HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-22, Page 2yr'-�11_ - 4 ,. . T 7 April %?, 1898 THE CLINTON NEW ERA e .,�.t r..,,M-.>,..,.t+r•.!n,.,,.,.n.�,�,.�,,...,..,,n..,.�,". r Crisp County Clippings. Costly and ineffective. - - . So anxious is the Mother Country for � - - Inundation of Catalogues. ' w Wing- 82100, (The Globe.) Canada aid her p agreement between that, and her powerful neighbor, that, extra- - -_ 'l'he folluwiug, from Goderich - A �'erv4usness � y , bacon ,sorllacedoa,t b Ing _ p g Whatever sloe may be paid ado t 7 ri the County ordinary efYnrlShave recent ly been put a pap- et', applies with equal force here: -The crease of 57 over last year. Eliza Cutt, eldest daughter of James Courts of the Provinoo, there is no doubt that they are not overworked. There forth to secure a reat.utptiun of Choi discussion, and with a f Iar.'at success, ; pact r wo weeks the post -office, and in I f Ict'nl' the ffisubmergeda G/ELE111 �t R�OvBs THE CAUSES DI 5 � Cutt, of Morris, is den erottsl, ill with inflammatory rheumatism of t e heart. h are 48 of them, presided over by 68 Judges.: In these coasts during 1898, the last g Year It is now definitely setFh•d t hast formal ' ne otiotlans ave to take place in tire g 1 of country, were in` the r a �t t rfiow u f departmental Pureh OZ d REAT NEILvR TOlvita ce rr nature s cure for nerve dlr I i I ' � - � , J. & J. Kelly have leased the 50 sures for which figures are availaole 867 eases were tried. gone huadre.f and one of these , Ileal• future Band at Ottawa. 1bN tile ' l , lection of the Dominion Capital t(re e joyal c, Ore eaom r The it al citizens found room for for the volutlrinous b t d - ora, Sold by all druggists, Large packages, A WOODWAaD LED1Gln8 CO., TORONTO, CANADA u ecu tive of laud, lot 10, 8th Tree, Morris, and 15 cases -were !sled is the County of York, ' P p ��Qjf4` p Y place of m@etfng is a grNat nnor, and lications in their waste baskets or e ���JJJ �,J� 4t ( acres north, north half of 10, at Sun• leaving an average of about six oases for it may fairly be hoped that the results where, while those who think mor « shine, from Joseph Clegg. each of the other courts. In three oountice accomplished will be such as to justify I Toronto's interests than Goderich, (6N T44E 5- CLAIR RIVER) On Saturday last the Anglo-Ameri- there were no casae at all, and iu fourteen I self -con ratulat ohs in the wider sense nosing through their co tea to see h :� O�"r'���p `I can Hotel, at Gorrie, was sold by pub- others there were three or less. In 29ooun- I of bene is fairly and honorably secur- by the aid ofthedepartmental at _ ` e tic auction. Robs. White, of Wroxe- ties there was an average of one case for I ed for the country at large. The pleni- express companies and poet -office, t, each sitting of the court. otentixriks on behalf of Great Brit- will be able to snake a urchase in 80 j;raduates secured excellent ' lie auction. the purchaser. The price no se P positrons during the past year, t $2,800. The total amount of the judgments re- ain and Canada will be Sir Julian onto and not have to lose more t covered after trial in all the U,tuat Courts and three of them in the last 9 Pauncefote, Sh Richard Cartwright lU per cont, above what the same week. Our system of book -keep- � Wnl• Welsh, of Hensall, has been without acute was less than $24,000, or an and Sir Louis Davies. The latter will title could be had for in Goderi Y p- n awarded the contract for the extension average of lose than $600 per court. The visit Washington within the next Local stores have stocks large enni '. i ingis ACTUAL BUSINESS from i of the gallery of Carmel Presbyterian coats taxed against the unsuccessful Citi I pt•artto finish. We pay the rail- = g' g p- Rants under these judgments amounted to three or four weeks to discuss pielimi. and select enough to satisfy any o church, and the enter In of the a 3 way fare wap. ; proach thereto. s little loss than !'0 000. The fi urea in nariee with Sir Julian and the Wash- but the disgruntled one-. who pr Spring term begins April 13th. ; - $� g ington Uahiuet. Just now, in the sending their moneq outside to mak i For further particulars address, g John Amens will assume the pmpri. some of the counties are specially not height of the Cohan excitement, it is an honest purchase in the town,wh 5 etorship of the American Hotel, Brue. worthy. In the County of Lambton two useless for one of our Ministers to o if the thought at all the would : i eels, on May 1. He bought the house jadgments were signed after trial. The there. We are informed, however, on o nize the fat that their interests A. S. NIl1IM0 from A. Koenig, who has been in bush_ total amount recovered under them, exclas- the best flat horit , that the pt•c'liiuin• A good scheme for loyal citizens 3.n_.. ",,",",.n.n..o!'–"*, •. – ...w,.nu.y...rnr....w.•.y nese for'the past 13 years. Iver of costa, was $149.8 The taxed costs r y 0. ftry ne;,otiat.inns have been conducted work on iF to borrow the departure Clinton Post 016ee. Geo Fitzgerald, who has resided in were $39477. In the two cases in the throughout in the friendliest,pivit, so store catalogues from those wh County of Norfolk thecorresponding figures that, short of most r $eaforth for a number of years, left on pressing domestic they know use them and forget to TIME TABLE. Thursday for Liverpool, where he has were: judgments $110.45, arid costs $464.71; business in the United States necessj- turn then!. This tray seem like ad and in the two oases in the united Counties tatin :t postponement, the Ottawa catin DUE MAILS CLOtiEA secured a position withPawk&Uo„ of Northumberland and Durhamtheystood: confgrancepwill convenes cluriur gabreachoftheeighthcotnma who are engaged in an extensive furni- b the went, but there are extenuatinir ud menta $160, and ;taste $414.70. In the A M PAII.. A,m M5 ture business. ! mouth c» June. c,tinstances. " + 10 15 Bradon and S. W. Outs, 7 00 4 00 County of York there was a neok and -neck 7 40 4Ingham and JUncardiue 055 B 35 A quiet but pretty wedding took rape between the taxing officer and the 1015 65estorn S.W. & N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 o5 place at the residence of W m. Caves, Judge, In 47 cases judgments were recov- From a Practical Farmer 'Big Receipts. 1015 1 ris, Buffalo& eastern U 8 7 00 4 05 Usborne, on April Oth,when his daugh- Bred for $5,630.41 for the euceessfui parties, 10 15 1 ronto d: points east,knrth 7 00 i 05 ter, Minnie, was united in inartiage to with $5,443.40 for solicitors' fees and die- The following ie a synopsis of Mi Me- The following important staters! 1Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 235 Mr Wm. Coates, a prosperous farmer barsemeuts. In fairness to the solicitors it Milian's speech un Lhe budgot:•- has been received from official sour 1 nitoba, N W Tand B C7 00 2 3e of the same township. should be added that nearly a third of the Mr McMillan of Huron,b"d attributed The Presbyterian church year, wh I 2tratford and 8eaforth.. 7 00 235 total amount allowed b the toxin officers the teat prosperity rano enjoyed h clrfso on Match 31, was one of Thos. Ballantyne, of Hensall who is Y g g p' P YY N , 10 27+Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 235 well known as aycat.tle buyer, and who for costs was for disbursements, occasioned the Yawners of Ontario to the policy of most successful in all .fill history, 1 03I Mitchell and llublin..., 700 has been a respected resident of the vil- largely by the necessity of bringing witness. the Government and the action of the far as contribu.t ions tons nrissin 1 w °' es often a lou way from their homes and Minister of Agriculture in were concerned. Some re•arri had b _ 7 40 2 55I .........Goderieh....•..... 12 4 lege for many years, has recently leas- g Y g going to entertained that roan of t he fu 900 ed what is known as the McCall farm, keeping them sometimes for several days at Washington and securing the removal Y M,-., _ i L i ucan crossing, Sarnia and and intends to move to it shortly. the shire town awaiting the trial Lawyers of the quarantine on cattle. Owing to would be behind. During the mo e 0 lb 0 55 .,..iutormediute points... 700 405 aro now more than ever encouraging the set- that last year from 30,00(1 to 5U,000 head of Mar ell the Rev Dr, Warden race ,,,"`_ 7 40 I..Loadeaboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 On Friday last Richard Welsh, of of upwards of a hundred thousand -,, tlement of oases in preference to litigation. of young cattle had gone into the Un - The office is open to the public (holidays ex con. 2, Usborne, while working around It is probably fair to assume that the costa ited States and had brought from $7 tars, so that with but one excepti .., oeptedl front 8 a.m to 7 15 p m. but holders o some pigs, was attacked by a boar. It for which the unsuccessful litigants were to $8 more than in the previous year, every fund of the church ends they ord.`s" lock boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m ran its tusks into the back of one of rendered liable to their own solicitors were and these were of a class which it was wit hoot debt. That. exception is t ' Money Order and Saving Bank office open his legs, just behind the knee, cutting fund for the relief of lite aged and `,2' _' a a.m. to 6 p.m- not less than the amout;te for which they not desirable for the farmers to feed the flesh, and almost severing the large became liable under the judgments. If so, here. We sold 518,000 cattle in 1897 firm ministers, which is three Cho Matter for registration must be posted halt cord. we have a total of $40,000 in solicitors' fees !30,000 more than in the previous and dollars behind, Owing to the f 3„; !;, an hour before closing the snails. year, g The many friends of -Mr Jos. Hood, and disbursements in oases yielding $24,Ou0 and 200,000 of these were increased in that the General Assembly in Ju STAGE MAIL — SUytitERHILL —Every retired farmer, of Hensall, will regret in fruits for the parties. rice by $8 per head, and this $1,400,- last at Winnipeg changed the date • Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and luau- pp the church ear so that it now Cert Ing at. 5.30 p.nf, to learn that he is suffering from a se- It is Hardly surEriaing that the commas- 000 went into the pockets oY the farvn- Y ' were paralytic etroke; as he is in his Bial communis avoids a court where these ers. Cold storage been another nates on March 31, one nrinih earl O?\ CF. A DAY ONLY is mail despatched Y g that. formerly, the recei s were of from this otllec to Londesboro and Bel rave, 88th year, and this is the second stroke things are not only possible but appareutly boom to the farmer1which had result- p' also to Mitchell and Dublin, maps oloe ug as he has received his condition is very almost unavoidable. Only corporations ed in the export of butter to England for 11 months, et they are practical it+� ` ab,7ve stated ' p y r critical, and insolvents can afford the luxury of liti- in good condition, and one large ship- for a year. When the General Asse Mails for British Isles and European coun- ation at such ric bly meets in June next at Montre ":,.r•' tries intended to be forwarded b New York, Mr S. billing 'has disposed of his g prices. meat had secured higher prices in the must have written on the top lefthandcorner comfortable brick dwelling on Market Bat not only are the County Courts cost. English market than the best Danish the several committees will have ve ,' :” of envelope VIA New Yo=. St., Seafotth, to Mr Abraham Hale ly courts for thelitigante,they are also cost- butter, The placing of corn on the encouraging reports to present, so f '-�� for $850; Mr Dillin has I courts for the municipalities. In three= free list was, he said, thegreatest bene-, as their finances era concerned. T g purchased the Y P General Assembly to convene on We Canada leads the Empire farm of E. Fairbairn, con. 3, Tucker- fourths of the counties of Ontario it fie• fit ever conferred on the farinecs of 3l p smith, near Hensall, and r@moved with quently happens at a County Court sittings Canada, especially those of Ontario. tie day, June 8. hie family to hie new home last week, that not more than one case is set down to The clear-headed member for South The press of Great Britain has been Huron educed some exceedingly in- DR AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE AEA t, �`l; be tried by a jury. The result is that a fail g y moved to further eulogies of Canadian Reuben Beawitherick, Morris, met terestin figures ,in support of this t3 jury panel hoe to be aapamoned to the conn- g pp •' `:'';r` statesmanship by the extension of the with a very bad accident. He was ty town for no other purpose, in case there Proposition. Accepting the statement Is a heaven-sent bacon to wifferers fro g; , : l working at Wm. Brown s; on the 9th should happen to be no criminal business, which had been made that 11,500,000 heart diaesse. No !natter of how to '';'.' preferential trade policy, which form- con., and wse engaged in taking tar - g than the trial of that orae, whish might bushels of corp came into Canada in standing it will effect a radios] once. Do "" ed a leading feature of Mr Fieldin 's nips out of a pit, when the frozen s(de the last six months of the last financial postpone treatment if g of the it caved in on him, breaking have been equally as well and mash more p p yen 'suspect hes p R year and had displaced an a uKl weakness of an sort. This cast same r recent budget. They pointed out that one of hie lee between the thigh economloally tried Py the same Jadge in Y p q y g an its treatment of the sugar question the knee. R g the Division Court in the neighborhood amount of our coarse grains. hepoint- has been tested and proved the quicke r where the cause of action arose, and where 1 ed out that when corn, peas or oats and safest of cures. Relief in 30 minut I.r „ Canada has again led in pointing the William Richards, aged 22 years, son probably all the witnesses reside, by a jury were fed to cattle, pound for pound, in most acute cases. Eminent physicia way to a solution of the problem, as it of David Richards, Usborne, south of of five men summoned under the provisions corn was the best, and to equal the are using it in their daily practice. Exeter, died in the London hosVital on of the pivieion Court Ant. 11,500,000 bushels of corn would take i , did in the matter of the favored nation pp 18 941 Tuesday, after a brief illness, •-Deceas- The great advantages of the Division . ,176 bushels of oats. With corn 8 g A letter From the West. Ls: t eaties. The Laurier Government's ed had gone to the hospital to undergo Court system are that the trial takes place at 37¢ cents per bushel and oats at 24 __ lotto is "Deeds, Not Words," and the an operation, but died from the effects usually near where the parties and their cents, and taking these equivalent Mr John Beesley, of Moosejaw, former i; vigor and boldness with which It has °f inflammation before the operation witnesses reside, ani that the one who is quantities of corn and oats, the gaiu to of Clinton, writes under date of March 2 was attemp ed. beaten does not inn the risk of ruin for the farther in buy4ng corn and selling as lol,owe:-"I agree with Mr foster th taken the lead since its formation in Messrs. Stewart & Abbott, who have costs. With some amendrnente, inolnding oats would be $1,440,882. "That," he there are better farming districts than t •, been corrin on a produce business in increased nriediction it would satisfy all adds Is the way I want to see the Moose Jaw but you will find driLwbaokfj waking the policy of preferential trade g P j y , 1t ' Exeter for some time, disposed of the the needs of the. community in the way of Cana fan farmers ruined all the tithe the whole of chem;' we have same her .1 rwithin the empire practicable, has won same last week to W. H. Levet], who inferior civil courts. when they can get such money put in poise serious; the small rainfall, absen the admiration of the press and states- carries on a similar business serosa the In England they have only the high to their pockets." the reduction Of of timber, unless we go forty or fifty„mile ,.,,•_ street. Mr. Stewart, who lately pur- Courts and the Count Courts the latter duty and easing of the customs rulings and good water is hard to get; I have ole a men of the mother country and done Y g chased half interest in the Rollins & with local sittings and corresponding in on agricultural implements was also come this by digging a well at the end mole to promote the commercial fed- William's' mill, will embark in that other respects approximately to our Divie- commended as a benefit to the farm- the pond, and allowing the water to flit line while Mr. Abbott has not et de- ion Courts. Indeed for the whole of Eng- , ilig community. A great deal of con elation of the empire than all the ar- y g through gravel and charcoal; in spite of a t tided what he will engage in, land they have fewer County Court Judges fidence, he said, had been inspired in the people are prospering, and will comps gumenta and theoretical efforts of the The to -be postmaster of Exeter, Mr than we have in Ontario, with our compar- the minds of farmers and manufac. favorably with the same class in ally oth promoters of the movement for the E. Christie is one of the oldest real- ativel small population. ars b the tariff adopted last session. ;` y p p part of 'Manitoba or the North-west. r” previous tenor fltteen -years.---Tf the dents of Exeter, a staunch Reformer Mr McMillan stated to the House that have some advantages that cannot be h , ''`"• •' -- and a genial fellow; he has held a seat be had been told by a Conservative farther east in Manitoba, such as hors' !mother country and the colonies fol- at the council board, and always takes Prosperous Canada that he should put a question- oil the living out all winter; 1 tura raise hors low the lead set by the Dominion, as an interesffi>im abbe matters. He has — paper asking the Government if they cheaper than the farmers in Clinton ca P (Montreal Witness) were going to abolish or remodel the raise cattle; I have them now three year f �+ they appear disposed to do, trade with- received many congrat�tlationa since Canada's prosperity ia, as Bir Wilfrid Senate, so as to make it sea onsible to - - his recommendation. Thea appointment P old, that have never' -been in the stab) ru the empire will be stimulated and has not yet been confirmed. by the de- Laurier once to leas happy times pleasant- the people of Canitda. Ali irr-espon,. There is no discount on the -quality of th the imperial spirit encouraged to an artment, ' bt.t Mr Christie feels confl- ly predicted it would be 'under Liberal arble body ruling` �n a democratic ]anti; it is the vary best, and with fair) ant. rula, visible to the naked eye. Every cnun:try was an anomaly in legislation. P eaten! that could not have been look- good seasons will give good returns. Ps Thos. A. McLennan former] a well- as of .a Canadian is assailed from 'hour While he was an out-and-out. free trad- pie are a little off who want to saw at one I for under the timid, hesitating and known stone -mason of Wawanosh; has to hour almost with fresh evidence of the er, Mr McMillan said that he had ever on new land; it would simply be throwin huckstering methods of previous ad- just completed his flnai examination extraordinary progress of the country, of held that It was the duty of the Gov- awav the seed; the land mast he prepare ' ininistrations. at Trinity University, Toronto. He the advance of his own city, town or neigh• ernment in remodelling the tariff to the firat year, and sowed the second. ' ,a took from the University the degrees boyhood, of the improved condition of his make changes slowly and gradually, number here are now breaking tbefirs M. D. C. M,, and from Trinity fedi- heiRhbora if they are !radars or manufao• that industrial interest might not be year, back-settingthe second, and eowin Settling Our Differences cal College F. T,• C. Tom distill- niers ,or engaged in connection with injured. 1f the Government went on the third; this pan invariably gives goo - ra guished himself as the best stone- tally of the great indaetciea, each as for ten yeare,at the same rate as they returns,as it is as good as a summons fallow ^-; . It ie to be hoped that the announce_ ons this vicinity when he worked at that of transportation. All the statistics had been going since they came into but it is pretty slow returns, but you see i gathered and published by the govern. power the last vestige of protection we have a dr summer the sod does not rot ment from Ottawa is.true that a con- that trade, and from the reditable meats, by the Boards of Trade, by the would be buried in the dint, but it. consequentlyy it is little ase in turning • way in which he has passed Zs exam- i + ference has been arranged between the inatfons, he will, we are certain, ahs- railways, by the banks, by the insurance would be done in a manner that would back again, and if sowed the next spring British and Canadian governments tinguish himself as a skilled practit- companies, by the steamship companies, not injure any itrterest• has no depth of soil, and soon dries out L. inner. contain evidence of the most convincing unless plenty of rain comes to keep up th r1. and the United States, for a settle. character of the Dominion's well-being moisture; wh u the hot days of July come meat of all the outstanding differ- On Mond%y afternoon Mr Bartlett, .and progress. Canada is advancing by The Plebiscite Bill. that kind of cropis a failure. The traffic con. 4, Morris, bad his barn and con- leaps and bounds, and everything indicates -- on the C. P. R, limmense. The east train antes between the two countries. The tents destroyed by fire. About two o'- that the nest few years will be ones of un- lithe Hortse the other day Mr Craig comae in in two, three and sometimes fns •selection of Ottawa as the meetingclock while working around the barn precedented enterprise sn3 activity of the asked wheu the Plebiscite Bill w6uld p p Y sections. One day ]net week 76 coaohe his Intention was called to a blaze in most success -begetting kind. There prod- be browght in. came into Winnipeg, all bound west, most- placeof the High Commissioners is a the mamtre pile on the opposite side Co ably sever has been each a remarkable d - Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied as fu,• ly for the Klondike; it is reported that 76, ecomplitnent to Canada that will be which be. was, and in a few minutes aline in so abort a time in the business Iowa: "As soon as we dispose of the 000 have now gone through; the cera are highly appreciated. The topics to be the building was beyond salvation. failures as has been recorded by the mer- debate now in progress I see no loaded to the roofs; there ere also cars o discussed are said to be Mr Bartlett moved from Seaforth on cantile agencies during the act year. The reason why the bill alio! ss not be in- g g p Y doge, reindeer, oxen, horses, boate, etc. { `" to the Martin farm near the railway cumber of fsilnreahsa denreaeed from 874 traduced almost immediately a£ter- 1 The question of pelagic sealingand track only this spring. The barn was during the first quarter of 1897 to 423 dor- wards. Members will find it altogether the proposed revioion of the Bering a fine large one, built about four years ing the first quarter of 1898, a falling off of satisfactory and have no hesitation in Lady Gregory met t;reorge IV,shortly Bea regulations, ago; and ,contained "•two sows, some 251, or over thirty-seven per cent. The voting for it. I ata not prepated to say after his at rival in Ireland. where he . `' 2 Thi transhientent of fish in bond, pigs, some 15 tons of hay, oats, and liabilities have declined from $5,186,000 at this moment what shape the bill had gone on a royal visit after the di- eaught iii American vessels from Can- seed wheat, wagon, and other things, during the first quarter of 1897 to $2,941,- will take. The Cabinet is a amt ou f his vorce proceedings of Queen Charlotte. adian parts, • • which were totally destroyed. There 067 daring the first quarter of 1898, or by question and will carry out the views The ]rows had came of the death of first '1. ;y 3 The proper proportion of fisheries was $1,000 insurance on the building, $2,244,000 -nearly forty-five per sent. It adopted by the Liberal Convention of Nap°loon at 8t. Helena, and (he tlret e of the great• lakes. and $800 on the contents. must be remembered, too, that the reality 1811x3, word with which his Majesty was 4 The enforcement of the Alien La- A fire which threatened to destroy la even better than the showing, for the Sir Uharlea Tupper asked it the gov- greet s were: "Sire, your enemy is ,bor Late. number of traders and manufacturers has ernment proposed in submitting this dead l' "Indeed," answered the mon- „ the western part of the village of Cre- g arch, mach interested. 'whet) did site 5 ss'applrocist r trade without an diton, occurred Wednesday evening,greatly increased during the year, so the questfon.td the people fortheir decision Ti:nt3eessafilybdoistnrbing any existing in but which, owing to the strenuous oproportion of those who failed to those eon- to accoiiopany it by a declaration that die , .xlustry on th sides of the boundary, forts of the citizens, was extinguished tuallpin boniness as nomgared with 1897 if the public expresses themselves in a B`Witiisportatioh of troops, only after the burning of several -build- in even smaller than Is shown. As the clearand unmisdatkeable manner in fav- ,'' i '.;`- Ings. A servant girl at the Metbodist bank returns show, too, the amount of of of prohibition the Government e , , • The byelection to the house of Uom• par-sonage had cleaned up the retrains money need in business is far greater now would be prepared to give effect to that of burnt refuse, and dumped it on the than it was at the same time last year, so decision. , I ; L. lmong In West Prince Pritice Edward that the amount of the liabilities to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier -I hope m Hon. -e rit li i manure pile. Shortly afterwards the P y Ytllitnil �?V`ednesday, resulted in the re- manure took fire, then the stable, and aar.oant actually embarked in boainees is friend will be the first, whenever the Made aA&lderlt,Maiutafns the oonfldenee I turn of the Liboi,41 etididate 6 a ma- the wind bein strung, the fire was also much smaller proportionately, nom- will of the people is lax ressed, to abide of the people in Hood's 8arsa arilla. If a y P carried to the house, which, together Pared with last year than is indicated by by it., and so will the Government. medi6ineonresYOUwhenefck'; If It makes jidrity of over three 'hundred. This wi .h the stable, was burned to the the record. The United States statistics There was a Government caucus on wottddrfhl oure6 eVerywhere,then.beyond i - „ does not seem to ibiliclate any decline ground. The kitchen of Mr Clarke's indicate an Improvement there also, but Friday torenoon. It wits galled to dib- W onaidri th t dnedioirle is th6 strength of the govettini-ebt, house was also destroyed. Everything not at all to the earlier degree, the number cues the plehiscite bill. The°overp*helm- ' ,,f d . !P, pmessm merit. In tbe.general election iii June, 1896, belonging to Rev Mr Yelland was sav- of failures showing a decline of rix per Ing oppinion was that the question• Uf °''' 1°e- - I L l , ed from the two buildings. cent only and the amount of liabilities a probibition should be submitted' to the ko ''ti`' "West kirince elected the Conservative _ _ decline of thirty-three per cent, ae com- people disassociated from all other pub- I , e oAndidate by a majority of 45. This CATZRUH 6AN BE UIIRED pared with last year. tic questions, such as direct taxation lecfion was voided, and in the ensu- Dr, Henry G. Carroll, M.P., Hamourasks, and the like. In other words, 'the p year Mr Reciprocity Matters to be Talk- mere question ae to whether the vo.er That is just the troth about Rood's 8sr- it`i contest in April of last (sue„ is one of Fifty Membars of Par- is favor or not of prohibition will be � ' ed Over. paltarllla. We know it possesses merit f. Verry, the Liberal candidate, was liamenti Who Have successfully placed on the ballot paper. This will J p. Used and endorsed Dr A new a Y Toronto World. give @ beoanes It cures, *not once or twice or •a elected li' about a hundred* majority. , g• general and as for t e the Wen- ,. q "- sties people, and as for the liquor men, hundred times, but in thousands and Mfr Perry's death left the seat vacant, Catarrhal Powder. The Prime Minister was at his office the will no doubt take ever o or- tboussnds ni cases, Vve know it onres, Qledfcal etiquette an Monday, and al tended a meeting of tttnity of placing the toss of revenue- absolutely, Permanen�t,yy,'' wben all others &btu the new Liberal candidate has quette and caaservatism the Cabinet that. afternoon. The nee- fail to do any good whetigver. We repeat ` 1bEen elected b an increased majority, makes members of the profession shy in q which will be about $800,280,W) -that ..y 1 y bearing testimony to the efficacy of a pro- tion of reciprocity negotiations with will result should prohibitionists carry the United States Governfnent has • �,'1'1��u01:YnleZ7onservativ@ rd.n each time, prietory medicine, Medicines that the � carry the vote, before the pec.•ple. doctors do endorse you may bo earn are !leen under discussion at several meet- While the Government did not give STIVOING SHIN"MSEAt4E8 good. Dr Henry G. Carroll M, P; of Ra. in(;a recently, end in a foo days Par- olttofilciall whattht. liarnent will he informed as to the pro- y 'Ytntend@d doing, mournaka, Quo., tells over his own signs- there is no doubt but the opinion of H'0"0'­ * d 0 1 8litivec j1y oito applio 'Qn of Dr. Ag• tore of the good qualities of Dr Agnow'sr@ss which has been made. After the crtueua spill previtil. The bill will be in- zoti a01titirtetit in 10flries 'fin. It radical- Catarrhal Pawcier, not alone from arson apparent, fa(4�lure of the Informal dis- teadneed at on ly oufas. tdttelt" Balt rheum; 0ozams. no trait, but as s medical mss, Upwards of cuasic)ns wit.11 General Foster, a few once. 68t -fn �' � p"Weil l ease `f61) l6bg'standing to bathe it on a falx' fifty members of Parliament, wbo ltnvo months ago. to reach a. hams on which To Care a Cold In a to conduct more formal tie otihtiona t One lyfl;p. i thoboet fhfAattheOneTrueWorldPurifer. "f'.• 4t4r<i,_ . tl bafiies' soatd hemi, amnion at eufforecl from catarrh, have used !hitt rued!• inti -i 9 ith mit , e ' Tdko axativo Bromo uinhto T b' t - tpetilff) �I t i av our; a ear, [IGC, i !less drifted olalr ftl1 several cake �, a o s. al b' f `so 0 tl♦tWirth.airottetp. ' I)Cu 1a&tofundtlf f.• eUtdpuct[92A' fust! la l0 'wf th�out Anything :be1bg 40,001npiishedr g$ o lubn0y It tt fair to buro,7oo 1lei) , il•$ billottalifratl. r 0 449 14 1 t. , ,. ab- ate , Oats Wanted ow, ore, IN EXCH %NNE hey 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats Tor- 18 lbs- choice Family Flour for I bush Oat ti ar- ch. Igh Oats taken in excliange for Groceries I These are our re but we don't knoweh w Ion eent rate re, sec- they will continue, lie. 0. OLSON,i ntal - Clinton 0111 re - IT PAYS TO nd- cir- ` 1✓ le en t w' cep; ich Are You Aware of the Fact tha the TheCanada Business Colleg W( sen CHATHAM, ONT. nds nth Is doing more for its ppupils than any othe iv- Business College in the Dominion. dol. ,, pupils were p'aot d in two months Sr dents from all quarters are flocking to thi on worthy business school. ear Besides a large attendance from Chatham he there are already this year 'J3 pupils registers from outside pp,iute, 60 01r them from point in- nearer to at or business Colleges than t Choi Chatham. act We presume these people invedtiggated th meritie that nothing but different best would'sartisfy thede m of hence, they are here. nl- Write for catalogue of other departments an ter a list of the 43 pupils placed in two months. '11y D, McLACHLAN ,& Co,Chatham Ip m- an, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET ry ar _ he FOR SALE. d The undersigned will sell at a seer! one, Lot 46 01`12, Bailway Terrace Clinton• articular Upon application, JAMEh SCOTT, Ba ter A RT m ., FOR SALE. ng Factory and Contents ort the pproperty of D. Don Buchanan for 0125; by paying $15 down and rt balance at ttt0 a month. Buil Ing to be re. d 9 moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. at es HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE no The one-story frame house on Townsend St at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owner{ by Nre Duncan, is offered for sale on:reasonable terms, It contains, five rralooms, stone cellar, tog good repair, Apply uarteracre lot, tto WM1COO ER,tion of vbulid n rid lv or, Clinton 4, at he HUITSE AND LOT FOR SALE I e, The undersigned offers for sale that two story ce Brick Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm, s RatWnburyy. Thera is in connection one acre r- in lots tosuiit purchas rbaepplppdI toone pisco or of W-W•FARRANorJ.RAAMBURY, Clinton Rite it NEW HOUSF, FOR, SALE. ra er Subs,r•ber offers for sale her handsome new We h01180 on Wellington Street, containing four ad rooms upstairs auo three down, with stone 091• lar; the lot is one-eighth of an acre. good water; es a summer kitchen and soft water cistern now os under contract. :Proptrty will be sold on rea- p eonable terms. MRs. MOGRIDGE, Clinton, rs COTTAGE AND . LOT FOR . a SALE. y The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot. Pea tape of four rooms, witb kitchen and woodshed e attached. Contra ly sltua ed. Good water and e drainage. Will besold cheap. A'y to d Clinton Dec. 10th W Cr, SLAHLE. A t CHOIt;