The Clinton New Era, 1898-05-06, Page 2, Xay 6, 1898
[; Secured excellent positions since
a February, 1897. This college is open r
tthroughout the entire year. Wo are i
located on Front St., and overlook r
'_:the beautiful St. Clair river. This is i
` the most delightful place in Ontario
spend the summer months. to spa e
11 I
For further particulars address,
I .
4•.I+.r•..•....... _ ............................—,.......N................'
Clinton Post Office.
L.M. P.M. i A.M M5
10::16 6 45 London and S. W. Ontario0000 4 00
^7.40 430 Wint-ham and Kincardine 9 55 8 35
10;16 8 65 Western S.W. & N. W. U.S.�7 00 4 05
1p 14 1 03 Paris, Buffalo & eastern U S;7 00 4 05
14415 1 03 Toronto & points east & nrthl7 00 2 35
1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa...17 00 2 35
1 OS Manitoba, N W T and B CI7 00 2 $a
10 27 Stratford and Seaforth..j7 00 2 35
. 10 27 Points E & N of Stratford 700 2 35
1 08 ....Mltchell and Dublin.... 7 00
7, 40 2 55 ......... Goderich; ......... 19 00
' I-Lucan crossing, Sarnia and
7 I
45 85$ i....inermeniaLe poiuts...1700 405
1..Londesboro & Balgrave.. 9 55
The office is open to the public (holidays ex
agpted) from 8 a.n) to 7 15 p m. but holders o
W6k boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m
!Money Order and Saving Bank office open
a.m. to 6 P.M.
Matter for registration must be posted half
iin hour before closing the mails.
friesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav-
lqg at 5.30 p.m.
ONCE A DAY ONLY ism mail
from this office to Londesboro and Belgruve,
also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as
ab: ve stated
Mails for British Isles and European Conn.
Wes intended to be forwarded by New York,
must have written on the top left hand corner
D; envelope VIA NEW YORK.
The Boston Post says: -Few wars
can stand the test of the cool estimate
of posterity, regarding them in the
perspective, of the years that pass.
*Selfishness, chicanery, the passions of
'men and of nations, all show their in-
Auenee inprovoking international
quarrels." That is true, and t he pres-
ent war will go down in history as an
unnecessary war, provoked by specu-
lators, hiatant jingoes and yellow jour-
AWS.-Hamiton Times.
What the Times say is certainly more
'than half true, and maybe wholly so. But
',what are you to do about it? Two individ-
;uala may get into a jangle and slap each
otlier in the face, and both may regret next
da_y that it happened. The present jangle;
Is not without compensating advantages.
J has cemented the North and South and
-it has brought the great Angio -Saxon race
very close together. -London News.
_Khat will you Have?
,;;, The Globe's Klondike correspondent
;fives the following copy of a bill of fare in
'!one of Dawson City's restaurants:
Porterboase steak..................65 00
,,Tenderloin steak .................. 4 50
sirloin steak . s .................. 4 00
;',:?lain steak ... ....... ........... 3 00
"Hamburgsteak•-.,.••..,.,•....... 3 00
Tried ham .... .....•. ....• . 3 00
:$read, butter and vegetables included
'Pork and beans... 2 00
Oliffee and hot cakes ................ 1 00
Coffee and toast .................... 1 00
Coffee and cake .................... 100
<7offee and pie ...................... 1 00
Canned fruit ...................... 75
All dinner orders $3.
The outloojr in Manitoba for the coming
1ta1, is magnificent. The wheat fields are
` .',,, i' t as gold as the yellow stuff in the
,: V, jondike, and the supply will not give out.
f ,i" --
;Sir Wilfrid Laurier is now an L. L. D.
,.bf•Qaeen's University. The Premier has
t ^Xreen '-stuck o'er with titles" in the past
{•.'.,,,;'two years, but be is still plain Wilfrid
i° Zaurier in his own heart and in the hearts
of his countrymen,
1, il, .,
" •i l In the last eleven years Great Britain
'•.h i i classes.
- ds built 190 warah of all P
`; Whese ships mount 1,675 guns, and are
".;,'rpropelled by engines aggregating 1,575,0(0
ltok0e-power. Exclusive of armaments,
':;'-s'they have cost $272,5000,000. And ;;y eb
Gireatt Britain continues to reduce bar na-
, ?tonal' debt and enjoy annual eurplasses.
;'112 Ontario hereafter •the one-man•one-
Vof s rale will apply in Dominion elections.
ry t �t the last Dominion election in London a
* tiopeervgtive boseted that he had oast
Orttebidlots in three different oonstita-
tlX Gide 'within half an hour. He voted in
of sh Middlesex, because he lived in South
7 IicTot,; he voted in .No. 1 ward of that
4beosuse he,rented a store ihore,'and
1>;*;# ted in East Middlesea. because he
►. '1iiYtiA in West London a few years ago and
'hit r161ba had not been struck off the list.
, ' ."t'Tl.. ' ill, P01,48li► f (r `sYtMa r
W, % -AYRR'S•UW"A -1IZ A'has bdea '
�' . a ItWhiehold compsefon in our farrilly
31nrtlr I tails it every Spring, be-
gi%i*9 its April, It tones up my sys-
tbllh,• .gives tie -in ezoeUept appottta
land x sleep like a tap,'
L ll..'WTf,D1;Y, Philadelphia, Pa.
: I i,$
. / .. ,fir „ 7117r- R -QT"
✓ e _ ,!
Crisp County Clippings.
To Klondike via Wrangel.
The laying out of city lots over old '
Indian graves was almost exemplified
House and Lot for Sate
John and James Wylie have rented
Purchasing Of Outfits at Vaneou•
when some parties undertook to"jump"
Weak Kidneys
a and a tied in it, worship from Sabbath to Sabbath holy
and now aboriginal Wrangel is groping ' ground? The supreme presence of God
to find "This
the farm Huwick, known Wil-
immediately east of Tom -moon a, is
offered for sale on very reasonable terms.
an old Siwash burying ground, but had
. -
in as the
lits farm.
ver and Victoria.
to abandon their prey. The Roman
Mrs S. Black, of Dungannon, has
(Special Correspondence.)
Catholic church had a mission here, but
many years ago.
Thousands testify to Its curative Sold by 1
12 lbs. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
t�nld her hotel to Dan Mcuormack, of
Fort Wrangel, Alaska, March 30.- I
In spite of sleet and blow, rain and
all druggists. Large package, 25 cts. WOODWARn
13 lbe. choice Family Flour for I bush Oats
(lnderich, who will take possession
There is a strong rivalry 4iet.veen the
snow, Wrangel enjoys a climate in
Is the b
o est --1 f
n act the O ao Trae Blood
bloc iLor,
t church
he ch ch to whit t
b you h
belong? There
very soba.
On Tuesday of last week, while fish-
coast pities, Victoria on the
Island an v the main-
d Vancouver on e r
which the sun playa no mean part.
Three or four companies have or ill
Oats taken in exchange
in off the piers at Goderich, Jonathan
land, for the Yukon trade. The latter
soon have piers to accomodate coast-
is the Sunda School where
y yon have
for Groceries
Fr!tzley caught a trout which weighed
with her unrivalled harbor, her ternii- I
ing Steamers of the largest size. The
been taught to know and to love Jesus
between 10 and 13 pounds.
nal advantages, with the growing
owners charge wharfage on all baggage
as your and Redeemer. There,
These are our present rates,
Miss Lizzie McCluskey, of Goderich,
trade of the interior to back it up,
shrugs her shoulders when Victoria is
I over three feet in length and on all
I goods taken over them in :omin in or,
g g
some of you have been baptized and
have been received into the con re a-
g g
but we don't know how lou g
is preparing to leave for Honolulu at
p P g
mentioned, and spreads her stores of
� going out. On the C. P. R. wharf �,�
tion of Christ's flock -and some of you
they will continue.
an early date. She intends spending a
few weeks with friends in San Franc•1s
food, clothing, and manufactured goods
cents is chat ged on each piece of bag-
have brought your children to the same
0' OLSON - Clinton
co before going to her brother in Hon-
before you with the assurance that her
gage over the prescribed size, and the
sacred Font for baptism;you have been
prices are rock -bottom, and her mer-
rate of two dollars per ton on freight
confirmed in the church and became
have learnt a thing or two
computed by measured spate. The
eligible for Holy Communion, You
On Monday, Alfred, the youngest
about the Yukon trade. Victoria re-
I whole staff of customs officials appear
have been perhaps married in the
son of Mrs Thos. Coates, while over at
sents the mention of her young rival's
, to facilitate the passage of your goods
church and yourselves have given
his brother's, fell down cellar and
broke one of is legs. The fracture
name Dints n o r -
P to her naval and c mme
cial fleets, her seal and deep sea fisher-
the ou b the customs ' u a • an alien
� g lY y o are
i The customs broker charges $5 ov more
awn ou[ daughters in marri
y Yale at
I the same altar. You have wept b[tter-
0� - -
wits reduced and the young man is do-
ies, her naval station, and impregnable
to make one entry, and some charge a
ly and convulsively as a dear c,ne has
ing nicely,
fortifleat ions, her teautiful Parliament
buildings, dol-
I further fee varying from $5 up, for be-
been lowered into the grave in the
Last Thursday forenoon the barn be-
costing ,ever one million
Corning your bondsman the; noun+ of
church yard, and as the minister pet-,
longingto Joe. Goldthorpe, Saltforil,
lars, and emphazises her Klondike
trade with the declaration th tt her
your goods will be touched by you or
in its transit the 3(1
formed the last Christian rites, by com-
witting the Lud to the >rouud
the brick -yard, was burned. A
have the
others across intles
say -
b Y Y
'•earth to There,in
spark from the saw -mill engine is sup-
merchants studied outfitting
of U. S. territory. When you arrive
rag earth" etc. the
Are You Aware of the Fact that
posed to have started the blaze. The
of miners for nearly forty years, and
at the Canadian line if the goods are
church yciu have formed holy friend -
building was worth about 0100, with
know to the number of nails in a shoe,
untouched or intact the bond is cancel-
ships which will not be severed even at
no insurance.
what is wanted by the gold -hunter.
led and returned to Wrangel customs
death. Why,every inch of the ground
The Piesbytetians of St. Helens are
In the outfitting stores everything
that is really wanted, likely to be
official who then releases your bonds-
is holy. In view then of what. I have
been telling you, I urge upon you'most
erecting a fine church, to cost in the
wanted, or is not wanted, can be found.
earnestly to cultivate a spirit of rever-
neighborhood of $4,500. The bailding
was designed b W. E. Binning, Listo-
A man must be a cautions and experi-
ence. Listen only to the utterance of
Is doing more for its pupils than any other
Business College n the Dominion.
g Y
Wei, and will be fitted with the circular
enced buyer to avoid overbuying and
overloading, for the northern trip. To
A sermon preached by the Rev. M. M.
man like Fuletson. Whitt did he say?
"No greater calamity can befall a na-
43 Pupils were p'accd in two months. Stu -
dents from all quarters are flocking to this
seats; Buchanan & Rhynas, Goderich,
be sure the American cities, from San
Goldberg, Christ church, Mar•kdale
g+ ur
tion than to lose its worship." Why!
worthy business school,
have the contract.
Francisco to Puget Sound, get their
Sunday evening,March 27th, 1;98,from +
bad as heathenism it, it is better than
Besides a large attendance from Chatham
there are already this year, 93 pupils registered
The death of William Slee, of Exe-
share of this Outfitting trade. Mmer'6
atheism, IL is by far better to be sup
from outsidepoiais. 60of them from points
ter, on Monday, at the age of 79 years
licenses must be procured in Victoria
Moses, the man of God while attend-
erstitious than to be infidels. What
nearer to other Colleges than to
removes another of the pioneers of this
or Vancouver, so that every boat tak-
in > to the shee of hib father-in-litw,
f P
does Lord Bacon say, "I would rather
We presume these people investigated the
section. He had been a sufferer from
ing Klondikers must call at these
Jethro, in the wilderness of Horeb, a
believe in all the fables of t he Talmud
merits of the different schools, and decided
asthma for years, but la rippe wits
pants to enable her passengers to se-
strange and wonderful sight met his
and the Koran than to say that this
that nothing but the best would satisfy them,
the direct cause of death. -Phe funeral
cure the little Niece of paper, for the
gaze. It'was extraordinary ill appear-
worid exists without. it Maker." Sir
bene ,, they aro here,
on Wednesday was largely attended.
sum of $10, which will enable blot+
ante. He saw what he had never seen
Isaac Newton never mentioned the
Write for catalogue of other departments and
a list of the 43 pupils in two
We are sorry to report that Miry EI-
whether of Btitish or alien birth, to
.before; he saw a thorn -bush un fire,
nacre of God without uncovering his
placed months,
la Deana, Wingham, has been very ill
nave and to hold mineral claims in
flickering and burning, and yet tint con•
head. And Professor John Henry.f
D. McLACHLAN aS't Co CLatham
for the pas, couple of weeks. At last
that north-western territory ofCanad",
sumir,g. Cail it all apparition, a phen-
Princeton University, a most eminent
reports she was on a fair n•ity to recov•
north of the British Coluurb!a bound-
ary, The British Columbia ininet s li-
owenun; callit what you please, it was
it wonderful thing to behold. Curious
scientist when he was about to snake
some scientific exper•iment,would raise
ery, Mr - John Wellwood, Winghatn,
has been very low for suu)e time past;
Cense cost $3, and it is well for those
to know and understand the nature: of
his hand in adoring reverevee and wor-
I have gond pasture a for about 20 head of
he is suffering from an abeess, and
Wfio in the inland (Jrsby the
tt:is pheuumenon, Moses was prompted
ship in silence, he;ause he said "God is
w8ter, at lot3, con. I$ Hullett. toted fresh
there are only very slight hopes of his
Stickeen River routes to pure baso gue
ee River
of these, as his way lies for hundreds
to approach the burning hu,L, aucd to
here. and I am about to ask him vt
Yes, brethrtro, the most
about'the 24th of Mof ay. Terms cattle
for year
of utiles within the bmindar•ie. of the
examine itmore closely. Curiosity may
I be a good thing, and no doubt it is a
learned, the most scientific men have
,jogs, $1 for tvo-yc,}r•-olds.
There died oil Sunday evening, af•
Province of British Colrtutbia.
good thing to be curious. Curious
been deeply religious and reverend
Hullett, April 28 1898
the residence of her sou Frederick '
Toll,. East Wawanosh, an old and res-
I ,
people pry into things to discover- the
Unknown and indeed, We are indebted
worshippers of God. Amen.
------ -
petted resident ofthat township, in
Oil the streets of Vancouver, enter-
for a great deal Of what we know I.o
the person A Mrs Fred. Toll, sr., at
ging from the roughness of its ced tv
curiosity. Yet it is not always sale to
the age of 76. Deceased had been ail-
and fir clad slopes, one may see . ming-
be too curious, or• we shall buffer for
Is hard on the babies. They're apt to
ing for several mcnthsfrom heart trou-
ling with the fashionably -dressed in-
our temerity. Pry into the crevices of
have harrheea, and mothers know how
ble, a,ad her end was not altogether
habitants, that floating population
which consorts best with the rough
a living volcano, and its poisonous
gases will asphixiate you. The people
San + ,asthat is. Mrs C. Bott, Harlow,
on ., says:- I can highly recommend Dr.
I The undersigned will.sell eta sacrifice, Lot 451
or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars
We have this week to chronicle the
scenery of its surroundings. Men in
of Beth-Sheuiesh nut of the ark of cur-'
F wler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It
upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u
death of Nrs Conrad Walper, Zurich,
every kind of picturesque costume,
iosity gaped intently into the Ark of
cured my baby of diarrhoea after all other
who died last Tuesday night at the
from the heavy hobnailed laced boots
the Covenant which was returned by
means failed."
ripe age of 83 years. Old age was the
and dazzling yellow shaggy mackintosh
the Philistines, and they paid the pen-
death. She and her husband moved
suits, to the cowboy grey felt hat, the
alty for it with the lives. Many a man
On Tuesday afternoon a little two-
Factory and contents on the pproporty of D.
there when all was a forest, and by
reversible corduroy suit, and yellow
has lost his life owing to curiosity.
year-old girl of Mr Richard Feely, of
Buchanan for 8125; by ayiT $15 down and
balance at $10
hard work they, secured a home. Her
tanned waterproof boots, worn by the
There is no doubtMoses was curiuns to
Brant street, West, Brantford h td a
a month. Building to be re-
moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.
remains were interred in the Bronson
Kloodike dandy. Weapon belts are
find out all about this strange appear-
close call from poisoning. She climbed
line cemetery on Friday afternoon.
She was the oldest person in the vicin-
worn, but the weapons as a rule are
not.: Most of those who go in take a
once, but as he drew nearer and nearet•
to behold the sight, the voice of God
on it chair, gut hold of a bottle of pOi-
sort that. stood .on it closet, and sam
ity, if not in the township.
revolver for weal or for wr.e, and a
called out upon him, "Moses, idoses,
the 11tixLUre. Prompt medical aid
The one-story frame house on Townsend St,
The annual meeting of the South
sheath knife, which is indispensable.
draw not nigh hither. Put off thy
saved het• life.
at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned
Huron Conservative Association was
Many take rifles, others shot -guns, not
shoes from off thy feet, for t he nlace
by Mrs Duncan, ds offered for sale on;reasonable
held at Hensall on Tuesda The elec-
thatthey may Le of any use, but, as
whereon thou .tandestis holy ground."
Tice man with a weight on his le can't
g g
farms. It contains flue rooms, atone collar.
quarter acre lo- in central position of town and
tion of officers resulted in the old staff
Mr Ogilvie says, when you want such
Now from this Divine pronuucia-
hope to win in the race. A man with a
in good repair, Apply to WM COOPER, build -
being re -appointed, asfollows.--Pies.,
a weapon you want it bad, and as a
mento we learn a most impurLa:,t, los-
weigut oil his health can't expect to com-
er, Clinton
t• A. Williams, Zurich; lst V. P., J.
believer in predestination wouldar•gue,
son, viz, the lesson of religious rever-
pete in health and business with those who
McNaughton, Varna; 2nd V. P., Phin-
Sas Hunter, Usborne; 3rd, Dr. Seth-
e you ruet a bear, arid his titne
d come, what a fix y, ou would be in
ence .
Divest religious worship of reverence,
are not handicapped. If hisbrain is heavy
and his blood sluggish, because of constipa.
tine, Seaforth; Treas.e T. B. Catling,
Exeter; M.
without a weapon to fulfil the decrees
of the unchangeable law.
and it is no more worship, it is any-
thing but worship. Going to church
. tion, he will not succeed in doing anything
Constipation is
The undersigned offers for sale that two story
Sec.. J. White; organizer-
in -chief, L. H. Dickson, Exeter, Sub-
The crowd of roughly dressed men
for religious worship,and talk and look
very well. the eaus,i of
I nine tenths of all sickness. 6ymptoms of
Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm,
Rattenburpy, There is in connection oe acro
organizers were appointed for the var-
move to and fro,enter outfitting stores
and rice the wares then lass on to
P l
around, and smile and hand w,livid
billets, and et a and witllc wit, end
it tr, ..aliowness, listlessnes ,poor a etite,
eau in
of ]and which will also be sold in one Aloes or
in lots to suit purchaser, Apply to
loos polling subdivisions.
the next place, ending their day's quest
g p
then come in again., Du you evil] that
taste the mouth, aizzrness, bilious-
I nese and lassitude. Constipation can be
We regret this week to chronicle the
death of .vi,argaret Kent, relict of the
in a state of irresolution at the confus-
ion of prices and of articles to be pur-
worshipping God? In that case the
thoughts of your mind and the affec-
cured easily and certainly by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are not at
late Edwin Kent, of Winghatn, which
took place on Saturday morning last-
chased, All the larger business houses
have a list of supplies which they re-
tions of your, heart are alienated from
the service. You might as well stay at
all violent in their action, and yet they are
sats her handsome new
Deceased came to her death by poison,
administered by her own hand, but no
commend as suitable for one year's
campaign in the land,
home as come to church to disturb the
more curtain than man medicines thxtare
so strong that they put the sc.tem all out
house up Wellington :trent, containingwicon four
moms upstairs and three down, with stone cel -
cause can be attributed why she would
gold whether
you are going on a pleabure jaunt, or
The impression that God is in the
of order. The great advantage of the
"pleasant Pellets" is that they cure per-
lar; the of is one-eighth ofan acre, good water;
a summer kitchen and soft water cistern now
take her own life. She had been up
and around.on Saturday morning, and
to work a benanza claim. You feel
that a great deal of the outfit .can be
sanctuary should ever have it urost .til•
emnizing effect upon Our mind:;, and
manently. Send 31 one -gent stamps to
cover not of mailingonly and et his
under contract. Property will be sold on rea-
sonable terms. MRn. MOGItIDGE, Clinton,
from all outward appearances seemed dispensed with, bnt just what, pat is a should repress everything like care- great book, The Peole's Common Scnse
to be in the best of health and spirits. }natter of some doubt, and you end the lessness, listlessness or levit.v, if a Medicat Adviser, absolutely frub. Address
Mrs Kent was adaughter of Air b
Ke a Cale matter by bUyiug all that the bond proper sense of Gods ruajety, were I W,w is Dispensary Medical A4F;ociation,
Griffin, and hue been a resident of calls for, and some more which is es- resting upon cul' spirits, it. w,•,tld be No. 61',3 _Maio street, Buffalo, N.Y.
Wingham for many years. pecially recommended by Smith, irnposatble to give way to profaneheec-
Mrs George ?atton of Dungannon Brown, or Jones. ' It is not hard to un- lessness' of mind during ohe short
g ' g derstand that anything which Mr Ogil- hour's service 1 or be betrayed into TheGtirl's Wardrobe
passed horse to her reward on Satur- vie is known to have endorsed Sues sleep ! Nor would worldly sensual -"-
day last, at the age 'of 59. "'She *its' without question, such is the public "'cep 1ht9 InttUde themselves into our THE GIRL WITH THE LF•Awr 1foNEY Is
born in this vicinity, and has lived bore confidence in his judgment. mind.. A aiu,revei•ence plays a real APT TO BE THE MOST 1+XTRAVAGANT
ever since, so that she was well-known g P y' g' --
and had many friends, who dee Iv re- factor in the history of our lives. There
Y P TILE OUTFIT. It is a truth, and a sad one, that the
rpt her decease. Amon the relatives can be no delicate feeling between man +
g g It is like a trip Prow Paris to Siberia without it; no courtesy without it rev- girl wi t, the leapt money is apt to be
she land, three
behind are an aged father, to take the elevator from the fasbion- erential s utt. Societ• f. i. is withuut the roost sof "The a wri f Huth
hnaband, three girls and two boys at able lower, floors of the Hudson Bat res ectfulpconsideration for other lack.
Ashmore, of the (are of a Girl's
ba, rs Stn; her eldest sun in iaianito Co, block to the uppermost story, ing reverence. And what itbont the Wardrobe,' In the May Ladies' flonle
ba, Mrs Stewart, gt Listowel, and Mrs pp' Y' Journal. The ver wealth girl Ilia
Hugh Glenn, of West 6Vatvanosh; and where piles of every conc•eivitble sup- family circle.when devoid of revetence? not have to care for her uv a ardrobe
a brother' in Dakota. The funeral took Ply for an arctic none, from dessicated Now, mind 1 Reverence is not mere yet each piece belonging to it is made
lace on Saturday to Dungannon cem- potatoes to mooseskin moccasins, ate manners, it is above manneri,;it is hold -
e Y g scattered around, while the busy clerks ing our superiors and betters in high to du full service, and in u,any instan-
etery. cies, if she has a wise mother, the girl
sell, pack, and shift the goods away. esteem, and treating them with that g
er+n-LPnd- of lc <-�€
We wen t to tie P th�-w
Vara , will egret, t of am that
of ,=,-7d1?T;'ht aftc=FlTtt- wulu['i is "'r the maid. It. is bifid of the daughters
Varna, will regret to learn that id has ing up out, stateroom with Lhe person- due. Itis pre-eminently so inreligion. o
met with aserious andpainful accident. al baggage of three adventurers, whose The receptive faculty, of religion is in_ f Queen Victoria that each nue of
berths rose one above the other to the jitred b lack of reveteuce. God de- them was taught, riot only to sew
He was driving in a buggy, and in roof of the hurricane death. For] manda it Don't well, but to mend and darn with gi eat,
turning around turned too short, up- you see, the voice neatness, and to make over, those
setting the buggy. He was thrown bags, bales, and live freight had poured that spoke nearly four thousand years
out, and in some mysterious way the into the steamer, which came over ago iu the wilderness of Horeb to"that gowns which were counted worth it.
horse fell on him, and so tangled up in from Victoria fairly well loaded. shepherd who first taught the chosen the girl whose wardrobe is not large
the harness was the beast, that Mr During wakeful moments the steady seed," than voice still resounds in our makes her first mistake in buying
Ward had to cut the lines before he beat of the engines assured us that the ears "Put off thy shoes frua, off shy cheap material of a color that is the
could get it removed off him. He had vessel was off and was threading the feet for the place whereon thou stand- Onlfany
of the moment. Instead, when
„ one new gown I
Y } a )e had duets
t.orLucus g Y
his breast bone broken, his leg injured, channels extending for over est is holy ground. Conjoined how- g
and was otherwise pretty badly sbaken 200 miles until the northern end of ever with reverence is Humility, such the season, it should be of a fabric that
up. It is a wonder he wits not kill ,
as his escape is almost miraculous. Vancouver Island is passed. Ail day as -is manifest in the penitent publican will stand wear, that will endure mak-
the steamer followed these natural - the Centurion who dedmed himself ing over, and of a color of which neith-
-passages, and toward nightfall neared unworthy of the Saviour to enter his er the wearer nor the looker-on' will
• NFAVS'FROM PORT HOPE• the open sea, Some time past mid. house, and which also is fully exempli- been grow weary. It is an extrava-
night we struck the North Pacific with fied by the six -winged Seraphim, hos- Bance to have a gown made in the ex -
Word has been received from Port Hope, considerable violence. As the glad ering above the throne of the Most treme of fashion, for the extreme soot}
Ont., that Mr W.A.Carson, the well-known waves rose tip to meet the vessel, other High, covering their faces and feet in goes out, and then you have a failure
grocer, has been cured of Shortness of things rose up too. Our baggage bro►ce Hie presence. Still there is a reason, a on your hands.
Breath, Nervousness, Dizziness and debil- loose and began to play hide and seek potent reason, why we should reverent-
ity by Milburn's Heart and NerveJPills. Mr in the at ater•oom. In a few hours the ly worship God. It is holy ground.
Carson recommends this remedy to all who trouble ceased, as the steamer was "For the place whereon thou st.andest
are troubled with heart or nerve weakness, again among the coast islands, extend. is holy ground." But all places are
ing, with that;break and one just north holy as we are told -"The whole earth res
The Townships of Huron of Port Simpson, right through past is full cf the majesty of thy glory,"
Wrangeland Juneau, to Skagway and Yet are there spotg which W., panic- "Cures talk "in favor 43i,The editor of the Hamilton Times, Mr Dyea on the Lynn canal. The scenery ularly cherish in our memories and Of Hood's Sareaparillii
H. F. Gardiner, recently delivered a leo- along here is very beautiful. The is. which we venerate. Our l,omer f. i. for no other media'
tura in the Oentenary Church hall on. the lands are well stocked with deer, and the place of our nativity, wuere we nineIts
or . igin of the names of Ontario counties are said to be fine hunting grounds. have -spent the years of childhood in great 011tim lbbord6d I•ntrUUIfIL4
and townships. In d6nipliance with re- love and innocency. No place on this convincing U111089e bf grateful men and
40' tp frbm the Curator of the Ontario earth has a more special interest for us. , oonstltute its most effective ad-
+�};4PilsdJbgicq,l ,Museum, the Dominion Seen on a cold, wet afternoon, when .Again, the holy places in Palestine. vertising•-_Many of these Dares are mar.
Statistician, the Secretaries of a couple of there is a combination of snow and The ground which kissed the bare feet velour. They have won the confidence of
historical Societies, the editors of several rain falling, and the northeast wind of the Man.Jesu3 Christ as He walked' the people; baso given Hood's 8arsapa-
wepaliera and many citizens of Hamil- blowing, Wrangel preaente a desolate along upon it; thy+ special places which riYla the Urgent n, lie prints the notes of the lecture, and appearance. When the tide is out the have been blesi8d by 1118 presence such g wiles in the world, and
introducing them be cafe that some brown, rocky and gravel fiats lie drear- as Caralla, Sethanq,�apernaum, 11'1<ount. �i°eftaTY for Its manufacture
thereincontained were very easily fly in the dull light, and the spindly of Olives, the Holy City Jerusalem, &e. thegreateet laboratory on earth. Hood's
discovered, others required considerable piles of the piers atilt out to deeper Piigr the to-dtt, 4o'thither bleeped with I Sarsaparilla to known by the cures it has
research; in some cases• the conclusions are water, where the larger boats lie watt the Aought that they are privileged to madii--611AW of 1110T15frrla, salt rheum and
moregggese-work; in a few absolute failure ing the full of the tide, when they will gaze with their own eyes upon the eczema, Cures of rheumatism, neuralgla
must be confessed. It is highly desirable have risen over 20 ft., and will resume scenes which two thousand years ago and weals ne
The undersigned offers for Salo a frame cot-
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached. Centrally sitna,ed. Good water'and
drainage. Will be Auld cheap. Appyy' to
Clinton Dec. 10th iv. C. 6 'ARLF..
For sale a farm of 75 acre,i of excellent land,
being the north half of lot 42, 13th con, of Hul-
let(. Good bank barn, frame house with stone
cellar 'ens f i,•
p y o atter; all but. Pour acres
cleared, within easy distance of school and
churches Will be sold et) seasonable terms.
The frame house and half -acre lot on Huron
Street, Clinton, occupied byenbscriber, is ofrer-
-ed- or-for-eale. Accoinmadsttotr'fo, -ordinary
fami.y. Hard and soft water avid cellar, also
bearing fruit trees. The house is w•oll located
and will be sold on reasonable terms, Apply
to GEO. SWALLO��a', or ou the premises to
MhS AGNEW Clinton.
!$2,200 buys the two semi-detached brick
houses on Rattenbury St,, known as the PDX-
ton Property.
thei houses and also vacant lots for sale.
Money. -Private funds in large and small
sums bul)anunm)r,tt;,i Ratcstow.
W. BRYDONE, Barrister.
'G, __
That desirable Brick Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, oecupled by Mr N, Robson, is
offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one of the best in Clinton. The
propertyy Is free from incumbrance and title in-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser•. Apply to GEO. STANBURY. Lou-
don Road, or address Clinton P. O
$300 cash 120 montbly payments off$13 each
D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton
Patin for `tale or to Rent.
The south half of l0 5
t concession 9, Town-
ship or Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres
cleared and in good state of cultivativation.
That a are on the premises a frame house, frame
barn. frame drive heirs,, good orchard, never•
falling aupply of spring water. Situated Q mile
from the village of Blyth. Will be sold on rea-
sonable terms. ApUppl�yy to C. HAMILTON, B'yth
or THOS. R. WRICIHT, 1Cxeeut r, 948 Princess
Ave„ London, Ont.
that the record of facts relating to the as. eves,
leotion of names of Ontario bounties and
loading and unloading operations. Jesus had hallowed and sanctified b
Old Wrangel has been taken by sur- His presence. And, my dear brethren
Corea of dyspepsia, fiver
troubles, catarrh -cures which prove
House and Lot for Sate
townships (and of the towns and villages
a ell should be ma
s w de complete,
prise with this ru all, turned inside out, In Christ,lis not the eburch in which we
s food on its1�
head, knot
The frame house on Rattenbury street,
p ,not only
for the information of the present genera-
tion Canadians, but for
a and a tied in it, worship from Sabbath to Sabbath holy
and now aboriginal Wrangel is groping ' ground? The supreme presence of God
to find "This
immediately east of Tom -moon a, is
offered for sale on very reasonable terms.
of reference in the
around where it is at. is manifest even here. is none
Tile house is centrally situates beirg..only
future. Editors of exchanges can assist
But to return to that principal thor- other than the house of God and the
a minute' walk from the business centro,
very materially perfecting this work by
ougbfare, It rivals an Indian bazaar ex. very gate of heaven," It ehould there-
has stone cellar, largo dining room 1•arlbr,
copying the portions of the following that
cept in color. The incessant thumping fore be honored, respected and rever-
Sarsaparilla l -a
bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one
re it particular lata to the ou ar looalit'
res an
P and'by
n hammers
f and grating o •
f saws is enced. You must n
a g con ot, you darenot,at
and two smaller bedroom
largo a s u s '
g p tales
v t''
in r rn d rreotions contradictions
d d ottons r
El o a �
tJti #J)f+ft+ iititee a are his notes
I c $llfOsili
tf noes Saturday
to Sunday
a and. -Monday fire peril of h
Monde t e forfeiture of all s tri •
its this modern �Venilce rises from the uali y, disesteem it. Are there not lov
brine in anything but in
Is the b
o est --1 f
n act the O ao Trae Blood
bloc iLor,
summer kitchen s
Good-sized andgarden.
Very, conveniently situated for barding
14EW L'�ne
Duro livor Ills • ruesy to
, poetic beaut and ha
Y g P Y• g PPY memories attached to
Pillo bike, wy;oop ,p,"
house. Apply at otlio9.
�" 7'
Professional andOtLerCards
Barrister, Solicit
Commissioner for Ontarlo and Manitoba.
Office immediately south of GUroy & Wiseman
I Office -Beaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Fostoria Photo Gallerry,
(Formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron)I
Office—Han Ilton tat opposite Colborne House
Office, MacKay Block, Clinton.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
Office Hours -9 to 5.
DR- Te C. np.UCE.
Graduate R 0 D S
varsity Toronto, unity
Special attention given to the Preservation
the natural teetb.
Othee, Coate I lock, over Taylor's shoe store
B yaBid a ery Thursdays afternoon during tthhe
DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P, and L. R, 0. S.
Edinburgh, Office—Ontario Sreet Clinton
Night cilia at front door of residence on Ratters
bury St., opposite Presbyterian church,
ML. C. P& S., Ontario. M D, FellowoftheObstetrics la University
Society of Edinburgh, I ate of London, Eng,,and
Edinburgboffice I'vitenburyals. St,0clintonr DNigty bell
answered at the same place.
AR*eouehetir, etc., dffce and residence On-
tario St., opposite Englisb church, formerly oe;
oupied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont.
-" Medical Department of Victoria Unfyer
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals alid
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for it
County of Hurott, Bayfleld,foul- 4- , I
J. H norary0r du toof heOntariOVe erinaary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an
mals on the most modern and soientitfe prino
Plea OffLee- immediately south of the New Era
Office. Residence — Albert bb,, Clinton, Cel
Dig ht orday attendedto promptly
tree returned to Clinton and opened an oiiioe
at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be consult.
ed for the treatment ofall diseases of horses,
cattle, &c. All calls, night or day, promptly at
tended to.
insurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room
and Residence, Mary etreet, Clinton.
No witnesses required
Civil vngi eer,PrLondon, ouclal t Oflfce Survefat Geo
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Hats remodelled and done over as good as
new, Persons wi tug work do::o in this line
Will receive P<', -ect satisfaction on lea
their or •tin
orders w'g
b�he undersigned.
ders earl u88MOORLeave or -
over. Beeslol & Co,, luso storeAlbertStreet.
of lied C darand othr wil er as
hingles atbBlyth ana,•ig,
Londesboro, apply to D. COWAN at Blyth, or
himself at either places. Parties wanting
Shingles will find it to their advantage to ask
for prices before buyiug elsewhere.
Lundesboro Feb.. WHITELY.
, ob.1
8 18
_ 1
WAN U D By Old Established House`
High Grade Man or Woman,
ohere and f good Church standing to act aspManager
at their home.ffice Business til eady built up and
established here, Salary $900 Enclose self-
addressed stamped envo,o
A. pe for our terms to
Ave., Eldor, GenManager. 189 Michigan
Chicago, Illll
ppablee book, sellike ndyylike aewhirlwind hBesntiful
"The beat • life of Her Majesty I have seen,"
wggrites Lord Lorne about " ueen Victoria."
Subscriber le prepared to promptly fill
dere for Wood or Coal, which will be
lowest , ates. Otriee on Isaac Street, at
AGENTS - Book bueines..,
yearspast•also have botrorand
books. Agents clear from $10to$40' oeky. A
few leaders are: "Queen Victoria "Lifoof Mr '
Gladstone," My Mother's Bible 9torlas " '•Isio-
gresefveSppoakor," "ICIontlike Gold F1olt3!g,'+,•Rr0.
man," •`Glimpses of the Unseen, " "Broaktaat
Dinner and Slip por," ' Canada; an Enoyolopao
din." Rooks on dime. Outfits free to Canva.
ea als
A on
t� is wanted, male and female, in ever
y to sell our 1,
Fa Big Sand. o r cants O
lino otsamnlas. Thu rti AUnr,.., ..... _X' :tali
I I -
I • ': s r _ _ _ ,"
11 Ii. 1, ,, 11 � f 11
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