The Clinton New Era, 1898-04-08, Page 11fir, ,+---.1es
April 8, I:$U8
Isee von or orator-.
tt Many a speakor has been credited with
skill as an extempore orator the secreta of
HAPPINESS. whose study would rob biro any such
Blaineboner, The late James G. Blused
bomotirnes to dictate to a reporter as ho
walked the floor of his etudy a speech to
be delivered in the. evening of the same
day, and the speech of the afternoon and
that of the evening would be identical in
every respect. Yet .the speech as delivered
in the auditorium had all the appearance,
the grace and charm of extempore oratory.
Sir John Millais was a graceful speaker,
but his speeches Dost him a great deal of
time and labor. At a dinner given at the
Arts club, on Leighton's appointment as
president of the Royal aoademy, Millais
was in the ohair. He made an admirable
speeoh—frank, sympathetlo, eloquent and
apparently unstudied. His friends oon-
gratuluated him, saying they had no 1d4a
he had the gift of oratory or could speak
so well and so spontaneously. "Spontane-
ous 1" he said. "Why, that wretched speech
has kept me awake for the last five weeks I"
—Christian Work.
Paine's Celery Compound, the Great Spring
Cleanser and Life Giver.
April is now with ne. The feathered
songsters are here again warbling their
•sweetest notes in prone of praise for a new
season. Nature is throwing off her old
.gab. The trees are budding, the grass is
fallowing new life, and soon the wild flow-
.ers will put on their dazzling dress of beau-
ty and richness. All nature seems to be
calling out to man, saying, "Be happy and
rejoice; give thanks to Him who makes
each glorious provision tor the children of
Many a thankful prayer will ascend
from truly grateful and healthy men and
'women for the beauties and bounties of the
new season. On the other hand, a vest
multitude of half dead, broken down, weak,
debilitated and suffering men and women
will not have the capacity to appreoiate
the meroice so bountifully bestowed. Their
thoughts are centred on their affiiotions
and sufferings; they are moody, despond-
ent, morose, and some are hopeless in de-
epai r.
It is to this suffering ohms that we
would speak words of hope and comfort.
Warning would be unneceesery if you
fully realized the fact that Paine's Celery
Compound aures the disease that is now
making such progress and havoo in your
It matters not whether the trouble be
rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease, liv•
er complaint, nervous proetration,agonizing
Preached by/a Blind Alan
An English clergyman of eminence
was asked by a group of London
'friends whose was the best sermon he
had ever heard.
"If you mean," be answer, "the ser-
mon which has influenced me most
directly and never been forgotten, I
can tell you at once. It was preached
in the streets of Boston many years
'-''''mgd; Blind man "
He had been preaching, he said, in
Phillips Brooks' church, and had start-
ed to walk back to the house where
he was staying. Being a stranger in
Boston, he became confused, and turn-
ing to a man who was behind him ask-
ed to be directed to the house.
' "Why, it is the preacher!" exclaim-
ed his companion. "I know you by
.ronsenr voice, for I was in the church
rad he'ard you preach, I am blind,
calm show- -you the way. I can
s you .to, the door."
h ,:clergyman protested that he
ould 'rant think of troubling the blind
and th Lt he could find his way by
"Surely," said his new acquaintance,
you will not refuse me the pleasure
of conducting you. I am not a beggar.
Everylldne is so kind to me, and it is
eeldmla, legeed, that I can render any
one a, service," '
.70 -the wo men went on arm in arm
1'.':in;ten minutes they were at the
''doo :: a I : rted. During that
wa the best -sermon whish the
.men had ever heard was preach -
t was simply," he said to his Eng -
friends, "the story of a -pan blind
, „m his birth, whose face wkseehining
th contentment and peace, and
whose heart was thrilled with a sense
of, his mercies and blessings.
"'His parents had sent him to a
school for the blind where he had
been. taught to read by raised letters,
chid they had left a small income that
sufficed for his wants. He lived alone,
•but could go about the streets without
a guide. He told me that he consider-
ed that he ought to be thankful for be -
ng born blind, because he had so much
eisure for quiet thought. There would
e time enough in another world for
im to see everything.
have never forgotten that ser-
," added the clergyman. "His ex-
ple of contentment and and seren-
er : mind has never ceased to be
1pful'.to me. I have told the story
la to my English cohgr ations,
tit t has always deeply fleeted
ores of Unbearable Skin Disease, Have
a Sovereign Balm in Dr, Agnew's
tont diseases of the skin euoha as eo-
se Balt rheum, scald head, ringworm,
j skin .lotohes, eta., are instantly re-
iibed''`by an application of Dr. Agnew's
Ointment. This great remedy is a mer•
venous cure, and there's not an ingredient
in the formula that will hurt the softest
and delicate baby skim :Cures itoh-
ing, blind and ulcerating piles in from 3 to
5: nights. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills,20 cents
for 40 doses. Sold by Watts & Co.
The Toronto. Star comments unfar-
orably.on the manners of the boys of
'that arty,- WlIldi-ng_up by remarking
that "they give abundant evidence
that the study of etiquette in the pub-
lic schools is not what it should be."
e St. Thornes Journal thinks there
re Dialer ways of accounting for the
ttdeness of Toronto boys. It says : "It
gy, perhaps, hardly fair, however, to
lame the public schools for the pres-
nt condition of affairs. In our opinion
'itis more strict dealing at home,
d less street liberty, would have a
nderfully improving effect." Well
d. There is far too much effort made
se days to. unload parental duties
n the teachers of the public schools.
Wever good they may be, and how -
r extensive their curriculum, they
neer take the place of the parents
in , = , : to for neglected home du -
ants not shirk too much;
e duties to their offspring.
ight boots. Corn reap-
eted by Patnam's Painless
r, the only sefe,sure, prompt
barn ours. Beware of imit-
Two Great Poet* Who wen+. Elisa
In the roll of the great poets of the past
two, who hold the very highest pleoea,,
were for an important period of their
lives nnposseeeed of the power of vision—
Homer and Milton. Happily these renown-
ed followers of the muses made good use
of their eyes In youth; otherwise it is
ecaroely possible that they oould have left
to ns the finished pictures of natural
scenery and other visible objects of crea-
tion which are to be found among their
compositions. Homer had reached 'nun-
hood and had written a conelderable por-
tion of the "Iliad" before he was attacked
by that disease of the eyes which robbed
them of their wonted powers. But the
whole of the"Odyssey" was composed after
the oeourrenoe of this great mishap.
Milton is stated by most biographers to
have permanently lost his sight in 1664
after a progressive and warning decay of
several years' duration. "Paradise Lost"
was not published till 1687, and it was
composed when the poet was ported')
blind.—New York Ledger.
His Case Continued.
They tell the following in connection
with John Allison, the well known Muh-
lenberg lawyer: John is very much of a
wag, and on one occasion, even when
death was staring him in the face, he could
not repress his disposition to b. funny.
He became 111 at his home in Greenville
with what was supposed to be heart dis-
ease, and a physician was hastily sum-
moned. When he arrived, John was gasp-
ing for breath, and his friends expected
bim to die at any minute. When the doc-
tor asked him what was the matter, h@
000lly replied, "Doe, I have an intimation
that my case is about to be called, and, if
possible, I want to get a continuance."
The doctor went to work with him, and,
eontrery toeverybody's expectation, did
get John a continuance, and be is Still
alive and practicing law in Greenville.
Madisonville (Ky.) Hustler.
The Colored of It.
Dorothy had heard some one singing
that classical production, the "Little Ala-
bama Coon," on the street. Presently she
eame to her, mother and asked:
"Mamma(, what does 'swat' meant"
"What do you think that it means?"
"Well, I don't know, mamma, but I
e'poee that 'swat' is colored for spank."
Harpee's Bazar.
Mrs John Hook, 3 Edward St., St.Thom-
as, Ont., writes:—"Doan', Kidney Pills
cured my son of incipient Bright's Disease.
He had terrible backechd's and night
sweats, and always felt tired and worn.
His nerves were unstrung, his sleep bad
and appetite poor. He commenced taking
Doan's Kidney Pills and is now complete-
ly cured.
Dr. Carman, Methodist geoeral su-
perintendent, starts for Japan on Mon-
The Harriston Review says: Orrin
Shannon, of Minto,' died Monday af-
ter a short illness of pneumonia. Mr.
Shannon was one of the township's
most progressive young farmers' and
his untimely death is the latest of a ser-
ies of fatalities which have resulted in
the death of every male member of the
Shannon family within a few years.
Mrs. Shannon is just recovering from a
severe attack of fever and the sympa-
thy expressed for her is widespread and
IS Impassible.
Bring health, thea Bandy
follows. They clear the muddy
complexion, chase away Sick
Headaches and Bilious Spells, cure
Dyepepaia and removeall poisonous
matter from the System.
Mrs. Adie Therrien,are Brussels
Street St, John, N.B., ays: "Laza-
Liver rills cured me of Constipation,
Indig.atian and Bilious Headaches.
They have corrected the irregularities
of Livor and Stomach, and restored
nay entire system td healthy enteral
dyspepsia or blood diseases, Paine's Celery
Compcund is able to make you whole and
Paine's Celery Compound, unlike other
medicines, is a true and rapid banisher of
disease; it makes the blood pure so that
life and energy flow quickly to every nerve,
muscle and tisane. Nature's medicine
promptly restores strength, vigor, appetite
and digestion. It gives sweet sleep and re
pose to the wearied and restless.
Will these honest and strong assurances
indnoe you to give earth's beet medicine a
fair trial in this your time of danger? ;The
experience of physicians end their kindly
worda,in favor of Paine's Celery Compound
Ishould be a guarantee of success to you.
The marvellous results given to weak,
sickly and broken down clergymen, judges
and members of parliament, and to worths
and hbnorable citizens of every city in the
Dominion, speak volumes in favor of
Paine's Celery Compound.
One bottle experimented with at this
season is always enough to make the moat
critical and skeptical continue with the
medioine until they are cured.
It has been traly said by an eminent
Canadian press correspondent that "No
physician is ever needed in homes where
Paine's Celery Compound is used."
"I have been troubled with Siok Head-
ache for over a year. Lately I have used
Lasa -Liver Pills and find they help me
more than any other medicine I have ever
taken. They do not gripe and leave no
ill effects." MARY ELLEN HICKS,
South Bay, Ont.
The first theater in the United States
was opened in 1752.
About 200 tons of refuse are swept
off London streets daily.
Half of the umbrellas used in the
country are made in Philadelphia.
The deaths from the plague in Bom-
bay now number 1,100 weekly.
A captive bee, striving to escape,bas
been made to record as many as 15,540
wing strokes a minute in a recent test.
As far as calculations can decide the
temperature of comets is believed to
be 2000 times fiercer than that of red-
hot iron.
Judge Campbell, of San Francisco,
has decided that a cat is not a domestic
animal and can not therefore be claim-
ed as the property of any one.
"Begorra,"said Bridget, as she open-
ed a bottle ofchampagne fdr the first
time, "the fool that tilled this quart
bottle must a' put two quarts in instid
of wan 1"
A Belfast paper is responsible for
stating that a man "was overtaken by
a passenger train and killed;be was in-
juted in a similar way three years ago.
Surveying by photography is gaining
ground. Over 50000 square miles have
been photographically plotted and sur-
veyed by the Surveyor -General of Can-
4'An official roller -gin teat, conducted
under the direction of the.Depattment
of►,Agriculture at Cuero, )Tex., upon
Texas -grown Egyptian cotton had
most successful and gratifying results.
Southern California has a"left-hand-
ed"club. with a membership of nearly
2000,scattered through all the principal
towns. To be left-handed is the only
qualification necessary to become a
mem ber.
The marine lamprey's adhesive pow-
er is such that 121 pounds may be rais-
ed without forcing it to lose its hold.
It is so tenacious of life that its head
remains for hours attached to a etone
when its body is severed.
Paris and Marseilles are connected
by telegraph linesentirely underground
They are placed in iron pipes and plac-
ed four feet beneath the surface, with
manholes 3000 feet apart. It cost near-
ly £1,500,000 to bury the wires.
In New Zealand the scheme for old
age pensions is in an advanced stage.
A bill has passed through all the:stages
in the lower house which wets aside
£180,000 per annum of the ordinary
public money as a provision for the ag-
ed poor.
Deacon Jones—You think this is a
deserving case, Mrs Brown? You think
there is no doubt about the family be-
ing poor? Mrs Brown—Oh, there can
be no doubt about it, deacon. Why,
every one in the family rides a hart
years wheel.
The Emperor William of Germany
has -.discarded ---mechanical rowing -ex-
ercise in his bath -room for tennis. Ev-
en in this respect his policy of thorough
is adherred too. During the whole of
his winter residence in Berlin he has
been playing tennis for two hours daily
in his private court in the Hohenzol
lern gardens.
The durability of ivory Ie proved by
the fact that billiard belle, which, for
the sake of curiosity,have been made of
very well-preserved mammoth ivory,
undoubtedly many thoueande of years
old, were played with for several
months by experienced players in Par-
is without it being noticed that the
balls were not made of fresh ivory,
Father Daughter, you know it ie
Lent, and I would like you to keep your
mind off worldly things. You have
done nothing but think of that new
drsse for (he last week. I repeat keep
your mind off worldly things! Daught-
er (in amazement)— Why, papa, there
isn't anything worldly about this dress,
It is perfectly heavenly.—Pnek.
Mr J. Bretz, 104 Church St., Toronto,
the popular tobe,oconiet, says he was trou-
bled with weak and intermittent notion of
the heart, was sleepless, nervous and los-
ing flush. Three boxes of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills completely oared him.
A Bombay physician says: "Often
when we pay our visits of inspection to
native homes we find the bead of the
household sharpening a huge knife,
wherewith he has pledged his word to
neighbors to stab the first;doctor sahib
who enters his household. In one vil-
lage we visited over three thousand of
the inhabitants had disappeared and
gone to various hiding places, whence
they emerged as soon as we had finish-
ed our tour. Of course, we were help-
less in the matter."
Moms Practical Points For Ifsalthrfalacmis
In Heating and Ventila*1ag.
There are awe helps to a good and
healthful house atmosphere (and freak
complexions) be be considered—freshness
and moisture. Ignorance is apt to regard
everything outside of its personal expert•-
snoe as stupid "faddism," or, more harsh-
ly, "erankfem." So these suggestions are
addressed to the intelligent only. Deni
air, like dead wood, bas but little beating
power. We have all endured the experi-
ence of being in an atmosphere hot enough
to produce headache, yet feeling chilly.
That air wee vitiated and dead and would
disgust even the ignorant in its analysis.
It is a perfectly simple matter to change
the air in any part of the house, and a
servant should understand the order
"Change the air" in inch and such rooms
as readily as to change the tableoloth for
dinner. You have only to open wide doors
and windows for a quick sweeping through
of a fresh ourrent from outside, and the
thing is accomplished. Do not open one
window to do it gradually, as the walls
and contents of the rooms become chilled
—a wasteful and uncomfortable result.
Literally "change the air," and do it as
quickly as possible. You will find the plan
a great economy in heat, aside from the
benefits to health and comfort. litany
houses are provided with arrangements
for continuous ventilation, but even in
these the quick, radical changes of air will
not come amiss. Fresh air heats up to
quickly, and its lightness and very percep-
tible freshness are most welcome.
Now as to moisture, the other factor in
,healthful atmosphere, furnaces and
other oellar heating apparatus are usually
provided with arrangements for evaporat-
ing water, but from negleot to keep these
filled or some other cause the air of fur-
nace heated houses is always dry, unless
some special provision against such dry-
ness has been made.
A good plan to to put regular dripping
pans beneath the registers, and no one but
the person keeping thee@ filled will credit
the amount evaporated daily therefrom.
With steam heat open vessels filled with
water should be placed upon the radiators.
In handsomely appointed rooms brass ves-
sels, as jardinieres or granite dripping
pane, with open filigree brass covers, made
for the purpose, may be provided. If ap-
pearances are not a consideration, any por-
celain lined pan will serve admirably.—
Ella Morris Krotsohmar in Woman's Home
A Chapter .f Delays.
One evening not long ago a slight blase
was discovered In the neighborhood of the
corner of Prospect and Erie streets, and a
rush was made for the flt'e alarm box. As
sometimes happens, the whereabouts of
that key was not known, and for a minute
or two teem aOA alot of wild anxiety run-
ning to waste. Ali aorta of suggestions
were Offered, but nobody took advantage
of them. Fortunately a short policeman
Dame trotting np and presently produced
his key. It was attached to a chain, and
the chair was attached to him. I1 was a
abort chain, and the box was pretty high
up, and the key didn't come within six
Inches of the keykol.. The abort polio*.
man puffed and tugged.
"Wall, by George!" be said.
"Lift hint apt" roared somebody.
"Mold on, boys," said the vflloer, earn
loosen the chain."
Be unbuttoned kis coat and vest and
She waistband of his official trousers and
finally released the jangling attocbmeflt.
L moment later the door of the but flew
"Let me sec," said the policeman, "you
something, don't you?"
he faot is, he didn't know anything
about it.
"Say," said a fanny man In the crowd,
"will somebody kindly step around and
ask that fire to be as deliberate as pond -
This made everybody laugh.
"I guess the cop takes this for Lannon,
don't you know," said the funny man
"Pull down de knob," yelled a emall
boy, and the short policeman obeyed.
Luckily it was only a trifling b1ilza—•
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Rare Forbearance.
The Barber—The next time I met him
I out him.
Martyr In the Chair—As yon have me
m) many times.
a Barber—Yon misapprehend. I one
hem in a soolal way. I declined to speak
to him.
Marty eeReally you have a kind hears,
after a11.Boston Transcript.
To Cure a Cold in One flay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al
Druggists refund the money if it fails to oure.S5c
Mr Jacob Bloom was inetantly killed
by being thrown upon the saw in his
sawmill near the C. P. R. station at
North Glencoe.
The duties collected at the port of
Toronto for March, 1898, show an in•
crease of over $100,000 over the receipt s
for March, 1897.
Mme. Madeleine Lemaire,the flower -
painter, has been appointed processor
of botanical drawing at the Jardin des
Plantes, Paris. This is the first French
professorship gained by a lady.
3*^ 5 NIGHTS
Plies, whether itching, blind or
bleeding, are relieved by one
application of
Dr. Agnew's Ointment
lMd eared In 3 to 5 nights.
Dr. M. Barkman, Binghamton, re Y.,
writ.* t Bond me 111 donen more of ♦g.
flow's Ointment. I pre*oribe large quan-
tities of it. It is s wonder worker in ekin
dit»esos and a prat care for pals, -1B.
Sold by W tts & Co.
Perhaps they're the source of your Ill
health and you don't know it.
Here's how you can tell
If you have Back Ache or Lame Back.
If you have Puffiness under the Eyes
or Swellingof the Feet.
If your rine contains Sediment oe
any kind or is High Colored and
S Ifnty.
you have Coated Tongue and
Nasty Taste in the Mouth.
If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches,
Bad, Dreams,--' Feel Dull, Drowsy,
Weak and Nervous. Then you have
Kidney Complaint.
The sooner you start taking
the mere quickly will your health return.
They've cured thou-
sands of cases of kid-
ney trouble during the
past year. If you are
a sufferer they can
CUM you.
Book that tells all
about Doan's Kidney
Pills sent free to any
ibe Doan Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
tnairas the ?nog )Fed Mb, sad tlfw►ei4 Ecd
Chat lice b not weedlikeWiling. Ws a dao-
e�i•iden�ce of'�1tat1�r� of ri,
Any passe water will
tell aNyou
oosed to ache,
st 1 a
slt 7 to � nor
plasters, nor electrddty can etre it. the
sea of the trouble ile�o of #a lila skin, flesh at
m� hWerra, ep.
I had'terrible paitis is m bank and my water
was think and muddy. I was all broken np
and in poor health generallt. Two boxes of
Dr Hobbs Sparague Kidney Pills cured me
completely. Push the sale of them hard,
there is nothing better. A. N. VAN ALSTnt
04 Toledo SI., Adrian, Mich.
I had suffered with:a lance back sad was con-
fined to my bed for nearly two weeks. I book
not quite all of a box of Dr Hobbs' Sparagus
Kidney Pills and was entirely cured,
ISAAO MARK, 851 S. Eleventh St, Saginaw,Mioh
Dr. Hobbs'
Kidney Pills
ALLEN & WILSON, Druggists,
Next to Oommorolal Rotel.
This tliehment is in lull 0' oration and a
order filled in the most satiefaoto, y way Come
try end granite work a specialty. !'rices a
sonable as those of any establishment
S ALE & HOOVER, Clinton
Tho old Clinton PLANING MILL
H. STEVENS, Proprietor
The old original Contraotor and Builder,
who has made Clinton his home for forty
years, is still in business with a modern,
np-to-date Factcry, and is prepared to fill
all orders of whatever description, on short
notice and the lowest terms; first-olaes
workmanship guaranteed. CONTRACTS
for buildings taken, and all kinds of build-
ing material furnished as desired.
William:Street, Clinton, immediately
behind:the Park.
The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds
o Stamping for Mats. Persian Rugs and arta
c es of like nature. Work done promptly�and
a reasonable rater. MRS A,WOIITHINOTON
ron Street,
"Glimpses of the Unseen" Fascinating bo IE
Sweeps the entire field of borderland subjects
Everybody orders, Marvellous illustrations
Prospectus $1.00. BRADLEY-GARRETSON
ALA Nervous Disease, --Falling Mem.
err, Impotency. Sloe lessnese, etc. caused
by Abuse or other Excesses and India.
orations They 4oj and wrapwraprestore Lostak
Vitality in old or young. and
fit n man for study. businese or marriage.
Prevent Insanity and Consumption if
t,et. n in tfine. 7.1Tir use shows immediate improve.
meat and elfecte a Cni.., tit -?1,3 all ether ii i! In-
sist upon having the genuine Max Tablets. They
have cared thousands and will care yon, al
give a pas•
itivo written guarantee to effect a cure UV
each ease or- refund the money. Price w Y sls peter
Package; or six pkge, (fall treatment) for $860. B
mail. in lain wrapper. n on receipt of price. Circular
free, AJAX REMEDY CO.,revere '•a
Sold in Clinton by Allen & Wilson,
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate, -
tion of the Hears, Liver Complaint, Neu-
ralgia, Loss of Mimory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Seem 9, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female irregularities and General Debility
Laboratory, Goderich, Ont.
J. M. McLeod,
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
Held High in the
of the ledioa, are the newest spring
shapes. They appeal to good taste as
well as good sense, We invite a look
at onr lines of Ladies', Miesee and
as well as onr ' newlines ee in ILIon a wear.
Puli supplies of
Double and Single Harness,
always on hued,
Red and White Cedar Shingles in stook
Victoria Block, Clinton.
Our stook of fruit and ornamental trues being
complete, we aro prepared to offer to the pub-
lic for spring planting a very choice lot of
Apple, Plum, Pear, Cherry
and Peach trees, at suitable
prices. Evergreens a specialty.
Large stook of small Fruits.
Choice list of spring bedding Plante.
Prloo list mailed on application.
John Stewart Estate, 1Beamintr
Goo. Watt, President, Harlook P. O.' J. B.
McLean, Kippon P. 0., Vio.-Pres.; W. J.
Shannon, Soon -Treat,, eeaforth P. O.; Thos. E.
Hayes Seatorth P. 0., �lnspootor.f Losses.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop P. O.; George Dale. Seaforth: Thos,
E. Bays, Seaforth; Jas. Evans, Beechwood P.
O.; Thos. Garbett Clinton; Thomas Fraser,
Bruce/tele; John l(, McLean, Eippen.
Robert Smith,Harlook; Jno. W. Yeo, Holmes.
ville; Robt. Mc41i11gn, Seaforth; James Outs-
mingEgmondville; John dovonlock and John
Morrison, auditors,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans.
aot other business will be promptly attended to
on application to any of the above officers,
addressed to their respective Oleo..
~Eaaaaix,sdrhti�• r
I wish to inform the public that I wllll
not be undersold by any other person .
in the business. I am a practical buteb-
er; and understand all the branches of
the businese. We keep the very best
meats, and a full stock always on band,
and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices.
Bring along your money, and get the
meat at the cash price. We will give
credit, but not at cash prices. Please
come and see what you can do for
Cash at
We are doing businese on the cash prinoie
ple, and will supply out customers with:
the best meats at the lowest paying prices
Business Change.
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
hipping purposes, for which the highest
market prices will be paid. Parties having
hogs to sell will oblige by leaving word at
the shop.
Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton.
Subscriber has opened a shop in the pre-
mises recently erected especially for this
nrpose, opposite Fair's Mill, where he will
Peep on hand and deliver promptly, to all
karts of the town.
Fresh Meat of all kinds. A share of
public patronage respectfully solicited.
Flour & Feed store
In large or small quantities.
10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
(late Hill & Joyner)
Opposite Market, Clinton
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Peas, Barley.
and all kinds of meal sold at lowest prices.
Fresh Corn for Feed, 38c a bush
Good Valencia Raisins, 281b box $1.
Choice Tea, special line 25o per lb. axed up.
All kinds of Grain bought at jligheet
market pri®Qe,
The Molsons Rank
Incorporated by Aot of Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000
REST FUND - $1,500,000
Wm. MOLSON Mecenitasow, President
F. WOLFEBSTAN TRones, Gen Manager
Notes disconnted, Collections made, Drafte
issued, Sterling and Amerinah eitohange
bought ilio doid, Interest allowed on de-
posits. Berme Bass— Interest allowed on
sums of $1 and up. Mbney advanced to
farmers on their own note, with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. C. BRE% ER, Manager, Clinton
A general Banking Business
Drafts reined. Interest allowed on
Advance's made to -mere on their owr
notes at 1 rates of interest.
& general anking Bueineee transacted.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Huron Street.
We have just received another lot of Now
Home and Dominion Sewing Machines; the
former ie an exceptionally good maohire.
and has given good satiefaotion to all
Needles and all kinds of Repairs
kept on hand
Machines sold on monthly payments. dslt
on me or write for prices and terms. ,
Jan. 1898 WM. riii0O1f$
For Twenty-seven Yearg