HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-20, Page 41
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May 20, 1998 THE OLNTQN NEW ERA x�- •
Successful Anniversary Services ; coe return for another year. The rev- 1 Additional Local Neons- The War Summary. V,It,0,", *,*4* 4V,4q, ," ,
1§1! tIII of Rattenbury S. S. and E. L. erend gentleman decided to corn tip GUN CLUB, -The San club held an- --- esssssntaNT sysTttM). r
111with the request, but on account of . I other shoot last Monday evening,when The only engagement of note so tar has t
- On Sunday and I extra work involved awed .advancing the Dithe following shot at 25 birds each :- been the battle at Manilla, when the Span- NOW
1898 Monday the anniv age, hedeslred to be relic class A: A. J.Bright, 24; J.H. Hnvey,2;i; ieb fleet was so badly defeated. 1
vet services trio Chairmanship. Mr Weir, 9; class U: W. McMurray, 15. The fleets are still some hundreds of
Proclamation of Rattenbur St. R,ev, A. C. Courtice, B. D„ editor of A good time is expected next Mond%y miles apart. Admiral Sampson is no doubt �
Methodist Sa b- the Christian Guardian, has had the evening when both class A and B will anxious tit meet with and fight the SpanishJ *a
bath School and degree of D. D. conferred upon him shoot. fleet before the latter can secure the advant- Is YOUR
League were held, by -Victoria University, Toronto. It age of the aid of a friendly fort, and the r
1 p and were entirely may not be generally known that Mr ACCIDrtNT.-Las, week, Mr John Ag- Spanish Admiral, with an inferior fleet, is
Qasons Dirlhday EXearsian Fa, Us successful. The Courtice started his minist-orkal career new, of Belgrave, father of Dr. Ag- no doubt anxious to avoid an encounter yin
services commen- in Huron, but we believe Su h to be new, of town, met with what might without this advantage, and possibly with Opportunity.
T,it3 Grand Trunk Railway System will is- ced at 7 a.m. with the case, loo having commenced as a have proved a very serious accident, it. w
qpe between all stations in Canada, return a Sunrise prayer young man in Exeter. While hammering a piece of iron, he There is much conjocture at Washington
%lokets at FIRST CLASS SINGLE FARE prayer meeting, led by Thos. McNeil, Will the ladies interested In mission was atrucic in the eye with some of the as to the destination and policy of theSpan-
,good going May 23.24, good to return leav- which was well attended. The chutch work please remember the Goderich red hot metal. The wound inflicted is ugh fleet. The last rumor concerning its
ting destination not later than May 25th. was decorated with red, white and District Woman's Missionary Society somewhat painft,l, though it is thought movements was that it was making for a 1 -
blue bunting, while around the gal- Convention of the Methodipt chill ch to the sight is unitijuted, Cienfuegos, on the southern shore of Cuba, �.
Return tickets will also be issued at first• let ran appprop ate mottoes; such as be held in the Rattenbury St. church, whence it might be able to send supplies ...,,.-.•
j ,' tolalas FARE AND ONE-THIRD, good "Look up, Lift u' -"For Christ and Clinton, on Thursday, May 26th, Mrs TRIFLES,- Potatoes are in demand across to Ravana. f'
I ging May 20-21-2t2, good to return leaving the Church" and the words,cut in card, at rising prices. n t would rather 'inhere is a rumor that Admiral Sampson, r. Purely CANADIAN
Wright, of London, who has an erten- have three days rain this week than }
T destination no la Gr than May -,Epworth League of Christian Endea- sive knowledge of mission work, will Y who was at Port as Prince, will also make a. National in its character. `
t von" "Temperance, Truth and Right- g one the early part of next. Good ser- for Cienfuegos, and a battle off that port 3. Age limit -18 to 4j.
i; Full information from G. T: R. Agents or The 1 be present at the tnornine session, vants seem to be in demand just now. may occur at once in that case, The re• Fixed Premium. No Death Assess-
wH� eousness, platform was amass which begins at 10.30 a. m , and in the 1 Y 4•
M. C. DICKSON, D.P.A., Toronto. of flowers, while prominent thereon afternoon at 2 o'clock will conduct a Scarlet fever seems to be moderating• ports of the intentions of the fleets are, how- ment, YOU will find Our stock
Minutes of the Januar in o£ the ever, only conjectural. 5 Gives $goo, $i,000, $rsoo or $z,000
F. R. HODGENS, AGENT, CLIN�TON. was a portrait of the founder of ltietho- Model Missionary Auxiliar which g Y 1 Of Wall Paper and Win-
dism -John Weelev. Before eleven y County County Council bound up are Arrangements have been made with Oa Insurance.
o'clock the members of the Junior and will be most interesting. a would being distributed. The electrical tain-General Blanco for the exchange for 6. Over ONE MILLION DOLLARS paid to , dow Shades just what
be glad to see the young ladies of the
1 Senior Leagues, together with the League and Endeavor Societies present storin on Wednesday night was a Spanish prisoners of the two newspaper eor- :..embers and their dependents since Ou are lOOliin for..
",';;,' flew. "A Senior Sabbath Scholars, teachers and officers, g reti.y severe one. The boys who reapon3ents who accompanied the Gnsaie organization, ,879. Y g
1,11 had taken seats in the centre of the and feel sure their knowledge and en- p Careful medical selection. Death
thtisiasm in mission work would be ave been breaking windows in the expedition and fell into the hands of the 7• ° The styles are new, 1118
AChance-Allen & Wilson ..•...........Page i church. After the opening hymn Rev. greatly increased. We hope to see the Public School, may yet wish they had Spaniards. rate for the 78th year of its history,
g y varlet lar the prices
O P s1? Vv millinery -Miss Hillier........ 5 W•pp,Baer led in prayet4'Che morning church filled at the public meeting in not done so. Spanish newspapers profess to fes that only 5.44 per i,coo. y °t� t
411, an An lo -American alliance alreadyists. S. iIas a larger Surplus on hand for right.
,[". 'there ie no guess -Jackson .. 5 service was an address e,.pecially to the the evening at 8 o'clock, when Mrs RUNAWAYS. -The other morning J. g g
Isn't it comforting -J B Rumball ..,... 5 children, by Rev, Mr Kerby, Brantford, will ive an address, A good Dr. Chauncey Depew, speaking In New each $r,000 risk than any other •
Lasting perfume -J H Combe•. ll ••.••• 5 who r not Re 1 a clever and able Wrightg g Tedford's horse wa3 standing in front York, said that onlyGreat Britain and the Society of the kind in Canada.
Paint for everything -W L Ouimette .. 5 simply program of music is;,tlso being preps'- of his shop, when the rattling of come English people pevented the concert of 9. Sect ftrTY of INVESTMENTS. Not a
Big celebration -Gilroy & Wiseman .... 5 preacher, but has special adaptability ed. fishing poles in the wagon frightened
House for sale -W Br done ............ 5 to young people. He took for his sub- g P gEurope driving the Americans Ont of the dollar of the Surplus invested out -
t , >.' Notice to Creditors -W Brydone.......... 5 act •`Bible," and with the help of the o and it ran away, but was stopped side of Canada. Special Drives in RCnI-
' P At a meeting of the Quarterly Official Philippines or forcing war upon them. He to. Premiums and Interest accruing
I Bicycle for sale-MisshleHardy.. 5 3 on' Rattenbury St. east before any added The two great Englieh•speakiag g
{ f`' 610 o pasturage- W B Forster ...... . , 5 children illustrated it in this way: B Board of North -et Methodist church, Clod Hants Of Paper and Odd
Clevelani bikes -Cooper & Co ......... s stood fur best; I for invitation; B for erich, the following resolution w..s unan- danger was done. On Wednesday a countries standing shoulder to shoulder is therefrom used ONLY FOR PAYMENT
f Si
•,,?:•' horse belonging t0 J. McMurt•ay, in the most inspiring OF DEATH CLAIMS. lots Ol tJila(iPis.
Yum-yum-J McClacherty. • • • . • • • • • • • • • N blessing; L for lasting, and E for every imously carried: - "Resolved: That we harness only, fri frightened and ran B ing and magnificent spec- r I. At a cost of from z to cents a da
Fife -w A Fair Co ....................... s lace on record our high a reciation of the y g tacle of the century, we speculate ae to 4 Y
A big day -Jackson Bros ............... s one, and elaborated each letter, mak- P pp ,
'" t� A big la -Hodge o Bross .....+. ....-,.. S lug an address that ivas interesting as earnestness and zeal continually manifest- away, making a straight line for the the ultimate result of the war. Here al- any healthy man (an acceptable
��- Wanted-Hodgens Bros ..............•... s well as instructive to all, the children ed by Rev, Joseph Edge during his minis. Plate glass window of the Nrw ERA �f- ready is its result: -The union of the Ang- risk), can secure $r,000 Insurance
r, ->• b st of order throw h- trat:on in North-st Methodist church The fiee, hitt it fortunately eh aged its to -Saxon race, of the only nations where for his family or dependents. All Paper Trimmed Free.
. — - maintaining the a course list in time to miss he lase I'
..:,°'-'. ; • �tU ��j .out and showing a keen interest in �r Lord has owned and blessed his labor. g there is Government by the people and lib- Fuil information bent on application to R. EtH.-S.,
t�Y� and was caught without doin any in- ert of the people; le• the nations shall stand Br n or Ingersoll, Ona; 1'uos. WRITS, Hden
I -�� �! Kerby's remarks. Our church, spiritually and financ,a !y, is til The same da a horse belonging Y P P ' Brantford, Ont.; ERN4T GARTUNe, Superintendent
ii:°'r (((�����- At 3 o'clock a mass meetin was on a higher basis, and the membership has 1 y'y g gtogether for peace, for liberty, for human- or Organization, Brantford, Ont.�`;`
rc' g to Alcrt. Young, Colborne,ran away on ity, for civilization, and for the brother -
FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898 held, t.hechurch being well filled" The increased. The genial qualitie3 and very Hnrou St., throwing Mr Young out hood of man."
Superintendent of the Sunday School, practical interest evinced at all times by among the monuments in Seale &
A two bent letter rate will likely be Mr Wilbur Manning, occupled the Mrs. Edge have been most helpful, and our lioover'S and and hurtin him severe- Senor Polo announces that be will leave
Y chair. Duncan Stevenson delivered personal regard I�r both i3 such that we Y g Montreal for Madrid on 6aturday, but de- w �+ i'
� , , 1y,but breaking no bones. While J, nies that his departure is being hastened Nl edit �t�t inn Suecessi ! . a Cooper V!• �o
adopted in the near future. Letter an address of welcome to the parents deeply regret to sever tGe association of the Hudie, of Goderich township, was ap- by a suggestion from the Imperial Govern•
and otbers who do not usual; attend past four years. May the God who has so
come. Y preaching town on Wednesday, in a went,
c, school, and spoke like an experienced signally blessed their c fforts amongst gig, the horse bolted and threw hint'
E _ The Union Jack and Stars and Stripes orator; R. Holmes made a reply. The us go iz lth them to their new field of out, dragging him along the road for A Port an Prince, Hayti, epactal to The CEN�'R,gL CLINTON.
Are emblems of true freedom; superintendent gave a short synopsis labor." some distance, until the horse got world: Francisco Gonzales, a rebel leader,
And ft begins to took as if of the standing of the school, showing The Presbytery of Hnron met in Wit- tangled in the lines and was pulled up. escaped from Barscon, on the eastern end %"����Ww
" t g that the number enrolled i3 378, with lis church, Clinton, on May 10th. The of Cuba in an open boat, landing near Paer-
They'll soon float o'er one kingdom, an average attendance o£ 222; 3107 following are the items of business of AN EXPERIMENT, - Two years ago to Plata, San Domingo. The Spaniards, i STRATFORD, ONT °�
z verses had been recited during the be says, are more cruel than ever in Cuba,
public importance: -Rev Mr Acheson residents of the south aide of Ontario This school noes first -crass work in every
{', `, Annual meeting of the West Huron year by the girls, and 2491 by the boys; Nv.as re -appointed convener of H. mis- St, asked t°he consent of the Street treating the poor Cubans as allies of the e artment, and enjoys a large patrons, �� A
. 1.3320 papers were distributed; the fib- stuns. Students reported within the Committee to the removal of the side- United States, and visiting upon them im- Id
A Commercial School of the highestg•ade- FORESIGHT
.- C ilberat Association, comprising both nary contains t300 volumes, Several P i isonment, torture and starvation. Native none better iu Canada. Students can enter
the Local and Dominion Houses; will bound of the Presbytery are R. H. walk to the outside of the shade treses l at any time. Catalogue tree. - R 11
classes, under direction of Miss M. Dicide, who is assisting Rev Dr Me- and edge of the boulevard; this was Cubans will flock to the American standard AND 3�. ;"
,s ..x1,, be held at Dungannon, Map 31st. Washington .and Miss Goodwin, sang: Donald; W. D. Bell and Mr Matheson. refused on the ground that there was to fight Spain, once troops land in Cuba. W. J. Elliott, Principal
*y, duets and quartettes were rendered by The Spaniards are enlisting all men cap- �j{ Q t "�
Req R. Fraser addressed the Presby so much traffic to the school that it H(NDSIGT
members of the choir, and a short ad- able of bearing arms. , *,*IN' W,Wr �6,�.W�N'
j The original Dominion Franchise dress by Mr Kerby closed the exercises tett' it) the interests of the �Vestmin would not be well to make the change _-
Act is now a thing of the past, unless of the afternoon. ster. This Paper was commended to on a public street. However, as im- Wednesday, May 18, 1898.
' '' congregations" Rev Mr Fletcher re- piovements to a greater extent than There is'still a dirth of stirring events to -
the Senate should step in and undo On Sunday evening Mr Kerby gave ported on t chef of 'he Chi istian,En ever are being made to boulevards, the chronicle, The fiesta have not met and in
Look ahead- don't think only of
. ;, what the House of Commons hasdonp, a practical sermon to young people., deavor committee, that the A Ilal Street Committee decided to allow little has been heard of either Spanish or the present, How much sufterin
^n xs the new franchise act has passed its taking as his theme,. "Seek afjer convention be held in' the Thames such a change to be made as an experi- American ships. P Latest + g
second reading. Tr nth," at the advantage, not Road church on May 31st. This was ment on a street not quite se public The United States Navy Department is scald be prevented if people's fore-
'' _6',`:,a report- • p now rigidly shutting off news of the move- sight were as good as their hindsight
,,t'4, simply to truth seekers, but to truth agreed to. Rev J. A. Hatniltonre ort- and the sidewalk in front of the rot If year eyes are imperfect don't de-
, ,,=!,,,K. In order to facilitate the rapid de- livers, and he delighted and inspired ed for the Finance Committee, giving perty of Israel Taylor, T. Cottla, John meats of the ships and of the plans of the
.. all who had the pleasure of hearing an interesting statement of the static- McClachert and Jas, McMath has Millinery lay, but let make
fit you good aglasses
livery of letters in the targe cities of p n g Y Administraticn, claiming that harm has thatwill make them as ;cod as new
him during the day. tical and financial returns from congre been lifted to the outer edge of the been done by what hasbaenalready pnblish-
L. -" ' the Dominion, the government has de- rhe Monday evening exerris3s were gatione, The average giving per mem- boulevard. That it makes a big im- ed. There is some oritioism of Admiral
bur towards the missions o€ the church provement is unquestioned, these art at his dale in ettin hold of the Examination Free. Satisfaction
tided to introduce bicycles. It is also tinder the direction of A. T. Cooper, q SampsonP Y ' getting The large number who guaranteed if you bay any o£ onr
to lower the po3tage an city Vice President of the League, and it was shown to be $1.60, and per family flea having sodded the front at Mir Spaniards. Glasses.
u proposed 1 for all purposes, $20. Rev Jas. Hamil- own expense, and it is not unlikely have bought their Millin-
ro letters from 2 to cent. The Lib- might be remarked parenthetically, p Y It is thought that the Administration will g
eral government is a progressive one, that much of the success of the anni• ton was appointed a member of the as that the same thing may be done in send a larger proportion of regulars than at er from uS OSS to show
r versary was due to his untiring efforts, sembly's committee on bills and over- other parts of the town; at least on Bret intended in the 15,000troopa to be sent y g Optical Departm .r t-, 91
The Premier of Ontario. tura, Mr R. W. Dickie was examin- streets that are off the main line of to the Philippines; this owing to the re res• that we are Vin satis- 4'.
aided by those who did not spare ea on the various college studies, with travel. PP g P g Cooker's 13oolt;- o
�"t'i:' themselves or their time. S ecial inn- g entations of General Merritt, the Governor faction both as to St 'les
, p a view to license. He afterwards read Styles)
'!'he people of Ontario w;lt be glad to sic was given by the choir, an$ chorus- of the islands. The cruiser Charleston
'"'' learn that Mr hardy is steadily though a sermon before the Presbytery, all of Two FIRES. - During
the terrific Clinton
, "t•: Y g es of both boys and girls. Addresses g starts to -day for Manilla with supplies for Quality Of goods and
somewhatslowlyrecovering eomplAshealth were also iven b the aster, Mr which was Qastained. The Preabyterq storm oil Wednesday night lightning .Admiral Dewey, to whom she hopes to re-
g y p then adjourned to meet in Goderich on struck the barn of W.Robinson,Huron prices. It 18 OUT elm t0
There is no man in public life in Ontario Millvard, and Rev. Mr Clement. A port in 30 days.
the 12th of Jul load, just west of town, and set it on
who is more worthy of honor, or whose oat novel festal a of the evening's enter- y' The fire companies of Niagara Falls, Ont., please Our patrons.
rear can be mono anbesitatin 1 laced be- fire, and the night watchman sounding went over with a band and ave the volun-
g Y P tainment was the building of what the alarm. otic a number were g t
fore the young Canadian for example, en- was known as "The Epworth Leagne q tears of Niagara Falls, N. Y., a parting STOCK W. JACKSON, Town A -went
'c `_ ;.cora ement end inspiration. W e se this ++ District Meeting• quickly on the scene, but could render cheer as the went off to the war. In a
g P Y Locomotive, in which 15 members of - v P-
t�r +-odvisedly,knowin that the Premier's nal- - no assistance, as the immense build- reoiationofthecourtes the American cit ,
g 9 The League and the pastor took part. 7`he annual meetin of the Methodist P Y Y �r+j+,
r lilies are not of the show t e that enable p g lugs were a mass of flames in a feW has decided to join the Canadian town in
Y yP Each one represented some art of the
s mart to earn a reputation easily. Mr Churches within the Goderich District minutes. The only stock in it was a celebrating the aeen'sBirthda nest Tues-
P Y• engine and gave an address bearing g Q Y Our stock is all now and
was held at Blyth, on Tuesday and caif,whlch could not he relieved. Anew
Hardy has been all his life a worker, and thereon, the illustration, of course, im- dap, and has declared the 24th a orbita
Wednesday, the first day being the Massey hinder, driven into the •barn
r` Much of his work as an administrator has plying League work in the same direr- holiday. The President and his advisers comprises the very- latest �
been of the that is known only to those tion. Those who participated in this ministerial session, Rev S. Bond in the on Tuesday, was among the machinery are said to have again decided on imme-
chair, The standing of all the minis- lost, which included a number of ifn- in NE111nery. "T shall be
�;'Pt. wtio have followed closely the business of part of the program were Miss Grace tors on the District was ratified, Rev plements, grain, &c; the barn was in- diately starting military ooanpations in
1 the various departments in which he has Boles President Misses Lda Holmest Cnba. They are also reported to be con- much pleased to have you CLINTON.
11 11TM t"" been en a ed. J. W. Pring resuming his work at once. sured for $800, and the contents for sidering the advisability of makings sec•
g g Tillie Tebbutt, Lizzie Washington, Mr Findlay, of Turner's appointment, $100(); the barn was a very large one, Call find inspect it.
M>" Hardy has tested thoroughly and Flora Cunninghame, Hattie Dodd, and call for volunteers, the insurgent Cab- h
- : Lae some trtnm hantl oat of 'the ordeal, was recommended to be left without a and his loss thereon will be heavy,- an - .: 7 beta smaller thea was at first nn- Lowest rates to all pointe in Manitoba,.
P v Grace Sheppard, Alice Cottle, Malrel ," g
": $a is erha sat his best when he is Hid- station for a year, owing to ill health. During the Bathe storm the barn -of M- derstood, while the S Spanish arm is thought — Dakota and British olambia, Clinton
s perhaps g Doherty,, Maud Goodwin, also Messrs, P Y kC
't >I The joint ministerial and' lay session Hill, 11th .con., , of Hullett, was also to be larger., The beau contingent for the to Wiuni a er boat from
ins through the House some oomplioated A. T, (.roper; Tom McNeil; 'Willie g Y el p g P
µr. , cue of le islition offeriii ' a hnndeed was held on Wednesday, the follow struck and destroyed, with its entirr Philippines was also unexpected. MISS HILLIER Owen Sound, $ 1 6.80. Travellers
1pi• g , , g Weir and Lu Doherty. In addition PP P
tuts for antiotsm and obstruction. But there were solar by MeasiSHolmes and laymen being present: - Clinton, contents, which included four cone, should consult above for all information
he ie also one of our best latform a skate Jackson, D. Tiplady; Goderich, G. Ach- his horses, calves, igs,implements, &r. Thursday, May 19
P Pe Mureb, a quattette by Mrs Cbown, Miss Sta, d in Clarendon Hotel Block. in reference to travel.
exon, G. Elliott; Holmeavflle, E. Ach- We have not hear the amount of th+• . The Spanish and American Sesta are
' -solid, clear, and able to rise to eloquence Ida Harland, and Messrs Holmes acid P
or to enliven his enbjeot with humor when exon; Varna, W. Keys; Bayfield, Jae. insurance, but his lose will be very still a art, and news concerning them is
Murch, and a recitation by little Wil- P g
Wallace; Dungannon, W. McLean; beau Mr Hays, inspector of the Mc
the gooasion demands. Though Mr Hardy frid Heywood. Y• i Y + p scanty and unreliable. The only impor-
LasbeenforalongtimeservingtheProvince Londesboro, M. Braithwaite; Auburn, KitlopMutua, was up yesterday to art tant information given out yesterday by -��7'- A J'S
1^� From first first to last the services were A. Carr; BI tb, J, N Ilford; Nile, range the loss for both these fires.Department— T�:i • T V v O ..A... �/ S
;',wa s Minister, he is a young Premier, and Y A Grigg; Benmiller g the Navy at Washington was
We believe that the longer he holds that po• interesting, and the anniversary map ;Walton, gg; that the Oreuon had passed the danger
: ` , Simon the more he will grow in the eatima- be regarded as completely successful. and Seaforth were not represented by NEWSPAPER NOTES. -The Goderich line, and will now in a few days be added
A new -feature at the Sunda service laymen. Nearly all these mentioned Star carne to hand last week, enlarged Mon of the 1
people. -(}lobe. Y Y Y g to Sampson's fleet.
.�.... - was that the collections at each service will also be representatives to Confer- by the �additiam of- a column to each were gathered by two oung ladies ._enee,----. --- - ---- - page, maki❑g it a seven -column quarto; I Hats
Good Times in Gattaslia.. _isaes�-Dodd acid -T: Te6liut�. Rev QJ. Godwin was elected District the Star has lately put on a spurt, and Lord Aberdeen lifesigns. U * i
- ---
I � , , ., "; , ; - - I ,Secretary, and Rev Joseph Edge was improved its local news service mater. We lead. This is our specialty, and 15
'Che following article is from the Toronto Ghureh ehimes. elected as representative to the Stat- ially, The Bru,sels Herald has also It is ofiically announced that the Queen we have them in all sizes, style and
World, and sbows that even a Conservative — ioning Committee, his opponent for been enlarged to a six -column quarto, has accepted the resignation of Lotd Aber- prices, from the 50 osnt Fedora up. • - , J
paper must adopt the good times prevailing Rev W. Stout, Kirkton, was in town this position being Rev W Rigsby. and looks all the better for the change, deen as Governor-General of Canada. The In Our Business
w under the Liberal rale: -There are good this week. Rev B. Clement was elected reptesen- A Paper that has improved very great- names of the Earl of Selbourne and Lord �✓
r times in Canada now. From all parts of The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. tative to the Epworth League Board; 1t' indeed since its present owner took Hopetoun are most frequently mentioned •
the aoantry come reports of factories work- and Geo. Elliott, Goderich, Rev W char a of it is the St. Mar s Journal in connection with his suceessorsbip. Fam- ���5 In the spring the young
of Willis church was held on Thursday, g + �' +
w 'Ing over -time and merchants increasing Rigsby and Mr W. McLean, of Dungan- and Mr Eedy has increased its f+teilities ity and business reasons explain Lord Aber. 7
people buying non, to the Sabbath School Committee; by introducing a Rogers T po ra h, mans f?nC turns t0 a
"`` "` - #drain bti"sineas. The eo leare bu in free- Rev Mr Pocock is this week attend- daen's desire to be relieved bef,ro the end y
13 Y g p We have the •Newest and Prettiest Spring Suit and as suiting ly both necessaries ani luxuries from the Ing the Baptist Convention at Hamil- Rev B. L. Hutton and Ed. Acheson to ort type -setting machine; its amazia of his term. t
` retail merchants so that the manufacturers tan. Yp g g Goods on the market, ll g g
the Sustentation Com.; W. M. Gray hope all these Conservative papers 1S Our bus'.n8ss We gllar-
and importers are kept nosy supplying the We learn that Rev H. Bray, Exeter, to the Missionary Com show prosperity, under a Liberal re- p pair, ' r
demand. The activity is not confined to Piston a High School was badly dam- Good Cashmere Sox at 260. or
is about to resign the rectorship of the A number of claims were presented gime. Paper & Type, a neat publics- aged b fire. antes to make hint a Slut
any particular line, but extends to all de- Tr!vitt Memorial church, flow, ministers, and Iecommended to tion issued by Miller & Richard, Tor- g Y EVERY THING NEW that wall suit him. Cloth
:i-`., partmerltsof industry excepting a few which the Contin ant Fund Com. onto, has an exceedingly compliment- Major Thomas Beattie, M. P,, London,
were ori t led b login their protection. The Methodists of Bluevale recently is seriously ill.
! P Y g P 'Rev R. ill and introduced a resolti- at and fait accurate personal sketch Y and rice will be suitable.
The banks, the insurance companies, the Passed a congratulatory resolution to Y y p And Up-to-date in our store, We h .
railways all report great increase in busi. Rev D. Rogers, and invited him back tion to the effect that in future no min- of the new President of the Press As- Oliver Mowat, a bank clerk, committed have no old goods.
Hess, and shipping at'Moutreai shows a for another year, later shall be Chairman of a District sociation, R. Holmes; it is accompanied suicide at Owen Sound,
r) for more than two years continuously; by a portrait which most people would En !neer Baker and Fireman Smythe A J MORRISH Clinton. I A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
,, plienominal d"elopement. Toronto is Rev J. G. Abey, rector of the Angli- the resolution will go forward to Con- regard r better -looking than the orig. g f t
sharing in the pxoeperitq o4 the country, can church at Brussels, will be a Candi- Terence, and if passed there will be for incl. The NEw ERA extends its con- . were killed on the C,P.R, at )loose Jaw. .
A For the month of April the imports were date for the priesthood at the examina- warded to General Conference, gratulations to Geo. Mooney, editor of AibONDucTOR LEAWNG.—Conductor
' ", j2,2f8,228 in value and the eaports$020,108, tions to be bell on June 7th. The next financial meeting will be the Ripley Express, on his having tak- D.Holmea, of the G.T.R„ London, will
�• as dompared with imports valued at $1; Rev W. W. Baer conducted service held in Ontario St, church, Clinton, in en in a patine', in the person of Mias soon sevet his relations with the road,
• 503,096 and exports at $470,713 in April, on Sunday evening in the Baptist August, and the annual meeting in Stanley, Underwood; may he never and will remove with his family to �
9 ; Aninorease of thirty-nine per Cent in � want anything worse than small caps. Leamington. He has been identified
!th lggregate foreign trade of the oily. It church; he expects to laws in a couple (rt>derich. y g p . g Lek Amhnk
L. '; ; , h$ ^ted than n large part of weeks for New York, to engage in v¢Ith the Grand Trunk and its connec-
.,-tit id lie 4 , „• , P ;t 0>E tht? f»• 1 t>ae mant?fact}1re of Il.a patent; Exeter Dist -let Meetin was held in PRESENTATION, -The following. from tions longer than any other conductor, There
•Cft1f1IQ iml r�^."6niela iiiaporta oonaisted of ravel Hensall on Tuesday and Wednesday of the Vancouver Advertiser refers to a and has an enviable record, his train
n j: `'toll, otiala for manufacturers, snob as crude Tutt fetice in Trpnt of Willis church this week, Rev W. R, Willoughbyy, D. brother of Mrs John Wigginton, and never once meeting with a serious ac-
' L
" I
iCiubber, wool, hides and skins. This indi- has been removed, and it is contem- D„ Chairman of the District, preslding• son of the late Daniel McGregor, Hul cident. Restarted railroad life as a
• m'i'tt'' iyhtltt oar local maanfactnring ludas- Plated to put down granolithic walks Rev W J. \Vaddeil was elected Sec- lett:-"Saturday evening witnessed in brakeman on the Northern, running �C no XX
' tri6a tre in a flourishing condition. T14b in the nearfuture. The removal of the ratary. All questrong concerningmin- the Vancouver World office one of into Toronto; when the Like Huron &
'"' hotnettioyoles are crowding out those of for. fence makes a decided improvement, isterial character were answered sails- those pleasing, and yet somewhat pain- Buffalo road was opened he was con- ;
�• ;I oign maize, for notwithstanding the general Communion services will be held in factorily. Oliver Coleman and .Tames ful events that occasionally marls the ductor of the first passenger train en- The of imports the va'ue of bicycles Willis church on June 5th, preparatory Wilfrid Cob con were received as candI- history of every business. Mr. J, M. tering Goderich, and for many years Work about it. rile Shoes here advertised are
-imported inns Toronto in April was only services conducted h Mr Dickie, of dates far the ministry. At the gener- McGlregor has been associated with the wis on this branch, being transferred bi est money's worth yo ever saw. We could ave
�„ ',, �12,14t1, as compared with $131,540 in the Seaforth, and the Sunday evening ser- al session on Wednesday the following accountant department of the World to London when the Great Western & p°' y y
,saskt6' month of last year. The exports of vice by RevJas. Hamilton, Loniesboro, laymen were elected' to Conference:- afBee for several years, and the saver- Grand Trunk roads were amal amated, s0 them at red; alar prices, but our way is to 'll lower
w"> deed meat from Toronto in April were val- Jacob Taylor will be the Layman to H. Ei • Huston, J. B. Carling, J. McGlad- ante of his connection with that staff running both ekst and west from that
- ,. : wed at 843,111. The meat industry is al. represent Ontario St. church at the dery, R. Delbrid e, John Essery, J. C. cannot fail to cause a feeling of regret city. During t.ho 45 or more years than regular price if we buy lower than reg r
r64d,y it itrest one and is a tpable of enor• Methodist Conference in Chatbam, Stoneman J. Fitzgerald, John Tre- in the hearts of many cf its members. that be has been railroading it has and as often as ,possible you Will get the] at it ler
nioud expansiofi. Toronto should become next Jnne; J. Jackson will represent vithick, Yoh; Niel, W. H.°Taylor, M. He was always one of the most popular ppraetieallyremained with one railroad. rices than anywhere 9158.
• the grest weat•packing centro of Canada. Pal tenhury St., and Geo. Turner -will I'•+ Joseph Amos, J. C. P. Hughes J. S. men in the office and his retirement In his youngger years be made it a rule lI y
tChattxportaof Iorontomanufactured goois re treaent Turner's, 1 Gilflllan, �'. D. Stanley, Eph. Wre- could not be allowed to pass without that hie entiia train should be decor-
ttp t)untoil tot $180.540, as compared with I ford, D. Walks;to the Missionary Com„ some token of esteem from his past ated'with flags on the 24th of May, You should see our, Women s and Mens Shoes
, $ldt,904 ilk Ari) 1897. Toronto a+ricul• 'Ch' 45th .i,nniverrnry of the opening
.P , r, T. B. Carling; to the Stationing Com., colleagues, Consequently on Satur• and on one occasion when be went In- � t
` tilr61 ifn.plembnts are beoaming well known Of the Itayfield hood Presbyterian Rev J. R Ford; to the Sunday School day, shortly after the evening issue, to Buffalo with his train thus decor- at $2 and $2.50. Titey re examples of what you can
pi: justrdtlla and some otheroutsidenoun. church r+111 he relebrated on Sunday. Com,. Rev W. E. Kerr, FX. E. Hu4tont the ernpioyees, ,,from the various de• ated, hostile demonstrations, were get when the goods are properly bought.
ttle6 ,end t`hne• is reason to ice that the May 22nd. wheel Rev Alex, Glranr, of
, , p to the Epwnith League Corn., Rev R, partments, found their way to the bus- made but no injury done. He has .
I . I I w 4lixa616zptiris.wil3Ina few years reach a St. 111arvo, will Conduct the services. J. Garbutt, J. C. Stoneman; to the mesa office, when Mr. Macgregor was travelled many thousand miles In his y
` ttt'ge flgat#. Canadians in general have On the following Tue4day evening a Sustentation Oom„ Rev J. G. Yelland, presented with a handsomely mounted day, has well earned the test is tak. .-i
r6pf ttttitie'rfot thitokftilne6s, tea•meetinc, will be hold in fhpohurch. r, � , 0*011,
g J. Tregirhla The membership re Y and engraved pen and rano fix a token ittgg, andxetitr vvittM the vl+itl and
1.. • At rile Itir'ef lit of �>he trot tort df• *a Ila about the tsanie ns last. pear, of et reciation of his lak ors in their estetjfn of fi4 lar , ,y tioh oi'tiy6 trove -
g' . , .. , y pp '
r i ` r ion t isgi s kitty .advftna• t .. �, .,firs uisiic, �o is fi�ttii l .. af'. Ntr t lflitic lues 1�eaIt
„� lilt'- as #tt tYl cur +ad `�#app d Ott d o :dtiftl B610d of� t:?V•ttt hitt' 11ietUap ist +contri�lut s•tp li ori o toidst, find regret at the eeve. once f - „!� .
. _ . .., , ft
'r ail M oArili e' a tib r it400116, +,W ek rya d �O< e "t# Cfrbn#eati nf#i f#�uct�< keg h l ftt a tip o Jho J�Obitxsa .(�ta�olri adl�Ir�r �llxdT
1t$ u dtt, fl 1: fr it , liit'� it' Erbil Gh, -. a8 p ..,so tib - d $100' W , i? is ktl a n. with too otatf, of of
0 or lr , , Ali iG,tiTf11 f rte' ttVlttlw
:.. ; .
C1h1 t131i]p; ttt41"tl to f11iV4 i0 �r per, "a *1i616 d 'PO`.1t11 bi 1148h, �r��n lig' CdAtotthpdN'ftt'yi � I
(jl, }
1't 1� �. :' °.$.A �.., e. e ' ,..:. �, .. i ..: rt ., , . -,_ _ S ," ..,11 _ , .,.a...., t��_.a ,. - ... .. , !? L :.i. _ �_