HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-05-14, Page 4JMQIES f11CI1IUACHIE BANKER. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. j3IrXT11, ONTAIIIU. $TOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes e speciate-, Advances 'natio to farmers on their own notes. No additippal security re- quired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and goneervative banking principles. C,NLI1tITED PRiYATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate st lowest rates of interest. RAL ESTATE AGENTS. Parsons wishing; to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire end Life Assurance companies, and re- JtpectlaUy,sQlicbt your account. QFFICE HOURS: 10 A.m. to 8 P.M. Bual(nau Cards. �B. G, E. LONG, DENTAL SUBDUE. Cuceotwnr to Dr. J. rows. Graduate of the College of Dental Rmae001. An' nonor groduote of Toronto Untw,Nty, Ogden over Oeorer Powell'', rtnre, Pntor:a',look, Myth. E. L. in10EINSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. ETC., Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loan, Ofdoe, Mayer block, Wingham. C M.B. PHTICJAN AND BURGEON. Mneeenor to Dr. Tait. Draduete Vf theDnl• vsesl/y t Toronto, Member of Collage of Phy- altana and Soresone of Ontario, Formerly of Latvian, Rutland and Edin0argh.Se$1aud, boa yaws. OMoo and residence, tail lately en. 'ov 'Vote by Dr. Tait, Rtytb: V J. MILNE, M.D.O.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Unlvenity of Trinity College; '1lQ�ea��esnn.,UUuivmtty; Fellow of Trinity Medical Wlse. end of member Cole of Physicians a rtp'genne of Ontario. Oaoroner for the Daunt/ W Futon. Oftee, ens door north of the :00feeterchtl hotel, Queen ;treat, Blyth. T. J• BUDESTEP, BASER AND TOBACCONIST. Chola stook of Tobaccos, Cagan and Pipes o0 bend. Apt fdr the Patinae ateepr l,waudrl, QuNO 8Wev,t, Blytb. UURMiLTQN, APprt01(EER AND VALUAIOR, Lead Tuan and Intones Agent. 0®re, no Lea, Blyth. Orders left at Tan bus. 'Win ogee 01 LTeoetve prompt attention. A B. BRADWIN, BTEAUBRtP AGENT, The Eldnr-Drmpeter line. represented. Octan tickets gold to any pat of Europa Low win• and 'AM kot Palling ftes now in urnished on apples fiation t0 Tam ;STANDARD office, Blyth. paw. S. L. TAURE, MANDTACTURING OPTIQa1N AND EYE seeptspire. All kinds of 8 tee'es and Eyegiame made Semler. taieclel attention riven o Attie*lt the eqe, Orden b mat) promptly atrendrd to. Biwam of pary�es uelnu my name as 1 ewploy °Do travelling agents whatever, batietaotlou g00raoteee. Established 1871. 964 Richmond Was W., Toronto. Ai FAA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR/ The farthest south, and one of the *gest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses-M.L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Sinking, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location, Moderate char- ges. Write for oatelogue to REV. PRH WARNER, M.,1., B.D. ,OUR MOTTO: "High Grade Work Only." • Our graduates readily secure positions • became our biel grade training prepare • 2 them t, peeler nr•r class service., Reel- • nese u:en want Wet -clam worker' and • .♦ hive no Buie to waste upon the other • kind, Commence a cuun.e now and be • ready Int a p0eitiou in the tali. Write • for bandsome catalogue. W. J. I LLIOTT . PRINCIPAL • arm For Sale. zttf The nudoreigned offers has tem, lot 87. inn. 9, Plat Wow omen, for sale, The fain contains 10) More•, 110 &errs cleared, Balance good hard. wood hu..b, 23 acres ploughed, 8 &ores o1 fall wheat, 6 arras of orchard; good baro with stone cabling and cement floor, 69410; gond 06ne bog neo driving hccae over, 09198; two go I •sane ; i 11,me house, one and a belt starry,. n rood trine cellar and cement noor. The t r :e well watered by 0 livlut spring creat amt 10 well adopted for stook pongees. It ix Mewl miles from myth and halt mita from s 0(1)001. For full pertloulers appy to Oaons •llvtxp oe the prem e', or address Lyth F.D. QGhe gl th gttanbarb. A. E. BRADWIN, PDILtenna. THE BLTTN STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live !seal -news- paper, end hes a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making a valuable advertising medium. Sub- Icription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; 11.60 will be charged d not so paid. Advertising Rates on application. Job Printing neatly and 1 eaply exeoutetl. Correspondence of a *away nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1908. THE NEW REDISTRIBUTION BILL. The committee for the redistribution of the constituencies had their first real plunge into the subject Monday morn- ing. The re -adjustment of the Ontario Beate was under discussion, and !rein the beet information obtainable it was determined to proceed on the following Tines:-T11e unit of population is to he 26,0J0. 411 counties under that unit and up to a unit and a half aro entitled to one member. Counties over a unit and a half end up to two units and a half are to bo given two members. Counties over two and a half units will be accorded three members. The total representation of Ontario will be 80 members, Under the redistribution two new Inotnbera must be given to new On - tarso, .and the addition of the suburban population to Toronto will mean another member for that city. Including the six which the province roust lose by ire failure to increase in the necessary pro- portion of population, this makes nine members to cone off old Ontario's re- presentation, Proceeding on the lines laid down by the committee, the num- erical representation of the eonetltnen- cies of Ontario would be as follows :- Five members -Toronto. Four members -Middlesex (including London). Three members -Simco',, York, Grey, Algoma, Wentworth (inoluding Hamil- ton), Huron, Carleton (including Ot- tawa), Leede and Grenville, Durham and Northumberland. Two members -Essex, Kent, Elgin, Lambtoo Bruce, Wellington, Perth. Lanark, il.enfrew, Frontenac (including Kingston), Heetinge, Peterboro', Vt'at- erloo, Oxford, Brant, Ontario. One member -Norfolk, Haldimand, Welland, Lincoln, Muskoka, Parry Sound, Peel, Dufferin, Halton, Nipis- ping, Prescott Glengarry, Stormont, Russell Dundee, Lennox and Adding - tun, Prince Edward, Victoria. The ridings of Bothwell, Brockville, Cardwell and Welt Ontario disappear. Dulferin takes the place of Cardwell, and Lenncnt and Addiugton art united, Muskoka and Parry Sound become separate constituencies Algoma auk ywo new members, and Kent, Toronto and Brant one each, On the other hand, the ridings of Norfolk, Middle- sex, Bruce, Wellington, Hastinge, Dur- ham (with Northumberland) lose one each. With respect to the other provinces, there will be no changes of counties in 9uebec, but all the parochial and town- ship alterations made at the last gerry- mender are remedied and original county limits re-established. In Nova Scotia Victoria will be merg- ed in Cape Breton, and Picton is to lose s member. In Prince Edward Island representation will he in accordance with county limits. In New Brunswick Albert will be merged into King's. The western constituencies have apparently not yet been drawn up, NOTES AND COMMENTS. -When the Gamey case ie over somebody should be sent to jail for perjury. -Canada lost a good man on Friday last in the death of Hon. Justice Mills. Few have done more for their country{ none'has left a cleaner record. -The investigation into the Gamey charges re -opened on Tuesday. There are 80 witneseee yet to be heard, and we dont know the number of here -Tbe Toronto Telegram says that all the Toronto Globe tante is to start the Tories running away front Mr. R. g Gamey, M.P,P., so that it can hold them up to the wrath of heaven and the scorn of men as a lot of bounty -jumping cowards. -The emigration figures for April, just announced, show that 7727 Eng- lish, 1716 Scotch, 820 Irish and 6219 foreigners left Great Britain for Canada during the past month. The total emi- gration to Africa was 4247, and to Australia 782. -Mr, Alex. Smith, who for 10 years has been chief organizer of the Liberal party for the province of Ontario, has resigned. Mr. Smith has been contem- plating this step for some months, and intends to enter the practice of law at Ottawa, Although Mr. Smith 'was in journalism at the time he was chosen to succeed Mr. W. T. R. Preston as Lib- eral organizer, he was also a barrister, arid holds the B.C.L. degree. -Lord Claude Hamilton, accompa- nied by Lady Lansdowne, his sister, speaking at the opening of a Methodist bazaar in the neighborhood of ,London, England, or, Saturday, said that if the ritualistic movement became general he would join the Methodist church. It is announced that another London clergy- men, Rev Mr. Elam, a curate at HitA we, has joined the';hureh of R.lu.e, The bishops' action is ineffectual in suppressing the Homeward teudo,ieies 11 in the establi::tied church. -Mi'. J. V. Teetzel, K,C., of Hamid i ton, has been appointed to the high 0 court of Ontario, con mon pleaedlviaion, w to place of the late Mr. Justice Lount. t Mr. Teetzel has had a most creditable h career both as a student and at the bar. o As a graduate be took a distinguished courre, winning a soholnrehip, and by reason of his high standing having18 months thrown oil his time as a studnt. He was thus allowed to be called to the bar at the expiration of three and a hall years, as against five years, the regula- tion period. He has always practised in Hamilton, where he has acquired it large clientele and taken a prominent Part In the legal work of that district. --Hon, David Mill.,ustice of the supreme court, died suddenly Friday night at his residence in Ottawa. After sitting with his family, he went up- stairs, and shortly after came down again, going on to the lawn to turn off the sprinkler. When he returned to the house, Mrs. Mills heard a groan, and found her husband in the hall, lean- ing against the wall, and complaining that he could trot breathe. Two doctors wore summoned and quickly arrlyed, but too late. The cause of death was suffocation, by the bursting of a blood veered, He was buried on Tuesday at Palmyra, the place of hie birth, in Orford township, Kent county. BP4Pte and Pastimes. Mr, Charles Ziiliax, one of the Lie. towel junior football players had his leg broken while playing against Mil- verton a few days ago. Wiugghatn defeated Listowel in a game of 'P.',F.A. junior series football at Lis- towel on Monday by a score of 1 to 0. Wing)tam had much the advantage in weight, the Listowel team being com- posed of light youngsters. The Baine was about evenly contested and wonder- ouslyintereetingthroughout. Towards the etall the visitors scored the only goal. Mr, Elsner Moore, of Winghsm, was referee. A football team from the Clinton col- legiate institute played the Blyth school football team on tho Agricultural park on Wedneeday evening of last week. The Clinton kickers were big and heavy, there being several of the Hough cup players among them, but they stood no show when playing against the fast Blyth team. Blyth won by a score o(1 to 0. The Blyth players were: Goal, '1', B. MnArter; Backe, H. Wettlau(er, H. Sellate; halfbacks, E. Mason, J. Hiroo', D. McLean; forwards, M. Begley, W. Sellere, S, Buchanan, W. Watson, H. Oidley. Manager Gardner, of the Toronto baseball club, has released (Mir players - Pitcher Mason Pitcher duller, Pitcher Pearson and Catcher Ryan, ,Pitcher McNeill will be kept for while and may later be turned over to the ,Roches- ter club, Mr. Gardner has seoured two new pitchers -Hardy, from the Chicago National team, and Maurice Wolfe, from the Columbus American Association club, Both are left•handere. Hardy. beat the At. Louis Nationale on Satur day, but M.tnager Selee has three left-. handers, and can only use one, so hei sent Lardy to Toronto until the end 01 the season, when he le to be returned toe the Chicago club. Wolfe, who finished Met season with Toronto, wan sold by Binghamton to Columbus. On Satur- day last Manager Gardner engaged him by wire and ordered him to report at once. The Blyth football team went to Wingham on Thursday and played a game with the team of that town. Considering that the Winghem team has been playing all season and prepar- ing for the W.F.A. series while the Blyth team 'Ad never been together at all this pea I, our boys made a very favo^able sat ,ng by holding Wingham down to a a. v of three goals to nil, In the first iia.. of the game neither side scored, but in the last half lack of condition began to tell of the Blyth team, although they put up a lively fight to the finish, The following were the Blyth players:-Messrs.'I'. B. Mc- Arter, Wm. Smith, R. H. Somers, Wm, McDonald, John Brown, Ho. Mason, John Hirone, David Somers, H, L. Haines, 1t. B. Carter, A. E. West. The return match will be played in Blyth on Friday evening of next week when our boys expect to win. THE CRADLE. BLAIR -In Brussels, on April 08th, the wife of Mr. G. p. Blair, of a eon. CAMPBELL. -In Brussels on May 4th, the wife of Mr. Angus Campbell, of a daughter (still. born). DEN BOW -I* Brussels, 90 May Iia, the wife of Mr. Robert Deubow, of • son, JONES. -In Wiugbam, on May Ith, the wife of Mr. George Jones of a daughter. ROUTLBDGE.-ht Clinton, on May 6th, the wife o1 Mr. Wm. Routledge of a daughter. &PEIh.-la Monis, on April 98th, the wife of Mr, Allan hpeir, of a sun. WENT-ln Blueval,, on April 80th, the wife of 18.,. W. J. Wert, of a boa. THE ALTAR. OANNBTT-OREENWAY.-At 88. Paul's reg tory, Wiogbam, on April 27th, by hey. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Samuel A. Gannett to Mies Mar- garet A, Greenway, both of Bluevate. RITCHIE-GNAMM.-At the residuum of the bride's permit., Cranbrook on May Btn, by Nev. D. 13 Mateo Mr. John Bitable of Ethel. to Matprst, daugI daughter of lir, and an, V. Gramm. THE TOMB. OHAWFORD.-in Londesboro, on May 70, Charles Edgar, infant son of Mr. 00.r.es Crawford, aged 1 year and 6 months. COMING. -11, Morris, on May 19th, Mlw Annie Coming, aged 28 years, 10 months and 16 days. HOWARD. -In Greys, on April 99th, Miss Mary Bossard, Wed 87 years. MoDONALD.-In Morris, oo May bah, Mr. Nal Moltooald aged 66 year.. MO01BOBS11-At Victoria booplbal, London, on May 6°13, Rev. J. H. Moorhoues, rector of Christ Mural, London, formerly of Wing. ham and Gerrie, in his 64th year. Pdttt.-tn Clinton, on May 711), Mrs. Samuel Pike, aged M years. POWNLL. In rmuberry, on May Slid. Ma John Powell, aged 56 yeas, 11 months and 17 days. 6MiTH -1n NHLOn April- 98th, Mr. Albert Smite aged 76 years and a months. TOWNOIIk6-in Londeeboro, on May lel, Mx. Elijah lowaand, aged 66 years, • -A writer in the Fanners' Advocate recommends the placing of telephones in rural post offices. He mils: "I 1,clieyo that telcplumes won Id be of benefit 10 farmers generally, for calling Helical aid and in sending for n°achiu- ry, because in most cases they have to a brought from the nearest city; also n calling for market quotations in case f having carloads of grain etored, as ell as iu saving a long trip where the owns are eo far apart, I do not believe, owever, that many peroous iu e. radius f 12 wiles would les in fayur of having jt or pnyiug anything tolvo.dsfi, tai, daymurjrt 224i21111=2"4110211121` Right in Front . . WITH SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel. To see our Prints means to buy -they are beauti- ful. A full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor- sets on hand in all the newest steles. It will be well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be- fore buying. We have exceptionally good values. A lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in the Millinery department was never better. Our staff have to work all the time and over time. COME AND SEE US J. A. ANDERSON 81ythe w We Have the Hat For You a a It has the form and finish and the staying qualities that characterize the leading hats of the day. It will give you an easy bearing. It will fit perfectly. It will give you a stylish air, even though you're not self-conscious in the least. The price may reach $2.50. Then again perhaps $1.25 or $1 may be enough. it's just as you say. If you feel like paying $1.5o, or even less, we have a good selection to choose from. ,,. sill 1 S. Herrington flI TI3 chief objection hieing want of know- ledge regarding the instrument and the real benefit it would be to them. I truly believe, myself, if the instrument could be put into our post offices throughout the country it is really the m0sl flractisat way." -Here is a bargain -Tau STANDARD from now to the end of the year for 301 cents. -The Grand Trunk railway will erect a new station at Brantford. HUMID :UMW MN Royal Token. Fred, Yuugbhtt, Proprietor. Monday -Will leave his owe Mehl*, lot 14, nor% 11, Hallett, and proceed to G. H. Boll's, Base line. for noon; then west to Michael Ohlet's, lot 80, 000. M, Colborne, for night. , ueeday7-Pr. n met aorta to Zion church, then et to Andrew Young's, eon. d, Colborne, for noon; then went to Dunlop for ono bony; then north on Lake Shore load to Jacob Mosier's, lot 10, L.A.W, Colborne, tot night. Wadnerday -Proceed along the eta opo. of Colborne ti Wm. Mcrhee'e, lot 6, for neon; then north by way of Nile to Moon. Wei,hotel, Dungannon, fur night. '1 Intraday - Proceed east to John Mose', Prosperity, for noon; then to John Fick,''o, lot 24 con. 2, Mai Wawauah, for night. N, iday-Proeesd to Me. n Bries hotel, Auburn, far one hour ; then to Jib Yuoghlot'e, lot 89, con. 4, Hull078, for noon; then to Marione hotel Blyth, for night. . ow nturdi,y-Proceed to Wm. Hru',, los 17, am.12. Mullett, for poen; then to 121101 btu, t.o0- deebbit n'n ,for one boor; 8hro M h4; own stable, when will remain u.0l the following Moa. y. . ( Good Farms and Saw M J1 For Sale. Nn 1-Wi 10, 86, eon. 6, Rut W1010o4*op- tima., lei sores, 00 sores (geared and In • good stats of culilvation, 211 lens partially ol6ared And 20 sere" of Pother lend. Ti. Boll las goat loam. There Is on the place a gond brick. 11- Ing house 40284, one and a half Moroi,b'tb kitoheO attache (, wood -shed 911n30, and tiro ostler under full else of house; good et goat well and wind W111 convenient tp bo ej and o0t-bnild°nge ; frame ban 60066, witft Atone stables underneath; two frame dwellings Palk one and a half storeys; a steam saw mrd arwlis. two storeys, with boiler, engine and all ;Mow say maoldpe'y for manufacturing ldlnber, lath and shingles, all to goo 1 order. No. 9-si lot 84, eon. 4, haat Wawsnoyh, con- taining 100 acres, a1 Bore elsared and Ina good Mato of cultivation, 20 aures of tapper land. There is on the place a good frame Dam 10s8p and 00 feat high with atone stables tinder Lb. full else; good frame dwelling 90019, lite and a Nil? storeys w tit one atom, kitchen atteohed, No. 0 -Er l.A 38, con. 7, East Wawamwb, son. tearing 100 acres, DO sores cleared oud,tu a gaud state of cultivation, 10 acres of timber land. The soli to a good clay lam. On the place there la s good frame dwelling 2200, stone rt - lar, with kitchen attached MM. one 11114 a half storeys; hard and a .1t water; good frame barn 40560, with stone Manley under; frame stables cud shod 24080; good orchard. This pima Is well era0ed and has • never falling 'price ron- oing through 1. For full particulars apply 30 Taoyas H. Tel - Lon, Westfield P.O., Ont., Or to C. limpuTow, Blyth P.U., Out. 4119' House For Sale. A cem'ortable bi Sok house and four lots (one tem in N11, with good tram, "table and a nein. bar of fruit treat This property ie situated on the north side of Mosley ,Leet in the VlOage of Blyth. Convenient dietaries from R.R. sta- tion, poet aloe, churches and 'Moo,. Also at lots west of and Wjotulog the Myth kWh yard. For further Particular" apply to the nnderYOUNG. Building Lot For Sale. One of the beet building lots to Blyth Is offer- ed for sale ata bargain. It Is In a reedeotle! Beaton, being on Dmelr�yy trw.4, hate eon Queen 1 and Wilson streets. ,11 p'uaiuuleru et TO STANDahn 01110e, Blyth, Litt A. 0. U. W. nivWorkln'n mai t, In tithe Frrkuen tolrder l, ltlne block, on the gad su 4th Thursday tb army miw,h, al sight • m. Visiting lira are swami!), halm d, N Ctotee, \V.M. T. J. Room. W slat, Bso0lDal. -