HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-13, Page 7I y .. T14E CLINTON NEW ERA I Ir .I 11 11 / i CATS. ATARRA YOLK TALES OF CATS. WOMEN IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Disordered &UBJ6CTS A REAI. BOSTONIAN. They Are Infinitely Better Than Men as I' THE ORIGIN OF TABBY IS TRACED Teachers of Children. Kidneys. CAREFULLY DRAWN PICTURE OF 1 BACK TO THE EGYPTIANS. Rhe chief and underlyingeatisoof The tI, THE HUB'S TYPICAL CITIZEN. Decay of the Sunday Sohool,' " says Ed- perhaps they're the source of your iU ward Bok in The Ladles' Home Journal, Sir Henry Wyat's Feline Friend and How health and yod don't know it. ��i It saved Him From Death by starvation "is the selection of Incapable and inoau- Here's how you can tell :— IIuilt on straight Lines and Follows a patent men as superintendents. If men If'�ou have Back Ache or Lame Back. k as Decreed by the wicked Hing Rich- of broader views and keener perceptions Regular schedule From Birth to Death. If you have Puffiness under the Eyes „ and III. were superintendents of Our Sunday or Swelling of the Feet. His Mortal Horror of New Yorkers and I g schools, the necessity for a few changes in If your Urine Contains Sediment of I . __ - 1i 6That Class of People." Some scholarly enthusiast should write the teachers would at once be a This dread malady lurks behind the most In- ( P- any kind or is High Colored and '1Mpieat head acids, and when the seeds of disease a volume on the folklore of oats. So long parent, and they vi•Juld be promptly Scant It is the custom of those who do not as we believed that the domestic oat de- y' made. Olio of these changes would be eown steals away the beauty bloom and makes live In Boston to regard the Hub and those If you have Coated Tongue and ,life pleasures n drudgery. scended from the wild European species that the masculine element in the so.Nast Taste in the Mouth. P g ry who do live in it with humorous toler- Y `PR. AG3�TiEW'S CATARRHAL POWDBR ice appearance 1n legends and fairy tales five conduct would begin and end with a If you have Dizzy S ells, Headaches, once. The typical Bostonian is publicly , was In no waymore puzzling than that o1 Y euro the incipient cold and the most stub- supposed to habitually wear spectacles, P 8 superintendent, i competent assistant a gad Dreams ry Fee Dull, Drowsy, the fox or the wolf, but science has two and a 'sgstpimatlo librarian, The Weak and Nervous. Then you have t?hronlo Catarrh oases: It puts back subsist wholly upon baked beans, garnish wrecked that comfortable theory,and It Y ty pink and sheds sunshine In its trall. his daily talk with archaic forms of speech sooner that our alone, should ruld be Leon- Kidney Complaint. ' My wife and I were both troubled with distres• and, because he pronounces the "a" broad, hasseearisen follow that all the folklore of oats en, ttnd women alone, should be the teach- The sooner you start taking sing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedomkotn to bo ossessed of lurkin An lomaniaeal heswrt in historic tithese conclusiontake, ere will'the young intheirschools the nearer Its distresses since the first application of Dr. Ag- P g g well worth the study of those who take In, they will come to the ideal condition. The DOAN'� KIDNEY PILLS new's Catarrhal Powder -4t acts instaatancously— tendencies. Not one of these suppositions terest in such subjects. Our cats area more a ,,+•Oman has to (to with a ohild, the the more quickly will your health return. Ives teful relief In to minutes, and we believe is oorreet. The typical Boston man differs heritage from ancient Egypt. Max Muller better for the child. And the more sym- They've cured thou- ; baffle ro s no case goo deep)y seated to bae u to a only in one respect • from those who hail pronounces that even the Sanskrit word Se sands of cases of kid- qure."—Rov. D. Bochnor, Buffalo, N.Y,—ga P pathetic, tender and well bred women and ne trouble during the from other cities. The Bostonian is in- "oowparatively recent." India received the fewer men we have as teachers in our Y g fi;SOLD BY W ATTS & CO. CLINT('-,4sular to the core. He judges the universe the animal probably from the Greeks, who Sunday schools, the better it will be for past year. If you are - �_ front the standpoint of his bringing up, tbemselvos bad only lately become ac- the children and the schools. a sufferer they can and the Pact that this standpoint exists uaiDted with it. $ A PICK ME UPS. only in Boston bathers him not at all. q "But no woman, occupied in business cure you. The intelligent schoolboy will jeer ell during the•week, should, either of her own Book that tells all Boston is so geographically situated that this assertion. Does not Arlsto panes re- about Doan's Kidney P volition or under pressure, allow herself to Remedies For Those Who Have Imbibed the tide of commercial travel does not pass for to the gale, and 1s not gale a oat? The be permitted to act as teacher in a Sunday Pills sent free to any Not Wisely, but Too Well. through it. No one goes to Boston in or- husbandman in "The Peace" suspects it school. When a woman is engaged In address. 'fake an man who Se in the babit of dor to got anywhere except to Boston, and, of stealing game from his larder. "Any- business for six days of a week her Sun- The Doan Kidney Pill Y as a result the average Bostonian fe „ „ Y TRADE MARK looking in the bottom of the glass for brought little in contact with the outside how, be says, I heard the gale making day should be to her a day of root: Her CO., Toronto, Ont. l. "pure sociability" at intervals from noon g a great noise there last night. What place in church or school on Sunday should g world. There exist in Boston young men p be that of auditor, not 'of worker. A lit- `° until midnight, and for stomach comfort could this household et be unless a cat? before be breaks his fast in the morning, and women of the best families who have Professor Rolleston has demonstrated tbab tie higher order of intelligence is vitally NBWS NOTES. -and let him, after he bus arisen and dress- never been farther from that city than It could be the white breasted inarten and necessary in our Sunday school classes. Andrpw P. Scott, former cashier of ed repair to a drug store instead of to a Cape Cod, and never will go farther. i was, in fact, a delightful little creature + p g We demand this of our our sec- theinsolt ant harma,rs' Savings & Lt an 71, barroom, He hoe no appetite. He does The careorof ayoungBostonian Is plan- for those who could bear its smell, and ular schools and parents have a right to Company, has returned to Toronto, `4 potfeel asthougb be were "all there." In- nod for him in advance. At the age of 10 one not to be surpassed at mousing. Ib ask it of the Sunday .school. It Is not ' -stead of a cocktail let hlin ask the druggist he goes to Miss Hannah Adams school, would seem that the Romans wore not Seekers after goLl are often disappointed. gg on Chestnut street; at the age of 15 he enough that the Sunday school teacher Seekers after health take Hood's Sars4par. -: t0 prepare a mixture of these ingredients I familiar with cats, even in Pliny s day, should be spiritual; she mustbave Intel" '; and quantities, which, when mixed to- goes to Mr. Hopkinson's school, also on Por ho ��idontly thinks that they smelled ills and find it meets every expectation. Chestnut street, and at 19 he enters Har- ' geuoe wherewith to apply icor spirituality getber, shall constitute a single dose: like a gale. It is alleged that the whole to the very best advantage and by the •Chloroform 5 drops; tincture ginger, half yard college, whore be joins either the Roman literature contains less than half a WORMS CANT STAY p g g most nttraotivo methods. teaspoonful; compound tincture ourda- abiPoro he or the h riD. club. After grad- , dozen Allusions to oats before the Christian "Young girls are today teachers who When Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup nation he colica a harried trip through the ` 'cion,•2teaspoonfuls;water,awinoglassfuh era. should be in classes. 1'o bring home a is used. Its death to the worms, easy 'o '? Swallow that slowly—take five minutes Principal capitals of Europe, glancing cas- i Upon the other hand, a oat is represent- spirdtual•losson to the mind of a child Is the system and nice to take. Camp—ins suf- I!. -to do it. You will be 'surprised to find Dally at the stock sights and comparing ed in one of the grandest and apparently not play; it Se on art, and calla for asps- ficient l xative so that there ie no need of thorn unfavorably with his native town. rienoe with children, a knowledge of hu- giving "that in about 15 minutes the "all one" 'ono of the oldest Etruscgn tombs. It has ivin castor oil and calomel t\fterwarde. ' feelingwill have disc eared. A gone" He gets home as quickly as he possibly just caught a mouse and holds It. No g pp gentle, man nature, an understanding oY the very t; pleasant warmth is felt in place of tbo can. ' doubt there was intercourse between the highest and deepest truths of life." Rev, Canon Dann of St. Paul's cathed - Certain forms of commercial occupation :gnawing sensation, and in a very little Tdeeane and the Egyptians. But in north- r,tl, Landon, is undarstooti to have ac - are open to hila and others are not. For i orn mythology the chariot of Freyga, or cepted the rectorship of St, Thomas' while thorn aro decided symptomsof being I hungry. A repetition of the dose inside oxample� °ons is permisefble, while leather Frjgga, is drawn by two cats. She was TO Cairo a Colts ill One Da•y. Church, Hamilton. is low. A very well known Bostonian, of an hour, in °aro the attack of the night Dow dead, never spoke to a leather mer- goddess of love and luck, very properly as -Take Locative 131 Quiaino Tab:ets, Al Sir Charles Tupper, in an abusive tir- before was very severe, will do no harm, P soeiated with a creature which is gentle Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure,25e against Ma rn •General Gascoigne, said client and always left the room when one g' 1 g cup of black coffee 20 minutes after the entered. In the meantime the young man and topder at the domestic hearth, but en- he had no real e2t for a "cad" because first dose is an excellent thing to follow terprising in courtship and fearlose is he had a red co.it of his back. with, provided the patient la not of a par- has joined the Somerset and the Country mooting a rival. Is it to be credited that "PHY$ICIAN ILEAL THYSELb'." tioularly nervous temperament, clubs. He then marries a girl, needless to Freyga's cats were the wild variety? The — You will find some men whose nerves say of some good old Boston family, I matter is not so unimportant as it looks, — The old man who looks out at the world become unstrung upon very slight alco- And this girl he has usually ]down from but decidedly this is not the place for an Nurse, Nurse Yourself—Six Years of Rhouj with clear and healthy epee cannot help Infancy. He has danced with her at thn feelingthe greatest ratification at the .boli° provocation, and such men are prone excursus upon the date of the Asa gods. maEic Patna. g g Friday afternoon' class at Papantio, and thought that his children have inherited to try the a3milia slmilibua curanturraoket I Ina very early saga we find n winked The best thin for a case of that kind is together they have climbed the rocks at man Thorolf Sle a defying the ven e- Mrs Einer, rcfessional nurse,(;