HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-13, Page 5:Curious Fact arkable the number of cheap watch oases that are made and sold these days, oases that will wear auywhere from six weeks to three years, and most of them containing a guarantee to wear 20 years. A gold filled case that will wear 20 years coatis within a dollar what it did a few years ago. The dollar represents the reduced coat of making; the gold costs just the same. I sell gold filled oases — oases that have stood the test of. y ears, and ersonally guarantee every caee which I sell, in addition to the manufacturer's warrant. I al- ways have the largest stook, the most desirable patterns and sell them as low as possible. Any make of movement you desire at The Satisfactory Store. J.B.Rumball JEWELER MANVWWWAM r4%""443 Work $ An Ad. Onr work is an ad for ns, be- cause we do repairing of Watches, Etc. so thoroughly back that the owners come b a to us if they have anything else in our line, and they not only come themselves but also sug- gest to their friends that A. J. Grigg's is the place to go. Do. You Need A Watch? M See Onr Stook and hear Our Prides. We sell Good Goods. A.J.GRIGG, Successor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON. %es THE CLINTON NEW ERA . Economical People. People who want one hundred Dents for every dollar they expend, people who know a good thing when they see it and pay ouch—that's the kind of people we like to deal with. There is energy pub into this business. We are always on the alert looking for bright new seasonable goods. Some Lines here and there throughout the stock : Velvet Capes, nicely made, trimmed with lace and jet, well lined $8 25 Silk Oyes, corded, very stylish and as pretty as can be, jet ornaments and silk lane trimmings 3 75 Brocaded Silk Capes, very handsome, high collar, trimmed with jet and lace4 25 Silk Velvet Capes, silk lined, fanny Trilby Dollar, at $5.50 and 5 75 Shoes—Ladies' Oxford Shoes, epeoial at 75 Ladies' Oxford Shoes, in black or oh000late $1, 1.25, 1,50 and 2 00 Misses' and Children's Oxfords, popular prides. Men's Shoes, in laced or gaiters 21, 1.25, 1.50, 2.25 2 75 Art Muslin—Pretty effeots,epeoial at 7e a yard. Better lines at 8o, 10o, 124o apd 14o Fine assortment of Lame Curtains. Shirt Waiste,newest and moat stylish, in the prettiest colorings, at 50o, 75o, $1, 1.25,1.40 Clothing—Oar Clothing Department is one of the busiest these days. Do you require a snit before the 24th of May ? Special line of Black Clay Worsted in sacque or body ooat,striped trousers at.... 10 50 We handle Shorey's ready. to.wear Clothing— it has no equal. Millinery—Millinery is simply booming. Pretty and dainty hats are to be found here in abundance. E very lady buying a hat here gets one that becomes her and adds to her appearance. WE WANT YOUR TRADE McKinnon l Co., Blyth WHITE PLYMOUIH ROCKS EGGS FOR HATCIIING—PRICER REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. My flock is headed by a cock bird scoring 94 points, winner of 2nd prize at Ontario Poultry Exhibition, and have also secured a first-class birds Y of Whitby.M r Coc ke el from Rice, welt prize winners at Gue 1 b. Huron C ntrnl , Great Northern and Huron Poultry Associa- tion. F. G. FORRESTER. Clinton. Ice Cream AND Cool Drinks We have our up -to date Soda Water Fountain set up for the season and are prepar- ed to give Ice Cream Soda in all flavors, and cool drinks of all kinds. Good Oranges, Lemons, and Bananas Always in stock. The California oranges are the best. Prices accord- ing to sizes. Be sure and try our Real Home-made Bread It is a seller. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Jas. McCiacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. of our Toilet Soaps Taylor's Camphor ComplexionSoap IO000ake 11 1t t1 11 N 11 Club Cologne Glycerine Baby's Own 5 Infants' Delight white Rose Heliotrope Grey atmeal. ' .. .;rn;:,� Dap gpt'eriil Cream and Glycerine ti Cucumber Old Brown Windsor 10c loo l0c loo 5o 50 5o 5o 50 10 J. E. HO VEY. I1 11 11 Taylor's Camphor Complexion Soap is designed with a view of affording special cleansing and hygienic properties and is of undoubted value in making the skin white and soft, and is guaranteed no. btto contain any free caustic alkalic itel Pious coloring matter, irritating perfumes, rancid fats. It is essentially a pure soap. Price 100 cake, 3 for 25o, RY 1J5 ONLY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton ening ut.. getting e Our sale still continues and our stock is daily g g less and the bargains we have to offer are getting larger, as the stock gets smaller. We are anxious to close out all as soon as possible. Note a few of our bargains : Ready-made . Clothing Men's Suits, were from " Pants 4t Odd Vests Overalls .4 44 it 44 BORN. EMERSON—At Winnipeg,Man,on May 5, the wife of Robt (1 Emerson, ofa daughter MCGEOGH—In Egmondville on May 2, the wife of Samuel McGeogh, of a daughter HARIKNESS—InrTurnberry, on April80, the wife of Mr Harkness of a son TIFF[N—At tho Methodist parsonage, Wal- ton, on May 2, the wife of Rev A C Tiffin, of a son McDONALD—Lr Goderioh township, May 7. the wife of Thos McDonald, of a daughter PROUDFOOT—In Goderich, on May 7, to Yr and Mrs J M Proudfoot, a daughter DIED. MCARTER—On April 24 at his residence, lot 13, con 5,9Morris, Join MoArter, aged 70 years and 5 months ALDRIDGE— In Plattsville, on April 22, Priseilla,wife of•David Aldridge and daughter of the late Richard Sparlihg, Grey township, aged 34 years JOHNSTON—In Grey, on April 29, Jessie Bu- chanan, wife of Thos Johnston, aged 61 years and 6 months FORRESTER — In Goderioh township on May 9, Edgar Orrick, youngest son of D. A. Forrester, aged 6 months FERRY—In Colborne, on May 4, George Fer- by, aged 80 years WITT—In Seaforth, on May 6, Peter Milton, son of Lewis Witt, aged 4 years and 4 months ROSE—In Brucefield, May 6, Jane Rose, relict of the late Thos Rose and aunt of J 0 Rose, Seaforth, aged 49 years WARNER—In Detroit, on May 6, the wife of J C Warner, of a son CARLETON—In Kincardine May 7, Ira E.. son of Mr David Carleton, aged 17 years and 10 months, and brother of S. Carleton (of Jack- son Bros) Clinton WARRINGTON—In Goderioh, on May 11, Richard William Warrington, aged 14 years and five months CARTER— In Goderioh, May 8, Clair W Carter, only child of Mr and Mrs W J Carter, aged 4 years and 8 months $6.00 to $10.00, now $4.50 to $5.00 1.75 to 2.50 " 1.00 to 1.50 2.00 to 2.50 " 1.00 to 1.50 .50 to 1.25 " .3 7 to ; .75 Sale Register A quantity of household furniture, on the Market Square, Clinton, on Saturday, May 14 D Dickinson, aunt. Commercial Notes. NEWS NOTES. Berlin's tax rate hes been struck at 17 3- 4 mills. A wealthy Ameliasburg farmer named Jackson drowned himself in a well. Sir Charles Tupper's attaok on Gen. Gee - coigne has provoked a protest from La Presse, the chief Conservative paper of Que- bec. The ground in the vicinity of the Bank of England is estimated to be worth not le e than $10,000,000 per acre. Land in Pall Mall bas changed hands at $2,500,000 an r ore: Messrs. Crossley and Hunter have just closed a eaooesefut four weeks' union cam- paign with eighteen churches in the oity of St. Paul, Minn., Hamilton temperance people are organ- izing on the assumption that the plebisoite will be taken in September. Hon Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agrioul- tare, will visit Great Britain this Year and may attend the Paris Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Cain and the Misses Archer, Hatfield and Schenck, Amolioan mission- aries, were murdered in Sierra Leone. Hon. W. H. Montague, M. P., speaking at Cornwall, predioted the early return of the Conservatives to power. The second trial of Mrs. Sternaman, who was sentenced to death for poisoning her husband; was concluded on Saturday, and resulted in her acquittal. The steamer W • R. Lynn brought 232,000 bushels of corn to Owen Sound harbor. This is thought to be the largest cargo of oorn ever floated in fresh water It is said that W. Ogilvie, of M, ntreal, who has 1,500,000 bushels of wheat on hand, will make $750,000 by the rise in gyaln. The London, Eng„ Board of Tr,ide returns for the month of April show an increase lin the imports of £50,110,200 and a decrease in the exports of£2,204,100 The GrandTrunk has given orders for the construction of 250 refrigerator cars for lm=' mediate use. Business is increasing so rapid- ly the company is unable to cope with its de- velopment with its present,equcpment. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada, together with the amount afloat to Europe, is now 62 128,000 bushels, a decrease of 1,295,000 bushels for the week. A year ago the total was 49,302.000 bushels,or 12.- 826,000 bushels less than at the present time. Alex. McLaren, M. P. of North Perth, the well-known Stratford c�ieeseman,has,through his Boston agents, contracted to supply Mc- Laren's Imperial cheese to the United States warships Columbia, Minneapolis and Lehigh. These vessels are now cruising off the Middle and Eastern States. The advance in the price of wheat is of the greatest importance to Canada. Should the rise of 30 cents be ma'ntained a few months longer it will mean an incretise lin the pur- chasing power of the farmers in Ontario and Manitoba, the two great wheat raising pro- vinces of the Dominion, of a sum no less than $20,00[1,0001,0425,000.000, _ ... . The Michigan crop reports for May, winch were issued by Secretary of State Garner, say the average condition of wheat is 04 in the State. The average for the State is 12 per cent higher than in 1897. Less than 1 per cent of the area seeded will be plowed up be- l Dane (winter killed or otherwise destroyed. The outlook for fruit of all kinds is generally promising throughout the State. WOOLS—A small lot of new fleece was bought here to -day at 16e There is ag good deal of in- terest being taken in the future of the mar- ket. Tho United States duty is the all impor- tant factor in the matter of prices. The duty on unwashed is 12c and on tub washed the duty of 39c per lh, is altogether prohibitory, Allowing for the 12e duty on fleece wool local dealers think the new clip In Canada will have to he bought at 14c to al'ow exporters to make any margin on it. A cent or two more mignt be paid, but the impression here is that anything bought over hlc would be purely a matter of speculation.—Globe. Mats, Caps, Gloves, Braces, Ties, Collars, etc. at your own price. We still have a lot of Boots and Shoes in Youths' and Children's sizes at a little over half price. Staple Dry Goods, 'rtings 5c., Flannelettes 5c., Prints 5c., Dress Goods from Gloves, Hosiery, etc., about same proportion. We e ends Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, lengths suit - d rooms, at great value. White and Colored Car- . COME AND SEE. PLUMSTEBL & GIBBINGS, CLINTON Goderioh. (From the Signal) ' NoTRS.—Jas. Price left town with S. Davis on Thursday last to work on the Doherty factory. Wm. Wallace, we are pleased to report, will soon be around again. Miss Rance, of Clinton, was this week the guest of the • Misses Dark. We e re r r V get to learn hat Mrs C. Martin is not recovering from her re- cent severe fall, as quickly as her runny friends wish. J. Hardy left town last week for Clintonto work on the Do• betty building. Mrs Healy is erecting a large dwelling on her property on Quebec street. Yesterday H. W.I3all, recorder of Goderich ColinJi1, No. 157 C. C. C. F.. received a cheque for $1000, for presentation to John Enlmertondee- ing the insurance with said society held by his son,the late William Emmerton. New Actuertionnento. SERVANT WANTED. Servant wanted. Good wages to an efficient person. Apply at NEW ERA Office. GIRL WANTED: Good general servant girl. Apply to MRS. JAMES FAIR, Sr., Clinton, GIRL WANTED. Wanted,.a general servant to do housework. Small family. Apply to MRS. BRICKENDEN, Rattenbury St. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Four hundred and fifty head of butchers' cattle, 2(0 calves 110 sheep and 60 store hogs and small pigs offered for sale at the east end abattoir. Trade was fair and prime beeves brought better prieee than at last week's marlcet. but all other sorts sold Omit the same rate as on Thursday. Few largo stores bought by shippers at 41c per ]h. Primo beeves sold at 4i.c to 11c per lb. Pretty good stock sold at 31e and 410 per lb, and rough. half -fatted beasts brought from tie to 31e per lb. A number of hulls in pretty good condi- tion were sold at about 310 per ib. Calves sold at 81 to 56 each, very few bringing over 54 Shoop sold at 91c to 410 per lb, Spring lambs sold at $2 to 93 50 each, with ,ane or two extra ones at 84 each, Fat hogs sold at 55 to 58 each and young pigs at 81,25 to $2 each, CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 12th, 1898. Wheat, 1 10 a 112 Cate 0 33 a 0 85 Field Barley 0 85 a 0 40 Peas 0 59 a 0 00 Buckwheat 0 85 a 0 35 Flour per owt 3 00 a 8 00 Butter 0 12i. a 0 14 Eggs per4doz 0 09 a 0 09 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 6 00 Sheepskins 0 50 a 1 00 No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 650 a 7 60 Potatoes Q 45 a 0 60 Pork 4 50 a 4 65 APPRENTICE WANTED. A good strong boy wanted to learn the blacksmithing. Appy to JOHN TEDFORD. NEW BUGGY FOR SALE. For sale, a new, spindle -box buggy which has never been used; made by one of the best manu- facturers ir. Ontario. A bargain. Applyat NEw ERA ffice, APPLICATIONS For Booth privileges. bo'h on the streets and in the park, on May 241h, will be received by the undersigned u to May 21st. JP P. DOHERTY, Secretary. Dainty Footwear The follow- ing stallions will stand for the improve- mentof stock this season as follows :— ��c MOSS ROSE Monday May 2, will leave his own stable, Holmesville,and proceed to Albert Wallace's, Summerhill, for neon; then to John Deer's East Wawanosh, for night. Tuesday—will! Proceed to Wat Murphy's, con. 13 Hullett, for noon; thence to J. F. Staples', I�inburn, for night. Wednesday=pproceed ' o Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, for noon; thienoe to Graham's Hotel, Brucefield, for night. Thursday—to Cook's Hotel, Varna, for noon; then, by way of town line to Philip Hurray's, Blake, for night. Friday—to Drysdale s Corner, then along the Suable to Jas. Johnston's for noon; then to Thomas Harrison's. Goderioh township, for night. Saturday—Thence by way of the Bay- field Road to McCaughey's Hotel, Clinton, for noon; then to his own stable. OTTER WILSON, Proprietor. PROGRAM Clinton': Big Celebration TUESDAY, MAY 24th. Greater and Grander than ever. MORNING PROGRAM, on Main St. Grand Open Air CONCERT By the SEVERAL BRASS BANDS, playing the latest and most popular airs of the day. PROF. RILEY KING • i OF THE ,11R The Great Aerial Sovereign, producing the most marvellously daring Acrobatic triumphs of the age on a high and slender cable. His daring awes you His original acts cause pro- found wcidermeet. Among them are the following: Standing on head on the wire, Aerial quint Swing, Whee ing Wheelbarrow ire s across wire, Dining on the w and table, Crossing Blindfolded,uing chair Crossing in seek, and many comical and original l acts . PARADE of Br se Iads Athletic Clubs, AFTERNOON PROGRAM, Recreation Park Wheelmen, Citizens, etc , to Park, starting from Post Offices Square at 1 p.m. sharp. _ PRANK FOSTER Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop, Run- ning Globe Acts, etc., etc. ORONT09s• Lacrosse Match TBEAVEns,vSeaforth BASEBALL MATCH Hurons, of Goderioh, vs. Toronto 'Varsity 5;RGT - MAJOR MORGANS, (late Scots Guards), Champion All-round Fencer of Amer. ica, and TROOPER LAMOTHE, Royal Cana- dian Dragoons, in Sword vs. Bayonet, Bay- onet vs. Bayonet. Sword vs. Sword Contests SERGT.-MAJOR MORGANS, Fancy Swords- manship. Wonderful eltocutions with the sword. A magnificent exhibition:of skill, cleverness and dexterity. EVENING PROGRAM, In Park, nt 7 o'clock PROF. RILEYIn High Wire Specialties A performance full of intense interest. Grand By the Celebrated Waterloo Promenade Musical Society's Brass Band and Orchestra,the 33rd Batt. Concert BBand of Seaforth, and the Goderioh rass Band. Sergt.-Major Morgans vs. Trooper Carnotite In Sword and Bayonet Contests, Fancy Sword Exercises, etc. ADMISSION to ground, 25e., children 150., gen- eral admission in evening 10c. Special Train Service and reduced rates. Our entire Program is full of interest. We have engaged only the best performers and nowhere will you see a better day's sport khan Clinton, May 24th, 1898, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. MAYOR HOLMES, J. P. DOHERTY Chairman. . Secretary TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned for the Carpentering Work in the erection of 1 latforms grand stand etc , for the 24th of May celebra- tion up to May lith. J. P. DOHERTY, Secretary. ROUSE TO RENT. Frame cottage on Isaac Strcet. and half an acre of land. Apply to MRS. TODSWOttTH, Holmesville, or JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton. THE NEW RRA GIVES THE HOME NEWS - FOR SALE Young horse, buggy and harness, $75 will buy the outfit. A snap. Also a there -bred Jer- sey cow, four years old. fresh calved. REV. G. W. ANDREWS, Holmesville. Choice house and Lot for Sale. A frame house and quarter -acre lot on the corner of James and Maria streets, Clinton; good brick well, barn 14x20 situated near the G. T. R, station and Doherty Organ Factory. Apply to • JOHN DERRY, Clinton. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. • A splendid farm of I60 acres of improved land, on the 2nd con. of Stanley. A 1 but,15 acres cleared, good frame house, frame barn, bearing orchard, running water. Situated two miles from town of Olii ton. Will bo sold on reasonable terms. D. MOTAVISH, Clinton. Township of Pnllett Court of Uej7ision. Notice is hereby [given that the meeting of the Court for the revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hullctt will be held in Hill's Hall, Londesboro, in the said township, 2850,n the hour of 10 a m May t n Saturday, av r n t v i com- plaints and etil n co of aring forpurpose g og plaints gainst 11:e said assessment roll. Per- sons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and place, JAMi4:i CAMPBELL, Clerk, cti BIKING POWDER to o rT al44 g lA'e IS; a°I ', geciH W L09.101 0 rs,5p"0 Cb a�pi W tefg a) "oma ;D m� � paa/V0 VIpa. oP; CO Te, m +see or0 0Ps aro 8 • 0'% Z For Women and Children. School ShoesI1or Youths and Misses, Men's Fine Box Calf and Dongola Boots c& Shots all at reasonable prices. It is a pleasure to show so many new and stylish Boots & Shoes. Full lines of SINGLE and Harness DOUBLE Trunks and Valises always on }land. Red and White Cedar Shingles kept in stock also. Twitchell BUGGY FOR SALE. %or sale, second-hand buggy• good repair. Box 146, Clinton P. 0, May 71u 18.93 Second Shipment Of new and stylish Shirt Waists.in Black Sateen, with Percale Collar and Cuffs, sizes from 32 to 40 inch bust. Also Pretty Things in Fancy Pink, Blue and Fancy Mix- ture in Muslin and Gingham, with White Collar and Cuffs. New Fancy Dress Goods, only dress lengths, confined to ourselves exclusively. No two young ladies may have spring dresses alike. Fine range of Trim- ming, Silks and Laces, fancy Gimps a cl. Chiffons, fancy Dress Muslins, all p€ ,terns, colors and prices from 8c. to 35c. Ladies' Bicycle For Sale. A. first-class Crawford Ladies' Wheel, fitted with Dunlop tires Christy saddle, and as good as nevi offered tuo'r sale cheap,—NEW ERA OFFICE. PASTURAGE. I have good pasturage for about 20 head of cattle, at lot 83, con. 13, Hullott. Lots of fresh awaterbont,24th . Termsof shadtrees;-75cttlo to come the plentyof May for year- lings, $1 for two -year-olds. ISAAC LAWRENCE. Hullett, April 28 1898. • ONWARD BICYCLE a0 REPAIR SHOP. - Subsoriber has his establish- ment fitted up with the best of maohinery, enabling him to do all kinds of repair work. Special attention given to overhauling and repairing of Bioyoles, and riders Dan rely on work of this nature being promptly and satisfactorily attended to.\ Onward Cycle Co:, Perrin Block, Clinton S. L. BROWN, Manager. Gilroy & Wiseman CLINTON • FURNITURE to• H. C. BARLETT. n right aloe and the that our trade has been increasing r state pleased tot; , We areg g goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a large stock of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Suite or a Parlor Suite or Couches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Coen- ty. Kindly Dome and see cur stock before you buy elsewhere. Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing nee tly and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department Ie complete1et e and up-to-date, and the cheapest p est and beet attendance. Hearse and outfit, there is no better in thus part of the country. H. C. BARLETT, - Clinton: P. S,—Night and Sunday calls at residence oh Huron St., opposite Baptist Church. Summer Mi//finery Lower Prices Is what attracts crowds Better Variety ... to our Millinery Depart - And the most desirable Millinery ment. See our Trimmed Hats. You can get a Stylish Trimmed Hat at a very low figure. Before selecting your Summer Hat call and see our styles and prices. We have a grand range of Sailors with Bands and Sashes. See our Sailor for 25c. Sailors and Walk- ing Hats from 25c to $1.50,and Trimmed Hats from $1.50 to $2 MACDONALD & SMITH, Clinton Batter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEAVER BLOCK. 24 Reliable Drug Store .. That means a Drug Store where as- muoh attention DEI. paid to see that a five cent purchase he as satisfactory to the customer as the ten dollar purchase. It means a Drug Store where a child can trade with as satisfactory' results as the head of the family. These things make it a safe place to trade. You can't be too careful in your selection of a Drug Store to trade at. We have tried to make our store a Reliable Drug Store. One visit would show you if our claim has foundation. We want your Drug 7 rade. J. H. Combe Manufacturing Chemist, Physicians' Supplies. • NEW WALL PAPER� Our Wall Paper Department, is lull of it. No styles that are not correct for this year, and this year's patterns are prettier than usual. Borders and ceiling to match. There's a higher priced look about them, even the cheapest sorts. Prices were never lower than ours are this year. PER ROLL, 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c,112c Come -before the best patterns are gone. Ladies' Shoes Buff Buskins, a good serviceable shoe, 75o. Glove Grain Buskin, lighter than Buff, a good wearer. 90o. Buff Oxford, patent tip, coin toe, $1. Dongola Oxford, self and patent tip, a dressy shoe, $1.25. Dongola Trilby, strap over instep, the proper style, $1.25. Dongola Oxford, patent tip, fine quality, a perfect fitter, $1.50. Grain Oxford Chocolate, 21. - Dongola Oxford Tan, turn sole, very comfortable, 21.26. Also a full range of Boots and Shoes for the boys and girls. We have never shown so complete and varied a stock of Men's Footwear as we show to -day. We are anxious for your trade, and we think we have the• goods to please you. Prices are right. W. L. OUIMETTE, The Cash Dealer, Londesborro. Nee.. 000000 041/000410 7