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The Clinton New Era, 1898-05-13, Page 6
t�ti:lri'idj= - �+!'�.r.r- .y�;:�6:i,.'.lf 3,.,,- may is, �sss THE CLINTON NE W ERA - - - _ Temple Australian Pluck. A BLOODY PROBLEM. ®� _ `_H1 hes C8 11, t1)a Life un the frontiers of civilization is ,11.1 I of JFame favorable to the developmentof pat- Did ]Seaton or Naw York Shed the IIlret lent endurance of what cannot be help- Revolutionary Goren „1? . ed, and that is about what is meant by A brass tablet on the side of the build. \ 11 I the good old word pluck. A good ex. ins tit 28 State street, Boston, just In the ample of this cc��ualIty is cited by the I tsar of the old statehouse bears thle in- what S Paine's Celery ound author of "A C7ulonial Trtimp." soription: om All Australian bus are tau at the•.........'..................•....•..I............ p the Hope of the Civilized y � OPPOSITE THIS SPOT necessity ctP guarding against snake bites, and the method of treating theta, WA8 sI3ED OF TRE FIRST BLOOD World Two little fellows, 8 and 8 years old, AMERICAN REVOLUTION, had gone into the bush to play. The MARCH 5TH, 1770, smaller one, chasing a rabbit into a t Erected b the hale asked in his hand, but brought y Bostonian Society. 1880. • A . p :...... ....................................80,.: A MARVELLOUS CURE IN ST. JOH1� S 1� F,WrOUNDLAND it bit; venomous quickly, sunk the head elf e � A braes tablet In ilio south lobby of the n T mustfiers.snake attached to one i New York general postoffice bears this in- of,the fingers. York Quick, Chacley I' he cried, putting ................................................ down his hand on a sturnp. "Chap off On the ponimou of the Otty of New my Hngur-the snake has bitten it. ' : York, near where this bull Ing Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants Another Proof Charley, without hesitation, lilted stands thoro atuod front 171 t1 co1776 a •oflf ]'hat Pause's Celery COnIl1011ljd Cures When tile Doctors Cilli his axe and chopped Off not ons the ' liberty solo to connnen'orato the te- and Children. It contains neither O iuln b y teal of t to stamp out• It was repeated- P , Morphine nor, damaged Hager, but, t wu ethers aS well. ' V destroy°d' by the violence of the : other ,Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute Then the boys tan into town, over, a ories, and as repeatedly placed by the ; •.0 mile ditilianl, t1i a t-hcmI.,', K h.t I«n • Sot's of Liberty who organized a con. • for Paregoric, Drops, Soothings p g- : stant watch and guard. In its defense 3'r1IpQ and Castor Oil. To gain admittance to the temple of suffering man and woman to use Paine's Through the influence of an old friend est ammonia, and afterwards dressed ed the blonih, stumps into the strong the first blued oY th9Am770. Revolu- It is Pleasant. Its guaranilee is thirty yeaas' use by Fame, honor, reparation, worth and woad- Celery &ompound at ono°. : tion was shed -Jan, Ill, 1770. roue achievements are some of the neves- I who came to see me, 1 was prevailed upon the hand. Think of that, illy staunch A. D. 18417 -Erected b Mar Wash• : Millions Of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and Bary qualifications. W3.Lrs & Rrcullinsos Co., to use Paine's Celery Compound, which young fellow, :inti then try the effect ingtw' Colonial Ulutptveyof the Dough- allays Feverishness. Castoria, I he said would soon set me on my legs of ammonia un a little scratch, : tats of the Anier'can Rovelution. Paine's Celery Compound has gained all Gentlemen :- With great pleasure 1 again. After using the first bottle I had 4 to is prevents v t' S t oluling '011e of these in its work of hfe•saving in the make know n what your Paine's Celery I such good results that I continued the use COULD DO NO WORK. • ......• Curd, Ct11'es Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves ,t world. It has saved husband, wife, sister, 4ompou A has done for me. Last Deeem• of the medicine until I had taken seven andrvvhe❑litho first hblood is d as to where Teething troubles, Cures Constipation, and Flatulency. brother and child to the family after the bar I was sick and suffered from a heavy bottles when I found myself as strong a nd „I g y heti head y efforts of the beat physicians roved un- "Large sores broke out on m y, tion was shed, '1'hoodore Roosevelt, in his Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the StontaCll availing. P cold. My doctor said I was run down and healthy as ever before in my life I am and limbs. and also on my hands, so that I " advised me to give up my work (the tailor- able to work at my trade as well as in for- could not do any work, and of hair tomo iV°W York," has this to say of ilia affair and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Paine's Celery Compound is dying its ins business) as he thought it was not con- mer years and see no necessity for giving Y Y of Jan. iii: Cl,ggrand work every day, bringing y out, M trouble was called eczeura. Ito. "This was the first bloodshed in the is the ChilC1re13's I'anaCea-the TiIOt11C1'S Flicla(l. o Jo and d ucive to my health. He gave me medi- it up. Fromm the results that have blessed kan tufting Huoa's Sarsaparilla. When I ha he cu to thousands of homes, cine for my trouble, also for indigestion my efforts with Paine's Coiery Compound lead taken several bottles the sorsa and i uh- struggle which culminated in the Revolu- The cure of Mr E. Landy, of St, John's, and nervousness. The rnediotnes,howeyEr, I would strongly advisa every sick person Ing disappeared and I was cured." Mus J. I called It o9currm six weeks before the so- Castoria. Nfld., is worthy of the attention of all. sick produced uo goed results, and I was re- to use the great m9dicino which has no G. BrtowN, Brantford, Out. °tilled Boston nrnssamw,' an in(3idont of CCtCitoria. and euffariug people. The results as de- dared to n mere ekeletc0, and came to the equal is the world. 1+:nw,ultt Ltxur, I the same kind In which, hovv9yor, the "Castoria is an excellent medicine for I '•Castoria is so well adapted to children m' ibed by Mr Landy sho.tld caduca every conclusion tbat I was going to die, HOOD'S PILLS are the ons ills to Antoricans were much less clearly in the children. Mothers have repeatedly told ate that I recommend it as superior to Huy pre - g g 3 Plank Rund, tit. J91rn's Nfld� Y P' I right than they Were In thU Now York of its good effect upon their children," scripliou known to Inc." 1111-. �— take with LIood's Sarsaparilla. Curd all case. 19 Da. G. C. Osteon, Lowett, 1t�uss. I II. A, atcca>ra, 1,I. D. Iirookty,,,',ti', Y liver ills. yen In New York the soldiers had doubtless 1)(391, sorely provoked by the p Who's Afraid of tris Dark? SU11'el'ijl� Valj(11USljed. 0 -0 -operative Agriculture c taunts and jeers of the townsmen, but Ti"l� Ird`1�i'•�� aE 51�1��1-$-�� ®� , - _ olumon Wigle, aged 7(i years, p1,e of the there was absolutely no justification for "Not I1" said the owl, I Over tweat ei� pioneers of Essex county, died at hi-+ bou,o their outtin;; down th° libert And he gave a great scowl g J ht hundred Unlnrio far- itt IfwgsvillA, Saturday. Mr. Wigle was the ,Now Yurhars were perfectly righand t in And he wiped his eye, ' A NOva Scotian Farmer Tells' mars have reueived material and iuetruc- reeve of tile town9hi of Gosfield, for twenty rofusilig to sutunit tuna+ly to such an out- + tions for couduoting tests upon their P 3 Aad fluffed his jowl.. HOw He Regained Health. ' own farms-lurut;{ Cha presr,nt s9e:un, yours, and thu first warden of the county of rage. The chief fault scents to have laini - "Tu wiroo 1" I • These include your; men who m,tye attest- E, x Ila wft8 the first member of the , with the g;irrison oilleers, who should t Said the dog, "! bark -- dad the Agricultgral Coll ge, saunas fol Uutnrio Legislature of Lesex county after i have Icopt their men under r9atrititit or t I 4ao 4X,01 r46V4 Out loud in the dark, i H tel Suffered from Acute Rheumatism and P Cortf.raeration, Mr• Wigle was married : else havo taken itnrnediatc stops to romedy Boo•oo !" anti painstaking farmers who have expari- twice, arta is survived by his widow anti the wrong they did in cutting down the "' General Debility -Scarcely Able to Do ml previously, and others who are un• four suns Lewis Wigle, ex-lhl. P., of Leam- ! polo." -New Perk Commercial Adver- Said the cat, "Mi-iew l d9rtakiug the work for the brat time. a I'll scratch any who i the Lightest Rork• About two thousand experimenters have ire ,inn; L. S. Wigs©, barrister; Alfa dWig- tisor, A T�tt9 q ��v ®m* ������A'��� Dare say I do I conducted satisfactory experimental work Ie, postmaster of .Windsor, and Gurdon t`iY" Y- t9 e� lij`t Feel afraid, mi-iew 1" F om the Acadian, SVolfville, N.S. vvith`n the past t;1, years, (>f this num_ Wigle of California, Isis two daughters, T y ' " . "Afraid," said the mouse, i wife of Dr. S. A. Icing, and AT. Ella 11 tO- I TEETEING TIME THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRpy STREET, NEW YON CITY. t One of the most prosperous and intelli- b``t'' Over two hundred have furniabed good ]e, are d:ceaeed. " Here the dark is the house? gent farmers of the village of Greenwiok N. reports for at !oast three different years Is hard on the babies. They're apt to `= A' Here me acattcrinamom ' Whatever's the matter, °•, is Ldward Manning. Anyone intimate and some for f]ye, six, and even nine years, T13IS IS THE I have diarrha•a, and mothers lrnow how Squeak! 8 with Mr Manning knows him as a man of these little experiment stations form ob. WAY OF I1. I dangercn?s that is. Mrs U. Be- , 11-J... , strong integrity and veriioity, so that every 1°0t lessons in nearly every neighborhood The glycerine in Scott's.F.mgleiou soothes • Unt., says:-- I can highly recommend Dr. — ---- - 1 Then the toad in his hole, confidence can b+ placed in the information 'r1, the province, the iuHuenco of which cora ilio rough and irritable throat. The hy- I''ou let's Lxtract of FVild Strawberr-y. It I which h° ave a reporter of the Aoadien, never be co. remit estiniMed. '1'o give sonic Pophosphitea toile up the nerves. And tl.e i Out•ed my babv of diarnc�x t, after all other And the bug in the ground, g P idea of this i;:fl; a Vr They both shook their heads for publication the other day. During a I 1, ace, I quilt° the following c'od-liver oil heals and strengthens the in- I means failed," � Clinton � h i ,` And passed the word round. very pleasant interview he gave the follow- from reports sent iu hi' e:nertmmtters: flamed bronchial tubes and air cella. P 1j' O�r Bhd ��,ctor s , And the bird in the tree g I I get much benefit from m Ox torr The report of Mr. Anderson, the trade J '!'"`` The fleb and the bee recovery '.Cwo of ago lastSeptember,"ber," ments and my plats are visited by most of I commissioner to Japan, has. been published CCvv `+ Judge Archibald, of the Superior Court, I by the Dominion Government. ilii'. Aad. S. S. C�®���� �� L" They declared all three, said Mr Manning, "I was taken with an I r'ty' neighbors every yea;•," Montreal, has given a judgment according ; ereon gine oyer all ilio artic'es which Gar.- Qr �®�1>i1CT�� ` ' That you never did see acute attack of rheumatism. Thad not Wen i "As a result of ,:?,• CXV?";11",",t8 I raise to which friendly societies cannot be held oda and japan might be reaaouabi s1, , oa• �tejjeha•1 BIlil(lel' an ? f t One of them afraid feeling well for some time previous to that More bushels to the .acre and make more Y°°Fon;ible as a body for breaches of regal- ad to nd Jap +e, anti he expresses bo belief d Contractor• y' money on my tarn,.'' ations b h p' In the dark! date, having been troubled with sleepless- I y aubordbody bodies. Joseph God- that the trade i r several r these erbeli s This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very j ,' But the little boy who bad gone to bad I ness and general debility. My constitution i `'L' A.!na at is franc a financial point of in stied the Independent Order of Foresters might e testi ex chinery, ca able of dein w v y latest improved ma- VofJast raised the bedclothes and covered his seemed completely run down. Beginning in I view, my' nehhlrot's have received benefit for $340,55 damages. Ice alleged that v1, incl g v paneled. Ile says, for P g work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive once, that n large number of Canadian and reliable stock -and prepared plans, and give estimates forand build all class- ` ' head. the small of my back the pain soon passed •from my exp�ridi,ntai luetic to lily nrooant October 0, 1897, the member° of Court St. bicycles might be sold in Japan, whcro e° of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work i into my hip where it remained wltiiioat' iii- ' of a good marry hundred dollars." Victoiro, of which ha was a member, set up- wlu•elin hats already town to be a a eupervis- TI]is systenl Of no r on him and forrib] g Y g popuh,r ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed, We cell all kinds of in. termission,nnd 1 became a terrible sufferer, i . Pi alive csperimental y ejected him from the amusement, tercet and exterior material. r All tvi ter lou I .• work ih a'rioalture which c9rrtara at the lads foi'?lpu %'n?Qt?t of tinea, i3e brow b _ There is no Over•Production 1 ` � Ij was scarcely abs l „o do K , � � A 3 � t l h, ally tvutk an.l 1t was only u>t.li the acuiest I dgricultutal College and operates thrcugh Nuio against tete Order in Toronto, olaimit g I -�� - --LumberLath, SllinOles Llnle, SaSlj Doors, lllij 1. f^ e r tit suffering that T mad.tged to hobble to the I the medium of the Experimental Uniont is that ac a body they were responsible for the WOOD't� �'H0,�7• PHO1l9INL. ! 9 IQ1S! ills, t ' Just now, throughout Canad t and barn each day to do my chorea. I appealed I being enlarged and improved from year to conduct of their officers. The Order resist- The Great Engliish Remedy. Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL tr ' . -Vie United States, we hear much about to medical men for help but they failed to d ffer A atudy of tba fertility of the soil on ed this claim, and we s upheld by ilia jud,e, Six Packages Guaranteed to at Waterloo. Cal! and et rices SCHOOL DUSH, manufaetuted bring an r ent farms rind Of the relative merits who dismissed Godtn s action, d P and estimates before placing your orders , , 'over-prcductton,' Thousands cf men 6 Y relief. At last I decided to tr.7 I promptly, and permanently are out of employment. You ask the Dr Williams Pink Pills, and with their of promising variedes of agricultural crops cure all forms of Nervous T is r reason why, and instantly we are told use came a complete and lasting cure. 1 for different sections, are the main subjects A BROKER BROKEN R weakness,Emissions,sperm- r r 'it is over -production;' and to prove I had not used quite three boxes when I be, I under experiment o❑ about twelve thou- - t y atorrhea, Inrpotenetland all the correctness of the reply, you are gan to feel decidedly better. I continued ,,and plots this year, There are in all Stomach Troubles, Indigestion, and its eff'ectsofAbuworBsreesses, 189 told of store -hooses crowded with using them pntil twelve boxes hadbeen con- nineteen distinct experiment, which em- of Tobaccorrpiumo slim a NewDried', . Fruits 1�9 1 y I P g Distressing Accompaniments Were Snap• Before andditer. of Tobacco, opium stimu i �i Dods that cannot be sold. Nonsense I °umed, taken my com Clete recover war•, brace the agricultural cro s rown on about nine -tenths of the cultivated land of Ou_ Ping the Lifu 5trrn +s - r iants,whtchsoonleadto.ln---,-�_. ' sty. Within a few hundred yards of ranted me in discontinuing their use. I b South American fir,nity,insanity, Consumption and an early grave. ,c '• that atone -house are scot es of familes l have never felt better than since that time, I toric. The demand has ba9n greatest for Nervine Proved "Better Than Gold." Hasbcenprcecrlbod over 3v years fn thousands of tLAIS7NS—Malaga, Valencia, Saltana. CUIiItANTS " tubo are in need of the goods, and My health seems to have improved in every , experiments with oats, spring wheat, peas, I cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine would like to have them, But they tvaY• During the peat summer I worked corn and mangels, Mr John Boyer, me' broker, Kincar- known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodme;If California Prunes and .Flims rigs. 7laY4 119E file means to buy, yvby very hard but have felt no bad effects. The Wa could still furnish a number of ap- dine, Ont, writes: "Three years ago I was heotrerasomo worthless medicine in place °t this, CROSSE &BLACK E ratitude I feel to Dr,Willism's Pink Pills, Plrcants with a package, of each of six very much troubled with indigestion. !was inclose price letter, and cvewll] sandhi return • W LL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. rc 21o1P Because they htyy@ spPnt so g leading varieties of corn, which forme a o greet sgfferor, I procured anti tried Sou b matt. Price, one package, g1; six, $6. one wits much money on liquor that they CIVU• none but those who stiffer as I have and American Nervine;% few doses wonderfu!!.y NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Walnnta. Cooking Fige for 5c a ound not buy good furnitille been cured, can a reciate. valuable test for farmers who are anxious plcaso,sixIrUlcure, Pamphlets free to any address, p a 1 , good food or PP to ascertain which varieties of Born are helped me, and two or three bottles en -ed l The wood Company, 11 . goad clothes. You see, !t is not over- An analysis chows that Dr. William's I NICE OLD RAISINS for 5o a oand, Headquarters for t o Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all best adapted to the soil of their own par- me, 1 have no hesitation in recommending Windsor, Ont., Canada P q ` production, but under -consumption titular farms. it heartily to all sufferers from stomach Teas Sugars, Cj�0e1{ .r r v caused by drinking, that is the real the elements neges5u;,• to dive new life and „ trouble. Last yt3ar out of the pockets I rlchnega to the blood find restore ehattereu I Agricultural College, C. A. Znvrrz, troubles. bold by Watts Co, - Sold in Clinton and everywhere in ran• s e j 9 G1aSs1i'i�re and Lamps. i, _f C ll@ at Dart'. I. fur+.-.-, r 1 I Qgelpb, Apr. 30th, 1898 Director, � -' aria by sll responsit,le drnggi°te. 1 :-I„..., - ..-- -.- ,erns class• nerves. �'h9y are an unfailing epeci6o for The celebrated Le Itoi thine passed t� es ur�hls ominion, more than $39 _ such diseasea as locomotor ataxia partial - d �-- p ' + ' paralysis, 5 , ' I into the hands Of a British syndicate. _ i 000,000 was taken for intoxicating P, y , . t ti cine dance, sciatica, neural- ' iN bhATH S HOST Three million dollars ry as y �b96184A4444®44044444444m J. W. I liquors. Turn these millions loose to- era, rheumatism, nervone headache, the at- I the consider,- 6 . •i. IRWIN, �Na - - Clinton morrow on your tinoold goods, and at ter effects of In grippe, palpitation of the _a 1tlq'. Q. I V� R . ' heart, nervous prostratidfi, till disease°' de- Bright s. Disease ; Diabetes -Bladder I a The only folod once there will be robes where the. -e The Postmaster -General has shown hill, are now rags, and plenty where there Pending upon vitiated humors in the Troubles=Yatalyeia-Deo s - the p y Disease self to bo a !roman b°iu cast lilts otb r_1% that will build . - - is now poverty. You will see no more blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysirelas, Imps Ready to Drag You Down- South• mortals and admits that a mistake V. � '> h f°'� ` `over- roduction,' but the inau ura etc. They are also a specific for troubles .> up a weak cons -S I L 1 , p g American Kidne made in having the new stamps of diffaret. • ti On of an era of prosperity such as Peculiar to females, each as suppressions, y Cure Has Rescued a will surpass the visions of the most g denoruinations made so much alike inn c titution rade- erre ularities and all forme of weakness. Thousand. 1- g 3 ' D IT S —we "L— The band n pearance that it almost requires a micro-, r' hopeful enthusiast. Not over -pro- Y p the blood and restore the An alarming fact- Almost an incredible P o� ally but surely is ,duction, but.under-consum tion is the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. scope to discover whether it is a one -cerci, p one, were it not born oat b three -cent, or five -cent stamp. IIs has re- ''t o 7. principal cause of dull times and stn In men they Effect a radical care in all oases y statistics, that t3 �- g - over 90 per sent of all post mortem exam- °Og°tzed the difficulty, a 1d r1, the next ie. �; i a rti n Ie the latest discover arisin from mental wort y in WASHING PE)WDER. It is a dirt remover in I 11 nation of business. And this under- g y, overwork,or ex• P sue numerals will be laced in the curt ere every sense of Elie word. There are a large number of R'ashing Powders on the cunsn tnptiun exists because of the ceases of whatever nature. Sold by all inations have proved the exiatenco of kidney P Z g dealers or sent Det disease, If you experience strain 6 in place of the maple leaf. This will, to a • Ysparingly p >; 'waste in strop drink. -'Canada's p paid at 50 cents a box ' g,cnttin , 4 a arket that can only be used;as the rice is too high. With SILVER �J” -- Drink I3iit:' or ai-x hoses for $2.50 byaddreseing the Dr. Pain, scalding, or if (here is bricky dust or certain extent, obviate the di0}culty, but a A ,r;� �° �� I ®® LUST the sittuWan is completely changed. A one -Ib, package can be bought as chalky sediment, they go to tell that the more pronounced c,t.dr for the one,. two and �` cheap as ordinary eenp. And while it offers special induc9mr ata as to cleansing `,' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. kidneys are not performing their functions; three -vent stamps would be an additional n a ntple, scieritifie and highly pp properties, it positively contains no impurities. On economical i,rounds no ` _. -_ -` that there are foreign substances there that convenience. Stamp collectors should take � nutritive preparation for infants O housekeeper can afford to be without a package of SILVER DUST. sooner or later will clog up and stop the notice of the above and lay in a stook of the 4` P P ' For sale at III,"THOUGHT MY HEAD TOO FINE FOR THEM, whole system of the human anatomy, Present issue for fttture spOcultwou, 2 delicate children and invalids. t South American .Kidney Cure dissolves and I A KERRY WATSON A CO., •Rersncro•., N• �OBSO�'S C ®Ul.® BURST. Why one statesman was Not Returned I dispels all these pirates of good health ® MONTREAL. 4440®44044444 1� i� ASH GROOERY to Ills Seat In Congress. quiokly�and surely. Sold by Waite tit Co. Beauty A Fredericton Lady's Terrible "I tell you, air," Bald Blimms, In bis a - - ,, Suffering. most impressive way, "a man moat be rte An extensive snowslide occurred on -` wise as a serpent in order to succeed In the line of the C, P. R. near Glacicr ,' t without Mas. Gao. DonlinTY tells the followingpolitics, and he must be able to give the House and broke through 200 feet in • 1 TANRa"&TA tamarkable story of relief from sufferinserpent n few pointe on wisdom if be hap- °nowsheds. Luckily the eyening• train I '` Health g pens to bo an ofllceholdor 1,t the elootion had passed. There will be no inten- t �,11nd restoration to health, which should ruption of traffic. r r8of a rural constituonoy in the southwest. cc is impossible. L G ClIRTi i .1 11 "I vv9ut down three to make a political Mr. W. B. McInnes, M. P. for Vancouver _ /f,t, '! ;., I I 11 career. I studied the oustotns of the peo- Island, son of the Lieutenant. Governor of - `11 i,'I .� A E A I I- :,, � o plo andh uinored them. M clothes weren't of Britieh Columbia, has decided to resign Y his seat in the HousA of Commons and to .. . _•c �. handWO"t y l0 a suit, ]fly hate had a second- LAXA-LIVER I11 t baud look when I bought thew, my shixta seek election to the Provincial Legislature. ��p ♦G �, solo trot 1)f flue linen, and I ]need them at It is suggested that be will take office in Pii�S IOPI ° y �j i rho throat Instead of buttoning them. It the Turner (loyernment as Attorney -Gen- r(OA116�� , tttw pleasod the folks. I had a loud, deep voice eral. , thnt could mnke the shingles rattlo in nny The influx of Americans to Toronto, to I • ordinary building, and I sailed rough shod escape the inconveniences occasioned by g , then Beauty ring Health Into everything that my eonstituotney did the Spanish-American war, promises to follows. They clear the muddy r, not like, reach large proportions. During the past complexion, chase away Sick s They sent me to congress. While I was wtok ]several more families have arrived Headaches and Bilious Spells, dire e yet on m first toren they sent a delegation and the demand for residences at the var- poisonous 1 arils .. 25e ler Hair X31 yards $1.40' per pair Y Y g Dyspepsia esad Bilious Z2 y l `l• UP to neo t1,° and It arrived without giving ions summer rasceta in this vicinity is rap- matter from lite System. TOBACCO ti is « �� �� 1.ti0 c� t , '' notice of its coining. I was out in fine idly incroaeing. During the week ngmer- Mrs. Addie Therrialt, ar6 Brussels 2 „�ij(. Street St. John NB says: Laxa- ' _ raiment and a plug hat. I saw what look ous applications have been received for de- Liver'Ptils curo� mo of Consti atfon, ;ct like n lot oY bushwhackore near] a actable residences at Iiew Beath and the g « ,�"j0e ee 31 fi 2 00 ce t5lear Away all doubts as to the officaoy I y Indigestion and Bilious Headaches, 2 ' ' Milburta's Heart and Nerve Pills from the block away, but advancing upon roe, I island, Within the past few days at least They have corrected the irregularities made a race up the stairway of n depart- five Americah familier; have rented houses, mf system to healthy natural ® - 3 fc .7�C f4 rf 2 cZ� is Vni,V oYtiroroostskeptical;' �. �_ ���_• "7t'OI" several years I have been a con- tngnt aAor"ol took the ol$vator clown again, at high prices, at Ieland Park and Hdnlan's ac lot," i , f. ' aunt AtlfPerer from nervous headache, and sTdpped from the building to a side street, Point,,and several more are negotiating for tt double quiolled to my boarding hone and houses, Big prices are being realized. �;, ac . ,aloe tc e�it cc 2��i0 it - . r• ' ti1� pain was go intense that sometimes I QQ -� ' oras Almost crazy. I really thought that was 11, myy home clothes when the delegi►- _ _ p� tltlll+iiOltdwould buret. Iconsultedanum• tion arrived. I bhought they 1opkqqd _ .-_.---- children OY for A��l�y�r r p • 11. W of ilhysiciana, and took many remedies, askance at me, but also thought it mfght be �@ i "11�GAL,CAN. .31 cc $1.00 cc 31 el 3.00 e r41'.btal •�h+lthout effeot. I noticed Milbur R13 that I tilts only indulging the natural Poore S ��® �' A '� 1.15 ei� 3 .50 Re4o and Nerve Pills advertised and as Of the guilty. After we bad tallied for a VV ct cc tc theyBQphtt3d to suit mycose, I got a box and time they wanted to call again in theCherm PeC�oe a� tl 11 "; begitli'tlieir use. 13eforetaking them I was ovehinr,, but I pleaded nn engagement _ •`�� 3'i cc 1.25 cc 31 II 9,.75 ' v'er'y woah 4nd debilitated, and would some. Ivith (1110 Of the motnbors of the cabinet. - - — tirnatl wake otxb 1)f rlry sleep with a tics• '1'hry finally grew restless and wanted to cc (lilj]en the doctors Considered IIIA �i I{ 4 Oi0 cc trpgdMlyhialbthgring feeling, and'I was.fre• P° home. Wbilo I was at the cabinet of. r� ,ONS AND BUGGIES11 ighefitly sefzed with ttia�*ouizing rains in the fleer's residence, I was called out to goo a ' incurable, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral °` 'Mill if 6 t'lie'ftr6 a td,, keep up the scaroglp f party re gentlemen. I responded 11, my cured me of Al o'�Chenille and a tr 2lot�M06"i oburage to keep up ilio etrtlggg�l9, full dross salt, heard some of the most We Keep in Stock and make to order S ■ T pos y Curtains front, $`� 00 to,*T.60 icor ;; I" this wretelidd befiditl6n Iii11+ quotueua profanity I over listened t'o and sj ilitilfi'p ; e1Mrt aticl' Iticitve Pills walao to the vas informed by the leader of the delega- �� � 90 Waggons and Buggies of all kinds. ]ler Hall'. zda abs lid tc•day I state, dpith'gratitidde, tion that I'd 'never git ter congress ag'in aI1111 �•�; *h'ait„i iqt, A -ott)as &Ila istr67i , 4nd 611 this as long as I lived.' Ile wag right 11-�=-De- 144 illi , 4 tltie � 'Wit ivCaorildl trolt Frog Press, L. R. LARDINOTS, Roslere, Wig.JF ,,11 I iilo4te91 A r , . . d oA I+reb, Abd � ., 1 1d less .i,.fl, A$ItiA++i Wr r ,x' , y T.Otti'oll. &d* II Ur 6� - t CURT R1. ' � C C, A 1. . *, l k ' Yjli r �, ” c y, , a , r4 i Y v .,p