HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-27, Page 2-,r-" - 7-
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rMay 27, 1898•
.IT#P".A0.,.l.+..n.n,.yn.,nv.M.n.,%.n.n.nnnrn,n,w.mn.n15 o• In order to enable it to pass laws relating
3 The Case Against Prohibl• excludively to the civil government thereof,
,g tion. that they may have its assistance in their
' own proper work, namely, the reolama- t While we do not agree with all that is anon of sinners; in foot, minietersnf the
g gospel often exalt the work of the state
r said is said in the following letter, the above that t f theUburch in saying,as many
; honesty of the writer will be so generally do, that they are enable to per[orm their
) admitted that his views aro worthy oP owa s ecisl work owin to the absence of a
1 consideration. Full, free and fair discus- prohibitory liquor law, thus practically
*s i sion of a subject is beneficial, and the I proclaiming the failure of the gospel unlems
tl _ 1 temperance question will, in the and, be eu lamented b human dovioes. P
I 441MM IVADem { none the worse for both aides being pre• I om sorry, 14Ir Editlr, to have occupied
a `r sented. All we wish to say is that if any so mach of your valuable apace, but I
d (ON TME 5. CLAIR RIVER) i one wishee to reply to Mr Kernighan, they really could not say what I wished in few-
' dI'y ' s SARNI�e► ON�'A�10 3 should be are frank se he is and sign their et words. Thanking you in advance for
• • name to their communication.— EDITOR your favor, I remain, vouti,
%�" t 80 G,RADURTES 80 i NEw Sir,—Assuming it to be our desire that JOHN KERNI(aHAN.
5 our readers shold become familiar with Benmiller, Ont May, 1808.
Scoured excellent posltiene since Y
3 February, 1897. This college is open i all the arguments pro and con of the A DREAM RUDELY BROKEN.
throughout the entire year. We are I question of prohibition, f craye tha favor
located on Front St., and overlook
�,:. '' the beautiful St. Clair river. Thin is of enough of poor apace are to enable one Discouraging Result pf an Old Gentle.
p as the most delightful place in Ontario who intends to vote against prohibition to man's Kindly Courtesy.
to spend the summer months. set before them his reasons for eon doing; a
= and in view of the fact that all who oppose he was a remarkably pretty I tfrte girl
For further particulars address, PP of about 10years, and when the 0.n pollce-
a ' prohibition are set down by prohibition-
s ' man lifted boron to the oablecarAt Broad-
- A. S NIIiItiIO fats are being either drunkards or friends of
: Ivey and Tbirty•Pourth street there were
+.' 3-.............."....................................,......,,....,.,,..; the liquor traffic, I may ai allowed m state several glances of admiration oast at the
that I have been an abstainer alb my lite
$ and when the t3cott sot was submitted to chic little figure in red. Sitting down de-
;Clinton Post Office. the vote of the people of this country, I I murely between a dapper young man and
v a shopgirl with a day off, she began to
voted for it as well as against its repeal. Ii � TIME TABLE. g P untie the strapthat hold her schoolbooks.
t My first objection to prohibition ' is that The old gentlean opposite looked up from
DUE MAILS CLOSED it does not prohibit. I know that this his paper and forgot to look back again.
statement will be met by a chorus of de-
A.M.iR.M. I 1A.tu m5 nials end that Maine Iowa. Kansas and Her deep baby eyes and brown curls with
10 i5 SrM-London and S. W. Ontario 7 00 4 00 other prohibition communities will be the little face that bore each a childishly
;n �6 4 30 Wingham and Xincardine;9 55 6 35 oiled and an amount of statistics noted happy expression held his attention. The
10 15 8 5b Western S.W. & N. W. U.S.;7 00 4 05 y q little, Irl lanced across and, noticing his
10 15 1 3'Paris, Buffalo&eastern U S'7 00 4 05 to prove that it does, but the acme iustan g g g
y '10 15 1 03 Toronto&pointscast&nrthl7 4 35 oes and an equally voluminous amount of appreciative gaze, smiled very prettily,
1 03I...Montreal and Ott -awn... 7 05
00 235 incontrovertible figures will be cited by The old gentleman smiled in return, His
1 03 Manitoba, N \V T and B G7 00 2 3s "antis" to prove that it does not, so that it face was ruddy and bronzed with an open
• '' "' 1 03 does not, so that when I come to weigh the country look that occasional city visits
''' '' 10 27 ••Stratford and Seaforth..7 00 235 g
t'' ` 1 OSI cne against the other I am thrown back could not efface. The shopgirl on the
t 10. Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 upon my own experience as the one set of other side of the car, who was a physiog-
1 03 ..,,Mitchell and Dublin.... 7.00 arguments entirely neutralizeq the other, nomist from babit, had put him down as
1; ` a bachelor.
i.;..,,.r: 7 40 2 55 ..... ...Goderich'....,..... 12 4 and it is by my own experience that I in.
9 00 tend being guided. It has been maid that The composition book of the little girl
�""rr . Lucan crossing, Sarnia and 6 g fell to the floor of the car. In an instant
,( 0 15 635 ,.,,intermediate points... 7 00 4 05 "experience keeps a dear school but fools
7 40 I..Londesboro & Belgrave,.,9 55 will learn in no other," and there some the old gentleman was down on one knee,
* The office is open to the who will not learn even there. picking tip the scattered sheets. The dap-
p public (holidays ex I have had three ears experience of the per young man had also reached clown,
i cepted) from 8 a.m to 7 15 p m. but holders o Y p
rrr••y�' - lock boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.nt of the Scott act and that convinced me but the old man's nimbleness gained him
It,.,,..,. Money Order and Saving Bank office open that prohibition does not prohibit and it the victory, and it seemed to afford him a
11, 9 a.m. to 6 p.nl. must have convinced a great many others, surprising amount of sati8factioll, He
Matter for registration moat be post.od�italf for it was wiped out of existence by the gravely handed over the sheets one by one
' an hour before closing rho mails. assistance of its own friends, and was rewarded by a most entrancing
.11 STAGE MAIL — SUNIQIERHILL — Every But it will be urged that the Scott act smile. When the conductor came around
11 =`� ,� tlgtlay and Frjc)aq, thriving at 5.25 and 19av- was only a local option law, while the one and the little girl had somewhat reluc-
ng ati`5361Y5ti. now in contemplation will be an act of the tantly found the nickel in hersmall purse,
ONOE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched Dominion Parliament. I answer, so much he felt something pressed into his hand
{ ,from this office to Londesboro and Belgqrave, the worse for the prospect of its enforce- and passed on with an unconscious look.
also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closint are meant, If people .11, 1* abyve stated p p will not take the trouble or The old gentleman eat back. He looked
n Mails for British Isles and European coon• inogr the odium requisite for the enforce• less intently, perhaps more fondly, at the
�• 1ww tries intended to be forwarded by Now York, ment of a measure which they have little girl in the red jacket.
must have writtegp on the top left hand corner brought into existence, is it lik.aly they The girl who worked in the department
,ti oP envelope VIA Nrtw YORK. will do so for one for which they have no store would bay° said he was dreaming
i'I responsibility whatever? My next objec- with his eyes on the clustering curls. She
r: , '+1` Crisp County Clippings. tion is to the means n(cessary for its en- ;thought it quite permissible that an old
-- forcemeat, and this alone world be suffi• 'bachelor should dream at the sight of a
Messrs Dauncey &Brown, rain mer- cient to condemn it even were there no ,pretty little girl, who Bruited so sweetly.
; g other. The sole and only way in which a But, then, it is possible that even an time-
chantv, Exeter, made an assignment prohibitory liquor act can be enforced is 'teur physlognomist may be sentimental.
,~ last week, for the benefit of creditors. by that justly and universally detested in- The old gentleman was awakened from
' 't Daniel Davis, Exeter, is able to be strument—tbe informer. I say the only his dream by the little girl leaving the
about after his illness, caused by an ac- means, for the courts have decided that it 1 car. He gave her one last smile and turned
cident received a few weeks ago while is not sufficient evidence to see others to look after her out of the window, The
ti slaughtering a beef. drinkingwhat he assumes t e
o b tntQxioat child saw a companion on the corner and,
Mr Jacob Weber, Egmondville, has Ing liquor, but he moat himself have running toward her, cried In a sbrill voice
urchnsed the hotel property of Mr C. drank and paid for it. audible to all:
yk • Prendergast, in Dublin, and removed Just think of it—the witness on whose "Ob, Mame, get on to the old guy tbere,
' to that village on Monday. evidence you hope to convict must first that tried to make a mash with mel"
�` become an accomplice or an f.ccessor be. P There
A. Scott, of the firm of Scott Bros., Y o was i loud laugh and the smart
fore the fast to the roman iesion of the nun man irreverently remarked some-
'`` Seaforth, has purchased the handsome young Y
,:,!' residence of the late Mayor, Scott, pay-
. 'crime for,which he hopes to convict the thing about "beginning early." The
other offender, and not only so, but he dream look had fled ficin the ctrl man's
„t ing therefor the sum of $1500, p y .moat first suggestY
the commission of the eyes, but be left the car at the next street
•. Albert Coates, of Constance, showed offence and tempt him by offering him pay with the face of a stole. And the oon-
quiCe a curiosity the other day in the for the liquor for the sale of which he in- doctor forgot to stop for the next six
' • the shape of a double headed young tends to havb him* punished,
turkey. It had just been hatched and' But even were it possible to prohibit would be passengers.—Now York Sun.
was 'fully formed although it never even by honorable means the sale of mtoxi- washing the Tiger.
i * - lived. eating liquor (I omit for the present the
d While playing lacrosse on Tuesday importation and manufacture, as without I A good story has been copied in the pa-
` the sale not much harm would result), I pare from La France du Nord about a Cos-
,,,; � evening, Ur. A. R. Tinsman, Exeter, )
+o`;,., the-bope of the fourth finger of the should still be opposed to prohibition for � seek, Ignorant of the French language and
.left hand broken; the result of a blow another reason. equally ignorant of fear, who was hired at
` with a lacrosse stick while checking Drunkenness is only one evil, and even Moscow by the lion tamer Pezon to clean
another player. if you could succeed in banishing it entire- the "cages of his wild bangle. Their under -
>1.=' ]y, if in doing eon you bring in its place half standing or misunderstanding was ar-
Seldom, if ever, in the history of Ex- a dozen others equally bad, what rood have i ranged b means of gestures and dumb
'�-. 9 Y 6 8 Y g
etee, has a heavier shadow fallen, than you accomplished? I show, as that unfortunate tower of Babol
�i:,_� 'that which rested on the home of our I moat again refBr to my experience of hindered intelligible speech between the
r. :..
worthy citizen, Wm. McNevm, Foes the Scott act. I am a Justice of the I Frenchman and the Cossack and Pezon
day morning; Mrs McNevin,about 12.30 peace and had somethingt at thought that that n
-, a.m., afrer but it few hours' illness, ex- o do in that I g ua thoroughly undar-
Cbaugedtrtortalidy 1or:ife. capacity for its enforcement, and I was , stood what he had to do.
" '' simply horrified at the amount of evil i The next morning the Tartar began his
r l,.'b There died on T'iresday night an old passion which the attempt evoked. Iiat. I new duties by -Alt Bring with bucket,
+� nlid.Inuch re,pecled resident] of Hill- red, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, sponge firriotiltfi;`•W,4,Eho cage of a to]ane
Jell, iii Lhe err ,son of MrsyHelen Fatter- anvyings, murders, all are included in that I beset ae�ht master shad dont; but o[ a
, �4sop. in the 8 , d year of her age. De- dread list of which drunkenness forms a ' splendid untamed tiger, which lny asleep
: -creased, who had been ailing since Feb, part, and the former were all called into ; upon the floor. The fierce animal awoke
-,ritai y, was a resident of Hullett for adt&s Life by the unsuccessful attempt to I and fixed his eyes•[ -?con the man, who
nearly 50 years. Donald Patterson, destroy the latter; but what I wish special- calmly proceeded tb wet his large sponge
county councillor, is a son of deceased. ly to advert to was the awful peevalenee of ' and, on terrified, to approach the tiger. At
Josh Iieywood,of the 3rd con„of Ua- ' the sin and crime of perjury. Men who i this moment Pezon appeared upon the
borne, has quite tt curiosity. It is a would scorn at other times to be guilty of scone and was struck with borror. Any
'x,�-oi n duck with four wings. On the false swearing, seemed to have no com • ! sound or motion upon his part would in-
ide there are two wings, one on tion at all when it was a came of liquor ' tensify the dangerof the situation by rous-
E;ar :;;'':_ the Tight side and one ou t lie top of the eellirig. Ido not think there was much ing the beast to fury, so he quietly united
' S back, The bird is about two weeks difference in this respect between the dif. i till the need should arise to rush to the
old: The owner is anxiously waiting ferent parties, prohibitionists were as eager I man's assistance.
,,;,'+tc:.. to see how the duck will fly when it to aconic a conviction and as unsoroupu- j The moujjk, sponge in hand, approached
takes to wing. Ilone as to means as their opponents were ! the animal and, perfectly fearless, pro -
1,.p t.” to escape the penalt,?. O£ course, when it reeled to rub him down, as if be had been
� . Mr Geo. Coleman. Hills Careen, has came to deeds of violence, such as arson g tiger, apparently
i- `i�„ r ' sold to Mr Thos.MeMichael, of Hultett. bodil aseanYt and the hse of dynamite, j d horse or dog, while the ti er a
Y y delighted by the application of cold wa-
,, !- 'fin entire colt, about eleven months the liquor men were in all cases the offend- ' ter, rolled over on its back, stretched out
old, for 1$80. Mr Coleman is noted for ere, but all classes felt a decided sense of I its paws and, purring, offered every part
horses and it McMichael r his good D cheat relief when the sot was repealed and the I of its body to the Cossack, who washed
as never known°to leaveapooranimal aocompnping reign of terror.�Po�it was ,---him ,� ocean y us n 1�satiJi3�bfltlias
of this ►n an a aFi-s no�'iftatl no mg a ee�� en�'e'� and all theseevils her infant. Then he left the cage and
lstttaiethls time. if this colt has luck vanished are i by y magic when the cause I wool g
he will do :iti credit. d have repeated the hazardous eSperi-
was removed. But we were told these men ment upon another savage from the desert
An aged and highly respected resid- —the liquor dealers and their friends— had not Pezon drawn hhn oil with d1f19-
crit of Brussels died at lits residence on were wicked men or they would not have eulty.—Emily Mayer Higgins In Lippin-
Friday morning, May 6th, in the per- reported to snob acts, even in their own de- i oott's.
"'`• -son O€€ Adam Scott, late of Morris fence. That may bequite true, but it is
' township, in his 82rd year. Ike had surprising the amount of Feeling displayed Food In an 'Egypttaa village.
only been confined to bed lot about a by other elapses of the community who "An Artist Among the Fellabeen" is
* week so that his death was considerab. are neither hotel beepers nor their friends, the title of an article In The Century,
le of a surprise to many who were not when an attempt is made to deprive them written and Illustrated by R. Talbot Kelly,
,aware of a change for the worse. of their means of livelihood; even ministers the English artier. Mr. Kelly soya of his
I of the gospel appear to be somewhat rest -
Much sympathy is felt for Mr and ive under the circumstances. But I shall fails food 1n a typical Egyptian village:
Mrs David Ferguson and family,con.8, be asked, "Have not the churches adopted We rise early, and a oupof coffee le always
Tucketsmitb, on account of the death P offered, sometimes accompanied by piece
of their daughter, Mise Elizabeth. The Prohibition, and must it not therefore be : of bread or a small cake made of flour
right? Yes, I confess it is too true, and so
sad event took lace
hlace on Thursday of much the greater their shame,, The have I mixed with honey or oil. Somewhere
timte with.She consumpt on, butad been lherr some death abandoned God's way of salvation and ! lightt[ food, such an boiled If thin eggs, bread and
substituted in its stead prohibition and all
.11 11
! was .a severe shock to her parents and kinds of human devices. The preaching
coffee fe sent to us. In many oases the
ffiends. She was but little over 23 P g eggs are boiled bard, shelled and served in
of the aro
am has indeed become e to too
' �s of a and as a ri
'.ear e. w h ht en
g g �ag' many in the religious world •'foolishness," a large bowl of o11, and the most has the
n young Indy, who was admire by added interest of the endeavor to catch the
g with the predicted result, but it atilt re
;, lLh who knew her, and greatly beloved memo true that it is the I slippery morsels ds they bob about in the
power of God and
iii' the family circle. liquid.
the wisdom of God.
c On Friday last, the foci -year-old son What have the churches, I should like The taste for oil air semna (clariflad
& Jasd: McConnell, Tuckeremith, had a to know, to do with the importation, man- butter) Is one that must be acquired.
I .1. libbst miraculous escape from death by ufactare and sale of spirits, wine, beer, ;Both are frequently more or less rancid
til+duping. A man was engaged in dig- ale, cider and all other alcoholic liquors" ? and aro liberally mixed with almost every-
'�t1i' pest holes on the place, and the It is not a religious question at all; it is thing n� oT eat. Atnightfrom 6 to 8 p, m.
little boy and,the young dog were play- not even a moral question. It is sim 1 a the only cal most of the day is prepared,
I jo around, when the child fell headfirst question in political economy or munict - It im almost always the same. This con-
ilf pone Of the holes, which was about pal regulation. They might just are prop- stets of a little very greasy soup, to which
" tUroe and a half feet deep, with two erly have taken up the question of protec- 1 Is medal eemna, stowed or boiled mutton
feet of water in it. The man being tion versus free trade as that of prohibi- , or goat's flesh on a pyramid of rice, and
boss did not miss the child, but the tion versus license, had it been a gaesucn the ceremonial dish of riz Wit labon (boiled
»` tip did, and with wonderful sagacity of drinking any of these there might have rice and milk). This last Is always good,
ir R, made such a fuss as to attract the been some excuse for their action, for it is and in most oases Is the only thing eatable,
9 thtion of the man, who, thinking the drinking to excess which causes drunk- pigeons and turkeys form a pleasant vari-
atinetl)ing was wrong, hurried to the enness, and drunkenness is the only fee. ety when offered, but few hosts give one
spti ,And drew the child ont of the hole. tare in the whole matter which properly the choice, ��r "lamb or, kid of the flock"
It Was at first thought that life was conies under the purview of the churohee• . being considered a more v'honorable" dish
,��, but after hard work he was Most,if not all,of the Protestant churches and demanded by one's position.
11 iigit�atound all right. in the Dominion disavow and disclaim all
�q �t , connection with the state, and rather
. Children Cry or plume themselves on so doing, but their ThA ii(r,l of n good 'T tji,•ine is
utterances and action@ in respect to prc. aln"Mi;s, ni rsal and Iloo •'• Sars'Tari 'a
hibitton allow phiely that they are read a
Y ox toil, meets this need. Be euro to r.
l s
%� I
0 /�„ , teenier into a �partnerehip with the state i hood's,
JA i
• I 't
i . I . 11
A&—,_ ._
'J". - ..
The Courage He Displayed In the battle
of Princeton.
Cornwallis had left all hie stores at
Brunswick and three regiments of foot
and three companies of borse at Princeton.
'lhltber then Washington was marching
that winter night. He meant to strike his
superior enemy another blow at a weak
point. By daybreak he was near Princeton
and moved with the main army straight
for the town. Mercer was dataolied with
800 men to destroy the bridge which gave
the most direct connection with Cornwal-
lis. The otdenty bad started at sunrise, and
one regiment was already over the bridge
when they saw the Americans. Colonel
Maw'hood at once recrossed the bridge,
and both Americans and English madefor
some high - comttianding giounThe
Americans reached the desired po n'tfirst,
and a sharp fight ensued. The American
rifles did great execution, but without
bayonets•they could not stand a charge.
Mercer was mortally wounded, and his
[nen began to retreat. As Mawbood ad-
vanced be came upon the main American
ariny, marching rapidly to the scene of
action. The new Pennsylvania militia in
the van wavered under the British fire and
began to give way. Washington, forget-
ting, as be wits too apt to do, hi's position,
his importance and everything but the
fight, rode rapidly to the front, reined his
horse within 30 yards of the enemy and
Balled to his men to stand firm. The we-
voring coased, the Americans advanced,
the iii itish halted and then gave way.
The Seventeenth regiment was body cut
Up, broken and dispersed. The other two
lied into the town, made a brief stand,
gnve way again and were driven in rout to
Brunswick. Washington broke down the
bridges and, leaving Cornwallis, who bad
discovered that he had been outgeneraled,
to gaze at him from the other stile of the
Millstone and of Stony brook, moved off
to Somerset Court House, where he stopped
to rest his men, who bad been marching
and fighting for 18 hours. It was too late
o reach the magazines at Brunswick, but
the work was done.—"Tho Story of the
Revolution," by Senator H, C. Lodge, in
Che Discrepancy In Computing the Date
Was Not Corrected Until 1752.
The observance Of Blaster dates back to
lbout tho year 68, at which time thern was
Duch contention among the eastern and
western churches as to what day the festi-
val should be observed. It was finally or-
iained ant the council of Nice in the year
325 that it must be observed throughout
.he Christian world on the same day. This
lecision settled that Baster should be kept i
ipon the Sunday first after the fourteenth
lay of the first .lowish month, but no gen-
�ral conclusion was arrived at as to the
:ycle by which the festival was to be regu-
ated, and some churches adopted one rule
incl some another. This diversity of usage
Yes put all end to, and the Roman rule
naking Easter tho first Sunday after the
'uurtoouth day of the calendar moon was
established In England in 660. After nine
centuries a discrepancy in, the keeping of
Caster was caused by the authorities of the
�,uglish church declining to adopt the ref-
iruiation of the Gregorian calendar in
1582. The difference was settled in 1752
)y the adoption of the rule which makes
Easter day always the firstSunday after
ho full u)oon which appears on or next
ifter the twenty-first day of March. If the
'all moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter
s the Sunday after,—Ladies' Home Jour-
The First Real Bicycle:
Frank H. Vizotelly, in St. Nicholas,
ails "The Story of the Whoel." After de-
icribing the draistne, which oame into
ise in 1816 and was nnnied after its in -
,enter, Mr. Vizetelly says:
In 1818 Dennis Johnson, an English
oacbmaker, made the dratsine lighter
ind provided it with an elbow and body
-est, decidedly improving the vehicle.
P urther changes made by Louis Gompertz,
n 1821, enabled the rider to propel this
-ehiclo with his bands, but he still had to'
:eep himself upright by the use of his feet
nd logs. A cogged wheel Qe„rr._An-
ide of the front hub and a gearing moved
:y a' lever were the ruoans of driving the
vbeel, and the lever also did service as a
tearing bar,
So popular didtbe drajsino become that
orius of it continued in use until 1855,
int the later form was built of iron in -
toad of wood This change was brought
bout by an English contractor named
might, who was so pleasea by the new
vay of troweling while visiting the con-
Inaht that he thought of using the cheap -
r iron of his own country for making the
Iratslne. Shortly after it came to Eng -
and this iunchino was clanged from the
rude and heavy wheel Of Baron Drais von
;euerbron. It became a light, elegant
nd reliable machine, capable of being
Wilfully ridden. 1%
His Policeman.
During some d,lstut•longces._-in a.$anel
lorthern town the populace and the police
-nine into contact with one another very
requontly, wilh the result that the latter
ecauto very unpopular. In the course of
scrimmage of a more than usually seri-
sus nature, one of the policemon was on-
ortunate enough to become detached from
is party, and he was seized by a muscu-
ar rioter, who lost no time in wreaking
engeanoe on the hapless man in blue..
"Hi, Geordle 1" cried another insurgent.
'Let I get a whack at him tool"
"No,,;you don't," said the first are he
rooeed to belabor his Btruggling cap-
ive. This Is my peeler. You go and find
no for yoursel' i"—Pearson's Weekly.
Bad Faith.
"How many tunes did the defendant
:ass youf" asked the attorney In the breach
fP romise case.
"One hundred and eighteen,-
he blushing plaintiff.
"The case is dismissed," declared the
edge, "The fact that she counted them
hows that she was not acting in good
aith. Women who are In love never count
kisses. "—Strand Ma¢azlne.
v uy are -.U.
Hojack—Why aro you consulting the
lotionaryf I thought you know how to
T'oindik—I do, I am not looking for
iforniation, but for corroboration.—Lon-
on Tit -Bits.
The age -of whales is ascertained by size
and number of laminal of the whalebone,
vhich increases yearly. Ages of 800 and
00 years have been assigned to whales
ram tbose Indications.
On the wall of a house uncovered in
'ompell this sentiment, evidently scratch -
3 by a diner out, was found: "'1'be roan
t whose house I do not dine Is a bar -
Brian. 11
Pure Roots and Herbs with Celery—aLreat diges-
tive stimulant—sola by all druggists. arge pack-
C. E. Budget
County of Huron convention in
0 Wingham, June 21 and 22
It should never be forgotten by all
Christian Endeavorers that the meet-
ing of the C. E. is fleet of all a proyer-
u)eeling. Its � FF�ttsis is spiritual. That
enlist be kept"k'oustantly in sight, and
inade distinctive at:d prominent. As
soon as that sinks out of sight a very
arca tib
p p le deadness creeps over the
Meeting and it begins to dwindle, The
various sources for reyivjng it apart
from prayer only help to increase the
deadness that is felt. It is prayer that
is the very life of the meeting ; hearty,
earnest, believing prayer, that lakes
hold of God and will not let him go till
he bless the soul. The loss of this ele-
luent is the death of Many it soci2ty.
It may be of interest to Endeavorers
to know that Andrew Murray, already
famous for las spiritual books on pray-
er, bas lust published a most interest-
ing and inspiring book, "The Ministry
of Illtervension." It may be got of
any bookseller. And a reading of it
may bring many a one into the joy and
liberty and witifare of the Christian
life anew. How true are the words of
James Montgomery: "Iteslraiuingdan-
ger we cease to fight. Prayer snakes
the Christian's armor light and Satan
trembles when he sees the weakest
wan upon his knees.'
We all take it, but do we keep it?
I fear- that it is generally very poorly
observed. The pledge exists in ;it
least three distinct forms, and t he Iat-
est is the most elaborate. It is there
loaded down to the water's edge; late-
ly I asked an Endeavorev it all the
menibers of his'societ.y kept the part
beating on the wid-week prayer meet -
Ing, and he said that is not in our
pledge and he [vas glad of it.. I would
he glad to get a postal card from the
Secretary of every society just saying
in a line how the pledge is kept. Now
send in your cards at once and I will
tell the result. -
When the last plebiscite was taken
our C. E. Societies were among the
best means procurable for the distribu-
tion of literature. Toronto wnd cities
were divided and the divisions given
to couples of Endeavorers to call 'at
every hunse with leaflets and tracts
giving actinre wnd trustworthy facts
anent the traffic in strong drink. It is
one of the best things to do.
It lives by the church, in the church,
for the church. It is altogether for
Christ and the church. And this En-
deavorers ought to make plain by ev-
ery means; by letting the church be
first, by working frit• it's growth, it's
power, it's pui ity; by showing a love
for it and a high regard for it; by co-
operating with the.minister,theelders,
managers and those in authority. In
Canada we trust that this relation
will never be questioned.
NOTES.—Our Provincial Secretary is
conducting a C. E. column in "The
Templar," of Hamilton, and is calling
out for•'news; will yott not send a few
jottings from your societies? A post,-
ost:al crud sent with, an interesting item
will be gratefully received. What of
feet shall the war have on Nashville
Convention ? Our Endeavorers should
pray I hat since war has come that it ,
may not be prolonged.
;aYv the discovery of so -wonderful a reme-
,ly ps Nervniite—nerve pain cure. No
remi it., in the market Hff rrds such prompt
relief for tooticaeile, neuralgia and rheuma-
i-m. Its action in crampa, colic, &c., is
simply utarvoiloue.
The Congregation of the First Presby-
terian Church, Madison street and Park
4venue, Baltimore, Hit., unanimously de-
cided to call Rev. Donald Guthrie, of Can-
ada, to become pastor of the church. Sal.
ary, $5,000 a year; free use of the parson-
age, and two months' vacation in the sum•
mer. Mr. Guthrie is 27 years old, and is it
native of Guelph. His ans.ger hits not
been given.
rzood'' 4 -
-- ----- - -- . . -- - —....
Ia ego el"
iat to '
Health. Every nook B' ®o d
and corner of the
system is reached by the blood, and on
Its quality the condition of every organ do,
pends. God blood means strong nerves,
god digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma-
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have' good blood is to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi-
talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements of health and strength to
every nerve, organ and tissue. It createa
a good appeyite, gives refreshing sleep
end aures that tired feeling. Remember,
Is the best— in fact the One True Blood Purillea
,are Liver Ills; easy t°
Hood's P111� [Ake, easy to operate. sae
And Leaving Candidates for next examin.
ation will bear of something to their ad.
vantage by sending name and address,nome
of teacher, and location of school to the
+, , r
a�ttcl�ai BUSINESS COI,i.EGiE
bond postal withoutdelay and mcntion this
ppt11,er. The present Session continues until
7 Ily 1st, and menu.,rtrn will t,o admitted at ni y
a d allowed to m t
lint data n a l 1 0o c to
limo up tot p
any course selected after the holidays,
,1'rfto for particulars to
Oats Wanted
12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
13 the. choice Family Flour for I bush Oats
Oats taken in exchange
for Groceries
These are our present rates,
but we don't know how long
they will continue.
0.OLSON9 • • Clinton
�� �T
Are You Rware of the Fact that
TheCanadaBusiness College
Iadotng more for its pupils than any other
Business College in the Dominion.
43 pupils were p'aoi d in two months, Stu.
dents from all quarters are flocking to this
worthy business school.
Besides a large attendance from Chatham
there are already this year, 93 pupils regdster•etl
from oubs'de points. 6111of them from points
nearer to other business Colleges than to
We presume these people investigated the
merits of the different schools, and decided
that nothing but the best; would satisfy them,
hone., they are here.
Write for catalogue of other departments and
a list of the 43 pupils placed'in two months.
D. IVIeLACHLAN &Co,Cha.ibam
Ila the &tate of Benjamin Thoudinsou, dle-
Notice is hereby given pursuant toR.S.O. 1897
cap. 129, sec, 38 [list all persons having claims
againet the estate of Benjamin 1'homliusou,
who died on tho 34th day of March, 1898. are re -
attired toeena postpaid or deliver to W. Bry-
done, Solicitor for tho Executors, on or before
the Ist day orJune, 1898, their names and ad-
dresses and full particulars of their claims at.d
of the securities (if ai •) held by them, duly
certified, and that after that date the executors
will distribute t ibute the assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled, having iegard only to the
c aims or which they shall thea have notice.
The excen ors hereby further notify all per-
sons Indebted to tho said estate that their ac-
counts must be paid on or before May 10th, or
they will be sued. •
Dated at Clinton this 29th day of April, 1898,
CHRI�,..i, NESBITTExecutors,
By W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
Subscriber keeps for service at his farm, 7th
con of Hulett, a thot•obeti Shorthorn Durham
Bull. Terms:—$1. at time of service, with pri
velege of eturnit.g; to insure, x'1,25,
Hul eft, April 28, 1898. ALBERT WALLACE,
Brick cottage on Towusend street near the
Public School, Enquire at the residence of
The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451
or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton, Particulars
upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &c
Factory and contents on the pproperty of D.
Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and
balance at $10 a month. Building to be re-
mov(d. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.
The large frame dwclline house on Albert
Street, 1 tte.y occupied by Mr. 't'odd, with half
an acre of land. Rent moderate. Apply to
JA\IES SCOTT, Larrister.
That comfortable brick cottage on Ontarip
street cast. near than Presby terian manse, lata
ly occupied by E T. Holmes, Is to rent. 1'es-
session at o ice. Appy to JOHN RIDOLT,
Huron St., 0inton.
The undersigned offersfur sante that two story
Brick Residenee o:cupied by the lato Mrs Wen,
Rattenoury. There 'is Pit connection one acre
of land which will also be sold in one piece or
In lots to suit purchns, r. Apptti to
W,W.FARRAN cr.J.RAT'1.1,.NBURY, Clinton
The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot.
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached, Contra'lvsituaed. Goodwaterand
drainage. Will beeold cheap. . AppyyARLS. to
Clinton Dec. 101.b C. M
C110- )L_ FA -UM -IFOR SALC,
For sale a farm of 75 acres.og excellent land,
being the north half of lot t?, LWi con, of Hul-
lat. Good bank barn, flame hoose with stone
cellar, plenty of water;, all but four acres
cleared, within easy distance of school and
churches Will be sold on reasonable terms.
Lf GABRIH:L SPRUN0, Auburn P. O.
$2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox -
ton Property.
then hoasoaaad also vacant lots for Salo.
Blaney.—Private funds In large ai:d small
Sums t) I it i 01 ant )e;! t fn. Rates low.
W. BRYDONE, Barrister.
Thatdesirable 1143k Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by MH N. Robson, to
offered for sal
e lnebtdin rear lot, and e of d stable.
Th I n
0 DOR n is on f g
e o the best in Clinton. The
in -
is free from inenmbrance and title in-
disputab'e, Price reasonab:e and.tertrR to suit
puiohas ,,e Apply to GEO. STANBURY. Lon-
don Road, or address Oil a ton P. O
Fat nl it r 4ale or to Rent.
The south half of lot 5, concession 9 Town-
ship of 6Jorr1R, containinq 100 acrep, 80 acres
cls aced an a in good state of cultivativation,
7 he a aro on the promises a frame house, frame
barn. Prams dove lions good orchard, never -
failing suppply of spring water. Situated t mile
from the vlllago of Blyth, w ill be so -d on rea-
sonablo term p, Apppp1g toC HAMILTON, B'yth
m THOS, It. WIZIt3IIT, Execut r, 948 Princess
Ave., London, Ont.
House and Lot for Sale
The frame house on Rattenbury street,
immediately east, of Lr. Tom'inson's, is
offered for sale on very reasonable terms.
The house is centrally situated beir,g only
a minute' walk from the business oentre,
bite stone cellar, large dining room jarlor,
bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one
large and two smaller bedrooms upataire
Gc,O.size I summer kitchen and garden.
Very oorimnientiv situated for boarding
house. Apply at NB%V ERA 0111100.
Professional and0therCaros
,,Barrister, Solicito
Commissioner for Ontario and
Office Immediately south of Gilro. &Wiseman
Office-34eaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gsilery
(Formerly of Camercu Holt & Camekol;
Offloe—Hamilton 8t opppposite Colborne House
Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. ,
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to
lend on, Mortgage and Note security.
Office Hours -9 to 5.
DR- T. C. 13RUCE,
I Graduate R C D 8 of Ontario, and Trinity
I versity Toronto.
special attention given to the Preservation'
the natural teeth,
OJhee. Coate f lock, over Taylor's shoe store
Y.ayfield veryvThursday aft rnoAn durMondaing ttbbe
T1R. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. 0. F.
Nigh Clinton
t�es}Is atgfront door 0 residence o Rotten
bury 8t., opposite Presbyterian church.
University, M D. C.M, Victoria University
M, C, P a@ 8., OTq�ario.• Fellow of.the Obstetrics
Society of Edinliurgb,late of London, Eng,, and
Edinburgh otlice R t onbury 1 St,00linton.r DN! -1 y pa y
answered at the same place.
A;eoucheur, ctc„ Ofce and residence On-
tario St„ opposite Engliab church, formerly oo
copied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont,
t ---
Medical Department of Victoria IInrver
Dispensariets, NewerYu k t tt ospitals aha
County of Huroti, Bayfield, Out.
egell�P est all disease of dGraduate of omesticated
ated any
male on the most modern and scientific primo
��se•OResidence edAlbeit 8tLC1 tonewErg
night orday attendedto promptly
has returned tot.ltntou and, opened an oftloe
at the Quccn's Hotel, where he may be consult.
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horsas,
cattle, &c. All calls, eight or day, promptly at
tended to,
teaurer of iRarriage Licenses, Library 1tooin
a ud Residence, Mar street, .Olinton.
No wicuedsee regawaii
F W. FARNCOMB AfEMI3EIt Ob' ASB'N op' P, L- 8., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, Loudon, Ont.—Office at Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Hata retuoL elld and doue over as good as
new, Persons wishing work done in this line
will receive perfect satisfactiou on leaving
their orders with the undersigned, Leave or-
ders early. MISS MOORE,
Over Beesley & Cox, late store Albert Street.
Subscriber -will keep as usual -the bcBE' iranda
orifed'Cedar and other Shingles at Blyth and
Londesboro, apply to D. COWAN, at Blyth, or
h' 7.,r
at either places, Partlea wauting
shingloe will Sod It to their advantage to.ask- -
Por prices before buying elsewhere.
Lundesboro, Feb. 18, 189& WHITELY.
wAN rED Hig 1,1a Established aWoman,
wf good Church st g to set are Manager
here and do o e work and corresppondence
at their home. usiness already butlt up and
established here. Salary 81oo Enclose self.
addressed stamped envelope for our terms to
A• P. Elder, General Manager. 189 Michigan
Ave„ Chicago, Ill
able b ok selke l nld Iliikela whirlwind hBeauti ful
"The best life of Her Majesty I have soon;'
writes Lord Lorne about•'qupon Victoria:'
Ag Ants make fi- a dollars daily,
Subscriber Is prepared to ppromptly fill all or.
ders for Wood or Coal, whioh will be sold at
lowest , atcR. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVI
--- —
AGENTS — Boole busineseis bet
yearspast;adgo have better an
books. Ag: nts clear from $1
few lenders are: "queen V ria,
Gladstone,' ` ivfy mGbT:ei." iblo 8
gresRivoSpenker," "XIonducppGold>rt I
elan,' "Glimpses of the iJti.seen, '' Idr ':
D:nnor and Hoppor," • Car ndn; nn En
din." Books On tiroo. O •tflts free to ca
Tnein)t n. ; i
100% it too Rollp. ale end ournovAties.Pp13' a
Fluid. Send 'i thin t•nd 25 - >
lino of samples. 7 ho FRA�CI
Confederation Life B' 11 �Q•%.
I �
1. ,,
4 i
,k i,,11-1-1