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The Clinton New Era, 1898-05-06, Page 7
ripW AT THE UQiV. " t ALASKAN INDIAN M►OMt�IN,. as Abad loo before a re 'IIIpla4.1ep111 altar beheld i3 representation of I ,, 'l ", W" a$ a garden �6e Veuus of Mild. gatd an- . go - country and f natty yoan e w . [they Have Considerable ArrWatls C� t7Li? ii/ri;'l!40"logeboh, Sho I Roo that you appreciate orb, first I oast an eye on Despite Their Toilsom* UV" other visitor to We gallery,, treat sight I ever saw- a fiiwor�iiln6pft'1GtgR the Terrible, widows[ the Lion. Writing pf the "Indian Women w-".: = and her famous ancestor certainly. certainly soldom "A,ppreotate artl" be ezolalmed. "Ssyl ka and Their Handiwork," in The Wom- did anything that caused such a Sensation I oan hardly tear rnysfllP away ,from that ripened open my astonished gaze an'® Home Companion, Olive McGregor as that produced by his dosoondant when statue, If I anis had it" -- be, sweetly smiling, gays "'Che huge'eI<llresafoniose face of an she appeared at the garden party in a gar- "I suppose you vgouldnever tiro o! look ade in a hundred ways` Alaskan Indian woman shows but little ment decorated with flrefllos. Ing at it' 1, amme and more beguiling. I evidenvs of any ambition or ability to pop -bights of scarlet and threads of flame "I'd have it up in the store window in er lily hands brought nectar rata form even tho. simplest features of domeatio mingled in wonderful moeaie; then green lust about two shakes if I bad it. Why, ilglrown October brewing; i art, and yet the skillful and artistic results gleams passed and repassed across the Sir, you couldn't get afloor vrmvre appro- faith, before I was aware, of the belndiworl; of these untutored abp- dress. One minute it was glowing from uprate figure on •whish to exhibit the Zliy heart was cent a•wooing. rigines Is much sought after by the tourists the waist to the hem; then the bodice sleeveless un`derahlrta thab we are putting ,Elie spokee, and never nightingale who visit their villages during the sum- would light up; then all would grow dull on the market." -Chicago Poab Pang sweeter to my thinking. , mar. Moreover, though the woolen are and gray, only to light up again with anI 9 - ,.A subtler draft than nut brown ale all fat and lazy looking, their lives are nob other burst of color of dazzling brilliancy. Who victim. W Was that I sat a•drinking. . "` uninterrupted ease, notwithstanding that , The material was the richest of brocaded V their needs are few. Abundance of fuel is First Detective -There really Isn't any .A brimming any of fancies fleet- all about them, and food, which with them silk, and attached to nearly each ifi a tiny net evidence against nim. Ilow bitter my awakening I all to itself, were nearly 000 fireflies that Second Detective -Why did you arrest I Yet Query drop, I swear, was sweet, V + is synonymous with fish, swims almost to glowed and glistened like so many eloctrfo himP W And time has paid the reckoning. 1. their doors. But the procuring as well as "fairy" lamps. • Over this was a cloud of First Detective -Well -or -£here isn't I." I the preparing of this food is all accom- real Ineehlin lace, through which came the any evidence against anybody else. --Lon- �;/ Now let a men drink deep, or non pliahed by the women. During the sum- strange gleams and darts of fire that had don Fun. 1y He cannot long keep sober mer they leave the villages and towns for amazed the guests. W S Who mixes in his pewter pot The fireflies were of the ordinary kind, '; the islands in lees frequented waters, ry In Russia man scientific and mince)- � Younglove and old October. Y -Charles H. Taylor in Pull Mall Magazine. where they Damp for weeks at o time, catch- eaoent that in India then are more brie- ianooae books are not allowed to be sold, w ' I ° Ing and outing the fish for wilrter 1111111% liana. tinoua nnir a aozon or rite tin while the man lazily watch them or paddle creatures died during the evening, but the simply on account of a Pow objectionable ORIGIN, OF PANHANDLER, g g+ lines. But fP any one needs the book he the canoe or otherwise amuse themselves. rest continued to glow until the countess can send a letter, with 80 kopees, and get "If an Indian's wife is in Ill health or returned to bar home. -Strand Magazine. I qtr jntrention Attribat@d to Drink Dtuen= too old to work, he marries another young -g special permieaion to order a copy. honer of Pan Francisco. or wife, usually a relative of the first one, A Superstition. One of those slang words which, at first' who is expected to provide the food, while There is no -thunder or lightning within W frowned upon, become regular and reoog-, P p I learned of what is to me a brand new W nized individuals in the verbal and roost the first wife cares for the house and chil- superstition just the other day and I tram- the orotic circle. f04 y dren. Fish and berries furnishing almost blo to think of the risks I have been run- — because they express something for which, the only food of these people, the women Hing all these years in my ignorance of it. Be sure you are right, then go ahem. Be there is no other adequate expression, is have little scope or ambition for develop- It was at an informal eveningentertain- sure you get Hood's Sarsaparilla, and not the noun "panhandler," and its offshoot Ingculinary t t, but in matters of personal some cheap and worthless substitute. we17 1 is the verb "to panhandle." A number of, P went at the house of a woman I know, i ht. Dur- take keen del t e ;tetters have recently been received askin adornmentY l3 and in the room set apart for the wraps of � fog the long, dark winter they weave the women guests was a maid who was di. The good roads movement is everywhere p�° by what authority the word panhandler, beautiful blankets and baskets for their g se used and whence it came. The an- reefed to eon to it that nobody's hat was in the Province gaining in strength. Re- Th l ( own use and to sell. The blankets are placed on the bad, for the laying of a hat quests for the services of Mr Campbell, ag Saler was that it established itself by Ali made from the strong rough wool of the on the bed, as the hostess explained later, Provincial Road Commissioner, are so `ihority of its being the only word to ei wild mountain sheep. Yet some of these numerous that it is impossible to comply of I,, press that form of beggary which is char-) always signifies the approaching death of P P Y are as soft as silk and in beauty of color- tin intimate friend of the house. The su- with all. His appointments for public voi goterized by the implied or actual threat of ing and intricacy of design rival the ort- perstibion is, I believe, of Sicilian origin, meetings during May are: -Shelburne, Mpy Violence. As for the source of the word, ental rugs and bangingS. It usually takes 3; Harriston, 4• Renfrew, 6; Lindsay, 1 ; hO the suggestion was made that a pttnLaA• and it's a very good superstition, I think, y' An tiler is one who handles a pan or can or n woman six months . to complete one inelemuoh as it tends to preserve the fresh- Georgetown, I0; Waterloo, 11; Norwich, 12; in growler, something used for carrying' blanket, but many of them sell for prices nese of dainty bed coverings. -Washington Collin wood, 16; Orillia, 17; Parry Sound, ski +y: drinks. ranging from $60 to 1200. Post. 18; Bracebridge, 19; Blyth, 26; Dungannon, ba Other correspondents objected to this on The much sought after genuine Chilkat 27; Drumbo, 31. P ] blanket is about 4 feet long and 2114 feet Bashful. - - -_ or the ground that in this city, at least, a wide at each end; but, as one Side is "My good woman," said the parson to a To Cure a QOId in One hay. Ste growler is frequently called "can" or pointed, the center is a foot wider than the Yorkshire woman whose husband had just "duck" or "pitcher," but never a "pan."; ends and on this ofd is ornamented with l Take Laxative he mo Quinine Tablets. Al bu On shipboard the term an might be used a diad, "Your husband fe now with Abra- Druggists refund the money if it tails to cure,25c a r O this sense, but panhandle Is nota marine A 10 inch fringe. These are worn in the hain, Isaac and Jacob." tq dance, thrown around the shoulders, with ' That's what makes me feel so bad," TO LADIES ma Word. Another suggestion was that the the pointed fringed side banging down. was her reply, "for he was always so shy v©1 11 ?'. 'word came from the west whore the tough The design to grotesque, consisting of con- with strangers." -New York Tribune. The face receives the record of daily ex- �11"" 1' I tramps who follow the line of the Pan- ventionalized faces of men and animals in perience. Constant suffering from corns tr dandle railroad are called panhandles pale green, outlined with black on a white will mar your beauty, Do not look anxious er from a Californian who is visiting in town The first man who discovered gold in so ' ground. Sometimes dull blue takes the 1 ustralia was hanged for his pains. Ho and discontented, but use Putnam's Pain to ` .j! un reporter got another version of the lace of the ale green. A eouliarit less Corn Extractor, which will extract lvord's origin. P p peculiarity %vns one of the first convicts transported to that sore corn in a da without sin. "About ten which stamps their genuineness is a fine i3niany bay, and when be learned the Y pain. - :r soars ago,' said the Cal!- thread or shaving of deerskin in the ten- forntan, "there was a chap called Mink terof each. hard twisted strand oY wild g'°crit secret he brought a sample to show gKIN DISTREtiS. DusenhofPor in San Francisco who started !ns success and was promptly hanged fur ou sheep's wool yarn, of which they are made, uttemptod escape 1 .a bar and Daffy, as he called it, down rendering them almost indeatruotible." Eczema, Tetter,Salt Rheum,Seald Head or near the water front. His ulnae was pretty Barbera' Itch, Ringworm and other ek n of a;, tough, but he.had good thiugS to'eat, and WORMS CAN'T STAY diseases and, eruptions coons it. Dr. Ag- be A Fascinating Place. -the eaffy' did a big business, One night new's Ointment cures it. One application of r "Of all fascinating places under the When Dr. Low'B Pleasant Worm Syrup itis entire force of waiters struck for high- will allay irritation. 35 Dents. Dr.Agnew'a th r er wages and Mink turned 'stn.out. In sun, "said a gentleman who has traveled is used. Its death to the worms, easy to Liver Pills are smallest, cheapest, best. 20 pa their places' be got a gang ofsoattermouches muob, "the island of Tahiti, one of the the System and nice to take. Contains suf- dents. Sold by Watts & Co: be .and mulligrubbers that didn't know bean Society islands, is the most fascinating. ficient l.xative so that there is no need of be 7:1 -soup from charlotte russe,cominonly order- In' that country, a little earth lost in a giving castor oil and calomel afterwards. A NEWSPAPER MAN. W .ed under the naine of Charley Ross. Du- vast ocean, nature has done everything to make Indolent souls happy. The climate The Yukon is paying for the Yukon up to Atwood, Ont., April 18, 1898.- People in in yAenhoffer undertook to train 'em by die- all ranks of .life take Hood's Sarsaparilla tb " , , •oiplinarian methods, chiefly enforced with ie temperate and even all the year round the present. Mr. Sifton estimates that the %a boar mallet. On the third night there the vegetation is luxuriant, the women revenue from various Yukon sources, Iicen- with the mo t satisfactory results, and this ti were flys fights in the place between ous- beautiful and the nights, full of perfume see, customs, etc., is now near the half mill- creat medicine has won a place in thow. l', omers and waiters;,ono man was shot and and mystical light, stir the most practical ion mark. A recent letter from one of hie ands of households ase general family mad' i;,'. t mind to love of meditation and dreaming. officers in the territory states that the rel- icine and blood purifier. R. S. Pelton,put- the whole gang of recruits fell on Mink licher of the Bee at this place, states that so •' -and broke his bead. Than they looted the The influence of this dreamy, lazy life is nitres Should not be difficult d collection alar and got drunk. That night about insidious. It is not necessary to work, as when the spring wash-np is made. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been taken is his ,three dbzbn people were hold' up In that the island furnishes food without the labor _- _ family as a spring medicine with most Sal. part of the city. Mink put out a placard of tillage. I know a numberof Americans HALIFAX HAPPENINGS. i factory results, and Hood's Pills have #,het read: and Frenchman who had gone there fora proved s cure for biliousness. ` ..•'v: The public is warned .against the gang of visit and have become so enraptured with Every sufferer from Sick Headache and p the languorous existence that, like the vis- Constipation should know that Laxa Liver The Washington authorities esti- di lush lingers, dish swabbers and panhandlers g ei it . They are thieves itorsto lotus land, they lie down and forget Pills are a perfect cure. Margaret Brennan, mate the war expenses of the United w 'and, stere, and there a enough buckshot' friends, home, ambition and everything. 5 Grlsnville Street•, Halifax, N. tl., Saya:-°'l Stats for the last two months at $25,• pr waiting- r them hero to blow them all tp, " ygniember how I used to feel the in- have used Laxa-Liverl'i11s for cons tipatiou (A)0,000 a month, and think probably ve 11 hell, where they belong. ,fll%nce steal upon me. Many a time I uod sick headache and found them exeol- the present rate of outlay Is about MINS DUSIM13OlrrnR. wished earnestly to-oast-Ay"10t with 'those lent." $700;000,000 it year. That is a big sum, "That gang ,made things lively for languorous people. I can look back now but the figures do not tela the whole ox l .awbile, but they didn't tackle the `caffy.' and see myself as I lay one night against John Gillerlaine, a farmer of Eliza- sl ory. The Unites States are now only in 1r, : I `' Every time there was an arrest for a hold a cocoanut tree in a sort of ecstasy of med-, hethtown, was found by his son last. I•xving the foundations of a debt f( r of " , up -or assault during -the-next month -the- itation. Overhead was a sk bra ht with Thursda evenin ban to from the which their hitizens will go )n paying - word went along ,the water front: a In stars. Sounds came to the in a rafters of the hay evening banging in derxth, taxes for a generation. Even after it another o1{ Mink's panhan- strange fashion, blending into a murmur. Re bad beet) despondent for some peace is established the canker of mili- 91' r' • %dlers.' A short distance away a group of natives, time, and committed suicide with a tarisrn will go on devouring the sub- �� * "fret 'soon .the word became a fixture glance of the people; the war servants "Pretty girls and men, were shouting the rbyth- strap. An inquest was held ThorSd.ty p P + fret any tough character that was out of a mio oliantof tbeupu-upadance. Ithought ;;,fternoon, and a verdict rondrreci. in of the people vtill act the masters. 1l-' ob, particularly if he went into the hold up j o4 myself on this iritic Isle, with ocean on accordance with the facts. G01vi lair.e f - I;Aittsinese. I heard it there ns long as ten I every side and New Orleans so many miles was 57 years old and leaves a wife and „ A Sure Cure. , ; . Jears ago, and I suppose it's. been revised distant, Nothing seemed real to me but family. Yea, Stubbs was gain into a decline, i . lately and come east. "-New York Sun. 1 that spot In the sea, with its bright Sky -- an the doctor said the best thing for hien I. ` CRICK IN THE BACK. overhead. I could hear indistinctly the ERYSIPELAS CURED. was to get an easy government job and lie chant of the singers and the sobbing of the • araund .coin nothin." Dean's Kiane Piffle will take it out waves. Amysterious oharmpossessed me. " "I wish to state that I used Burdock ' A sinecure, oh P" Kidney Blood Bitters for Erysipelas it, the face Son "I don't pretend to know what kin'H o' uickt( uau au thin you kuuw Of. Mr --Now Orleans Times Democrat. q y g y a general run-down State of health. The Dura you call it, but anyway he's cured." I'llG. Daraud, Hamilton, Ont., soya: ''Dean's use of a few bottles oared me com!" itItelOOK,y. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Kidney Pwa have made me stronger, re- Heredity of Heterogeneous Populations- MHS CHAS Coon, moved the tired feeling and cured my weak The extreme fluidity of our heterogene- Bell v le,On'. t r ..:jsjdneys and aching back," _,- ous population is impressed upon us by _ The Chinese government levies a rogu- t } every phenomenon'' of social life here in lar tax on beggars and gives them in re- ai 1+ave LYrnusand settlers came Inco America. We imagine the popple of Eu- A FRENCH PENAL SHIP. turn the privilegeof begging fn certain 0 Manil(.hx and the Territories during rope, on the other hand, after scores of districts. s 9pr11 The Floating Prison Which Conveys Con. 11 11 -11 generations of stable habitation to have vlcts to Penal Colpnies. Powdered rice is said to be of great e81- < rMiet Holmes, of the Trlsopbnrg School, Settled themselves permanently and con- The French trans ort ship Caledonia Is a ,.ta unable to re- into lace. 'Ibis is an entirely or P P oaoy in checking bleeding from outs and. N cAc since the holidays, roncous assumption. As a matter o factt,Df--ob-our-lost rinse nine It P they are almost as mobile as our own Prison annually conveys about 2,000 souls n American types. There are two ways In from the land of the living -the gay f French republic -to an enduring death on which demographic crystallization finny the Safety islands. TN �( have taken place -a people may have be- PAlLL\ IN THE HEART. I • I., f I come rigid horizontally, divided into The Caledonia is an Iron ship of 4,400 castes or social strata, or it may be gee- tons. For the last ten years it has been in • the employ of the French- government r i graphically segregated into localized com- transporting criminals from France and TOO serious a condition t0 e munities, varying in size all the wens from the isolated bamlet to the highly Individ- Algeria to the penal colonies on the Safety neglect. ualized nation. Both of these forms of islands, 30 miles off the coast of French A Guelph harness maker tolls crystallization are breaking down today Guiana. . - under the pressure o! modern industrial- Four steel eager, each with a capacity of how he was cured. RESTORE T� ism and democracy in Europe as well as in 160, are toady for the mala prisoners as � America. Norte it truo that the recency they come aboard, while a much smaller Mr. Win. Dyson, the well known saddler ii of our American social life has made the one, capable of holding only 81 portions, is and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., maker S1vAP, �1 phenomena of change more marked here sufficient for the female convicts. This the following statement: "I heartily re. ,r'. L latter cage is in the aft of the Ship, and is - fA' than abroad. In fact, with tale prel.l of wide] separated from the others. The 1 the old regime on Query !land the re s a r- women are treated with a groat deal more ENER�Yi� tendencies in $urope are the more star- tling of the two by reason of the immedl- consideration than the men. They have , . I Ate contrast. -Professor William Z. Ripley regular bertha and are given better fare. � t !n Popular Science Month) The men sleep In canvas hammocks and i N(� II WEIGH y' are given the ordinary seamen's ration, , STRENGTH YOURSELF A Fable. which is substantial If not elaborate. �� . , 1 BEFORE A Man called on A Distinguished Ytelt- ribl`� very interesting feature end one Lor- xt r YOU or and talked and talked and talked. which to contemplate a the facility with �; TAKING which the steam can be used ripen tbeoon- • ))i � And every N n minutes .the Man said, viots should they attempt to take possea- r i l } THEM- "Now, I don't want to bore you --I don • oleo of the ship. Pipes aro so arranged /� �A� want to bore you W that wore such on attempt to be made 1Y f/// l And it come to pass that after three would be possible for rho oiljoera of the ` A`MARKED i(sAIN. I !lours, when the Man ,,bad said that BtNi vessel to scald every prisoner to death in 1' / LOSTQ ' times, another, Man, 'who•'bad kept silence lees time than It would take to daunt them. � � r•::t . (}6xiTLsuxN,- I 11I have been a before the DiatingufsLed Visitor, took the Captain Dano never has Lad such a caw.;, a I. greatsuErerer from ner- Talking Man by the arm and led him aside , Arlie ori board his ship, but it often bo- l r � nous dyspepsia, with the arena said unto him: comes necessary to give them a little steam n i, usual symptoms of atom- „ I - i inch weakness, Ione of ap "Everybody understands that you don't ° to quell discontent. As a role, however, commend Miflltif'iiritlteari and Nerve PillftY x11 petite and flesh, accumula- i 'went to ,bore anybody, brit _•,,o •• itt you're the 80 guards who are regularly detailed a "' ' tion of gun, sour risings, and doing it Ti ht along W g y ' anyone suffering frpllf `x4e1t1141tR}eM , ,heartburn. I used various g for service on board are duiljcfent to keep heart Trouble. ']'hey`. are 1t sp erl , end thereafter Silence prevailed over ' patent medicines and other Q the prisoners docile. ,medlolnr for pooh coin �w. Fora sa rem tea isithout any favor- the land. --Atlanta Constitution. Should^den outbreak at an time ocour a 11 1. 11 envie re rte. Tha ,bouldiCIva -' k' ��, nal of alarm calls all Londe to the mid -fn in i%!mr(t+41 wai1i 11` I1""••` relief sometimes nig the The Desire to a:roeL I ship section of the vessel, and then all Revere at night often rp in m the flccta of the meal- P 11rpy is y t r. " e ne wore a 1•biit Dr. Wa}d"e First WdMifil',(pvei` the garcon wirll) ladders leading to the upper dcok of [hie Thb"8' �t#' or- .1l , dll- gorratetl my' hl"d aitd Mervo Piffle over- Mrs. Jenks told meyestorday tbatsbe was section aro drawn up, the lower doors bar- nervous a stem wliicti�e'liorll etrang Fbd carne all these bstacles. I am yy rase better in every w, now and have Abe most miserable creature breathing. treaded and the rightful commanders have healthyy. The rpps(]gredrestfalp pep gained several pout�lo in wotght. Second Woman -Just like Mrs. Jonks. , a qufoitly improvised but a strong fort, removing,ther istrbseittg he i p tl .which R0131112T MCT VISIT, Always trying to outdo her neighbors.--••• which embraces the boiler and engine forma' a* Mia po mutfll'bn7ttctj nuc% '+' > I HAMILTON. +f Ardvorlick and Dundurn Sts. Pick Me Up, i room,, the arsbnal and provision rooms, the trouble. officara headquarters, the chart and steer• �MilburnVeReart and'Nerve Pills CO Qts, - . - Interested to Utiow. . ing rooms; find tiro bridge, The eonviots a box 8 for $1.25, sold by druggists at pent the waits ht scale oronto bent, come d alb ren & Co. , cannot o mail, T. M u 'x , nt c m b a , a.o t i cr' a le 11 i o en'far a s en dry-'Lllore f u t ii } d.i'riee roc per box ,s b x. . p ]riot S at s tl R Y y ra�gidtd, dr lE no pbtrt{nable at gout nterview of ours In this mornln 's apdr. or to, batter down .the doors en account of + a b 1 y g P. atctgrtl4t,' maII6d oa receipt of price y tl Sollator- . l that sot What d1d tbo sdaldl>ig steam, While frhiri tbolortrosa l ;thy DR. WARD .CO,',Victatla $b., To- Second � i,1�X8r•f iVel' bilis suite Cd1l�tipati6it. ° the cards and crow can shoot [borer am .' l� f of nrdtldii F'It)✓li. d bl11oA° a l`3°e it . rentbr Book a I ar f gyp. [i W .-... .• _ ' «firs npli urr Atlanta onrnalr r J , V` ...� ... 8. 1 DON'T CHI�DL .. THE - CHILDREN, I i 1 Don't scold the little ones if U {� the bed is wet in the morning. It isn't the child's fault. Weals kidneys need strengthening - that's all. You can't afford to risk delay. Neglect may entail a lifetime of suffering. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys and Bladder, then all trouble ceases. Mr. John Carson, employed at M. S. Bradt & Co.'s store, Ham- ilton, Ont., says : 11 My I{ttle boy seven years of age has been troubled with his kidneya since birth and could not hold his water. We spent hundred's of dol,, lars doctoring and tried many dif- ferent remedies, but they were of no avail, One box of Doan'6 Kidney Pills completely cured him." makes the Yt Mat life is no ger signal of, evidence of N, Any per► H /ail you that vlrhma { to ache, all troublix ended,' dther ' in cnt�y nor plasterst nor ClectirWtlr ftta atm it. 'The seat of tris troi isnot in the akin, fltsbi or Muscles. c a bewirw tho ki8om CURED I had terrible pains in my back and my water was thiok and muddy. i was all broken up and in poor health generally. Two boxes of Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills cured me completely. Push the sale of them hard, there is nothing better. A. N. VAN ALSTIN fie Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. I had suffered with a lame back and was con- fined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I tool[ not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparagus Kidney Pills'and was entirely cured, ISAAC MARK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mich Dr. 11o'.11ii SP � A " u Rid bey Pills �s FOR!8ALL^f IIY ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists, When We Were All Tenors. CLINTON, ONT The primitive inhabitants of Europe b o all tenors t bear descendants oft e and future. sent thus are baritonesCLINTON MARBLE WORKS. ierations will have semileass voices. e voice has a tendency to deepen with COOPER'S LD STAND, e; the tenor of 20 becomes the baritone Next to Commerolat llotel. 28 and the base of 38. This k lisnment is In lull o> eration and a The inferior races have bigher pitched order filled in the most satisfaeto, y way, come cos than the more cultured; the negro ory and granite work a specialty. Prioee a s a higher voice than the white man. eonable as those of any establlshmeut Hong white races, the fair complexioned 6EALE & HOOVER, Clinton n has a higher voice than his darker nned brother; the former is usually a bar or a tenor, the latter a contralto bass. It is asserted that tenors are usually of nder build, whereas basses are stout, t there are too many exceptions to such ule for it to be reliable. The same re rk applies to the statement that thought - men have deep toned voices and vice rsa. The tones of a voice are perceptibly high - before than after a meal, for which rea- n tenors are generally careful not to sing a soon after dinner.-Pearson's Weekly. Printing In the Dark. Sulphate of quinine bas -.some very curi- a properties, one of them being its pow - to impress an image of itself on a sheet sensitive paper In the dark. If a design drawn on a sheet of paper with sulphate quinine, exposed for a few minutes to e sun, than placed on a sheet of sensitive per, put in a book and left for a few urs; a perfect image of the drawing will found impressed on the sheet of paper. rating may be copied, on sensitive paper this way, but it must be reversed, or e writing will be reversed on the sensi- ve paper.-Harper's Round Table. Convincing. He -Women are seldom capable of rea- ning. Sbo-Don't you believe it. He -Why not? Sho--Well--;because.-Chicago Nows. Eight hundred persons composed Car- nal Wolsey's household. Three tables we served in his hall, and in his kitchen esided a master cook, robed in a suit of )vet, decorated with a chain of gold. A Scottish diver in the Clyde recently celled all European records by remain - g under water for 40 minutes at a depth 186 feet. PROSTRATED, �•A�A us t �, � A NO S"EP-NO HEST. LL do not appreciate 1 tke words of John G. i;n%e, who sang, "God bless the Mau who 11rr,t Invented sleep:" But appy -dation la _, _1 not waacln; to those who have suLrei•ed as Mrs. 1Vhite of Mara Toivnahlp 6nt., tivho became so 111 with gervous tipebles that, to quote bar Uro - her, Mr. Donald McRae, a well-known re- dcnt of that illustrious section of North ntarto: ` My Sister had not slept a night or over three months. She could not have food this much longer, and it was out wben death seemed Imminent that Booth American Nervine became the good pit clan. AfteT taking the first dose of the ervine she slept all night; and gained cid-has-•no e sign of nervousness." THio is a wonder- ul medicine in the severest casea of nern vousnesa, and the greatest flesh-bulldw to op ipppd n tore In e -world ---I%. Sold by Watts & Co. Tlil old Clinton PLANING MILL H. STEV,ENS, Proprietor The old original Contractor and Builder, who has made Clinton his home for forty years, is still in business with a modern, up-to-date Factory, and is prepared to fill all orders of whatever description, on short notice and the lowest terms; first-class workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- ing material furnished as desired. ., HENRY STEVENS, William"Street, Clinton, immediately behind the Park. - &'r STA 31.e .1i The understgnod Is prepared to do all kinds + Stamping for Mats, Persian Rugs and arti c as of like nature. Work done pprompptlyy and a reasonable rates MRS A.WORTHIN(xi ran Street, 314y %. UP$ sir f, ., . CITY BUTCHER SHOP . `` [ wish to inform the public that I lot be undersold by any othw er0i n the business, I Am a praotlGal butch)» ;'C; and understand all the ,brarwhes ot he business. We keep the very best nests, and a full stock always on ko". ". tnd will sell At the LQweat C&eh ]'rlees� ?� 3ring along your money, and het the neat at the cash price. We will give ;redit, but not at cash prices, Pleas :oma and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMON9' CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP, 11 FORD & MURPHY We are doing businose on the cash print#- ple, and will supply out vastamers with the best meats at the lowest paying prloesr FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON til Business Change. t 11 Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for hipping purposes, for which the highest market prices will be paid. Parties having -, ` , hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at , the shop. Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. NEW BUTCHER SHOP Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre- mises recently erected especially for this�, 11] urpoee, opposite Fair's Mill, where lie wilt peep on hand and deliver promptly, to all 'f karts of the town, Fresh Meat of all kinds. A, share of ,i - public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - CLINTOIFT FLOUR AND FEED STORES. COOK'S Fees CtOre, F�Olil �, BRAN & SHORTS, In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL _� OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of `' Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. 11 11 DUNCANT FLOUR & FEED Store11 , AGENTS. (late Hill & Joyner) ,, 11 "Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book Opposite Market, Clinton ; ~weeps the entire field of borderland subjects Everybody orders. Marvellons illustratnons Prospectus $1.00 BRADLEY-GARREfSON !` COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley A and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices. �A pry r q nA Fresh Corn for Feed, 38e a bush MADE M E A MAN Good Valencia Raisins, 28 lb box $1. AJ:aX CAALE ifS POSITIVELY CIIRL Choice Tea, special line 25c per lb: and up. 11 n..ar.hr,-oot,.• Disoa.,es-railing Mom- All kinds of Grain bought at highest cry,Impotoney, Sloeplessnoss, oto. caused Uy Abuse or other Lscesses unri India- market prices. mations Tleey quicklrr marl eureli, , regtora host vitality in old or young, and W. DUNCAN, - - CLINTON tit a man for study. business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if '. M -on in time. Their use shows immediato improve. BANKS. "' Mont and olfecte a CURL whero all other fail In11 - upon hnv�ng rho gonhino Ajax Tnblots. They have cured thousands and wi l l cure you. we give snos• - hive written refund ndtee to offBeta curd eA CTS is �p_ a O� �„�� �� g 5 each cense or refund the money. Price a1Y Y �7. per lg M paokaBe; or Dia p)cges (full treatment) for $260. By s '1 mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular 1-0- AJAX R>,1NIIDY CO., 7cn�°s�° incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson, CAPITAL FUND - $1,00000 ,000 druggists. __-_-..--- HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. - 1VICI.EOD'S WM. MOLSON MACPHERsr N, President ;" F'. WOLF1i THeMAe. Cron 1y10.n0.ger 11 �r /� p Notes discounted, Collections made; Drafts 'yst em R E A 0 1 A 1 O R isaned, Sterling and American exchaitge r tioaght and sold. Interest allowed on de - AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES posits. , SAvtxos BANx-Interest'allowed'on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE farmers on their own nota, a re occur more endorsers. No mortgage required , For Impure, Weak and Impoverished H. C. BREV�ER, Manager, Clinton Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpsta- tio of the Hear`,•LiveY Complaint, Nen- �� D. ill el p ��y ��gr� �6 ral la, Loss of M.mor , Bronchitis, Con- 1 A 7Gdlft i�,i s , sumption, Gall StoL 9, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance BANNER r , Female irregularities and General Debility oboeatol'y,--Godex,j,.Ca4�.,Ottt z„,A_VB $T.* - CLINT�_,N, !, pQ ty ..s,r Prop. and Man faoturer X general Banking business, transacted. r Sold in Clinton'by J. H. COMBE and ALLEN & WILSON NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed on11 deposits. 1, r J hmillor Norsori�s FARRAN & TISDALL. f - I— _t BANKERS, __.), I ^ =:4 �R r„ R S • CLINTON, ONT. +� + - Our stook of fruit and ornamont d trec�s°b g Advances made to farmers on their' OY 1. complete, we are prepared to after to the pub- notes at low rates of interest. r I. ', I "�,' lie for spring planting a very choice lot of ' _ Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry A general Banking Business transaote4.° w � I and Peach trees, at suitable Interest allowed on deposits. ' i�e� a prices. Evergreens a specialty. Sale Notes bought , o Largo stock of small Fruits. Choice list of spring bedding Planta. J. P. TISDALL, Maliagor. Price list mailed on application. 3A X , - r John Stewart Estate, >”' )ler Unto SEWING NACHINE 1e i� ` . Dllyp#t Street t it e \ C - _ Ar , r ° [ f� UCKIIa' O MU'TUAI, FIRE we have just reae::..u`snother irii'��° �I 11 + i INSi� ANS�r CO': t3ome and Dominion Sewing Mavl)f;(iQ ,ilii•rr� , M t,rt . , }sr i" former is an exceptionally good , p� .. ''"` , �o' NAYt1fa K f§OI;A IY WN PROPERTY And has given good satisfaction,' 111 . v wrr 6 fl (0NL INSURED t�z�. ~`,' ; ,!M'1700 in the"`' Needles and all kinds of ilMtll .{ T. + ,CilJIbE12B �ie}1ti $>il A>�n41t".tk . tv.• Jq ,r. =a�j Gee. QQfe, jttre%106'at� Hatlock P. O - J. 19. yy o nu K!I 0 ,s.0.' Vloo-Pree.• 1�, J. ' M Lo r psi , 0 e Maohxneii timid nil monthly pa�iiieubrl„ . . ,% Shanuon, bacda, H,at'gtth P. 0.; Thos. E. I nm i of r I � �.'; fl , r o e or wr t or ices aucl ttir.Ulf 1 O. Yoe ootorof Lor ct P ; "Iia s SeafOi s",'.;.' ,t;9 r'*;�! tiklft? ,t,.el Y , li .1 "'tiff trio 'tedttk" iW"the i6ewesti spring IiiiR�p�'rsl� Jan. 1898 VV�Vt. � , 't shit s. Thby appeal t0 cod taste as W. G. Droadfootr 8(� o if, JONr� 0, Grieve, � r9. �trol�as gond sense, `We invite, a look Winthrop P.O.; f3eotj�if� >'. Seatorth Thos. For Twenty-s�eve�I ��� wi oor lienee of Ladies', Misses and R. Hays, poaforth; JJu�tte • �ahi "each? P, f O.; Thee. t7arbdtt bliqton;' Tlr'onpa > rlleorr Children d' ` Brucofleld; Jolla, . Mb eon, I�lvpoil. ri.� ' t ,( i D an SHO S F NC FOOTS t1 C U�,� AaftrrTa as well as dirt' now linos in 11Cen'a"loser.Ask .' Robert Smiith Harlock; .Ino. W. •Yeo, l#)flPlos- Full supplies of vi110; Robt. Mo0,11an', Scaforthf Jamos O m- '. bouble and Single Ilarnessf milia Egnioilrlvillo; John Uovonlock and 91, I Morrison, auditory. .. a rr , always on hand, Parties dosirox3s to effect lusurando or trans- r aerldr hrII es in stock actati orb aiuw will be Promptly to d and � ll to fi e sip a �fa't alx t an ill bd n• ee• . dt a t q tt V' o t � xa ill i1P PO '• d Fe ilii t thdlrrdn Cotivd o. co: ' a,. 1 a d e pi % 1 -.ti f,(y, 1. JA,ICIII'lIIL,11 z�11w ttTlA GfYXLg xl�alkOM>Lx;itP. , 114 oo�,\ vrw_ W' look, 011tt'pnc i.AHCIgi>g R Af.l 'ilii KlN 1 ,v