HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-13, Page 2.; ' Xay 18 1893
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� to gear a wheat acreage will be t v -
Crisp County Clippings. About Statute Labor
w i I unprecedented in the Northwest, The _ PCOfessional
1 satisfactory experience of last year, A Goderich oun man Kenn M°_ The system of road making in vogue •} a dOtl>RQrCards ,'
��� the su abed shortage and the Aule ,was on ythe gStr. man,
when in Ontario is not only largely a Baste Nervousness �a LS Wanted an 14� t
PP >; present J of rials and mons but the season of REMOVES
war prices arepaturally inducing farm- she took fire is Lake Superior a week the year at whichyit is done is not one �E��RY KING THE CAUSES IN E$CiI1hGE JAMES SCOTT.
(1�\I^�p��� = clotagoand he lost everything except the of tho least of the evils connected with Pure herbs and celery NERVE
sc TONICure for nerve
�tl/1_ $ jt7� a ors to venture largely on this crop. To clothes 1]e had on.12 Ibe, ohoioe Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
it. Ju a when the ['nada begin to get i orders, Sold by all druggists. Large packages, 25c. 13 iba. choice Family Flour bush Gate Barrister, Solis'
devote the whole prairie region to Rohl. Scott, section foreman tit Zet• Pasa,Lble in the early sumiuer, the path- ' WOODWARD UEDICINE co., TORONTO, CANADA
• 4 wheat has in those latitudes some of land, met with a serious accident last maLtere throughout the townships call
t4l",�fAlDfld the e'en]enls oY a great gamble but Thursday morning; be was handling a out their forces and 4
revolver when itaccidently discharged, p with soft earth or spire, d new gree __
Oats taken in exchan a CONVEYANCER a °'
tt 1?erth Motes Commissioner for Ontario and ManlEoha.
(DIV THE STCLAIR RIVER). the Outlook is certainly hopeful, Ev- the ball entering his right leg, yet over the surface thus keeping them for Groceries Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman r
�n�i ' P The population of Mitchell is 2133.
. lll� ��x�w ��® a cry year our western farm lands are M►' S. Davis, of Exeter, met with a 'n R wretched condition during t e refit
I A`13 �+i painful accident a few da of the year. The reason for loin the A tine new pipe organ will be placed These are our presser rates,
extending, and these are our true gold. Ys ago, in h r to St. James Church, St. Marys. b a Ws iaRYDDNE.
$O e g consequence of which hu has been <o:m- work in May or June is because the 'Toronto firm. y y but we dont know how long
I'' G1rRADUATES So ' fields, which will do more than those fined to his bed ever since, and in all fanners are a tittle aleck about that I they will continue. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR
E of the Klondike to place our country Probability will have to remain there time, and their convenience is con- A P°stoffice h+Lb been opened at _ PUBLIC, ETC,
,, Secured exoe'leT posllege slate for several days to come, stilted in the [natter, rather than what Irishtown, to be known as St, Uolum ' O. OLSON, Clinton
„51. 14'ebruary, lam. This college is open ; on a solid basis of prosperity, is best either for the travelling public ban. Mr P. Carlin is postmaster, PUBLIC,
located ontFront St.,eand overlook •look While David Reid was working tit or the road itself. if the work were Mr J. Butler,
thg beautiful St. Clair river, This is The late Nicholas Aurey of Ham}l the AyndicaLe mill in McKillop, Wed• left until fall or just about the time a Sinful accidentMotherwell, met with Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gape
the most delightful mace in Ontario - the Sy, he tet with an accident. He the roads full
in to break a no incur]- P oil Monday, His CLINTON [y'
P' to spend the slimmer months, ' ton, had his life insured in the New was chopping wood when the axe her venienee would be caused in that way, turniwas
cutter caught
nd bad the y cut knives of a IT PAYS TO -__.__`
For further particulars address, York Mutual Reserve,fur some $11,000, was using slipped, cutting quite a se- I and the fresh clay and M: G, CAMERON
1.vere gash on the instepof the ri ht ct thorou h) yackedgrdur ng would
Miss Ubarlotte Smith, dao titer of
5 and shortly before his death paid foot. g 8 ' >; Y
S. NIXINO pp g `-' � JI (I+ormerly of Camercn Holt & CameronH
A• tvinterseasoh. If the farrnere could Councillor Smith, Logan, has ust
prenrtume which carried the insurance Mr Wm. Moody, of the 5th con. of I riot do the work then it could be done Passed her final extimina Son atunr BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
Ill ....!...•...,...,h,..,.U•.............. 1h..."',•...........+,,....I.,l
on to some data later than the time at Usborne, is suffering from a severe at under contract and much more econ- don hQSpltal, and is now a qualified Utfice-Hawuton St oppoatte Colborne House
Clinton Post Office. which he died. He got receipts from tack of blood poisoning, the result of a omically than under the present slip- nuree• GODERICH, ONT
the Company's agent for the same slight scratch on one of his thumbs, shod sy,tern. This phase of the sta- Me Will. Fawcett, of Mitchell, war, N
!IME TABLE. The hand and at in are badly swollen, tote labor question has been dealt with seriously hurt the other day. He was Are You Aware of the Fact that D, L•
and •supposed he was leaving his and it is feared the result may yet time and again, and is once rnore re- washing a buggy in the river when MACPHERSON.
1]UF7 MAILS CLOSED family a comfortable allowance. prove serious. ferred to in the hope that eventual] his horse ran awe and dragged TheCanadaEusinessColle a -'
Y Y gged him g CONVEYANCING,
a� P.M. I. A.M tub The Company is now taking advantage Lachltn McNeil, a well known horse- the municipal councils will be led to some distance,
IO rS 6 55 London and S. W Ontari 7 00 4 00 mail of Grey, who has been in the adopt
some more reasonable system FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT lIV8i7RAI7Q
T,40 4 30� in ham and Kincardine s 55 0 35 of'some technicality and refuses to pay horse business for the past 18 years, of procedure, Y Me Robert Guest has disposed of his CHATHAM, ONT. _
0.10 ]5 655 Western S.W. & N. W, 17,8,17 W ¢ 05 farm Nast of St. Marys to Air Walker, MONEY TO LOAN.
fl,xQI6. 103�Paes Buffalo&ea. . . S7 00 4 05 the insurance, although all the mem- sold his imported Clydesdale stallion of Chelsea, formerly of Blanshard. lYlr Is doing more for its opus than any other
2 35 berg Of the Local Legislature signed a McFar}ape's
He o" last week to Rrices Of Wheat Guest will join the array of retired 43 �ue"w� e allege �n the Dominion. office, MacKay BI Clinton.
10'xli 1 03 Toronto&pointsea,t&nrthl7 00 2 05 Messrs McKeever &Chimney, o£ Lie- p'ac.d in two months. Stu -
1 03 •..Montreal andOttawa... 7 00 2 35 petition in favor of its payment. The towel, for a good round sum, farrnets in St. Marys. dent cram all quarters are flocking to this
1 03 Manitoba, N W Tand B C 7 00 2 3e. !'he statistical position of wheat for Me and Mrs Gilbert, White and fam- Besides a worthyargttendance from Chatham
10 27 Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 QO 2 35 Company may he acting within its leg- May, daughter of Mr W. D. Sanders, months has been exceedingly strong, ily, who have been living in Detroit there are already this year, 93 pupils ro ister JOHN RNDOUT.
1 03 at right, but it is a very small piece of con, 13, Stephen, was taken to London in fact, stronger than any time since for some time, have returned. to -St . from outside points. 69 of them fronto ed
10 27 Points E Bc N of Stratford 700 235 last week, and a Nile there underwent 1807, o[ two years after the civil war, Marys, where Mr white tviti carry ou points CUNVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, E
business, and Canadians should show a Surgical operation for the removal of when wheat sold at $„ J5. About two h}3 his former business of Painting °carer to other business Colleges Lhan to
1 03 ...,Mitchell and Dublin,..• 70012 ¢ ' g P h c Chatham. __ . TO
h••••....Godgrich;...,....., pproval of it h ositivel re a growth in her thront, which caused or three times suet decade sentiment l g and Wo presume these people investigated the Real Estate and Inauranca
•'y 40 ° 551 their disc y p y paper, hanging. merits of the different schools, and decided lend Oil Mortgage an Agent. Money to
crossing, Sarnia and 900 fusing to patronize or assist in an way an impediment in her speech and a dull. and bpectilation cause a period of IoW that nothing but tho best would satisfy them, g d Nota security,
$q 10 665 ...,intermediate points... 7 00 4 05 Y ness of bearing; she is doing nicely. pprices or of high prices. The civil war The coat of iba contest in North bene., they are hors.
140 I..LoudesborOBs Balgrave..,9 55 this Company. !)coke out April 13, 1861, and pr}cea Werth to both o£ the C:u]dic'ates has Write forcatalugueofotherde artmentaand Ottle —HURON STREET, CLINTON
G. A. Deadman, of Brussels, has dis- p been ascertained and the details ub- a list of the 43 pupils placed in wo months.
The oRlccis open to the public (holidays ex posed of a pure bred Jersey heifer to were then lower than those rulingin P r
gepted) front8a.nh to715 pm., but -holders o Additional Local News• John Tait, of Brussels a April, 1897• In 1804 Inan said ii h I' tied Me Brown, Al.P. P., expended R. �1GNE
, lock boxes have access'to the lobby until 8 pure bred Y g D. Me LACEI LAN d►, Co w'
p.m cow to George Smith, of Walton, and l'" ' 8 had come to stay, but the war 'tW5J4' while the cost to Me Alagwooti, _ ___ ,Cltatha to - -
To OuR READERA.-If news from a rade Jersey to W. Brown closed in April, the defeated candidate, was $141.91. DENTIST, CLINTON
Mpnto Order and Saving Bank office open your neighborhood sloes not appear g Y of At- rt�,�t.r a dpo11ar18at'tei ndawng sold at 'rhe members and friends of itis NOTICE TO CREDITUiLS.
tla.m,to6p,m, regularly ill the Nuw ERA sit down wO°a. Mt' Deadman iii fhlur'e will AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY O
i�attor for roBistration must be posted half confine himself t° registered $2.26 in 1864. Iu Jul 1870, wheat Evangelical charch assembled tit the iii tlr.c Estate 8
VaTA ltiour before closing the mails. and write it up yourself, Our present g tered Jerseys. Y+ t _ of Bel+Jamin Thondiwort, de_ EACH DIONT$
'ST.AGE MAIL - corresponaents are doing good work In Grey ❑ Friday su,d at :$1.31. There wits large specu- residence of Me George Iloffnlart, Seb• _
SUntMERHILL -Ever Y y of last week an hition, the Franco-German war being ringvillc, on Monday evrniuyr for the '%cased.
:iteadayand Friday, arriving at 5,25 and Icav foo their friends and especially for Old. well known and highly esteemed a tactor. In the spring of 1877, after a purpose of bidding faretce 1 to Lt:e'r Notice Isbereby given pursuant tOR.S.O.1897 Office Hoare -9 to 5.
i° at 5.3op,m, g those who have moved away from resident passed away to her reward in "clique" had bulled the market all the pastor, Rev L. H. Wugher, who is a aiusc the 5
cap, 121), Sec, 38 that all persons having claims
' "'-ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched hone and long for news of their old the person of Mrs Thos. Johnston, 17th estate of Benjamin Thomlinson,
winter, to the apparent detriment of h , y DR• T. C. DRUG
neig hbors. Don't forget them. Run- con. Her maiden name was Jessie about to remove to rurpulo. w o died on the 1th da of March, 1898, are re- ,�'�
from this ciliac to Londosboro and Bcl�rave' prices; up tc $1.:33, epeCtllatien entered qutred to sous postpaid or deliver to W. $ry-
also to Mitchell and Dublin, mart, closing as dreds of them all Over the Dominion Buchanan, being a sister of John and the Ina, and advanced the rices to Avery Sudden death occurred in St. done, Solicitor for tiro Executors, on or before
" abcr>vl stated and the United States read the NEIv Alex. Buchanan, of the same locality.P Marys on Saturday. Early last week the 1st day o[ Jurte, 18os, their names and ad Graduate R C D 8 of Ont
Mails for British Isles and Ettrop_ean coon• ERA. It is like a benediction t° eta $1.76, It] 1879 the resumption of s e + dresses and full Sano, end Trinity _mss
tiles intenasd to be forwarded by New York, cis a P . Miss Sarah M. McCulloch, who resided paif an) of their claims Sad versify Toronto,
g The horse market is looking tip, but payments and the freedom of bank with her brother un the Mitchell cartel of the securities (if any) held by them, duly
mtisthave written on the top loft Kana corner bright, newsy letter from home every now and then people get a snap even rupts by the bankrupt law, aided the certified, and that after that date the executors Special attention given tO the Preserve t
tlf,eiivelope pre Nrtw Yortx, week. in the horse t}lie. This was the lot of speculators in. advancin the rice came into town to spend a few days will distribute the assets of the deceasedan)ong the natural teeth, ton
WAR JOKES. -All sorts of sharp N. F. Gerry and S.T.Ross, of Brussels g P apps her sister, Mrs McFadden. She c' the parties entitled, shall t hegard only ce the othce, Coate Clock, over Tat '
ekes are being from 84o t° $1.33, In 1882 four s June, c'aims of which they shall thea novo notice. Y or a shoe stare
j g played on the r, the this weak as they held the lucky draw' fol "corners" were run in April, June, hellLmlth appeared
to her usual The execwora hereby further notify all per- B x' B, -will visit lityth ever lit
The position o£ firitfsh ambassador ecting public concerning the wag the Ing ticket for Dr. Kalbfieisch's light Y and Septerr ser. In 188S a success- ayfleld ever Thursday
y Monday and
Jul y, when she was sons indebted to the said estate that their Re. summer y Y afternoon during the
`a ,,. .Washington has not always been ast one being the rumor that McKin- y driver and the ful corner was run and the taken very ill. Medical advice was counts must be paid on or botoro May Toth, or
ley would close up all the Free Libraries ba Y got it for 47h cents, price ad- obtained, but nothing could be done they will be sued,
+11 the most enviable, and even in calmest in the States, and when the victim It fa our sad duty this week t° chron vtLnced to $Z,00, after having sold be• for her, and she died °n Saturday Dated at Clinton this 29th day of April, 1898, R, WM. Cr fir
tones requires the exercise of vigilant [nnocentlq asked "�'Vhy was this being icle the death of one of Gorrie's most los' the dollar mark far months, In morning. PARIS. ,I, NESBI'rT D GCNN L. R. C. P. and L. R, 0, U.
respected residents in the erson of 1889 and 1890. wheat soli at $1.08, and WILLIAM WF,IR Executors, Edinburgh. Ofnce-Ontario Greet Clintoa
j�rtdence. It is high praise of Sir Jul_ done," the answer is "For fear, the P P in I891, at $1,111, For ears broad Early Tneaday morning a well By W. BRYDo E, Solicitor. burytt3t tical !ro°tdoor of residence on Rattan
Spanish will blow up the magazines," Mrs John Henneberg, who departed y opposite
Proar of residence
church, °
xan.Pauncefote to say that he has filled That is nearly as bad a joke as the one this life on Vrednesday evening of last s eculation has pot existed on Lbe ex• known and prominent man passed
a well known lIt ronian tells as to the week. Deceased had been a sufferer c +Lngea, but "clique" operations have away in the person of Mr Christian DURHAM BULL for SEILYICE.
t$at position with rare tact and entire for tunny years from that dread dib- been prominent. Cliques usually act b7rnst, postmaster of New HamburK, — R J. L. TURN
BULL, In governmental circles in youtanxiously enquire what ht wWhhe � as a menace to s whose death occurred at the family Subscriber keeps for service°athia farm, 7th D BULL, M. D. TORONTO
ease, Consumption. peculation and ehcour- Y con of Hullett, a thorobred Shorthorn Durham M University, M D, O,M„ Victoria University
I Canada the utmost reliance has always y ells you the wind blew a the A1r A. J. Rollins, of Exeter„ who te• 11, e apathy, Relative prices Of July residence at that village, from hemor- Bull. Terms: -sl at time of service, with pri M- C- P ec S„ Ontario, Fellow Coria Un
Y cool! t y p heat in Chicago now as cornpared g vele e Q y of Edinbur atetrlca
bago of itis stomach. Deceased teas g oP returnlr.g; to insure, 1,25, g is ,late of London, Eng„ ane
lake. Of course you feel relieved that centlq severed his connection with the with Northwestern and Euro can J g •. In hie Younger days Hul ett Edinbur hHoapitals. Office. -Dr, 's
Ad �] Sir Julian, whose it was no worse and look u anoiher well-known firm of the Rollins & Wil- I p 0� ears °f a e April 28, ]ggg,ALBERT WALLACE, office Ratte°nury st: Clinton. N; y old
promptness and enei * P markets show a large difference over he was a prominent business man in - answered at the same ght bell
tY,� in attending victim to fire it at, liams Milling Co,, was agreeably sur- and above c,'i, f. charges than ever be- New Hamburg, Petersburg :Lnd. New PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET place•
tpa(7anadian affairs havi been of Lhe WE APPRECIATE IT ALSU.—Renew prised on Saturday evening, when the fore recorded. The American visible Dundee. He had been postmaster in _ --�
l y greatest service to the ell and ing his subscription a reader in a pro- employees of the mill gathered at his is note less than at an time since 1891. New Hamburg for about 35 years. DR, J, W. SHAW
* Y, minent eastern town says: -DEAR SIR: residence and presented him with a Y TO BENT. E, J, he°r, Wtc' oP�HeeSICI ea URGRO
Itis 11,000,000 bushels less than a year What may yet prove to be fatal tario St., opposite Englisb chore
x%ow that he is about to rytire, deserve -White I enclose a $1 for the ERA, al- gold headed cane, as a memento of the ago, 33,000,000 bushels less than 2 ears accident happened Brick cottage on Townsend street near the oupied by Dr. Appleton h• formerly a°;
b least this acknowledgement, low me to congratulate you on the sterling regard entertained toward him' Y ppene at Broadhagen on Public School; Enquire at the residence of Clinton ant,
distinctlun ago, 39,`iU0,000 bushels less than at this Tuesday of )test week. It appears that
you have attained in the as their einployet'' date in 1895. 4(1,ti00.0(N) bushels less than the four-year-oldson of Air Will. Hills C. E. HOMEY.
"Press" of Canada. I aro pleased that «thi12 getting into a bn �R BTANItURY GRADUATE of J
oto• old friend hast I a been honored g g ggy the oth. 1891, 49,100,(100 bushels than 1893.:1IM. Brecht was playing around a waggon Medical Department D V]otoiia_�A7
•"�' It}aas been suggested seve[•at times + er Sunday, little six year-old Maggie ors everywhere report gaud demand lortded with 14 bags Of grain, when the FOR SALE. city, Toronto, lormerl of u
it certainly not h the ERA any Scott, of - Morris, rot her le broken. for flour and stocks decreasin -_ UlepenSarmes, New York, the no Itala aVer
that the Government should appoint a herrn, I appreciate the ERA for local b g g. horses started, one of the wheels pass Dispen arie ,' N Ba Coroner for he
In climbing up over the wheel her foot ing over the little fellow's chest. Be- or lee -signed
will ell alas crifiicce,Lcoti451countyaeld,Ont,
Commercial Agent in London, Eng., news, of course, while the names that slip ed in between the s spokes. This Particulars
which I know, are fewer than P sides the breaking of several ribs, it is upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barristei &e
whi�se duties would be to look after betore, I always see somethin' inter- frig toned the horse, which bounded �anadlans and the Mar. supposed that he suffered internal in -
ahead. The little girl was sent round lernal injurrea. At the resent time J E• BLACRALL VETERINARY SURGEON
4itr L ommercial interest there. When ecting• I appreciate the good reports with one revolution of the wheel
he IT CANNOT BE EXCUSCD oN GROUNDS p' FOIL SALE. OollHonoraira eraduateof theOntarioveterinary
of S.S. and Y. P. societies rhes a ear of writing he is lying in a rather cr•iti- mate on Treats
i is 011ice of High Commissioner was PP fare the tiaras could he Slopped. It re OF IlL'.IIAXI'rY• cal cunditiou, and it is hardly expected factory and contents on the and sefentica rt
r occasionally, and the absence of any. Suited in fracturing her limb, and oth - v that he will recover, Y P balance P�] $15 down
of D, plea Ufiice- immediatelyeouth oftbeN wEre
$rpt created, it was supposed that the thing that would demoralize. B11ahfLnal�tPOil$1205; ai))OnthnyB:lc6liug Co boars nigh6'Or�°aid�nce —Albert bt., Clinton, pal
Ccupant thereof would also be a tom- erwise badly bruising her. The Toronto Telegram speaks °f Ga- There died at her home on the 3rd r�)ovtd. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. y ttenaedto promptly
n WEiLKNOwN RAILROADERS—Chat- On Monday night,.Xr H. Willert's nada's "duty" with reference to the Cor], of F.Ima, on April 23, Isabella A
naercial representative, and we sup- lie GfAves, who was for coebiderable sawmill, about three in}les west of Present war in the following terms:- g- .
11. 06. this is to some extent the case, time a travell}ng.agent with the Grand Dashwood, was destroyed by fire. A "Canada's good wishes toe and the nes,�the wife of \\/m. M. Shearer, after ' lE$OUSG '— HENT. JOHN P. MILNE, VETERINARY s
°: Trunk, and was well known in town United States in this crisis haves are tom'!z Mess Of about two weeks. Deceas• has foturned to t lmtou and o UBGEON
there - _ seems to be a need for here,"hd9 recent] been 'a ointed to large quantity of lumber was also 1 intellectual basis tis this country g The large frame dwellinL, house on Albert at the Queens Hotel, where be pOOed an office
' ' y Pp • burned. This is the second time it has Y yds be ed wtLs the thud _dao titer of Oliver Street, ]ate.y occupted by Mr• Todd, with Half • ed for the treatment of all a may be consult.
f icer with wider duties artil re- the name pos,i4ion in connection with lief that the re ublic, irrespective of Jones Mornington and had not Coni- an acre of land. Rent'm,derate. Apply to cattle, &c..Allcalls aid sea8ea of horses,
been burned down, ; it will
been burn pleted the 20th year of her age. JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. tended to, 'lit or day, promptly at
the Great Northern, with headquarters oil Shout a year ago; it will be a hpav its motives, w} 1 serve humanity by g'• She .
1 ihilities. Why not enlarge the at Toronto, Uoenelius Sheen who +' Y restoring peace to Cuba, was married on Lhe;23td of February -
Y, .Obs to Mr W}Vert, as there was a in Olinadlan heads knclihe (o the side last g HOUSE TO It,EN'r. l ARR[AOE LTUF:NSE re.
t ,ere of some of the attaches of the retired from a ion and successful life her death Navin thus taken _ �r(
surancc Incendiarism is supposed to pl ce just two months later. bout lriueeRIAG Marriage SCOTT, SR.
� j l )ommissioner's office, and tet of act}v}ty as a railroad man one year be the cause, as they had not been of the United States because the Unit- That comfortable brick cottage on Ontario and Rei g Licenses o
+ hree weeks ago she became affected Street cast. near the Presby terian manse, late-
s deuce, Mury street, Clinton, y ROOM
ago, died ruttier unexpectedly at his working in the mill for several days. are
States to right, but Canadian hearts with St. Vitus dance anti beat tnediO
iltlifn also act as Commercial repro- late residence in Deti oit Tuesday night, are embittered by the memory of so ly occupied by E T, Holmes, is to rent. 1'os-
13( ntative. Me Sheehy began his railroad career as A team belonging to Me Chas. Tay- much United States meanness to Can- cal skill was not able to check the pro- session at o:)ce. npp y to JOHN i11DOL'r, JAMES CAMPBELL, 1 UNDE8BOR0
a brakeman oil the Northern Railway, lor, of West Wawanosh, ran away on oda that this country is not, even now guess of the disease. Huron St., C.inton, ISSUER OV RA1.1.1AGE LICENSES.
ranging between years
ago.Toronto and Lolling- Saturday evening when near Currie's a hearty admirer of the great republic, Dors W. Collin's little baby very nar- HOUSE AND LOT I� OIL SALE NO witnesses required
+ dread riots in Italy may be regarded wood, over years ago. Jae bad since corner, west of Lower Winghatn, The "It is the duty of Canadians as burn- rawly escaped being drowned in a boil•
tttsaurfaCe indications of the social dib- Occupied various important positions t unatvay was caused by the nut being an beings, to sympathize tvtth the Un• scar water on Monday The undersigned afters for sale thattwos W. TARN
with different roads and was well lost orf the wheel, e�using the wheel to rued Staten fie agarnat bpain, and duty Collins was ban in hat Dresden. Mrs Brick Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm • I' L. S., Cprou phIBER OIi ASSN OF
I'llContent which all travellers agree is known in Clinton where he sent come off., No dame a was done to the ye. pleasant, but Canada is the line a of tan y Cavil Eu Land- Surveyor and
is not alwa ti g g t e clothes °lit on ltaitenbur There Is )n connection one acre Engineer, London, put,-Ufiice at Geo,
ear rn.m nn , rn at kingnetn Tt,• _ ant a tld tgkiel] elle Calle }n skis d which will slap b0 Solei in one piece or Stewarh s acatery London,
horses, rig or harness, but a man by laboring hard at the uphill worsk of Found that the baby had fallen into the in lots to suit pnrctias r, lip t to
xans have learned, fie other people A BEAUTIFUL BOox. - Printed in blue me nar . �iir►es was tiding wishing well to a country which has boiler. W•W,FARRANorJ.RATTLIWBURY, Clinton
Wed- before them, that political and gold on creamy white paper, the cover with Mr Taylor, and the two mop be- 5 rlven o o evil an no goo o re. a y had its head downwards H ,__ E!]t.
Of the beautiful little book just ing thrown out of the rig, young t COTUAGE AND LOT F
arid it OR Hats remodelled and done over fie ood a
i�ertyis no guarantee •against paver ] published Mr Haines' le Was brokeng, [n the fall Y We can was quite a few minutes before it SAIL. new, Persons wishing s
bqa Th.11 ey have .also to learn that by the North American Life Aesnrance ,which will y agree with out con- sbo wed any signs of life. It will re hing work doze is this line
g their
receive perfect sathsPaction on leaving
Company, and its artistically illustrated lay hirn up for some L}rue. temporary, f hough much that it says cover.
a �bYltick ebonomieal conditions moat be letterpress rsontente, comprising the annual On Saturday last Geo, Goldthorpe is undoubtedly true. The attitude The undersigned afters for Bale a Prsme cot- thotr orders with the undersigned. Leave
tags of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed dors early. MISS MOURRI, or-
�sttublistied before a nation tris] be report, as well as other interesting matter and Dlartin �onnel], of Saltford, parch- tvhtch ►t ascribes t° Canada is not the attached. Central situa+ed. Good water and over BOeslgf 3c Co'a. late store Alb '
in regard to this snooessfal Canadian fin- seed at the section sale in Godertch 411 attitude of this part of it, so far as we drainage. Willboseldcheap. App; to er„ s,coogr_dr y,� '
i tkt.Ylyr^.pro§perosis, ,and' -that industry anaial institution, constitute one of the acres of land between Benm}ller Road have been able to observe, We do not Salesw.0. bhy'ARLE. SHINGLES f'
find the public "heart" hereabonte Ciinturl DOal01,h 1 Olt SALE
14dc ji rift are the foundations of na moat creditable prodaotione of the prase. we and the Maitland. river, on which are r',.
tJL70411L: rogrEss and happiness. Italy have Been for some time. The occasion of very valuable lime stone quarries, for anyways stub}hared or inclined against CHOIr;E FARM FOR SALE. oe Rod Cedar And Drop as usual the best brands �`
this fine piece of printing is the completion $?15, JAC°b Kuntz purchased about our neighbors, but we do find that the Londe,boro, apply Co D usual the
Blyth and �;;
in¢ the days of Cavour has been of improvements in the historic building, three acres of land, extending along public `•head" has been unable to see With Hood'sSarsapa- Fo> sato, a Parm of 75 acres of excellent land himself at Diane LOWntv,.at Blyth, or
l:BirO l! in her determination to attain erected by the United Empire Clab in To• the river flats from the bridge to about that the United States had any good rills,"Sales Talk," and being the north halt of lot 42, lath con. of Huh hams l f will ftndri places' Parties wauting 1;1
Talk loll. Good bank barn, Promo house with ►,tone for prices before buying elsewhere.
ereoty�ore°tflge to ask f
`ttJ,,i�li Aitt maintain the position of a ronto, and afterwards eoonpied by the Can• the slawghter house, paying $135 for it, and sufficient reason for malting war show that this medi- cellar, ptenty of water; all but four acres
adieu Pacific Railway, now the home office A. Sande purchased the l6 acres ad- on Spain. If our peopple could once see eine has enjoyed public confidence and cleared, within easy dtatar)ce of sonooi and Lundesboro, Feb. 1 WM- WHITELY.
$es,1;-Clusspower. She has, however, of the North American Life. It ie said to joining hie farm on the Benmiller Road that the war wasjustiflable, they Wuuid patronage t° a grerutereatentthanaoaord- °herchesGABR[ be L sold
YR n reasonable terms, 8, 1s98.
r4ttly exhausted herself in doing so, be one of the most admirable for its par- for $27Q and a part of tot 3 for $t30. find it easy to be in most hearty Sym- other UNG, Auburn P.O.t -- �- ,;
pose ]n this country. An illustrated de- pathy with the United States, not• y proprietary medicine, This WANi'f,D By Old Eatabiiahad House_
n4l is Probable that had she given eo se in a is o u about the billust and its y' g anythin that the Unit- P y because it High Grade Man or
Un Sunda April is th at eat real- withatandin is elm I 8 HOUSE FOR SALE. he eonnri aorofl}oe�woik and colra, Maaagei '
Oyp{ rtttention to internal develo a , g posaeseee ranter d
p ppointments, written by b F. Howard An- deuce on con. 5, orris, the death oc- ed States may have done or attempted merit and produces ,greater cures than at their home. Business already re t n a-
curred, at the age of 70 es�ondenoe
1 Q)1 &ilcl less to warlike eminence she nes, is included in the back. B years and 6 towards this country, But their heads any other. It is not what we esy, blit rBz, oo buy, the two semi-detached brick established yore, ,alar already Eno Be and
months, of John McArtergtea, an cid and no not approve of the war on the score what Hood's Sarsa arilla does that teliL houses on Ituttenbury st., known ns the Fox- P. � p it to
Did have ryday been stronger even ship f y respected resident of the town- of humanit or any other of the alleg- the story. All advertisements sof Hood's tonilPhor house, and also vacant lots fors A. Ave.,Elder' cue scat Manager, log j4iohI an
0%ai fi tuoilitary point of view. Ta`k About Nens ship for over 30 years, Mr M°Arter ed grounds and public feeling is there- Sarsaparilla, like Hood's BareaparilLA it- g ale. g•Chicago, Ill f�
was born in Glassrow, Scotland, and fore, we think, as nearly neutral as is i .: ;, aro honest. We have Sever deceived money. -Private funds in large Sed small
One of our local poultry fanciers this settled first in Dalhousie, removing af• ossihle in a community of free Geo le. : F.o Gestic, and this with its superlative out)) 6) 1 J o.t m hr; r.i cn, Rates tow, ,
[Ymorning called our attention to an W. BRYDONE, Barrietor, AGENTS.
American poultry Journal deseri terwards t° Usborne township, and Nevertheless a good many who feel ,medicinal merit Is why the "Klondike Gold Flelds," a large, cheap v ;,
lirish-American plane for the great of the marnmothincubating and boiler finally settling on the farm where he that our neigghbors have not teen Usti- Y people save I3US[NESS PROPERTY FOIL able book, atk18 Alin like a whirlwind. Beautiful t 10]f P died. He was a Reformer it, politics, fled in mak war j abiding confidence in it, and buy p wan t'-8ve cents BOoke on time
g' ttge to Ireland and celebration lent that has recently been put in b g yet have a very SALE BRADLEY-GARItETyoN CObIPANy Lntrrau,
a S due Y and attended the Methodist church. kindly feeling towards them. In short
f",tefitenriial anniversary of the re- y Y+ Ohio man, who has invest-
oh_0 ;,7K have . been abandoned. ed no lees than $eo,lJoo in the purchase the Canadian attidude, pictured b the 'S That desirable Brisk Business Stand on Al Toronto,
Y bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
of, 140•aere farm and the erection The London Daily Chronicle says Telegralm, ]8 in gvery respect the tom- offered forilale, includin .rearlotand stable.
Zi iy Iii rit of the war. There are !1POn ft of stone and brick alato-cover- this morning: "Mr Gladstone'saLrength Piste Opposite of what we find to be00d, Tho to^atidn t, one of the host in Cltnron. The AGENTS
itxrit3htnen who will not regard a buildings, One Of them bei 480 steadily declines, though there is we the judgment and sentiment of our - propertY is free from incumbrance and title in- "The best life of Her Ma esty I
feet id length, another 320 feet on prospect o an immediate people in this dispatab'O, Price reaSonabte and terms to suit writes Lord Lorne aboutj'8 Y I Viotoeen'��
B ,' believe, no ' P p part °f the Dominion.- . purchaser. Apply to pEU, STANBURY, Lon- Agents make ft,e dollars daily a
tiiRl Cbl' t�i li program as a mie£or- R, P Halifax Herald. don Road, or nddrose Clintoa P. O BRADLEY-GARIiETSON COMPANY, LtxrT$D
and still another 580 feet long and 40 end. The disease has not Gained force Sarsapari I la
Gtrld Lgglishmen, as well as Irish• Fide. The profit on the investment enough to overcome the wonderful Toronto. '
00 �Z0a learned much in a hundred thus far has netted $25 per annum strength of hisconstitution, but a nat- Mr. Tarte has done more proportionately Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it Far lit fi.r Sale or to Itent.
which the owner hopes shortly to in- ural weakness now anpervenes and fhb° any other minister in the direction of Prepared only by 0. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass. The south half of lot 6, ooneession 9. Town- CLINTON
lei Milli the generally contented crease b 5,0(10 or 10,000 more. He P the reduction Of the staff and of the salary WOOD Y gSine U os him, enCOrefor by Mr q ship of Morris, containing loo acres, 80 acres and COAL
riditiori' r3'jy the Irish people in 1898, nae thirty 300 -egg size incubators, and Gladstone's fervent desire for time rest bill, He has also secured a material re.- t are the only pills to take cltared and b) good state or culdvativation. Y
tiftrbtl #+ith,Lhe elate they were in 1°ada there aeY'011owe, namely, 300 to- which be has so t t htly earned. He is duction of the a+lacy bill of his staff, which HOOCI 8 bills with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 7 ho• ° are on the promises n frame horse, frame Sub.toribor Is copp r
day in one machine, 800 to -morrow in now confined to his room, Now and was$52,540 fOr„88 men when he came in, barn, frame drive hoes , good orchard, never tiers Por Wood or Gooddwht ron'ptly,
'7 . is t%e Best nenferxlnfa[ celebra- the next machine, and so on, making g and is now $46,660 for 31 men. In oom- failing Supply of spring water. situatod #mil - lowest fol res• Otllco n,i eh will b
a Sin his mind reverts t0 critical per. ENTRANfrom the v l ago o[ Bryth, tI ill ho amd , l Toa- > Isaac Street, at A
that, CtailTd �e observed. If there an average of 450 eggs placed in the lads In his career,nnd to the legislation passing this and Mr, Tarte changed the eoo'ble torahs, lip 1 LoC HAecutMu,7'oIv, H with IME CEMENT lipOMB, W wHEATI,
6 nti� 10eitY P%U9e for agitation this incubators every day in the year, which cost him the most Lux}sty, butt hours gf his staff, which formerly worked or !'HOS. R. WRI(lt'a I ltxRAI r> 0I8Yrtncesa
When these fowls, which are called the [Hain thing that fills his thougbts from 10 to 4 O'clock, fie in all the other do• And Leaving Candidates for next examin• Ave,, London, Ont. GENTS -Book business IS
l�'eikV&rj .would not pass without broilers attain thea a of 90 da 8 the is religion, and he speaks of death as partments. In the pubAti works office they 'tion will hear of something to their ad. A Yearsrast;also have hetrornrhdelnet than for
' g Y Y House and Lot for Sale books• Ag:nts "a ha a bene andfaste gelling
lir a eliftobstrations Of feeling, but are shipped alive to Commission mer- his call." now worlr fro In 51.50 to 5, and the result is vantage by sending nameand address,name Pnw]ertdoraare: 'varfr Victoria "Ciro Iv
Ct that le, lig passing with se-a.rce• chants, who have contracted to take a .distinct gain to the country. of teacher, and location of aabool to the Tho frame house on ^itnttanbury sheat, Gladstone,,,
lad to8p'oak y'A1O=tee's DI oracles " -pro. {
t,ho Output, whits is found to ha 250 � }mmediatal oat of Lr. Tom!inson's rP cr' 1'1011dil;o Gold rlotrts ""Iyo•
r 17ttt1Cr is jslkbof thtit Ireland has broilers every day in the year. Three NEWS FROM PORT HOPE, Y 9 man,^ "Gtitppseg of thn Unsppn, "',Bc81 fnac
thousand lapin h i HALIFAX $APPENINGti. Cy%��+i+L E11:�r'.5 CQi,�h�(�Ih; oflfared for sale on very reasanab)a terms, �i'n';or�L"d SuppOr,''Catrnrla; nn ItnoyolO a
�d.Oki €u llle+cr lint# ireLtet Pauli Of g ens are lie ]t On the Word has boon receiver] from Port FI°Pe, Every sufferer from Sick I3eridaoho an or 7roltoNTe The pause ie centrally eitaatcd bear. alit n' Ilbo}rs on limo. Outline arca) eanvassore `t
itiW(A&VOr,'e,nd that the Brit- premises; 2 400 of them being legbopns, Out, that Me W.A.Carson, the well-known Constipation should know that d a minttts' walk from the been be � y The GAJIRRT,Ov Co„ Limited
brown ana white, and the balance roper, lilts been oared, of Shortness of Pills orb Laxa Liver Solid postal without dolsy and mention th'a
has oto a contra, h
ina+siit ha>� be aa
sn fait'ly SUCCe4s- I'lytnouth hock!` 'We were Cont cited B a perfect care. Mar arot Brennan ' or. The presont S salon continues es n collar largo diningoroom actor
to r'Ci tliie tlfi'r tli Cath, Xbrvoasness, D!2G itr,afig hurl dobita , t u tunill r ,.
t o rode tte0qui tq tirp' 011 ,, a ef�thll iltt3i aL ' 5 Granvillo etroot lta f 11 fAt,ttnd tuomliniam nitro'•rad tourn and k{tohan d° n AGLN'><'S ,,
hjY iii Ll1Egt ity 11y lk2ilbt1l<n s Fli>Yltzt Iliricl . , I[ Rx, � lis, se. g,--„ e r Y Rdirtittecl nuc Alof y tv s ire, wall one tYAIY 1.D.
S5+3x��; ills, Ui` hRtrb y thsla a to tlttlt dnteL arta al o ...- , . • - a _.
p tit, lir dtlr coluYYlrilt plfeulfi haul* ur3e+4 lisSctt lmii�o p . 1 wtiek to tsomn illus lAr b acid two smaller bbd
]. ilia for ca gtlm t; 10o s sth .
tsit fila l?Ylrl�r�l�-s�rs� buil Czrsati ,r�twafnisrfds this , ulcer litil [re. g•llilbd tGitht i+ 'r rE eel to all. t 11 �+ 106h �so aolaetad aftor tha bol da ants l%,hted. Mato3' 46 . art si0k ktsledkah0 ai y , 4oc •sized etYrntxia> >tit nn�l itlrlitrla, 9tr rp1040*k ill t— t a LLQ tbr... 11>fs ti Sty lima +ill! li tial. foilna thin . r3 z •Wrife.;t6r Itrtlaal re., oliah lir tlft3t]ti' It}t Silt l.b :ball zitrr y
ge�b or ti�srvb �ioa fie s; .,ICllt ,f' 7eC ... P• a to V r bo ool)lbr]tly stttrtYio r aid+ p, ttd . , ]rvcltim BIR^.rohrPo 2e.
5 n. d br jtCKrditagltwtirttClu rfepla.iotLfoa slid I:h an fo�tsr
+ W. i~dt: �W I"htttW.4 . IigtjN6, Mitib tit 1<l* W li;f;c t� �t ~Pito 1rEt1I tot � 1a�w�
.n....J_.� ....e.e.K'..1�' ._.,...... ...., ._.,. - a . .—. _ .. _ ,.... . .. 1