HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-05-13, Page 1ry .
I 0 'lie Annual Meeting of the Liberal Association for West Huron, for both the Local and Dominion, will be held at Dungannon on Tuesday, May 31., at I p,
I-- - - - - - -_ -_
Wepairs ..
Ours is the place where we
do all kinds of repairing -
watches, clocks, silverware,
eta. We do it in such a man -
44. t 't • tfsfa for
I -!A--I" - ERA,7 111L LINTO NT.
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ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., MAY 13, 1898 $1 a year in advance 01.60 when not so paid
A Spectacle 0)'
Bargain . Y
From now until 1st of June we will
give you, for 45,a pair of heavy gold
frames, fitted properly with the
glasses that best suit your eyes: -
Our regular price is 07. We know I IL
that you are apt to doubt such
statements, but we trust that our
utation for truthful
ner a i gives ea o y . And square nesting win in this case 1:
results. Our charges are - - Londesboro be sufficient to convince you that
q moderate -our service I Goderich Township HarlOck
1.No ob io too large AROUND THE L-L��• when: or SAY ite time ng 7 give
prompt. ] g NOTES.—The atone masons are at Li�AGIIIs:—Next Sunday being the you—for a limited time—a 07 pair 1
for us, and none too small; What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication ACCIDENT. - On Monday evening work making the cellar far the house Epworth League rally througbout the of E3peotaoles for $5, that we are
last while Mr Charles Middleton was d
whether large or small it re- which Mr Geo. Knox intends erecting Dominion, the Rev, Mr Andrews will going to do just what we say., Ear-
eeives• the attention it re- Brucefield Stanley driving home from hie farm, his horse. on the farm he lately purchased. Har- preach a sermon, for the League here Cher, we will give you for $3a heavy '
i vires. Toe nrueeDeld Iroet and 6noe Lmporluoy took fright and ran away, throwing on that evening. q NOTES. -Mr Neil McGregor is put- lock friends spent a very pleasant ev- g. It is expected that gold-filled frame - solid gold end
Dixon's Block, is now full of the best class of him out of the vehicle and breaking the Junior League will take char
Boots and Shoes there is in western On;,ario, ting a new wire fence along the front ( ening at the house of Mr Loa Farnham g charge of pieces -guaranteed for 10 yeare,fitt-
SOMETHING NEW g ly p his collar bone. M the singing for that ser
and theta is no necessity for any person going of his lot, which will real improve on Monday evening. On Thursday uY g g vice. Every ed with best glasses. For this oi5r
from home when they call get, as good value the appearance of his fine farm. Mr ' FOOTBALL. -A football match will last week the Allan boys, aided by League member is expected to be pres- regular price is 64, and ie-wc:th it.
is being shown in Jewelled for their money at the Emporium as they can John McCowan still lies in a weak be played this (Friday) evening be- their grandfather, succeeded in digging sent, and all are welcome. It is this way. We have more of
it",.:Belts, the latest oreation. for anywhere else. Just bring your cash along ( Itween t ootball teams of S. S. No. six young foxes out of their den; these frames tbsn w,e want, We 1
ti' ", summer wear. New golor- and see it J. B. Jamieson cannot give you as condition. S. No. 8, on the grounds of foxes are about half-grown, and the Manitoba to vyork orllaht men The prefer the Dash, and for this space
good value for your money as anyone 1n the, LLETIIRNED.-Mr Wm. Grafi has p a'°d' ' of time are villin to satris s oarill .
j Ings in leathers, jewels and boot and shoe business can. The public knows . returned from Liverpool, having dis- the Is ter, We predict victory for the boys intend raising them as pets. On stonemasons ietnrned to the church g
� `•3 hackles to match, and the very well from past experience that J. B. J. is P boys. o . 9; as they never have been Wednesda Mr Geo, Watt was in God- on Wednesday. Rev, Mr Hamilton profits to get it. You have our res-
prices are low. It's a )Pleas- a man of experience and can give you a9 good posed of his load of cattle at a good beaten, a hou h the cry "it's time for Y �' son in a nutshell. After June let
satisfaction as any one in the business. N'ar• figure. Mr Graham has brought out g Y erich settling tip some business connect- has been on a visit to his mother. Rev.
ure to show you these. mer's produce taken in exchange, Custom two young men who are open for en- a Chang may alter the prediction. ed with the estate of his deceased son, Mr Henderson, of Auburn, preached in regular prices will again prevail. Ii
work and Repairing attended to on the shortest y g P We calla?
441, t:' notice, I tender my smbere thanks for past gagement with farmers. ACCIDENT. --On Monday of this week s, the Presbyterian church on Sunday y, remember, or.refund
.1-11 favors favors and hope that the public will still con• TEAMEETING.— Anniversary services Mr Robt. Thompson, Huron road, very Summerhill last. Mr Alfred Collinson has return- your money -therefore you ran no-
tinue to give me their support. Come along; narrowly what mi ht have ed from the Pacific coast; it did not risk. Cash is what we want and
P. B` CrPi3 I am always at home. J. . JAMIESON. will be held In Bayfield road Presb y.escaped g NOTES, -Mr George, a student cf
B Y Y -for that reason this is not a oreeit
l Jeweler & Expert terian church on Sunday, May 22nd, been a serious accident. He was remov- Huron College, preached very accept- take him long to make his pile. Mr J.
p MARRIAGE. - This week it is our ing poets from the ground with rho+ aid ably here last Sunday, Miss A. Stout, Lear is home on a visit. Mr '. Snell, offer. Until June 1st Only.
Watch Repairer pleasant duty to recordthe marriage of I and on the following Tuesday evening, of his team, when one of the posts teacher, of Clinton,' was the guest of sr., has purchased a very large steel
Mise Anna Morrison to Mr Park, of ,May 24th, a team eeting will be held broke and struck him on the face ren- roller. Mr S. Woodman is settled ALLEN & WILSON
I , and a good program rendered. Mies. Mies F. Miller over Sunday. Mr R.
r • Stanley, which took place at her home' elocutionist and Madame dering him insensible for a short time. Wallace spent Saturdayand Sunda down in his new botcher shop, Flour
r - --- in Stanley, last Wednesday, Rev. Mr Williams, We are lad to state, however, that he d and wheat are going u by bounds Graduate Druggists & Opticians, i
Wall, the well-known soloist, have g at Walton. Arbor day was celebrated
Winghatn.w Muir performing the ceremony The been engaged for the evening. is able to be around, although slightly here in food style by the teachers and and leaps. Messrs Las am & Bell Clinton.
Cb;r CREAMERY, -Mr J. Crow, of Culross, happy couple left on the evening• train disfigured. wee folk. The cheese factory com- have purchased from W. O. Reid, of I
has again secured the contract of draw- foe the South. We x11 juin in wishing STOCK NOTES. -Mr James MCFer- VISITORS. -Mia Ward, o New York, menced the season's o erationa on SeaForth, the house and land lately oc- �,,,alwalWLrarrO1rr�rr
' them a happy voyage on life s ocean. lane, of the 3rd, recently sold a fine p copied by A. Haggitt. J. Denholm is i!
a ing the cream to Whitechurch cream- im imported stallion Ki pen Dav Cham• is at present visiting at the hormq;01 her Monday. Wd'understand that the fol- r„
t er and will lace four teams upon the DEATH. -The angel of death has once P P y are s again shipping, hay here.
b y p P pion to a namesake -J. McFarlane, at p +,Mr and Mrs Gould;'of the 7th lowing gentl0en are working on the preaching educational sermons next
i,road. The wagons and cans have had a more entered our village, clatmrng�as Shaliespere. He; also sold a Polled con. Miss Maud McGregor,of Porter's new organ'iactory buildings at Olin- THE NEw CHIIRCH.—Special ser Sunday morning. The Epworth
1% ,•:,'j thorough oxerhauling. Four new 30 its victim Mrs Rose of this place. She Angus Bull to a Manitoba farmer. Hill• spent a few days last week at the tod, Messrs Barr, Brownlee, Beacom vices in connection with the laying of League intends holding literary meet-
gallon- cane $'Ave been secured and a was seemingly well in health when and• Both went at good prices. Huron has home of Mr W. G. Whitely. Mrs C. and Watkins. Mr J. Hili its somewhat the corner stone of the new Methodist Ing on Wednesday evening, which pro
� full outfit of cream pails. One new denly stricken by apoplexy,from which many good stock raisers, but few of Johnston, of the 4th con., Sundayed at better this week. church will be held on Sunday and miser to he a good success. The meet
cream box lined with heavy tin, with she never regainedd consciousness. them Bell their stock to better advan- Mr S. Johnston's, Huron Road. Mrs Monday, May 22 23. Rev J. Edge, of Ing of the Quartetly Board was held on
4.: ` receptacle for ice in the centre, has The funeral took place from her late tage than does Mr McFarlane, who has Willis, Ashfield, was the guest of Mrs Ruburn, Godericb, will preach on Sunday at 10 Tuesday last.
t „ 'ust been fitted a for Mr Crow by J. residence to Brussels cemetery, where earned a name for reliability and in- S. J. McCullagh, last Saturday. Miss J. NIcaOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer a. m. and 7 p. m.; special collections NOTES. -Barn -raisings seem to be the
' 'm` tuffield & Son; this box is a device to her remains were laid beside her late y Coo er, Clinton, is this week visitin in Light and Heavy Harness, (a specialty, will be taken up at both services, on order of the day; on Saturday last Mr `
prevent the recurrence of an acecident husband. Much s math is felt for tegrity that are unimpeachable. p gg Whips Valises, Combs Brushes, Robes an� behalf of the Trust Fund of the church. U. llale had his barn moved and raised,
t y p y the family of our esteemed reeve, Mr J. gorse firimmtnes.
` similar to what occurred last year, the bereaved family. COUNCIL. -Council met at the call of Connolly, John Neelands, Wingham, a former and on Monday Mr J. F. Dale had his
when, byan unfortunate spill, Mr Crow NOTES.=Misses Lizzie and Bertha the Reeve on Monday, all the members CHURCH. -Rev. Mr Higley reached member of this church, will lay the new barn taised; the weather was fine, �-;�;
were resent. The tender of James GRAVELLING BEE. -On Friday atter- y P corner atone on Monda a
r+ lost over $40 worth of cream. The far- Rose, of London, are now at home. - p noon of last week the majority of the in St, Mark's church $rtuday evening, y t 3 p. m. Tea and everything went off in first class
Donaldson far 25 thousand feet of J y +. will be served in the Temperance Hall order, A. Scott was called to Brussels ° '
tory commences the season with good Mr an Mrs Rose,of Seaforth, attended ratepayers of S. S. No. 2 Taylor's Cor- taking his text from Jojt�`6: 47, "Ver. P
prospects.. the funeral of the late Mrs Rose. R, cedar re $w where
m. was accepted, to bey it y y ydn, he that be- from 5 to 7 p. m., after which a la
bells ant Saturda delivered where re wired b council. ner,responded liberally to an invitation Y, veru I ga unto p t- on Friday last by the death of hie fath
NOTES. -Mr John W etch, em to ee Baird and P. Cam q y lieveth Ian me hath everlasting life." form meeting will be held in the Meth- er, the funeral taking place on Monday.
11 H .3, employee p p y The repairs on hall were found Safi - to gravel part of the school yard,which g odist church, when the followin Rev- Owing to the rise in rices quite a
P -of the Union factory, has had his and Sunday at their homes here. Rev. factor and Geo. Logan, who had the is wet weather is very disagreeable. A Rev. Mr Andrews preached in the g P + q
house veneered and fitted with cave Mr and Mrs Muir and famil intend y g Methodist church Sunda avenin er•end gentlemen are expecte to be number of the farmers are busy mark ,",
' contract, paid in full, $226. The fol nice coat of good gravel was placed onJer. y g resent and take art: -S. Bond, Sea- clic their wheat. Mr Jos. Yellow, of
troughs. Mr F.H.Heath, general agent going this week on aprolonged visit to lowing accounts were aid:-Sa wer a large portion of the yard, about two from ille 44: t Rey. Mr Olivant, of p p g + 4, ,,
g p y forth, President of the London Confer- Exeter, aid a flying visit to friends
r, for the Confederation Life,was in town Scotland to where their parents live, Glasse Co., blade far road ruder, $8; dozen teams taking part in it, This,in Benmiller, is to reach Sunday morn- +
on Saturday. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, we wish them a very pleasant voyage• y g p ecce• J. d Hamilton, Londesboro J. here an unday last. g ;
• express on same, 50c; Jas. McHi •, kol s a Year, will make a decided improve- ing at 10.30. Rev. Mr Clemence is +
� Secretary of Huron County C:E.Union, The Mission Band,known as"the Little for hall and ruder, $2.60; W. J. MlL- went to the property, and the section to succeed Rev. Mr Eidt. Edge and W. Godwin, Goderich; O. C.
}: was in Wingham. on Monday making Disciples" have again opened their g Couzens, Auburn; W. Rigsby, Blyth; Hohnesville ,;,
B y g P g p chell, printin , $3; J. Donaldson tim- is to be congratulated for the interest NOTES. -Mr A. Bainton and sister, G. W Andrews, Holmesville;. R. C.
<: arrangements for the Convention to be sprang session; all the soon people bar, $8.60. gegular meetin of 'coon- they take in educational interests. In of Blyth, were the guests of Miss R. SEWING AND 5 CENT TEA. -The Wo-
g R g Barton, Varna; R. Millyard and B,
held here in June. D. Gilchrist, Geo. taking an interest in it should join it, oil as Cot.rt of Revision on May 30th at the evening a pleasant fathering was Yungblutt last Sunday. Mr R, Jones Clement, Clinton; W. A. Findlay, man's. Missionary Society held theft
Carr and Wm. Patterson went to Tees- it meets on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 held at Mr S. Johnstona when every and wife, of Godericb, were the guebte moniblyimeetingat Mrs Elford s,where
10 o'clock. J. 1. CAIRNS (.ler k. Ttickersmith; E. A. Shaw, Bayfield; E. .
;- water on Sunday. 3as.Dey spent Sun- in the Presbyterian church. Miss B. person seemed to enjoy themselves of her father, Mr C. Helwig. Last y the afternoon was s art in sewing for i
Olivant, Benmiller; B. L. Hutton, Dun -
day last in Kincardine. Miss M. Wat- McGregor, who has keen on a visit to heartily. Sunday Mr A. Kingsbury, while rid- the missionaries, an a 5•cent tea was r..,
,, son is a finest at Mrs Ritchie'& A. Me- Detroit, is home airain. Bayfield I COUNCIL. -Council met eranant to ing through the village on his bicycle, g in►ton; A. (.. Tiffin, Walton; J. E. J. served. r.
1.Kay, of Teeswater News staff, a ant miss Martin is showing better than over ' p came in contact with a i on the road, Aiillyard, Nile; A. W. Dever, Bervie; NOTE$. -Mr E. W, Andrewe left for ;!i,r.;
Y + F adjournment; the in of the last p g also several prominent laymen. Dur -
Sunday last in Wingham. Fred Ansley St. Helens. in Spring millinery. There is nothing new or throwing him about ten feet lei% in p y Toronto, where he has secured a situs-
went to Chatham on Monday to take a desirable that is missing from her tables. Lat meeting were read and adopted. The g r Y g in the evening the choir of the church Mr,
�? y ACCIDENTAL MIBHA?.-Two nun est styles in dressmaking at reasonable rates. Clerk was instructed to motif the his wheel utmost useless. The Misses tion, ,Andrews reached a very Y
.cc in Business College there. A. y g y wi 1 render choice moult,.
g ladies were starting offdrivin one da Trustees cf S. S. No. 9 to refund to S. She tier, who have been visiting here, practical sermon on Sunday night on
E. Goodhew was in.Kinburn on Satur- g g Y SICK. -Mr Chas. Dressler is suffering returned to their home in Dashwood. `The Simi of the Tongue." Everybody
last week, when the grand start was from aral sir Mr Jas. Fowlie bas al- S- No, 8, the amount of school taxes eolborne g
-day. Wingham baseball team lay P Y Mr Harris, of Goderich, is doing cos- + is welcome to the League meeting on -?w,.
brought to a sudden stop by the con- so been tinable'to attond to Sia buai- from lot 35, con. 6; also the Trustees of
their first game this season with in ve once coliidin with a net b the S. S. No. 5 to refund school taxes from siderdble grafting fruit trees in the NOTES. -Mia Wm. Good, ar., is at Friday night in the uurch, when a ; ''?
r cardiae, in that town, this Friday. C. y g P y Hess for some time. We hope to hear neighborhood. Mr Jonea,'of Lucknow Present very ill. W. W. Fisher has program -will be giveh by Bethel League
+,, Smith ,ttf I:istowet, spent Sunday last way; the rig gave a sudden lurch and of their recovery exon. (lot pt. 38, con. 3, to S. S. ses 8, the has rented the blacksmith she from taken unto himself a lady's bike. of Colborne. Mri Whittingham ja vis .k.
over it wept, also the horse when the Trustees being in et rot in assessment. P
under ifieaparental roof in Wingham. nun ladies had to follow suite, like- NOTEs.-F. Keegan has been engagr d ' A motion was passed to a Clerk's ex- J. P. Brown, of Goderich, lately OCC°- AN OLD PIONEER GONE. --We regret ing at Mr Elford's. ;
p ° . B. Leavens and ?..Sills appant a day this wise ghe cushions, rugs, lunch, etc. by Jas. Pollock to attend to the bar of pensee to County Clerics' Convection, pied by Mr J. LfLW80D, for the su m of to record the demise of Mr George Fer- FOOTBALL,-Tfte boys held an organ t {
1.week in Listowel. Mr F.Beck. of Har- The ladies quickly jumped to their feet, the Queetr �. The boys are beginning to be held in Clinton in June, Council 040 a year. by,. who died on May 4th. Deceased ization meeting one night last week, 1 IN
xiston, was in town on Saturday. W. to manifest their high spirits these fine was a native of Lincolnshire, England, and elected the following officers: Pres,
Latchford'returned from Galt on Sat- re -adjusted themselves and the rig, g f then adjourned, to meet on May 26th, g C ';
- M when the horse was able to right itself evenings by chasing a ootball around as a Court of Revision. and for the and sailed fl•9m Hull with his parents Rev. G. W. Andrews; apt„ P. Camp ,l.
ti v_ .Mon Burgess has returned too, Wonderful to say, no dam a the park, and, when near encu h, kick Leeburn. 1j , ;came bell; Sec., C. L. Fisher; Man. Uom,r Gtr `;:
from ltaxito Win ham. Three car• y+ transaction of other basir,ess.--NIxON whei: cl 1S'cta 1l Y®sra Of age a,... ,
S, g was done but the s lusher bei haul witU both feet. Rev W. rabam STURDY, Clerk. NOTES. -Miss Lillie"Cam bell She to Lower Canada, where he resided Acl]ERu�-: +' "ur lice and T•�S.j�ickaH #;
loads of cattle wereshipped on Monday; g y reached a ver stirring p P hold ra t• nada
one car of export cattle to Montreal, bent almost to the wheel and the P Y g address in St. pardon, spent a few drys with her for a short. time. Froin thence he The boys }? 4 1S0 - . n�
' Andrew's church from Jos. 7 : 13. A BARN ON FIRE. -At about 6.30 on 5
one carload to Toronto and a carload young ladies are congratulating them- Monday morning, smoke was discover- friend, Mo Maria McLeod, returning home cameYork to what city
then called Muddy Thursdaywoo nights, anu arQ, rjoin� Same s
selves on having got off so well. It PERSONAL. -The Nairn correspond on Monday. Miss Grace Horton spent York, now the cit of Toronto, and good work and will doubtless @nail ev=
t0 London, Wm. Moore went to 1.might have proved a very serious mat- er, t of the Parkhill Review says:P"Mr ed in volumes, coming out of the barn afew days with her cousins in Goderich resided there and n that vicinity for erything before them, as usual(?) 11 I
Lucknow on Monday to took after a ter had the top been on the conveyance John Esson, father-in-law tRev J. of Jas, Colcluugh, ba a line. The last week. Miss Edith Horton return several ears, durin which time he PLEBISCITE,—At the meeting of the
•contract for felt roofing, S. L. Hamil- neighbors instantly carne to his ass•►s- y g
ton, of St. Thomas, was in town this or the horse been very wild, so we con- Elliott, Nairn, who has been visiting Lance, and by the very hardest and ed home from Toronto on Saturday, served in the volunteer force in the Templars on Monday flight they so- �
week. Revs, licLean, tof Blyth, ;and gratulate .the young ladies too an get- at the manse for sometime, hal return' most persistent kiu9 of work, succeed- where she has been attending the W. rebellion of 1837, shortly after which pointed acommittee to wait upon the
tin offsafel under the circuii38tancea. ed to his home in Bayfield; he will he I'. Ai, S. Convention; Miss Nellie Clark he came on the Huron tract and set. League, and ask for a union of the two
Perrie, of Wingham, exchanged pul g y Y ed in saving the barn from destruction; g tr+'
it on Sabbath last, S. Robertson, NEW CHURCH PREPARATIONS. -The ereatly missed by the people of Nairn, in fact before much damage was done. cls° attended. Wro. Fulford has hired tied in the townahtp of Ellie, near for the purpose of carrying c more of
tanner, Ltacknow,was in town on Mon• Preabyteririn church looked rather des- as his jokes and pleasant utterances The fire was in the'straw mow, and by with ig MrRichardson. Miss Lizzie Glid• Stratford, from which' place he came They sly the plebiaeite campaign
� - da Elgin Harr:e of the Times staff, olate on Sabbath last the stoves, pipes, were ver pleasant to us; if be should on now working for her aunt at to the township a Colborne, and in They intend going, to work and ro
has recovered. J.S.Timmins, a former chairs, organ, etc: having been remov- y P ll will be-wel- a liberal application of water they kept gippen, Miss Clara Fulford c learn- the latter place he has seri had re near- a thorough canvass. They also • invite pev
see fit to visit us again,
g g� it from spreading to any outer part of
coined b all. ing the dress -making at Goderich. Mr ly Sfty yearn. Deceased had reached other bodies, whether strictly temper
1. resident of Wi ham, has removed ed, preparatory to loosening the church Y ' "the building, and' it is likely due to the
' and Mrs Geo. -Fulford s ent Sunday in the ri a old a e of 80 ears and was ance or not to unite with ttieiii.
from Ayr to Toro to; he was in Blue• from its old moorings, to permit of SURPRISING.—It is very surprising fact that the straw was closely packed, p . g y q
vale and Winghamhhis week, looking preparations bein made for the build- that the people of Bayfield have not that the fire's headway was checked, Goderich Township. ins Maggie Mc- unmarried. He -leaves Dna brother, GRAND CONpERT.=A grand. concept
Nevin spent Sunda in town, as did Robt. Ferby, of Michigan, and two under the auspices of. the Choral So I
11 11after hie' interest in' his vicinity. Mr ing of their new c arch, but, owing to et seemed to learn the lesson that al- How it started is a m alar a trampp P
-, ' ,Hysham, of Red Oak Iowa, shipped circumstances over which they had no lowing horses, cows, pigs, geese, sheP ,, called at a house in the neighborhood also Jae. Nuckle. Mitis Maggie Foth- sisters, Mrs M. Levy, of Walkerton, rials, will be held in the Methodist 1,,
1. Isome stockers to tLat •western State control, .the moving was not started etc., to roam about the streets, ie the eat ly Sundayevening, and i is th aught eringham and Mrs Alex. Monteith vis and,Mrs W. Good, Colborne. Deceas• church, an Friday evening, May 20th. "`
lm Iiced their sister, Mr's A. H. Clutton, ed was of'a charitable, self-eacrificin
this week from WinghYilm. Lee Jim until Monday, when it was brought means of keeping a greatmany visitors that he may have slept there, and then ` g `�`he pro ram will consist of solus,recit- ..r"
last week. Mr Geo. Cook visited here character, of which his many friends ationa
had a visit this week from one of his down street and put on the•East side from this town. The eo le from aur- set the barn on fire when leavin elsarte rooyem@t178 in f;irecian,,. �'
long list of "cousins." M&srs Wats- of Main St., opposite Mr Gaunt's house, rounding towns will come to the vil- q' on Sunday. Mr Stanley, Halmesville, and acquaintances showed their re, pastnr�r a, dileth. " uartettes and a grand
g AN EXTENSIVE WHEAT DEAL. -A put up 17J rods of Page wire fence for =during his tate illness anddcjmlee, � lotus of 70 voices. The following is
anouth, Sgphord and Fnl'er #*eeled to ,Mr Todd having bougbt it. ' The con- lags anyway, but people in mote dis- telegram from Portage la Prairie, in Mrs Jno. Horton on Monday. Mr Jno, Althou h deceased died poo, g
Brussels on Sunday. C. W. rtman, firegat.ion is to have the use of it until tent towns and cities, who know this o ,. h he was the program— ram: -
i` representing. Eastern emtsilement such Lime as the ne•w church will be to t' the case, o some lace else the Winnipeg Free . ress, says:—"Mr Shaw, Goderich, visited his brother respected by all in this neighbor. P g PAR `
�:_ g P John Ferris, a Portage plums farmer, here on Sudnay. hood, The funeral took place May Chorus, Welootrie, Holmesville Choral9ooietp71
c Bureau of New York, was in tobgn on ready for use. Owing to these changes when otherwise they would come to - y 11
"c sold hie rain this week and received -- Syllable singing and humming horus,Soclety
Monda lookin after a roc chive pra er-tneatin last week, and the this really g -` 6th From the Iesidence Of M
Monday p p y g y pretty village, that has so 013 000 in cold cash. This includes r Thomas Recitation -The old man and Jin, C L Fisher
+ -engagement. The town council 3 Y. P. B. clans Sunday evening, were man attractions for pleasure seekers. I , Recitation—The Glood, a nephew with whom he had re -
Y P some of his 06 wheat. Mr'Ferris nat- Quartette -Sweet and Low,... Misses F pick -
a decided to purchase a wateringcart fvr held in the Library Hall. Many assn- IMPROVEMENTS. -Mr J. Fowlie has orally thinks there is as much old in FIRE BUGS AT WOIiB,--About 12 80 sided for a number of years. Rey. Mr ar p A E, Tebbutt, Messrs G}ravell, Pickard
la Sunday morning the inhabitants of Ctlee a ty Little Daisy ..............Society
��, street watering. .Wingham town lis- ciationa will ass away with the old purchased the lot on the corner op)) a Portage farm as can be made else Olivant- conducted service at his late Recitation y L • • . The Ruggles Dinner Par*
y��c.'�a A.,, .me 1 f�neen's,-and hits -had where: I ea a as is the eaforGh-were-a�VakeDed-from the' ' thenen 3
'!�, • Swarta�eturned on Friday from Tor-' new one, but the prospects of having , slumbers by the sound of the fire alarm. church, where he delivered an appro- Duet...............7...... •........Carry Me Book '? l
fence built around it it is supposed he break the monotony of a farmer's life, The fire was started in the stable far- pilule sermon for the occasion, show- Misses F Pickard and A Stephenson ;-"-: o'
f,;. onto: he reports his horse, Springbok, ;such a fine edifice erected in rte place intends to build on the corner. Mr and makes the newspaper man think Humming Chorus—Oh there's muaio..%a oietr j,,A,+
",.,r:,f,A now in training for the QueeD's Plate re very pleasing, not to speak of the Ruuat is having his house and store on there is tett nearly much move tneily used as a livery stable b Mr A. in both the certainty and uncertainty _ ,
races, in the best of condition. Mr G. dbmfortable lace for worship. g pretty y Y y of death; the procession then proceed- QMi� estTe butt, YeOver the e, Mess of otherp to-dos f ,r
the square fixed over In up-to-date in fat as In the news a er burl- Hays; the fire was started first in the p followed ,Messrs Potter,Tebbntt
P :
McKenzie and daughter returned home [ p bus and to make a sure job of it, it ed to the Colborne cemetery, ollowed Reattation..............Peter Sorghum in love ;
TOTES. -Mies Emily Weatherhead, style. The masons have the founds- nese.. r Ferris is an old uronian, ' j Miss Goodwin °�
tofu Sr^ Francisco last week, after a I was started in the horse stable, where by a large concourse of friends and ac- ,
1 wll+o was indi posed, we are pleased to tion of W. Jowett s house completed. I being a son of the late Robt, Ferris of 1 Duet ............. ....Nearer, My Qod, to Theo
eaeant visit to friends on the coast.- + uaintances. A lrandeomse floral r':. c'
Mrs McIntosh, of East Williams,ie vis- see •'Zi again, Mr John McDonald had on Jno, property
a has started Ste house Goderich Township, and his many the horses were kept, the building was Mrs F Elford and Mr Oakes 11
the . isfortune last week to get sewer- on his property across the river. The friends aro' leased to hear Of Sia ood burned almost to the ground; the two wreath rested on the coffin, sent by Recitation—Seleeted...............G W Acheson ,r. •:
itin her sister, Mre Clendenin Mr p g Mrs J. Stewart. The all -bearers were C41ee-Rise me Goodnight Baby .,.. -:..Society „y,
gg g•" al of'. is ribs fractured when skidding engineers at the harbor have part of fortune. He spent last winter in On- horses that were in the stable were p PART II 1 .
Glraham, ranolithic sidewalk contract -P Messrs Will.
Treble Chas. Walters,
g logs, we trust he will soon be able the cribwork built for the earth ter tario and while here made several of burned so badly they had ko be shut. Deisarte movements in C}reoian Costnm ' ,or, was in town on Monday. J.>✓alton, p There is no doubt but that it was the H. Butt, Stephen Butt, Jesa Gledhill Mto wo�at
agaiD; Mre McDonald is ill. in but have the harder part of it yet to forts to sell this grain, but a arently Misses Goodwin and Gr o- mail clerk of the L,H. & B., has moved bed tweek also, and we hope soon do -the break or gap. The Council ob• concluded he would hold it till the dol- wor k of an incendiary, and we hope and Chas. Ginder. Anthem -How Beautiful ...... ... 9ooiet' , `;
into .the house owned by H. Davis, and gar be ultimate recover q. Mrs Wm. served Arbor Day by having new trees lar mar k was reached. the guilty person will be found out and Recitation—Seleoted..............T Et Conrtice y
recentl occu ied b Jae. Hunt. Mra Ta for, who is d in of that dread dis- lanced and dead -ones r e laced oft the Quartette .......... . ... When soft the Dews
y Y y y g p P punished. The bus and coutenta were Cs'onstance Misses Floods, Pjokard, Campbell
Donaldson, of, London, is visiting Mrs ease, co sumption remains about the square and other Streets of the village NoTEe.-14Ir T. J. Powell spent Sun- insured for $500; Mr Hay's loss will be TEMPLAR. -The Good Templars so- Solo and Chorus .......... ...Cheer forCanada,
Clenuenin The regular meeting of Same. Ise Mabe McDonald is recon I day in Bayfield. Miss Maggie tante- about $500, insurance $200. clef have re•or anized with the fol G F Oakes Society
} t the W.C.T.U. will be held at the resid- Tan NEW ERA GIVES THE HoME NEWS ]on left last week for Manitoba. Miss Y g Recitation -Casey at the bat ...... ... Miss Gill r
erinq fr m the measles. Mrs D. Todd NOTES. ---The concert given under the lowing officers: -C.T., Duncan Tudor; Double Chorus....On in Beauty; Hail, all =sail 4;
ance of Mrs Wm. Button on Tuesday Sophia Stirling visited friends in Bay- g
S; avenin next; special invitation is ex- had a ra -bee lately, when the young field last Sunda Mrs S. Hod ane, of auspices of the Hockey Club was a P.C.T., John Medd; O., Wm.McIntoah; Society E
a g P ladies p t in an enjoyable time. Jae. Blyth, y' g reatsuecess, it being first class in, V.T., Mies M. Reid; R.S., Loa Fain- Recitation -The Cattle Thief.. ....FCElforal ,11�1
r; tended to all gentlemen who are bon- Lucan, is visiting her parents, Mr and g g N.S. W. Hu all; T. Mise Annie Duet -The to ilot.....:The Death Bridge Oakes ;4
,i ' r,. nisi aembers. Rev. Jas. Hamilton McDonal, , Wingham, called to see hie NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Samuel Graces Alre J. 1V i niton Ba Held road. The every respect; the hall was crowded to ham; , g ,of •,,l
' y brother Sabbath last. Meagre Dech- of Win ham fig + ' Y the doors. Jno. Kerr, while working Reid; M., John Reid; G., Mrs Mrs W. Miss Lu Andrewe
sj►ent $unday in London. g were visiting friends in members of Uole a Church are re ar• g Leitch; S., Wilbert Ta a
er, Mcdiire and Thom' wheeled to pp p in Coleman's stave mill had the mis- Taylor; L. D , Jas. Mate Quartette......MessrsGravell, Sahwanz,
+ town on Sunday. The effects of the in for a brilliant social to he held Oakes and Pickard
Godericht�,� and back one day this week. late Geo. Paramenter were sold on sometime in June, Air Charles Teb• fortune to get his hand badly ent by a H►nchley; Organist•, Miss Bell Farn- Recitation, .......The Trouble in the Churah. 11 .1.,
rf # a Misa S. Wilson. Auburn, is working at Tuesday, the house and lot being I saw which he wag running. Mr A. ham; Trustees, Jas. Stanley, Wm. Me- J GtSchwartz
r the tailofin with;Mr Decher. We are y f par' I butt, teacher in S. o Na. 10, has put- g' Intosh and Jas. Hinchle Double Chorus-Nld,Nod, Nodding; Echo Soag
Men's clothing g chased by Mr Ed. Littlefair, of East chased a new Dayton wheel from Mr Scott, an old employee in Broadfoot a y DOD SAVE rnE QUEEN
G'.. sor�ryy to earn of the continued illness Wawanosh, for the sum of $937; the Geo. Emmerson, Goderich: Miss Nina planing mill, got one.flnger taken off NOTES. - Miss L•tura Andrews is
Of Mr John McDonald, con. A; he pur- horse was purchased byMr Norris Cox, Middleton and Mise Flossie Cole spent and three badly cut while runningg a spendin a few weeks visiting with
W "The clothing you bay here is just as good poses leaving in a Pew dopa for Guelph, Goderich, for 1887; the other articles all Friday last with Miss Flora Conolly, of saw. Mr A. Forbes haspnrchased a friends to Exeter. Mr John McGregor liieakins' r,
. as it:looks. It's the reliable sind,and conte and we hope the change will prove went at good prices. The Flouring Porters Hill. We are roti to hear of handsome driver. Dr. Ghee. Camp- is away at Molesworth to learn cheese -
no more than the common,ordinary grades. beneficial. Dr. Gordon and wife, Rip- Mill is exporting flour to the Old Coun- I the sickness of W. J. Elliott and hoe bell, of Brooklyn, N.Y., son of Dr. making. Mr Lou Proctor leaves this 1;i„µ,
- we stand bank of every bit we sell with ley, visited friends in this vicinity last try at present. he may Boon recover. Albert Wiese Campbell, formerly of this town, Is vis- week for Bluevale cheese factory, Mr Royal Semi -Porcelain Di9aer Ware
out guarantee that quality and style are week. Mr Charlie Stuart, Win ham, CHURCH NOTES. -The annual district y g de ti in the iting friends here at present; Charlie John Millaon has greatly im roved
F the best you can get for your money. Sundayed with his cousin, Mr. Aic• found his colt moron side p g Y P --
j,ee. meeting will be held in the Methodist fleld: it has had to have het a since. will be remembered as the afar player fits premises by building new fences
,, Dont mise the opportunity of seeing ,Crostie. Mr Wm. J. Cadd continues g P P of the Beaver Lacrosse Ulub. We and sidewalks. Miss Tda Britton has Jnst received an import crate of above, wit h
" these. It'd worth repeating that early to wear a broad smile since the arrival church next Monday and'luesday, May Ben Switzer ig improving his house; we are offering at exceptionally low prioftl
( liayers get the pink of the offerings. of his heiress. Messrs Gordon &Sher- 16.17, when Rev Jos. Edge, Goderich, T. O. Elliott does the brick work. Jae. sympa h ze with, Mr L. Witt in the returned home after spending a few ,
riff, carpenters, are kept ver bus and Rev B. Clement, Clinton, will Beacom, sr., we are sorry to say, is not loss of his youngest eon, who died on days with Seafurth friends. We had )jeCe Dinner r Y'
' woad t�aok Snits, light eolore these times; they are atprerren busyy speak on League work; on Tuesday an improving as fast as his many friends Friday from the effects of croup. Roy Educational services preached on Sun- 164 ani 2.
beoke, efts eti, light
,edges, with two houses for bachelors which open meeting will he held; a cordial in would wish. Davis spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr day last by a minister from Bervie Set only '
Da'v'id Donovan, our popular horse- The E, L. of 0. E. mea ting Tuesday
ncoketa, pants lined below looks as if the days of single blessed. vita,inn is extended to all to attend.- p_p b . Compr•ising 5dozen plates-tdozDinner,
tyles in Dark Tweeds �S oars were numbered for the said bxclt. Rev lir Rigsby will preach an League buyer, returned home on Monday from evening next will he taken y Miss S. 1 anz Brealcfast, I doz. Toa, I doz Soup
" """' • "" NOTES. -Fred Cork has of settled Hovland. Wheatle rind Miss Lottie McCall 1 doz. Dessert, and l doz'Ilea Cups anal .
Y Bast Wawanosh. Liver col,
•s, onlyclots. Mr John Clark has returned work on Sunday. Rev Mr Petrie of, p Y Y;
home from Toronto where he has been Wingbam,'preached in the Presbyter- the Literary meeting is changed to Saucers, l doz Cone Cups and Satteers, A.
g 1 doz Fruit Antwors, l doz Buttora i dor
,, Wee Snits, the new colorings . attendin the "School of Practical Ian c+mirch last Sunday evening', on the farm he bought from Wm, Hallett. May 31st, when Clinton RattenhurY Bone Disheq: 2 covereiVe[�etablo$ishes
Johnson, it being the old Rath home- St. League will take charge. The I open Vogstablo Dish, 1 Baker, $Plat-
rn Brdw1i, r#rey, Blue, made in the Science. Mr J. C. Martin, our Public Goon RonDe MEI:STING.— A good Annie L, Harrison left for COURT OF N,—The Court c f Clinton Salvation Army held a ver tore. t Gravy, t Bowl, I largo Jng, I But•
• :+w,latest styles, out and finish perfect, e$% Sebool teacher, now rides a bicycle.- roads meetin , in the inLeresta of theRevtaton will be held at Londesboro y ter dish, I Plelcles, 1 Sanat� Turoon and
g Winnipeg a week ago Monday. Jas. nice entertaitlment in the Temperance Ladle, I Cream Jug, ''
s , : $10,00, '$3,60 and .................. ) Word has been received of the safe ar• citizens of Blyt.b, East. Wawanosh, on Saturday, May 28th at 10 a.m.
9rnilh of Winthra was at Jahn hall two weeks a o. Mr W. Rion, of
a, rival in the Prairie Province of Mr and Morris and Hullett, will be held in In- , OcialLes' Monday rind Tuesday of this + g g We have snjee sfor a of rno ooy�eods-lots
tVe want you to See Silt aofods, txamiha• Mra Rxdclitl"e and family, wlUzrecent dnatryy Hall, Blyf•h, On'1'tlUrbday even- COMING EVENT. -Rumor has it that Blanshara has been visitin at flee
Mott iS fine, Wo sell good nlotbing cheaper ly went out there to Ilve, house- ing Aiay26th. The meeting will be act � week, Seeding operations ars about a Popular young lady of the 8th con. home of Mr McCully. A ray of hope p — • ` +
t3han my house in this section. g Y completed. Lock out far the usual will form a partnership about the 1st seems to be entering the hearts of a The newest thilltn Od the rild�lrit
cleaning will soon be a wail of the past, dressed b Mr A. W. Campbell, (,. E, ,
g 1 + y P + I number of June wedding this year, of June, number of our yoting,lndles these last Is prepared MaCarolti7 still
- - and nobody will he sorry, especially Provincial Road CommissionNr, and Geo. Robertson, 0th eon,, left f^r Ed. SIa1z,•-Mr Jahn H. Shobbrook has feta weeks. ('lleege. �'e have It.; .� •:
�-�{ ^�� the sterner sex, who sometimes feel every; citizen of the inunicipalities : monton on Monday, where he has se- taken a change for the better and will l
Ti t Al.J i Lr ., . Z�q ing spats of whiten- mentioned ahovo should make it a glia speolal 5 # s, (lb(3x3 i' t1lNL'S for 211E , 't
a rieved at find
In , Aint, lue 'and ether such lilts mint. t0 be reaC t t cored a situation at $2.50 pper day scan be around itgatn, Th'a itlfant soh }
g 15, g ► ,I.. _ P n a thab meetin , Oheesemaker T�atehabaw has boll a 4 ri iIR tat
Y t ori tielr Sunday. fi - gg , ght . 0 . nn elsoh Ly off is In iprdt fn ,tilcely. O31 C Quite 4 dumber, from this t .
���I�Yl�r�l�' ��� �utxolshe r t d y to meotingrrloots� , fid. hettri hDw for make anti innlntairi , t O r Cit GPI � C061. +;i",.
ne�r top bxrgg , and '01 big dilttcly Mlss.la, t�Veksat�t~ fit 11tlder a nil ntti• ��,�ipairtGrnel�t fzttendtyd the Qtiat'tdr.1 , , . .
h a e111tff ..1lutttlYt rnnde • l .y x
dr �+ a Ir ,
1 et+ po td the be i, orlldilt in the d6dto 6 eAt'e 6 i , to rt , fl � tlet111 86010o'..ttt Ta tI . ;, � b o
/ i -lf lityfolt 'xlil;:lfR'iRlxA ,(�.:µ•I3pry,:{,.�,y-. yy�;♦.�.y�yyyy�. ,yt�.♦.p;�ry..i.,.,.�.,# ,t,,..�y.,4.�...a,.....yy. �yq:{.,.�.yy�:y.,y:{.�.y.. ,.y. µ•.y.p+, (,� ..i..y..:.• ,r, '�Vttg n ii`iebtlan!6iC ,.y�y.. -.. +�-..:gy.y,�.�.{, ...�y.�q;.r��;,tts...liSyri�.h. Y !pf1l�t7A1CihClfl11.'", ,
'ja'f f tf.`iN 3
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1.w. . > [ �r t�arlt }Sohl hof l�tttainrx t,>Y� �.: �ltal
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