HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-29, Page 7ked. the Floor
t After - Night
44 Agony
&-' —
`ysicai Sufferings
uralg is in Head
and Face
.x r
pp J
Q Wed so Long b Uoc'-
I b
-anti MocliG'i11os, Ml's
eksoil I houbht there
Qas Ilo Hope for her
f --
# —
1 ' 4 s P.L>I
Neighbor Itecont-
,, . "ne's Celery
, >
A pound, the match-
,t " SPrins; Medicine
_:; Y..
Commenced With a
Degree of Faith
re Is Joy, Thankfulness
1. `!�ratitude for a Marvel-
11lous iOure
` �:, suffered intensely with nenral-
;a cad and face, and was in such
that I could not rest day or
„ f(ilr b' o and a half` years. I was
.y ,. er., A—,t "nes, And used their
''edicine and sometimes got a little relief,
a t the pain would come back as bad as
o' r. I walked the floor night after nigbt
! d thought I would go crazy. A neigh-
knowing my condition of suffering„
ape if I had tried Paine's Celery
-impound. I said "No, I have no faith
ui anything now, as I have tried so many
iaedioines and they have not done me any
jgood." However, I decided to try one
I7pttle of Paine's Celery Compound, and it
have such, good results I continued until I
sad used six. bottles and was oared. I can
-Ihever cease ;to express my gratitude Ifor
"t,"thagreat good I derived from Paine's Cel-
,,, .,,.' ery Compound. Yours truly,
ti Mai; THos. JACKSON,
50 McGee St., Toronto
r,, Too many women that way. They need
aMilburn'e Hesrt and Nerve Pills. Mrs J.
i"'Hawke; Hagersville, Ont„ says:- "Mil-
�urws lle.trt and Nerve Pills cured'me of
rf+Aveakness and nervousness, with which I
:had been afflicted for a long time.
t 3'S, _
' " The Little Tian Replied.
7.'r' The new woman orator Waxed eloquent.
4' • std t," she demanded as she came
fi= 111113 to be the result of our
Oman HOD?" ` Silo looked around with
the cal assurance of one who had asked
t'.a poser, and this was too much ff,or the lit-
, : r-tle man who was waiting for his wife in a
?4ar corner of the hall.
"I know," he shouted.
�''Ab," returned'the new woman on the
r t. latform scornfully, "the little man with
i,ytl'ie baldbead thinks be has solved the
.1 that we came here to dlsouss this
afternoon. We will gladly give our atten-
► Alon'bile be tells us what is to be the re-
"Cold dinners and ragged children,"
,, roared the little man. -Strand Magazine.
t At the Dentist's.
r a };. Dr. Molar (kindly) -Now, does that
p:.burt? •
Pbiz-I don't mind you working on the
tpoth so much, if you would only keep
,;,,your sleeve button out of my eye. -Rox-
bury (Mass.) Gazette. �
Rats abound on the Scilly islands near•
lire seashore. At low tide crabs drift into
, he underground avenues leading to the
ratholes and the rats gnaw off their legs
event their espape.
Mac Mft'.�, I'll man 11
-U �t 1-`1 .
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1.1 I :
,..1 I
r `h trouble uble is the common
o o
i e applied to a derangement of
11 ,(; system which is keenly felt but
`ely understood. It may mean
ility to retain food or to digest
I itis' ;'It may mean nausea, pain after
e ing, fullness, inordinate craving
. f l food, or'Antire lack of appetite.
fllliever it means, there's trouble,
it's with the sit h. If you
hii've stomach trouble, you will be
ri oftsted in this letter from a
-*U had it and was cured by
}; t .
a„ ears I Offered from stomach
i tit aid of the best doctors
a' rib Pittebur and spent
¢f money, all in vain. One day
?r fig a train in Bellaire, 0., I
"paper with a notice of Ayer's
,: I got one bottle to try it. It
itch good that I purchased five
b, I took four of them and
hall, myy appetite improved, and
t anything, My stomach is all
to the use of Ayer's Sarsapa•
VIN M4 STEVENS, Uniontown, Pa..
1, . .
To Hear Them Truly Requires an Ear
Particularly Attuned.
John Burroughs writes for The Century
an article on the "Songs of AmerioaA
Birds." Mr. Burroughs says:
I suspect it requires a special gift of
grace to enable one to bear the bird songs.
Some new power must be added to the oar
or some obstruction removed. There are
not only scales upon our eyes so that we
do not see; there are scales upon our ears
so that we do not hoar. A city woman
who had spent much of her time in the
country once asked a well known ornithol-
ogist to take her where she could hear the
bluebird. "What, never heard the blue-
bird?" said he. "I have not," said the
woman. "Then you will never hoar it,"
said the bird lover-tbut is, never hear it
with that inward ear that gives beauty
and meaning to the note. He could prob-
ably have taken bar in a few minutes
where she could havo heard the call or
warble of the bluebird, but it would have
fallen upoI] unresponsive ears -upon ears
that were not sensitized by love for the
birds or associations wto them.
Blra songs lire not music, properly
speaking, but only suggestions of muslo.
A groat many people whose attention
would be quickly arrested h
b the same
9 Y Y
volume of souna made by a musical -
ca in
struniept or by any artificial means never
bear r at all.
The sound of a boy's
y B
penny wbistlo there in the grove or the
meadow would separate itself more from
the background of nature and, boa greater
challenge to the car than is the strain of
the thrush or the song of the sparrow.
There is something olustve, Indellnite,
neutral, about bird songs that makes them
striko obliquely, as it were, upon the oar,
and we are very apt to miss thorn. They
are a part of nature, and nature lies about
its, entirely occupied with her own affairs
and quitQ regardless of our presence.
Henoo it Is with bird songs as it is with so
many other things in nature-tbey are
what we make them, The ear that boars
them must be half creative.
I ata always disturbed when persons not
especially observant of birds ask mu to
take them where they can hear some par-
ticular bird the song of which they have
become interested in through a descrip-
tion of It in some book. As I listen with
them I ftel like apologizing for the bird
-it has a bad cold or has just heard some
depressing news; it will not let itself out.
The song seems so casual and nalnpr when
you make a dead .set at It. I have t,a'ut,_
persons to bear the hermit thrush, and I
have fancied that they were all the time
saying to themselves, "Is that all?" But
when one bears the bird In his walk, when
the mind is attuned to simple things and
is open and receptive, when expectation is
not aroused and the song comes as a sur-
pAse out of the dusky silence of the woods,
one feels that it merits all the fine things
that can be said of it.
The Average Sunday School of Today Ie a
Rebuke to Intelligence.
In The Ladies' Ifome Journal Edward
Bok writes on "The Deasy of the Sunday
School," and points out the reasons there-
for. "I have in mind," be bays, '.'not less
than 12 different man who are acting as
superintendents of our Sunday schools.
Not one of these men has every a sugges-
tion of force; not a spark of personal mag-
netism, not a personal possession which
goes to draw children to hirp✓or to the
school over which he presides. In five of
these cases the men have been failures in
business; by men in the outer world they
are passed over and yet the church places
them in positions which call pre-eminently
for every element which they so distinctly
"To be a successful head of a Sunday
school calls for a man with the InetlnetS
of leadership -a man who will infuse life
into the school, hope and courage into his
teachers, who is fertile of .mind and in-
finite in capacity, who can draw children
to him and retain their Interest, Not only
must be elevate his children in a spiritual
sense, but lessons of the highest morality
must be taught,„an influence refining to
mind and nature must be exhaled and 11
Heart ]Disease.
R Trouble No Longer Regarded
as Incurable.
An Orangeville Lady Who Had Suffered
Severaly Speaks of Her Illness and Tells
How She Found a Cure.
From the Sun, Orangeville, Out.
A remarkabie case recently came under
the notice of our reporter, and for the bene -
tit it may be to some of our readers, we are
going to tell them about it. In the south
ward of this town liyes Mrs John Hubbard,
a lady much esteemed by those who knew
her. Mrs Hubbard has been a great suffer-
er from heart trouble, and ultimately be-
came so bad that it would not have surpris-
ed her friends to have heard of her d:ath.
But a change has come and she is once
more rejoicing in good health, When our
reporter called on Mrs Hubbard and made
his mission known she said she would be
delighted to tell him of her "miraculous
ware" as she, styled it. "Of course no one
thought I would get better. I thought my-
self I could not last long, for it seemed at
times as if my heart was going to burst.
Olt, the dreadful sensations, the awful
pains and weakness,together with a peculiar
feelingof distress, all warned me that ray
life was in danger. I consulted a doctor
lin r me
br. he cels do absolute( not{ fo
t c
Y g
,My friends saw me gradually sinking, and
many.an hour's anxiety I caused them. My
strength waned, my nerves were shattered,
1 could not walk, for every step caused my
heart to palpitate violently. It is utterly
impossible to fully describe my condition,
One day a friend brought me a box of Dr.
William's Pink Pills, and told me to use
them, but I said they were no use - they
could do no good. To this my benefactor
replied, that if they did not they at least
could do no harm, so to please her I took
the box of pills, Then I procured another
box and began to feel they were doing me
good. I to.)k in all eight boxes and now i
feel strong and hearty, each day day doing'
my housework without fatigue or weariness.
For anyone who suffers from weakness of
the heart, 1 believe there is no remedy so
sure or that will bring such speedy results
as Dr. William's Pink Pills. Had I only
used these wonderful pills at first I would
have been spared months of intense suffer-
ing." Mrs Hubbard but re-eohoes the ex-•
perienee of scores of sufferers, and what
site says should bring hope to many ,who
imnaipa +nose ig nn relief for therg in this
world. Dr. William's Pinli c .s ave ewv -
e3 more lives than we will ever know of.
TheCarpenter Toll Road Co., which owns
all the roads leading out of Hamilton on
the east that are fit for bicycling upon, is
talking of imposing toll on bicyclists and
making a test case in the courts. Mr John
Moodie, jr., may be prosecuted for riding
horseless carriage through King St. toll.
gate a few days ago without paying toll.
Scotch Collie dogs are remarkable for
their great intelligence and ability to be
trained as your servants. Tbey are the
children's favorite and a protection to any
home. Potts Brothers, Yarkesburg, Pa.,
supply a large number and in their dealing
with us they have been very honorable.
Lures men on, so that in the wild rush
for wealth, they too often neglect health.
They have Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liver
Disorders, Impure P,lood, which make life
miserable. They look for a cure -they get
Burdock Blood Bitters. Their blood be.
comes rich and pure. The liver troubles
and constipation disappear, they are hear..
ty and healthy again. B. B. B. is to them
a greater prize than gold.
"The farmer is'more than a match for
the city man," is the gist of an editorial by
the Hamilton Herald. It says that Went•
worth county legislators prove invariably
too much for the aldermen. Hamilton ald•
ermen are not so slow either. Evidently
the people don't put the value on our rural
I Lyin thar, patient from day awaytar day,
Wearin his poor little life ,
But never coinplainin, an when she cried,
His mother, settin thor at his side,
Layin his hand in hers, so kind,
An tellin her, "Mother, never tnindl"
Though he knowed well, an we wuz shore
Death wuz waitin outside the door.
"I'd like ter stay whar my own folks be,
But I hear the angels callin mel"
(Poor little fellor, so pale an slim,
'what did the angels want with hhn?)
Lyin thar, patient, from night ter night,
An she like a ghost in the lonesome light -
His mother-holdin his hand as though
Not even fat• death would she let hila go;
An hearin the wind, so soft an sweet,
An suyin: "It's the fall o' the angols' feet!
I'd like ter stay whar my own folks be,
But they're always callin-callin inel"
An still with his oyes on her faceso kind,
An whisperin, "Mother, never inindl"
(Poor little fellor, so pale an slim,
What did tine angols want with Trim P)
Lyin thar, sleepin, from day ter day,
Under the green leaves au ander the Kray.
it's long since the angels took him uw•ay.
An the, mother knoals in tits dark for pray;
An she says, when tile nights aro lung an
Site feels his hand in her own bund still,
But she knows it wuz God's an tits angols'
But., as far ate, from clay ter day
An night ter ni••ht hear t
At ) t I hint say
(For till t1w comfort the • e
G 3 brin • 6 ter ma):
1, „
like ter eta vvhur n •
I d t t own folks bu
Poor little feller, so tale un slim,
( � 1 w,
What did the aneuls want with hint i)
Fraulc L. SUuilon.
A Costa Rica Cowboy's Death Stroke to a
Viciouu Jaguar.
A wounded and utaddened jaguar is a
dangerous enomy, but a Costa ltica cow-
boy unflinchlilgly faced one not long ago,
and Forest and Stream describes ibos thooil-
Counter. A large cattle ranoh had` lost
several Calves and young mules, and the
cowboys reported that they had soon it big
jaguar sneaking away from a dead calf.
The manager, therefore, offored.$25 to any
man who would kill the boast.' This is a
large suln to a Costa Itica cowboy, and all
the old muzzle loaders on the ranch were
immediately loaded to the nozzle.
One morning, soon after the manager's
offer, a day old calf was, found with its
skull crushed in. The moat lend not been
touched, and, believing that the big out
would Come back that night for his kill a
hunt was arranged, every one going, In-
nhtffinq the dogs, and a start was made
late In the ..fr.,,.rnon.
A short ride brought tau L...,_q to the
spot where the calf had been that m, p-
ing, but the carcass was not there. It diad
been dragged a little way off to a cluing
of bushes. The scent was redbot, and all
the dogs were off at once, one old hounel
in particular baying at every jump ?Pby
cowboys and the other men followed
Suddenly the barking of the dogs broke
out louder than ever. They had the jaguq,r
treed, and when the manager reached the
tree the old hound lay dying from a blow
of those terrible claws. The jaguar was
Par up In a big mountain guava tree, Tug-
ging a limb, showing only his. little ugly
The men blazed away with their old
muzzle loaders, but the cat wits so high
and the buckshot scattered so badly, that
the fusillado had little effect, except to
make the cat change its, position. As it
sprung for a higher limb, the manager
raised his winchostor and fired,
The result was startling, Down came
the jaguar, striking the ground like a bag
of salt. The ball had cut the spine, so that
the bind legs of the animal woteparalyzed.
It struck the ground about eight feet
from where the youngest cowboy, Pedro,
stood. The boy had no gun, but like a
flash his rnacheto was out and be sprung
at the beast. The jaguar, with open
mouth, made avicious grab at his leg, but }
the boy ran his machete down the brute's J
throat with all the strength that was in '
him, and when he drew it out the jaguar
was dead.
Pedro got his $25 and something also
that money • c t 1 d not -
o t buy the respect of ,
the whole ranch. i
;be time the interest of the children must advisors that they should. The Herald has -
I i
Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport,
M.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters)
a wonderful blood purifier and gives
ais experience as follows: "I was
✓ery much run down in health and
;mployed our local physician who
attended me three months, finally
my leg broke out in running sores
with fearful burning. I had thir-
�een running sores at One time,
'rom my knee to the top of my foot.
X111 the medicine I took did me no
?cod, so I threw it aside and tried
., ' .B,; when one-half the bottle was
e, I noticed a change fe',r the
:r, and by the time I had finished
bottles my leg was perfectly
__ d and m health greatly re C 1
Y �
proved.” .
Severul Quebec Liberals allege that they
re still worried by the cur ea in sonic dia-
riotson nccolutt of their political opi(t;ogs
"I have often had Coughs and Colds, M1
'ell its Bronchitis, Norway Pine Syrup
area me every time, L izzir. 11mivY
Mayfield', Out.
The Louden Grenadian(xaietto -
e c
ig of the new Dominion hranchisep�akBill,
lye: -"I', adopts for the Fodbral election s
.113 Hats prcgm red Ander the •autbority and
n the lines l aid down by the various pro
incial authorities for municinai and Pro•
incial requi,vrncuts. Nothing could he
impler or more cronnmicnl than such an
rrangPment., And judging by the recept-
)n accorded to the Bill when its provisions
Vero explained by the Solicitor -General
nd the Premier, the broad principle em-
odied in it finds general favor. The truth
i, indeed, that. both political parties ack-
nwlodge the practical failure of the Act of
Ara responsible for a large proportion of
Oknese. If you have weak or Lame Back
welling us tib„ 'Elands and Feet, �4edifnent
a the Urinu, Dizzy Dponb, B.b�irnatic
'ains, Loss of Memory, Severe Headaches,
ou may know your kidneys are disordered
nd the remedy for you is Doan's Kidney
To Cnr3 a Cold in One I illy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab'ets. Al
)ruggists refund tho money if it fails to cure,25c
The Scientific, American, after study-
ig thy' NJ-4;r,i' case frorn a purely
rlent.ilie standpoint, comes to the con-
lusion t ha,t the explosion was not
lily due to an external agent, but. that
the scale on which the scheme of de-
truelion was carried out was too
laborate for execution by private in-
ividunk." Prof. Thurston, the direc-
or of Cornell University's Sibley Col -
age, after studying all the evidence
eruint; oo tint, case, delar•es that; the
roof of primitry extei for explosion is
positive and absolute," that then -gent
lu:•t havo beers a, mine, that such it
line could only have been set by mili-
try or nit -al experts, and that it could
ave been fired only by nien officially
m nected with, but, not:luthorized by,
ae Spitokii Government.
's ra d,
I "I , 1147 1� il :_: � ?X�
r�' ...
%, C . 1_
r A,f, �, ,3-.v
. iia, le}i v. -t'Y'] al ..
ae arrested and held. Infinite variety of
method roust be sought.
c great adnunever for them. As for this-
county, we never did think that all the
II�iI° to, Dl t
"The young quickly tire of anything
smart men were in the towns. Wr could
• (SS iYl ll «'l1e>tt r
Nhich long remainsthe same, and ilial is
;why they are tiring of the Sunday school
It has too long remained the same. It has
name manv a tiller of the soil who is able
to look after his own interests, and those of
Tris municipality with any oqu, whether the
1,Mone i,5 Scarce
y 3$®
- -- it
latter becity•bred'crpot.- UaitReformcr•
Diamond'DyesSolve the PrOblem
.he presiding spirits of -the school who
trials on it b ile perfidy
Y p y and inaplenoe.
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Pricos.
lave no ability for their positions and
the churches who have placed them there
In the past Diamond Dyes ]nave eat ed ` Plies, whether i&ehing, blind or
bleeding, are relieved by one
)r allowed them to remain." Mr. Bok
hundreds of thousands of dollarsto the I alpsgplication of
;oncludcs his discussion with the nsser-
don "the
Shattered Nerves-& petite Gone- Diggs-
Daran Discouraged
wise and thrifty women of this country. �I„ ■ �H�I� Ointment
Diamond Dyes are money savers in eve)y t
that average Sunday school of
is a rebuke tointolligonoeand a lis-
tiun ed- to Death,-
g 6
South msrican Nervine is lIope and
l unie, for by their aid old, faded and cast- 35 GENTS.
resireds t to the church.
Health In all Such Cases.
off clothing can be made to loop as fresh
and a;ytieh as naw gcoie, And cared in S iro 5 nights.
Siberian Gentleman's Life.
illi C. J. Curtis, of Sandwich West, Ont.,
Dr. At. Barkman, Binghamton, N.Y.,
Diamond Dyes are the only original and writes: Send we 12 dozen more, of Ag -
only reliable u'ckage (13 .s andhave._ueier-,tewta 0 ntmcTnr,-r seri aar a uan-
mon iso a year o e-
� T�"tel- y severe a ao [ of Za
11 Td an et1• al. They are true friends when tities of it. It is a wonder worker In skits
!an man of fashion lives in the open air,
ither at the mining camp or in the hunt-
Grippe, which left me very weak; no appet-
its, and my nervous SyStem and genera;
money is scarce, and will salve the vera- diseases and a groat euro for piles. -23.
; io is problem of how to make sma l it..
ng field," says Thomas G. Allen Jr,
vriting of "fashionable Life In Siberia,
constitution very much shattered. I pur-
chased five bottles of South American Nor.
comes cover increasing family demands. Sold by XVatts & Go.
Avoi I imitations and worthless dyes; see
to The Ladies' Home Journal, "Ile Is an
vine, and when I had taken but three bot-
that your dealer supplies you with the
arty bird under all circumstances and in-
tles I was as well as ever I was. I attribut•
Variably rises between 7 and S o'clock, al-
ed to recover m regained strength and
Y recovery -my 6 6
Write for Look of directions and color i '
hough he may have had but a couple of
aPP`tito--entirely to this great remedy. 1
card; sent post free to any addree9 by the )
lours' rest. Nearly every meal is succeed-
cannot recommend it too highly. Sold by
Wel is & Ricbardson Co., Montreal, P. G�. O .
d by a nap. However, dressing operations
w6tts & Co.
o not take very long, for when he retires
in taking Doan's Kidney Pills.
At Hamilton a jury sought to give a man
be Siberian only divests himself of his
The Fa
tone s
ed Geogbegan $800 damages for injuries - - .--•�-,�,•-,^
oat and boots. Shirts are unknown in
Liberia, and in many houses beds also.
The change of dynasty in England after
received while employed by the Grand a
Trank, but as the ver'ict also admitted
'he samovar is set m) the dining room ta-
Elizabeth, says J. N. Lamed in The At-
that Geoghegan could have avoided the ac•
de at 8 a. in., together with eggs, black
lantle-the arrival on the throne of a rl-
l I /
O'drnt Mr. Justice Merdith gave judgement! ¢-
lid white bread, sardines, jam and cakes,
dioulous sort of king out of Scotland with
for the com )
to. Breakfast Is oaten and washed down
an offensive crowd of Scottish favorites at
. _ __ '^4--
by five or six glasses of tea stirred up with
his back -put a strain on the sentiment
I wish to inform the public that I wYll11
and sometimes jam. At
sugar, dinner
o'Clook dinner Is served, and at 5 in the
of loyalty the weakened it greatly. t
might havo roan red fro the halt con-
tempt that the firs
liopt on hand f Heps[i'i.
afternoon another small meal, much like
of the Stuarts inspired
er; and understand all the branchets of
that of the morning, is taken. A meat
if the second b not put even harder
r: fr.
supper follows at 9 o'clock."
trials on it b ile perfidy
Y p y and inaplenoe.
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Pricos.
The complQten 413 w tit which it was �jro-•
What Is Defilement In India.
ken down, wit one generatibn attar
Queen Elizabeth, could not have ocourr d
w�. : W,
In every native house in India there is a
if Elizabeth's crown bad passed to a ria -
shrine In which the household gods are
tive English line of Auccessors. In the ro-
placed, like the ikon in a Russian house.
volt that ensued there were success and fail -
ri O iU ,e�ii MURPHY
The very shadow of q Earopean or native
of a different oas V=Mrg over these or
ure. Monarchy was overt nod, but only
to demonstrate that Euglishmen were um -
Pie, and will supply out oustomere with
the culinary utensils of the family is a de-
prepared to dispense with it. If the fatu-
Moment, but the Ilse of malodorous disin-
ous Stuarts, then brought back to a re-
BusineSs Orange.
fectants Is, in the ballot of the peop'o, an
stored throne, had possessed any kind of
outrageous desecration, calculated to call
kingly excellence, the reaction In their fa-
down on the family the wrath of the gods,
vor might almost have planted absolutism
-' ` "
and only to be atoned by rigid pryaschit
anew. But their folly and their falsity
You need it to bear the daily burden" of
(penance) and tiro adaninistrntion of the
punch gaviya, a foal pill composed of the '
peraistod in snaking nny revival of the old
till 'a revorenoo for royalty impossible. By
life. If your back's weak -Doan'" Ridnby
Pills Will strengthen it. If ib pains and
five r educts of 1
p the cow. --Woetrninstor
nothing less than the threatening of tido
aches—Doan's Kidney Pills will core it. No
Protestantism of England could they haveexperiment
in taking Doan's Kidney Pills.
karts of thq town.
provoked the nation so soon to a socond
They cured hundrgds of weak, aching back"
Bboling Him.
revolt. In that remarkable rising bf 1688-0
long before other kidney pills were dreamed
"Dumpley, 1 hoar that you have boon
a religious and political fooling were won- 1
of •
misrepresenting me," said his neighbor
derfully joined and acted to a revolution-
MR. JAIMS Row, Belleville, Ont., suffered
indignantly. "Brozor told me nll about
ary conclusion the most unanimous and
for nine years with terrible pain in the
back, rheumatic in the
"All I said to him was that You were
perfect appears in the annals of any
nation, '
pains, and pains
bladder. He spent $800 doctoring, bub gob
ono of the most hollofahle rnan nlid con- i
_ - _ - -_ _ -
little relief. Doan's Kidney Pills have
siderato neighbors that I over knew."
ChIl.dren Cry for
compleMy cured him, banished the back
"Wonder where 1 Grin find that infernal
pains, and all the other pains and aehos.
Brozor; "--London Tit -lilts.
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
ru.a . • �. .,1 , _ - - •..lt3e►_...�I, .,e...
i y
", ux,.iiri lYf)ne,:e.. i:.a..:.�s...n l:..�u 16. 1.5._
♦ Aim I" ! ;r
Is caused by Urle Aoid and other im-
purities lingering' in the blood wh
have not been filtered out by the Kid.
the urine. The seat of
trouble is not in the- skin or mus.
It's sick Kidneys. Electricity,
,meats or plasters vnll mot Leach the
vase. But the disease can be
was taken with a severe attack of rheums -
t'sm and eowd not turn myself in lied. [ was
v)ursuadod to try Ur. Hg Hobbs' sl ursu� Kidney
'ills. They soou put ate oil my feat again.
Lr•ssthauoue Lux vured mo so uuntpletely
that I haverut'irned aguitl to illy wuric in the
Lake Shore Repair Nhups ns well as ever.
Wai A. SCROVIELu, Adrian, Mich.
1 am pleased to say that lir. ilobbs* �paragus
kidney Pillsaro the nio..,t relieving r,ntetly I
have ever used for rhbuwatum. Putttry use
this ah a te.;tintouial fur the Leucin ul' oathers
whoaruulllit•ted CHARLES 111,;xS, 1'eternnof
Civil 1V1tr,,2Sl Adehtidu Wit., 1)utr•uit, :11ivh,
' I)r. :.rr')b•I
P A `1� A 3 U I
;fi'i I i. ,y Pills
S 1
YOR eatis.
RLLEN a're WILSON, Druggists,
G.,I.LYIG3V `I t]1tA3:GL '%1't)ItIiS.,
COOL'S 1i h LA ST1.NL',
Next to'`,,utmoreial Dote].
This rIlshmeup 18 in 1pll o> e>;ation and a
b . nuc• ) t
Mier d t t t.t•�•.t
ill sat Sfite J
t 1 9 way, Came ,
ory 1 nd granite worl, a specialty. Prices a
ttgable as those Qf any establishment
MALE & HOOVER. Clinton .
Th, old 11090 PI,d1NING MILL
H. STU'VVNS,,Proptietor
The old original Contractor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his Lome fol' forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
up-to-date Factcry, and is prepared,to'fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
ndtice and the lowest terms; first-class
workman hip guarantebd. CONTRACTS
r1or buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired,
William Street, Clinton, irrimeaiately
bebind the Park.
,%F1 .STA, 1, a ..
The undersigned r
o is prei'ared to do. all kinds
o Stainlug for Mats, Persian Rugs and esti
c es of like nature. Work doneppromptlyy and
•a reasogablo rater AIRS A.WORTHINQTON
ron Street
"Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating booli'
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjeots
Everybody orders, ,Marvellous illustrations
Prospectus $1.0i)BRADLEY-GARREfSON
d-�L:;.•rro;w Dixcasea-Failing Mem•
a, cry, l mpotency, Sloeplessnese, etc. caused
by AL•c4u or utlxr.L'scesres end India•
cretinn1. Voe+i 2micklu and eurel
roatoro Lost'Vitality in old or young, and
fit• a elit -ornrtfty, business eu marriage,
Yreveat Insanity and Consumpption if
to nn in time, Thnir nae slows immediato improve.
mrmt and effects n UUItE where all other fail In-
uiat upon htwina tho genuino Ajax Tablots. - They
liavecured thousands nnrlwincuroyou. We give
itive written guarantee to effect a cure ERf A�h
oachh cane or refu (l the money. Price 50 Y .i. per
. e
Aprill 2N 4898 .
Incor orMed--b--,Aot-of-Parliament 1885
P Y '
I wish to inform the public that I wYll11
Chicago. ill.
not be nudersold by any other person
liopt on hand f Heps[i'i.
in the business. I am a practical butch-
er; and understand all the branchets of
druggists. ,
the business. We keep the very best
meats, and a full stock always on hand.
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Pricos.
Bring along your money, and get the
meat at the cash price. We will give
' •1'OLFERSTAN Tu')AtAS. Wien IJ"% qr_
credit, but not at cash prices. Please
at our lines of Ladies', Misses and
come and see what you can do for
Cash at
issued, Sterling and American exehangi ,
bought Interest
c '� , t
ri O iU ,e�ii MURPHY
sums of •$1 and up. Money advanoed t
We are doing business on the cash prinef.
Pie, and will supply out oustomere with
the beat meats at the lowest paying rices
PY g P
BusineSs Orange.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted far
_ --
1lippin;; purpo3es,' for which tM highest
market r'c s
a will be aid
P .Q 1 paid. Parties hirvipg
hogs to;sell will oblige by leaving Nord a'6
PO .� '
the shop. .
gumption, Gall Slot. s, Jaundice, fiid'ney
and Urinary DiseJse.s, 5t. Vitus' Dartos
ullas.J, 'Wallis, Clilifo'A.
Vifrtoria I3ib8k, (71i>lE(lix.
r t , c i
E)�V IiU7 C IlI+�II S[OP
,LBE_R' -1ST,
Subscriber has opened a shop in the px�.
irises recently ore2ted especially for til'@
urpose, opposite Fair's Mill, whore, be w
ee on hand an d deliver
P Ppromptly,to all
karts of thq town.
Prop. and Manufacturer
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share iii
public patronage respectfully solicited. 's
F. 1°111. POWELL, - - CLINT01t
Flour li'eed fitore
In hirgeor small quantities.. , ,
�' ' ..
OIL CAKE and, EA ,„
OE I'N ,. 1 ;1,
19 POP -4s stme1al for '1 bueb}el; �
„ { r D
I , i .I ' .
, '.
! !� 1
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
tt��jj , Yi, ,
n• �1 i i
(fa'to Hill ,St;'�oY�¢r�lrirrl�, i
Opposite >alarket, Climton'r •
'Flour,, Bran, Shorts, pats, Peas . Barley,
`and all kinds of meal sold at lowest: rioe
,- -1.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c'la bUsk r
Good Valencia Raisins,. 2&lb boi $1.' ''' t
Choice Tea, special line 25apor ]b, and np�'
All kinds of Grain bought at highest ,
nmrliet ,prices. i !
Tlie MolsonS Bank
pas agn, 1. ass p cos (full treatment) for $250. y
moil, in plain wru per• aeon receipt oP price. Giroular
free. AJAX I��MEDYCO., 7aDearborn at„
AR I good
Incor orMed--b--,Aot-of-Parliament 1885
P Y '
ron to wa*
Chicago. ill.
CAPITAL~ � • . $2,Of)0,000
liopt on hand f Heps[i'i.
Sold in Clinton by Allen do Wilson,
druggists. ,
Goo. Watt, President, Harlock P. 0 - J. B,
McLean. Kippolr P. .; V1e&.Pres.; J.
Shannon, Soot -Trow, H
Machines sold on months payments. •ft
Y P Y 1iF
on me or write for rices and terms
' •1'OLFERSTAN Tu')AtAS. Wien IJ"% qr_
Icor Twenty-seven Yea
at our lines of Ladies', Misses and
Notes discouhtelt, Collectrous made, Draftsr
_11 t q
System 1i®• iA10VIT01t
issued, Sterling and American exehangi ,
bought Interest
and sold. allot4ad onde='
Posits. SAV►NOS BANK- Interest allowed on'
sums of •$1 and up. Money advanoed t
farmers on their own note, with one 21.
' v , t
more endorsers. No mortgage reghirsd
Double and Single r
( 4 f,le Iittltnes �
H. C. BREt1ER, Manager, Clint.1
For Impure, Weak and Imphverisheda
_ --
always on hand.
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
tion of the Hear` Liver Complaint, Neu'-
� r �1;�t gg yy r�g.r�
G 1), �1el AG,IG'tiAItIs
Red and White Cedar Shingles in stook
ralgia,Loss of Al.mor•y, Bronchitis, Con-
PO .� '
' '
gumption, Gall Slot. s, Jaundice, fiid'ney
and Urinary DiseJse.s, 5t. Vitus' Dartos
Vifrtoria I3ib8k, (71i>lE(lix.
Female irregularities General Debility
,LBE_R' -1ST,
. I
iL Orli Q➢l;j, ><Oi err(' It lilt.
J. M. Mo'Leoil,
A general Banking Businoss ,
Prop. and Manufacturer
transacted. .
Sold in Clinton;by
Drafts ssued. Interest allowed on
r -r
' 1. ElEs.
Our stock of fruit and ornamental trees being
Advances made to farmers on their owe
complete, we are prepared to offer to the pub-
lle for spring p;antrng a very choice lot of
notes at low rates of interest.
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
A• general Banking Business transacteb. -
and Pettell trees, at suitable
Interest allowed on deposits,
p► ices. r,vergreens a specialty.
Sale Notes bought
Large stock of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plants.
Price list mailed on application.
J. P. i
i I
John Stetivart Estate, Itlenurlller
. ; 4'i
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of NedA
Home and Dominion Sewing Maohines;lh►
former is - an exceptionally good maoh1n*.
and has given satisfao
Hie/d Oigh 101�1e
ron to wa*
liopt on hand f Heps[i'i.
EstiIt► R
► tioh
Goo. Watt, President, Harlock P. 0 - J. B,
McLean. Kippolr P. .; V1e&.Pres.; J.
Shannon, Soot -Trow, H
Machines sold on months payments. •ft
Y P Y 1iF
Thos. R.
eliforth P. Losses,
Hays, Seaton P. O., �uspocWrot Losses.
on me or write for rices and terms
of the ladies, are the noweek spring
Jan.1808 WM. D1100AM
shapes. They appeal to good taste as
well ae aced sense. We invite a look
to t
W. G. Broad o Soatorth• J
Winthrop P. O.; George Dale. Sontorrtth, Thes.
Icor Twenty-seven Yea
at our lines of Ladies', Misses and
E. flays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans Beechwood P,
O.; Thos. Carbatt Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
Bruaofiold; John )�, McLean, Kippen.
. 4 I
as well as our new linea itl„Men's wear.
Full supplies of
itobort.5mi'h, Hnrlock; .Ino. W. Yeo, Hoboes•
ville; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth; Janres Culn-�
Double and Single r
( 4 f,le Iittltnes �
Ming. E moorlvl]ie,Johu Glovonlock anti J
QQ slu
MorrisoTi, auditors.
_ --
always on hand.
Par Iv dostrolts to efleCt Insurance or trans -
I �'. � 1 I .
Red and White Cedar Shingles in stook
act other business will ba promptly at,,o•ldo,1 toW
oil application to any of the above oflicors,
PO .� '
JAS.J1 qr IT�II •, UL
_ lI �1 1
addrtlssecl to their respective office,
Mk t ` { ,M1
nNt c0O�r{� 91 �I\��, ,
Vifrtoria I3ib8k, (71i>lE(lix.
"I1IIi1 NEW ty FaItA GIVES Ti21v1 HolfE NLSr$
I.ItAGZS7' SAlll» 1.Iti t .NA,0 '
. I
- ,