HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-29, Page 4April 29, 1898 r - And connections for Tbe KLONDIKE and Yukon Gold Fields, via VICTORIA, B. C., SEATTLE, Etc., --ALSO REACHES— MANITOIIA, Tule Cauad'an Northwest, And all points in the western and Northwestern States. 'X; Full information from G. T: R. Agents or write M. C. DICKSON, D.P.A., Toronto. F. R. HODGENS, AGENT, CLINTON. alv �tTv.ertio;s> itto 11.1 I An eye too flat -Allen & Wilson........ Page I 31illinery-. Joss Jlartiu. .. ....... 1 This -is the time -O. Co per & Co ...... . I THE CLINTON NEW ERA Additional l.00al News.church f~hlmes. It is said the Conservative protest in i Huron Preabytery will meet an the 10th, West Huron will be entered in a few I The Presbyterian Synod wilt meet days. This was expected. next week in St. Catharines. DEATH. -Mrs Eli McLaughlin, who@uai terly meeting services of Ontario St. church will be held on Sunday died recently at Ox Bow,Manitoba,was the youngest daughter of Mrs Jenkins, morning next; those of Rattenbury St. of town, and a sister of Mrs Geo.Lavis. church will be held on the 8th. Confirmation classes are being held The bereaved husband is the youngest brother of John J. McLaughlin, of the in the vestry of St. Pauls church ev- base line, Hullett. i ery Thursday at 8 p.m. All intending ADDREss.-We notice in Mr Foster's i candidates should report at once. window the illuminated addresspre- On Sunday morning next the men pared by Mr Fowler and presented to employed in the Doherty factory will attend the Rattenbury street eburch in Miss Morganist and choir leader off SStt. Paul's church. We un- a body, and they will attend St. Paul's . derstand the handsome frame was church in the evening. donated by Mr John Ransford, The dailiesa few days ago contained IMPROVING. -Last week the wife of an recount of the but ning of the Meth - odibt church at Stanford, said to have Mr. W. Smithson was 1 inact, it was almost at )' the paint of death - in been caused through the wind carrying thought she could not possibly recover duet sparks from sneer -by bu+titre, This church is under the pastorate of Rev. - the bursting p a blood vessel o d,but we are pleased to know (,leo. Washington, bn of Mrs Wash - b 't that s a has almost entirely recovered ington, of town, - fror�i'the effects thereof. h At the adjourned t meeting n d Ves ry m g in SHOOTING. -The Clinton Gun Club St. Paul's school, on Monday p.m., the intend holding weekly handicap shoots rector appointed Mt W. J. Biggins In - for prizes. The shooters will be divid- ed into three classes, and it is expect- stead of Mr H. B. Combe as his war - den. The financial statement was ed that the Drizes will be of consider. presented by the retiring wardens and 1�, *'A 1 which to build, and is, _T 5 our course faith, to lay OLtI'6elVes oil the founds- a- war News the Philippines as a base of operations �A•>~hd�Mde•*•�dh•R 094.1 tion. Next, the quest ion was discussed -- in Asiatic waters. ! as to who are the builders in this spit•- Tuesday ,The veteran John Sherman, who has re- Q itual building. Some say the preach- -- signed his Cabluettiosition, has been a fore. A are and the leaders in the church, but gPain has at length given outward evi- most figure in American public life for 40 �•j RE he would say that whilst master- dance that she is participating in the war is years, and has rendered great service to his builders are required to direct the work as elsewhere, to be effective, all that being waged against her by the United States. On Saturday evening, be. country. It seems that age has of late im- l paired his mental and physical vigor. This 1 should work. All must find their tween 5 pnd 8 o'olook, while the torpedo is probably the true explanation of his so. I �O� place and do their part, the leaders a those boa to was taking soundings in the ar or of Matanzas, the con trio diplomaoy;on amemorable occasion. see It well as who need direction. The workmen are to take heed how they build. There spanfsh batteries, about three hundred yards distant, fired three shots her. is oreditabtd-to him that he realizes a younger and stronger man is neeeded in thisHOUSE I must always be, in wise at The shots went wide crisis, and he voluntarily retires to well. = building, a plan, and to build effective. of the mark, and the Foote did not reply. earned repose. ly, we must build according to the Havanna is being closely guarded by the eternal temple of God. he sermon plan; our duty is to study the plan, the United states fleet, the line of blockade ex- In a conversation upon the general sit - will of God with respect. to us and our tending for 60 miles along the coast, on nation senor Polo, Spanish Minister to the CLEANING P. I1N fellowmen. We are a'Ipo to consider either Bids of the harbor. The guns of States, now in Toronto, expressed regret what we build, what material are Morro Castle have upon several occasions that the suggestion of the Spanish Govern- we bringing into our lives? we should strive aftergetting the beat opened fire upon the fleet, but have not done the slightest damage. American ment that the Board of Inquiry upon the - Maine diameter should be composed of naval Perhaps you will need experts drawn from material -tile gold, sliver and precious stones, and refusing the bad and per. cruisers in Cuban waters are continually on the watch for Spanish ves- the navies of the pow- Splits newWall Pa eL's` ere was not complied with and that the p ishable-the hay, wood and stubble; sale. The Wilmington and the Porter whole matter had not been left to arbitrat- Iff s0 WE are the peo- ' aud there is the further question, what captured two schooners Monday, one of laden ion before a neutral power. "Tbe United States Government," Should see. material are we bringing into the which was with charcoal. said the late Consul- ple you church? We are our brother's keeper, It is expected that the Asiatic squadron General, "has been unreasonable mild has Our stock is not only we should help others in building them up in the Christian graces. Our build. of the American Navy will encounter a a Spanish fleet in the neighborhood of the used every incident as a pretext for war. It was demanded that hostilities should larger but very niuelt ing is to be tested. Thb test referred Phillippine Island and that an engagement cease in Cuba, and that the Spanish cam. better than y011 Will to in ,the text is fire; this is figurative, will ensue. paign in Cuba was not prosecuted further, this being find but is intended to teach that our work Mr John Sherman, United States Secre, action taken not because of the elsewhere. will be submitted to the severest test tary of State, handed his resignation to the demand but in compliance with Spain's 0-sible To til h b •ld President and A ' t t S policy. For the fact that the fi htin ' ,': '' Bedutlful&stylisb-Chaos& Wiaemnn 5i l,_ Stamp-- E'ott•............ 5 25 birds to shoot at each time, the satisractory. The salary of Organist was at $75. p Oslo w o nt vi el l and with good material there is await- ssrs an e„ retary Day was appointed to succeed him. g g was kept up by the insurgents Spain was not to 'a .Provincial lists as the beefs For Federal electron's. Th^ ^- beaut!£u s. The happy couples °f be x#.45 train for ugie ]lead Hero -E Bell. 5 5 classes to shoot in rotation• placed fn a reward not of salvation through The War Department has issued regula- blame, and if the United States people " Mrs Gtbbings and Will Harland; Bolos ............... Bull for service -A Wallace ............. 5 INSi•:CT PLSTs.--Look out for your At the examination of proba-'ioners wtgit les ,but of joy in seeing part of tions for the entrance of vessels to New were earnest in their protestations against H olmes and organ solo by Miss Boles, The pastor, Mr Millyard, occupied the as much Land as they can in Ontario with the same Buggy foe"sale-Box r46,C1inCon P 0.... Card of thanks -Acer & tion............ 5 5 gcosebrrry and currant bushes. The for the Methodist ministry in London, last E. J. Millyard(son of Rev.R, their workmanship in the lorious and YPrk harbor. Ito vessels will be'allowed a continuance of hostilities in Ouba they try, but of course there is a class of people that have no use for the country take the lace of the other, then some ` r Lawrence ant a ver � pleasant a Y tlrpriso at their insect is bus laying its eggs on the week, eternal temple of God. he sermon to pass Sandy Huck between sunset and could easily have put an end to it at once ion testa as near up to date as peso- lcirhle, ., ',the Wanti d J& JttSp ............. 5 leaves,also the steel beetleongrape Millyard, Clfnton)teceived the highest was listened to with rnarkedattention, sunrise. Rules are also established for by ceasing to supply the insurgents with which Moffatt, Vur- na, was agent; the price paid for ft was li',.., Pnruiturerepaired-H Swanson.... ... 5 vines Cut out the borers in the each number of marks of any candidate in both by those to whom it was s ecial- the gridance of vessels in avoidin sub - munitions of war. Ing the twenty-five dollars raised b this So - aiety last year to make you a life member of the Society. L'Parliarnent Cleveland bicyclos-W Cooper & Co...., r, rind 'tun, trees ill the trunks neap the the 3rd year. Messrs Sawyer, Clinton, Iy delivered and the con re ation en- marine mines. g Wise -men cater to -dodgers Itros....... , • .. . s P b= g g JACOB TAYLOR ��� J 1't'iae•tnen and women-tv D Fair i,o.. s gr•utand. Scrape the rough baric orf the and Mr:Kelvy, 13ensall, also pa:ticd the erally, and we may huge than it will WAR MAttEs I''ODD DEARER J,argeststock inthawest -Jackson Bros s trunks -,f your apple trees and wash same examination, A. Ransom, i-Iullett, be the means of help to many, -- — lheui with weak soil soap water. also passed, he taking a pairticulairly Monday witnessed another phenomenal Clinton, - Out. ��+ - high standing an the preaching t est. A number of the masons and other advance in the grain markets of the world. General District Agent for the 1� H,u;SF ot• Ht rt Gr NOTES.-Qn Sun- workmen on the new factory building At C toe o May wheat reached $1.20 the y Rev, Fred Smith, M.A., rector of g � g y Gouf'ederatiouLife Insur:LuceCo wffrada last Rev. J. L:d e, of Goderich attended the Baptist church Snndty hfKhest p8int since 1688, when "Old coidneted service fors the first times Woodchester, Eng., and Miss :1mY night last. The pastor preached from IIutcb' engineered the famous tit corner. • For Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. All in - Litt -Smith are, at deputation scut out the theme "What is a Christian and formation relating to insurance gladly 14Ir Thos. Murch takes the service next , y given. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1698 b the SocieL for i Promoting Chris- N The net gain for the day at that point was Money to loan at reasonable,rates, Sitncl:ty. Two new inmates were re- y Y g ume reasons for becoming ane. A 6o per bushel, while at Minneapolis and Z`�--- tianity among the Jews. lhoy will be Christian Is one who hits come to (rod The Senate ceived this week, Benjamin Shamow, in Clinton, at`t. Paul's, ort klay-;3rd. throu h + Duluth prices leaped up 8c. The advance j -- of Colborne, and Win Cronell, of Miss Snlith will address lht• tattles in g J=sus, with his sin, gets it is attributable to a decrease during the '�'���'���Grey. Jahn Crali is en a ed in Kelso- taken away and receives the assurance est week oP over 3,000,000 bushels in Does our contemparary, the Clinton t g the afteroon in the School Hoorn, and Pminis the various rooms ofthe house. of salvation; has breathed into hien the American vieible su 1 Me>rIt stet Ills 'r..luCCeSSYew Era, really believe the Imperial g Mr Smith will ie•eture (illustrated wills pp y, but more es - ma is lantern to the avenin= the spirit of Jesus, in the power of pecially to the Spanish-American war would pass any legislation DENTAL STUDENTS, -Atone the list g ) 6• All which he, imitates andrepresents Jesus which threatens to stop the flow of food doing away, with a second chamber of successful students who passed the are welcome, in the world. Five strong reasons for supplies from this side of the water to CE/VTL altogether? If that is the New Era's recent examinations of the Ontar!Q When Thomas Murch was a resi- becoming whole-bearted followers of Europe,•and this gives rise to a specula - 6? faith it can per mountains, -Lon- Dental College, Toronto, we no`,Ice the dent of Holmesville, he fi egnently Jesus are:-Ist,A life lived in Christ will. tive demand in Liverpool. + a,t " don Advertiser, following from this town: Second year, supplied the pulpit of the Methodist glorify God. 20d, Such a life will exert . The NEw ETtA believes the titins will Ernest IiO:mes, R. R. Rosa and D. church there, and fetiv, if any, laymen a saving influence, 3rd, It !,,the life GrtaiN ExroRrERs woRRxlxa ST ItA'1'FOLtD, ONT Russ; first year,'W. ltolloway, J. B. i slid so more acceptably, 4fnce his r e- which exemplifies "the love which Grain exporters are beginning to worry. i Dome when it will be necessary to ask Gerry, of Mitchell, and Ad. Sallery, of moval to town his time has been taken seeketIt not its own." 4tb, It is the t�ThiA"C1i001 does ilret•ciass work In every the Imperial Parliament to do this, Kincardine, passed their final a in similar work, and he never offici- live! ha Practically no charters have been made department, and enjoys a large Patronage .I < p y+ ppy useful life. 5th The one , and also believes that if public senti- tied in Holmesville since leaving there, who thus comes to Christ in his need and "Inc. early Saturday last, and dullness A Commercial School of the highest g.ade- NARROW ESCAPES. -Tile other day a reigned tbo supreme feature to -day. The , none better in Canada. Students can enter until last Sunday morning, when his alit gets justified by faith in Jesus, in- - at an went fa strongly expressed, the Impar- a than attempted to get on et moving rate of Insurance continues climbing, and y time. Catalogue ergo. ial Government would take some ac- locomotive at the station here, lint 1 old. friends wete glad to welcome him dwelt by the divine spirit, is the only is now almost. Frohibitory. Unless the missed his footing, and was thrown be basic' one who will escape sterna! con- war with Spain is of brief duration, dealers W. J. Elliott, Principal tion in the matter. The Senate has demnation, tween the platform and the train: he The Latter Day Saints inovoinent express the opinionithat there will be a bad .41WW�,,�,�,®,0=�,`,s,6,0,0p1w the power to baulk every piece of legis- mit•aculonsly esca11!ped unhurt; a by- in Port Elvin district seems to have famine in many European countries. Ex- lation passed by the tower hoose. stander said (be man would have been awakened ,i'good dens of interest and Hullett. porters fear also that Spain will seize grain tSu Suppose it used this killed if he had been sober. On Tues- on Sunday evening Rev. A. 11. Drumm, STALLION SOLA. -on Tuesday James in neutral bottoms. • A 4 pp power, and the day morning Rev. J. W. Holmes was (son of Mis R'illi;uus, Cliulru) spoke Snell, of IIayen-Barton stock farm, got — wanted to resent it what could a few moments late in boarding the route cards {Atednesday, people an the history and teachings of the printed for his stallion, "; they do ? . There is no cour'ee c en so oast bound train, and had one of the Saints. The lecture contained a care- Huilett's Pride, intending to start on - p ' narrowest escapes a man cares to ex- fully prepared history of the move- the season next Monday; on Wednes- The war news is still of a mild and unex- Millinery ,, far as we can see, witboutan appeal to parlance• mart as started by Joe Smith and its day he sold it to Messrs R. & T. Phil! citing character. The fleets are atilt far `, the Imperial authorities. Even i£ we TELEPHONE I tIPROVEBrENTs. -The subsequent appearance at different ips, of Essex Centre, at his own price apart, and no casualftiea are reported in , only want to "reform" the Senate, an telephone company Furpose making points. The speakerahowcd how Choir which was a high Figure. The anima cennectio» with the peaceful blockade of ;::` r appeal is necessary. If,aasthe Adver- extensive improvements in the Central doctrines differed from those of Pro- the s` ch a good one that he wished Havana. ^ 11".+; office. here, such as an absolutely secret testant'churches, and concluded with a purchasers had not accepted his The Alt erioan Atlantic coast pities are WE are pleased with #leer implies, the Imperial authorities box for public conversation, a now call strong appeal against giving any en- ter ms, but they gladly gave him what becoming decidedly nervous as to the inter - the SUCC@SS Of Our Mil - of rise t4 aGt, what tkten ? Are the board and bell, which will compel, the couragement to the Saints, contending he asked for R. kiullett's Pride was tions of the Spanish fleet, which atilI lies at 1„ operator to hear all calls, and other that in the past they had been erron• shown at the World's Fair, and took Cape Verde, though Portugal is said to have people of Canada compelled for all improvements which are calculated to eous in faith, corrupt in practice, and 5th in a clabs of 42; he was also shown practically ordered it off. One effect of the . linery Opening Of last ,� a '.- time to put up with a state of affairs facilitate the telephone business, rind a menace both to church and state. at Toronto on three occasions, taking uneasiness in the United States as to the in, would result in constant ,friction two firsts and a second a»d in London tentione of this owerfal fleet f" the weaken- ; weep, which was so r make conversation by thfs means easier On Sunda morning the Oddfell0ws the same ear, P and annoyance? thawever. Mr Ru ball, agent, looks of lawn to the number o£ about 50 Y , takin first; also in ing of the blockading fleet for coast defen- largely attended by the close] after the ublic's interests. Goderich, beating ail c asses of import- sive purposes. One rumor has it that the y p observed rile r9th anniversary of the P P There seems to be considerable fie- establishment of Oddfeliowshi �, h ed horses, Cape Verde fleet/may go round by the Cape r ' _ APPOINTED INSPECTOR. -W. Irvine, 1 yladies of Clinton and attending the Ontario St. church of Good Hope to help the Spanisb fleet now tion and very little fact in some of the B. A„ o£ Listowel High School, has where an excellent and tactical ser- Letter From the {Nest at the Philippines, for a combination surrounding Country, war news published. been temporarily appointed Inspector mon was reached to them b the '— g y superior to the p of Perth count to lace of the tato W. 1? Y which would be rear! y+ p Hurricane Lake N. Dak. United States fieetAn Pact o waters and Alexander, who died last week. Before pastor, MrpClement, from the words d Our f We are glad to know that Mr Mc- Mr Alexander's death be sent for the "Bear ye one another's burdens," Gal. To the Editor QftheNew Era: placing Admiral Dewey in adecidedly awk- k tGlillicuddy, of the Goderich Signal, Warden of thecorinty,and recommend. 0, 2, He showed how burden -bearing Sia: -We left Clinton on March 30th, ward situation.11, RLL NEW�+ has about recovered from his recent ed Mr Irvine as his successor, and the was a part of the Christian's duty, and Wednesday, and arrived in York, our ter- At Washington notice has been received Warden made the appointment subject incidentally alluded to the benevolence minus, at 3.30 a.m. the following Friday, from various countries notifying the Goy- s'r•�r`J�j "serious illness, tq the ratification by the County Cuun- manifested by Oddfellowa, often put- wbioh•was about 42 hours ride from Ctin• ernirtent of their intention to be strictly tin churches to shame. At its close ton; the only stop of an account was in neutral during the war. President MoKin- Comprises the Ver tat,' oil. Mr Irvine is, we believe a son -in- g y P y ley has issued a proclamation laying down p y r The London Advertiser Bays "The lave of Rev. Chas, Hamilton, formerly the brethren marched back Co their London, which was one and, a quarter rules as to seizure of prizes, and allowing Gerrymander must go. $o it must, of Londeshoro. Lodge room, where a resolution was hours. The care cn all lines were crowded Spanish vessels in port until May 21 to est in Millinery, and we but will ilea Advertiser lease tell us• unanimously passed. thanking Mr with people going west and a large number leave for their destination.-- The question �• p WEDDING.-St,Joseph s R.C.chureb, Clement for the excellent sermon and going to the Klondike, .who are leaving their will be leased to have *'� . vitow it is to go if the Senate interferes, which was crowded, was the scene of a instructing the secretary -to forward wives and families east, and a large num- of rile legality of the seizures already ef- p r•'t very pretty wedding on Tuesday him a copy of it. her of the western people are sending their fected will be settled by the courts. The Oil Call slid inspect It, �, a The country roads are now in fairly morning at 0 o'clock,when Miss Emma Washington Administration again pledges y p , ^ Rev. Dr. Henderson, assistant MIS- families east while they go to seek for the Donahue of Detroit daughter of Mrs itself to refrain from privateering, in spite ,good condition and will likely remain Ga sionary Secretary of the Methodist much talked of gold in the tar north, but " all summer. Municipalities should gen,, of town, was Married to Mr J. church, was announced to address a we bad a plea sant trip and lots of pleasant of the attitude of Spain on that point. p Lennon, of Detroit. The. ceremony loo le- Titers has been a few cold da The London Times publishes the text of MISS HILLIER gee that no gravelling is done until fall, was perforated b Rev. Father West. meeting in Rattenbury St, church on P p days, Spain's memorandum to the powers in a rr ,„i Monday evening, and a large audience but the past week has been fine and every- Stss$d-iH-$lsisa,.cn •.o.-, Stock. r when it would get worked in ! t d Miss Donahue, o Emmett, Mich., (sis- th' 1 t which she gives her side of the stor as to All our Wall 0 Pager — trimined free of charge. We also sell WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN POLES in large quantities 'Twill pay you to see our assortment. - , ' W. Cooper & Co CLINTON. - TICKET AGENCY $25 to British Columbia Lowest rates ever quoted. . For [;all information in reference til travel apply ito - 'W. JACKSON, C. P. R, Agt ns ea athered, but owing to the fact that ing is coking like spring. There area the evettte.l- a' g p 3 ter of the bride) acted as bridesmaid, r Henderson's brother of g p esdin n to the war. It is ur , of remaining !n the middle of the road, while the room's brother, of Ashfield, f; badly rest nttrrber of prairie fires the last Eery d4 wff h special emphasis in the note that i' "�"""�'�"� g crushed in some machinery where he days and born d. tkiotltfaiids'o[ sores. It sant annoyance to Query person having erformed the duties of groomsman, Y is a 8ne the Maine incident was used in the United p i rairie and A aoccasion to drive. The church was prettily decorated with was working in Ohio, he was not able g P + getting pretty g g _,_...�H�i TQ ^ . a-7�i,�„ y to be resent, His lace was taken settled; ft is almost impossible to get a States as a means of hurling most ratuiton" flowers, and the wedding march was p p ,. and intolerable calumnies at the Spanish The Franchise bill has been under played by Mfss Ada Jones, After the however, by 1L. .`v , Holmes, of homestead or any state land in the states; Government. - M t th I, h - -- - �ldrscataseon- the House this week and ' l " - ' - ^the.Giovetnment h ceremony the party drove to the home of --the bride's,, another Whe .' c -, dna Rev. J. Edge, of Gode- tch, both of whom ave admirable ad- g ey say t at t ere was 3000 homesteads sled at the ]and office in the month of + propose to accept the . ., - er was served. Tbe b ' ,ceived man Y dressee•on Missiar> _work, . Rev. W. W. March, a great many of the settlers from 'a .Provincial lists as the beefs For Federal electron's. Th^ ^- beaut!£u s. The happy couples °f be x#.45 train for Baer also made a few remarks.' Iii ad, dition to the addresses the following Wisconsin and Iowa, The settlers that have been here and attended to their farms :: 1 Zi, eon- their home in Detroit. musical program was rendered: -Duet for the past few years are in good circum- uri21 ibat the franchise is not uniform Mrs Gtbbings and Will Harland; Bolos stances now and would not go back to in the several provinces, which may be AN OLD TIMER. -Dap Shanahan, er., Mrs Chown, Mrs Hoover, Ern Canada and have to work a small farm, for they can work four times true, and which may yet make very difference. one of the respected residents of town, is also one of the pioneers of Huiletf H olmes and organ solo by Miss Boles, The pastor, Mr Millyard, occupied the as much Land as they can in Ontario with the same Irttle .One thine' is sure, that something better than the Pres- and knows what the bard life of a ion- p ser is like, be having settled in Hullett chair• msohinergI and they do not have half the hardships to go through as in a bush noun. , ant Dominion (tats is absolusely as- :' eentlal. If the Provincial Bate cannot township about the year I848 or 4Sl;and there he The members of Rattenbury street Junior League gave their Superintend- try, but of course there is a class of people that have no use for the country take the lace of the other, then some ` r residing until had accumulat- ed 4.50 acres of fine land, which he sub- ant a ver � pleasant a Y tlrpriso at their prairie , and the country has not mush use for them, inexpensive and fair system should be ''' devised that would make the Domin- se uently turned over to his two sons, and then took up his in meetin on Frida evenio b resent- g gg Y P in her with a cerifica,te oflife member- for if you do not work no country has much use for yon. The churches are not as nice ion testa as near up to date as peso- lcirhle, residence town, He was almost the first man to intro- ship in the Woman's Missionary So- ciet� of the Methodist church, accom and convenient as in Ontario, for the neigh- bore be altogether effective, several import- duce aself-binder, buying an Osborne machine, for Sam panted by the following address:- &d < are so much farther apart and then they are not so much for church Vhe Near President of the e. P.A. I __ which Moffatt, Vur- na, was agent; the price paid for ft was To OUR, SUPERINTENDENT.-MissM.S. wash- ington, we, the Juniors, wish to show our ap- going as g g in Canada, but the preachers have a hard Pi inter & Publisher for April says:- p Y `drive $3G0, wire being then used for binding first-class as a ret•class binder preciation of your guidance and Instruction in leading us to a nobler. and purer life by donat road to hoe. I was to church yesterday y y and the rbinister drove 16 miles and had to "'Mr Hobert Holmes, editor and pnb- .'ltsher of the Clinton NEw ERA, who p"'poses, can be now bought for about 0150, the differ- aafternoon in is Ing the twenty-five dollars raised b this So - aiety last year to make you a life member of the Society. 10 miles further to reach in the p afternoon, bank the 26 ``^twee unanimously elected at Ottawa, in to the Presidency of the Cana- ence price quite an item. Mr Shanahan says the farm had t o woman's Missionary Trusting that God will nae it in helping the little Chinese at whole miles to preach at his own vilinge at night; there a'',�tiatreb, cii•tn Press Association is a good rep- g eetsntative of the weekly press, of Cap- work hard in those days, but they wore' bap and contented with their lo, pY Chentu,and permit you to work with us for the advancement of His eausefor many years yet. PleaFe accept this certificate as a sllght token were about twelve at the service in the morning. We had the opportunity to the ' - $4, hie Iioimes fs cue of the pioneers in the movement t0 make the focal -although lie is up in years he expresses Itis ability to gg0 out into the bar of what you havedonefor us. MayGodever be your holper and friend, Signed In behalf of tho JmiiorLcagu© ass over fields in a lumber wap on P gg + and we had to take onr obairs with us in pa- ` b2ie a.thorough newspaper, giving all it>o Wows of the town and district, and geld and still do a good day's work and those who knew htui do not doubt it. &g&d L'S. M M OLYARDKsoN, PREa'Sao, the waggon to have a chance to sit down when we got to the meeting house, which 11- J >F68entifig It in clean paragraphs. Ria val'reorae a publisher and journalist lata ' been associated with the Nnw ERA WARNING TO PARENTS. -We are re- quested to call the attention of parents p The masons and others employed at the Doherty factory attended divine service in a body on grinds morn' gas a farm house about 12x14, but the people live happy all the same. ] here is a post oiliee about one mile and a school --- r Thursday In H .. � • This afternoon "Admiral Sampson, with the flagship New York, the moni- We lead* This is our specialty, end Is for Puritan, and the cruiser New York we have them in all sizes st le ui- - -i n y and bombarded the fort and earthworks at prices, from the 50 cent Fedora up. M_ Matanzas, a Cuban fort, almost de- In ��" Business straying them. The engagement was short and decisive, the guns of the' forts being silenced in eighteen ruin- r127 *� i�S W _` _ In the spring the young utes. There is no means of knowing, except from inference, what the casu- We have the Newest and Prettiest r man s fancy turns to a allies on land were, but from appear- ances, they must have been consider- Goods on the market. Spring Suit, and as suiting The Squadron came out of the Good Cashmere Sox at 25o. per pair. 1S our business we guar - r g engagement engagement without a scratch.. antee to make him a Suit There were reports yesterday that a battle was hourly expected off Manilla, EVERYFRING NEW that will suit him. Cloth but the Navy Departmentat Washing ton profess to believe that the Spanish And Up-to-date in our store. We acid price will be suitable. fleet will not attempt to meet Comma have no old goods. • dote Deef is, evert a force. Tbe gen- era] belief is, nevertheless, that the first A. J. MORRISH, Clinton. ; A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. battle will be fought it) those distant ' waters. The blockade situation at Cuba remains unchanged. No ships have yet been removed to assist in the coast defence, as was intimated might be dope. The blocade•daes not appear to Jackson, be altogether effective, several import- ant Spanish ships having got into Ha- vana with supplies since it started. Washin ton A Th . The Doted Shoe Firm x I o a complaint that comes from $t. ing+ ouse the s me distaroo from where I am g + i -- a war sit- ,. �tric1ire and his paper are real factors in Paul's vestry. It appears (bat the duo Willisedlb church, The service was con• staying at rrosent. There is lots of game, nation is substantially t1Yfs: The block= the life of the locality. For several kindness of the vestr in leaving the Y the pastor of the congress- such as meso drake and prairie chickens ading squadron remains passive before Laitsl>e has been Ma or of g tion, Rev. Mr Stewart; he took for his g P + l3avana, with no resent purpose of Y Clinton,+ church yard gates open for the con- but the game laws are so severe that the ;cnrl;.itis name is now mentioned as the text I Car. 3: 10•I5. By way of intro game have bombarding or of _present the fire of venience of those who desire to walk duction g got quite tame, for the law puts gabible Liberal candidate in West through the grounds has been mnah , he referred to the character the priced at geese, the shore batteries. The ocade f the pub- uron for the House of Commons and condition of the people at Corinth B hes dank", $20, and pose of an effective brocade of the Cub- + abused, Much damage has been done rairie ohiokene, 15 ahead, which makes sklrtiid Mr M, C. Cameron, M. P., re- to their refinement and advancement en capital is acts accomplished to the to the church property by some badly ill art and orator oaring a little too expensive to make p g p tlra' from the representation, as it is behaved boys, and this nuisance has y, and then to the much fun out of it, and the result is that entire eatiefactipn of the authorities elfpected he will do. tinder Mr Holmes' at last grown to such proportions .that coming of Paul with the ne'iv gospel of the ducks have got that tame that it is a here, There is no indication that a 0 . pr+esideneq the Caliadiari Press Asso- the vestry has been compelled to act Christ and to the establishment of a common think to see them in the barn part of the fleet will be withdrawn for Clettioit should flourish, since lie is at in the matter, and at the ad'ourned Christian church there, and to the yard with the tame fowl bat when the the purpose of affording additional pro- ldbl$ spokesman for I tie county J dangers and ,temptations tvli'gh beast fall Domes there will fo a rsban e, for he tection to North Atlantic ports. p p Y meeting last Monday night inettue. � � �nross, while the other member a of t be the Christians, and to Paul a efforts g y As to th t f th ' . 4, I 11 a hone were oven to the will n ere of o e imminence of I ext' badve, frit 1808 rt resent vuriou, g e aext„n to }lad- by his preaching and epistles, to lead' at Seo many wild sacks running in a naval battleoff thePhilippine Islands Our lines of 111ne Boots and Shoes are I p lock the gates and the church -wardens • the barn aids. There hale boon gaits a*,. ?thtir awerfui interests. No doubt he coursers to withstand these, and y the Heusi authorities hero serious]- will take proce _dingo against any one lot of seeding done here already, but there y haps the lar • Ull' �o tits will carefully consider the found tree a;aing on t I church so hd wrote them the words of his is traces to at in yet. 1 tnfnk 1 will have doubt whether the Spanish fleet will p gest in this section., and our in. isitit►',tf' rite weekly publishers in rounds. text. In expounding the passage there to 8 make a stand against the American <_ trOjelation, an detet mine hbw g i bent o,, mut of cansidera- was to be considered tvhst was to be y 0° night far this time. from ships. Their reason for this belief, !a Creaslllg trade - 2S good evidence' tion for the p traria of the bays nosh- your o d friend, J. i'VexT>tsa. p 11at3" beat pro[riate iia usefulness t o bulla. Paula desire was to build up _ that the Spanish fleet Is very -inferior g �r'e tbtat Our ling ha$ been da i hem oto for rite •sex- strop Christian characters rind a in number and duality to the American tr w lute Iib ft e, as id populartni+ is ton to request t item to desist which g have you noticed how eager the rd rmaidiy Zits lhLSr laid papular, and + steers Christian church. In buitdfn , y g force under Admiral Dewe oods are being ap a p kindness as been met by abuse. After t y+ greCa< teC '' ,,.;• t6f' Jt .!k Ui: At tiitrcer y coin' rixt- the first consideration was the foultd » public are far news of a fight between There Is no certainty that there will ,t, , El tiiiitl warning the veshil feels that the tionI tine whotu structure de ended up- Spain and the States. The be an en a 'hint tilt -hie el-ectign tl atria net �ittraxtts of tltos0 children will and p passible g gcnaent at all its the lm "ti k 'thio o*iii, ~u a cf nfilttt e, f t Itavn therii6olvea to blame if anything on a roper folttidtttlon, The founcia- cats future, the main ppity orfs o. tibi# ftririel tf: proa&ziE# itr eiat irttill tt ill eitouid oct•nit, re is the Mock, which is i hria3t.. loss of life is, aeemingty, a rustier of Amerteti" exp�dint tl boin „ n thin gLftsi0 * ! JIM otheir� Mike fatitldatloo on 1. n o mo mollt whatpvor f hold softii@ dttiyA tdbi. �Ipblttioit t 4f rito tint, Tlrero illi + j'•.1. r 1� " 11 I I d, I. it _, j.�R,. A. full and complete ra-n a Of 0 ` th1.e iC1r . 'a