HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-06-03, Page 3Su -0,1.e 3 1M
Isn't it
Beyond expression to go
where you don't have to
be an expert Jeweler or
Watchmaker to get all you
pay for 7 Every article in
our store is sold on merit
and value. Years of eer-
vioein the business as a
euoeessful Jeweler protects
customers in making their
seleotiona as much se it
helps me in buying. We
take as much pride, in
pleasing the rising genera-
tion as we do those who
we have been serving for
Repairing Done
As it should be at
The Satisfactory Store.
••••11101116. 0411040011.100011•
t Work
work is an ad for us, bee
causewe do repairing of
Watches, Eto. so thoroughly
that the owners come bank to
us if -they have anything elee
in our line, and they not only
Dome themselves but also sug-
gest to their friends that A.
J . Grigg'e1 is the place to go.
Do You Need
A Watch?
See Our Stock and hear Cur
Prices. We sell Good Goods.
Successor to J. Biddlecombe,
%%4% %4
Last season Blyth was the beet
wool market in the couuty,
and this year it promises to be
better than ever. It's a matter
worth considering where you
diepoee of your wool.
We will pay. the Highest Market Price, cash or
trade, for any quantity of Wool.
We have made an extra effort to secure goods you will require in exohange,suob as
Heavy Flannels, Grey or White Wool Blankets, Sheeting,
Shirting, All•wool Tweeds, Cottonade, Ticking.
Yarns of every description.
You know the reputation this store has for good reliable goods, and our prides
are lower than any other store.
Special line of Tweeds, regular price 35o, for 25c
Special line small check Tweed, regular price 50o, for 350
Very heavy Tweed, good value at 75c, sold for,. 500
Azure Silk, fast colors, very pretty cotton goods, worth 80, for 50
Azure Silk elegant good, pretty striped effects, worth 10c to 1210, for 710
Dress Goodie in black or colors, lots of patterns to choose from, worth 35o to 250
40o, special price
We make a specialty of Cottonade, and some lines we are offering are worth 200
seeing, regular 25o goods for
When you are ready to sell your wool we can gaarantee you will get the top
prioeby selling to us. If von want Dash we will give it to you ; if you want
trade we can give you good value, or probably you may want part Dash and
part trade. It will be to your advantage to know that
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
commercial Notes.
Wool ie 'quoted in Toronto this week at 16c.
Wheat dropped 50c a bushel on Chicago ex-
change on Tuesday.
Export cattle were quoted at Toronto, on
Tuesday, at 58 90 to 54 35.
The incoming wheat crop of France is esti-
mated at from 869,000,000 to 388,041,000 bushels.
Even the smaller figure would leave au ex-
portable surplus.
Liverpool, May 30.—Trade is dull in Cana-
dian oattle, the market having fallen oft.
United States importations are quoted at Kid;
Canadians, at London, bid, at Liverpool, 61;
Argentines, 41d,
A LESSON 1N CHEESE.—The official returns of
the imports of cheese Into Great Britain last
year show that over 58 per cent of the total
imports of the commodity into that country
were the products of Canadian dairies com-
pared with 24 per oent from the United dairies,
and 11 per cent from Holland. Compared
with those of formai years, Canadian exports
of cheese have shown a substantial increase,
whereas those from the United States have
greatly decreased. Our neighbors permitted
filled and adulterated products of the dairy
to be exported, and they have suffered much
in consequence. They are now trying to re-
trieve their lost position by producing a bet
ter article. Canadian dairymen have attained
first place in the affections of the consumers
of the old oountry, and they must adopt every
reasonable precaution to maintain their
There were about 275 head of butchers' cat-
tle and 350 calves and lambs at the east end
abattoir Monday, Market was dull. Calves
said at 52 50 to 53 50 each. Sheep sold at 3l10
to 4o per lb. Large bulls sold at 310 to 4.. Fat
hogs sold at 5c per lb, and small pigs at 81 to
Seasonable Goods in Stock
National Blue Plaine Air Stoves, the most perfect and up-to-date oil
stove in the market. The balance of our old pattern oil stoves at less than Dost to clear
them out.
eharcoal Stoves.—Prices $1 to $2, unexcelled for summer nee and very econ-
omical, as a meal can be prepared at a coat of less than one cent. Just perfection for
broiling and toasting. Charcoal, loo per bag, or 3 bags for 25c.
ALBERT'S PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER—Uselit on your corn. Use it on your roots. Use
it on your grass lands Use it on your clover. Use it on your potatoes, Just the thing for
house plants. vegetables, sweet potatoes, lawns, etc, Try it—it will pay you.
A SNAP. -8 inch to 6 inch cut nails at 52 per keg, or 10 lbs. fpr 250.
VICTOR FIRE -PROOF SAFES.—Just the proper thing for farmers' use. $15 to 540.
Call and see samples.
HARLAND BROS., - Hardware and Stoves
Breakfast Cocoas
Costs less than one cent a cup. Be sure and get the genuine
article. Made at Dorchester, Mass. Sold. at
Some of our ToiletSoaps
Taylor's.Campbor ComplexionSoap loo cake
Club Cologne Glycerine 15o ”
Baby's Own 100
Infants' Delight 100
White Rose 100 "
Heliotrope 10o "
Grey Oatmeal . 5o "
Refined Tar Soap 5o "
Buttermilk 50
Cream and Glycerine 5c
Oucumber 513
Old Brown Windsor .10
Taylor's Camphor Complexion Soap is
designed with a view •of affording epecial
cleansing and hygienic properties and is of
undoubted value in making the skin white
and soft, and: is guaranteed not to contain
any free caustic alkalis injurious coloring
matter, irritating perfumes, rancid fate.
It is essentially a pure soap. Price loo
Dake, 3 for 25c.
J. E. HO VEY.k°' Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
elling .�
Our sale still continues and our stock is daily getting
less and the bargains we have to offer are getting larger, as
the stock gets smaller. We are anxious to close out all as
soon as possible. Note a few of our bargains :
Ready -made Clothing
Men's Suits, were from $6.00 to $10.00, now $4.50 to $5.00
if Pants " 1.75 to 2.50 " 1.00 to 1.50
Odd Vests " 2.00 to 2.50 1.00 to 1.50
" .50 to 1.25 .3 7 to .75
Hats, Caps, Gloves, Braces, Ties, Collars, etc.
at your own price.
We still have a lot of Boots and Shoes in Youths' and
ildren's sizes at, a little over half price. Staple Dry Goods,
tinge 5c., flannelettes 5c., Prints 5c., Dress Goods from
10c. up, Gloves, Hosiery, etc., about same proportion. We
have some ends Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, leigths suit.
able for bed rooms, at great value. White and Colored Car-
,. pet Warps. COME AND SEE.
STIRLING—In Goderich Township, on May
31, the wife of George Stirling, of a son.
KING—In Bayfield, on May 20, the wife of
George King, of a daughter.
MILLER—In Hullett, base line, on May 29,
the wife of Robert Miller, jr., of a daughter.
GOULD—In Clinton, on May 29, the wife of
H. Gould, of a son.
KEMP—In Clinton, on. June 1, the wife of T
Kemp, of a son
TOWNSEND- In Goderich township , on
June 1, the wife of Albert Townsend, of a son
MOORE—In Clinton, on May 26, the wife of
Robt A Moore, of a daughter
COATS -At Saratoga, N Y on May 16, the
wife of John V -Coats; formerly of -Clinton, of it
McDONALD—In Ueborne, on May 24, the wife
of Alex. McDonald, of a daughter.
ROSS—In McKillop, on 17, the wife of Luoas
Ross of a daughter.
CAIN —In Ueborne, on May 21, the wile of
John Cann, of a daughter.
HACKNEY—In Stephen, on May 12, the wife
of John Hackney, of a daughter.
WILLIS—In Stephen, on May 23, the wife of
James Willis, of a daughter.
HODGERT—In Exeter, on May 18, the wife
of William Hodgert, of a daughter.
DRIVER—In Goderich Township on May
18 the wife of Wm. Driver, of a daughter.
kVRATR—In .East Wawanosh, on May 23,
the wife of William Wrath, of a daughter,
FRITZLEY—In Seaforth, on May 24, the
wife Of Mr. Joseph Fritzley, of a daughter.
STEPHENS—In Seaforth, on May 19th; the
wife of Mr. John Stephens, of a daughter.
BAYLEY--CAMERON—At Knox Presbyter-
ian Church, Goderich, Wednesday June 1, by
Rev J A Anderson R A Bayley, barrister, of
London, to Mabel, third youngest daughter of
M C Cameron, Lieut -Governor of the North-
west Territories
ence of the bride's father Hullett,Jnne 1st, by
Rev J W Andrews, Wiliam J Andrew, of
Wilmer, Dufferin county, to Miss Henrietta
Cartwright, daughter of James Cartwright
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, June 2nd, 1898.
Wheat, .. 1 05 a 1 05
Oats 0 32 a 0 32
Field Bar ley 0 36 a '0 36
Peas 0 57 a 0 57
Buckwheat 0 35 a 0 35
Flour per owt 2 75 a 3 00
Butter C 10 a 0 11
Eggs per doz 0 08 a 0 09
Hay slew $5; old 6 00 a 6 00
Sheepskins P
0 50 a
1 00
No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 6 50 a 7 50
Potatoes 0 45 a 0 50
Pork 4 45 a 4 55
Nay Ac iuertioelueuio:
Three teams of colts and a brood mare draft.
JOHN HdLMFA, Huron mare,
A thoro•brod jersey cow. four years old, fresh
ca ved. REV. G. W. ANDRISWd, Holmewillo
In'.g bd order. Can bo seen on the premise.
of the subscriber. JAMES FAIR, Clinton
A second-hand, English made wheel for sale.
In first-class order. Price 515 cash. Call after
4 o'clock. E. ARCHIBALD, King St., Clinton.
Baru anti House 113uflders.
A large lot of lumber and timber suitable
for house and barn building purposes for sale
cheap by R, IRWIN. Clinton.
In the Estate of Thomas Farquhar, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0.
1897 cap. 129, sea 38, that all persons having
claims against toe estate of Thomas Farquhar,
who died on the 21st day of March, 1898, are re-
quested to send postpaid or deliver to the Ex-
ecutors, on or before tho 211th day of June,
1898 their names and addressee a d full par-
ticulars of their claims and of the securities
(i, any) hold by them, duly certified, and that
after that date the Executors will distribute
the assets of the deceased among the parties
entitled, havi,.g regard only to the claims of
which They shall then have notice.
Dated this 3rd day of June, 1898.
W. T. FARQUHAR, Hills Green Executors.
G1410.14. FARQUIiAII, Clinton
A shock of earthquake was felt at
Montreal 1
Wednesday v night.
The Campana of the Quebec steam-
ship Company, is ashore seven miles
below Fame Point.
Dominion Bank noes suppo .ed to be a
portion of the proceeds of the Napanee bank
robbery, have turned up at Winnipeg.
N. C. Wallace, M. P., was re elected
Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand
Orange Lodge of British America.
Cuba has 13,000,000 acres of primeval
forests. And they are such woods that no
one is warranted in helloing till he is en
tirely clear of their enmeshing under-
growth. The machete, the deadly weapon
of the Cubans, is a hugh knife, which in
the first instance was invented to enable
the natives to cut their sway through the
labyribth of tropical vegetation that every-
where grows to where persistent cultivation
is not indulged in. 1
J. K. Cranston, of Galt, proprietor of a
large bookstore, lately received the follow-
ing order from a teacher in a small village
in Ontario: "Enclosed you will please find
25 cents, for which send me as soon as pos-
sible one of your beet reulation straps. I
am in a very rough and heavy sohool, where
the pupils chased the teacher with the pok-
er, but they don't run me if I can help it;
and I wish you to send the one of your best
ticklers as it might come in useful in the
ease of an eruption."
• The butter -king of the world is said to be
Obadiah Sande, of Chicago. Mr. Sands
owns eighty creameries and controls the
output of as many more. These creamer-
ies are scattered over the State of Illinois,
and their annual product, amounts to 14,-
4;000,000 pounds of butter, valued at 52,5CO3-
000. The milk'of 120,000 cows is used in
the manufacture of this butter. In the sea-
son of the year when the milk is mostiFlen-
tiful 20,000,000 pound of milk are daily
churned into butter. The milk ie gathered
by 4,000 teams from 6,000 farms.
It is understood that the last has not -yet
been heard of the Sternaman ease, and
that the question of the woman's guilt or
innocence will in effect be tried over again
in the civil courts at Buffalo- Previous to
her first trial ebe assigned the insurance of
$1,000 on her late husband's life in part to
her lawyer, W. M. German, M. P. P., of
Welland, and in part to Attorney Thayer,
of Buffalo, who fought the extradition pro-
ceedings for her. Mr. Thayer, now that
the Canadian courts have dismissed the
case against her, is pushing the Metropolit-
an Life Insurance Company for the money;
and the company have resolved to fight the
claim and will set up an absolute defence of
murder. The Canadian verdict of not
guilty has no bjnding force in the United
EDWA1RDS—ASHTON—At the residence of
the bride's father, Colborne on June 1, by Rev
E Olivant, W Edwards of Westfield, t3 Miss
L Ashton, daughter of Phomas Ashton
COLE—LAWS—At the Rectory Seaforth, on
j -i
May 23, by Rev. Rural Dean od ins Alfred
Cole to Miss Rose Emily Laws, both of Hullett
WATERS—BERRY—At the residence -of the
bride's parents Point Pleasant Walton. on
May 24, Archibald M. Walters, 141'. D., to Hat-
tie M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berry.
McDONALD —FRASER— °it the Manse,
Wingham, on May 25, by Rev.�Perrie, Mr.
'John McDonald township of Culross, to Hen-
rietta Fraser, of Teeewater.
ERWIN—SMELTZER—At the residence of
the bride's brother, Joseph S. Smeltzer East
Wawanosh, on May 28 by the Rev. W. W.
Leech, John Erwin, of Ashfield, to Miss Annie
Smeltzer, •
SCOTT—TAYLOR—At the Manse, Blyth, on
May 26, by Rev. A. McLean, Mr. Peter W,
Scott to Mrs. Agnes Taylor, both of Wawanosh
WEBSTER--WATSON—At the residence of
the bride's father Wrst Wawanoeh, on May
18, by Rev. A. McKay, ,Jessie Ann, third daugh-
ter of Peter Watson, to R. Webster, of Kin-
PROCTER—In Bly• h, on May 30, Edgar Proo
ter, aged 12 years, son of Mrs Procter, of the,
Hullett boundary
BRYDONE-In Mornington, on 21, the infant
son of Mr and Mrs James Brydone, and nephew
of W Brydone, Clinton
BIRKS—At Toronto on June 2, Rev William
Birks, formerly of Ho'lmesville
MoHARDY—At hie reeidence, Bluevale, on
May 26, Robert MoHardy, aged 72 years,
HEYWOOD—In Clinton, on May 28, Richard
Heywood, aged 55 years.
PROCTER—In Morris, on May 31, John Proc-
ter, aged 47 years, 2 months and 10 days.
HODGENS—In Clinton on May 81, Helen
Kathleen, daughter of )1lir. and Mrs. F. R.
Hodgens, Aged 6 monthe and 14 days,
11OLMAN-.-At Lundell, on May 27, J
o1man, ago. years and brotJ}or of
olman,•Principal of ayfield school.
S i�Liather O Of `A J ati�'gg, n Mtn*uat,
hie 00 ' VW
Hot .. �OOi
Are now in demand and we are Happy t
say the demand can be easily supplied b,b-5
this store. We have in stock and are .r
ceiving almost every week the new sty1ishi
things as they come into the market.
that our stock is never very low. But gen l
erally the brightness of the stuff seen fieri
makes this place a popular resort for tri
buying public. A good lot of new thing
will come to hand this week. Come
look us through.
Gilroy: INTON W'zisemall
I have put in Blyth a fu 1 sto'ik of
Dress Goods, Tweeds, Shirt.
lugs, Sheetings, Blankets,Yarns
Boots and Shoes, Teas, Etc.
Mr. Wm. Campbell, who is favorably
known to you, will handle your Wool.
Eggs 11c. Tub Butter 143.
Items of Interest.
13100T TrEnr.—According to the Revised
Statues of Ontario, Chapter 271, any person
may kill any dog which he Reee pureuing,
worrying or wounding any sheep or lamb,
or any dog without lawful permission in
any enclosed field on any farm which the
owner or opcupant thereof or his servant
finds giving tongue and terrifying any sheep
or Iamb on such farm. or any dog which
any person finds straying between sunset
and sunrise on any farm wherein any sheep
or lambs are kept.
THE LAw ole POUNDAGE.— Everybody can-
not be expected to beve access to the Revised
Statues of Ontario— especially in rural dis-
tricts. The question of pounds and of tak-
ing up stray animals is one of importance
in oountry parts. We therefore give the
following particulars respecting the im-
pounding or taking up of stray animals:—
In case the animal is a horse, bull, ox, cow,
sheep, goat, pig or other cattle, if distrain •
ed by a resident instead of delivering the
same to a pound•keeper, be may retain said
animal in his own possession, provided he
makes no claim for damages. But notice
in writing must bo forthwith given to the
owner, if known; and then if not known
notice shall bo given within 48 hours to the
Township clerk, together with a description
of the color, age and natural and artificial
marks on said animal. If the animal or
animals be worth $10 or more the distrain -
or shall advertise the same for three weeks,
in a county paper. One month after being
taken up, the distrainor may advertise and
sell said animals—three days' notice of sale
being first given. Out of proceeds he is
authorized to pay for advertising, necessary
core and trouble, and for food of animals.
Balance, if any, if not claimed by owner
within throe months, must be paid to Town
ship treasurer for local mutfioipal purposes.
Where animals are impounded the pound -
keeper has certain presoribed duties laid
down governing his notion in the premises.
In case of geese .cr poultry tresp s sin g, the
owners, after having been notified, if they
,pbgleot to take care of the same, may bo
cited before a poetics f the Peaoo and pun.
iuhbdr ,
G. E. RING, -
MONDAY June 20
Greatest Musical event of the
year. One grand performance
of the finest Military Band in
the world on the above date.
SPECIAL. TRAIN leaves God-
erich for Clinton at 11.30 p.m.
Admission, 50c.; Reserved
Seats 75c. and $1, and can be
secured at JACKSON BROS.
For sale, second-hand buggy; good repair.
Box 146, linton P. 0,
To borrow One Thousand Dollars for two
peaars Coat fiveperBOX cent. 84, Cl intedge security. Ap-
Two story house on Wellington street, with
garden. Will be put in first-class repair and
rented at a low rate. Apply to NEW ERA
Office, or GEO. F. EMERSON, Goderich.
I can accommodate any number of cattle with
fir,t-class pasturage, Plenty of shade. water
and the run ofacres. ER,t
s a month.
W. 13. Holmeeville.
Choice House and Lot for Sale.
A trams house and quarter -afire lot on the
corner of James and Maria streets, Clinton;
good brick well, barn 14x20
near the
Alto OHDERRY,Clnton
Comfortable cottage on Albert Street, north
0 rent at once. Good half -acre warden and
ben' ing orchard, with promises of lots of fruit.
Rent low. W. MOORE,
Sewing Machine Depot, Huron Street
lVieeting of the Huron County
The Council of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the Court Room in the
Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, June
u e 7th next,
at 3 o'clock p. m. W.
Dated at Goderich, May 23, 1898.
For Rervice—The highly bred abort horn bull,
19th Prince of Thule; also, the large, improved
Yorkshire boar (Regulator) first-class pediggree,
a prize winner bred by Mr. H. J. Davis, Wood-
stock. TERMS:—Bull, $1.50, Boar, e1. Fees
payable in advance, with priveloge of return-
ing if necessary.
Clinton, May 27, 1898.
Ice Cream
Cool Drinks
We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and ths'Y
goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now
large stock of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at
remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or,:;.
Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Cotlti
ty. Kindly Dome and see cur stook before you buy eleewhere.
Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing 'met
and Cheaply done.
Our Undertaking Department
Is complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest and best attendance. Hearse
and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country.
H. C. BARLETT, - Chun
P. S.—Night and Sunday calls at residence on Huron St., opposite Baptist Churchi,•
Summer Mi/Diner
We have our np•to date
Soda Water Fountain
set up for'"the ,season end are prepar-
ed to give Ice Cream Soda in all
flavors, and cool drinks of all kinds.
Good Oranges, Lemons,
and Bananas
Always in stook. The California
oranges are the best. Priem accord-
ing to sizes. Be sure and try our
Real (tome -made Bread
It is a seller.
Wedding Cakes a Spcclnity.
Jas. Meelacherty,
Nor tltt31 . alters and Itestaurf
TO1ep1hono New 1.
Lower Prices Is what attracts crowd+
Better Variety to our Millinery Depa,
Plait' the rnost desirable Millinery went, See our Trimn:;i
Hats. You can get a . Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very
figure. Before selecting your Summer Hat call and se's
styles and prices. We have a grand range of Sailorsi
Bands and Sashes. See our ,Sailor for 25c- Sailors and °W
ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,and Trimmed Hats from *1.50 to,
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEAVER BLOCK.
By that we mean a Perfume whose odor',,,,.
is permanent and whose fragrance %c
richand sensible .t4, the smell a longi
time All perfumes are not this way,
The reliable kind are—those made by
maker who has a reputation for putting:;,;;
up nothing but reliable goods. Theee kinds COST NO MORE and ar
more satisfactory. We've every odor that you'd be likely to ask for. They
all delicate but lasting. Two desirable qualities in Perfumes.
Maturfaetnring Chemist,
Physicians' Supplier
0011000414049 04114041100
Did you ever
Meet a Fella
wearing our make of Clothes who was dissatisfied .with
his suit tIf he was dissatisfied he would get revenge .4
on us by publishing the fact to every acquaintance 0'
his. That's human nature. And ten to one if he vias
pleased he would say nothing about it, for he word;
think people would think him vain for calling attentw,
to a superior suit—and that's human nature. So, if
hear nothing against us, you may feel sure that Iii
boys are all for us.
SPECIAL -3 Pattern Canadian Tweed Suit, $10.00
Fine Black Worsted Suit • 14,00 }
Fine Colored Worsted Suit 1
These three lines are better value than is usually shown, and are worth',
of your attention. We use the best of linings,
Readyto•wear Clothing.—We bought some Men's Suits it pini
away below their valve, among them a small neat pattern, all wool, brown,
Dolor, good linings, SANFORD'S MAKE, which we offer at $6.50. Ws:thi
this as good a suit as'we could buy in the regular way to sell et $1). It ye
want a suit it will pay you to look at this line,
Child's Sults.-20 Suite pioked out from our regular stook, aurae•
them carried over from last season. They are none the worse, but the he
has gone off them. Prioes were $2.50 to $4, your ohoide now for $2.
Lace Curtains.—We find an unprecedented demand for three .ape
lines at $1, $1.50 and $2,00 a pair. The quality is excellent and the dee
are very attractive. Of course we have,the cheaper lines els well, but 'tt
three 'medals seem to have the lead. People seeingm thoin _'their neigh
houses come and oak tor them. We were fortunate nkilowing.a geed lite
buying largely when we had the opportunity. •
buy for oash—we sell for dash. If it is to year advantageTruly cash works woniere for both the merchant and the ottetomer.
to biiy from no,
we think it is, we want your trade. We keep l caching out for more' Viten
W .. L. VUI.
he Cash Deitle4 i nae bolo