HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-15, Page 1A
. I I
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. The CwxT0'W' WF,,,w Fut . A is the best advertising miedium in West HUM, And gives more horaouews, ever week than any o - ther paper I the -o
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Moves' *be *%qpe� Our J4 � l: I . I
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Powders. They are safe,iiincing, ', I . � .
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ititi2rious to the system,,bat Yet 69'.. - ... �
� I _ ��_ �, , , , � ., . , , I -_ I I I 11
A must combine beauty Brucefle-14 . , . �. . .1,11, ferd wonderfully quick relief, MO, . � '.. �� I
tittractivpne.up with ancur- OolmeaVille -, 0,r,,g� , � �� ��
"r * -LTWID �rFIR HIM,, �.
. 0 41 lalyth. �_': 25o a box, powders, 25o a �boX I
. ARO � NoT,us.-W. Graham shipped a large - ' 1 "A" , I , . I
I , . -All wo, SBYRIIN A0011DENT. -00 Monday af ternont; ..
_� %Qy, We have not a clk NOTICE, rk intru in A.paokage lot 50, !"41-, � . I
I Whittwide-awake and reliable correspondents Had worthy of recording for pubucation number of cattle from this place to ,.Ited to me will re I . , " 11
. Was# woll. T � I Qeive Prompt and o4reful t. tention.. I desire . - n ,
als �, ",
. sates will differ, � I . t r I 00a I my hearty thanka,to all the as Mr H. Smith was engaged in running a .. , 4 I " 11, I
I the old country market, Miss Bertie 0 0 c4p 4f neither of tbe'se glve.tho�,Aef , , �
. � _90 do lylpep., And. we can. fit -011 KIppen Stanley riends ivito so kindly rendered assistance saw in Ur E. Livingstod's saw mill, a slab I ,. I Pf .- I I I
. . . Gibson returned from London on duringmyrecent affliotiouland especiallyto flying up cAused his hand to come in con. expected bAvo.us teat, Vogt q � , .
. )conditions of buyer's limits. BUILDING. -Mr P. McKay has erect- LEFT von Homm-On Saturday last. Tharsday last, We are sorry to note the Mitchellinembers of the Forester's Court. tort with e N.t unlikely that Io whe , t S. . : I �� I
"I , , ,
. I , I .
I I . ,, . th saw, causing it to out three of . _,rol Z I .11
. . I ed a new'stable, and the material is on Miss Kate .Fletcher, who spent the that 'Miss Annie Burdge, who has J. I]tLACKWELL. hie fingers on his right hand nearly off. At trouble lj�s, arid b �10 p'tooerly I
� I . .!laiile, . I - . I
1 "I'll... 'It A WELLERY I I the ground for a new house; our vil- winter among triends here, returned been poorly for the most part of the LOST. -As Mr Win. Leonard was though very painf a] he will have the use of" � fitted will in this a .s. -the only I .1, . ..
. . lage if; growing. Mr G. T., McKay, to her home near Franklin, Manitoba. winter, but was recovering, Is a mov 11 rom ig t to o ruesvl a, them %gain, the rem dy that will cure. Test free � - .
reflects fasbions goybet inoodo, con. 2, Tuckeramith, is puttio a new M " corAe not having been sev- I �
� . .
Of - , - ere * NOTES.-MiiS R. Beattie, 13f Varna, serionsly ill. r'John Grainger Cid oil tiesday, he arceldentally lost a val- ered. , ande 3$ekl;7!cd
113 spent Easter holidays in London., Mr anarrow escape on Tuesday, while ua obeaverea somewhere between Viunny.-Tbe annual vestry meeting of if not ,� I I
�, �cre,4 , Uons and' artistic efteote. an unusually large amount nilding 0 low as ' I � I...
� ., 3upiea witi, the most modern foundation tinder his barn. 1W Holmeaville an 61. tone an ones ;8
Ill ti k alwo
of b . R. Peck, of Bayfleld Road, paid a fly- working'for M6 Gemmill; a bolt which I ef
- Mitchell. The finder Trinity church was held in the church . led. . 15, , , -;,
� XoA,flud here everything for in this neighborhood. . visit to London, on Friday. Mr was protruding froin the shaft of the will confer a favor by leaving same at Monday evening, the reotor, Rev.T.R. aig- . I I ..... I � .
- -1 I I
I everyocossion. Notexpensive ACCIDPNT.-Mr John McNevin met tn"InkDairitty of the Bronson Line. horse power caught him and broke the the Clinton NEW ERA office. I . � ..I ..
but nice. - with rat ner a serious accident on Fri- ley�-pmiding. The Wardens, Messrs Plum- ALLEN & WILSON 0�1. 1''.
, . left for'Manitobe, on Monday, Mr 0. borie of his foot and tore the foot very "�RMFLARSThe next meeting of - --- "
� day last, While sliding a log down to Reid, cattle buyer, visitbd in Stratford badly. Mrs W. Graham was visiting nier and McGill, presented their report, I - -11 r, "I
.0,4 . ."�1'1'11
myring goods is a pleasure. theTemplars will take placem week which ahowed all current expenses paid and Graduate Druggists & Opticians, I
i I - I the mill, in some way or other he slip- last week. Mr A. J. Peek, of,Bayfield, friends in B last week. Mr R. Me- from next Monday night; the debate a substantial gAsh balance on hand. The �': 1.
I �
� ., . I isiting n' tit will following officers were elected for the yea : Oltutoli. J I
. , . .
!'� T. R, Crews he has secuted it siturtion. Miss Jean his uncle, Mr W. Scott, of this place. be given; the speakers will be ItTe Ones Charqh Wardarts, Messrs J, W Bell and it . 0� , ,
' ped and the heavy log caught and left for Toronto, on Tuesday, where Cartney, of'Jet,hforth, has been v announced for last Monday
� , crushed him. He was unconscious
, ,:
, when taken out, but although badly Campbell, teacher of S.S. No. 3. spent Schools closed on Thursday fortbe first announced, Aff., J. D. Burns and t.,. .,
I Joweler & Ex B. Tierney; Lay Representative to Synd�A- a,&, wa-&-ow i ww we, &ww W "" � ,
I . _pert bruised, no belies we're broken. , . 11 I
: ,:
I Easter vacation at her home in Me- Easter vacation; this gives the teach- G.,Gould; Neg., Gbo. Phipps and 0. L. , F. Metcalf; Vestry Clerk, T.W.Scouvibluurl-_ ' : , "
I .1 I I Wkttch Repairer NOTHS.-Seediug is in full owing. ere a chance to attend the Ontario Ed- Fisher. . men, J. Metcalf and J. McGill; Ushers, B. and Hattie Ferguson are spending ', ��
� �, � _� . I Killop. Miss EmmaButtery, of Grer- " �,�;..
�.� I . I I
.. 4
. I I - t vi nff - Bift-d"s their holidays at home. Mr V. Munro! i ; , , '..- � ,
I " I . I . This is the time of the year to see e en & . Baird a. ucational Association in Toronto, and W. M. S. -The monthly meeting of ; Mocre and J. W. Fleuty. Votes of tbailke ,11
" , the young lambs frollicking around. I S siti r -, mar y . .1 I- ��, I , ,
IS at' r li _ys h t M "I
�'.. � The It d ave d Ila k gives a re St. from the fear of the the Womants Missionary Society was were tendered to retiring Wardens, organist !is home this Week. Mr L. L. Con ens,_ � I ...
A good many of the attidents are bolt- ' . 1. :
� I �71 � ""A"N"Mm" ' ht their home tath4pil.ls-,pporlding his,holil 1,
.... . , . - days, � ,�.
I from distant parts t " 4 I feVule. Mr Tom visited our school in held in'the church on Wednesday af- and choir for their gratuous services for Of 01] I
. .
daying around here, enjoying a well- and friends. J�l r F 0"' t ut'llart, of , - - '_.`�_',`
, I I r nk B hisofficial capacity on, Monda, � .Sea- -tiappast year. . in Aubu0n. Mr'0dQ � � nod to 1L.!,
.. 9 , k has p
� � - tprkl003, w -%on .MIs I - .Bond,, of .ptur �
�. �1 _4 - earned rest. Miss Esther Ooi bett St. Thomas, is tbie week under the John Saider, harness maker forth, his ". I I
�11�_, I - orl. Visi � � I 1� 1, �,., �
,: . D y� f A!, - _gave a very Jnteresting talk on --- ild home la Lindsay for E46t - .,�
' �
. F, I " -, , ', -
, started this week to learn dress mak- p�rental roof, Mr Win. Scott, of village, was at Toronto' last "Our k'rench work." The next meet- eO WellWobd i's y. end rig ber.�6�1,1.da'vs' �,", ", , I - �,l
I I .1 - i .. .... �4 _ � ", A`
,� .� '-, ty.-At Dungannon, on Sat- Ing in Hensall. Mir W. D hompson Brucefie)d Spring show will in town on Sunday. __Vj.'Tn1._yisjted his ;,;� Q - I I ' 1
`� '��OjiITUAP week. EAST n -dvrscjG.-Tdr J. Ritchie visit , . I
. 'a'. L '�h� , - T Hamilton Normal College, is at home at be held Ing will'be a sewing circle, held at Mrs � , " 909�1 0 4, , " � .
,, ,,ur %y, � a 9i,h just., was conveyed to has, purchased anew wheel from Cook home in St. Thomas. Miss Pi I - I, , ; ft ot ip � ,�L �'...L
, ' ., .. i i, . � _ �- 1. ..
,. Elford's, when a 5 o'clock tea will be _W�eeg_'_ and Rosil, Y" ' - Ift t'L were vipi - � �!� �-"':':�'��.�,-
,.�:,r�he,'p:.Jp his motbep's. M'r Mel. Graham is at this year on April 20. MrR.Baird,jr., �eb;�, -W�
. ,ftgrgsting' place abeloved mo- Bros., Hensall. Mr George Ta�lor and home,and so is Robt. Baird from the who has been teaching in Ethel, is served. . ham, was the guest of Miss Blanch Obam- t I 1_1331 I t ,.��
� . . Cii . 11 L�.,.`�,�
I , �,:�.�.,::
'For * , , �_
11 ,�' tti6rift � Isirael; Mrs Agnes Sarah Tre- n %, M108-:44iiie, u-, ,
JL' ' son have rel ur ed ft om the old sod, Town Plot of Grey. spending the Easter holidays at his berlain. Misses Edna Curtis and Clara SO ,�� , ,
'L' ENTERTAINMENT, -The concert, giv- n, Berimiller, 'is spetadl, �',tho';Lholf�. I � , ��. ,�.
� ,;;�� 'L., '' ,
.., � ea,irou.; On Monday evening, as a flash where they were with cattle. home here. Mr Rego, of Toronto, is on by the Royal Templays, Moffatt visited Toronto frieds, Waster ur" L � , ". 0
.1 1- Pfc; � "I'll, ". �,�
- 0 11 �:., ,
-, - .6tilghtning from a' clear skv, came . CORRECTICIN.-In the last issue of Monday days at home, Miss Ticlib I , I ;_.. "i., ' ' � , ,,,
1 * , I r, �
,.; Henry Sloan, Seafortb, was a visitor s.t the I 4_1 .111.
_919�1, I .1,1�" .. , ,
ard to the loss J. -I ,�,.:.
, e stroke. The summons � ' paper appeared an incorrect sl;en to theholidays withMrs Rose, night, was very largely attend. -d' residence of N.H. Young. Miss Flossie returned to her home in Godericit , � ,, ,,,
�� :,��Oie��'Parplyti you 0 Is place. Miss Jean Jamieson is many having to stand. The program Hamilton has returned home ,foa, i'�,, � ,.� ,,,
L ,
.,�, ',,. �r Nile. . statement in reg, of cat -
L I ','�Carrrp,Lslaild spending the Easter holidays at her McGregor, Kinburn visited Mrs W. Rich- I ���L , �
I only, but, found her prepar- ho was good, though some were isap- ,*,�':;' ; L"
L. -uial blacksmith, Mr tie met with by the undersigned. At Gorrie. A. Wetheral, of Summerbilli ' ..; � ,
- � L "R'd � A �boiv it may be said, her% was a Busy. -Our gL. mond. Mr and Hr4l H. Gidley visited Pal- . ,":, �, ��.
, ,:��ALIJJS I me here. Miss Fanny Fotbering- pointed in not hearing the debatei . 1 -If-
_ %, Jesse Grunamet t, has been kept exceed- first when the cattle were taken sick M,
ed life- crowned with heaven's . . . is spending his holidays at home. Iss i , _,�,�
, . ;�, 4 ��
,1� 1, it, ham is at present visiting at her home merston friends. Mr W. P. Westoby visit. .i.o "
e .. ... . ;: " OIC00t blessings. Like a shock of ,I,ly busy tb!3 Spring. 6 He hits been two of the leadin veterinary surgeons , which, owing to the non-appearance D' J. Habkirk, of Blytb, waii the 2;�ttest of , , 1�_.
1'e.h L�� ,
�,,�`) I ,.� . '10_. Id I f , li Ape, at the age of 74 she Ob iged to keep the shop o If here. Mr John Beattie was the guest of the captain of the affirmative, was ed etroit friends. Mr B.Taylor,Montreal, her brother, William. Miss Nevens, " " Z... , ",
L I r � , Z,.,
I , pen until of Huron were ca led; they administer- visited his brother, Archie, of town. Miss L ,.-
11 1, � Akly � ",r,
,,��;;- � S,Sse %�; 6*a,;y.' The S�Lbbath before very late hours in order to fill all de-: ed medicine, buL of no avail and could of Mr and Mrs Scott, Easter. Mr Peter postponed. Rev.G.W.Andi-ewsvety ofOoderich,is theguestof heraunt.,
, __ a' Cam I Louie Wray, Bowmanville. visited her aunt, 1-L ,;,�
. L . , 1;�, ,�
; ri pbwe who was teaching in Gode- ably filled the chair. Mrs W. Habkirk. Mr � ... ... ; ;��.,.,,t ,�,
! aith jit the mands made upon him, "Good work I not- name the disease or ascertain the ' -Yunblutt, of L,�',
�4 eir,%doee'aseshe wasin be lob to I - Mrs M. H. Hammond. Mr A. P. Brown, �� "" ":'�.'L '.
"' ? nship, is holidaying at home CHURCH.-ReV. rP ,istock, is the guest of.his daughter, !,.,:%,!-,,� ,
- :-, ,
.', -in oini� ubille service and able to (it lowest cash rates" is his motto, and I cause of it, but they thought that it W. McDonagb, of -a I '
, �
* R lVL and -other points. Miss Flo Chrysler, Stratford, will lecture at Holmesville of the Lower Province, is visiting his home Mrs I,. Wettlanfer. Mr ROOF& � ,,� ' �'L
duties, the fol- in the at present. of ,�� �,� - �, I
�, " 'drforbi'al h 4�elaold has always given entire satisfaction. might possibly be caused � fro assistant teacher, in Varna public �',]�,.%":Al
. .
,��'L", �, QW14 -MISS Whyard completed on Wednesday, April 20th, on I Ill: eland Blyth, I,.,",
�,, �' ( � � #`8 b SCHOOL. feeding of turnips among which were ,spent Sund�ty with his brother � V�.,'11,11 N
school is spending th er holidays "._;: ' �
� ;$ bath her body was resting &YLIaSt. a few e east W. W. Sam. Miss Nettie Morrow, of the Nil;., - -1
�,�J-4441j6v'knotery- and her Spirit Lin the, hpr term as assistant on Thui�d tha�p.ad been heated and migit and the Irish;" admission 15c or 25c for LocALs.- Messrs A. S. Dickson. I-, ,Y, I ,,, �L".�
, .
, � . . on the Bayfield Road At her home., two; children 10c. Thos. R. Courtice Sloan and N. H. Young left on Monday for is- the guest of Addie Helwig. -,
��40090ndwbf 1 hof God. She was one of She has made maily friends during her have affedted the remaining roots in , I . � -'� , �,�
,'�j , "I ," L - � I L .- I I -ch pu I ttend to some . I I ,:�,_;-��Lf"',�',�_
1p�_, 10early,.piiarleers inthis section of short sojourn here,and our best wishes theL root -house which were sutposed will occupy the Methodist chui - the State of Mississippi, to a
11 U
. . 4 . ,7 ,,���-�;,;,
.1, �, .
' it on Sunday morning nexts I I 1 ,�_:,-,,! �
`� �1'406u'b Isla d, follow her toTeeswater, where she has to be sound, and from which t e cat- Goderich Township. ' L Porters Hill. I ,:1'y1,_1
,,,ffj�.,b6rn at, Amherst " and at timber business which is situated in thsb . " �,
4�"��`*'� , 4'd L ghtitir"of-Robert Johnson, she, Witfi entered into an agreement with the Op's daily allowance Was taken. A Wbenezer at 2.30; the evening service State. Wm. .Mo tgomery,or., has diqposed I L � ". � , , ',�
, , I L, *�L �
���, public school board of that place. GOOD WEIGHT.-& Leicester ewe, atHolmesville tobe takenbyHenry of bia,property on' Drummond St,,to Mr W. NOTES -Mr, yred Start arid sister "I, ,,�.;� �
. 6..'Ja6slpand. rei,noved to Ashfield 52 We i , �;aple of these turnips was forward- and Miss Edwards, of"WoOdstock,laq ,�,�, ,�,
M- . owned by Ed. Wise, dropped a lamb Snyder, of Colborne. Creighton, for the sum of $300. Mise'D. " ve "; ", !'�'
.� I ,
I .1 e 'a . The bid homestead in Ash- also welcome back Miss Sprung, wh,j ed to the Provincial Board of Health, last been spending E to 'Ir I"it' , i , �,,�7�,�
L ' . week that weighed 18 lbs. This Chamberlain was"At Home"to a few of her L as r 0 1, MW I at � 0;1 . " .,d,,, ,��
,.' - t. three miles from the� vil- resumes her position after Easter. and the return was that the turnips - it, J �",�,_
. 6' 45, 0 . is unusually heavy. NOTES. -R. 13. Evans is under the friends Monday evening. Rev. Mr Perris, W. Poftet0s, Miss Ippant is' , - --, V;;,",
. 114' `� 0" , * ongarmon. Thirteen Years Cuurtcu.-Rev J. E. J. Millyard contained not the slightest evil effects. - . doctor's care, but we hope to see him . . , .. _ " � ",i j�",�,
,1 , � L .1. , - visiting at Mr John Cbx'�, ifixii- wiiok, . � ',�,�, � -,..,
� �,..
; ... I'll :, - , e . .*retired from the farm to re- leavies this week for London, where he Government Inspector Wilson, of STOCK. -Mr George Middleton has around again soon. J. L. Oourtice Wingham, exchanged pulpits with Rev. A. Mrs Ivison, of Kippen, is stay . I . ith . I ,.�',"","L�*
1, .. ' McLean on Sunday. Good Ittiday could he , ,rig w ,, � , , ,��',�
, . L
1:1,11, I I , e 1,- e, village to spend the remain- writes on his third year probationer's London, was also called, and after a bought a very fine six months old wits in London Monday on business. r daught, -1 ,�-�i�,!,.l
.. , r, , M Ps 'B.C. Potter, Ur �`4:'L`�;'�'
I+ -.1. '__ have been termed "Quiet Friday" in our L ,
-, , a 11 a life eiJoying the comforts examination; we wish him success; the thorough examination, was also at a Durham bull from Edward Wise, PaY- Rev. G. W. Andrews-, has been 'visit- 'el,nd W I
- ,I e rao � aggle, of Lond _"L--J
, Ov,. sp �,, `,�,��','�,`
,,,!,'� , , _ I town, Ili the line of stir. John MoMillon ent, , -. -.-J,
LLLL,�;, ,, ,,, , " stiSn'laome, happy in the love work here next Sunday will be taken loss to name the disease, or what it Ing a fair price for. it. Ing east., somewhere near iLake Stur- Raster under the pareutal roof. Her. _`� - _�L
�-,, - I z I n Montreal this week. Mr S. Stillwariz,
i�:, , �� I . I was I 1. _;�,�'�.�Z'
�. "', k".. , eli? � 6mily - ard ihe respect and by Mrs Pentland, of Dungannon. Last nated from, for he declared the ENGAGED. -John Gibbings, eon. C. L Fisher is holidaying at Mr Oli "..'� ,
� �_."_ dg�4 I who has g�ha,nt, Bonmiller, of passed I ,'�,;,�
4,'�..,�� - - 'u. London, called on hie friends in town on th . I
- 11 � , ce (A Lthe community. Fift orivwholesome and that the stable been employed in Hullett., has ta, eonard, of Blyth brother 74, ,e',�
:.',�-;�v,��o SundELy evening the funeral sermon of fol Eome. W.1 thro village,on Tuesday, mak- I ..
� �V �� - - y- ken a racey �V� I ,
the proud the late' Miss Cynthia Potter was was well ventilated. On occount of so situation with Air of Fred Leonard, has rented �U,Shep- Saturday. Misses Della and Eve G , �'�Z ,,,,
.3-phl-t0o", 'we - John Middleton; he . Ing a call or tw , ��: "'..;
Oars of -; dded life, . o. Ouj
�bf$ 10. storekeeper , , ;�I" ..;'
. � ,,� ,�',
, -��i *�, 44. is, L�u sons and two daughters- many different stories in circulation is a steady, industrious young wan -in of S. Murcia, and ihoved on are visiting their grandfather, J. Bui eeling..some better than .,�,'
��,: 0 preached here; the church was approw herd fat seems to be f I r
, 't, - , .. . I . __�,J,,
�L L�; ,� n, era of Monday; we welcome Mr and Mre FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. - George Pai- �, ..� . �, I " �
�, b 1, Ill 9 'so that the read andZ reports be true, will glaortly se- usual; we a uppose it is because- another,' ","'.171
,. 111� f6,;.'6OnS"fiWV4 died, the remailaWw priately decorated for the occasto ' ' ' .
, � we pu 'I' i I
'��t,* Vbiidlng -in Canada, with one,ex- and was crowded to the doors by sym- this aper � a ow the correct facts lect, a popular' yoitng lady of Hallett Leonard among us, arid hope they will menter, a bricklayer, is crushed to foonale clerk has c .. .; I I I ,1.
� ykn . orne to stay I ��_,tlz',v�
pobVL ' of ti? ales . ,V,-,
,"__,"" ;,(,*, . W, , 'as, T . I
. `,--,,c4r 1013 s. At the Epworth banking you, Mr Editor, as his life partner. soon be at home in their new sur- death in a bake -oven. About 8 a- m- Annie Stirling left On Tuesday fOr"the 1�.�,
� ... ... L", f alter, in Michigan. One son pathizing friend ' '�_�,_',
,� � � meeting ... ,,�,:,'.'�,,
� G on Tuesday evening. for permitting u§ this space. -R. and roundings. I Monday morning the town was start- %�,,:,.,�.',,
:,",givowto� od for the ministry when a Leagup, . Northwest, where she intends onterml; " . ,,_,,� .
,, - COUNCIL.--- Council met according to ..Qll�
��'I)a�'-6'4n, th the stijbect, "Confession,: Wby:,How," T. ,5NOWDRN, Bayfield. . EASTER VISITORS. -T. R. Courtice, led by the shrill cries of "help, help, into a pat Worship with Mr Fred LMor- � ,L "�, �1
`,;�, ,ill , ,.. I , e cradle; Richard, who to- . adjournment. Minutes of last meet- , I
, - ... I " -�� �',
,_ � ,i!',
"4, ity� 19;'Ll'. minister in the Methodist was taken tip by Mr Isaac Currie; next I I . Mrs R, qnick I" People real4ed that something gan, who left for the same pla --].I'i: �
A, , 11 , up . Rullett. , ingreadand passed. It was decided of Nile. is visiting at home. ?e a 1. .. ',,
......... , ,� ,`,��
%,'�:pb' , " ace, station- Tuesday ,,evening's subject will be the Easter at serious had happened. A crowd of men ' Polly Cdx is in ...
., ch,'Hamilton Conferej . '. ,'�
. '
�,7, --� RL4t � �'! xitf6rd, arid none more highly "Book of Matthew," and will be taken ' . that the following changes be niade in Johnston, of Bright, spent n hurried to the rear of . A. B. Con- month ago. Miss I I '1:1 'L�'.�'�.�
,� , ,* _ . ra. -Mr 800 Goderich this week. Quite a number , , �Z�,� �-i
,�!,;;, , DELEGATE. J. H, Lowery is pathruaStLerr.:-John Cox -An. placef o : ��,�"".�,�
� ,, _916110 . - 4efial and popular. All the by Mr W. G. May. I . .� f E. Johnstohe7s. Mr McRoberts, of nell?s brick block, when they learned of our young pe�ple, and some of the . �� �111Z
.�,�."�: ,'�6# U, _ delegate from the East Huron Teach- John Pickard, fohn Graham in place Belmont, is in the village. Miss E. �-. �i;,�:;:
that Goo. W. Parmenter, a prosperous older ones, took in the entertainment .. -".7-
. �.:�, ,.
Li',;' ' o 4thgred at the funeral- NoTEs.-The cyclists are beginning ere' Association at, t he 0 i) tario - Ed uca- of Stirling McPhail, Robert Wilson in . � , ,,,�;;,�� �
, ' u
- - it 'or .
,� :,pitia .39 � ,k
, I Dowzer. Clinton, and S. and C. Lane,
,'�,'.,. ,
" �__ J." , 4 _ , r,Thomas, who teacb- young- contractor, was entombed in a ven by the Royal Templare of I '_
.- 'M 11�1. I . .. ,��,,_ 1
,'�O*�brbthSirZiRobert, Wattle tospin. Mr W. Treleaven, tional Association in Toronto this place of R. Gomp. By -law -No. -3 read brick bake -oven, which had collapsed. *Ile,on Monday night, but
- , lai; Godericla, visited at A. J. Courlice's.
, "J". �
�,� , exander, ,1FAlbert were es Plat weat of our village, was called I -e- olm v- .: :�� ,,I'. �
I .1 � week. Rev. J. Green, of Fuller -toil, was I W es .,;: :��
4 ", The f6neral services , to Dungannon last week by the death NOTES. -Mr Win. Nott has been en- and passed. It was decided that Thos. . ; old acquaintances this week Many willing hands wet e socii at work were disappointed in not bea r 11 , , i r�,�
,;A441pall-bearers. . . �11
I . . , ill, . W,theralbe appointed township En- ne�winj ring the �,�,�,V,,�
�, I . her. Mr ilk Mor- gaged with Mr A. 0. Vodden, for the gineer. The following accounts were with his old friend, Mrs J. Hollneq. debate arranged for. Out storekeeper I . � 'g..,I-,f��
, I e, e I
11. -It I ,4 Id in the church; sermon by of his grandmot 11 tearing away bricks, mortar, sand and . _,-4 �',�X,,��
"I '8. .L. utton, also Revs. D. rig, of BA,ffalo, visited his wher, and board,4, in Liieir endeavor to extricate I ,;11 """f,
1_�;�, I so oad 1,
-�v 1� �- V I ,- I H .On' a" stunuier; Mr F. Gibbs with Mr S. Me- ordered to be paid: -Thos. Sowerby Mr E. G. Courtice, wife and family has the peddling waggon on the r , -
, �', I --u" . 2--, "
�1%1.1t� IQ ,ev, �,,d Cool and Mr Button with Mr Win. tilef,rdrain on con. 3, $6; County ent Sunday at J. L, Cotirtice's. Mv again, and, judging from the boxe ..
�va , , �. 111, Hall, of sister here last week; he was accom- the unfortun-te young nu.n. tometwenty 5 of . : :, :,
la iuutes elapsed bsfore he wits got out. Dra Iss '���
, �,:_ *,
1",�'�% 1� isting; from die-c"hulle pftniedbyhis cousin, MissEthelRby- M,&ol. MrGeo.Snelt ree Registrar, for registering deed of ,..
49L AA lu, Ift. I stilly pur- W. B. Calbick, wife and sot), of Wood- In - eggs brought in every night, h6 must :-,:1; *.
" �`��, . . ,yub- M,1ne, Carder and Ryan were art band - "i, �,� ,
; ", "; " ; , . stock, are visiting at R. Acheson. Dr. . and be doipg a ruslain btisiness. Fall ,_1, 1.
. .11.1, �1
, �: "��, - n1l, cha6ed from Rev. J. W. A-ndrews, a tie ro9d Maitland con.. $8.05; 0 t S blaorhood is looking , , ,
.�, ;" � - , I Mr G:?o. Emerson,
, conveyed tathe Dungan , s, of Goderich. 't,
*h6iaody w ,
1- I I
�,,�, I non cemetery,. there to awitit the re'- of Goderich, has been "doi�g" our to- exerted their best skill to restore him. It wheat in hi neig
�,,*yt �, thorolared cow with calf at her side. -inting, $20.75; News -Record, $7.20; J..G. Rolmes ate.some fresh laid East-
�,��,,�fls..q ti - I the just. Converted in cality lately, re bicycle business. Mr WEDDING. -A most deli r11weryBros., error of pathmaster in er eggs at t he boniest ead. also Mr E. was found, that he w%s badly crushed- He very poor, and unl9ss the weather be- , �,.,
. rrec ion o ghtful wed- . ` i .:
, . "I", -
". life, or Over sixty S H. McKenzie, of -Toronto L1w Scho,l nev - . ,t �:
�. I , ,yqars! she was Mark Hutchin has gone to Muskoka er gained coni3clousness,but lingercd un , ,
'.1 ;; . - ding took place last Thursday evening Statute labor, $2.00; Alex. Badour, set- I comes very favorable, s-ime fields will ,,,
. . .1 . - 'i
� ill 2.30 on Tuesday morning, when he Pass- be ploughed tip. Our pol.ular te&eher . 1;�,
- er of the Methop.ipt church, a for the summpr. Will Corey has en- at 9.30 at the home of Mr Chas Eleley, tlemen t for log* of road, $25 2.5. Ad- who is honie for the holidav,-. ,.. �'.
:�'-��,� it ful, consistent :C n, u n as. gaged to work for Win. Bailey do ng of the Maitland coo. The coutnicting I . ed atvay. , The cause of his death was due Win. Elliott, is on the sick list but we , '' I, 1, ��,:]
'�,l - - '' . I b-1.4 ,st M ' day ;a . . El Wat- . �';�!,�
,,,� a I 1?- ally and the ensuin year. Messrs W. Trot Av- parties were Mr Jos, Ainslie, of Leatn- urned to meet oil ffr I hopo.'be will soon be out again. �"_,
�-,�� J in ,t ingull hei crMd V, to h; own carelessness. The Messrs �
1� 't ,, - .�,_,
, , .
��, ,' � I . Vev - ing in the path of holy obedi- en and T. 4'. Couftice spent the holi, �ay.-NixoN,StURDY, Clerkon Bertmiller son were go . �11� I
�1' "I . � - ington, and Miss Mary A. Hisley, eld- Ing into bakery business, and From an occasional correspondent , ]:: i,-7"",
, �',', � . -The League meeting last Fri- I � 11�-,-,-,,�
I .0, , oly activities, Hec children days at their homes. Mr and Mrs F. est daug4ter of Mr and Mrs 0. Maley. NOTES. -Mrs J. Hudie is im E. L. Parmenter was engaged to build the oven. NOTES. - Mr Charles, McPhail is ,'._ , , ,, �� ',,
,� . . . _1
, ��('� 19 '11 n call her blessed; all bet- sons Hawkins and infant are visiting at. the the house on her farm. Mr govello! day night was well atte'rided. .The He completed the building of the oven on �,,';
;�--", � - , - They were supported by Mr Allan . ,."
I �_,. - -s rogram consis ersgiven . �,;�`�%.l
, , aughters are members of the home of the lady's parents,Mr and Mi ,
_'�" 1P - M wife and family, left oil Tuesday for ted of three pap Saturday night with the exception of re- home from Manitoba, when he got to
�_ I and rejoice in the 1 Hetherington. Mis Dr. A. J. Irwin Bisley, of Hullett, and iss Annie Manitoba. Miss E. Taylo EV'Missesfflake &lid Olivant, and Mr moving the wooden arches which had been Holmesville he bapperied to turn the � _ ��
,�-r,!��X,dtbodist church, Ainslie, of Comber. A.hout 50 pe�rsons, r is visiting ;�,�,
� ,,, I I
.. �� ` , . safely home in and daught�rare spending their holi, at Mr J. Middleton's. Mr to. Stevens oil the subject, Easter; used as supports in the oven. He v�rong way, and when he saw the - . ,�,'. .; �
� -;,Assurance of a mother the greater part of whom were imme- C. wis ad. " ,��.";,
�',�;,�iv�th6,mansions of light, lodged in the day week .at,the home of Mrs Irwin's teacher in S. S. No. 10, is spending his this was interspersed wi�h solos, reci. vised to bura them out, and inot take the vinei; over the fvgnt door, he knf.vr-1t-- 4".. 1 . .;�i:,�V"`,
diate Telatives of the bride and groom, , .�,';v'�yl
e-."��"'RdW of love. Ht;v ..Christian experi- brother, W. G. Watson -A large n um- Easter vacation at'his home on con.14. tations, etc., making the meeting y risk of taking them out, the brick work not vias Edith's place,'so he called in .arid . ��,�", "
Rev. Di. 'r 11:,4��,,,�
:�V,, withessed. the ceremony, ve
-isfig . e,w . Hst-like, quiet, berfromhere'attended the fuaer�alof Rev. Mr Oafen, of Belgrave, and form. interesting and beneficial. Thesub- spent the evening. It is sai4J`aSi-Ham_ - . . ,
,:,,; � - � ,as rich, full, Oh Medd, 6f Sarnia, ofliciAling. 'The . having had sufficient ti�ne to set. He decid- . �z-�,n,��,;,
11 1.1111II&I - -
gutles of true the late Mrs e je ed, howAver, to take.them-out,and had suc. .. . I I ,:,.,�; �,,;�,
.,.,,', ��ffio' 'est. reserved;,bh6 be Richard Treleave", D111' brid'al supper, sp charmingl spread, t�,Iiy paster at Cole's Church, visited Ili ct, for next Friday is "Little ways of itton isexpectiipg toget iffiarried *�Ory * ."� �"-
1��,,,� � a - � ' ti seer in the lile, she lived. gannon, on Saturday. The infant�son y , icinity last week. Mrs R. Cluff) bettering (tie world," to be given by ceeded in removing all the supports 'except soon; everything is looking "green � 1� I . ,")
.',%� �
,� ,A., igion.Wer, — ., kJ. was beyond loraise. Many valuable v " ,,
,,,,�%�%`, Ix I . the .-heart, . of her husband did of Mr and Mrs Gen. Currie, jr. died Bayfleld Line, who has been cQntinu- three of the lady members. Everybody the one at the far end which he, could not around his place just now M,� Arthur , "', �"�,
"I'll P.01 , fil t resents to the bride indicated the . I 'luskey' spent his vacation with . ,�4.,;i�,
I .
`�%J . ti�tj,ee, and all men praised her. last Wednesday; oursympat yisex- Eigh esteem in which she is held by ously it) for some months, still re corue and enjoy the set vice. reach without crawling into the oven. He MeC , ,
,,,, - . h rpains , . -�,.i;"�.',.
I �, .
, :�H " r,, er conseciratiob, bet, integ- ents. Mas- DOTS. -Mr S.Beckett is sp ding the filendshere. Mr Archie McDougall � ',�*,',.;
-pft b tended to the bereaved par her friends. The happy pair, followed poorly. Mr W. Miller had his 'head on asked one of Iris workmen, Geo. Hirons, to . 11 t,
, ,O�'� _"Ir 5 -� , -�`-�
��"'t -h iorous hospitality andber ter Willie Courtice, Holmes ille, 6everC,ly cut while wot king at Perd week at his home it, Kin tail. Messrs sold another hor6eto',George Lavis; , , , �
yu y; � or get spent by the good wishes of all, went on a ue's go in and remove it., but Hirons refused to '1,ie
, v ��, ', , I
,�,�,�� ' with 0. L. Fisher this is two he has sold lately, A. ': �,�? �
14 Messrs. ff. Hutchison and G. , , 11
" W,i0-_'attachment to the Methodist Thursday aftprnoon big brother. short wedding tour before going to sawmill. and T. Lobg are home for do it, whereupon he crawled in bitriself and McDougall and 0. W. Potter drew ,,,�-�.,� � �
�,�Alivr their new home near Leamington. . Stickley,,who have been spending �, 1, �
� I'are. welt known.' The Sincere their Easter holidays. Mrs (Dr.) J. with a hammer, Was in the act of knocking ,
. -
.. �,JdV`l In which she was i�arna some time in England, have returned. Henry, of Dutton, spent Good Friday the suppoit out. The weight of sand orl top out 14 load of manure 'on afternoon of . . 1`_",�A.
_6: �Jhe,higbt esteem I I
I .1 J: L E DEA,TH OF JOHN RHYNOLDS.-After Mrs Grnmmett has been visiting her and ENster at het� mother'6; she return- of the oven and the jarring proved too much April 6, wif,h a sleigh; who can beat - _1111,
�Lr""'hdld;1M4y 6 i judged in -the large at- NoTEs,-Me;sr9 A. Cardnoand John an illness lasting only a few days, with ed home on Tuesday. M.r Jas: Jewell for the unset walls that. Mr. Peter McDougall had a sow- ;'�:_:�,;,:�� I
_.". .- I
!Z,� I.., j�'_d` 'n- at, tbb funeral, the tears of Thompson, of Seaforth, spent Sunday father, Joseph Izzard. The Hedge & to stand, and tne xoof, . I &`,�:,,. ".
i, I - � 4 . � . Is pneurnonia. John Reynolds, of the 5th had a bing bee on Tuesday af ter- weighing several tons, caved in and buried in bee on ThursdaK .last; they Ulu `.,�,"l
1.16 I - . ;�
"I , ed and the floral tributes lastbere. Mr Joseph Noble, of Eg Wire Fence Coinpany are doing good plotig
- , ... ., con.; passed away on Saturday at the When 11, a r ��"j " �
�',"Iao 1. on 't 6 coffin. A mother in mondville, visited Mr and Mrs John- I usiness in this neighborhood. Chas. noon a goodly part of his tarm the uE fort anate young fellow. Mr Hirons sp, enai wo 1c. Ater ail Bt os. bought, I . '� �
.. " , ' . - :
. , -r,' I � so words never wounded a ston on Monday last. age of 83 years. Deceased was one. of ff olland is fencing and otherwise tin. was turned over. Mr Samuel Treble at once gave the alarm. Mr Parmenter a new � (e�drill the other day, they in- ,�,:�, ":�
' . ,
, �,� �R, e # �� � �,�,
. -11. . I.- ,� I., - oSe numerous arid noble ACCIDPNt.-On Thursday last Mrs the pioneers of this section, coming g the farm which he bought has taken to ,himself a "Common was 33 years of a*gp,snd came out from tend to do �p business tbis year, 1, `,� � , , ,
�',` , I � e 'urt a life. Blessed Mo- Thomas Johnston happened with a berefrona the connty of Kerry, Ire- — I -,,,�"
.. e 0:, Yoe F,ro,,viy"'from John Weir. Farmers are Sense;"never mind sore shine and hipS, England some"ten years age. He was on- � 7 . I' ?t- �, �
,�, , ", ,. , nd settling � ,�:_,.:�;,�
,,,�, I , . ., - be proud of very painful accident. While Out in seeding and the land is in fl tie .� 11:11 1p.
I 11.1 ell., Ay thy adWs land, about the year 1848, a busy Sam, we'll expect to see you enter for married, a member of the Canadian Order eonstance I , , *
.". � �, �.
, 641 ig� . on the farm which has ever since boe A. , ,r .
.A '. n ,,
�,� 1, , C"indeed -tire the memor- the Arden she slipped and fell, break- condition. t.be races oil the 24tb. Out' Popular of Foiresters and Orange Lodge. The body CEIURCH�-Rev. Mr McDonagh, ,of I 1.
�;;'t V" &I _. . . , 1.11
i A- 111-011 I .11, around thy,earthly life. his home. He was a hard-working, � . - .
�,o, 'ad d e ingger leg ab6ve the knee, and her - - miller, Mr Holizover, has taken tip nis was removed to the residence of his cousin, Stratford, delivered an excellent East- , � 'L'!'�,.
,� t 03 ::,. �1. industrious mail, of jovial disposition, - 1.!�, �.,'�,, 4
, -11-1-1 RIT"Ithe thought, &mother aged partner, being an invalid with a residence in the house opposite the R. Howard. The funeral was held at 2.30 er sermon olSunday evening in the
�, ..,. I I
� . ,� � and had many warm friends who will West Wawanosh
'1� I ea, r waltin to give tie a hearty postoffice, Jas. Gledhill, of -P,etiolia, .p.m. on Thursday, and. was largely attend - ,-','� ,:�,'
. .. sore kne6, was unable to render her Methodist urch and on Monday ' " � ''� �,
� lco I It -". U-0, aged and beloved ally assistarv�e. However, the old mourn his departure. Of small phys- FARM EXCHANGE. -Samuel Thomp. spent Ettster Sunday with his brotheis ed. The ead-accident bag east a gloom over evening delivered his famous lecture, , ��_,3
ique and frail constitution, he was son, of (,,oil. 7. hag purchased the I - .1
I 11� filop��.t . � , � �,r7 .
I 'be , ber,eav60-. husband, keenly peopWs cries were heard and she was . 50 Jesse and rhomas. Mrs Ernest Murr, the village. He was highly espooted. He 10ant in Science and Religiorl;" those , .
:, U It J, is R;'btit -the ri�heq -and com- carrie.4 into the house. Medical aid never rugged, yet he stood. hard work acre farm in East Wawanosb, former- of Stratford, is visiting friends and rel- had taken several large co ots which will -'Who failed to heqr eftlier Or both . Of .1 . ""!, i
I I "' - � .,� 1'�',
". �86,".,.6,�,��aiv'li'i'4&t,.s66 arid thb�-consola. WAS soon secured and the fractured as well as anyone, and performed 'his ly owned by Jacob Brooks. Mr Thomp- atives around here On Wednesday novr have to be re -let. / thisse discourcos Missed an lntellpc-'-� , ,;4� ,�'. I
� nit::6E'%46�goijoot Mlehisl iustatoed limb se�, and, considering her age, shateinclearingtile forest and mak- son has now 250 acres of first-class the road,grader was at work do the tual treat. Next Tuesday evening the - !". "., � i
� . . " " .
,, � th6��,6,*.iir,,, 6f Ood throu 'h filith 'in ,rtoarly 80 yesita, she, is doing fairly ,rig a home for himself and family. He land. . . hill infront of Jas. Jewell's; it will be ,
I �.. �ri;hWd iromises, Te 8110 leaves A ivifo, 7 sons, and one daugh- I � Rub n monthly literary meetm5. of the Bp- " , - '�/:
I 00 . W Well. PERSONAL.- Thomas Wallace and rett; rough for a while, but it is to be JI. NICHOLSON, manufacturer of and dealer worth League will be bet 4 , _�,, "�,
_ 1.Ilal ission arid resignatil ter; five of the sons reside bete and . i �.. -'I',;, ,:.,I -
'a L b" , an gang, who have been absent in Wall- ROpel it will be an improvement In the in Light and Heavy Harness, (a speolalty') NOTEFJ.---wJ. W. KInF is Spending hJ% 1_,�:, "
an ., , � �'O' .., ,, __
I -Call 11cordo up filgher." Od - " Rafter holidays at 11 trevade. ' C-lia-rRie �1- .. r � ':::,
I Ll;dknow two in S(ratford. He 'was a membet n conrity in ail tifdct tiring rollers I un. Miss Lizzie Olivant IS visit Whips Valises Combs, Brushea, Ro'bos t
� 1. . � I . I of the Roman Catholic Church, a Llb- "' g o _g I Hwrsetrlrnmin�s. I -
. . , ,
�-- . WEDDING. -About 40 Invited guests dulling the wintpr,, have retu�ndd Ing Misci Cox in Goderich Towvsbip. Andrew has invested in a. bloy"610. I '-'%' * `147", ,
I , I .. . - 1;
'I I 1. . ,� ,
,'�'L,� , � .11. � eral, and quite a number showed their home. 1,,irne Scrhngeour Is appren- THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS DRA-ra.-A gloom was cast over this �pinks left for LqA , , I '' ��
I , - f Mr 0. Morris S . , �� ,�, �, �,: �
I .1 . I I , aasemb)Ld atthe residence o respect to his memory by follow' .. I see, ion on Tuesday, when it was learn- vera e 1� , ,
. witness the mar- his remains to their last rev (tee ed that Mrs Chas. daugh- . "", .. " �
'i'- � � '':,; :, " Perdue, LuZknow, to ting piing tierd to 1'. Pframmer, miller at Ben. week, after a visit of so 6 �;::" ,
I , .
" 0 � . ., I , .1 � , _
- 0 e has A-etuen. Leeburn. ter of Mr Jas. 'S In ton was dead. larg .1 , I
I � .1,� 11 -LL":., e, riage of Iris darighter, Miss Annie, t (in Monday. miller. Miss Mttgg:e Ros ' shington, with relatives and friepds IL
.1 I b I,
� r . 11 I
�.� ': 1,11 1; I r . 11 I ed from an el ht months sojohril in er compa, . � � % ; `�', .1,
�� 11 �, ,L .. " Mi- Jos. Gaunt, tin indtistriods young I W Ily of v unk p%0 I . .1 �, 1.
I I , , �,' , 1 an, tail from- near that .village. The Detiioic* Miss, e yatt, of Gode- SICK. -Master Teddy Shaw is at She was hurie th Collborne ceme- entertained at D 9 re or "'
, .
, � ,
, ,
61 lk" 6 . - , I , I
:",�'. �,�11,1 . " ,. . .
�' �,�'_�-�,.�� , L", b6de looked charming at, she entered . Lohd"boro . rich4p'atdas oiltvisifto hL er cotisins, ent ill1with pfieumonia of t he longs tery on Frida She leaves a husband da� evening. I . � ,� � : . . -, I.,. 11
�, _- ' F . ,
O'L' " , .1 I - .. I - ,
" . VL& f �f,- dressed in � MR � V. S., has r( [sees Routledge, last,week. Mrs Prod' Miss and two ch' en to mourn he lf'.-"� .,� , r � ", 1.
� ", L to, ake, atanaeo of contracting a orl_(he arm of her fatlic Y. J, WALKM[?,' I tin congestion of the brain. . . � I .,
� �. � and has resurned his practice at the old stand Jean Clutton has been quite ill. but is Our e sympathy is extended to I . , I
I - �, darinj thii - chatige4ble weather, when cream, Poego, trinitned with pink ,Ilk I a. G. Taylor spent her Easter bolt- . : ,,� , , �� ,: 11 .1�
L. -numprous and coX CiauRon.-TheDRev. .MP McDona h diya with Weston relations. Peter B.. now much improved. John Stewarb the her ve faintly arid friends. .�, I.. . ,';L :,
, ,Opou�iog of a very small sum of money The presents were I EE -05 , I ' ,
" , 1. ., 10 o Wallitet) and Mrs Wallace, of Toronto, is confined to the house with % severe CHURCH NOTMS,-Rev. Mr Oaten of . I L� , '
I I :
11 - " r 41,6 ,roacho . : . .
L 1od,with watdaiy- aneeomfort- IV, And -showed the esteem in which _p d to a large audience I M . I . .
. I .
,; I L log (1161:90ati Theme it 'db Was beld. Ouring the even- Alet bodlqt Church on 86 nday mornfrig arid former residdiato bf this part� are Colo. Belgravej preach I "., , I I 1111 11
. r tin weighl;, the bet ed. in the Methobst, 11 I I_ - * - .
1. ifoialfitlij of the clothitoth which lwk, which was spent i4' OAmeii arid And lectured to a Amall � one on Tues- eeneWitarojdacquithfatleas here; both NOTES. -Joseph McNevin is engaged church Sunday evening, from Luke IS- HEMS , 11 . . ,,, :
. , 1 I . r ., -., 1:
I .
� 1. .Oq�tg are made. produce a .other amusements, the band serenadpd day night. The leetureba Armoniii are look fig the plotutd"of health. Sno. to work The A. H. Cluttoin for the 1; Rev. G. W. Andrews# Holibesville, . ],E,!e r I r _r, I .
� � �
. , 11 I
",I I ':! It Adapted to the weatber them. The happy yoring conple left ottri,d,Ttirkey la,.t Thirviday night in the Platiket t went thls,w6ek on's trip to Summer months. arid Jae. Knuckle is will preach next Sunday. A. Ventr � )S : 1'1_. C, -
� I Aonr I 11 , , - v.
-1. 11 � I J, t. a year than any other. noxb mortling,,for their home, with (he Presbyterian Church was a success. Winglaam friends. h J01108 left hired with Jas. Linklater. Daniel meeting was held In St. Mark's churcK . I �": " .
I � I . 'e Ir ; j 'a; as McLeod hits gone to i eside above Port . . - � L
1 1 ; . t0ment. beot�Whes-of all. Anni as done Tag Sxac-Mr Thomas Lawgon,who on Tuesday for With. i lumbi last Tuesday afternoon. Epworth � �, � - , , �,� �, ,
I :1 11,11,
I 11 WOO.,, Among those -present, from a hits h�.-n Sick for over three months he is a steady-, Industrious youn 014%js Albert, as he - is workirif for James - League Met Tud9day e0ening I'aiat., MO You will soon be buying your G 1. I - .� � , ,�v
. r di t ,e , wepo� . .11 # his d .parture Iti to W , , - ard(m Sbodii, !, I . 1;.
Goats,bleek, fly front, , P I' arid Mrs IV- SM10 tool. lt� walk thro I la the vi a 6 � 9, but- McWhinney', Fred Reyno da has also L. 9. Couzens takinW charge of tke ani no doubt you will buy.*h0fd, y-601, .. , * "
11 , ,
, r
. I , 1 "dir � , htoe�'nlod MV And MPS Per uttrit'i'l y " U90(itty big AM,14t:1- --fina goes tho best vRabos of his �gone north to workf6ir'Me 131,�ke., The meetjng;,$iss Cora 4 ergueon tookthe can gob them the ohqspedt. VV6 A , to , " , , . � , � I 1*
,i..,.Pi�.. i, �411#.... $1 , and, on T, - % I � 44 _, .� 11 i.
. " I .1 taaerich Township, I :mIds onapy eoir topi6, Easter Thanksgiving and the ., 1,
, �
, �
, �
� Aue, 11 I .. I .— took t)iili hoino for a drive. Mrs $teph. m4ldr, friends,, Mt',dkld Mrs'lzeklet , I amidde'0111 t4ke'dhargiti sellin of' Oittdbrizd�&' " ,
' ips, of Wbitochurch, Weed VISWI , r , . L
,d fpwn Veitieflang / .--I � �,pf the OX. meeting fi�Xt Sunday oven. reasons for it. .% three Tapera , , I
. L I . for I ao of n tie for 26d. We- :�
Y. rioJif . , .. . . 1A - SumMerhilt I Ora dt Deputy Roo - e . 6r# �1'. L
, enson is iniprovlrl� nIcAy arid 17411 _ I 1
. 4 0 eil h no PERSONAL. YtingbItitt, of, offisring s, good, 1.
"Nih , _ 4 .. . ..$ soon. be aroand dgain. � Medd'4 On Ea6t- jng� andanint t, ti, ti i i ' expected. - Miss , , � '. I
.1111 I I THE gxox.-�-Mr John 114111 has recov- I er. 'Me'sard, T1.Z11dtidJjLJ;'J8ha1h# of Dold Hiattot), ILI Sperling h'J's holidays Tavistock, whobas been visitingher I I , -
� stril check Woe ' ' % e vorrasteira Londesboro, v,r ' 4t" L I , � - . ',
. la ed so much. as to be able to sib up. ofe looking'up cattle III *jib hier 'cousins W%eitr (jarlow. Me sister, Mrs Lemp# has returned homa. . .
ad Venet�u';'., $ art- t, iving the calling of their- ladll ,� I Whit,lot Co'rn Hus-k-Door )f L I 1 .4 , ,
. -
.L Mioaes, L, Lowery and M. Murray art, .his attlast*ipek. George andMeA'k(4'LFUlford returned h6Me Mr Jacob Wettlanfer has eng1t . I . .
11 - , I . ' L . ' J rA 'It be it great � ged . I I I I I
,.,,, , 6ed till% feet., Whickwi _ C'mily. of Auburifi, Wor6'tbd guostig ld8t,;*oek-frOW Anton, Whomilley with his uncle for the guinmer at I , �
-11 , t" none.'ri recovering corn . , 11 w1mat 16r,i , � .:,
3 Ah attack of Acadot hoe. L 46, . _�. , !�
. -, i improvemedtf to it. Me�T H. Colo- -of Willitan Roberton on MohdAy. H- had 4eeki,spending a few da t M Tavistock-, fib left last Saturday. Mr .
I fever, so(T Pearl front art .attack of . 9 it k at L 11
r li.� we'll aplirt. Ispatting a Stone, foundation under -Car1r, of Nile, strna&yod At the Post. trincIdy woritbee. Itat: )or
woit! p1boto-pn6timonist. - I Master arldL MISS Harty 0ampbolklai Mr Horterb TA Young has stArted to turn out rollers; . I ft' iddii "L ,"", ;
- , , ,�;. . ' ,,
' 1. 'L
�pf AboWlift0h6m to you' 'NOTU�4-Mr AX, Wet beral is spend� L his housb. , .The ,MLSsrs, WbOdirlah,'- dende of-.1ohn Mille, l6r, of Godd�loh is spending hit] hOri- he hits engaged MrS, Batlabar to turn f � B"r(- * L' ' ' � ' ;, "I ,
I . .. - *rig UP the Bulixgt Alley, of Londesbya Weed gae'sta of &,yaWith his parents here, Mr Jae, he rollers, , Me J. Ctimmill, a W1 oyA141 % I , I I %�'
I , ,:_�_ i I i dim "i hig th6liblIdaya at his home in Au� butclidtis, ate fittl Shopi I . 10c. Line o . 0 "T� " , t�
. I I L . V S' u to n A I t'11,4* I � , I 11,
I .. I L . . lkir�(),: 'Miss Picr6MI]Iep, has rotarried building for ti, butcher th6irbitt,co'g,es'-ptea�,M6'er'o on Still-, Tayl r hits 0 , alt cl� twin calves. baW, Wag the hVt of Mr B, � " I. � I " r, ;
. I t p L� I I . ,
. ftiom-a visit to Allsit Opal Atid toil. � Xottsi- Tho- collar par�, of the Mbth, d6y#" Mastot., Willie I a at ,ptead,nt Mrs 01ollh dort,oft 1%hd L hoe daughter last Week, A I tn. Stice ho lw,verl They are jad what,yon have, 6060 looki- I',, _L'
.. 1.) ldofi� There to atinlet talk 611 A football Mist Ohliveh Is 60nipletod and the YISICIng ,his alltlfi Mfg Pbllltpgi d1k VkZie, Wp6nt.glxgler With labiti dauklat6r t ,
X sllp]�, - SR L rif, Will 8001i h1to UPS, Mill 6 house, latbly 60copled Ing for to do your Vkht ovoevrng,�
I . begin Work, I M, d6-1 10 SC0406fed, toturftitio,,bohae'on -Mon. b M p. R,.�And Jr* * P.,Bf6w L W443(wl , I
I . . I :, dulibeltig,*gntiNed, Me %tet L 8() d o a, a t�o: � Whitfthittell, M080s, 'RO'bort b4&thIS, 11, I ,�', � , , I . , I
� I I N. L 6 tsilahl & B611 bAV6 started J � � , __ . I �, I
: ftj�d"L_ ' ' ' * has'40 unmistAkeabla ,swilei joatase-k D � o' boy, I J-0614Md.140108 DuPWIji'l woi%6'g1Jesf6, day rlight_ Mist LizMe Gliddonlo" vi ' )1Go4pMdh,,01d a fl,�Ing visit to Au- I . � 1. . .�,,".. I .�. �
1. . . 4 . I , Ir,
, .
. ,, . L � , I ,
- ,
,,,"Ir�t(ftighlof bby.. TheVoidlotatity 100110 Cora ' er 1� hideg, 1 We bad a0yetal V%itorit h. ___ - of East W0441306b ff"O"Od oil' Sundayi !,111lig4o Porter's Hill', �,Ardhlo, and, Ell: 96'u, lat., . odhoday# MIM rg OGLE 4000pklj� �,, 00� , 1.11 �
111. . �, I . .1 .1 Oh duping the, Aat* pe ' vil 'i '' " ... ,, 11.1` o4 .�dtitb '.'of Olintob, Id'v 1-1 � �
. on thd_�Wat` p L , 4 — ff I L -at, xl�#- Ui� lblUbA, 11 1A§ " , .
. , let yf6oton"wfib"Dotol ,
Ilago, for Vastoh alld'soveral froin I Lod '11 .
I .1 �
_ rlo#"O� 0 r 1A . - '1"Y�L tH]4'C(ASf1 ,, - �. " ,,I �
11 "
. I I I 11 I
�- 61.
I -
11� �,
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, ""
I � I
11 ,�
��1� ..
.., � I
e was higb'y eepi
rat " r. .0 o'.
.., .
L.eyb� .� 1'e
Rub n
dod "t
Iha,* I-. W ek
s ' � ", here'r A
rig 16 were
'%s he la'Sh F
r I
.9 .51
i d /,h 11
h . e, to I.,
_ �Ymp'th I
d _ 4 `
- I
-V5 ��
a or)$ * I , I lid 'Weto Wrly odaf4ifial, : , � , he rplaC06. . I Taill xtw In . , 413, t Mitten abitt .066 -
Mock, 0 lit I " A ., I I , L 1. AA, 6XV98"VOY ftOXA NEWS Thu rich Towrishipi I ab I b r 4 Vt to week' � I I ,
. I I t I 11 - L , rel w* to".dtho 'I % . I "I L I I I . , , 04sii V,4IdJdr"'bdtJ6t'4t4.V#j6, L � ,
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1. I I I � �- " � I 11 I �. .. I L I � I I . I I � . I I.. . . I . I ,., ,.� I I P , -L . . . � . ,� I ; . 11 I. .11 . I I I .. � I . � �.
L I I � �' . I . I I ,I. . �. ': " . I L . I .1 . I .��, , I � " , , , � ' , : '!, . , 11 I . I I ,
.� I , ,,, . . . . L 11 I .11 � . L A � I �, . I � I . . I 11 . L � � I I I I . I 1'�
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. . 11 1 I . .1 � , I . I : I I" � I ,. '�. . � L . 1. 11 . . - �
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.1 0"k, �; . � 65,� ..� � I .1� . . I I
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