HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-22, Page 1M r 1� CLINTQN NEw ERA is the best advertising medium. in West Buren, and gives more home news every week than any other paper in the county r.. --rr a"-' tn/'e , . T '' 'fi. Watch Store. Every an- I MINTON iN.- i. >r watches is guarjust as represented, . EV ?Ifje.aell.so that we become your . I I a .. � .1 I- .1D1V19,T.M1- '-,Ytatoh store ever afterwards. _�� A CLOS ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., APRIL 22, 1898 ' $1 a year in advance 111.60 when not so paid tl must be move lean a time keep- er. It must. combine beauty and attractiveness with agour- A R,i�vND THE HTTB. Goderich Township ( Additional Loca OWS• 1, 1 COURT CLINTON, NO. 470, I. U. F.— soy, We have not a clock but what wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication CONTRACT.—Mr J. G. Steep has let The death claim of David Gardner, a Mmes well. Tastes will differ, the contract for enlarging hie barns to The Guardian,o last week, member of this Court, was forwarded so do rices, and we can fit all Mullett. Auburn Mr D. Connell, Clinton. says: The sono:il meeting of the Can- , to Su reme Courton Saturday, the 16th, conditions of buyer's limits. ILL.—Mr A. T. McDonald, the ver J. NICHOLSON. manufacturer of and dealer adian Press Association, which was and cheque for 01000 in favor of his wid- y in ht and Heavy Harness, (a speotalty, FINAL.—Complete returns give Mr held last week, was, without doubt,the ow was returned on Wednesday, 20th popular ex -reeve of this township, has w valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes an Stirlingg, the newly elected trustee for most successful in its hislor ,and it is a JEWELLERY been seriously ill with pneumonia and H Crimmingr3. . S. S. No, 8, a a+ajority of nineteen. great satisfaction to know that West- lost, TMa speaks well for the Inde - his many friends will be glad to know CHQRca NoTEs.—Rev. Mr Andrews, ern Ontario Provincial ournaliem was pendent Order df Fotestere in being so reflects fashions gayest moods, he is on the fairwa of recover NoTEs.—Mr James Beacom, sr., of j prompt in their payment of clWine. coupled witb the most modern y y Holmesville, gave an excellent sermon the Bayfield line, is at present poorly. Paid a tribute to by the unanimous el- , oreatione and artistic effects. IMPROVING}.— Wm. Townsend, old- on Sunday morning last from the text E. Elliott, of Philadelphia, is visiting option to the residency of Robert GOING WEST.—Tames Steep expects You find here everything for set sou of E. Tgwnsend, who had the , Thy word is law, Psa. 19;7. Miss D. h.is parents. Many are taking silvan- Holmes, of the Clinton NEW ERA. to leave next week for Indian Head every 000aeion, Not expensive mibfortttne to cut his tout Over a month Erratt took the topic on Tuesday ev- tags of t.he` splendid fishing in the ART WORK.—Tho ladies have am- N. W. T., accompanied by his son, iii but nine, ago, is still unable to use it but his ening last at the Epworth League; sub- I Bayfield river at present. A goodly plc opportunity of learning the latest which vicinity he expects to put in the . 11many friends will be glad to hear he is pct, "The keeping power of God." Mr number In this section attended the method" of doing fano needlework, summer. He takes with him several Showing goods is a pleasure. recovering, though very slowly, as he Higley gave an interestine sermon II Brucefleld horse show last Wednes- as Miss Arnoldi has been ivin ■lessoncarloads of waggons, implements and I is still unable tq put his foot to the from JJohn 20:29, last Sundav evening, 1 day, John Woon sold a 1• ear -old colt in the Council Chamber for nearly two other hardwood supplies. Jim says TzF, A STRING To YOUR owF, " When you part with it for spectac- les. In other words buy where yon are sure of either eatigaotion or your money back again. In oth. er words still, buy from no. W e allow you 'to take no risks.. `It the doe't satisfy we don't want your money and you can have it back again. Your confidence and con• tinual trade is what we are atter and is what we expect to gain by doing business with you on each a basis. For $1 we will give you a pair of spedtaolea—good louses— substantial frame— fitted properly, and if you are not satisfied and we fail to satisfy you, return the speo. taoles and get your dollar back. ALLEN & WILSON Graduate Druggists & Opticians, Clinton. A al -year-old p -a �. B. Crews vrCOUNCIL. —Hullett council met in A PROGRESSIVE I+'ARMER. —One of to J. Elliott- for about $50. Mrs Ben, weeks, and Miss Grant, rept esentin that when the apple season conics 11.^{ the many ptogtessive and enterprising Switzer was severely shaken upon ac- the Ottawa Art School, is giving sinrt, along he will be around again, ready Another, Fire. Jeweler &Export Hill's hall on April 16th pursuant to I farmers in this portion of Huron is Mr count of a fall during house cleaning. lar instruction in the $.rte Clarendon to secure his abate of the fruit business. -- Watch Repairer adjournment. Members all present W. D. Wilson who cultivates 140 acres Franli Trick is slow] impt•oviug from parlor. The result of this ins be that DOAN'S TANNERY COMPLETEL ES- COmmnnfl'atiOne Prom Wm. COata. slowly y HOUSE OF REFUGE NOTES.—Mrs TROYED. I of land adjacent to the village. He his sickness. rhos. Triev lately called thein will be such a profusion of besot - __ secretary Municipal Clerks Associa- manufactures butter and cheese of a on two sisters of Mrs R. Marshall in iful needle work at the fall fairs that Carroll, Exeter, died at the house on tion, asking council to defray the ex- {superior quality, for which he finds a England. extra judges will have to ba provided. Wednesday; thin is the 2latdeathaince About one dcleck Wednesday morn- penses of clerk, while attending the ready, mat ket; indeed his reputation p the opening of the institution.; her hos- Ing Dean's Tannery, situated on Mary . • I association meeting in June, was read for producing an excellent article is so ERRONEOUS RHYME—There appeared .NEEDING, ETC.—This week will see band is an inmate also. Deceased Street, was discovered to be on fire, ; Tl#tkersmith and the request granted. Byy.4�aw was well established that there is always a I in Holmesville news a few weeks ago nearly all apt tits seeding done; the was a perfect lady, well liked b all and the flames had already gained con- DEATH,—A nun man of this town- aesed for appointing pathrltasters, 3' a little rhyme which was absolutely weather has been particularly favor- the lntuat.es, and came from a well -to- siderable headway. The wind was t young demandforhisdairyproduce. Hefeeds incorrect y' ship, named Carnochan, died last enceviewers and poundkeepers. The all the grain he raises, and in addition in , below we give a copy of it, able, the land has worked splendidly, do English family, but reverse$ over- blowing a perfect hurricaneecarryfng fenceviewers for the current year are so the correct version of it. and the season is two weeks earlier took them. Rev Mr Pocock conducted burning shingles northward in a most vpeek m Colorado, of consumption. He y Hees about 300 bushels of corn thus fat- than usual. The rain of this week religious services on Sunday, being threatening manner. The engine was vv%s only 18 ears of age; the remains Wm. Shi le A. McDermid, T. Car, Holmesville version— , y toning 70 or 80 hogs annually. He not. followed b .ere interred in Maitland cemetery on belt, sr., Carter, J. Fowler, G. Wat only believes that there is money to be Let do s delight to bark and fight, y warm weather, will be the first held since the scarlet fever out in a few moments, and a line of r ' � H. Allen, J. Govier and H. Farrow. And baron boyo to holler; just what was wanted. There is no case ocenrred• hose laid from the market, but as sono ,, '"day. Poundkeepers, J. Fowler, J. Reynolds, made in farming, but realizes that lab The little gray horse at the corner took fright doubt that the recent cold snap has STREET WORK.—The streets of town as water was turned on, a length of " +i'° DEATa.—We are sorry to record this d, E. Ta for G. Collison, J. Govier or and feed, well invested, bring good Joe" lost his Stirling dollar. had its erect on the fail wheat. Thi$ W@ek the death of Mrs Thos. Fowler y returns. Correct version— are this year in a better condition hose burst, neceeaitating ;a delay that and T. Hill. 5"ilta changes were made is only true. however, of fields where seewed loo er than it real) was to re- "who used to reside in this neighbor- g Let do $s delight to bark and fight than they ever were before at this g. y ,; g in the road divisions lot 7, con. 4, and PERSONAL.— Misses Carrie and Eliza the soil is clay or undrained. In en- lace it. Seeing that there was no os- I.;, :,00a g P lots 7 and $, pun. 6, wets put in. Div. Shettlpr, of Dashwood, are the nests And Holmesville boys to holler; g time of the year, and the intention is P, g p I .;, ' hpoti. She had to under o an opera. p g "Joe's"chances were never in his life so bright oral the outlooit is still'very very hopeful, to keep them good as far as the Street atbility of saving the tannery, an effort ;, - , tion Leet week far the removal of a 171 instead of Div. 17. The clerk was of Mr M. Holtzeaur. Mr 0. Hoare and He'll win his "Stirling" dollar. and if even present prospects are real- Committee are able. Ins actor Wheat was made to save a lot of green hides, . +,�`"; :•cancer from her stomach, and, unfor instructed to notify the council of wife, Clinton, were visiting his broth- THE SICK. — Mrs Lindsa has re- ized the yield will be satisfactory, le will start the,grader c work this several hundred of which were stored :-ti nately, she wag unable to stand it,- Morris that in future and pursuant to er, John, last week. Mr .A3ve Mole turned home from a visit y to her CRICKET OLUB.—The annual meet- week, Mary St. being the first scene of in a frame building adjoining the tan- ?, and she died on Sunday night, The statute in that behalf it will be expect- has just returned from St. Thomas, net ,, funeral took lace on Tuesday at 2 p parents in Goderich; her friends Ing of the Clinton ( ricket Club was operations. The committee have made Y+ a number were saved but it Boon P y ed to perform an equal share of statute where he has been working, and is and neighbors wish her speedy restora- held at the Hotel Clarendon on FridayC. H. Carter foreman of the "street got too hot to keep at this work,.and °`"-, -mv at their home on the Huron Road. labor with Hallett in maintaining and looking for a situation. Mr Edgar tion to health. M s. Blair, who re- evening, when the following officergang" for the seasou. Repairs have it had to be abandoned. ,, ?;- 'Sbe leaves a husband and three child- improving the boundary line between Rowed spent his Easter holidays at hie ceived an injury if the fall b In the meantime a lar wQn to mourn her loss. The have the home in London. Mr J.Mole has trail- l y y fall- were elected for the current year:— ern made to sidewalks where needed, large piece of Bre y Hullett and Morris. Council adjourn- fn from a buildin is at res- Hon. Pres., G. D. McTa art; Hoo. and onl where it is absolute] neces- had lodged beneath the cornice of Wal - ,sympathy of the community in their ed until May 7th at 10 a.m. 1 ed horses; ha now has a goer. Mr A.T. g ff' P gg y y ter Oore'a house a block aura . 1lereavement. y g ant suffering from spinal disorders.— Vice, R. Ransford; Pres., T. Jackson sary will new walks be put down. y, and be- McDonald is laid up with a severe at.- Mrs Wm. $lair hue been confined to r.; Vice, Latrk Kennedy; Sea Tress., fore it was observed, the fire had made ? � �'` L.1�TOTEs.—Man of the farmers have tack of inflammation of the lungs. D. HAD TO RETURN.—Rev. W.W. Baer, LL NOTES.—Many Bayfleld g • bed with influenza. Misa Lindaa who . R. Hodgens; Executive Com,—J. ire way under the roof. It burned � =, aYlirost wound u their s 'elle but C .ttle, Goderich,s ent Sunda evening y' who is interested in a profitable patent, most viciously, an g P NOTES. — Quarter] service will h- p y lI has spinal +iisease, is ftuproving nicely. McMurchie, -N. Fair.. A. McGarva;y, d although a stream ` thus cold, wet weather wil binder ire y iu town. Misses U. Lawson and B. lI which he has sold to New York capital �': held at Bayfield Methodistchurch Sab- Mr J. Clark, let con., elf I lingers with Match Com.—L. Kennel R. A new. of water was quickly turned on it, the Y serol rasa for a while. The eo le of y Farrow spent Sunda fn Goderich. — y+ g ista, loft here a few days, ago for . P P bath morning, Map let, at 10.30 a, m.— y liver complaint, he is not expected to G. W. Barge; Subscription Com.—A.. roof was destroyed and much damage w Lliis vicin or will fled a letter from Mr ba Rus$, morning, May hue $number — Mr J. Young shipped a car load of roll- recover. McGarva, F. Jackson F. W. Terry, A, city, for the purpose of superintending done before it could be extinguished; • .i ;Jqk, Watters in tits a er this week era last week; Mt Mitchell Win ham, ' the manufacture of the article in nea- p P men fixin the harbor; he is a coin et- g LEOTunE.—Rev. Mr Mill aril Armstrong. The Treasurers report tion it required hard work to get the fire on'. another page, which will probably' ant man and should make a permanent inspected them. Mr Jacob Elsley, of y Clin- for the vearehowed:—R.ecei to $299 24 + arrangements to to this effect• av- tinder control, but had it not been " be of interest to them. A few from p Colborne, visited under the $rental ton, gave a very brilliant lecture, in P Ing been made some time ago, When job. Several new buildings are to be pp Coles church on "Labor" last Thais- Expenditures, %9.98 leaving a deficit checked at this point. there is n'o tell- rl'ureer s Church were at the Local roof last Monday. Mr J. iiickingbot- + ' $ g he got to that city, however, he found iii how Par it wool have o ` `Union on Monde evening; the sub- put up here thio summer; in several in- provin ; Earnie ie able to be day evening: The lecturer was in good of .40.74. As a large amount was that in the present unsettled condition gone. ' Monday g+ stances the material is on the ground tom is im g g spent upon the round last season it, is p u this building was surrounded by frame + y'ecte were very well handled. The for their erection. Mr Miller Clinton around again. Yrs S. Scott is improv- form, his voice was excellent and mel- p of affairs, owing to thewar excitement, remises on eve hand. Mr Core sav- ' P odious. the limited company resent now in good condition, and the expen• the ca ttalfsta would not proceed with P 1. eague meeting on Sunday evening has leased the River Houae;he purposes ing slowly. Mr Tichbourne and slater, ver much enjoyed his elo went and ses of the Club will be very much light- rheic p cement, and he- as compelled ed his household effects, but iii a dam - was not as good as expected, owing to p p of Goderich, Sundayed at M. B. Lock- y y q er this year, and the members hoc p aged condition. He desires to express Y'r g P g to entertain summer visitors. %r Jae. hart's. instructive adliress. He will alway9 y to return here, where he expects to re- his gratitude to all who rendered asais- } ':the weather not being favorable; Mr young has moved to the old reading he welcome here. We beapeakfor him with the usual generous support of the main until matters are more settled on g >A. T..(7ooper could not get down to room, and hag opened with a tine stock OBITIIARY.—At Auburn,Wednesday+ rapid advancementie rho ministry and citizens, to be able to pay the amount the other side. lance in saving the property; 4 ,address it, but itis hoped that the next of boots and shoes; he is kept very April 6th, at 12.35 p.m.,isabell, beloved carried over from last season and end Several other -houses were in danger. ' 11 .CirYie kte will be able to come. Mr E. the esteem soil good -will of Methodism R. R. NOTES.—A cod deal of inwArd a busy repairing. Mr James Young wife of C. Washington,thus early in life, and Christianit . He is r e oasessin the year free from debt. t; p rticularly those of Jarriea Sheppard -Vali is improving slowly but it is hoped reached on the Hensall circuit on Sun- wa•s called to leave this world of sin and pre -possessing g freight has been received during the and James A. Ford, and iG was only by "a fhAthe will soon recover completely. in appearance, as a magnificent phy- ST, GEORGE'S WARD.—We under- past week; so much was brought u careful watching that others were not P Y• ay, for the junior minister wl?o is ati- strife, and entered into rest, she being sigtte and a good delivery, g p , r ebb teachers have again begun their tending the examinatiod• in London.— early led in connection with the Meth- stand that at the next meeting of the the Lt H. & B., onJaturday. that Con- allowed to take fire. The posts holding • 44, 'Work after the Easter vacation. The Mies Addie Rathwell,of the front road, odist church, and she found the benefit DEATH: OF MRS CLUFF.—On Sunday council, Mr Todd, representative of St. ductor Ireland was six hours behind the guy wires of 'the Electric Light "" ,',�ltoitsehold furniture belonging to the renders most efficient services as organ- of this when "earth's joys began to evening, Mrs Clufi, relict of the late Georges ward, will personally tender time. Jae. Hearn Shipped a load of smokestack being burned, the strong ;.estate of the,] late Robt. Nott will be ist of the Methodist church. The ladies fade." The instruction so received was Robert Cluff, of the . Bayfield line, .his resignation; he having removed its cattle to Toronto Wednesday. Thos. wind blew nearly theentire stack c ver; sold'hy auction, without reserve, at mise Mr Arthur Mitchell very much,so largely instrumental in guiding her p$seed away to her eternal home; she acceptance will only be a matter of McLean shipped 160 loads of cattle the roof of the Electric Light building I :Nrr7 ;:',tile home of his son, Robt. Nott, on does his employer, T. A. Edwards.— feet into the path peace; wearisome 6+td been in declining health for some form. A new election will be necessary from Lucknow station dw•inglast year. was also damaged by the fire. ;,`!'huri;day, April 28. Dick Peck made a flying visit to Lon- days and nights were appointed her, time and her death was not unexpect- to fill the vacancy thus created, but if A. J. Taylor, of the C. M. and St. Paul Doan &Son had a lot of finished ' _ don; he ranks high with the fair sex. during which time she had every op- ed.She nil its born in Enniskillen, Ire- it be possible to select a substitute R. R„ was in town this week. James leather on baud, all Of which, together ile, Rev, Mr McDonald, Varna, exchan ed portunity for thought and reflection, + with her late husband emi- without a contest it should he done. Fair is making a shipment of 1500 sacks with the machinery, was burned. Their ', " s p❑1 its nor did she fail to improve rated to Canada in 1841 P " ., . - Las `edtles-dap, about 3 p with Rev. Mr Graham on un- prove it, for upon g , after a short There are not many persons living in of flour to Glasgow. D. McQnaig, of insurance was 81350 on building, $700 yp" re destroyed the dwelling house day, -- the question being put as to her spirit- residence in the east they came west- the ward desirous of municipal honors, Lucknow, is shipping nine cars of ship on machinery, and $1200 on stock, the of Mr Jos. Thompson, Ver little was SCxooL MATTERs.—The trustees oY ual state should the disease prove fattal, ward, and settled on :be farm in this or are willing to give the time that timber from het e. Furreater 8c Smal►a- companies fnt8rested befog the Gure, 11 g =saved from the fire; all thelyC clothing, the public school have opened up a bar answer was"I love Jesus and know township which has ever since been may be necessary for the performance combe are making extensive shipments Economical and Waterloo. Mr Core's • vihfch was tip -stairs, was burned. The third department, and employed Miss that Jesus loves me." So gentle was her home, making a residence cf near- of the duties. W. C. hectic is the old- of grain. insurance was 8450 on house $100 on p, McCaughan, o the passage from life to death that the Iy M Yeats bere. During all this time, est person of municipal experience i e- 'contents, and $50 on the stable—in the y ,ire is supposed to have originated g f Goderich, to look after P g DOHERTY FACTORY NOTES. — The 'from a spark from the chimney catch- and especially in the earlier years of siding In the ward, and is available; Waterloo. the smaller children of the town. The exact m ament could scarce be told. R masons have the brick work nearly r teacbin staff is made up of G. W. The reality of the change in her case settlement, her home was one Of en- then there are W. Robb, W,Cautelon• finished to.the first story on both build- NoTEs,—Mr •Tedford rendered good „Ing the shingle's on the roof, g erons .hos italit an Holman, ,principal-, J. W. Whiddon was very marked,there was a con�plote . P p d s.he. made last P. Cant.elon,.J..C..Ste.ve,tison,.A.Ewing, ings, and would have $been well for- service- with a, portable fire engine:-- --- UHURca1.. Owing to the inclemency and Miss cilcCaughan, first and second deliverance from the fear of death. ing friends far and wide. Her late and possibly others who are capable ward had not the rain interfered this Persons residing only one block south `,• , Of the weather there was no meetin assistants, respectively. The follow- Death had lost its sting; instead of husband died in 1880, leaving three men, but the selection should be unan- week. . The water will be supplied to of the fire, knew nothing of it till next ". ',Af the Epworth Eeague. Mrs S. J ins shows the percentage obtained by trembling at the approach of the last sons, John, who still resides on the inions so as not to put the town to any the Factory from rho pond, bypggrarita- morning, hearing neither bell nor en - Pentland, of Dungannon, supplied for the pupils of the senior department of enemy, she rejoiced. It head never farm; R. J. Cluff. of Clinton, soil Rev cost. Perhaps some of the business tion, through ten inch tile. A steam gine, owing to the wind. Mr Doan lost "Rev. Mr Millyard last Sabbath; next y been our revile a before to witness W. T. Cluff, of Thnrndale. She wag men in the ward, but who do not hap- pump, "for fire protection, which will a lot of good tanbark, also,=llfo�v t.t1e .1 our school as ascertained b written privilege {- , sabbath Mr T. R. Courtiee will preach examinations:—Primary Class—Anna stick triumph in view of death, and for many years a' zealous. member of pen to reside there: are willing to share throwover500gallonsaminute,has been fire started is not known, persons pass- ,- In the a ening. The subject for the 1 Whiddon 8i, Alex, McLeod 711, Jno. R, hence ;greatly $tree thenad our own the Church of England, The remains mnnicipai responsibility. in that way short] before it broke g ordered. If the weather allows prompt g y y League meeting on April 26th will be Cameron 73, Maggie Galbraith 72, An= faith iri.the sufficiency of God's grace were interred in the Bayfield come- A PRETTY APRIL WEDDING. P g, it le antici- out, not seein anything ;if it.—The i. es' "Things worth living for;" Mr James in the trying tery on Tuesday, the unpleasant wen- com lotion of the buildin nie Galbraith 65. P.S.L. class—Percy ying hour. Thus the Gospel the following, from the Galt Re paled that the machinery will all be in building burned was one of the oldest 9 Irvin to appointed to take the subject, parker tib. Edith Falconer 67, Maud delivers thein, who throw h fear of ther not preventing a large number g' position b the 1st of Juae. The firm in town.—We have not learned, Mr .. g from showing their respect to her porter, refers to well known and pope- P y , ;. 1•iOTEs.—House-cleaning and seeding Pollock 60, Ruby, Whiddon 58, Nora death were all their lifetime subject to g p lar Cr, ref rs toil a former employee ee gave an order the other day for over ,Roan s intention as to rebuilding —If 1. pave -been the order of the day, brit Cleave 53, Willie Ross 53. Sr. 4th—C. bondage, the feeling of ger heart was memory. ' ` P v three thousand feet of belting to run it had not rained on Monday, and tbus bwin to the. cold weather, w�--presume, +,. g — of the Clinton NEw ERA office:— g ' g Ferguson 76, R. Baffle 73, A. Ronett I£. all the world my Saviour knew, A very ratty -house wedding was .various machines. dampened the roofs of buildings, it t ,'Ct will stop these operation ��VIrs G. 6911 , L. Martin 8U, E. Wyatann 57, J. Gal• than all the world would love him too." would have been absolutely imposeib!e Molmesvilie celebrate this afternoon at 4 o'clock THE GLEANER AND h O. G. T. PER- ;'Oassady. of Byron, (near L� in) and braith 52.' Jr. 4t.h—E. Du ee 75, F. She was the third daughter of Mr Jas. to have prevented a score or more pp LECTURE POSTPONED.—The-lecture at the resiience of the hrid`e s brother. SONALS.—Tbe Good Templars expect buildin daughter are visiting the Lai tather, Fowlie 73, W. Holman 61, J. Cameron Symington, of Colborne, Ad some 8 „ in-law, Mr Wesle Fletcher dings being burned. on "Ireland and the Irish b Rev W. y , East to have a good time in their comfor- MrJohn Hetherington. Mr and Mrs 68, W. Whiddon 65, N. Martin 49, B. months ago was brought home to her McDonagh, which was to Have been Main street, when Mise Eva Croll was table lodgegioorn to night; that point- Don't fur et that Clinton will cele- ,7as. Carter and family, of Auburn, Rosa 46, F. Morgan 44, L. Erwin 44, C. father's to see if the change would delivered on Wednesday, has been united in the bonds of matrimony to cal paper, "The Gleaner," will be read g visited in our village on Sunday. Miss Erwin 41, This class wrote on the rove beneficial, but all proved fatal. y+ brace the 24th o£ May in grand style. ;; postponed until Tuesdav, May 3rd. Mr Win. Elliott, only son of Mr An- for the amusement of those present, fiadie Carter, who has been visiting at same papers as the senior class and all he leaves behind her a husband and 2 drew Elliott, "Englewood Farm." The and will doubtless contain many vale- A MIXED UP CASE.—The following, �x I. Hetherington's, returned to her have been promoted. The following children, who will miss the tender and CHuRcH.—Rev. G. W. Andrews supp- interior of the house was beautiful) able hints. An excellent musical pro- from the Sarnia Observer, refers to a llgme at Auburn on Sunday. have been promoted from the 3rd to loving caro of an affectionate mother. plied �n the Auburn circuit for Rev Mr y p ri and tastefully decorated with palms gram will also be given. Every mem- former 01intoniam—"Word was re - Jr, 4th, the ease in being 400. J. A place is vacant in her father $ home, Coazene, who is in poo$ health; his and flowers and made in every feature her make s ectal effort to be resent ceived Yr„m Port Huron this after noon Colborne McDonald 604, U. Howard 471, L.John- as she is missed by her parents, also work here was taken by T. R. Courtice � p p Snyder, in keeping with the bright. sunshiny to -night and we promise you a good to the effect that Jas. Higgins, of Sar- ACOIDENT.—The 10 year old laugh- $ton 471, F. Pollock 449, E. Morgan 429, by her sorrowing sisters, with whom in the morning, and II. Snyder, Ben- day outside. At four o'clock the bridal time. We are -'glad to see Bro. Sam nia, had been arrested in that city on J. Spencer 417, L. Ronett 4I2, M. she resided at the time of her death. miller, in the evening; we are always coin Taint of one Mrs May Ur of Thos. Pennington, of the Mait- g+ y procession was formed and to the getup back again we hope his so'ourn P y Gibb. From d. a'nd fell and broke her arm the other Walinslev 410, W. Johnston 402, M. Learn a lesson as to the uncertainty ok glad to hear the young men, and, al- strains c,f Mendelssohn's wedding in town will be permanent. We are ' information received it appears that '!` ' LPetch 401, M. Whiddon 401,•H. Marks life. A year ago our sister was a per- thqugh this Is Mr Snyder's flrst appear- mareb, played on the piano by Miss pleased to see that our Chief Templar, Higgins went to the borne of Mrs - 400, A. Galbraith 400. From Jr. 3rd to feet prcl'ure of health, now she is in her ance, we will be pleased to hear him at Mary H. McDonald, matched into the T. H. Brownlee, has fully recovered, Gibb and because that lady would not ,, Seaforth Sr. 3t d, pass 360:—I. Fowlie 444. E. grave. The floral tributes, which were any time in the future. spacious parlor, where the groom stood from the effects of his tate accident.— consent to roamy him he threatened yr•. Burnside 433, N. Ferguson 420, A. Wat- bent, were magnificent, there being I SACRED CONCERT.—The Holmesville awaitin the cumin of his bride., Coaf, - to shoot her. The police were called YOUNG SPARLING GOES TO TRIAL.— eon 420, E. Green 416, J. Howard 411 some from Hamilton also Goderich g Alt net Sparlin ,who was arrested in + ' Choral Society are making arrange= Alice Elliott and Katie KPachie, prat in and Higgins was placed under ar- t� g T. Bailey 372. Total number on the and Blyth. Our sympathy goes out to DEATH- of W. EMMERTON.—Mr W. , . ;$u tilt on Wednesday, charged with menta for their annual concert to be tily dressed in White, made the she rest. Mr Higgins says he went over roll in the senior department for the the bereaved family and friends, held On the 2tth of Ma pp Emmerton, (brother of J. EromPrton,11 r ;bt3fng connected with an alleged arson y. It will take berd's crook archway just at the•inside to replevin some jewellery from Mrs starter is 65, averave attendance 57. Farewell dear friends, ray life is past, town,) died at f he home of his father Ma ease, and who was brought back to q the forth of a sacred concert, and will of the entrance, and rat came Erma y Gibb. In the meantime an in - g You have loved me dearly to the last, b� �i � en in the Methodist church in Goderich, on Friday night last. De- s�eaforth, had a preliminary examina- Alma Grieve not for me—but doprepare b , the Green and Eva Fletcher, little nieces formation was laid by her char ing ceased was a young man of promise, g tion Friday, resulting in his bein For Heaven; be thio your greatest care. conductor, Mr G. F. Oakes, is sparing of the bride, attired in .Nile green, and Higgins with threatening 'her life. being NoTEs.—Mise Effie Garter is visitin no sins fo n►ake Ihie concert the beat carr In lar a bo nets; ]ben Nortua but a complication of ailments, for The case came up before Judge Wa , Sent'. to Goderich for trial. E. W. p y g q which apparent l there was no religf,_ g g- Iewis, of Goderich, appeared for the friends in Exeter this week. Most of ever green in the pl>tice, Look out for Green: in white over ppink scatterin y oer and defendant was dismissed on a Crowti. the farmers in this vicinity will finish 881grav® it; further announcements later on. flowers right and lefflft the patbwag notwithstanding the beat medical care, technicality. Monday evening Hig- favorg + I oY the bride who followed behi'n y, hastened his demise. $e was a mem- this week if the weather be NOTES.—Big shipment of cattle on DEATH of H. B. Evexe.—It wag a a her of the Chosen Friends, in which he gins went over to Port Huron and yvats' favorable. Avery successful plough Monday by Jos. Clegg; rices right. shock to the communit on Monde looking charming as she leaned on the re -arrested on the same charge. The p g y carried an inaorance and also a mem- ing•beetook pace at Mr McLaughlin's, Fall wheat looks prime, The pleasant to learn of the death of Mr H. B. arm of her father, Mr J. A. Oroll, of her of tl.e Oddfellows' Society, being case will corns up for hearing some You ean Huron road, on Tuesday last. Mrs T. cool weather of hast week was boom Evans, which occurred ver unex act- Clinton, who gave her away. She was burled under the auspices of Che latter time this week. The complainant is Garter sent Saturday and Sunday limo for seedin man farmers are ell on Sander evenin yy p becomingly gowned in a travellin p + the case. he says, is a daughter of Mrs p g. Y y y g. He had been g on Sunda A number of the Clinton last with her dau brei,%re J.JaSun a . well on with spring work; the rains of sufferingwith heart trouble durin costume of a fashionable shade of brethren attended the funeral the Go- Ryan, who is now fn. jail in Port Hu - Mr R. Yellow, _g g boucle cloth, with sequine trimming. inn for giPAling elothinR+. f11 of%td to take chances o[ contrrtoting s ,Exeter, spent Sunday Sunday evening and Tuesday are jest the week previous, but was able to be derfch Assertibly being out in full force. xiold•dnrfng this changeable weather, when at Alma. Mr John Jamieson recently the thin for orops. Our popular cheese around, and was en'oying a visit from The ceremony was performed by the and the presence of a large number of I tlr6 N 6din of a ver small sum of mons urehased a very flne horse from John h Rev. Dr. Iain pastor of the , P. �' � a po ” g y y maker, r Cate appan, has returned to his son-in-law, S. • Vureb, of Clinton, g p citizens testifyin to the high esteem 1 ,tflil provide you with a dressy and comfort. Mann; we have not learned the town; cheese making church, in the presence of only the g • Pride aid, r will not, how- when he expired. Deceased was for p r in which he was held. :a'ble opting Overcoat. The medium weight hck P P ever, be resumed for some weeks. It many years a resident -of the town- families of the contracting parties. L' ED colli snit qualities of the cloth from which -- is announced that Rev. Mr Allin, of ship, livingon the Huron road on the After receiving the usual congrat ula- WEST HURON LiCEN$EB.—The Li- C�L+r 4tir Opting Top Costs are made produce a Londesboro Brussels, will occupy the Methodist farm now ccupied, by G. Mair, until tions the company sat down to a sump- cense Commissioners for West Hut on, ` -- ;gt►rY- -1 khat is adapted to the weather NOTES,—Miss Cox, of Hamilton,who pulpit next Sunday evening; the edu- I he retired to this village,• He vgas a tuous bridal dejuner. The very large Messrs. Jas. Stevens, H. McQuarrie `DS v.. antylre days in the year than any other was spending the Easter holidays with cational Interests of the church will be men of more than ordrnar intelli- number of gifts received by the bride and S. Sloane. met at Inspector Pais - ,.1. garment. her sister, Mrs (Rev) J. A. Hamilton, presented. The quarterly Sacrament• gence, being unusually well versed on were pretty, useful and costly, and ley's office here on Thursday, for the returned home on Monde Miss L. al service of the Bel rave circti t will all questions and was able to discuss Fere sent by friends living in various issue of licenses for the current license z You will soon be buying your Garden Se kibe,"�/oreted Ocala, blank, fly front, to Ouimette left for London, on Mundayq, be held on Sunday' morviing, M_�a��y lot. them Intelligently. He was a• mem- parts of Canada and the United States. year. Thirty-two hotel licensee were ani no doubt you will buywhale )!lf'ir toll ........... .... .. to resume her studies. Mr J. H. Shot- Special Interesta in the, East �VatAa- her of the Methodist Church, and had one was from the Ontal•ro Agrionhur• ranted last year, and tthere The can get them he otieapet. Wq "are '. brook is on the sick list at present. Mr, nosh congregYittori took Rev. Mr Hall's held several of ficial oaltionq therein. al 001lege, what/ Me Elliott was a thirty-four applications i y r. selling three ppa re of Garden Sititdll , ' brown Venetians, •�12 Eddy' left on a visit to St. Marys thin' time on Sunday evening, hence no He leaves a wile, fear sone and ail student for lour r"'is,.and where he Commissioners declined to grant a li• for 100., a nineetor 2 ao. n ➢llivl:. front k vvtis a prime favorite with everybody. cense to A. Robertson, Gloderich. offering a ood wee Miss- Fairservice lett sloes- service in the Pro;rbyterian church. adopted daughter, the latter being The groom's Ill to the beide was aval- They also held over for consideration g g day morning for Georgetown, where Mrs Seandrett, of the Queen's ie con- Mrs S. Murch Clinton. Of the sons g g check Wor- tq , e Venetians.. e�l Gi she will spend the summer. Messrs vel r. <•nt, after a prolong siege of sof= Pei cy lives on the Ma Hand; William., able gold watch and chain. These until %onlay neat the lollowfng ap-_ Corn �us Door lY1r Cook & Cantelon shipped a car of hay fet•r.ig from a bone felon. Ve stable is teacbin in Glatt•., ebr a is in the who were present at the ceremony plications: S. Pike and U. Milne. Clio• to Toronto this week. A special meet- and horticultural gardening is populat drug business in Torontog and Eph- i`rom a distance w re %r land Mrs J. A. ton: J. Dinun y Knintail�lDgDelong For 100. just what you want flit t is second to none in OroU, Clinton; and Mr and Mrs J. W. ham; A. Yo g, , 1 y We, ' ing of the titembere of Court Pride of many spring blossoms already bei ht- (rtilm is at bottle. In potitics'be was a Green, Tavistock, the latter the editor Port Albcrt;B Mgeon and O.Simmons muddy weather. Have yon eeeti i it rtud worth. We'll seers• the "West is called for Saturday even• en some gardens. y g conservative thou h' he was oleo a tt livitrilege of showing them to you. i' g� Ing to consider about painting the g believer in the principles of free trade. and pro rietot o! tate Tavistook Gia• Saltf5ho Two brewery granted enc{ r. µ hell. The lime for the Methodist Deceased was a brother a! Mrs W m. tette; 1Vlisa Elliott, 'Toronto. After te- two' licenses were granted— tbo 10e. Llile of Brooll Church has been delivered; the masons Stanley Spence, of West London and a broth• turtling from the%honeymoon which came as before. one in and one - were expecting. to start on Tuesday of No�rEs, —%rs Jute, Stewart 5tanle er•fn=law of Mrs'I'. i3. Miller, of Sauth i Fill be spset In London and St.1$hornw, in Goderich. Under Clintonthe new act, , ; ` (., O this week, but the rain spoiled the is ver ill with net y' Landon. The re sin were interred I Mr and Mra Elliott will reslde at "En. passed at the last sitting. of the Legis- They are f est what rtin have beae►ittolc , ?� AUX "' � '� plan. The members of the league were owned b John Stews in Clinton cemetery, on Tuesday..fol- glewood FArrtl. The bung: Couple lature, one of the two licenses held Ing for to do y�nv light aweeping 111tHit rnncb sono l5d last y y P tmoeleared out y, s �� Monday evening town tvtth the bu gy on Mondaq, be lowed by a goodly number of friends, I aro bath tl►eil ktlorvn ilii popiylar here, over in,•Wtngham, nod. one in Clinton,Cltn4 ertze�'ilrnisher by parties outside making a noise on of fr g who thus showed their r abouts, and the aincereat wttlies for will not be granted unless the popala- 16, g ee lrbtn fhb bugs but was I r eapept to fila OGLE 0111 it & IM the windows, and I Purpose Navin caught , �+ memory. I their futtt,re happineee are n'tartalned tion has increased suflicltint to war Itt '>rla 8listilt plititar►,yy g ht A. W fse g3 little dalntage was y by a very iftrge eftldle of fritrndtl and rant it. 'alae httmber ill both Mode• mH Yt3eC•itafilvlt. ' / tb punisled•fa its„ lapis, 'r$lt N1C1t zsira 11VHg �e1tE >�n»l» N1tCvp • ,f I 11, y parties .. acgtwaiataneeo, rlch Arid Blyth is the aaMe Isla b,year, 17ath,valrlldr AXtt'e�rund l sa. 'hq n'itic ,.11 I • , � Y ,� .r 9. '- .. , -- , CLINTQN NEw ERA is the best advertising medium. in West Buren, and gives more home news every week than any other paper in the county r.. --rr a"-' tn/'e , . T '' 'fi. Watch Store. Every an- I MINTON iN.- i. >r watches is guarjust as represented, . EV ?Ifje.aell.so that we become your . I I a .. � .1 I- .1D1V19,T.M1- '-,Ytatoh store ever afterwards. _�� A CLOS ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, ONT., APRIL 22, 1898 ' $1 a year in advance 111.60 when not so paid tl must be move lean a time keep- er. It must. combine beauty and attractiveness with agour- A R,i�vND THE HTTB. Goderich Township ( Additional Loca OWS• 1, 1 COURT CLINTON, NO. 470, I. U. F.— soy, We have not a clock but what wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication CONTRACT.—Mr J. G. Steep has let The death claim of David Gardner, a Mmes well. Tastes will differ, the contract for enlarging hie barns to The Guardian,o last week, member of this Court, was forwarded so do rices, and we can fit all Mullett. Auburn Mr D. Connell, Clinton. says: The sono:il meeting of the Can- , to Su reme Courton Saturday, the 16th, conditions of buyer's limits. ILL.—Mr A. T. McDonald, the ver J. NICHOLSON. manufacturer of and dealer adian Press Association, which was and cheque for 01000 in favor of his wid- y in ht and Heavy Harness, (a speotalty, FINAL.—Complete returns give Mr held last week, was, without doubt,the ow was returned on Wednesday, 20th popular ex -reeve of this township, has w valises, Combs, Brushes, Robes an Stirlingg, the newly elected trustee for most successful in its hislor ,and it is a JEWELLERY been seriously ill with pneumonia and H Crimmingr3. . S. S. No, 8, a a+ajority of nineteen. great satisfaction to know that West- lost, TMa speaks well for the Inde - his many friends will be glad to know CHQRca NoTEs.—Rev. Mr Andrews, ern Ontario Provincial ournaliem was pendent Order df Fotestere in being so reflects fashions gayest moods, he is on the fairwa of recover NoTEs.—Mr James Beacom, sr., of j prompt in their payment of clWine. coupled witb the most modern y y Holmesville, gave an excellent sermon the Bayfield line, is at present poorly. Paid a tribute to by the unanimous el- , oreatione and artistic effects. IMPROVING}.— Wm. Townsend, old- on Sunday morning last from the text E. Elliott, of Philadelphia, is visiting option to the residency of Robert GOING WEST.—Tames Steep expects You find here everything for set sou of E. Tgwnsend, who had the , Thy word is law, Psa. 19;7. Miss D. h.is parents. Many are taking silvan- Holmes, of the Clinton NEW ERA. to leave next week for Indian Head every 000aeion, Not expensive mibfortttne to cut his tout Over a month Erratt took the topic on Tuesday ev- tags of t.he` splendid fishing in the ART WORK.—Tho ladies have am- N. W. T., accompanied by his son, iii but nine, ago, is still unable to use it but his ening last at the Epworth League; sub- I Bayfield river at present. A goodly plc opportunity of learning the latest which vicinity he expects to put in the . 11many friends will be glad to hear he is pct, "The keeping power of God." Mr number In this section attended the method" of doing fano needlework, summer. He takes with him several Showing goods is a pleasure. recovering, though very slowly, as he Higley gave an interestine sermon II Brucefleld horse show last Wednes- as Miss Arnoldi has been ivin ■lessoncarloads of waggons, implements and I is still unable tq put his foot to the from JJohn 20:29, last Sundav evening, 1 day, John Woon sold a 1• ear -old colt in the Council Chamber for nearly two other hardwood supplies. Jim says TzF, A STRING To YOUR owF, " When you part with it for spectac- les. In other words buy where yon are sure of either eatigaotion or your money back again. In oth. er words still, buy from no. W e allow you 'to take no risks.. `It the doe't satisfy we don't want your money and you can have it back again. Your confidence and con• tinual trade is what we are atter and is what we expect to gain by doing business with you on each a basis. For $1 we will give you a pair of spedtaolea—good louses— substantial frame— fitted properly, and if you are not satisfied and we fail to satisfy you, return the speo. taoles and get your dollar back. ALLEN & WILSON Graduate Druggists & Opticians, Clinton. A al -year-old p -a �. B. Crews vrCOUNCIL. —Hullett council met in A PROGRESSIVE I+'ARMER. —One of to J. Elliott- for about $50. Mrs Ben, weeks, and Miss Grant, rept esentin that when the apple season conics 11.^{ the many ptogtessive and enterprising Switzer was severely shaken upon ac- the Ottawa Art School, is giving sinrt, along he will be around again, ready Another, Fire. Jeweler &Export Hill's hall on April 16th pursuant to I farmers in this portion of Huron is Mr count of a fall during house cleaning. lar instruction in the $.rte Clarendon to secure his abate of the fruit business. -- Watch Repairer adjournment. Members all present W. D. Wilson who cultivates 140 acres Franli Trick is slow] impt•oviug from parlor. The result of this ins be that DOAN'S TANNERY COMPLETEL ES- COmmnnfl'atiOne Prom Wm. COata. slowly y HOUSE OF REFUGE NOTES.—Mrs TROYED. I of land adjacent to the village. He his sickness. rhos. Triev lately called thein will be such a profusion of besot - __ secretary Municipal Clerks Associa- manufactures butter and cheese of a on two sisters of Mrs R. Marshall in iful needle work at the fall fairs that Carroll, Exeter, died at the house on tion, asking council to defray the ex- {superior quality, for which he finds a England. extra judges will have to ba provided. Wednesday; thin is the 2latdeathaince About one dcleck Wednesday morn- penses of clerk, while attending the ready, mat ket; indeed his reputation p the opening of the institution.; her hos- Ing Dean's Tannery, situated on Mary . • I association meeting in June, was read for producing an excellent article is so ERRONEOUS RHYME—There appeared .NEEDING, ETC.—This week will see band is an inmate also. Deceased Street, was discovered to be on fire, ; Tl#tkersmith and the request granted. Byy.4�aw was well established that there is always a I in Holmesville news a few weeks ago nearly all apt tits seeding done; the was a perfect lady, well liked b all and the flames had already gained con- DEATH,—A nun man of this town- aesed for appointing pathrltasters, 3' a little rhyme which was absolutely weather has been particularly favor- the lntuat.es, and came from a well -to- siderable headway. The wind was t young demandforhisdairyproduce. Hefeeds incorrect y' ship, named Carnochan, died last enceviewers and poundkeepers. The all the grain he raises, and in addition in , below we give a copy of it, able, the land has worked splendidly, do English family, but reverse$ over- blowing a perfect hurricaneecarryfng fenceviewers for the current year are so the correct version of it. and the season is two weeks earlier took them. Rev Mr Pocock conducted burning shingles northward in a most vpeek m Colorado, of consumption. He y Hees about 300 bushels of corn thus fat- than usual. The rain of this week religious services on Sunday, being threatening manner. The engine was vv%s only 18 ears of age; the remains Wm. Shi le A. McDermid, T. Car, Holmesville version— , y toning 70 or 80 hogs annually. He not. followed b .ere interred in Maitland cemetery on belt, sr., Carter, J. Fowler, G. Wat only believes that there is money to be Let do s delight to bark and fight, y warm weather, will be the first held since the scarlet fever out in a few moments, and a line of r ' � H. Allen, J. Govier and H. Farrow. And baron boyo to holler; just what was wanted. There is no case ocenrred• hose laid from the market, but as sono ,, '"day. Poundkeepers, J. Fowler, J. Reynolds, made in farming, but realizes that lab The little gray horse at the corner took fright doubt that the recent cold snap has STREET WORK.—The streets of town as water was turned on, a length of " +i'° DEATa.—We are sorry to record this d, E. Ta for G. Collison, J. Govier or and feed, well invested, bring good Joe" lost his Stirling dollar. had its erect on the fail wheat. Thi$ W@ek the death of Mrs Thos. Fowler y returns. Correct version— are this year in a better condition hose burst, neceeaitating ;a delay that and T. Hill. 5"ilta changes were made is only true. however, of fields where seewed loo er than it real) was to re- "who used to reside in this neighbor- g Let do $s delight to bark and fight than they ever were before at this g. y ,; g in the road divisions lot 7, con. 4, and PERSONAL.— Misses Carrie and Eliza the soil is clay or undrained. In en- lace it. Seeing that there was no os- I.;, :,00a g P lots 7 and $, pun. 6, wets put in. Div. Shettlpr, of Dashwood, are the nests And Holmesville boys to holler; g time of the year, and the intention is P, g p I .;, ' hpoti. She had to under o an opera. p g "Joe's"chances were never in his life so bright oral the outlooit is still'very very hopeful, to keep them good as far as the Street atbility of saving the tannery, an effort ;, - , tion Leet week far the removal of a 171 instead of Div. 17. The clerk was of Mr M. Holtzeaur. Mr 0. Hoare and He'll win his "Stirling" dollar. and if even present prospects are real- Committee are able. Ins actor Wheat was made to save a lot of green hides, . +,�`"; :•cancer from her stomach, and, unfor instructed to notify the council of wife, Clinton, were visiting his broth- THE SICK. — Mrs Lindsa has re- ized the yield will be satisfactory, le will start the,grader c work this several hundred of which were stored :-ti nately, she wag unable to stand it,- Morris that in future and pursuant to er, John, last week. Mr .A3ve Mole turned home from a visit y to her CRICKET OLUB.—The annual meet- week, Mary St. being the first scene of in a frame building adjoining the tan- ?, and she died on Sunday night, The statute in that behalf it will be expect- has just returned from St. Thomas, net ,, funeral took lace on Tuesday at 2 p parents in Goderich; her friends Ing of the Clinton ( ricket Club was operations. The committee have made Y+ a number were saved but it Boon P y ed to perform an equal share of statute where he has been working, and is and neighbors wish her speedy restora- held at the Hotel Clarendon on FridayC. H. Carter foreman of the "street got too hot to keep at this work,.and °`"-, -mv at their home on the Huron Road. labor with Hallett in maintaining and looking for a situation. Mr Edgar tion to health. M s. Blair, who re- evening, when the following officergang" for the seasou. Repairs have it had to be abandoned. ,, ?;- 'Sbe leaves a husband and three child- improving the boundary line between Rowed spent his Easter holidays at hie ceived an injury if the fall b In the meantime a lar wQn to mourn her loss. The have the home in London. Mr J.Mole has trail- l y y fall- were elected for the current year:— ern made to sidewalks where needed, large piece of Bre y Hullett and Morris. Council adjourn- fn from a buildin is at res- Hon. Pres., G. D. McTa art; Hoo. and onl where it is absolute] neces- had lodged beneath the cornice of Wal - ,sympathy of the community in their ed until May 7th at 10 a.m. 1 ed horses; ha now has a goer. Mr A.T. g ff' P gg y y ter Oore'a house a block aura . 1lereavement. y g ant suffering from spinal disorders.— Vice, R. Ransford; Pres., T. Jackson sary will new walks be put down. y, and be- McDonald is laid up with a severe at.- Mrs Wm. $lair hue been confined to r.; Vice, Latrk Kennedy; Sea Tress., fore it was observed, the fire had made ? � �'` L.1�TOTEs.—Man of the farmers have tack of inflammation of the lungs. D. HAD TO RETURN.—Rev. W.W. Baer, LL NOTES.—Many Bayfleld g • bed with influenza. Misa Lindaa who . R. Hodgens; Executive Com,—J. ire way under the roof. It burned � =, aYlirost wound u their s 'elle but C .ttle, Goderich,s ent Sunda evening y' who is interested in a profitable patent, most viciously, an g P NOTES. — Quarter] service will h- p y lI has spinal +iisease, is ftuproving nicely. McMurchie, -N. Fair.. A. McGarva;y, d although a stream ` thus cold, wet weather wil binder ire y iu town. Misses U. Lawson and B. lI which he has sold to New York capital �': held at Bayfield Methodistchurch Sab- Mr J. Clark, let con., elf I lingers with Match Com.—L. Kennel R. A new. of water was quickly turned on it, the Y serol rasa for a while. The eo le of y Farrow spent Sunda fn Goderich. — y+ g ista, loft here a few days, ago for . P P bath morning, Map let, at 10.30 a, m.— y liver complaint, he is not expected to G. W. Barge; Subscription Com.—A.. roof was destroyed and much damage w Lliis vicin or will fled a letter from Mr ba Rus$, morning, May hue $number — Mr J. Young shipped a car load of roll- recover. McGarva, F. Jackson F. W. Terry, A, city, for the purpose of superintending done before it could be extinguished; • .i ;Jqk, Watters in tits a er this week era last week; Mt Mitchell Win ham, ' the manufacture of the article in nea- p P men fixin the harbor; he is a coin et- g LEOTunE.—Rev. Mr Mill aril Armstrong. The Treasurers report tion it required hard work to get the fire on'. another page, which will probably' ant man and should make a permanent inspected them. Mr Jacob Elsley, of y Clin- for the vearehowed:—R.ecei to $299 24 + arrangements to to this effect• av- tinder control, but had it not been " be of interest to them. A few from p Colborne, visited under the $rental ton, gave a very brilliant lecture, in P Ing been made some time ago, When job. Several new buildings are to be pp Coles church on "Labor" last Thais- Expenditures, %9.98 leaving a deficit checked at this point. there is n'o tell- rl'ureer s Church were at the Local roof last Monday. Mr J. iiickingbot- + ' $ g he got to that city, however, he found iii how Par it wool have o ` `Union on Monde evening; the sub- put up here thio summer; in several in- provin ; Earnie ie able to be day evening: The lecturer was in good of .40.74. As a large amount was that in the present unsettled condition gone. ' Monday g+ stances the material is on the ground tom is im g g spent upon the round last season it, is p u this building was surrounded by frame + y'ecte were very well handled. The for their erection. Mr Miller Clinton around again. Yrs S. Scott is improv- form, his voice was excellent and mel- p of affairs, owing to thewar excitement, remises on eve hand. Mr Core sav- ' P odious. the limited company resent now in good condition, and the expen• the ca ttalfsta would not proceed with P 1. eague meeting on Sunday evening has leased the River Houae;he purposes ing slowly. Mr Tichbourne and slater, ver much enjoyed his elo went and ses of the Club will be very much light- rheic p cement, and he- as compelled ed his household effects, but iii a dam - was not as good as expected, owing to p p of Goderich, Sundayed at M. B. Lock- y y q er this year, and the members hoc p aged condition. He desires to express Y'r g P g to entertain summer visitors. %r Jae. hart's. instructive adliress. He will alway9 y to return here, where he expects to re- his gratitude to all who rendered asais- } ':the weather not being favorable; Mr young has moved to the old reading he welcome here. We beapeakfor him with the usual generous support of the main until matters are more settled on g >A. T..(7ooper could not get down to room, and hag opened with a tine stock OBITIIARY.—At Auburn,Wednesday+ rapid advancementie rho ministry and citizens, to be able to pay the amount the other side. lance in saving the property; 4 ,address it, but itis hoped that the next of boots and shoes; he is kept very April 6th, at 12.35 p.m.,isabell, beloved carried over from last season and end Several other -houses were in danger. ' 11 .CirYie kte will be able to come. Mr E. the esteem soil good -will of Methodism R. R. NOTES.—A cod deal of inwArd a busy repairing. Mr James Young wife of C. Washington,thus early in life, and Christianit . He is r e oasessin the year free from debt. t; p rticularly those of Jarriea Sheppard -Vali is improving slowly but it is hoped reached on the Hensall circuit on Sun- wa•s called to leave this world of sin and pre -possessing g freight has been received during the and James A. Ford, and iG was only by "a fhAthe will soon recover completely. in appearance, as a magnificent phy- ST, GEORGE'S WARD.—We under- past week; so much was brought u careful watching that others were not P Y• ay, for the junior minister wl?o is ati- strife, and entered into rest, she being sigtte and a good delivery, g p , r ebb teachers have again begun their tending the examinatiod• in London.— early led in connection with the Meth- stand that at the next meeting of the the Lt H. & B., onJaturday. that Con- allowed to take fire. The posts holding • 44, 'Work after the Easter vacation. The Mies Addie Rathwell,of the front road, odist church, and she found the benefit DEATH: OF MRS CLUFF.—On Sunday council, Mr Todd, representative of St. ductor Ireland was six hours behind the guy wires of 'the Electric Light "" ,',�ltoitsehold furniture belonging to the renders most efficient services as organ- of this when "earth's joys began to evening, Mrs Clufi, relict of the late Georges ward, will personally tender time. Jae. Hearn Shipped a load of smokestack being burned, the strong ;.estate of the,] late Robt. Nott will be ist of the Methodist church. The ladies fade." The instruction so received was Robert Cluff, of the . Bayfield line, .his resignation; he having removed its cattle to Toronto Wednesday. Thos. wind blew nearly theentire stack c ver; sold'hy auction, without reserve, at mise Mr Arthur Mitchell very much,so largely instrumental in guiding her p$seed away to her eternal home; she acceptance will only be a matter of McLean shipped 160 loads of cattle the roof of the Electric Light building I :Nrr7 ;:',tile home of his son, Robt. Nott, on does his employer, T. A. Edwards.— feet into the path peace; wearisome 6+td been in declining health for some form. A new election will be necessary from Lucknow station dw•inglast year. was also damaged by the fire. ;,`!'huri;day, April 28. Dick Peck made a flying visit to Lon- days and nights were appointed her, time and her death was not unexpect- to fill the vacancy thus created, but if A. J. Taylor, of the C. M. and St. Paul Doan &Son had a lot of finished ' _ don; he ranks high with the fair sex. during which time she had every op- ed.She nil its born in Enniskillen, Ire- it be possible to select a substitute R. R„ was in town this week. James leather on baud, all Of which, together ile, Rev, Mr McDonald, Varna, exchan ed portunity for thought and reflection, + with her late husband emi- without a contest it should he done. Fair is making a shipment of 1500 sacks with the machinery, was burned. Their ', " s p❑1 its nor did she fail to improve rated to Canada in 1841 P " ., . - Las `edtles-dap, about 3 p with Rev. Mr Graham on un- prove it, for upon g , after a short There are not many persons living in of flour to Glasgow. D. McQnaig, of insurance was 81350 on building, $700 yp" re destroyed the dwelling house day, -- the question being put as to her spirit- residence in the east they came west- the ward desirous of municipal honors, Lucknow, is shipping nine cars of ship on machinery, and $1200 on stock, the of Mr Jos. Thompson, Ver little was SCxooL MATTERs.—The trustees oY ual state should the disease prove fattal, ward, and settled on :be farm in this or are willing to give the time that timber from het e. Furreater 8c Smal►a- companies fnt8rested befog the Gure, 11 g =saved from the fire; all thelyC clothing, the public school have opened up a bar answer was"I love Jesus and know township which has ever since been may be necessary for the performance combe are making extensive shipments Economical and Waterloo. Mr Core's • vihfch was tip -stairs, was burned. The third department, and employed Miss that Jesus loves me." So gentle was her home, making a residence cf near- of the duties. W. C. hectic is the old- of grain. insurance was 8450 on house $100 on p, McCaughan, o the passage from life to death that the Iy M Yeats bere. During all this time, est person of municipal experience i e- 'contents, and $50 on the stable—in the y ,ire is supposed to have originated g f Goderich, to look after P g DOHERTY FACTORY NOTES. — The 'from a spark from the chimney catch- and especially in the earlier years of siding In the ward, and is available; Waterloo. the smaller children of the town. The exact m ament could scarce be told. R masons have the brick work nearly r teacbin staff is made up of G. W. The reality of the change in her case settlement, her home was one Of en- then there are W. Robb, W,Cautelon• finished to.the first story on both build- NoTEs,—Mr •Tedford rendered good „Ing the shingle's on the roof, g erons .hos italit an Holman, ,principal-, J. W. Whiddon was very marked,there was a con�plote . P p d s.he. made last P. Cant.elon,.J..C..Ste.ve,tison,.A.Ewing, ings, and would have $been well for- service- with a, portable fire engine:-- --- UHURca1.. Owing to the inclemency and Miss cilcCaughan, first and second deliverance from the fear of death. ing friends far and wide. Her late and possibly others who are capable ward had not the rain interfered this Persons residing only one block south `,• , Of the weather there was no meetin assistants, respectively. The follow- Death had lost its sting; instead of husband died in 1880, leaving three men, but the selection should be unan- week. . The water will be supplied to of the fire, knew nothing of it till next ". ',Af the Epworth Eeague. Mrs S. J ins shows the percentage obtained by trembling at the approach of the last sons, John, who still resides on the inions so as not to put the town to any the Factory from rho pond, bypggrarita- morning, hearing neither bell nor en - Pentland, of Dungannon, supplied for the pupils of the senior department of enemy, she rejoiced. It head never farm; R. J. Cluff. of Clinton, soil Rev cost. Perhaps some of the business tion, through ten inch tile. A steam gine, owing to the wind. Mr Doan lost "Rev. Mr Millyard last Sabbath; next y been our revile a before to witness W. T. Cluff, of Thnrndale. She wag men in the ward, but who do not hap- pump, "for fire protection, which will a lot of good tanbark, also,=llfo�v t.t1e .1 our school as ascertained b written privilege {- , sabbath Mr T. R. Courtiee will preach examinations:—Primary Class—Anna stick triumph in view of death, and for many years a' zealous. member of pen to reside there: are willing to share throwover500gallonsaminute,has been fire started is not known, persons pass- ,- In the a ening. The subject for the 1 Whiddon 8i, Alex, McLeod 711, Jno. R, hence ;greatly $tree thenad our own the Church of England, The remains mnnicipai responsibility. in that way short] before it broke g ordered. If the weather allows prompt g y y League meeting on April 26th will be Cameron 73, Maggie Galbraith 72, An= faith iri.the sufficiency of God's grace were interred in the Bayfield come- A PRETTY APRIL WEDDING. P g, it le antici- out, not seein anything ;if it.—The i. es' "Things worth living for;" Mr James in the trying tery on Tuesday, the unpleasant wen- com lotion of the buildin nie Galbraith 65. P.S.L. class—Percy ying hour. Thus the Gospel the following, from the Galt Re paled that the machinery will all be in building burned was one of the oldest 9 Irvin to appointed to take the subject, parker tib. Edith Falconer 67, Maud delivers thein, who throw h fear of ther not preventing a large number g' position b the 1st of Juae. The firm in town.—We have not learned, Mr .. g from showing their respect to her porter, refers to well known and pope- P y , ;. 1•iOTEs.—House-cleaning and seeding Pollock 60, Ruby, Whiddon 58, Nora death were all their lifetime subject to g p lar Cr, ref rs toil a former employee ee gave an order the other day for over ,Roan s intention as to rebuilding —If 1. pave -been the order of the day, brit Cleave 53, Willie Ross 53. Sr. 4th—C. bondage, the feeling of ger heart was memory. ' ` P v three thousand feet of belting to run it had not rained on Monday, and tbus bwin to the. cold weather, w�--presume, +,. g — of the Clinton NEw ERA office:— g ' g Ferguson 76, R. Baffle 73, A. Ronett I£. all the world my Saviour knew, A very ratty -house wedding was .various machines. dampened the roofs of buildings, it t ,'Ct will stop these operation ��VIrs G. 6911 , L. Martin 8U, E. Wyatann 57, J. Gal• than all the world would love him too." would have been absolutely imposeib!e Molmesvilie celebrate this afternoon at 4 o'clock THE GLEANER AND h O. G. T. PER- ;'Oassady. of Byron, (near L� in) and braith 52.' Jr. 4t.h—E. Du ee 75, F. She was the third daughter of Mr Jas. to have prevented a score or more pp LECTURE POSTPONED.—The-lecture at the resiience of the hrid`e s brother. SONALS.—Tbe Good Templars expect buildin daughter are visiting the Lai tather, Fowlie 73, W. Holman 61, J. Cameron Symington, of Colborne, Ad some 8 „ in-law, Mr Wesle Fletcher dings being burned. on "Ireland and the Irish b Rev W. y , East to have a good time in their comfor- MrJohn Hetherington. Mr and Mrs 68, W. Whiddon 65, N. Martin 49, B. months ago was brought home to her McDonagh, which was to Have been Main street, when Mise Eva Croll was table lodgegioorn to night; that point- Don't fur et that Clinton will cele- ,7as. Carter and family, of Auburn, Rosa 46, F. Morgan 44, L. Erwin 44, C. father's to see if the change would delivered on Wednesday, has been united in the bonds of matrimony to cal paper, "The Gleaner," will be read g visited in our village on Sunday. Miss Erwin 41, This class wrote on the rove beneficial, but all proved fatal. y+ brace the 24th o£ May in grand style. ;; postponed until Tuesdav, May 3rd. Mr Win. Elliott, only son of Mr An- for the amusement of those present, fiadie Carter, who has been visiting at same papers as the senior class and all he leaves behind her a husband and 2 drew Elliott, "Englewood Farm." The and will doubtless contain many vale- A MIXED UP CASE.—The following, �x I. Hetherington's, returned to her have been promoted. The following children, who will miss the tender and CHuRcH.—Rev. G. W. Andrews supp- interior of the house was beautiful) able hints. An excellent musical pro- from the Sarnia Observer, refers to a llgme at Auburn on Sunday. have been promoted from the 3rd to loving caro of an affectionate mother. plied �n the Auburn circuit for Rev Mr y p ri and tastefully decorated with palms gram will also be given. Every mem- former 01intoniam—"Word was re - Jr, 4th, the ease in being 400. J. A place is vacant in her father $ home, Coazene, who is in poo$ health; his and flowers and made in every feature her make s ectal effort to be resent ceived Yr„m Port Huron this after noon Colborne McDonald 604, U. Howard 471, L.John- as she is missed by her parents, also work here was taken by T. R. Courtice � p p Snyder, in keeping with the bright. sunshiny to -night and we promise you a good to the effect that Jas. Higgins, of Sar- ACOIDENT.—The 10 year old laugh- $ton 471, F. Pollock 449, E. Morgan 429, by her sorrowing sisters, with whom in the morning, and II. Snyder, Ben- day outside. At four o'clock the bridal time. We are -'glad to see Bro. Sam nia, had been arrested in that city on J. Spencer 417, L. Ronett 4I2, M. she resided at the time of her death. miller, in the evening; we are always coin Taint of one Mrs May Ur of Thos. Pennington, of the Mait- g+ y procession was formed and to the getup back again we hope his so'ourn P y Gibb. From d. a'nd fell and broke her arm the other Walinslev 410, W. Johnston 402, M. Learn a lesson as to the uncertainty ok glad to hear the young men, and, al- strains c,f Mendelssohn's wedding in town will be permanent. We are ' information received it appears that '!` ' LPetch 401, M. Whiddon 401,•H. Marks life. A year ago our sister was a per- thqugh this Is Mr Snyder's flrst appear- mareb, played on the piano by Miss pleased to see that our Chief Templar, Higgins went to the borne of Mrs - 400, A. Galbraith 400. From Jr. 3rd to feet prcl'ure of health, now she is in her ance, we will be pleased to hear him at Mary H. McDonald, matched into the T. H. Brownlee, has fully recovered, Gibb and because that lady would not ,, Seaforth Sr. 3t d, pass 360:—I. Fowlie 444. E. grave. The floral tributes, which were any time in the future. spacious parlor, where the groom stood from the effects of his tate accident.— consent to roamy him he threatened yr•. Burnside 433, N. Ferguson 420, A. Wat- bent, were magnificent, there being I SACRED CONCERT.—The Holmesville awaitin the cumin of his bride., Coaf, - to shoot her. The police were called YOUNG SPARLING GOES TO TRIAL.— eon 420, E. Green 416, J. Howard 411 some from Hamilton also Goderich g Alt net Sparlin ,who was arrested in + ' Choral Society are making arrange= Alice Elliott and Katie KPachie, prat in and Higgins was placed under ar- t� g T. Bailey 372. Total number on the and Blyth. Our sympathy goes out to DEATH- of W. EMMERTON.—Mr W. , . ;$u tilt on Wednesday, charged with menta for their annual concert to be tily dressed in White, made the she rest. Mr Higgins says he went over roll in the senior department for the the bereaved family and friends, held On the 2tth of Ma pp Emmerton, (brother of J. EromPrton,11 r ;bt3fng connected with an alleged arson y. It will take berd's crook archway just at the•inside to replevin some jewellery from Mrs starter is 65, averave attendance 57. Farewell dear friends, ray life is past, town,) died at f he home of his father Ma ease, and who was brought back to q the forth of a sacred concert, and will of the entrance, and rat came Erma y Gibb. In the meantime an in - g You have loved me dearly to the last, b� �i � en in the Methodist church in Goderich, on Friday night last. De- s�eaforth, had a preliminary examina- Alma Grieve not for me—but doprepare b , the Green and Eva Fletcher, little nieces formation was laid by her char ing ceased was a young man of promise, g tion Friday, resulting in his bein For Heaven; be thio your greatest care. conductor, Mr G. F. Oakes, is sparing of the bride, attired in .Nile green, and Higgins with threatening 'her life. being NoTEs.—Mise Effie Garter is visitin no sins fo n►ake Ihie concert the beat carr In lar a bo nets; ]ben Nortua but a complication of ailments, for The case came up before Judge Wa , Sent'. to Goderich for trial. E. W. p y g q which apparent l there was no religf,_ g g- Iewis, of Goderich, appeared for the friends in Exeter this week. Most of ever green in the pl>tice, Look out for Green: in white over ppink scatterin y oer and defendant was dismissed on a Crowti. the farmers in this vicinity will finish 881grav® it; further announcements later on. flowers right and lefflft the patbwag notwithstanding the beat medical care, technicality. Monday evening Hig- favorg + I oY the bride who followed behi'n y, hastened his demise. $e was a mem- this week if the weather be NOTES.—Big shipment of cattle on DEATH of H. B. Evexe.—It wag a a her of the Chosen Friends, in which he gins went over to Port Huron and yvats' favorable. Avery successful plough Monday by Jos. Clegg; rices right. shock to the communit on Monde looking charming as she leaned on the re -arrested on the same charge. The p g y carried an inaorance and also a mem- ing•beetook pace at Mr McLaughlin's, Fall wheat looks prime, The pleasant to learn of the death of Mr H. B. arm of her father, Mr J. A. Oroll, of her of tl.e Oddfellows' Society, being case will corns up for hearing some You ean Huron road, on Tuesday last. Mrs T. cool weather of hast week was boom Evans, which occurred ver unex act- Clinton, who gave her away. She was burled under the auspices of Che latter time this week. The complainant is Garter sent Saturday and Sunday limo for seedin man farmers are ell on Sander evenin yy p becomingly gowned in a travellin p + the case. he says, is a daughter of Mrs p g. Y y y g. He had been g on Sunda A number of the Clinton last with her dau brei,%re J.JaSun a . well on with spring work; the rains of sufferingwith heart trouble durin costume of a fashionable shade of brethren attended the funeral the Go- Ryan, who is now fn. jail in Port Hu - Mr R. Yellow, _g g boucle cloth, with sequine trimming. inn for giPAling elothinR+. f11 of%td to take chances o[ contrrtoting s ,Exeter, spent Sunday Sunday evening and Tuesday are jest the week previous, but was able to be derfch Assertibly being out in full force. xiold•dnrfng this changeable weather, when at Alma. Mr John Jamieson recently the thin for orops. Our popular cheese around, and was en'oying a visit from The ceremony was performed by the and the presence of a large number of I tlr6 N 6din of a ver small sum of mons urehased a very flne horse from John h Rev. Dr. Iain pastor of the , P. �' � a po ” g y y maker, r Cate appan, has returned to his son-in-law, S. • Vureb, of Clinton, g p citizens testifyin to the high esteem 1 ,tflil provide you with a dressy and comfort. Mann; we have not learned the town; cheese making church, in the presence of only the g • Pride aid, r will not, how- when he expired. Deceased was for p r in which he was held. :a'ble opting Overcoat. The medium weight hck P P ever, be resumed for some weeks. It many years a resident -of the town- families of the contracting parties. L' ED colli snit qualities of the cloth from which -- is announced that Rev. Mr Allin, of ship, livingon the Huron road on the After receiving the usual congrat ula- WEST HURON LiCEN$EB.—The Li- C�L+r 4tir Opting Top Costs are made produce a Londesboro Brussels, will occupy the Methodist farm now ccupied, by G. Mair, until tions the company sat down to a sump- cense Commissioners for West Hut on, ` -- ;gt►rY- -1 khat is adapted to the weather NOTES,—Miss Cox, of Hamilton,who pulpit next Sunday evening; the edu- I he retired to this village,• He vgas a tuous bridal dejuner. The very large Messrs. Jas. Stevens, H. McQuarrie `DS v.. antylre days in the year than any other was spending the Easter holidays with cational Interests of the church will be men of more than ordrnar intelli- number of gifts received by the bride and S. Sloane. met at Inspector Pais - ,.1. garment. her sister, Mrs (Rev) J. A. Hamilton, presented. The quarterly Sacrament• gence, being unusually well versed on were pretty, useful and costly, and ley's office here on Thursday, for the returned home on Monde Miss L. al service of the Bel rave circti t will all questions and was able to discuss Fere sent by friends living in various issue of licenses for the current license z You will soon be buying your Garden Se kibe,"�/oreted Ocala, blank, fly front, to Ouimette left for London, on Mundayq, be held on Sunday' morviing, M_�a��y lot. them Intelligently. He was a• mem- parts of Canada and the United States. year. Thirty-two hotel licensee were ani no doubt you will buywhale )!lf'ir toll ........... .... .. to resume her studies. Mr J. H. Shot- Special Interesta in the, East �VatAa- her of the Methodist Church, and had one was from the Ontal•ro Agrionhur• ranted last year, and tthere The can get them he otieapet. Wq "are '. brook is on the sick list at present. Mr, nosh congregYittori took Rev. Mr Hall's held several of ficial oaltionq therein. al 001lege, what/ Me Elliott was a thirty-four applications i y r. selling three ppa re of Garden Sititdll , ' brown Venetians, •�12 Eddy' left on a visit to St. Marys thin' time on Sunday evening, hence no He leaves a wile, fear sone and ail student for lour r"'is,.and where he Commissioners declined to grant a li• for 100., a nineetor 2 ao. n ➢llivl:. front k vvtis a prime favorite with everybody. cense to A. Robertson, Gloderich. offering a ood wee Miss- Fairservice lett sloes- service in the Pro;rbyterian church. adopted daughter, the latter being The groom's Ill to the beide was aval- They also held over for consideration g g day morning for Georgetown, where Mrs Seandrett, of the Queen's ie con- Mrs S. Murch Clinton. Of the sons g g check Wor- tq , e Venetians.. e�l Gi she will spend the summer. Messrs vel r. <•nt, after a prolong siege of sof= Pei cy lives on the Ma Hand; William., able gold watch and chain. These until %onlay neat the lollowfng ap-_ Corn �us Door lY1r Cook & Cantelon shipped a car of hay fet•r.ig from a bone felon. Ve stable is teacbin in Glatt•., ebr a is in the who were present at the ceremony plications: S. Pike and U. Milne. Clio• to Toronto this week. A special meet- and horticultural gardening is populat drug business in Torontog and Eph- i`rom a distance w re %r land Mrs J. A. ton: J. Dinun y Knintail�lDgDelong For 100. just what you want flit t is second to none in OroU, Clinton; and Mr and Mrs J. W. ham; A. Yo g, , 1 y We, ' ing of the titembere of Court Pride of many spring blossoms already bei ht- (rtilm is at bottle. In potitics'be was a Green, Tavistock, the latter the editor Port Albcrt;B Mgeon and O.Simmons muddy weather. Have yon eeeti i it rtud worth. We'll seers• the "West is called for Saturday even• en some gardens. y g conservative thou h' he was oleo a tt livitrilege of showing them to you. i' g� Ing to consider about painting the g believer in the principles of free trade. and pro rietot o! tate Tavistook Gia• Saltf5ho Two brewery granted enc{ r. µ hell. The lime for the Methodist Deceased was a brother a! Mrs W m. tette; 1Vlisa Elliott, 'Toronto. After te- two' licenses were granted— tbo 10e. Llile of Brooll Church has been delivered; the masons Stanley Spence, of West London and a broth• turtling from the%honeymoon which came as before. one in and one - were expecting. to start on Tuesday of No�rEs, —%rs Jute, Stewart 5tanle er•fn=law of Mrs'I'. i3. Miller, of Sauth i Fill be spset In London and St.1$hornw, in Goderich. Under Clintonthe new act, , ; ` (., O this week, but the rain spoiled the is ver ill with net y' Landon. The re sin were interred I Mr and Mra Elliott will reslde at "En. passed at the last sitting. of the Legis- They are f est what rtin have beae►ittolc , ?� AUX "' � '� plan. The members of the league were owned b John Stews in Clinton cemetery, on Tuesday..fol- glewood FArrtl. The bung: Couple lature, one of the two licenses held Ing for to do y�nv light aweeping 111tHit rnncb sono l5d last y y P tmoeleared out y, s �� Monday evening town tvtth the bu gy on Mondaq, be lowed by a goodly number of friends, I aro bath tl►eil ktlorvn ilii popiylar here, over in,•Wtngham, nod. one in Clinton,Cltn4 ertze�'ilrnisher by parties outside making a noise on of fr g who thus showed their r abouts, and the aincereat wttlies for will not be granted unless the popala- 16, g ee lrbtn fhb bugs but was I r eapept to fila OGLE 0111 it & IM the windows, and I Purpose Navin caught , �+ memory. I their futtt,re happineee are n'tartalned tion has increased suflicltint to war Itt '>rla 8listilt plititar►,yy g ht A. W fse g3 little dalntage was y by a very iftrge eftldle of fritrndtl and rant it. 'alae httmber ill both Mode• mH Yt3eC•itafilvlt. ' / tb punisled•fa its„ lapis, 'r$lt N1C1t zsira 11VHg �e1tE >�n»l» N1tCvp • ,f I 11, y parties .. acgtwaiataneeo, rlch Arid Blyth is the aaMe Isla b,year, 17ath,valrlldr AXtt'e�rund l sa. 'hq n'itic ,.11 I • , � Y ,� .r 9. '-