The Clinton New Era, 1898-05-06, Page 5— A -_,.- urious Fact W. remarkable the number of. cheap watch oases that are made and sold these days, oases that will wear anywhere -from six weeks to three years, and most of them gontaining i guarantee to wear 20 years. A gold filled case that will wear 20 years costs within a dollar what it did a few years ago. Die dollar represents the reduced Dost of making; the gold oasts just the same. I sell gold filled oases — oases that have stood the test of years, and personally guarantee every case which I sell, in addition to the manufacturer's warrant. I al- ways have the largest stook, the most desirable patterns and sell them as low as possible. Any make of movement you desire at The Satisfactory Store. J.B.Rumball JEWELER NIAP NIi! NN M Our work is an ad for us, be• cause we do repairing of Watches, Eta. so thoroughly that the owners come back to us if they have anything else in our line, and they not only come themselves but also sug- gest to their friends that. A. J. Grigg's is the plane to go. Do Yon Need A Watch 2 See Our Stook and hear Our Prides. We sell Good Goods. A. J. GRIGG. Successor to J. Biddlecombe, CLINTON. vs Dress Goode Drees Goods Drees Goods Dress Goods An InvItaflon is extended to every lady to inspect our showing of new and 'stylish Dress Goode. Drees Goode is the mainspring of this business, and in every re- speot you will find our stook up-to-date. If you want an expensive dress, a medium or a low priced one, we have them in styles and qualities that are worthy of your attention. Black Dress Goods is a strong point here. Plain Black double fold Sorge Dress Goode all wool Fancy Congo Black Dress Goods, double fold, special at Fanny FiguredBlaok double fold Dress Goods extra value at Fifty cents is the popular price in Dress Goods ; by looking through our as- sortment you will find many lines at that price which are really worth xnuoh more. Extra special lines in plain and fanny Lustre, Cashmere, Serge, Soliel, eto In the above makes some elegant goods may be procured at In better goods at 60e, 75e, 80o, 900, 81 and 81.25, you will find no more com- plete assortment. Colored Dress Goods 0 in plain or fanoy, sightly goods, special Fancy Dress Goods beautiful effects Brocade Dress Goods, splendid variety The lines of Fancy Dress Goods we are showing at 60o, 75o, 80o, 90e and e1 are wonders in the art of weaving. One very pretty line of Fancy Drees Goods is made of Silk and Linen in new shades of Green, Blue and Brown, the price is Covert Suitingin variety of shades, special at Vacunna Cloth, a new style of goods, makes a handsome costume Good assortment of Dross Lengths Trimmings in Braids and Silks to match all Dress Goods. Ladies are surprised at the little prides we ask for high grade Dress Goode. • 20e and 25o 250 30o 50c 25e 80e 500 750 85c 81 00 McKinnon '& Co., Blyth spoop sseaj 80000 800IG 80000 SSBJG sp000 seeaQ ULINTO1' M.AEKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 5th, 1898. Wheat, .. 1 00 a, 1 00 Oats 0 32 a 0 32 Field Barley 0 35 a 0 38 Peas ^ 0 59 a 0 60 Buckwheat 0 35 a 0 35 Flour per owt , 2 65 a 2 90 Butter 0 12i a 0 14 Eggs per, doz 0 09 a 0 09 Hay new $5; old 6 00 a 'fi 00 Sheepskins 0 50 a 1 00 No. 1 ,'rimmed Hides6 50 a 7 50 Potatoes 0 45 a 0 50 Pork 4 50 • 4 65 The ?Attie Trade Secretary Hodgson, of the Stook Breeder's Assooiation, Toronto, stated last week that m ' in all the years of his experience lie had nev- er seen the expert business in Ontario thoro- bred cattle as brick as it is at present. The buyers are from the Northwest and States Prides, though fair, are not high. Sir Roder- ick Cameron has recently ordered 2200, year- lings to be purohased uI Ontario for his Northwest ranch, The annual cost of feeding these animals is computed at 50 cents per head and they will be sold in a couple of years at a net profit of from 50 to 75 per Dent. MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKF,TS Bpoo0 Q 0 0 0. m Montreal, May 2.—There were about 450 head of butchers' cattle, 000 calves, 40 sheep and 80 spring lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers ware out i ful force and trade was good, with prices\ rather higher than for some time past. Prime beeves sold at from 41c to 41c per lb; pretty good stock from 8tic to 40 per lb. rough and half•fetted stock, including milkmen's strip- pers, from 210 to 24c per lb. Cattle shippers were buying a few of the largest steers and oxen, paying from 41c to 49c per lb. Calves are still very cheap, prices ranging from 61 to 80 each; very few bring over 94 each. Sheen sell at from 85c to 4. c per lb: spring lambs at from 52 to 54.95 each. Fat hogs sell at from 84.87 to 95 per 100 lbs. eomnnercia1 Notes, .Ththe season is estim ted heatat 5n ,000 Argentine 40,000,- 000 bnehols. Canadian farmers cannot go to war, bqt they can sit on the fence and watch the price of wheat go up. Govern- ment dhas forbiddech fromOdessa holders of wheattowith their stooks. A large number of British shine are in port vainly waiting to obtain cargoes, Wm. Rennie, superintendent of the farm department, O.A.O„ has just sold 21 steers— thefr average weight being 1,580 pounds—for 81,496.60 These steers were purchased last fall for $1,025 28, eo that the gain in value was 8468.82. The average weight when bought by Mr. Rennie was 1,194 sounds. The oheese outlook is better now than a month ago, when finest fall makes were a drug on the market at 71o. Within the past fortnight a noticeable improvement has set in, values advanoing a full cent and 15,000 to 18,000 cheese were cleared off the Montreal market at a range of 710 tp to 8 c, the final 10,000 boxes being at the outside figure. This practically cleans up all the old oheese in Canada, so prices should bee -maintained until the new is on the market, The weekly United States Government re- port says : Except from California reports of winter wheat continue favorable. 'Phere is further improvement in Ohio. HIgh winds have caused some danger to spring wheat in Illinois and Nebraska. Illinois too cold and wet; much Dorn land prepared; oats up and fine; winter wheat growing rapidly. Michi. gan—wheat fine, oat seeding nearly completed. Indiana wheat up, barley in good condition. Kentucky wheat and corn continue excellent. The United States Government is depending upon Canada for a supply of of horses in case of need. An agent has been in Ontario and Quebec making arrangements for horses, and he is said to have made contracts for fully 5,000 animals. He was at Montreal, Toronto, and other points west, and arranged with dealers at the places where he stopped to ship horses across the line if they are required, No contracts were made for immediate delivery, fir the United States Government is fully supplied at the present time, but in case of necessity Canadian horses will bo in keen de- mand at good prices. SHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKSAEGOS FOR HATCHING—PRICES REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prominent School Teacier's Experience My flock is headed by a cock bird scoring 94 points, winner of 2nd prize at Ontario Poultry Exhibition, and have also secured a first-class Cockerel from Rioe, of Whitby. My birds . were prize winners at Guelph, Huron Central, Great Northern and Huron Clinton.PoultrAssocia- Pain e's Celery Compound Does a Marvellous Work tion. F. G. FORRESTER, inton. r u Ice Cream AND Cool Drinks We have our up -to date Soda Water Fountain set up for the season and are prepar- ed to give Ice Cream Soda in all flavors, and cool drinks of all kinds. Good Oranges, Lemons, and Bananas Always in stock. The California oranges are the best. Prions accord- ing to sizes. Be sure and try our Real Home-made Bread It is a seller. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Jas. McClacherty, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant Telephone No. 1. Sarsaparilla. 100 FULL DOSES FOR .$1..00. If you require a spring medicine, try our Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla combined with the proper proportion of Iodides of Potassium and Iron, Sarsaparilla combined 'with the Iodide hue long been recognized as one of the very best Blood and Skin reme- dies. Yon will find our own make as good if not better than other kinds, and you will certainly find it more reasonable in price, as the bottle is larger, containing 100 full doses. Enclosed with each bottle is a, box containing several doses of Blood and Liver Granules, which, if taken with the Sarsaparilla, materially inoreases its good effects. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Selling ut Our sale still continues and our stock is daily getting less and the bargains we have to offer are getting larger, as the stock gets smaller. We are anxious to close out all as soon as possible. Note a few of our bargains : Ready-made Clothing Men's Suits, were from $6.00 to $10.00, now $4.50 to $5.00 " Pants " 1.75 to 2.50 " 1.00 to 1.50 et Odd Vests " 2.00 to 2.50 " 1.00 to 1.50 66Overalls di.50 to 1.25 66 .34 to .75 Hats, Caps, Gloves, Braces, Ties, Collars, etc. at your own price. We still have a lot of Boots and Shoes in Youths' and dren's sizes at a little over half price. Staple Dry Goods, s 5c., Flannelettes.5c., Prints 5c., Dress G-oods from Gloves, Hosiery, etc., about same proportion. We e. ends Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, lengths suit- able for bed rooms, at great value. White and Colored Car- pet Warps, COME AND SEE. UMSTEEL & GIBENGS, OLDITOX For Him HIS LONG YEARS OF SUFFERING ARE ENDED Neuralgia is Banished And a Shattered Nervous System Made Strong And Vigorous All who have made use of Paine's Celery Compound have experienced its wondrous strengthening effects upon the nervous sys- tem. This disease oaring medicine ants directly and promptly on the blood, tdking away every trace of poison from the clog- ged and vitiated Life stream. Thus, when the blood is pure and flowing freshly and freely, and the nerves braced and in good condition, neuralgia e ra and all kindred sae• gdiseas. es take their flight never to return. This is the month to banish nervousness, headache, insomnia, kidney and liver tron- bles. This is the time when the neuralgia and rheumatic should get rid of their mis- ery and pains, so that they may fit them- selves for work and enjoyment during the summer season. Paine's Celery Compound BORN. HERBISON—At Glasston, N. D„ on April 26 to Mr and Mrs W C Herbison, formerly of doderioh township, a daughter RATHWELL—In Stanley, 4th eon., on April 29, the wife of John Rathwell, of a son. BARGE—In Clinton, on May 2, the wife of Mr. Geo. Barge, of a daughter. . HERD—In Bayfield, on April 17, the wife of Thos Herd, of a son MAUGER—In Godarich, on April 22, to Mrs - A J Mauger, a _daughter WALKER—In Turnberry, on April 26, the wife of Mr Geo Walker, of a daughter AUSTIN—In East Wawanosh, on April 20, the wife of A Austin, of a son DAVIDSON—In Exeter, on April 24, the wife of John Davidson, of a son WING—In Shipka, on April 19, the wife of Henry Wing, of a daughter HOGARTH—In Stephen, on April 25, the wife of Stephen Hogarth, of a eon MAIMED. MORGAN—STIRLING—At Treherne, Man., on April 23by Rev Mr. Armstrong, Frederick Morgan to Miss Annie Stirling, grand -daugh- ter of William Stirling, of Goderioh township. HERIOT—ROSS—At the First Presbyterian manse, St. Mary's, on April 25, by Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, George Heriot nephew of J. Wise- man, Clinton, to Mabel Ross, daughter of Mr. George Ross, all of St. Marys. BERRY—FORD—At the Manse, Exeter on pri1-25, by Rev W-Mgrt'' 1 or , en - sell, to Annie, daughterof John Ford, of Tuckersmith STANLAKE—BATLEY—At the residence of the bride's mother, Nisaouri, on April 11. by Rev Mr McCullough, Silas Stanlako, Stephen, to Miss Jessie Agnes Bailey GRIFFITH—GIVEN—In Goderioh April 27' by the Rev Jos Edge, at the home oi'R Given' his daughter, Miss May J, to C E Griffith, for- merly of London PRENTICE—TAYLOR—At the residence of the bride'sAparents, on April 18, by Rev W W Leech, James A Prentice, of Pinkerton Pub- lic School teacher, to Mies Rachel C 'Naylor, daughter of Geo Taylor, Kinloss DIED. BEZZO—In Clinton, on April 29 Edith, wife of Isaao Bezzo, aged 34 years and 1 month BARNBY—In Ashfield, 12th con, the wife of James Barnby,aged 85 years BROUGH—At Goderioh, on April 28 Mary Auatwiolc Brough, widow of the late Sacker Brough, Q. C., for some time Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, aged 79 years and 8 days CLOAKEY -In Bolgrave, on April 22,Martha Cloake�yy, aged 28 years CAESAR—In Belgrave, on April 25, Wm Caesar, aged 50 years SLEE—In Exeter, on April 25, Wm Slee,agod 73 years TEFFREY—In Hay, on April 28, John Teff rey, aged 64 years SNYDER—In Mexico, on April 22, of Mood ' poisoning Dr Herman M Snyder, last surviv- ing childof the late Dr R. W Snyder, both well known throughout Ontario,aged 80 years HARKNESS—In Turnberry, on April 30, the wife of Mr. Robert Harkness, of a son. SMITHSON—In Clinton, on May 2, Ann, wife of W. Smithson, aged 09 years, NEVIN—In Seaforth on May 2, Hanorah, wife of the late James Nevin, aged 64 years, BROWNELL—In Seaforth. on May 2, Walter George. twin son of Mr. Joseph Brownell, aged 2 years, 1 month and 27 days. HARTT— .At Holstein, Ont. on April 24, Jean Primrose, daughter of C. L. Hartt, of St. Louis, aged two years, WILSON—In Hay, en April 29, Mary Bell, wife of 3'. D. Wilson, aged 80 years. ROGER—In erl2tsr1days.am Roger, aged yas,mo hand 4 BI1CHANAN--In Cloc1qrich, on May 2, Wm. Buchanan; aged 82 yeartl. 'YOUR EAItSPOT Perharisit'ityonrThroat oryoiirbronohial tuber. itv you take'ooid easily,. takeSoott'a Eniulsion It checks any; tendency in your !system to periotts lung trouble', is the only medicine that oan effectually rid the system of all unhealthy conditions; it is beyond all question the surest and best medicine th it ailing people oan nee. Mr Leverett A. lielyea, Hamstead, N. B., writes as follows:— WELLS & RICIIAEDSON CO., Gentlemen:—In the winter of 1884 I was taken with a severe attack of neuralgia in the head and shoulders Since ce than it be- came seated, and I gave up the idea of ever being cured. Have taken medicines pre- scribed by different physicians, bat all to no avail. Some three months ago I waslinduoed to try a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound. Before I had taken half of it I began to feel better. Sleep, which in my early days Children Cry for CASTOR IA. k,eiu Atirertiselaeato. JERSEY FOR SALE. Fine thoro-bred Jersey heifer for s ale, to come in about the let of June. J. SNYDER, Clinton. BUGGY FOR SALE. For sale, second-hand buggy; good repair. Box 146, Clinton P. 0, ROOMS TO LET. A couple of young men or young women who wish to rent a couple of rooms can be accomo- dated by applying to MRS. J. CARTER, Victoria St., south. GIRL WANTED. Wanted, a general servant to do housework. Small family Apply to MRS. BRICKENDEN, Rattenbury St. MALTESE CAT. A liberal price will be paid for a Maltese Cat; -muatbei-a good_mouser_and_ofcleanlyhabits. Apply at my office bet JOHN RAN , and 3 p.m. m. HOUSE TO RENT. That comfortable brick cottage on Ontario street east. near the Presbyterian manse, late- ly occupied by E. T. Holmes, is to rent. Pos- session at once. Apply to JOHN RIDOLT, Huron St„ Clinton. DURHAM BULL, for SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service at his farm, 7th con of Hullott, a thorobred Shorthorn Durham Bull. Torras:—$1 at time of service, with pri• volego of returning; to insure, 81,25. ALBERT WALLACE. Hul ett, April 28, 1898. NOTICE TO CREIZITORS. In the Estate of Benjamin Thomlinson, Ile - ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant toR..o. 1897 cap. 129, sec, 38 that all persons having claims against the estate of Benjamin Thomlinson, who died on the 24th day of March, 1898, are re- quired tosond postpaid or deliver to W. Bry- done, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the fat day orJna►e, 1898,•their names and ad- dressos and full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if any) hold by them, duly certified, and that aftot that date the executors will distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties untitled, having regard only to the o'aims of which they shall then have notice. The executors hereby further notify all per- sons indebted to the said estate that their ac- counts must be paid on or before May 10th, or they will be sued. , Dated at Clinton this 29th day of April, 1898, CHRIS. J, NESBITT l Executors, WILLIAM WHIR f By W. BRYDONNNE, Solicitor. ENTRANCE And Leaving Candidates for next examin- ation will bear of something to their ad- vantage by sending name and address, name of teacher, and location of school to the CENTRAL BITSINESS COLLEGE o I'oILONIO Soni. postai without delay and mentio.i this paper. The present Session contiptes until July lot, and members will be admitted At any time up to that date and allowed 10 complete anycourse selected after the' holidayd. rite for particulars to W. If. SHAW, Parte WAllir. appeared so refreshing, has in these year of affliction been made up of frightful dreams; but not so now, as the medicine began to have a telling effect on my nerves. I have taken three bottles of this glorious medioine, and to -day I can eay that • it is the first time in eleven years that I have felt none of those piercing pains to which I had once been a victim. Let me say to any person who may read this e testimonial in this provinze or elsewhere, that if you disore fit this statement, just write me and I will only be too glad to inform you of what bas cured me of neuralgia and a shat- tered nervous system, Yours respectfully LEVERET' A BELYEA, Hamstead, N. B. TO RENT. Brick cottage on Townsend street near the Public School. Enquire at the residence of C. E. HOVEY. MOUSE TO RENT. Tho largo frame dwelling house on Albert Street, late.y occupied by Mr. Todd, with half an acre of land. Rent moderato. Apply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister. Stray .Heifer Strayed from Subscriber's premises, 9th' con. Goderioh township, on Tuesday last, a 2 year- old red and white heifer. Finder will be re- warded on returning same or telling of its whereabouts. SAM SWITZER, Clinton P 0 ONWARD BICYCLE CO REPAIR SHOP. Snbscri..er has his establish- ment fitted up with the best f—maohi ner_y:,--enablin to do all kinds of repair work. Special attention given to overhauling and repairing of Bioyoles, and riders oan rely on work of this nature being promptly and satisfactorily attended to. Onward Cycle Co:, Perrin Block, Clinton H. L. BROWN, Manager. XIII araso Pure Black Silk Parasols. Colored Shot Silk Parasols. White and Cream Parasols. Frilled and Shot Silk Parasols. Austrian Silk Sun Umbrellas, suitable for either rain or sun protection. Union Silk Parasols and sun shade all beautiful handles. The latest things to be had. 40,, 1 Gilroy CLI • FITRNITURE H. C. BARLETT. We are pleased to state that our trade has been increasing right along, and the goods we are offering are of the latest design and up -to date. We have now a large stook of Furniture on hand for our spring trade, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. If you want a Bedroom Shiite or a Parlor Suite or Conches or Lounges, we can sell them cheaper than any other firm in this Coln. ty. Kindly come and see cur stook before you buy elsewhere. Picture Framing, Upholstering and Furniture Repairing neatlpr;; , and Cheaply done. Our Undertaking Department 4 - I5 complete and up-to-date, and the cheapest an est attendance. Hearse and outfit, there is no better in this part of the country. H, C. BARLETT, - Clinton. P. S.—Night and Sunday calls at residence on Huron St„ opposite Baptist Church, We have added to our Stock a New Lot of Stylish And Trimmings. Have you seen. the latest in Sailors °s' We have'them. - We are showing a new lot of Sail- ors. Something different and decidedly new. We invite you to call and see them.. Also our New Sailor to Trim makes a Stylish Trimmed Hat, and will just cost you from $1.50 to $2 MACDONALD & SMITH, Clinton' Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEAVER BLOCK. Reliable Drug Store .. That means a Drug Store where asmuoh attention is paid to see that a five cent purchase is as satisfactory to the customer as the ten dollar purchase. It means a Drug Store where a child can trade with as satisfactory restate ae the head of the family. These things make :it a safe place to trade. You can't be too careful in your. selection of a Drug Store to trade at. We have tried to make our store a Reliable Drug Store. One" visit would show you if our claim has foundation. We want your Drug Trade. ,'. H. Combe Manufacturing Chemist, Physicians' Supplies MAY 24th CLINTON'S Bigelebration Greater and Grander than ever The finest Attractions ever offered Thrilling and Astonishing Feats Splendid Music, Good Ball Enures, Etc., rte. SPECIALS The Famous Waterloo Band & Orchestra Cana0a'a ists Loading Art , The Prank Poster Balloon Co. Balloon Ascensions and Parachute Drop ,o Revolving Globo, eto., eto. Prof. Wiley HIGH -WIRE EARTIST Tho Reigning Sovereign of the Aerial Realm. 33rd BATT. 'BANIi, Seaforth Baas Ball, Lacrosse, open Air Concerts, Sword and Bayonet Clonteeth, Sparring Exhibitions, OM. Altogether"the most elaborate and in ter. esting ro and eller atte ated.ve'• thinnow, novel and up•to gts. , Y. Whitt 'Ire de its we tie it'Wclio^ ; 'HOG t HOLOS, ` J..i', noltEitfi t.. Cihaltrnan.- . Stutrotall 04111•••••• 000-00011.0041110 NEW WALL PAPER Our Wall Paper Department is lull of it. No styles that are not correct for this year, and :this year's patterns are There's than usual. Borders, and ceiling to match. There's a higher priced look about them, even the cheapest sorts. Prices were never lower than ours are this year. PER ROLL, 5c, 7c, 8c,10c,122c Come before the best patterns are gone. Ladies' Shoes Buff Buskins, a good serviceable shoe, 75o. Glove Grain Buskin, lighter than Buff, a good wearer, 90o. Buff Oxford, patent tip, coin toe, $1. Dongola Oxford, self and patent tip, a dressy shoe, $1.25, Dongola Trilby, strap over instep, the proper style, $1,25. Dongola Oxford, patent tip, fine quality, a perfect fitter, $1.6O. Grain Oxford Chocolate, $1. Dongola Oxford Tan, tarn sole, very comfortable, $1,25. Also a full range of Boots and Shoes for the.boy's and girls. We have never shown so complete and varve .' a stock 8f Men's Footwear as we shoe to -day: Vire are anxious for your trade, and we think we have the' /goods to please you. Prices are right. , W. L.. (01111tiVIE1 The Cash:Dealer, L9nthsbo