HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-05-14, Page 6SERO AN ANCIENT TERM. 'Ras in Bee bytheBabylon lane Thirty - $1 Huestlred "genre Ago. The term Zero, tr Well is 11 sot to designate a cipher, and ill utete0ro.- Olt the entire ,theme(' of h,:et in the atmoephlere, was, Iterording to • mathematical histori,l.lb Shrine Castor, used 11y the lite ilytntia its `about the year 17110 B. U. This, 'howev'er, is merely a supposition. It has not been definitely established that zero was !n use ally earlier than 400 A. D. About this time it vras ueell la Ulla, :url several oefturlee later the. Arabs began to employ it. Through the Ara bs its site became known to Eurapeano during the twelfth mature, It was not generally a10ptod In Europe uu- til several couturier later, uotwith- standing Its great advantages. For a conslderabk flute there were two parties among the European edit - extorts Ono party, known its the Al - cornets, fevered the adoption of the 111nd00 system of notatiott %false- ly nailed Arable), with 1Ls possible S'alnos, while the outer, known Ifs the tentacles, favoro1 the Donlan notation, without zero or position vain, The general adoption of the Ilin- dao system Was grotttly facilitated by tho (note that it was explulaod In most of the calendars for more thalt a century beginning with' 1200 and that the Inca:mel I unllerell1es frequently offered courses devoted to the use of this notation. Keeping in With the look. Puck. "She calls her cook a 'chef.' (low absurd 1" "Oh, Idon't know. Perhaps that's how she gets her to stay 1" Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree, says; "One bottle of MIN:AIID'S LINIMENT cured a swelling of the gamble joint, and saved a horse worth $140.00." Tltos, W. Payne, of Bathurst, saved the life of a valnttble horse that the Vet. had given up. with a taw bottles of iII1NA.RDS LINI- MENT . 1 Growls From the 'tiger. • Motley is no object; wort of tie belle's it W a mytlt. Meat girls close their eyes when they aro kissed, do you blame them? The poor ye have always with you rotten so close that they touch you. Politeness Is the snit of life; you tato to have it rubbed into you when 'you are cut up. A lot of peoplo who tshould be etpending good time getting hood money upend good money getting a good time. It done not, make It right to (10 what yaw ought not to do when you' don't do what you ought to do. It 1p a1! very well to get a good start, but the start you get when . )mo fool pats Ids cold hands down your am* may be too good. —Princeton Tiger. Ask for Minard's and take no other. When a u-oman goes to the thea- tre ode wants to either laugh or 0117—she doesn't much care which. HALF ' THE WORUI IS SICK Because of Weak Hearts When you are sick your heart if faint. If it were pumping good blood through your system, you could not be sick in any part. Ninety-nine out of a hundred have weak hearts—. -they are some. times sick. Dr. Agnew's Heart Oure will relieve Heart Disease in thirty minutes. Will with certainty effect a lasting cure. GaoiGE CRITES, Dominioa Customs Office, Cornwall, Ont., says :— " I waa troubled with severe Heart com- plaint for a long time. I was under the doctor's care, but not receiving benefit, 1 asked him about ' DR. AGNEW's CURT TOR THE HUM' and f used it withgood results." Dr. Agnew's Ointment is rld- ding the world of piles and skin rashes, eruptions of all sorts. Its beating powers are marvelous, Price, 35C. 1C Wood's Phosphodine, Tis Or at @sad la an old, well speteb. Itched and tenable preparation. Has been prand toed over 4U 'eeero, Ail drag. plate in the Dominion of Canada sell and roaomalsod as being the only medicine of iia kind that sure/ and nnlveeal eadsfaction. It promptly and =neatly cures all forms of Nervous A'eaho S, 1gilldeaione, Rpermatorrhaa, Impotency, s leelsotaofabuse orexcesses; the excessive sae of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental M Brain Worry, allot which teed to lnarmity, airy Omsnmption tied au Early Grave. jl per paokaae or eta tor In. Owe tech iltpae, eiz milt cure. Mailed pmmpty on re. Raw Spike for free pamphlet Adds to Wood Cowpony, Windsor, Oot, Canada. &fon and After, BONE FOOD Soft anti cm(,ked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to, The growing child must cat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. IAttle doses every day give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT lit BOWNG, Chem,lets, Toronto. Ontario. see. and ,too ; 1411 druggists He Couldn't Islay. The small son of a member of Con- gress wu luvlted to a party at the house of n girl friend of his. Ile said he didn't want to go. " Why not?' asked his father. "You generally have a good time, don't you?" " Yes," replied the son, "1011 I guess I don't care to go 10 Ulla one." Tho father grew insistent. "Tell me the reason," he said. " I should think you would be c411107 to go." The xon 11V Med and tut :ed and then he blubbered: t " I am crazy to go, but they play north' but kissing game. 'and my Iles are all chapped."—Washington eor t'hicagro Inter -Ocean, HONORED AiiIUOAD Wold has recently been received that Massey -Harris Coutuany, Lhu- {tcd. hove added another leut•el to their malty successes. This time the Sictory was scortxl lit Australia. Tho Massey -Ha tit i:; Stripper -Har- sr-ster, ht colo;ei(tion will% some ten other tions, scored a signal suc- cess at Smithfield, South Australia, oil CSth November, 1901', being awarded a total of 471%1 pointe, and having only .178 Ins .4lrangitt. The figures given of alae nest comie,tteoe were 4672-e points, and 572 lbs. draught. The (Stripper -Harvester le not used In Canada—It is not silted to the conditions of the climate; but in Australia there are mare Strip- per -Harvesters used than there are Binders. This report only goes to show that Mnate'e-Harris moulders lead wherever they are. They woeiti not do so it they were not built well and with goat materials. More or Leos Pointed. It takes money to voice the opin- ion of a lawyer. A good man Isn't necessarily a de- eirnble neighbor. Pride goers before a fall—and it goes 11111011 quicker after one. Speculators love dogs—at least they are fond of good pointers. Tho man who Chinks hie wife is blind to hag faults is entitled to an- other think. A woman's Idea of a convenient house is one that has three closets in each room, If et fool possesses tact and assur- ance he will distance the wise guy who possesses neither. A woman isn't necessarily fond of fiction because she listens patiently; to her husband's excuses. If you have ;lever tried to snake any one happy you have no Idea of what you have missed. Some men who act the hog ail their lives haven't anything to show for It except the Ill -will of thele neighbors. Ten Bales of Politeness for Children. 1. To be polite Is to hare a kind re- gard for the feelings and rights of ut hero. 2. Be am polite to your parental, brothers, sletore and se.h'oolmates an you are to strangers. O. Look people fairly in tato eyes when you speak to them or they speak to yotu 4. Do not bluntly contradict any otte. G. It le not discourteous to refuse to do wrong. 6. Whispering, laughing. chewing gum, or eating at lectures in school, or at piaoes of amusement, is rude and vulgar. 7. Be doubly careful to avoid any ruclouegs to strangers, such as call- ing out to them, laughing or mak- Ing remarks about thew. Do not stare at visitors. A. In pawing a pen, pencil, knife, or pointer, hand the blunt end to - wool the one who received It. IS When a classmate la reciting, do not raker your hand until after be has finidaxd. 10. When you pees /directly in front of any one, or aceillentally annoy him. say, "Excuse me;' and never fail to sny "Thank ,you," for the tannest favor. On no account eny "Thanks."—School Rules for Santa Barbara, Cal. Two French fishing smacks founder- ed In the channel, and fourteen men were drowned. FRE111' CIRCUS WOMEN. They Olusi Have Good looks Now - inlays Its Well as braid Muscles. There La 41 new kind of drone girl, Just as thet•e Is It new chorus girl. The latest thing In ebonite girls Is slight and phenol, and in marked physical rou0'ast to the opulent, tat:thy/1a 114'nut5' Who watt formerly eonsiderud the only type ailnpted to singe display. Tile tats- kind of circus girl is striking priur'itutlly on account ui Iter tucrtwsed comeliness. 'rhe hard - Gleed, dyed -haired rider with her set smile and ghastly little cotiuetl•ler Ida thing of the past. The women are nowadays fresher, prettier and nearly always tetter drersatvl than they ever were In the pail. Comeliness seems to Ile re- garded now as important as their athletic skill. One very mediocre acrobat was a woman called "Tito lienutitnl l;ernl- d1ne," who lour sucecsstul tett years ago from one end of Europe to the other, mol because she was skilful In her work, but on aceonnt'of her supposedly great twenty. Yet to -day she would not (een1 so much :those the average oil looks at the Madison Satin re 0:1 eden. Their dressing is alaf5 more taste- ful in its colors, and a10 women who thin ytnr ride In tui( to are In every way smarter 10aki1,,( (hat they Rero In the post. lint it is her looks that differentiate the present-day circus girl from her predecessors. She is rapidly becoming a thing of beauty n.s well as of muscle and daring.—N. Y. Sun. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE . , : C,' Is ,bra direct to the diseased parts ;,y the Improved 110se. Heals ibe Maw. clears the ate passages, scope Moreit s A the throat and pr naoant eines Catarrh and Ila) Fever Blower tree. All dealers, ort1)r. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto sod Basila 31igbl. be Wt r.:e Yet. 1111lt;Ian Es Pres,, Sitio, Hooter—lou cunt go home while It Is ranting eo. miry and have dinner with us. Mr. Witless—Oh. no, thank you. It Isn't so bail as all Hutt. Bleb and Poor Alike use 1'Idnkiller. Teton internally for cramps, colics and 41lo- rrohtm. Applied externally cures sprahle, swollen tnnorlee,ete. Avoid outsell ales, there Is but one "PalukIller"—Perry 11140(1 , lacking In Experience. Pittsburg Dispatch. "HOW many Soars dors 1t take woman to learn not to talk to her hasnand while he's eh:tving 1" 'I don't know. I've only been mar- ried tight years," Lifebuoy Soap—dialnfectant—is strongly reoonimended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. es Showed lilt lgnorauoe. "Looney 1a no Judge of unman ha - tura at all. "Why do you say that ?" "He lino such sub.lmo faith in him- selt." 14 HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any arse of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh tun', F. .1. HENRY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the nnderelgned, hove known F. S. Cheney for the lust 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business trans- actions and financially able to carry alt any obligations made by their firm. Ween a 'I'RUAX, Wholesale tlruggtsto, To. ledo, u. WetUIN I, I(IRYA1 a Itauv0, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hnil's Catarrh Cure is taken Internnlly,ect. frig directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system, Testimonials sent free. Prise -75e per bottle, Mold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Job Lot Nowadays. Lippincott Tlagarinc. Two women sitting opposite the writer In an electric car pitched their voices so high that every word of their conversation could be heard by those sitting near them. Matri- mony was evidently the subject of their conversation, for one of them said; "Sometimes, I thunk that It I was elogle, I would not marry the Prince of Wales himself, and then ag'ln, I dunno." "Yes, that in so," replied her COm- panlon. "I feel just that way my- ee{f,1 an' I have as good a husband as the averldge, too" "So have I—that is, aa mon run nowadays." Mtnnrd'e Liniment Lumberman's Her Gentle„Hint. "Aro you fond of birds?” she ask- ed, Innocently, an she stood at the piano fumbling the music. "1 dearly love them," he replied, With never a ahndow or suspicion. Then she ran her slender fingers over the keys and began to sing, "011, Would I Wore a Bird" The Sunlight way of wash- ing requires little or no rubbing. You Sunlight Soap, Will not injure dainty fab- rics. sap 4413 should try. '1'onunl.'11 Yer'u1por4Ues, (11111u" Tribune. "Where do ver, keep the Sim, mum?" inquired the new hired girl, who was mryitlg to fnmillarite hvr- 1elf with her snrrouudings. "We keep It 111 different places," staid Mrs. Tucker, "until Tommy fnide out where 1t to and then we don't keep it nt 1111." A ItISCOONIZED FACT,' It 1s unlversnlly concede,( that to properly appreciate a trip to New York or Donlon, one must take the best road. That road Is the New York Central. The Uncommercial Liszt. Artistic folk frcgnenl13' have vague notions about business. Some of them, says Collier's Weekly, are quite iguoraul of It, others utterly indif- ferent to It, and others yet hale the very acme of It. One of the last named culegoese was Lissa. He had returned from a successful Our, and Princuse Met- ternich, the wife of 1110 celebrated statesman nod diploma 'Isl., was questioning hint regarding the colt - (girls he had been giving abroad. "I hear," she said, "that you did good business In furls':" To which Liszt gave the tart re- ply. ; "I only played some music there. Business—that I leave to hunkers and dlplomatlets." To another lady the musical cleric gave a etlll more sarcastic answer, "All, Abbe," rhe sighed, "what a great fortune you would make 1t only, you could b' induced to go to Out - erica to play 1" "Madame," returned Liszt, "If you s(Otrd in need of that fortune, be- lieve me, 1 would go at once." Jitrp Minard's liniment in the house. Gracious No! Yonkers Slatepnan, Maude—I should think automobile riding would bo disastrous to a wo- man's hair. Miriam—Gracious, dear! You don't want to wear your hair when you go out In an automobile. Miner:Vs Liniment le urevi by Phy- sicians. A Henson the it. Chicago Tribune. "Those liitic arbor,: end cozy nooks cost emu"tlling,' cxpiniuet the proprietor of the summer hotel, "but we c0lls1110r them a mighty good its t estmcut," " They attract people to the piece, I suppose;' commented the thought- less sti'l tiger. "Oh, it isn't so unlet that;' re- turned the proprietor, "but they ('n- couralm 10 uffairv, :and that en- ables us to save something on the provisl0As,' No Rubbing The New Century Washer makes it unnecessary to use a washboard. Five or six minutes—easy move- ment of the machinewhile seated will thoroughly wash a tubful of clothes. Ball Bearings and strong spiral steel springs do most of the work. No process so easy on the clothes or the operator. If your dealer can. not show you the New Century write us for booklet. Tho Dowswall Nat,. CR. Ltd., Nomllton, Dal. ISSUE NO. ;:O. 1903. Mrs. Winalow's eeothmg F1rup oho always be used for Children Plotting, it soothes the child, softens thelfumee,, cures wind ru,lc and is the best remedy for Dlarrbma. LEARNA PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS hr milli so you ren nail Irmo rive 'ro rot 4„1.1 Ant A 1,40, 1', r I "Irllrtlht,s write A. HANSEL, M. H,,a e. Horth Hamilton, Ont. LADY AGENTS WANTED TIIEALL=WAYcREADY 'MINT`11VPPORTTR a aSLT 1111.4*T*R Boal Scillas Sinn Sappmtet and Wald Minster wee IauMoced. Sells at sett Good profit. Semi LS conte for sample and terms to seems. BRUSH & CO., DEPT. If., TORONTO. USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE 1t Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For mate by all loading dealers. May Excursions Hamilton to Wont - real, Slagle 111.00, tit. 511.00 Toronto toMoutreal Single {0,0441 1.60 11s0 to tulerntedptte points. Menlo and berth u'11141 1. Steamers lea vc Mondays and l'hursdayo in Mayr—fi nu111ton 1 p 111.,7bren- 0 7,30 2)00. Fart her Information apply to agents or I1. FOSTER C11A1FFEl , 11estero Passenger Agent It. F u , Toronto. Put a Sariety into Summer living- -it's not the time of year to ive near the kitchen range. Libby's Veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, Ac. quickly made ready to serve Send to -day for the little booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," full of Ideas on quick, de- licious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the 'World mailed free for .1 two -cent stamps. Libby, McNeill 8, Libby Chicago, U. S. A. THE STRAIGHT B &,C FRONT CORSET t'11:1et'pp -- —� Only His Wife. "If it wasn't for my wife," grum- bled the first man at the reception, "I would not be here." "Neither would 1;" replied the other one. "The hostrse ie a great friend of my wife's. la site a friend of yours?" 'No; ah0's my wife." It Tells in the Show Ring If you hope to exhibit your stock at the Fall Fairs, start now and get them in per- fect health by using Dick's Blood Purifier t w111 noon. le' rtoble strived St Jacobs 011 cabman,' (fop essehe Sprains end Bruises Isola sou to esus -r off the Blue lltbboa. BVI Cents per peek's', LBINMING, 7011,59 & CO„ It entreat, Agents. 1►rlkb Z15c. and hoe.