HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-22, Page 7- I - {j . ��> I . - r,7 I � I I 1� . .1, ­_ ". . Y .. � I ' THE CLINTON NEW ERA -----..-.__ ,! a s ha� `POUNDED SOLDIERS. THE NEW ENGLAND MAID WITH NO gri�et ���. D��ectsive Opinions WHENCE THE CATI *his Time APPETItE.' Jjl�/ THINGS THAT INTERESTED AND PUZ• IlProbaiblyAdonted by 1Nfwa t3ab 0 ti I I Quyon "... —_ Hundreds in the tow' Can Vouch for the Truthfulness of _.� the Story .11'Irs Rass is Cured By t Great Spring Medicine, Paine's Celery Compound :She Suffered for Long Year from Frightful Neuralgia She says: "No Tongue Can Describ the Agonies I Suffered." .Vaine's Celery Compoun the great Medical Pre- scription for Neural- gia Sciatica and 1. 51 Rheumatism , 1. 11 Beware of Imitations ; 46PAINE'S" IS THE KIND THA 11 CURES The quiet little town of Qcyon, Situate on the Ottawa river, has furnished many strong and convincing testimonial, fo -earth's most popular medicine, Paine' V -Ce ery Compound. One of the latest le 'M tern received is from Mrs David Rase, lady well known and highly esteemed; sh ` }"'i -write. a8 follows:— r�}l WELLS & RIcHARDSON CO., ; ft Dear Sire,—I have much pleasure i � testifying to the worth of your life-savirr ri z medioine, Paine's Celery Compound. tr+ i � was a victim of neuralgia in its worst for r, for many years, and no tongue can desorib 1°1j;: the agonies I suffered. A friend recom 4t -mended your Compound to me, after usin ii two bottles, I am completely cured. 1 `. t •cheerfully recommend Paine's Celer -Compound to the world, especially to al ' , who suffer the agonizing tortures of nen s1 ralgia. Yours very truly, MRS DAvrD RASE, Qayon, P.Q. 1. Notes of Real Interest St„ has been figured out that one mar fi e eke, has 27 rel Ivpe in the town. Wheat seeding is well advanced i ,Southern Manitoba, and many farmer are through. The land is in splendid ,condition for seeding. ' Frederick Dawson, aged 23, and Her- ,, bert Lepage, aged 7, died on Thursday -from the burns receivpd in an explDsion in a Toronto factory. r-; Sir Henry Irving's eldest son has ,:; just published a life of the bloody udge Jeffreys, in which he tries to rehabilitate that worthy's character. f; The five-year-old daughter of J. Weeks, of Toronto Junction, died from the effects of burros received by her gybes catching on fire while at play. �" t a collection taken up in Toronto last Thursday night at a farewell meeting to the Salvation Army Klon. dike party the sum of $1,010 was -real - zed. A servant girl on a farm near Cam- Hrai, in northern France, has lived seventy-two years with the same film- ily. !-!he is now 84 years of age and still does her work. An eighty -year old elephant, whose - life has hitherto been devoted. tocr•ush- ing the life outof condemned criminals in India, has been at-quired by a Ham- burg dealer for a Berlin menagerie, "', Lord Charles Beresford, M. P., was r , summoned before a police court lately f� for not muzzling his dog. He pleaded I It e "w'as sorry and that the dog I had died since, blit was fined ten -shillings. FINGER NAILS CAME OFF A wonderful story comes from Emerson, Man„ -to the effect that Mrs Jae. Saunders, of the place, lost her finger nails through a ,severe attack off salt rheum. Nothing seemed to do her any good till she nom- menced taking Burdock Blood Bitters with the result that Salt Rheum has all gone :end her finger nails gradually grew on again. A woman physician, who is the wife of a physician in Indianapolis, thinks that souls and bodies should be ad- ministeted to jointly, and has unitpd preaching with her practice. She makes house to house missionary can- vasses. She is a product of KansaF. c One of the good Kansans found in looking over his accounts that he had ever sent a church Subscription paper' a subscriber who bad paid 50 cents , I r it 30 years ago, and he forwarded e sum with interest at ten per cent. the mans widow. H vin been bothered a good deal ha'.& vasa Cuddington county, r la in wait for them one his neighbors carne a wagon.wil-h the d started to drive of the hay crept, up nand ilred the hay in es; The thlef had just get on the load and cut his hors ltiose to escape the flames. The ]rjly e,ftt the' wagon were destroyed. 1,aft I O RIA ” `A)1tf! and Chililr6n. . ion 0 . �� 70 �.k . ... 1eQaen ZLED OFFICERS OR SURGEONS; 110 rs aebeoca Dainty was a maid whoao summere no one knew, About Imamond Dyes the Hunting ,kgs. Though she for fifteen years had said that she Ii Is Impossible to trace the origin of the was thirty-two, And, though felt domestic oat with certainty to any exist. Disreputable to Be Hit by w Spent Baty she never real smart, folks called her rather bright, Mrs J. H. Coulter, Neepawa, Man., says: "I lag spcoies or variety of wildcat. Indeed Gat{es of Remarkable Nerve Displayed end mobile she bad a good, kind heart, she had always have much pleasure in nein Diamond Dyes; I think the d the time at which the cat was first domes- tieated and Introduoed to human 1r by Wounded Men—Reading off a Panty no appetite. are ran$g Y g agents for making old things look like society simply P 7 a matter o1 conjecture. Professor In a Nashville Hospital. n She always came to breakfast late and neer forgot her sigh. new." Mary A. Rayoraft, Shaler expresses the opinion that the do- Wounded men," said the colonel, "wort First she would pass her little plate and try a Leede, P. Q., gives her experience in seven words: "I am de. mestloation of the oat must have been much later than that of the dog, whlle nat- often misunderstood. General Fuller of piece of pie, lighted with your Diamond Dyes," urallsts give reasons for believing to the Toledo told me that be never expected for. Neat she would cast her eyes around the table Mrs Chas. Hutchings, Jones' Falls, Ont., contrary. giveness for one harsh judgment of his, left and right, To see if something could be found to tempt writee: Some people agree with Professor Shaler In the midst of a battle he was trying bo her apposite. Have used several packages of our Dia- P g y and for this reason: That do were rob - doge p stop the flight of panic stricken mon. One mond Dyes and find them better than any ably first domesticated in order to assist in man came stumbling along, not heeding a If on the table beans were found, to eat some other make; they never fade or crook, and hunting, and therefore probably in what word that was said to him. Indignant she would try, are entirely satisfactory." i is called the bunting age of human so - and impationt, Fuller, as be came ncag And then of lamb obops spoil a pound, nor Mrs John Merritt, Sandy Cove, N S., , otety; whereas the cat has nowhere been him, leaned from his horse and touebad the man with his sword, saying sharply, pass the codfish by. A piece or two of hot corn bread was always says: "Have used Diamond D yes for over eev- generally used as a hunting animal. The dog 1s essentially gregarious. He louse to Go bank, earl' The man looked u with P her delight, ,•. Although, poor thing, She always said she had an years, and have found them great sue- hunt in packs, and when introduced to a look that said ae plain as words, 'I am no appetite) oes.eS." human family be regards the family as his l place looking for a plane to die.' Iso opened Die die Mrs David Grand, Mountain Station, pack and hunts accordingly, so that he 1s blouse and showed a great, gaping wound She next would try a chicken's log and then a Ont., says: easily made serviceable by the human in his breast. Then be dropped to the ground. The general dismounted as soon piece of wing. Next she would eat a soft boiled egg and then "Diamond Dyes far surpass all othor dyes that I have tried." hunter. The oat, on the contrary, is un - social. It lives alone and bunts alone, so as he could, but almost as he took the most anything. She always wanted something light when ileus that it could not be expected to be easily P 7 man's head in his arms the poor fellow she started in, G-ZL1E6 ■t�3E1LX-�. trained to hunt, either with men or for died- "Some But how she coaxed her appetite would make The fao- simile ie men. In fact, the only member of the cat gnen when struck showed no sign. I remember one little fellow who an ostrich grin. —Thomas F. Porter in Now York San. o❑ kpature over7 u wrayya. family that ie known to have been trained to hunt to the. cheetah, thoughan ancient e was struck three times in as many min- ' " 'George y Egyptianpainting, which may be seen in utes. The first shot struck his right arm, OLD JIM BRIDGER. I Augustus Sala's widow h,,s the British museum, represensa cat which and be proceeded tO load with his left. gone into bankruptcy through taking is apparently assisting a hunter to catch The next shot struok him in the leg and A Rocky Mountain Guide Who Thought upon herself her late husband's det.ts, birds. brought him to his knees. He had his left Munchausen Was a Liar. Berlin was the scene of a collision There is another reason for thinking arm up, ramming home a load, when a Sir George Gore, a wealthy Irish sports- between a horse car and a balloon re- that the cat must have been adopted by bullet struck that a, -W. Then he looked ,,man, began in 1866 a hunting, expedition cently. A captive military balloon man after the bunting age—namely, the up an p d said quietly: They hatvv a portio- ular• among the Rooky mountains which soon- h s roes loose during a ,quail, and drove the Tempelhof cat's wonderful attachment to localltiea spite against me. I guess I'll quit.' d And he dropped down." pied two yeara and exceeded arrytDin(� oP cross field, drrtgging with it the soldiers holding Animals like the wolf, with whish the dog is the kind ever seen on this continent. The who were most closely allied, follow their "We had one man to our company," outfit consisted of 60 persons, including it. On reaching the street, though its .Prey over vast tracts of country and seem said the Sergeant, "who was shot through the body Shiloh. ke secretaries, a steward, cooks, fl makers, W `peed was checked by its carrying "way sorne telegraph it to be entirely destitute of local attach - at was carried off in Clog tenders, servants, a train of wagons wires, hit a ment. The wildcat, on the contrary, set - an ambulance, and tha boys supposed tb6y and numerous saddle horses sad dogs. horse car violently enough to upset it tles down in a particular spot and waits would never see him t.gain. But throb days Old Jim Bridger was Sir George's guide with its passengers. Two of the sold- ie,•s held badly for ibsprey to come. When removed from after the battle tlae regiment weirs and luberpreter, and no man on the from- who on were hurt. Its accustomed habitat, it seems to lose its Into camp not fnr from the field hospital, tier knew the glens and passes of the Spring bumors, boils, piinplas, eruptions, skill, and therefore would be useless to and that afternoon tits men were surprised mountaina eo acourately ne he did. Though sores, maybe completely cured by purify men In a hunting age, because in that age to see the morn who had been abot through and through illiterate and as unconventional as an In- ing the blood with Hood'a, Sarsaparilla. men seldom had fixed habitations, but walk into camp, using hie dian, Bridger was honest, kind, genaroue _._ --___- _ roamed abroad wherover game was to be rifle as a cane. He aanouneed that ha bad had onough of the legs 1 d id 't and shrewd—just the men to attract the I b The Water Bottle, found. Of course much of this IS con, jooture- Wh th th F ' iIt B A C K A C H E CITY BUTCHER. SHOP makthat I& IsdL met y I wish to inform the public that I vptl ref � of 1�idosl Wa a �' not be undersold by any other e}'gii � ` ' in the bneinese, I am a practical tt fi r A:'po�0ltVtoi M wwe¢kaew win the and understand all the the rQ•.h Its Y �e1TNae the business. We keep the eery best, an � + meats, and a full s.tockalways,on.hande r pLwa� r�� asses ,l and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices, i seat of the houble he Bring along your money, and IFet the. mk clan ��.s iR HH�R � flesh oe meat at the cash price. We will give credit, but not at cash prices. Pleases CURED comp and see what rCs r/s�h ayou can do for , •' I had terrible pains in n y back and m water R. FI ZSIMONS' was thick and muddy. 1 was all broken up and in nor health generally. Two boxes of CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP Dr Hobbs Sparagua Kidney Pills cured me 'i completely. Push the sale of them hard, there is nothing better. A. N. VAN ALSTIN FORD &, MURPHY 64 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. I had suffered with a lame book and was con- fined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I took We are doing business on the cash prinoi. not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparaaus pie, and will Supply out customers with Kidney Pills and was entirely cured, the best meats at the lowest paying prices ISAAC MARK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mich !; ,i FORD & MURPHY, 0LINTON t Dr, Ito')b:' P � J UBusiness Change. ,.� Kidney Pills3 Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for feel SALE BY hipping purposes, for which the highest ALLEN & WILSc)N, Druggists, market prices will be paid, Partieshaving CLINTON, • ONT flogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at the ,shop. Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. 11 NEW BUTCHER SHOP Subscriber,, has opened a shop in the pre• mises recently erected especially for this ,, arpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he tv}Il 11 Sep on hand and deliver promptly, to all karts of the town, Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. F. H. POWELL, - - CLINTON '�.:' CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPE'R'S LD STAND, Next to Oommoroial Hotel. This t,iaament is in tull .or oration and a order filled in the most gatiefacto. y way, Come cry and granite work a Specialty. Prices a bcnable as those of any establishment REALE & HOOVER, Clinton `1'h, old Clinton PLANING MILL H. STEVENS, Propiietor ill Mill won n. ifs s rtsman. o er a oat or the dog was FLOUR AND FEED STORES. yo bank to }g 7`De li faoatal surgeon In Lia "Old Santa Fe Tgn11" Colonel It was at a dinner party in Chinatown, first adopted by man cannot now be carW 11 - T It was a large party, and life tables wire talnly known, but the oat was well known The old original Contractor and Builder, swore, a good deal, i'asiedng that the Inman deseribes the companionship of the set in festive array, with mandarins, ban- who has made Clinton his home for forty O y�7� ,,,+i wounded man should return to the boapi- two men—one a rich, educated, whole as a domestic animal at an early period of t J tal, but in the end agreed that the pliroky tooled Irish nobleman the sitar a Kusa ansa, delicious Chinese proservod pineap• human history.—Boston Journal ears, ie still in business with a modern, pie, liehae nuts in the shell, canned lichee up-to-date Faetery, and is prepared to fill pp,, fellow should be cared for in the coni- who Prom boyhood had lived on the plains, nuts, looking like small onions, roasted all orders of whatever description, on short rj,�oUr W Feed Clore d pany's quarters. The boyo took great Caro depending on bin toot and rifle for food beech nuts and other dainties. The party _ __ _ _ _ _ notice and the lowest terms; first-class a of bila. He Improved rapidly, went on and life. bad arrived a little ahead of time, and the _ - — workman -hip guaranteed. CONTRACTS 1, r duty as soon as he was able to walk and Sir George would lie In bed until 10 glasses, which stood at each plate, were for buildings taken, and all kinds of build- �� /! ®tui "� e was with tile company to the end of the I o'clock in the morning; then he tgok a not filled. A pretty girl, in front of whom ing material furnished as deeded. M I1 t- service. both, ate his breakfast and not out go stood a good sized Chinese vase, reached �l a Other men who couldn't bear pbysloW ally alone for the day's hunt. It was not for it and poured out water for herself and 9 HENRY STEVENS, In large or, small quantities. e pain were greatly troubled by flesh wounds unusual for him to remain out until 10 at neighbors, i 1 William_Street, Clinton, immediately a•, and received lean sympathy than they de night, and be seldom returned without "Isn't this a queerChiaese idea to use a Aoll1C }� behind; -the Park. OIL CAKE and MEAL served. The hardest •wounds to bear werti "groat." His dinner was then servo, to vase fora carafe?" she said, and raised bar v S OF, ALL KINDS. �?., those from spent balls. Them were more which he extended an invltabisa to + n painful than the wounds from the hard Bridger. „lags g her sslip�� Y g bitters, but men struck D e Large Blase goblets were' serving as jj A l'.wAP S7`AIVI Y I}',�ar 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of I received iio sympathy q pent bullosa After the meal was over t31r Qeorge wa(i bowls for sugar for the tea, whish she at!- j � Troubles, Oats. ympath at n. For some 1n the babit of reading from some bopli nose themselves never sweeten, so it wasit The undersigned Is prerAred to do all kinds m reason It was counted disreputable to its and drawing out from Bridger hU Ideas o (,tamping for Mats, Persian Rugs and self , e not strange that there should be anomalies o as of like nature. work done pprem slyy and D. COOK CLINTON. t hit by a spent ball or a splinter from a about the author. in other things But just as the pretty Bard for the a reasonable rater. MRS A.WORTHPNGTON ' rock, and many men worried along under The Irishman usually read from Shakes- girl lifted her glass, a fat Chinaman came i old folks to move ren Street. g the most painful wounds without gotng peare, which Bridger reckin'd was toe about—constant DUNC�N'S FLOUR & li1�ED Sore I g 1n with a big and very American bouquet, , Y to the hospital or without even ooneulting highfalutin for Dim. whish be oareiully placed in the supposed backaches to I the surgeon. Some of these follows carry 'That their big Dutchman, Mr. Full- water bottle. bother them in AGENTS. (late Hill &Joyner) the marks today and day nothing shout stuff," he commented, ^won a leetle We " ileo clean," be said, as the pretty girl the daytime— " Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating book them: fond of lager beer. " weakness to disturb their Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects Opposite Market g stopd drinking, with a look of diS leas• gb , Clinton - "The official report of the eaptvre of Sir George read the "Adventures of ure on bur face. P �a�t night. Everybody orders. Marvellous illustrations Prospectus $l.00. BRADLEY-GARREISON Flour, Bran Shorts, Oats Peas, Barley, Lookout mountain," said the major, Baron Munehaueen"' to Bridger, who to• "But it isn't," Sbo exclaimed, eanmin• . COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto 3111 "stated that General Walter C. Whitaker marked that he'd be doggonod of he AWal- ing the glass more closely. "I am sure �ioAN S KIDNEY PILES and all kinds of meal sold at lowest pricers. . was wounded, but that be didn't leave the lowed everything that their bdron said. that vase has just corse from the shop and Strengthen the Kidneys and 11 field. That is all true, but it 1n only half He thought be was "a liar," yet aeknowl• has the dust of Cbinese ages in It. "—New help to make the declining �q p--. - - Fresh Corn for Feed, 38e a bw-h s the story. Whitaker was one of the most edged that some of his own adventures York Times. years comfortable. ���� tYEM� Good Valencia Raisins, 281b boa $i. impetuous, drivinregular old sirs 1n the army, among the Blackfoot dt would be equally AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE Choice Tea, special line 26c per lb. and up. He was a regular std Stormer. He was wonderful, "if writ down in a book." How Memory Saves hila. Mr. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut aLLx�rro,�: ilia@ Iaem• All kinds of Grain bought at highest pushing things in grout shape 1n front Bridger thought Sir George a successful , Street, Charlottetown, P. E. L, ory+Imroton'' fllb�0 in, oto. caused g g n when be was struck b a rtfio ball. He hunter, an opinion justified b bDe records You say,' said the captain as the res• writes : by Abue.O or othor R=esq 'and Innis• market prices. , 7 supposed of the two years' Dunt -40 grizzly boars, poet too gears I have res}tom�ILcs v' alitty 3 b d csonng ud a became deathlysick and it was sued man was handed up from the life- "For the iltamonformtuay. buslpfesor msrriaao. W. DUNCAN, - - CLIXT.QX at first that be was fatally wounded. The 8,600 buffaloes, numerous a atelolyfen and boat, "that You have beenfloating 'in the had much trouble with disease of - Pravnnt Imcuity 'aIId ; oasum➢tion it water for flue days and nights. YOU moat thp kidneys and non -retention of to en in trine. Thoiruse mhotca imntdlnto rm mvo- •" 11, surgeons and some of his associate officers other small game. urine, was dropsical and suffered a mentand effeots'n OT1RL whore'all+bth In- BANKS. gathered about him, anxious and nervous be the most remarkable 73wim1nar"1rf"thi - rest deal with pain in my back, mist upon having aha,genn3ne Ajax:;i�nb1 p; er A surgeon opened the general's coat and world to have kept up so long," have been greatl benefited by haveenredthousands andwllloarr;yotr w po, .--�- -1 Y itfve written ennrnatee to @ffoplta case• Q in . The Ontario recoynta-have now all ty can's Kidney Pills." the use of �/ vest, looking for Ghewound, whish seemed"I oan',q swiixl a bi " eaId the rescued: onohoaseor refund the money. Prtee r The lTl OISOnS Bank to be In the vicinityof the stoinaoh. Be"been niade, and the final result is a man as he wrung a 6w gallons Of -wate; pnokkaayqe; or tis pkges tail treatments or;fL50. °ear mail, in lain wrap r, Spon easeful of prlcei Ciranlar Pound between the.vest end the under- gain of one for the Hardy Govern- from hie garments and drank the glass of .- __� tr"°• AJAX I� MitiDY e n..reorastp s clothing a rifle ball that had not broken ,neat, whose majority now stands at grog the steward brought Dim, Co.,r Cb="'i4 I14 Incorporated by Act of Parliament 18$¢ the skin. eight over all, the figures being:—Lib- "Then why were you not drowned?" a Sold in Clinton by Allen d Wilson, ��-- "He said quietly, 'A erals, 51; Conservatives. 42, and Inde "Well, you know, before ii man drowns, I druggists. CAPITAL 02.000,060 general 9 7+ spent ball,' Tisa pendents, 1. The nr•otests have, how. his whole past life- fiat got to rise up be- REST FUND - $1,600,080 wrathful his eyes and leaked up ever, et to be tried, find a numerous y reached about my wrathful and indignant. 'What's that? y fore him. I had only ( HEAD OFFICE MUNI'REAL. What's that? Somebody hit me with ? crop there are, 61 in all. Of course fourth year when your boat picked me up, s not half of t hem ill go to trial; moat you aes?"—Strpnd Magazine. 1` ' MGLEOD $ + pent ball' I won't stead it. Bring gee t . . WAS. MOLSON MACMERSON President my Dorso.' And, fairly throwing aside ell °f them will like] be cancelled through F. wOLFER.TAN TaOaes, Gen Manager the people about him, be sprang to hie to un s. Ton practice u one that Two Polnta of view. '� S�e� Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts amounts to conternpt of court. Di MOVATOit feat, climbed on his Dorsa, and, with his gee—Senator Poser seems to be a man y issued, Sterling and American e, Drafts' clothing In disarray and his bat banged of yory broad views. I �• - ' i bought and sold. Interest allowed on dgo I e- on his bead, started for the front, swear- A man's health is the rope by which he Biggs,—Yee, indeed. I don't believe it ..I --'= P AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES posits. and toe . Interest allowed le Ing at the man who Dad hit him with ofk 11 a climbs ie success. If he can keep his is possible to bring up a question that ha A. same of $1 and up. Money advanced to health s will o on to eucoees. Yet hie can't straddle.—Chicago News. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE farmers on their own note, with one or Spent ball. But the old general after that r1 probably Dad more sympathy with the health is the veiy thing h9 neglects more more endorsers. No mortgage required mon who were struck by bolls that seemed than anything else. It is easier to keep There is an old phllosophor, prophet and RELIEVES IN 30 MINUTES. health than to r°grin it, When a man A MAelICAL LIFE-SAVER. TOT Impure, Weak and "Impoverished H. C. BREAER, Manager, Clinton to fall from the air' or that came with as post in -California who claims that he has Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- little force as a stone thrown by a vicious fOels himself,runniap down, when he real- solved the problem of living forevor. He The most pronounced symptoms of izea a loss of vitalityand ever he must heart disease are palpltntlon or fluttering tion of the pearl, Liver Complaint, Neu- f _ boy. Sometimes these would strike a man energy, P lives a hermit's life, eats only three times aY the heart sh0rtttess nt breath, weak or rnlgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, COn- (�1 (1�t Neu - on the mes and fairly woodr hirn with pain, call n halt. The strands e' hie roe sic a week and never expects to die Irregular alar G. �, � �� �sr�,�l�� �e f parting rapidly. Dr Pierce's Golden Med- P g pulse, smothering spells at night, gumption, Gall SCOL, s, Jaundice, Kidney as b Sometimes they would drop on his back gains In region of heart. The brain may 'and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance as be lay foes dawn on the round kickin icnl Discovery has helped thousands of Pie congested, causing headaches, dizzi- Y 13ANKER g g men in just this condition. It makes health In all the world there aro in coin 718,621,- ness or vertigo. In abort, whenever the Female irregularities and General Debility though his heels, and be would writhe as and pare, rich blood, it forces out impuri_ t,lo Pounds of gold, !!a,1,640,000 pounds of heart flutters, aches or palpitates, It is though ha were in the agonies of death." 6 Iver and 8~1,000,000 onnds of copper. diseased, and If life is valued treatment , Goderich, nlllt ALBERT t5' . - CLINTON tie- and kills germs. It doesn't make any D PP must be taken. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the • g "While I was 1v charge of one of the rtifference what name you oall your troub'e Ilenrt Is the only remedy yet discovered hospitals at Nashville "said the surgeon, b ' dy slrepgia—kiduev disease— rheuio J. M. McT,eod,, �r whlcli will alwayys givo relief in 80 min- Prop, and Manufacturer A g•encrai Banking Business "the moat which t ult cases to Dandle were tis;— consumption— skin disease, the Gore A NURSE'S STUAYs etes, and cure Absolutely, -28. transacted. those in which the aoldierewtitioore Influenced dun Medical Discovery will cure it ,ab8c_ Sold in Clinton by by hnts were arra S or superstitions. The )utely. None of these disenses can retain Sold by %Vans & Oo, J. H. COMBE and ALLEN & WILSON NOTES DISCOUNTED patients were arranged In a large ball, the hold on the body when it is full of rich, cots in long rows, extending the full length pure blood. Send 31 one -cent stamps to Tells how sho was cured of Heart and _ of the room. One night a patient about Nerve Troubles. Drafts estied, lntevest allowed oil half way down the hall died. The next cover coat o[ mailing only, and recieve free • r deposits, night tbs man coining next in the row ° copy of Dr Pierce's Medical Adviserp I _ dtod, and the nowt day the third man in 9ddress, World's Dispensary Medical As' The onerous duties that fall to the lot of a 1 Bflmillcr �i'Se�I S FARRAN mISDALL. — ociation, Buffalo, N, Y. a nurse, the worry, care, loss of sleep, order diad, Immediately ingmd Nos. 4, 6 and , irregularity of meals soon tell on the Insisted on being moved from the row, Celluloid collars, matches, and some nervous system and undermine the health. �, BANKERS, i and they were so wild about it that they powder rause an explosion and fire in Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professional nurse - I ` TR ■ � R S. r ,a, bad to be moved. a traveller's truck ata railway station living at the Corner of Wellington sad 4. y' y' CLINTON, ONT. 1 "No. 7, I noticed, was a quiet, uncom- in Anniston, Tenn. King Streets, Brantford, Ont., stat Oa her �j" " "o plalning man of oquable temper, and, feel- y Our stook of fruit and ornamental trees being advances made to farmers sit their owb Au expedition in search of Andres t■+ ..,�`s compteto, we are prepared w offer to the pub- i Ing that I gauss In soma way stop the is about. to leave Stockholm for Siheria• l lie for spring planting a very choice lot of notes at low rates of interest. panic and break the lino of superatitioue the cost being bog ne by the Swedish Apple, 1Ylum, Year, Cherry t dread, I wont to him and lad up to the by Society. — 4" a y� allil Peach trees, at suitable d general Banking Business transacto& h I 1.point by asking hirn if be had any sopor - �. r prices. Evergreens a specialty. Interest allowed on deposits. elision. notions. He said he had not. CURES EVERY TIME �r Alk o Sale Noted bought 11Than I asked him if he would be satisfied "I have often had Cocglfs and Colds, r s Largo stock of small Fruits, to remain as he was and explained that It Choice list of spring be dingg'Pliants. J. P. TISDALL, Maiiag0r,1 • r r he did not insist upon bed ng moved I could well as Bronchitis. NorwAy Pine Syrup j Price list mailed on ap'glieation, °ares me every time. LIZZIE HARDY i ��ii �jp pp �j JAI, - quiet the excitement. Ho smiled and sold Mayfield, Ont , f • Jelin r7tCWtLCt Estate' CAlltoll SEWING 11�ACIHB Ds r i he would trust himself in the unlucky �� f i Bei+etiller 1 k row. Trifling as this circumstance was, Anti-Semitism has broken out in n . It had the greatest influence on the pa London. At an inquest cn a Spital- A !+D Huron Street. r(, °4 bleats 1n the rote. They watched that man the t Christian smith bop, killed out WKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE vve have just received another lot of it F", t for two days with unflagging Interest, and the throwing of a atone, it came nut - it was a great trial for him to see, when- that. fights between Jews and :'kris- r �r INSURANCE CO. Home and Dominion Sawing rMachinee;fhtff3tY, ever he was lifted upbythe nurse, a dozen tion- i.nve been going on in that dia- former is an exceptionally good maoh!!,e'et is t' wild dyed man looking him over tome I trict f ,r come time past. r,. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY and has given good satisfaction to air /5/��[�' %��� in the ONLY INSURED 1<v whether death was on him or nob, but ho KiDNEY DISORDERS Needles and all kiu<ls Of ROpltltt�tll V: stood his ground std stopped the ratio oFFroERB kr ton hand -art. He recovered and has been as boort • a. n Ar, responsible for a largo proportion Of ossa as follows; •'For the past ears P �,., y P as r Cleo. Watt, President, Harlook P, O..7. B. , rte,.'; book ever sines. "—Clitoago Inter Ocean, m°knew: if y uu have weak or Lame Back, I have suffered from weakness, shortness elf McLean, KippOn • P, o., Vioe-Pree,; �. J. Machines sold on monthly payments, tDsli' swelling of Fizzy and Feet, sedi