HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-20, Page 2.,.._ .�._ pfflw� -V1 11 . 7. �', —_ - . � ., __ _____ �_,� . . e . -X. May 20, 1898 I","�4 .��S. ;(ON THE STCL.AiR RIVER,) . SNIA. ONTARIO. X30 GRADUATES 8d .-Spopred exce lent positions since Robivary.IW7. This college is open . I 1," throughout the entire year. We are located on Fro t St., and overlook the 'beautiful St. Clair river. This is ,tihepiost delightful plane in Ontario to spehd the summer months. 1. For further particulars address, A. S. N I1I1�I0, +YI.II.,I/.,.M........... .I..IV/•-I.A.I./I.II.... ..N � I\.N✓NIYI\\I Clinton Post office. , TIME TABLE. {., sr_;:.I'1tI,E b MAILS CLOSED �, i,A,X- P.M, I A.M M 10,45 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario' 7 M 4 0 "7 40 4 30 WIngham and Kincardinel9 55 6 10;16 6 55 Wes ern S.W. & N. W. U.S. 7 W 4 -A 16 1 03 Paris, Buffalo&eastern U 8�7 00 4 05 Y'tt.14 1 03 Toronto & points east &nrth�7 00 2 35 4 05 11 1 03 ...Mont.real and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B 617 00 2 3s 110 27 ..Stratford and Scaforth..�7 00 2 35 10 2i Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 2 35 `, - 1 A ..,,1•lstchell and Dublin....'7 00 7 40 2 5i) ..... 12 4 ....Goderich...,,.... I 9 00 1Lucan crossing:, Sarnia and! '0 6153 605 ....iutcrmo,:iate points... '7 00 4 05 !' =491 - I..Londcsbor' & Balgrave..'9 55I `. The office Is oncu to the poplin (Holidays ex Ag6pted) frein 8 a.in to 7 15 p m., but holders o abek boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m '' Mone3' Order end Saving Bank office open 3, a,?n. to 0 p.m. "'Wat•ter for mglst.r;ttiou must be posted half Sufi hour before closing tho mails. ,...�T'AGL MAIL — SU1111FRI1I1.L — Every esdat and Friday, r .i. Y, a rivinr; a: 5.25 and 1,•at•- ,'ti at 5.3o p. n). ,0 CF A D,1Y ONLY is mail despatched ;trout thi, office Lo Londesboro and Beli;rave, r>tl;;o to Mitchell slid Dublin, mails closing; as gb,,ve.stated j9alls for British Islas and,. F.urnpcan conn• :trips. intended to be forwarded by New York, 11urt;st have written on the top left hand corner r..P,f envelope VIA NrW Yeas. �'- Rather Illogical, Jur excellient totem, the Seaforth Kpositor says;— W., statement has been positively made hose who should be in a position to know Lt as soon as the present session of the Do- ilion Parliament closes, kir D C. Fraser, ) eloquent Nova Scotian, will be made ref Justice of the Province of British Cc - tibia and that Mr M, C. Cameron, M. 11. for 60t Duron, will be made Lieutenant -(}over- .914he Northwest Territories. If this is be the program there will soon lie a vacan- • n the representation of West Huron. eoulation has been rife as to whe bir C m- in's successor will be. On the Reform 'd reral,names have been mentioned, a �,mg others thatlof Mayor Holmes, Clintons jne who would-be most likely to hold the 111-1111t6 ink to its present moorings, Mr Holme laid make a strong oandidwe and a use l,Vb'er. But he has so determinedly o as. the appointment of members, or et ex- imbers of Parliament to offices in t e gift the Government, that It might embarrass Tito accept nomination in a constitu- ay made vacant in this way" We value and appreiate the kind 5rds of our friend, but we hope that .':will not expect as to regard the laot tune of the above extract as good &coning. Suppose that an ipdividu- 'tines hold certain views concerning p appointment of members of Par- � entt.lo office,. what has that to do (th filling avey,.I_, ". _:O ••'this %:.Y.. The two have no direct relation ,bearing on each other. It should it embarrass any one to accept a Imination under these circurustan- `s;`nor do we see that there is any Mpromise of principle. Liberal papers, while opposing Lh e ,0aintments of members,have always Imitted that offices such as Lieuten- ktrOovernorsbips,'Should go to ptr- kruentarians, and have even admit - "t at under some circumstances the Ipointment of a parliamentarian to ry office may be justified. The NEW ttA_believes,-and has said so, that M. ,•Caroron deserves almost any office the gift of the Liberal party, for he r ed it b distinctive service ,bas ea n y t -t ti mteAdlme we think the prin- . a questionable one, and we be- 3tre t.hitt the Hardy Government lost cbund,in the recent election, just be• hist it and its prececessor had don ,qre An, this line than the public be - , to bA' justiflable. '.T'h'e net public debt of Canada de tyyr�i,o{reyd,rqduring.the month of April b 7okruinr. - . "..turday-Ohina paid to Japan it The sum as in on T e i w emn t y lt+l ,' vii-iCe i only {mounted to 213, *,Oft' We could dei W a cheque for b the a oil "till an that-- ut . 8 >s P y ,tt� il. 10.sof iC Might bother no. fte.4grieultural societies of the pro •#h6e herve,'since they were establish cir,tTot<tleaxfluci good work and the) pet'itt,'6As in the future will continue ti 1tb of iniion benefit to the farming e ever other or But like 1?i14tYiilltity/ $ t y dlliziAlon:the regulations by whin hey lire, worked require revision i tide# d�thitt they may be fully represen Ktii'o flim' be thoroughly abreast o h1 tll'fies. Ulm, i1ohn Dryden take has ' matter r and ha lndp hlil<a;bC'f of tTie t e V�vj(tlorittl*on some very radical im therefore is uW th V title .tit r � is I. Carse fdl�,th� 11itaa4geta of the scefetles t & . f trt`ffl'elro'k for, i�+l'rctse be le.li 'lira started, to soulsfor ad iptiesilall Sir Charles Tupper is a physical n av- vel, Where is there another man, 77 years old, who can talk as long, as of- ! ten and as lard as he can? I The impor•ta � thing—if there were i any way of polling it—is not, what is i the volume of popular votes in favor of enacting a prohibitory law, but : r at her, what volume, after the excite- ' ment of contest had passed, of enforce- ment -enthusiasm would be left in stock. The duty on tobacco in Great Britain has just been reduced from 76 cents to 64.eents per pound. This is this llfrst alteration that has. been made_. w t rate of duty on tobacco for 56 years. How many changes have there been in the tobacco duty in Canada in the same period? "The continuity of B it- ishduties," says the Globe, "gives the manufaturer and dealer a chance to do business without having all eyq con- tinually on the tariff law. Some day this may be true of Canadian trade 5 also when tariff for revenue is fully 35 established." O5 The wot k of the courts of revision in the various rural municipalities will soon begin, and, as on the lists now corder preparation, any election likely to occur within the next eighteen months will be fought, the special at- tention of those interested is directed to seeing that every qualifled person is put on. The names of all parties en- titled to go on parts I, -1I Or III of the voters'lists should he placed on the assessment roll withotit fail, and in the fourth column of the roll after the names of all persons entit:ed to vote at parliamentary elections there should be placed the letters M. F., so that the names can be properly copied into the list to be. printed, and`no mistakes oc- cur.' Every m'tn who is 21 yeitrs of age, is a British subject, and has lived in the Province nine months, and in the municipality since Feb. la, is en- titled to vote. As OthersSee Us The Printer and Publisher for May pays our old friend, Mr -Robert Ho,mes, of the Clinton NEE ErrA, who is this year Fhe President of the Canadian Press Associa- tion, very flatterin.g complimente. Mr Holt -nos is a practical journalist , f the third generation and is one of the most pdpular newspaper men in the Dominion. He deserves his prefernlont as well as other high honors which are looming above the to • n.=Acton Free Press. he London free Press revives the""rh- m that Me M. C. Cameron, file, P., for Wes Huron, is to be appointed Lieut. - Governor of the Northwest Territoriee, and says that Mayor Holmes, of Clinton, and editor of the NF.w Last, will be the Liberal candidate for the riding—and, of tours-, his succepsor in the House of Com. mons. If anything of the kind should happen, ;llr Holmes wouly certaiai,t make an ideal representative—Stratford Beacon, CANADIAN OATS IN ENGLAND. — Farining says:—As we pointed out in a former issue Canada is becoming an important factor in supplying Great Britain with oats in competition with Russia.. United States, Turkey and Holland. During the past Season of 1897.8 she nas exported for Great Brit- ain arid the Continent over seven mil- lion bushels of oats asagainst half that quantity in the season previous. Ow - tug to the Aortago ill the Russian sup• ply it is expected that Canadian oats will continue to be wanted right tip till next harvest. At Montreal at, present. the stocks of oats amount to 1.019,765 bushals, as compared with 826,82.'3 bilsh- e.ls a year, acro, bat a considerable por- tion of the same is nlready engaged for early shipment, principally for- British ports, MORE MONEY IN HOGS THAN IN CHEESE.—J. A. Alacdonald, of King's Co., P. E. I., writing in the Coiintr•y Gentleman, says: There i9 not (he us. nal enthusiasm in cheese -making in Prince Edward this spring, for two reasons: First, the low price of cheese in British markets, caused by the great over -production of ,last year in Uanada, and the large quantity held in stock late in tbeseason for high prices; secondly, the establishment in the pro- vince of two large bacos•cuting plants which opens a market for twice as many—nay, four timed as many hogs as our province ever produced at good prices. Farmers flnd that milk is a tre- e cessity in profitable hog production, and as 5c per Ib for a live hog, wetgh- ind anywhere between 150 and 200 ibe is much more profitable than 65c for 100 lbs milk, it is apparent that the producer of milk will find it judicious to extract the fat from his milk and y feed the residue to the hogs. All the co-opera(ive dairy plants established this season are to be run for batter only, and our leaders of dairy thought have advised directors of cheese factor- s fes to work their plants for butter until e July. Insurance Statistics. An abstract of the business of the insurance companies c mpa {es in U nadir for 1$97, bass been issued by the finance de. partment. The fire losses for the year amounted to $3,242,000, an increase of $264,000 over 1896, Unsettled claims r itmonrited to $146,000 and resisted to $76,000, gross amount of policies, $•)76,- 000N% an increase of $11,000,000. The amm int received for premiums was 5 896 000 a increase ncrease of - `6 215 v , , , $ 000 over h 1896. The following was the business done by 8 American compit.nies: Gross n amount of policies $85,96,3,000,adecrease . of $9,(x10,(100. premiums received, $1,- f 096,000, a decrease of $185,000. Follow- ing is a recapitulation of the net cash s premiums received: Canadian com• r anies, $1,082,900, British companies, 51 p 60 $ U00 American •n c ro ;i(' at ,s .971 p , `6 1 - 000•. ' e Canadian an(i British colnpanias life p�o��f • tries in fore a lit lit m t e d to " Policies t r $ 0 , (xlo an int eas r cot 153 , 000' Amer•3 t $ ca t , rl t $100,09.1,000, inn Increase or $13,(100,000; prbmiui le rtC•„ $ritisllt Alla 0411t�tlitl,ti { $;44:� bo o,' Ali itt• 11 I C>. i.. Crisp County Clippings// The Sou(h Huron fall f r • btxiiek in Exeter this year. R. S. Lang, Exeter, as disposed o: his warerooms to h• brother, W. S Lang, for $1200. Weare la to learn that Mr Nixon, sr., of Ashfield, is getting better of hii recent sickness. Mr N. Johnson has purchm4cl froze Mi J. Johnson the 100 -acre farm Oil tht 4th concession of East Wawanosh. fol $3500, a One day hist week, Chas. Heibein. near Gorrie, sold 700 bushels of wheal at $1.02 per bushel. Some of the wheal was 6 years old. Mr Miles McMillan has sold his fArn on th(48thconcession of Tuckersmith to -ht -birother Hugh, for $2500. 'rhe farm contains 50 acres. Mr Jos. Johnston has purchased thi Cummings' farm onthe 12theoncessior of East Wawanesh. It contains 10( acres and the price paid wits $19(x1. Mrs Jas. Handford, of Usbo► no, Lon don road, who has been seriously it from pulmonary trouble, is iuiproOng and there is now every hope of her re covery. Win. Marshall,of the 8 h line,MOrt'ls who has been ill for the past 10 week: with appendicitis, is stilt very poorly and his many friends are quite anxious about hire. T. McFarlane, 1st con., Grey, is very low at. present with an attack of p)evrr isy. He is over 80 years of age so Ire titkes the attack very hard. We wish hien a Speedy recovery. The residence of 13, Davis, Seaforth, teas the scene of a pleasing event on 1Vednesdav, 11th inst.,wheu his daugh. .er, Miss Edith M, Davis, Wits united n inarriage to Chas, N, Peake, of Tot - )nt.o. • On Wednesday evening, May 4,there vasa very pretty weddin•s at the resid- ,nce of Andrew Dreanev Dungannon, when his youngest dallLhtcr, 1-;mah, vas married to George Dmrniu, of Cas ieltorl, Dakota. Alr"incl Mrs Jahez Walker,who have• reen�living in Chicago for the past few ,ears, and who were fol mer Iesialonts if Blyth, returned to town c,n Satui- Ia,y evening with the intention of again chiding here. Mr W, Somerville, express and tele- fraph agent in Seaforth,has been otter. td the management of the express and elegraph business in the city of Chat - lam, bot he has declined the offer, pre - erring to remain in Seaforth, Tile Boyle farm, in McGillivray, sold lir Saturday under the intlent are of nortage, wns purchased by liViui. B:tw- ten, of Exeter, for $1:M. The farm :ontitins :"ill acres with fr•aine httiltlings hereon. The farm hassince been pur- :hased by Fanner .Bros. The death ,A Airs John Kennedy, a ormer resident of Tucketsinith, took )lace at her home at Itigh 13147, Man , all Wednesday, Apt -it 27th. She was 8 years old, and the e;iutse of her death vas en.itcer. The deceased was it foi m - !r well-known resident Of this totvii- ,hip, hilt removed to the West some 23 ,earn ago. On Wednesday, )fay .4th, a quiet Bedding took place atthe r•esulencH of 4r R. Morrison, 2nd con., Stanley, vilen his eldest daughter, Annie, was mited in marriage to Mr John Henry 'ark, only son of Geo. Park. Rev. Mr duir, of Brucefield, was the officiating ninister. Mr and Mrs Park. will Lake ip their residence on the homestead, xoshen line, Stanley. One of the pioneers of Stephen town - ,hip, Mrs O'Roui ke, died ou the -Itis nst, She had been ill for several nonth�. Deceased's maiden name was 3arry, and in the early days, with her utisband, who died,so►xte years ago, set - .led on the farm jivar Mount Cat met, vhere she remained utitil her death. :+he leaves''a grown up family of suns uid d:aiigiltots to mourn the ions of all affectionate mother. Mrs Itobt.Musgrove,of Bluevale, suet pvit.h a very painful accident on Wed- lesdav of last week. While she and yrs Brinker were coming home from W.ingham, it ring of the harness broke, causing the rigto run into the horse. It )ecanie oloinanageable and the ladies were thrown out,MrsMusgrove having 'ver arra broken in three places. She is I.ling nicely, anct her many friet.ds lope she will soon be able to be around igain. Many of our readers will remember Willie Har rison, of Exeter, who some Lime ago lived with his grandfather, the late Richard Harrison, on Andrew street, and all will be pleased to learn A his marked success. A few weeks ago he was appointed mail sergeant ou the torpedo boat destroyer,Mayflower, of the United Slates squa dron blockad• ing Havana. The position was given him without his application, altbough !,here were two hundred applicants for the post. Many in this localit�yy will regret tc learn of the death of Mr Thos. Young, sr., a former resident of Tuckersmith, which oad event tookplaee at Rossburn, Man., or, April 25th,in the 92nd year of his age. Mr Ross was born in the Black Isle, Rosshire, Scotland, March, ISM, and emigrated to Canada irr 1849, settling on the 2nd concession of Tuck ersmith,near Kippen, where he resides until 1882. In that year he removed tc Manitoba with his family acid -settled in Russell county. He leaves behind him his aged partner,six sons and three daughters. Another of Huron's honored pioneer! has life. e departed this li ► Mr John H lid erson passed peacefully away at hii home on North Main street, Seaforth, on Sabbath last. Mr Henderson hat reached the great age of 88 years lard ll months. He was a native of Oxham, Roxborosbire, Scotland, where he wat born In the year 1809. He wns the eld est son of the late Geo. Henderson, anc was one of four brothers, John, James, Andrew and William all n n A w f whom re- sided in McXIIIop,on contiguous farr•ms, William being now the only survivor He carne to this country with his fam ily ar,d other friends in 1834,and settled on the 4th conceFsion of McKillop, or the farm now owned and occupied by Mr Jap. Lockhart.rkhart. At i hal, time a 1 1 this section of the country was a dens( wildeenetaa, ilut like no ninny of the pioneers of this district, Mr Henderson as n industrious all o w a i ad cera F g sou map,and he succeeded not; only in rnak• Ing a comfortable home for himself and faintly,,bift in laying tip n sufficiency 0 CLINTON NE 7I BRA An aged and highly respected resid- ent of Brussels died at his residence on Frederick street, on Friday morning of last week in the person of Adam Scott, late of Morris township, in his 82nd Kyegr. He has only been conflaed to is bed for about a week, so that his ' death was it sur•pi ise to many who were not aware of a change for the worse. Many friends in Exeter will be pleas- edto learnof the continued good health of Mr and Mrs Wtn.Caso,who celebrat- ed their diamond wedding anniversary oil April 30th. The ven�rahle couple are hale and hearty after their sixty years of wedded fife, Lheir birthdays havitig been !n the years 1814 and 1812, respeetively. They lived for many years in Exeter, Ontario, but latterly moved to Alma, Michigan, where they now reside. There was a full attendance of direct- ' ors at the monthly meeting of the Wa- il wanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co,held last week. The insurance of J.Thomp- son's house, Colborne, and that on B. Naylor's goods and Air Addison's house, Wawanosh, were satisfactorily adjust- ed. A large number of applications were received and passed. The conl- pany,since its incorporation, has issued over 11000 policies, and hits now 3000 names enrolled. Returning Officer Gibson this week publishes the following election ex en. ses of the respective candidates in West Hurou,as reported to him by lheirelec- tion, agents: By Joseph Beck— Personal expenses of candidate $74 W Printing ........................ It!� 20 Livery ... ............ ......... 4S 50 Telephone & Ielegraph accounts 11 60' 1-Iit] l rent ........................ 11 00 A. 13.Wvatt,driving&biIIpostiI) g 1200 $175 :313 By J. T. Gat row -- To public hails .................. x;74 75 Printing. . ...................... 85-:30 Livery.... ........ 2()0 54) Posting Bills .................... 12 :ill Stat ionary & telephone utesseges :3 40 Te(egta9tus...................... 60 _ $:378 98 Personal expenses of Mr Garrow 132 55 4 ii$• Total .........., t4 1 Ontario Statistics Weave in receipt of the Ontario re- pol•t irf hrunicipal statistics, just itlC,llC(I by the Department of Agriculture, whieli shows i hitt the population of Ontai+o in ISW was 1,972,280, with it total assessutent of $811.017,033, a de - Crease of 7 1.2 millions. The popula- tion !lits increased 14,906. E'ac•h inan Ill it municipality pays $6.15 taxes. The debenture debt has not diminished The municipal bonded debt is t51,805,- 391, „r $20.51 per head. The iuierest pitid ou the debt, amounted 21 per cent ufunpi)Qod taxes. In totvur.hip there are 1,112,(N)0 persons, in towns 305,1110, in villages 13.3,442, in cities 420,0:31. All but vi!lag(-s increased. Thee fell off by 3,INN), 'Toronto's populrittun is said tobe178,185. Tile totalltsselsoftotvii- ship municipalities is 't5,072,013:3. The liahihiiesare $43St1,2'2,q. Intnvvns the a.ssels triol $10,925075: the liabilities, $1o'llo'lo . In vilinge- assets aie $3,- 1!1'1,0113; liabilities, $1,37(001t . In cities, the assets it wont to $11,9113,8060iabili- HeF,.$39,141050; The gland t)(al !s, assets, $6t,803,530; liabilities, $57,7:30,- 120. Advantages of Free Corn Guelph 111ercnry The farther is smiling these days over free corn. A South ZVelhngtorr farmer told us that he had bought last week, laid down at his nearest railway=tation, a carload of corn, that which cost him 39c it bushel of 56 pounds. At the,- same time he was selling his oats at jic and 36:: per bush. el of :34 pounds. Pea:, were also sell- ing at it good price. Any mau who understands the relative feeding value of American corn and Canadian coarse grains can readily Fee what it big ad- vantage it, is to the farmer to be able to nse Ainetticfau corn in his feeding and sell part of his own grain at the present prices. Did Not Reach Nionidi-ke, Mr Robert Scott of Nichol, who left Guelph about a month ago for Klon- dike, returned to the city on Thursday. He only reached Vancouver and was there persuaded to return. He says a trip to the coast 4s a ood cure for the gold fever. Hundreds of people are re- turning who did not even enter the gold region. The reports from those who have reached the gold region at e I very discouraging. Mr Scott oelieves the outfitters are largely responsible for the rush to the Yukon, as they have boomed things there by exagger- ation. ` Teachers and others who am anxious to get on in th9 world usually devote their time to study during thg holidays, You cannot do better than take a course in either shorthand or bookkeeping during July,and August. Nimmo's Academy, Sarnia, is the best school to attend. An eight weeks' term will coat you but $15. Iteports are being received by t he De- partment of Agriculture from all parts of Ontario concerning the lar ge num- hetr of caterpillars and other Insects whictt destroy fi nit. The explanation given is that the winter wits so mild that the germs were not properly killed. Mr John A. Nicholls, Montreal, the well-knownio ro i i h b t Hist champion, gives the chances for- that e„use ith different sections of Canada,' to be as follows:—Ontario will be carried by About 50,000. In Quebec prohibition will be beaten badly in the leading centres, such as Montreal, Quebec, Three Rivers, St. Hyaeintha anti cher' brooke, but Lhe towns and villages will be all right. Ill the eastern towusr i a . Stanstead, Compton, Brume, Rich- nlond, Wolfe, Missisquoi, Shefford and Ar entenil will be for prohibition, while Megantic will be against it. The prubi.bitionisls will carry Alanitoba, the Territoriesand the three Maritime Provinces, but Brii.isb Colantlila will be Ag' tifus the. 1 t n . Mr s on d Nicholl c clu - ed by stating that steps would he tak• en in the near futtue to ascertain the views i t h higher 1 l' • • c f e r Giat vu a c.1er 1 a y Oil tI Ih.cu question, e -tion which is now tr. , w to .tth• l k rnitted for the considerationeof the people of Canada. 0h1Id, OR o,- it Skin sores CELERY KINGPURiBIES THE BLOOD And never fails to heal and cure skin diseases— Sold by all druggists. xS cents a large package. WOODWARD 1IL•DICINZ CO.. TORONTO, CANADA Crop Outlook in Ontario FALL WHEAT A LITTLE BACKWARD, BUT OTHER GRAINS DOING WELL. The following Is the first estimate of the crops of Ontario for 1898, made by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture based on the repot tsof the regu- lar correspondents of the Bureau of Industries. The returns are for the first wetik in May:— Fall wheat—November reports were to the effect that the area of fall wheat had been increased. In most cases the crop came out in the spring in about the same candidon as it entered the winter. Little harm appears to have been done by insects, wire worm be- ing reported in a few cases. The first two weeks of Apt it were far from fav- orable to the crop, and although rains later helped the plant, it is hardly in as forward a condition its usual. Where sown Party on summer fallow, fall wheat has never been mete prom- ising. In.several of the western and central counties some plowing up has beeen done, but not- to any consider- able extent. The present acreage of the crop, therefore, may be set down as quite up to the average anis the ave- rage condition to the first week of May is fair. The ow cane of the crop, of course, depends upon• the weather of the hex! six weeks. Clover—The prospects for Clover, as correspondents wrote, were niost fav- orable. Some heaving by frost occur- ring chiefly in the early part of April, is reported in nearly every district, but out tO so great an extent Its to be considered serious, while on the otter r hand many reports describe clover as Irxibing -plendid, especialy in the case of new fields. Vegetables — Correhpondents differ greatly its to the condition Of wegeta- nun, suave considering ht owt.11 as be- ing well advanced for t hr time of year r an fu!Iyas utng tliei•s rekarcil, theseasnasbeinratherbaward. Li uurst sections there was ii, fair bite for cattle at the beginniu.g of May and early fi nit trees were during nicely into bloom. Live Stock—The majority of reports concerning live stuck are ofa roost stn isfactory character•. Horses° ab it role arc in line condition Cattle are •ileo reported Lo be in good health, but lumpy j.a.v was reporLed in one or two ""flees, nut not to it serious extent. Sheel p came through the winter in capitashape and lambs are oceans and strong. A few cases of hog cholera occurred in sorne western sections, blit the disease was quickly stamped out. The supply Of fodder wits plenti- ful and there is an abundanc•eof straw. Farm supplies—There appears to be a surplus of hay in nearly every ,see - .1 ion of the province, but mere espFcial- 7y in the west. A1uch of I Ile crop is 1101' 1101'()t good gitality,althOLIgh,of coarse, there is a fair amount Of thst-class hay yet to behad. Reports regarding oats vary, foi while urany chtim that there is a scar- city, others hold Ihat there is it good supply left. Dollar wheat croated an active market and during the last month au immense quantity has changed h4nds. It looks as if nearly all the crop has beendi;p osed of in some que.rters, al- though fanners are oc•rasiomilly spok- en of its having frorn fifty to it hun- dred biishels of ,wheat ready for a fur- ther• 1.ke to price. Store cattle are said to be,scar•cer than ustial, but ill several plitces equal to the demand.' Complaintsar•e made o£ the low price forbeef, especially when offered for f.it anirmtls, and many of this class of animals are lleing kept, for it better, figure in some of the westercl countries, .and consequently there are rather mote in the hn.nds of farnters .I han etre desired, but, in the eastern countries fat cattle are sc•itce. Dien and medicines are judged by what they do, The great cures by Hood's Sar- saparilla give it a good name everywhere. If you wish to be successful in life take I a course in bookkeeping or shorthand. Nirrinio's Academy, Sarnia, is the best school to attend if you wish u thoroughly practical education. An agent of the United States Gov- ernment named Findlay is in Toronto buying up potatoes for the use of the United States army. Several large shipments have already been made. I t I j a n _? .t is .:,•etc:: This to the complaint of thousands at this season. They have no appetite, foodEat does not rellsh. They need the toning spot the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will cive them. It also purifies and enriches 'Um blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptfe ostto know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling arid builds rip and suaWne the whole physical system. It eo promptG- IY and efficiently relieves d sPePt les9 m1' tome and cures nervous headaches, that 16 seernrl to have almost "a maaglatoaoh.* . __ .«... .. r i _. d X � 0 - ts Sarsaparilla In the best—In ft of the One Tru! Blood Purilloa are the best after-dinner Hood's Pills plies, aid digestion. rso. ENTRANCE RAN And• Leaving Candidates for next examin- ation will bear of something to their ad- o b sending name and n dress nam woofs d e t; Y g her, and location of school to the of teas , CEN'T'RAL USINESS COLLEGE OV TORONTO Solid posfAl without rlctav_+ and m-ontioy this Oats Wanted IN EXCIiiNG1E 12 -lbs. chpice Oatmeal for I bush. Oats 13 Ibs. choice Family Flour for 1 bush Oats Oats taken in exchange for Groceries These are our present rates, but we don't know how long they will continue. 0.OLSON9 • . Clinton IT PAYS TO Ag? Are You Aware of the Fact that TheCanada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Is doing more for its pupils than any other Business College in the Dominion. 43pu ilswere p'ac.d in two months. Stu - deals from all quarters are flocking to this worthy business school. Besides a large attendance from Chatham there are already this year, 93 pupils registered from outs'dota. 60 of them from points nearer to other business Colleges than to Chatham. We presume these people investsgated the merits of tho ditTerent schools, and decided that nothing but the best would satisfy them, hent ., they are here. Write for catalogue or other departments and a Itst of rho 43 pupils placed in two months, D.DTeLACHLAN &Co,Cliatham NOTICE TO CREDI'1'OItS. Ila the &nit- of B,•Itjandn 77iondinson, dc- c•easod. Notice f., hereby riven pursuant tOR.S.O. 1897 cal.. 129, sec, 33 !.hat all persons having claims against the estate of Benjamin Thonilsuson, who died on the 21t1i day of March, 1898, are re- quired to sell t postpaid or deliver to W. Bry- dono, solicitor for tun Executors, on or before the 1st clay of.lrutr, 1898, their names and ad- dresses n,nd fulll particulars of their claims a, d of the securities (if ally) held by them, duly certified, and that after that date the executors will distribute the assets of the deceased among thq parties entitled. having regard only to the e'aims of which thoy shall thou have notice. The oxecu'ors hereby fuvthor uot.ify all per sous Indebted to the said estate that their ate - counts must be paid on or before May 10th, or they will be stied. Dated at Clinton this 29th day of April, 1898, CI111I>. ,1, NESBITT 11 Executors, WILLIAM WEIR 1 By W. BRYDONE, Solicitor. DURHAM BULL for SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service at his farm, 7th con of Hultett, a thorobrod Shorthorn Durham Bull: 'Terms: --1 at time of service, with pri velege of returuf ,g; to insure, $1,25, ALBERT WALLACE. Hut eft, April 28, 1598. PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET TO IM' N T. Brick cottage on Townsend street near the Public School. Enquire at the residenec of C. F. HOVEY. F0I3;, SALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacritice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrane, Clinton, Particulars upon application, JAMP'SSCOPT, Barrister &u FOR SALE. factory and contents on the property of D. Buchanan for $125; by paying $15 down and balance at $t0 a month, Building to be re- niov,d, Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton, FIOUSU, TO HENT.. The large frsme dwellin; house on Albort Street, late.y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half an acre of land. - Itent moderate. Apply to JAhIM SCOTT, lsarrister. ROUSH TO RENT.. Tbat comfortable brie's cottage on Ontario street east. near the Presby terian manse, late- ly occupied by E T. Holmes, is to rent. Pos- Besiou at once. Appy to JOHN R1DOUT,n Huron St', C,into, .11011SE AND LOT 1t'OIi, SALE The nnderrigned offers for sale thattwostory Brick Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm, Rattenbury, 'There is in connection one acro of land which will also be sold in one piece or In lots to suit purchaser, Appply to W,W.FARRAcrJ. RAT•1'1'N N BURY, Clinton COTI'AGE' AND LOT I01t SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot- tage of four rooms with kitchen t,nd woodshed atutched. Ccntraly situa ed. Good water and drainage. Will bo suld cheap. Appyy to W. C. SN Ali Clinton Doo. loth CHOICE FA.ft11T pOR Sr1LlE. For sale• a farm of 75 acres of excellent land, being the north half of lot 42, 13th con. of Hul- lott. Good bank barn, frame house with i,toue collar, p+only of water; all but four acres cleared, within easy distance of school and chur h s Will be sold on r oa9onnble terms. t" GABRIEL SPRUNG, Auburn P. O. HOUSE FOR, SALE. $2,209 buys the two somlAollached brick houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox - ton Pioperty. thet houses•and also vacant lots for sale. money.—Private funds In large w:d small stn is .i i) t i J i m W, (L t t. ItatW low. W. BftYDONE. Barrister. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE That desirable Brlak Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, IA ofrero for sale, i d o a e Including rear lot and stable. Tho i T o o alien i9 nn f. rs g t 0 o t! best in Clinton. Cir on. The ppropertyy is free from btoilmbrance and titlo In- disputab'o. Pilco reasonable and terms to suit sun Rhond; o Apply dtro9e pES7PA�BUKY, Lou Pa, nit it r `tale or to Itent. The south half of lot 5, concession 9. Town- ship of Morris, containing 300 acres, 80 acres ch aced and in good state of oultivativatfon. e hoe re on the mr s a 1 r .t ox•a frame hon " P house, come hero, trams loco Nous ,good orchard, never' it "sill"' Puppply of spring water. Sitnatod I mile Prom the viliag0 of Blyth. 1 ill be so d on roa- sounblo forms, Appp]v t.oC !•t , L'TON,B'lth m PHOS, R.1V4tI(1$T, ltixoout r, 948 Princes, Avo , London, tier t. House and Lot for Sale The fams house on 'Iattenbur y Aiaeot, Immediately east of Ir. Tone n80n's, rs offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The house is centrally Sittat d b .n b only a rilinute' walk from the business centro, has stone cellar, large dining room it'arlor.. . . __ Professional and0therCards r - t JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, solicito OONVBYANOBR aro. Officeoimmediantely Southaot GilroManitoba. & Wiseman We BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Beaver Stock. - . UP -stairs, Opposite Foater'e Photo (&Very OLINTON M: ©i CAMERON (Formerly of Qameron Holt & OamerouH BARRISTER AND SOLICITON. Ofilce—Hamilton Eft opposits Colborne House GODERICH, ONT D. L. MAC_P_HERSrON. CONVEYANCING, .FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NSURANC MONEY TO LOAN, Office, MacKay Block. Clinton. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, BTC Ileal Estate and Insurancd Agent, Money to Lend on Mortgage and Note security. Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGtVEW, DENTIST, .CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OR EACH MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5. IDR- T. C. +li ttUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity versity Toiroutu. Special attention given to the Preservation the natural tooth. Othoe, Coate f lock, over Taylor's oboe store t'ayfleid overlyvisit Thursdayt of ernoyonn during Mondti e sum mer TIR. WH. GUNN, L. R. O, P. and L. R. 0, F. Nsght esus atirontpdoo residekireet nce on Clinton lien bury St., opposite Presbyterian ebarch. LUn versity, AAtRLB� pq , Victoria University M. C. P & A„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrics Society pf Edinburgh, late of London, Eng,; and Edinburgh Hospitals. Oince.—Dr. Dowselys old cflice Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night be l answered at the same plans. DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEOlf T?1 A:eoucbeur, etc., office and residonce 6- tario St., opposite English church, formarltioo; copied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. .c - _ J lit STANBURY,,IIt4DUATE O.V -+-1 McWCal Department of Victoriait city, Toronto, formorly of the Hospitals bitipensamea, New Yolk, eloroner for County of Huron, Bayfield, oni. JE. BLACXAVETREIISARY SURGEON • LL llonoraryGraduato of tboOntarfoVetorfnary College, Treats all diseases of domesticated an mals on the most naonurnand scientific prino plea •Office—fmmedfatoly south of the New Ere 011ioo. Itesidonee — Albert fit., Ulinton, Cat night ordsy attended to -promptly JOHN F. Mli,NE, VETERINARY SURGEON r has returned to.tdinton and oponed an office at•tho Queea's Metol, wheio he maybe consult. d for the treatment or all diseases of horses, cattle, &c, All calls, night or day, promptly at tendon to, I- �ARRIACE LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, SR. 1 issurer of Btarriage Licenses, Library Boom and Uosidenoe, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBOBO, ISSUER OF alAitltiAGE LICENSES, No WILUOases required W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OH F • P. L. t3., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Olfice at Geo, Stewart's Orocery Stole, Clinton, f HATS REMODELLED. I Hats remodelled and doue over as ood as new, Persons wishing work dobe in this line will receive perfect satisfaction on leaving their orders with the undersigned. Leave or. ders early. MISS MOORE, _-w- Over Beesley & Co's. late store Albert Street. SHINGLES FOR SALE Subscriber will keep as usual the boat brands Londedsboro,rapplytto DSCOWAN,aatBlythorr snll nrPlaces. ntwantinghiges wil8ditor advantage to for prices before buying elsewhere. Lundesboro, Feb, 18, 1898 ' M. WHITELY, FED WAN RED Bf Old Established House— of good Church standing to to act asppManugor at teheir home-ffiBusiness and bur'It up and established here. Salary $000 Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope for our terms to A. P, Elder, General Manager, 1s9 MiohIItan Ave„ Chicago, Ill AGENTS. I' xl „ and Ike Gold Id g t� gable boek,setus two Wull ive cents. whirlwind. Beu'ut{firl- BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY,Lrr�u• an, Toronto. AGENTS S "The beat life of Her Maiosty I have seen;' writes Lord Lorne about '•ueen Victoria:' Agents make H- a dollars daily, BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, Lrtn=n. Toronto, CLINTON WOOD and COAL .YA Subscriber Is prepared toromp 11 dera for Wood or Coal, which wi O low st,t0 a A. lfl0O O C n IsAa oS r tee to tLA S IMtILEMENT ItOUMS. W. WHh1ATLIilX AAGENTS —Book business is bettor than for year ast;also have betior and faster spill n f ,pts clear from $10 to 540 mr•nlrl- vas �1iioakei•.....Klondille Gold FI, "•Glimpses of the Unsoon, "" .r land 5 i 1 i ut)or," , Cni rtdn• an 1i;Books on tinr0. 0at.iltA free to 0 DiIADLE Q X GAR RET..0 N Co. AIOU \ TS � Y AllJ.'J: , w --- a1. .: