The Clinton New Era, 1898-04-08, Page 8April 8, 1898. THE CLINTON NEW ERA COOPER'S BOOK ST ORE CLINTON. Bicycle i --,r, Department. Cy perfection to which Bicycles of 1898 mark the highest point of pe es have been brought-; importance that hu.m.ar� •ln- The Bicycles to bring- the highest which seems possible them. They embody all of impo of Bicycle construction.. We had our choles of Agencies,enuity has yet conceived in the way Y land and The Crescent. Three lines which g ted that of The Columbia, The Cleve and have accepted we believe to be the most "down -to -date" that money can buy. .t $50 You can buy a very pretty wheel, Ladies or Gentle- men's, nicely decorated enamelling, wood or steel han- dle bars, any gear, any saddle, any size frame, Hart- ford tires. This wheel is called The VEDETTE. At $5O You can buy "a beauty"—The CRESCENT, a wheel now universally popular. The manufacturers claim that there is no bicycle finer than the Crescent—none stronger or more servicable made for ladies or gents. $55 You get without exception the finest wheell in the world, for the price. We refer now to the Model 35 Cleveland, easily worth from $10 to $20 more than many so called high grade wheels. You get your choic of a Crescent or a Hartford, both good wheels. and will prove a pleasure to all who ride them. Choice of Enamelling, Saddles, Gear and At $60 Handles. At.}. $80 You get what the Cleveland Cycle Co. call "The ri Uworld's Greatest Bicycle." Its construction ineludes the new bearings, self -oiling axles, locked cones and many other new and beautiful features of merit. At $85 You get the best chain "Columbia," claimed by the manufacturers to be the standard of the world. /� t $140 You get the New Chainless, made by the Columbia 13. people at an enormous expense. The expense in. patents and testing the parts for this machine are said to have cost the Pope Manufacturing Company $300,000. The wheel is being sold in Canada for $140. For a low priced wheel we can give you a variety, but the wheel we are pushing is a $40 one; made by the Henderson Bicycle Co. of Gode_ rich. It bears their full guarantee. •have studied it thoroughly; we know all the bicycle The bicycle business is a specialty with us; we a h andyou get the benefit of our ex- perience '' off byheart, we are almost professionals in this brant ...points when y ou buy a wheel from us. GARDE ,for the Boys and Girls to make themselves useful in the flower „garden, or to amuse themselves n the potato patch. Nice set for 15c. Shovels separate at 10c. se Ball G�ds. T Balls from 5c to $1.50 .Pats from 5c to $1.00 Masks from 50c to$3.50 Rule Books 10c Gloves from 25c to $5.00 And all sporting goodp Baby Carriaes Every baby needs a carriag e, but not as much as the mother does. Carriages are now very pretty and are very reasonable in price. For $15 you can get a real "beauty," cheaper lines at $12, 810, $8.50 and 87. Rubber Tired wheels if desired. i,v0hrsIZ'r4# -°1111 1741V 6." ' amu-5.,fYi;Li! • An 01 IIS III I I�� IIIpi� ill �;. �4i �i�l p,ild'�V��1� I Illl�ll�i��i�l'r VIII If cPc'ctri— AN EVER - POPULAR GAME. FOUR BALL SETS, - 90c 1.10 EIGHT « — 1.25 Nicely painted wires, well finished mallets. SIX cc cc cvy Lawn Tennis Racquets. $2.50, $3, $4, $59 $'1, the best makes. Tennis balls at 25e, 5()e. Special prices by the cl.oz. Besides the lines enumerated on these pages we keep a frill stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Miscellaneous Books and a general stock of FANCY GOODS. Our OPTICAL Department, is first gaining -prominence. Any person may have their eyes tested accur- ately and scientifically free of charge. Spectacles as low as $1; satisfaction, or money refunded. We aim to give you the most in quantity, the best in quality, and the lowest price to all. Cooper & Co., Clinton • 1 Lacrosse Sticks Good practise sticks for boys at 50e and 75.c, cheaper ones. as low as 25c. Men's' best at $l, and 81.50. Lacrosse balls at 10c, 15e, 35e and 50c, � i��lli!111;,,!!•]I'IIIII,J11111,Dlll.li'llhll'�I ��''�I We carry a good line of these goods, ...and offer them at tempting prices C s _ih fre a's WAGGONS. Good strong service- able wagons for $1.25 $1,50 and $2. Steel Wheels, with bent rail or wooden box. s: