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The Clinton New Era, 1898-04-15, Page 2
. HE LIBERAL VOTE Ili ONTARIO 1918 MOSQUITO CURE, A Wp GEf R NAILS L'Ajig O. F Professional Hai au u story copies from Cmerson, N'VSS o''' (Froth the Globe.) Man. to the effect that Mre Jas. Bµuoders, es WHY COLONEL BENSON SOURED ON of the place, lost her finger nails through /� ��•r y QM g hi a �ELii,r� ■ �lR REMOVES rAMBs l3CUTT., HUMANITARIAN SCHEMES. acuate attack pff salt rheum Nothing THg CAUSES sbbmed to do her any good till sLe corn Till GREAT NEItVX TONIC ti Total vote polled 1894, 378,000; 7898, !34,075. An increase of 56,076. meumed taking Burdock Blood hitters with Pure herbs and celery-nature's cure for nerve dia. i ilrP1S��1 ' ��1� 1 I l Ha Aimed to Perform q Glreat Barvloe bar thr result that Ofdera. Sold by all druggists. I,argo packages, ass. ! Details Of 1894 VOtB s31t Rhear() hag all gone WOODWA.RD MEDICINA Co-, TOItONTO, CANADA Details of 1898 vote. Mankind and to ]Elevate the Standard 'and her finger nails gradually grew on 04NV$Y4NC8Ij ho. I PMe" 11 ' Liberals pulled.. .......159 232 Liberate polled... .........215 644 of mosgnttohood, but the Berasts Didn't again, j ' Conservatives polled .:........13U 810 I I Cominlosioner for Ontario and 11 Ous nolle the two P.P,A's Conservatives Polled ..........208 486 Appreelate His Gold cure: l5N til£ IR RIYEW } Tudependenta polled 9 995 In the House of Conunons on Dion_ Oats Wanted O Oe immadiatelysotlth oL0 1 1. Patrons polled ................ 78 697 Colonel Benson shifted his feet on the I day, Hon. Mr Mulock on hie 6; a /(l�]�r +��+��w p $�� Independents polled .......... 8 461 "'- �uha�lla► !!"i[7� __ 424 075 table. "Yoe," ho said, "I have had my Hill to amend the Yost Office Act, The IN EXOII tIrGE Ws BRYDONE. share of unusup! experiences. About a bill provides for the free tranamissiun 12 lbs, choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats + >w10 graduates secured excellent 378 000 t hrtnlgh the trails oY books for• the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NUTAIi positions during the past year, There were 56,075 more votes polled in 1898 than in 1894. year ago I was glancing through a scien- blind and Mails to )educe the post- 13 the. choice Family Flour Ibush Oats PUBLIC, and three of them in the last { The Liberals polled 56,412 more votes in 1898 than in 1894, tific journal when a little item tucked age on tetters front 3c, to 2c, per ounce IC, ETC' week. Our system of book-keep- The Conservatives polled 73,596 more votes in 1898 than in 1894, away Pn the corner of a page caught my throughout Canada. Cut)plod will] this Office-Beaver Block. Ing is ACTUAL BUSINESS from The Liberals polled 7,208 more votes in 1898 than the Conservatives. eye. It was headed like this; is a (proposition to Impose a postage Oats taken in exchange Upstairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Galla start to Rnish. We pay the rail- The following have been placed in the list of Independents, although much the Mosquitoication FollowsMan en Example.' The They are newspapers ed eft en to Rubecrib- CLINTON �' way fare way. P P for Groceries Y y greater number of votes received by some o! them were the votes of Reformere,namely:- paragraph went on to say that the natural era h•om the office of ubtimation. No Spring Term begins April 13th. Ha nook .. . ............... . ......... . .. . .. . ....... M: Gas GAMIER©f9! ,. pp For further Particulars address, P McNichol S. Gray 1 667 :sod of the mosquito consists of various pottage will huwever,he char r:'d when These are our present rates, ' ill-' Y" """"""""""' • •' • • • • • • ........ 782 vegetable substances Pound in bark, the papers are transmitted lase than 10 but we dont know how long (Formerly of Camerae Holt tsc Camsron)I ' A. S. N���O Paris, E. Wellington.................. . ............ . 1 281 mosses, etc. The habit of consuming hu- +rifles beyond the point .,f they will continue. Kauffman, N. Oxford .1 815 Iran blood, it was said, is an acquired P Publication. BARRISTER. AND SOLICITO ' L',�.,ft~---�-�_-_~.• '! Tacker, W. Wellin ton...,... """' ""' The reduettou of letter posta a will o Nt"'�'��'"` g 1 972 taste of the mosquito, similar to the taste into, effect only b g O. OLSON, Office-Ha,ntlton Bt op� I Bennett, Stormont.... .......... ' ....•' .."' • , , • • Y Y Pr' c•la mat ion cif the Clinton pnoslOto Colborne Hous 855 for alcoholic drinks among man, The Guver;,urUeueral-ill-Cauuxfl- to 8' ICH, Crisp County Clipping's Train, C. ,imooe ....................... ........ " mosquito ate intoxicated with blood and In the. a -- Anderson, C. Wellington............. 569 9 g c u',v of newspapers the first quarter of ' m 5 " . • • • • • • • • • • , ..... 407 after he has thoroughly gorged himself a cent will he imposed un Jail, 1st next jT PAYS TO �- L- M � __ Jas. Johnston, Rodgerville, has sold And others with smaller votes, ranging from 50 to 160 897 death ensues. Thus the parallel between and t hA other quarter of a canton July ® • - g CPHERS his farm to A. Bishop, Osborne. In all........................ ................ ;;. .9 995 the insects and the human race is carried Ist following. The bill also ravidea I 11.East Huron Agricultural Society Nearly all of fire votes given to Messrs Dynes, Dnfferin, 2091, and Currie, W. out f,:r the Fttahlishm, nt of several dead CONVEYANCING, will not hold a Spring Fair this year. 1,580, were Reform. They have, therefore, been placed in the Reform list; and theeame t!a sou that Ibe su those Possibilities of letter offices tht'aughout Canada, _ LAIRD, LIFE AND ACCIDRNT 1N$x7RAN0 The valve o£ exports from Seaforth y P know, gen- ~�✓�' 1 �'� _ ,out ort duriD March amounted to with of Coven, Prince Edward, 2,030,no Reformer havittg gone to the polls against him. great enterprise in that little etntanent. QU131ie EVERY TIME MONEY To LOAN, g The vote of Mr Benfield, of S. RAnfrew, 1,OI4, who ran ae an independent ell then the oth e b according to his address, is s Gar ftt the Liberal ooln 100. o1r6,715ter f known foot reasonin�1 atsthe a ows. It ie a well " Office, Maogay $look, Clinton. Dr. Amos, Exeter, has been uite ill I have often bad t No ha and Colds, as q On the other band, the votes given to Meesre Gard, of W. Lambton, 3,100; MoUallum, call be entirely overcome appetite the average curesr liquor memall as ge eryttime,' NLIZZIE HARDYup for several days and is unable to attend of E. Lambtcn, 2,321,who ran as Independents and were not nominated by Conservative hun)an being by the use of certain preps- Are You Aware of the Fact that to his practice. ser conventions, Livcl and McDonald, of Centre Brace, Patron,l,93`l, have been placed in the Oon• rations of bichtorido of gold, We have thene drunk JOHN R iD®UT• wilhur, infant son of Wm. Mitchell, servativeoolamn-ina117,353, Mayfield, Ont•, TheCanadaBusinessColle e :,` accidently cut his fell a the clove Saturday The above is principally to be a very lair equalization, on t, twoHaycock, on the one hand, was & d forGliquor and the thirst ofetite of hthe mos- Funny Inotdenc on a Ilrlaax Tri i7GNVEYANCEI-, COMMISSIONER, RTO ^I and cut his face badly, vatives.edThe eapaolrtere ofsthrmntb,�nd looker,• on Lire other, more largely by Oonser. quits for blood are practically identical; p' CI3A'1'I3AM, ` Edward Hardiug has disposed of his pp A - , j ndependente were ver A young married eoupio took a late train ONT. Real leudtoaainuranca Agent. Money to 100 Acre farm. to 0. con. 1 Gl ria to Ptaasd in Reform,01 n^=iirvative ranks, though not strictly either, early equalize each boa sign le the hypo for liquor man be cured for Washington, intending to spend their Isdoing mora for its u Us than Mortgage and Note security, - -'` �' -"'?d-^ae as fairly placed as they well can be, having regard to the class of votes you have only to discovedermic r aAme et stat Ergo, honeymoon in rambling through the cor- 43 pu Ile wore elft ge Pi gthe Dominion other Offio°-HURON STREET, CLINTON 'or $4,5(X1. they received, p McIut re, who has been a real Aresult P µA riders of thecapitol, Congressional library dente from all A o.d ut two months. Stu- li$r U. v whimh will Toluca a similar res It in the and other public buildings. The otter quarters are Rucking to this mosquito and you have freed the human P worthy business school, ft. AGNEIN„ dent of dV y morning in many year£,, left Ever since the Provincial elections of a members in the House. was awakening passongera at an unusual• Besides a large attendance from Chatham, on Tuesday )Warning for Winnipeg, race from one of its chief sources of annoy ly early Itottr that morning, and long be- there ora already this year 9s pupils registered DENTIST, CLINTON '•sphere, he. will locate. month ago the Conservativei�ress has been Another comparison may be made:-Tor- onto. fore the train roaohed Baltimore be bad from outsade p,iuts. 60 oil them Prom points __ a declaring that the Liberal party had met a mediately after the election of 1894 the Lt- "You can Imagine mq joy when this thein n The nearer to of er business Colleges than to Megars J. and J. Kelly Lase leased prectioml defeat; that it was clear the voice berals secured, in the man subdivisions of grand idea first flashed upon me. I saw P' groom told his bride that Chatham. AT DENTIST, THE 2ND THURSDAY Olf he would leave his coat and hat and retire `t'e presume these people inveatigatod the EACH MONTl3 . the 50 acres of land, lot 10, 8th line of the people was adverse tc the present parties, 48 straight create, or a majority of InyseiP haS]od as a universal benefactor to the smoking Umnpnrtment of the train. °tents of the different schools, and decided _ Morris, and 15 acre+, north half of 10, Administration; that the time for a change two. Thio Ban nets would be spread in m honor, that nothing but the basr, would satisfy chem, year they have 51 seats ora q P y + He went out and mot a friend, who asked hence, they are hare, Office Hours-9 to 5, at Sana+hive, from Mr Joseph Clegg. had some, and that the knell of the Hardy majority of eight, a number quite equal to medals would decorate my breast, my po- hirn back into anotbercar In order that be 1 Government had sounded. Later events their majority in the late House an a strict sition in lips would be assured. I figured y Write for catalogue of other departments and Win. Brooks, hay postmaster, who might � has ut•eu quite ill all winter, we aro and results have tended to discourage ergo- party division, after the b e- that summer hotel proprietors alone would 1,hG meet a friend of his. son the con• a list of the 43 pupils) placed in two months. ]�, T• menta built upon this last mentioned state- somewhat straightened matters out�nThia, A P doctor began making his roul:cls and tak- Ij• McLAGHL Gi• ��QG''s pleased to state, is recovering, and is g yield ire an independent Income. ing up tickets. The young bride referred A1V a$ CO,Chathaw SURGEON DENTIST, i` bow able to move out around a little. ment, and now one searches in vain in the we repeat, does not look like a withdrawal him to the smoking apartment, where, she Graduate R O D B of There were many difficulties to be sur- ,sI' most rabid Conservative journals for the of confidence on the part of the Liberal mounted, however. My first step was to Ontario, and Trinity Mrs Neibold, Zurich, who for so long editorial paragraph the Premier's said, her husband would be found.' A mo- PROPERITh,13 FOR SALE OR To LET varsity Toronto, time has beedFcontiued in the count party from- the present Administration, gather a fine collection of the Insecta. went later the conductor returned and in- yy instant resignation. A score of 51 to 42, but, inetea;d, that it has received a direct They were In all stages of the blood drink- Special attention i jakl as a lunatic, was on Thursday af- as between the two main parties, takes the order from the constituencies to continue g formol bar politely that the bridegroom - the natural teeth, given to the Proeervation 1 in habit, from those who had but tasted was not to be found. The other passengers ternoon taken to the London Asq um. heart out of such cries and makes them ap. its excellent work of administration and t° their first drop to thb old rounders who FOR SALE. OAC°+ Coate Ctock, over Taylor's shoe store Mies Mar dao bier of Charles Din- pear ridicaloae. ware tottorin were startled by a loud shriek. N, B,-Will visit Bl th every Y+ g justify the etaGemant oP The Outlook, the g to a besotted end. An ex- "My husband! Oh, my husband 1" The undersigned will i'aY$eld every visit a Monday and hey, of Stephen, was married to Mr thBut it is w hen v e total th.figures from new English weekly+that Ontario is one of pert chemist and a well known naturalist, "Don't be alarmed, madam," laid the or 12 sell atasacrifice, Lot 451 Bummer y afternoon during rte, Wm. G. Walker, of the same town• practically complete Tatar a that some the best-governed bite of theam ire. The y scheme, then 1lattwa� Terrace Clinton. Particulars g + whom I had interested in m ship, the 30th of March. Rev: Mr of the statements above referred to are results above pointed out were obtained in began experiments upon these sem le conductor reassuringly. Nothing has neon apptioat on, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &e Yelland, of Creditou, performed the found to be extremely farcical, and, to en- spite of the man three cornered contests q P happened to scut husband. Ho is probably R, wM, GUNN, L. S, eeremor tirely disprove the claim that the resent s hitherto Y mosquitoes. It seemed a long time to me, in Baltimore. We dropped two sleepers at C. P. and L. R. C. 8, y P Liberal eonatitueamiea, and in impatient as I woe, but in reality lase that FOR SALE. Ni Edinburgh. Ofhco-Ontario Brest Clinton "'t''" 1Mra John Jarrett, Exeter, Formerly Government is less strolrg with the Liberal spite, too, of the domestic diffieu[tiea in than a month passed before my assistants of the And that was wby friends baght calls at front door of residence on Ra art than was that of Sir Oliver Mowat. others which led to their temporary- loss to Young couple who went to the eta- b'stotory olid contents on the roperty of D, y Bt" Opposite Presbyterian church, flan P of Kipper, recently receival the sad As a matteroffaotitoameoutof the recent the Liberal had discovered a solution which reduced Buchanan Lor 8125, b a Ing 15 down and P Limn in this city to meet them saw only y y g + intelligence from her daughter, Mrs party-losses for whish the Cha desired effect, Indeed, rho Dore balance at $lo a moat Bull to o be and contest with many thousand more volae at art a the bride clinging to an overcoat find a moved. A I g George Hart, of Washington Terri- P Y s a whole cannot be held d been brought about such a complete change in silk hat and wailing, "Thio is all Chore id Pp y to J• SCOTT' Clint°°' ��pnJ. ive Qi TURNBULL, M. D. TORON tory, that their three children had its back than did the Government in I894. afble. If these loos! differenoee had been. the character of the insects that they left of hits!"-WDshitrgton Post pf t Comparing the figures oY the two general atriotioall buried, the Government ma- would 'eat their natural food frotu the HOUSE and LO Soo' University, D, C,M„ Victoria Univeralt, died suddenly. elections, the total vote oiled b all the P Y O. P ac S., Ontario. Fellow of theobstetries P Y }} )stilt' would have been 1G or 18 instead of Palma of our hands, without ever attempt- Salty. T FOR SALE tett' gf Edinburgh late oL London, Eng„ an V : A case of much interest to residents various parties four years ago was 388,000; 18, The present majority has been won in Ing to molest us. y • �� Edinburgh ce Pa tenburtals, oiHCo. -Dr.Doweeiy eolr7 - of Bayfield wa• disposed of at Gode- on the first of March last ft was 434,000, or spite of Cha farther foot that fn some rid- "Then came the praotioal application of The ant ser frame house on Tovynsend St q Bt, Clinton. Night bell Grant Hamilton, associate editor on at greaent occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned answered at the same place. rich last week. It was an action en an increase of 56,000, In 1894, with the , ings a large proportion of thescattered vote the cure on a large scale. While Int' sof- Judge, was in the days of h1a youth an berms• Duncan, offered for saleon;reaaonable n'. tered by ex-Reeve Burns to unseat manhood suffrage act in force, the Liberals of 1894 and of the new vote seems to bave entiflo friends had been searching for the Ohio boy. It was then that be,worked in i e five rooms, stone cellar, Reeve Erwin. This was dismissed by polled I59,232 votes;in 1898, 215,644, or 561• gone to the Cothservatives this ti a to the Ct1ro which was to work t quarter acre to-, in central ositton of town and DR, J, W. SHAW Pgy such wonders I tt grocery store, measured beans and corn ill good repair. Apply to �DI COO(ER, build- 1• R, J-cheu I oto., office and eBiORGEON 'r the judge, with assts against the plain- 412 more than in 1894-by an odd coins]- extent of about 73 000 (still7eav them had careful! evolved a fan for putting ft and potatoes and such things as those. or, Clinton taro Bt., op dance On. "` tiff, donee, nearly the exact number represent. behind the Liberals over 7 OOQ' and m In carefully My ideawasr puestablishingt One day a crabbed old fellow with whom copied by poolto E on,sb church, Clinton ot formerly oe; ' in the tote! increase in the .neral vote the straight Liberal rankcidents not only remain mosquito asylums, as I May call them for Hamilton was acquainted entered the A horse belonging to Dr. Bethune g g , y oneSeaday this with quite a e the doctor so that the Hardy Government received unbroken, but added to their former num- want of a better name, In various swampy store and inquired for some mackerel. In OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE r one day this ween, While the doctor Y Y g obedience to the request your Hamilton The 11 undersigned -� JR STANi.URY, GRADUATE OF THH I near as in th9 n ratrai ht Liberal votes this her no lege than 5G,000 new votes. re ions where the insects are bred in large g gned offers Por sate that tvvo story L MedSoal Department rues out driving in the country, the Y previous el, coon, but an en. A concrete exam to is found in the Tor- aumberS. ' Lar a ]atforins were to be ran his arm deep down in the barrel and, Brick Residence occupied by the late Mrs Wm slit', 'Toronto Por °f Victoria IJnfver horse stumbled and fell, injuring its ormone number in addition. Thio does onto.-an example upon which the Oppo• erected on which the vegetable food of the holding up a fish to the gaze ail the pro- o ai�tenbury There is to connection one acre �?1sAenearrae,' Neta° yarg the Ho�pltala and s `1, I knees so badly that it will be laid up• not look as if Liberalism is leas strong or eition papers have not dwelt at fent a ectivo uxchaser, said:. land whIch will a13o be sold fa Dna piece or G°arty oP$nrou;+$ia Corolfer for he1. r:` that the art is less thoroughly united length. mosquito scald be spread in groat quant!- A P ' in lots to suit purchaser, Apply to y$eld', Ont. for Some lime. party g Y Hera, in the chief business centre of the ties. Fortunately it was not necessary to „How will tbis one suit you, sir?" , W•W.FAItRAN crJ-R!TTENBURY, Clinton than formerly,. province, the electors practically Well, my boy, iterated the gentleman One day last week while Wm., eldest Another interesting feature is gathered their confidence in the rAsent business tions. Be morel saturahypodermio injeo- as he touched the tip of his flnger t° the J •E, BLAC1iALL VETERINAR,y SLING] c ,I. son of the h Irvine, Hullett, was work- from the total figures, viz., that on March Adaifnietrstiatl by redncin the Conserve- the sohttfon the same result was food with „ HonoraryGraduateof th rioVete p fish, this tastes -awfully salty." GOOD dOUSi; FOR SALE Collegb, Treata$i eeofdom e Ing an the hag prese,he had his foot in" 1 the Liberals polled 7,208 more votes than tive ma orities of 1894 of 6,059 to 2,827 in If I did not succeed !n u tr produced. "My dear sir," said Hamilton, "Sf you mals on the moat modern anti jural. It is supposed the dye trona his Cha Conservatives. This, again, doss not 1898, a decrease of 3,232, t at ting enough That well situated house on Townsend St., at idea Office-hO 06t at der south Sol sock entered into his foot and caused Lad been in that brine as long as that fish pros°nt sten Of]lce, kesidenoe e Atboy °ftLeNew1Ers f' • look as if the people gave their mandate to It would seem to be clear! r mosqultoes by this means, I bad Sn reserve you'd be salty too. " Aird when the old sale on cavy term•b by Mr acts' to oftored Eor night orda atte rt bt., Clinton, Oall "; blood poison. The young man is, we Mr Whitney and his followers, If, as the fore Y proven the idea of erecting a small hotel in close hnnodatton for y ndedto tom tl that the eo le of Ontario have said proximity to follow told the proprietor of the store of ordinary Pamaly Apply to MRS JOSEPH C, p p v ale glad to learn, improving. Conservative organs alleged from da to P P Tiami]ton a romaxk the prospective su°mas- y ¢. g g Y It is not time for change in our Provin- would be provided with hammocks, and TOWNSEND, Huron St. Chas. H. Dodds, Seafoxth, who left day, the Hardy Government had lost the opal rale; it is not time for Mr JOHN ,, or San Fr. Dodds, S of it weeks ago, left day, the of the electorate and are there- Whitney and the windows with mosquito netting. I Nor of the lamented Bernhard Gillarn was F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 11 Lie followers to take the Treasurygaols, could easll q g' told to seek another job.-Naw Orleans COT rA`Q L' AND LO'r FOR has returned to r;llnton and opened an office r has, we are Rpteased to learn, arrived fore no longer entitled to retain their places l which they so eagerly covet, and frther weeks in the place b9 o8periv°s thorn few free '1'imos-Demcorat, SA LE. at the Q°eau's gore], where be mut' be oonauit- safely. He is delighted wish the coon- Coen, by the same -reasoning, Mx W hitne . _ ed for the treatment of all diseases o� horses, Y that the Hardy Government hag the clear entertainment. I also lana d to uta The undersigned offers for solo a frame em . tattle, & ' _ All calls, night or day, •promptlyat sY x P try, but says times are verq dull, al- and Lis followers have #ailed to an even and nnmiatakeable warrant of the P A P A Reflection. foga of Pour rooms with kitchen and woodshet though he was lucky enough in recur- greater extent, name! to the extent of ov people my mosquito chloride In an)all bottles for ... ....... Y+ to continue its model baeioese, economical borne use, placing it on sale at all drug "Why don't you read tome Instead of attached. Centraly altua+ed. Good water ane ` in); a position immediately after his . er 7.000 votes to the country, and of eight drainage. Will beeoldchaap. App; to ARR GE LTOENbE, dAME6 SCOTT, B$, > . y w+ �' and progressive administration." stores. These were the first steps of rug keeping the papers all to yourself in gloomy arrival. y P y W. C. SEABEE. 1t1 issurer of Marriage A rumor is afloat that East' Huron is enterprise. Of course I built Ivy hopes silence? ' said Mrs. Snag,;:; to her husband, Clihtun Dae, 10th and Resideaeo, Mary street Licensee ibrary iCoow to be thrown open by the resignation Clinton Post Office. i NEw•B NOTES, largely on the belief that the mosquitoes "very well, my aur," rupli.ud Dir. -________ p that had been cured'would bring forth off- Snai;ge, who always vovo to please, "I'll . oCHUICE FARM FOR SALE, of A. Hislop M.P.P. with the object Mr. 4Vm. Mackenzie is at the capital again spring in whom the blood drinking habit read you this articlo on `Alannera In Con- JAMES CAMPBELL L �.'`^ ' ' PINE TABLEobn. For sale • a farm of 75 acres of execifent land, ISSUER OF SIARR ADGE� CENBES Dryof den, ]Minister of Aa seat fricullture r Hon. Jwho DUE Yukoawaitn Ra lwa lopemente in regard to the would be entirely wanting. Ikavi> ^thus., gt�ss' " being the north half of lot 42, t3th con. oe Hul• ' .• Y + g + MAILS CLOSED Y• No tvttnessos re Was defeated at the last election. The obliterated the hereditary tendency to 11f, Thank you, bat I do not care Por pure- lett. Good bank barn, frame house with cissa required Executive of the Liberal Association A•M. P.M.i a,M M5 The evidence in the case proves Hood's temperance, I counted on the speedy re- ly speculative di..>yuisitiona."-1'lttsburg cellar, plenty of water; all but Pour acres 10 15 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 7 00 4 00 sarsaparilla aures scrofula, salt rheum, generation of the mosquito race. P y Chronicle-'Telegraph. cleared within easy distance of school and �1, W. FASNCOMII, MEMBER OF ASS'N OF in the Riding know nothing about It. 7 40 4 30 Will m and Kincardine 9 55 635 boils, humors and all eruptions,, ' "I Can see b ohurched Will be sold on reasonable terms. • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor sad A meeting of the Reformers Of Exe- 10 15 6 55 Western S.W. & N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 P y your expression, gentle- tt GABR11CL SPRUNG, Auburn P. O, Civil Engineer, London, Ont.-pill°B yet, Goo, g 10 15 1 03 Paris, Bufyalo�eaatern U S 700 4 05 John'MePhail s men, that you have been Interested in the Froin records oxtondinu hnck to 1680 b1. -- - Stewart's Grocer _ y Store, Clinton, -ter was convened there on Wednesday 2 35 at(em to by t tiin Township, recital of my hopes and aspirations. You Camille Flmm�aarion finds that the rnin- , , evening, to decide upon a poptmaster 1016 1031 Toronto&gointseastarnrth7Oo 405 P dsuicidebycuttinghisthroat. 1EilOUSC AND LO i. FOR, S,tLE ,HATS 1tL11IUDEL i 03,...Montreat and Ottawa... 7 00 2 35 There is no hope of his recovery, will undoubtedly sympathize with me f.t;l of Pur;., 1)a), tr '•,:n++Ily inr•roau.ad about __ Lj:D. for Exeter. Mr of n e P., was prey- 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B G7 00 2 3 when I tell you of their downfaIL I began tbroo Inuiat's• l" ':a'= s:''w n 1:;; lu ntoru than The Pram° house aur! bn1P-acro ,lot on Huron Hats re ant. A number of names were voted 1 03. Hon. Wm. Harty has in3tructed his operations on a Small scale In a lonely part .,., 1.1"'(` i) Y" ''• ' 1 v 1t'11"'snt of diffur- Strcet, Clinton, occupied b ton new pe remodelled and done over as good as " Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 solicitor to enter an action for libel of New Jersey, where I could p YGubscriber, is offer- wishing work doze in .upon, Mr E. Christie securing amajor- 10 271 POflnjr for Sala. Acuonnnod:itlot, fur ordinary perfect satisfaction on 1 03ucruayt; is their receive this line of seven over the others. If this Vote 10 27 Points E & N of Stratford 7 00 235 against the $ingston Daily News. Intrusion. For a Pew days be Safe from �u q. Hard and soft avatar and cellar, nIso their orders with the undersileaving I y all went well. r of ob bearingg Ebe trees, The house is well located, °Ys early. Leave or. •'+ eoun�a for anything, Mr Ch[istieis 1031..,,MttchallandDnblin....700 S. E. Wilkine,.,aHamiltonmercbant Moaquitooscamo lnawarma, attracted by audtviil b° sold oil reasonable terms. Apply Over$eealev& Co'a.JatsAtMOURE, ~-'' Exeter's coming postmaster. 7 40 2 65 12 4 was fined one cent the Police Mat 'r� Y to GEO. SWALLOW, or oa the remises to store Albert Street. - Goderioh....•... . y m haft. The effeotof the cure at ones MRS AGNEWPC,tiutou, The following from the Lincoln,Neb' Lucan crossing, Sarnia and 800 trate for violating a city by-law in aFll• apparent. The future seemed very bright. SUINGr!!. Lw j+' 4 in a air of shoes sitar 7 m. But alae for In hopes) When success The gin of Ujt SALE State Journal g f tornch 10th, refers b. 0 15 665 ...,anter somata points n 7 00 4 05 g P p, y P g Dahomey, who betrayed his the marriage of a son of J. Diraley, of 7 40 I,.Londesboro & Bslgrave.. 9 55 Rev, John Fergus, Bower, Caithness-shire Seemed almost within my grasp, a slight brother to s a French ill order to ascend ilia ���� , It Subs:riber will keep as usual the error in our calculations served to ruin the throne, goes about his capital in a gorl cone SL FOR SALE. Of Reed Cedar and other ShingletbBlt brands the Diraley House, Wingham:-W. P. The office la open to the public who died on March 7, at the age of 91, w+e chariot, smoking immense cigars and wear• oto, apply to D. and g A (holidays ex one of the oldest ministers of the church ofsimply $i2,2oa► bnya the two semi-detach himself at either l Dineley and Miss S. M. Goodwin were canted) Yrom 8 a.m. to 7.15 entire scheme. We Lad failed to Ing a prodigious Roman helmet. The char- ed brick places, COWAN,WAN, at Blyth or i. P.m. but holders o consider infernal cleverness of the mos- housed on Rattonbury St., known ae the Fox, .bin les will ilnd tt to their parties wanttu p 11 married Wednesday night by Reb. R. lock boxes have access to the lo�tby until 8 p.m Scotland. He was a preamher in the church g advantage to N Turner at the home of the bride a Money Order and Saving Bank office °non for over ?0 years, quitoes, TLo little boasts didn't want to int is drawn by the ministers of stat°. ton Property, for prices before buying etsewhere, g sister Mrs $axter, after which the 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. be cured. Like too man of their human A dutiful German son advertises in the , pa, WH. rhos houses and also vacant lots for sale. W Burglars atternpted to rob the TCeaS- y D1186i 1 -1 rivaba fluids %,!) in large and email Lundosboro, Fab. 18, 1808, wedding party partook of a bounteous Matter Yor registration must be posted half urer s a1Bce at + proGotypee, they aotuaIly preferred to con- Leipzig TageWatt: 'Marriage - I seek for sums �, u t , o , .n ,r.; ; t r ,. Rates tow. d9pre,id. nn Lour before closing rho mails. Queen S University, time in the barbarous ouatorna of their my father, a etxiotly respectable man with W. BRYDONE, Barrister. 1n ' By Old Established ~ ~ klSTAGE MAIL - SUMMERHIL.L - Ever grngeton. The caretaker saw two then ancestors rather than accept the blessings a quiet business, an elderly, solitary widow WIN 1! a) Ho- %_ Smith, 6th con., Grey, is a Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 6.2band laav jump oat of a window, and $red two of a sober and temperate life. Those who °r maiden with some property in omsh. Ad- oP good CLuroh eta d Grade est r Woman, teat Shropshire sheep breeder and tng a, 6.30p.m. chola after them and then ave chase, 1iUSIN)�SS PItOPERTY here and do otlice work and qones choanae g g had been cured told their friends stool it, clr+es, with a statement of mondtttona." FOR p J111,51 had more than ordinary good for- ONCE A DAY ONLY to mail despatched They escaped, SA I.E at their home. ^Business already but u and rho Swarms that Lad Surrounded out estrablished her°, Salary S90o Enoiose Belt tune with his flock. e r the owner alRo to Mitt hhell and Dublin, mails sloe na as The Philadelphia Zoo now possesses the 'asylum' dwindled to a beggarly number. THF NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS That dosirablo Brick Business Strand o a P eased stamped enve+ope for o . of two ewes that have presented him n Al Elder, Geuernl Manager, our terms to above stated. 4 only chamois in the country, It is a fine To add to our dlsmomfiture, the people who Bert bG,, Winton, oecugied by Nr N. Robson, Ss Ave., Chicago, Il! g 160 Michigan with triplet lambs four years in sueces- young back and was oa tared in offered for Sala, Including rear tor, and son, i, Bier. Another ewe gave him 7 lambs Malls for British Islas and European coon• P Switzer bad come out from the city and were get- The Ielation is one of rho bast in Clinton. The tries intended to be forwarded by New York, land while seeking 1 i -in two years, tri let and quadruplet, must have written on the top left hand corner g shelter with its mother tick their board free at our hotel began to l,ropertt is free Prom locumbranee and title in- AG,$N TS. s Fears, froth a severe storm, The mother was also ,kick about the butter, the lack of scenery g ab'°. Price reasonable and terms t° suit Mr Sm th bas 29 ambo So far this sea- of envelops VIA N>zw Yvnz, captured, but died soon of and the bad water. Many departed in as%good pill chaser, Appy to 4E0. SrANBUItY, Lou- ably 1booQklke Gold Fields," a lame cheap, valtt- taQn ill his Bock, dos ]toad, or address Clinton P. O , seninB like a whirlwtn A portion of the new brio eon the much indlgnatfan as If they had been pay- rospectusiwent five canto Books , On Tuesday morning, while working j f Ou cannot et heel Crow's Neat line of rarlwa gover the in a ilt ed ed ra essential to RADL•EX-GAR CON CO. Books onttMaa; -on Wm. Mc(.aughan's house in Gode- y g a 8 8 g Fries for their rooms. ., ++ rtt. Mary's River was blown down Then our financial backing began to Toronto. rich, Dick Tichborne met with an Mutton will answer. ,find health. Ever nook 1310od � �ERpdiN BLOCK " accident which Will lay him up for ee- with it eight men. A roan named Fer, weaken, and it was not long before the y You may choose between guson, of Renfrew, was killed, and the. whole enterprise from which we had es- and corner of the 2 FOR SALE A !4 I vertu weeks. He was working h a others seriously injured. The men fell pe°ted such great results was as dead es +ayetem id reatehed by the blood, and on -- r ' .The best lite of HGcorENTSy I , Ytc&i'fbld 2ii Peet from the ground, o the milk water, about 60 feet, the proverbial doornail. For my part I Its rt' g $00 cash 120 Dm J vAl Mlakmentm ooa:gilt nch writes s mord Lorne about "p naso V 'n l '- it broke and precipitated hint to the r � COffee Or tea. quality the condition organ do, a y p yhave seett" have concluded to give humanitarian ponds. Good blood means strong nerves, B ake ft a dollars doff ictoria. earth. Fartunateiy Ile fail an his aide, But there is no second choice The Bishop of Huron had a narrow schemes the cold shoulder in the future." ADLEY-GAnRETSON COHdypANy And escaped with a broken wrist, a cut escape from being killed at London. The colonel gazed gloomllq at an also- Good digestion, robust health, Impure Fax m for Sale or to. hent. _ Toroni'oLmi�' head`and a badly bruised leg+ for Scott's Emulsion. oe was being driven tq St. Paups Cath tri° button near by. Some one pushed it, blood means sorofnla, dyspepsia, z coral, and in crossing the street rail• and a bright ray shot athwart the loom tlsm,eatnrrhor other diseases. The surest The south half of fol 5, concoaaion 9• Town- f1L1lIV'CON We regret this weAk to have tb It is SCDtt S Emulsion or waY tracks hie carriage wag struck by --Now York Sun. g Wny to have good blood id to take I3 od's cl lured al ort t °ontatnin ; 100 acres, 80 aures �IOAi e, chronicle the death of MI's Henr Me- Vll r" Dougall, of Usborne, which occurred nothin a trolley tar, Hie Lordship was severe- 4 gond state o+ cultivativation. and Sarsaparilla. This medicine t he o aro on the promisee a fmmo house, frame COAD + barn. Ytama drive hand . YARD. 1. est her Name On Tuesday last, after a g ly shaken up, purifies H- gond orchard, never• Subscriber is roparod to prom 1 ., A Profitable Monopoly, talise�, and erriohed the blood, and eeaids failing eupV? of spring water. Sltuuted !mile dors for Wood of t col, to gt fill .at1 or. IClklg and painful illness. ass. Mrs Dangatl When you need the best There is a larger Population within a Roaz-I Lear your Friend 1�11Iem !a the a amenia of health and strength to from the village of Blyth, t1'Sll b° so d on ran dere fo. ages, Olti 9 oh will be ebld i0Va9 Otte of the ver earl settlers with radius of thirty mikes Of Manchester making money in that country town. every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates r4O1T�OS rRm �1%It HT�iCtxocilylaIurON, B,ytt, IIa2YLEMEfVT ltOpyiBxsaa° St t. at LA•VIS o,: faT]e London Read, She, together w[th Cod-liver oil, the best hypo- than there Is within the same space Joax-Yee; he has thetownspeople dead a rte , 948 Princess ____N W. WHIR LE ,! Pgood appetite, gives refreshing eleels Ave„ London, Ont, T $ tidii' Tate husband, who predecease her anywhere else in the world not except- to rights 1f they get the least thing the and Cures that tired feeling, Remember, AGED^q - Book businegsLs bet r ' 14early, 40 years ago, emigrated to this phosphites, and the best ink London. The Po nation within molter vvftL them. He's the onl cars zat;alao have 6otcorand! glycerine, all combined in this radius is 7,5(10 t7(]0 y nLthe Boils() au(I Lot for Sale P Tm Ag.'lntEl l�e 1nt%n ai$lpr colo try over fifty years ago, anis set makin Man- Cfaa arcs tiled Ila the London Road, near Ra r;r- cheater the nearest seaport to the most . place. druggist R cordundertaker in the illi' best (JOSSIble manner densely Pcpulated district in the world. HoodSThe frame house on ^Rattenbary street, Gladstone,""'My 'Inthor'sBi ! ville,1 where the deceased continue t � a poaken .,9uecoTtdfe i c9ide uritit her death. Mrs Dougall ' Hon. John Dryden appears to be can. With one exception the governors of all Smmedistei•y east of Lr. Toin u)son's, is i?P'ar'" "Glimpses of the Unaeo y y fldent of his ability the states receive a definite calor without offered for Salo on very reasonable terms, (Ila." °Root a o npilnlo. OCtflr dfreet] wobighlyrespected, and her bereav- you have only One Choice: ed fttmlly, int a loss of a kind and a y to unseat the en- y' The boost ig omntratl The BRADLEY GARRETSON 0 It brings prompt results tleman who unseated him in South On- the addition of fees or perquisites. Tho ex• y situated be;r.g only �o�i;ng mother, have the Sympathy of f; p p tarin, and to regvin the seat in a bye. ception Is the governor of Oregon, who �t e� �o!' j a minitto' walk from the businesn centre, Toronto, Ali, _ In all CaSCS Of wasting, or electiCn. Ali enlhusiast,ic meeting was keta $1,500 cash and some extras. Ilia !e Sarsaparilla sapid 1 l la has atone cellar, largo dining room, rarlor, field at Bronklin, at which leadtn L[b• rho emalleSt salary paid any governor of bed room orad kitchen down stairs, with one AGENTS %VAN'l 1D G`U!'t5 a Cold In One Y??R, • g Ietbebest- lntaottheOnrTruel3toodParlAar, largo and two s.nailer bedrooms upstairs A ants wanted, rnalo Day. toss in weight. orals tumbled over one antltheriu their an American state except the governor of K at,d Pena] 'iidlts'fAxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al All dru i eagerness to subscribe money to carry Vermont, who gets $1,500 without an oz- (mre Liver Viet coat to Good-sized summer kitohen and garden, l°orality to soil Cur�)al eltic , Big ' ,ortloodtd tefund the money if kt failato cure.25° C8 ars; 5oa sad 5t.oa Or elle pI atest, a 11 I SCOTT Qt BOWNB, Chcmists, Toronto. trim Y Hood"S Plll� hike, sway toopdrAq, 2ba, very eonvoniently Bitot.ted for boardin aid• Send apps{cation and 25 con , I ( ** I I house. Apply at Nsw ERA ofce, g �inc ofsampios, Tho tRANC s M Confederation Life 13d'ge . . + Q, ^. ' a ., . , - .r . 11 .. s ,1. I + i w 4.I