The Clinton New Era, 1898-05-06, Page 6.7111- .--.I'.,- _"7­-­RP"rqW _rTrIp"W"11"', 1-117,7 - I - , - I 19�W­TF_-_-1__ IT—' I - 1". I I ,.- -1 - ­ 'IF, - I , , I . V 11 i­­­�.111— .1.1 I I ;-_1 _. I I 1-1 " .- -7�w;- -. --- ----,--- - -T - -- .., --1_111-1_. fi - i , - ` r ,• . •'' a •• a V 11,` i; R i 0 s PAo y say0! SRA t^�^�•.•�,; - _ _,:._ HUAOX COUNTY ')Cita 11Gah,�> 0 14to!>Il�ber'la M�itp,211 (� (� �a �' The day bt Trained il4r#rs , J Q7E6 1`011 "BEAUTY. "- Actors, e . _ -^^^--^- I flan XndipA Halms, applied to the Huron The authorship of the much discussed � 9 T11HIR PUTIIC9 ARE A1tDrlOUB' AND CON- f " utle, cit t#e gohoolteaohetA i or Q1 eu uin nation. The original mean- `,Inner Experiences of a Cabinet Kota. Nr% ' . , •x l� tall yep Wgirhlnpt9n. ing of the word is a ferret, according to Wife," printed in the Ladies Home Jour- ��Pia�(�r� TI1N100o7s �sVOitK 1MYOssI#1r� eteir Speakers • V. wl t one thing," pald the young one authority, bap "Picturesque Canada" nal, will be revealed in the Juoo Issue of ;,The average sum paid topupfl spurs• . #. gn etenogrephelr.from the west who got says : that magazine, when the name of rlmaa Thousands of actore,publlC es is ten dollars a mouth for the, first I is jo>a ill one, of the departments recently "Lake Huron, whose modern keine is Farquhar will appear as the author. It is entertainers, Singers, lectur- lwtl WI39.las been notiolug things pretty `taken from the sobriquet of pure or wild surmised tbat the domestic experiences ors, preachers and readers year, and fourteen dollars a xnontix taarstully sines. he came to Washington, boar, given by the Ireneh to the Wyan- described in theeIletters were those of Mrs are tormented with throat during the second year, writes Eliza �'rtiti>! burg's got the prettiest set of school, dotte Indiana on a'6oaunt of the manner in W. W. H. )K[iller, wife of the Attorney. weakness. 'Phase delicate beth Robinson Seovil on -The Life of organs being overtaxed be- a Trained Nui se," ill the 1VJay Ladies' fleaphers I ever saw anywhere, and that's which they dressed their hair, General in President Harrison's Cabinet, Como susceptible to head .i ht).1lQ. (jut whom T tomo Prom. say, the 'i Of the townships of Huron, four are call- -since Miss Farquhar is known to be a I Colds, influenza hoaraoAestr Horne Journal. Tile remuneration 0alloolteachers have got faces as hard as 1 ed after Canada Company Direotors: Hen- gersonal friend of the Miller family, and g lt�t oprtng in to � p+ t varies in i different is the aur, iu a A 1.1. s,iial]104 and glassy stares and a general ry 'Uaborne, Martin Tucker Smith, to have apgnt considerable time with them p few Graining schools the nurses are breezy way about em that makes a fellow John Hullett and James MoRillo sin ovVr the hese, dry aid nothin After graduation the " P•" in dVaahington during Choir official resi- throat, eco.; ell those ave' g dist meets up with one of 'em feel like Hay, from a large shareholder of the denoethere. The author of these letters 41forerunners of Catarrh, bead nurses y hospital wards receive be's about ? years old in the third company. Mr George Jobnton Bays Mr was born and raised in Indianopotie, in AsthraalTonstico and aro liststeppingstones to from tvrQnty to thirty dollars per sada all over again. And, Honest the Ha was an Under Secretary of State. more sGNEous tomPpl�lcTARations if negglected, month; superintendents from five year. y y Y neighborly relations with the Harrison and DU. A,GtNEW's aATARRHAL POWDER ' ;Ill}. seem to mo to be about d. yeast old at There was also a Judge Hay in the early Miller families, but for ten years past she ispowerful'psinless, harmless and q ulck-aottng, and dred to twelve hundred dollars a year. •.Cha$. It's the same in a whole lot s other hart of the oentnry• has lived a studious professional life in watcureaAsuch troubles -relieves in iominutes, District nurses, who are embloyed by ,big tawny in the south and west that, I've Wawanoah, from the Chief of the Chip- New York, London and iiantou. She is "I can bat proclahn Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- various churches, societies and some- (7astoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ^worked in. Well, when I struck this town pews Indiana on the Sarnia reserve in 1849- now connected with the t iat vial atdff of der a wonderful medictne, �I and iwlP. fwerai bo 6 times by private benevolence to work and Children. It Contains neither Opium, IAloa'pi8itl.+i ri •1' The word means' "lie who ambles on the and public s eakers. Myse among the sick poor, receive about -: '.d friend of mine took me to his boarding the Boston Transpril: t. In idditl'an t4 subjects of Tponsilitls and Catarrh, and never found house that's right neat door to a big water." her "Cabinet Mornhar't it" 1r.ttnrB she anythingtoequalthisgreatremedyforquickactlon the same salary as a head nurse in an Other )!iareotftS substance. It is a hiLinlle8s salbSSittet,ce L..11Qorrie, from Hon. Wm. Morris, M. P. has ublish,ed one ot,•' - `A S'n er's and curative qualities -it is a wonder worker. I hospital, exclusive of board. for Paregorics Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 6)11> 8eboolhouse. My room's a second story P g heartily recommend it to my brother professionals." "Private nurses. receive from fifteen '?}Ont room and commands a view of the for Lanark, or his brother, Hon. James Beart'-and another one is about t0 be City -31 to tweet five dollars a week. The It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty oars' use by ' Morris, M. F. for Leeds, Postmaster•Gt,u- issued She is a young woman, a aeedin Emmett Foston Actor, Now York Ci y_ y y y entrance to the school, and, say, the see- Y o g' have to pay the rent of a room to use Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and gond morning that I was there I looked out eral in the forties. ly clever, and only her closest friends have SOLD 13Y WATTS & CO. CLINT('.,q of the window just about a quarter of an Stanley, from Edward Geoffrey Stanley, known her connection with the Washing- as headquarkers, and their earnings '' `' Yiour beRoresohool'took in,' and, eawhizi Earl of Derby, born 1799, finder Secretary ton lettere which have attracted such wide • are mote or less pprecanous. It is rare allays. Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour g for the Colonies in the Canningand Code- The Steamship Andrew Carnegie, Chi- for a nut se o be employed all the Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves I sow a procession of pretty, fresh looking, rich Gcverumonts; Chief Scretary for attention. oago, brought 230,000 bushels of corn to time and her work is so arduous that ' swell, stylishly dressed young mania Ireland in Lord Grey'a Government; Col- _ Owen Sound. This is said to be the larg- it would be impossible for her to stand Teething troubles, Cures Constipation and Flatulency. a-strealing up the steps of that schoolhouse onial Secretary in 1863, when he carried - eat cargo of corn ever floated on fresh I the strain of continuous work. g f:that made uio think Iwai taking an East y water. Castoria assimilates the Food, re ulates the Stomach 1, er. Sunday turnout. 1. the measure for emancipating the West �� Woms —„_ Aad Bowels ivin health anti Iratlllral sleep. Castoria 't `Say,' says Ito my roommate, who's Indimralaves; Colonial Secretary again in ,,V /� All the members were present at the g g y , a, Washington man born and bred, 'what Lords., when he went n the House of NORWAY O h i id ren Cry for meeting being the Ontario Cabinet n There- is the Children's Panacea -the Mother's Friend. do. you make of this parade of almighty Lords. Premier in 1852 and 1858, day, it being the first time in several Ashfield -Unknown. months that all the Ministers were en• (iSStOz'lid. Cii3St01'1i3,. t, 11 ,;pretty girls a -walking Up those school- p ����� �„ P a house steps? Is it a high school, and are Turoberry- Said to be the name of art pr shied to he resent. The Premier lase re - they pupils, or what the dickens, anyhow?' of the Bruce estate in Scotland, from e turned to his duties greatly improved by � Castoria is an excellent medicine for "Castorta is so well adapted to children "'Pupils nothing,' says be. `They're which some of the old settlers in Turn- hie seat and pl•esided over the Cabinet children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that r reeonuitend it as superior to any pre- teaehors,' berry township emigrated to Canada.:=� ®� "The i,ight of the World meeting with s.)1 •bis old-time vigor. Ron. of its good effect upon their children.' scription known to me." . O "Well, I gave kiln the Loot, of course, Stephan, from James Stephen, jr., As- B°°t a OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART" William $arty was also present at the D1c. G. c. Oscoon, Gowcll, Klass, lI. A. Atacltrx, M, D, �trooklyn, J'. Y, `'but be stuck to. it so serious. that I of 61Btant SeoretaxV of State for the Colonies meeting, and he is now in better beelth, G �t}� i �A y r+ T 'q y in 1828; gave evidence before a committee THE MOST PROMPT Cost over$10o,Wotopublish, Contains near. ^�'�� F'�(�.-��� �� �l��dl� p tJ�d-, ®S^ course bad to believe him. % ly 2W full-page en¢ravings of our Saviour, y " „ , , of the House of Commons on the Govern a Well, says I to him finally, 'they're Pleasant and Perfect Cure the Great Plasters, It is not a life of Christ, R� the pink of all the schoolteachers in town, ment of Canada, which caused Sir Francis ! but an exhibit of all the great Masters' ideals P Bond Head to call Stephen a "rank Repub- for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, of the Christ. No other boost like it ever Cray' ilio», sent down hese because it's a down published. Agents are taking from three to v town schoolhouse, just to impress visitors.' lican.' Bronchitis, Hoariseness, twenty orders daily. The book is so beautiful � r Grey, after Lord Grey, the Prime Minis- that when people see it the want it. Pub- ` "'Not much they ain't,' says he. '.All Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- I 1 p y :, . 11,. �, ;, isle schoolteachers in this town are pretty ter, wbc carried the Reform Bill in 1532. lished less than a year and already in its Htlwick, after his eon nod successor, Vit- ]t11g Coslgh, Qllinfsy, I'a]iIl in twenty -kith edition, some editions consisting • , -� of 18 500 boosts. The presses are running clay fj syrup +enough to oat and just as pipe ns they era f , count Ilotvick. t110 ChOSt and all Throat, and night to sill orders. A perusal of the :,, pretty. There ain't anything but fine a Goderirh township and town are named Pictures of this boost is like taking a tour I ;1.1111 t .looking fouls living in Wasbington, any. after Sir Fred. John Robinson, Vicount Bronchial and Lung Diseases. 1 among the great art galleries of Europe. The - "'• bow,' says be. Goderich, Earl of Ri on, Colonial Mines- Hermitage, Prado, Uffizi, Pitti, Louvre Vali- l eq \ "Well, say, p The healing, anti-consumptive'virtues can National of London Nationalgf11 lin, /e`" " 'r'l o� Re.d APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. " I didn't believe Lim when o e1" S be said that all the teachers in all the ter in 1830, who died in 1859. 13in son end of the Norway Pine are combined Belvidere and other celebrated European art 1 successor has been in about every Liberal gall, ries, have all placed their rarest and ►ekli , -,soLools were lust as attractive as those I in this medicine with Wild Cherry greatest treasures at our disposal that they � TME OENTFVR COMPANY. TT McAAFtl BTAEET. NEW Yr•.,[ CITY. lied seen, and so the neat morning, before Ministry since 1859, and was Chairman of misfit bo reproduced for this superb work. 11 and other pectoral Herbs and 1liial p a , "", the Hi h Joint Commission, which drafted p FIRST GLANCE A'I THE PTCTURE3 a office hours., , we bustled around on our the treaty c4 Washington in 1871. He re- Reams to make a true specific for all BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES;' says one. LOOP Coughs, { bikes to three schools just before school se ned the trend Mnsterahi of the Eng- forms of disease originating from colds. "Cleared$150firstweek'sworkwiththebook," CO�CIS, Bron- ct0ok in,' and blamed if I saw a single K P says another. Many men and women buying -- teacher In the lot that wasn't pretty and ltsti Free Mae]ns in 7874, when he joined Brice - 250. and 6®C. stud paying for homes t'rom •their success with Chills ' s the Catndie Church. Miss Lizars, in her JR -rice 1 this great work. Also man or woman, ofsum sweet looking enough for a fellow to marry book quotes the phrase, "Gooney Gode- Rood church standing, can secure pcsition of throat, etc. a but of Land on the spot. I wrote home Manager here to do office work andory, Address Chiatoia Sash;r0on,plindFactory µ� r and told m sisters out west about this reel]," ding with agents In this teritory, Address KERWY, WATSON ri GO.P oew,rrowa. » y + Colborne, frJm Sir John Colborne, Lord for full particulars A. P, T. Elder, Publisher, MONTPMA�. tI. and they've been writing hank to ane and Seaton, who served in the Penivaular nam • CUOI{'S COtIOH (2o0t Cf)3inpCUnQ� ss Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill., First Floor. _ ,- ,•, _ telling me that I'm in a trance and must paign; at Coranpa, under Sir John Moore; o bo mistaken. But I'm not mistaken. I win Lieut. -Gov. of Isle Chuerneey(tbe Rom• Is the only safe, reliable _ _ --- - S S vathp R - - PR®PItIETIDIt don't want to see any moor looking girls an name of which was Sarnia);Lieut. Gov. monthly medicine on which than the schoolteachers of this town, and Canada 1829-1835 ; commander of forces ladies can depend in the ,' � ypu hear me. a -talking." -Washington during rebellion and Governor-General a£ � `� hour and time of need. I"'. Star. ter Lord Durham. Was a stern adininis- Is prepared in two degrees t �; , tratar, executed 12 rebels at Montreal.' ofstren th. He `Invited His Fate. 11 . Lord Seaton married a daughter of James No. for ordinary Cases An incident that pointed a strong moral Youge, of Puslinab. Devon, Eng. The vill- is by far the best dollar medicine known t rook place on Chostnnt street. The street see of Colborne in Northumberland county, -sold by druggists, one Dollar per hos. ` was thronged with promenaders, and the ,Dain street in Brantford city, Port Col- No. 2 for special cases -lo degrees < :l,,,, .• magnifleent St. Bernard dog which a borne, trrminue of Welland Canal, and C(l- stronger -sold by druggists. One box, I young woman was leading attracted much horns t+ mashie in Huron Connie named of Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. ` , attention. Near Thirteenth street the. t,r Sir John Colborne. Dent mentitns •No, x, or No. 2, mailed on troceipt of ,woman entered a store, leaving the dog that bir John Colborne was exhibited in (ff. price and two 3 -cent stamps. outside. The dog was such a magnificent i in the Atreets, of Hamilton, in 1829. f gY The Cook Company, wt , s bea^•t that several people stopped in admi- 'Sir John Colborne was the founder of Up- Windsor, OntTarb. ,,,. . 'nation, and the dog actually seemed to par Canada College in Toronto. smile at the attention be was receiving. -About this time two giddy youths, who Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ' NG HEART ads by all responsible drnggists. .Genera.l Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices -411 work is supervis. ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We aell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. • Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOGL DESK, manufactuted at Waterloo. .Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders onwas r t were followed by a mischievous fox ter- auLERGYMAN STHUMPI 1$.9� l�e_, frier, carne along and paused to see what -- � Mew tel" Wu X K "A wn . 1, y J was attracting the tbrong. The terrier, Cured After Years of Tedious but Frnitless Ives OFFER A'1• PaK, SRi3aLCr TO ALLOT31ENT : TORONTO, April 25th, 1898. which was but a mite beside the St. Ber- atard, rushed in and began snarling at the Treatment These are the Words of Rev. CURRANTS AT 5 PER CENT,'NTEREST. RAISINS—Malaga, Valencia, Sultana. CURRANTS' big dog. The -noble looking beast paid L. W. Showers, of Elderton, Pa. California Prunes and Elime Figs, ",, mot'tbe slightest attention, and the youths "My ease was chronic. Had unea§inesa R audibly commented on the big one's cow- about the heart,and palpitation since I waa ® ®®® 5 per r cent. Z O -Year FI rst Mortgage Ido nd S CROSSE & BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. tltudice, a boy. As soon as I saw Dr. Agnew's Cure e , s' x When the terrier began snapping at his for the Heart advertised, I procured it. I NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Walnuts. Ccoking Figs for 5c a pound. .� '- L. feet, however, the big one gravely raised am now using my fifth bottle and experience OF TRE, BELLEVILLE CITY ELECTRIC RAILROAD. ' c one paw and pushed his tormenter away. great improvement. The chokme, abnor- NICE, OLD RAISINS for 5s. a poand. Headgaarters for' - This angered the terrier, and Its anger mal beating and warm feeling and thump- Interest Payable semi-annually, on the first day or Mev uud November, Conpous payable at the Bank of Montreal, Toronto, r Crockery, Glassware and Lam s. was fed by the youths, who told Jlp, as ing have entirely disappeared. This remedy Houds er . tie denonilnatiou of 181 OQ ouch, dated April 2s., 1898. The bonds being secured by a first mortgage deed, mado to the 'crusts Teas Sugars, y, 11 ' k , „ uerp,.va•,6"i of Ontario, on the entire plant, fvanehise, property, and extensions to be made or the Belleville fraction Company, , I Iv..*bey called him, to go in and shake the will save your life if you are a victim of Limited, "r Itelleville, Ontario. ' s big •cowPlyd." Jip wont in and eat his heart disease." Sold by Watts & Co. Subscriptions will be received for the above Issue In amounts to suit purchasers, loath !n the St. Bernard's leg. Suddenly ,, aduarediag to appNication blank below_ . ' i the big dog lost his forbearance, and In A ti chasing or leasing thirty acres of land for eight months at least, say J. W. IRWIN', _ - "' - ClintOn L.twice Jip was in its massive jaws. There The Canada Life and the Sun Life Present toad stud equipment built in 1895. ; rvw worunching sound, a couple of shakes are the only Canadian life insurance Two males of track have already been and fitting up for a park, as hereafter 2W days.,... ..... 1,600 N • .............. companies dein business in the Unit- mentioned. y s ,A ;,wd Jip was oast aside dead. The Sts p lat.t;<;.;, *-vo stTuotion is first-class, $5,620 00 t , r, $ernard then resumed his piaa� unoon- ed States. They have notified holders EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEWENTS--It iq The estimate, .which has been , • oexnedl and the oun men ghtLered u of risks at present in force that ne ea- Road -bed. -Macadam atone ballast, proposed to extend the Una Froin Fro:.. carcPu1ly Bane Into, is very y. y g S p street west to the proposed park a tra char a will be made on account of '1'les.-•1,640 to the mile, hemlock, cedar conservative, and, based on chess dead farrier and went O t0 make g cemetery, wlilch will run, nearly t.,, � the lamest possible results, ILVE � ���� complaint at the pity Lalli--PLlladelpbia Lhe war elau8e for those going to the and tamarack, to good condition. ehole way, through a thickly settled s+•�- I shows a net pro tit of...........$11,339 21 lj �". ,;i, front but an increased premium will Rails are bonded with copper wire and tion, and will have on the route the Gov - $ectord. . P p INTEBE3T ON $70,00) ISSUE OF b0 charged on new risks. cross -bonded every 126 Peel. Dumb,ernmet Institution for the Dee an,, Books That Have Helped XwIr Tarsier. , Dumb, the mineral baths, and the Agri- 5 PER CENT. BONDS •......... 3,500 00 The Critic says that Mark Twain Las Messrs. Ainslie & Ainslie's bank,Comber, Poles. -Thirty Peet seven Inch top cedar cultural grounds. was barglarized at an early hoar*Ilieeday poles in good condit4on, set In rock live There are no parks at present in Belie- NET AFTER PAYING ALL ^ Is the latest discovery In WASHINGx -POWDER. It is a dirt remover in + « .xwched the terrible frankness of matuXty morning. The door of the large vaclt was feet or dirt six Peet, ,100 Peet apart on ville, but within three miles from the CHARGES .. ..... _.. .. ... 0:,8 0 : t every sense of tbA word. Therd are a large number of Washing Powders on the i. rid fame, and tells tales like Bismarck, blown off and broken into man pieces. tangents, twenty feet apart on curves, centre of the city, on the shore of the We have carefully examined the alwrc market that can only be sparingly used,as the price is too high. Witt SILVER Y1% 11 1, Iregttrdleas whom he Lite, so long as the y P Bay of Q,uinte, is situate th3 Belleville figures. and certify that the receipts for DUST the situation is completely changed. A one -lb, package can be booght•as The money was kept in a small safe within all In good alignment. cemetery. Adjoining the cemetery, on the the Irr•t two years are correct, also bu- blow Is deserved." The example given is g g y cheap as ordinary soap. And while it osiers special inducements as to cleansing - the vault. The door of this safe, which is Over -head Construction. -Span work In city side, the company have selected lieve that the estimates as to future earn- rties, it positively 4 iGhia Pudd ahead Wilson sentenoa at tLe supposed to he one of the best made, was L about thirty acres for a park, one of the in and expenses are conservative, props p y contains no impurities. On economical grounds no r, PP good condition, guy and span wire, -in, most charming ,trot+ on the bay. This (Si€;ned) ts, S, LAZIER, houaekeener can afford to be without a package of SILVER DUST. beginning of a chapter in his latest book: also blown off, and over 11,000 was taken. stranded galvanized wire iron, . trolley thirty nere s Is to be fitted up with half-' Lccal Master of the S reme Court. le at , '!She was not what you would call refined; wire -O- copper, O • � iiht's'WSbenot we hat you would Oollunrefln- _ O speer y. -The buildings crease, average? rad baseball grounds. A � Manager i the Daily Sun Publishing �' RO� Oi7,S CASH GROCERY Only in the oma are situated on the banks of the Moira large pavilion for :cfreshments and gen- ` and Printing Company. sops a parrot." t mem where a baby com- fiver, and are 1n 'good repair. The cam eral amusements is to be built. JOHN J. B. VIANT, . 11That is indeed an illuminating instance - pletes the tie piny own the property, which includes RECEIPTS. -At. preront, only two miles of Police Magistrate o4 the City. g DAVID B. ROBERTSON, of the working of Mark's mind. A prl- of matrimony. one of tho best mill sites on the river, track being laid, with termini at the rail- City Clerk. - ' capable aY tycnerating easily 1W-h.p, for f r tvate letter from Mr. Clemens to a friend A chi 1 d 1 e s s c ap b or nine months of the etas. The road depot and steamboat dock, the rest- Dated Belleville, April 7th, 18M. _, marriage Can- BELLEVILLE -'Ino city of Iicti«.ville. in the in New Yorkwho is interested In statistics buildings on the property consist of stone dential portion of the city is not reached, t not be a ha County of Hastings, with a population of affords an analogous example of candor In ss.: happy power -house 40 x 50; boiler -room 30 x 60, dnd the receipts are derived from these about 12.000, is situated on the Bfty of r , one. It takes se ua,rated from engine -room by stone wr. a this passage: • - �, the final tie of mull; storehouses. 9U x 1G, attached to connections only. Quints, about 120 miles from Toronto, and "The books whioh have host Influenced a. bah to bind main building, square brick stack, sixt As shown b the books of the 200 Prom Montreal. ,,, , y Y It is a thriving. busy place, surrounded r my IMF With pleasure. This is the list: two Souls to- feet set In stone EeundttUen, flue thirty company, from this patronage by excellerft farming lands, and h,iq one `The Innocents Abroad,' `Roughing It,' gether in mar- Inches square, base five feet square; a was realized for the two com- of the best markets 1n the province. r' `,Tramp Abroad,' 'Prince and Pauper,' riage for better double two-storey brick house; a one and plete years it has been in opera- The buildings are principally of brick . , , , or for worse. a half -storey brick house. tic.n $11,138,42, an average per and stone, the private residences being CLOTFING Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Yan- Power -house Equipme6t.Ono 'cross year of ... ..... ..... $ 6,569 21 -figs at the Court of Prince Arthur,' `Per- t Without this • • • • • • • • • • • • • superior to those In plaices of much larg- • final tie a wedded Couple compound' Brown engine, 13 x 20 x 30; one It is estimated that the revenue er size. conal .Reminiscences of Joan of Aro,' lack the indissoluble in- htderendent jet condenser, 6 x 9 x 12; to be derived from the exten- The streets are broad, good macadam- 'Pudd'nbead• .. Wilson,' 'Followin the one horizontal tubular boiler, 62 x 14 x 3 s;on- ized rands, and the principal sSc]ewalk� g _ terest filet makes daily are coats e. 1 • ' tubes; brick foundation and setting; one Park and its attractions (only "Equator{ sail the Publications of the .oto self-sacrifice not only a It has an excellent system of water 1 vertical biller, .30' x 5; one duplex steam estimating twenty days for Slrm of Clidrlos L. Webster & Co." possibility, but a pleasure. pump; all necessary piping, valves and euppply, gas, and electric light. t ., , .Ycs, and that vernoioua atoxy Look, There are to -day thousands of homes ail belting; 1 Canadian G. E. generator, 100 special attractions and 760 at- shops of the Grand Trunk railway are ^',•!* „ over the count that were once childless r tendance)..... ..... 8,740 00 situated here, Belleville being a divisional 11]o Jumping Frog, ilio predecessor of ry 1{.W'.M.1 6a0 revolutions, 600 volts; one Car rervl3e ..... ..... 1,6� tib point of the road. CLOTHING . till thr3 wd'" named, and possibly the and unhappy, but that today echo with slate panel switch board, complete, 200 Average dally attendance to The railway depot is located at thefuost infiue»tial of the lot.-Harpor'e the laughter of happy babyhoodtis a re- amperes, 600 volts. The present power- park and cemetery, May to north-east part o4 the city, about one 1 i suit of a marvelous medicine, nown as 1^ause equipment is amply sufficient to Oct. 130 days. 300 ............... 3,90000 and ane -half miles from the maln centro 1./e-kly, Dr. T'Ierce's i+avorite Prescri hon. Tiais is furn.lsh more power than is necessary for n x the realest of all medicines for women ^ 1 reposed extension. Ordinary traEfie outside of park of Fro'¢ i street (the Principal .business Bindoo irlrat Stipa In lEngllah. g and cemetery per day, $7.Gu, ;COU thoroutS;ltfare), and is about two miles '. ' who sufferer from weakness and disease of Car Equipment. -One twenty -once feet days 2,250 00 from the steamboat docit. A native' lies beet] caughb at Calcutta the delicate and im1, 11portant organs that bear Nosed Motor car, equipped with two "' The following places are worthy of no- Ig �t ,,tiCliljnk� tho wall of the premises into the the burdens of maternity. It makes diem twenty-five W. P. d. E. 800 motors, and $16,959 21 ttco :Three colleges, one Governrtt.nt In- HOW about that suit you Want IT1c` de tO Orderlm, Calla 111 +and t�6mpound of No. 0, Chowrfnghl, dressed healthy, strong, vigorous and elastin It two swrles parallel controllers, Bili No As shown by the books of the stitution for the Daaf and Dumb, threw makes them pure and virile. It allays in. 21 truck; one sixteen feet closed motor company, the running• expenses daily newspapers, fcuriethree foundries, two See our tweeds before you buy.. -'i 'ib6 complete suit of European clotbos. p y ;ar, same, as above; two ten -bench open for the two years have been, Canning factories, four 'flour riailla, one Tba man bad, on the provious evening, $amination, heals ulceration, soothes pain ......•,,,•„ $4,036 °O t tinware factorv,,Ahree cabinet factories, care, converted Into motors: The pro- per year . p, and tones and builds u the shattered "' ""' cr.,e furniture Pia tare, one paper mill, one iitoilceholed himself Inside a shop, and htul nosed extension wf11 necessitate the Additional expense for fuel to III bili loped his tithe iii! in0rnin 1n d ba nerves. It banishes the d scomforts of the building of about three, miles additional carriage factory, and one woollen mill. P- g g expectant period, and makes baby's com- road, which It Is. intended ,to do - An the now ineresaed car service .. 936 00 Yonrtirespeotfully. 1U bu�TS, a nice r� l�i• 1 hliiltfelf doltb a complete suit of clothes, is can and almost painless. It insures Additional help, $12 days-,...... 1,298 00 J B Y most substantial manner, and to equipp Contingencies .. . 1,000 00 WYATT fib CO., ffialuding a white shirt, with studs and the little new -comer's health, and a bounti- it with the most modern and improved Member Toronto Stock Brehange, 12 buys a better one. Iy ' 1111ks, a _red_ tie, carefully put on, black ful supgly of noitrishnteut. It tMusforma car servlee. $7,220 00 bl n ptift Of boots, a watch and chain, weak sickly, nervous invalids into happy FRANCHISE. -7lib irltnohise fa far twenty When the dam to built (which ors R, L. SAWYER & CO- healtlly mothers, An honest dealer will yearn, with the right of renewal for it is proposed doing at once) 13.50 gets ypu more style. llltugfititchia4 slid ellen apocketlinife, with g It will save $3 per day !n fuel, CANADA LiFB Bi)ya, TORONTO. L,a not urge an inferior substitute upon you. twenty yens longer; gives exclhsivo A'Ara# hitt and stiok. He even wont the right on all th ,;roads and bridges, and __ _ - ._ . _ _ Y Of tvrftin Ilia Warne inaWo the hat, I am now a havpep m thew of a fine health o g ., i �flngth' g baby airi," writes 7�Irra. > . A. Cannings, of No cxcmpts the company from taxation; No............ - 141�ads `you to higher grades• V. gol'iig: oaughtl, he said I]c i3ontad Ca 4 zo Hum prey Street, S.t, I,oui9,iMo. "Peet does not require to pa any percentage ��► �t �T �1 tt nn ri ' 1t;ol' t'%$lloh,.,and as a prollininary stop tont your�Favarite Ptkscdpt on' ifas done me of the receipts' to the city, and 'balowg uEJt�LT'i 1v ILg i'Tli' [ AC IOrIT i�dND►�; 15 s pi�w id value's. r>;y more good than ariythfhg I have ever taken. the road to ceahe opet`atlons duri E' the fl i:, bt1Bt to' dro,;s himself in sahib's months of .December, January, I't§ Pussy f 'Carte nlonthe ions to mpp edufluemiSnt I be- b Fi)it a Otl'.l' ' i� LIGATION. ! pf` �;v 4 iilotlips.�-;BOiebny, (iltdla) Adyoeate, gnu usin i•t: 1Oat otiry I-rinbor forty-five min- and March, ff not considered paying by sy+*" . • �--1=d nits. with, my first b77hy Y 6nttefed, i8 ltoutw the management. The charter givm thb WYATT & CJO.. embers Toronto Stok liangb, 16} elegant styles beautiful cloth• ' i' 4+ .�)fffif: VoOr 4*49 to Brace Up. then hn:l to lost hint. lie wnQ vsry delicate grid company permission to' run excursion CJdnada,Lifo Building, Tdroato. , ot'.11L h le Buil R & o. y 9 4niv lived as ita9urs. For two is M. 'll a ed ph• Catitida Ltto Building, pronto. , lies bor''� old the bowl married fact of ' to18 atfrrony and had two in car cs, i he boats, tE„ 11�pf FaroHfe I�wcaCr[ lien' saved bath gat child PONf3E. -- filo proeeedn of the stile C;t " 09 smolt : I requoet that you allot file •..+ .+,w --..-..ii i4&, at.par value 4 k O oaoh. t it: bf719t whnb you to flute slick allto p y lsonds erb to be used In building three Vhie fs th OoordafiodWith kd it+ri}ptgdotue•dseiied the �L:ds day of I pri1 x#19. „whe for .._��.�� .1 ^ and ntyt rt ef�,,irsfctil fin" Ytave for dinner." miles of extorsions, purchasing elosed fou otYor the- 6f th6 Bollevlllo Tr of(pn C,�pta0a"Y :Iii, ;; qd, t t� yip a „ 'il'ilittedy.jp itis` rill$ iYAt:p60 dot5?Iltl idq'tfi• WritG,to Ar. Xt. V. Pletce, Buffalo', l•1. Y,, and excursion cars of the 1[t.teat improved said BatldA obi hllatment, I al�o s`gtee Co tint 110% tins► tbietlt' b[idb t$.4, ;iii��r,'bo orIor• - i ' -tt •;' far n,frt letter of advice, and enblaet' 3t ppntforfl, to araaininatiEite ilio increased ' tiont•d ins. ,_ " " I `AV Illii„ otieskett: ntautpot 16 cover custoifis and busilieaiti of ,tile eofnitany, ordoting ti ldihofq fullf..:......::a......Yi6"..M••{4 -.«».a.i::: ' g ,-*o, lis'l'e ,Jilt ltil�plhg tip ;tVltll1. ttialling of 1y,: iof a paper.pdvefkd'1�iopy car -house, re -laving ,the resent t* tidsir...•...... r.... ' .... a..,.•,..w N'.+.1iYs.....Y1 o . , t, .f Adtt + +. a,... tf tt ,lt llgltjrt�ti . 11M>; did X 6i yt1, fft4fl e> fI art a hf di at i f, it building lrf rt dttnl ., I t? +df. t,t� 1)ea i e Cptnttio , S 4 tl miler w tit a set ra_ a bu ld . it � t 1f' It p fih6 bon s can bo Shc'or otth t< by i eirtlttFntt d(.. b;,fd, oto ., ,.fit +�` .. f100N �."''� /�. � +�i• , 01N S .+' efi v ed�kbxead klrl tr.toxf ; torp; cif IltlJiier;#I or 0 stern 4 fOt' a elofli- itnd acrots� the 1;ivern ,Maitiq payinf3 aft ¢ Pott' h u t 3i' bid ai� ri. �► r tV .�3►. S Y .191, , r#�rtll 1`'•'N'K ,Vbiiitiii. flafttfoik Ifrdeb0dfieis, a," elther Pur• YVtoxTir last, or authoriz�nlE n6 t6 diaGw Eh g, YO f Ug►fik. , b �dq #o, � `: ttylsjt. A , i4t-Its .., ,• • • I . - I 11 , - ­ �, I ­ , L , ., ,, I I I , .. I )o il n �"