su scriber has opened a she in the ro-' pen oa�np, between friends and foes, or ft ant of him, but it's no use. He swears tution bas t.11s largest proportion of In the year ]890 M. d$ Eivrao, a French- r,I was caught by one o' these dodges once mise recently erected especially for thief between what t helpful and what ie hurt- g female students of any Of the great man, first hit upon the notion of making p Subscriber Lias his establish. urpo , opposite Fair's Mill, where he IM- he'll run away if I don't ]et him o, so a vehicle upon two wheals, while its alder 'before and that's why I'm married; it !ui to its dlgestien. It was owing to its I've mounted him on the best racing colt universities in the country. The total makes me a bit particular now." -Strand ,bent fitted up with the best peep on and and delayer promptly, to all want of understanding in this last respect, I had, and hero he is. Take hlrm with you, number of students fn attendance last eat astride a diddle on a wooden beam to Megazirle• of machinery, enabling slim karts of the town. " and to an equal wantof discrimination on but I've this much to sae: If bo over bows terin was 1,158, of whom 697 were peen which two crosspieces were flrinly fixed. to do 0611 kiuds of repair work. Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share lot the part of the British public, that it has the doniniokor, kill him right then and slid 459 were women. Omitting the At the and of these crosspieces there were HEART MIRACLES• " been found irnpo9s3b}e to keep ostriohea Don't lot him come home.' The divinity school, there are 337 men and wheels, kept in position by a lathlike con Special attention given to overhauling public patronage respectfully solicited. r t alive o the zoological gardens in London. there. 312 women in the undergraduate de- nesting rod. The frarno represented some and repairing 0f Bicycles, and riders can - old farmer raised game chickens and animal. This riuiitive bicycle, known ae Suffocation -Fluttering -Palpitation - rely on pork of this nature being promptly fps g, POWELL, - CLINT41 ,, A public accustomed to slip pennies into fought them too. He had a contempt for Partrnent• the celeriPero, was never fitted with hen- Acute Pains -Certain Signs of the and satisfactorily attended to. < automatic machines could Dot refrain dominfokor roosters because be didn't A Chapter of Delays. • from the temptation offered by the Omniv think they would fight, and that wss hie dlo bare and uvea steered only by the Peet o1 Heart's Sickness-Dr,Aonew's Onward Cycle Co:, FLOUR AND FEED STORES. crony throat o1 an ostrich and filled One evening not long ago a alight blaze the rider, which also had to keep his bel- art in Stuck, Cliutou Tr �-r them up with polsomous copper, as if' they blunt way of describing a coward. De- was discovored in the neighborhood of the ante, Ili mounting he had to run along- Hears Cure Relieves in 90 �' �Ox1y1� ' loney turned and saw a fair haired noun- corner of Prospect and Eric streets, and a 11:. L. BROWN, Manager. C Were so many missionary boxes. try lad of 17, standing pertootly erect, fele P side and vault into the saddle. Once rho Minutes. In its African life, however, the chief lips compressed, but n vivid fire flashing rush was inade for the fire alarm box. As machine had been well set going by a push In cases o4 heart trouble Dr. A9naw's dangertbat besets it is not therookleaenesa sometimes happens, the whereabouts of upon<tho ground With the feet, the man Cure for the Heart had proved itself the MCLEOD'S`�OUi+ & 1{��►ea �►tUrC Of its appetite, but lt6recklessdisregard of from his steel blue oyes. The boy never the key was not known, and for a minute upon !t would draw thorn up, bending hie quickest acting remedy in existence, It i ' its own limbs. It will take fright at a anti a word, but parted tenderly from the O1 two there was slot of wild anxiety run- knees slid without further effort could 5��1 ens ���� ORATOR +":. old man and went to Virginia to join the has stepped in when the victim h heart dig- ti J 1 B RAN & + H O RT shadow and hurl Itself blindly into the ring to waste, All sorts of suggestions trnvol aerie distance. When the pace seas seemed beyond hope- in trio last gasp System nearest fence, from which it will be estri- cavalry. were offered, but nobody took advantage slackened, the rider had to repeat the __fees stayed death'$ hand, and has proved y "Defends watched with prldo the rapid AND OTHER TESTED ItEMEDIEB cared with a broken leg, or fight savagely of them. Fortunately a short poifoumnn pushing and so continue his journey. a never -failing and permanent cure. It is In large or small quantities. will? a brother oatrioh and break its leg, improvement of trio sonic recruit, but cr;:no trotting a and presently produced P Y an honest rnedioine and will d° all claimed had forgotten the incident until the great P Much ground was covered Ili this way an SPECIFIC AND ANTIllOTE11 ;j rlr+fall lite a hole or gully and break ixs his ko it was attached to a chyli, and love] roads, and especially down hill, in a for it. i .1 r'• �Ieg, or deuce, waltzing with most sWvt cavalry fight at Brandy Stotion. Whoi the ehnin was attached to ham, It was u Dr A, ' P r :,.11�; • ion affords a most squadrons were charging and counter• short chain, and trio boa was pretty high short space of time, but it was hard to do "new a Liver Pills are the cheapest 0�L G �K�: and MEA end :t3raae!#>! precis rig charging with the intro id slash and dash up hill. liver corrector known. Sold by Watts & Co. For Impure, Weak and. Impoverished OF -ALL BINDS. - � r" �;' Tpbfltutiful eight,to the speatiitor and the of trio Light the in r Pierce Young sad- up, and the key didn't come within six It has been claimed by some that the Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- jil, '� ,•,�eataeb eatiePaotJUn to itself, til gfddi• g inahea of the 6vyho]o. The short pollee- coloriYere was the Invention of another g tion of the Hear`, Liver Com saint, Neu- 10 cnida Choice Oatmeal for 1 bashes of ' tua�ii dvnly ordered hili to attack a Federal bxl- man ruffed and tugged. James McDonald and Geor a Furhes pCon- p Oats. r; low comes upon it and brings it to trio ] g Frenchman named Blanchard, whom 1 e elite again with a broken lag. It is gado that was forming on the flank, „`gall, by George!" bo said. Louis XVI oboe oornniandod to perforin brokejail at retet burn, raigia, Loss of M morY, Bronchitis, Kidney ;, .tJs4 :BT B Vet right among thein, Bill, and D. COOK, CLINTON. true Haat ,Its dangerously powerful logs "Lift him u 1" roared somebody. r fc, break them up with cold steel was the P „ , before bliu on this vehicle In July, 1779. Sir Charles Tupper sailed On the Gumption, Call Stou 9, Jaundice, Sidney are also very brittle, but it must be con- t ivv them limo t° form. "Hold on, boys," said the officer, I 11 Beyond the fact that such a porfornianee California on Saturday for England• Femaletirre ullatr ties and GeneralD biiliitty illfessed that it does not use them well. order, Don g loosen the chain." took place on that and other occasions in Hutit's rivate bank at Bracebridge .`' "The words were hardly spoken when p y Laborator , f .. x Of the danger that trio ownereornabirnea his command, Delonoy far in advance, was He unbuttoned his coat and volt and public there is nothing to support this has closed its doors, causing xnxfel y GrUlleriCll ®1St. DUNCAN'S FLOUR & PEED Stora � ` the waistband of his official trousers and ;� Tuns from those powerful limbs Mrs. Mar• claim. In feat, it tuna not until Blanch- ,tmon depositors, J. M. McLeod, `" ">' tin tolls some very amusing stories. A sweeping down upon the foe, but bvtore g P he was within 100 feet of the eneluy some- fliinl]y released the jangling attachmait' and had crossed over t° England that he Fifty-three people were drowned by late Hill &Joyner) sturdy newcomer, some 6 feet }n height,e thing wont by him like s Cyclone a breath. A inornent later the door of the box ilew o, ; ited interest. Once there, however, he the sinking ofthe British India steam- Prop. and Manufacturer ( arket Clintgn, s rt laughed at the warnings that were given The georgic buy was etanciing on tiptoe Open. , was favored by the lluko of soak aDd be ,;r Mecca in the Indian Oceata. Opposii��s_.. _ him when be set out for a walk and dis- Let me see," said the policeman, ' you wan to attract attention. Under the fns- Sold in A.LLnlby Bayley �, in fess stirrsip9, barohended, hie golden d J, H. COMI;E and ALLEN S WILSON n lq;}r, Miran, Peag, d11%ainfully re the protection of a Lackey turn something, don't you?' term care of royalty the colerifere then Anthony Orr took his children to the Shortg, Oate, n flair streaming, with saber high in air, The fact is, he didn't know anything g „ y y ' -- r--•-- aDd all kin of meal ! 91d at loWeyt price, --a thorny branch, the dexterous use of and as be passed, with trio light of battle known as the dandy horse," became pop- Berviin jail yard and showed them the 3 I _ ��: r which will keep the ostrich at bay aver about it. �-ZY ,'. in his face and oyes fleshing defiance, be ,� alar among fire English, who took to it plurle where Alison was hanged• r, 3$C �IUS} , a i 11 Iu: ` Sa said a Iunn mnn in the crowd, -% for Fier ring that he was not afraid of a dick turned in his saddle and shouted,'Colonel, y, y with outhus}asm, but were soon laughed Tohn Owens,Mount Forest,and Thos. n blydi" Wwasmissedand diseoveredsoni here's yours saddl and "will sofnebody kindly stop around and out of their fancy by jokers and cartoon- \V,tilace.Acton, drug clerks at Guelph, Bon) ll()j1 Nomplos Fresh Corte �.. xglt? bqx iI.hours afterwhrd by a search party mos ask that fire t5 be as deliberate ae poasi J`Ul Good Valencia Raisr ., • „a 1 k, i r Uncomfortably parched on the top o1 ai "A moment ileac, and he struck the tete. tvEt a dr'vwned wbilE} ! 1y110eing on tr e ;1. enemy's line like n cannon shot, hie saber bio?" fiPTerl. Choice Toa, special lane 25c per la 11 I ws1 ,_ <tianstone bowlder and slowly grilling un-, y This made cberybody laugh. I r�-� All'kinds of Grain bought at highest ' ' der the African sun, whsle the dinky hlyd! flashing on every hand until he was liter- „I guess the cop takes this for Lunnon, Tt d Jewish school ill Wta e s such iu i 1 R� r r k , ,• t •.r $ "entry up and dov¢n, watching him( ally hacked down by the startled foe+nen. To G+Ire a Cold in One i)ay. whfUti Lvrd Rothschild takes, such a market prices.! t , When the fight was over, Delonay looked don't you know," said the funny lien CLINTUN, b an evil eye. "Another gentleman again, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al ricer interest, is said to be the largest. W. DUNCA.N, a twc an creature, bowev& for him, and there he lay in the calm oP < Druggists refund the moues' if it fails to cure,25c 1 ° ' ha ti y > h, his boyish face clarified with the Pull down de knob," yelled a small school in the, wufld. I' has it stats Of Our aleck ofo are and ornamental trees being ,,, , 1�1savage, could be subdued-`gfierie„t us h boy, and the short policeman obeyed. 100 teachers, and educates $,000 child• crmptetc, coo are prepared to offer to trio pub- BANKS. dying thought, 'They'll tell a I never sic for spring p+ailing n t<ory choice lot of r .said, by the human eye,. One day lie tried y g B y , „- P Luckil It was only a trifling blaze,- The Australian Honey Guide. ren, belonging pt incipaUy to the poor- to Quell one of his Own ostriches, with the "-Atlanta Con- ClevolAtd Plain Dealer. The variegated honey guide 3s greenish est class of fore tgn JewB, ?:l)1)lC, Yi+lln, Pear, Cherry y, result that be wiry presently Pound in a etitution.be dominicicerl At $r color3n That these I _ _ " _ ___ . at►�i 1'ea011 'trees at suitable �( olive as to its upper g• - ' T'l!% ��OiSOIIS Bank lying flaton the Jf ser reells a specialty. , -. very pitiable predicament, y g - sho Knew the Symptom's. �onrke Cockran a memory. little birds do of their own deal *n and m y - Lj-?res, Rti grcuad, while the subject of his eaperi- „ „ W. B°aurke Cockrell, the Deinooratio ,e f �. Ii)iglj?orated by Act of Par}fament 1880 Si, said the farmers wife as her�nee- tontlon -.All mqn to the nosts ur the vd d I Large stock of small Fruits, relent jumped up,and down on him, boos- orator, is said to have a marvelous mem • Choyce liar of spring bedding Plants. ' - °''' dies were deftly rounding the heal of a ' bees Is a fact gi::td Ufitiuubted. This habitC' i` slonally varying the treatment by sitting „ In love." ory. James D. Hughes relates In the well known to the nat1v09, and in fol• NG Price list mailed oa application, I bAPITAYr _ $2,000,OOb ; stocking "Rube's is w REST FUND - $1,500,000 upon him." Doubtless it was safer to lie "Nutbin of the kind l" exclaimed tbo old Pbllad'piphia Record that several years ago lowing a honey guide a soft, pleasant11 down than to stand up to he kicked, but gentleman as he jammed hies spectacles to he sat in ,trio third raw in the balcony In .01111 Ste«last EState, genntlller to be sat upon as if one were an egg must P whistling is usually practiced by trio black EEPING HNAD OFFICE MON TREAT:. 1 ;: y: the top of his bald head. "Rube's only a a hall in Cleveland when Mr, Coakran do- human partner by way of encouragement bare been indeed humiliating. Curious, liverod an address bliare. Two years later frig, awk ard, overgrowed boy. What are to his feathered friend, The little indi- WM. MoLsox i1iACraERaox, President „f too, is the account that the author gives o1 0u talkin 'bout, Iiannah? Don't seem he was presented to Air. Coakran. He said, calor Navin secured the attention of a VcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE F. WOLEEnsTAR Tli6mm. Glen Manager t "' the camps or little kingdoms that the os- y • "1 do not remenibor having met you, but g AWLINra morn a year sence he began wearin open• „ nntivo b cries and restless flitting to and i'VSURANCE C®' Notes discounted, Colleetiong made, Dxafta r +!,, i (;' triches mark out for themselves, with In' ders. He bain't no more'n love than I am your face is familiar to ane. Mr. Hughes y •d i 1.raa .,, visible but never to be encroached upon re lied that Mr. Goekran had nvvvr'seen fro, flutters °n in front, occasionally ]iglu- issued, Sterling and American exchange -that is, I mean he hair t doin no more p iD en a branch or bush to svo that his FARM ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY bon ht and gold. Interest allowed on do I'll G„ brriindarios. Inside that Damp itwill bear courtin or thinkin 'bout ittin marrled." him before, but that be had soon Mr. Cock- g STING"'ING g , a g , chosen all is fo]lowin It 1s, however, a ONLY INSURED calla• SAVIxae BANI{—Interest e1l0Wed on . ^. no intrusion, but outside it, in the domainran in trio west, Ah, yes,' he Dried y a +� P "Si, you allus was a knowin man bout „ mistake to suppose that the honey guide ',rO: of its neighbor, it is profoundly lndlffer- oloririca, Yarussi, judgin of stock, piokin quickly, at Cleveland, two years ago, some of $1 and up. Money with one to . rR evoke the bear noel for the Honey. His oFaiccits . ant to the strangers wanderings, Nor is oW� ut a orad schoolteacher fur the distriok you vat in the balcony 1' Mr. Cookran t JK1N DI$8A$i;$ ittrLIEVED irY ONa AN farmers d their own note, with one or It safe for the fr�rtnar tp.Prestiwo upon his . g afterward explained that"i he faces of hie particular share of the plunder consists of P13CATION OF Geo. Watt, President, Harloek P. O.: J. B• more endoraere. No mortgage required,;, 1� '° former acquaintance with any bird, for and all sick, but -you roust ]et a woman the larvae found in the combs.. {� yyr 1T B[cLean, Ii 1ppen P. O., Vice -Pres.; ho J•. alone Pur knowin when young ;ieoplv's in auditaa sae strongly stamped upon lila It is usual for n native, having rifled A dlew's ®intn�ent Shannon, forCh . O., Seafortli P. O ;Thos. E. g, r,, BRE\\ ER, Manager, Clinton the oetrich has not wits °Dough to distill Iced. Rube's had^"the signs fur sever'1 mind whenever bo speaks iR public and. Iiay Seaforth P. O., In9pectorof Losses, u3sh air old friend from a new intruder, remain u oD his maliYory far years after, the nest, to break off a piece of comb and D a ' DIRECTORS �'1 I�'� v g months. He coos round not sovin nnthin, p ptit it Aside for his bird friend. No doubt 35 CENT'S. W G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grievo, G. �` ���•'� ���llf A� is " ' nor sufficient respect Por his owner to ez- don't eat good, looks sleepy in the morn- weed• in process of enjoying its feast the honey Winthrop P. O.; George D, . Seaforth Thoe• cept him from his suspicious hostilities, in's, furgits what he was goln to do nee' Very Curious. g Pa wiites :-For iulie venrt' TVhavoba den E its a Se"forth; Jas. Evans, Beechwood P, though it would appear that, as a rule, he olds does testa scone portion oP the honey, p a y , and dont take interest !n things bout the ,r but its real object is the luscious grubs dish tired with tetter on bands and face. G Thos. Garbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser, Vis;: will° manifest a stronger aversion to the lace. Don't you notice that bo'a anus The Yale Record roporte that am un g BrucoBeld; John B, 11c[,eaa, Kippen. BANKER ��,•,� Kaffir or Hottentot than to If white man. p known Friend" has lately presented come found within portions of the comb. This Bot at last I have found a core In Dr. y" '1 ... makin some excuse fur goin down to the habit is surely one of the moat singular Agnew's Ointment. lin skin Is now AGENTS ALBERT ST - CLY�aTTii�� London Spectator, village, and that three anises away?" choice specimens to the Peabody rnueeuin. and extraordinary In the annals of bat- smooth and soft and free fram every bl $m0. cohort Smith, Hsrlock: Jno.�V. Yeo, Holmes• r6.1 111 11 " lab. The first application gave re(le . _ "He allus has a erran'. He went�fur A few of them aro as follows: „ ural histol wow these 3ittlo feathorod vide; ltobt. McMillan, Seatorth; James Cum• � -°�":, i some a ars an env'1 es thfe time. That's A wag from the "Tale of Two Cities, Y• ming. N gmoadville; John tiovenlock and John & geueral Banking 8usinASB ti,,,,,,,,, ,,,, Rvery woman wears p P some water from "all's well," the rollvrsy\ creatures originally developed this most SOLD BY WATTS & CO. CLINTP-v nforrison, auditors. I - a crown who is the him comm in now. from the "shades oP ovoning," a drink interesting trait, upon what wild race of act other desirous to w 1 bo promptly attoadodct insurance or nto transacted. . ;+ mother of a healthy "Rube," said the mother fnnoaently, mankind they first exorcised their perdue•`; T tab The mother o£ "could you let me have a con le of sheets from a sand bar,' a rocker from the $ICLN'I'S• on application to any of rho above or?lcere, NOTES DIyCOIINTED y. y P , „ sive arts; whether, before the advent of t addressed to their respective office, r a a puny, sickly, pee- 01 that aper fur to write some xeelpee ` ciadle of the deep, a free lunch from the ' "Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book ,Y vish baby bears a °Ap„ P man in Africa they piachided upon some Sandwich Islands. sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects -n ,,_- __ grafts ssued, lanterest allowed Ori i �.. cross. It rests wikh l3abo blushed and tried to put on a honey loving animal, snob ae the honey Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations - - ' ay •,� every 'woman to de- not guilt look ae he declared that Lao feed The Wrong Oneee. badger (rates) or other mammal -those Prospectus $1.W. B[oronto GARRE[SON s c ilepBeitif, . '! tide for herself which y are secrets which have lain hidden during COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto Dainty 1 Footwear ---�^� - , kind of a mother she forgotten the stationery. She -Ie my hat on 9traigletP long eons of the past deep within the will be. %What'S that?" snorted the old gentle- He -Perfectly. breast of nature and are now never likely CLINTON MARBLE WORRS. FARRAN TISDALL• '. The woman who tiers. "Walk six miles a purpose to gib Slip -Oh, the horrid things Excuse me to be revealed tomankind,-Saturday Re- 000JVERIB LD STAND. BANKERS, , takes the right sosnethin you forgot? Don't think you kin jest a moment and I'll get ft t})ted over view. •- �1 d care of herself 1po1 your parents, boy. You are''-- that right oar if I have to use a spike in Next to Commercial Hotel. , ' • f•I- during the months But Rube fell up stairs, and the good stead of a hatpin.-Detrolt Free Press. This 1 llSbment is In full or oration and a CLINTON, ONT• it ma- --•" \� I , ternity may 'rest eld lady laughed happily, without even At SI. Thomas the h law to runt a y order filled in the moat Satisfaoto, y way Oeme .+• content in the as- baying, I told you sol" -Detroit Free men and cloys In wall street, bonus of i$20,000 to the Lake Erle & De- cry and granite work a Specialty. 1''riaeg a Advances made to farmers on their own II f surauce tHat her Press. The most healthy relations between boys troit Rivet- Railway was defeated. satiable se those of any establishment notes at low rates of interest. baby will be a and mon deist in Wall street. There is no EEALE & HOOVER, Clinton g general Banking Business transacted. r s; r �. strong, healthy, Cooking Fruits For Children. 4 / happy one. The "Baked apples may be used where they rudeness on the boys' part, no servile sub- WOI11(11 U11ju$tly Treated. a ,. g Interest allowed on deposits. �, woman who But- agree with children, and a raw scraped ordination, not much politeness. The mea MADE iN! E A MAN ` "� Sale Notes bought ?� fens from disor- apple may be given," writes hiss. S. T, are not kind, Indulgent,, harsh; they de- When Dealers Sell Them G'om• dere of the dis- mend quick, intelligent service. They mon and Deceptive Dyes. AJAX TABLETS POSITI'VULY CURH J. P. TISDALL Manic! e . Borer on "Proper Cooking For the Nurs- ALLN•reous Disoaees-Faillne Mom � g r tinptly feminine „ „ get 1t. The boys get their "pay and, aN -- err„Impotency, sJoeptossnege et11 .enasod - orgganiem during this critical period, and cry in Thq Ludiue Home Journal. Ba- they yarn lt, proanotlon. ICnOh respects 'There are thousands of women who have '” by Abuse or othee Exdodsed ai�cl Iisdh n Q�j t A (� , n ' fails Larisso to the right >emed' , :let ratty babas should always be cooked unlose , o tlon's kv it. +cidkav! or an4sierea� ": , Union UfJ�LN QU I J7 U yy p the other, and esoh knows the other efeel- heardiof the gree t saving that can be effect- rdeWre ]last vtcafi`Iy in o d orypapa.an sure to have a putry, ppeevish, Ili tabs, they are very ripe and the skins quite fns. It is equality; differences are forgot+ ed by home dyeing when the Diamond Dyes .• ft amnnforstudy. bdsrnessbr tnorringe. born into the worldwlth the seeds of weak- black. To bake a banana nicely you Pro�Eenc In„sanity and Coasum tion it Duron Streot. t boas and diseoe already e l luted in is tan, -New York Commelalal Advertiser. 1 are used, and have decided to experiment to en nt,ria Thetrnsa Shows immediate 1” rove. pp # should have a porcelain or granite baking for themselves. wont asld effects a oURE whore dis other tai! In. little bpdyy. Dr: Pierre's F9v'orite Pre- df.gh. Strip the skins from the bnnanae, Si¢t apon having the genntno Ajax Tablets.. Thor i acription is she, been of Ali, irledfcities for ;flaoe them a dish, sprinkle over n ta- Love's strategl-. Many of these women, thoughtlessly, will heveeutbdthduennflednri wilioaroyon.����,,f�yo�jiy�°�pos We Have est received another lob Of Didlit p ripti6tive mothers. If Ira�06rt$ lrgalth, , dimply ask far a package of dye of the • a ohc or refund the to gy aPil eiN V f i in FOL' Women and Children. Home and Dominion Sewing Maohinee;t%lx atreu h vigor, and' elasticity to the, deli- b.espoonful of sugar, add four or five table. The parents of a Bethany (Mo.) girl Ob- needed color when buying. Thin request pooh. f:; or sin pined (full treatment) for $23,60, pBy former is tin exceptionally good maehitld« date lane{ idiportant organs that beat the spoonfuls of water and bake in a quick jetted to her suitor and, to keep her from will allow the war dealer to foist on the mill, latnvrap er. n on receipt , rice• Cheeses and had given good satisfaction t4 ,tit 11 brunt of- rIlotherhood. It p epares a �iio• oven for 20#ninutes busting once or twice, running awe looked her in her room. y fres•AJAX RLMLDY GO. cablarb.tastw School S11oes�toc Youthq and }}-- g g y, unsuspecting customer some imitation or • ca�ea ni, �" man Car the time of'trial it dgngtr. It Serve warm. Blackberry jam, if properly Har "dear'ly beloved" was not to bb out soap grease dve, worthless as coloringi y Needles find all kinds of itepii1 - " g i made, isquiteun tui carnal beavers food. witted, and remembering that she hada P Sold in Clinton by Allen 6e Wilson, �I]SS(S �Iej1 s Fine Bax Cii�if strengthens nsure'sthe •� kept un hltnd perfect w It ttei ig atld absalute health of P g agents but on whish they realize a large dru sats. bath mbter and child. It 8'oertaway with Long Time Between. few wedge before tnkon a soarfpfn or ring profit. gg and Dongola Boots &Shoes the squeiamishnesa it the Interesting pe• „ belonging to him, he had awarrant Issued Dealers who do this kind of business are Machines sold on monthly payments •..dad < 1 the d tgislutIce sure t n, am}ale supply of Now, my son, began the father the for her arrest and sent the paper. While treating and serving their customers nn- �ll� old Cliataa PLANING MILL all at reasonable prices. it lS on me or write for prices and tertxte. of for the ittle'new-'comer. It neat morning. the officer was taking her to Lawn the justly. The dealer knows well that the 11J _ a pleasure t0 show s0 malty Jan. , WN. Noblr s weak, sickly, ueiwaus and de- "Nevar mind the loature, pop. Didn't young ]over snot her on the road, having Diamond Dyes are necessar for his at 9- p elide lata NeA'+j�thy, happy you ever paint the town?" all preparations made, went on her bond tomer to achieve success in liar now work. H. STEVENS, Props fetor new and stylish Boots & Shoes. For Twenty X4 N ,, :4 t:+e� i4{ "Pewitpuaiattkls 0f li'gtiaes "W©I1, say bps, ft's n Brent many years and draw with her immediately to the The biamond Dyes aro the only dyes that -- eg" $,,,,,: _ , ", caytltsLlrbttj ooa ago,. -at least80." preacher's house, whore they were made reputmhledealershandleandsett. Thews a The old original Contractor and Builder, Full Ilsley Of rd then:dley now, bless tlrJssbo'u- "Fifty soars, paps Don't you think the one. -Indianapolis News. merchant lteepa a full stook of L`iamond mtdicine fpr the gift of hap}ry, town ffcodod another vont?'-Yonkotre who has made Clintpn his home for forty Healthful babies. Dyes, because the daily dem n8 is ga great years, is still in business with a modern, SINGLE and 0-0 DUNI� .a The dealer who,ttl6d to 11etguade I'du to Sbatosluilid. ) Wales to the richyst part of Groat Brlt- for these guaranteed and woriddame i a( ap-to-date 1• aotcry, and is prepared to fill DOUBLE �✓��7 ' •take spine other Wai`C}ttb, titlrn that Srt511 vin in mineral wealth. England produces 0ring agents. al{ orders of whatever description, on short Trunks Arid Valises always OnBA- ask for Insults your intelligence., Lftkt '8tirbn contains 8,000 islands, annually about $10 to each acre, Scotland The woman who uses Diamond Dyes for not'oe and the lowest terms; flrat-olass "r ' >, (A I ••'rhe t4st doetoss. in C{AUSAs Ciiy told ire that Loch Erne; In Irelitn'd, lins 806. 7'11( sago a little loss than $10, but the product of her first dying operation will never use 9th- wpi Ilmnn�hip 9unranteed. CONTRACTS )land Red and white Cedar ,antes I *tut tothe hospital and rind an opera; of the Thousand isles is oils an ei ansion tiah performed I rntdd not live," writes Driss y P Wales amounts to over $20 per acre. or makes, Bright, strong, clear, lasting for bnildiog9 taken, And all kinds of build- 3scco lie Gatloway, of Wilder, Jol 9" C•i.. of the St. Lawrence slues and line 1,700. and fasbion5hle colors are obtained only Ing material furnished as r1e9ited, SlIillbleS kept in stool, also.P0 I Ii Bans, "T had accretion and weakness, Anel don 1 „t r� /'i OI from the Diamodd Dyes, each #riotskis 1 would get down in feed and saflCr 4J i UI 1r► Boots °f directions and Hard of 48 co'brs 81JPiltl' S'TVI'11V13, y� u '(� C; eev rel fai'tcveirty.faur floors,, > qnr hotttes 0f Tansy }saute, if scattered eros woolens free to an addeoss, Write to Wolls &* w , hails THE COOKS Stale ' ���**'•;r gaiter "Iavpr"itt IPrersarllstirsd euxed.lne will yrevodt trio inout'elon of inothe, y William Street, Clinton,011ritofl, imtrttidiatei k, oY C+5ri5ifpaf 1pix'-Pr, pieic 'o 1'ellelitN� " __.. _ W ..... _ __1 ., .. Richardson art , . Q . . Rich� Oa., M treat "I' bebincl the V44. I,p I dr. T SA 1N OAl XOA.r , fj c 1 ( r . . f, ' y., ,. k a r : •,. , . �. F,