The Clinton New Era, 1898-06-03, Page 2..-
-----�- -- - - -
,..,,...,.,•.,•,.••✓..••....n.n,n,�,_m.n.r.1n 1.. Cris i Count Cli 1, llings. Professional an er aA _ s
°„iy, 5 l County ” l t i, A RED LIGHT GHOS T. MAIL "MYS'TERIES." pure Bloodfill Oats Wanted
We are glad to say that the little i
boy of Mr Samuel Appleby, Hullett, diELERI� 1(1lYG POWERFUL I IN N XCA �ivGE JAMBS SCOTT.
aI or -
him, is now frilly recovered, FOR TEN YEARS. WORK DONE BY ANOTHER. Rich rad blood -essential to perfect health -this 12 lbs. choice Oatmeal for I bush. Oats I Barrister SoliCito
pureiyherbal tonic insures good health. At all drug. 113 lbe. choice Family Flour bush Oates )
(tI Thebe died at Sunny Brae, N. S., on I — gists. ase. a package. woonwnaD uaDicmnt co.,
1 H1 N it Is the Unpaid or Short Paid Malled Toa0NTO, CANADA CONVEYANCER &c.
J' May 21111, Chllallrla, beloved wife of A Cool and Nervy Trick of the Hoboes
�J��■��' William Ross, aged 72 pear's,+and t110- That Wae lllsoovered and Luded by au Matter That CausesThisCuriousResult. Small Bet Nobly Raid oats taken In CXChilli�e CommisslonerforOntarioandManitob
d yy sed. { , Office immediately aottlh of Gilroy & �V[aernan
47, �� roar of J. Y. and [). R. Russ, Lxetet'• Due Stamps" awd How They Ara U -- f01 Groeel les
*� Uusuperstitlous Railroad Dlau aad Three : t
• With feelings of regtet we chronicle Counterfeit Stamps. Lord Falmouth -who bred horses, i�
Oowpaalons• knew all about them, and had fur•
the sti'den deal h of Robot t Mc Hardy, These are our present rates, W, BRYDONE.
r: which happened at Bluevale on Wed- It is not often that a nineteenth can- Less care la used by the people in Amer- trainer that. paragon, Juhn Scott- but we don't know how long BARRISTER BULICITOR, NOTAR
S. GLAIR RIVER) ; nesda lie wits a arentl well and I tell than by those 1t) European oountrles never bet riot once. He had tL prontis- they will continue. '
®������. y. pp Y tory ghost can live fur soars ou its repots- -
: working in the morning. His death is tier, as did the Bald Eagle ghost of the Ill trio pro};nratlan nY ]nail matter, and as in ; filly,(Zueen 13erlha.and she was the PUBLIC, ETC.
1. attributed to heart failure. Beech Creek railroad. Almost everybody a result the United States government is favorite for the Oaks in 1892. She had O� 4L' DN Clinton I i
80 GRADUATES KO f One of those pleasant events which In this section has heard of the Bald Eagle losing money, while foreign guvernlncnts apparently fallen off in condition, and O1fiCC-Beaver B10Ck.
alwa 9 cause a ripple of excitement, ghost. It was none of your sheetod night get paid for service they do not perform. her owner put no confidence in her. Upstairs, Opposite Poster's Photo Gallery
Secured excellent positions since y' bort laid mutter in lar a uantities is Falmouth was inclined to scratth iter, CLINTON
February, 1807. This college is open i t0�k place at the home of Mr John prowlers inhahktinK a tuwblu clown coon- 1 g q _ - --
throughout the entire year, Wears Beres, Walton, on May 21th, when his try house. The Bald Nagle ghost was an scut %thread every week, told when it ar- when Mre Scott, John Scott's wife, 7 _ ._ .. _ `
located on Front St., and overlook rives at the eine of deliver It is rated u s puke u) for her favorite. "I'll lay IT PAYS TO
the beaut[fut St. Clair river. This is Hfthdatlghte�•, Miss "iatric, was united up to date spirit. It was simply n rod P Y P i 1 _ _ M: Gc CAMERON
in marries a to I)r, A. M. Watters, of light. to double thu 001ctoncy, About xuu sou• v+pl:r lordship sixpence she wins," sitid
the most delightful place in Ontario g venin Ostul cards for Instance addressed Mrs Scott, laugl ing. For once Lotd �% (Formerly of Camercu Holt & Cameronx
's to spend the summer months. Mills, hliChigan, ordinarily there 9s nothing oxtraordi- P
rj nary about u rod light, but when the rod to people !n Uorntauy wore mailed recent- halnu)ot.h broke his rule never to bet, �� BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR,
;3 For further partictilars address, A gloom was spread over West tVa- light appears on a raiboacl that is a Qif ly, and there was only a d cont stump on turd exclairned, "Done, Mrs Scott!"'
;j i wanosh, last Friday, when it was learn- each card. If they were regular govern- Su Queen Bertha with Cott) Aldcroft Uffioe-HarurltonGO E op�oeIto Colborne House
A. S. NIIIHO ; ed that Mrs Win, Ta for had assed W Pavnt matter. Ilnd the Bald H:aglo ghost � GODERICH. ONT
y P muni cards, they would go for a cents up, appeared at the post,, wud thanks
1. her long home. Deceased was in her been contour to uxerclso pts functions in
=•rr•••••••••••••••'•••••'••••••••••••;••••••g••••••••••••••.••.••.••...,4,.;, rho Pastnose of the mountflins, in alt each, but since they are printed by a pri- to the brilliant riding of her jockey, D L ON
B lilst yetis' and had been ill for a Iongg re Pas it it would InOu continued to tato ouncern ane) tire written upon the beat Marigold by a short head for the }tire You Aurare of the Fact that --
time. She leaves behind a husbitnd p Y osta +e is 5 cents, trio same as for a letter . first place. Lord Falmouth paid his M +1ICPHERS
i; Clinton Post Office. and two small children to mourn bet' enjoy its incorpore+nl existence indefinite- P b
1 But the Bald H:agle spirit was unrea• Marl the sender been known to the post - bet a Mrs Scutt in noble f pence. He TheCanadaBusineSSCollege UONVEYANCING,
DIME TABLE. loss. Y ()thee mon he would have been notified, proc,ued abrand new sixpence fico FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NSURANO
souable. IL insisted on sulking a speotaolo
Mrs Wm. Sheppard, daughter of Mr of itself just whvro it was roost out of but in this Crsu oichcard had to be stamp- the hank, had it set. round with dia- CHATH ATrf, -ONT. --
�iTLS CLOSED and Mrs John Drummond, late of ad with a "T, to indicate that postage rnonds and mounted as a broach, and MONEY To LOAN.
plaou turd unwelcome.
.M. P.M. I 'A.nt .M5 Blyth, died at het• borne, three miles Some years acro, old railroad men say, was nut fully paid, and then forwarded, in that ass presented it to the conte- Iadoing more for its pupils than any other --
15 6-55 London and S. W. Ontario 700 4 00 south e:Lst of Atlantic, Iowa, at an the Bald I+:nglo ghost was born. Tho mid becttusu the sender Clad siguod his initials ly tnistress of W hitewall� Busluesa College ui the Dou,t❑iO° Office, MacKay Block, Clinton.
43 pit 'ls were p'ac.d in two months Hru•
40 4 30 Wingham and I iticardine9 55 6 35 early hour Sunday morning, The ill- night oxpruss was howling along through only and could therefore not be found. n dents Prom till quarters are flocking to this
to 15 6 55 Western S.W. & N. W, U.S, 7 00 4 05 ness which led up to this result, an ob- a Kap in the mountains when suddenly, Whop these oartls arrived Ili Germany, the TRAP FOR A MOTHER. worthy business school,
,10 15 1 03 Paris, Buffalo & eastern U S 7 00 4 (L5 Besides a larg(,e attendance Prom Chatham,
35 scure cancer, is now known to have donut ahead, a red light flared Out of rho +quivalunG for (i cents, just double t110 do- there aro rtlrcarly this year, 93 pupils registered JOHN RIDOUT•
10 15 1 03 Toronto&points east&nrth 7 OU, 4 try existed for many months, although it track. Thu engineer, scouting danger, re- Ilciuncy, was cullocted for each card. Thus A E/sltiot.m Asked and Given of a Letter
1 03 ...Moutroa] and OLtawa... 7 00 235 g from outs'de p tats. 0t) of them from poiuUa
1 03 was nut realized that there was tiny. versod tho engine and stopped the train, the Uerinttlt overnment rvicelved 3 eoutia Baited With Alexandre Dumas. nearer to other husf ics; Colleges than to CONVEYANCER, liO1f5I[$SIONER, ETC
Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 2 3s thin r setiousl wron with her health on oach card fur nothing. When the busy Tuan went hotun the otb• Chathann,
1 03 6 - Y g but n search failed to show why the truiu We prestme these people invest[ tiled the
10 27I •Stratford ane} Seaforth..I 0(1 2 35 until a few weeks a>o. She 1eavPs a "'Lis kind of nail" is tt good dos} ]tirgor g
6 had been flagged. Tho train steluucd off or night, hu Pound his retro rending stet- ❑relite oP the diti'otwnt schools, and deciaed' "teal L+'."tate and In>purance Agent. Money to
1 03 point + N res -f rd (TUI 2 35 devoted husband and a most interest !]Wally A mouth or so later the express than is generally supposed, ns is shown by tit• front her another and apparently great• that nothing but the best would satisfy them, lend uu h1a•t4(ago and Note security.
. . 1027 sE& of SL I o 7
iftg family of eight children, ranging a ain l}eggecl by the light, but, as tho fact that $100 piny be collected at the ly amused by its contents. Now, the busy hone •, they arc here. Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON
1 03 .... Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 0012 4 in age from one to seventeen years. g , Boston otliee on One single wall front Eu- ])till% know that his mother -in lflw was Write for catalogue of other departinent+;and
7 40 255 .........Goderich.....••.. before, no cause could be assigned for the
_ 9 00 nL John Scott, of Roxboro, McKil- procoetling. After this the signal was soon %opo, and the United States sends about clover, and bis curiusity was aroused. a list of the 13 pupils placed in two months.
Lucancross,i,g,Sarnialtnd 80timosns much ns it receives, iliostof r' you seem tohaveafunn lotterthere?„ R. AG_tNiEW,
►015 655 ....interniodiat'o points... 17 00l 4 05 lop, met with a very serious accident at irregular intervals, always ill the lonely Y D. McLACHLAN &CO,Cltatllam
7 40 I..Lo❑dosbor0 & Bu[gravo.,,9 55i oti Thursday forenoon. lie was on gap `Trainnlon at length begun to enror• the unpaid ur short paid mutter comve• he said
lap of a large load Of hay, driving it Lain a superstitious fear far the rod light, M'ol't Armenia and Turkey, although Eng- "Olt, no, the letter Isn't funny," his , , , ', DF.N'CIST, CLINTON
The oftico is open LO the public, (holidays ex r loud :cid Troland contribute a Ytiir portion NU1 II:L I. (+ CILELT'1 JL{ti,
•canted) Prom 8e.. a to 7 15 p m., but holders o out. of his barn yard. ZZ hen passing find in time it booanio generally known as wife answtrred, but the situation isl You AT'ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OB
of it. } Y EACH MONTH
look boxes have access to the lobby until S p.m over a side bill, the load upset. As it "the ghost." Old hands lit the brake know how )rood m mother is of her L: irNe r+/ Julut .1/r/luptrclrl, 0j' llu• Taraushi/, --
il "Mone Order and Savin Bank oinco o en g g, .lust before St. Patrick's clay the malls was cin over 11It' Scutt jumped to whoa! bvliovud it to bo the. splitter a Lrack French and (;ornutn?" n/' (7u,L•r•ich, rlrrrrrrrrl.
y g p are flooded With packages of shamrocks '+Curtain! She ought to be after persons havin
-9a,m. to 6 p.m. the other side, expect int to land on his watchman who bud been killed at the spot fruit Ireland, icked and mailed by peo )lo Y' No:ico is hereby gives to e.'1 g Off1ce Ho+)rs-f1 to 5.
Matter for rc istration must bo osted half feet. Unfortunately, however, his w hero it gonurally appeared, P I spending years abroad in perfecting her claims against the a -trite of the said deceased
g P wilt) know little about the postal regula to send in their c.lainia fu writing duly veritied
.an hour before closing the snails. ' foot caught oil the wheel of the wagon, Skoptical superintandents lay in wait PrOtunciation,. besides rho other years of
i h the result that the bone Of his for trio host. Extra watchmen were an- acus and who frequently neglect to find study nt home. " the viii of tl e de,ca,> c to ror before tt a fourth ' DR '�'. C• $�,rJC�.'s
STAGF, iSAIL - SUv[1IF.[LHIt L -Every v� t g out how touch postugu is required. Ave.- Well ou k.tpovv that I alt something day of Janc, 18i. i, alter wh'ch tittle the uxocu• I SURGEON DENTIST,
'Tuesday and H riday, arriving a. 0.25 and 1, av- i fight leg wits fractured about half way ployed to patrol trio district, but to no Y
's ing at, 5.30 p.m. between the knee and ankle. It i9 a Putts M have the pf,p ink twigs well pro- R ri sc}talar in self to both languages. tors for proceed lis p r lic4 the edot, r f the ! c]raduate R 0 D S oft Ontario, and Trinity
at'ttil. It sesta nu foul ghost. IL knew its sertud, trio -even s pritklc them with we.• ) testator among the Paries entitled thereto,
ONCE A DAY ONLY iq mail despatched compound fracture, and the broken business, However, it reckoned without Y 1 Ho•untly I have boa] writing tO mother 1n having regard only to claims of which the ex- Varsity Toronto.
from this ofilce to Londesboro and Belgrave, end of the bone rotruded throw h the ter before wrapping thele lip, which not I reuuh, and a little while ago $bO salt a eCutors shall than have had notice and Shall
4`als to Mitchell and Dublin, mai!s closing as P g lasso 1 aces. uu'relt incruasus the weight nt trio Limo of Spectu attention i
ab,,m stated skin, making quite a wound. Other- Pates had long meditated an attack on very nice answer to ono of thos6 iettors, In not be liable for the said assetH or any- part g vorr to the Preservation
wise he was not injured. the Bald Na gnu host And ono ni ht after mailing, but also serves to spoil the wrap- which shecomplinnentod w0 upon my gen- thereof so distributee} to anyone whose chum the natural teeth•.
Mails for British Isles and European coon• R g g ors. Christn»is time am] h:nstur, when the executors had not notice of at the time of Othee, Coate 1 look, over Taylor's shoe store
tries intended to be forwarded by New Yurk• Mr Harve , of the 2nd con. of Stan his train had been delayed till hour by the cral Improvement- in the use Of the lion- digtrtbution, W: BRYDONN, Clinton, Ont.
Y friends interchange gifts, arooqually prof- N. B, -Will visit BI tri ever broads sod
•must have written ou the Lop left hand corner ley, %net with clilUe it heavy loss this light his resolution roac•hecl the paint oP gunge, but nnado bilis cotumeut: `It 1s a Solicitor for Lha H. 1898,ora• }'ayBeld Query '1'huraday afternoyon during tk e
Yenvelope VrA N1tw Yox' imblu in this rospcut, but trio United llated at Clinton this lSLh day of \lay. 1898,
week. He has had part of his fine aotion, Going down to the village store, Pity you couln not spend a few years summer
flick of Shropshire sheep pasturing un he bronched,his sohonle to the gang, States does nit collect as mach on foreign abroad, ao that you ]night }Darn to ase the
The eulogies that are being passed by the bsLek part of his far•ru, On the "Any of you follows like to go ghost uulil as the foreign guvornments collect French as u.native dues as a medium for PROPERITF.S FOR SALE oRTo LET
1 un L'nitud States mail, thou'ht as wall as exprossiou. Thou you •flR. vVM, GUNK,L. R. C, P, and L. R. C. P, 11,
position the world over on Mr, morning of Tuesday 14st, one of his huntin some night'" A Edinburgh. Olilce—On4ario Sreet Clinton
1'hetu is such a wide difference In the q P Nigbt calls at front door of rssidenee-on Rattan
neighbors was np early and heard two Everybody looked interested, and at last would bis cite educt in trio use O€ that FOIi SALE.
ladstone proves that, notwithstanding the Amount collected by the various nations las ua ge. Tho onl criticism to which , I -- bury St„ opposite Presbyterian church.
dogs, which seemed by the btu k t0 he one young follow demnnc}ed: 8 R Y
Ile ed materialistic tendenc of the a e,
that years ago it led to negotiations for vu are o on now is• that you think in The undersigned will sell ataeacrifice, Lot 451
g Y g small dog and the other a Iarge one, }ts 1, NVell, where's your ghost?" Y P or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars
iation for a Christ• if in ursuit, of something, but not "What's tho %natter with the Bald Eagle new is coiticna, resulting fn the ❑p," and English, and consequently your French fe Upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o
:,bore is yet a full appreo � in this country t)f the "duo sttinnp," And _ DR J. L. TURNIIULL, M, D. TORONTO
knowing the sheep were there paid ghost?" he asked. Soule of the crowd H, ow, t is auch instuad.oE French French. 1.
tan life. Mr. Gladstone was all his life a little attention. Shortly after•, how. shivered, but Patios went ot: "There's a no"' ouch governn:ont kei'ps the atones it Now, this unnrsed lou because from the Univers,, O t D. C.M., Materia Un[veteity
cullewts 1'ur due postage. Those duo stamps FOI{ SALE• M. C, P & S„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obetetrica
ost sincere Christian, and he was never ever, it was disccvered that there were shining mark for a good ghost hunter. I first of Tiny study of languages i have bo Society ofEdinburgb,late of London, En and
tind one laulb killed and one don t believe in this fool talk of dead sel'Ve in reality merely to show how much gun by thinking [n thonr front the mo- Factory and contents on the property of D. Edinburgh Hospitals. Oftlee.-Dr.Doweely'sold
shamed to avow it no matter whore be two sheep < is Collcetcd us the • aro tut on and can-
Iamb that could not be found; three watchmen ewnin hack. That Ilald I'aglu ) l niont that I acquired the first knowledge Buchanan for 61 0, by paying $ding15 clown and offfco Ratteubury St, Clinton. Night be;l
• ps placed. He carried his Christianity in- shee and three lambs were badly ghost is a pure fake, and I'm gain tiftor celed ill the pustoflice, and no person con- of their formation. However, for the joke balanus A ly o month. B:Clinto to be re• answered at the eameplaee.
P nested with Thu service coot by honorable moved. Apply to J. SCU'PP, Clintat.
o the transaction of the affaira of the state, torn, two of which will very likely die, hits. 1 need about throe good mon. \�'o�ll of it, when I wrote my next letter to ma I ----
means ohtain tine that has not been can 1110USE TO TIENT. T1 R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEOIi
and thou h like another goo3 man and A ver'v leasant social event took g0 to the \Arrows to, lay for Alr. Qhost, cumposud it wptiruly of suitable sentences —
g P We'd butter each have a gun, too, in ensu ectad. Lt Spite oP the law, such stamps vol,ietl verbatim iron one of Alexandre Arcuueheur, etc„ office and revidenceOa-
n count% free uentl pla-,e at the residence of ME, Thomas havu Como Into circulation, probably tario fit„ Opposite En
statesman in our do y, I Y of accidents Any of you fellows go I)llrttas' stories- At the end of the letter I 'Phe large frarr.e dtvollin¢ hoouse °vithlhalI copied by Dr,Applecon,sClinton Ont trlsrly oe, C
Dodds, in McKillop, on Tuesday. Tnis throu •h bur Lars w•ho have broken into Str+et, 1, te.y occupied by \Cr, l
sneered at as a "Christian politician," he was the celebration of the 50t,h anni- alon put a postscript saying, `1 !baso- tel} me )
g? postoilices orgthrough dishonest postmas- t•hrtt you think of this, French,' This ie alt ticru of laud. tient moderate. , 11ar is (((
There was silence for a time, but at last JAMEJ SCO'CT, ltarrieter.
oneiatr•ntly maintained his position versary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs ter-, but it nrttcorH little to a private Citi- — ?
;;r 4 Dodds. This worth coir le were rear- throe young follows volunteered to accou- the rutsttcr, whi<ph I havu jts t received. It ilR STANisU1tY, u1tADUATE OF TI3H
Teat ar were 1l�r. Gladstone a accom itch- Y p Veil how he has obtained such a stamp, si:vs: 'Your French is lotto% erfect, but it lJ Medical Department of Victoria Univer
P rigid in Scotland on the 2-tth of May, Party him. Tt was arranged to stssrt on trio whether he has paid for it or not, for the p HOUSE — RENT: sit L
craft in orator in literature followin owning, and at till) appointed 1 s! ill hila the steno frtult-it is English DispoY surae%%,' New v Yurk, t Corona ntfor she
`°bents instate , y, 1348, and on the following day started g sttuup is nut acceputbly ns postage. If an 1•'rcucl) and not the 'French of the: French Fraf l cottages wn Isaac Street, and half an
f�;:., time the ghost hunters ]net. At the Nar• Count ofIIurot,8a
"a,in works for the material advancement for America. They had a viM e of rows Palos distributed his men along the attempt were made to use it, postoffice in- Limit•' "-Now York Sun. acre of land. Apply to "IRS. LTI BaOi.TH, y yHeld,Ont.
�.tflep¢opleofGreat Britain and indeed eight weeks, which was const ered specters would bis at once utonthetrail Clintogtile, or JAbtkS SC07"1'; Barrister,--�.a-C
fair! ood tithe i n make in crossin ROOustomed scene of the ghost's poralnibu- P Clinton.
y g g OY trio otiuudur. 9 E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON ' he Ole world, it is doubtful if any- the Atlantic it, those da s. The set- lat[ons and awaited results, Crouched In LJ • Houoraryoraduateof theOntarioVeterinary
y Y It is a matter of principle with some In-
v so lou or accom- tied ill McKillo and have been re- a ciumpoP bushes, hehimselP lay for hours ,,r(Is f on are le he placed in the HOLT iE FOtt SALE. Cortege. Treats mosall liodoruan domeaticated a
^trf�ts will sur Iva g 1)r dit•idultls to %arose utdurpnid matter, says
s acted residents of the townshi eve, undisturhed except by the sound of passing wi ids of one f I the Paris hospitals, - mats un the moatmoderu and soientiHeprino
p p ` enc who is in it position whore he sues rethe -
sh so much cod to the race as the high of freight trains. hortly before the tine Por I within reach of the hedrultlpn patients, Dlr. D. Robb OR'ers fur sate his bitch house Otos Office- ace - Alber St., l nton, Ers
g since, Un Tuesday all the members fused letters what they return, A letter sit its to Pliable them to eumtuunicate ell Ratteubury Stil til Persons interested night Iday atte d Albert mp Clinton, Gal
the midriff ht ex tress ho heard n whispered nuts apply to him on the premises, or to night orday attended to promptly / .,
ample he set of a pure and useful Christ- the family now living, with the excep- g I ruay bis sent to some foreIgn country with- tvil h fheirfriends cutsitle- cunnection
tion of one dao hter ill Winni . e conversation oto to his Ictt.\'. Bltl'UtiNL, lnrrister
life. Christianity cannot be said to g P, g+ out any postage on it. Thu flddrosseu may will also be Made wit tt� a concert hail in { t
11, four sons and 'three dao hters, with "IInvo yov. gut the lantern, Peto?" some (alder to permit the inyalids to enjoy HOUSE TO RENT. JOHN F, MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON
g %cruse it•, and in that ease it must bo re-
. " !oat any of its power when it produced their wives, husbands and children, ono askod• „ , , turned to trio sender, who has to pay don 1 — has returned to Winton and 0 ened an office
e -a man whc,lived rna3e a Hite a nice ail Lad assent• ' Yep," a second voice replied, I ve goG the perfo] manc0• That comf0rtrtble brick cgtta eon "Ontario p
a man like Glacston p q P' y ' hie rate for it if het accepts it. }put he, too, g ed too Que tre tm nt where he tri ly bs f horses, \
'� e h rnestead and en'0 ed the her lit, but I'll keel) bar hid till I see trio ThC 6l1'ePta Uf nliLllt7lit;bt'P Sa mOdf'I'T] street CagL. nC.n'the YrCeb)tOrlan ntaa5e, late- ed for trio trCatatC❑t Of all diyea6@s of lwrso9,
he;life of a Christian amid all the strains bled at tri n ma ri.N via» it and Chen its final Hestina- 1
Y headll +ht." Y ' rLs to bP t cite u11t of keP til'• with 1hC Iyoccupt+.d by H: 1. I[olmcs, is Ln rout. Pis- cattle,&c. Allualls,night or day, prorit tl at
day with the old couple, and it, is teed- 1 � 'tion will he the dead letter oilice In Wash- i, p sess1oa tLlo-tce. 11 P y
;,!political discussion, and surrounded by less to say that they spent a joyous '• it, s a dottd easy thing," the first voice (ncr,,11 e,ixance of the town. They PP�y to JUHN xIDOt, P, tended to,
wont on. "131ow the light out and throw ingtun, if the Iettururiglnatud In thuUuit- g' PP Huruu Sl., C!int,on. }
t brilliant assailants of the faith time. ed States. uncle Sain ebs nothin for all sire- perfectly stra•i•glit, macadainized
it in that clump oP bushes before you g g ;tad provided with ampie granite , ' 1�IAftRiAGE LPCENSE, JAULS SCOTT, 8R,
(,HUIGF. )H•AI{i1i FDI{. va"AI,I+;.
e world has yet seen. Ilia motto was to jump on „ this trouble. Occasionally there appears a tvitlks. Uf these t tie Escu[l.:t and t h0 — iseurer of hUrriage Lfcunees, Library ILuoml
and !pie count% ,and he did it The Ex ort Horse Trade. Pates saw throogh Lho whole scheme in Postal card that is 0vidaltly trtntcli°g t. In hOt.h there A splcudid farm of 160 aeras oP impretCil cud Residence, 141ary street, Cti❑ton.
rVe"God 3 P around the world to gather postmarks for Rostar'io are the bt6 land, ou the 2nd con. of Stanley, All but 15
s second, Circling around, he signaled to excellent. shops, kept I)rincip;tlly kept, acres c•l;ared, good frn.ntc Longe, frame barn,
th his whole heart. A great deal depends upon the care heed, its sender. But Uncle Sail] pruposus not try Chinese merchants, uN St of tuhoam bearing orchard, ruauing tenter. situitted two AMES CAMPBELL, LCVDESRORO,
„,. _. - and attention a•horse gets during its •grow- his companions tO close in, and fn a short J
trite •they hail too men with rho lantern to bo Imposed on to that extent when Iw miles firm tod,n of (,niton. 1i'ia'be sold o❑ ISSUE![ OF alAli,ltlAGf: LICENSES,
ing period. This is somethin + the averse comefr•orn Amoy,. Tin-roolPd hcruscs
". R g can help it, and if bo secs trio"scheme he reasouabl'e terms. D. liel'AV[SHI, Clinton. ' No witnesses re uired
I�eeotding to the Toronto World the Canadian farmer is more lacking in, per- surrounded' wilkput on a mark that ends the postal line each side: of t nE tiloroughfan e. - 9
"'Throw up your hands and show your England is said to have only abont 7:),000 1101ITSE AND Lo,r FOT{, SALT+,
- e bitter feeling exists to -day he- haps, than following the right principles in curd's mission. __
v. hoOp
rse breeding. How often, in travelling light!" the ghost banter ordered. F W. L. S.. OMB, MEMBER Su eyor and
o sections of the Conser In a.n i.nstnnt out came the light and up Counterfeit postage stamps were in cir- telephones in use, while Canada has scout • P, g ee PrLond al Laud Serve o
�`'6en the tw through the country in the winter, do we
hands. The hunters culation [n the United States a few years 10,000: se of h eat lepliocontrol is a En -t a d The k mt.,ide geed offers for y a'cthe that two story Civil EnRlneer, Loudon, Out,-0lfice Yat Goo,
"tie art that led t.o the split in Lhe see out costs of all a es it •in to eke out wont three pairs of ]lrfck 10ury, T e e is i fl co the ti n ilon Iacr
K S g ago, but what has beceino of them or to per rho use of Lbs telepltote i» Eng,and' ltrtttunuury, Thcrs is in connection one acre Stewart's Grocery Store, Cli❑ton.
P i y g found themselves gazing at a trio of dirty, --
i7abinet two years ago, It a living on the picking of the barnyard, or grinning tramps- what uxtaa, they were used is not known. H %soca bas but 3u,cJ04, while Germany has of ]and which will alto be sold in one piece or
n attero t is to he made by del ving into the strawietack. They man- Thoy were such good copies of the 2 cont. 1.10;000, and the United States 900,000, fn tuts to suit pnrc .J. R TENApplU HA'T`S ItEDIODELLED,
s that to
a P age to pull through the winter, and, when "So you're the ghost that hasbeen walk- stamps that only at expert could detect. Sweden comes in next with 5)0,000, and �V.LV.FAlt1LAN arJ.RA'I"L'F.NuUIIY, Clinton _-
e Hon. Clarke Wallace ousted summer comes, instesta of being in a posit- tag hero all these years?" Pates asked in the difference. As a guard against tbern. Sw.irzerland follows with 30,000. Little Hats remndellDd and done over as g�reed as ''-
ion to take On the %curb the should, tris disgust. the ova nment secured it lar u tnitount of. Denmark hue 15>,004. These estimates are COT UAG E A Y D LOT FOIL new. Persons wi,;hing work do_O ill MIS line
tbq, Grand Mastership of the g y "we never said we was no ghost,' one g g , from Electrical En ineerin SA LL. writ[ %orders Perfect andemigne our leaving
extra food obtained, to a large extent, goes them and sunt eaniply sets Ge the large g• g• _ their orders with the ander,+igned. Leave or.
'l. ge order at the' meeting of the ex make »p for the lack of nourishment ■nswored. ostotlicos in the country to bo used fon dens early. MISS I%IOORR,
Well, What 1n blAzes have you been P The undersigned offers for <ale a frame cot• Over Beeslay & Co's. late store Albert Street,
Mind Lodge B. N, A„ shot tly to be which the strawstack afforded. The same a e tiaras horn for ten scare, then?" comparison. The set that was Bout to the ® •`ti targe of four rooms, ttir,h kitchen and woodshed
thing is one through with the following ifi gg Boston olliue 1s still presurv,vd,there, butitr •touched. Centra lyAltia ed. Good waterand
g Pates continued angrily. drainage, Will besold cheap. App y to S TANG' LES FOR SALE
3d, because o£ his attitude in the winter, and until the colt is old enough to has neem boon used, as no. cauualtorfett
st glection, and that Bro. I+J.F.Clarke, be put to work no particular Dare or attest- "I guess, since we're caught, we might W. C, SEAttLE.
be used to accom- ion u given it. It may be raid the prints as well give trio soap nway," one of the stamps have been soon. passing; thxOuah I ' Clint n Dec. lOt.h Subs reber writ keep as usual trio best brands
pr that office. -Boston Transcript.11W of lied Cedar and other Shingles at Blyth and
`i?„ is the tool to for horses during the past five year•$ would tramps said, with a grin. You see, we (,liOl _)� FARM E UIi SALE. Londesboro, apply to D. Cut s, at Blyth, or - -
oomne over the hill'from the Penney, and, blade and Merit Maintains the confidence himself at either places, Parties wontin
�{sit the purpose by "Robert Birm• not warrant any other treatment. It ie k
d the other discredited ele- true that the prices have been low, but even not sarin to walk moron is nocossflry, wo A Hongko,s>Z Elevator. of the people in Hood's Barsaparilta. Its For th e, n Parm of 75 lot 42 oP excellent land„ sh,i pr ce be re ft to those advantage to ask
1it#ham an in the trains being the north half of loL 4.., L'#h con. of Hul- ', for prices lneforo buying elsewhere.
£ the Conservative party in this then it would pay to raise the young colt got on to the graft of Hagg Says a 0orrespondeut of the Ch9cago medicine cures you when sick; if it makes lei t. Good blink barn, frame house with stone WUf. WHITELY.
'6iit o well or not at all. In fact, when the price and baggagin to the end of the division. Post: "The lift In, the Hongkong hotel is then
" Robert Birmin ham seems the more need there is of raisin the It was a reat sna but we a oilt It now. wondestnl athat inedicinep sees beyond ellca e p city of water; all but• foto• aeras L0lydosboro, Feb. 18, 1698.
�l(;9VinCe. g ]a low g g P, P very cmufortabio,, riot it takes tun aria- cleared, w•ith[n easy di,t,utce of• school and •-��•
utas to marker rho round trip of five stories I►llgnestion that medioineposeessee merit. churches Will be void on roasonablto arms•
•' la,Ve thoroughly lost caste with the finest horse that can be produced in order Every hobo on the road know about this if GABRIFI, SPRUNG, Auburn P' . WA 1 ED Hi Ol'1 ade Mfn or House , I
to obtain the top price. A poor kind of easy mark. We kept a lamp there in the, up and Ilve stories down. 1 and Grade Man or Woman,
iiild, for It says: "From all that the L,lflg b¢ll?' ha asked with a grin after at read Churoh standing to act ns Manager f
horse will stand a better chance on a high bushes especial for the occasion." ' r v " + here and do otlico work and aeriespondenoe J
0rid tan gather, there is a very fair market than a low one, and, whether (be "Well, I'm jiggered," Pates remarked, we bad been pushing the button for eight }TVI p5I'i F0D /S�LL+ at their hems. Business already built up and
act frit the re -or anization and market is high or low, a poor horse is of no "if that ain't the coolest piece of nerve I long, minutes � � established here, S ave, Pelrf Encloses to
g S$2,201► bays rho two semi-detaLclutd brick addressed stamped enve,ope for our terms to
6tp use for the export trade. ever heard. Now look here. Drop that 11 4No,' I said, 'never touched the bell. houses on Ritttenbury St., known, ing the Fox- A. 1' Elder, General Manager. 1811 Michigan 1
i'gtliidation of the Conservative par- The question, then, of developing an ea• lamp and git, and tf I ever hear of this bore Ilow fast can you goP' I asked the deco- ton Pro city Ave. , l;hiongo, Ill
>U',Ontario, but there will never be port trade in Canadian horses resolves it- host walkin a 'In there'll be a hobo walk- That is net the truth about Hood'e t3ar- P
g g rated manipulator oY rho %opo. He was 3 the, houses and also Caesar lots for sale.
nization as lou as it . self into this, that, unless our farmers breed in in his future horne before his time. Olt cogged in white satin, trimmed with red. eaparillw. `Ve know it possesses merit sums i,)uA I� 0 i In ,.',;rids i Hw ¢ &cats 'd small AGENTS. i
py•t3tieh're ergs g the highest types of horses, and when they and spread the news that the Bald Eagle "'Lift go belly Yost,' he said proudly. I because it eures,'not once or twice or a W. BRYDONH, 13arriater. "Klondike Gold Fields," a large,cheap, vain.
y'dtrected by Robert Bit mingharn and secure a colt of a suitable type feed and ghost ie dead. Git, I say, for we're goin explained to Klin how our elovators in hundred times, but in thousands and able book, selling like a whirlwind, Beautiful
I6 it>s9ociates. They moat step down, care for it properly, we might as well direct to shoot after we count 501" Chicago shoot up. Whlzl 110 shook hie tjnoueands of casae. We kno9v it cares, IIUSI�jC,SS PILOPER'CY FOR pprospectus twenty -rive cents, IIooke on time
our efforts in some other direction, In the But before Pates finished the tramps head. absolutely, permanentlyy,' when all. others SALE 11 RALLEY•GARRETSON COMPANY,LIMIT■D,
i till events the Orange order will British markets we some into oompetitian had disappenr0d, and the Dald Fogle ghost " ' No sflfoe I' he rvptied, holding on to fail t0 do any good whcr7pever. Rre repent ____ _ Toronto,
ve. foreveir lost its usefulness in this with the finest borse•producting countries hasn't walked sinoe,-Altoona (Pa.) Let- the rope with both hands. .. , , , - That desirable Br[ek LA einosa Stand on Al -
bert St.., Clinton, occ»pl, d by Mr N, Robson, la 1�
in the world and unleeeour horses Qom are ter in New York Sun. "'i\oneoneol No one ever gets hurt,' I offered for sale, ine[t,Lding rear lot and stable. AGrENTS i
d as
iutfy xi+ it allows itself to be use favorably with theirs, the English b tsar is informed him. Tho !o rattan is ono of tri,+ )osL tit Clinton. The "The best life of kler Majesty I have seen "
'to 111) to wash the dirty linen of any not imbued with such a love for Canada Not Neaeesary. " ' 111elicarls too fast,' he replied, with a proporty is free front incumbrance and title in- writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria'"
"'political party, and Mr E.F.Clarke that be will boy them in preference to the He laughed loud and long ■s he put g"ave expression; 'die youngI Qo fustee o dlep»tab'o. Price re GEO.!e and terms , suit Agents nrrtke n e dollars daily.
p. others. We have to compete wfth eoantriee purchaser. Ak}aly to GTO. S'I'ANBU1tY, Lon- BRAllLEY-GACSRETSON COMPANY, L,MIT&D,
ll; 4ijily realize' his future. if he cares aside the paper. up, bad head.' " Ituc Itoad, or addross Clutton P. U
where borne -breeding is made a sience, and "What's the matter?" asked the man Sarsapari I I a Toronto.
.. ,`66i by rubbing the board." where its principles a.e thoroughly under- who was sitting at the next window of the The Test. Pa: ttl f, r '�alo or to Item. CLINTON
" .:. ` • w_ stood and practised, and in addition to this club. Mafd bronthlosel )-Oh miss, both the Ietbebest-In fact the Ono TrueBioodPurtfler. WOOD l
lebiscite bill was read a third we have to compete with countries where ( Y The south half of lot 5, concession 9 Town• s nd COAL YARD.
TbL6' pUitawa. av effort ie made to develop theyoanghorse "here'eanarticle about training adog, gonts YOU. is engaged to lifts called, and ) extra nausea, lndigestion, ship or Morris, conrainina 100 acres, 80 acres
I WLv �t,s re lied tile man who had been reading the tit¢ re in the parlor and sonnohow or oth- Hood S Pills biliousness. se. cents. cls ared .bnd to good stale a cultivativat ion.
tition was filed Thursday by proper nonrishment and treatment. We )aper. "It ea a the first thin to do is to Y' C }hero aro on trio promisee a (rnmo ho»sc, frame Subscrlbor is preQared to promptly [111 all or- +
.&..ett st3 e s eak advised) when we state that very few I p Y g er thev'vo found 1t crit, oud, oh, mica, bnrn, fratxi dro a howl , go,d orchard, never• dere for Wood or Goal, which ,will be sold ab
�+ilill>8G Ur McNish, the deteated Lib- P Y attach the dog to you." I'm 'frald there'll be troublel" (titling sup ly of spring water. Sitnated i! tulle lowest'ates Office on Isnae Street, at LAVIS
;Wf' 4b'diditte for West EI in in the of our farmers, at present, practise a system Thereu on the man lac hed some more. pp — ,
gg of [eedtn and %arcing young horses that P g Mtes I'llrtio-Horrors! Uh, dear! What -A 1"I1ttE- from rho village of B'yth. \t ill ho se. d en res- I1[PI,RM F;NT ROUJlt3. W. WHI+:A'TLE
BCGtit E�Cov'tncialelecl.ions. Thietnakes will enable them to compete ruocersf»Ily "Well, what of it?" persisted the man at shalt I do?„ sonablo term=. Ap }3 % E HA, r, %cies B'yut
ie,, rit, eltyctlon petition. the noxt window. Mair! after reflection -I'll fix It. I'll ���®A , � � �� g o' THOS. R' bS iti(H 1' H;xcouL r, 9f8 Princess
m the markets of Europe. Th@re is a Iarge ( ) JbJ *J R Ave.. London, Olit. AOrvTS -Book ve bet,
o tw bettor t
ti J, Smart, Deputy Minister of field there for heavy draught horees for "Why, bring It all, r' exclaimed the man run an tell 'om you're crying y'r eyes out yearlPnstt-i cl havo iii $10 io$ (nater
' a immi ration rC- r Dees and who vena so nlnus0d, It eeerpR Ro absurd, +cause y'r father has lost all his monoy, -.----•---•- ^^ ^ ' hooks. Af( rats ctrvu Prom $t0,u$lo wceklq
o tntolritlr, Bays t�1 (; heavy teaming and cavalry pup In a 111011 CrndeUnxlue9v ('eller to worth Molise aur!—Lot for Sale few leaders are: "Queon Victoria, "Lifeof !lir
aril in . More Po- r res of cod a ear- You knowl bly ox•porionce is that n dog Then yon can keep the one who stays. winning• N,NTRANCi+' and LEAVING en n- Gladstone,""v1y rtnt! cr':+llfblo Slnides" "pyo.
Olit olitNe,stnOstenCo g g p also for light so Live bo r g pp will attach hinsclP IO on if ou Ivo him
into Manitoba and the I y Y g Two minutes later rho mold returned to didaLes far the next axnminnllon have the Tho frame home On ]Inttonbwry street, MFIn "Glial lq0,; f till, i*11 (loll Fie'c�s,"r'y��
iliq;t& titie ante. The Americans are making strenuouus any provornti0n. "-Chicago Post. fins that both rho gents rind gone. -Lon char,Ce this yrar. liy wr.ling •o the man er and sup of tri' ['moon, " ^l yolo a
immediately eget Of J r. 'I om.itson'I, 1s D nn0r nail Supprr," ' t'nnndn; an EnOyolopag
ttiyt(i5t�this year than in any sim'lar t efforts to get a share of this market, and, sl ii
y dia," ifcoka on Lisle. 0 16ts fico to oanvasstSrp,
liod tlinolig,4 82• our conditions are just as favorable for pro. (lot) Tit-I3its. (I D , + offered for sale on ver reasonable terms. _1
— "t %lacing good horses as theirs, there ie no vol• Over it. �'1''.N'7 RAI% ))Q �a�l"`is (�Dl,l.i:(r❑ I'he houaa is centn•ally sitnatrd be'r,K only Thn BRADLRY GARRRT. Co., Limited
1. "IAabifere av[f tithors who o orb anxious to 1 id reason why Canada should rot also got a «'atts- Aro you evor AttnOkvd with Tho rout boll of Moscow is not trio lbr- a minute' wnlh from trio business centre, "'""t" '
"ten Irl this 'world usually devote their tx oH' TOR(►t+TO has stone cellar, large dining room arlor,
uric th-3 holidays. You large share of this trade, fit t e fright? gPst In the world. '1'hndlstinotion belongs + g g 1 AGENTS WANTED.
6t'oilttldy during 1inrnos,rotmer-Not those days., In my to trio hail bringing in tho tontp9o0f (sure, Ptrl'ing name, n,n,nil , flininti school and bed room and kitchen down stairs, upstairs
1 t7ta(Yii' tter than take n course in �o(� �q �p t� en years' ex tortanco I have learned that it ;it Iilnto ht ria pan. It Is ooulinr In hnv- °hf`'it rI'NIll E, rot , nil llyfurnt+nu abort oro• A nnt.a wanted, mato and female, to ovens
l g g 6hildron 0,/r Iii 1 C P g{�
tliaud or bookkeeping Burin hr:rty nn 'thtra ppetnlo r :p int I e cbcorfully furnished. Mention large and two Bmallcr bedrooms npstatrs 10onllty In sell our nov•11ies. [fig remmlgsfen
•r n rnro thin for them tot J g to no clap or and is struck outside with thispapor. AddroRt flood•eized sunnmrr ktuatc onc7 garden, aid. Send app'leatson sur[ 2.i cents Pot full
ek elfq> p
lily mid 1> It qst. hlimmo's Academy, � !;;trder than n green apple. -Indianapolis a h'.rt of wooden battm•ina ram, W. H. RH:1W, Isanon AG. cry convvnient!y sitnattd for boarding lino ofsamp!0s, Tho f RANCIS M'f Cr, �
UK ie 1114 9ertt,Hebool to attend. An � Jourual. I t .. �. -, •• ., �'" �:'�"� I h use. Apply at NEW EBe office, Conteclo•a ion Life B'ld'gs; �Tor,O�liti "� ...Nrw•
Wt W604ill tetlAvill eost you but $15. i O � I Awh ■ - -- - Yonge s; C+prrard Shy,, Turonco. 1.I .
ikl_ . -_ 1411• v
f d, - 1. 1.._J , I I I k � I 1- I . - . \ I - Al_�_ -L.�os � 11 "I",", - \ I