HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1898-04-01, Page 2.;'
,April 10 189a
414i4 i
i • '
75 graduates assisted to positions
duringlthe past year. I
Our Shorthand Department is the i
beat in Canada. 4
Our Commercial Department is Ae- %
tual Business from start to finish.
We can secure good board for stu-
dents from a distance at from $2 to
}2.60 pet• week.
We pay the railroad one way. -
For further particulars address, i
A. S. N131MO 3
,m-uv....n......-ry.-.n..yn..•.n.—.11 •0u•u•,.•..0..r1—
Clinton Post Office.
A. M. P. M. I A.M M6
} ;, 1015 6 55 London and S. W. Ontario 7 00 4 00
7 40 4 30: Wingham and Kincardine 9 55 6 35
10 15 6 55' Western S.W. & N. W. U.S, 7 00 4 05
10 15 1 03i Paris, Buffalo & eastern U S 7 00 ! 05
1015 1 03 Toronto & points east & nrth 700 4 0
1 031 , ..Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 235
1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B C 7 00 2 3s
1 03 Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35
10 27
; 03 Pointe' E & N of Stratford 700 2 95
' 27
' 1 03 • • •.Mitchell and Dublin.... 7 00 12 !
7 40 255 • • . • ..... Goderich .......... 900
Lucan crossing, Sarnia and
015 6 65. - intermediate points... 7 00 ! 05
7 40 .,Loudesboro & Belgrave.. 9 55 1 1,
The office is open to the public (holidays ex
oepteefrom li a,m. to 7 15 p.m. but holders o
1 boxes have access to the lobby until 8 p.m
I., . Mgney Order and Saving Bank office open
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
• . Matter for reggistration meat be pont-ed half
' ' -an hour before olosing the mails.
Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.25 and leav-
' ` lug at 5.30 P.M.
ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched
from this office to Londesboro and Belgrave,
• also to Mitchell and Dublin, mails closing as
. ab,=ve stated
} Matte for British Isles and European coun-
tries intended to be forwarded by New York,
must have written on the tup left hand corner
` of envelope VIA NEW YORK.
°Galhliling - is_one"
,one, of the worst evils
prevailing in all mining centres, and
the determination of the Dominion
Government to suppress this vice in
;` the Yukon, will be endorsed and sup-
, ported by all.
The Toronto Telegiam(Conservative)
rj advises Up Whitney to put some of
his old supporters on the back benches,
and bring his new blood , to the front.
The Telegram evidently recognizes the
short -comings of some of "the old
�, ` , , guard."
:` ' Sam Hughes, M. P. of the Victoria
,_1 ` Warder, states that hereafter he is not
th going to blindly follow the advice Of
�f 'f " Sir Charles Tupper, but will vote and
• ' act as he pleases. It would be refresh-
''' ing if there were more public men who
t would take the same stand.
One train—in five sections—going to-
�> y ..''chard the coast last week, is said to
have had 1,000 passengers on board.
-" `� This would mean, at the lowest calcu-
lation, $25,000 spent on"railway fares
, stuns, a by no means insignificant item
„ itself.
r The way in which space is atinihilated
was strikingly shown at New York the
Dtber day. A game of chess was be-
' ' ing played between New York and
�� London, England, theplayersstationed
r in their respective cities, and the moves
announced by telegraph, which only
took 80 seconds to pass between the
two cities, though solfar apartliterally.
_,?1.:" It is said that the services of the Pro-
vincial Road Inspector are in great de -
wand, and several townships purpose
,,adopting his recommendations for
road work, one of which is that the
entire township should be under the
,y-,; .supervision of one responsible man.
'This might be an. improvement. At
any, rate it is undoubtedly true that
hundreds of dollars have been thrown
away by improper road work.
` " `The London Canadian Gazette corn-
,,... plimenta the Ontario Government on
,-its liberal treatment of agriculture.
" It says: "Both the Ontario Govern-
mlent and the farmers of the Province
tax" legitimately take credit for the re-
markable agricultural progress achiev-
,ed in recent years. The former have
.given the farmer individual help in a
pr.tGtiical shape, and the latter has
:shown his shrewdness in promptly
Lakin ' advantage of the opportunities
r ,offered h%m. And, it might be added,
i the Opposition showed its unscrupu-
? lousneim by miarepresenting and be-'
k ' littlit) the Government's efforts in
behalt�of.the farmers, and treated ex-
penditure for the encouragement of
agriculture as so much money "squan-
I dared."
VVe notice that a British Columbia,
�`?;ttper estimates that within two years
Yukon miners are likely to bring out l
of the district $150.000,0(10 as the re-
1pit, of their Tabor and privations.
That is a large sum, but not enough to
i bake the business profitable. Tu say
•idothing of the,eost of the movement
�the Government let us consider the.
tend Or. of the individual hecounts,
�, tJrippose 2bb,OW men go there in the
two yeara. Each span will have to
kpelid in fare and outfit probably.$1000
61i the ay.einge. That is $200,000,000.
Thoft had those. men remained in On-
ftK6 or the Northwest and devoted
t etnselvel3 to roduttive labor they
iii p
would in two years earth at least $100,
'04000" The $150,000,000 probable
gold batt ut must be doubled, if theis t bp
1 li e ratitable, But -some
tsld rtt Ix
10 siiit�t3 foxthh6s, While,„ It is to Ibe
�i�,rad more will 1411 migai&*y. .
:.4 .
The Senate Crisp County Clippings.
The usefulness or uselessness of the W. Oudworet jr., of Seafortb: leaves
Senate is just now receiving consider- on Saturday for t,. verpcl01, EniglArid,
able attention at the hands of the where he intends residing for a time.
Robt. Bean has purchased the farm
press, especially lie the Yukon bill is p
P y of W m. Howell, near Carlow, for the
before the senate. We see no reason num of $4600,
to recede from the position we have Isaac. Cranston, of Ashfield, has ur.
pp -•
held for years,which is that the Senate chased the farm s non. 7, West Wa
' wanosh, known as the Stuart farm, at
is absolutely useless. Of couse, while a reasonable figure.
it exists, men will be found willingto t1?.G, Wilson, Stratford, has poietins-
accept its honors and emoluments, ed the gi•Ocei•y stock of Jas. Crozier, of
Seaforth, from Jas. McLaren.what
but as a legislative body it practically
bas no functions. In all civilized coup- Messrs J. 0. Kain, of Toronto, and J.
tries government is "b the people"— F. Ellia, of Hamburg, have rented the
g y P P Commercial hotel at Seaforth,and take
expressed through their elected repre- possession on May 2nd.
P y
sentativea. The people are supreme, Henry Kirkb$, of the 9th line of
as they should be, and if their elected Howick, met with a painful accident
on Tuesday of last week. He was hapl-
representatives fail to do as they want In a load of wood to Brussels and b
Ing y
them to, the remedy is still in this some means injured his spine.
hands of the people—they can turn Mrs Glen, relict of the late W. Glen,
them out. It is not so as regards the of West Wawanoeb, recently sold to
Senate. It represents no one except her son Hugh the south quarter of lot
the party that put its members in the No. 13, con. 6, West Wawanosh, and
chamber. They are in no sense re- she intends to locate kb Dungannon.
aponsible tithe people, and cannot he ,,
On hursda of last week the spirit
called Co account for their actions. y P
of Mrs R. Sanderson, of Gorrie, took
They can defy public opinion. if the its flight from earth to that brighter
electors decide on one course of action,
above. death
Fest Huron Farmers' Insfi-
Meetin at Whin Mame
9 S_
A, very interestilu meeting of West
Huron li'arrnQra' Institute was held in
Win ham op Monday afternoon and
evening, March 21. The attendance in
e afternoon spatronageg
th a was not large, but rest
s , u g
interisat was taken in the subjects pfie-
sented, and the speakers, being special-
lots in their departments, bundled the
topic�s assigned them ver ably.
Win. Bailie, the President, ccupied
the, chair, and the Sectetary, M. Lock-
hart, was also at bib posh
The first topic was "Planting and
Care of the Orchard," by Major Shep-,
pard, the successful fruit grower of
Queenston. He advised, s choosing a
site for an orchard, the selection of at
northern exposure. This would avoid
what is often seen in young orchard@,
y g
and known as "Sun -scald." earl It was
caused by warm days in early @piing
causing the sap to flow; then a cold
spell setting in checked the flow and
the result was caused by frost. A
northern exposure, or coveting of the
south side of a tree would avoid this.
Too little discretion was exercised in
choice of variety.Often farmers sent
for nursery stoc or bought from an
agents plate book, and did not always
I es.
With He4.d's Sareap I
„ tr:
to Salto Tally and
show that this medl-
cine has enjoyed public confidence irgid
than accord-
to a teeter extent a
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
is simply because it possesses greater
merit slid produces eater cures than
P gr
�'y other. it to not what we say, but
Hoods Sarsaparilla does that tedle
the story. All advertisements does,
Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it -
r -+are honest. is have never deceived
'.e public, and this with its superlative
medicinal merit, to why the people have
abiding confidence in it, and buy
Sarsapari I la
Almost to the a lclueion of all others Try !L
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mase,
� are me only pills to take
Hood's P1118 with Hood's SarsttparM&
the senate can reverse it, and there is world At the timeof her
she was within two months of 85 years
get their orders filled as ordered. He
office -Hamilton St opppposite Colborne House
redress. The senate may never do
u of age. She came to Howick over 25
such a thing; it may have regard for it
recommended grafting; it wits easily
done. It was no use to graft hardy
-- —
tie of Queenston Heights and death of
future, but it nevertheless has the yearsago,
stock on to tender, but graft tender on
Gen. Brock and Col. Macdonald were
ow an i I t n of Mr, and Mrs. Irwin
er d might use it at an time. Ear he so
hard trees Grafting was made b
described. Col. Fitzgibbon's Barin
e +
Regardless altogether of what course Elliott, East Wawanosh. weighs forty-
mixing four parts two pars
his cappture of nearly 600 Americans
the senate may pursue on the Yukon live and a quarter pounds. Earl was i
beeswax and one part tallow. Thous-
with 4.3 Canadians were referred to.
bill, we believe it would be a wise ac- year old on the 27th ult., and if he
ands of trees were only encumbering
Then the fierce conflict at Lundy's
tion to amend the B. N. A. Act and keeps on growing at the present rate,
the ground. The British market was
Lorne, where Gen. Drummond and his
wipe out the senate altogether. Legis- will some day be a monstrous big man.
then referred to; farmers should not be
brave men won a decided victory.
lation would be just as safe if left en- There died on March 2nd on an east
discouraged if two years ago they had
These scenes were rapidly and interest-
tirely in the bands of the Commons, bound train, on hie way home from
and much less expensive to the country. phoenix, Arizona, of tubercular Of the
no sale for the heavy crop. The Eng-
lisb people were fond of an appple�f
ingiy described.
Miss Stewart, Messrs Hill, Hanna
lungs, W. A. Wright, formerly of the
4th line of Morris, now of Michigan.
good color and shape. King of Tomp-
kine, Baldwin, Northern Spy, and Am-
and Fyfe kindly gave selections of vo-
cal music during the evening. After
Not practicable. His age was 25 years, l month and 14
erican Golden Russia were good varie.
votes of thanks to the town for use of
ties. Even the Snow apple would
hall, to those who had given their ser -
The Dundee Advertiser has an edi- We are -,sorry to learn that Mre,
bring a good price in England if put
on the market in prime order. Twen-
vices to entertain the audience, and to
the speakers, the audience dispersed
torial hi a recent issue based on the Cheswri g t, wife of Mr. R. C. Chas.
ty-four bushel boxes, carefully shipped,
after singing God Save the Queen.
report of Captain Wakebam, who com- Wright, of the Seaforth Collegiate In-
stitute, who has been seriously ill for
bad brow ht the fancy price of $1.20 a
mended the expedition sent out by the several weeks, is stili in a most precar-
dozen. be speaker then described
the proper -method of planting and
Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Brest Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten!,
Canadian Government to ascertain ions condition and slight hopes are en-
pruning. It was better toprune a little
News Notes.
whether the navigation of Hudson tertained fur her recovery.
each year for five years than to prune
Bay is open for a longer period than Messrs. James Hinchley and Robert
McMillan, of Hullett, shipped a num-
a great deal in the flftb year only.
Never trim trees in the fall; the latter
A proverb found in one form or an
other- in every European or Asiatic
from the beginning of July to the first
g g y b -r of steers to the old country on
part of March or the beginning -of Ap•
language having a literature is "Farn-
week in October is not of a nature to Monday. Among the number was one
ril was the most convenient; if an or-
iliarity breeds contempt." Its earliest
encourage hopes that the channel which will not be two years old until
chard had been neglected it could nut
he in flogs
form is believed to be of the Sanskrit,
which, were it not for the ice, would the 5th Of April, and it weighed
remedied one year. were
better for the orchard than sheep,
The richest gold mine in the world
is'lttcated under the thriving town of
be of enormous importance to Canada,
Ashes were good for the orchard, and
Ballarat, Victoria. Australia. It has
affording a water communication di- Mr. Thomas Jerman, of McKillop,
the sale of ashes should be stropped.
yielded more than $150,000,000 of gold
near Seaforth, recently sold to Mr. J.
rect in the heart of the country, and McMann a very fine pair of two-year-
The process of spraying was then ex-
plained. Spraying everything, Even
since it was opened thirty years. ago.
vastly shortening the sea passage, can old geldings for $300. Mr. James Hogg,
strawberry plants be sprayed three
Caged lions, tigers, pumas and ja•
guars take no notice of the men and
of McKillop, also sold t3 a gentleman
ever be largely used by shipping. Hiewomen
in Listowel a pair of fillies for $325.
times. Int, before leaves appear ed,
with a mixture of three pounds of vit-
passing in front of therm, but
object was to discover how eatly in the
The old historical Rhody Slattery
riot to 50 gallons of water; qnd, when
if a dog be brought anywhere near
the cage they show their savage na-
year vessels could effect an entrance
to Hudson's Ba and how late they farm near Benmiller has been sold to
blossoms had burst and leaves appear-
ed, with 4 pounds blue vitriol,4 pounds
tura at once.
Chas. Oke for the sum of $1200. The
quicklime, strained, to 50 gallons of
The Pope made eight hogsheads of
rc, art comprises a tract" of land of
could return. His experience is that property Y P
water; 3rd, after blossoms had formed,
wine last year from the vineyard in
the straits become practicable between 130 acres near the Benmiller bridge,and
is very cheap at the figure,
with 4 pounds vitriol, 4 pounds lime,
the Vatican gardens. A small portion
for his
July I and,10, and close bet ween Or- having been bought from John Rossier
4 ounces Paris green. Never wet a
tree in full bloom. A heavy rain then
of the wine is reserved own
use, another portion is sent to the
tober 15 and 20. The Advertiser con. a few years ago for $3500. 1
would spoil the crop.
churches to be used at mass and the
eludes that the Hudson Bay Railway Mr. Wm, Ivison, Kippen, last week
Jae. Sn all, Hullett, then read a. paper
rest is sold.
received by telegram the sad news of
project is impracticable, and advisee the death in New York of bis daugh.
"The care of Sheep." Mr Snell took
21 sheep to the World's Fair, and cap
. The greater includes the less. Hood's
Canada to drop it. Any one who has ter -in-law, Mrs. William Ivison, whose
tuned 11 prizes. He gave valuable hints
Sarsaparilla cures sorofala,and may be de -
upon to cure boils and
studied the geography and climate of marriage only a few months ago was
to sheep raisers, Regularity of feed-
fended pimples.
that section, must have concluded recorded in these columns, and who, to
inn, kindness, pure water and salt are
The To. outoMail and Empire, in account -
long ago that the Hudson Bay ,Rail- all appearances, had many bright pros.
necessary. He gave three maxims—
ing for the Ontario Government victory in
way was a visionary scheme, but the pects in the future. 1
let, keep improving. 2nd, think small
Russell, explains that there was a chance
people of Winnipeg and the west will the rest'
A happy event took place
things important. 3rd, take pleasure
of success for the Opposition at the general
never admit this. < They look upon the f
project as the salvation of, the west; Bence of George Collison, of Hullett,
in your flock. �
Jos. Gould, of Uxbridge, then took
election, but as this was practically abye-
election the Conservative candidate was not
and will not be convinced t'o the con- on Wednesday afternoon of last weeks
when his eldest daughter, Eliza, was
„ n
tip the topic, Value of F.nsrlagP, He
in it. Just so; bye-eleotione generally go
united in marriage to Wm. Br•owD, a
bad been termed "a silo and corn
with the Government. .
. nresperous young farmer of Hullett.
crank." He kept 34 head of cattle, 14
cows n full flow of milk, and fed ensil-
The oldest piece of wrought iron in
The postmaster of Toronto is to be the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. T.
E. Higley, of Blytb, in presence of on-
age all the year round, He had now
existence i@ believed to he a roughly
fashioned sickle blade found Bel-
superannuated,although still in his vig- ly the immediate relatives.
ensilage four years old in good state.
He astonished some present by showing
zoni in Karmas Haar Thebes. It was
or and prime. This is one of the in- Mr. Andrew Stewart, who has been
that a ton of ensilage was equal in nu-
imbedded in mortar under the base of
the Sphink, and on that account is
stances where the superannuation a a• connected with the firm of Stewart &
P y Abbott, produce merchants, Exetery
triment to 2} tons of turnips, and stat
he could more milk from one ton
, „
known a@ `the sickle of the Sphinx.
tem comes in for Mime. If incompstent
Mr Pattison should be dismissed, to if has virebased half interest in the Exe-
of ensilage than from three tons of hay.
It is now in the British Museum, and
is believed to be nearly 4,0J0 years old.
ter Flouring Mills from Messrs, Rollins
removed for political purposeshesbould & Williams and will connect himself
He gave also the experience of other
feeders. By means of a chart be show-
Rev Dr Carmari, Rev Dr Potts and
not be pensioned at the public expense. with the firm on May let,
The quicker theSupera"lnuation system
ed the nutritious qualities of food. En-
Other Ministers of the Methodist
Church, waited on the Premier and
I, amended, the better for the rin- pVord has been received here by a
P friend the illness Mr H.
ails a could be put "n the silo for $1.10
g P
a ton, and he then described his meth-
McScss. Fisher and Fielding at Ottawa
ciplee of the Liberal party. of serious of
Grieve, formerly of Seaforth, but now
od of preparing the grourid and treat-
to +ask that the question on the pro-
hibition should be one
Dr. Baxter was appointed Registrar lof Vancouver, B. 0. From informa_
tion received it would seem that Mr.
ing the corn, !aging great stress on the
cultivation of the surface to break u p
to which a direct yes or no answer
of Haldimand after the late elec.lons Grieve has contracted that dreaded dis-
the capillary tubes by which the moil-
could be given. The request will be
g q
and the NEw ERA objected to the lip. ease consumption.
ture escaped. He had managed in this
P g
way to have a good crop no matter how
con@idered. °
Hon. G. W. Ross, LL. D„ Minister of
ointment lie soon as it was announced. While returning to her home south
P g
of the railroad track on Tuesday even-
dry the season. He produced au in-
Education, has been. invited h the
The Stratford Herald thinks our objec.
o' ing, .Mrs. Patrick Hughes, of Seaforth,
tions came too late and that the
structive chart sh )wing the composi-
tion of this corn at different ata es of
local executive commitcee of the Brit
i@b Assoviation for the advancement.
+ was stricken with paralysis, and when
logical way for us to give effect to our found on Wednesday morning she was
its growth. It, should be cut In the
glazed state, as it then made the best
of Science to attend the next meetin
of the association to be held at Bristol
objections would be to support Mr lying in A pool of water behind Beat-
ties house. She was taken to
ensilage. He thio spoke on the varie-
in September•nex't. This invitation is
Whitney. Not at all. The NEw ERA her home where it was found that her
ties, recommending Compton's Early,
and also described the method of build-
accompanied h one from the Mayor,
y ,
P y
Sir Rost. H. Symes, on behalf rrf the
has for ears objected to all such a hands were severely frozen.
Y J P-
in and fillip a silo. He was sure that
g g
citizens of Bristol.
pointments. Trug,the govern men tbag On Monday, about one o'clock, An-
no one who had ever used ensilage pro-
not acted according to our views, but nie'. eldest daughter of the late Harry
perly would be without it.
At New Hamburg the Western
Mason, of Tuckeramith, and grand-
Bank was entered by burfflars, who
we fail to see that anything would be daughter of Mr. James Forsythe, Ct
blew out the cornbinal,ion of the vault
gained by supporting Mr Whitney, Egmondville, passed peacefully away
The evening session was not largely
door. Geo. Sterling, a young bank
for the Conservatives, when in power, to her last home. The deceased was
born in Tuckersmitb, but for the past
attended, hint the addresses were inter-
esting. I
clerk who sleeps above the bank, fired
through the stovepipe bole,'fi,et a re -
are just as great sinners as the Liberals few years lived in Egmondville. She
Jos. Gould spoke for an hour on
volver, and then a Winchester rifle.
in that respect; if not greater. was ill for two years with that dread
"Success in dairying." Life is too short
The burglars fired back at hire. Then
disease, consumption.
to make a enccess by our unaided ef-
they beat a retreat, firing several shote
• Wednesday evening of last week the
forts, hence we have to depend on the
at the bank windows from outside.
News Notes. Spirit of Mrs. Robert Currie, 4th line
-- of Morris, took its flight. Deceased
experience of others. The British mar-
tet for Canadian products was referred
nt that 141r adetone e
The announcement Gl
Election protests have been filed for had been in failing health for some
tr,. England wanted our rain, cheese
and butter.. Thirty mi lion dollars
healtb is not improved, that his pbysi-
efane are unable to alleviate hisgrievous.
time but her man friends hoped for
London and West Middlesex. + y P
change for the better. Thursday of
worth of cheese Wer a used In En land,neuralgio
pains, will be received with sor•
row throe hotrt the world. Ever man
A Brantford prisoner. named Alex. the previous week' she ave birth to a
P 8
of which Canada supplied 16 millions.
g y
must die when his time comes, and the
Duncan escape _Prom the jail in that son and from that time failed rapidly.
cit P y
Our cheese stood first on the British
market, but our butter did not. But-
lifeof England s grand old mon bas been
y Mrs Currie was the eldest daughter of
Mr A. G. McLean of Strathro , Wm. Bryan and was born in Howick
+ y y
former( a well-known Toronto barris- townebi On December 20 1893, she
y P•
ter should and would have read sale
there if put on the market in goo con-
spared for some years beyond the allotted
term: But it is sad that one who has done
for his fellow, have
ter, is dead; was united in marriage to Robt. Cur-
dition. Creamery butter brought a
hi Ibecause there was a uni-
g P rice
so much men should to
suffer the agonies of neuralgia in his ex
Geo. Purves, a Toronto carpenter, tie, who with two children survives
'formit� of color and quality. The
treme old a o Death will be a relief.
fell from a roof and sustained In
causing death in &yew minutes. Mr. Harry Stanlake, of Dashwood,
speaker said that the average cow did
of produce more than 125 pounds of
Edmund E. Sheppard, who went to Mox-
too and South America, as a Canadian
The election o4 Aid. Carscallen to made an unsuccessful attempt to, corn-
by hanging Ion Sunday
butter a year. At 12c a pound this
trade commissioner, says the Dominion
mit suicide •
the Legislative Assembly for East �
Hamilton is to be protested, lie well lie morning la4t. He has been in a de-
would be 415, and itr cost $30 to keep
her. Kee an account of each cow,
outs no figure in these southern countries
nodi. Canadian goods are unknown. Thov
the election of Mayor Colquhoun "n merited state of mind since last Friday.
West Hamilton. On Sunday morning he arose from his
weigh her milk night
!; g t and morning,
test it, and any cow that does not give
are sent either through Great Britain or the
United States, and are credited to those
It is reported that this minorit in bed quite early and proceeded to the
P woodshed where he committed the
250 pounds of butter yearly, give her
to the butcher. The speaker kept no
countries. Our bonding privileges with the
United States, indeed,have enabled United
Manitoba have definitely decided to deed. Mrs Stanlake happened to bear
core over four years of age that would,
States middlemen to pick upot r trade with
accept the provisions of the school a noise in the shed and on invest"ga-
not give 800 pounds yearly. The man
southern republics, and make the chief pro -
settlement in the meantime, hoping tion discovered her husband suspended
for something more "n time to come. to a beam. She at once summoned
in charge should be, a dairyman, not a
horseman; he must be kind, feed
fits. Mr Sheppard points out that if Cana -
Puget Sound merchants have stolen help and out him down Just in time to
promptly, milk regularly, the same
dians oould business directly, the volume
of her trade would be enormously increased_
a march on Canadians in connection save bia life. I
man should milk the same cow. Clean-
and our merchants would not have to pay
with the Yukon trade. Eight corn. _ _
liners was, necessary with atable and
tribute to the United States in freights,
plate stoeka for eneral sit ply stores
milker. Ensilage Came nearest toJune
terminal charges, warelioneing and for een-
have been lanAd at Wrangel for IMPURE BLOOD IN SPRING
grass. Pure water and salt are faeces-
going tranaportation 'in out-of-date,ohips.
Glenors and Teelin Lake, consigned to
Yankee "traders, who will establish This is the almost anivereal experience.
nary. Stables should be so arranged
that summer conditions should prevail
themselves at these points. Diminished perspiration during winter,rieh
foods and close confinement indoors
in winter, then as good results could
be obtained In winter as in summer,
While people aro about hnv-
, A year ago, when the, Helm Glass some of the causes, A good spring midi
Company, of St. Louis, failed and the cine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, is absolutb-
The remainder of the evening was
taken up with the address of Major
ed of ter
ing Choir bonne groaned .' oho winters no-
oamalu of dirt, the not always so
works shut down, the 11 t" was left lyy necessary to ppurify the blood and pnt
full llecently the the system in & healthy condition at thin
Sha�pp aril on ,,Three Historical Days
ow syn
Ialshioutar about thbir system. It needs
oiea"tFiidg too, slid thorns n'4thin f( will do
of molten glass,
�woperty was purchased and now it is season.
at Npa ora." The address was ver
interes ing, and the Major teas listened
it no tl"Cifou6hly and effantttally lie Bnrdcalt
Blood Bittel•o. Alex. WfIlor Ardeab,,Orit.,
£ound that the pot contains a solid -->-
• • H D' Pl LS are the boat Tamil ca-
ieoedof,glasa etxty a"x feet long, twin 00 S � Y
thartio liver tonics Gentle,
Co attentive) lig he desoribr5d t he stir.
ring scenes of 1812 1813 and 1$1.4, and
Says. I hKi+etaketi B. T1. >+ Over spring
fors til& oft a 1° y i
c sand all 11 lifer a
y t i
thieky and reliable)
Tet i Ax'ide and Post
related the brave defence of the. front•
"Y Istir
t#frfrt+ted to Wei alilibat 600 tong, care.
ier,by the Oanadian trouper 'Tho b4t� '
1.anerlautidd. .
- . ; 111
, a ,,
. It
""i'm o �6 go, , �� - " I ".
Oats Wanted
12 We. choice Oatmeal for 1 bush. Oats
13 lbs. choice Family Flour for I bush Oats.
Oats taken in exchange . _
for Groceries
These are our present rates,
but we don't know how long
they will continue.
O. OLSbN, • . Clinton,
-S 01�� 1;
. XAtce
Rre You Rware of the pact that
TheCanada lluSiness College
Isdoing more for its pupils than any other
Business College n the Dominion.
43 pupils were plac.d in two months. Stu-
dents from all quarters are Rocking to this
worthy business school.
Besides a large attendance from Chatham
there are already this year, 93 pupils registered
from outalde points. 60 of them from points
nearer to other husiness Colleges than tq
We presume these people investigated the
merits of the different schools and decided
that nothing but the best would satisfy them,
hence, they are here.
Write for catalogue of other departments and
Wlist of the 43 pupils placed in two months.
D, McLACHLAN & Co,Chatham
The undersigned will Bell at a sacrifice, Lot 451
or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars
upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u
Factory and contents on theproperty bf D.
Buchanan for $125; by paying 915 down and
balance at $10 a month. Building to be re-
moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.
The one-story frame house on Townsend St,
at present occupied by Mr Thrower, and owned
by Mrs Duncan is offered for sale on;reasonable
terms. It contains five rooms, stone cellar.
quarter acre lot, In central pposition of town and
In good repair. Apply to VM COOLER, build.
or, Clinton
The undersigned offers for sale thattwoetory
Brick Residence occupied by the ]at
o Mrs Wm,
Rattenbury, There is in connection ono acre
of land which will also be sold in one piece or
in lots to suit purchaser, Appp1 to
The undersigned offers for sale a frame cot-
tage of four rooms, with kitchen and woodshed
attached. Centrally situaled. Good water and
drainago. Will be sold cheap. App' to
^•Clinton Dec. loth W. C' BALE'
For sale, a farm of 75 acres of excellent land,.
being the north half of lot 42, 13th con. of Hul-
lett. Good bank barn, frame house with atone
cellar, plenty of water; all but four acres
cleared, within easy distance of school and
churches. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
The frame house and half -acre lot on Huron
Street, Clinton, occupied byeubscriber, is offer-
ed Ear for sale. Accommodation for ordinary
famty. Hard and soft water and cellar, also
bearing fruit trees. The house is woll located,
and will be sold on reaaonablo terms. Apply
to GEO. SWALLOW, or ou the premises to
MRS AGNEW Clinton.
$%2" buys the two semi-dotached brick
houses on Rattenbury St., known as the Fox -
ton Property.
ther houses and also vacant lots for sale.
liloney.-Private funds in large and small
euros to loan u , !n n•7 a v,,.)Rates low.
W. BItiYDONE, Barrister.
For sale, a splendid farm of 33 acres, belong-
ing to the late C. Spooner, adjoining the cor
poratiun of Clinton. all cleared and under good
culrivatibn, small frame hou+e, fr' barn
good hearing orchard and well. Will be sold
on reasonable Sorms to close up the estate. Al-
so frame cottage on Albert Street, Clinton,
with half -acro of ground sleudidl located.
M RS, C. M ,GRDGOLt, Constance.
That desirable Brick Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clinton, occupied by. M1rN. 11'obsop, la
offered for axle, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one of the beat in Clinton, The
groporty- is free from inonmbranee and title in-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
puichaser. Apply to GEO. STANDURY. Lou-
don Road, or address Clinton P. O
$300 cash 120D J CAMMELL, each
Farm 1t, r gale or to Rent.
The south half of lot d, concession 9. Town-
ship or bror•ri% containing 100 acres, 80 acres
cleared and in good state of oultdvativation•
Thei a are on the premises a frame hou.e, frame
barn. frame drive Nous. . good orchhe.rd, never -
failing supply of spring water. Sitnated I mile
from the v lagpoi Blyth. Will be sad oat roa-
4ouable terms. Apppplyy to C. RA8IILTON, Blyth
or THOS. R. WRIGHT, Executors 948 Princess
Ave„ London, Out. ,
.House and Lot for Sale
The frame house on Rattenbury street,
immediately east of Er. Tom'inson's, is
offored for sale on very reasonable terms.
Tho house is centrally sitnatea being only
a minuto' walk from tho birefnees Contre,
has stone cellar, large diming room, tailor,
bedroom and kitchen down stairs, withnno
largo and two smaller bedrooms upacairs
Good-sized summer kitchen and garden.
Foxy conveniently situated far bo'ardiilg
house. ,Aplily At Xa,# Bv4ofilft
J .) (6..: .-..
P reres,sioualaudowerCatoo
B4rrister, , Quo t
Commissioner for Ontario and
Office immediately sinth of Gtroy �wieli
aetn t
Office—Beaver Bloc 1c.
Up -stairs, OppoeiOtLI1VT0]Qs Photo (ali "y,
M.- G, CAMERON :'. `
(Formerly of Oameron ,Uolt 2!d'�ainertifi
office -Hamilton St opppposite Colborne House
I . s
Office, MacKay Block, Clinton.
Real state and Insurance Agent. Money ta.
end on Mortgage and Note security. t ;
I Ix
� �1,
Office Hour" to 5.
DR.- T. C. BRUCE.,y
I., _.r,
Graduate R C D S of Oatario,'and Trinityy°
versity Toronto.
Special attention given to the Proservsi on
the natural teeth.
O&es. Coate E look, over Taylor's shoe store
N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday and
Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during tta
summer .
DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. O. 0.
Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Brest Clinton
Night calls at front door of residence on Batten!,
I ,"t
bury St., opposite Presbyterian church.
Qniverslty, M D. C.M.. Victoria University
M. C. P & 6., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrics
Society of Edinburgb,late of London,Engg and
Edinburgh. Hospitals. Office.-Dr.Dowsely'BOld
office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night bell
answered at the same place. o
A ecouoheur,
etc„ office and resit}gnce Qa11 .
tario 8t., opposite English church,'to h4
copied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton 'Q, I .
'' ,
lJ Medical Department df, VietorI
city, Toronto, formerly of t! e.„ oe e
Dispensaries, l!Jew..80 slid
5 _.
County of Hurou, Bayfield, Out. 'fpr he
J • HonoraryGraduate of theOntarioVoterinaryy
College. • Treats all diseases of domeetloated anB,,
main on the most modern and scientific print i
Pies Office -immediately south of the Now Err
Office. Residence - Albert St„ Clinton. Call
night orday attendedto promptly'
bas returned to Clinton and opened an office(11
at Queen's Hotel, where be may bo'eonsult-
ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
cattle, &e. All oalls, night or day, promptly at
i f
tended to.
-U. Honorary Graduate of the OntarioNateri
nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases,
Domestic Animals on the most modern and
Scientific Principles. Day and night cans
ly answered. Residence-Rattenbury 6t., west
iseurer of Marriage
Licenses, Library doom
and Residence, Mary street, Clinton,
No witnesses required
P. L, S., Provincial Land Surveyor slid
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office At Geo,
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton,
able book eelGlinldlrike a wliairllwasne�QhBeu,ntifnl
prospectns twee -five cent.. Books on time.
The Gem Woven -wire Fence 11
__ i1',
Subscriber Is agent for the Giant Vi'ovim.WIRE
FENCE, admittedly one of the best wire Fences
in existence. The wire used is the genuine
Coiled -spring Steel Wire, beat made, with ad-
justable tighteners, closely woven, and is ftb-
niehed complete at bo Ret strand per rod, Tho
fence is not woven until it is put up sad one
can have as many strande as they w�eh It is
a strong, durable fence, none better, and
where -used farmers ppr�efer it to any other
PERCY EVANS, Holmesville
.- .
writes LordlLorneHaboMuti 1q ueea Victoria.IV
Atr���nts m�ake if a dollars stilly, i'
WOOD and COAL 'V'*RD. �'
Subsoriber is prepared to prom;ptl L',' It all or
dors for Wood or Coal, .which Wil lf6 ao . Aa ,,
los est , ateg. Oi$oo on Isaao sire VI
AGENTS Book business
,Tears last;alac iia e.b
boo is. Agdnta,galpsk ron
few leaders ar°: Quobli
Gladstone, 'Aly Mtother's
gressivo, 0% or," 11 loll I b 01d
Man", "Glimpses ofy4ho UTtsoon,
Dinnor anti Supper, Canada; an Etnoyolopeie` '.,�
dia."Bw abnt�me. O11 freettlbanvas.ertr. ';,'
The 13itADLEY•GAR1tETSON Co., Limited
AGE, *148 W ANTE . I
A cute wanted. mala d 4.arialc, in agery �S
loo t " r►
a�l r] tlm ictal°
y to ell our n°vel';t1tAe. I3ig b
�paid, Fend aippliba ton nd ,26 conic for hill•
lihii vCabi t°.ue 1 nrxs Mf' o °ui
4hf+ft "I itln lfA) I t � rb �►