The Blyth Standard, 1903-05-14, Page 3There are several ways of adulterating
teas -an inferior brand mixed in is the
usual way,
Blue cer,
ori j rr n
uniform tea off , s5)ecial age growth.
We value your continued orders too
much to athsteeYN,':: tri :;tl-ly Way.
131,tclt, Sli.o,l f0 1 r;,,
r')I.TY CE'(f':':i-StitOq LI) ?lt FIFTY'
elev nsrurrat essensawevemee
11 ,1, tau same day ; and Lad; ev
net acts written o1I to order he
m .ur$tug; and a shall alive! of black
news.eogoil nes. will announce to th
world t1(-murrow that 1113 baby 1110
.11,11. Upstairs a little form by
les ver
still wear a white sheet.. The freta
Malts that tes0ed and tumbled s1(
ellen ale 1(t rout note.
Tao Uihidr are all down In th
house, and people move about softly
Ito if their lootetepe could break th
iet:unt slumber upelnirs.
Lady Di0' sot, having !Whiled her
1101,,; and taken u cup of efternouu
tea under protest, us 11 were, pro-
orois to look for dlr Maurice, and
him In n Hunte room called by
cvurtesx the llbr4ry, but, used by her
hely/edit .h
asur own private sanctum.
Witha face to slit taw (weasioi ,
Lady Dermot rasters softly, but Is not
prcluartl to land he: sou sobbing like
a 'semen, its betide over hie face.
She produces a morsel of lace Menotti-
ntel v and follows suit, laying her cool
(hand on his bowed head.
"My dear Maurice, 1 had no .idea
you were so fond of the poor little
child I"
Ho raises his fade, all wet with
tears—tears it would have broken
tepee's heart to see.
I uta not grieving for the child,"
he (lays, brokenly. "tut, oh, mother,
when he looked up at me with her
uyett-11wife, my wife 1'
This is a grief past Lady Dermot's
comprehension; su, with a murmur
of sympathy, she leaves him, entde-
cides evert before her foot crosses
the threshold that her sou must get
a divorce Immediately and marry
Flora Blake. It Is quite a nice little
cadre In tho air, and i11 the mean-
time she hue a half -formed plan of
returning to Drunianecn Castle to
look after her sou 111 person.
"Como and see him ; he looks like
an angel;' Gladys Blake, says to the
grief-strickou father some hours
Very reluctantly Sir Mnurke suf-
fers Gladys to lead him upstairs to
look once more op his cltild'e race..
Night and day the rtrange, brief
look from tho dying eyes haunts
him—the look that seemed ono of
yeal'ting reproach, the Iobk that
Gipsy's eyes used to. have if ever
for a momt'nt ho was vexed with
The poor little face to no marble
now, white and tiny, the pillful
mouth blotted and the Silky Melte"
resting placidly on the white cheeks.
Hew sweet he lies, with fhe shadow
of that last smile still lingering on
' the doter tips So white, so unnat-
urally white, in hie draped cot he
lies, with btrowdrops in his folded
bands, the rosy fingers that Gipsy
mo passionately, lova, white and
wax -like now!
clledyr' tears fell feet. Sir 'Mau-
rice look's on lir 'Benne, with a ret
face. He watches Gladys as she
*only cute two, or three rings of lair
from the marble brow—tate soft lit-
tle curie so like Gipsy's. She meets
his Byer and whieperr:
"1 will keep them for 1110 mother."
And then, the husband's mouth qui-
vers. He tarne to go; but Gladys
comes forward and takes Mr hand.
"You haven't kissed h1�"
"1 cannot," he anewore, In a euro-
thered voice, "I linve leveed no 'liv-
ing thing since site left."
'He 1s not living,' urged Gladys,
wig; "and ho Is your eon —and
alpwy Moved him."
Alt the Weeper of les wife's nnme
he trembled all over, and then,stooping suddenly, puts hitt quivering a
— — tl
11tH+ 10 the little one's icy face.
t._ Pham Gladys (tears him go away ;
r and where the Itlther'm kles rested
hes one brig+itt tear. She does not
' wipe it away, but lets it rest
on thv+ ileac cheek. Perhaps lutm0
day she will meet Gipsy Hud toll iter
how the baby died, 001 that 11e wail
buried with his futher'e kiss upon
his ilps,
e • • • •
The cold, gray dawn of a Marcia
morniug is breaklcg; softly the pale
light Meals Over the land, tender
and stud.
"It passed the churchyard with n
And wild not yet it quiet lir,"
In the ectad vault of the Aermote
sleeps the poor little babe. It is
wolf w•Ith the Neild, and he dors
not milts tho loving touch of mother -
nettle, the ooreeslug whisper of the
700ng mother -voice. And the dawn
he pointed
le of the
old rolt'tebues otthat hooks au a symbol to
thorn below, pointing heavenward;
and far, far away morning is !Reek-
ing over the sea.
Oa the wild west coast, where the
silent, solemn sea ehinee 011 silver
In the morning light, the dawn
fiushah up over the sky noel awakes
a world of sea and land and mite-
tery. By and by the mists will fly
away; but now It is all eluulow and
wonderment, with a Raining sea and
a soft west wind blowing.
Tho light strykoe on Undo Ben's
White hedge and on ono ulrehuttored
window, the window of the parlor
whore Gipsy first met her hwstbana
She to here now, In the lame room
Where she has been all night, And at
tell moment she site la the yeti()
daft, her arms spread out on a
newspaper upon the table, her head
Iakl upon her arms, speechless, sil-
ent, with a grief beyond words or
D1o1—Maturlce, the infant son of
Bir Maurice Derm.rt, Bart,, Druwan-
een Castle.
8110 enw these words yesterday.
Dead, dead l Her little baby, her
darllurg; and ho died in other arms
thou hens! All night elm has not
cried, never wept one tear. And now
It Is morning; and, with utter woe
!n her lvldlo face, elle looks out at
the light spreading aux! brightening.
Her baby dead --her utile, soft, smil-
ing, curly-haired baby ! 'And elle, 1413
mother, not even to know lie was
Oh, the empty, hungry young
mother heart, . Yearning and
yearning* to press even her child's
stead faoe to her breast! Wllh eyes
full of misery, she watches the rising
suo and sera the sliver sea fluhieg
crimson, She aces the day wake up
with a Joyous smile, and she cannot
even pray, even think, can realize
nothing. She only knows that what
she longed for stn never come to
pass. In nil tato years to come she
will never feel molt, warnelittle hands
stealing round her neck, never fool
the rosy cheek against her own,
never love and pet her little child
any more,
lie fs dead—he 11 dead!" She
eaye the words aloud, and yet no
tears acme into her eyes, no quiver
disturbs Iter mouth.
elt rreand
andyshe lookmvat�kthedown
thinks, and thinks, and mile to mind
every feature of the dearly loved
little face, and. yet oito cannot weep.
Beside her a boltt Is _being run
'^wn tae Haack, and the fisherman,
One, stalwart young fellow, is
eng out for the day, lend over
re 0lingle ('4)1)100 1114 111(0 10
e him off. Her baby 10 In
er arms, and Gipsy lvatchrs the
they take tho child and hold hien
nd kloo him, and elle ems how
roud and fold the young wife
ooke, Then the boat to shovel oft,
el goes dancing out to eon; and
111 mother holds up the child and
ogees 11114 high up to see "dadelle'r
'Surely Maurice will 001110 to net
lady beside Icor with a face wild
th grief. ,
Let mo leek at your baby,' s}ao
ye "Let mo look at him, for
ne le dead 1"
Minot has a long look into the
1141 have touched a chord in her
le hands gently, and then turns
ay and mite down tor before, her
lids over ber face; but the un-
nmdoue fiegere of the flmhorman'o
We face, touches the sunburnt
rt, and the tears have came at
et. Though the death of her child
well-nigh robbed her of nil hope
e still believes that her husband
I one day Dome for her, ren
Suddenly the woman turns to see
now!" Gipsy gays to herself, day drif
BABY'S B1.S'1' IIt11.NU.
Tile pest Mend baby can have le a fa
elmple medicine that will relleve and a
euro the. minor ailments that make p
his little life often very miserable. 1
Such a friend is Baby's Owe 'Lala- el
lett They cure Indigestion, sour 11
stomach, constipation, simple fevers, t
diarrhoea, and allay the irritation le
accompanying the cutting of teeth.
All mothers who have used theme n.
Tablets praise them. lire le L. wd
Bourgeois, Eastern Harbor, N. 8.,
imp ; "I have used Deby'a Own Tab- m
lets and look upon them as baby's nil
beet friend. I .have found theta an
excellent remedy dor colic, and they oh
have done our baby much goo.( In lltt
many wept." Little ones take these ea
'11abicte as readily as candy, and the oe
mother has a grmrantee that they o0
oopteln no opiate or other harmful hen
drug. Onoo used always used where la
there are little ones In the home. has
Sold by druggist' or sent by stall at eh
25 mete a bo; by, writing direct to wit
the Dr, William' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
la the M,at Mioertbieof Mortals --Only
iI Sinular 8(ifcrerw ten Understand
Il lm 11,11110 1(l lgunv.
There i, no mortal more miserable
than tic 101141• dyspeptic l3( is never
11el,itIt , never happy—always ailing,
.al,vn�•s out of sorts. Every mouth-
ful of food brings hours of 11RtrORs-
1cry moneut of the day is wpolled
and soured.
It you tare a dyvfsplic, you know
the teens ; the coated tongue, the
hull headache,:, the heartburn, the
biliousness, the persistent torment
Iter' 111e111(3, the hopeless despond -
envy. Any one of theme signs points
to Indigestion. The one sure cure for
indigestion Is Dr. Williams' Plnk
Pills, They make new blood—that's
the whole secret, Through the blood
they will brace up your strength,
waken your liver :and set your stom-
ach right. If you ask your neigh-
bors You will firth proof of this right
ILL y cur Own h0m0. Mr. Charles
Wood, Mars, Ont., one of the Clou-
se rids 1
(f dye;prepthrs coned by the use
of these pills, says: "For upwards
of twelve years I was a great suf-
ferer from Indigestion and nervous-
ness. Everything I ate tortured me.
I (teetered almost continuously, and
used niniest everything recommended
for this trouble, but never got inoro
than temporary relief until I began
the, tete of Or. Williams' Plnk Pills.
Words cannot exercise the good these
pills have dono•nue I am to better
health then I have enjoyed In years
before, and I have proved that Dr.
Williams' fink e'111s cure when other "Yes,' 1,0 answers, curtly. "1 never
utedleines fail:' go anywhere, you know. (low are you
diseaabloodses, and
De Williams' mother flfty Pink purl ell
tof home
isr peech(Iqui quickly, as 11 Zoording the -
Dille will euro them all, because they tut ,tf 1203 etanment o11 rho first.
convert bad blood into good, rids "011, quite well—Just as usual—
enteroleo nee.
bedneither health unot rstrength. Don't N1there can 011 In Lonadys don, iiklallby Mr. Ker, and
bo persuaded to try something else— Algy (Icing totldng! M11urie0, do you
take nothing but the genuine Dr. know yen tiro looking very 111?"
Wllllams' Pink fills. Hold by .all "Am 1 ?" he /eke, enreiesely, push -
medicine dealers or sent post paid at hug bis hand through the short brown
Oe. a box or mix boxes for $2,50, looks that 11040 slivered en the tem -
by addressing the Dr. Williams Medi- plea dulu•ing the Met year. "f am get -
eine. Co., Brockville, Ont. ling okd, Flora,' with an attempt at
a smile that roue to further than Ids
811- h,u1s at him. steadily.
"No. It be not 'oat, itlam'lan1" sud-
denly, while her face turns crimson.
"Tile life is killing you—the awful
loneliness. Listen—not a stir 1"
There is not. The Gild house 1s 1111
01111'11 11411117 grave, save for the pat-
tering r111n (»Amide.
811 ALna•ice walks to the window
end looks out. Bow ellen and often
has Ito listened to the stlllneeo till he
'Ihuost fancied he heard Gipsy's light
footfall, Ler sweet, soft voice calling
him! Bow often has 110 110(00ee1 till
the silence bucam'c well-nigh unbeer-
nble l flu knows the utter lonelfnese
and desolation of Ida life well, and
marry it time ho thinks that Ito
sere her face as he sate 1t
last-rwl(ea he oure(xl her; often
Ire seems to see the awful look
of home() and woutuled grief In the'
eyes that looked into his for the last
sweet time of "ye merrle month yt
81r Maurice sits In the library ,
window. at:01 locks with gloomy eyes
at the storm. The lightning flambee
In Ihw ,yrs and therein dashes te.
leniently ngni1st the windows. Ile
watches it all Ifstlessly, with his
grave, stern fuer, that never 14111 11011
2(01v nm It IMP(' to do In the (Nye
when (tipsy was 11114 wife.
A clatter of hoofs under the arch
way anal the eight of a figure sheep
lug past the window rouse hhn. in
another moment tate door ops(1e,
and Flora Blake's voice exclaims,
' !. beolghted traveller seeking
Muller 1"
She does not, explain that when the
seem broke site was nearer Rivers
than irrurnancen Caxllr, llu1 the ex -
cue, for bearding Alaurlee 111 his cam- Toronto's expt'nditure this year
tlo wits too goal to bo resisted, ebe will ire 1$15.81 for every resident
stands. with her taco flushed and wet man, woman and child, and of thin
with rale, torr tong, yellow hair un- soul :$11.78 will be relies] In taxes.
bound 111111 (ranging down her baclq,
11(141 her eyes smiling up Into hie
1111100Y Loo. Once nearly half the Immigration
110 woman bas crossed les thresh- coming Ito thio United Stett war
old except 111s mother, since he lust from Ireland. Lnst year of the 8IS,
l npsy ; 4111 he !lushes now 1as he ex-
tends his haul 1.1 a tardy welcome. Ila Imrnigrtook only "0,1341 were
"1t is n ((ltrtul storm, bull 1 1110k trite). That looks hopeful for Ireland,
It meet hist," he says, with a glance
blacker and tate rale, comes down fac-
tor than ever.
"lb be Continued)
'Phe cost or taking tor. U. 8. census
n 1900 (3113 15Lj cents per capita.
Britain iv 10 spend 011 the navy
thio year $1711,18-1,eete, and an the
army $170,000,000. It's a wetly
1(t the sky.
Tits is cut a very promising be-
gianing,d 1111101. Miss uo(eptxuthe is nclu at ensile
pushes towards her, 11(1d Beate herself
with a amiss.
"It }lieges since we have 110011 you„
Ma urine "
niter day. "Surely, note that our
little ('11:111 1e deed, he will come to
ane and take me 'to his heart again."
Th�tgh ell the grief she Is Always
watching, watching and walking on
1110 road by which Maurice will come;
but her eyes glow More piteous day
after day, her look becomes more
The days lengthen, and the even -
Inge are long and light, but 111\ never
comes; rind her heart aches with
weary longing no day after day she
Aims and tells herself, "Perhaps/ he
will come to -day" ; and, when even -
Ing comes she whimpers, "Perhaps he
will come to -morrow,"
Poor, patient, loving, little Gipsy !
Ono night she does not go out to
watch on the long, white, dusty
road, nor tho next, nor the next ;
end titan one evening old Ann goes
flying for tho doctor.
Gipsy is very 111, weary and broken
down at last,
" When lam dead, tell him—tell my
husband—I loved Itiln always, and I
have gone to baba;,' she say's, and
then elm turns her Paco to the wall.
She will dt" to -night, the doctor
says. Batt alto ,morning breaks chill
and gray, and tete lives. Day
after day, while the summer
glory creeps over the world
and the waves are deep blue be-
the midday sun, Gipsy Iles'
a mere mooted shadow.; and, when
the corn le ruetli:ng yellow in the
fields, a Red -eyed little Indy nits
upon the eltore, looking, looking out
to Rea. But on the long, white
rood oho never walks, for Some.
thing hail told her t)tat Maurice
Will never come for her now,
It Is during one of talose walks
to the shore that she notices a
email crowd round the fishorman'e
cottage, and a child's Agonized
scre';taus sound from within. Through
the crowd comes Gipsy, and goes
into the cottage. Tho child has
been scalded badly, and his dime
traoted mother eau do nothing but
cry. It is the same mother and
the same little child she watched
on tho. shore,
"Give him to me!" elm nye, and
tikes the ecreannhug, writhing lit-
tle creature, in her cool, firm clamp,
"Give me 1t pair of echelon'', and get
some flour—quick!"
Swiftly elle cute off 1t little
garments, and flours the scalds
well with soft, tender 11111111(, and
the loud cries 103(100 and die away
to Moaning. Tho mother watches
while the sad-faeo(1 little lady
eootltrtl land tends the ehlid, and,
when the elector cones, there is
trot much to be done,
"I had Ido cotton wool," Gipsy ex
plains. "But I have done my best.
hoe -tire poor Tittle fellow is going
to sleep.''
The doctor looks well pleased. It
is the first time 110 has aeon her take
11.11 hl!tm•e11t in anything, the first
time he lee heard her volce change
hem its tone of !Wiese indifference,
Suddenly a es
from Gipsy's eyes; she tremblesof tears under the child's weight, and hands
him gently to 1110 mother, while the
tears roll down her cheeks.
"He le the same age as my own,"
she whispers, and Kobe away to
break her Iteart crying for her own
mee and
nurses the flet ermau a child back to
health, and the simple Didier folk re-
gard her an an angel.
It Is nearly a year and a half
since Gipsy went away, and the
world 111 green again; and, most un
springlike, a thunderstorm acmes cud
denly crashing through the tender
!eaves, a perfect royal salute from
heaven's artlJlely, rolling and eche
ing down the rooky glen of Drum
aneen Castle. Sheets of rain fall,
seething and Meting, and lay the
spring flowers low In the long, green
grass. The stream Is a roaring tor
t, and in the orchard the pink
Within three2 miles in the city of
Glasgow there are 00 statloum for
passenger traffic. There are circum-
stances 111 which that might not be
regarded an advantageous.
Gilbert Parker Is pushing a Deceas-
ed Wife's Sister bill in Britain. The
old girl has it good champion,
Let 1114 weep. Cod liver oil has
Jumped from $,5 to $130 a barrel.
Anil they Nay there le iio combine
In it, either.
It turns out that there was no
volcanic exploslon and probably no
seismic shock to 00115(3 the disaster
at Frank. It seems to have been
a ease of simple laudelide o11 a great
scale. The consequences, however,
have been terrible, the death-t•all
totalling between 80 and 00. whits
the property lose Is very large.
The United States have seine
queer Judges. Tito other day la
Chicago a man accused of theft \vas
brought before Judge Neely, and the
case is thee reported:
"What is your business ?"' 115kd
the judge of tee prisoner.
" 1 drive a laundry tvagan, your
horror,' meekly answered t'he de-
No wonder you steal," sold the
court sharply, "Any mon who would
go around 10111 gather up the soil-
ed gnrmente of other persons would
be liable to steal a suit of cloth-
ing; it would come natural to hlw,
Miss Blake, lying back in the deep Why don't you get a 'expectable
chair, leaves him alone for the s -ace position ? If you will change your
of half a minute, and then exclaims, work, I will release you,"
with a laugh: Is it any w'0n(1rr that when Judges
"\leerier, you Inhospitable crea-
ture, don't you knew it le ,3 o'clock,
lout) 1 yearn for tea?"
He turns hastily and rings the bell.
"I bog your pardon."
Then she talks to hint end 11Ilo bin
all the news sue can think of, land
lets him fool her (4tweet sympathy,
ant goes back to the old, old days
before Gipsy lord ever cone to Brit
temente Castle, end lends him on to
talk, tow, 11110 (01'14 sine, is laying a
fun1sl(1flon, 118 it were, for further
eff0'tx, �
Old Peters brings In the tea, and
looks rather surly at the young Indy
making herself NO ((111411 at home,
"Shall I?" 1111014 Blake safe, sweet-
ly, laying her hand on the old Queen
Anne teapot. "Yon know men never
c:u1 11011 l' out tet."
Ile takes a cute from her bands;
and she does not know that all the
time he 1s thinking with an agony
of recollection, of another face and
form presiding with childlike grime
at tato tea table. Ile puts thieve the
cut untaste(l, and once more tnkes
refuge In no deep old window.
Mem Blake sips Iver tea In Beene°,
01(11 partake'& with a smile of the
thin bread and butter. The very ele-
ments are favoring ,her ; the sky gets
talk like that the bench losee lire
respect of the masses? The work
of collecting clothes for a laun-
dry le honest work, land whether
the collector is to be respeetel or
not depends 011 (tow 1111 he does
lt, lint what Hort of Justice 1s to
be looked for from. a judge who
entertalus such /lotions?
Montreal is too poor to maintain
a public library, even when Carnegie
offered $1 30,000 for a building, lichee
it will return his benefaction, wh1ch
it last year ngre(vf t0 accept. We.
are not very proud of Montreal.
The courts having held that "Can-
non" as used in the B. N. A. Act
menus 1111 Canada, It would be well
for Canadians to stand up for giving
to the phreso "Catnada for the Cana-
dillns" 1111 to m/Illy broad meanlug. The
self-seeking coteries should not be al-
lowed to make tem of ft for tho pur-
pose of getting tariff laws to enable
them to tax their 1(11ow cilizrns.
Iood is Watery
in. the Spring
It is Lacking the Essential Life -Caving Principle which
is Best Obtained by the Use of
The bred, languid and depreesett
feelings w ldch come with spring are
the outeard beneath -in of the weak -
Piled rendition of the blood 11011 the
low sttele of vIt:tlity.
When the bloml gets titin land 1vat-
ery the waste of the Minute body- is
more rapid than the proaws cg ro-
(onstruelion. Gradually the action
of the heart grows weaker and
weaker, the hag4 do not work to
their filll cap:lolly,'the eloameh and
other digestive orgasm fall to per-
form lhelr ,duties, 1010 1110 result is
all sorts of bodily derlungementg.
Aching lead, ddzty apclls, hldigee-
tlo1, rerllugo of weakness end de-
ependeney, hack of energy to per-
form the duties Of the (derv, loss of
you, lead all can be avoided by the
use of Ur. t'hese's \scan Font.
There is no per par:lti0n to be C0014
pared to 11r. Chase's \cryo Feed ns
et spring restorative, 1t does not
stimulate 41M1 so whip the organs of
the body to over-exertion, but by
enriching the blood, insulae new
vigor into the nerves 1,131 buhds up
the whole system. Iiy' noting your
increase 111 weight while using (111s
greet total cure you (711(1 prove that
new, 1.11'111 (I(s0h 111111 tissue IR being'
:aided to the body.
To awaken Ilio liver, invigorate
the kiduteys and regulate the Lowrie,
100 Dr. Cuts(' R Kidney -Liver ('ills.
All dealers. or Eilm(nsou, BntPR a
a pulite, fxiling memory and it onto. To protect you
of concentrating the mind, lrrti power Armature
!inflations! Dr. the portraitCaoe, and
white apple blossoms ile like (17,nervousnessand slerplessnreeare famouerrecline book lar. A. author, Cane, the
is of Sodden anew, a wreck of the anto1g Lite ey'mplanfs which diRtr:ss every box of Ms remedies.are on