HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-27, Page 7NIS
1[ady Byron. WAR "EXTRAS" OF 1861. I The stwelval of the Fittest.
A good woman Lady Byron may have
Spasms been, bub she never could have loved her r13 — See the grampus hurl himself like somepTISM
��� How Nefs or the Firing on Sumter Wig flying elephant into the "brown' of ahusband with thab alff ma whichemoFol- Spread In a western Town. school of soared urpoises. In vain do Iscaused b Urfa Acid and otherim-
down the asporlGloa of married life. Fol- porpoises. y
lowing oub that idiotio fallacy that "op- "I remember the news of the beginning they flee at headlong speed anywhlther, Parities lingering in the blood whish
AB. AGNEWS CURE FOR THE HEART positee agree," Lord and Lady Byron of tine civil war atm it came to our town," The anomy pursues, he overtakes,dOa swal- have not been filtered out by tits Hid-
A WONDERFUL LIFE-SAVER, ought to have been the happiest of wedded RUNNING SORES, nisi(] a man who is not yet a veteran. "1 lows at a gulp, oven as to his victims the pays through the urine The seat of
was about 18 ears old. I was returning lesser creatures upon which the Patten In I lie troubles not fit the ol& or mus -
sire. Bub probably the ver o home in the afternoon. I saw cumin their turn. So with the hue mackerel r, It's sick l0dne s, Bleetrieity,
' �i0 organ is lite human anatomy to -da) p P y y coldness nd Y K 1 Y
n bo more readily (]swot• methodical tranquillity of her sufHoe to ��' K to• g yp
ward me a horse ridden, as I recall it, which seamen call the albacore, although � ,ments or plasters w+i11 not reach the
.e �4a . the heart -and medical drive the high strung, nervone pool into
dtaooveiry has made them amenabrb to an irritable reaction. Men have smashed Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport, madly by a man. As they eamo nearer I so far its one can see there is no dlfteronoo ease. But the disease can be
p heard the mail shouting. The horse wait between him and the tunny of the Medl-
proper treatment. It you have palpitation the furniture and beaten their wives foe g•
or fluttering, shortness of breath, weak or l08e, N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters blowing like a locomotive. I noticed that terranean but In size. What havoc he
Irregular pulse, swelling of feet or ankles, You recollect how he once wrote of hero a wonderful blood purifier and gives the man rode bareback. Every tithe he makes aniong a school of his congeners,
pain in the left side, fainting spells, drops!- There was Mies Millpond, smooth as summer's his experience as follows: "I was Yelled he plunged his basis into the sides the bonito!
cal tendency. any of these Indio to heart sen— very much run down In health and of the horse. I do not remember the exact A hungry lion leaping into the midst of was taken with a severe attack of rhenma-
dlsease. No mnttur of how long standing That usual paragon, an only daughter, words of the rider, but they were about a flock of dour will se}zo ono and retire to tism and could not turn myself in bed. I was
employed our local physician who devour it quietly. But this monster ' rrparsua;tell to try Dr. Hobbs' S1 aragus Ki,iney
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart will euro- Nbo seemed the Dream of aquauimity war bt)glnning,' As ho rode people in the q y' j Yitls. They soon put iso on my font again.
rs rt heart specific -acts qulokly-aots Till skimmed, and then there was some milk attended me three months, finally street who saw him stopped, listened and clashes his jaws continually its ho rushes Less that, Dna box cured tile se completely
surely—acts safety. and water. my le broke out in running sores asked one anotber about it, many win• to and Pro among the panto stricken hosts, I that I have returned again to my worst in the
1 was given tip to die by physicians In a fortnight after his marriage bewae dows along the way were hoisted, and as scattering their palpitating fragments Lake Shure Repair Shops as well as over.
' and friends. One dose of Dr, Agnew s g g with fearful burning. I had thiC- g Y
finding the honeymoon a bore and lusting g around him in showers. In like uiaui,ur Wrr• A. Senor•iELu, Adrian, Mich,
Cure for rhe Heart gave meease,and g Y g I proceeded homeward the wanes who
six bottles cured my case of fifteen after abstraction and self study. In a teen running sores at One time, knew ripe called from the lookouts and ask- do his victims play the destroyers' part in I id ey Pills r say that Dr, Hobbs' SparaguI
Kidney }'ills aro the must relieving remedy I
•eare'stundiay." >irs, J,L HELLSR, month be was frankly tired and wrote of from my knee to the top of my foot. ed me what `that man' said about the war. their tutu. Yonder flight of silvery arca- I hays ever need for rheumatism. You may ass
Vh tewood, N.W.T. is "the sameness and stagnation" of the All the medicine 1 took did me no "When I reached bottle, I found my tures whose myriads cast a dense shade this as a te,thiwnial for the benofit of others
ntaee relief In 30 minus "dull games of cards" and "walkingin mother's parlor a scene of confusion, The over the bright sea are floolug for life, fur who are itt}licted CHAULES 1d Ess, Veteran of
cod, so I threw it aside and tried P Civil V1'ur, .Kt A�lolaido St., Detroit, Mich.
SOLD BY WATTS & CO. CLINr('_`, the garden to admire the gooseberry neighbors bad called in to tell her what beneath them, agape for their iuuvitablta
B.; when Qac -half the bottle wad return, are the serried ranks of their rav-
buabes. ' they knew and to ask what she knew
Apart from b1a pose with Lady Byron 6 fir I noticed a change for the enoua ursuurs. Birds intercc t the aerial Dr. Uo')bti'
g about the war. The ne n ea about o k P P
we must reoolleeb the temper of the time, ;r, and by the time I had finished house were frightened, One of theta took course of the fugitives, who ore }n evii
SACK OF PORT AU PRINCE. As an engaging and solf confessed wretch, ti bottles my leg was perfectly refuge in the cellar and came out only case indeed whithersoover they flee. But,
filled with melancholy and contrition, he _-_ A and my health greatly im- after she bad been threatened. Her fear descending the scale, we shall find the per. SPAICA
How Morgan's Buccaneers Fought'Their I became the publie idol, He know his con- ,, was the 'abollsh}nors.' The word ' You- seouted exoceta also on the warpath lu „
` way Into the Haitian City. ; stitucso and played to it. For an ama- roved. their thousands after still smallerprey.-,,tiidney Pills -
y P y Q keel fie an opprobrious epithet had not at
In St. Nicholas Mr. Frank R. Stockton tour he was a good actor, and his part be- that time cane into use. London Spectator. Folt'sALE_ux
lirr�v,,�� "Tho ....ccancurs of Our Coast." came him. Publ}q• applause was the one "There was a Dutch hotel in the town ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists,
c thing which be wanted and beamed able Genius with Half a Brain. on the roof of which was a triangle. For u
NVr utookton thus describes Clio capture of to reach. He otiose the means that were Without the connecting structure there many years it was the town clock. It In Ger tunny one ottn in every p}3 CLINTON, ONT
the Haitian oily Port au Prince by Mor- handiest and most effioaelous.-Cbioapo can be no exact co-operative notion of the dangled out the boor for the throe meals- toes to cnlli•re in ticutland )ane in :i_I);
,. an and his buccaneers: in tho I'r ited 5tatesone in 0W and it) - - --
, • B Times -herald. double brain. Now there is ample evi- breakfast, dinner and supper -and when England tine in 300). i
f' When the fleet arrived at the nearest dance to show that deficiently of the corpus it sounded the housewives looked at their' ONWARD BICYCLE LO
t barber, Morgan landed his men and The Last Great Auk. callosum has not necessarily been attend- tlmapieoes. This triangle clanged out that To Cure a Cold in One Ility,
f. marched toward the town, but he did not Dr. Kenneth Campbell, Oban, has been ed with the effects which, on the theory of afternoon before supper time. An earth- Take laxative Bronco Quinine Tablets, Al
succeed 1n making a secret attack, as he telling the story of the last living groat the single nature of the brain, we should quako would have otiose(] no moro can. Druggist., refund the wone,� if it fails to uure,25e ---
J, . - bad hoped. A Spanish prisoner had lot auk. It seems about 50 years ago a strange have expected. In instances fn which it motion. The proprietor of the tavern beat An attempt in the Delaware Legisla- "PAIR p
i'' himself drop overboard and, swimming bird was soon one day on St. Kilda. It was was discovered after death that the con- the triangle until the city marshal made lure to repeal an old law under which Rl�i Allt Sf10P.
ashore, had wnrnod the governorof the at- agreed to try to catch it, as, though it neoting bridge between the hemispheres him stop it. Solidity schools each receive $5 it year,
tack. Thus prepared, this able commander had an enormous bank, it seemed to have was entirely wonting neither darlings- There were two newspapers in the frons the county failed ignrnniniously. Subscriber has his establish-
tnarobed a body of soldiers aloe the roar} mer small wings. Several of the natives ment in intellect wits observed nor any town, and each ono got out what was call- meat fitted up with the best
Y g Y g The mat -ter of Hev; llr. Burns' con- of machiuer
b which the pirates must can and when who were adopts ab bird stalking man- other' abnormality of life in the way of ed an 'extra.' It was not much like the y, enabling him
y P Q, P B nectinn with the dEal by which the to do all kinds of repair work.
he found a suitable spot he built a forma- aged to et so near the strange monster mov luent or sensation. extra of this generation. The flows of the p
P t3 g g Ladies' College was disposed of fat tin'
dable barricade. Behind this his soldiers that they throw themselves on the bird Thus in the notable ease of Blohat, one firing on Sumter consistod of lessthun 200 tel purposes was brought before the special attention given to overhauling
>x' were posted with their muskets and their and, after a severe struggle, were success- of the foremost anatomists of his clay, one words wits p Hamilton di,irict meeting and referred P Y
printed on a small slip of and repairing of i3ic cies, and riders can
cannon. ful in capturing It alive. When the huge lobe of Ills}, brain wits found markedly white nuwspupur and was set fu the same in the conference, rely on Work of this nature being promptly
` But when Morgan came within eight of bird was taken to the township, "the is. smaller than the other. lie was, in fact, width as the columns of thu papers which and satisfactorily attended to.
U.. this barricade he considered that it would land parliament" was asseinblod to dol}b- y VIGOR FOR HEAET AND NERVES.
deficient in one-half of his brain, raid ob issued thump. '1'hcrc was no advertisement Onwaftl C%)'Cie Co:,
bI. 4e entirely unnecessary to attempt to dis- orate on the strange visitor, and it was his mental and physical life was fn its or other news on the slips. Tht'so extras Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Perrin I3lucic, Clinton
Curb this admirable defense, so he starched agreed to tie its lege securely with strong way notably oP a high order. Anotbor sold fur 25 cents apiet•o. From that time anaemia, nervousness, aleepleasness, weak -
P. men into the woods, led thorn entire! cords and to tether it for the night to a east), reported by Andral, was of a man until t•he °luso of the war that was the sort II. L. BROWN, Manager.
y g Hess, palpitation, throbbing, faint spells,
around the barricade and carne out upon a stout pin fixed In the ground near the who died at the ago of 28. He had suf- of 'extra' that was issued by the papers in dizziness, or auy condition arising train, , __.
wide plain before the town. houses find to decide its fate the next day. Pored from a fall when 3 years old and as the town where I live(]. "-New York Sun. i impoverished blood, disordered nerves or 11ICLEOD'S
Here he found that he would have to On the morrow the parliament was call- a result was paralyzed on his left side. weak heart.
fight his way into the city, and, probably ed very early, as the bird bad inado such The right half of his brain had practically OLD NAVAJO BLANKETS. Teachers and others who are anxious to 47 1 `r /g1
much to his surprise, his men were pres- hideous noises during the night that hard- disappeared, so that the parts below this et on in th9 world usually devote their -"✓ m ens RE � � tp � 1 O�
ently charged by a body of cavalry. ly anybody could sleep. The bird was un- half constituted the floor of an empty They Are Now So Rare as to Be Almost
E pace. Andral says of this man that he tome to study during t holidays. You
- Tito pirates routed the horseman and doubtodly considered an evil emissary. 1 Y t Priceless. AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES
„ cannot do bettor than take a course in
after a fight of about four hours tool: pos- After serious consideration the verdict was bac] receives} a good education and had Dr. W. H. Work of Charlestown ro either shorthand or heel+kee pin Quito
' session of tho town. I -lore they captured given to have the vile bird stoned to death, profited by }t. He had a good memory. turned from n tri , to Arizona and brought Jul and August. bookke sAcademy,g SPECIFIC
` - a great man prisoners, whom the shut and the sentence was at onto carried out. Itis speech was free and easy. His Intel. 1 g Y AND ANTIDOTE
y P Y bauk with him several Navajo blankets. Sarnia, is the best school to attend. An
`i#f'� up in the churches, and than sent detach- Months after this, when communications ligenco was such as we should expect to "But," ho remarked sorrotvPull "the eight
meats out into the county to look for were again Opened with St. Kilda and the Y Y, Y ht weeks' term will cost you but $15. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
y g p find i❑ an ordinary nota. -Andrew Wil- are nut what they used to be. The Nava- Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
those who had run away. When those ut natives minutely detailed the pointe of this son, M. D„ in Harper's Magazine The pos`al card has been, put to a
joss oro too is as they used
and lazy a make new use in i(al Anyone who wishes tion of the Hear Live_ Complaint, Nen-
terly debased and crnol men took their awesome bird to a visitor, they were in- such blankets ne they used tO make in the y' y ralgia, Loss of bl:wary, Bronchitis, Con -
usual course after capturing • a town the formed that If the bad kept even the car- + to reinit it small sunt of money may
l b y Y P >. n i + years gape by find before the whito pian attach Co the post card posts e 5t.imps sum tt , y
pillaged, 'feasted and rioted. Even when case it would have brought then X300 or A C�I( al �it.lh�lllP. p 'on, Call Stof, 9 Jaundice Kidney
g began to hanker after that particular ttnd Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dante
the poor citizens seemed to have given u 18400. Then their chs grin was beyond ox- to tit? tlesil pd Rnunlnt, These ire
I 1'P 6 t weasel cancelled and the aupount is ,idd to Femal3 irregularities and General Debility
everything they owned they were told that pression, and some of thein begun to search 1
"Tho blankets now turned out aro piti- the receiver of the card. I Laboratory, (itOtl(!rle�l 011e.
: it they did not pay two heavy ransoms for some of the bones of the innocent and IS ONE ZHAT WILL PROMPTLY AND ful and tawdry Affairs compared with �� y,
they would be carried away into slavery Valuable. victim. -Westminster Gazette, EFFECTIVELY CURE. those of bygone thous. Those of today can THE CYCLIST'S FRIEND.
,t and that their town would be burned. I be b Mghb for about $30, while a real old I d, tri, McLeod
y For two weeks the pirates wtiitod for Found Wanting. -- fashioned blcinket is really prfeoless and No cyclist's kit is complete without a Prop. and 1llanufacturet
the unfortunate people to go out into the I A clergyman preached rather a long ifew cannot now be bought. Those ancient bottle of Hagyard s Yellow Oil. Can be
country and find some of their follow oiti- upon from the text, "Thou art weighed in Mr, John Hitch, of Ridgetown, Tells How blankets were half an inch thick and ltiken internally br used externally. For Sold in Clintontby
tens who had escaped with a portion of the balance and found wanting." He Had Spent Dollar Upon Dollar In would holt} water as an in n wooden tub. bites, cuts, bruises, stiff joints, coughs, sore J. H. COMBS and ALLEN & WILSON
>,ir,their treasure. In those days people did After the gongregation bad listened throat, pain in the chest, &c, it is always
not keep thci� wealth in bunks, na they do about an hour some be an to Vein Before Finding the Medicine That I The finest o4 shout amu towel burled with offeetaal, Has uo a uel as -an all round .. _
now, but every man was the custodian of g get weary budlcH of d0ud c}licfs, and they are prat- 9 1 I
Cured Him. reined
and went out; others soon followed, great- ticul]y indvstructil�lc, y i
.. most of his own possessions, and when ly to the annoyance of the minister. An- From the Standard, Ri,ieetown. "Thu worsen who �teavo the blankets Yrohably the lowest ritilroAd tares on r I IlrCprl C
they Bed from the visitation of an enemy other person started, whereupon the par- People who read from week t week of the of today can make the old fashioned Llan• record are t nose offered by R ussi,L t omg
hil C�l IN 11l UV l lCU
they took with them everything of value son stopped his sermon and said: kets just as well, for the know the secret the e'tsanls whom thst county is en- t
that'th old curry._ Before the citizens ++ marvellous curse effected by the use of Dr. J y p y ,
That is right, gentlemen. As fast as Williams' Pink Pills little think that right of manufacture, but the cheaper blanket gaged in di it.-�"lr front her Euro Wean
Te me -miide a discovery. A tie- you are weighed pass outl" is easily P ( fhc line -c,+ i ��
gra was akan who was carrying lettere in the midst exist many who have been re- Y sold and takes only'a short time Itgutinions to szt lie filo;:g ,' r �_l� LJ S.
from the He his sermon some time lieved from pain and eufferiug,by the use to make, while it -would take nearly a fhc new Government railroad in Si}ner - •_
governor of Santiago, a neigh- or that, but no one disturbed him by least• of these wonderful little ills after having year to weave one of the rofd blankets, ia, The cost of t ranspovt rtt inn for t hi, Our stock ofifrnit and'oroaniental trees beim
boring city, to some of the citizens of Port ipg,_London Tit -Bits p g those cla,s of (rpvallPrs i, ? p
au Prince, telling them not to be in too suffered untold agonies for months. glorious eonnbinations of colors and $1 ii0 for l,' OO corn tete, we are nrepure(t,ro offer, to tilt pub-
great a bur to Mr. John Hitch, a man well and favor- material, ono of which would easily be iniles and $3.0 far• 1,00( miles, lie fur sprint planting it very choice lot of
g in pay the ransom because In Childish Byes. ably known throughout the count was worth $500. I punt Peal', (berry
Ise was coining with astrong force to Choir y Y R Y, - - --- • ------ - Apple, ' , ,
assistance. When Morgan road these let- The vagueness of the 'young with re- ('ver ready 'when opportunity offered to "They have an exquisite color sense, ' ^ _\/_%/ �__ and Peach. trees, at suitable
a;, tars, he changed his mind and thought it apect to the ago of their elders is pleasant- speak n word in praise of these pills and these women, and blend their ruat°riul 3 pi fees. :Vet m I eelt8 a specialty.
�111was never tired of recommending them to perfectly. Tho is fast and is mado A`f. 't ? '
would be a wise tlring not to Stay !n that 1y illustrated by the early -history of a no- his iriendP. A representative of the of vegetable and npincrft] matter, the se Large stock of small Fruits,
region any longer than could be helped. I bleman who once reviresented a division A _ Choice fiat of ,piing bedding Plants.
So be decided not to wait for the unfortu- of Manchester in the English parliament 5taudard, noxious to know of the cavae of tires of the staking being handed down Price list mailed on a,pplicat.ion.
Mr. Hitch's rocommendation, called upnn from gone•ntion to generation. A tribe
pato citizens to collect the heavy ransom i His mother had a maid who seemed to , t
he demanded. but toll them that It they childish eyes extremely old. The children prim at his home recently and spun telling can be known by the color scheme of its s + o 1C I> TH' .John 5te{Vart, Estate
4 that gentlemau the ubjeet of his tisit Mr. blankets. The designs vary greatly. SOUTH iib! tiC�Pl Flc:.yi, � 7 itcnurlllcr
would furnish hirn with 500 head of cattle I of the fatally longed to know her age, but RA �iS:J Fl >3 }'i)yll i=,
and also supply stilt find hall) prepare the 'were much too wall bred to ask a question hitch cooeeuted to an interview. 'The Sometimes religious cerenonles are type -
meat for shipment ho would utnko no far- which they felt would be ninfu] So the story in his own words is as follows: -"In fled, sometimes tribal and sumetttnes per- Emnelated-went;y-glnon,y. Sn one can I ,
P Y he winter of 1891 I rano cake, with a se. stinal history or other tliuiuos, all of which adrqu,,tet} d('c'ti"' fhc' nbjrct nii,;ery of Iii K1I:1,1I1 lIi1TI1AL FIRE
, � tber demands upon them. 'Phis, of courso, , sought to attain the desired and b ass• �l
* ' Y Y vete attach of la grippe, by which 1 was may be read by those skilled in the sign the antTercr from Dyap •ps'a a r. lad es• I I1�'UItANCECt�1.
the citizens worn glad enough to do, and tem of ingenious traps. Tho boy chanced roniiued to the house for soma taste. This and color ]nnguagu9 of these Indians, tion. South Ann il,•nu \orvincIs the __
Abe buccaneers sailed atony. in a lucky hour to find in his "Book of was followed by severs pains and swellin { greatest discovery lit modicn I solcn"' )rrARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY
: Useful Knowledge" the tradition that the a "Holy Piro the blankets made? Uh, the for the cure of all c'hruntc stnwaeh ONLY INSUItED
aloe flowers blossomed only once in 100 of my lower limbs, I consulted a phy i- manner is very primitive and seems still- }troubles, It acts dirt sly tlmiu;lt life
years He Instantly saw his ,o ortunit ciao mud ho told me it was acute rheums- plc enough. They are woven on upright nerves -the stat of ail dlseaa,•, 'phone• orrui:rts
Newfoundland i9 nmv the sixth 0011• PP g tiara. I continued under his care for about frames by hand, and the threads are agds teetiry of cures made, Relief from Geo. iVitt.t, President, 1Ltrlook P. O.; J. B.
ter prnduOing, ci gltitr•y in the" wot Id, and, 'accosting the maid with winning two months, I was unable to stand, alone, I pounded together as tight as possible. But thb first dose, McLeltn, Kippen 1'. O., Vice -Pres.; W. .I.
air and wheedling accent, asked Insinuat• Shauuon, Sec
nd its supply i9 paid to be practically but sometimes when I of started I +vas the glory of the Navajo blanket has do- y Press„ Sea Porth Y. O ; Thos. E.
Q' exhau. tattle. The industry way fir;c( ingly, Susan, have you often seen the able to make a £ew ste s unci led. 1'he "I was n great avtierer from Hays, enPorfit P. O., Ins ,ectorof Gossos.
aloe flower?"-Nuw York 7 d P I ported, itrid I expect before ma y years the stomacJl and nerve t t i Tried Y S 1
I wish to inform the public that I will
not be undersold by any other person
in the business. I am a practical butch-
er; and understand all the branches of
the business. We keep the very best
meats, and a full btuck always on hand,
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices.
Bring along your money, and get the
meat at the cash price. We will give
credit, but not at cash prices. Please
come and bee what you can do for
Cash at
We are doing business on the cash princi-
ple, and will supply our customers with
the best meats at the lowest paying prtcee
Business Change.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
hipping purposes, for which the highest
market prices will be paid, Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at
the shop.
Cbas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre.
mises recently erected especially for this
urpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where be will
peep on hand and deliver promptly, to all
karts of the town,
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share 'of
public patronage respectfully solicited.
c ti's
Flour & Feed Satore
In large or small quantities.
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
DUNCAN'� vbyuri & FEED Stole
(late Hili & Joyner)
OPPuSIte 14.11•Ice4, Clinton
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a bui•h
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb. and up.
All kinds of Grain bought at highest
market prices,
The Rolsons Bank
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000 ,
REST FUND - $1,500,000 :
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling' and American exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de-
posits. BAVINOs BANK- Interest allowed on
sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to
farmers on their own Mote, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H, C. BREVIER. Manager, Clinton
in Nonof ndland In ]bb i, J° g°r trouble was principally to my feet and secret of their making will bdlo'st."-in. fmro 09 relmeMpm Bo velleL Malt a DIRECT01tq r �t�ILT
@ hen itis atte noon of capitalists was clung to me all summer long. I tried al- dianapolis News. oottto or tiouth nmc ricsn r.ardfne SV, G. Broadf-ml, NenPnrlh; John G. grieve i G, IDs Mc " A " s
' ggers." work d d t d
14 'tr•Lcted to t he rr f T'lt C' smart at ' kl
e won (ts. h x bottles ma e a
s u CPS n I ave moot everything that friends sttr_+Restea, new man of me' ^�tiV. li. Sherman, Winthrop 1'• O.; G,urge i)ale.9eafm t.l,• •TI,Oa. r
ace that time about :)(1,000 tong of fine Mandy -I see by this paper, Strum, that hoping to gain relief, bat neither medicine Morr[sburg, Ont F., tfnya, Sosfortl;; .las. ilvan•i, Beechwood P, I A TKk;It
copper, valued at $1:i3O(X),(X)O,ha,ve been Jimmy Stone has been a bookmaker, taken inwardly nor liniments applied (x• , I Don't exporimsn't with new and Uruceflold; Johntl3, MoL^nn, liipppga Fraser,
turned out. Hiram -That so? I allus thought he'd ternall ave me an relief. The aim was Mrs I ashley,of ]hitwdon, Was tl,rowtl
y g Y P frnm•a ri and killed. and dou to
ui medtcfrroa� Tatko the tiled ALBERT ST, - ftI1;TOlV,
turnout a literary feller. He wuz eoemart very rest and I was only too read to try g nOpa�T9
g Y Y Y )and tooted, 21 [
A man may talk of disdaining at figgers an spellin.-Louisville Courier- anything suggested. I spent dollars upon The populat ion of Waterloo is 3,.lflti, Robert Smith, Fiarlock; Jno. \V. Yco, Halmos
h sisal strep s and rowels until Journal. dollars in doctor's medicine but all to no Sold b Watts & Col. ville; ltobt. McMillan, Seaforth; .fames Cum- ftp
p an increase of `LLL since last rest. Y ming, Egmoudville;John Uoveulock and John getleral Banking Businestl
P Y Doomsday, but the fact w ase. The last week I was attended b Morrison, anditots, transacted.
remairy9 that he cannot A. It vine, of Toronto, tv Ls ehosrn p p Y The Ingrrsull 13.Lpti9t (hatch was AGENTS. "attics d;;�irona to visci insurance or trans•
look at a picture of an 1're ideut of itis Canadian•]3arAssuciiL- a physician it cost me five dollars, and struzlc by lightning and destroyed.
t', '� old-time knight, magnifi- tion. having about that time read in the newspa- Glimpses of the LJnsern" Fasrinating book act other` boniness wi;l be promptly attended to NOTES DISCOUNTED
'?- cent in his physical pre}- Sir Adolphe Chaplean, who has been at pers of the work accomplished by Dr, Wil- A RAILWAYMAN'S SI ORY. Sweeps the entire fold of borderland subjects on application to auy of the above officers,
addressed to their revpoctive office.
liams' Pink Pills, I concluded it uvea tor- Prospectus
ordure. MarvellousEY illustrations _ _
Illi W. Franke, in charge of the Grand ['rospectus SLixr. RItADI,EY-(IAItRL t�tON Drafts caned, Interest allowed on
portions, dauntless in Atlantic City, sn,ye he is anxious to re•eut- Iain} — deposits.
his physical courage, y worth the experiment, and according- Trunk engine sbcps, Port Dover, O.A.,says COl1PANY, Lt)u•rsn, Toronto o ' p
y.• a and armed, read er pubic life. Those who have seen him 1 purchased a hos from a local di Dainty footwear FARR
I i • , ° + � Y say they they T not think he will ever y p 1 "four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured
I 1� t „and eager for a contest and commenced Choir use, discontinuing me of a very bad attaakof kulneycomplaint CLINTUN MAIL1t3LE WORKS.
r 't ' ! to the death with any n"^;n be able to take a public part in pal- the doctor's medicine. This was in June „
and }•toe back.
)t 'J comer, without a thrill fifes. or July, 1892. ..After I bad taken the first Coovis t'f3 LD STAND, BANKERS,
of admiration, ii. is probably not generally known to box of the ills I could feel sorne change, R. G. Lambert, one of Har riston's
p g Ncxt to Comn,erotal IIotel.
superior- readers of English that the word"dad," and after taking seven boxes I noticed a leading merchant.-, dropped dead.
�1 ': ity is desirable uFed by thinly children in place of great improvement. 1 continued taking J. B. Allenby, of West London, was This trliahment ie in full operation and a CLINTON, ONT.
1 and admirable, .. order e>'tlad in the most aatisfacto, y Way, Oeme __
k I but is the "game "father',"is the purest. Wel9h. The op- them until I had used thirteen boxes, when ki led by lightning while asleep iu bed. cry, and granite work a specialty. Prices a Advances made to farmers on their own
worth the can- e11 ig %voids of the Lord's Prayer if, I must say I felt as well as I ever did in zonable as those of any establishment
Welsh fire "Ein dad." 1'hP ol(. Spectator building was tom- _ notes at low rates of interest.
die," when it is my life, Some of my customers who came plete)y destroyed by fire at Hamilton. i fEALE & HOOVER, Clinton d
y}-- I ` won at the ex- In it recent. letter to a New York into my yard would eek me what I was do.
A general Banking Business trahsaotle8.
pease o f phys- pAper General L+ ngstreet unstintingly fns that I was looking so well, (knowing SURES GONE, SKIN CLEAR. Interest allowed on deposits.
teal health and praised "tile t-onn er in thesick spell that Ihadunder one, n� �p ��AAA
strength? i' generAtinn of g p g ) Mrs Philip Mitchell, St. Mar Ont. MADE M E A MAN � Sale Notes bought
The unhealthy heroes in the Snnth." A typpnt raphical and I would always tell them that Dr. p Mary's, . :. • g t
assn maygain the Pro or made hirn say, "f he nun ger Williams' Pink Pills wrought the change. RA -"Aly little bo a ed 10, waa s corn- AJAX TABLETS POSITIVE LX CURE cJ
Y b g y+ g ALLN.more. Dtaeaeaa—Failing Mom. J. P. TISDALL
pity and even the admiration of men enc] eenenmtion of negroes," and he is now They are the cheapest medicine I ever plete mass of sores,, caused by bad blood. Cry, Impotency, sleeplessness, life caused , Manager.
women but it Is a question whether such a b•i9V explaining the rnat.ter to other g We could find nothing by Abuse or other hxoosaoa and Indio- q bought," said Mr Hitch, "and if I had whet g to eurehim Finally40'i-n
cretions Ther/ gafokfiI and aural b j�'
man ever thoroughly gains their respect, Soli(her•ners. I spent in other medidines I could sit at I trot a bottle of Burdock Blood Pntters,andteeters 1Lostvitality in oldoryoung,and .t\ Clinton SEWING
MARINE The man whose arteries bound with the befere half abottle was onebeuegantoim-at a man for study. bualn°seor marriage. LAli S1L' 11 ING 111�CilIHE DU of
ale iniiin ease this winter. During the interview g Prevent inanity and consumption if Huron Street.
rich, red blood of health carries with If a (i g .Tune 1st, the summer feint at rove, and by the time the bottle was fin- te. Their use shown immediate Improve. ' force and an ifttensi6y that command rc- Nimmo's Academy, Saupia, will ° en lilts Hitch was an occupant of the room, „ mentand effects a DUNE where all other fail' in. __
P and she heartily concurred in what her lehed he had not a Bore on him.afar upon having the genuine Ajax Tabtete. They
menti even though be be slightly inferior $18 is all that it will cost you for three have cured thousands and wnlcuroyou. Weatvespos• We have jaet received another lot of New
mentally to the weak, nervous man. White mouths. will rooms. Excellent to. husband said, and stated that for one oth• rs of King itrvewrittenauarantootoeffectaenro ��/A�i,try�TT la Home and Dominion Sewing The t have exprst esiete g9ton esahoaeoor refund the money. Price 60 For Women and Children. g Maehinea;the
t o medicine in the world will add an inch cotton. 1':pit can ic;corporate pleasure er member of the family the pills had been district have expressed their• 'entire pnokngei or Rix pkaes (full treatmenti for $2,60. pBy former ie an exceptionally cod m'aohitr
to a man's stature, there 3s one famous with brisiners, Write for Pat - mars. used with success in a case of severe nor- free n rainwra per, n on r000intofprico.etronlar g e,
satisfactton with the very direct fat m f,�- ,� 7 Cl,l ore at. and has given good satisfaction to all
medicine that will fill the veins and arts• - voueneae. Mr Hitch, at the time be was in which the Prohibition question is to A.�AX It�M DV CO., �„.arb. nisi School Shoesifor Youths and
ries ct Life rich red, bounding blood en CONSTIPATION CURED. seen by the reporter, seemed in excellent be'submitted." nilssCSf liieill's blips Box Calf P
pperfect health. it is Dr. Tierce's Golden health. He is 56 years of age, and bad at. Sold in Clinton by Allen di Wilson, i 1 - Needles and all hinds of Re airt3
Medica9 Discovery, It is the great blood. It's important you ehonld have natural ways !.eon used to hard work. He was WOMAN --WHY SICKLY? druggists. c+ kelt ort hand �11_
maker and blood -purifier. When the blood action of the bowels. Purging and Kripill; born in Gam bridgeshire, England, and came all(] Do�l�ofa BoolS (�' Shoes
is pure and rich and red and plenty, and do iioleuce to thea}etem Laxa-Liver Palle to this country 2 Nerves Shattered-Stdmaoh Week -Di es. Machines sold on monthly payments. qaU t�
filled with the life-giving o]dy, it i that y 7 yearn ago. Before lo- g The old Clinton PLANING MILL all at reasonable prices. It is on me or write for prices and terms.
N v sane of the body, it is im- are nature's own mPdic,ine for all disorders eating in Ridgetown he conducted a brick tion Deranged -Prostrated -South
o suffer from i11 -health of the stomsch, livrr and bowels, Cure and tile yard at Longwood's Road, Middle- rvine is Woman's a p1ea911Y(' t0 shOW 90 many Jan. 1898 WM. MOOBE
Whin "",cry
]itne constipation by toning the bowel wall an I sex county. He has been carrying on a American No--
ngS,9uiveys with the stimulating the secretions. Leave no bnd successful business in Ridgetown for the Frien(i-Never Fickle H. STEVENS, Propi letor new Gild stylish Boots & Shoes.
d, it is iniy oasibl0 to after effects. past ten ,years, -- , For Twenty-seven Years
ga. When the iva11s of Dr Williams' Pinl( Palle cure b cin to Mrs Hutohinron, Vardeleur, P, O., Unt,, The old original Contractor and Builder, Ii all lines Of a
a nourished with healthy Y going Beya:-"South , American Nervine ie a who has made Clinton hie home for forty wIF I
�apepsla and indigestion are ani- �a� a the root of the disease. They renew and wonderful medroine, and the only remedy years, is still in business with n modern, SINGLE illllj f7arnt+ss ®�
fes. When the 1]ver ]s supplied t1 �t� i�f 1 build up the blood, and strengthen the t}rat ever belFad a°• I rase a gra tt suffer- up-to-date Factory, and ig prepared to fill D��ji i�ii�it� ii ii
thy blood it is bound to be active. `bedJ `� 9'"1 nerves, thus driving disease from the sys- er from nervous prostration, acute indiges• all orders of whatever description, on short
that a nourished with healthy tem. Avoid imitations by insisting that }ion, The fillet doee relieved me and three notice and the lowest terms; first-class Trunks all(1 Valises a1Wfly8 011 -. �.,.
1 Di clear and fresh and grog• v. ith every bcx you purchase is enclosed fir a BAKIN
Discovery" is sold by druggi+t FOT Infante and Children, nr.ipper bearing the fall trade mark, "Dr. bottles comdletely cured me.' Sold by workman hip guaranteed. CONTRACTS Itand. Red .'lad White Cedar
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Poo Imo' If Watts & C for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
V Downs, of HPr itt� vatic}•, Rack. ; , tss- p p y iidrert ��"� f�F+ ing material furnished as desired, Shingles Kept Ill stoelc ,1190. POWDER
Y„ writes: ' disease,
con years t suf. µ Is ea year dealer does not keep them they will
t: rc:.1
away ay t be akaf t coTo�dny I ip .acture - i he Pent post-nid at 50 cents a box, or six
ley, and am welt nail strong, The of - . � R•rapD9r 1'+`xos for ,g,2 50, by addressing the Ur. r
�� �e WilliamyStreet, Clinton, immediately J. TjA/itcheft THECOOK S BEST FRIEND
lcaiDtecovery+cured Inc.,, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont... behind -the the Park, .-. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA.
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