HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-20, Page 1N
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NEw ERA gives more home news every week than any other paper in Huron and will be sent to new subscribers to 1st Jan., .1899, for 50 cents cash.
I _ �` -_ __ �, Is what we are now offering you
Oars is the place where we
If you wont a good pair of Spec-
do all kinds of repairing- y otoles JnneeWeowant toSreduce put
watches, olooks, silverware, ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., MAY 20, 1898 $1 a year in advance 51.50 when not so paid stook e. Gold and Gold Filled
ata. We do it in such a man.
Frames. To do so we make it worth I 11
ner that it gives satiafaotory - -- your while to buy NOW. If y6a
results. Our charges are Rshfiela Brucefield rel11
moderate - o u r service �--�• Peer, have glasses that are alright and ,
prompt. No job is too large AROUND T11B H lJ �• WAYLAID AND BEATEN. -On Friday NOTES. - Mr Matheson, of Knox NOTES. -Mr P. McKay has almost you simply want a better frame We
for us and none too small; What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication a brutal assault is said to have been . om- Coll e, Toronto, is c ccupying Rev. completed his new residence, which will sell you the frame only, or we 11
- whether large or small it re- West WattranOsh Goderich. witted at Kintail by James and Mau- Mr Mttir•'s place while he is away on adds much to the appearance of our will sell• you the frame fitted with, I„ '
ceives the attention it rc- - rice Lambertus, aged 18 and 22, and his trip to .the old land. Mesers Wm. village. Miss Steina, Acheson returned the leneee•that best suit your eyes
quires. CHURCH.-Ebeaezer church is receiv- DREDGING THE ElARBoit.-The Gov- two or three younger brothers, assis- Baird and J. Snider wheeled to Lou- home from Clinton Collegiate Institute as cheap or -cheaper than you can11 I
ing a muen needed coat of paint which ernment having refused to give orders tante, on one Michael Dalton, It seems don on 9atttt•day last. Mr Sims, of last week rather indisposed; we hope ordinarily get the frames alone for,
SOMETHING NEW will add much to the attractiveness of for dredging the harbor until an Dalton and his little boys were taking Blytb, spent Sabbath at the home of to hear of her speedy recovery. Rev A 57.00 pair will Dost you but 55.00; =;F
the edifice. Regular League services amount is placed in the sripplemen- Lambert us' cattle to the pound for fre- Mr Wm. Graham, of Stanley. Mi Mr Acheson was summoned last week a 56.00 pair but 54.50; a $5.00 pair
is being shown in Jewelled will be held every -Sunday evening as I tart' estimates to cover the expense, quent trespass. The Lambcrtus boys Mitchell shipped a carload of hogs to see his mother,who was lately strick- but $4.00, or a 54 00 pair but $3.00.
Belts, the latest creation for well as on Wednesday evening dui Ing and as the delay is causing much dam- waylaid Mr Dalton, and took the cattle from Brucefleld station this week. Mr en with paralysis; he found her vet yy This offer is for ORSH only, and
summer wear, New Dolor- the summer. Rev.J. E, J. Milly;ird o - age to the Elevator company, the from him by force, and clubbed him on Fletcher, of Alma, spent last week low, but quite conscious. There at b good only until JUNE 1st, and
-; Ingge in leathers, jewels and flciated in his usual hood style on Sun- i dredge owners have commenced work, the head with long, heavy sticks, as if with Mr John Rose. The concert giv- prospects of an abundant fruit crop; ' remember you run no risks, for we
'', baiiklos to match, and the day morning. ' depending upon future payment, when they meant to kill him. His head was en by the Marine Band of the Salva- the trees are becoming white, a sign refund money if you are not satisfiedIt
,,, 11 prides are low. It's apiece- NOT EB. -Thos. Doyle,of Auburn, was an appropriation is made. The Grand badly cut in several places. Dr. Mc- tion Army, last Monday evening, was of plenty. Mr G. Thomson is a richer ALLEN 8t WILSON
+«:, are es show you these. at J. Welch's on Sunday. Miss Wyatt, Trunk officials, Messrs. McGuigan, Lennan, of Kintail,dressed his(wounds, quite a success. Miss Anna Burdge is man than before, being the possessor
% Fitzhugh, Ferguson and Hanna, were and hopes of his recovery are enter- still improving in health, we are much of anotheryoung heir. Mie G ambers, Graduate llru Druggists of Goderich, was the guest of her taus- here on Tuesday, closing arrangements tamed, although he is seriously hurt. pleased to relate. Mr and Mrs Win. Clinton, was visiting last week among gg' s & Optioiane,
ins, the Misses Rutledge, last week.- for elevator and harbor track laying, The assailants, James and Maurice, McDonald, accompanied by his bio- friends here. '
` Several from hereabouts will celebrate Clinton.
P. B. Crews which began Wednesday." were apprehended on Saturday before that, Mr Gilbert McDonald, returned Seaforth vs. Toronto to a fast and exciting 11,
4 Jeweler & Ex art the 24th at Nile, where football and H. Horton, J. P., who remanded their, home last week from their tri to the game of lacrosse in CLINTON, MAY 24TH,
other sports will be indulged in. R.A. PERSONAL. -Mrs James Robinson ex- P Lir�rtrWrrN•r
Watch Repairer McKenzie is gathering cream for the pects to leave in June on a two months' until Monday, in order to see what south. The Kennard property was
Whitechurch creamery. Nearly all visit to friends in Boisevain, Man. C. was the outcome of Dalton's injuries; sold by public auction on Wednesday Alma Bayfield �,
the stock cattle have been delivered at f Seager was in Ottawa last week on it is said he is suffering from a blow last, for $500; Mrs Malcolm Smith, of
F, ran in from 3 to 4 cents er buaineae. Dr .Bruce and Councillor over the kidneys, caused by a stone. It Stanley, was the purchaser; it is cow- NOTES. -Mies A. Dale spent Satur- INSPECTION.—Engineer Brough, of
_ __ p gg gg j p day and Sunday visiting her sister, tke Public Works Department, was
lb. Miss M, Church, of Goderich, was Taylor, of Clinton, were in town on is certainly to be hoped that the affair posed of a dwelling home and shop Mra T. Crich. Ivir G. Roberton, of here last week inspecting the piece. `
;: Wingham. a neat of friends here recently. Mr Tuesday. Alex. McLeod, late of the may not turn out as serious as it looks and a splendid village lot; the house
CHURCH NOTES. -Rev Wm. Lowe g y' net now. fnrnitute was also sold; .f. P. Brine, of Brussels, spent Sunday visiting friends HAS IT EASY. -Owing to the recom- pF-,
and Mra J. Riley, of Londesboro, were Seaforth Expositor, is home. Abner j here.
preached to the Oddfellows of Comber visitors at Fred Moss' on Sunday, J. Hutton, drt;ggist, of Brooklyn, passed Canadele lead'ug band, -the famous Waterloo Seaforth, -was auctioneer. Mrs R. Me- mandation of friends in this section,
pen Sabbath last. Rev Dr. Pascoe, Band and Orchestra, in CLINTON MAY 24TH. Leod, of Clinton, visited at the home LEAGUE. -The Executive of the E. Fred Elliott is not called upon to er-
Chairman of the Win ham District, Washington returned to Goderich af- through town last week on his way
4., g ter a abort sojourn in the country. Mr home to Lucknow, to recuperate. Ev- of Mrs Rattenbury a few days ago; L. entertained the members and others form hard work at Kingal'.on Peniten-
r. was in leeswater on Wednesday, at- Richard and Mies Maggie Bruce were ere, McKenzie, of Osgeode Hall, is Stanley Mrs McLeod was a former resident of to a literary entertainment on Wed- Bary. He is in delicate health, and is
tending the May district meeting. Mr uests of Blyth friends on a recent oc- home. Goderich boys did well at To- our village, and her many friends are nesday last; there was a program con- allowed to do office work in connection
John Neelands has consented to la g Y EARLY. -Jas. McFarlane, of the 3rd, always lad to welcome her in our sistin of music, reading and recite- with the Institution.
y casfon. Herbert Morrison, Nile, spent ionto Pharmacy -C. Wilson got three y g g g a
the corner stone of the new Methodist had a hive of bees swarm this week; it midst. Mr John Snider, our energetic t ions, and Mr C. M. Bezzo, of Clinton,
church at Londesboro on the 23rd. a day recently with his ¢randmother, medals; A. Putts and Graham Will. g RETURNED.— Dr. Sheppard, of Bay-
- : Mrs Jones. Geo. Rutledge was a recent iams took honors, while Bert McLean is unusually early. bicycle agent, has IaLely sold a Speed delivered an interesting lecture on field, who has been away for the past
3 -Win bamBase- visitor to his uncle's, Chas. Stewart, of assed. Engineer Tromanhauser came DEATH. -On Monday last the spirit Queen wheel to Miss Lillie McGowan, "The evils ofintemperance," which was two months, recuperating his health, : 11_
„i BASEBALL played
yed a friendly
y g
bail Team laved a friendl match with Nile. H. W. Wilson and family paid a here on Monday to start work on the of Mrs Wm. Clark passed quietly also a Massey Harris to Mr J. Rotten• highly appreciated; refreshments were returned on Tuesday, and was met '
ball Tea
Team on Friday last, on visit to ninth con. friends on Sunday. elevator. away to her long home. She had bury. Mrs Walter Moffatt is visiting served at the close, and a very happy here by Mrs Sheppard. The doctor's ." ,'-•;
. the grounds of the latter. The first John M. Somerville was the guest of CHURCH NOTES. -Rev B. L. Hutton, reached the good old age of 88. Her at I he home of her sister, Mrs G.. Baird. and sociable time was enjoyed by all. many friends will be pleased to know
innings was decidedly, in favor of Kin- Ebenezer friends one day last week.- of Dungannon, preached E. L. Anni death was entirely unlnoked for, al- The cheese factory commenced opera- The League meeting On Wednesday that he is greatly improved. ZI,
' though she had been ailing for a few tion t his week. Mr Seo. Hart has evening was taken by T. H. Brownlee, SALVATION ARMY, -The Salvation . 'i
•sardine, but atter that the Wingham I W. M. McIntyre spent week in the vereary sermons ren Victoria St. church weeks she was aittin a the murnin lately placed a veranda in front of his subject "The Modern Dance."11.1.1
team did better. The gameclosed with eastern arts of the county canvassing 'on Sunday, Rev Mr Godwin taking Mr Army held special meetin s in the 'w,
illa score of 10 to 4 in favor of Kincardine. orders for the Masse Sawyer Cu. of her death. Her husband died about residence. Mr Hill is now engaged in g
Massey Y Huttons work; Mr Hutton was for Town Hall on Saturday and Sunday ,
gingham has a good team, but they threshing machinery. 20'years ago. Being unable to care utt.ing up wire fences. Mr and Mrs Blyth, y g y merl in charge of this church, and g pp evenings. The local corps was assist- i
. I.1 ' laved at somewhat of a disadvantage. y for herself, she had lately lived with AlcGowan, who lately visited at ..
p his old friends were pleased to have her brother, Mr Geo. McNair, from itis home of Mr Robert Murdock, CHURCH. --The annual District meet- ed by apt. Keeler and his Marine
�� The teams play again at Wingham on Seaforth him back. Revs J• Edge and W. God- whose home she was buried in Baird's left last week for Scotland, where they Ing of the Goderich district of the Band. The meetings were largely atrl
r May 24th. NOTES. -Mr A. Hays has purchased win attended district meeting at Blyth cemetery; a lar a number of her friends will now reside; they refer the old Methodist church was held beret on tended, which showed the apprecia- ,
F TO CONTRACTORS. -County Commis the Union bus from Mr J. Burns. Mr on Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr Edge Y: g Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tues- tion of the people.ill
• sioner John Ansley is asking for ten Wilfred Fowler, student with Dr. d,eliverin an address on Tuesda and neighbors followed her to her long land to the new, after a ew years reel day evening Rev, Mr Clement, of Clin-
dere for erector two concrete abut g Y restine lace. ]4!r F. Matheson con- dance here. DIED. -Benjamin Higgins, one of
Gibbs, was visiting friends in Goderich evening. The last two stained glass P tun, and Rev. Jos. Edge, of Goderich, the oldest settlers and pioneers of this
,�,, mems ;to Dyer a bridge, on the town township on Sunday last. Mr J. Ber- windows have been put in St. Peter's ducted the Funeral service. Waterloo, Seaforth andC{oderiahBraseBands spoke on the 'For ward movement on ;
` ; line between Hullett and East Wawa- wtu play in CLINTON, MAY 24TH. place, died at his home Thursday
6 •,,s'> nosh for painting the exterior wood gin is laid up this week with a severe church, completing the set; Father NOTES. -Rev. W. G. Richardson, B., the line of missions in connection with night, 12th Inst. Deceased was a na- -
p g attack of lumbago. Mr H. Bullard, West is to be congratulated on the A., has received a unanimous call to be Lhe Epwotth League, and brought out Live of Belfast, Ireland, amid when a
``` work of the Court House, Goderich, Manager of the Tavistock Electric beautiful edifice he has now completed. pastor of Wyoming Presbyterian con. Goderich Township some strong pints. Rev. W. Rigsbyman Ile I.
r' A 1 and for repainting the stone and buck Light plant, spent Snriday with his The official board of North St. bletho- gregation; he is at present visiting at PARTY. -A garden party in connec- takes Rev. Mr Edge's work at Gode• at IlLondon,c whereuhet atayeduacfew "
work of the same building. Part,cu- parents in town. Mr Jas. Archibald dist Church will not invite a minister his home on the Bayfield road. The rich on the corrin buuday, owing to ,F
Tars can be obtained at the Count tion with ! ole s Methodist Church is yearn, then taking up land. near Bruce-;
r y shipped a car of fine horses on Tuesday for next year, but will give the Sta- W.F.M S. meet on Thursday at Bay- to be held on the evening of June Ist, Ibe reverend gentleman being appoint- field. Having sold his farm there he 112,
Commissioner's office in Lower Wing- last to'the Old Country. We are glad ,ronin Committee the names of save- field road Presbyterian church. Miss at the residence of Mr P. Cole. Bay- ed to preach at Londesboro at the op moved to Bayfield, where he has lived ,,.:
' ham. Tenders received until June 4th, to say that Mr E. Hamilton, who has ral ministers they are willing to re- Foster, of Parr line,visited at the home field Brass Band is tc, be in attendance enin sermon in connection with lay- ever since. He was one of the first y °,
RUNAWAY. -Mr Paul Powell, Turn- been so seriously ill lately, has taken a ceive. Recently the Christian Guard- of Mr Wm. Taylor last week. Mr Jas. and other music is expected. Refresh. Ing the corner stone on the following members of the Orange society of this .I,
berry, was ttie victim this week of a change for the better, and is getting iau asked the question, When was 14fcFarlane lately attended the funeral meets are to be served on the grounds. hlOnday afternoon. place, by whom be was buried on Sat-
• ,y,'.^,.,•.' ,; runaway accident, but he fortunately along as well as can be expected. Mr the first C. E. Society organized in of his cousin, Mr John McMillan, North A grand time is expected. Come •one, NOTES. -Mrs John Kelly, of Gode- in day last, at the Bayfield cemetery. 11
a� escaped personal injury. He was drip. Geo. Stewart, Canada's Hay King,con Canada?" -if we are not mistaken, East Hope. Mr John Henry Yorks come all. rich, was visiting her mother, Mrs He was (35 years of age, and leaves a
<k',_,. ' -Ing into Wingham on Tuesday with a tinues to make large shipments of hay North St. church here has the honor and bride have returned from their Coloton, on Sunday. Miss Amelia widow and family, most of whom live
'c`ii,-s:n,.. load of pigs for shipment; after turd. from this station. Mr Colin Kennedy of having ortrtunized the first society of wedding tour, and taken up the stern A MEAN TRICK. --Some evil•disppose Anderson left on Saturday morning in or near Bayfield.
� , ^?' ing out of his gate on the road, one of has purchased the butchering business that character, during the pastorate of realities of married life. Mr John person entered the barn oh the Huron
p road belonging to lilt W. Gould rend for Toronto, where she will take s six We have also to announce the death
,,, ,I . th lines broke, and the horses ran from J. Beattie; Colin is a first class the late Dr Williams, nearly 20 years Ketch to will take two car loads of fat g e ' weeks' c se in the Conservatory of
made free use of his Cain, as the of Mrs Martin, widow of the late Cat {'
Y P -
away; the result was that their pig_ butcher, obliging, and a gentleman in ago. Capt. Collier gave a magic tan• cattle to Liverpool shortly; this is his g Music. Ross and iYliss Ross of
..ships w re unceremoniously dumped every respect, and we are sure he will tern exhibition at the S. A. barracks, - first trip to the old land, and we wish made off with shout a load of oats Martin, of Oakville and Toronto. She
ps r road, one io them umpegett g be -crowned with success. Mr Isaac Saturday ni ht. him success is his venture; Mr W, which he had left in the barn, Parties ,Brussels, were the guests of bits Alex. died at her home on Main St. on Toes-
y g ,guilty of such acts as these should be 1VI,:Kellar on Sunday. 14Ir slid Mrs W.
br Discs and driver es- Weavers, manager of Mr Stewarts NOTE$.—Nearly the entire popula- Simpson will accompany him. Mr T. g Y day, 17th Inst. Deceased hada severe '
W. Sloan are at preset in Toronto, attack of y year ago, � "
stock farm, is holidayin in (lintou Baird is putting u a wire severely punished. paralysis about a g ,
l!i['y g tion will go to Clinton on the 21Lh; P 8 P visiting the formers parents. Weare
this week. Dr. W. Fowler, V. S., i s those who don't will wish they had, his orchard, thus greatly im roving ROAD farmers in this Sheppard,
ppard,through the skill f l Drs. Gray and kt .
DEATH. I To some it is given to pass nn curry t° record the death of Mrs E. She aid, her lease of life was 'extend-
,,, nursing a sore arm this week; he hav- Toronto 'Varsity will lay Goderich the appearance of his farm. Mr Geo:. township who are interested in the Lund of the bourdat which occur pp•
suddenly out of life apparently without in got it poisoned: Wheat was sold Baseball Club on May p Thus. Baird had been off work this wood au 1 of the Klondike in Col- y' g ed until Monday, when she had a freNh ,;
i' a an while others have to bear at- 25. Frank EI- supply red on Monday; a large number at- attack, leaving her blind and unable °,,
pang, P this week for $1.05. Mr and Mra Wm. liott's horse will race at Exeter on ,week with'a sprained arra. Mr John borne, are building a road up the bank tended the funeral on Wednesday. Mr g ,
iently a long illness and considerable McCowan still continues in the same to move. Up till this she seemed quite k
• i,, ; Murphy were visiting in Hullett this Ma 24th, The started to dred a for of the river at the end of the lane at Bradwin is in Toronto this week. Mr ,,.
•s intense pain. This last was the lot of week. Jas. Dick and Joe McLinchy the foundation of the new ale ator weak condition. Miss Willis, from Taylor's Corner, whence they will be Floody spent Sunday in Exeter. Mr well and walked to St. Anarew s rr`,
Mary Murdoch, wife of Wm. Robert- were in Ki en this week bu in Ota Turnberry, la at present the guest of able to haul their wood across the riv- church and home again on Sunday, , ur:
p pp buying P last week. An investigation was held Simms spent Sunday at the home of 8th inst. She is 82 years of age. The , .,
! son, Wingham. After along and pain- toes. A art of Dung people from Mrs D. McEwen. er instead of going Around b Benmill-
ful illness she passed'away on Thursday party y P before Mr Seager the other day, con- g g Y t11 r Graham, Stanley. Miss„ Nettie +
er. With the use of the road cadet funeral took lace on Wednesday af-
last, aged 45 years. Tha bereaved fills- town drove to the residence of Mr cernin the fire at Mcrae & Co's plan• Prof. Riley, the great high wire king, the g' Stevens was the guest of her sister, p
Churchill, Goderich township one eve Ing mi 1, Mr Proudfoot bein thecrosa- mostdaringacts CLINTON, MAY 24Ta, and it, few willing workers the are ternoon. Both leave many friends to ;
band and motherless young .pHo le of g z g y i Miss Lncy, nn Sunday, Mr A.S. Dick- mourn ,herr lose.
+; , '`, ening this week. and report spending a examiner; nothing of importance was making, an excel tent road, which will son was in Toronto last week. Mr and s
the home have the sympathy bf, the very enToyable evening. Dr. C. Camn- elicited. Monday was a busy day at Londesboro save them many miles of travelling. Mrs W. W. Ferran, of Clinton, were NOTES. -Dr and Mrs Metcalf, of De-
, !community. The funeral took place bell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was vis- the dock, tbere beiiig'twb coal bout's,' THE'NEw'"CatykCH.-All the necess - The Frank Foster Balloon Co. give a -good visiting their daughter, Mrs T...H.. ,troit, whR were_ataying at jhe queen's
on Saturday, Rev H. EcMason ponduct itingfriends in Lucknpw the past week, 1 lumber schooner, 1 schooner with ary preparations are being made for performance in CLINTON, MAY 24TH. y,
I 'I'llIng the religious ser has returned to town,, and is the nest Rance, `on Sunda Division Court last week, have returned home; while
( a g cordwood, and a lighter with shin lee, the layiun of the corner stone of the FOOTBALL, -The football match be- was held on Saturday, when several here he has had a fence built around ' "
THE POST OFFICE.—Considerable die- of Mr Geo. Aetzel. Mr Sam Kitt, of
,,.t s been caused duri the Linton was here billing the town for all unloading at the same limp, a out Ltilethodist church next Monday, and, ,ween the teams of 5.8. No. 8 and S.S. -light cases were dealt with. Mr A. part of the property known as the
cueaion has ng C K 100 men being employed. Harry Mc• should the weatherprove fine, interest- No. 9, which was announced to come Taylor has moved his stock into the "Rectory," which he purchased last y,,
past week by the proposed removal of the 24th of May celebration in Clinton; Hardy has been appointed Captain of ing services are looked for. On Sun- off last Friday, was, owing to iinavoid- store vac•a&,ed b John Metcalf recent- summer; and he has also enlarged the
t> the Post Office from ,.its present loca- Sam's many old friends were pleased the base ball team, West Huron day Rev Joseph Edge, of Goderich, able circumgances, postponed until ly, where he will be able to supply his premises by buying an adjoining�__ppiece'
�f tion. "On+Fc.iday last Mr Fisher re- to see him, especially the ladies. Teachers' Institute will be held here will preach morning and evening, and last Tuesday eceniug. 'At 6.30 p.m. customers at a •better advantage. of property from Mr Esson. MrEsson ,^
h I 1.,celved official instructions from the has returned to town again, to the
Post Office Department, to secure a on Friday and 9attirday. The Liter- at Constance in the afternoon. On the teams lined »p, and from start to I[ it's fun you desire -something of a high or- "
Auburn ary Society of the Collegiate met last Monday the corner stone will be laid finish played a brilliant and very fast der- come to CLINTON, MAY 24TH. is building 1dinhouse of D a nice bsiked house on I stijVtable building in a more central lo- J. NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer Friday. A Yacht Clubas been form- by John Neelands, Esq., of Wingham, game. The No. 8 boys worked hard g ,
t' ;cotton. Even the limits were mention. in Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty ed, with Mr Boyd as Commodore; Mr and a number of clergymen will park- for victory, but could not keep pace Holmesville property on Chiniquy St., •on the site a
ed; must be between John and Pat- Whips Valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes an Marlton as Vice; 141r Robinson as Sea- ci ate in the exerciseA which will be with the strop aggregation anon of No. 9. where the house owned by him was
rick Streets; the instructions, howev Horse firimmines. p g gg g POLITICAL. -There will be a meeting
Treats. The Bic Bicycle Club held its first flowed b a tea -meeting. At the call of time the score stood 1 to burned a few years ago. Mrs Peck is
ter, do not sa which side of the street ' Luafu rc.-Rev Robt. Johnston, B. Y fO Y g' of the Reformers of No. 5 ward, oil r.�r
y , meeting the other night; it is expected 0 in favor of the No. 9 boys, who hold Thursday, May 2(ith, at 7.30 p.m., at H. having her horse on the square Shing- �.
e so we presume the Postmaster will be D , pastor of St. Andrews church, of to have a membership of at least 100 NOTES. -Mr. Leonard Whitely are M
allowed to use his ' .id went in that London, will .deliver a lecture in P rived home from the Medical College at the honor of never having last a game. Elford's, for the purpose of electing led, I Robt. Rouatt has had his ;,
fir', . ] g Smith's Hill Presbyterian church, on before the season is over. Toronto last week. The Messrs Den• It would be invidious to particularize delegates to the Liberal Convention in house aided with metallic ahinglea,
�P The lines, pro ram ever yet presorted; new, where all did so well, suffice it is to g which is a decided improvement; bh is
respect.. -The stonework of Mr Her-- Monday evening, May 23rd, commenc• etedt, of Blyth, have secured the con- Dungannon, May 31. A good attend- finishin,z u with a coat of paint in`- ,
,':, deNrson's house on John St. is tom let- in at 8 o'clock. The lecture is under Novel and up•to- ate-CLIVTON, MAY 24TH. tract for heating the Methodist church. say then that a large meed of praise P
P g & must be accorded to the players, one once is requested.;;,
ed. Misses Robertson, Grey, Mathes- the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E., the Mts Fair and child are here on a visit front. Mr Gen. Castle was in town
11�on and Re nolda attended the teach- subject being Some. Scottish heroes in CGarlo�tr. from near London. Mr Moses Brown and all. For this we have the testi- NOTEB.— Mr G: Acheson and wife Tuesday on business. Some of the "".;;
s con�+en , n$" russets: %leor e -Church id St>+te•" Aa --lac '}T �- n _off the magntilTnimeus crowd Of have been spending a few days among boys of 8t. Joseph's City were up here tt
,o L' NTF.RTAINMENT.-An enterta.mment as Dug ou lrt=liarberirrg-l�nsine• unarends -'here, Miss-M-.-•Bla,�e f -Got-- le -of -t imes-orr-their--wi Bela -last.
Monkman returned on Friday from a children IOc; all are cordially invited. will be held here on Monday evening, from
141r Palmer and opened out a nstinted andecta�ovs v% og ner us praeise sto the borne, is visiting at Mr G. Tebbutt's.- w Mrs Young, of Clinton, 'was in
visit to riends in Arran. The advent CHURCH, -Rev. Mr McDonald, Kin- May 23rd, commencing at 8 o'clock. rhop next door to Mr Le•trish s bai boys while the were engaged in this My E. Johnston has purchased a new town last week with her mother Mrs
he s re t watering apparatus was cardfne, took Rev. Mr Henderson's Rev. Mr Johnston, of London, will ness shop. • The Methodists had quite y Yto buggy from F. Rumball Messrs G. leson who was sick for some time,.
work on Sunda last. Mr Hetherin young people p p rocurin atone out manly sport. The game was refereed P ggY Egg ,
y. _ I,,'- 'hailed with satisfaction by our meicn- y g- lecture. Our our eo le are re ar• a bee on Tuesday, p R by H. Switzer. Tebbutt and T. McCartney also dr've but who, we are glad to say, has fully ;;
.,, ants, after the weeks of dust; the new ton, of the Nile, supplied for Rev. C. C. ing a very fine program, and every- of the river at Ball - bridge. Miss new rigs. recovered again. Mrs (Rev) Shaw is
Cart is a good one, and does effective Conzens on Sunday. Rev. Mr Higley thing is being done to make it a sue. Susaft Lyon is staying in the village at NOTE Middleton got word CHURCH NOTES. -The adjourned very sick at present; hpr many fr3en._c1a•- `.."
workoil, 1,. G. F. Robins, of St. Marys, is preached an interesting sermon from cess. All are invited. Admission fif- present. A large Mumber of fine shad back on Monday that his cattle had wish for her seedy recovery. The
spending a few weeks in Wingham.- Phil. 4:1 on Sunday evening last. There teen cents. were speared is the river on Monday struck a ood market, and sold well; Quarterly Board met re Monday night; p ',,
p g man friends of Ur. She and whose
J. D. Long wheeled 0 Goderich for is to be an ice cream'social on the eve y; g y g the church finances are in good shsppe,
NOTES. -Miss Maud Treble visited in and Tuesday; some of them weighed 4 he was around on Tuesday bu in a the solar and necessary expenses be- illness co S palled him to go to the hos- ',
Sabbath. Frank Caesar, who has been ening of Ma 24th, at the Westfield pounds. Mr William Martin is to be quantity mors for feeding. Last week Y
Attending college in Philadelphia, has g Y Goderich last week. Mr JaR• Feagau laced under the care of Mr and Mrs John Torrance and S. McPhail left on ing met as usual, so that the church pital at Giuelph, will Ile glad to learn
g P church; a good program is being pre- has the stone work of his barn common-. p has a clean sheet for the new pastor to that he is back again looking quite ",
returned to Wingham. Mr and Mrs aced, also the rams hone will be Thos. Miller for a year. The eon of R. a visit to friends at Glammis in Bruce;
s p P ced. Mrs Jas. Long, of Wingham, is commence with. League was with- well again and able to attend to the11
,* H. B. Ellibtt spent Sunday in Listc- there to interest the audience. renew,n old acquaintances around J. Martin is to be placed in the home they went by bike; McPhail was unfor• drawn this week on account of the E. many diseases to which human beings
' " wel. Sam. McIlwain last week remov- PERSONAL. -Mr Sodawater, of Burk- �, Ferguson, q of Mr John Lee, sr. There is talk that tunate, his tires giving out, necessitate
here, Boson, after an absence, L. of C. E. anniversary in Rattenbury are heir. �•"'
ed a houae for H. McAllister, on the home, is visitin his sister, Mrs J. we at a going to lose some more of our ift his return earlier than intended;
g M four months, returned si Saturday— at, the
citizens,.shortl hoe there will be Torrance returned on Tuesda , having St. church, Clinton. scero Awe Morgans, champion all round
end, Culross, from one farm to ancrth- Graveaton. John Brown and D. Cat- Miss Mills, of Westfield, visited at file y; P y g fencer of America, appears in sword contestsirl
'� er. Button & Fessant are putting in tle of Goderich spent Sunday last in home of Mr Tyndall last week. Mc S. some m'bre come to fill the vacant had a fine time while away. Rev. Mr Henmiller CLINTON; MAY 24TH.
iron beams and a sheet iron floor in Auburn. J.Dawson has returned home Treble spent Sunday at home. John places' Col. Putter, ,P. O. Inspector, Hatton preached an eloquent sermon
the second story of the addition to Brom Collin wood, where he has been paid an official visit to our village on at Zion on Sunday last; he was station- NOTES. -Master Harry Gledhill and
their factory. Johnston, of Gloderich. spent Sunday Wednesday. On account of the lay- at this Appointment some seven years his sister, Mre O. Ginn, wheeled to GlddstOne Dead
residing, he is looking hale and hearty. under the parental roof, The many y' -
Rev. C. C. Couzens has returned home friends of Johnnie Mitchell will be free of the corner stone on Monday ago, and his friend here were pleased Kincardine on Saturaay to spend Sun-
• from the Battle Creek Sanitarium look- pleased to hear he is able to be abound the E. L. of C. E. will hold their meet- to hear him again. Mr S. J. McCul- prey with their brother there. Rev. Mr The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone
. I in quite a bit better. Mr Cook and ing on Sunday night after service. lagh is materially improvin the inter- Edge gave a lecture in Bethel church died yesterday morning at G o'clock
Mies Wellwood attended the Teach- a ain. Mies Bo d was called to Liato• gg' y g aged 88 years and 6 ononths.
f men s clothing B, g y for of hia house. Mise a ie lint- on hurada avenin last. Rev. Mr
wel one da, last week by the sudden
• era' Convention at Brussels on Friday death of a friend. The farm house and Belgrave ledge. who has been visiting her sister, Olivant met with a slight accident the _ __- _ __
•, The clothing yon buy here ie just as good and Aaturday last. Mr Gilbert Baer atore of Mr r A. McDonagh, occupied SHOW. -The ISlreetbrs of the East Mrs Le Roy, of Windsor, has returned other day while riding hi wheel. Miss y ` ,
as it looks. It's the reliable kind,and costs and George Yungblut spent Sunday by A. W. Green, has been greatly im4 Wawanosh Agricultural Society have to her Whihomtely,
on the haditt road. Mrs Maud Jewell met with in accident the Meaklns
110 snore than the eommon,oxdrnary grades. • last in Goderich. Mr Benson Hamil- proved in appearance byy a couple of decided to hold their fall show in Bel- W G. W hitelq, who had an attack of other day, while prepaying to �o for a , }�
c1. We stand bank of every bit we sell with ton spent ,Sunday at his home. conte of patent. Mica C. Tewaley, Gode- grave on Thureda and Friday, Sep- toneilitis, has sufficiently recovered to drive the horse kicked rep and hit Maud n, p 1. 'w. +
—y ANDERSON Sec- resume his duties as organist at Zion on the shoulder. Mr Geo. Cousins and OT9 Sem, Pu ubia DMO `wa Y`
, •cup guarantee that' quality and style are 113r Alt spent Sunday at his home in rich, spent Sunday' at home. Mr John tember 29 and 30. F. _,_
the beaE you can get for your money. Auburn. It Is said Mr Riddle, of Lon- Walters waste to smiling face: it is a rotary. Methodist church. Mr Oswald Ginn is sisters paid their sister, Mrs W Maeda , '
Don't miss the opportunity o! seeing desbolo, is trying to purchase L. Wcttt- boy, - improving the appearance of hisdwell- a visit on Sunday last. Mr E.Walters, ,;+
these. it's worth repeating that early de8bolauffer's business. Mrs Nicholson bas i?n h�p an a lication of a coat of paint. of Collin wood, is home to see his Just rooetved an import prion of above; is a 'L
tvO�ilOrne' g p p g vrd are offering at exceptionally low pilo a
try ra get the pick +of the offerings, gone on a visit to her parents at Sarep- flue annon Mr Wm. Edwards, 6th con., is making friendp, and we expect be will take s1111104h
g WEDDING.- A pleasing and pretty preparations to build a new barn on the cow anion back with him, i L �•'
%` ta' WEST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. event took lace at the home of James p lU ()18ee Dinned
t' Ms�1 ,task Snits, light colors P property on wliielr he resides. The
in lanoy cheeks, Bilk stitched edges, Leeburn. -The West Huron Farmers' Institute McClure, 1st con., on Wednesday af- many friends of Mr Chas. Middleton, Porters Hill. Set only
on "allpoo,ke ahtalined below will hoid a special meeting in the vil- ternoon, when his eldest, daughter, who met with a recent accident, will NOTES. -bit John Torrence and S. Comprisin 5dozenplatos-1 dozDinndr,Baps,tl �� PERSONAL.-•MrUohq McNevin, wi a lags of Dnn an`non,in the^Agricultural Catharine, was married to Andrew be•pleased to learn that he is im rov- i dozBrii eYt t'aud i' oz T a Dupe ripthe seat,s! ea in Dark Tweeds and child, from Wingham, spent Sun- Hall un Frgda , Ma 27th, commenc- She herd, of Goderich toVvnehi Ren p McPEtail wheeled to Glammis on Sat• a d ( "i y �r p• log as rapidl as ossible, Mrand Mrs urday and returned home Tuesday ea• saticors, l doz Cottee tlups and Sauubt`e,ilnci Blly.............. day with his parents near kere. Mi y�e��es will be de- E. Olivant olRoiatin Alar a nuirn- y prrT. Richardson and his sister visited ing ret 1.30 p.m. Add g• g 13 Switzer visited at Yoint Farm this ening. Mrs John Cox is laid u with 1 doz Fruit Saucers, i doz Bptbl Y it# ,
's '. sed 8aite the new co or, a livered by A. W. Campbell, Provincial • ber of guests were present;• the bride aleck. Messrs TebbntC ,and Powell neuralgia, bVm. Elliott, Leacher, is sono Dishes, 2 covero3VogstAblo 151sh
Men T, B
here this week. Miss Charlotte Qar- p y are attending the teachmrs' crnvention t Open vegetable 1, I I7Jug I O.W r
3n Brown, Grey, Blue, made in the nay, of Seaforth, is visiting her eietere Road Instructor, AXeD.Allan, on the `was sup orted b her sister, Misa g still under the doctor a charge; his sis- tore i Garayp, i Bowl, liargo Tutt, I rihc .yam,
latest styles, out and finish perfect, $"� g care cf fruit trees at this season of the Mary, while Henry Wagner, of Hul- in Goderich to -day -(Friday.) Mr Chas. ter is te,kin charge of his school at ter'aish, t Pickles, 1 Sauce Tureen ori# „
y and brothers here. Miss Sarah Foley Year; F. C. Elford,on Lucerne as a fod• lett, assisted the groomsman. After g
$10.00, $8.50 and......... , and her'siater, Mrs O'Brien, are home y Middleton, IIth con., has erected a present. Miss Martha Torrence is on Ladle,l Cr6am JyK.
der crop. Evening session: addresses partaking of a wedding dinner they neat inpplement house. A large quota the sick list. Fred Moore visited his We have smaller Sets of 89466 t=;oe' a-14ts
We avant qoa to See our goods, examina• pen a visit to their parents. by E. Heaton, on 'The Beat Ways for drove to C7linton, where they took the from thle vicinity will honor Clinton sister, Mrs W. H. Lobb, last week, pieces for lees ,money
'. • • tion is free. We sell good clothing cheaper NOTES.-Mra Jas. Clark was acci• harmers' Sons to make a hiving; A. 4.45 train for Detroit, s Ott their t e• with their presence on the 24th., John
than any hoose in this section. dentally kicked by a calf some days W,Cam Campbell, Road Instruct- turn they will take up their residence perdue of hooked by a cow last Sun- 'Gila lit"West thing ot1 the
imzitt iMt
k .. p pp��
1, I�_ ago, which seemed to crack a rib and er•t JaEi. Mitchell and A. MoD. Alcan on on the homestead, brtaa line, "(idderlr h day; Jphn. Viiiso•is raising his barn, Hullett. lis prepaiaed MaCaItolLi dtt
leave a sore wound for some days. Subjects to be chosen; and other speak. township. Miss McClure ryas a tier- preparatory to buildin a `stone found- A COMING 1;v1yN�.--Invitations 'are Uheelle. [1fe 1leite iti.
j out far a wedding tit Pleasant Dale ""'�
The ractioe of sin in is now taken erg, A ood local literar and musical vernal favorite i'n this neighborhood; Won, Albert Wilse found his oung
,a tui the residence c£ James dart•
JOi S. t qGr, CU11` ,
+ tr it lel .a er trleet,n oft `l'hursday program has been re aced for the ev 11Ic $hejpherd i� an enter rising and cattle in uakelsmith, see what , is tai
p q p ..t� .p ..: ., p y tilt filch. k'ilktake' ' laC 'i1r1 dant3
.. , r:. :, _ 1p r cit tLil d the, ver s 4iir �..,
s iLT lith, µ Wd Bible class lens boon ain A71 a oeloome� stmt all Ase o l:l _pputt � in i a�tverUS4, , ��11 .a�tt7t�l;lwn
t, 1K �. l� ri l ars ilX kle idsttiL, , RtX1E tl6R ..
t afl.1 .1 l 11 , est, Ishes:cy oockof friode; b. At t is r, el r, :Xrltr 1' le p b . p W
Again, gtarted fly .meetf 11),16 tt.tn. a stied f 0'0 rnptttetl,,to trick lent, >l 'pile i;Feddf4oTf 1,ntdlit<ll bl,1b in b .. 'i%it< tyr i►altl
fl.. d 1? 1 t C7a»6tV lgllf slid GV rtct, d� A t1d1 eti� jai ba a
lfw laak"a :.1 4 " surldnythdrnlr,g. , , i ldCllgtaing ,hp 06ve +btxblOte, thoitt to,licit vV tel11W.?nsr 10icrb fT0 . L I I -61 a" 1_11 I "liltolac tfr�rorr,..alrx ctrl rl,
c . �t .